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General BattleTech => Alternate Universe => Topic started by: Takiro on February 20, 2010, 11:09:37 PM

Title: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on February 20, 2010, 11:09:37 PM
Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:38:40 PM »

Hey gang all this talk about the Word of Blake brought up one of my favorite BattleTech alternates. I started but never finished a re-write of the Fall of Terra scenario book in which the Blakist seized Earth. However in my alternate version ComStar successfully repulsed the invaders with some help. Here is what I finished writing, sorry its not more.

Staving off Disaster

   Early in 3058 the new Precentor of Oliver, Robert Petrovka, noticed a large number of Word of Blake troops were on the move. Petrovka was a deep cover sleeper agent from ComStar who joined the Word of Blake during its initial formation. Using his limited resources he discovered much of Operation Odysseus, the Word of Blake’s plan to conquer Terra. His investigation however was detected by the Word of Blake’s feared intelligence branch, ROM. Petrovka narrowly managed to escape on an outgoing dropship bound for New Earth.
   Petrovka would have certainly been killed when he arrived on New Earth by Blakist operatives if not for the timely intervention of Michael York. York, the Precentor of New Earth and lifelong friend, had come to the main spaceport to check on the security measures for the arrival of General Brenda Bradley in two days. On behalf of ComStar Precentor York had tried to hire the Illician Lancers commanded by General Brenda Bradley to replace the departing Brion’s Legion who had served as Terra’s garrison for years. It was York’s plan to lure the Lancers into ComStar service by pitching a return to their ancient headquarters on Earth. The scheme was ultimately a fallback position for the ComGuards who wanted to hire the 21st Centurai Lancers. However, the Primus allowed York to try because of his impassioned feelings on the subject and his growing reputation in ComStar.
   While their February meeting was unnecessary after ComStar officially announced the hiring of the 21st Centurai Lancers on November 30, 3057 both the Precentor and the General decided to go ahead with it anyway. York and Bradley wanted to meet face to face because they had developed a budding friendship during their negotiations via HPG. Precentor York was stunned to find his old friend and known Blakist Precentor Petrovka at the spaceport. Before they could speak pursuing Blakist agents began a shootout with York’s entourage trying to kill Petrovka. In a running gun battle the Blakist were eventually killed but only after they had shot their own Precentor. York hearing his friend’s incredible story went to General Bradley and informed her upon arrival of the pending assault.

Operation Phoenix
   Luckily Precentor Michael York was a very influential individual with connections spread throughout the InnerSphere. A direct descendant of Primus Hollings York this New Earth native joined ComStar when he came of age. Fascinated with the study of history, in particular the Star League era, he is credited with the discovery of many lostech artifacts during his youth. Enlisting in the ComGuards he quickly rose through the ranks thanks to his natural leadership abilities and raw charisma. Michael proved to be a fierce Mechwarrior in a Star League modified Warhammer that he discovered called Stormbringer. Serving with the Eighth Army on Tukayyid he helped defeat Clan Diamond Shark in the Kozice Valley. A vocal supporter of the Reformation he was named the next Precentor of New Earth by Primus Mori in 3054.
   York would use his famous background and rising celebrity within the Order to stave of disaster. First he met with Precentor III Patrice King who was the commanding officer of the 34th Division (Black Glove Division) headquartered on New Earth. This elite ComGuard unit could respond rapidly because it was concentrated in and around the area. While King had her doubts about the mission she agreed that something had to be done. However, her combined arms unit (an Upsilon formation) which consisted of 41 BattleMechs, 45 tanks, 91 infantry platoons, and 39 aerospace fighters could hardly repel such a massive Blakist invasion on its own. Contacting other nearby ComGuard Divisions could tip off the Word of Blake who might move forward their attack plans. While the Thirty Fourth quietly prepared for departure Precentor York would have to find additional help elsewhere.
   He began to search for other mercenary commands that could help defend Terra. In the end he got four units to join his cause. Smithson’s Chinese Bandits who had recently left Marik service were perhaps the easiest to convince. With a promise to help rebuild their command the Bandits jumped at the chance to repay the Primus-in-Exile for his ill treatment of the unit. Ace Darwin and his Whipits also signed on. This on the fly mercenary unit assembled a company of BattleMechs with some supporting forces. Also available for immediate work on Outreach was the massive aerospace force known as Hell’s Black Aces. These aces would prove to be instrumental in gaining air supremacy. Lastly Precentor York managed to contract the Lone Wolves on Galatea who were as always looking for a fight. Their two Mech battalions were the last ones in range he could absolutely count on.
   Without delay York had also signed the Illician Lancers to an emergency contract but unfortunately they would not arrive in time for battle. General Bradley desperately wanted to participate in this decisive battle which would finally reunite her unit and its homeworld. Thanks to Precentor York however one unit of the Lancers would make it in time to participate in what became known as Operation Phoenix. Using contacts in New Earth Trading Company he arranged for a jump circuit to be established for the 59th Strike Regiment use. Bradley had a larger vision for victory on Terra and the future to come. She also wanted the Lancers fellow mercenaries to come home as well and determine for themselves their own destiny. To this end she contacted the Wolf Dragoons and the Northwind Highlanders just before the taskforce left. The statement of her intentions that included restoration a Terran state under mercenary control also asked for their assistance in the operation to defeat the Word of Blake.

