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    • The Narrator
A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:32:39 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter One: The Beginnings of Jake Death and New Earth

   To better understand New Earth of the 3060's, one must look back through New Earth's historical raise, fall and raise once more. The events that helped shape and mold New Earth are to be found in the darkness that followed the fall of the Star League. It was these events that set the stage for New Earth's most dramatic transformation during the last forty years. The most drastic and lasting of these changes started to occur during the 3020's. However long before these changes came along, New Earth was truly a place to behold. During her raise, New Earth held the prestige of being the first world settled outside of the Sol system.

   Since the day it was discovered on December 5th, 2108 New Earth had always been a jewel in the stellar collection of the Terran Alliance. The first groups of settlers came from the Middle East. They settled on the southern banks of what would be called Nu’Dlee Bay, named after the first Governor of New Earth. They called their settlement New Riyadh. Within months New Earth was already revealing its wealth and wonders to the settlers. Shortly after the founding of New Riyadh, a group of settles arrived from the Mediterranean state of Italy. They established their settlement, Coracre, further west along the coast line of Nu’Dlee Bay. While New Riyadh was predominately Sunni Islam, Coracre was predominately Christian. This caused both settlements to keep each other at arm’s length. Still both colonies enjoyed remarkable success during the first year on world.

   However this success and its bright future was about to be tested. Unknown by the first set of settlers, New Earth’s weather was unforgiving and nearly destroyed the first two colonies. The winter came with a brutal relentlessness. New Riyadh was destroyed and the settlers nearly all perished due to a blizzard that lasted longer than a week. If it wasn’t for the level headed thinking of Governor Nu’Dlee, both colonies might have been lost. Despite their differences, he ordered both colonies to work together. He relocated the survivors of New Riyadh to Coracre. The two groups shared food and resources as they waited out the winter. By the time the spring thaw came, both groups were reduced by half. It was a brutal lesson in cooperation that would never be forgotten on future generations.

   As the years passed, this thriving world quickly became a center of commerce, industry, culture and tourism as humanity continued its spread across the stars. Despite the two religions that dominated the world, the lessons of those first settlers was never forgotten. They learned to master the winters and spread out across the world. When the Star League was formed, New Earth's importance only grew that much larger. New Earth became a key strategic supply and training world for a new kind of military force. From New Earth’s vast military training grounds, rose one of the finest militaries in the entire Inner Sphere, the Star League Defense Force or SLDF.

   On New Earth, the SLDF founded their Headquarters and expanded the training areas. Most importantly was the construction of the Apollo Shipyards deep within the system. The Apollo Shipyards were one of the primary military construction yards of the SLDF. New Earth continued to rise in both status and wealth throughout the Golden Years of the Star League. Across New Earth the standard of living continued to rise on par with those of Terra. However dark clouds were growing from the depths of the Periphery. New Earth would be set in the sights of conflict for the first time in over two hundred years. A wave of death was coming from the Periphery State the Rim Worlds Republic and their twisted leader, Stefan Amaris. This historical event was came to be known as the Amaris’ Coup.

It was because of its importance to the Star League that New Earth suffered greatly during Amaris’ Coup. The people of New Earth fought alongside their SLDF allies to protect the Terran Hegemony with bravery and courage of historical measure. From their secret Freedom Base within the system, loyalists waged a partisan war against Republican Forces within system. They launched wave after wave of sabotage and assassination of Republican leaders. It became clear to Republican Military Leaders that New Earth was becoming harder and harder to control. The population simply wouldn’t be dominated.

While this narrative was no different on any other occupied world, on New Earth took the ideals of partisan warfare on like a Vail of Honor. The partisans of New Earth took on a local snake as their symbol. Nicknamed the Chameleon Snake for its ability to blend in with its surroundings. The Chameleon Snake’s natural skin color is a rust reddish color, however it could change its color to blend with its surroundings. Black flags with a red snake painted on it became the flag of the partisan forces. The flag showed their resolve against the brute force of the Republican militaries. Even in the most heavily guarded areas of New Earth, the partisan took pride in assassinating leaders or conducting acts of sabotage.

With Star League forces closing in on the Republican forces, defeat was becoming more and more assured. Local Republican commanders saw this defeat directly linked to the partisans of New Earth. Because of this, they turned their anger towards the population of New Earth. Occupying Republican forces unleashed brutal reprisal attacks against the planet. These attacks laid waste to vast regions of the planet. The civilian losses and suffering were of historical measure. While there is no record of this, many historians suggest that Republican forces murdered over a hundred million civilians in the weeks before the SLDF could liberate New Earth.

With the final liberation of New Earth, it was written by historians that a lone partisan flag flew above a captured Republican Dropship. Despite the best efforts of the SLDF and Comstar, the population of New Earth was left victim to widespread famine and disease as the war came to an end. This was in addition to the shock and demoralization that went hand in hand with the damage inflicted on their world. Gone was the days of glory for New Earth. What was to come would be centuries of suffering and decay.

 After the Coup and the liberation of New Earth, there were hopes that the Terran Hegemony would stabilize. However, the Coup led directly to the fall of the leaderless Terran Hegemony. Because of this, it wasn’t long before the Star League collapsed under the greed of the other House Lords. War quickly engulfed the entire Inner Sphere of Humanity. What would become known as the Succession Wars would not only shape the destruction of the Inner Sphere, but would also go on to reshape this proud and wealthy world. Despite all their hopes, the coming war would not bypass New Earth. Within days of the fall of the Terran Hegemony, invaders once more threaten New Earth’s peace. This time there would be no SLDF to come to the rescue.

Known for its wealth and importance to commerce, the Lyran Commonwealth sought to claim this once important world. Without a standing military any more, the Lyran forces were able to secure the world with little trouble. However there were a series of notable battles between defenders of the world. These battles were largely one sided in favor of the Lyrans. Despite the heroic efforts of the local defenders these small battles were short lived. No amount of valor and courage could stem the tidal wave of Lyran troops. Within a year, New Earth was soundly in Lyran control. However this wasn’t the end of conflict on New Earth. It wasn’t long till Free World League troops landed on New Earth in hopes of conquering the world.

This one battle would be the only major battle that would take place on New Earth during the entire era known as the Succession Wars. However numerous raids would further tap an already suffering world. During the Succession Wars, New Earth was unable to make a significant recovery because of the constant raids and battles being fought in the region between the Lyrans and their enemies. It wasn’t long before the Succession Wars moved away from New Earth and it was left to smolder. Alone and left in the dark, New Earth’s light flickered and threatened to go out. But it didn’t, the people of New Earth struggled onward.

   With its destruction near complete, New Earth was no longer the shining gem within the crown of the Terran Hegemony it once was. With its former glory blasted by the winds of war, New Earth became a world forgotten. As the wars wage on elsewhere, even enemies of the Lyrans lost interest in New Earth. It was even rumored that New Earth was even forgotten by the Lyrans whom had claimed it. Forgotten by the Inner Sphere that once looked to it for inspiration, New Earth slipped in to isolation and from the memories as the rest of the Inner Sphere. The only hope that prevented New Earth’s complete disappearance from history was for the New Earth Trading Company. But even this wasn’t enough to help the people of New Earth.

   The people of New Earth were left to fend for themselves as they tried to crawl out of the death and destruction leveled against them after decades of conflict. It was during this time that they formed their strongest ideology. Across the hearts and mind of New Earthers came the concept that “We Are One.” Even though many Lyran settlers came to New Earth in hopes of finding opportunity, those original New Earthers often saw themselves differently from the Lyran settlers. However over the years, these divisions eroded as the Lyran settlers saw themselves as New Earthers.

   New Earth's geological features include three major continents and several large island chains. The smallest of the continents, named Sagittarius, was the first colonized and is the most densely populated of the continents. The next middle sized continent, named Pisces, was dubbed the Bread Basket of Terran Hegemony. During its height, New Earth exported millions of tons of food to other worlds. This export was almost half of the world's GDP. During the early 31st Century, the farmers of Pisces could barely support the continent let alone anyone else. The continent of Cancer is by far the largest of the three continents and least populated. During the days of the Star League, Cancer was an outdoor paradise. With huge open mountain ranges and vast frozen forests, it also made for an ideal training area for the Star League Defense Force. During the early 31’s Century, Cancer's parks and training grounds had been all reclaimed by nature.

   The Central Islands are located along the equator between the three major continents. These lush islands were colonized by settlers from the South Pacific regions as well as Amerindian tribes from North America. During the height of New Earth’s fame, these tribes never let go of their heritage. 26th Century, the Central Island communities banded together and formed the Joint Island Conference (JIC). The Conference was created to protect the heritage of many native Terra tribes and was hailed as a major social achievement for New Earth.

   During the dark years of the Succession Wars, this heritage gave the Islanders the strength and unity to survive the years to come. During the late 28th Century the resolve of the JIC was tested. In 2791, New Earth was hit by a small meteor just south of the central islands. The devastation was wide spread across the world and the death toll was massive. History recorded that Jennifer Steiner, the leader of the Lyran Commonwealth had planned a large relief mission for New Earth. However her death cut those plans off before the mission could be launched. Her predecessor used the ships for the relief mission to further military missions instead. Cut off from any help the people of the Joint Island Conference as well as the rest of New Earth were left to rebuild their homes, lives and culture once more.

   Events that set the stage for the New Earth which we know today occurred on two separate worlds that were light years apart but linked by one man’s fate. On New Earth, poverty and unemployment saw the world reaching the lowest state of depression it had ever been in. The suffering of New Earth was over seen by a corrupt Baron, Baron Laurence Kilt. He did more to pad his own wealth than care for the people under his care. This allowed six wealthy and powerful businesspersons proclaimed themselves Barons of New Earth and organized what would become known as the Council of Barons or COB. While few of these leaders actually had the best intentions of the people, most of them were only power hungry opportunists. The COB’s first official act was to demand that the ruler of New Earth, Baron Kilt, step down.

   The Kilt family had rightfully ruled New Earth since the Lyran’s claimed the world at the fall of the Terran Hegemony. The Kilt family had long been entrenched in corruption and used their vast wealth to ensure that they kept the Lyrans appeased. Baron Kilt refused to surrender New Earth to these usurpers and ordered the rouges arrested. Government troops clashed with hired mercenaries under the employment of the COB. The battle triggered the New Earth Civil War between the Lyran backed Government Forces of Baron Kilt and the Marik backed forces of the Council of Barons.

   While both sides had off world backers, neither off world backer had any real interest in New Earth or its civil war. Because of this, neither side on world was able to gain an upper hand. While the Council of Barons did have a numerical advantage over all, infighting between factions weakened their combined front against Government Forces. While Baron Kilt was fighting for his life, the Lyrans simply refused to provide the needed support to end the civil war outright. It quickly became clear that neither side had the ability to win the Civil War. Within months of the first armed conflict, the Civil War dragged in to a sluggish stalemate.

   This stalemate only fueled the wide scale suffering of the population. Sadly there was no popular support across New Earth for either side during this conflict to tip the tide of the war. However, the war did bring one positive affect to New Earth. Many unemployed young men and women were hired as soldiers on both sides. However this influx of spending and the conflict triggered an increase in inflation which only widened the poverty gap on New Earth. New Earth was speeding its way to a critical tipping point. Yet sadly, no one was paying attention to these vital events. However this was not completely true. Decades later it would become clear that someone was watching these events closely. While it wouldn’t come to light till the mid 3050’s, Comstar was watching this world closely. This mysterious order had their plans for New Earth and these events were shaping New Earth to fit in to those plans perfectly.

   Light years away, events were unfolding that would reshape New Earth forever. A man and woman, both in their late twenties, stepped off of an unremarkable transport and on to the gaming world of Solaris VII. At the time, no one thought any different of these two most recent arrivals to Solaris. Like so many, the pair walked on to the game world with their own hopes and dreams. However unlike the masses, here on Solaris, this pair were going to make a name for themselves. The man, Jake Death, was a no named Mechwarrior with big expectations and dreams. His partner, Patrice King, a stocky Mechwarrior with heavy handed approach to everything she did.

   Jake Death, a better than average mech pilot, made a quick name for himself working for Oonthrax Stables. He demonstrated strong tactical and strategic skills that left many to think he had military training at some point in his life before coming to the Game World. However Jake refused to talk about any of his personal history before Solaris. Instead, he focused on his growing reputation in the arenas. A reputation that earned him the nickname the Chess Master. His partner, Patricia King proved to be a vital partner in the areas. However she never showed the same kind of skill that Jake or other arena pilots mastered. For all of his shine, Jake Death’s career with Oonthrax was cut short by a bitter rivalry with another of Oonthrax’s rising stars, Fallen Angel.

   During the Grand Melee of 3022, Jake and Fallen squared off to lay claim to the coveted title of Number One of Solaris. While other battles raged around them in the massive Davion Arena, Jake's Atlas battled Fallen's Grasshopper. The battle was all that the fans had hoped for as the two expert pilots fought a bitter match. Fallen used her mech’s mobility to its fullest as Jake’s Atlas took a pounding. However for all that Atlas took, Jake handed Fallen a series of brutal counter attacks. These attacks nearly cost Fallen the match and her title. However, in what would go down as one of the most contested events in Solaris history, a malfunction in Jake's Atlas triggered an explosion in his autocannon ammo bin. The explosion vaporized the hundred ton Battlemech and nearly cost Jake Death his life.

   An unofficial investigation found that there were signs of a possibly act of sabotage. It appeared that there might had been an explosive device planted in the self-loading system of the Atlas’ main cannon. This triggered a catastrophic explosion that destroyed the mech and nearly killed Jake Death. Further evidence indicated that there might have been links to Fallen's brother, Dark Angel, regarding the possible sabotage plot. Despite the evidence, there no official investigation carried out and the links between the sabotage and Fallen or her brother were ignored.

   The official report concluded that there was evidence of a likely act of sabotage however source of the explosion could have been a simple malfunction. Because of this, no official action was taken from the incident and Fallen Angel was allowed to claim the title of Champion of Solaris. This was a bitter defeat that Jake Death swore to avenge. Police reports indicated an armed conflict broke out shortly after the official report was released. The conflict took place at the hospital where Jake Death was being treated at. By the time police arrived on the scene both parties had fled the hospital and no arrests were made. That night, Jake Death and his partner vanished from public attention.

   Meanwhile, back on New Earth the continued Civil War had devolved in to a disorganized debacle with no end in sight. While the Council of Barons enjoyed massive pick up in support from their Marik backers, they lacked the military discipline and leadership to mount an effective campaign against the Government Forces. The overall goal of defeating the Government was further hampered by infighting and greed between the leaders of the Council of Barons. During 3023, there were no less than three attempted assassinations against the independent leaders of the Council of Barons. While outwardly, the COB leaders claimed that their rivals within the COB were behind these acts, the truth was much more damaging.

   Lyran Intelligence reported that these acts were actually carried out by a group calling themselves the New Earth Partisans. It was a clear sign that the COB had completely lost public support. While there were those within the Lyran Military Command that had suggested sending a force to New Earth to end the fighting, this new evidence showed that the Marik backed COB would not survive. Because of this, no Lyran forces were tasked with ending the conflict on New Earth. The assassinations of brutal military leaders continued. This only further divided the COB and made any real organized efforts nearly impossible. These assassinations gave the Government a distinct advantage over the COB if Baron Kilt could overcome his own disadvantages.

   Sadly, the Lyran backed, Baron Kilt fared no better. Pushing unpopular policies and taxes continued. These acts were meant to punish local COB supporters, but only push them further way from supporting the Government. Baron Kilt also had to face his own issues with the New Earth Partisans. His reaction to the Partisans only fueled their hatred for him. After two of his advisors were found murdered and their calling card discovered on the bodies, Baron Kilt ordered five hundred innocent civilians arrested. He also ordered that his military units no longer limit their attacks to military targets. This only inflamed the Partisans further. The New Earth Civil War took a nasty turn as entire communities were laid to waste.

   During the later months of 3024, the war hardened mercenary unit Smitty's Commandos landed on the continent of Pisces. The mercenary command easily captured four large towns from Government forces and one city from Free Farmers Militia. The loss of this city cost the Free Farmers Militia dearly as it was one of their key resupply bases. While the Militia attempted to reclaim the city several times, each time the Commandos held fast and drove the Militia back each time. These defeats would later define the relationship between Smitty's Commandos and the Free Farmers Militia for years to come.

   With the arrival of the Commandos, both the COB and Baron Kilt attempted in vain to hire the mercenary command. It was later discovered by Lyran Intelligence that Smitty's Commandos were in fact from New Earth. Many of its members were born and raised on New Earth. The cities which the Commandos had secured were their hometowns and were where their families resided. The Commandos set up road blocks and sectioned off their holdings on New Earth as areas of no conflict. Each time any faction attempted to cross the area they were bitterly toss out by the Commandos. While both sides of the war were contending with Partisans, there was no recorded Partisan acts against the Commandos.

   Renee Eaton, daughter of Baron Shiver Eaton of the COB, found a way to ensure that, at the least, the Commandos wouldn't turn their skills and weapons against the COB. She offered their commander, Colonel John Smith, a full membership in to the Council of Barons and an honorary title of Baron. While he never officially accepted the offer, Renee Eaton forwarded the rumors that he had actually accepted the offer and was offering direct military advice to the Council its self. While in the beginning these were only rumors, events later would change his mind.

   Those rumors of his acceptance caused Baron Kilt to issue an arrest warrant for Colonel John Smith. After an attempt by the Government to have the Colonel arrested while walking out of a local church, the mercenary commander decided to lend minor support to the COB. While in the beginning he never attended any official COB meeting or visited their headquarters on Aries, he did sit down with many COB military commanders and help them in creating some strategies against the Government. Colonel Smith walked a fine line with the COB in his support of their operations. The vast majority of his support was more in limiting civilian loss of life.

   Luckily for him, for all the advice he offered it was for not. This advice should have been a huge boost to the COB's military operations. However the COB political leadership stood in the way of any real military gains. Between the infighting over power, further wealth grabbing, and general mistrust between political leaders of the COB, their military operations suffered greatly. The dysfunctional war continued and the world continued its final downward spiral to complete destruction.

   The crisis grew so large on New Earth that the Lyran Commonwealth's leader, Archon Katrina Steiner, demanded for the bloodshed to be ended. As a result Baron Kilt ordered the recommissioning one of the oldest naval warships in the Inner Sphere. The sea going naval battleship Bizmark was built on New Earth during the early days of the Terran Alliance. It had long fallen in to disrepair and all but forgotten in one of New Earth's scrapyards. Baron Kilt hoped that her powerful guns would level the field of battle over the high seas, which the COB currently controlled. Baron Kilt huge amount of resources in her overhaul. He also bought a large number of support ships to act as a defense screen for the massive ship. As the ship was getting ready to set sail with its flotilla, rumors spread throughout the COB of the massive military project.

   Baron Kilt was no fool, he knew that the COB had a three to one advantage in Battlemechs and much higher advantages in both Armor and Infantry. He knew that unless something was done to end the war, they would put aside their infighting and turn against him in a unified front. This bring about an end to his rule and an end to Lyran influence on New Earth. He organized a secret meeting between himself and a few selected members of the COB Leadership. His plan was to divide the leadership of COB and try to at least reach a separate peace with some of the more reasonable members of the COB. This would allow him to defeat the others on the field of battle. It would be a fateful meeting for both the Government and the COB.

   He arranged to meet with a pair of the renegade Barons from the COB. This fateful meeting between Baron Kilt and Baron Shiver Eaton (Renee Eaton’s father) and Baron Nickolas Baily (father of Sarah Baily) was set at the Planetary Capital. He had chosen the two man carefully. Baron Shiver Eaton was one of the core founders of the COB and major financial backer of the Rebel front. Baron Baily was the heart and soul of the group. Baron Baily had actually been close friends with Baron Kilt before the war. It was because of this friendship that this meeting was even made possible. Peace was never closer at hand for New Earth.

   Under pressure from the Lyran leadership to end the war, Baron Kilt made it clear that all topics were on the table to be talked about. If Baron Kilt could find some middle ground with the two Rebel leaders, he might be able to weaken their combined front and maybe more would join the peace talks. It would mark the last time that Baron Kilt would reach out to the COB in hopes of a peaceful means to end the war. While on route to the meeting site, a bomb exploded killing the two COB Leaders. A second blast, at nearly the same time, rocked Baron Kilt's estate killing the Baron's wife and infant daughter.

   While at the time both sides secretly blamed the New Earth Partisans for the bombing, it would take nearly twenty years later to learn the truth. These two bombings were planned and carried out on the orders of Baron Eaton's own daughter, Renee Eaton. Publicly it was the COB that was able to seize the media high ground. In a show of pure manipulation on the media's stage, Baroness Eaton blamed the bombings on Baron Kilt and demonized him for the cold blooded murder of her father. The event secured her place within the COB leadership. A position that wouldn’t be challenged for years to come.

   Baron Kilt went mad with grief and rage, he unleashed warfare across New Earth like never seen before. Revenge had become the order of the day for the Government Forces. Thousands across the worlds were arrested while hundreds more simply vanished in the dead of night, never to be seen again. This time of New Earth’s history would became known as the Time of Bloodletting. To ensure that he was protected from the growing New Earth Partisan threat, Baron Kilt surrounded himself with his most trusted bodyguards. The COB leadership were forced to do the same many months before. As many who were watching the war feared, a new player took an active involved role in the war.

   With Comstar now reporting on the war, the scale of the bloodshed and violence resonated across the region and reached as far as the Royal Court on Tharkad. The Lryan leadership, no longer willing to sit back and do nothing as one of its worlds was ripped apart at the seams demanded action to end the bloodshed. Despite warnings from many military advisors, plans were drawn up to send in a large military force to New Earth to put an end to the fighting. Fears of only increasing the level of bloodshed echoed in the halls of the Royal Court. Unless something was done soon, Tharkad was going to become drawn in to a nasty war it didn’t want.

   Baroness Eaton had hoped to use the bombings and deaths as a means to gain further control over the COB. But she knew that the rest of the COB leadership wouldn’t accept her as their divine leader. She needed a controllable puppet on the Council to further her own agenda. So once more she manipulated the situation. Baroness Eaton turned to fellow COB Leader Baron Markus Johns and his mentally challenged daughter for her solution.

   She managed to manipulate a meeting between Markus Johns and stage a highly skilled assassination of the COB Leader. To ensure that she was above accusation, she had ensured that she was injured in the assassination. The killing had all the markings of a Partisan assassination plot. While the rest of the COB was looking to take over Baron Johns’ former territory, Baroness Eaton gave an outcry over the plots.

   In a spirited speech to the COB Leadership, she manipulated the COB leadership in to allowing Baron Johns’ daughter Stacy Johns to assume leadership of her father’s holdings and military. The senior leader of the New Earth Crusaders (Baron Johns’ faction) was named as regent over the faction. Baroness Eaton ensured that the young mentally challenged Stacy was always near her. Soon Stacy saw Renee as a close and trusted friend. Only Colonel John Smith had noted the growing danger within the COB leadership. He had attempted to warn the rest of the COB Leaders of Baroness Eaton’s manipulations and plots. His warnings were laughed off while Baroness Eaton secured her position within the Council. This turn of events shifted a major degree of both military and political influence to the power hungry Renee Eaton.

   However despite the fears and concerns of some members of the COB, there was no going back. The war would continue to feed on the people of New Earth as these bitter rivals continued in their power struggle. Because of stepped up military support by the Lyrans, their off world backer and rivals of the Lyrans, the Free Worlds League increased their own military support to the COB. With powerful off world elements moving in the shadows and factions on the ground locked in a bitter struggle, the timing had never been more prefect for a lasting change on New Earth.

   Back on Solaris VII, by 3028 Jake Death had resurfaced in the Reaches along with this long time partner Patrice King. With his rise to the top of the Solaris Rankings cut short, Jake Death took to community service. He opened up his own Mech Stables in the outlining area around Solaris City called the Reaches. He named his stables, Hurricane Stable. Only a few questioned the source of funds that Jake Death used to open his stables. However these questions fell on deaf ears as Jake Death became a local hero. He used his stables as a means to help the local youths and wayward Mechwarriors who had crossed in to trouble. He set up a number of outreach programs to build local support for his stables.

   But it was the bitter rivalry between Jake Death and Fallen Angel that drew the headlines. The rivalry continued to grow as Jake Death’s Mechwarriors continued to win match after match in the Reaches. With each new victory, Jake Death would use the media to poke at Fallen Angel. These pokes were answered by Fallen who couldn’t back down from a challenge. The rivalry grew so broadly and intense that a media reporter claimed, 'this war couldn't have been written. It was a sheer product of Fate herself!'

   While he was only a better than average Mechwarrior, Jake Death had a strong talent in his relations with local leaders and the media. Clearly a master of public speaking, Jake Death moved in the poverty regions of Solaris City gaining a new name for himself. Taking to the streets, many called him the ‘Underdog’ for his knack for facing off with crime lords and gangs alike to help bring order to the community where his stables was located. In earning more local support, he signed a deal with the Solaris Courts and Correctional Administration. This deal allowed him to have a limited number of Mechwarriors who had been convicted of crimes to serve out their sentences while working for his stables.

   Far from the glitter and fame of the main arenas, Jake Death started to train and hone the skills of his Mechwarriors. It was here that Patrice King started to shine. A master instructor, King ran tough military style training programs. Some couldn’t take the life of order and discipline that was offered, and elected to return to prison. Most however saw this as an opportunity to reinvent themselves. While Death and King were training Mechwarriors, they were also teaching infantry tactics to those that were hired as stable security. Long days continued as the pair built the Hurricane Stables from the ground up.

   During this time, Jake Death also work on his own skills. To further this goal, he took his group of Mechwarriors a number of short training excursions to the continent of Equatus. Here in the wilderness expanses of Equatus he was able to train his Mechwarriors out of sight of the media. While the Media was blind to what was going on behind the scenes of Hurricane Stable, this only drove them more wild as Hurricane Stables claimed more and more victories. Despite the walls and security around the Stables, rumors did leak out. Rumors of off world supporters sending middle of the night shipments of parts were leaked out. However no one cared about those rumors as the Hurricane continued to win match after match.

   It became known throughout the Game World that 'if you couldn't make in anywhere else, seek out Hurricane Stables. They might be your last best hope for a shot at greatness.' Using the media’s own thirst for information, Jake Death worked day and night to remake his image. He gave numerous speeches as well as allowing his actions in working with local leaders to speak for its self. He also focused on building an image of his stables. He ensured that the narrative that was being written was that Fallen Angel was destined to battle Jake Death.

   As months passed, Jake Death’s Mech Stables looked more like a military outfit than some shoddy stables which the Reaches had been well known for. The origin of this success was given to Jake Death’s long time personal friend and partner, Patrice King. It was through her training program that these undisciplined Mechwarriors found their grove and turned them in to a force not to be reckoned with. More than that, Hurricane security patrols were keeping the community around the stables free from crime. This won Jake Death a level of popularity that couldn’t be bought. Only by looking back at these events did we start to realize the scope of what Jake Death was planning.

   Years after their fateful battle, Fallen had become a Stable Master of her own stables, called Broken Halo Stables. Broken Halo Stables boasted a triple “A” rating and had five ranking Mechwarriors signed to it. As her own stables gain fame, she had become a common name across Solaris. Many saw her as the next Legend of Solaris. Fallen Angel’s story was told as an inspiration to other young Mechwarriors. Not only was she Solaris’ Number One and undefeated champion she was Stable Master of one of the most coveted stables on all of Solaris. Envy however was her own undoing.

   By the end of 3027 Jake Death had earned the complete support of the community that hosted his stables. To celebrate the stables official Grand Opening, brought the entire stables a new style and look. The new style was débuted during a media event at the stables. Before locals and the media, he introduced his warriors in their new uniforms. Standing there before guests, Hurricane pilots stood in their bright cavalry uniform and sharp military discipline. Jake Death introduced them as local heroes of the Reaches. Once more he used his silver tongue to chum the waters. A planted reports who was paid by Death asked if he believed his warriors were ready to meet Fallen’s own warriors in the Arena. He laughed off the question and invited Fallen to bring her warriors to the Reaches.

   In January 3028, Jake Death was ready to recapture the hearts and minds of Solaris. With planted rumors of a rivalry that never seemed to have died, the media were pressing Fallen for conformation of challenges. She attempted to deflect the questions but reporters who were tipped by Death pressed the issue asking her if she thought her warriors weren’t up for the challenge. Fallen Angel had one saving grace. Because Death’s stables was in the Reaches, he could not issue an official challenge to her or her Mechwarriors. However any attempt to hide behind this rule would have given Death what he wanted. Not the public speaker like Death was, Fallen only came off sounding wishy washy.

   As Death and his hired reports retched up the pressure, Fallen Angel proved to be her own worst enemy. She too had heard of the rumors of secret late night delivers. Using her close ties with the mafia on Solaris, Fallen attempted to penetrate the Hurricane Stables. However her team was never heard from again. While the bodies were never found, they are presumed dead. This wasn’t the opening shots of the war between Fallen and Jake but it was one that hit close to home as one of the team members that Fallen sent was a close personal friend.

   After his media event and further success in the Reaches, Fallen was forced to watch Death’s star raise once more. It wasn’t long till her fame was becoming over shadowed by Jake Death and his Hurricane Stables. After winning a major grudge match against another rival, Fallen was sure she had secured the front pages of the papers. Her anger flared when she saw that her victory was reported on page two. The major papers of Solaris had run a story about a series of Hurricane victories during the same night. It was a slight that she couldn’t allow to be unanswered. Despite her own success, she wouldn’t allow anyone to share the light with her.

   Fallen Angel set out on a course to crush her old ravel once and for all. Because Hurricane Stables lacked an Official Ranking, they were unable to compete in the main arenas of Solaris. To publicly accept a challenge from a lesser stables like the Hurricane Stables and bring them in to the main arenas was a social no no for a stable master like Fallen. She decided to send her own Mechwarriors down to the slums of Solaris to battle Death’s own Mechwarriors on their turf. Being a former street rat herself, she understood that this meant a turf war with the slums stables. Which was fine with her, she had no problem with a turf war. Fallen Angel was recorded saying to reporters, 'so much the better! Defeat them in the gutters and they won’t have far to go to get back home.'

   Fallen handpicked her pilots to travel to the Reaches and challenge Hurricane warriors. Her orders to them were simple, crush the Hurricane pilots no matter what. As news of the coming matches spread across the Reaches. Fallen had no doubt that these opening matches would be sound victories against Hurricane pilots in their own backyard. In her mind, she never once considered that these washed up and wannabes Mechwarriors couldn’t hold a candle to some of the best trained warriors on Solaris.

   As the first of these matches was getting ready to go live, the pilots of Broken Halo never really trained up for what should have been a one sided battle. Even Fallen didn’t take the battle seriously as she never crossed in to the Reaches to watch it personally. However, she did watch them from her multi-million C-Bill apartment in Solaris City. The odds were so lopsided that most bookies refused to take beats on this first battle. However, the supporters and fans of the Hurricane Stables would not be disappointed.

   With the home field advantage and the local community backing their favorite Mechwarriors of the Hurricane Stables cheered with thunder as Broken Halo Stables saw defeat after defeat. Unlike battling in the main arenas with fixed rules of combat, Broken Halo pilots were ill prepared to fight in these down and dirty slum arenas. With each new victory against Broken Halo, the Hurricane Stables reputation rocketed skyward. Jake Death never once attempted to take the spotlight from his pilots that won hard fought battles. Instead he pressed them in to the spotlight for their well-earned fame.

   Not only did Jake Death make sure that his pilots were able to have the center light alone as they took fame for their victories. This willingness to allow his pilots have the spotlight helped build a strong bond between Jake Death and his pilots. This bond would transcend Solaris and shape a renowned Mercenary outfit. Jake Death also gave credit back to their fans for their continued support. While most of Solaris was unaware of these first victories, across the Reaches, across the Reaches fans cheered as heroes were being born. This was a sharp contrast to other Stable Masters and more notably, Fallen Angel, whom had a habit of upstaging her own pilots.

   The narrative that Jake Death wanted was being told across Solaris. The war between Hurricane Stables and Broken Halo was being referred as a war between David and Goliath. It was just what Jake Death wanted. During the summer of 3028, the bitter string of defeats escalated as two Broken Halo warriors were soundly defeated by a Hurricane warrior during a two on one grudge match. It was a major upset and the final straw for Fallen. After watching many of her lower Mechwarriors getting handed defeat after defeat Fallen decided to up the stakes and put an end to the rivalry. She ordered Samuel Matts, the current ranking Number Ten pilot on Solaris VII, to give Hurricane Stables their first taste of defeat.

   It was a battle never heard of before on Solaris VII, a ranking Warrior 'slumming it' in a Reaches Arena. Every stables across the Reaches saw this match as a Cinderella Match. Across the lines in the City Centers, the main Stables of Solaris VII saw this as a chance to prove once more why they were the Main Attraction on Solaris. This match up would once and for all end the war between Broken Halo and Hurricane Stables. Or at least, that was what Fallen had intended this match to be. With her own reputation slipping due to this war, she needed this negative attention to go away. It would become a battle for the record books and one that would define the Hurricane Stables for years to come.

   Fallen had chosen her pilot with great care. Matts, more commonly known as The Sniper because of  his expert gunnery at long range combat, was a highly skilled and technical pilot that had a strong background in arena combat. Matts had been a strong contender for years and loyal member of the late Oonthrax Stables. When the stables suffered the murder of its founder and Stable Master, Matts signed on with Broken Halo. For years he had proven to be a promising warrior that as of late seemed to have hit a rut. Many of Matts’ fans saw this match as a chance for him to once more show what kind of pilot he was.

   Unlike Samuel Matts, he would pair off with an untested Mechwarrior named Sara Little Hawk. Little Hawk, of Sioux heritage and was currently serving year four of a twenty year sentence for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. When Death found her through the Mech Pilot Exchange Program, she had never piloted a Battlemech before. During training, Death and King realized that Little Hawk was a natural pilot. While her gunnery skills were lacking, she move a Battlemech with the greatest of ease. After just over a year of training, Little Hawk was ready to make her debut.

   Despite King’s suggestions, Death had kept Little Hawk from the arenas till Fallen made her big move. Death was going to place the fate of his stables and this war in the hands of a pilot, who never fought in a real match before this night. It was a move that many saw as insane. However, Death had so much faith in his warrior that it was reported that he bet a massive sum of C-bills on the match. Fallen on the other hand didn't make any bets on the match. However she did cancel a social event to watch the match live from her apartment with other member of her stables.

   Matt's seventy five ton modified Marauder would face off with Little Hawk's forty five ton stock Hatchetman in a fitting arena called the Scrapyard. The betting for the match was so intense that many thought that this was a title match in one of the Main Arenas. The turnout for the match was so large that the Scrapyard for the first time had to close its gates. Fans of Hurricane Stables were thunderous with their cheers as across Solaris fans watched the match with great anticipation.

   Every member of the Hurricane Stables came out for the match. Even the warden of Little Hawks prison came out to the arena to watch the match. The match was broadcast live to the prison as well. It was reported that Matt’s showed up to the match with only his support team. Broken Halo stables failed to show any real support for their own warrior. However in viewing, Matts had his own fan base ready to cheer him on the victory. If there was any sign of the pressure, Matts didn’t show it. This was much the same for the red skinned Little Hark. Despite being her first official match and while emotions were running high, she played it cool.

   During a staged media event by Death and with cameras filming, Little Hawk greeted Matts as if they were old reunited friends. The conversation was friendly and filled with jokes. Little Hawk joked back wishing that there were not so many people watching her on her first official match. Matts, always the professional pilot, smiled off the nerves of the rookie telling her that she would do fine out there. Before the pair of pilot went their separate ways, they placed a 'friendly wager', Mech for Mech.

   The tight winding pathways of the scrapyard had many thinking that Matt's would have been at a disadvantage. However his modified Battlemech used jumpjets normally not equipped on a Marauder. He was able to find high ground and kept Little Hawk's mech at bay with his three large lasers. He did manage to score some sound hits early in the battle. However the large lasers he had swapped out dealt less damage than the twin Particle Projection Cannons normally fitted to the mech. Still his eye for targeting and experience in arena fighting showed the clear advantage.

   Within minutes of the opening round, Matts had taken several key points and ranked up the scores in his favor. Little Hawk seemed almost DOA (Slang for a Mechwarrior who was clear outmatched), however the match was far from over and while Little Hawk went down she was not out. Using her Mechs speed and maneuverability, she was able to keep Matt’s larger Mech moving making targeting her that much harder. She knew all too well that Matts was a dead shot, so she made sure to keep his Mech at distance till she was ready to make her move.

   Using her mech's speed and agility to its fullest, Little Hawk made Matts work for every hit. While keeping Matts at range and forcing him to fight on her terms, Little Hawk was able to score sound hits with her ten centimeter Auto Cannon to soften up Matt's Mech. It was clear that she was targeting Matts’ legs each time she fired. It was clear that Little Hawk was fighting a battle to extend the clock. While this tactic could work against her if the match was to be decided by score alone because Matts held the advantage. However those reporting the match was surprised to note that it was clear that Little Hawk was working a larger winning strategy.

   Observers noted that Death was in constant communications with Little Hawk the entire time. Fallen would later argue cheating and demanded that the arena officials listened to the recordings of the communications between pilots and their support team. They did not find any evidences that suggested Hurricane Stables had cheated during the match. This claim would only go to fuel the fires that raged between Broken Halo and Hurricane Stables.

   As the clock was ticking down, Little Hawk finally made her move. Moving her Mech along the ground giving Matts the advantage of the higher ground, Little Hawk’s pushed her Mech’s own agility and maneuvering to get close. It was a high risk move that risked annulation at the hands of Matts’ larger Mech. Even at this close range, hitting the smaller faster and more agile Mech proved to be harder than many assumed. Matts’ unleashed all of his weapons! As he opened up from above her, Little Hawk was finally close enough to Matt's mech to use her large Hatchet. With smoke pouring from her Mech after the assault it had just taken from Matts’ Mech, Little Hawk entered history.

   In a physical attack that would rock Solaris VII! Sara Little Hawk, in one swing of her mighty ax, took off the Marauder's left leg. The loss of the leg caused Matt's mech to topple from the top of the junk heap he was standing on. This caused the Mech to half slide half fall down the heap. Matts cockpit lit up with warnings sounded. Missing a leg and having a damaged gyroscope the match had just turned against Matts to the thunderous cheers of the crowds. A half dazed and wounded Matt's pulled flares singling his defeat and the end of the match. Sara Little Hawk had become the first Mechwarrior from the Reaches to ever defeat a Solaris Ranked Mechwarrior.

   As Matts flares rose up from the rubble of the junkyard, the fans and spectators leaped to their feet in cheers. The uproar in the Reaches could be heard across Solaris City as the celebrations went well in to the night. Hurricane Stables and Sara Little Hawk had given many citizens of the Reaches something that they hadn't had in a long time. A sense of pride within their communities and of their own local heroes. For Jake Death, this would be the opportunity that he was waiting for. For Sara Little Hawk, to her surprise, one of Jake Death's wagers was with her warden. The two men had wagered her freedom on this match. A man that she had only met a year ago risked his reputation and wealth to give her a renewed chance at an honorable life. For Sara Little Hawk, her life had been given back to her.

   It was acts like this that earned Jake Death that never ending loyalty of those around him. However, Jake Death was more than just a loyal leader. He was a man that understood strategy better than anyone else. Jake Death along with his lead tech Karen Tetsuhara and Sara Little Hawk went to the famed Thor's Shield Hall, also known as Valhalla Club. They planned to meet with Fallen Angel to claim Little Hawk's new Battlemech. Normally only ranked members of Solaris VI were allowed in to the Club, however special permission had been given to Jake Death and his party for this meeting.

   While the meeting was supposedly unplanned, it had been leaked to the press just hours prior. Many suspect that the leak was done by Jake Death’s orders. By the time Death's party had arrived, the press was already on station and watching every move. For the first time in years, the two rivals would be face to face once more. As cameras filmed, Death’s party walked victoriously through the club as the music came to a stop. It would be the event of the year. One that promised fireworks and even more drama between the two renowned rivals.

   Jake ratcheted up the pressure on Fallen by boosting the skills of his pilots and how Fallen didn't have a single pilot that could beat his. Never known for her cool thinking under pressure, Death pushed the issue of her stable's continued failure in the Reaches and suggested that they were unfit to battle out there. Jokingly claiming that somehow the slum arenas were just ‘too much’ for her and her pilots. Laughter filled the room as Fallen grew red with anger.

   Under the lights of the media cameras and bending to the pressure, Fallen foolishly took Jake's bait and challenged him to a winner takes all series of matches! Her challenge to the Hurricane Stables would pit five of her best pilots against any five Hurricane pilots. If the Hurricane wins, than she will hand over her stables and all titles. If Broken Halo wins, Hurricane Stables closes its doors and Jake Death would leave Solaris VII once and for all. Jake Death smiled as he nodded and accepted her challenge. Realizing her mistake far too late, Fallen saw that she had been goaded in to giving him just what he wanted from the beginning. She had single handedly gave her rival a shot at the main arenas.

   While the fireworks between Fallen and Jake over shadowed all. A side conversation was all but lost, but later recorded in a book written by Samuel Matts. In his book, Matts stated that Sara Little Hawk had personally thanked him for an honorable and pleasurable match. While he was more than willing to honor their bet, she surprised him by nullifying the bet. The two parted ways with a friendly hand shake and kind words. Even though the noble overture would cost Hurricane Stable a valuable mech for the upcoming challenge, the move won the respect of Samuel Matts.
   The upcoming battles became the media event of the year for Solaris. Never before had five title matches been set up under one bet. Riding the wave of their latest victory, Hurricane Stables saw some of its best odds to date. It would be a set of matches that would compare to even the Grand Melee in viewings and betting. Billions of C-bills were wagered on favorites and on long shots. Both Jake and Fallen would guard their own pilots with some of the best security that the industry had to offer. Nothing was being taken to chance as Mechs were move in secret to the arenas. In an interview, Fallen would be noted stating, "Cheating? Why do we need to cheat? They are the two bit losers from the Reaches. Ask them about cheating, not us. We are champions…of heart and soul."

   The five day event drew in crowds from across the Inner Sphere. And even a special secret Royal visitor from Tharkad was reported arriving for the event. As per the official rules, the matches were to take place only in the Main Arenas of Solaris VII. The first match would see Broken Halo's pilot Damion Hunter, the number twelve of Solaris, stump his Hurricane counterpart in the Steiner Stadium. The match was filled with speed and energy. However it was Hunter’s ruthlessness that delivered victory.

   However this would not set the tempo of the rest of the matches, as Hurricane pilot, Stephen Sirbak won a hard fought battle against the number six of Solaris in the dark tunnels of Ishiama also known as the Iron Mountain. The third match, saw Dark Angel, the number two of Solaris VII face off with Hurricanes own co-founder Patrice King in the Jungle. Early on in the match, King got several key scores and appeared to be staged to win the match. However Dark Angel won the match to everyone’s shock and amazement. Many believe that there were some questionable events that had occurred during the match. Despite calls for a stop in the matches and an investigation, Jake Death choose not to pursue them instead decided to move on to the next match.

   The forth match saw a much anticipated rematch between Samuel Matts and Sara Little Hawk in the burned out ruins of the Factory. Unlike any other match before, Jake Death decided to bet his entire personal fortune on this single match. Away from the media but still observed, Jake pulled Sara aside and told her, 'No matter what, you have earned my pride and respect. Do your best and let the rest fall where it does.' The battle was much like their first one, where Little Hawk bid her time wisely. Matts’ keen eye played a good role through most of the match. However the crowds were on their feet when what many thought should have been a killing shot, missed. For The Snipper’s large laser fired wide and narrowly missed Little Hawk's mech when she mistakenly exposed her mech. once more, Little Hawk used her Mech’s speed to out flank Matts' Mech and won the match.

   With the score tied all eyes turned to the next match that would make Solaris history. That night was filled with celebrations and parties as the Game World geared up for what would become known as one of the most brutal matches ever. However that night would be marred in grief as Dark Angel's body was found dumped inside the Waterfront Park. Due to his wallet still filled with C-bills and his gold watch on his arm, police ruled out robbery. The cause of death was a deep cut across his throat from ear to ear. It was a clear case of murder and the list of suspects were as long as the guest list to the arenas the following day. The murder of Dark Angel would become one of the most famous cold case files of Solaris History. Outraged at the murder, Fallen blamed Jake Death for the murder and swore revenge.

   The next day would see the two Stable Masters slugging it out in the Davion Arena. Fallen's Grasshopper would face off with Jake's Warhammer. The two would battle in subzero arctic conditions. During the first rounds of the match, Fallen took an early lead in the points scoring a number of sound hits against Jake's Warhammer. However Jake never gave her any room to take advantage of her hits. Using his Mech’s superior armor he punished Fallen for each hit she made. It soon became clear that Death was holding back.

   Each time she pressed her attack, Death forced Fallen to fall back across the arena. Landing hit after hit Fallen drove Jake back towards the edge of a crevasse in the center of the arena. With his Battlemech preached along the edge of the crevasse, Fallen fired her weapons at the ground and sent his Battlemech tumbling down in to the darkness of the crevasse. The crowds were on their feet in shock and horror as they watched a local hero vanish in to the darkness. All seemed lost as the arena fell silent.
   Fallen demanded that the Arena judges call her the victor. After a short deliberation and making radio contact with her opponent, they refused to give her the match's victory. It was in that moment that the crowds erupted with cheers as their hero crawled out of the crevasse. It was badly damaged from the fall but still functioning. Stunned at what she was seeing, Fallen made a critical error as she didn’t resume her defensive movements. Her mech was stationary for the next turn of events.

   Fallen lost the intuitive as she stood in disbelief. Jake Death laid in to her Mech with his twin PPC and started to march towards her Battlemech. With each forward movement he brought more weapons in to range and fired at her. Fallen's mech rocked from the weapons fire as armor was shredded from the mech. After a few intense minutes of weapons' fire being exchanged, Fallen's Grasshopper give up the battle. It fell before the Warhammer, and Jake Death demanded that she surrender. She didn't reply as the crowds stood at the edges of their seats. All eyes were focused on the beaten Grasshopper. After a few moments, the judges award the victory to Hurricane Stables. It would be discovered after the match that Fallen Angel took her own life during that moment of defeat. She had used an auto-injector filled with poison to end her own life.

   The matches not only made Death an extremely wealthy man, but riding on his victory he had a very rare encounter. The Archon and Leader of the Lyran Commonwealth, Katrina Steiner, who had come to Solaris VII to view the matches personally. She congratulated the new Number One of Solaris VII and asked what his next plans were. His answer would shock and surprise her. Having heard of the war on New Earth, he told her of his plans to raise a new mercenary outfit called the Hurricane Legion. He suggested that New Earth would be a good testing ground for his new unit. Reminding her that he was a betting man, he bet he could end the fighting within a year of his forces landing on New Earth. The Archon listened carefully as he continued to explain his idea of this bet.

   As he spoke, Jake Death continued to impress. He explained that if his unit failed to bring an end to the conflict within a year that they would remain on station under the contact and continued to work towards bringing an end to the conflict. He accepted that his unit wouldn’t be paid for the entire contact. But if his unit could bring an end to the conflict within a year, he asked that the Archon would grant him the entire system of Tau Ceti as a land grant and the title of Baron of New Earth..
   The Archon listened to the offer carefully as she weighed the possibilities. Her next stop had already been a planned stop at New Earth. She had already decided to remove Baron Kilt as leader of the war torn world. Her own intelligence community was advising that her Inner Sphere rival, House Marik, was gaining influence on New Earth. Without other options before this meeting, she had intended on using direct military involvement to end the war. But now Death’s suggesting gave her another option to end the conflict on one of her worlds.

   Archon Katrina Steiner had one amendment to their bet. Regardless of success or failure, that his unit would remain within service of the Lyran Commonwealth for no less than five years after the conflict was resolved. Jake Death agreed to the amendment and the bet was formed. Archon Steiner granted Jake Death the title of Baron but warned that his future title would hinge on the outcome of their bet. She reminded Death that he only had only one year from the moment he set foot on New Earth. He smiled and thanked her for taking a chance in him and his troops.

   Upon his return to the Hurricane stables, Jake carried with him a much larger surprise for all sixty five of his Mechwarriors. In a show of gratitude for all that they had done for him and their loyalty over the past few years, Jake Death had secured a pardon for each of his Mechwarriors. He informed them of his plans for New Earth. He spoke of a dream to build up a mercenary command using New Earth as their home and base of operations.

   Many of his own supporters didn’t believe that such a bet existed but their doubts were laid to rest once they saw the written contract between him and the Lyran Commonwealth. He said that those who wanted to remain could do so under the employment of Hurricane Stables, which now had two large facilities on Solaris VII. But those who wanted to join him were invited to take part on grand adventure. Twenty of his Mechwarriors as well as some former Broken Halo warriors choose to join. The following day would be the first official gathering of the mercenary command called, The Hurricane Legion. By the end of the week, the Hurricane Legion was on its way to the Tau Ceti system and the world of New Earth.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 02:28:04 AM by Akirapryde2006 »
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.

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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2015, 04:43:02 PM »

tagged I'll have a proper read when I'm less tired but it looks nice there
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2015, 10:07:57 PM »

Reminds me a lot of my role playing days of too long ago. Lot of fun.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2015, 05:16:41 AM »

Wow, that a big ass first post.  Have to come back to it.

One bit of friendly advice that might help you a bit is to use a freeware, MS Word's or Acrobat's text to speech function and listen to what you have written.  It really helps with making sure your writing flows as you get your style worked in.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Chapter Two: The New Earth Civil War and a New Beginning
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2015, 08:56:53 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Two: New Earth’s Bloody Civil War

   During his journey from Solaris to New Earth, Jake Death used his winning to hire a handful of smaller mercenary commands to fill out his command. Like Hurricane Legion, these commands had no experience. It went without noticed at the time that these separate commands existed in name only. When the Hurricane Legion landed on New Earth, they were a fully filled out combined arms Regiment. While some intelligence analysts raised flags to the sudden increase in personal and equipment. It was the first warning flag that would take years to be realized.

   May, 3030 brought hope to New Earth and the COB in the form of a wayward son, David McGray. He had returned to New Earth from his adventures in the deep periphery at the requests of Sarah Bailey. The personal request was to come home and help end the Civil War. Mr. McGray brought within him the battle harden periphery mercenary unit called Darren's Light Horse Brigade. Darren’s Light Horse Brigade was a combine arms battalion with a record of brutal and often illegal behavior. However, the unit had adventured with McGray for the past several years hunting Star League caches.

   His arrival shook up the COB as Mr. McGray’s family had an official land grant on New Earth. This gave him a legitimate claim on New Earth. Noting the threat to her own power base, Baroness Eaton was quick to rally support behind McGray. Hoping to be the power behind the man, she quickly moved to win McGray’s trust and loyalty. Mr. McGray quickly fell victim to Baroness Eaton’s seductions and manipulations. However in secret, Eaton also moved in on Major Christian Darren the commanding officer of Darren’s Light Horse Brigade. The two quickly become secret lovers.

   In a surprising move to all, she declared Mr. McGray Supreme Baron of New Earth and official leader of the COB. Using her influence over Stacy Johns and other members of the COB, McGray was voted as leader of the COB. It wasn’t long till she quickly sank her talons in to McGray and convinced him to lead their forces in defeating Baron Kilt. Little did anyone know that Baron Kilt had already been replaced by Colonel Jake Death just a week before. The coming months were known as the calm before the storm.

   No one within the COB knew that forces belonging to the Hurricane Legion had already secured both the recharging stations at the two jump points as well as the TeleCom Observation station above New Earth. The COB had been using Telecom to spy on Government forces and to communicate with each other. Death’s first actions were one of the best kept secrets of the Civil War. Death made his first moves in complete secrecy. Many Government field leaders were caught completely by surprise when the news of Kilt’s removal was finally released. As the Government Command structure was undergoing its changes, there was a large lull in Government operations. A lull that the COB paid little attention to.

   During what was seen as a lull in the fighting, Baron McGray took the opportunity organize his new command structure. Unaware of the Government's own changes in leadership, Baron McGray managed to get the COB somewhat unified and restored some measure of hope for victory. Baron McGray spent his time very wisely meeting with both military and political leaders of the COB. Most importantly, McGray journeyed out to Smitty’s Commandos and met the mercenary commander. McGray managed to get the experienced commander to agree to offer more support for the COB’s goals.

   With his military leaders on the same page, McGray only needed the right opportunity to prove to his soldiers and allies that he could lead the COB to victory. That opportunity would soon show itself to him via a TeleCom intercept from the Government. While it seemed too good to be true, it was just what McGray needed to unify his forces and the COB. TeleCom would become the true Achilles heel of the COB and Baron McGray.

   Colonel Death had done everything in his power to delay the official clock of their bet from starting. He needed time to get both his mercenary and local commands unified and ready to fight as a single unit on the battlefield. He only had at best a couple of weeks to work key commanders in to unity and hope that they would pass on the lessons to others. He used the Recharging Station as his temporary headquarters while Major King and Major Sirbak set up command level training sites on New Earth. Everything was done in complete secrecy to ensure that the COB didn't find out about the new Baron of New Earth or of the changes coming. Thanks to TeleCom, Colonel Death was already aware of McGray's arrival and the new changes that the COB was putting in to place. This changed the dimension of the conflict as McGray was an unknown factor. But Colonel Death was up for the challenge.

   Despite all that was done to protect the secret, there were risks to the secret that almost cost Colonel Death the element of surprise. A former aide of Baron Kilt, who had been disgruntled over not being included in the New Government, attempted to meet with a Comstar reporter to leak the surprising news. The damage that the aide could do to the Government’s effort could have been disastrous.

   Colonel Death learned of the upcoming meeting and the former aide was quietly arrested. The aide spent the remainder of the war in prison. Death made sure that within some circles, the arrest was well known through whispers. He needed to make sure that others would keep their mouths shut. It wasn’t the only time the secret risked being exposed. A number of COB spies had to be silenced without tipping off the COB Leadership. Again TeleCom would play a key role in rounding up these spies.

   Colonel Death had a simple plan for that. Because these spies used TeleCom to communicate with their superiors, Colonel Death’s people were able to quickly and silently locate these spies. The spies were gathered up and moved off world to a dropship on Lunna, the moon of New Earth. There under close observation, the spies would report back to the COB normal government operations. These fake reports masked the movements of the Hurricane and Government forces. Due to Colonel Death and his troops’ dedication to the secret, the warning never reached the COB Headquarters. A storm was just over the horizon and the COB was completely unaware of what was heading their way.
   Thanks to the Government controlled TeleCom, Colonel Death was learning the details of every COB meetings from the lowest level up through to the highest. Each day, Colonel Death was reading transcripts of meetings even before many COB Military Commanders were made aware of the orders that they were about to be given. At the same time, controlled COB spies were feeding a steady stream of disinformation to their leaders. New spies and saboteurs were rounded up once they checked in with TeleCom for new orders. Thanks to a steady stream of misinformation, the COB leaders never realized that their spy network was almost completely gone by the time Colonel Death was ready to reveal himself.

   When it was time for the secret to be let out of the bag, Colonel Death made a huge show of his official arrival to New Earth. He planned a massive parade down the streets of the Capital ensured that the COB knew that the Number One of Solaris VII had arrived to save the world. He showed off his brand new Hurricane Legion in their shiny new Battlemechs. He gave speeches designed to down play an understanding of military and political situations. He played in to the common profile of a Solaris Mech-Jock. He even made an intentional gaff about the overall situation. The performance was so well planned that those Government commanders who didn’t know the truth, truly believed the cause was lost.

   It was recorded that as the new Baron's arrival was in full swing, there was laughter and cheers from the COB leadership. Few of the members of the COB Leadership was ready to take this new Baron seriously. Even many COB military leaders found the Mech-Jock to Baron a joke. Baron McGray and Colonel Smith were the only two that felt deep concerns over this new Baron of New Earth.

   Their fears would become fully realized within their first major encounter with this Hurricane Legion. Once more, TeleCom would play a key role in the COB’s future defeat. As McGray watched the laughter around the COB Grand Council Room, he mentioned to a loyal advisor that the COB’s worse enemy was in this very room. Little did he know that COB Standard Policy was to record all meetings for historical record keeping. Those very recordings were stored on TeleCom for safe keeping.

   Colonel Death's first mission was to put an end to the COB's air superiority. He used the ploy of bait and switch to catch his airborne targets. And he choose the site of the battle, over the town of Broome on Sagittarius. Using TeleCom to allow the COB to find out that he had ordered a massive buildup of supplies and hardware just outside of the town of Broome. The site was an old military supply depot that wasn’t regularly used. He ensured that the COB leadership knew that the intentional use of these supplies were to be used on a future invasion of Cancer. He chose Cancer because this was the source of power for Baroness Eaton. Death was banking on her fears and ability to influence McGray to take the bait.

   The bait was a fat rich target that the COB couldn't resist. It had all the signs of a trap to any seasoned commander. Colonel Smith, being a seasoned military commander, attempted to convince Baron McGray to not attack. However, Baroness Eaton had her way and convinced the COB to go ahead with the attack. Baroness Eaton had informed Baron McGray that she had a source within the Baron's own house that assured her that the Government's plans were real and that this would be an easy way to end the war by Christmas. She was telling the truth as far as she knew it to be. However the truth was a clouded thing.

   The spy had been one of Baroness Eaton's most valuable tools in stopping the Government in their tracks. The man was well known as ‘Eaton's Ghost’. His information had never been questioned before and he had always come through for the COB. This spy had also been discovered by Colonel Death's security sweeps weeks prior and was working for the Government, less he wished to have a vacuumed vacation on Lanna. The stage was set for what would become the pivotal battle for New Earth's future. The victor of this coming battle would gain a massive advantage over the other side and would be turn the tide of war once and for all.

   It was a gamble that Colonel Death was not willing to risk to chance. He brought in his wife's younger sister and inspiring pilot Linna Tetsuhara to lead his air force in crushing the COB. While fresh from the academy and with skills that many pilots would kill for, Linna was a pilot with vision. Linna and her sister also carried the shame of their uncle with them from the Draconis Combine. The opportunity to not only fly in combat, but to lead the battle was a chance Linna was not about to miss out on. Even with the rank of Captain within the Hurricane Legion, she often referred to herself as Ronin. It was a name that soon became her nickname.

   While Colonel Death was setting up the Government for victory, Baron McGray was moving the vast majority of the COB air and ground units in to the trap. The stage was almost set for the future of New Earth to be settled.

   The Battle of Broome, started at 0435 on November 19th, 3029. This pivotal battle would become a slaughter for the COB. Colonel Death allowed the air trap to be planed and organized by his would be sister-in-law, Captain Linna Tetsuhara. The plan was simple, allow the COB air force to make their attacks on three fake supply bases. While the COB was launching a three pronged attack on the fake bases, Captain Tetsuhara moved her units in behind the COB air forces. The maneuver cut the COB air units off when their tanks were below half.

   To ensure the destruction of the COB air units, Captain Tetsuhara brought in a small number of Leopard CV dropships to act as a well of fire power between the COB air units and their bases. With dropships descending on the COB air units, the COB pilots drove for the safety of low altitude. According to Captain Tetsuhara’s plan, the dropships were anvil. By driving the COB pilots down, they were being driven towards Tetsuhara and her own Air Group. Leading her air group from the front, Captain Tetsuhara decimated the COB Air Force in one of the most decisive victories of the war.

   On the ground, Colonel Death led his troops towards the COB ground forces stationed around the port city of Rothn. Rothn was the only COB holding on Sagittarius and had to be removed from the board. His plan was to hit the COB lines with a three prong pincer action and captured the vast majority of the COB ground forces between his own units and the sea. The original plan was to have the heavier units under Major King and Major Sirbak to swing out wide and attack the COB lines nearly a hundred and forty degrees off each other. While the lighter and faster Mechs of Captain Little Hawk would harass the middle units of the COB defenders. Then the battle shifted to the heavier lines, Captain Little Hawk's unit rushed through the middle and seize the port. In doing so, Death and his units could cut off the COB retreat with help of airborne troops.

   As the COB air units were dropping from the sky, Jake Death was moving his units in to position. As the air battle kicked off Death ordered the airwaves to be flooded with jamming and music meant to hinder the COB from organizing their lines. Baroness Sarah Bailey, who was leading the COB air attacks personally, attempted to warn the ground forces of the trap that they flew in to. However due to the jamming, they were unable to get the warning out. Unable to warn the rest of the COB forces, Baroness Bailey attempted to lead her wing out of the trap. Instead, she ended up getting shot down and was reported KIA by her wingman.

   Colonel Death's orders to TeleCom were vital for the future of the war. He ordered the vital asset to do nothing to aid the Government forces during the battle. He needed the station to appear as if it were still under the control of the COB. He actually ordered TelCom to warn the COB Leadership once the trap was about to be sprung. Colonel Death wanted to make sure that he knew what was going on Death needed TelCom. As local communications failed, more COB commanders were switching to communicating through TelCom. Colonel Death thought he had considered everything in his plan. It was a brilliant plan that risked as much as there would be gains. The only flaw was its own success.

   Colonel Death wanting to change the image of the Government had invited the media to oversee the first major operation under his command. With the camera's filming from his command headquarters, operation began just as it was planned. The COB Air Force fell in to the trap and were being chewed up under Captain Tetsuhara's Air Group. As the first COB fighters and bombers were falling from the sky, the ground war started right on time. The southern and northern prongs of his units slammed in to the COB flanks. Cheers in Death’s command center broke out as reports that the COB Lines shattered under the assault.

   The COB lines continued to crumble as the first two prongs pushed deeper in to the lines. Colonel Death ordered the Captain Little Hawk's group to move for the port almost two hours ahead of their original schedule. The real crisis was that the two flanks were gaining ground with surprising speed that Little Hawk's unit couldn't catch up with the collapsing COB lines. The port city of Rothn was in complete panic as the Northern and Southern prongs moved in to position to strike. The refugees along with the COB militaries were jamming aboard what ships could take them. Colonel Death watched in horror from his headquarters as the situation developed.

   The port city of Rothn was becoming a nightmare for both the retreating COB units and the civilians caught in the middle. Continuing the assault on the city would end with a very heavy toll on the refugees. The idea of eliminating nearly a third of the COB ground forces in one massive strike was hardly temping with the civilian cost in clear sight. Colonel Death simply was not willing to accept the civilian loss of life. In a surprising move before the Media, Colonel Death ordered all of his units to hold their advance on the chaotic port city and secure their positions. Colonel Death further ordered a broad channel to be opened so that he could send a message to the Commander of the COB units in Rothn, who happened to be Baron McGray.

   "To Commander of COB Forces in and around Rothn, this is Colonel Jake Death, Commander of the Hurricane Legion and Baron of New Earth. Your forces are in panic while mine hold the high ground. My Artillery has your city and units within range. My Air Force is in command of the skies over your head. The battle has been joined, it is without question that this day was won by my Legionaries. I hope you would agree, that there is no reason for further loss of life. Baring no counter attack by your forces, I will not issue an attack order on Rothn for the next twenty four hours. Board your ships in safety and evacuate the city. Till the next time we cross swords Sir,"

   It was a move that surprised both the civilian population of New Earth as well as his own troops. The final battle for Rothn could have crippled the COB without question. However, Colonel Death showed a level of command that had been lacking on New Earth for some time. True to his words, the Legion forces held their attack while they secured the high grounds near and around the port city. High above, Captain Tetsuhara's Air Group kept a very close eye on the COB as they continued their evacuation of Rothn. More importantly eyes of the fanatical group New Earth Partisans were also watching the events in Rothn carefully. A possible nightmare situation was eliminated due to a show of restraint.

   There was a few minor attempts to break the Hurricane lines by a small renegade forces of COB force. In the end, the Renegade unit was encircled by Captain Little Hawk's unit. They were defeated and survivors of the Renegade unit were captured. What would become known as the Battle of Rothn, removed all doubt that the COB was out matched by even the smallest of the Legion’s Units. During the night, under the watchful eyes of the Legion, the COB Military withdrew from Rothn once and for all. It marked the beginning of the end for the COB and the only ones that couldn’t tell was the COB leadership.

   In giving up on Rothn, the COB were forced to give up any future hopes of taking the war to Sagittarius. On the twenty four hour mark, Colonel Death's forces claimed the vital port city with no further losses. While the vast majority of COB ground units had managed to escape, the civilian lives saved proved what Colonel Death wanted to show the people of New Earth. In one major action, Colonel Death had achieved all of his objectives. More importantly public opinion started to shift in favor of the Government forces for the first time since the war began.

   The war had been shifted against the COB. For the first time since the war began, the COB they were on the defensive and on the run. The COB Air Force had been reduced to ruins. They would never take to the skies over New Earth as they once did during the height of their operations. While the bulk of the COB ground forces did escape, the loss of the equipment during the battles would hurt the COB. Most importantly without air superiority over New Earth, Government raiders were able to cut off world support thus increasing the down fall of the COB.

   Colonel Death used the media to his full advantage and allowed a pair of aides to leak a piece of fake information. With a reporter within earshot, the pair made a loose reference that a spy within the upper ranks of the COB command had made all the difference in the decisive victor at Rothn. This set the stage for a later interview where a second reporter asked Colonel Death directly about a possible spy within the COB working for the Government. Colonel Death playing off the question, denied the rumor of the spy.

   The reports of the spy fueled panic within upper military leadership of the COB. It didn’t take long for the finger pointing to begin within the highest levels of COB leadership. The more paranoid leaders started to purge suspects from their ranks. The story took on a life of its own and spawned thousands of conversations to the possible identity of the spy. Within weeks of the leak, the story had crossed New Earth like a plague undermining COB unity and moral. Never once did anyone ever imagined where the real source of information was coming from. But Lyran Intelligence knew how the Government was gaining its information on the COB and they held this information closely.

   The rumors of a high level spies was still held as modern folk lore and fueled a number of conspiracy theories for decades following the war’s end. During the war and within the COB, this story ripped open festering wounds. For the COB, Broome became overshadowed by these rumors instead of a well-planned ambushed. The bickering took to full scale infighting when it was discovered that Baroness Sara Bailey had been captured during the Battle of Broome. Baroness Bailey had been elevated to the level of martyr after her reported death due to the fact that she led her forces bravely.

   While the Government had yet to officially announce her capture, it was Baroness Eaton who had discovered the information through shrinking her spy network. The information was planned to be planted by Colonel Death, but one of Eaton’s spies discovered the information before Colonel Death was ready. Baroness Eaton saw this as an opportunity to seize the territories of the Hegemony Lancers (Baroness Bailey’s territory). As Eaton's own People's Traditional Army were gearing up to 'safe guard' the Hegemony Lancer's towns and cities on Pisces, Colonel Death issued a surprise order that shocked the COB even more.

   Colonel Death was working on a tight time table and had to keep on the move. While much of the COB political power was located on Cancer, the majority of the COB’s military was found on Pisces. Colonel Death turned to a bitter rivalry on Pisces to help win the Pisces Campaign. Colonel Death was counting on the hatred between Colonel Smith and his Commandos and the Free Farmer’s Militia. Taking those two factions out of the war would cut the COB’s over all military by a third. Not waiting on his heels, Colonel Death ordered his units to board their transports even before the COB forces had fully retreated back to Pisces. He had every intention of making this war a fully mobile war. Once more, TeleCom played a critical role in the coming battles for Pisces.

   As reports of Government movements surfaced, Baron McGray was forced to move his command to Pisces as he took personal control over the Hegemony Lancers. The move was meant to cut Baroness Eaton's takeover of the Lancers who had a deep rooted hatred for Baroness Eaton. He also had to fight to keep the COB unity together. Using her own ego against her, McGray played off her bloated ego. Baron McGray commended Eaton on sending her forces to Pisces to help secure the region from the coming Government attack. It was time for McGray to show some geopolitical genius. In a masterful stroke of skill, he worked out a uniformed combined defensive line among the COB political leaders.

   Faced with a unified line that was harder than expected to break, Colonel Death’s forces got bogged down in a slug fest that they could ill afford. In hopes of breaking this unified front from the rear, Colonel Death played the COB distrust against themselves. He ordered his heavier units to target solely the line of the Free Farmers Militia while intently sparing units belonging to the Commandos. These attacks cut deep in to the lines held by Militia units. While their numbers barely made holding the line possible, the attacks were taking their toll. Death’s lighter units under the command of Little Hawk (nicknamed, Pathfinders for their ability to get behind enemy lines) harassed other COB Factions ensuring that they could not support Militia units. As the causalities started to mount, it was clear who was carrying the lion’s share of the war. Or at least that is how it looked. This was just what Colonel Death hoped for.

   Once more, TeleCom would come in to play. Colonel Death learned of a combined attack planned by Colonel Smith and Baron McGray on a major supply and rearming site. While the location was strategically important to this campaign, shattering the COB unity on Pisces was more vital to overall victory. He issued an order to withdraw his forces to evacuate the site and take as much as they could with them. Anything left behind would be considered a battle loss. It was a massive gamble, but Colonel Death knew losing a battle today would ensure a larger victory down the road. His abilities to sense the flow of the battlefield was really starting to show.

   Units belonging to both the Hegemony Lancers and Smitty's Commandos took control of the vital airfield and supply base with nearly no effort. At the same time, the Hurricane Legion continued to hammered Militia units as well as units belonging to Baroness Eaton hard. Colonel Death ordered Captain Tetsuhara to executed deep air raids against Militia and Eaton’s supply bases. The raids were meant minimized the success of Baron McGray’s raid and caused a supply short fall among COB units. To build on the situation, Colonel Death turned to his primary weapon the Media. While the Government official denied anything about McGray’s raid. However an ‘informant’ leaked information about McGray’s raid and massively bloated the actual amount of supplies captured. Because of this short fall, Eaton ordered her units to raid a Militia supply base. It took everything McGray could do to hold the unified lines together.

   Thanks to TeleCom, Colonel Death learned of a vital off world shipment of new Battlemechs and hundreds of tons of war supplies. The vital supply shipment was meant for the Free Farmers Militia. Noting that he had to recover supplies seized during McGray’s raid, he ordered Captain Little Hawk and her Pathfinder to press deep behind enemy lines to either capture or destroy the shipment. With her mechs painted in traditional Native American war paints, Little Hawk and her Pathfinders managed to sneak nearly two hundred kilometers behind enemy lines and arrive prior to the arrival of the shipment’s arrival. This gave Colonel Death an opportunity.

   Acting against orders from Lyran Intelligence, Colonel Death planned to capture the source of this off world shipment to prove Marik’s involvement in New Earth’s Civil War. Colonel Death didn’t like the idea of sending Little Hawk on this side mission, however he knew that he had to stop the flow of resources to the COB or else risk prolonging the war. He ordered Captain Little Hawk and Pathfinders to capture the shipment.

   Acting under direct orders from Colonel Death, Little Hawk and her team captured the COB field site before the Dropships made their landings. Thanks to remarkable cover flown by Captain Tetsuhara and her fighters, a Government strike team was flown in while COB POW’s were flown out. Little Hawk and her team cleaned up the site and ensured that nothing appeared wrong during the final hours of the high risk mission. The dropship made its landing as if there was nothing wrong.

   Captain Little Hawk and her team captured the two Mule class Dropships just as they landed. Once both ships were secured, they were relocated to a government controlled supply base. Once both dropships were off loaded, Little Hawk and her team started the second phase of her mission. They rode the two Mules up to their waiting Merchant class Jumpship. The battle for the Merchant was short lived but no Marik Officers were discovered. However what they did discover aboard the Jumpship was a pair of businessmen from Skye. It wouldn’t be discovered till after the war, that these men had close ties with the Free Skye Movement. Despite the short battle and captures it would not mark the end of the Movement’s involvement in New Earth's Civil War.

   Government news releases down played the reports about the capture. However the entire COB knew about the raid and the captured supply ships. The fact that the supply base was protected by Militia units only fueled the distrust among the COB. The situation was taking its toll on the Free Farmers Militia and Baron Wells, who was demanding more supplies from the COB general stores. Supplies that simply didn’t exists. Captain Little Hawk and her Pathfinders were becoming a common name tossed around the COB Grand Council. However that wasn’t to mean that the COB was without their own hero units. Lancer Artillery since the beginning of the war had been the bane of the Government forces.

   The 23rd New Earth Regulars started the Civil War as a Company sized Artillery unit that used to be an official government unit. However at the onset of the Civil War, they joined Baron Bailey and his Hegemony Lancers. During the war, the unit grew in to a battalion sized unit and perfected their skills. By the time Colonel Death and his Hurricane Legion crossed swords with the 23rd New Earth Regulars, the 23rd had become an elite artillery unit. It was rumored that the 23rd could hit a moving mech at over twenty kilometers away. More often than not, the 23rd lived up to their reputation. So effective was the 23rd that Colonel Death was forced to change his battle plans when their location on the battlefield was reported.

   Colonel Death was reported commenting that he hated the idea of ordering the unit’s destruction due to their skill and success on the battlefield. More so Baron McGray was using the unit to their maximum effectiveness and was protecting them just as effectively. However after the 23rd forced the Government’s assault on Hollowshore (a vital central city on Pieces) to stall, Colonel Death was forced to give the order. He commanded Little Hawk to find the unit and report back to Captain Tetsuhara. It would be the last time the 23rd would slow up his march. However events within COB leadership would allow Death to revoke this order.

   Back on Aries, Baron Wells, the leader of the Free Farmers Militia, had learned of McGray’s effortless raid. The battle report (which had been altered due to TeleCom’s involvement) reflected the high degree of 'luck' that befell the Commandos and McGray during the Pieces Campaign. The whole time his own forces were suffering massive losses. Then came the news regarding Little Hawk’s deep raid and the loss of the supply ships. Baron Wells was outraged and went to confront Baron McGray and Colonel Smith during an upcoming Grand Council Meeting.

   That fateful meeting was marked as one of the very few times that Colonel Smith would travel to the COB’s fortified command center on Aries. It would also end up being his last active involvement with the COB. Tensions erupted in the COB Grand Hall between Baron Wells and Baron McGray. Voices continued to raise and anger blew out of control as Wells let loss the accusations. The meeting came to an abrupt end when Baron Wells declared that "Baron McGray was the traitor and Colonel Smith, was nothing more than McGray's cowardly lap dog."

   Colonel Smith left Aries and the COB once and for all. Once he returned to his own units back on Pisces, he led them in a full scale attack against the Militia flanks. With the opening of the second front against their rear areas, the Free Farmer's Militia found themselves fighting a battle they had no hope of winning. Colonel Death took full advantage of this new change of events as he pushed his Legion to hammer the Militia even harder. Deep raids were ordered as well as orbital combat drops to form pockets ahead of the main lines. The combined actions against the Militia sapped them of their remaining will to continue to fight. Without any hope of victory in sight, many Militia units simple gave up at the first sign of Government forces.

   Against Baron Wells’ orders, his own field commanders finally accepted terms of surrender offered by Colonel Death. What Colonel Death did next drew more public support for his cause. Instead of offering a one way ticket to a POW camp for those units that surrendered. Colonel Death offered each Militia Commander and their unit’s full medical treatment for their wounded and humane treatment. To most units that gave up the fight, he allowed them to return to their families once their weapons were surrendered. While the move was dangerous, it went even further to prove the worth of his cause. To the surprise of supporters, the Government started to see volunteers joining their cause. One such unit was the 23rd New Earth Regulars.

   While there were a few Militia units that held out and continued to fight. These units became easy pickings for the Legion's Search and Destroy Units. Those soldiers that had not surrendered when they had the chance, found themselves being taken to POW Camps across Pisces. While still treated with a great level of respect and compassion, The Camps were used by Death, through the media, to push his agenda of better to surrender than to continue fighting. Everything was done in clear view of the media to ensure that the average COB soldier knew what they could expect should they surrender.

   By mid-December, the Free Farmer's Militia was no longer a force on the battlefield. A few days later, Colonel Smith surrendered Smitty's Commandos to Colonel Death personally. It was said that the terms of surrender were discussed over a friendly and respectful conversation. One such term that brought a lot of trouble for the COB was that Smitty’s Commandos officially switched sides and started to fight alongside with the Hurricane Legion. With the Commandos officially changing sides, the battle of Pisces was all but over. With the remaining pockets of resistances on Pisces being isolated and secured the COB only had two remaining areas of influences. The end of the beginning was just coming in to focus for the COB as a new star was on the raise.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 02:29:30 AM by Akirapryde2006 »
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2015, 02:32:19 AM »

Okay so I realized that my posts were too long. Due to this sections of the posts were cut off. So I had to edit them down so that they would fit.

So what do you guys think so far? Looking for some constructive comments. :)

Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2015, 10:00:21 AM »

great story so far!


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 04:29:21 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth

By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Three: End of New Earth’s Civil War

   As the last COB units that could escape Pisces, many of the surviving Hegemony Lancers retreated to the COB’s fortress on the large island of Aries. The majority of Eaton’s forces retreated back to their territories on Cancer. Despite the majority of the COB’s political leadership, however in Baron McGray's mind while there could be no COB victory. However that didn’t that the COB couldn’t fight to reach more reasonable surrender terms. All it would take was a battle to show that the COB could still fight and win on the battlefield.

   Baron McGray knew that the Pisces Campaign was just as costly for the Government as it was for the COB. His plan was centered on both the Lancers and Eaton’s units to fight side by side. Banking on the numbers, McGray's plan called for the Eaton’s unit to conduct a moving action followed by a deep strike against Hurricane support units while his own units conducted a diversionary attack. The plan was risky but the benefit of success could change the course of the war against the Government and help in the future negotiations. The only question was, where would the Government strike next?

   Looking at the numbers, both Baron McGray and Colonel Death reviewed the last two theaters of operation. The continent of Cancer held nearly two thirds of the remaining COB forces. Some of the most die-hard supporters of the COB were located there. For Baroness Eaton, Cancer held the bulk of her power as well as the Periphery mercenary unit Darren’s Light Horse Brigade. As tempting as Cancer might appear as a target, Cancer was in the middle of its winter. Any attack on Cancer would be considered suicidal. Then there was the tropical island of Aries and the COB headquarters. While Aries only held one third of the COB Forces, some of those forces belonged the COB’s Elite Guard. Taking out Aries could cripple the COB.

   It was due to these factors, Baron McGray assumed that the Hurricane Legion and Government Forces would attack Aries. Based on this, Baron McGray sought to have as many COB units brought back to Aries and prepare for the next Government Campaign. However the COB leadership had lost faith in Baron McGray. After the massive losses the COB took on Pisces, the political leadership of the COB placed the blame on the defeat right at Baron McGray’s feet. They refused to support his unified defense plans. Instead they sent their remaining forces back to their own territories.

   This left only the COB’s Elite Guard (which was a combined arms regiment) and the remains of the Lancers to defend Aries. Baron McGray and his personal team started to lay out the defensive lines around Aries. He didn’t have enough forces to stop landings, so Baron McGray’s strategy hinged on allowing the Government to make their landings. He laid defensive lines upon lines to stall the enemy advances. Baron McGray actually thought he had considered everything in defense of the COB’s headquarters. However he never imagined that the Government wouldn’t show.

   When word came of the Government landings deep in the northern artic regions around Grober Ploner Bay. At first the reports of the Government landings were dismissed as misinformation. No one imagined that Colonel Death would lead his forces in to the heart of winter storms. However when forces under the command of Major Sirbak attacked elements of Eaton’s forces norther of Nes’Saw Pass. The short battle singled that the reports were no longer discounted. Colonel Death ordered Little Hawk and her Pathfinders to flank the pass while he led the Hurricane Legion down the center of the pass. The Battle of Nes’Saw Pass was starting to shape up.

   It was unknown to everyone at the time, Captain Little Hawk and her unit discovered an old forgotten Star League era Castle Brian. While the old Castle Brian had been picked clean centuries ago, its deep large galleries allowed Little Hawk and her unit to move swiftly through the mountain that made up the western boarder of the pass. Long after the battle between the Hurricane Legion and Eaton’s forces was joined, Little Hawk and her pathfinders exited the old Castle Brian. The battle lines had solidified and the Hurricane Legion was unable to break through the defensive lines. Captain Little Hawk found herself deep behind enemy lines. It was a perfect position to strike.

   While Colonel Death and his Hurricane Legion were battling Eaton’s forces, Colonel Death ordered the remaining of his Government forces to hit the remaining COB territories. So while the battle within the Nes’Saw Pass was joined, a series of pinch battles helped tie down other COB forces within the region. The battle plan was brilliant and denied Eaton’s forces much needed support. For Colonel Death, smashing Eaton’s power base was just as important as crushing the COB in the field. He wanted to ensure that the rest of the COB knew that even their most powerful was capable of falling before his forces.

   Hurricane Legion drove Eaton’s forces further south towards the southern entrance of the Pass as Government Forces were hammering the rest of the COB forces. Colonel Death got a pleasant surprise. Colonel Smith informed Colonel Death that two battalions of mounted cavalry arrived to lend their support to the Government’s cause. What surprised Death was that these units were coming from the Joint Island Conference. These units were actually horse mounted cavalry and no one seemed to know where to place them. However Colonel Death knew right away where to assign these units. He ordered them to link up with Captain Little Hawk and her Pathfinders.

   By the end of Cancer’s winter, Death’s Legion had pressed south. The widely successful march south was due to Captain Little Hawk and her Pathfinders. The Pathfinders were able to move along the fringes of the COB units. They reported troop movements and sizes back to the Legion. It was this steady flow of information that allowed Death to hit the COB lines where they were most vulnerable. However despite the success, Death had to deal with a crisis within the ranks of the Government senior leadership. However during the height of the Cancer Campaign, Colonel Death received word about another of his Senior Officers that risked the public image that Colonel Death had worked so hard to build.

   Before Colonel Death took public leadership of the Government and their forces, he took steps to change the image of the Government. One of the most disturbing reports he read was a Lyran Intelligence Report stating that a number of senior and mid-level officers had committed war crimes. Some of them were so extreme that they were not forgivable. In light of his own findings, Colonel Death had dozens of Government officers relieved of command and arrested pending trial after the war. Now this ugly monster had once more shown up within the ranks of the Government forces.

   Based on reports from the Western Theater, Colonel Death learned that one of his Battalion Commanders had ordered the execution of twenty COB POW’s. With his must trusted advisor and friend, Major Patrice King in command of the Eastern Theater of the Cancer Campaign, Colonel Death was left with few good options. He couldn’t pull Major King from her post and his other most trusted, officer, Major Sirbak, was a critical part of the Central Theater. Colonel Death needed an experienced field officer whom he could trust to uphold the image that he was trying to build. With little choice, Colonel Death ordered the offending officer’s arrested and placed Colonel Smith in direct command of the entire Western Theater of the Cancer Campaign. Colonel Death sent Colonel Smith with his own Smity’s Commandos to the Western Theater to take direct command.

   Colonel Smith had only joined the Government Forces two months ago and now he was leading a major Theater of operations. Before that, Colonel Smith was leading successful raids against the very troops that he was placed in command over. Many Government officers felt concerned over the move in leadership. Some went as far to express their concerns directly to Colonel Death. However to Death’s credit, he never blinked after the order was given. Despite fears and concerns, Colonel Smith led his forces to victory after victory against his former allies. Colonel Smith’s actions soon overshadowed the officer he replaced.

   With the Public Relation’s Crisis dealt with and with his two flanks pressing south once more, Colonel Death turned his Central Command towards Eaton’s Forces once more. They continued to press south with the Eaton’s own hometown of Seona in their sights. Seona is the source of Eaton’s political and military power. Colonel Death had to remove Seona from the war. However between his forces and Seona stood Darren’s Light Horse Brigade and what remained of Eaton’s own forces. The battle was set three days east by south east of present day Fort Galene.

   Along the banks of the Gamil River, Colonel Death’s Hurricane Legion marched towards the COB’s final defensive lines while Little Hawk and her Pathfinders ran wide to the south among the ridges that made up the Gamil River Valley. The Hurricane Legion, with fresh recruits filling the unit up beyond its original size was out numbering the COB forces in the region almost three to one. Thanks to the Pathfinders, Colonel Death was able to pick off isolated COB units while pinning down larger units.

   Colonel Death’s tactic was in rushing the COB’s lines through weak holes that the Pathfinders discovered. Surrounding larger units and cutting them off while blasting smaller units to dust. Once his Hurricane Legion encircled the larger units, he would use his skills as a brutal grudge pilot to smash the lesser skilled pilots of the COB. One thing that Colonel Death was hoping for was forcing the COB pilots to surrender with little or no battle damage. Colonel Death wanted battle salvage to reinforce his own units. But what no one suspected was how desperately the COB really was in stopping the government offensive.

   Behind the enemy lines, Little Hawk’s Pathfinders reported a buildup of COB units. It appeared that Eaton was pulling her political resources to build up a massive counter offensive. Reports from the Eastern and Western Fronts seemed to confirm this. What troubled Colonel Death the most was that Darren’s Light Horse Brigade would be leading this counter offensive. As reports of more COB troops moving north along the river from Seona came in. Colonel Death ordered Captain Tetsuhara to unleash her fighters on the barges moving up the river. During this time, Lyran Intelligence learned that Colonel Death and Major Sirbak held a secret meeting with a pair of shadowy figures. While the identity of these two figures remain shrouded in secrecy, it is suspected that this was the first meeting between Colonel Death and the New Earth Partisans.

   As the COB units continued to build up, Colonel Death divided up his Hurricane Legion in to three brigades. Taking command of the 1st Brigade, he planned to smash the center of the COB lines. He ordered Major Sirbak and the 3rd Brigade to move across the Gamil River and anchor the attack from the southern banks. He ordered Major Adam Jackson (a longtime supporter and friend from Solaris) and the 2nd Brigade to move north of the battlefield. Colonel Death’s plan was to tie down the heart of the COB forces while the 2nd Brigade would flank them from the north.

   While this massive battle was taking place, Major Sirbak’s 3rd Brigade with support from the Pathfinders would move pass the battle and hit the rear elements of the COB forces. Colonel Death was hoping that Major Sirbak could conduct a deep raid and smash COB supply bases near Seona. This battle was going to be for everything. To ensure success, Colonel Death was placing all of his units on the line. Failure would not be an option. If the COB could be defeated in the field and their supplies crushed, then Cancer was as sure as won. However Baroness Eaton and Major Christian Darren, commander of Darren's Light Horse Brigade, came up with a devilish plan to stop Colonel Death and his Hurricane Legion in their tracks.

   It quickly became clear that the new conscription troops that Eaton was forcing in to the battle stood little hope against the might of the experienced Hurricane Legion. Even with the support and training from Darren's Light Horse Brigade the COB simply didn't have any hopes of standing against the Legion and the Government Forces. Eaton knew that it was just a matter of time before the experience gap grew too great to overcome. She knew that the battle would be lost unless she used extreme means to crush the Government. Without knowledge of the other COB Members, Eaton and Major Darren devised a ruthless plan that called upon her own troops being used as bait to lure the Government in to one massive battle. Using her influence within the COB she convinced the others to loan her the core of their own units to take part in this grand battle that would win back all that they lost. Little did anyone know, this single battle would cost the COB the war.

   While Eaton could only rally limited support from her fellow COB members, it was enough to make the difference. Eaton’s plan also weakened the lines across the entire Cancer Campaign. This gave both the Eastern and Western Theaters a surprising opportunity to push even deeper in to COB controlled territory. An opportunity that both Major King and Colonel Smith took with Colonel Death's blessings. These new thrusts pushed COB units on Cancer to their breaking point. It also pressed the Government supplies and support lines to their breaking points. Which was all part of Eaton’s plan to prepare the Government for their first major defeat.

   The battle was joined as elements of the Hurricane Legion clashed with the might of the COB just north of the Gamil River Delta. The Battle of the Gamil River Delta would be the single largest battle of the war. Tens of thousands of troops, hundreds of tanks and nearly a hundred Battlemechs clashed. Despite being at a nearly two to one disadvantage, Colonel Death’s tactics was more than making up for the COB’s higher numbers. The Hurricane Legion fought desperately to hold the lines as heavy missiles from Darren’s Light Horse Brigade rained down upon them. Major Darren ordered up his reinforcements as the battle reached its tipping point. It was time for Darren’s Light Horse Brigade to unleash their secret weapon.

   Major Darren ordered the next wave of missile attacks to be targeted in to the heart of the front lines. Missiles rained down on Government troops as well as COB units. The units launching the missiles didn’t realize what they loaded with at the time of the battle. To everyone's horror, mixed within those missiles were Davy Crockett Nuclear Warheads. Once the wave was launched, it was too late for anyone to escape the coming horrors. The death toll of the Battle of the Gamil River Delta surpassed all other battles during the entire civil war. Many historians claim that this single battle claimed more lives than any other single military battle on New Earth.

   The chaos caused by the ruthless attack forced the battle in to a grinding halt. Both sides lacked the ability to continue the battle. Major Darren ordered his Light Horse Brigade in to the battle. The attack had both the Hurricane Legion and their COB enemies railing. Despite showing remarkable leadership, Colonel Death couldn’t organize his unit. The Hurricane Legion was unable to form up any kind of defensive line. Watching the final stages of the battle unfold, Captain Little Hawk pressed her Pathfinders in to action. Fueled by rage after witnessing their fellow Legionaries succumb to the ruthless attack, the Pathfinders slammed in to the flanks of the Darren’s Light Horse Brigade. The ruthless surprise attack from the Pathfinders forced the Darren’s Light Horse Brigade to withdraw from the battlefield.

    In the wake of the Battle of the Gamil River Delta, Hurricane Legion was forced to halt their advance on Seona. In a show of compassion, Colonel Death ordered up as much medical supplies for all the wounded of the battle. Even the very soldiers who launched the deadly attack were given humane medical treatment. In reaction to the deadly attack, COB forces across the entire Cancer Theater started to surrender. It was if their will to continue the war gave out. For Colonel Death, the Battle of the Gamil River Delta took its toll on him. Colonel Death took a week long sabbatical away from the battlefields of the Civil War. Colonel Death traveled with his girlfriend, Karen Tetushara, to the city of Eamonn. During their visit to Eamonn, the couple converted to Islam.

   Renewed after his spiritual trip to Eamonn, Colonel Death stepped back in to command of the Hurricane Legion. During the final hours of the Cancer Campaign, the local COB commanders surrendered to the Colonel Death. The final surrenders of the campaign was carried out in the city of Seona. To the surprise of the Government leaders, Cancer Campaign came to an abrupt end. Unlike Pisces, where there separate COB units continued to fight months after last major battle had been lost. With both Pisces and Cancer soundly in the control of the Government, the sun had set on any hope of a COB victory.

   Across New Earth, there was a raising sense of hope for the future. It was filled with this sense of hope that drove more and more recruits to join up with the Government to help bring an end to the war. The New Earth media pushed Colonel Death's message to the people of New Earth. That it was this a time for healing. But he made it clear that the COB must end its military operations before that healing can happen. One thing that most citizens of New Earth noticed was a difference between Colonel Death and the COB or former rulers of New Earth. He refused to be addressed as Baron Death, which was his official title within the Commonwealth's Nobility. He walked among his troops. Sleep in the same kind of tents as they did. For the rest of his followers, Jake Death was just one of the guys.

   Colonel Death embraced the common military title that he held, but when it came to political meetings he often asked members of his cabinet to address him as Colonel Death or simply Colonel. During the two major campaigns, he ventured from his headquarters and made a point to take the time to listen to the average person of New Earth. It was expected that he met with local leaders but he also attended local town hall meetings. This level of openness left him open to at least two COB backed assassination attempts. Still, he never closed his doors to those who wished speak to him about the future of New Earth. It was because of this that the people of New Earth rushed to embrace him.

   So when word of the Battle of the Gamil River Delta started to spread, citizens from across Cancer started to show up with whatever they thought could help. To the surprise of everyone within the Government and the Hurricane Legion, the people of New Earth rose to the need of their leader. Within days a steady flow of support and food was pouring in to help the Government forces in the field. For them, they saw Colonel Death and his Legionaries as their own and they were ready to come out in support.

   Still the war was not over yet and Colonel Death's forces were still licking their wounds from the brutal Battle of the Gamil River Delta. He needed time to rest his forces and to bring up new troops. However the clock was ticking away and each minute that passed allowed the COB to dig in on the Island of Aires. He turned direct command of the invasion of Aires over to his right hand officer, newly promoted Colonel Patrice King. At the same time Colonel Death flew back to the Capital to help recruit new troops. Colonel King ordered a round the clock bombardment of Aires from naval units.

   With the help of the JIC, nearby islands were easily captured from COB forces. Colonel King established her headquarters at a COB training base, Camp Clearwater. It was from this critical base that Colonel King planned and plotted the end of the COB. She ordered round the clock raids by air unit and artillery bombardments. At the same time naval units of the Government sealed off Aires from the rest of New Earth. The end of the COB had come.

   The only break during the bombardment came at noon each day. Colonel King sent a message to the COB and anyone listening that anyone wishing to leave the island may do so during this one hour break. The move saved thousands of civilian lives and also allowed for deserters from COB units to sneak away. Captain Little Hawk and her few remaining Pathfinders snuck on to Aires to start mapping out critical COB facilities. However they ended up helping civilians escape Aires and locate key deserters. By the end of the week, Government accounts put the number of deserters at nearly a twenty soldiers a day. The crisis for the COB was so bad that COB Officers had to burn remaining boats so that their own troops would not flee their posts.