Battle for Earth
   Precentor York contacted Primus Sharilar Mori as Taskforce Phoenix got underway on February 28, 3058 and informed her of the situation. Shocked she ordered the ComGuards to full alert but was stymied by Blakist operatives. The Shadow Lancers were stunned by the appearance of Terran forces but merely moved up their well-planned sneak attacks by a few hours. With the Primus’ support York’s forces jumped into system while simultaneously contacting other ComGuard troops in the Terran Corridor requesting immediate assistance. While in transit General Bradley sent word to the Wolf Dragoons and the Northwind Highlanders. She hoped that these two large mercenary commands would join her cause and help fend off the Blakist assault on Terra. Later that day the main Word of Blake assault forces arrived closer to Earth than Taskforce Phoenix thanks to a trans-lunar pirate point.
   Blakist Precentor Martial Trent Arian was stunned by the appearance of Taskforce Phoenix but decided to go ahead with Operation Odysseus as planned. Witnessing the Word of Blake’s deployment across the Sol System Precentor Michael York did the best he could to coordinate with the commander of ComStar’s Terran Defense Forces, Precentor Lisa Koenigs-Cober. Ultimately York decided to break his Teskforce down into three Relief Forces aimed at linking up with existing ComGuard defenders who could hopefully hold off Blakists assaults until help arrived.
 The North American Relief Force which was composed of the 34th Division would be commanded by Precentor III Patrice King. Hopefully they could link up with Precentor Koenigs-Cober and two battalions of the 201st Division to defeat the Shadow Lancers. Meanwhile a European Relief Force made up of Smithson’s Chinese Bandits would land in the British Isles to link up with the Sandhurst Training Regiment. Hopefully under the command of General Brenda Bradley they could slow Blakist advances there. Finally Precentor Michael York would lead a Martian Relief Force compiled from the Lone Wolves and Ace Darwin’s Whipits to defeat the 5th Blakist Divison with the help of cadets from the War Academy of Mars.

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 09:38:54 AM »

   Nice T, Similar to my old group's tale.
   In ours a conspiracy of Hegemony restorationists existed since the fall of the Star League.  Thier infiltration of the Phone Company (Tigerspeak for ComStar) is so complete that when the WoB break up happens several of thier key members hold Blakist positions.  When the 21st Centauri is taken hostage Wolf's Dragoons 7th Commando is hired to bust them loose.  The Dragoons are hired along with several regimental sized units to supplement the Terran forces both home raised and existing units to counter the assault.
Pro Terran Forces include:
The Blue Star Irregulars (Escape clause in contract.)
Bolton's Rangers (AWOL from FWL)
Sirian Lancers (Same deal.)
The Eridani Light Horse (After Coventry)(A stretch but the we were always fond of them.)
The Black Tiger RCT (Escape Clause in contract)
       The 90th Royal Dragoons (The original Black Tigers of New Vandenburg.)
       The 42nd CAAN (The Tigersharks)(Non canon unit)
       The 1st Ryukaze (Guess who.)
       The 12th Hussars (The White Tigers of Acamar)(Our Acamar campaign occured slightly earlier than was written in the RPG module.)
Plus five local ComGaurd units whose commanders were loyal.
       Six day long (Real Time, not in game. I took vacation for this (Yes I am a TOTAL nerd.)battle ensues.
       To make a long story short Operation Odysseus fails badly.  On Terra and many former Hegemony worlds popular uprisings restore these worlds to rightful Terran rule.  Under Director General Mitchell Stuart, ComStar is granted International Organization status and maintains it's Hegemony facilities as "Necissary to combating the Clan Threat." However military production is shifted to support of the HAF.
        The Sirian worlds seceede to the Hegemony.  Thomas Marik does not object.
        The BSI becomes the 1st Royal RCT, the Black Tigers; the 2nd.
        Low level warfare between the Cappellan Confederation and the Terran Hegemony over former Chaos March worlds begins.
Unrest on Dieron comes to a head during The Black Dragon Crisis. Black Dragon attacks on Dieron use chemical and biological warfare killing DCMS troops and civilians alike.  1st Royal RCT deployed as "Peacekeepers" despite Combine protests. Hegemony troops hunt the Black Dragons down and publicly execute them while Terran aid heavily influences the populace despite the best efforts of the VOTD.  Dieron seceedes along with several other worlds.
Situation simmers without resolution
        The Star League is reformed as per Canon. Eridani's join SLDF with Terran Blessings. Mitchell Stuart and Theodore Kurita argue about Dieron.
        Everybody decides to pound the Smoke Jaguars.
        The 1st Royal RCT joins Operation Bulldog, 2nd Royal RCT joins Operation Serpent.
        Events of the Twlight of the Clans occur.
        ISF loses contact with Dieron.
        Northwind Treaty of Neutrality signed.
        Wolf's Dragoons official pardoned for thier ancestors part in the Great Betrayal.  General Maave Wolf swears alegeance to House Stuart the 1st Terran BattleMech Division (The Wolf Dragoons Division) is formed.
       HAF warfleet led by THS Alexander anihilates a WoB fleet at Procyon.
       Real Thomas Marik found by SAS Team 1 having commited suicide after evading CIB agents for two years.  As per a secret agreement the body is buried quietly in a SLDF graveyard under the name Albert Humphries.
       St.Ives conflict smoulders out as with support from both the FedSuns and the Terran Hegemony prevent Cappellan troops from ever gaining a foothold.  Morgan Kell marries Candice Liao.
      FedCom Civil war erupts with the failed attempt by Katherine Stiener to assasinate Victor.  Sandovaal launchers his attack during the Ghost Bear war.  The FedSun manage to restore the 3025 border while the 'Neutral" Terrans consolidate thier hold on the new Dieron Sector.  The Skye Revolt plays out with the Free Skye govenment appealing to the Hegemony for support.  Hegemony troops reinforce Skye.  Falcon Invasion makes greater headway than in Canon.
     Tikonov revolts against FedSuns fueled by the Skye Revolt and the Civil War and an apparent atrocity by Davion Troops.  When this is revealed to have been set up by the Maskirovka the entire region goes haywire.  The Wolf Dragoons sent in by Terra at the request of Vassily Chernenko, leader of the Tikonov Union.
       Loki agents assasinate Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner.
       Diplomatic negotitions with the Ghost Bear Dominion begin to have profits.
       Katherine Steiner deposed by Peter.
       Skye joins the Hegemony.
       Proof of the Mask's Tikonov operation is brought before the Star League Council.  House Liao is censured.
       Tikonov joins the Hegemony.
       Hegemony-Confederation War begins.
      Our game ended with the Tigers defending against thier old nemisis The Big Mac.
     Cute huh?