   Even with wide scale desertions from most of the faithless, there were still many true believers who held on to the dream of a COB victory. Government estimates placed the numbers of COB forces on Aries as a Mech Battalion, several armor companies and three infantry regiments. These units were made up largely of individual units that had managed to escape to the fortified island prior to the blockade taking effect. Beyond these battered units, there were the fanatical loyal COB Elite Guard. The COB Elite Guard was estimated at two elite Mech Companies, and an elite Infantry regiment.

   Regardless of what plan the Government took, it would be very hard to take the island by force. All military logic called on the Government to tighten the blockade and wait out the COB. However Colonel Death didn’t have the luxury of time. It had been a long hard fought road and the end was clearly insight. And it was time to end this war right here and now. He had little options if he was not willing to lose all that he worked for so far. Colonel Death flew out to King’s headquarters and surveyed the situation personally. Even from this distance, he could still see the high mountain that made up the COB’s Castle Brian headquarters. It was a formidable structure and a nearly impossible nut to crack. He called a meeting of his top advisors to form a plan.

   Against all of their advice in waiting out the COB, Colonel laid the ground work for an invasion of Aries. Not willing to put his own troops in harm’s way while he remained safely behind friendly lines, Colonel Death placed his own unit at the spear point of his operation. His plan called for a massive attack near the massive city of Balitor and the center of the population of Aires. He knew that Balitor would be a nasty city battle. But in taking Balitor Death would have access to the vital port facilities.

   Death’s ambitious plan called for well over half of all Government Mech forces as well as nearly all Government air units for the invasions. While Colonel Death laid out the overall ground work for the invasion plans, some of the finer details of the plan were created by Colonel King. The only problem with the plan was COB’s thick anti-air defenses. Because of this, the use of dropships would be limited only once key sites around Balitor were secured by government forces. This meant that the Government had to put troops on the island the old fashion way, beachhead landings.

   With this in mind, four beachheads were identify for the landings. At the heart of the plan, Colonel Death called for Captain Little Hawk to lead a daring raid on the COB's communication antenna aerial located at the top of Mt Aires. The theory was, kill the COB's ability to communicate and slow their ability to react in time to stop the landings. Despite only having a few troopers available for this plan, Little Hawk accepted the mission with a sense of devotion and pride. She promised that the antenna would be taken down before the government landings were to take place.

   Colonel Death’s and King’s overall plan called for four Battlemech companies and eight jump infantry companies to be grouped in to four independent task forces and assigned separate beachhead. Before the landings were to begin, groups of anti-mech squads and Special Forces would be air dropped under the cover of night to block bridges and further slow the COB’s response to the invasion. These elite units would be led by recently promoted Major Little Hawk and her Pathfinders. Despite the complexity of the plan, Colonel Death insisted. The disputes over his plan raged within Colonel Death’s command group. To the faithful, blind devotion to the plan and the man who created it was the order of the day. However to many of the Government officers, their lack of faith was seen in the disputes.

   To gain support for his plan, Colonel Death organized his most faithful in to a single Combine Arms Battalion. He named his battalion Death’s Brigade. Deciding that faith in him was to be earned, he choose the beachhead with this highest risk. The beach head was dubbed Cyprus Beach after the populated city nearby. The area was guarded by the some of the most loyal COB units. The highest degree of losses were estimated to take place on Cyprus Beach. Turing to his officers, he proclaimed that he would personally lead the landing on this beach.

   A last minute intelligence update regarding the heart of Aries gave support to Death’s rebellious commanders. At the heart of Aries was not just any normal mountain Castle Brain complex. The remarkable complex was the legendary former headquarters of the Star League Defense Force. The update came with detailed maps, images of defensive positions, entry points, and even detailed vents long forgotten by the current COB occupiers of the complex. Along with these maps were detailed personal files of unit commanders and unit strengths. The level of details in the package was so surprising that many within the Government command structure suspected it to be a clever COB plant.

   The Intelligence information came from an unreported source that to this day has remained a highly guarded secret and point of conspiracy theories. Some within Lyran Intelligence suspect that this information was provided by a New Earth Partisan spy within the COB ranks. However the most common theories claim that the former military advisor and honorary Baron, Colonel Smith provided the information. This theory is discredited by the fact that Colonel Smith never really explored the complex. Another common theory was that after enduring interrogation, Sara Bailey gave up the information. However there has never been any evidence that Baily was ever interrogated during her time as a POW.

   Regardless of the source of this intelligence information, it was a cache for the Government. Luckily for the Government, the advanced weapons systems of the complex had long been removed after the fall of the Star League. However that didn’t mean that the complex was weak. The COB had vested millions of C-Bills in to blustering the weapon systems of the base. The package included dates of when each weapon system was installed and listed the names of the personal who were in charge of them. Even with this information package, faith in Colonel Death’s plan didn’t grow. If the COB retreated in to the complex, than rooting them out would take weeks if not months.

   Colonel Death made a critical change to his plan. He decided to add to the Pathfinders mission a new goal. Armed with the pass codes given in the Intel Package, they were to capture the Central Control Center of the Complex. Once they had secured the Central Control Center, the Pathfinder team would override all the outer doors leading to the complex and seal them. Once the complex was sealed, the Pathfinders would hunt down key officers within the complex. The majority of the COB forces would be trapped outside the complex. Within confidence, Colonel Death said that this was going to be the Hurricane Legion’s finest hours to date. What he didn’t expect was the withering moral of the COB forces.

   The mission was planned to begin at 0230, however due to last minute problems with two of the dropships, the actual first combat drops didn't start till three hours later. This pushed back the landing in to the dangerous hours of morning. The COB Artillery units would be able to make short work of the landing ships while they were off loading their troops and equipment. Even before the mission begin, it was already looking as if failure was unavoidable. Even with the clock pushing him, Colonel Death was not about to throw his troops in to the middle of a for sure death trap.

   As reports from the first Pathfinder teams came in, Colonel Death set in his Warhammer ready to board his own landing craft on the island of Batbatan. He was troubled with a heavy heart as he looked out at the rising sun. With surprise nearly lost and with loss of his bet at hand, Colonel Death was about to call off the mission. However a report from Major Little Hawk changed the situation completely. Her platoon of Pathfinders had captured the entire spaceport complex without firing a shot. It appeared that the will of the COB had finally be broken and their soldiers were laying down their arms even before the invasion had begun.

   The story was made clear by a report filed by Major Little Hawk: "Sir, be advised, that we were detected by a random patrol. As we prepared to eliminate the patrol, they surrendered to us. Shortly thereafter, they led us to the spaceport where the spaceport commander then surrendered his command of four hundred plus soldiers. I don't know how to explain this, but the troops keep walking up to our position here at the spaceport with the intention of surrender. We currently have almost a thousand POW's and are reaching a point that we will no longer be able to control this situation. Please offer advice and issue further instructions."

   Colonel Death jumped on the news as he ordered his own task force to be dropped directly at the spaceport so that he could see with his own eyes what was going on. He informed all of his other units to hold their ready positions and wait for further orders. He also ordered all bombardments to be placed on hold and ordered his air force to fly over watch. By the time his Death’s Brigade arrived at the spaceport, Major Little Hawk had nearly fifteen hundred POW's secured in a hanger. Most notably was Major Kyle Stagg, the second in command of the COB Elite Guard. The man calmly walked forward to meet Colonel Death under the watchful eye of Major Little Hawk and her Pathfinders.

   The following statement had been recorded in New Earth History books as the moment that over a decade of killing and fighting had come to an end. With his hand out reached to Colonel Death Major Stagg greeted with, "Sir, I am pleased to inform you that the COB military commanders have all agreed that this war is lost. Our former masters are secured under guard within the Grand COB Council Chamber. You fought a well-planned war, and have my respect. I humbly ask of you, stay your bombs and spare the rest of our troops. Please accept our complete and total surrender."

   And on that note, the New Earth Civil War was officially over. Colonel Death took Major Stagg's hand and ended the war. Within hours the Former COB Leaders, David Carter, Robert Wells, Steven Schatz were all placed in to custody by Government Forces. The mentally unstable Stacy Johns was taken by medical specialists for treatment. The universally hated Renee' Eaton and her lover Colonel Darren were identify and captured as they tried to pass themselves off as low ranking officers. Eaton was spotted and exposed by her own troops while attempting to sneak through a POW camp. It was rumored that she was ousted by a former soldier and survivors of the Battle of the Gamil River Delta.

   The Supreme Baron of the Council of Barons, Baron David McGray and his elite bodyguards were capture in a nearby cave. They were attempting to hide a valuable Lost-Tech Core, which the COB had found sometime during the civil war, when a Government patrol stumbled upon the group. With the COB leadership all behind bars and their Military Commanders ordering a general surrender, the Civil War was finally at an end. And not a moment too soon. The road to victory for New Earth, for the Government and for the COB had been long and hard fought. For Colonel Death, the war came to an official end on the 364th day that he had been on world. With only a single day before the end of his agreement with the Commonwealth, Colonel Death had won his bet.

   The weeks following the end of the Civil War, the issues and goals of reconstruction were able to be addressed. Traveling across New Earth, Colonel Death first set down with hundreds local leaders. Leaders from both former COB governments as well as Government supporters were included in these talks. Being an outsider of the conflict allowed Colonel Death to forward an inclusive agenda. His major agenda for New Earth was healing the rifts caused by the war as well as the reason behind the war in the first place.

   To make sure that this agenda is taken seriously, he named one hundred of these leaders to make up a governing body that would take on the difficult challenges of reconstruction. He took one quarter of the leaders from former Government supporters, one quarter of them would come from former COB supporters. In a surprising move, he asked for one quarter to come from the Joint Island Conference. The last quarter would be made up of persons that directly supported his dreams and goals for New Earth.

   This new body would be seated by appointments at first while a new constitution for New Earth was hammered out. As the government was being formed, Colonel Death announced open elections in November of 3031. It was Colonel Death’s goal to get the government formed before seating elected officials. While elections were not uncommon on New Earth, what was special was it would be the first time that the elected body of New Earth would directly control the course of the world and the system as a whole. Weeks and months after the end of the war, Colonel Death had his critics. Many didn’t believe that Colonel Death would give up power after he spent nearly a year fighting for it.

   However, to the surprise of supporters and critics alike, Colonel Death stepped back from the Government while the appointed members took to building the New Earth Constitution. Instead, Colonel Death was able to focus his efforts on another crisis facing New Earth. With the end of New Earth's Civil War, there were some fifty thousand COB soldiers being held by the Government in POW Camps across New Earth. There were also an unreported number of former COB supporters and enemies of the state being held as political prisoners.

   Colonel Death's first move was to start the process of clearing former COB soldiers to return home. But he needed time so not to flood local communities and also he had something big planned. He ordered that each POW and political prisoner would transition through Fort Nicolaus. A massive temporary POW camp was built there at the Fort. To make up for time, under his orders, each soldier would be medically cleared prior to release. The move was a curious one because many had thought that at the end of the war, the gates of the POW camps would be flung open and these prisoners would be forced to fend for themselves. This was far from what Colonel Death had in mind. He worked closely with the appointed members of New Earth’s Government behind closed doors.

   Three months after the end of the war and with the last of the medical exams completed, the Government announced that the releases were ready to begin. With the entire world watching, Colonel called the single largest massing of New Earth’s Military for a dedication ceremony. He also ordered that all COB POW’s be brought to the site of the dedication. It took days to form up the massive gathering of COB and Government soldiers. Flanked by his own Death’s Brigade Colonel Death addressed nearly a quarter million government troops, former COB troops, as well as his own Hurricane Legion. Beyond the massive gathering of soldiers were family members that had been flown in from across New Earth.

   No one knew what was going on. There were fears of what reprisals this new Baron of New Earth might have in mind. To their credit, the organizers and planners of the event kept Colonel Death’s secret. It was a cold fall morning with a thin layer of snow on the ground. It was time for Colonel Death to reveal the secret that had brought so many to the outskirts of New Earth’s Capital, Wiedergeburt. Colonel Death revealed a grand memorial park in honor of the men and women who gave their lives for a brighter and bolder future to New Earth.

   In his speech, Colonel Death won the hearts and mind of the people of New Earth. "The war had been fought. Despite what many may say, you were on the wrong side. The poison that caused this horrible Civil War was at the top of both sides. Not one of you has anything to be ashamed of. You fought for what you believed in. You bleed for your hopes and dreams. And now that war is over and here we all stand. Not as enemies but as New Earthers. Each of us has bleed for this world. What we decide today will echo across history. But our roles need not come to an end here on this day.

   â€œBefore each of us are three options for a future. We can decide to just go home, rejoin your local communities and families. Help us, back home, to rebuild our world by rebuilding our shattered communities and broken families. Only through the rebuilding of these communities can we rebuild our world as a whole. It is within these communities that a solid foundation can be formed. From this foundation, can we build a better New Earth for our families. Without these communities, no central government and no future for New Earth can come to pass. Become law abiding and productive citizens to our world, our home. The very same that we all have fought and bleed for just a few months before."

   "If this is not for you, and I am sure that some of you might find this to be true. Then I ask of you, please join the political structure and help us shape a future for our world. Right now, we are building a government and preparing for elections that will springboard New Earth in to a new era of promise and hope. But without your help, this new Government will not have the passion that you have already proven to have. No one that I can think of has any more of a right to have a place within this new Government than those standing before me right now.

   â€œFor those of you before me, both former COB and Government have fought and given our hearts to this world. I understand that the choice of fighting might not had been the choice of free will for some of you. But that didn’t change the fact that you took to your task with courage and bravery. You are the kind of people we need in our new Government. Those whose first choice isn’t going to war, but understands the horrors that comes with war. With the past behind us, we all have a chance serve and support New Earth during this time of transition. Still, I am sure that this role is not for everyone."

   "Like me, I am sure that some of you will hear the call of that bugle on some distant world. We are drawn to the sounds and smells of war like moths to a flame. We are the warriors that will pick up arms in defense of what the rest of you will be building here at home. Our paths like the new flag that will represent New Earth, will lead us through the darkness. Pathed with the blood of enemies and friends alike and bring us in to the light of a brighter future. A brighter future that those of you who have taken up the challenge will create. So for those like me, with a warrior’s heart I offer you this.

   â€œReenlist as a soldier once more. No not to fight against each other, but to defend what those around us are building here at home. For there will be those who are jealous of our success. Those who will wish to take what we have worked so hard for. Those who will wish to threaten the peace and safety of our families. Come follow me in to battle once more within the Hurricane Legion or stay closer to home and help Colonel John Smith and Major Kyle Stagg to protect New Earth from all threats. For each of these two noble paths will bring honor to our families and prosperity to our world.

   â€œNo matter what you choose in the future, take with you these words. No longer Divided, We are One, We are New Earth. So now, I official release each of you from your service and commitments to which ever faction you fought for during the war. Return home with all the honor and pride that each of you have earned through your loyal service to New Earth as a whole. Enjoy the benefits that any honored veteran deserves and that EACH OF YOU have so dearly earned. Take time to consider your own future and where in the future New Earth you wish to stand. Return to public service if you desire or remain within your local communities to help rebuid."

   At the end of his speech, Colonel Death opened up the massive memorial park in honor of all those who gave their lives during New Earth’s Civil War. The memorial statues in the center of the park was set of marble stones cut low and slanted towards the center. On these large low marble stones were lists of names along with their hometowns of every person who died during the civil war. Gray tags marked those groups of names that were soldiers or mercenaries. Blue tag marked the names of civilians that had died as a result of the war. While green tags marked those who were murdered while in prison as a political prisoner. It was the gold tags that marked the soldiers of the war. To everyone’s surprise, there were no indication of which side a name supported.

   In the center of the memorial was a pair of soldiers reaching out to each other in friendship with their weapons on their backs. One soldier was cast in the uniform of the Government whild the other soldier dressed in a COB uniform. The artiest that cast the three ton bronze statue called the work of art, 'At War's End'. The iconic image was of many scenes on Aries at the end of the war. A plaque at the base of the statue read, 'With communities and families no longer divided, let us never forget that it is what we have in common that give us the strength to build tomorrow. Let us never forget that we are one people, one community, and one world.' a passage written and read by former COB Commander Kyle Stagg at the official COB surrender ceremony.

   As the year came to a close Colonel Death would preside over six more separate memorials to honor different groups that were affected by the civil war. Even the Mercenaries who took up contracts for both sides would have their dead honored at one of these memorials within the massive park complex. The Park, which would become more commonly known as, Memorial Park, would take its place in history of where the healing would begin. It would later become public knowledge that Colonel Death and the Hurricane Legion paid for the construction of the entire park out of their own pockets.
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2015, 07:34:43 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Four: Reconstruction and The Rift

   The years following the end of the Civil War were focused on the reconstruction of New Earth. New Earth was once more left to heal as war engulfed the region. However this time, it was not left alone. In fact, for the first time since the fall of the Terrain Hegemony, New Earth was not only visited by the powers who controlled it, but enjoyed repeated visits by House Nobility. Both Archon-Designate Melissa Stainer-Davion and her new Husband, Prince Hanse Davion both paid a number of royal visits to the world as they passed through the Skye March. In a rare event and at special invitation of the newly formed and organized New Earth Senate, both powerful House Lords were on world to oversee the freely elected planetary leader of New Earth. It was a moment in New Earth's history and one that would solidify New Earth's support behind couple and their children for years to come.

   While there were elected leader of New Earth throughout its history. Since the fall of the Terran Hegemony, elections had become a thing of the past. In fact most worlds had appointed leaders ruling over them. These coming elections were a throwback to the days of the Hegemony that returned governing power back to the people of New Earth. The elections of 3032 showed a major landslide victory for Colonel Jake Death. He would become New Earth's first President and under his watchful eye, New Earth would see its first growth both economically and culturally in centuries. One if his first official act as President was to help heal the scares of the past, President Death decommissioned the naval battleship Bizmark.

   The Bizmark had earned notoriety and infamy during the Civil War for shelling helpless villages that refused to aid pro-government forces. During the Bloodletting years, the Bizmark was responsible for sinking hundreds of fishing vessels and shelling fishing communities without regard.  Critics wanted to see the aging warship sent to the scrapyards to be scrapped. However President Death choose to save the old veteran which he dubbed, 'the Ole Lady' during the decommissioning speech. He outlined his plan to send the massive warship to the shipyards of Aries to be refitted. There the Ole Lady and many of her Civil War counter parts would become the center piece of a living museum.

   During that same decommissioning speech, he did not dispute the claims that the Bizmark's massive guns rained death down on civilians. But he reaffirmed his belief that every warrior should be given a chance to earn redemption, and the Bizmark was no exception. In an interview after the first controversial act he said, "We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Who knows, the Ole Lady might find a chance to redeem herself in the eyes of the people of New Earth." He also made a point to reflect how the Bizmark represented how the military can lose sight of his mission to protect the innocent people of New Earth. He promised that the lessons of Bizmark will not be forgotten by New Earth’s new military.

   While President Death was taking up his role as President, there were also some notable elections across New Earth. Former COB Baroness Sara Bailey, with her soothing and intellectual voice, was elected to the Vice Presidency. Of the many former COB midlevel leaders elected to public office, none was as shocking as those of Baron McGray. The former Supreme Baron of New Earth, David McGray, had survived a long trail against him. While the courts couldn’t find any direct links between McGray and the numerous crimes the COB had committed, he lacked public support in his bid for the Presidency.

   After his soundly defeat in planetary polls, McGray turned his efforts to helping rebuild New Earth. During the final year of the Civil War, McGray vested a large amount of time and resources in fighting for the future of New Earth. After the elections of 3032, McGray found a place in President Deaths Cabinet as an Under Secretary for New Earth Reform and Reconstruction. The relationship of the two rivals would always be stressed. Behind closed doors, the two were known for loud spirited arguments over the future of New Earth. However before the public, the two never lose sight of cooperation. The position would be temporary as a couple of years later and after dedicated service to President Death’s administration, McGray would be elected to the New Earth Senate. 

   During McGray’s campaign, President Death gave McGray a sounding endorsement citing the work McGray had done for New Earth. As a show of acknowledgment for his current work, President Death pushed through New Earth’s first major civilian award. David McGray was given the Nickolas Bailey Civil Service Award. The award was created by an act of New Earth’s Senate to reflect the work by special New Earth citizens for their devotion to the future of New Earth. After his election to the Senate, McGray would be appointed to the Senate Reform and Reconstruction Committee where he would continue to work closely with the office of the Presidency for the future of New Earth.

   Two other noteworthy appointments were that of Colonel John Smith and Major Kyle Stagg to the head of the officially formed New Earth Defense Force (NEDF). After the Civil War, there was a great exodus of soldiers who were pressed in to service leaving the military. Over coming two decades of mistrust for armed soldiers and corrupt leaders was no easy task for the two men. As the numbers of the Government forces dropped, the two former COB military leaders were pressed hard to maintain minimum manning levels. However with unemployment still high and educations lacking across the planet, Major Stagg came up with a brilliant idea. After the New Earth Senate approved the measure, the Military Civil Construction Incentive or MCCI was born.

   Communities would donate a number of workers to the military as the NEDF would fund community construction projects. Within months of passage, the Civil Construction Incentive was heading up projects around New Earth. Schools, roads, hospitals and bridges were either repaired or rebuilt under this program. Where there was a MCCI project, flapping in the wind above was the Battle Standard of the newly formed NEDF. Major Stagg’s wishes was to change the image of the military from what the past had proven to the promise of a new military bent on helping New Earth instead of hurting its citizens. The single most important role of the MCCI was to clear the millions of land mines planted by both sides during the war. A task that would take nearly a decade to complete.

   The next four years moved painfully slow as reconstruction across New Earth continued. Still the focus of so many former enemies were of working towards the common goal of rebuilding New Earth. However this didn’t bring an end to two decades of mistrust between neighbors. This time of growth and healing was marred by acts of revenge and vigilantism. To counter this new threat to New Earth unity, the Senate created the New Earth Global Military Police. This police force was tasked with investigating claims by communities against someone. Suspects were brought in before the public and investigations were carried out. Those who were considered war criminal were taken to trial. While the innocent were cleared of wrong doing.

   The most famous case was that of Agostino Ivanov. Agostino Ivanov was identified as being the camp commander of one of the Governments most infamous death camps. The camp was shot down within hours of Jake Death arriving in system but its commander vanished without a trace before Hurricane forces could arrest the man. Mr. Ivanov, a doctor living with his two children and wife, denied being this horrible man. A group of vigilantes broke in to his home and dragged him from his home before his family. Under a tree in his own front yard, a mock trial was held and he was sentenced to death by some of his supposed victims. The GMP arrived just in time to stop the hanging and took Mr. Ivanov in to custody. Those behind the mock trial were also arrested at the time.

   A yearlong investigation finally cleared Mr. Ivanov’s name. The leader of the GMP made sure that the case and the investigation was made clear to the public. Mr. Ivanov’s family toured New Earth speaking about how their father and husband was nearly murdered for crimes he didn’t commit. The investigation also revealed that a large number of former Government officials who had committed war crimes had fled the world with their former leader, Baron Kilt. With the case of Mr. Ivanov, the New Earth’s Global Military Police had helped defuse the rising wave of vigilantism. It was a major success story of the GMP. Five years later Bettina Ivanov, the daughter of Mr. Ivanov, joined the ranks of the New Earth Global Military Police as an investigator.
   As reconstruction continued New Earth became cash strapped. By request of the New Earth Senate, a massive influx of C-Bills came when Comstar released former off world assets that once belonged to many COB leaders. Another boost came when the New Earth Senate voted to sell access of the Lost-Tech Core to the New Avalon Institute of Science. More importantly than this cash deal was that this deal also brought a branch campus of the NAIS to New Earth. President Death was also able to successfully lobby the Federated Commonwealth for trillions of C-bills in reconstruction grants and loans over the next ten years. These events as well as other helped to bring much needed reconstruction funds and resources to New Earth.

   With New Earth's government working towards reconstruction, a new face started to make common appearances within the business world of New Earth. Karen Tetsuhara-Death had worked closely with Jake Death back on Solaris VII as he was forming his Hurricane Stables. During this time, she served as his lead Tech for the entire Stables. In the beginning, she was the only Tech the stables had. As the stables expanded, she became the Stables Senior Tech. As time passed, the two formed a strong intimate relationship. It was because of this relationship, she and her sister followed him to New Earth.

   Serving alongside her lover and later husband on the front lines during the Civil War gave Karen Tetsuhara-Death a strong insight in to battlefield technical support. She often accompanied combat teams in to battle to assist with battlefield repairs on critical equipment. Two times during the civil war, she was wounded as a result of being on the front lines. Despite his urgings, Karen never changed how she conducted her tech teams. During her time serving as the Master-Tech for the Headquarters’ unit gave her first hand dealings with troops in the field and how her modifications actually effected the results of combat. Karen Tetsuhara-Death took this valuable knowledge and worked hard to organize and founded the corporation, Quantum Tech.

   In the beginning, there were claims of unfair access directed at the office of the President and the CEO of Quantum Tech. Because of these claims, First Lady Death allowed her corporation to be closely over seen by a special Senate oversight committee. This oversight didn’t stifle the new corporation as it continued to grow within New Earth’s business world. It wasn’t long before Quantum Tech became a well-known name within the New Earth Defense Industry. More so, her competitors came to realize that not only was First Lady Death a very intelligent woman, she was a cunning business woman with a keen mind for the corporate world. This shocked and surprised her competitors who had hoped to take advantage of her in the first years her company was formed.

   Quantum Tech worked closely with the NAIS to help unlock the secrets of the Lost-Tech Core which was recovered during the final days of the Civil War. They also worked on rebuilding a number of burned out factories across New Earth. In the early days of Quantum Tech, the corporation started small working on low tech projects to secure portions of the market share while feeding its advanced research departments. In her book called, 'Low Tech Victory,' First Lady Death explained that while in nearly every situation, the COB had both more numbers on the battlefield and better equipment but the Government Forces were able to overcome this through clever low tech options. Her book also explained how she and her techs formed a strong personal relationship with the soldiers that they were supporting.

   Because of this relationship, she and her techs were able to move ideas from the drawing board to the battlefield much faster than before. While there were a number of disappointing ideas explained in her book, she drew light to the critical success stories. However the single most important advantage that she boasted from the Civil War was the relationship that she fostered between her techs and the units that they supported. Instead of creating support bases far in the rear where her teams would be most safe and most separated from the units that they supported, First Lady Death had decided that her techs would be stationed as close to the front lines as possible. Unlike some leaders, Karen Tetsuhara-Death led her techs by example. Often following her husband’s unit in to combat. This earned her a large degree of respect and support from her techs and other soldiers.

   Following her lead, her teams trained in basic combat situations to prepare themselves for the field of war. While some of her techs hated this new change, most of her techs and common soldiers praised the move as it gave them direct access to each other. Through this close relationship ‘battlefield changes’ were able to be made much quicker on new equipment. Bad ideas were able to be removed much faster. And even small things like creature comforts for the common soldier were possible. This had a massive positive effect on the moral of the common Government Soldier.

   While other weapon developments would take center stage in her book, one invention would be noted for the single greatest moral buster of the Civil War. A pair of techs and a group of soldiers created a simple solution to frozen latrine during the Cancer Campaign. When COB POW’s discovered the little innovation, they were surprised at it. Most of the latrines in COB field bases were often frozen over making the simple task of going to the restroom miserable. An innovation that Karen Tetsuhara-Death noted would not have been possible without the special relationship formed between her techs and the common soldier.

   Another success story that had more direct effects on the Civil War was the Hyper Velocity Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot or HVFSDS round. During the Pisces Compiegne it soon became clear that COB armor units had armor plating that was much thicker than their Government and Hurricane counter parts. While the Government Tanks could out range these COB tanks, their lighter auto-cannons couldn’t penetrate the thicker COB armor before COB tanks could close and fire. This often allowed COB tanks to make up valuable distance and caused needless Government losses.

   A group of tankers, their techs and a research team spent a week working out the details of a round that was rocket assisted and highly accurate. The end result was an extremely heavy dart like round that was powered by a powerful rocket engine. The dart would turn to a malting super-heated liquid on impact thus melting through the enemy armor at longer ranges. The first set of rounds created in the battlefield were a complete failure. However the addition of a stronger strap and a slightly stronger rocket motor allowed the round to pass the groups tests.

   The new round would be ready when the unit faced off with the COB in the units following battle. Though only in limited numbers, the new rounds were carefully deployed by two specially designed Government Tanks. At the height of the battle, the order was given and the two tanks took up position at extreme ranges. Acting like long range snipers, the two tanks were able to deliver critical hits on the attacking COB tanks. Well out of range from their enemy, the two Government tanks were able to stop the COB offensive dead in its tracks and force the COB tanks in to a retreat. The rounds were so successful that the plans were sent for mass production.

   These rounds are still highly effective even on today’s battlefields and represented how successful Karen Tetsuhara-Death’s plan really was during the Civil War. This plan became a business model for her Quantum Tech researchers. To ensure that this practice would continue and her teams would maintain to have this kind of insight, she pushed to allow her teams to have unrestricted access to all NEDF and Hurricane units. Because of this, Quantum Tech researchers could help reshape the model battlefield. More importantly, this relationship would continue on in to the future as many Government forces and Hurricane forces would take Quantum Tech technician teams with them in to the field on a regular basis.

   Low Tech Victory became a sells catalog for Quantum Tech as its ammunition factories, built during the Civil War, started to sell directly to the Federated Commonwealth. The single most successful secrets of the Civil War to come out was the Hyper Velocity Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot round for Auto-Cannons. These highly specialized rounds offered a considerable increase in range with a moderate increase in damage. With recorded written historical results the specialized ammunition became highly sought after by many Fed-Com unit commanders in the beginning. However due to special loading systems and larger than normal storage requirements, this meant that the overall weight of the rounds were about double of their normal counter parts.

   Well her techs worked hard at coming up with low tech ideas to turn the tide of battle, First Lady Death had her own ingenious ideas. One of them was the Shaped Charged Short Range Missile Warhead. At the beginning of the campaign for Pieces there was a great need to even the odds against over whelming numbers of the COB Mechs on the battlefield. The way First Lady Death’s went to addressing this was to create a two stage solution. The first means to this answer was creating her Shaped Charged Warheads for the standard short range man portable missile launcher. The second stage of this answer was creating hunter killer teams who would hunt down enemy Mech lances and cripple them. Ideally, once the Mech lance was crippled air or other mech units would be called in to finish the job. However at first things didn’t go according to plan.

   At first the Warheads had a number targeting issues which caused them to miss their intended targets. The standard man portable launcher also had problems firing the heavier missile. This led to many misfires on the battlefield. Using salvaged launchers from Mechs, a newer heavier duty launcher was designed. This eliminated misfires and better stabilizers were fitted to the missiles giving them greater accuracy. As the Hunter Killer teams quickly developed while learning this new weapon, they started to develop their own tactics with these weapons. Near the end of the Pieces Campaign, the five Hunter Killer Teams were ready for Cancer. By the end of the Cancer Campaign, those five teams turned in twenty five teams with a well-earned reputation of killing Mechs all on their own. This reputation was possible because of Quantum Tech’s Shape Charged Warhead.

   Thanks to the heavy sells of the HVFSDS Rounds and the Shape Charged Warhead, these helped Quantum Tech to break in to the market. With strong profits, Quantum Tech helped made First Lady Death beyond wealthy. However in turn she took her profits and reinvested them in to her company and she planned expansions in to new markets. One of her dream projects was taking shape in the form of New Earth’s Advanced Technologies. Thanks to a growing cooperation with the New Avalon Institute of Science, New Earth was starting to see its industrial base starting to rebuild. With each passing month, unemployment was falling across New Earth. At the forefront of this new growth was the Tetsuhara-Death family. During the early months of reconstruction, the Tetsuhara-Death family bought millions of C-Bills worth of New Earth Bonds. It was a gamble that would make the family even wealthier.
   Near the end of the first year, President Death was proud to oversee reformations of the 1st Hurricane Legion in to the 1st Hurricane RCT, and the official formation of the 2nd Hurricane RCT, as well the 1st New Earth RCT. Under his agreement with the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth paid eighty percent of the costs for raising all three units while New Earth and President Death bore the remaining costs. While experienced man power was never an issue for the world that just exited a nearly two decade long civil war. However getting these experienced soldiers to work and fight as a single unit was a much more difficult challenge. President Death ran his units through a series of team building training exercises. After nearly nine months of constant training, strong rifts still prevailed which caused many commanders to worry about unity within the ranks of the units.

   Another condition under his agreement with the Commonwealth was that the Hurricane Legion would be considered House Troops for no less than ten years. For a mercenary, this could be a sword that cuts both ways. While the burden of the cost would be picked up by the Federated Commonwealth, it took over all control over the unit away from its commanders and placed the unit’s future in the hands of the Federated Commonwealth. For the Hurricane Legion is was uncharted waters, however for the newly formed unit with only one year of experience, there was little choice for the unit or its commanders.

   Another first anniversary achievement for President Death's presidency was the opening of a branch campus of the famous the New Earth Institute of Science. The NAIS is one of the boldest and far reaching initiatives of Prince Hanse Davion. The New Avalon Institute of Science was one of the first new college of science in the Inner Sphere in centuries and has become the most advanced center of higher learning and research in the Successor States. Thanks to the lostech core recovered on New Earth, made the opening of this branch campus possible. The opening of this campus sprang New Earth’s reputation upward. It was a hard fought victory that President Death held firmly on. A victory that would help shape the future of New Earth and the NAIS-New Earth’s graduates would lead New Earth during its darkest hours.

   While the Forth Succession War didn’t touch New Earth, its warriors saw combat on far flung worlds. The 1st Hurricane RCT and the 2nd Hurricane RCT saw minor action against the Capellan Confederation carrying out raids up and down the vast boarders. Though these actions were hardly significant, they did help hone the skills of new recruits and new commanders. During the two year war, President Death issued the order to rotate troops through the three standing units. While this capped the potential experience that one single unit could gain, it spread the experience over all across all three units. This allowed the 1st New Earth RCT to gain warriors with valuable experience.

   During the Skye Crisis of 3034, there were several protests across New Earth in support of the Skye Separation Movement and for Independence of New Earth as well. Fearful of the same overreacting that took place on Skye by Federated Commonwealth, the New Earth Senate under the advisement of President Death passed the War Armaments Act of 3034. Authored by none other than Senator David McGray, this wide reaching legislation was drafted and pushed in to law to show the Fed-Com that Regular House Troops were not required on New Earth. The Act drew a distention between the Skye Separation Movement and New Earth's own goals. One major piece of the legislation provided the funding for the creation of the 3rd Hurricane Legion RCT. It also had a provision that declared a State of Emergency across New Earth and authorized the President authorization to deploy the 1st New Earth RCT to disperse the protests.

   While most of the protests ended peacefully once Planetary Troops arrived and started to take up patrols on the streets. There were the diehard groups that refused to surrender the streets to Planetary Troops. Despite all efforts put forward by local commanders to end these protests peacefully, the protesters refused to yield the streets. As tensions rose quickly on the streets, it was President Death who took action to ensure that the situation didn't explode in to open warfare as it did on other worlds. President Death led his own Death's Brigade in to the streets and stood between Planetary Troops and a group of violent protesters.

   As the hours turned to days and the diehards refused to give up the streets, President Death realized that he had to end these protests before they gained more followers. President Death pushed his troops to start making arrests and driving the protesters from the streets. He issued hard orders to his commanders to ‘Exercise extreme caution in dealing with the protesters and ensure that the loss of life would be limited.’ It was this level of leadership shown by President Death that gave local commanders the will to end clashes with protesters with limited losses of life.

   Once some of the protest leaders starting getting arrested, it was quickly discovered that while there were those who did truly support Skye's Independence. Of the most violent street groups that were arrested, were nothing more than paid criminals working for former COB Leader, Baroness Eaton.    None of those arrested could positively identify the person behind the money as all transactions happened between third parties. However it was clear by their testimony, that they all believed that they were working for Baroness Eaton. As the investigation continued, it was never proven beyond doubt that Eaton was still on New Earth. The investigation did cast light on her motives and actions.

   Originally the common suspension was that the Sky Separatist Movement had been behind the violent protests on New Earth. However, President Death confirmed in a speech to the Senate the initial findings that the Skye Separatist Movement had not been behind the violent protests on New Earth. An act that earned New Earth praise from Duke Ryan and later a personal visit from the Duke. While New Earth as a whole would never become strong supporters of the Sky Separatist Movements, it was clear that they were not enemies either.

   At the end of the two month crisis, President Death made a move that shocked and surprised most of his critics across New Earth. The War Armament Act of 3034 gave President Death wide reaching powers that could be turned against the elected government of New Earth. There were fears that by passing this act, that President Death would not return those powers back to the people. One of the largest fears were that President Death would use this authority to unbalance the checks and balances of the relationship between the Presidency and the New Earth Congress. However during a special meeting of both chambers of the New Earth Congress, President Death returned all the authorizations of the War Armament Act of 3034. He announced that he had ordered the 1st New Earth RCT back to their bases and declared an end of the State of Emergency.

   Between the years of 3034 and 3038, the Hurricane Legion went through some command level personal changes to help even the combat experience. During this time, Colonel King draw up plans for the Cancer Proving Grounds. Her goal was to help train the newly formed 3rd Hurricane RCT up to the same levels as the rest of the Legion. The Proving Grounds were designed so large that two entire Brigades could effectively maneuver during combat exercises against each other while a third Brigade could conduct other training elsewhere within the same facility. With massive live fire ranges and huge lands tasked for this new facility, the Proving Grounds could prove to be a major boost for the New Earth Defense Force and the Hurricane Legion.

   With the support of New Earth Defense Command, Colonel King went to the Senate asking for funding to create a special facility as well as a home unit that would act as a full time training unit. She showed through historical records how having a standard training unit would bolster experience levels of a military over all. She spoke passionately as she explained how her plans would help keep the experience levels among all New Earth units high. The costs for the plan were high and the debates lasted for months. The entire idea nearly failed due to the overall cost of the facility. A break in the standoff came after agreements of support from the Hurricane Command as well as from Quantum Tech and the newly created New Earth Advanced Technologies were secured.

   Thanks to the support secured for the new facility, New Earth’s Senate would finally authorize the construction project. With that, the Proving Grounds would become a reality and at the end of the day, the Proving Grounds would be The Proving Grounds would become the largest military training ground in the entire Federated Commonwealth. There were two other provisions of the bill. One of those provisions would allow the organization of the New Earth Opposing Force Brigade or OpFor Brigade. OpFor, as it would become more commonly known by, would recruit some of the best pilots and soldiers across New Earth and test some of the latest technologies New Earth could produce.

   Another provision under the bill was the noteworthy acknowledgement of the actions by the Death's Brigade during the Skye Crisis. The New Earth Congress acknowledged that the Death’s Brigade was the personal troops belonging to President Death. Because of this, their experience would be lost to the New Earth Government once he leaves office. To address this, two new units were called to be formed, the Presidential Guard and the Congressional Guard or Old Guard. Each of these two units would train alongside of the Death’s Brigade to ensure that these two honor guards would be ready for their service once President Death’s time in office would come to a close. President Death and his Death’s Brigade would continue to train these two units long after it was expected of them.

   Near the end of his third year, President Death was able to sit over another major achievement for New Earth. Many thought the degree of fan fair for this event was over rated, but President Death wanted to mark a major mile stone. Standing on the beach just south of Summerhaven, he was able to declare the beach mine free. Due to its importance, Summerhaven and its vast white beaches had been heavily mined during the Civil War. President Death spoke with pride as he returned the beaches back to the citizens of Summerhaven. He also reported to the people of New Earth the progress that the MCCI was making at clearing mines. He acknowledged the task was much greater than first expected, but he reassured the MCCI’s commitment to this task. As President Death was giving his speech in Summerhaven, the Vice President, Sara Baily, was giving her own speech at the ground breaking ceremony of the Cancer Proving Grounds.

   As ground was starting to get broken for the Cancer Proving Grounds, the 3rd Hurricane RCT was ready to take on its first field assignment. Thanks to Senator McGray and his Foreign Trade Committee, that assignment came in the terms of a pirate hunting contract with the Cirinus Federation. The contract called for a rotational deployment of the Hurricane Legion in and around the Cirinus Federation for the next five years. It also came with major trade deals that would be vital to New Earth's continued recovery. As per their terms with the Federated Commonwealth, the contract had to be approved by the LCAF.

   The contract would be ultimately approved, however there were sections of the deal that were denied. Of those that were rejected within the contract were those provisions that governed arms trade with the Cirinus Federation. The loss of these provision placed a major financial loss on many New Earth Corporations. Even though the Fed-Com attempted to make up for the losses through increased arms trade with New Earth, but the issues were not only over the loss of trade. There were voices within the New Earth leadership that saw elimination of those sections as an over reach by the Fed-Com. Despite the grumbling voices, these voices were few in numbers and any real discord failed to gain any traction.

   During the elections of 3036, President Death refused to run for a second term. He cited that politics was a field of battle that he was not perfectly suited for. However he openly and publicly supported Sara Bailey's bid for the Presidency. "I can think of no one better then Sara to take my place at the top office of this great world." Bailey's run for President was filled with more critics than President Death's had ever been forced to deal with during his run. And her age had been called in to question throughout her campaign. Despite all this, Sara Baily still managed to pull off a victory over Senator McGray.

   After the elections of 3036, former First Lady Tetsuhara-Death was able to take over CEO of both Quantum Tech and New Earth Advanced Technologies. Shortly thereafter, Quantum Tech started mass production of the M-12 Infantry Rifle. This was a design that Karen Tetsuhara-Death had been working on since the end of the Civil War. It was largely based on the SLDF Mouser. At the same time Phase One of the New Earth Defense Initiative, the program to repair select Castle Brains around New Earth, was completed by Quantum Tech. With the Phase One completed, the New Earth Defense Force moved in to its new headquarters on the Island of Aires. This very location was once the headquarters of the COB during the Civil War. Under her direct leadership, New Earth Advanced Technologies won the valuable contract for Phase Two of the New Earth Defense Initiative.

   New Earth Advanced Technologies also rolled its very first major weapon system. The Specter Aerospace Fighter was a based nearly completely on the SLDF SWF-606 Swift. Though slightly heavier, the Specter maintained the same advanced technologies that came with the Swift. Those technologies were the tougher Ferro-Aluminum armor as well as its brilliantly designed flight master computer, the B-TT7i. This computer performed most of the complex functions needed to fly the craft, allowing pilots to focus on shooting down the enemy. A female voice synthesizer allowed the computer to give "friendly warnings" to the pilot and its advanced programming allowed it to take verbal commands from the pilots during flight. However the similarities ended there.

   One of the most notable change to the Specter was the much lighter and more complex was its engine. This gave the Specter more speed making it the fastest mass produced fighters in the entire Inner Sphere. NEAT designed the fighter with a massive amount of speed because of its lack of heavy weapons the fighter carried. They wanted the fighter to be able to move in to enemy space, snoop around and then bolt out of there leaving enemy fighters behind. During secret testing, the Specter’s speed was so impressive that eye witnesses reported seeing a UFO. The designers dropped a bit of armor to free up space. This change allowed them to add more fuel and connections for under wing fuel pods. This gave the Specter a much longer range than other fighters.

   The original roll of the Specter was to be a light weight dog fighter. However as the original design started to take shape the roll of this fighter became a Light Reconnaissance Craft. Within the additional weight added was an advance sensor package similar to those found on Ostscout. This gave the Spector an amazing ability to detect enemy signals and units. To make up for the lower amount of armor and lack of any real weapons, NEAT installed on the Spector a Guardian ECM. The Guardian ECM gave the Spector its stealth capabilities and made the Spector a much better reconnaissance craft than fighter.

   To further the survivability of the Spector due to combat conditions, the craft was designed with one of the most reactive flight controls. Once back on its base, maintenance was keen in the designers mind. In keeping in line with Karen's philosophy of easy access to modules and parts, designers made each of the major parts and modules interchangeable. These design changes made the Spector a dream for maintenance crews. More so in the tight confines of a dropship repair bay or the limited resource area of a forward air field. While a far cry from what the Clan Invasion would bring to the Inner Sphere, the Spector’s designs ushered in a new wave of maintenance minded craft. It were these bonuses made the Specter an excellent fleet or air group reconnaissance craft.

   The Specter impressed the military leaders of the LCAF and AFFC so much that they forwarded the designs of the Spector to the NAIS for further testing and development. Citing security concerns the LCAF and the AFFC forbid New Earth Advanced Technologies to sell the fighter without prior permission. The ban came too late to stop the initial hundred fighters that had already been sold to both the Hurricane Legion and New Earth Defense Force. Because future sells were halted, this caused protest from New Earth leaders and Jake Death, the leader of the Hurricane Legion. However the advanced fighter would see limited use within the Hurricane Legion during its upcoming conflicts. During these limited operations, the craft would exceed all expectations. For the next ten years, not a single craft would be lost due to enemy engagement.

   While there was a halt on sells of the craft, development would continue on till the late 3040’s when the craft would see full production. Under the terms of its contracts with the Fed-Com, NEAT would be the exclusive producer of the Spector. The four craft built by the NAIS would remain in the AFFC as test craft while all research material would be returned to NEAT. To ensure that the secrets of this craft would not be leaked out, Fed-Com would maintain tight security on the factory where the Spector was to be built. As the first official production models rolled out of the factory, the ‘C’ Model was already a hot export. However before this time the phantom ‘A’ Model, which held a distinct advantage over all other models was sold and remained in service with the Hurricane Legion in violation of the Fed-Com’s wishes. This betrayal wouldn’t surface till much later.

   On the other side of New Earth, Quantum Tech started to roll out the King Main Battle Tank, the Thunder Chief Conventional Fighter, and the Hunter VTOL. While most of the Inner Sphere were pushing Lostech technologies, Quantum Tech's new weapon systems were simple, and low tech. Which made them very affordable for small, cash strapped worlds. Each weapon system boasted Karen's own personal philosophy as was seen in the Specter, keep it simple and easy to repair in the field. Because of the success of these weapon systems, Quantum Tech had problems keeping up with order demands. As a result, Karen split the orders between her Quantum Tech and her struggling New Earth Advanced Technologies. The new orders helped NEAT overcome the challenges that the Fed-Com placed on sells of the Specter.

   Noting the lack of regional influence that New Earth had over its neighbors, the New Earth Congress passed the War Armaments Act of 3037. Unlike the Act of 3034, this legislation was meant to help bolster the navy of New Earth. In a report to the Senate, General King and the New Earth Defense Command noted that the lack of jumpships and dropships could prove to be New Earth's on undoing during times of crisis. Currently the only jumpships and dropships available to New Earth were those of the Hurricane Legion. Even those were limited in numbers and could only move part of a RCT at a time. The report used a nightmare situation to further explain the need to expand the Navy. In their situation, New Earth was simulated standing alone against a major Inner Sphere power. During this example, that power was the Free Worlds League.