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 12:26:36 PM »

Great minds think nearly alike. Grin I've run I few different scenarios like this by my latest vision has foreseen this.

Immediate Results of the Battle
1. Primus Sharilar Mori is killed during the Battle for Terra by WoB units. She becomes a martyr to the Reformationists of ComStar who are more determined than ever to destroy those who would pervert Blake's word.
2. As the hero of the hour, savior of Earth, and descendant of Primus Hollings York - Precentor Michael York of New Earth is unanimously elected Primus by the First Circuit. He quickly moves to cleanse the order of Blakist and passes many new reforms including the disbandment of ROM which failed to notice the Blakist attack. In its place he founds ComStar Security (ComSec) which is to be built from the ground up by Precentor Robert Petrovka.
3. Led by General Bradley of the Illician Lancers the people of Terra and the ancient Hegemony begin their re-emergence. The Terran Union is born as many mercenary commands of Terran and Star League origins join up to create a new nation at the center of the InnerSphere. Kinda of the next step up from the review board this mercenary nation quickly takes form. Northwind (Highlanders) and Outreach (Wolf Dragoons) are also founding members of the new Union which rapidly picks up worlds in the Chaos March.
4. Primus York and Director-General Bradley establishes a new political relationship. ComStar recognizes Terran independence, receives a 99 year contract
5. Three Word of Blake Divisions escape from Earth and retreat back to the Free Worlds League. They are joined by ROM agents including Victoria Parrdeau displaced in the wake of that organizations disbandment.

Questions for You
1. Terran rebirth destabilizes the InnerSphere. How do the Houses react? What other mercenaries or units join the Union? What worlds do?
2. What happens to WOB? The failure to take Earth now doubt has an affect on the organization but what exactly?
3. Battle of Coventry alternates? Hegira, perhaps not. What happens if the Falcons and IS forces fight it out?

Comments appreciated!

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 01:22:59 PM »

hmm As for relations I see the House Liao and Marik almost surely having poor relations with the new union. The federated sun's would likly love having them there to take the heat off them from the Capcon and FWL aggresion. The lyran's would have a big problem in the form of the skye those guys would just jump into the arms of Union and might start a war with the LC/LA over night not sure the union would love that. The DC is really hard to say if they would have bad relations with the union in the sense of they got a war with the ghost bears and a war with the davion border and o so much internal trouble with the black dragon and such that I can't really say they would welcome the union but I don't think there going to do anything about them untill they start taking some planets from them and on the postive side the union could make the border with the Lyran state even smaller or no longer there at all so the dragon and lyran's might look at that in both good and bad.
 Addtional units
 Alot of ppl like to say the ELH would join a new TH but the problem is the ELH doesn't want a new TH they want a new Star league so thier not likly to join the union other then as merc's
 Blue Star Irr's
 Another old unit that has strong connections to the SL(again not the TH)and a even stronger view of the davions as most honorable there not likly to join up or leave the FS's employment.
 5th Brigade (SLDF 208th Hussar's,346th Heavy armor reg's)
 They keep thier SLDF traditions and might come over to the union with the future problems with the FWL (keeping u keep some of the cannon happening in the FWL)
 FWL Sirian Lancer's
 Can U say o ys theses 3regiments and thier planets would join in a heart beat with the union,with cannon fluff writen up on them and to think u wouldn't even have to change the fluff even.
 Whats left of the canon house and merc units in the choas march I see joining up rather quicky with a strong force such as the Union as either merc's or as house units (1st FC RCT,5th FC RCT,remants of the Republic Guards, and some milita's)
 The Skye Ranger's and thier movement
 I really really think this is whats going to cause the Union and the Lyran's to be at each others throats if the Union goes and accepts the Skye Federation and its rangers into it. Because u can easly say they would join the  Union only to be invaded a short time later by the vengefull Lyran state as the union wont be able to match the Lyran's states eco even with the civil war the lyran eco is still going to out proform the union at the start of the conflict.
 One side effect of the rebirth of the TH or union is the Federated Commonwealth Civil war would likly end alot sooner as a new threat appears to give both sides something to think about and likly both sides would quickly gather there forces and move toward defensive positions well trying to figure out what the Union/TH appearance means.
 W.O.B is once more back to planning and doing other black ops against there beloved sisters and brothers in comstar and who knows maybe the Bloods/Wolverines appear to supply the WOB's with addtional units.
 Coventry hegira why would it change is my only ? since both sides knew it was going to be a blood bath if they fought it out and that the winner was going to be a loser even if they won.
 But thats my two cents ;D

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 04:02:35 AM »

   With our game the Sphere is sort of a mess. It was a lot of fun running the reborn but beleagured Hegemony though. On The ELH and the BSI, The ELH did join the SLDF, but the BSI found thier home with the Hegemony.  A lot of this stuff happened in the back ground around our characters, only showing up as news bytes, rumor and military reports.
  The Conspiracy bit came about from a late night discussion about what would happen to a people who lose thier entire nation because some dude steals thier army. What kind of scars would that leave on their psyche. Even 300 years later unless ComStar did some major "reeducating" there will always be those who yearn for past glories, redress of past wrongs etc.
  Anyway it's what drew me here to you guys. ;D

master arminas
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 01:32:40 PM »

The Blakist survivors would have retreated to the 'Five' and rebuilt.  The Jihad would have been launched with Terra--and any worlds that acknowledged her sovereignity--as its target.  The question is, could ComStar--or the new Hegemony, or whatever it is called this week--have stopped THAT (the second) assault?

That's the real question, boys and girls.  And how would the rest of the Inner Sphere have reacted to the Jihad--with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons being used--landing on Terra instead of them?  And discovering the Blakists possessed a huge number of WarShips and whole Divisions of MD and Celestials?  Got to wonder.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 02:47:58 PM »

Where do you get the info on the 5?

And the main problem for ComStar would have been to know if their Navy is strong enough to take down the second invasion.

master arminas
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 03:04:57 PM »

The 'Five Hidden Worlds' mentioned in TRO3057 (Revised), Jihad Hot Spots, Dawn of the Jihad, etc., etc.  There are whole topics over at CBT about them.  Apparently, ComStar as a whole did not know of these worlds--just the true believers of what became the Word of Blake.  Just as no one knew the inhabitants of those five worlds were the descendents of the Minnesota Tribe (Clan Wolverine) that JOINED ComStar after they returned to the Inner Sphere.  That's right, the Manei Domeni are the children's of the Wolverine.

See these five worlds were secret bases Kerensky made in each of the Great Houses without their knowledge.  Each contained a full scale shipyard and stockpile of WarShips, 'Mechs, and technology.  He left them here without destroying them (how rude of him) when he departed on the Exodus.  Then everyone in the Clans and the Inner Sphere forget about them.  Until sometime after ComStar declared the divinity of Blake, some lowly accolyte found a file and 'The Hidden Five' were rediscovered.  But ComStar never told itself.

Instead it gave the five to the children of the Wolverine (who never told ComStar about where the other Clans were--go figure), who became SO grateful to ComStar (the Word faction) that they converted lock, stock, and smoking genome to the Blakist agenda.  To the point that they become the Cyborg MD troopers during the Jihad.  And building ships.  Lots of ships.  And 'Mechs.  And Fighters.  And BattleArmor.  And Nuclear Weapons.  And Biological Weapons.  And, well, I could go on and on and on.

Anyway, the Blakists took the old ships stored there (ships Kerensky didn't want, like old Monsoons, Farraguts, Davion II's, Nagas, and couple of McKennas--go figure) and restored them to BETTER THAN NEW.  Those crazy Blakists.  They must have found the holy grail among toaster worshipers--a fully functional battle-stat. . . . .I mean ship-yard.  Yeah, ship-yard.

Then the 2nd Star League fell apart and they decided to punish everyone for ruining everything for them AGAIN.  And the Jihad went across the heavens and New Avalon was nuked.  And there was much rejoicing.  And Luthien was nuked.  And the rejoicing grew dim.  And Artreus was gassed.  And the Word should really not enjoy beans and bourban before a planetary assault.  Not cool, mate, not cool at all.

Sorry about the whimsical attitude, folks, the whole conspiracy within a conspiracy aspect of the recent Jihad stuff just brings this side of me out.  I feel soiled and in need of a shower from all these dreadful things done to my BattleTech.  Why couldn't they have just left us alone to enjoy the game?  Why?  I want my BattleTech back!  ;D

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 05:11:43 PM »

The Blakist survivors would have retreated to the 'Five' and rebuilt.  The Jihad would have been launched with Terra--and any worlds that acknowledged her sovereignity--as its target.  The question is, could ComStar--or the new Hegemony, or whatever it is called this week--have stopped THAT (the second) assault?

That's the real question, boys and girls.  And how would the rest of the Inner Sphere have reacted to the Jihad--with Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons being used--landing on Terra instead of them?  And discovering the Blakists possessed a huge number of WarShips and whole Divisions of MD and Celestials?  Got to wonder.