   During the simulation, New Earth forces would be isolated as Hurricane Forces would be off world. With no allies coming to New Earth’s aide, the siege of New Earth would not be winnable. Experts from the Fed-Com came and gave testimony of how such a scenario was possible. As the simulation played out, massive flaws in the planetary defenses were exposed. The New Earth Defense Force would be incapable of preventing a landing by a hostel power. Experts showed how New Earth would not be able to count on assistance from the Hurricane Legion due to the amount of time it would take for the two Hurricane RCT's to return home under current conditions. The time needed to get reinforcements home to help defend New Earth would be paid in terms of needless lives lost.

Both the New Earth Defense Force and leaders from the New Earth Defense Command cited that a more flexible and able Navy would help better buy time for the warriors of the Hurricane Legion to return home during times of crisis. General King suggested that the fleet would be an assist to both the Hurricane Legion in terms of better contracts. General King offered that the Hurricane Legion would bolster sixty percent of the cost for the new fleet if New Earth’s Congress would build the schools and facilities needed to train up crew members and maintain the fleet. Despite the massive cost involved, at the end of the yearlong debates the measure was passed by very narrow margins. However no one in the New Earth Congress could imagine how accurate this nightmare situation could really be, or how vital passing this legislation would really become. The goal of the proposal was to create a jointly shared fleet of jumpships and dropships that could be used to render aid to New Earth during times of crisis.
   The passage of the War Armaments Act of 3037 a Naval Command Academy in the former capital of Balitor was authorized for construction. Also a Naval Command Academy and a Technical School was established on Aries. In 3037, President Baily officially announced the formation of the New Earth Navy to a large crowd before the Great naval warship Bizmark. She also announced that the Bizmark was being turned in to a training ship for new Naval Officers.

   Buried deep within the Act of 3037 was funding to expand the NEDC's ability to defend New Earth during times of invasion. With New Earth's location so close to the Free Worlds League, the Draconis Combine and with even local threats planetary security was considered a vital importance. Three tiers of funding were established. The first and most common tier paid for the newly organized Navy. The second tier and slightly less well known was funds set aside to repair and build special regional and local defensive sites. Most notable was Project Flare, which was the official taking over of the contracts involving the repair and refitting of the Castle Brains across New Earth. All New Earth Castle Brains now officially fell under the command of the New Earth Defense Command and each would act as regional command and control center should world be invaded. A strict Command Structure would be established with the New Earth Defense Command on top of the military pyramid. The Department of the Army, Aeroforces, Navy, and Independent Commands all would have their own command structures that would fall under the New Earth Defense Command.

   The last and ultra-secret tier was discovered to be a program to amass large sums of war materials in hidden in secret locations across New Earth. As New Earth continued to rebuild its shattered world, it was clear that its leaders would not allow New Earth to loose what it had worked so hard for. For each ten C-bills spent on official military needs, a single C-bill was spent on building up these stockpiles of war supplies. To ensure secrecy, no one person knew the location of all stockpiles in a single region. Only trusted and vetted local leaders knew of the stockpiles within their local areas.

   These stockpiles would be called War Stock by those who knew of its existence and would play a vital importance when invasion would come to New Earth. There are many theories as to who funded these stockpiles or where they came from. The most common theory gained wide scale acceptance when the Hurricane Legion was brought in to help Comstar during the Clan Invasion. While unknown at the time to the AFFC, hints of the stockpiles did come to light during an intelligence mission to uncover possible ties between New Earth and the Free Skye Movement. However because these rumors were not able to be proven and no direct ties were discovered, These warning signs were largely ignored by LAAF Commanders, who had access to those very reports, prior to their invasion of New Earth in 3060.
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2015, 05:50:24 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Five: A Merc Unit Raising, The Hurricane Legion

   As the weight of the recently passed War Armament Act of 3037 took hold, support for the legislation fell drastically. While New Earth’s reconstruction was well underway, New Earth’s defense spending began to consume more and more of the Planetary Budget. By the end of the 3038’s New Earth was spending more on its defense budget than all of its neighbors combined. As the decade of military spending and building ended its cycle, critics of the spending hammered at President Bailey over the growing military budget. Up to this point, her entire time in office was marred by this single issue. Being a former military fighter pilot, President Bailey and her administration fought back the critics regarding the military spending. With her reelection campaign about to hit its stride, President Bailey attacked her critics headlong over military spending.

   Before the public eye she forced a long hard look at the issue. Touring military bases and spoke with soldiers, airmen and sailors alike. What President Bailey discovered was that the military was far from robust. In fact President Bailey discovered that there was a poison that had infected the New Earth Defense Force. She and her advisors found that the poison infecting New Earth’s new military was that of wasteful spending. What else President Bailey found was a strong public support of New Earth’s new military and the image that New Earth was taking on. Taking hold of a popular support of the military and sapping her critics of their only weapons against her, President Bailey gave one of her most critical speeches today.

   In what many thought was suicidal, she exposed the problems that were growing within the New Earth Defense Command and infecting the rest of the military. “During the Civil War, there were military leaders who had thought they had the best way of doing things. That was almost a decade ago. Our military today is not the same military that they commanded back then. However many of our military commanders are still doing things as if it was a decade ago. We need innovation, we need fresh ideas and creative leadership. Our fighting warriors, rather they are on the ground, in the air or in space, deserve better. We can do better!”

   â€˜We can do better’ became the motto of her reelection campaign. However this idea came at a cost that New Earth was finding harder and harder to pay. To answer this, President Bailey with the support of the New Earth Congress entered in to behind the door negotiations with the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth. With the Hurricane Legion’s contract reaching the end of its term, the AFFC didn’t want to see the unit go on the open market. With conflict on the horizon, President Bailey used this chip to press the AFFC on key issues. In a move of solidarity, both General King and Jake Death allowed President Bailey full negotiation rights for the Legion. This led to heated arguments at the negotiation table.   

   President Bailey had her agenda and drew a line in the sand. What the leaders of the AFFC didn’t know was that the Hurricane Legion had already decided to resign their contract. This piece of information allowed President Bailey to push the AFFC to accept terms where they paid half of New Earth’s total military budget during the life of its contract with the Hurricane Legion instead of paying the unit directly. The conclusion of the behind the door negotiations came when Bailey needed a major political victory in light of the coming 3040 elections. There were two clauses of the new contract that were largely beneficial for New Earth and the Hurricane Legion.

   The first was that the AFFC would send trainers to New Earth. These trainers would help reshape New Earth’s military in to a much more fluid unit. This gave them access to how both the Federated Sun’s side of the AFFC fought as well as their closer to home Lyran Commonwealth side fought. For the next five years, New Earth’s military would learn from their masters and apply what their brothers and sisters in the Hurricane Legion would learn from the battlefield. A side effect that few took note of, was a result of this training. The New Earth Defense Force was growing in to an impressive robust military force that could give their House Masters a run for their money. True to her promise, President Bailey showed that New Earth could and would ‘Do Better.’

   Another aspect of the new contract gave the commanders of the Hurricane Legion rank within the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth. This gave these officers much more authority on the battlefield. While it wouldn’t have much impact on the Legions next major series of operations, however it would grant the Legion officers access to command level training facilities across Federated Commonwealth space. A new level access that Legion owner and commander Jake Death and General King pressed their officers to take full advantage of. Within months of having this level of access, Hurricane officers were starting to train alongside of their House officers.

   Now with new level of funds flooding in to the Hurricane coffers, General King was able to form the 4th Hurricane RCT and get them trained up. The creation of the 4th Hurricane RCT allowed for the Hurricane Legion to meet its contractual requirements with the Cirinus Federation. What many didn’t know was that General King was under a scheduling gun. At the planning level, the ground work was already in place for the Legion’s next major development, the War of 3039. A short but nasty war between the Federated-Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine. It would be this war that gave birth to the rift between the Lyran side of the Federated-Commonwealth and the people of New Earth.

   As the deployment time closed, General King had to make sure that the 4th had received as much training as possible. She used all of her resources to push the newly formed unit through the training channels. Because the actually time the 4th had to train was less than what the other three RCT’s had received, General King found other methods to make up the short fall. During the months leading up to their deployment, she permanently deployed the unit to the Cancer Proving Grounds. There she was able to directly over see their training and development. She took a personal interest in their training to ensure that the unit was ready. Another step that she took was of troop assignments. General King transferred a number of highly skill noncommissioned officers to the unit to level off their experience levels. Due to this focus that General King took with the unit is the reason why they are move often known as King’s own.

   Due to this level of training paid off as the Cirinus Federation suffered a number of attacks during the 4th's rotation to the Periphery State. General King's actions ensured that the 4th Hurricane RCT was ready for its combat role and allowed them to safe lives on the battlefield. Taking a page from King’s own play book, Jake Death worked out a deal with the NEDC that allowed for a four year rotation of personnel. During a soldier’s career, they will rotate between commands across the NEDF as well as within the Hurricane Legion. This policy knocked down one more barrier between the NEDF and the Hurricane Legion. With each wearing the same uniform, the two separate organizations were slowly merging in to one large military organization.

   To gain support from the New Earth Congress about these rotations, General King along with her NEDC counter parts spoke to the New Earth Congress. General King stated to Congress, "I would rather have ten units of veteran experience, instead of one elite unit, few veteran units and the rest green with no real experience. Training can only go so far. Real world battlefield experience has to be shared. Shared between units across New Earth." Originally the Congress was doing to reject the idea however a last minute plea from Senator McGray brought on much needed support for the measure and it was finally signed in to law by President Bailey.

   General King signed the first official transfer request by then Pilot Markus Brown, a loud mouth brash LAM pilot who had joined the New Earth Army a few years before. She found great pleasure in sending the young arrogant pilot to serve with her longtime friend and boss Jake Death and his Death's Brigade. A transfer that spawned a number of stories shared between King and Death for years to come. With that transfer now personnel and equipment could easily pass between the Legion and the NEDF. This would have a profound effect on the experience of the NEDF and its relationship with the Hurricane Legion.

   Under the current extensions with the AFFC, the Hurricane Legion will post the Elite 1st Hurricane RCT on the world of Helen. The battle harden 2nd Hurricane RCT would be deployed to the planet of Caph. Fresh from their posting in the Cirinus Federation, the 3rd Hurricane RCT would be forward deployed to the world of Saffel. Thanks to the additional new Hurricane Navy, the Legion was able to make all of their deployments nearly a month ahead of their scheduled report dates. This extra time allowed each unit to continue to train up for what was coming over the horizon. Their deployments and professionalism was something that was not over looked by Marshal Hasek-Davion during a command level briefing. As the clock ticked down towards Operation Orochi and the invasion of the Draconis Combine, this would be the first time that the Hurricane Legion would be in full deployment. The long suspecting eyes of the Commonwealth Intelligence were watching closely.

   During the official planning levels, Jake Death was able to listen in and offer up suggestions. It was in these meetings that he had the rare opportunity to meet Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davio and Nondi Steiner. During these meetings, Jake Death quickly proved to be a strong strategist. Rumors started to emerge from these meetings about the strong strategic mind of Jake Death. Because of these rumors, it wasn’t long before Jake Death was being addressed by his own warriors as ‘The General’. The nickname stuck throughout the planning stages of Operation Orochi and beyond. When word of these rumors reached New Earth, a special act of New Earth Congress recognized the nickname as his official Rank within the New Earth Defense Force. Early in 3039, Jake Death was recognized as General Jake Death.

   However not all meetings went so positively for Jake Death. General Death often didn’t hold back in questioning poorly conceived strategies and openly rejected plans that would be unduly costly in lives. There were many heated debates between commanders of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth and Jake Death over deployments of the Hurricane Legion. Despite early tensions between Jake Death and Marshal Hasek-Davion, it was because of his courage to speak out against bad plans that the two men quickly became professional friends as the planning for Operation Orochi was in progress.

   Not all were so welcoming of Jake Death’s boldness. Nondi Steiner a lead critic of Jake Death however the Lyran noble was unable to find fault with his objections or his strategies. When Jake Death trashed Nondi Steiner’s primary plan, she was so offended that she stormed from the meeting. This confrontation led to the Hurricane Legion being delegated with limited ‘unimportant’ missions during the invasion. General Death accepted the limited roles for his unit as the political slap from Nondi Steiner and the Lyran side of the AFFC. Noting that he couldn’t change the mission assignments, Marshal Hasek-Davion had a surprise for Jake Death. In recognition of his strategic skills, Jake Death was granted the honorary rank of Hauptmann-General within the AFFC.
   The Hurricane Legion were assigned to attack and hold the Combine worlds of Altair, Nirasaki and Dieron. While these worlds were not intended to be primary targets, they did serve a purpose in the overall plan. These three worlds were designated to widen supply routes between the Ryde Operation Area and the Robinson Operation Area and to provide vital supply routes for later waves of the invasion. Marshal Hasek-Davion assigned a number of former Davion support units to the command of General Death. This filled out the Al Na'ir Thrust which General Death was placed in command of. However, against his wishes of being under direct AFFS command, the Al Na'ir Thrust was placed under the command of General Nondi Steiner and the Commonwealth Thrust.

   While their assignments were vital to the overall operation, Hauptmann-General Death's worlds were listed as first line diversionary raids in to the heart of the Al Na'ir Prefecture of the Dieron Military District. On orders General Death launched his raids on the Combine worlds of Altair, Nirasaki and Dieron. With his targets in mind, General Death gave deep consideration to each world and their defenders before assigning which of his units would attack what world. It was by no easy task and the Lyran command was making his planning of the invasions so much harder. Each time he submitted his plans, they rejected them for a number of reasons. A few plans were rejected with no explanation at all. Against the advice of his Aides, General Death decided to create his plans without the consent of the Lyran Command.

   Noting their skills and combat experience, General Death had his elite 1st Hurricane RCT invade the Combine world of Nirasaki against the Combine's House Regulars the 36th Dieron Regulars. As he and General King sized up the two units, there was no doubt that the 1st Hurricane RCT would not have any trouble taking on 36th Dieron Regulars. Because of this, General Death decided to not assign the limited number of support units to the invasion of Nirasaki. He asked his Second in Command and longtime friend General King to personally lead the 1st Hurricane RCT in to battle.

   The battle hardened 2nd Hurricane RCT were assigned to invade the Combine world of Altair. The world would prove to be a difficult challenge for the 2nd as it was defended by the elite 18th Dieron Regulars. Due to these factors, the 2nd Hurricane RCT was filled out with three battalions of support units to help tip the scales in the favor of the 2nd Hurricane. Despite the extra troops, there was no clear path for victory that the 2nd could take. Because of this, General Death worked out a plan that would easily allow for the 2nd to tie down the Elite Combine unit while his other units could secure their objectives. The secret to General Death’s over all plans were for the Elite 18th Dieron Regulars to remain on Altair for as long as possible. Because of this, the 2nd Hurricane RCT will be pushed to its very limits.

   The 3rd Hurricane RCT was on the verge of making its first major combat debut on the important world of Dieron. While there were many questions regarding that if the 3rd was ready for such an operation, Colonel Stevens (a former COB Commander) and his aide Major Robert Macko (Another former COB Commander) both insisted that their unit was ready to prove themselves. It was important for the 3rd Hurricane RCT and its supporters to make this showing. For the 3rd, this was more than just military pride. The 3rd had something to prove to the people of New Earth.

   Beyond every member of the 3rd Hurricane RCT being born on New Earth, nearly the entire unit had been made up of former COB officers and soldiers. Since the end of the Civil War, members of the COB had been trying to cast off the stigma of the COB and the horrors of the Civil War. For them, this opportunity was more than just conquering a world. Dieron was going to be their moment to prove their loyalty to New Earth, its government and more importantly to the man that unified their world, Jake Death. Dieron for them will cleanse the stains of the past as they prepared for this major operation.

   Dieron was expected to be a brutal battle. The Regional Capital was being defended by the elite 5th Sword of the Light. Even though the 3rd had the Combine unit outnumbered nearly two to one, it was over all skill that tipped the favor in to the Combine’s favor. Beyond that, the 5th Sword of the Light was being supported by the 9th Sun Zhang Academy. There would be no questions about Dieron or false expectations, this was expected to be a harsh and brutal battle. This fact gave the Hurricane Command Group more than enough reason to be concerned.

   Even though the Leadership of the 3rd assured success, General Death convinced Colonel Stevens to accept the support of his Elite Death's Brigade for the invasion. Not wanting to undermine the units faith in its leadership, General Death assured Colonel Stevens that the overall invasion command would remain with the 3rd. His unit would only support the 3rd during its invasion of Dieron. With a reluctant acceptance of the help, Dieron was set and would become the 3rd Hurricane's baptism by fire. This message was clear in a speech that General Death gave to the officers and troops of the 3rd Hurricane just before they departed for their target world within Combine space.

   "Look around you. Many of you will not be returning from this battle. I will not lie to you. You, are about to face off with a more experienced, dug in and determined enemy. They will stop at nothing to cause the 3rd to fail in its mission. Still, you will leave your dropships, most under fire. You will pilot your Mechs, your fighters, or even take to the ground. You will charge in to this hostile world and face your fates. That my friends, is bravery AND courage on a level that DEMANDS victory. You may ask me, ‘why do I think the 3rd will be victorious under such conditions’. I tell you that the 3rd will be victorious not because of anything I will do. No, the 3rd will be victorious because of what each of you have done already and will soon do. Soldier and Officer alike, many of you will give your all so that your brothers and sisters will be victorious on the battlefield. Because of this, and only this, the 3rd Hurricane will be victorious. Your courage will win the day and this battle. Just as your courage has already earned your place in New Earth History." General Death, 3rd Hurricane Departure Point, Caph, April 3039.

   During this time, another unit within the Hurricane Legion was making its debut. In their first official combat missions, the Hurricane Navy allowed General Death to make his landings on all three worlds at the same time. This was no easy take to move that many troops from their departure worlds to their target worlds. The mind behind this operation was Vice Admiral Viscount Hall, a former COB Dropship Captain. Admiral Hall had been directly in charge of moving COB supplies around New Earth and coordinating supply runs. As the Civil War continued to take shape, Hall’s role as a combat officer took over. He led the COB on its only successful space born battle. It was the only battle fought by either side in space. Noted for being a sailor’s officer, Hall took his new role of leading New Earth’s navy very seriously.

   Hall created a multi-layer operation that was as masterful as it was technical. Each fleet would carry out a very dangerous as Hall’s plan called for the use of Pirate Jump points. Pirate Jump Points are non-standard points in the system where gravity field fluxes are at their most unstable. Thanks to the care taken by Hall in his calculations each ship arrived at its jump coordinates without any issue. Because of the care and dedication that Admiral Hall took in his preparations, his operation won the Legion its very first victory during the War of 3039. They had managed to catch the Combine space defenders by complete surprise. Thus making the Legion’s deployment from their jumpships as easy as possible.

   Despite the success of his first major operation, the stress directly linked to events from this operation would take their toll on Hall. After the war, he would elect to step down as leader of New Earth’s navy. Not wanting to loss such a brilliant Naval Officer, General Death would invite the retiring officer a chance to serve with his own Death’s Brigade. For now however, this moment in History would belong to Admiral Hall and his inner circle of senior officers. A moment that would be recorded by General Death in one of his first reports back to New Earth. General Death commended the professionalism and skill of New Earth’s new navy. In his own words, “These men and women have executed a skilled operation in the greatest tribute to the traditions that came before them.”

   Thanks to Admiral Hall’s carefully organized plan, the 1st Hurricane RCT landing on Nirasaki was nearly unopposed. When large units like an RCT deploy and speed, being swift is not a common trait. However what General Death did with his large units was to divide them in to three combat Brigades and a single Headquarters and Support Brigade. This gave the Hurricane units the fire power and support of a large unit and the swiftness of a smaller unit. Colonel Night, Commanding Officer of the 1st Hurricane RCT, deployed his brigades in a spearhead action against the 36th Dieron Regulars. The 36th Dieron Regulars had expected to fight a single large unit. However the battlefield was changing before their eyes. The speed and organization of Colonel Night's Brigades caught General Rajpuman off guard.

   Colonel Night’s 1st and 3rd Brigades hit the flanks of the 36th while he ordered the 2nd Brigade held the center of the 36th in a lengthy engagement. Colonel Night’s plan was to draw the 36th in to a prolonged stretched out moving engagement. Each time the 36th attempted to reform their lines, Colonel Night had either the 1st or 3rd Brigades hammer the defender’s lines forcing them in to movement once more. However speed was not Night’s only secret weapon on the battlefield.

   Cross the Inner Sphere, Artillery was that luxury that most commanders either couldn’t afford or didn’t fully understand how to use them effectively. During the New Earth Civil War, artillery became the backbone of most military engagements. Drawing on this experience, General Death had not only given his RCT’s Regimental Artillery Support Units, but he also gave his Combat Brigades their own Brigade level Artillery Support Units. Working closely with artillery unit commanders, Hurricane brigade and regimental commanders had mastered fire support operations. This skill allowed Hurricane Commanders to deploy their artillery in ways that surprised their Combine counterparts.

   Throughout the battle, Colonel Night's gun crews were so well trained that they were able to drop rounds within meters of friendly Hurricane troops with only a few friendly fire situations. Each time the 36th Regulars attempted break the Hurricane lines, their advance was halted by Hurricane Artillery. In a one two combination, Colonel Night used his Combat Brigades to throw back each Combine thrust. This forced the 36th Regulars were simply unable to push through the Hurricane lines and each time they tried they were driven further back across the battlefield. For over three days, Colonel Night pushed General Death's mobile doctrine. Colonel Night pressed his unit through a series of rapid redeployment movements that the 36th Regulars were unprepared for.

   Using his unit’s ability to keep moving under fire, Colonel Night would pull one of his Combat Brigades back from the lines while the two remaining Brigades would hold the enemy lines down. This freed up Brigade would conduct a deep flanking moving action while at the same time, his own Headquarters Brigade would provide indirect fire supportive. The Brigade in motion would move far beyond the scope of battle and reemerge deep along the flanks of the Combine unit. The idea behind the move was not to surprise the 36th’s flanks but to force the Combine unit in to conducting a moving action to face the new threat. As the 36th made its moving action to face off with the new threat, Colonel Night would repeat the operation with another Brigade. Each time Colonel Night executed his moving action the lines of the 36th were being twisted in on its self while the Hurricane lines were ever in motion. Due to this series of movements and because of its heavier status, 1st Hurricane RCT tactics were commonly known as Rolling Thunder. This name was a playoff of its unit’s nickname Thunder RCT.

   The 36th was never able to form or hold a common defensive line against the ever changing field of battle. The swift changing battlefield also kept the 36th from launching an effective offensive against the 1st Hurricane RCT. Rolling Thunder gave the heavier units of the 1st Hurricane RCT a much wider range of mobility than Lyran Intelligence had first suspected. In a shocking turn of events, the heavier units of the 1st Hurricane RCT literally out maneuvered the lighter more agile units of the 36th. A turn of events that General Rajpuman found hard to accept even after his unit was ultimately defeated. Lyran Intelligence Analysts noted that Rolling Thunder’s greatest assist was the heavy use of Hurricane Artillery, both on a Regimental level and also on the Brigade level. This allowed Hurricane Commanders to pin down the 36th lighter and faster units.

   However the action wasn’t limited to the ground warfare. The ground forces would have been easy pickings for Combine fighters if not for the lessons learned during the New Earth Civil War. At Linna Tetsuhara's suggestion, each RCT Brigade had been assigned a squadron of six fighters for direct air support of their brigade level drop sites. Also at the Regimental level, Colonel Night had at his disposal an entire Aerospace Brigade of eighty aerospace fighters. These fighters gave Colonel Night a much broader set of options that he could use to support his Rolling Thunder. This allowed direct fighter support to counter Combine’s air superiority in the skies over Nirasaki.

   To broaden his combat effectiveness Linna Tetsuhara organized a fighter wing of conventional fighters at the Regimental HHQ level. These wings were comprised of Thunder Chief conventional fighters. These heavy fighters were designed by Quantum Tech for the role of direct ground attack. Armed with Mech busting shaped charged short range missiles and a powerful auto cannon, these craft were able to deliver a powerful knockout punch to any stray Mech or to offer direct air support to ground units on the move. Another level to Tetsuhara’s plan was the wide use of VTOL’s to work alongside of the Thunder Chiefs in Hunter/Killer packs. Thanks to this ability, Colonel Night was able to keep the enemy off balanced. Colonel Tetsuhara called her idea, the Spring of Air Support.

   By May 3039, the 36th Regulars were forced to surrender after being mulled over and over again by the 1st Hurricane RCT. Despite the threats of guerrilla actions against the 1st Hurricane RCT, Colonel Night was happy to announce that Nirasaki was secured. With that, he started to set up supply depots for the coming waves. To address the guerrilla threat, he deployed his troops to protect the newly established depots. While Colonel Night was credited for the victory but he never forgot the men and women who made this victory possible. In a conversation he acknowledged those warriors, "Everyone really kicked ass during this battle. I couldn't have asked for a better group of men and women. And I can’t forget Tetsuhara's pilots, they kept the skies clear for us."

   For years after the bloody New Earth Civil War and long after he walked off that dropship on Solaris VII, the strategic genius of Jake Death was starting to show through. While it was the Davions who had created the Regimental Combat Team, Jake Death took the concept to a new level in terms of tactics and organization. When all pieces came to together, as it did with the 1st Hurricane RCT on Nirasaki, the results were without question. These results were shocking and brought the attention of many officers within the AFFS. However in hindsight, the operations of the 1st Hurricane RCT closely reflected operations that would be seen on another world by another mysterious power many years later, during the battle of Tukayyid. It would give raise to the questions regarding the true origins of the Hurricane Legion that to this day remained unanswered.

   On the world of Altair, the lighter faster 2nd Hurricane RCT nicknamed Lighting RCT, would face off with the much heavier and better equipped Elite 18th Dieron Regulars. Unlike the unopposed landings that the Thunder RCT enjoyed, the 2nd Hurricane RCT had to fight their way through an all elusive defending swarm of fighters. Once more, Tetsuhara’s Spring of Air Support played in a critical role in tipping the tide of battle. By giving the entire RCT a heavy weight of Aerospace fighters, this allowed the 2nd the means to fight their way through overwhelming numbers of defending fighters. To make matters worse, the defending fighters had planned on executing a clever hit and run tactics. The tactic would have and should have prevented the 2nd from ever reaching Altair. However it was the deployment of the Specter that tipped the odds back in to the favor of the Hurricane invaders.

   After their first wave the defending fighters withdraw to refuel and rearm for their next series of attacks, a group of Specters followed the defending fighters to their secret bases. Once these locations were discovered, fighters from the 2nd were able to make decisive actions against the defenders. The Aerospace fighters of the 2nd Aerospace Brigade were able to hunt down the 18th Regulars’ fighter bases and destroy nearly all of the defending fighters while they were bring refueled and rearmed. This allowed the dropships of the 2nd Hurricane RCT to continue on to Altair without fear of enemy fighters. Throughout the remaining battle for Altair, the 18th Regulars would never be able to reclaim air superiority. This gave the 2nd Hurricane a strong advantage throughout the remaining weeks of this critical battle.

   Once planetary landings were made, Colonel Earley (a former Government Commander during New Earth’s Civil War) secured a handful landing sites. However these would not be used for his base of operations. Instead, he had other plans for his fleet of dropships that required them to be on the move. This was only possible due to his commanding of the skies above Altair. He knew that the 18th Regulars was a heavier, well trained and better equipped unit than his was. Going toe to toe would be a disaster for his lighter unit. So long before he made his landings, he had created his battle plan centered on his unit’s speed. It was plan right out of General Death’s own play book.

   During their deployment to Circinus Federation, 2nd Hurricane RCT had mastered a hunt and destroy tactic against pirates by using rapid attacks. While in the Periphery, the 2nd never faced off with as well trained unit as the 18th Regulars was, Colonel Earley was sure that the modifications to his tactics would take away the experience factor of the 18th Regulars. Once more, the secret to Colonel Earley’s plan would rest on the Specter and its ability to provide the very best reconnaissance as possible. He needed to know where separate units of the 18th Regulars were before they discovered elements of the 2nd Hurricane.

   His first move was to send his Specters in to the skies. While he had air superiority, The Combine air units could still pose a threat to his own ground units. So he dispatched his specters without escort. Second, he detached his combat brigades and allowed them to conduct a series of raids much like Rolling Thunder. The differences came in where the dropships made their landings. On Nirasaki, Colonel Night had his units conduct dangerous combat drops or landings just at the edge of the enemy's ranges. This placed the dropships in a dangerous situation that often led to the dropships taking enemy artillery fire.

   Colonel Earley wanted to use the natural speed of his units to their full advantage so he ordered his drops to be made further away from the fields of battle.    This move protected his drop zones and concealed the drops. With the heavy use of counter measures this often caused the enemy to have no idea where the 2nd was. In doing so, his combat brigades were able to attack with surprise on their side. As one Combat Brigade was involved in the middle of an attack, a transit Brigade could maneuver in to a flanking position and drive in the attack. While the third Combat Brigade would board their dropships and get ready for their new redeployments.

   As the transit Brigade hit the 18th Regulars in the flank, the first Combat Brigade would conduct a movement action breaking their portion of the engagement. If the 18th Regulars hoped to turn and face either of the first two Combat Brigades, the third Brigade would hammer the 18th Regulars from a different direction. Thanks to the Specters of the 2nd, Colonel Earley knew where and when to have his Brigades strike. But this didn’t mean that the 2nd wasn’t taken losses. Even with his masterfully created plan, the 18th Regulars was a formidable enemy to fight.

   During each engagement, the 18th Regulars fought back with a dogged determination. The pilots and soldiers of the 18th Regulars fought back with the fierce and experience skills that was expected of an elite unit. Plus this also allowed for Brigade techs to set up repair sites behind enemy lines. Battles were costly on both sides, however the 2nd Hurricane was able to recover from those losses a bit faster thanks to Colonel Earley's forward thinking. Not only did he deploy his unit’s techs closer to the front lines than the 18th Regulars.  This allowed the 2nd Hurricane to recover damaged units before they became lost to battle damage. But Colonel Earley deployed his medics using a handful of transport VTOL’s to get wounded soldiers from the front lines. This allowed the 2nd Hurricane to get wounded warriors and pilots off the front line a lot faster than the 18th Regulars were. This move by Colonel Earley had a twin effect on his troops. It increased moral during the most intense times of the battle. It also allowed minor wounded troops to return to the front lines much faster.

   These two factors gave Colonel Earley and the 2nd Hurricane an illusion that the RCT was much larger than it really was. This illusion forced the 18th Regulars to fight under the assumption that it was out numbered. To add to this illusion, Colonel Earley unleashed his Thunder Chiefs. Once more, it was the low tech thinking of his Quantum Tech technicians came up with a new idea to increase the overall performance of the Thunder Chiefs. By reinforcing their landing gear and adding more support to the super structure this increased the fighter’s ability to use improvised landing sites. Colonel Earley used his Special Forces units to seek out sites that could be easily converted in to landing sites for the Thunder Chiefs. Again, this gave a huge boost to the 2nd Hurricane another major advantage during the battle.

   With the Thunder Chief’s ability to linger on the fringes of the battlefield, Colonel Earley had his Thunder Chiefs operating independently on Hunt and Destroy missions. The Thunder Chief's shaped charged warheads and their AC10 equipped with FSDS rounds made short work of the 18th Regulars Armor units and caused many mech units headaches. Using information gained by their Specter counter parts, the Thunder Chiefs would hunt down small units and engage them. Where the Aerospace fighters used fusion engines, the Thunder Chief, like all conventional fighters, used an internal combustion engine. However, the Thunder Chief had a unique designed turbine fan Design which gave the craft a much higher fuel efficacy and a sound never heard on the battlefield before.

   As a squadron of Thunder Chief’s would locate their pair, the group would move in from different directions and dive in on the Combine unit. As the fighters would increase in speed and range would to their targets would close, the target area would fill with the screaming sound from the turbine fan of the Thunder Chiefs. This sound often ended with the death of one or more Combine tanks or Mechs. Thunder Chief pilots’ became so skilled at hunting Combine units, that they were starting to be able to identify Combine units at range. Near the end of engagement, the screaming sound of a diving of the Thunder Chiefs became a sound that meant death for a 18th Regulars unit caught in the open.

   Beaten but not out of the battle, the 18th Regulars started to change their operations more suited for fighting against the 2nd Hurricane. After being forced on the defensive for the majority of the battle so far, the commanders of the 18th Regulars started to plan out their counter offensive. It was thanks to the Specters stalking the fringes of the battlefield that alerted Colonel Earley to the coming change in the battle. Instead of pulling his Combat Brigades back to protect his Headquarter unit, he pulled a faint. It was a move that nearly cost him the entire battle. As the 18th readied its offensive, Colonel Earley ordered his Combat Brigades to pull back as if they were withdrawing to protect his Headquarters Brigade. However instead of falling back, he ordered them to pull back and conduct a timely deep flanking maneuver.

   In response to the coming 18th assault, Colonel Earely ordered his HHQ Brigade and their supporting units to prepare for coming assault. What the 18th never counted on, was the makeup of Colonel Earely’s HHQ Brigade. While his HHQ Brigade did have hundreds of support personal and equipment, protecting these vital assets were a wide range of troops, armor vehicles and tanks as well as a full Battlemech Battalion. Located near his HHQ Brigade was also his Regimental Artillery unit, the 16th Artillery Battalion. This wide range of units gave Colonel Earely’s HHQ Brigade a powerful defensive punch. Following the movements that units belonging to the 18th Regulars, Colonel Earely could precisely estimate when the counter attack was going to come and where it was going to hit his HHQ Brigade.

   However that didn’t change the fact that the battle between the Stormbringers (Colonel Earely’s HHQ Brigade) and the 18th Regulars’ 2nd Battalion and other elements was bitter and hard fought on both sides. More than twice, Colonel Earely was told by his aides to recall the Combat Brigades to support the Stormbringers. Each time, Colonel Earely refused and even took to his own Battlemech leading his Command unit in to the heat of the battle. The 18th reinforced their counter assault with more armor units as the besieged HHQ Brigade fought for their lives. But the true heroes of the battle were the gun crews of the 16th Artillery Battalion.

   Once more, delivering a withering wave of indirect fire repeatedly weakened the Combine’s lines during their assaults on the Stormbringers. This made it possible for the defending Hurricane units to throw back the Combine’s attack each time. At one point during a near break through by the 18th Regulars, the men and women of the 16th Artillery Battalion removed the safeties on their Long Toms and fired their massive guns directly at the oncoming assault Mechs of the 18th Regulars. The 16th Artillery Battalion made short work of the Mechs while supporting lighter Mechs were able to through back the thrust. Hurricane Artillery units quickly became hated by many Combine Officers more than any other Hurricane unit deployed. Because of their actions during this pivotal battle, the 16th Artillery Battalion would be recognized for their heroics by President Bailey on their return to New Earth.

   With nearly half of the surviving18th Dieron Regulars were tied down supporting the counter assault. This left a huge opening for the three Combat Brigades of the 2nd Hurricane RCT to strike. Their strike was in the form of a deep lethal wound to the 18th Regulars. In three simultaneous attacks, the three Combat Brigades of the 2nd Hurricane was able to capture or cripple vital support, communications and command sites. The attacks were so well carried out and so decisive that the commander of the 18th Dieron Regulars, General Kingsley, could no longer ignore the truth of this battle. He was forced to withdraw his forces from their counter assault against the Stormbringers and try to reform his smashed rear support units.

   In pulling back from the battle against the HHQ Brigade, General Kingsley accepted that it would be only a matter of time till his unit’s ultimate defeat. While the 18th Regulars continued to fight hard to resist the invasion of the 2nd Hurricane RCT, once elements of the 1st Hurricane RCT arrived on world to assist the 2nd Hurricane, the battle was over. With a heavy heart, General Kingsley had little choice but to accept terms of surrender of his forces. In a show of respect and honor Colonel Earley, (against the direct orders of General Nondi Stainer, but with the approval of General Death) allowed General Kingsley and the remaining of this troops to retreat off world with their equipment and Battlemechs.

   Prior to the departure of the 18th Dieron Regulars, the two leaders set down over drinks in a show of respect for each other. The surprising move was explained later in Colonel Earley's words, "When I first met General Death, he proved to be a leader like I had never seen before. He once told me, it is not a matter to beat our enemies on the battlefield but to respect them off the battlefield as well. Their soldiers, their leaders are no different than you or me. They fight for what they believe in just like we do. So why not respect them? This is what must set us apart from other units and commanders." The honor and respect that Colonel Earley showed his defeated Combine enemy had surprised them and would send ripples that would reach beyond the battle of Altair.

   Before the two leaders parted way, General Kingsley did get one vital question for Colonel Earely about his exceptional gun crews. When asked how his gun crews were so precise in dropping rounds so close to friendly units, Colonel Earley smiled and replied with, "training Sir, lots of training." The answer cast a long reflection of Colonel King's philosophy of heavy training for all Hurricane and New Earth Units alike. The philosophy would reach beyond New Earth and allow this new mercenary command, The Hurricane Legion, to make a major debut for its self.

   In the system of Dieron, the 3rd Hurricane RCT fared not much better upon arriving in system then the 2nd Hurricane had. Facing stiff resistance from a very well organized space defense command, Colonel Stevens unleashed his own aerospace assets. He also made a critical gamble of linking his dropships in to the battle for the system. A gamble that could have cost him a large number of his troops even before they made planet fall. However with overwhelming firepower and thanks to the help of Hurricane Specters once more, the gamble paid off without the loss of a single dropship. The remaining Combine space defenders fled the system granting the 3rd Hurricane RCT or Wind RCT access to their target, Dieron.

   Once on Dieron, Colonel Stevens established his headquarters just a few hundred kilometers from the planetary capital. It was a daring move but Colonel Stevens was confident. Rumors had placed the Elite Fifth Sword of Light aboard their transports and had fled with the Combine space defenders. It would be a horrible miscalculation on Colonel Stevens part and would cost his unit dearly. Upon making their landings, the 3rd Hurricane RCT with support from General Death’s own Death’s Brigade hammered the defenders. It wasn’t long before The Sun Zhang cadets and their supporting units were in complete disarray.

   It wasn’t long before Colonel Stevens led the march on to the Academy its self and crushed any hopes that the Cadets and their Cadre of regaining the upper hand.  What few groups that remained organized fled to the mountains with their Cadre in hopes of carrying out a guerrilla war against the invaders. Colonel Stevens thinned his forces to protect his growing support sites and readied to deal with the guerrilla raids that were soon to come.

   Proving the rumors correct, 5th Sword of the Light never made a showing during the opening days of battle. However this was more a cause of concern than relief. While Colonel Stevens was focused on securing Dieron, General Death requested through his chain of command any intelligence of the location of the elite unit. Through a massive act of confused communication and lack of verification, it was reported by General Stainer's Headquarters that the 5th Sword of the Light was engaged by an AFFS unit on another world. Noting that the fighting was degrading to slightly organized raids carried out by the remains of the Sun Zhang cadets and their Cadre, and acting on the information from Lyran Intelligence, General Death reported Dieron secured. But it was clear he still had his reservations. He decided to keep his unit on Dieron for the time being.

   However that decision was countered by General Stainer. Against his protests, General Death was ordered to take his elite Death’s Brigade to Styx and support an embattled LCAF unit there. General Stainer also ordered the Hurricane Fleet to redeploy prepare for the second wave of the operation. The order would limit Hurricane units’ in their ability to move from world to world and one that all senior commanders of the Hurricane Legion protested. General Stainer insisted that the LCAF paid for the ships and therefore had all the right to command them during times of war. In the end, General Death would be forced to relocate his unit to Styx and order his ships to support the second wave. This move left the 3rd Hurricane to hold the resource rich Dieron by its self.

   By June 3039, the overall invasion was going so well to plan that units of the second wave were ordered in to action. In doing so, more demand were placed on the already stretched thin Jumpship fleets. It was a time of confusion and of major activity across the entire front. Later General Nondi Stainer said that she realized that the situation created a level of confusion that even she was unaware of at the time. Still the situation was created and many mercenary units slipped through the cracks and many were all but abandoned behind enemy lines when the Combine launched its counter offensive.

   On July 12th, 3039 a highly skilled covert ops team belonging to the Combine Intelligence Organization called DEST moved on General Stainer's Headquarters. The elite DEST team hit the HQ with such skill and deadly force that many were killed and even more were wounded. General Stainer's own aide was killed as the pair were running for cover during the attack. Historians have viewed the following events and actions in different light depending on the points of view. However what would happen next would cause a deep rooted hatred to grow on New Earth against their fellow Lyrans.

   With the Combine's counter-offensive in full swing, an aide to General Stainer ordered the Lyran’s entire Army to withdraw back to the Commonwealth lines. The official record placed the collapse of Lyran Front on the hands of an Aide who took charge after General Stainer was wounded in the DEST attack. However there were rumors that floated after the war that it was an ordered issued by General Stainer just before she was wounded and removed from the field of battle. On New Earth, the assumed General's actions were condemned as cowardly and a betrayal of Commonwealth troops in the field.

   The reasoning behind the withdrawal was to prepare for a much larger Combine thrust that could threaten Ryde Operation Area. While there was significant evidence behind this concern, the action abandoned the overall Joint Operation Orochi. As the LCAF units were in full retreat from Combine space, the Hurricane Legion as well as all other mercenary commands were ordered to withdraw back to thier pre-Operation stations. As the Hurricane withdrew from Combine space, it didn't take General Death to realize that he was missing the 3rd Hurricane RCT and their supporting fleet.

   Unaware of her condition, General Death sent an urgent message to Nondi Stainer requesting the location of his missing unit. Once more bad information and miscommunication played a critical role in the events on Dieron. However not all of this was simple fog of war. The same Aide that ordered the general withdraw, also willfully excluded vital information from the Hurricane Legion leadership. General Death was informed that the fleet and his missing unit had withdrew with General Stainer's command group. This was only half true.

   Just prior to the DEST attack on her Headquarters, the Third Hurricane Fleet (the group of Jumpships assigned to support the 3rd Hurricane RCT) had been making supply drops and troop deployments to General Stainer's location. After the attacks on the Lyran Headquarters, the General’s staff needed jumpships to salvage as much of their supplies and personal as possible. They ordered that the Third Hurricane Fleet assist in the evacuations of the command group and its supplies. Noting the grave situation that was taking place and realizing that it was only a matter of time till units were abandoned behind enemy lines, Admiral Michael J. Bryant (Former Government Naval Officer and commander of the Third Hurricane Fleet) cleared his fleets docking collars are prepared to make the jump to Dieron to evacuate the 3rd Hurricane RCT.

   Enraged over his blatant disregarding of orders, General Stainer took a group of officers and troops to the Hurricane's Ark Royal, the flagship of the Third Fleet. She was greeted by the Admiral himself on his own bridge. The two flag officers had a very heated exchange on the bridge over the fate and orders of the Third Hurricane Fleet. The Admiral Bryant dug in his heals and refused to follow her orders and continued with his plans for rescuing their embattled comrades. After extensive reviews of all the evidence, it was noted that Admiral Bryant had intentionally provoked General Stainer in daring her to stop him and his sailors. In response to Admiral Bryant's actions, General Stainer had him and his staff arrested. There were conflicting reports that an armed exchange took place on the bridge which General Stainer openly denies. However members of the Ark Royal Bridge crew supported the claims.

   While Admiral Bryant remained silent regarding these claims, LCAF medical reports indicated that the Admiral and two of his senior officers were treated for gunshot wounds. Hurricane Medical reports secured after the war indicated that a number of officers and crew members of the Ark Royal were also treated for small arm wounds that would further support the claims of the armed exchange between the crew of the Ark Royal and the LCAF.

   Regardless if there was an arm exchange on the bridge of the Ark Royal or not. What is without dispute is the official order issued by Admiral Bryant to his Hurricane crew members. That order was to abide by the terms of their contract with the LCAF and follow the orders issued by the Officers that General Stainer was placing over the fleet. He officially surrendered command of the fleet to General Stainer under protest and was taken in to custody shortly there afterward. General Stainer placed the liaison officer assigned to the Hurricane Legion in command of the Third Hurricane Fleet. Within hours, the Third Hurricane Fleet jumped with the rest of the Lyran ships and abandoned the 3rd Hurricane RCT on Dieron.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 05:51:42 PM by Akirapryde2006 »
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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2015, 05:19:14 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Six: Under Siege and the Rescue

   The full force of the Combine’s counter-offensive was in full force as the War of 3039 was turning its tide from the Federated Commonwealth. Combine units were hammering away at the Davion Thrust on every world. The Lyran Thrust was in state of complete route as units were withdrawing without orders, often leaving vital supply lines open for attack. Adding to the chaos was the lack of communications that increased the level of confusion. As chaos took hold of the Lyran front, Outfits were forced to make critical choices between waiting for their recon units to return to their landing sites and risk being left behind or leaving their fellow comrades behind.

   As the Lyran front continued to disintegrate, the Davion front was forced to execute a retreat as well. However unlike the chaos of the Lyran front, the Davion units were able to execute a much more organized retreat. With the lines shifting horrifically against the Federated Commonwealth, back on Dieron the 3rd Hurricane RCT were all but forgotten. The world had been cut off from any knowledge of what was going on regarding the offensive or the Combine’s counter attack. Colonel Stevens had sent serval requests for information to General Stainer’s headquarters. However those reports went unanswered. Colonel Stevens dismissed his own fears and continued to keep his unit spread out in defense of guerrilla raids.

   It was time for the 5th Sword of the Light to launch its own counter attack on the 3rd Hurricane RCT. Without warning, the 5th Sword under the command of General Conti slipped from its mountain hideaways and hammered the 3rd Hurricane RCT with brutal and relentless efficiency. Without warning, the 3rd was caught flatfooted and ill-prepared for the coming attacks. Prior to this moment, the only enemy activity that was being carried out had been guerrilla raids. The attacks all but reflected why the 5th Sword of the Light were one of the most elite units of the Combine. The 3rd Hurricane was spread too thin to stop this new threat. They drove the much larger force of the 3rd Hurricane back across Dieron.

   After linking up with elements of the Sun Zhang Academy, the 5th Sword continued their drive against the retreating 3rd Hurricane. It wasn't until Colonel Stevens personally led his own Headquarters Battlemech battalion against the wave of 5th Sword Mechs that the 5th Sword's offensive came to a halt. Accepting the change of situation, Colonel Stevens pulled his unit together and created a battle plan that would give his unit a change for life. His plan was masterful and called for the use of his Artillery to create a wall of lead raining down. His own battalion would slam in to the 5th Sword's leading elements. He knew that it was a gamble but he had to buy time for his armor and infantry to form up a defensive line.