How strong would the Blakist be in 3058 Master Arminas? I can't believe they would have the troop strength they did in 3067 for the Jihad. In the canon timeline they had access to Terra and all its goodies. True they have the Five. I could see the Manei Domini forming up but the Blake Militia itself has just faced a major reversal. Three to five divisions left. They would have WMD on their side and the defection of ROM to the WoB cause would help. And warships? Sure they have a few but a huge number? Again Terra gives them the ability to launch more then a couple.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 01:58:21 PM »

The 'Five Hidden Worlds' mentioned in TRO3057 (Revised), Jihad Hot Spots, Dawn of the Jihad, etc., etc.

So I have a lot of readings to do.

That's right, the Manei Domeni are the children's of the Wolverine.

 ???  ???  ???

Apparently, ComStar as a whole did not know of these worlds--just the true believers of what became the Word of Blake.  Just as no one knew the inhabitants of those five worlds were the descendents of the Minnesota Tribe (Clan Wolverine) that JOINED ComStar after they returned to the Inner Sphere.

I am the only one to find something strange in the two parts of this paragraph.

Sorry about the whimsical attitude, folks, the whole conspiracy within a conspiracy aspect of the recent Jihad stuff just brings this side of me out.

X Files tunes being played  :P

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2008, 04:52:21 PM »

I have read the latest so sadly Ice I understand exactly what master arminas is saying. One caveat however is the sources TPTB put info out in can be wrong or misleading. A lot of stuff could be conspiracy crap FYI.

I do have more on this alternate universe but TRO2800 is consuming my time. So more later.

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2008, 01:15:31 PM »

Sadly The Blake Documents hasn't yet arrived over here. (Grumble!)
So I have to rely on what was posted over on the CBT forums.
But from what I could piece together it seems that Master arminas could be correct. But it might also be the case(just as in interstellar players volumes one and two) that the info from The Blake Documents is just another conspiracy theory, or that the information is genuine but incomplete.

At least the map of the Inner Sphere in 3075 and the information on the WoB Militia and the Protectorate Militia seem to be genuine from what I read over on the CBT forums.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2008, 02:01:56 PM »

I have read the latest so sadly Ice I understand exactly what master arminas is saying. One caveat however is the sources TPTB put info out in can be wrong or misleading. A lot of stuff could be conspiracy crap FYI.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-9L-RZkod4#)

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 07:12:52 AM »

What would a Mercenary Nation like the Terran Union resemble? How would the Interstellar Realm function? This is a question I'm trying to think through right now. Mercenaries would have their own Protectorates so to speak ranging from one system plus. Then there is the aside were other groups would be vassals to larger maybe founding members of the Union. Say some merc group joins the Union like the Tau Ceti Rangers and is given New Earth by the Illician Lancers. The Lancers would still be the "Mercenary Lord" so to speak and the Rangers in this example their vassal. Another important question is civilian authority. I see it on the planetary and even legislative level but again the Merc Lords (Wolf Dragoons, Illician Lancers, and Northwind Highlanders to start out anyway) would be the Provincial authority (star system plus) and the executives of the nation. How would new members and worlds be incorporated? I'm thinking this nation might be have in a pretty strange fashion. I.E. selling arms, their own services, and what of planetary militias. Lot of interesting questions. What is you vision of a Mercenary Nation??

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 01:16:34 PM »

A Mercenary State?
I do understand the feudal approach but I think the civilian side of this nation would probably be ruled by civilians.
They would be subordinated to Mercenaries but still civilians.

I could see something like Switzerland becoming used there: several different big Protectorates with smaller ones and all "answering" to a kind of Federal Council (that could be strong or not) but only for some specific and foreign questions.

Do not forget also the no fight against each other and against the Terran Union clauses in the contract.

The long term evolution would depend on the fights between the Federal Council and the Protectorates and between each Protectorate.
Three evolutions are possible: the Federal Council grows in power (leading in the end to another Successor State with prestigious units), the Protectorates fight each other (leading to the Chaos March) or the system stays the same as I first described it.

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 01:30:49 PM »

It is almost like establishing a new political ideology. Replacing the Neo Feudal system with a shadowrun corporate government. See the two things we have making up the Union are Mercenaries and a reforming ComStar. If the secular ComStar becomes completely business like even though it has no direct influence in the Union that is a significant change on thought patterns for the time. You could have a new philosophical view point emerge were "Merc Lords" (for lack of a better term) use their assets to make a profit. Of course this would have to include democratic input from the people they rule but I wonder how the government would look. A Council of "Merc Lords" works but how do they interact? Who can join and how? How does the civilian sector impact them? Relationship with business is another important factor.

A corporate republic is a theoretical form of government occasionally hypothesized in works of science fiction, though some historical nations such as medieval Florence might be said to have been governed as corporate republics. While retaining some semblance of republican government, a corporate republic would be run primarily like a business, involving a board of directors and executives. Utilities, including hospitals, schools, the army, and the police force, would be privatized. The social welfare function carried out by the state is instead carried out by corporations in the form of benefits to employees. Although corporate republics do not exist officially in the modern world, they are often used in works of fiction or political commentary as a warning of the perceived dangers of unbridled capitalism. In such works, they usually arise when a single, vastly powerful corporation deposes a weak government, over time or in a coup d'état.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2008, 06:06:31 AM »

Of course this would have to include democratic input from the people they rule but I wonder how the government would look.


And a corporate government is likely to go for
- a cartel  (something close to an alliance of States) with everyone working together or not
- a company where everything is made by private companies competing against each others

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2008, 09:23:21 AM »

Because the people would be the shareholder or stockholders of your corporate republic. Their franchise would empower your government and they would reap the dividends of the regime.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2008, 11:43:00 AM »

Because the people would be the shareholder or stockholders of your corporate republic. Their franchise would empower your government and they would reap the dividends of the regime.

So let's assume that citizenship is only provided to the shareholders.

Do you receive shares at birth or when you retire? Can you buy them? Do you receive some for your good job?  Is there a maximal number of shares per head?
From this, you can see that such a State might as well work as an oligarchy or as a near anarchy (if you have several alliances of small shareholders trying to get the best of the system and not managing to reach an agreement) or everything in between.

Also, shareholders are usually interested in the dividends and are more than likely to want the increase of the short term benefits (meaning no long term investments) or an increase in the number of "easy" contracts signed, decreasing the defences of the Union.

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2008, 01:56:27 PM »

Hmm, excellent question you've raised Ice. First off I would credit citizen-shareholders (need a better name their, and for the type of ideology we are trying to create) based on several factors. Being born in the nation, serving the nation (military or some other form), perhaps some other natural perks including family inheritance. For this you'd be allowed to vote with the weight of that decision carried by your level of citizen shareholding. Of course you could sell or buy except if your a foreigner/non-citizen. I would think they would be allowed to invest but not vote creating a second tier shareholder. You could probably purchase citizenship but unless you were born their could not vote. Perhaps a citizen could earn retirement this way by cashing in some or all  of his or her shares.

Taxes would be a non concern as their is a natural investment aspect in the nation and all concerns being privatized would dramatically cut costs. Also thinking about it now, new mercenaries who want to buy their way in could. For enough money they could buy a vote in the Union/Federal Council as long as they met certain criteria, i.e. Star League/Terran heritage and Council approval of course.

Negatives would be those who didn't pull their weight, to put it in a harsh way. Homeless, mentally ill, or non conformists of any type could be left behind in such a predator state.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2008, 02:29:54 PM »

First off I would credit citizen-shareholders (need a better name their, and for the type of ideology we are trying to create) based on several factors

You might be a bit too much on the nice side of the corporations here.

Being born in the nation, serving the nation (military or some other form), perhaps some other natural perks including family inheritance.

Nation? Serving the nation? This is a Corporation State.
It means people are born within a corporation and die there.
If you are nice, they might have some control of their corporations via shares (although I have some doubts) but if you are not, they are just tools.

Now, I do not think that corporations (especially those based on mercenary units) would try to do it all: creating consortium.
They would probably focus in their own area but there is another problem: how do they share the human pool available to them?
If no agreement is made between them, the parents corporation but more probably the ones in charge of education (and their allies) would get the best of this pool, leaving the others (including Mercenaries) with the "garbage".

Also how would you be able to create a new business?
Money? Everything belongs to the corporations and they can buy you or increase the prices to destroy your new company.
Through foreign corporations? Perhaps but this would create tensions and perhaps an internal war.

I hope I do not sound too hostile.
I am just rising questions that could help us fluff a little bit more this strange thing that is a corporate state.
That is all for now as there is a rugby test match on TV : France - Argentina (those who kind of humiliated France in the last World Cup).

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2008, 03:52:33 PM »

You might be a bit too much on the nice side of the corporations here.

Your thinking of a corporation as we think of those evil bastards today but we are talking about a Corporate Nation-State. This Business driven state strives to promote growth. When you produce life you are creating a new resource hence the franchise of the vote gained. Encouraging healthy development should be the goal of this state and serving the public welfare is another reason to gain franchise of the vote. Just that simple. You are promoting good business with this not giving stuff away. I can see those greedy individuals fostering short sighted cuts to these benefits producing gains now but creating a mess later.

Nation? Serving the nation? This is a Corporation State.
It means people are born within a corporation and die there.
If you are nice, they might have some control of their corporations via shares (although I have some doubts) but if you are not, they are just tools.

Now, I do not think that corporations (especially those based on mercenary units) would try to do it all: creating consortium.
They would probably focus in their own area but there is another problem: how do they share the human pool available to them?
If no agreement is made between them, the parents corporation but more probably the ones in charge of education (and their allies) would get the best of this pool, leaving the others (including Mercenaries) with the "garbage".

Also how would you be able to create a new business?
Money? Everything belongs to the corporations and they can buy you or increase the prices to destroy your new company.
Through foreign corporations? Perhaps but this would create tensions and perhaps an internal war.

I hope I do not sound too hostile.
I am just rising questions that could help us fluff a little bit more this strange thing that is a corporate state.
That is all for now as there is a rugby test match on TV : France - Argentina (those who kind of humiliated France in the last World Cup).

No, corporate equals evil is the general knee jerk reaction of nearly all persons nowadays. Popular liberal PCism has been played up the angle with great success and corporations sort of deserve it for some of their past actions. Even though you should never lump one thing in with another. I could rant on but please try to leave the Bad Reputation (5) that corporations have at the door with this thread. We are really throwing stuff up against the wall and seeing what could work.