   If there was going to be any hope for the 3rd Hurricane, Colonel Stevens had to bring the Combine’s offensive to a stop. Noting what was in the balance, he called in every possible air support he had available to stop the 5th's drive. As the two sides engaged, the battle was heroic on both sides. For all of his mistakes up to this moment, Colonel Stevens held the ground for his retreating units. For his best efforts, his own Headquarters Battalion were being pushed back. With their landing site and dropships behind them, the fate of the 3rd Hurricane RCT rested in the balance. Even without their Jumpships, the 3rd Hurricane’s dropships were critical. What would happen next would be nothing short of heroism in is purest form.

   Colonel Stevens knew that if the offensive of 5th Sword of the Light was not stopped then his own landing site and their vital dropships would come under direct fire from the 5th's own limited artillery. Colonel Stevens' led his headquarters battalion in an all or nothing charge at the enemy lines. Colonel Stevens and his officers knew that this was the 3rd’s most desperate hour. In the finest tradition of military history, the troops of the 3rd faced the Combine threat with courage.

   Colonel Stevens called in artillery and close in air support to assist in stopping the 5th’s offensive. With rounds the size of light battlemechs falling from the sky and smashing the 5th Sword's leading elements, Colonel Stevens led the heroic last charge. Overhead aerospace fighters, conventional fighters, VTOL’s and even some dropships were running strafing runs against the 5th Sword's lines, as Colonel Stevens' unit fought against four to one odds to bring the 5th Sword's drive to a standstill. The battle lasted throughout the night and in to the early morning hours. As the battered units of the 3rd started to get their formations under control, more and more units took up the line supporting Colonel Stevens’ heroic stand.

   History would never know who came up with the idea, but the airwaves around the battle would be filled with a motivational song for the 3rd. At the height of the battle, the song, 'Rock you like a Hurricane' started to play in the clear. The song had long been used by the Hurricane Stables pilots as their theme song in the arenas on Solaris VII. Hundreds of light years away, now the song was being used to rally the troops of 3rd. It is the first recorded use of the song by the Hurricane Legion during battle. During the battle, this song became the battle cry became the 3rd throughout the night and in to the morning hours. Spies would later confirm that the song played a critical role in the 3rd’s survival that night.

   Because of its transmission signal strength, the song was heard over the airwaves well over six hundred kilometers away. General Conti's staff had reported that the song had made communication with their forward units nearly impossible. Thus making issuing new orders difficult and played heavily in favor of the mercenary invaders. However, it was thanks to a Quantum Tech technician and former COB Officer, Lt. Sid Emperor that the 3rd was able to communicate at a limited level. A simple modification to the transceivers of command level units made passing information among Hurricane units easy. The modification allowed for verbal orders to be sent by an officer and received as a digital signal by another. This digital signal would be converted in to a short line that would show up on the officer’s heads up display.

   Due to time restraints, it was only possible for elements of Stevens' attacking units to receive the modifications. Despite Lt. Emperor and his team working throughout the battle, there was simply not enough time. All other units that didn't have the modifications were informed of critical instructions prior to the major offensive. Colonel Stevens' counted on the training of his soldiers and their ability to know what has to be done. Colonel Steven’s knew that the fate of his unit was in the balance. If this last ditch attack failed, there would be no way to avoid having to surrender his unit. Yet, the 3rd still had more than enough fight left in them.

   For the 3rd to have a chance at survival meant that the 5th’s offensive had to be stopped at all costs. And to make this happen, Colonel Stevens' threw his own command battalion in to the jaws of the enemy at the apex of the battle. Up and down the line, his combat brigades were in shambles and needed valuable time to regroup and reform their lines. Colonel Stevens’ goal was to hammer the front of the 5th’s lines so hard that it would cause them to halt their advance. His plan would drive the spearhead of the 5th back on itself forcing the entire line to crumble.

   As the sun slowly rose over the battlefield, the results of the battle were clear for both sides to see. Large pillars of black smoke showed where entire units had been blasted from their positions by enemy actions. To the shock of the commanders of the 5th Sword, the Hurricane lines had held thanks to Colonel Stevens. Against this heroic charge, the 5th Sword pressed the line with all their skill and might. By midday, the tide had turned against the 5th Sword and their local allies. Colonel Stevens brave last ditch effort paid off as reformed Hurricane units were able to reinforce the lines.

   Colonel Stevens had bought his combat brigades the time to fall back and reform their units. By the end of nearly twenty hours of continued close quarter’s battle, the lines had stabilized for the moment. But at a very high cost. Colonel Stevens’ modified Archer after taking brutal damage during the battle, finally succumbed to the damage. With his engine overheating and Mech critically damaged. Noting a renewed push coming alone the northern flank of the battlefield, Colonel Stevens pushed his Mech beyond its limits. He rushed the new line of Combine troops as his engine was redlining. In his last transmission, he commanded his troops to ‘Never give up the fight!’ Colonel Stevens Archer exploded while in melee combat with a pair of heavy Mechs. The blast destroyed one heavy and crippled the other. It was enough to collapse the new Combine push on the flank.

   As the sun started to set, the intense battle started to blow its self out. In recognition of their bravery and honor, General Conti sent a message to the surviving leadership of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. The message came as a surprise to the 3rd Hurricane RCT. As a show of respect, General Conti informed the 3rd that he was ordering his forces back forty kilometer back from the line during the next day. He gave the 3rd Hurricane twenty four hours to reclaim their fallen brothers and sisters. General Conti also added that his own unit had collected a number of Hurricane dead during the past three days of marching across Dieron. That those bodies would be returned to the 3rd Hurricane during this time as well.

   With the death of Colonel Stevens and much of the leadership of the 3rd now dead or MIA, leadership fell to Major Robert Macko. General Conti further informed Major Macko that at the end of the twenty four hour cease fire that he hoped that the 3rd Hurricane would consider their options and accept terms for surrender. While the terms of surrender were generous considering the situation, Major Macko was not willing to make this decision lightly. Major Macko met with his remaining commanders of the 3rd and quickly reformed a command structure for the embattled unit. After a long meeting with his new command staff, the decision was made to not give up the fight.

   The hopes of the 3rd rested on a resupply ship from the Hurricane’s 3rd fleet that should be arriving at any hour. Their hopes are to alert Hurricane Leadership of what is going on and get reinforcements on the ground. There was still hope that Dieron could be won. What they could never know was that the resupply ship was not coming. Major Macko politely accepted the cease fire and informed General Conti that he would inform the General of his answer regarding the surrender at the end of the cease fire.

   At the end of the twenty four hour cease fire, combat continued as the brave warriors of the 3rd held the ground against wave after wave of Combine assaults. However, Major Macko created a defensive strategy that helped maximize their resources. He placed his Combat Brigades at the points of a triangle within artillery support of each other. Then he placed his Headquarter Brigade at the heart of the triangle. This allowed him to rapidly deploy reinforcements to any point during a Combine thrust. This forced General Conti to spread his forces out during an attack thus robbing them of their advantage. To bluster Major Macko’s advantage was his surviving Specters. He deployed them carefully to watch enemy deployments. This allowed Major Macko to ready his troops wherever General Conti was moving to attack.

   After several days the situation of the 3rd was becoming grave as their calls for help to the LCAF went unanswered. After the fact, a classified report would show that two separate LCAF units had received the transmissions of the plight of the 3rd Hurricane and were ordered to continue with their own withdraws. It would become lost to history as to who issued the order to ignore the 3rd’s call for help as those files were removed from official records. Despite the degrading situation, Major Macko knew that he nor his troops were finished. But he also knew that if something wasn’t changed, the 3rd would face defeat despite the courage of his men.

   Salvation came from a surprising source, Senator McGray. Senator David McGray had enlisted in to the military to gain something that his two major political rivals had. Prior to the war of 3039, both former President Jake Death and current President Sara Bailey both had led troops in battle. It was a skill set that McGray had lacked. During the New Earth Civil War, McGray was more or less the political leader of the COB rather than a real military leader. Enlisting in the New Earth Defense Force was nothing short of being able to prove to his critics that he could led troops in battle. He choose to enlist in the service under an assumed name. He had expected an easy tour with the 3rd, but all that had changed.

   Noting the dangers around them, Senator McGray, posing as Lieutenant Justin Campbell, a simple Aerospace pilot, and his close personal friend Lt Sid Emperor came up with an idea that could very well save the day. Three days by foot was Dieron’s capitol and the Comstar Station for the world. McGray’s plan was for him and two of his friends to sneak across the lines and make for the capitol as quickly as possible. Once there they would send a message back to New Earth in hopes of the message being relied to Hurricane Command. The only problem was that the Combine forces were looking for anyone trying to get through the lines. Any air units are engaged and kept within the combat zone.

   It would be the single most dangerous mission he had ever been on, but for McGray his fellow soldiers needed him. That night as he and Sid came up with this plan, McGray felt something he never experienced before. That sense of family in arms. He had heard speeches about it before by his rivals but never really understood what it meant till that night. In his autobiography, he wrote that it was in that moment as Combine shells exploded just outside their little bunker, he realized why his political career had been so empty. He had returned to New Earth on the promise of power and leadership within the COB. He had joined the New Earth government to further that pursuit of power only to live an empty life. He had to travel to Dieron and faced death to realize how far he had fallen. McGray decided to maintain his fake identity as he pitched the plan to Major Macko.

   Lacking any better ideas, Major Macko had little choice but to approve the near suicide mission. The three voluntaries, Lieutenant Campbell, Lieutenant Emperor and Lieutenant Mullens, would sneak out as Major Macko and the rest of the 3rd would create a diversion. Slipping through the lines proved to be the easiest part of the plan. McGray and his two man team were doggedly pursued by Combine forces for the next four days. Because of their pursuers, it took a day longer to reach the Comstar Station. However thanks to their teamwork and clever thinking the group made it to the Comstar Station. There in the white lobby while Combine agents were circling for the kill, David McGray wrote his message.

   Back in the pocket, where the 3rd was still fighting for their lives. Major Macko was starting to lose faith in the rookie pilots. Time was ticking away and there was no word from the group. There was no way of knowing if the message had managed to be sent or not. With every new Combine attack, more of his troops were being killed. They would manage to hold the line, but the cost was starting to weigh heavily on the experienced Major. Moral was strong but as Major Macko walked among his troops he could see the enemy within their eyes. Less than twenty miles away the embattled soldiers of the 3rd could easily make out large Combine dropships landing. The 5th Sword was being reinforced while the 3rd was losing more and more troops each day. With the dropships came a new wave of enemy fighters. The 3rd no longer commanded the skies over the battlefield. Because of this, he had to halt his Specter missions which ended his early warnings of enemy attacks.

   Major Macko had no idea that by this time the Lyran front had collapsed in the face of a massive Combine counter offensive. As he wondered his own lines, he was starting to lose faith in himself. A fact that wouldn’t surface till almost a decade later. What no one knew was that in his pocket was a renewed offer by the Combine to surrender. Till this moment, he had led his troops with honor and pride but now doubt was crippling him. In the offer for surrender was information about the counter offensive. The 5th’s commanding officer pointed out that the Federated Commonwealth had abandoned the 3rd to its fate. If this were true, then the 3rd had no hope of survival. If they managed to break out and escape Dieron, without jumpships there was nowhere for this forces to go.

   As Major Macko found himself along a line of tanks, he considered the math of the battle. The numbers simply didn’t offer him a victory. They could continue to fight to hold the line till the 5th bleed them dry. They could mount a massive break out operation in hopes of fighting their way to the safety of the mountains. While they would still be trapped on Dieron, they could hold out there longer till reinforcements could arrive. However in doing so, they would have to surrender their dropships. This was something that Macko didn’t want to accept. It was his dropships that offered repair bays for his equipment, medical bays for his wounded and vital air defense against the growing Combine fighter threat. The math was simply against the 3rd Hurricane RCT. Then there was surrender….

   It was a heavy choice that Major Macko faced. However as he looked around him, he could see the faith that his troops had in him. At this critical point in Major Macko’s military career he got inspiration from an unusual source. A seasoned older armor sergeant walked up to Major Macko and spoke frankly. "Sir, with all due respect. I can see it written on your face. I know that look. We came here to prove something and I damn sure don’t believe that was to prove that we can surrender. My platoon did that back on Pisces a decade ago. Sir, no one in my company wants to do that again. Everyone knows we can’t fight out of here, but we can trust that The General won’t forget about us. Don’t give up on us."

   On those words, Major Macko continued his personal tour of his lines. After a bit of time, he called on his commanders for new orders. It was time that the 3rd showed the Combine what they were made of. He ordered his line units to improve their defensive lines. It was going to be a long bitter wait for the rookies to get word to General Death.  He personally addressed his pilots, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I cannot tell you how much your ground brothers and sisters will be counting on you to keep us safe. I respect all that you have done so far and will be doing for us in the coming days. But I won't lie to you right now, I am sending you right back in to harm’s way." Major Macko said to his remaining air support pilots. On that he ordered a continued combat air patrol over his lines. He had to buy as much time as possible for a relief force to show up.

   Back at the Comstar Facility, McGray was working on his message to New Earth. He had to make sure that his message would be taken seriously by New Earth. He had little choice but to reveal himself. He choose to send his message to his rival, President Sara Bailey. He used information that only she knew he knew. He detailed the situation on Dieron and urged her to get a message to General Death. Suddenly it appeared as if the long dark road before them was coming to an end. However there was a speed bump that brought McGray’s plan to a halt. Twenty nine C-Bills was how much he and his team were short to send the live saving message. Again his frustration was written in his autobiography. “I wanted to reach through that window and choke that white robed little snot.”

   Without the extra C-Bill’s the message couldn’t be sent. However fate stepped in, in the form of a female member of Comstar. Her name was Adept Delta Eirene Michelakos and she was a reporter for Comstar. McGray made ever attempt to seduce her in to loaning him the C-Bills. After serval sad attempts, Eirene finally agreed to ‘loan’ him the money. However she had revealed a secret to him. She had heard rumors that the famous David McGray, legendary Periphery Pirate turned Inner Sphere Politician was on Dieron. She had come to Dieron to seek out this man. As she placed two twenty C-Bill notes in his hand, she whispered that there was a DEST team outside the station waiting on him and his three friends. She offered the use of her car to get them out of the city.

   McGray took the money and accepted the help. He paid for the message to be sent and it was sent at top priority to New Earth. Within hours, it would be crossing President Bailey’s desk. But McGray and his team wasn’t out of harm’s way. Eirene led McGray and his two friends through the corridors of the Comstar Station till they were in a parking garage. It was then Eirene explained that her price for helping them was simple. She wanted an interview with the legendary Periphery Pirate. Reluctantly, McGray agreed and Eirene set her things up. The two hour interview was friendly but it was clear that McGray was rushed. But in the end, Eirene was able to paint a picture of a man who was evolving from being a greedy pirate to someone becoming much more. She agreed to keep the location of the interview secret in exchange McGray offered her viewers a long hard look in to his soul.

   On their way out of the city, McGray got a chance to learn a bit more about Eirene, she was born on the Lyran world of Skye. Both her father and mother were Comstar reporters. The team were well known across the region because they brought light to the humanitarian crisis that was the New Earth Civil War. Eirene pointed out that the struggle of New Earth over the past fifty years had always been a point of interest for Comstar Reporters. And none had covered it with so much detail as her mother and father. Sadly, Eirene told of how her mother was killed when Eirene was ten during the Battle of the Nes’Saw. When Eirene was old enough she took joined the ranks of Comstar to follow in her parents’ footsteps. She drove the team out of the city and dropped McGray and his team off near the rear elements of the 5th Sword of the Light. As Eirene drove away, McGray promised with a smile he wouldn’t let that little reporter slip from his grasps again.

   It wouldn’t take long for the Draconis Combine to cry foul when it was learned that Eirene helped an unnamed pair of New Earth pilots return to their lines. Eirene never denied that she used her Comstar flagged car to help the two pilots escape the trap that DEST had created for the pilots. For her credit, she never leaked the names of who she helped. She only admitted that she did in fact help two New Earth pilots from the 3rd Hurricane RCT in direct violation of Comstar’s neutrality. The scandal ended her Comstar Career. However within a year of the 3rd’s defeat on Dieron, Eirene Michelakos would find employment with Senator McGray as a researcher then later as a Public Relations Specialist.

   When word of the finally reached General Death of what was happening on Dieron, he was already coming unglued due to the lack of information from the Lyrans. With his patients pushed beyond their limits he exploded when he learned of the plight of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. Not caring about the costs, he called up all of his units for a massive rescue operation. Both the 1st and 2nd Hurricane RCT boarded their dropships and were ready to follow their leader in to the breech as Death's Brigade led the charge. It would be a deep raid for the record books. However a private meeting between General Death, his wife Karen Tetsuhara-Death and her sister Linna Tetsuhara brought the plans to a screaming halt. While the details of that meeting were lost to history, something of what they told him changed General Death's mind. He issued an order for his units to hold station above Caph and wait for further orders.

   General Death and Linna Tetsuhara left aboard a lone Scout Class Jumpship for an unknown destination. Against the advice of his command staff, he only took a hand full of security personal with him. Who he met and where they met is still a mystery. However it is possible that his wife's and his sister-in-law's connections to late Tai-Sho Minobu Tetsuhara had managed to arrange a high level meeting at the last minute. A note of historical importance was discovered when Comstar opened his vaults to the Inner Sphere, General Death called his meeting of his senior officers nearly two hours before McGray's message was hand delivered to President Bailey’s desk back on New Earth. This indicated that General Death knew about what was going from another source before the New Earth President was made aware of it. Thus casting further mystery on who Jake Death really is.

   Five days after McGray’s message was sent, Death arrived on Dieron to find the remains of the 3rd Hurricane RCT dug in and still holding the lines. For their credit the brave troops of the 3rd Hurricane RCT held up against the worst the 5th Sword of the Light and its supporting units could throw at them. For nearly two weeks they held off attack after attack. And in their eyes held the determination of these men and women to hold the line at all costs. Flapping high over the pocket were the twin flags of the Hurricane Legion and of New Earth. While this battle would largely become forgotten to history as just one battle during the war of 3039, this would not be the case for New Earth. Across New Earth, this battle would become celebrated as a test of courage and devotion to duty.

   After a short meeting with General Conti, General Death boarded a jeep and drove under guard and white flags across the lines. At first he wasn’t recognized by troops of the 3rd Hurricane. There was even a suggestion to blast the jeep from the roadway. However orders to abide by the white flag held the guns of the 3rd silent. Once the jeep stopped and General Death stepped out from it, the entire lines of the 3rd erupted in cheers. In that moment, it was realized that the message that Lieutenant Campbell had died sending had been received. Major Macko didn’t believe it till he saw with his own eyes. Standing before him was former President and now General Jake Death. Major Macko walked up and greeted the General as if the men were making a Sunday golf game.

   General Death smiled at his troops and gave a nod to them, “Guys, you fought a hell of a fight. This battle here is over. I have come to take you home." On that note, he ordered the 3rd to board their dropships. During the next few hours, General Conti met with Major Macko as the 5th Sword of the Light pulled back to allow the 3rd to withdraw from the battlefield. The two men shook hands and parted no longer as enemies but as friends. It was a feeling that would spread across the lines. Despite the fact that the 3rd had lost Dieron, it was clear that no one considered the 3rd defeated. This site would be honored by the 5th Sword of the Light as a place where they met a unit that matched their skill, courage and honor. To show this, General Conti ordered a sight on the battle field to be persevered as a memorial to both sides.

   During the battle, the 5th heroically charged the lines of the 3rd. The courage and determination of the 3rd won the day each time. However this left many ruined Mechs, tanks and other equipment across the battlefield. One such site is the spot where two Mechs died locked in melee combat. A Hurricane Shadow Hawk and a 5th Sword of the Light Wolverine stood with their large hands gripping the other mech. Sometime during one of the numerous battles, these two pilots were killed and their Mechs now stood locked in an eternal struggle. Long after both pilots were killed and the burned out shells of their Mechs were left on the battlefield eyes turned to these Mechs with respect. During the evacuation of the 3rd, many warriors of the 5th Sword of the Light would walk across the battlefield towards these two mech. There they placed the swords or rifles of their fallen comrades. Warriors of the 3rd did the same for their own fallen comrades.

   It took three days to completely evacuate the remains of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. By the end of the evacuation, the legs of those two Mechs were littered with hundreds of swords, knives and rifles. General Corti ordered that these items be permanently welded to the legs of the two Mechs. He also ordered that the unit markings of the Mechs be maintained so that all could easily tell what unit matched the 5th Sword of the Light. General Death stood alongside of Major Macko and his staff as the last dropship was loaded. They stood there looking at the twin mech in silence. Macko pulled his own pistol and scribed ‘Colonel Stevens’ on the handle. He walked up and jammed the pistol between two armor plates of the Shadow Hawk. Colonel Stevens’ body was one of many that was not recovered. As the dropships were loaded, the cost of Dieron became painfully clear.

   When the 3rd Hurricane RCT landed on Dieron, it boasted over fifteen thousand men and women within its ranks. Mech pilots, armor crews, pilots, artillery crews support personal all made up the 3rd Hurricane. Now as they boarded their dropships, just over a quarter would walk off of Dieron. of the 3rd Hurricane RCT that landed on Dieron at the beginning of the invasion, just less than a quarter would be able to board their transports on their own. Over eight thousand would have to be carried from the battlefield while over two thousand of their brothers and sisters would never be able to leave Dieron as their bodies were not recovered. Beaten, bloodied and battered to hell, the 3rd Hurricane RCT left Dieron with their flag held high and in honor. And more importantly, they left with the earned respect of their enemies.

   The following months were filled with a complete investigation in to the events around the 3rd Hurricane RCT being abandoned behind enemy lines. General Nondi Stainer demanded to know how he got his unit off of Dieron without the use of force. A question that General Death refused to answer. Because of this refusal, she stripped the honorary rank of Hauptmann-General from Death. In reaction, Death showed up at future meetings wearing a New Earth uniform devoid of all Fed-Com markings. Soon the jester spread to all Hurricane forces as they stripped off Fed-Com markings from their uniforms and equipment. This was the beginning of a rift that would continue to grow between New Earth and the Lyran side of the Federated Commonwealth.

   General Nondi Stainer went as far as accusing General Death of betraying state secrets to the Combine in exchange for the return of his troops. To support this claim she linked a series of Lyran defeats shortly after the evacuation of the 3rd RCT. While there was no evidence supporting this claim, the rumor took hold across the Skye March and inflamed New Earth’s neighbors. General Nondi Stainer ordered General Death to disband his unit and allow nearby Lyran units to absorb the remains of the Hurricane Legion, which he refused. Back on New Earth as the rift slowly grew, New Earth’s Congress passed a bill which was signed in to law by President Bailey changing the structure of the New Earth Defense Command and the role of Commander in Chief.

   The change in role of Commander in Chief separated the elected position of President from the now Congressional appointed position of Commander in Chief. Under the bill, they also named Jake Death as the official Commander in Chief of all New Earth Armed Forces. It also named the Hurricane Legion as within those forces. No longer just a mercenary command, General Stainer could not force her order as Hurricane units were now protected under Fed-Com law. The move outraged General Stainer and fueled the flames that raged between New Earth and the LCAF. But the other shoe was about to fall when the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission released its findings. They found that the Federated Commonwealth had been at fault regarding the events of Dieron and the mulling that the 3rd RCT took.

   Despite relations between New Earth and the LCAF at all-time lows, New Earth's favorite Archon, Melissa Stainer-Davion, was hailed as a local daughter during a state visit. She arrived amid the chaos that raged over the betrayed 3rd Hurricane RCT and the accusations of LCAF. The reason behind her visit was to show respect for the soldiers of the 3rd Hurricane RCT that had been killed on Dieron and to try to claim tensions. During her visit, the Acrhon made a visit to veterans' hospitals where she was able to speak to that same outspoken armor sergeant. During a remembrance ceremony she laid a reef at a memorial in honor of the sacrifices that the 3rd Hurricane made.

   She gave a speech before the survivors of the 3rd, speaking of their honor and courage. Once more Melissa Stainer-Davion proved why she was without doubt leader of the Lyran side of the Federated Commonwealth. During interviews, she was asked by local reporters regarding the rift between New Earth and the LCAF. She only said about the issue that her husband was sending a special envoy to meet with New Earth leaders and will resolve this issue. The fires between New Earth and the LCAF were lessened by the visit of the Acrhon. She reassured New Earth, that the sacrifice of its troopers would be honored. She pledged her support and gratitude for the men and women of the Hurricane Legion.

   To her word, General Death was already having secret meetings with Marshal Hasek-Davion to work the issue out. The two men met on Northwind for closed door meetings. To their credits, both men handled the situation with respect and mutual understanding for where they were working from. The secret settlement that they would reach would send a clear message to Nondi Stainer regarding her actions. The Federated Commonwealth would reimburse the Hurricane Legion for all the equipment lost plus twenty percent. Admiral Bryant and his officers were to be released at once furthermore, the Federated Commonwealth would return all the ships of the 3rd Hurricane Fleet.

   One issue that Death pushed hard for was a cash settlement of two hundred and fifty million C-Bills. This settlement would be given to New Earth solely to fund the continued care for the wounded troops and the construction of ten new state of the art hospitals on New Earth. These hospitals would be designed as both fully functional hospitals as well as areas of higher learning. The Federated Commonwealth would also continue to fund the expansion of higher learning on New Earth. This had been something that the New Earth Congress had been pushing for, for over five years. Now it was a reality. The last prevision of the settlement was the only prevision never fulfilled. A simple apology letter hand written by General Nondi Stainer for her actions which led to the needless loss of life by so many of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. Noting the implications of the letter, both men worked hard to iron out the actual wording for it. All the letter required was a hand signature by Nondi Stainer. A signature that would never be given to that carefully crafted letter.
   In return, General Death promised not to press the issue through the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission. As it stood, thanks to the findings of the Commission, the Hurricane Legion could break its contact with the Federated Commonwealth without harm to its rating. Already, the Draconis Combine had offered the Hurricane Legion a sizable contract to come work for them. General Death promised that the Hurricane Legion would not break their contract with the Federated Commonwealth. He also promised to continue to pledge his support for the Federated Commonwealth.

   During her state visit to New Earth the fears of the people of New Earth was sensed. During this time, many New Earth citizens feared a vengeful LCAF after the release of the Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission. Most fears centered around two major issues. First was that while General Death was the official Baron of New Earth, it was a position he never pressed. New Earth had been allowed to self-govern themselves with his blessings. Now he was accused of betraying state secrets. While no one on New Earth bought the accusations, it fueled fears that a new Baron would be sent to New Earth and their self-governing would come to an end. The second major issue was that the Lyran government would inflict higher taxes on New Earth out of retaliation for the agreement between New Earth and the Federated Commonwealth.

   To address these fears, Melissa Stainer-Davion gave her personal word as Archon that New Earth would never see its sovereign rights that had been granted by Baron Death threaten. She assured the leadership of New Earth that they would be able to continue to self-govern themselves. Many had hoped that she would permanently disband the position of Baron of New Earth and name the current government of New Earth the rightful seat of power on New Earth. While she didn’t go as far as many hoped, her promise was more than enough to deal with the fears of a Lyran takeover of New Earth.

   The fear of a taxation assault by the Estates General proved to be a more realistic fear. There was actually a move within the Estates General to do just that. To cut the actions off and to ensure the support of this promising world, Archon Stainer made a move that earned the loyalty of this world. She suspended New Earth's tax obligation to the Federated Commonwealth and the Lyran Estates General as long as these funds were used to continue to reconstruct New Earth. In her final speech on New Earth, she outlived her dream that New Earth would return to the shining gem that it once was.

   To this end, she detailed how New Earth’s tax to the Lyran Estates General would be spent. Building new areas of higher learning, rebuilding its shattered industry. She gave New Earth a fifteen year tax suspension with the promise that the Federated Commonwealth would continue to find new ways of investing in New Earth’s continued rebuilding. It was a speech that outraged a number of other nearby worlds, however a move that earned New Earth's loyalty to the Archon and to her son Victor, who had accompanied her on the visit. New Earth fell in love with the young energetic Victor Stainer-Davion who was to become the next leader of the Federated Commonwealth.

   During his life, Victor Stainer-Davion would return to New Earth a number of times. Each time, the world would welcome him as the future leader that he was. However this was not the only reason for their love for him. Victor acted more like a citizen of New Earth than future leader of a major Inner Sphere power. During one of many state visits that Victor conducted, he actually took part in a set of games called the President's Cup. While his team failed to win the cup, he showed a level of personal interest and leadership that won the hearts and minds of the New Earth people. For the people of New Earth, Victor Stainer-Davion was more than just their future leader, he was one of them!
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2015, 04:47:43 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Seven: Cirinus Federation Crisis and The Black Ship Pirates

   After the 3039 War, the Hurricane Legion returned home to a hero’s welcome. It was planned for the Legion and supporting personal to land at Wiedergeburt’s Conceptopolis Spaceport and move to a staging area outside of the capital of Wiedergeburt. Then once the unit was formed up, the entire Legion would take part in a major parade down the main streets of capital. With their equipment being moved to their bases, the men and women of the Legion would march towards the New Earth Congress Building. The welcoming home parade was televised across New Earth live as hundreds of thousands of New Earth citizens flooded to Wiendergeburt to welcome home their soldiers. Before all of New Earth, the three Hurricane RCT’s, Death’s Brigade and the men and women of the Hurricane Navy marched before a cheering world.

   However not a single moment was as emotional as the silent march of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. As per Major Macko’s request, marching alongside the men and women of the 3rd RCT were NEDF soldiers dressed in all black uniforms with thin black hoods. It was a somber scene as the 3rd turned down their first street and those unknown men and women dressed in black came in to view the first time. These blacked out soldiers represented those soldiers of the 3rd RCT who didn’t make it back from Dieron. What Macko started in 3040 would become a lasting tradition called the March of the Fallen. As the 3rd RCT snaked through the streets of Wiendergeburt, everyone fell silent and lowered their heads in remembrance of those who didn’t come home.

   As the units formed up alongside each other before the large white Congressional Building, President Sara Bailey delivered an emotional speech about sacrifice and service. She didn’t speak of failure, but of success. She spoke about how loyalty to their fellow soldiers allowed the survivors to return home. It was one of her most memorial speeches that hung in the hearts and minds of New Earth citizens for years to come. While she didn’t use it during her campaign, it was contributed for her landslide victory during the following election cycle. In the years that followed no one saw the events on Dieron as a defeat. In fact everyone saw the actions of the 3rd Hurricane RCT as courage in the finest degree. For this barely regular unit stood up against the very best the Combine had to offer and survived.

   However behind closed doors, what happened to the 3rd sent shockwaves across the NEDF. In General King’s own words, “it is times like this, we can learn the most.” It was in this single battle that the NEDF started to reform itself in to the fighting force that it became today. The NEDF leadership took the lessons of Dieron and applied them across the entire service branches. One of the most lasting changes was the creation of the Training and Doctrine Command or TRADOC. As his unit was being rebuilt, Now Colonel Macko assigned to be the first TRADOC commander. He actually refused the post at first, citing his desire to remain in command of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. After securing General King’s promise that once the 3rd was rebuilt, he would be returned to its command, Colonel Macko assumed his duties with TRADOC.

   His first move was to recruit combat veterans from across the ranks of the entire New Earth Defense Command to form his training advisory board. Colonel Macko’s skills on the battlefield were impressive and his strategic skills unmatched. In reaction to Dieron, many often referred to Macko as a younger version of General Death. However when it came time to transferring this knowledge to new recruits, Colonel Macko was not up for the challenge. Colonel Macko was not a powerful public speaker like General Death or President Bailey were. He lacked vital ‘people skills’ to be an effective teacher to his new recruits. However in realizing this flaw, he selected some of the best instructors he could find. Often turning to medical field Colonel Macko recruited therapists to help form learning methodologies. To ensure that his own knowledge wasn’t lost, he helped write the training manuals that would be used to teach others.

   To make sure that the entire NEDC was on the same sheet of training music, Colonel Macko reached across the lines of military branches. Each branch of the NEDC were demanded to offer up their own trainers to fill the ranks of TRADOC’s new training cadre. It wasn’t long before recruits started to see common training methods with a high standards demanded by Colonel Macko. To ensure that what TRADOC was presenting was the very best in training philosophies, Macko sent hundreds of his former warriors from the 3rd RCT across the entire Federated Commonwealth seeking the best standards of the AFFC. On their return, these practices and lessons were tested at the heart of TRADOC, the Cancer Proving Grounds before they became doctrine for the NEDC.

   It wasn’t long before TRADOC started to attract the attention of the AFFS (The Armed Forces of the Federated Sun’s, the Federated Sun’s side of the Federated Commonwealth). However it was due to political tensions between New Earth and the LCAF (the military wing Lyran Commonwealth side of the Federated Commonwealth) that prevented New Earth training advisors from having access to LCAF’s training centers. However, Colonel Macko wouldn’t allow politics to prevent him access to the very best training resources he could get his hands on. He sent many advisors through LCAF’s training centers, often disguised. This only further strained political tensions between New Earth and the LCAF further. He didn’t limit his advisors to just Fed-Com training centers.

   Colonel Macko also sent his advisors to the mercenary training centers on both Galatea and Outreach. It was Colonel Macko’s desires to ensure that the maximum amount of knowledge would be available to TRADOC. The birth of TRADOC ushered in a new era for the New Earth Defense Command that redefined its mission and its abilities. But his boldest move was to instituted training techniques that hadn’t been seen in the Inner Sphere in hundreds of years.

   The move was enough to cause leaders of the Wolf’s Dragoon to hold behind closed door meetings with very high level members of the Federated Sun. These meetings didn’t come to light till after the formation of the Lyran Alliance however what was said during those meeting was lost to history. But has become known is that the leaders of the Federated Commonwealth didn’t fully trust the new direction that New Earth was taking or its new leadership. This mistrust would soon become a nightmare reality in the next twenty years.

   Throughout the years of the 3040’s TRADOC started to take over training sites across the board. TRADOC’s first major acquisition was the Cancer Proving Grounds with many other sites soon to follow. This post would become the heart of the entire Command and spread out from there. His pride and joy was the Fort Hilarion training complex. Colonel Macko’s dream was a center where world leaders could train to face the unthinkable, a world crisis. Built deep in the mountains, from simulated command centers world leaders would face everything from raids and full scale invasion to natural disasters that threatened entire regions of New Earth. Hilarion boasted media centers to fake ‘news broadcasts’ of events unfolding. Hilarion allowed military and civilian leaders train together to defend New Earth in times of crisis.

   Colonel Macko had a dream of fifty training bases across the entire system that would cover the entire scope of the NEDC’s training needs. These bases would become the backbone of TRADOC. This dream would never be realized due to a massive recession struck the region during the early years of 3040’s. Despite the financial strain, Colonel Macko did managed to secured millions of C-bills to build several new training centers across New Earth and the surrounding system. It was a far cry from his dream, but what TRADOC would become within ten years would represent the pride of an entire world and would be shown in the soldiers and sailors it produced.

   TRADOC was fast becoming one of the most expensive parts of New Earth’s growing military. TRADOC was even over shadowing the newly formed New Earth Navy. Despite the cost, by the end of his stewardship of TRADOC was well on its way to become one of the finest training organizations in the Federated Commonwealth. A fact that New Earth took pride in and caused neighboring worlds to look upon a New Earth in jealously. As the recession took hold, the effects of the economic down turn caused New Earth’s growing export economy to shrink and threatened TRADOC existence even before its effects could be realized.

   As the economic recession hit full swing by the mid 3040’s. During this time, the Hurricane Legion was relatively inactive within the Inner Sphere. While they continued to fulfill their contractual obligations with both the Cirinus Federation and with the Federated Commonwealth. Most of their effort was rebuilding their shattered 3rd Hurricane RCT. With only the limited resources of New Earth during the recession, rebuilding took valuable time. Also, General Death wanted to allow his Hurricane the maximum amount of time to train and hone their skills. While most of the Hurricane was inactive, the 4th Hurricane RCT, who was stationed in the Cirinus Federation, was hardly inactive.

   While on station within the Federation, the 4th Hurricane saw a number of limited engagements against the Federation’s neighbors the periphery state of Illryrian Palatinate and the Inner Sphere State of the Free World Legion. While these boarder conflicts were small and largely unimportant it did help the 4th develop its combat experience. However it was in these conflicts that the 4th Hurricane grew the most. The leaders of the 4th Hurricane weren’t completely supportive of the questionable leadership of Cirinus Federation’s President McIntyre. However this didn’t prevent the 4th Hurricane from being drawn in to the coup that was laid out by Michael Cirion and elements of the Black Warriors.

   During the year long civil war, the 4th Hurricane RCT was compelled to fight on the side of its contract by Lyran Intelligence due to the opposing faction being heavily supported by House Marik. This forced them to defended President McIntyre despite many attempts by Mr. Cirion to recruit the large unit to his side. By the end of the war a brutal purge soon followed that left the military of the Cirinus in shambles. During this time, the 4th Hurricane RCT continued to perform its contractual obligations to the Cirinus Federation. For its role during the Coup, President McIntyre recognized the 4th Hurricane Legion with a special award that had been created just for them, the Star of Cirinus.

   Despite the ‘honor’ a rift was formed within the 4th Hurricane that threated to rip the unit apart. However it was the arrival of Major McGray, now serving under his real name that saved the unit. Noting their bravery and loyalty to their contract, President McIntyre renewed the Cirinus Federation contract with the Hurricane Legion for another ten years. He added a new prevision of the contract that called for the 4th Hurricane RCT to act as trainers of the next line of units within the Federation. Many within the 4th Hurricane found serving the man known as the Butcher of the Periphery, sickening. Many soldiers often referred that the 4th Hurricane was on the wrong side of history.

   During negotiations, McIntyre attempted to change the terms of the contract to remove the limitations of posting to include worlds and regions that bordered the Lyran Commonwealth side of the Federated Commonwealth. The Hurricane negotiation team opposed this change as they knew that the Federated Commonwealth would never allow the terms of the contract and would ultimately cost both sides the entire contract. Instead of getting the postings that he wanted, President McIntyre did get a more expanded training for his shattered forces. During the 3040's the 4th Hurricane RCT helped rebuild the Cirinus Federation's military in to a more efficient fighting force. Below the service, this rift seemed to only grow.

   Noting the dangers that President McIntyre represented to regional stability, McGray and the 4th Hurricane leadership convinced the Lyran Intelligence to get spies within the Cirinus Federation. The overall plan called to create an advanced warning network of spies that would watch the Cirinus militaries' actions before they threatened the Lyran Commonwealth. Despite the political tensions between the LCAF and New Earth, the 4th Hurricane made every attempt to prove that they were loyal to the Federated Commonwealth and its interests.

   As the trial of Michael Cirion continued it was becoming clear that Mr. Cirion's fate was being rigged by President McIntyre. During the trailing, President McIntyre made some rather troubling statements that indicated his intentions to change his allegiances. Prior to the Coup, President McIntyre had been a weak ally to the Lyran Commonwealth. The Coup that was meant to depose him was supported and funded by House Marik. However after the Coup, President McIntyre started to become more paranoid. His paranoia caused him to believe that the Lyrans were moving against him. It was this paranoia that actually caused the Lyrans to move against him. Lyran Intelligence took lead on the operation and assured results.

   For their success to be realized, they needed someone who the average citizen could support. Lyran Intelligence choose that person to be Mr. Cirion despite his recent failed coup. At the demand of Lyran Intelligence, the 4th Hurricane RCT managed to plan and execute the daring escape for Mr. Cirion. The entire operation was to be carried out right under the nose of the McIntyre’s elite guard. The masterminds behind the entire operation was none other than Major McGray and Ms. Michelakos. While the plan was created and plotted by Major McGray, Lyran’s had two of their best operatives on scene to ensure that Lyran interests were protected.

   The jailbreak was cleverly disguised as an act carried out by former members of the Black Warriors that had survived the purge. These fake Black Warriors were actually members of the 4th Hurricane RCT smuggled in to position under McGray’s orders. These men and women were part of the 4th’s Special Operations Company, also known as Pathfinders. During the jailbreak and pursuit that followed, elements of the 4th Hurricane RCT (as part of the overall plan but unknown to the Lyran Operatives on the ground) intercepted the covert mission. Despite the intentions of Lyran Intelligence, the 4th Hurricane had their own plans to save the life of Mr. Cirion and his family. The only hitch in McGray’s secretive plan were those two Lyran operatives.

   The original plan called for a mercenary unit hired by Lyran Intelligence and disguised as Black Warriors who had survived the purge, to free Mr. Cirion from his holding cell. The two Lyran operative would closely oversee the operation to ensure that Mr. Cirion would remain safe, the time being. Once out of the city, the mercenary unit would take Mr. Cirion to a waiting dropship where Lyran Intelligence would take over and start their overall plan launch another Coup. It was part of their plan that Mr. Cirion would become a martyr by assassinating him and his family. Playing on his popular support among the average citizens, this move was designed enrage citizens of the Federation against the Federation’s President. Somehow, Major McGray found out about the overall plan the Lyran’s had for the grim future of Mr. Cirion and his family.

   Why Major McGray felt the need to get involved in operation was unclear at the time. It did become known five years later that Mr. Cirion’s wife, Victoria Cirion (formerly known by her pirate nickname, The Periphery Goddess) was in fact a former lover and black-market privateer with Major McGray during his pirate days. The two separated and still remained close after their breakup. She even visited him on New Earth during the 3030’s under an assumed name. It is possible that one of Mr. Cirion’s children was in fact sired by Major McGray. Once this information came to light, it became clear why Major McGray got involved.

   As the plan which had been created by the best minds in Lyran Intelligence started to take shape, Major McGray formed and executed his own plan that would undermine the overall interests of the Lyran Intelligence. Exercising his superior skills in manipulation and politics, his plan ensured that the Lyrans would not dig in to these events that would follow. Knowing that the Lyrans wanted to remove the Federation’s current leadership because of clear threats to Lyran interests in the region, McGray would ensure that the Lyrans would have what they wanted. And McGray knew how to deliver this without using his friend and her family as martyrs. It was only because of this reason that Lyran leadership did not pursue action once the Hurricane’s ‘mistakes’ caused the plan created by Lyran Intelligence to fail.

   While he and his unit were protected by Lyran leadership, McGray’s actions would create powerful enemies for himself and New Earth within the Lyran Intelligence. Events like this would continue to shape the relationship between New Earth and the Lyran Intelligence. Unknown to everyone involved, these events would cast the dye for a battle that would rock New Earth and the surrounding region.

   On the Cirinus Capital world, unknown to the two Lyran operatives their mercenary unit had been replaced by personal from New Earth’s elite Pathfinders under direct orders from McGray. As far as everyone knew, it all started out according to the operatives plan. The jailbreak was flawless, even surpassing the operatives’ expectations. They even cited about doing more business with this mercenary company in the future. Escaping from the prison revealed even more warning signs that were overlooked by the operatives as the disguised Pathfinders executed a flawless extraction. On the road from the capital city of Clayborne, McGray’s plan was about to take effect.

   Under secret orders from Major McGray and with the full permission of General Death, elements of the 2nd Brigade, 4th Hurricane RCT intercepted the fugitives. Moments before the attack began, the two Lyran Operatives attempted to ward off the attack. However the attacking Hurricane units didn’t respond to the attempts to communicate. It was later discovered that the orders were given to ignore the calls from the two Lyran Operatives. The battle was well planned and executed as fake Black Warriors remained in communications with their Hurricane comrades during the entire battle. The scene was intentionally planned to be chaotic for a reason.

   While the Lyran Operatives were distracted, a stray PPC bolt ripped through the hover car that was carrying Mr. Cirion and his family. With their target presumed dead and member of the 4th not aware of the ‘plan’, the two operatives turn and fled the battlefield for their own safety. The two units played the scene perfectly and right on cue the Pathfinder unit broke and fled the battle as per McGray’s plan. With the death of Mr. Cirion and his family, the battle was over. The fake Black Warrior’s escaped without a trace causing President McIntyre’s paranoia to run away with him. This further destabilized his Presidency causing the government to implode on itself within a few years and giving the Lyran Commonwealth the reformed government they wanted.

   As news of Mr. Cirion's failed escape attempt had become wide spread, rumors started to surface that it was a cover for the intentional assassination of Mr. Cirion. This inflamed an already volatile situation across the Federation. Mr. Cirion’s death was confirmed by doctors from a local hospital who had been presumably bribed. This operation left the 4th Hurricane falling out of favor with local communities across the Federation, as many saw them as another corrupt arm of President McIntyre’s regime. It would take years for the 4th Hurricane to regain the trust of the people. However as they continued to walk a political tight rope, Major General Melissa Nelson (a former Government officer during the New Earth Civil War) met personally with President McIntyre.

   During the meeting, she convinced the President to allow her unit to hunt down those responsible for the jailbreak instead of his own personal guard. Already there were stories of brutal reprisals carried out by McIntyre’s personal guard. Unknown to President McIntyre, General Nelson had already ordered her Brigade commanders to form battle plans to remove the President should reprisals not come to an end. During these troubling times, General Nelson leaned heavily on former Senator McGray for advice in avoiding further armed conflicts. Uncharacteristic of David McGray, he remained in the shadows and allowed General Nelson and her staff to take full credit for avoiding bloodshed.

   With the government of the Cirinus Federation stabilized for the time being, the 4th Hurricane remained on guard in a revised role of protecting the Federation citizens from foreign and domestic threats. While the situation appeared to be calm, under the surface it was far from calm. Keeping the Federation in a state of calm turned in to a full time job for General Nelson. In reaction to the stability issues growing, General Nelson created a handful of special teams under the command of Major McGray. These teams were dispatched to worlds within the Federation during times of crisis to ensure stability. It was a long and hard road for Nelson’s 4th Hurricane to rebuild trust. Upon this road, McGray’s teams, all members of New Earth’s GMP, navigated carefully.

   During the months that followed Mr. Cirion’s supposed assassination, McGray’s teams were taken with suspicion. In following General Nelson’s and Major McGray’s orders they made sure to uphold the ideals and concepts of law and order. It wasn’t long before these teams were seen as more dependable sources of justice than the local corrupt law enforcement. Major McGray’s teams were dispatched to handle cases of kidnappings and murders. Behind the scenes, these cases were often acts carried out by rogue groups within President McIntyre government to as his government started to implode. It was General Nelson’s orders that the Federation remained as stable as possible during the coming government crisis and transition.

   As the weeks turned to days, more and more demands were placed on McGray’s teams to maintain law and order. Their single largest test would be the case of Lyn D'cruz. Ms. D’cruz was a local teacher turned secret reporter and government watchdog on the world of Thadora's Land. After failing to show up for work after a long weekend, word reached McGray and he dispatched a team to uncover her whereabouts. The team arrived amid growing protests linked to local government corruption. The disappearance only inflamed the situation and protesters were claiming that the government was responsible for the disappearance of the teacher. Within the weeks of arriving on world, the team realized that Ms. D’cruz had been writing a series of stories exposing the planetary government corruption.

   Within two weeks of being on planet the team managed to uncover links to the teacher’s disappearance and the world’s governor Abidemi Ihejirika. According to what the team managed to uncover, Ms. D’cruz had discovered that governor Ihejirika had embezzled hundreds of thousands of C-bills from the local coffers. It was a remarkable degree of investigation that allowed McGray’s team to uncover the location of Ms. D’cruz’s body. This led the team to leveling a charges against the planetary governor for the murder of Ms. D’cruz. However because the 4th Hurricane had no legal standing to have the Governor arrested, nothing came from the case. This caused the communities across Thadora's Land to erupt in to full scale revolt.

   Governor Ihejirika called upon the 4th Hurricane to assist in putting down the revolt. However because of the report issued by McGray’s team, General Nelson opted to reframe from lending support to the besieged Governor. As the capital of Thadora’s Land erupted in to flames, elements of the 4th Hurricane moved to just beyond the city limits and set up MASH units to treat the wounded that were bound to occur. Under orders from General Nelson, these units were prohibited from directly interfering with the events taking place. But they were authorized to lend medical support to those in need. Using their VTOL’s and combat medics, elements of the 4th were able to get in to the hottest areas of the fighting and rescue wounded civilians and government personal.

   It was this act of humanitarian kindness that defined the 4th’s involvement in the upcoming crisis that the Federation was about to endure. As the situation continued to escalate across the Federation, General Nelson attempted to use her 4th Hurricane to hold the core of the Federation together. However the long burning distrust of the current Government exploded in to full scale revolt across all worlds of the Federation. There was nothing that General Nelson or her 4th Hurricane could do any longer to hold of the revaluation that it had hands in creating. These would become the darkest hours of the Hurricane Legion as its warrior would get caught in the middle of another blood civil war.

   However this time, General Nelson was determined to not repeat history. As it became clear that her unit couldn’t hold off the violence, she ordered her units to set up secured areas for refugees and hospitals for the wounded. Her units also protected Comstar humanitarian relief missions across the Federation. Within weeks of the first shots being fired on Thadora’s Land, there was fighting across entire Federation. Never before in New Earth’s or Hurricane Legion’s history, has one person been so capable of seizing power. Eyes on both sides of the conflict looked to General Nelson and her massive 4th Hurricane RCT to end the conflict and take power.

   The temptation was so great that it was rumored that General Nelson had private meetings with her own command staff regarding this very topic. With opinions mixed, General Nelson found no clear defined path of what to do. With an order, she could easily snuff both factions, put an end to the fighting and secure power. It could make Hurricane Legion a permanent outpost in the Periphery. However it was her conversation with Major McGray that changed the course of history. The order was given and strikes were unleashed. However the outcome was nothing of what either faction had expected.

   Elements of the 4th Hurricane smashed the Government’s forces and ended the conflict in one night. However instead of seizing power, she brought in Comstar Precentor Kim-Han Alighieri and Comstar to act as an intern Government of the Federation while a permanent government could be established. In her personal journal she wrote, “Never before have I ever been so close to such power. The temptation of seizing it was so unbelievable that I dared to even consider what I could do with it if I claimed it. Despite all I could do with it, this was not the way that one should lead. For the longest time I had often wondered what General Death had thought when he stepped down from being the President of New Earth or why he never sought to impose his authority of his Barony over New Earth. Now I understand why he did what he did. To truly defend liberty and uphold what we stand for, we cannot force our beliefs and rules on others.”

   In the end, the Lyrans got the more stable government that they wanted and Marik’s influence in the Federation was ended for years to come. However the truth behind these events didn’t come to light for over a decade later. Lyran operatives were able to identified Mr. Cirion living in a coastal village on the continent of Cancer on New Earth. His entire life had been moved by the request of Major McGray. According to intelligence discovered, both his sons and his daughter finished their education on New Earth and enlisted in to New Earth’s military. McGray’s former lover and Mr. Cirion’s wife Victoria Cirion was living under the fake name of Jessica Quick working for the New Earth Defense Command. Due to the quality of the false identities for the Cirion family, it was clear that the New Earth central government was involved.

   As the investigation continued by Lyran operatives, it was discovered that both of their sons hold positions within the Hurricane Legion. Their eldest son, David Quick was commanding a Battlemech company within the elite 3rd Hurricane RCT. While Michael Quick commands an Artillery company within the 1st Hurricane RCT. Their daughter, Stacy Quick-Bowman (married) works as a researcher and Mech Test Pilot for New Earth Advanced Technology. Till the surprising revelations of this investigation during the 3050’s, Mr. Cirion's death was presumed and never questioned. The revelation has brought new light to the covert actions of New Earth. It has also raised a number of questions to the motives of its Government in working against the interests of the Commonwealth and later the Alliance. These questions of loyalty would cast shadows of doubt to all future relations between New Earth and Tharkad.

   While McGray was conducting his covert operations in the Periphery, a new threat was coming to light in the Isle of Skye. A band of organized pirates conducted a number of raids on worlds within the Isle of Skye. Known for the black paint that their ships and equipment were painted, the Black Ship Pirates first attacked New Earth with brutal well-coordinated efficiency. While New Earth’s defense force was able to limit casualties well, the pirates managed to raid several central government banks. While raids carried out by powers of the Inner Sphere did happen, these pirates operated more in terms of profit than military advantage. The pirates hit major banks, large jewelers and other high cash value targets. Because of the style of the raids, most worlds were ill-prepared for them.

   Their most famous raid was on Lipton which nearly paralyzed the entire planet and brought the group their largest windfall to date. Six teams of five hit four banks and two large jewelry stores. However the largest take on the raid was a Lyran transport loaded with gold bound for Skye. It was unclear how the Pirates knew about the ultra-secret transport. Because no unidentified ships were tracked before the raid begin it was assumed that the pirates were on world prior to the raid starting. Within hours, the pirates were burning off world with their loot. Local units thought that they had the pirates till their Invader Class Jumpship arrived just ahead of the pirates. It was clearly a timed and carefully planned reunion. But what happened next throw the local defenders for a loop. Just as the two pirate dropships and the stolen transport connected with the Jumpship, it started to cycle its K-F Drive in what is called a Hot Jump. This rarely used and dangerous operations dumps power from the reactor of the Jumpship in to the K-F Drive.

   Because of the timing of the raid on Lipton, Lyran Intelligence analysts were able to watch videos shot by witnesses of the raid. The video showed clear advanced military training used during the raid. The heavily use of hand signals and precision in shots fired to wound rather than kill offered many clues but no clear identification of who was behind the raids. The bottom line was, these were no ordinary pirates. Rumors started to circulate that rival house Marik, whose boarder was within one jump of each of the target worlds, was behind the raids. But what bothered Lyran Intelligence was the fact that the pirates made all attempts to limit loss of life during their raids. There was no reported casualties from innocent bystanders. Even local authorities suffered only a handful of deaths due to prolonged fire fights with the pirates. Of the deaths suffered at the hands of these pirates, half occurred on New Earth. This low death toll cast doubt on Marik’s involvement.

   These findings raised a question about those behind the raids, what kind of pirates are so careful not to kill the very police attempting to stop them. The question brought even more concerns from the Lyran Intelligence. More so it cast a great deal of doubt on Lyran Intelligence to uncover the truth about the pirates. Lyran Intelligence throw a large number of its operatives at uncovering the truth of what was going on. Just when the Lyran Intelligence was about to render their findings to the Archon, the pirates throw another curve ball. As quickly as they showed up in the Skye March, the pirates simply vanished from the Lyran’s grid. This disappearance caused many to suspect that the group returned to the Periphery with their loot. However their next attack a few weeks later shocked everyone. They raided the Marik world of Tamarind.

   More commonly known for art and artist, Tamarind was the last place anyone in the Lyran Intelligence thought the Raiders were strike. However the raiders struck with such speed that they nearly overwhelmed the world defenders. Using their speed and coordination, one part of the raiders were able to keep the local defenders tied up in a time consuming cat and mouse chase while another group of raiders hit large banks and jewelers. However it was what wasn’t reported that forced Lyran Intelligence to take notice. These nearly unknown pirates hit a secret research facility operated by Technicron Manufacturing. The tactics and operations of the pirates were completely identical as the raids across the Skye March, but math regarding space travel caused many to suspect that this raid was not carried out by the same pirates. While the operation was possible, it just wasn’t likely.

   Technicron Manufacturing had been experimenting with micro K-F Drives ever since House Marik got its hands on a copy of the Gray Death Legion’s Memory Core. Technicron Manufacturing was tasked with building Compact K-F Drives for combat jumpships. Their research department had been making series headway with making Compact K-F Drives even smaller. It was unknown how the pirates got in to the secret facility, but their raid was nothing less than professional. The raider took down the research staff and security personal without a single loss of life. Instead of wasting valuable time in hacking the facilities mainframe, the raiders disassembled the center’s mainframe and took all the research data with them. When they left, they set serval fires in the center setting back research for years. The group once more pulled off a perfectly executed extraction with their loot and the mainframe from research center.

   As with any political crisis, the blame game started. The victims of the Black Ship pirates demanded something to be done. Their cries reached far beyond the Skye March. Pressure was placed on the Estates General back on Tharkad to take action against the pirates. Many world leaders within the Skye March leveled a charge that General Jack Sphire, Margrave of Ryde Theater and strong supporter of Nondi Stainer, was inapt and incapable of dealing with the changing situation that the Black Ship Pirates were creating. A call for his removal echoed across the region. Greater demand was placed on Lyran Intelligence to bring an end to the threat of the Black Ship pirates.

   Under the unified pressure by world leaders within Skye, Tharkad finally got involved. While General Sphire would not be replaced, the Estates General did move to render aid to worlds that were hit and also place heavy pressure on General Sphire to put an end to the raids. To help local merchants that had been attacked by the pirates, Tharkad opened up the coffers and offered financial assistance. In terms of the Pirates themselves, Tharkad ordered a task force of units to stop the Pirates. Fifteen regional commanders including two from New Earth were gathered to assemble three major tasks forces. Thanks to the increased pressure of President Bailey, General Death was given command of one of these task forces. General Sphire would hold over all command of the operations and micro managed the entire hunt for the pirates. Due to the pirate's activities, Comstar successfully lobbied Federated Commonwealth to expand postings of ComGuards across the Ryde Theater and Skye March.

   For the months that the Pirates were raiding the Skye March, Lyran Intelligence Analysts believed that there might be a high level informant within the Ryde Theater helping the Pirates. However despite the very best efforts that Lyran Intelligence put forward to identify the informant, those efforts failed. However the Analysts did managed to figure out a possible target list that created their best attempts to trap the pirates. They created a profile of target zones that the pirates were looking for and gave this information to General Sphire. Due to the erratic nature of the pirate's actions, these target lists tended to be useless though. As General Sphire would lay traps for the pirates, they would often hit other targets.

   Within weeks of their raid on Tamarind, Lyran Intelligence got a break on the case. An informant told them that someone was moving a stolen mainframe on the Lyran world of Rahne. A strike team was established to capture the pirates. By the time the Loki team arrived agents on the ground had located the pirate in the norther region of the world. One of their jet black small craft had been identified near their hide out. Observers had been able to estimate that there were about twenty pirates within the hide out. The Strike team spent a day observing the pirates before making their move. General Sphire gave the order to take out the pirates and the strike team moved with deadly accuracy.

   Within seconds the hideout was secured but there were no pirates within the large structure. What Lyran Intelligence had been observing had been a carefully laid trap by some unnamed party. What the strike team discovered was a large number of disguised blow up sex dolls with small heater stripes to mimic human heat signatures. At one point there was no doubt that there were real pirates within the hide out. But at some time before the raid, the pirates managed to escape. Later conversations that had been observed was presumably by recordings. However it was what was found that caused Lyran Intelligence leaders reason to be concerned.

   Within the hide was the stolen mainframe from Technicron Manufacturing. The core had been hacked and all date had been removed from the now empty core. The ultra-secret raid against the pirates had been a secret to everyone but the pirates. A shielded escape tunnel was discovered but by the time the strike team discovered it, those behind the set up were long gone. Regional manhunts were launched with no results. To make matters worse, Lyran Intelligence now had the only evidence to link the pirates to the raid on Technicron Manufacturing.

   With the stolen mainframe in Lyran Intelligence’s hands and no solid leads, Lyran Intelligence had been made the escape goat of these pirates. With virtually no evidence to prove otherwise, no one within Lyran Intelligence assumed that Marik would believe that they weren’t behind the raid on Tamarind. Before Lyran Intelligence had a chance to get ahead of the raid on Rahne, a Marik spy discovered that Lyran Intelligence had the stolen Mainframe. Lyran Intelligence was able to silence the spy before the information was leaked however it rang out a warning of the growing situation.

   The entire region was at risk of war over the situation. High level meetings were called as the Federated-Commonwealth was forced to deal with the crisis. Units on both sides of the border between the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Worlds Legion were placed on alert. Within weeks of the events of Rahne, the Inner Sphere was once more close to war. Within the center of the crisis stood the Lyran Intelligence holding the stolen Mainframe.

   Within days of Rahne, Lyran Intelligence took their best effort to stop the pirates and save face. Working off their profile lists of possible target world, they were able to indicate that the Pirates would hit the world of Dromini VI. Armed with this information, the trap was set for the pirates. To their surprise the pirates did walk in to the trap, they hit so hard that it caused the green mercenary outfit of the Vinson's Vigilantes to flee their security zones. The Pirates were able to make off with another profitable raid to add to their loot. General Death laid his units to trap the Pirates on Dromini VI but the headstrong Colonel Pedro Giraudoux of the 2nd Regiment of the Narhal's Raiders jumped the gun. In doing so, the trap was tripped too soon and the pirates were able to escape the trap and flee from Dromini VI.

   Unwilling to allow them to escape, General Death used his Hurricane Navy to pursue the pirates to a nearby star system. As the forces of General Sphire were closing in on the combat area, Commodore Viscount Hall of the Death's Brigade gave the order to blast the Pirates from space. In a hail of weapon's fire, the threat of the Black Ship Pirates were no more. Commodore Hall and General Death were both commended by local leaders for their actions in ending the pirate threat. General Sphire had secretly complained that the glory of killing the pirates had been stolen from him. Lyran Intelligence complained that the pirates could have been captured so that they could identify who was behind the raid on Tamarind.

   It was later learned that Former COB Baroness Renee' Eaton and Colonel Darren were behind the pirate attacks. However Lyran Intelligence was not completely convinced that these two were actually behind the raids. However the choice was made to join the cover up. With speed, they moved to stolen mainframe to the site and ensured that it would be ‘discovered’ by the right people. Lyran Intelligence would ensure that there would be little questions raised about the two former fugitives. However there were links between the Black Ship pirates and the Skye Separatists.

   Evidence at the combat scene ensured that there were few loss ends. Remains of the equipment salvaged were linked back to Colonel Darren's Periphery mercenary unit. To help calm tensions, Lyran Intelligence send the stolen mainframe back to House Marik. As the months passed following the battle, there were no more Black Ship pirate raids. Comstar also used this information to push harder for more expanded ComGuard deployments deeper within the Lyran side of the Federated Commonwealth. However, behind closed doors at the highest levels of Lyran Intelligence no one bought the tidy evidence or the disappearance of Black Ship pirates.

   Evidence of the late Renee Eaton revealed that her body had been subjected to extreme cold temperatures. While it is possible that this was due to her body being discovered after her dropship was destroyed, there were other possibilities that Lyran Intelligence were looking in to. The Black Ship Pirates might have gone forgotten by the masses, the black eye that Lyran Intelligence took on Rahne would not go forgotten. At the highest levels a whisper started to circulate, Lyran Intelligence started to suspect that New Earth or elements on New Earth were behind the Black Ship pirates.
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2015, 08:56:46 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Eight: Leading up to and the Clan Invasion

   During the recession export fell sharply and many New Earth Citizens lost their jobs. The New Earth economy shrank as did many other worlds in the region. In a bid to counter the recession of the 3040’s New Earth started a series of public work projects. President Bailey used these projects to modernize New Earth with a model public transportation system. President Bailey gave grants to startup companies to open up mining operations within Tau Ceti’s vast asteroid belt. These mining operations discovered large sources of minerals within the asteroid belt.

   To welcome more interstellar commerce, she lobbied for and secured the funding to build a second recharging station at the Zenith of their star, Tau Ceti. Prior to the fall of the Star Legion there had been one there but the salvages of the Succession Wars destroyed it. To ensure that New Earth’s investment didn’t fall the way of its predecessors, President Bailey pushed for more funding to be placed on Space Defense System technology.

   During construction, a friendly competition arose between the two military units assigned to protect the two valuable stations. Because the units assigned at the Nadir station, had been nicked named the Nadir Regulars, those troops stationed at the Zenith station came up with their own nickname. They called themselves the Zenith Irregulars. The two units engaged in a friendly feud that would continue for years. As construction continued, the two units would travel between the two stations and engage in a series of skill based competition. During a visit to the Zenith Station construction zone, President Bailey had chance to observe the competition. So moved by concept, she took the idea to her Joint Chiefs of Staff.

   Within a year, those games gave birth the President’s Cup. The competition was set up in such a way that each brigade size unit would sent their teams to compete in a series of matches designed to test that unit’s over all skill set and on an individual skill level. To increase moral all Hurricane and New Earth Defense Command Units were to send teams to compete. The games were designed to test the teams within a wide range of military and athletic skill sets.

   The first official President’s Cup was held just outside of the capital city. The four week event was a media failure but was a military success. It would take a few years for the local civilian population to become receptive about the games. Once they did, local communities started to support units stationed near them. The goal of the games were to create a stronger since of pride in New Earth’s military. And by the mid 3040’s the games were having just that effect.

   In 3045, Quantum Tech and local Law Enforcement units would successfully lobby to join the annual competition. That year, NEAT Security Force pulled an upset in defeating the current title holder, the 2nd Carrier Air Wing. The Cup would change hands several times till the games of 3049. Shiver’s Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) would take the coveted Cup for three years straight. They held the President's Cup from 3049 till 3051 only to be bested by the Zenith Irregulars in 3052 games.

   As the raise of smugglers became more and more pressing, the New Earth Congress leaned heavily on the New Earth Navy to secure the system. The boiling point was when a raid hit the Quantum Tech facility. The raid killed twenty people including five teenagers who were touring the facility as part of a push for higher education. To answer this growing threat, the New Earth’s navy, in conjunction with Harthford Shipyards, started plans on a new system patrol craft called the APC or Advanced Patrol Craft. This craft was designed to be tough and fast with the ability to engage black-market smugglers.

   The craft boasted two Long Range Missile launchers capable of unleashing forty missiles on its upper wings. Three Defiance Killer Type T Auto-Cannons in the nose gave the APC strong fire power with five tons of ammo. Another twin banks of Short Range Missile launchers located on its lower wings were capable of unleashing twelve missiles. Each launcher carried two tons of ammo and also were fitted with the Artemis IV FCS to ensure that more missiles hit their intended target. For added fire power, three manned twin medium laser turrets were added to the craft’s rear section.

   To increase the APC’s survivability, the haul was hardened and a reinforced crew section ensured that as long as the craft’s over all structural integrity was maintained the crew could survive even if the craft lost all power and or took massive damage. All four of its wings folded inward making storing the craft on a mother ship much easier. The craft’s designs made working on it a dream for techs and ground crews. Most major repairs could be completed from within the craft meaning that crews could repair some issues while on mission should the craft loose power.

   The most advanced technologies that were pumped in to the craft were its Guardian ECM and over four tons of sensor equipment. These sensors gave the APC long range eyes allowing it to spot block aid runners long before they could spoke the patrol craft. However due to weight concerns and ammo requirements later versions replaced the three Auto-Cannon’s for three Defiance B3L Large Laser. They removed all four missile launchers and the costly ammo. The design teams fitted the later versions of the APC with fifty two powerful Thunderbolt missile.

   Unlike the missiles of the same name created by the Federated Commonwealth, these missiles were one shot missiles that delivered a powerful punch at low weight. All models after the APC-A1 were designed similar to clan Omni designs. Though not a true Omni craft in scope of what the Clans had produced, the newer models were the closest thing anyone had come to at the time to an Omni Craft. The APC was the brain child of researcher and lead design Sid Emperor, who oversaw the design and all future developments. Mr. Emperor left employment of the NEDC and joined Harthford Shipyards when they started operations at their Lanna factory. Harthford was another corporation mostly owned but not directly controlled by Karen Tetsuhara-Death.

   Though her role in the company was more of a silent partner. Harthford Construction was the dream of Christopher Harthford, a loyal and longtime friend of Mrs. Tetsuhara-Death. The two had built Quantum Tech and later NEAT from the ground up. Mr. Harthford was an accomplished scientist and designer. In exchange for the funding to start the company, Mr. Harthford agreed to allow Mrs. Tetsuhara-Death hold the majority of the shares while Mr. Harthford would maintain direct control over the company.

   With the Recession of 3040’s in full swing New Earth started a series of incentives to lure new businesses to New Earth. Thanks to lack of having to pay higher taxes to Tharkad, New Earth passed these savings on to companies across New Earth. They also lowered taxes on businesses as long as they were able to meet hiring/employment quotas set out by New Earth’s Congress. These new companies helped carried New Earth through the Recession and allowed the world to recover allot faster than other worlds within its region. On industry that New Earth pushed was its weapon industry. While New Earth could never compete with the great producers of the Inner Sphere, New Earth did make it’s weapon manufacturing industry more robust and more diversified than other producers.

   The most important new construction of the 3040's was the beginning of Harthford’s Harbor Prime facility. The move was welcomed by leaders across the Federated Commonwealth but drew the suspicions from Lyran Intelligence. During the height of the Terrain Hegemony, New Earth boasted one of the most extensive shipyards of the Hegemony. During the fall of the Hegemony, those shipyards were destroyed.

   Hoping to regain that heritage, President Bailey authorized the construction of Harbor Prime. A far cry from a major shipyard and production area that other worlds had. The site would have two slips that would be able to construct Jumpships and an additional one that would was large enough to build warships. There were three other smaller slips that were specially designed to build dropships. Harbor Prime would become the first shipyard to be constructed in a former Hegemony world since the fall of the Hegemony. While it would not become the last, it would take its place in regional history.

   As the march of technology continued across the Inner Sphere, fears within the NEDC growing of ships using Guardian style equipment to move undetected through the system, the NEDC turned to Karen Tetsuhara-Death for ideas. She then turned to her research teams and started to create a plan. There answer to the problem was very clever and gave birth to a new corporation on New Earth, CyberDrone. CyberDrone would produce a large number of fixed satellites and the Navy would deploy them throughout the system. The Network satellites would have a very low EM signature thus making them very difficult to locate.

   This network would allow any APC, Naval ship, fighter, craft or base to transmit data in real time back and forth. Each site would be linked up to the network and communicate what it was doing and seeing without the crew even being aware of this transmission. This created a massive moving network of sensors across the system. If an APC was destroyed before the crew could react, the rest of the network would know that the craft was destroyed and where. Unto its self, the network back a vital piece of the early warning system that played a critical role in exposing of the Lyran invasion of 3060.

   At the heart of this network and command structure was a new department within the New Earth Defense Command. The Strategic Space Defense Command or SSDC was created by New Earth’s Congress in 3048. The SSDC would have its headquarters on Lanna as New Earth started a massive new construction project. The mostly underground base boosted a massive hive of computers and data processing centers. Once more, taking lessons from history, these data and communication networks were heavily protected by frequency hopping technology.

   CyberDrone started off small, only linking zones around critical sites. But there were plans to ultimately fill the entire system with manned and unmanned craft used to patrol the region around New Earth. While the network and SSDC headquarters were built completely in secret, its overall plans were well known to the Lyrans. However the project was deemed over ambitious and the technology was seen as too advanced for New Earth to complete. As a result, while Tharkad helped pay for much of the construction cost of the site, they largely ignored the construction or the steps that New Earth was taking to protect itself against invaders.

   By the end of the 3040’s the Zenith station was opened with all the fan fair a proud world could muster. During this same time, Strategic Space Defense Command would see its first commanding officer. Rear Admiral Genevieve Vinkovic, close personal friend of President Bailey and former COB pilot and blockade runner. Admiral Vinkovic’s sole mission was to ensure that the SSDC was ready to face any threat to New Earth. Admiral Vinkovic devoted her life to the role and even give her own life in defense of New Earth.

   Now the head of three major corporations and silent partner in a forth, Karen Tetsuhara-Death pushed New Earth Congress to authorize her corporations to raise their own Security forces. In a negotiation, Mrs. Tetsuhara-Death agreed that her corporations would pay the entire cost of training her units as well as a five percent surcharge to the NEDC for use of TRADOC’s facilities. Mrs. Tetsuhara-Death made sure that her security teams had the best equipment available. Mrs. Tetsuhara-Death also pushed that her newly formed security teams would be allowed to train alongside NEDC units to ensure that their skills as on par with the rest of the NEDC.

   By the end of 3040's New Earth saw some of the broadest social and economic growth it had enjoyed in hundreds of years. Thanks to investments made by Federated Commonwealth corporations, government back loans and grants to allow small startups a chance to flourish. But the investments didn’t end there. New Earth invested in to its own citizens in terms of higher education. Across the region no other world offered as much to its common citizens as New Earth was doing. This gave more citizens on New Earth a higher chance to succeed. The 3050’s were looking to become the single brightest decade for New Earth as of yet.

   However, this success did bring jealously. Due to very restrictive immigration and heavily regulated import/export laws the New Earth Senate ensured that all this growth was enjoyed only by New Earth’s citizens and those willing to play by New Earth's rules. If a world wanted to do trade with New Earth, than they had to invest in buying New Earth’s merchandise. This rigid trade policy caused New Earth plenty of problems within the Lyran Estates General. There were a number attempts to force New Earth to lower its trade barriers through the court system. However those attempts failed and New Earth was allowed to maintain its heavy handed trade policies.

   It became a common joke by worlds near New Earth that explained the situation, 'Its easier to deal with the Dragon’s Markets than New Earth's.' Still with economic growth and raw data supporting their efforts, the New Earth Congress refused to back down from these policies. Another issue that caused problems between New Earth and her regional neighbors was the fact that New Earth exploited that they did not have to pay Lyran taxes. This was compounded by New Earth as it imposed that all profits made on New Earth were taxed on New Earth. Thanks to these efforts, New Earth watched is GDP grow at a faster rate than any other world in the Skye March.

    When the 3050's and the Clan Invasion hit, New Earth no longer resembled the war torn world that it was during the 3020's. After thirty years of steady and strong growth, the last of scares of that bloody and bitter war were all but forgotten. Where there was once scars of war, stood parks, places of learning, and strong unified communities. The single most monumental achievement was the completion of a mass transit system that allowed anyone to move across New Earth with ease. Using large banks of magnets, high speed trains zip across the land masses while sleek civilian craft moved people from land mass to land mass.

   Thanks to efforts of a unified Government and the passion from new leaders from both sides, New Earth had transformed herself in to a regional influence and power that rival even Skye. New Earth was starting to look more like a House capital rather than just another world. This too fueled jealousy from New Earth’s neighbors. But behind closed doors of the Lyran Intelligence Agency, silent warnings were being whispered. While the numbers all added up, some Analysts issued warnings of something was at work behind the scenes on New Earth that drove this above average growth rate.

   The most surprising move taken by New Earth's government was the discovery that New Earth had an aging Aegis class warship during 3050's. The badly damaged ship had been discovered near the edge of Tau Ceti system. The warship had Star League Defense Force markings on it dating the ship to sometime before or during the Amaris’ Coup. The ship was barely functional and was in need of extensive repairs. To rub salt in an open wound with Lyran Intelligence, it was New Earth that informed the leaders of the Federated Commonwealth of their remarkable find before Lyran Intelligence could get ahead of the information.

   Before the leaders of the Federated Commonwealth, New Earth held a massive public ceremony rechristening the ship, NEWS Bismarck. Within this major move, New Earth became one of the first powers to be able to field a warship and Lyran Intelligence was caught completely flatfooted by this development. Based on future discoveries it appeared that before the ship became public knowledge, New Earth had already been conducting repairs to the ship getting it ready for its public début. As Lyran Intelligence dug deeper, they discovered plans that New Earth had been using their find to fuel a new project. New Earth was working on a modified Aegis that was already in the design and planning stages.

   Again the move outflanked the Lyran Intelligence and exposed a massive blind spot the organization had on New Earth. New Earth leaders were already presenting a plan for building warships within the Tau Ceti system for the Federated-Commonwealth Armed Forces before Lyran Intelligence could reveal this information. Because New Earth’s own project was years ahead of their Lyran rivals, it wasn’t long before the plan was agreed upon. However Prince Hanse Davion insisted that the project be closely overseen by the Federated Commonwealth. In a clear move that snubbed their nose at the Lyran Intelligence, the Leaders of New Earth suggested that this oversight be carried out by advisers from the NAIS. The Federated-Commonwealth agreed and the Aegis II project was officially underway.

    In order to expose this blind spot, Lyran Intelligence started Operation Storm Chaser. The operation was set up to uncover the secrets behind what was going on New Earth, to explain New Earth's surprising growth rates and growth in technology. However the overall mission was canceled due largely to the Clan Invasion, a decision that would haunt the LAAF during the 3060's. Still, a small portion of Storm Chaser which was focused on getting closer to New Earth’s leadership would be allowed to move forward. Several deep cover agents were assigned to infiltrate New Earth and the Hurricane Legion. These agents would have a profound impact on future events and in rewriting the history books.

   The Clan Invasion was nothing like the Inner Sphere had seen before. Originally, the Clans were thought to be an alien invader from beyond the Periphery. The truth about the Clans would be more troubling than anything else. It was discovered that they were actually the long lost Star League Defense Force units that had left with General Kerensky centuries ago. This truth came to many with mix reactions. It was if nothing could stop this new growing threat. Despite being offered sizable contracts from the LCAF and the AFFC, General Death opted to keep his options open. He in turned allowed his contract with the AFFC to expire. The Chess Master was already calculating his next move.

   The Inner Sphere seemed all but powerless to stop the Clans on their march for Terra. Not even the might of the AFFC or the Fanatical drive of the Draconis Combine could halt the Clan Invasion. As world after world was being conquered, General Death, and just month after the contract between the Hurricane Legion and the AFFC expired, made his move. He used the reputation that his unit earned during the 3039 War to lobby the military leadership of the Combine to allow him to conduct a deep raid against the Clans. Before the Combine military leaders, General Death cited that his plan had a twofold goal. One was to steal advanced technology that could help the Inner Sphere overcome the Clan threat. And the other was to evacuate as many civilians from an occupied world as possible.

    Thanks to Operation Storm Chaser, a deep rooted spy within Hurricane Leadership, code named Trade Wind, was able to discover that General Death had other goals in mind. Two of these goals were, first gathering further intelligence on the Clans as possible as well as a secondary priority mission. That being the recovery of a high value target. While Trade Wind was unable to identify the nature or the identity of this target, he was able to note that this part of Death’s mission was paid for by an unknown benefactor. It would later be deduced that this benefactor was none other than Comstar.

   The third part of General Death's plan was to raid the diamond mines on the target world of Nykvarm. Without knowledge of the true goals of the Hurricane Legion, the Combine accepted Death's offer and paid a much higher rate than other mercenary contracts. General Death took his elite Death's Brigade along with the 3rd Hurricane RCT (After spending all of the 3040's rebuilding and retraining, the unit was back up to full strength) with him to McAlister. There the units would train up and more importantly attend classes on Clan honor as well as their fighting style. General Death insisted that every officer within his unit attend these classes. At the same time, Trade Wind was able to uncover that General Death was holding behind the door meetings with his military leaders. One result of these meetings was a general recall for the rest of his units.

   General Death ordered every Hurricane unit back to New Earth under the Prevision 83 of all Hurricane Contracts. This prevision allowed General Death to recall his troops under extreme crisis. It would mark the first time Prevision 83 would be called upon. Acting as Commander In Chief, General Death ordered all Hurricane and NEDC units prepare for combat operations. He also placed New Earth Defense Forces on alert till further notice. Within hours of the order given, New Earth started to prepare herself for war.
   Once General Death was sure his units were ready, he ordered them on to the clan occupied world of Nykvarm. Once they left McAlister, he out lined his diamond heist plan. Trade Wind was present during the mission planning and to his surprise, the plan was eerily similar to the tactics used by the Black Ship Pirates. The agent was so sure that the two tactics were the same that he omitted facts that could have cast doubts on this opinion. This modified information would be used by the Lyran Alliance in the future to justify the invasion of New Earth.

   Despite his best efforts, Trade Wind was unable to learn the identity of the high value target. However he did discover that New Earth and the Hurricane Legion had been working on their own covert group. Since the final days of the New Earth Civil, many analysts thought the Pathfinders were disbanded and or dissolved in to the general ranks of the NEDC and Hurricane Legion. However it was learned during the 3039 War that the Pathfinders had survived as a unit. They remained an active organization within the Hurricane Legion and the NEDC as Special Forces unit.

   Within this branch of Special Forces was a highly skilled group of agents called WindTalkers. WindTalkers were a complete unknown by Lyran Intelligence till Trade Wind discovered their organization while in route to Nykvarm. Trade Wind discovered that WindTalkers were a mix of Special Forces, Covert Agents and Code Talker. From what Trade Wind could uncover, there was a group of WindTalkers already on the ground when Death’s unit arrived in system. It was clear that General Death had already had his plan in placed prior to receiving permission from the Combine military leadership. Once more, Death proved why he was called the Chess Master.

   General Death's units arrived in system and right away, it faced what many would call problems. Instead of a front line Clan Smoke Jaguar unit, they found that the world had been occupied by a Solamha Cluster from Clan Ghost Bear. According to Trade Wind, it appeared that General Death was already aware of this change. To the surprise of his command staff, General Death informed the them that he planned on attacking as per Clan Rituals. He informed General Macko to hold his 3rd RCT till the battle was over. He warned that the Hurricane must learn about this new threat to the Inner Sphere if they were to ever beat them. Once within system General Death put forward his plan and contacted the commander of the Solamha Cluster

   General Death for all of his skill in war was masterful. Knowing his inability to hold the world, General Death informed the Clan Defenders that his intention was not to claim the world, but in claiming the population as bondsmen and what resources he could get off world. However in fighting the Clans on their terms meant giving up one of his most vital combat resources. Hurricane Artillery was already a well-known assist within the Mercenary Communities. Both respected and feared on the battlefield thanks to the 3039 War. The Clans viewed artillery as a dishonorable form of combat. Because of this, he created a plan that would help his unit carry the day.

   As his Death’s Brigade formed up on the battlefield he asked for a truce to speak with the Ghost Bear commander. While the Star Colonel was escorted by a point of elementals, General Death only allowed one person to accompany him, LAM pilot Captain Markis Brown. Playing off on his lack of knowledge of Clan honor and tradition, he asked the Commander to explain what is expected of his warriors during the upcoming battle. As the Star Colonel explained the scope of Clan Honor and tradition, General Death complimented the Star Colonel about the remarkable system that they fought under. General Death pointed out how his own unit fought and their heavy reliance on artillery. General Death even boasted how legendary his unit was in terms of their combined tactics. General Death even commented to how their own headquarters on New Earth was the former headquarters of the legendary Star League Defense Force.

   Clearly taken by General Death’s respectful nature and knowledge, the Star Colonel allowed this conversation to continue as the two large units stood only a kilometer apart from each other. The two men spoke of past victories and battles. General Death spoke of his time on Solaris VII and how he was once the champion of the famous gaming world. With a heavy sigh, General Death finally stated “As much as I hate to end this conversation, our two units have a job to do on this battlefield. I guess it’s time to get busy with that job.” The two commanders started to part way but General Death stop and turned and stated, “Star Colonel, for all that you have explained, it seems to me that your traditions are very close to betting. You are betting that you will win within the confines of the situation.”

   While there were a bit of differences, finally the Star Colonel did concede that there were similarities between the two practices. General Death offered the Star Colonel a ‘bet’ that the Star Colonel couldn’t refuse. General Death suggested that if he could best the Clan leader in one on one combat, that the Clan leader and his unit would join the Hurricane Legion’s ranks. If General Death would be defeated, than his unit as well as the entire RCT in orbit would join the Star Colonel’s unit.  It was a masterful move by General Death noting that his elite unit had a more than likely chance at defeat than victory. However After speaking with the Star Colonel, General Death was confident that he had a better than even chance at besting the warrior. Originally the Star Colonel wasn’t going to accept it, but General Death smiled as he pointed out that his Warhammer that was the very mech that he used in the Solaris arenas.

   Finally the Star Colonel accepted the teams of the bet and the battle between the two unit commanders was joined. To the cheering of both sides, two seasoned warriors battled with all their skill and knowledge. The only advantage General Death had was the fact that his Warhammer was far from a stock model. Heavily modified by his wife, General Death’s Warhammer was a surprising match for the Star Colonel’s MadCat. The battle lasted for almost thirty minutes, a life time for a Mechwarrior. But in the end, it was General Death’s HVFSDS rounds that had replaced his twin PPC’s which won the day. Keeping even range with the MadCat’s ER PPC and inflicting almost as much damage, the modified Autocannon along the Shaped Charge Short Range Missiles were punishing on the MadCat.

   Using what he knew about Clan one on one combat, General Death fought hard to resist using dishonorable tactics during the match. He knew in violating Clan honor, he would trigger an assault on his unit. One that they could over all win with the help of the 3rd RCT, but the loss of life was unnecessary. Instead, General Death fought in this alien structured match relaying on his own skills. Near the end of the match, General Death saw his chance to grip victory. The Star Colonel made a mistake that allowed General Death to use the cover a nearby hill to break line of sight and hold a better flanking position. General Death saw the opportunity but didn’t take it.

   However he stopped and thought of the overall situation before he acted. He knew that moving in and out of line of sight was considered dezgra or dishonorable among the Clans. His mech had taken damage but thanks to his hardened armor, it was as bad off as the Clan MadCat he was facing off with. It however was running very hot due to a number of critical hits earlier. If General Death took the path around the hill, it could be seen as a reason to violate the terms of their bet. Instead, General Death choose to turn his mech directly in to the path of the charging MadCat and unleash everything he had left. When the dust settled, the MadCat had overheated and what was left of its engine had shutdown. General Death had won the day. But would the Clan’s honor their commander’s bet?

   With the battle over, General Death ordered the 3rd RCT to start their landings and assist in securing the world. While the 3rd RCT was gathering up resources, a massive fleet of DCMS jumpships and dropships arrived in system to start the evacuations while the Hurricane Legion gave cover. While stories, of the battle for the world reached Trade Wind, he was not present to witness the battle. Instead he along with many new recruits were stationed at check points to protect the coming evacuation. However he suspected that what was reported was not what really happened. According the General Death’s official report, after the battle, the Clan Warriors refused to accept the terms of General Death’s bet and attacked with all their might. After a brutal battle, the Death’s Brigade were able to drive back the Clan warriors. Shortly after the battle, with help from General Macko’s 3rd RCT, the remaining Clan warriors were hunted down and destroyed.

   While General Death reported no Clan warriors survived the battle, Trade Wind was unable to confirm this fact. He reported back to Lyran Intelligence that this was another attempt by the Legion to deceive the LCAF. Trade Wind did discover that a pair of Clan dropships accompanied Death’s Brigade from Nykvarn. However they did not follow the unit back to Combine space. The spy was unable to identify where the jumpship carrying the ships went but suspected that they returned to New Earth. According to his agreement with both the DCMS and the AFFC, General Death handed over the salvaged remains of ruined clan mechs. Massive hordes of data were handed over to the two Inner Sphere powers. But General Death made a huge inroad in securing the trust and respect of the DCMS.

   General Death ensured that his units secured the military factories on Nykvarn so that when the DCMS showed up, they could gather everything they could from the factories. The move ensured that General Death would not be questioned about the other resources that he had taken from the Clan held world. With time pressing, General Death and his Combine allies completed their operations only days before Clan Smoke Jaguars arrived to secure the world once more. It was be the last time the world would change hands till the end of the war. In a show of thanks, the DCMS made no comment about the tons of profit that the Hurricane Legion had stolen from Nykvarn.

   Following the stolen loot from the Nykvarm Raid, the Lyran Intelligence followed the path straight back to the New Earth central government. While the proceeds of the raid were smuggled back to New Earth a pair of dropships were observed landing at a secured Quantum Technology location on the continent of Cancer. Operation Storm Chaser managed to identify a large number of techs and warriors that were presumed to be former members of Clan Ghost Bear. Storm Chaser agents were able to follow the movements of these people and found that within weeks of their arrival on New Earth they were brought in small teams to the New Earth Defense Command headquarters on Aries. Which had been at one time the headquarters of the Star League Defense Force.

   As Storm Chasers continued their investigations a strong link between The Skye Separatists Movement. New Earth took these stolen gems and sold them through black market deals to fund many of its most secret projects that they didn’t want on official books. However in selling these gems as Storm Chasers were watching, they allowed the Storm Chasers to observe links New Earth had with the terrorist organization. Thanks to the stolen gems from Nykvarn, operatives were able to identify Corporations across the entire Skye March that were linked to the terrorist movement. While the entire investigation would take much of the 3050’s to uncover, it would ultimately be devastating to the terrorist organization. This realization would take on a life of its own and eventually over shadow the original mission of the Storm Chasers.

   As the Clan Invasion was taking its toll on the Inner Sphere, New Earth started development on a new concept fighter called the DarkWing. A warship/aerospace fighter hybrid. It was assumed that New Earth used funds stolen from Nykvarm to help fund this secret project being carried out by Harthford Construction. NEAT presented its Raptor LAM for field testing while CyberDrone continued to construct its massive sensor network to protect New Earth from Invaders. Despite requests to use the NEWS Bismarck, the New Earth central Government kept the repaired warship close to its Harbor Prime shipyards and used it to train new crews. The Bismarck would provide vital protection to the NEWS Enterprise, New Earth’s first Aegis II class warship under construction.

   Warnings of what was going on New Earth were issued by those within Operation Storm Chaser however those warnings would be dismissed. Unknown to everyone outside of the inner most circles, sometime during the 3030’s General Death and other leaders of New Earth and the Hurricane Legion were invited to an ultra-secret meeting where they had assured New Earth’s loyalty to the Archon-Designates rule. In this meeting Jake Death and the leadership of the Hurricane Legion confided a deep dark secret unto the Archon-Designates. It was because of this meeting that these warnings were dismissed. Despite this meeting, the Archon-Designates did dispatch one of her closest and most trusted spies to ensure that Jake Death and his officers would keep their promise. These facts would remain unknown to all but a very few till after her death in 3055.

    Some leaders within the Lyran Intelligence unofficially continued Operation Storm Chaser despite orders to reallocate the operatives to deal with the greater Clan threat. Several more operatives were sent to New Earth, in violation of orders, to dig deeper in to Karen Tetsuhara-Death’s growing technological empire. This renewed push was so secret that only a few officers within the Lyran Intelligence community as well as the Lyran Armed Forces were aware of it. Of them, Nondi Stainer was one of those selected few. Convinced that Jake Death had somehow managed to fool her niece the Archon-Designates, Nondi Stainer agreed to protect the Throne by keeping this operation a secret.

   During the battle for Luthien, the Hurricane Legion was sent with other members of the AFFC Mercenary Command. While the Hurricane Legion would not be part of the entire battle due to combat losses, they would be deceive in the parts that they did take part in. During the battle, our operative Trade Wind was able to report that the Hurricane Legion had detailed information regarding the invasion of Luthien that other commanders were not privy to. As a result of this information, a large number of Clan techs were easily captured during a deep behind the lines raid conducted by a group of Pathfinders under the escort by units from the 3rd Hurricane RCT.

   This raid targeted a number of rear staging areas. The Pathfinder unit would move in to position and capture Clan techs as they went about their daily business because this kind of raid was not considered honorable, the Clan invaders didn’t protect against it. It would be a lesson that the Pathfinders would teach their Clan counterparts. Along with valuable techs, members of the Pathfinders also captured a number of valuable Clan repair parts loaded up for use at forward bases. Nothing regarding these raids were reported by the Legion Commanders. During the chaos of the battle the techs and the repair parts were smuggled off world by the Legion and shipped back to New Earth under tight security. It was because of this information, members of Lyran Intelligences suspect that Trade Wind was exposed and murdered by either members of the Pathfinders or WindTalkers. It would be the last report Trade Wind would file.

   As the battle continued to play, two combat Brigades of the 1st Hurricane RCT as well as the one combat Brigade of the 3rd Hurricane RCT hammered away at the Smoke Jaguars. During the heat of the battle Hurricane forces were able to captured one of Smoke Jaguars forward landing sites. The capture of the site was a major slap in the face of Clan Smoke Jaguar as the Legion made off with two Clan dropships before the Jaguars could recapture the site. Just over half way through the battle, the Hurricane Legion has been badly mulled at the hands of the Jaguars. For all that they took, the Hurricane Legion gave a solid showing while fighting next to much more famous mercenary units. The Battle of Luthien would earn the Hurricane Legion a reputation that many units would die for.

   Despite losing a large number of Mechs, tanks and other equipment on the battlefield, General King’s genius showed through. After the 3039 War, one of the programs that she and General Macko started was the Combat Rescue and Recovery Teams or CRR Teams. These teams were a highly trained mix of pilots, Special Forces and combat medics. The CRR teams used fast, heavily armored but weaponless VTOL’s called DustOff’s to move about the battlefield. Using their DustOff’s they would zip around the battlefield and quickly recovered wounded warriors from both sides before they could succumb to their wounds. These brave men and women would often move in to a combat zone even before the shooting had stopped to pluck wounded warriors from burning Mechs and Tanks. Actions like this was the reason why those within this voluntary unit were called Crazy to the Extreme.

   It was directly due to the CRR Teams that the Hurricane Legion would suffer only a fraction of actually combat losses. When looking at the battle reported numbers, the Hurricane Legion suffered nearly seventy percent combat losses. However when looking at actual lives lost during battle, this number is dropped to below twenty percent. Many casualties suffered during the battle would ultimately survive their wounds. This allowed the Hurricane Legion to reach full strength in a much shorter time period. This was all due to the brave men and women of the CRR Teams.

   Also, the CRR Teams allowed the Hurricane Legion to take a much higher number of Clan warriors as bondsmen. However this fact would remain a secret till well after the war. Due to the chaos of the battle and the death of Trade Wind, Lyran Intelligence was virtually blind to what was going within the Hurricane Legion on Luthien. When a number of these warriors made their showing, their origins were traced back to this battle. It was assumed that these warriors were smuggled off of Luthien disguised as wounded Hurricane warriors.