I would say that each person is their own corporation in our new society here. Born with certain rights to conduct business (their life) in whatever way they chose. The Corporate Republic is just that. A democracy yes but with a business everywhere approach. Marriage could be looked at as a merger/partnership with childhood being a time when your parents have power of attorney till you reach 16 or 18 and can start making decisions for yourself. Education would again be privatized and somehow paid for by your parents.

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2008, 11:53:38 AM »

I would say that each person is their own corporation in our new society here. Born with certain rights to conduct business (their life) in whatever way they chose. The Corporate Republic is just that. A democracy yes but with a business everywhere approach.

I am not really on the Bad Reputation (5) side, I was just thinking out aloud.
But your benevolent approach might also work, so we will start from there (but do not forget that the basis of your State is Mercenaries, which are not necessarily nice guys).

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2008, 12:56:52 PM »

Look at your three founders. The Illician Lancers, the Wolf Dragoons, and the Northwind Highlanders. Hardly black hats.  ;)

Ice Hellion
Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2008, 05:25:22 AM »

Not enough to disagree with...I need more.  :P

Since when?

My point is that we are not talking about a new State growing from nothing but about a government being replaced by another: you would still have the local people, the local industries....
Although the main activity would probably be the mercenary job, you would have other things (agriculture, industry...) and also you could have a pool of people ready to enlist.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on July 11, 2010, 06:46:51 PM
Okay gang I've been batting this one around once again. First of tried to make an acceptable symbol for the new mercenary nation. I think the Terran Star and the Unity Shield represent the bond between the worlds of the Terran state and their mercenary guardians. I went with red for the star as the color is present in all three of the founding member groups (Wolf Dragoons, Northwind Highlanders, and Illician Lancers).

I have many future plans for the Union including its government which I'd like to outline now. I relied heavily on the Hegemony structure but think I have put a unique spin on it. First off lets start with the member-states of the Union which I call Directories. A Directory is formed when a Terran world(s) requests a formal security arrangement with a like minded Mercenary Unit. Such agreements are reviewed by the Directorate, which is the equivalent of the High/Hegemony Council or the upper house of the new Terran Congress, and either accepted or rejected on their individual merits. If accept into the Union the unit receives a seat on the Directorate and the each world receives a Senator, lower house representing each inhabited world. This is the basic legislative set up for the Union while the Judiciary is made up of several courts including a Supreme Court. The chief executive of the Terran Union is the Director-General who is nominated from the Directorate (its membership is eligible to run for this high office) and elected by the people. I was thinking the first Director-General of the Terran Union would be Jamie Wolf as he is the premier Mercenary Lord in the Human Sphere. He is assisted by a cabinet called the Council of Deputies who oversee Union wide offices like foreign affairs, defense, etc.

What do you think?

Now we just have to get there. I got to finish the Rise of Terra. :)
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on August 09, 2010, 09:52:51 PM
The Rise of Terra

The Partition

   The Amaris Coup and Kerensky’s Liberation left the Terran Hegemony critically weakened. The once mighty bastion of the Star League could barely feed itself in the wake of the fighting which left millions homeless or worse. Still the nation limped on in spite of the execution of its famed Cameron dynasty and the betrayal of its highborn leadership. Many of Terra’s ultra rich were indicted or accused of collaboration with the Usurper who became widely reviled in the wake of destruction he left behind. In the wave of retribution that not even low level civil servants and bureaucrats were spared the wrath of the survivors. The extreme policy of Deamarisification that went unchecked by a vengeful SLDF and an ineffectual Hegemony government ultimately handicapped restoration efforts.

Rather than dealing with dwindling resources and a badly damaged infrastructure many who could including the SLDF left for greener pastures. Abandoned by Kerensky and those wealthy families with ties to the Great Houses only those who were too stubborn or too poor remained behind. With public trust in the national government broken effective governance remained only on the Provincial or Planetary levels inviting aggression by those who wished to be the next First Lord. After all the Terran state held powerful symbolic and strategic importance to the Successor States looking to improve their post League positions. Even with its battered industrial strength and reduced scientific base the worlds of the Hegemony still represented a substantial prize to the technologically inferior House Armies.

It didn’t take long for the House Lords and their minions began to descend upon the destabilized Terran Hegemony. Only a few months after the departure of the SLDF from the InnerSphere the Successor States began sniping at various border worlds. Hamstrung by the Hegemony Charter which required the presence of a strong Director-General to lead the government a unified response proved impossible. A reconstituted Hegemony Council was unable to nominate any candidate following the infamous Amaris election of 2767, the departure of General Kerensky, and the unwillingness of Jerome Blake. As a result the President of the Hegemony Congress, who was also the Director-General Pro Tem, could only act with the unanimous approval of the Council and the commanding officers of the Hegemony military.

   Consumed by regional concerns bought on by several simultaneous assaults along almost every possible frontier of advance a coordinated national defense soon fell to pieces. Perhaps the largest offensive was conducted by the Capellan Confederation who systematically seized several interior Terran worlds between the years of 2785 and 2800. Liao eventually managed to seize Carver V, Keid, Terra Ferma, Bryant, Epsilon Indi, Epsilon Eridani, Fletcher, Hsien, Outreach and Hall with little difficulty. Captain-General Kenyon Marik was also quick to exploit Terran weakness “liberating” several Hegemony worlds and gaining control of several valuable supply depots and storehouses. The culmination of the FWLM coreward assault came in 2790 when Oliver fell under its control. The Draconis Combine undertook similar campaigns netting it control of several important worlds like Altair and Dieron.