   Just over half way through the fighting on Luthien, General Death had little choice but to inform his commanders that the Hurricane Legion was spent. Despite the lives saved, the Hurricane Legion had little left to throw at the two Clans. With Colonel Morgan Kell's gratitude (whom the Hurricane Legion had been under the command of), the Hurricane Legion executed a moving action and withdrew from the battle. The surviving units of the Hurricane Legion task force returned to New Earth as heroes. As they returned home, it was clear that they had been battered. These warriors had been tested in ways they never dreamed of. More than that, the Hurricane Legion had grown from these battles. Despite what they had sacrificed up to this point, history was about to call upon the Hurricane Legion once more.

   Operatives back on New Earth learned that once General Death returned to New Earth, he and President Bailey were both called in to a secret meeting with a group of Precentors from Comstar. While these meetings were largely secret, it was evident that a major operation was in the works. General Death sent a message to all of his Hurricane units. He ordered each of his units to prepare for departure. To our operatives' surprise, not one unit commanders offered question or concern as they carried out the General's orders. Equipment and personal were taken from New Earth Defense Force units to bolster Hurricane Units back up to full strengths. This was done at the full approval of President Bailey and the New Earth Congress.

   More surprising, the coming days saw new equipment starting to flow in to New Earth from origins unknown. A number of jumpships arrived at pirate points and just started to off load equipment. Nondi Stainer and her fellow observers followed these events closely as factories across New Earth were pressing out last minute constructions. Even the NEWS Bismarck was made ready for deployment. New jumpships with New Earth markings showed up in system to make up for where New Earth’s Navy fell short. Even the incomplete NEWS Enterprise was pressed in to service. While much of her massive ship weapons were missing and the rest not completely installed, she did have a functioning K-F Drive and docking collars. The massive incomplete warship joined the Bismarck as well as other Hurricane Jumpships to form the massive fleet.

   By surprising effort, within one week the Hurricane Legion was ready to deploy once more. With dropships forming on their jumpships, four complete RCT's and Jake Death’s own Death’ Brigade, New Earth’s own OpFor and support units were ready for the massive deployment. It would be the largest action that the Hurricane Legion would ever take part in off of New Earth. Only a very few were gifted with the knowledge to know what was really going on. That the Hurricane Legion was called upon to support Comstar's very own ComGuards on a largely unheard of world called Tukayyid.

   As dropships were linking up to their jumpships, a complete and strict communication blackout was ordered. As the fleet jumped, General Death finally addressed his senior officers. He spoke with them frankly and boldly explaining what was going on. Who they would be fighting side by side with and most importantly what was at stake. If they lost this battle, than Earth would be granted to the Clans and the heart of the Inner Sphere would collapse. It would only be a matter of time before the Clan’s turned their attention towards New Earth.

    General Death held meetings with his commanders and laid out the overall plan of the coming battle. Once more, the Hurricane Legion was going to face off with the very best that Clan Smoke Jaguar had to offer. More than that, they would also have to battle with the best of the Clan Nova Cat. Because of what was at stake, General Death decided to not hold back any unit. To prepare for this coming battle, he divided his units up in to two separate Field Armies.

   The First Army would be centered on the elite skills and abilities of the 1st Hurricane RCT as well as his own Death’s Brigade and the elite New Earth OpFor. These units would be able to protect the less experienced 4th Hurricane RCTs. His intention was to use the 1st RCT and the two separate brigades as hammers and allow the 4th to act as sweep while the rest of the First Army would continue to press the fight. Also, the important role of flank defender would fall upon the 4th RCT as well. He told his officers that the First Army would join the battle against the Smoke Jaguars.

   The Second Field Army would be centered on the battle hardened and proven warriors of the elite 3rd Hurricane RCT, the 2nd Hurricane RCT and two combat bridges from New Earth’s own home guard. He placed Major General Macko in overall command of the Second Army. Because of the nature of the coming battle being carried out in a wave fashion, General Death knew that he could shift his forces during the battle. He needed to be mindful of deploying the Second Army too soon before the Nova Cat wave started. He was hoping of holding the Second Field Army back to ensure that they entered the battle fresh. General Death also was counting on the fact that he could switch his First Army to support the Second Field Army once the Jaguar threat was eliminated.

   After their last jump in to the Tukayyid System, General Death addressed all of his troops. Being the great inspirational speaker that he was known for, General Death motivated his troops as he explained to them what was going on. He made it clear that there would be no hidden agendas or plots involved in this battle. He told his troops how Tukayyid would be a battle for the survival of the Inner Sphere as a whole. He warned his troops that the Smoke Jaguars would be looking for revenge for Luthien. He promised that in the coming battle, that the name Hurricane Legion would become a common household name.

   General Death informed his officers and troops that this would become their finest hours. Filled with humility, General Death informed his officers and soldiers that he couldn’t have asked for a better collection of soldiers and officers to face this moment of history with. He thanked all of them for sharing this moment in history with him. Never before, would the Hurricane Legion go in to battle with such a high level of moral.
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2015, 07:47:44 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Nine: The Battle of Tukayyid

   The opening shots fired during the war came when elements of the 4th Hurricane RCT squared off against the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons and the Jaguar Grenadiers deep in the Dinju Mountains. The two Jaguars units conduct a combat drop nearly on top of the 3/4th (spoken as third Combat Brigade of the 4th Hurricane RCT or Third of the Forth) Combat Brigade. General Death had placed the 3/4th Brigade with the intention of denying the Jaguars the best possible landing site. Hoping that this would set the tempo for the rest of the battle, the Jaguars had hoped for a quick and decisive victory against the mercenary unit. However the Jaguars had overestimated their chances over 3/4th.

   For the Jaguars, the 3/4th had to be removed so that they could move upon their objectives with greater ease. However this battle would prove to be much more than the Jaguars had planned for. The 3/4th put up a stiff resistance against the might of both the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons and the Jaguar Grenadiers. The initial Jaguar attack splintered the 3/4th Combat Brigade and forced them to the southernmost edges of the battlefield. Brigadier General Iain Nikula was able to organize his unit and push back. He shifted his own field guns to nearby ruins and used them to limit the angles of attack the Jaguars could take against the Brigade.

   To buy his unit time to reform, General Nikula also called in heavy air support to keep the Jaguars off balance. With covering fire raining down on the Clan units, it didn't take long for the 3/4th Brigade to regroup. And just in time as the Jaguars’ Alpha Galaxy were landing at their secondary landing site. They had to relocate due to the refusal of the 3/4th to yield the battlefield. The change in landing sites forced Alpha Galaxy further away from their objective.

   While the battle raged between the 3/4th Brigade and the Sixth Jaguar Dragoons and the Jaguar Grenadiers, Alpha Galaxy were forming up. Already facing a disgraceful landing, Jaguar Khan Lincoln Osis was determined to make the mercenaries pay for the disgrace. General Nikula saw the coming changing tides and choose to live and fight another day. Before Khan Osis could get his Alpha Galaxy in to battle, the 3/4th conducted a movement action under heavy fighter and artillery support. Khan Osis could have pressed the attack through the wall of cover fire. However he choose to allow the 3/4th to withdraw from the battlefield. A choice that would later cost the Jaguars dearly.

   While the Jaguars’ Alpha Galaxy won the field, they lost the battle due to time it took them to secure the area from the 3/4th Brigade. Not only did the 3/4th delay the Jaguars deployments in the Dinju Mountains they also forced the Smoke Jaguars to engage this battle on General Death’s terms. The move bought the rest of General Death’s forces time to prepare for the coming battle. However the war was far from over and the Jaguars were just getting their momentum, and Beta Galaxy was just hitting the battlefield.

   saKhan Sarah Weaver led her 267th Battle Cluster ahead of the elite Beta Galaxy through the Racice River Delta. Unknown to the Jaguars, General Death had elements of his elite 1st Hurricane lying in wait for the elite warriors of Beta Galaxy. As elements of the elite 1st Hurricane RCT were hiding like snakes waiting to strike, they allowed their pray close on their positions. Facing the same kind of swampy mess that they dealt with on Wolcott, saKhan Sarah Weaver had her units moved forward with caution. It would not be enough to save Beta Galaxy from the trap that they had already walked right in to. With some Jaguar Omnimechs moving within meters of concealed Thunder RCT Mechs, the trap proved the metal of the elite Hurricane unit.

   Well after the 267th Cluster moved past the 1st Hurricane RCT positions and the full Beta Galaxy were in the middle of the trap area, General Death unleashed his trap. As massive mech size rounds from Hurricane Field Artillery units rained on the target area, Mechs from the elite 1st Hurricane RCT opened fired at near point blank ranges on the Omnimechs of the Beta Galaxy. The act caught the Jaguars completely by surprise, sending them in to chaos. To add to the confusion, death rained in from the sky as Hurricane close air support ripped Omnimechs to shreds. However the true target of his trap was not Beta Galaxy. They were just the beat for General Death’s true target.

   As the Beta Galaxy were fighting for their lives, saKhan Weaver turned her 267th Cluster around to attempt to render aide to her besieged Beta Galaxy. In doing so, she unknowingly gave her exposed rear flanks to General Death’s last two units to take to the field. Just as her own unit was closing carnage that had become the Racice River Delta, General Death ordered his own Death’s Brigade and OpFor in to the battle. The two Hurricane units slammed in to the rear flanks of the 267th with such force that saKhan Weaver had to give up her plans to rescue her Beta Galaxy. Within hours, the Jaguars lines had disintegrated.

   Caught in the middle of a close range bloodbath, the Beta Galaxy was trapped with little hope of escape on their own. For saKhan Weaver’s own 267th, they were caught in a deadly crossfire that they couldn’t get out from under. Using his non-traditional tactics and artillery, the Jaguars were being chewed up. If a Clan unit managed to escape the death trap, it was hunted down and killed by Hurricane Hunter VTOL’s. General Death ensured that even in escape, death was waiting for the Jaguars. The Jaguars’ march for Port Racice had been halted as a battle for sheer survival took hold of the Jaguar warriors.

   During the battle, 2nd Lt Markus Brown found a lone Masakari (Clan Name: Warhawk) cut off from the battle. He maneuvered his Raptor LAM in to position and using Clan honor he called the pilot out for a personal duel. Lt Brown knew all too well who he was challenging. The pilot of the Warhawk was none other than saKhan Weaver. Prior to this moment, close-in Air Support had already taken a number of shots at the Warhawk forcing the mech to become separated from the rest of the unit. Cut off from the battle made saKhan Weaver a prime target for the brash highly skilled LAM pilot. Even though his LAM was outweighed by the Warhawk over nearly thirty tons, Lt. Brown was confident that he was the better of the two pilots. saKhan Weaver was hardly concerned about this strange LAM. She laughed at the challenge.

   The saKhan Weaver replied with a pair of PPC's that Lt. Brown narrowly avoided. Brown used the speed of his LAM to keep the Warhawk slugging through the mud of the Delta. The HVFSDS Autocannon scored solid hits on the assault Omnimechs but didn’t penetrate the thick armor of the mech. Despite Weaver’s skills and the fact that her mech outclassed the little LAM, Brown used the trees and his own speed to make scoring hits much harder. As the personal duel ran its course, Brown continued to draw Weaver further and further from the main battle. Beyond Weaver’s sensors, Pathfinders were moving in to position. They were waiting for Brown’s orders to strike. Unknown to Weaver, this was all part of General Death’s larger plan.

   General Death had a clear understanding of Clan leadership and military command structure on the battlefield. Removing both Clan leaders was more of strategic goal rather than a tactical goal. However removing both Clan during the height of the battle would be a blow that would be hard for the Jaguars to bounce back from. He was hoping to create confusion within the ranks of the Jaguars by taking out key commanders. To this end, he had created a group of teams that he called Hunter/Killer teams. Their mission were to single out key leaders, lure them from the main battle and assassinate them. saKhan Weaver was high up on a very well researched hit list.

   However, Brown had always had issues with following orders to the letter. For his credit, Brown was not a fan of the plan. Brown cited that such actions would be seen as dishonorable in the eyes of the Clans. Before the battle of Tukayyid began, Brown went to his Commander and pitched a different idea. One more in line with Clan Honor and could serve to rally Hurricane troops. Brown argued that by honoring Clan tradition and fighting their leaders on an even field, it would forever shatter the assumption that the Clans are better than Inner Sphere pilots. General Death wasn’t as confident as the Commander of his Recon Unit, but he trusted in his pilot. General Death agreed to allow Brown to execute his plan and maintain the Hunter/Killer plan as a backup. General Death warned that Jaguar commanders would not be allowed to leave Tukayyid alive.

   Far from the scene where Beta Galaxy were fighting for their lives, another life or death battle was taking place. Brown had spent days studying battle vids of saKhan Weaver taken throughout the past two years. He studied as much about her as possible. Thanks to intelligence provided by Comstar, he was able to follow career starting when she was the head of the Elite Shroud Keshik and then 362nd Assault Cluster. Brown found it strange that she had missed the critical Battle of Luthien and assumed the reason why she missed the battle had to do with political reason. Which meant that she had much to gain and loose on Tukayyid. He counted on this to help be a decisive factor in the coming battle. For Brown, Weaver wasn’t hard on the eyes either. This was another reason why he couldn’t go along with her assassination. This along with his arrogance almost cost the Hurricane Legion the battle of Racice River Delta.

   For much of the battle, Brown push the speed and mobility of his mech to its limits. He continued to lead the Warhawk further from the rest of the embattled 267th Cluster. To this moment, he had been able to avoid taking much damage from the much larger Omnimech. His own HVFSDS Autocannon was starting to take its toll on the heavier Warhawk. Weaver much like General Death understood combat and bid her time. While Brown was leading her further away from the battle, she knew that he was running out of time. She only needed one solid hit to cripple his LAM and the battle was over. For all of his arrogance and ego, Lt. Markus Brown was most likely one of the best overall pilots the Hurricane Legion had to offer. It was his pure skills that were able to keep his LAM in the fight longer than anyone else could have.

   Using the Delta to slow down Warhawk even further, Brown ensured that the odds would remain in his favor. Both pilots bid their time wisely during the battle while waiting for just the right moment to end the battle. However, Weaver was starting to have a new problem. Her heavy use of energy weapons was pressing her Omnimech’s engine in to critical ranges. While the Hurricane LAM was running cold. In an attempt to cool her mech, Weaver tried to hold off on her heavier energy weapons. The move signaled to Brown to press his advantage. He out maneuvered the Warhawk and got behind Weaver’s mech. It was right where Weaver wanted him.

   As Brown maneuvered behind Weaver for the kill, Weaver flipped her Omnimech’s around to level a pair of Clan ER PPC’s at Brown’s LAM. Brown’s arrogance was about to cost him his life. Firing at near point blank range, Brown unleashed everything his mech had. Weaver nailed Brown’s mech with one PPC blast while the other ripped over the LAM’s shoulder. Brown’s autocannon, the other hand, ripped through the remaining rear armor of the Warhawk. The damaged exposed Weaver’s engine and Brown took full advantage of the exposed damage. He fired his Shape Charged Missiles in to the large engine causing it to go critical. Weaver was blown from her by the auto-ejection system.

   No one knows why her ejection system failed, but her chute didn’t open. The landing caused her to be knocked unconscious when her pilot’s chair landed in the deep muddy water of the delta. It was the keen eye of a CRR team that saw the chair being bolted from the stricken Warhawk that saved Weaver’s life. The team’s VTOL quickly zipped low around the battlefield rushing to where they saw the chair going down. With life in the balance, a CRR Medic leaped from the VTOL in to the deep water and found the command chair. After cutting Weaver from her chair, he brought her back to the surface. After a few moments of CPR, the second ranking officer of the Jaguars was saved. Unknown to anyone, she was recovered by the CRR team and taken to a forward MASH station.

   With the mistaken reports of saKhan Weaver death, Death gave the order to have the 1st Hurricane RCT to push their advantage. During the battle, the Beta Galaxy had been pushing hard through the Delta in an attempt to relieve their embattled saKhan and the 267th Cluster. However the 1st Hurricane RCT was not about to let Beta Galaxy out of their trap. Major General Jason Night, Commander of the 1st Hurricane RCT ordered his artillery and close-in air support to press the attack while his Combat Brigades pressed Beta Galaxy in to a log jam. This move removed Beta Galaxy’s ability to maneuver and made them easy picking for Hurricane artillery units.

   267th Cluster was in the middle of its own fight for survival. Even though they were outnumbered nearly two to one, the 267th fought with all the honor and courage that the Clans were known for. Their brave stand was nothing short of inspiring. As Hurricane Artillery rained down around them, they never broke ranks as they were pressed further away from Beta Galaxy. But for the 267th, this battle was more than just a battle, it was for survival. In the end, no amount of courage or honor could save the unit. With losses mounting under the assault from Death’s Brigade on their right flank and OpFor on their left flank their lines final broke. Of the entire unit, only a hand full of elementals and Omnimechs managed to escape the slaughter.

   A fate that was about to be leveled on Beta Galaxy. During the battle, General Night was able to maneuver his 2/1st Combat Brigade around to the rear flank of Beta Galaxy and cut them off from retreat. The trap was now sealed and the Jaguars had nowhere to go. Being attacked on three sides and the deeper regions of the delta on the forth, it was clear that Beta Galaxy was lost. Despite being ordered to withdraw by ilKhan Ulric Kerensky, Beta Galaxy couldn’t break out of the trap. By the end of the second night, the Galaxy had been cut down to nearly thirty percent. Under the cover of night, they attempted to break out back to their dropships.

   However General Night had expected this and made plans to oppose Beta Galaxy from being able to withdraw from the trap. Instead of having the two elite units, Death’s Brigade and OpFor, joining the battle once the 267th Cluster was defeated. He positioned Death’ Brigade and OpFor directly behind the 1st’s lines along the route that Beta Galaxy would have to take to get to their dropships. General Night’s plan was to ensure that if Beta Galaxy broke out, they would run right in to the two Brigades behind his lines. General Night waited for the break out he knew was coming. Once he got word from his forward scouts that Beta Galaxy was on the move, he ordered all of his units to launch their counter attack at once.

   Galaxy Commander Mikhail Ward led his Galaxy through the lines of 1st RCT with courage of a true leader. Just as they were able to see light at the end of the tunnel, Beta Galaxy ran right in to Death’s Brigade and OpFor. Caught once more in the middle of a nasty crossfire, Beta Galaxy was forced to push through. Within hours, Beta Galaxy final fought their way through the lines. They had to conduct a fighting retreat while General Night pressed the beaten unit. For General Night, it was not enough to just force the retreat. He wanted Beta Galaxy surely defeated beyond all doubt. Using his artillery, General Night placed a wave of shells behind Beta Galaxy forcing them to slow their retreat. As the survivors of Beta Galaxy managed to board their dropships under enemy fire, there was no doubting that they had lost the battle for Port Racice.

   While Beta Galaxy was dealing with their death trap. The Jaguar's Alpha Galaxy didn't hold up much better. Hoping to regain their lost momentum from their first engagement with the Hurricane Legion. Khan Lincoln Osis led his forces down towards the city of Dinju Heights through the Dinju Pass. Major General Melissa Nelson, Commander of the 4th Hurricane RCT, ordered her 1/4th and 2/4th Combat Brigades to take up positions within the Dinju Pass. The pass made for a perfect location to make full advantage of her infantry and armor units.

   Thanks to the efforts of Brigadier General Iain Nikula and his brave 3/4th Combat Brigade, Alpha Galaxy's advance in to the pass was delayed. Thanks to that delay, the remaining two Combat Brigades valuable time to dig in. They also planted mines throughout the pass, but General Nelson did the unthinkable. Not only did she mine the approaches to the pass that the Jaguars were going to take, she also mined the passages past her own lines. This ensured that her unit would have no possible path to retreat down. She made clear that her unit knew that this was a stand or die situation. Her words echoed for her RCT, “Not one Clanner could be allowed through the pass.”

   The Dinju Pass was meant to be a death trap for the Jaguars however it would become a death trap for both sides. General Nelson tasked Brigadier General Gratia Doherty, command of her Headquarters and Headquarters Brigade, to hold the exit of the Pass at all costs. General Doherty and his leadership would prove to save the day for the 4th RCT and their mission. As the 3/4th Combat Brigade were in the middle of their retreat in to the Pass, the Jaguars were only minutes behind the Brigade. General Nelson moved her headquarters to co-locate with the 3/4th. General Nelson and her command battalion in to the Pass and linked up with the 3/4th in the heart of the Pass.

   As the Jaguars entered the Pass, she ordered her units to start Artillery barrages. She commanded the artillery units assigned to the 3/4th to continue through the pass with the rest of the support units. The artillery units were ordered to set up on the far side of the pass and start operations. She ordered the rest of the 3/4th to dig in and set up defensive lines. The skill of New Earth Artillery was already a well-known fact to the Jaguars. Using their speed to push through the kill zones of the Artillery, the Jaguars stormed through the pass. While the mines were problematic to the Clans, they hardly slowed the Galaxy down. Alpha Galaxy slammed in the front lines of the 3/4th with such force that the lines started to buckled.

   Battered from their first engagement with the Jaguars already, General Nelson knew that the 3/4th wouldn’t hold up long under this pressure. Leading from the front, General Nelson inspired her troops to hold the line long enough. All she needed was for the 3/4th to act as a speed bump while the other units of the 4th RCT lunched their counter attack. By leading from the front, General Nelson was able to keep 3/4th lines from splintering. She called in Close-In air support, however Khan Lincoln Osis had already prepared for this. He had ordered some of his Galaxy to fit their Omnimechs with anti-air weapons. Hurricane conventional fighter were cut down as they streaked in on their strafing runs. But enough of them got strong hits to slow the Jaguars down.

   As the Jaguar’s advance started to punch through the lines of the 3/4th, Armor and Infantry units along the walls and cliffs continued to the fired down on Jaguar mechs while the 3/4th were struggling to hold together. It was at this critical time that General Nelson issued her order. She executed a very risky maneuver that would spilt the 3/4th and allowed the Jaguars to divide the unit. General Nelson was hoping that the Jaguars lust for victory would overrule their desires to finish the 3/4th off. With heavy support fire from the cliffs above, she opened up the pass and exposed her own flanks. The Jaguars wouldn’t be denied victory as they brushed aside the 3/4th and pushed for the exit of the pass.

   As Alpha Galaxy made their way through the pass, Nelson’s field guns mounted on the cliffs offered as much protection for the exposed flanks of the 3/4th while VTOL’s firing from the cover of the ridges continued to soften the Jaguar lines up even more. As more Jaguar mechs entered the cross hairs of her field guns, Nelson ordered them to keep firing. As the death rained in from above, Nelson ordered her supply teams to move more ammo to the field guns to ensure that they kept firing. The salvos continued without mercy, twelve more clan Omnimechs were blasted from the battlefield.

   Jaguars Elementals attempted to clear the walls of the Pass but Nelson had mined the approaches to protect her units along the cliffs. This made reaching her support units harder. However the determined Elementals broke through and death was coming for this hated Artillery units. Remembering the impact that Hurricane Artillery played on Luthien, a group of Jaguar elementals pushed through the mines and defense lines as they forced their way through the cliffs. Driven by rage at the gun crews that were inflicting heavy losses on their fellow warriors below, the elementals breached the infantry lines protecting the gun crews.

   Once the gun crews were in their sights, the elementals inflicted grave losses on the helpless gun crews. The 10th and 32nd Field Artillery Battalions was nearly completely slaughtered at the hands of the Jaguar Elementals. The 10th Field Artillery Battalion never had a chance to report the attack on them. Thus the 32nd Field Artillery Battalion was unaware of the danger that was almost upon them. The fog of war had left the men and women of the 32nd exposed. In light of the brutal attack against her gun crews and knowing that she couldn't protect them from similar attacks, Major General Nelson ordered the remainder of her gun crews to abandon their positions.

   Beyond the artillery positions were the support units of the 4th RCT. Between life blood of the RCT and the enraged elementals was the 101st Pathfinder Company. As members of the retreating artillery notified the Pathfinder Company of what was going on, the grave situation became clear. If the RCT was to survive this battle, it was up to the 101st. They quickly prepare a defensive line in the rugged cliffs of the pass. When the two units joined battle, it was the 101st that would win the day. With the flank of the RCT secured, General Nelson was able to refocus her efforts on stopping the Jaguar thrust.

   Something that Khan Osis had failed to realize was that Nelson had held back three of her four Battlemech Battalions. She allowed her command elements to fill in the lines while her armor and infantry held the line. With the Jaguars’ Omnimechs heavily damaged from pushing through the lines, the bulk of her fresh Battlemechs were for the fight. General Nelson finally allowed the Jaguars to push through the lines. Tasting victory finally, the Jaguars ran headlong in to Nelson’s second line of mines further damaging their Omnimechs. Once on the other side of the minefield, Alpha Galaxy slammed in to Nelson’s Headquarters Brigade and three fresh Battlemech battalions. The counter attack hit the clan lines like a one two punch stopping them cold. The daring move paid off with the Jaguars being stopped cold.

   During the final hours of the battle of the pass, Khan Osis had noted a VTOL landing just beyond the battlefield next to a burning Shadowhawk. Noting the Red Cross on a White Field, he targeted the VTOL out of spite for the Mercenary unit that had cost him his victory. The blast from Khan Osis’ Omnimech blasted the VTOL from the battlefield before it ever had a chance to react to the coming attack. Watching the senseless death of the CRR team enraged the soldiers of the 4th RCT. This single action surged through the unit pressing the Alpha Galaxy back up against the reformed lines of the 3/4th Combat Bridge. The battle raged in to the night and it wasn’t long before the report of Khan Osis’ death was being issued.

      With both of their leaders missing or reported dead and the orders of the ilKhan to retreat, the Jaguars were routed and in full retreat. As with the struggle of Beta Galaxy, Alpha Galaxy was fairing no better trying to retreat from the box that they had been forced in to. Counting on the Jaguars’ aggressive nature to push through, both General Nelson and General Night ensured that the Jaguars would be able to make some progress only to work themselves in to a trap that they would have to fight to get out of. It wasn’t enough to beat the Jaguars, but to prove a point to the entire Inner Sphere. This single battle was going to thrust the Hurricane Legion in to the same status as great mercenary units like Wolf’s Dragoons and Kell Hounds. Both the 1st and the 4th RCT supported by the Death’s Brigade and New Earth’s OpFor drove the Jaguars all the way to their dropships and pressed them off world under fire.

   At the end of the battle, Major General Nelson commented that, "This is what happens when Hail rains down. It crushes all in its path." The comment was a play on the 4th Hurricane RCT's nickname Hail RCT. Even though they had secured victory, the loss of life between the two Hurricane RCT’s was great. However again the CRR played a critical role in keeping these number down. Still, both units were almost spent and had little left. But Hurricane’s role during the Battle of Tukayyid was far from over. As the light was fading on the third day, the Nova Cats were just taking to the field.

   General Death was not the only one watching Jaguars leave in defeat and shame. Former saKhan Sara Weaver watched from a MASH unit as her Clan dropships departed in shame. A nurse recorded her words, "I had risen to become the second most powerful warrior of my Clan only to end my career as a bondsman. A Bondsman to an Inner Sphere pilot no less. How far has my Clan fallen from grace? How much further will it continue to fall after this disgrace? What does the future hold for me?" saKhan Sara Weaver would join dozens of former Clan warriors as Bondsmen of the Hurricane Legion.

   The battle between the Hurricane Legion and the Smoke Jaguars would set the tempo for the overall battle of Tukayyid. The next clan was already making their landings as the Jaguars’ were in the middle of their full retreat. It was time for the experience of the 3rd Hurricane RCT and battle proven Major General Macko to show what they can do against Clan Nova Cats. The task of Second Field Army was to defend the cities of Joje and Tost against the Nova Cats. Facing General Macko’s Second Field Army was the Nova Cat’s Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Galaxies. Under General Macko’s command was the veteran 3rd Hurricane RCT, the 2nd Hurricane RCT and 1/6th and the 2/6th Combat Brigades from New Earth’s Home Defenders RCT.

   Both sides had already taken lessons from the defeat of the Jaguars’. For the Nova Cats, they choose to begin their campaign with a pair of night time combat hover drops on to a secured landing site, instead of fighting over a hot landing zone. General Macko knew that he had to slow down the Cat’s momentum as much as possible. To this end, General Macko lined up his air units in the role of direct harassment. His plan to eat up as much time as possible so his on troops could get ready of the Cat’s arrival.

   As Nova Cat dropships started to make their approach, General Macko ordered his Aerospace fighters in to the fight. It would be the single largest aerospace battle of the entire battle. Commander Linna Tetsuhara personally led her 3rd Aerospace Brigade of the 1st Hurricane Aerospace Group against the Nova Cat drop site. The Nova Cats were more than willing to join the Aerospace battle over the skies of Tukayyid. During the nighttime aerial battle, Aerospace Fighters swarmed around the Clan dropships like angry hornets. The battle became so intense that the Cats had to summon in their back up fighters just to keep a window open for their drops. During the height of the aerial battle, over two hundred aerospace fighters filled the skies around the Cats’ dropships.

   Commander Tetsuhara made the Cats pay dearly for their choice to hover drops as Nova Cat dropships were blasted from the sky. However with the arrival of more Nova Cat fighters under the command of Star Captain Jackim West, the tide shifted against Tetsuhara's aerospace brigade. In the face of overwhelming fire power, the 3rd Aerospace Brigade were forced to withdraw. However Star Captain West was determined to make the Hurricane fighters pay for their attack. As her battered unit dropped to the deck and fled the superior clan Omnifighters, Tetsuhara turned her modified Stuka around and engaged the clan fighters. A glimpse of what was going through Commander Tetsuhara's mind was recorded in a message to her sister back at a Hurricane Supply Depot.

   "Karen, listen I don't have much time. I want you to know that I never wanted to take this adventure with you. I remember our argument that we had back home. You called me out on putting our family’s dishonor ahead of my own chance to gain my own honor. You encouraged me to put that dishonor behind me and live my own life. You were right back then as you are now. I have no regrets Karen. I would not have changed a thing in what we built here together. What we have done together will forever cleans the shame from our family. And forever lift our family back to honor. Thank you... "

   It what would be one of the most talked about aerial battles in the entire Inner Sphere, Commander Tetsuhara turned her hundred ton aerospace fighter and climbed for the sky. As her unit fled at low altitudes, Commander Tetsuhara met Captain West’s fighters head on. Before disbelieving eyes of the Nova Cats, Commander Tetsuhara held the Clan fighters at bay long enough for her own unit to flee the battlefield. More than that, she was able to ensure that her unit would be able to continue fighting. As the battle was joined with greater than fifteen to one odds, Commander Tetsuhara’s aerospace fighter vanished from all radars and targeting systems. In disbelief, The Clan aerospace fighters were unable to lock their weapons on her fighter as she zipped through their ranks.

   During the battle and before the Nova Cat leaders, she recorded nine confirmed kills against some of their best pilots and was able to drive off ten other fighters. To the awe of the Nova Cats, Commander Tetsuhara's heavily modified Stuka didn't seem to want to fall from the sky. However the battle would have its toll on the mix-blooded Japanese pilot more commonly known as Ronin. She called out to Captain West and daring him to claim the skies from her. Commander Tetsuhara would drop two more Clan fighters, one was Captain West. Nova Cat Khans were already making plans to claim the Inner Sphere pilot’s genetic legacy for their own.

   It seemed as if the pilot known as Ronin was through. Her missiles were spent, her weapons damaged, and smoke pouring from her craft. The few remaining Nova Cat pilots moved in for the kill, however Commander Tetsuhara was not finished with the Nova Cats yet. To the astonishment of the Nova Cat pilots Commander Tetsuhara rolled her fighter and moved for another attack. In a clear show of courage and blind devotion to her mission, she lined up her fighter on an Omnifighter that was below her. With no other options, Commander Tetsuhara pushed her Stuka in to a dive while pushing her throttle forward using the remaining of her fuel. While two other Nova Cat fighters tried to line her up on their own sights, Commander Tetsuhara had one last wild card to play.

   Burning up the last of her fuel as she activated the afterburners the modified Stuka leaped forward at the Omnifighter below her. It was clear that the Clan pilot knew that death was above him as he fought hard trying to avoid being in Tetsuhara’s sights. However she would not be denied this last kill, Commander Tetsuhara aimed her fighter at the nose of the Jagatai’s cockpit. With the smoke from her burning craft making it harder for the two fighters behind her to score hits, Tetsuhara pressed her attack on the fighter below her. As weapon fire ripped past her cockpit from the two fighters behind her, Commander Tetsuhara’s fighter slammed in to the nose of the Jagatai.

   Both fighters disintegrated as they were engulfed by a massive fireball. The remains of Tetsuhara’s fighter would erupt from the other side of the fireball in a twisted mangled burning heap of metal. While the Nova Cat fighter would break up as it fell back to earth. While her Nova Cat victim did not survive the midair collision, Commander Tetsuhara was blasted from the wreckage of her burning Stuka by her auto-ejection system. Commander Tetsuhara's courageous and heroic last stand distracted the Nova Cat pilots long enough for her own Air Brigade to regroup and resume the attack. Looking for revenge, Tetsuhara’s Air Brigade blasted back on to the scene protecting their fallen leader. While the second aerial battle would be far less dramatic, it was not without courage on both sides.

   Shock and so deeply impressed by Commander Tetsuhara's actions, the Nova Cats were brought to their feet as the finally moments of the battle unfolded. Khan Benjamin Garr demanded that his elementals, "capture that pilot so that her Giftake can be added to our genetic legacy." A point of Elementals as well as a CRR Team would be dispatched to recover the body of Commander Tetsuhara. It was discovered that Commander Tetsuhara had survived the crash and the following landing. Filled with defiance, she refused to be captured. Commander Tetsuhara put her survival training to the test as the group of Elementals gave pursuit of the downed pilot. It wasn't until the arrival of the CRR team that Commander Tetsuhara was finally rescued and the Elementals were driven back after a fierce but short lived battle.

   Rolling forward on his successful raid on the Nova Cat landing site which mulled most of the Nova Cat’s Alpha Galaxy, Major General Macko maneuvered his 3rd Hurricane RCT in to the city of Joje and laid his own trap. Taking all that he had learned from the brutal battle of Dieron, Major General Macko was about to turn the tide on the Nova Cats. However up to date intelligence would prove deceive in this battle. To ensure that he had the most up to date information, he deployed his Pathfinders in shadowing mood. He also deployed his Specters over the battlefield. These two steps kept General Macko ahead of the Nova Cats throughout most of the battle.

   However this was not without concern. General Macko had already heard troubling reports of Clan Elementals. Had had faced them on Luthien and had a well-earned respect for them. Now he was getting reports of how Jaguar Elementals nearly cost the First Field Army their lines. He had to take steps to limit the effectiveness of these Elementals. In reaction, he decided not to deploy his infantry independently. Instead he assigned them to closely guard armor and artillery units. He armed them with shaped charged SRMs. He knew that Clan Elemental armor was as thick as Battlemech armor. However once through the armor, the Elementals were still living creatures.

   General Macko was counting on the design of the shaped charge warhead. The way it functioned was to penetrate Battlemech armor and damage vital components behind the armor. General Macko was hoping that the same principle would hold true. Penetrate the Elemental armor and kill the Elemental inside. It was his best method of dealing with the Nova Cat’s game changers. More so, he had to protect his armor and artillery from the Clan Elementals if his plan was to survive and be victorious. It was because of this step that General Macko took, Clan Nova Cat would suffer far greater Elemental losses than any other Clan during the entire battle. Less than ten percent of Clan Nova Cat Elementals would leave Tukayyid.
   Thanks to his Pathfinders, General Macko realized that the Cats had loaded their Omnimechs with ammo hungry weapons. Acting on this knowledge, he sent his 1/6th and 2/6th Combat Brigades on harassing missions. From his headquarters General Macko coordinated these raids against the twin formations of the Nova Cats as they moved towards their two objectives. His plan was not to draw the two units in to open conflict outside of the cities, instead he wanted to force the Cats to burn up their ammunition before they joined the actually battle. To support these raids, he ordered in his Close-In air support to cover the withdrawing two harassing units. He didn’t want to make the same mistake General Nelson made in burning up her Close-In air support too early in the battle.

   While he watched the movement of Alpha and Gamma Galaxies closely as they moved on Joje. He was also very mindful of the wide flanking action that Beta Galaxy was taking towards Tost. General Macko knew that the Cats had range and damage over his own forces. So being caught in an open field battle would be disastrous for his forces. Instead he wanted to lure them in to the cities where he held the upper hand. Here he planned a series of deadly ambushes and was going to use the two cities’ subway tunnels to funnel supplies and troops to where ever the battle demanded it.

   The true test of the battle was at hand as the elite Second Nova Cat Guards moved in to the city’s northern suburbs. Major General Macko realized a major change in the Nova Cats tactics. To the Major General's surprise, there were no Nova Cat Elementals present within their leading elements. Major General Macko decided to make them pay for that mistake. Deciding to hold his Mechs back, he ordered his fast armor units forward and harass the leading elements of the Nova Cat's Alpha Galaxy. Enraged by being denied an honorable battle with Mechs, Star Colonel Edward Ryder tried to make the armor unit pay for their attack. The hit and run attacks of Macko’s armor units distracted the leading elements of the Nova Cats long enough for Macko’s VTOL to maneuver in to position.

   Using the buildings as cover, Macko’s VTOL’s unleashed deadly volley of shaped charged missiles at the Clan Omnimechs. Between the fast paced armor and the swarming VTOL’s, the Elite Nova Cat Guards were taking heavy losses as they pushed through the suburbs. During this time, Macko ordered his Pathfinders to their secondary objectives. They took to the roofs of buildings and continued to give up to date information of where the Cats were. Macko ordered his armor and VTOL units to withdraw deeper in to the city. The single most important tool Macko employed during the battle was a simple hand cranked field phone called a TA-312.

   The Clans had the technological edge and General Macko knew it. Since the beginning of the Nova Cats operations, they did everything possible to jam communications. General Macko had anticipated this and ran hundreds of miles of wire and set up communication sites for his Pathfinders. From their roof top observation points across the battlefield, Pathfinder teams would call in up to date locations of where the Cats were. These reports were received at General Macko’s headquarters by one of many operators. Then these operators would update a large map in General Macko’s situation room. When the Cats unleashed a series of EMP attacks, the lights went out, but thanks to his low tech approach to the battlefield General Macko maintained positive control of his units.

   As the casualties of the Hurricane VTOL’s and armor units started to take their toll on the Second Nova Cat Guards, they slowed their advanced and attempted to regroup. However General Macko’s units pushed their advantage causing the Clan lines to become drawn thin. When Star Colonel Ryder’s Omnimech took a critical hit the Second Nova Cats Guards were forced to attempt a withdrawal from the suburbs. This was when General Macko ordered his second wave of VTOL’s and armor units to flank the Second Nova Cats Guards. In open terrain the Omnimechs had the clear advantage. However in city fighting like this, Macko’s armor units supported by his infantry had the clear upper hand. They used the buildings of the city to the fullest potential.

   That didn’t mean that Macko’s units didn’t suffer from the conflict. For each Omnimech that succumb in the battle, the 3rd RCT lost four tanks. Despite losses, General Macko and his 3rd RCT were not about to give up their captured pray. It was this willingness to take combat losses that earned General Macko the nickname, ‘Old Blood and Guts’. Despite losses, the end result was the Second Nova Cats Guards were being decimated. But Macko was still holding back his Battlemechs, Close-In air support and artillery. General Macko was attempting to play a long game strategy and his troops would pay the price for this strategy.

   With the new wave of armor and VTOL’s outflanking the Second Nova Cat Guards, their fate was sealed. Despite their best efforts to break out of the trap, the Hurricane armor units kept pushing them back. Lacking elemental support, Hurricane infantry moved through the buildings taking cheap shots at wounded Omnimechs. More than a few Omnimechs were found after the battle with their cockpits blown out by man portable Shaped Charged-SRM. The suburbs had become a killing field. A call for support from the rest of the Alpha Galaxy was issued by Star Colonel Ryder. The request placed saKhan Istal Devalis, over all commander of the Nova Cats after Khan Garr was badly injured during their initial landings, in a difficult situation.

   saKhan’s Alpha Galaxy were on their way to capturing their first objective by moving clockwise along the edges of the city. To his credit he had skillfully kept his Galaxy away from the hated Hurricane Artillery. However if his Galaxy would shift back on its movements to support the Guards, his Galaxy would be forced to enter the city. His reports indicated that this would place his Galaxy well within range of the Hurricane’s Artillery units. It would become a meat grinder and saKhan Devalis knew it. Against his better judgment, saKhan Devalis turned the Alpha Galaxy towards the city to relieve the Second Nova Cat Guards.

   Thanks to reports from his Pathfinders, General Macko observed the Alpha Galaxy slowly closing on the northern suburbs of the city. General Macko bid his time wisely holding his units back till the Cats Alpha Galaxy were committed in the suburbs. With the Second Nova Cat Guards fighting for their lives as beat, General Macko monitored the movements of Alpha Galaxy closely. Even though his armor units were nearly spent he ordered units to hold the line as long as possible. As the Alpha Galaxy closed on the Second Nova Cats Guards, it was finally time for General Macko to unleash his trap.

   Macko ordered the massive guns of the 3rd Hurricane Artillery to open up. Within minutes, the ground around Alpha Galaxy erupted in explosions as entire Omnimechs vanished in balls of fire. At the same time, General Macko ordered his Close-In air support to start their runs. As Thunder Chiefs rocked down from the skies as the devastation, Pathfinders used targeting lasers to tag command Omnimechs. The assault was so brutal that saKhan Devalis watched as his unit’s lines actually started to break. Wave after wave of artillery and Close-In air support shattered the Alpha Galaxy’s lines. Unless something was done, Alpha Galaxy was doom. With little choice, saKhan Devalis had to violate his own batchall and call in his own Omnifighters to drive off the conventional fighters of the 3rd Hurricane RCT.

   As reports of the coming Omnifighters crossed General Macko’s situation table, he ordered his conventional Fighters to vanish from the skies. Instead of facing off with conventional fighters, the Nova Cat pilots were met by aerospace fighters from the 3rd and 2nd Aerospace Brigades. Vengeance was the order of the day as Hurricane pilots were ready to avenge their fallen leader. Filled with rage and having a chance to channel it, Hurricane pilots pushed their skills and crafts beyond limits. With the odds against the Nova Cats almost four to one, they attempted to flee the battlefield.

   Hurricane pilots would not be denied their pound of flesh. They pursued the Clan Omnifighters in to orbit to have their revenge. While Hurricane pilots held the numerical odds, the Clan pilots had technology and skills on their side. Despite losses, Hurricane pilots pressed their attack till not one Nova Cat Omnifighter was left. As the Nova Cat air cover was driven back, the 3rd RCT’s Close-In air support returned to finish off the Alpha Galaxy. To the surprise of most, Major General Macko's plan made it possible for him to deal a massive defeat to the Alpha Galaxy with only minor mech on mech engagements. However his trap wasn’t finished as he still held his Battlemechs in reserve for the knockout blow.

   Reports placed Beta Galaxy was within moments of engaging the 2nd RCT within the suburbs of Tost. General Macko ensured that the commanding officers of the 2nd RCT had the most up to date information on the movements of Beta Galaxy. However a troubling report crossed General Macko’s situation table. Reports of a forth Nova Cat Galaxy had been reported in the vicinity of Tost. According to Comstar’s Intelligence only indicated that the Nova Cats would deploy three Galaxies. General Macko wasn’t sure if the Cats had violated their batchall again. The new unit was in position to support Tost or double back and support the assault on Joje. Because of this, he had no choice but to hold back his reserve forces.

   With the Second Nova Cat Guards trapped and Alpha Galaxy were forced to retreat from the city's suburbs the situation had turned against saKhan Devalis. saKhan ordered up his reserve Gamma Galaxy to push their way in to the city. Fresh for the fight, Gamma Galaxy started a steady march in to the northern suburbs as Hurricane Artillery slammed down around them. While Beta Galaxy was marching on Tost, the Nova Cat campaign was in full swing. The majority of the 2nd Hurricane Field Army was engaged. However General Macko was still holding back his reserve forces searching for information on that forth Nova Cat Galaxy.

   Meanwhile across the battlefield, saKhan Devalis’ Alpha Galaxy shifted to the north of the city in an attempt to flank the Hurricane units. saKhan Devalis’ plans was to pressure the Hurricane units back on themselves. Watching the pincer attack unfolding, General Macko unleashed his hidden Mechs at the twin Nova Cat front within Joje. From their basements and parking garages, Hurricane Battlemechs engaged the Nova Cats at near point blank ranges. The move caught the Nova Cats by surprise and Macko wasn’t finished with his surprises. Even though he wasn’t ready to unleash his reserve forces. He did have something he could unleash.

   General Macko ordered his secret weapon to fire. Over a hundred kilometers away a massive boom echoed. Within moments a whole city block erupted in to a massive explosion. The blast occurred far behind Gamma Galaxy’s lines yet was still large enough to cause a handful of Omnimechs to be blown to the ground. The blast’s shockwave was enough to cause the Cats to be tossed in to confusion as they first assumed that they were under orbital bombardment. Their fears would not be far from the truth. General Macko had taken one of the massive Naval Autocannons from the incomplete NEWS Enterprise and mounted it to a pair of Goliaths. Using the large cannon as land based artillery it was General Macko’s plan to crush the Nova Cat’s lines. While the weapon was clever in its deployment, it would ultimately be considered a failure.

   Despite orders for more rounds, Macko’s secret weapon wouldn’t fire again. The recoil was so powerful that it shattered the internal structure of both assault class Battlemechs. The weapon came crashing down as it was ripped free from its mount causing serious damage to the weapon and injured several crewmembers. Still the weapon caused chaos and taking full advantage of the chaos, General ordered his front line units forward as reports came in that his 2nd Hurricane RCT was fully engaged with the majority of Beta Galaxy. However none of General Macko’s pathfinders were able to locate that forth mysterious Nova Cat Galaxy.

   With reports of both his major commands needing reinforcements, General Macko was pressed to make a decision. He could unleash his reserve units in a spearhead attack that could stop the Cats cold in their advance. However if he committed to this course of action and that forth Galaxy countered attacked then General Macko’s assault and his lines would crumble. General Macko was being pressured by his advisors to counter attack and break the Nova Cat’s offensive. Without word about that mysterious Galaxy, General Macko choose to play it save. He ordered his reserve forces in a purely defensive posture to reinforce his lines. This move would cost him the overwhelming victory but halt his staggering losses.

   As Hurricane reserve forces started to reinforce the lines, Both Nova Cat offensives started to stall. But the 2nd Hurricane Field Army was reaching its limits. Despite the fresh forces, time was taking its toll on the Legionaries. Reports of units crumbling under Nova Cat’s offensive, General Macko pressed his transmitters to their limits to reach all of his units. In a short statement General Macko inspired his troops, “This might not be New Earth. But Brothers and Sisters, we are New Earth. New Earth’s blood washed this world’s soul. I am begging you! Allow this to be our finest hour!” It wouldn’t take long for the words of inspiration to take hold.

   Within hours, the entire lines were turning in to brutal house to house and even room to room battles. For some Clan units, the prospects of surviving this battle was becoming bleak. Unable to fight their way out and unable to be rescued by the Alpha Galaxy, the survivors of the embattled Second Nova Cat Guards were forced to face their last option, surrender. To the surprise of their Hurricane opponents, Star Colonel Ryder announced their intention of surrender. In that moment, the Clan units closest to their objective vanished from the field of battle.

   The loss of the cluster in this manner was a slap to Nova Cat's honor. But Major General Macko was not finished with the Cats, and saKhan Devalis was not to be under estimated. General Macko ordered his units to press their advantage. However the Cats weren’t giving up their hard fought terrain without a struggle. Hurricane Artillery continued to fire at a surprising rate and with much better than average accuracy. Independent embedded correspondents reported that Hurricane batteries had fired so much that their cannon barrels glowed against the night sky. For thirty six hours, the two mighty armies clashed in a battle that would be reported as epic. 

   A vid would embody the struggle. Taken by a correspondent, it showed a Private First Class Adrian Douglas firing a shoulder fired SRM rocket launcher at an attacking Nova Cat Elemental. The infantry platoon was defending themselves against an attacking wave of Elementals within downtown Tost. The image would show the rocket slamming in to the visor of the Elemental armor and killing the massive being within the armor. The range between the two was so close that it could be caught within on frame of the photographer. The blood covered infantry soldiers of the Hurricane Legion would fend off the Clan attack. This bloody up close and personal style battle would come to signify the kind of combat between Clan Nova Cat and the Hurricane Legion.

   General Macko and his forces fought throughout the day, and through the night. They fought nonstop in to the early morning hours as they held the lines against an enemy that had most of the advantages. For all of the battle, saKhan Devalis’ Cats fought with equal courage and honor. The two sides were clearly well matched and fought themselves in to a stalemate. The Second Hurricane Field Army couldn’t push the Nova Cats from the suburbs of either city. Yet for all their skill and technology, the Nova Cats couldn’t press deeper in to either city. Despite no clear victor in sight both sides were more than willing to press the battle further.

   Seeing the battle unfolding and knowing that no clear victor was insight, leaders from Comstar and the Clans decided the fate of the battle for General Macko and saKhan Devalis. The battle would be considered a draw between the two heroic armies. The orders to both sides were issued and on the morning of the fourth day of combat both sides withdrew from their lines. The Nova Cat Campaign was over but the wounds on both sides were deep. The Second Hurricane Army lost well over half of its fighting force while the Nova Cats would loss a slightly higher percentage of its warriors.

   After the battle, General Macko took a tour of the devastation of Joje. Under guard, General Macko found a burned out wreckage of a King Tank. Siting on the front armor of the burned out tank, General Macko had a run in with saKhan Devalis. The Nova Cat leader walked up to the scene under his own Elemental guard. The meeting was barely a footnote in the history of the Inner Sphere but for General Macko, he claimed that this meeting affected him very deeply. In his autobiography, ‘Under the Crimson Night’ General Macko wrote about his meeting with the Nova Cat leader.

   â€œThere I set looking over the ruins of this city. I recall thinking of all those lives that were lost on Tukayyid. All that blood that was on my hand due to my plan. It was a surreal moment. Then without warning I saw the Nova Cat leader walking up with his Elemental guards. After short pleasantries, I offered him a cigar. He had commented about how fine the cigar was and I informed him that the cigar came from my father’s farm back on New Earth. We joked that he was a warrior that spent his whole life training to be the best leader possible and I was but a mere farmer’s son. We talked there under the setting sun. Not as enemies, but just as two people talking.”

   â€œI told him I could not have asked to be here with finer soldiers, on both sides of the battle lines. He agreed and added that my strategies were brilliant. But his one question to me will haunt me. He asked why I held back my counter offensive. I explained why I did what I did, he offered up a vital point of information. The Nova Cats only landed with three Galaxies, and he did not summon up any more forces. The fog of war caused me to be too cautious. I was not bold, I did not force my enemy’s hand. For this, my own soldiers paid the price. A mistake that I will not make again. Next time I will do what I have to do to save lives.”
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.


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Re: A Non-Canon History of New Earth and the Hurrican Legion
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2015, 05:25:41 PM »

Official Lyran Intelligence Corps Report
World Report: New Earth
By Professor Walter Stevens
Location: -12.52 X Coordinates, 3.13 Y Coordinates
Chapter Ten: Rebuilding, The Chaos March and the onset of the Lyran Invasion

   When the Hurricane Legion returned to New Earth, New Earth welcomed homed their heroes with a major celebration. The March of the Fallen for the returning New Earth warriors was the single largest parade that New Earth had ever seen. Sadly there was such a need for members to march in the place of those who had fallen on Tukayyid that members of New Earth’s Provisional Guards were summoned up to carry out this morbid duty. The actually combat losses were not taken in to account till those silent blacked out warriors were seen in comparison next to those few who had come home. To the shock and horror of those watching the massive parade, the forces of New Earth which had been deployed to Tukayyid had lost over half their numbers.

   While the battle of Tukayyid was being planned and fought, the Hurricane Legion and New Earth were rocked by the surprise announcement by President Bailey. After nearly two decades of faithful service to New Earth and its people, President Bailey announced that she would be stepping down as New Earth’s President at the end of the 3052. After enjoying five over whelming victorious planetary elections President Bailey cited her recent cancer diagnosis as reason behind her stepping down from power. For the first time, New Earth would see an open Presidential field during the 3052 elections. Political parties all stepped up efforts to take leadership and governance of New Earth. 

   During the last months of President Bailey’s presidency she oversaw a number of actions that would help rebuild New Earth’s massive military. She helped push through War Rearmament of 3052 through the New Earth Congress. The new bill allowed for the funds to help train up and rearm the New Earth’s Defense Force, but more importantly the construction of a number of monuments in honor of those who gave their lives. President Bailey over saw the dedication of a monument in honor of those who gave their lives during the Clan Invasion, one for those who had given their lives on Tukayyid. The last major monument which was dedicated during 3052 was in memory of the CRR Team murdered by Smoke Jaguar Khan Lincoln Osis.

   Across New Earth there were parades as the warriors of the Legion were welcomed to their home towns as heroes. It wasn’t long before the heroes joined the families of those who didn’t come home to mourn. The months following this major and historical battle would see much mourning across New Earth. Unlike New Earth who had been abandon so many times before, the families who lost loved ones due to the Clan Invasion were not left alone to mourn. The communities banded together as everyone helped to comfort each other. This sense of comfort crossed social and religious bounders. Muslim families mourned alongside Christian families. New Earth as a whole mourned for a businessmen from Wiedergeburt, a farmer from Cen'enta and a fisherman from Akinyi equally. These losses connected New Earth in ways that no one ever imagined.

   No community was spared the loss in the wake of the Clan Invasion. It was because of this newly formed connection a silent movement started to take hold across New Earth. This movement was centered on one concept, one theme, 'We are one'. By 5053, large royal blue number ones started to show up across New Earth to symbolize this concept. Most of these paintings were elaborately created by local artists with the permission of local authorities. Others were painted by random people in the form of street art. These street artwork to the form of massive murals dictating scenes from the Battle of Tukayyid. Prior to 3050, there were always the normal divides across New Earth. After 3052, these divides no longer seemed valid anymore. The communities across New Earth had sacrificed their sons and daughters on distant worlds.

   While the wounds of the invasion were still fresh and bitter, President Bailey proved once more why she was so widely popular among the people of New Earth. Instead of focusing on the hatred which was fueled by that act, she turned the conversation towards the opportunities offered by the Clan Invasion. She praised the courage of New Earth’s warriors as she reflected on their heroics. She brought light to the courage of all members of New Earth’s armed forces. Her final words cautioned to be wary of tempted vengeance. President Bailey’s speech had managed to reach even the most harden heart listening. To a standing ovation, President Bailey concluded her last official speech before leaving office. A speech that would be considered one of her greatest moments and would archived for future generations.

   As the political campaigns of 3052 took off, a wide range of political parties made their moves to shape the future of New Earth. One party moved from the shadows to surprise many. That party was the Golos Narjoda or People’s Voice Party. Golos Narjoda was the official political arm of the New Earth’s Partisans more commonly known across New Earth as the Peoples' Militias. This loose nit confederation of independent groups made modest gains during the 3052 Elections. While far from any serious political power, the simple fact that the New Earth Partisans were taking part in the New Earth Government showed their official acceptance of this Government. For the first time in New Earth history, the New Earth Partisans took an official place in helping guiding New Earth’s future.

   The move by the Golos Narjoda Party was largely over shadowed by two names which were already making headlines across New Earth during the 3052 Election cycle. Colonel David McGray after serving a decade with the 4th Hurricane RCT decided to extend his enlistment to cover the Clan Invasion. The timing of the 3052 Elections came in the middle of that enlistment. Instead of breaking his enlistment Colonel McGray choose to not place his name in the hat for President. Instead, he took command of Battlemech Battalion within the 1st New Earth RCT. He didn’t rule out a bid after his current commitment comes to an end in 3054. On the other side of the spectrum was Major General Robert Macko, the beloved commander of the 3rd Hurricane RCT.

   During his slow raise in popularity among the people of New Earth, General Macko became known as the People’s General. This common title came from his history which is in gross contras to the Social Generals of the Lyran armed forces. Robert Macko had been born of common blood and raised by a tobacco farmer on Pisces. It was the events of the New Earth Civil War that reshaped this man’s life. Lured by the COB Propaganda, at the age of thirteen he ran off and joined the Council of Barons. After lying about his age, he joined a local militia unit where he fought against Government forces. Fighting with courage alongside his COB comrades, he rose up through the ranks quickly. A few weeks before his nineteenth birth, he was given command of an Armor Company. Six months later he was a POW, captured by a Hurricane Battlemech lance after a fierce battle.

   Everything that made General Macko popular was a threat to the common concepts of the Lyran Command structure. After rumors starting circulating that General Macko was considering to retire and place a bid for New Earth President, a group of political rivals backed by Lyran Intelligence locked ranks. Their plan was to ensure that General Macko would not be welcomed home like the hero he was. Headed up by the Lyran backed Erneuerung Party, a Congressional investigation was launched in to the Nova Cat Campaign. The move shocked other members of the New Earth Congress and drew sharp criticism from many different groups across New Earth. Despite the critics, little was done to curb the witch hunt.

   The investigation continued on after the Hurricane Legion returned home as members of General Macko were called in for interviews and reviewing official reports. While most media outlets across New Earth denounced the investigation for what it was, a few strongly Lyran leaning media outlets covered the investigation as they framed it as uncovering the truth. This investigation would be the first shots fired in a secret war between Lyran Intelligence and those who would oppose the will of Tharkad on New Earth. This unknown war was a secret to all but a very few within Lyran Intelligence. It was feared by Lyran Intelligence, that if General Macko would be able to secure the Presidency of New Earth than he would push New Earth further from Tharkad’s influence.

   After the investigation, it was reveal that the mistake was in fact faulty reporting of the Nova Cat’s Beta Galaxy. Two separate Pathfinder units reported the correct location of Beta Galaxy on the move towards Tost. However the coordinates got mixed up and a fourth ‘false’ Nova Cat Galaxy was created on General Macko’s situation board. The investigation ruled that General Macko should have been able to see through this mistake. Given a chance to clear his name, General Macko was asked to give up the name of the soldier who had provided the faulty information. Before a stubborn Congressional panel, General Macko refused and claimed the responsibility as his own. General Macko’s critics would take hold of this act and use it to crush his overall political ambitions before they took hold.

   Despite General Macko’s allies within the New Earth Congress, a call was made for the General’s resignation. Even President Bailey was powerless to prevent the demand. Despite not being able to stop it, she did speak privately to the panel on General Macko’s behalf. During his darkest hours, General Macko and General Death set down behind closed doors. At the end of this meeting, General Death used his powers as Commander in Chief of New Earth’s Armed Force to usurp the authority of the New Earth Congress. General Death ordered that General Macko would remain commander of the 3rd Hurricane RCT. The move shifted popular support away from General Death and his allies. This gave the Erneuerung Party the opportunity it needed in the upcoming elections. While General Macko’s political career seemed finished for the time being, his military career was saved and his popularity remained intact.

   After the 3052 Elections, the Erneuerung Party managed to secure gains in all major elections across New Earth. They also managed to get their candidates Nikolaus Senft and Thomas Schmitt elected to the offices of the President and Vice President. Both men were strong Lyran supporters and have regularly opposed changes that defied Tharkad. Many experts attributed the wave of victories across New Earth in part due to the battle over General Macko and in part due to questionable totals within the votes. The truth was discovered a few years later when thousands of ballot boxes were found in the basement of a mafia boss in New Rome.

   The Golos Narjoda party was the first official group to cry foil over some of the election results in districts they felt they held strong leads in. However without the support of the Planetary Government, the Golos Narjoda Party moved to regional capitals to conduct investigations. This unofficial investigation would be conducted by a stubborn veteran GMP Investigator, Bettina Ivanov, Investigator Ivanov would dedicate much of the next couple of years solely to this investigation. During her investigation, Lyran Intelligence would attempt to assassinate her to keep their party in power.

   Firmly in power, the Erneuerung Party moved to undo some of the changes that supported New Earth’s growing independence. These moved sparked vicious legal battles across New Earth. None of these battles were as heated as the one over the New Earth Navy. President Senft attempted to force a bill through the Congress that would transfer command of the growing New Earth Navy to the Lyran Armed Forces. While the supporters of the bill cited the growing cost of maintaining the ships as reason behind the move, critics fought the bill claiming it violated the New Earth Constitution. Popular support for the Erneuerung Party started to erode.

   Within months of the Erneuerung Party taking power, Lyran Intelligences was gaining a treasure trove of information regarding what was happening on New Earth. Locations of secret bases which were being built. Lyran Intelligence learned about a major program that was at the heart of secret refurbishments of the major Castle Brians across New Earth. Lyran Intelligence had known that New Earth was attempting to repair some of the Castle Brians across New Earth. However thanks to work by the Erneuerung Party, Lyran Intelligence learned how vast the program really was. It was becoming clear that New Earth was preparing to defend its self from any invasion.

   However before the Erneuerung Party could carry out any serious damage, their grip on power was about to come to an end. With popular support eroding rapidly and a number of legal cases being defeated in New Earth courts, President Senft and a large number of allies plotted a coup. The plan called for the New Earth’s Presidential Guard and Old Guard to seize power in the Capital. Agents of the Erneuerung Party would secure key locations around New Earth. The plan was created by Storm Chaser but not authorized of Tharkad. However, Storm Chaser ensured to insulate itself from the Coup. The Coup would have been a disaster for New Earth if not for the hard precedent work of Investigator Ivanov and a group of Pathfinders.

   The Coup was planned to take place during a standard Battle Readiness Drill across New Earth. Days before the Coup was to take place, Former President Bailey called for a special visitor to her hospital room. Under the utmost secrecy, Former President Bailey spoke with this person for an hour. Then this person was taken under Pathfinder guard to New Earth’s capital. What happened next would test the loyalty of New Earth’s elite guard. While nothing was recorded of the meeting between members of the Presidential Guard, the Old Guard and the Pathfinders. But was is known to Storm Chaser, the Coup failed only hours it was supposed to begin. When they were ordered to their Readiness positions, both elite guard units refused to deploy from their barracks.

   This allowed several teams of Pathfinders to arrest New Earth’s President and Vice President along with a large number of other Erneuerung Party members and bosses. By the end of the day, Erneuerung Party members were either arrested or found dead by authorities (presumably assassinated by New Earth’s Partisans). Outside of a handful of Storm Chasers, and those involved in the Coup itself, no one knew how close New Earth came to having its power seized by Tharkad. To the rest of New Earth, the day of the Coup would be marked for another reason. It would be known as the day Former President Sara Bailey would pass away from Breast Cancer. Her last moments were spent with her husband of ten years and her family. Despite the fact that the two were bitter political rivals, David McGray offered his respects during her funeral.

   By June of 3053, almost thirty percent of New Earth’s Government had been arrested for crimes against New Earth or removed from their place. As trails and news of the attempted Coup became public knowledge, the citizens of New Earth had a new found respect for those who kept the piece. But the worst was not over. In the aftermath, this would be the most serious constitutional crisis that New Earth would have to face. Without a clear transition of leadership, the New Earth Constitution called for New Earth’s Baron to hold power till the election can be held in 3054. This time, Colonel David McGray would not sit on the side lines. At the end of the special elections, once more General Death acting as New Earth’s Baron returned power back to the people of New Earth and quietly stepped aside.

   In 3054, David McGray would become New Earth’s forth President. In memory of Former President Bailey’s legacy, General Death and General Smith created the Phoenix Program in mid-3053. The program created a special place for the many Clan bondsmen that had been claimed during the three engagements that the Hurricane Legion took part in. Prior to this moment these bondsmen had been in a state of limbo. They were not fully trusted by the NEDC, but had refused relocation elsewhere. These bondmen had voiced their desire to prove their loyalty to New Earth. Reports secured by Storm Chaser, a day before her death former President Bailey contacted General Death and had a two and half hour conversation over a secured line. It is assumed that this call was behind the creation of the Phoenix Program.

   At the center of the program, was Sara Weaver who was tasked with transforming the New Earth OpFor in to an even better training unit. Over the coming years, Weaver would take on the Clan Rank of Star Colonel. President McGray would press New Earth’s Congress to make Weaver’s special rank official. More than that, he ensured that Weaver would have all the support she needed to create a training regiment that would be the envy throughout the Inner Sphere. Working closely with Star Colonel Weaver, President McGray would see a new unofficial semi-autonomies zone created for Weaver and her fellow bondmens. Weaver and her fellow bondmen would soon call this zone Clan Mountain Eagle. The name came from a large white Cancer native poisonous eagle known for its fast vicious attacks that often leave its pray paralyzed.

   For bondmen, this pseudo clan would become a home away from home outside of Clan occupation. For Star Colonel Weaver, she saw her near death on Tukayyid as a chance reinvent herself. While Weaver never gave up her Clan identity, she embraced her live on New Earth as a chance to prove her nobility and honor to the unit that bested her. Through this remarkable leadership, many bondmen were able to transition in to Clan Mountain Eagle with greater ease. In late 3054, a special act of New Earth Congress, Clan Mountain Eagle was officially recognized as its own internal voting district. The move allowed a large number of Clan Techs and Merchants who had been captured during the Clan Invasion to have a place within New Earth society.

   Weaver pushed through Congress a plan to expand her Clan through a program targeting troubled youths caught up within New Earth juvenile justice system. At first Weave would travel across New Earth interviewing candidates for her new program. Those who met her requirements were brought to Clan Mountain Eagle to form up its Sibco. Weaver handpicked the trainers for these Sibcos. Because of Weaver’s high standards and experience from her Clan days, Weaver’s Sibco became widely successful at turning around troubled youths that would otherwise spend their lives in and out of the justice system.

   Star Colonel Weaver spoke on behalf of her Clan before the New Earth Defense Command and before the New Earth Congress. While officially, the Zone fell under TRADOC Command, their semi-autonomy allowed the pseudo clan to seek direct funding from New Earth’s Congress and create their own rules and standards. A special Senate Committee over saw the actions of Weaver and her Clan. If new recruits thought that training within Clan Mountain Eagle would be easy, they were sorely mistaken. Star Colonel Weaver ensured that the high standard of Clan training and development was maintained. She was a brutal instructor who prided herself on making a recruit’s life miserable without killing them. Under Star Colonel Weaver leadership, New Earth’s OpFor was transformed in to a training force that would rival even the best the Lyrans and Federated Suns had to offer.
   During the late 3054, the Bailey’s final secret was exposed. Colonel Joseph Bayer, the former leader of the Presidential Guard reported to a Congressional Panel about the mysterious meeting between the leaders of the Presidential Guard, the Old Guard and the Pathfinders. He told the panel that the mysterious figure at that meeting was none other than Sara Weaver. After being called before the same panel, Star Colonel Weaver confirmed the information and told the panel that she was requested to keep the secret by late Former President Bailey. She had been requested to halt the Coup with a minimal violence as possible. Star Colonel Weaver had gathered seventy five clan warriors and captured Omnimechs.

   With the help of the Pathfinders, they were able to smuggle her force in to the capital before the two guard units could deploy as part of the Coup. Star Colonel Weaver explained to the Congressional panel that she had told the military leaders of the Guard units that her force would stop at nothing till they were all slain in order to protect New Earth from this Coup. She also informed them that as they spoke, their supporters and leaders were already being arrested. Acting under orders from Former President Bailey, Star Colonel Weaver executed a masterful counter Coup. During her time on New Earth, she had been befriended by the former President. For reasons why Weaver couldn’t answer, she had earned the former President’s respect and loyalty.

   One of the largest changes that the New Earth Army underwent was the reformation of its units. No longer were major commands tagged with RCT. Each major command would be classified as Corps. The New Earth Army was divided up in to three Armies. The 1st New Earth Army would be made up of the core of the Hurricane Legion. The Elite 1st Corps, the Veteran 2nd Corps and the newly ready for deployment 5th Corps made up the 1st New Earth Army. The 2nd New Earth Army would be made up of the Elite 3rd Corps and Veteran 4th Corps. These two armies would make up New Earth’s Mercenary deployable units. The Veteran 6th Corps, which had been previously named 1st New Earth RCT, and the newly formed 7th Corps along with the New Earth Provisional Guard would make up the 3rd New Earth Army.

   The 3055 assassination of Archon Melissa Steiner Davion rocked New Earth as it did the rest of the Lyran side of the Federated Commonwealth. Her death came months before a planned visit to New Earth and affected New Earth deeply. Flags across New Earth were lowered to half mass out of a show of respect. No other leader was as loved Melissa Steiner Davion on New Earth. It had been under the Archon that New Earth was able to enjoy the growth and autonomy that it enjoyed so much. No other leader of the Lyran Commonwealth had visited New Earth so many times as Archon Melissa Steiner Davion. The

   With the assassination, New Earth’s future suddenly became unclear. It was Archon Melissa Steiner Davion who had supported New Earth with political enemies of New Earth in the Estates General had moved against New Earth. Now this powerful ally was gone. This has cast a thick and clouded shadow over New Earth’s future. Within months of the Archon’s death, the Estates General had already started to attempt to undo New Earth’s autonomy and end the Tax Free Zone that New Earth had enjoyed for over two decades. Victor Steiner Davion, on a short visit after his mother’s death, ensured that nothing would change for New Earth and he would support New Earth’s autonomy.

   Closer to home, New Earth was undergoing its own turbulence. During the early months of 3055, a special envoy from the Draconis Combine arrived on New Earth. To the cries of New Earth’s critics within the Estate General and within Lyran Intelligence, this envoy meet with powerful members of New Earth’s Congress and even with President McGray. After these meetings, the envoy met with Commander Linna Tetsuhara along with her sister and General Death. The reason why the Tetsuhara sisters had left the Combine back in the 3020’s finally came to light. Their father, Tai-sa (Colonel) Rokuro Tetsuhara and brother to Tai-sho (General) Minobu Tetsuhara, had spoken out against Warlord Grieg Samsonov during a meeting among military leaders. According to the envoy, the act had brought shame and dishonor to the sisters’ family. This caused Rokuro to be stripped of his honor and ranks and the sisters to be banish from Galedon Military District. The envoy told the story of the sisters’ family that had been before something they cared not to talk about. And it showed for good reason.

   But there was more. The envoy had good news for the Tetsuhara sisters. Theodore Kurita, the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, had reviewed the honorable and heroic acts of the Tetsuhara sisters during the Clan Invasion. In light of these actions, the Coordinator had washed away the dishonor that the sisters had carried for so many years. The envoy had an invitation for the sisters from the Coordinator to return to Luthien in honor to serve with the Coordinator’s elite Izanagi Warriors. The Envoy said that their father, Rokuro Tetsuhara, would have his former rank reinstated and would also serve within the Izanagi Warriors.

   Karen Tetsuhara-Death would politely refuse the offer brought to her by the envoy. She cited her roles and love of New Earth, but most of all, her love for General Jake Death as her reasons for remaining. However, her sister Lina Tetsuhara would gladly accept the offer. Lina Tetsuhara would return to Luthien with the rank Sho-sa (Major). There she would serve alongside her father with the new mission from the Coordinator to form a new Elite Aerospace unit that would be worthy to serve as his personal bodyguard wing. This unit would be called the 32nd Luthien Aerospace Wing.

   The other major event of 3055 was the discovery of Captain Seth Tetsuhara-Death body on Tukayyid. Seth was General Death’s eldest son, born on February 15th, 3032. He was reported MIA during Smoke Jaguar Campaign of the battle of Tukayyid. During the battle General Death had already lost his middle child, Takehiko Tetsuhara-Death. Lieutenant Takehiko Tetsuhara-Death had given his life during the brutal Nova Cat Campaign. It was hoped that Captain Seth Tetsuhara-Death had been captured by Clan Smoke Jaguar. With the discovery of his body, it was revealed that Seth was assassinated. While the investigation on New Earth would not reveal the truth behind who ordered the assassination, it would shed light on the growing tensions between New Earth and Lyran Intelligence. The order to assassinate both Seth and Takehiko was issued by Storm Chaser. An assassin by the name of Trai Tran had been hired to carry out the mission.   

   The revelation of the assassinations sent shock waves throughout the Death family household. Seth was laid to rest alongside his brother in a very private ceremony. It was recorded by a Lyran Operative that an emotional Kimiko Tetsuhara-Death, the youngest of the three Tetsuhara-Death children, erupted at her father. She claimed that the deaths of her two older brothers was his fault. The scene carried out later that night and ended with Kimiko decided to leave New Earth with her Aunt and Godmother, Linna Tetsuhara, for Luthien. After Kimiko’s departure from New Earth, General Death official retired from his post as Commander in Chief of New Earth Armed Forces. He retired to his family estate, Wyvern Castle.

   For the next five years, a Lyran agent by the code named Nightingale reported the rapid decline. The proud man known for being a military genius and expert motivator had been broken. Nightingale reported to Storm Chasers that Jake Death was nothing more than a shadow of the man he once was. From within his own estate, Nightingale reported that he would sit silently for days on end before a fire place. Storm Chasers had beaten the great Jake Death, but this wasn’t enough. The order was issued to assassinate Kimiko Tetsuhara-Death and Karen Tetsuhara-Death. Once these two deaths were assured, it would be time to put an end to Jake Death.

   During the 3057 Free Worlds League/Capellan Confederation invasion of the Federated-Commonwealth the 1st New Earth Army and 2nd New Earth Army saw extensive holding actions across the Sarna March. During the early days of the invasion, the Federated-Commonwealth did its best to hold the lines. Both New Earth Army’s fought with honor and courage alongside their Federated-Commonwealth allies. Together, the invasion almost seemed as if it was going to fail. With success just beyond the horizon, it really appeared as if the Federated-Commonwealth would through back the invasion. However history would take a tragic turn.

   Katherine Steiner-Davion took advantage of the news to great effect. Citing her brother's failures and facing an invasion, she invoked Emergency War Powers and seceded the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth, naming it the Lyran Alliance because she claimed that Victor had tainted "Commonwealth." She simultaneously recalled all traditionally Lyran military units to withdraw to the nation's pre-4th War boundaries, in essence ceding the worlds that Marik wanted. With the completion of his goal, Marik stopped his invasion. Because of the secession, the Federated-Commonwealth lacked the Jumpships necessary to reinforce the Sarna March. With the League's pull-out, however, the Capellans lacked the military force to secure the worlds that the Fed-Com had all but abandoned.

   Despite the Lyran abandonment, the New Earth forces did their best to hold back the waves of Capellan forces. However The LAAF ordered New Earth’s forces to withdraw from the conflict zones and return to Lyran space. New Earth did the unthinkable. Unable to abandon their Archon-Prince when he needed them to the most, New Earth Congress authorized the NEDF to refuse the recall order. The two New Earth Armies continued to support their Fed-Com Allies. While this move solidified the respect from the Archon-Prince, the betrayal burned brightly in Katherine Steiner’s eyes.

   Under a special act of New Earth Congress, New Earth would openly denounced Tharkad’s rule over New Earth. The Federated-Commonwealth’s flag would continue to fly over most Government Buildings. However a new change also occurred, the New Earth Flag would fly side by side with the Fed-Com Flag at the same level. This reflected New Earth’s continued drive for independence. Federated Commonwealth units attempting to flee the Lyran Alliance would make stops on New Earth during their trips back to Fed-Com space.

   As the Invasion of 3057 started to die down, a new crisis of arose in January, 3058. The Jade Falcon invasion of Coventry threatened to cripple the Lyran Alliance. Under the request of the FedCom First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion, General Macko and his elite 3rd Corps would answer the call. Arriving late in the battle with multi-national force, General Macko’s 3rd Corps was more than ready to rush in to the breech for their Prince. More than willing to give their lives for the cause, however there would be no heroic battle. The Jade Falcon force would be forced to withdraw prior to any major engagements could be carried out. General Macko and his 3rd Corps would be asked to remain on Coventry to guard Coventry Metal Works by Prince Victor Steiner-Davion.

   Being the expert manipulator, Katherine Steiner carried out a state visit to New Earth during the later months of 3058. While the air around New Earth was very anti-Tharkad, Katherine drew upon her mother’s heritage to open the door for her. Her first visit was to the Presidential Palace where she congratulated President McGray in winning the 3058 Elections and gave him her wishes for a successful second term in office. The two talked long about the differences that had arisen Tharkad and New Earth. It was clear that Katherine needed to show the rest of the Lyran Alliance that she could lead and New Earth could be her greatest success story if she could woe them back without an armed conflict.

   After her meeting with President McGray, she then spoke before a hostile New Earth Congress. Members of the New Earth Congress pressed questions about Tharkad’s assumed involvement in the attempted Coup of 3053. It was clear that the Archon had her critics within the New Earth Congress as she heard questions about claims of anti-New Earth factions within the Estate General back on Tharkad. However her mission was not to convince her critics but to win over those who remained on the fence. Since the Coup of 3053, being Pro-Tharkad was often seen by many New Earthers as being Anti-New Earth. So those who didn’t hold anti-Tharkad feeling often choose to simply remain on the fence rather than choose a side. It was those politicians that she attempted to reach.

   After making the political rounds in the Capital and with the Permission of the New Earth Congress, Archon Katherine took her voice to the people of New Earth. In a series of breathtaking speeches, Katherine hailed the service of New Earth’s brave military to the Lyran people. Unlike what many of her critics on New Earth suspected, Katherine was measured in her statements and proved what a masterful stateswoman she was. Instead of behaving like a Ruler over New Earth, Katherine acted more like a visiting dignitary. In this behavior, her critics within the Congress were all but powerless to limit her visits, and Katherine didn’t give them any really to push the issue. She kept to major cities and didn’t seek to speak to New Earth’s military or for any base visits.

   Instead, Katherine spoke to the people of New Earth. Her two week visit to New Earth was filled with speeches and visits to memorial parks. For so long, the only faces of the Federated Commonwealth had been the late Archon Melissa Steiner Davion and her son Victor. Beyond this, Tharkad and the Estates General had been cast as some faceless monster. Now Katherine was placing a face to Tharkad that was not of a monster. Her soft handed approach was meant to win the hearts and minds of the people of New Earth. And by talking about issues that was important to the common people is how she framed her speeches.

   Noting the current debate being conducted on New Earth about a possible bid for Independence, Katherine knew that this issue was important to the common person on New Earth. Unlike most worlds where the common person could careless who ruled over them as long as their lives were not affected, here on New Earth the issue of independence had taken hold. An independent New Earth could cause the entire region to become unstable. Other worlds within the Skye March would start to seek Independence. For the Lyran Alliance this was a nightmare situation that had to be avoided at all cost.

   Katherine’s visit was critical to her plan. She addressed the current political situation carefully as she pointed out how hard it was being drawn between the Federated Commonwealth on one side and the Lyran Alliance on the other. She accepted how tempting an independent New Earth could look, but she noted the reality of the situation. She pointed out that it would only be a matter of time till other Inner Sphere powers would be looking to claim New Earth as their own. To the surprise of those who caught her speeches, Katherine acknowledged the impossible situation New Earth found its self in.

   During her final speech before leaving New Earth, she referred to New Earth as the gem of the Skye March. A gem that was more than welcome to return on their terms. It was in that brilliant statement that caused the conversation of independence to shift. Everyone already knew the reality of what could happen if another House put New Earth in their sights. However to idea of returning under their own terms changed the conversation so much that it affected the general opinion of many New Earthers. This affect was felt all the way to New Earth’s Congress. A pair of bills that could reshape New Earth’s future were being debated. One bill would cause New Earth to official reaffirm its allegiances while another bill would official call for New Earth’s Independence. Both bills failed by narrow margins. 

   Unknown to nearly everyone on New Earth expect for those within the NEDF and high level Government officials, a detachment of Word of Blake attacked the Death’s Estate and Wyvern Castle (the home of Death’s Brigade) on February 28. The attack occurred at the same time Word of Blake was conducting their Operation Odysseus. Commanders of Death’s Brigade informed the NEDC to remain out of the conflict while they dealt with the Word of Blake attack. The attack was broken and the detachment of WoB troops were either destroyed or captured by the Elite Death’s Brigade. Most importantly, Nightingale reported that Jake Death didn’t take part in the battle even though his home had come under direct attack.

   After this attack, Colonel Katya Johns spoke to select members of the New Earth Congress and to President McGray. During this ultra-secret meeting, she revealed the origins of the Hurricane Legion. Before a mostly shocked and stunned panel, Colonel Jones explained how the original two hundred members that formed the first Hurricane Legion Regiment were in fact ComGuards. Every last one of them had been born on Terra and trained by Comstar to be their guard force. Operating under Operation Mantis, the mission was created by Primus Julian Tiepolo to give the ComGuards a practical means of training its troops. Colonel Johns explained that a small group of ComGuards were selected to build the inroads for this mission.

   Primus Tiepolo had known that the ComGuards needed practical experience and because of this Jake Death, their mission leader, had been given absolute control over the mission. During his time on Solaris, Jake Death was tasked with building a name for himself and giving his Hurricane Legion legitimacy. Then he was to select a world to build his new ‘merc unit’ on. He selected New Earth and fought against the First Circuit to make sure New Earth would be the Legion’s new home. Once here, he built more than just a training ground for future ComGuard trainers. Jake Death had confided in her, that he had overseen the rebuilding of a great world.

   Colonel Johns went on to explain how under the noses of the House Lords, ComGuards sent trainers to New Earth to train and fight alongside of New Earth’s troops. But the most shocking came to the Battle of Tukiyyad. Prior to this moment, the decision to deploy New Earth troops alongside Comstar’s ComGuards had been a long guarded secret known by only a few. There were secret negotiations between very elite members of New Earth’s Government and Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht. Colonel Johns pointed out that one aspect of those negotiations was the sale of a number of compact K-F Drives and Transit Drives to the New Earth’s Harbor Prime for its Aegis II project. That this sell only happened because of the close relationship between New Earth and Comstar.

   Colonel Johns’ tone turned as she explained the most complex change in their mission. As the years passed, many members of those first ComGuards started to see New Earth as their home. A home that they would die to protect. When they were ordered by Primus Waterly in to action as part of the failed Operation Scorpion, they choose to ignore the order. While they had betrayed their orders, many felt a loyalty to Comstar. Colonel Johns said that most of those ComGurads left in secrecy after Primus Waterly’s murder at the hands of Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht. While she supports the changes that Comstar has taken, like many who remained, Colonel Johns couldn’t support Comstar nor Word of Blake.

   Colonel Johns explained that nearly half of those who came to New Earth from Terra in 3029 under the banner of the Hurricane Legion, only a few dozen remained. Most had given their lives for New Earth and its successes. Some returned home during their normal rotation to help their former ComGuard comrades train. A few left after the Battle of Tukayyid as a result of the schism. Those who remained were loyal to New Earth and to Jake Death. To prove this point, she showed how it was due to their connections within Comstar that help secured vital information about the Erneuerung Party’s Coup. It was ensured that the GMP would discover this information. She pointed out how since the beginning, it was their connections that help New Earth to clean up its environment and build the state of the art mass transit system.

   Colonel Jones told them, that she had been chosen to speak on behalf of all remaining former Comstar Comguards today. Colonel Johns explained how Word of Blake’s attack on their homes was meant to be a warning to the former ComGuards. That warning was to remain out of what was going on between Comstar and Word of Blake. Colonel Johns reaffirmed Death’s Brigade’s loyalty to New Earth. But to her surprise, some members of this ultra-secret meeting already knew most of these facts. It was then that Jake Death’s ability to plan a long game came in to prefect view. To the surprise of Colonel Johns and President McGray, a few members of New Earth’s Congress informed them that Jake Death had already told them everything back during the 3030’s.

   Jake Death had hand selected a very few loyal members of New Earth’s government to trust. These members were called the Council of the Star, an ultra-secret panel that was given the most up to date information of what was going on around New Earth. They informed a shocked President that Archon Mellissa Steiner Davion was part of this Council. Jake Death acting as a double agent was able to pass vital information in exchange for her allowing New Earth to develop on its own. It was because of this, that the Archon kept her Intelligence wing on a short leash in regards to New Earth. And in that, the Death’s Brigade remained an accepted member of New Earth’s military. However this meeting would remain a secret till after the Lyran Invasion of New Earth in 3060.

   When the Second Star League was officially formed New Earth was quick to rally to the Star League Defense Force. President McGray negotiated with Commanding General Victor Steiner-Davion to allow the 1st New Earth Army to become part of the newly reformed SDLF. Due to a harsh trade embargo on New Earth by the Lyran Alliance, President McGray was looking for ways to help bolster up New Earth’s economy. President McGray secured a number of military export contracts with the SDLF. The new trade contracts helped make up for the loss of trade with the Lyran Alliance, but didn’t completely fill the gap.

   Noting the situation with the Clans, the newly formed Chaos March, and the large number of troop movements around New Earth, President McGray didn’t like the idea that all of New Earth’s Corps were so far away. He had already signed a deal with SDLF for the 1st New Earth Army to be deployed during operation Serpent and Operation Bulldog. His elite 3rd Corps were serving on Coventry. He needed to deploy his 4th Corps and their traditional contract with the Circinus Federation was ready for renewal. Instead of renewing New Earth’s contract with the Comstar backed Circinus Federation, President McGray opted to sign separate contracts with worlds within the Chaos March.
   However McGray and his military leaders made a critical mistake. During the late 3050’s New Earth’s Navy only had enough Jumpships under its control to move four Corps at any given moment. Due to their contract with the SLDF, the newly formed 5th Corps had to use the jumpships that would normally be assigned to the 4th Corps.

   So while the entire 4th Corps was within two jumps away from New Earth, without Jumpships they might as well have been on the other side of the Inner Sphere. McGray’s military advisers had assumed if anything happened, they could contract with independent ship captains to bring the 4th Corps home. They assumed that there would be more than enough ships available to move the entire 4th Corps.

   It was a critical mistake that was not overlooked by Storm Chaser. As the 4th Corp was transported to their garrison posts within the Chaos March, the Lyran Intelligence were tracking their every movements. In January 3059 and under great fanfare, the 1st New Earth Army departs for Luthien and its place in history once more. With the 2nd New Earth Army deployed, New Earth only had its Home Guard to defend itself from invasion. The masterminds at Storm Chaser saw their opportunity to bring New Earth back to the fold through brute force.

   The leaders of Storm Chaser placed a grand plan together. The plan called for a massive show of force. Their plan would use the renewed war with the Clans as a cover for their own build up. As units were shifted toward Draconis Combine space, time was fleeting. They grafted a plan that was as complex and had as lofty goals as any other Commonwealth military plan. But the core of the plan called for called on the Lyran Alliance deploying the majority of its Naval Warships assets to overcome New Earth’s system defenses. But more importantly securing New Earth’s twin recharging stations. This Lyran Fleet would consist of five Fox class Corvettes and an Essex class Destroyer.

   To ensure that New Earth would not catch wind of the coming invasion, Lyran Intelligence would blind New Earth of any warning signs. During the buildup, Loki agents would target key military and political leaders on New Earth for assassination. As New Earth was facing global invasion, Loki would remove the head of the beast. With the military and political leaders dead and New Earth’s space defenses in ruins, Storm Chaser would unleash no less than four mighty Regimental Combat Teams, four supporting Battlemech Regiments, and a large number of supporting armor and infantry regiments. It would be the single most units the Lyran’s ever used to taking a single world.

   Thanks to the Erneuerung Party’s Coup, Storm Chaser had a wealth of information regarding unit strengths and deployments. Storm Chaser knew where New Earth’s space defense bases were located as well as the large number of bases across New Earth. Because of this, Storm Chaser focused their plans on securing the highly populated continent of Sagittarius and the resource rich continent of Pisces. However there was dissension among Storm Chaser regarding Cancer and New Earth’s military headquarters on the island of Aries. To settle this dissension, Units were added to the invasion to address both concerns.

   The minds within Storm Chaser was sure that once the invasion began, resistance would crumble before the might of the Lyran Armed Forces. They were sure that the entire invasion wouldn’t last more than a couple of months before the world would be secured. As they congratulated themselves, they gave their operation a name, Operation Colossus. However Storm Chaser had failed to take serious notes of developments across New Earth. First and foremost was New Earth’s Strategic Space Defense Command.

   Unlike normal units across New Earth, the minds within the SSDC went looking for a specific kind of recruit. They weeded out the Top Gun or Cowboy kind of soldiers who might go rouge. Instead the SSDC enlisted soldiers who were driven by duty and would not break under the most extreme conditions. These Recruits were vetted not only by the New Earth Defense Command, but also by the GMP and the Windtalkers. This gave the SSDC a much higher loyalty rate than other New Earth Units. Another move the SSDC took that was over looked by Storm Chaser was the Castle Brian take over. Taking lessons from the fall of Terra, New Earth Castle Brians are all fully manned by SSDC Marines.

    So confident in their plan, Storm Chaser never considered the three combined arms battalions from the major New Earth corporations to be a threat. Because of this, no units were tasked with controlling their actions. These three units have been training alongside New Earth’s military and had access to the very latest of technology available to them. It was assumed that these three units would not become directly involved in the battle for New Earth. With this the planners never considered the strong sense of Nationalism that had been spreading across New Earth for the past three decades. In fact, the planners assumed that New Earth would fall just like any other world. That the population would simply accept Lyran rule without question.

   Because of fears regarding the size of the invasion force and fears of supports linked to her bother, Archon Katherine Steiner chose General Goldberg to lead the invasion. General Goldberg had been a prefect Lyran General. Rose up through the social ranks with very limit contact with the Federated Suns side of the Federated Commonwealth. Prior to this mission, General Goldberg largest command was of a depot along the Periphery March. General Goldberg was a ‘safe’ choice to lead this invasion. But to add some experience to the Command structure, the Archon selected longtime supporter Duke Peter L. Kilt to Co-command the Invasion. Despite arguments from Storm Chaser, she would not be discouraged from these two choices.

   The invasion was planned for the summer of 3059, however when New Earth signed the New Earth-Luthien Trade Agreement the Archon raised concern. With the war against Clan Smoke Jaguar getting underway, the Archon interferes with Operation Colossus once more by reassigning a number of units that were already training and preparing for the New Earth invasion to the Jaguar front. In light of these changes, the Archon sent a message to President McGray to halt the New Earth-Luthien Trade Agreement or face reprisal. Along with the message, the Archon sent conditions that she would allow New Earth to rejoin the Alliance. She gave President McGray till the end of 3059 to comply.

   President McGray wasn’t about to lead New Earth in a war that he wasn’t sure they could win. While he had faith in the soldiers of New Earth, he knew that the Lyran Alliance could just easily send wave after wave of troops till New Earth had nothing left to field. More importantly he did trust the new Archon or her leadership to not use force against the civilian population should it turn to war. Taking heed of the threat, he pressed New Earth’s Congress to stall the Trade Agreement with Luthien while he set out with a negotiation team to meet with representatives from Tharkad on Skye. The move by President McGray seemed promising, so the Archon ordered a hold on Operation Colossus.

   It appeared that war between New Earth and the Lyran Alliance was going to be avoided, so Archon Katherine Steiner sent units assigned for the invasion towards the Clan front. The move of gutting the original invasion force would haunt Operation Colossus during critical points of the invasion. During the negotiations, the representatives from Tharkad mistook President McGray’s position. They assumed he was willing to do anything to avoid war. While he was attempting to avoid war, he also needed to buy time for his world. While New Earth was publicly playing with independence, President McGray was in regular contact with New Avalon. While President McGray wanted to avoid war, he was not about to sell his world out to the Lyrans.

   The negotiations were brutal against New Earth however President McGray was able to soften them to a point to where he thought he could make New Earth’s Congress accept the terms. He took Thrakad’s terms back to New Earth and presented them to his Congress. After a week of fiery debates Tharkad’s terms were flatly rejected by New Earth’s Congress. The situation was turning desperate for New Earth and its continued independence from Tharkad. One of the terms that New Earth’s Congress wasn’t going to accept was the complete dismantling of the New Earth Defense Command. But there were terms that President McGray knew he could force through Congress.

   President McGray sent a personal message to the Archon with terms he knew he could get the New Earth Congress to agree to. While he waited for a reply, he took his argument to the people of New Earth. He was hoping to gain popular support for his revised terms. He spent weeks lobbying for support from local, regional and religious leaders across New Earth. President McGray made a strong point for a peaceful resolution to this crisis. There wasn’t a day that went by where President McGray wasn’t involved in meetings as he built support for this revised agreement.

   Little did New Earth’s President know, that powers beyond his control would send his world and the Lyran Alliance in to war against each other. The Archon had personally accepted President McGray’s revised agreement. Part of the agreement was that New Earth would stand down half of its Armed Forces. With her acceptance, the Archon demanded that this stand down would start to take place before the end of 3059, which was only a matter of weeks away.

   Lyran Intelligence discovered after the invasion started that the Archon’s message was never delivered to New Earth. It is suspected that the Word of Blake intercepted the message. With 3059 coming to a close and no action being taken by New Earth. It was discovered that President McGray had been in contact with Federated Commonwealth forces loyal to the Archon’s rival, Prince Victor Steiner-Davion. This was seen as the final act of betrayal carried out by New Earth. The order was given for Operation Colossus to begin.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 11:20:56 PM by Akirapryde2006 »
Each and every step we take, we gain that much closer to our goals. Even if that step is in the wrong direction. For in that wrong step, we have learned how to get closer to what we want.
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