   Archon Jennifer Steiner took a different tact towards the collapsing Hegemony negotiating with regional authorities to peacefully bring their worlds into the Lyran state. Hostilities bought on by other Houses and the inability of the Terran government to halt that aggression convinced many systems like New Earth to enter the Commonwealth. First Prince John Davion was the only House Lord who showed restraint when it came to conquering Terran worlds. Concerned that such activity would negatively affect his interstellar public image Davion ordered his Generals to avoid such operations except for the world of Towne. The planet possessed a lot of high tech warehouses which were considered so valuable that the Federated Suns openly claimed Towne as early as 2783. This action didn’t stop Kurita and Liao forces from successfully raided these facilities following the Exodus exposing weaknesses within the AFFS.

   The Suns added several Terran worlds through diplomacy despite the Towne Debacle which eventually resulted in the loss of the planet and its installations to the Draconis Combine. Sensing further assaults many once proud Terran citizens swore allegiance to one of the Successor Lords while their soldiers became mercenaries in their service. Deneb Kaitos and the its famed Light Cavalry were absorbed by the Federation while Northwind and their renowned Highlanders became members of the Capellan state. Convinced that the Hegemony was doomed Jerome Blake enacted Operation Silver Spear which effectively beheaded the Hegemony in 2787. While some conservative Terran elements resisted ComStar’s “power grab” many more aided Blake. His act which would ultimately safeguard the Cradle of Humanity would spell the end of the nation.

   Only hardcore nativist worlds like New Dallas resisted House incursions till the bitter end. Such resistance led to brutal subjugation by the Successor States which rendered these planets uninhabitable by the 2nd Succession War. One of the last remnants of the Hegemony to fall was the Sirian Concordance in 2793. This former Terran Province declared its independence in the wake of Terra’s seizure by ComStar. However constant attacks by the Capellan Confederation caused this four world micro state composed of Sirius, Procyon, Pollux and Graham IV to seek the protection of House Marik. As a result the formidable Sirian Lancers joined the Free Worlds League Military for the duration of the Succession Wars. Before the end of the twenty eighth century the Partition of Terra by the Great Houses had been completed but the fighting was just getting started.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Ice Hellion on August 10, 2010, 01:41:23 AM
Why not go for a more corporate government?
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on August 10, 2010, 06:29:52 AM
Gonna get to that Ice. ;) Was thinking of a privatized bureaucracy. What do you think of the history setup so far?
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Ice Hellion on August 11, 2010, 01:52:52 AM
My only problem is the switch between a more or less ComStar Earth and a mercenary one (I have read the book on Terra but still).
I will have to think about it.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on January 26, 2014, 04:06:10 PM
Topic has not been posted in at least 120 days, feels like 120 years!! Anyway been at this for a long time and here is part two of the history. Enjoy!!


   The Successor States set upon each other in an orgy of destruction before the corpse of the Hegemony had grown cold. The division of the Terran nation only seemed to feed any would be First Lords’ appetite for conquest. While they had added advanced equipment and technical knowledge to their arsenals the Terran collapse also eliminated a potential rival. Terran systems were especially significant as they had served symbolic heart of the Star League. These core worlds were at the very hub of the Human Sphere during the Golden Age of the Camerons and despite the physical damage they sustained under the Amaris regime these planets were linked inextricably to the Star Throne. As a result access to Terra became a powerful psychological need for the Successor Lords.

   As their claims to the First Lordship were tied to this key central region assaults across Terran space became far too common early in the First Succession War. In fact these core worlds saw some of the worst violence of the Succession Wars as evidenced by House Davion’s lightning strike into Steiner held territory. Starting in September 2789 a desperate AFFS crossed what was now occupied Kurita-Liao space to assault Rocky, Thorin, and New Earth. These industrialized worlds held precious war materiel that the Suns urgently needed. These raids which featured the liberal use of WMD lasted until December and while Prince John was able to claim a victory the brutal action left only devastation in its wake. The planet of Rocky which was rendered uninhabitable was perhaps the most horrifying example of these engagements.

   Sadly this was not the only incident across former Hegemony space as the Great Houses began the first true interstellar war ever before seen. Rather than fight their neighbors for nearby territories the House Lords vied for military supremacy and the vacuum created by the collapse of the Terran state created a perfect battlefield. While the Davion strike into Lyran space was perhaps the most notable the Liao-Kurita battles for Rio and Ronel which also saw the use of WMD were another prime example. Kurita also struck at Marik bases within the former Hegemony during its infamous Drive to Helm in 2788. Drawn by what now are considered sacred Star League Caches which would enhance their military prowess and important historic sites clashes between all five would be First Lords became all too common place.

Some Terran worlds simply became new frontiers for old rivals to renew their ancient struggles. Time and again the Successor Lords would fight over their newly extended Terran holdings. The Lyran Commonwealth which annexed Rigil Kentarus after the fall of the Hegemony saw it attacked numerous times by the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine. Sirius and its protector the nearby Free Worlds League likewise became the site of many clashes with the Capellan Confederation who desired that world for their own empire. Yorrii and Moore which had been conquered by the Draconis Combine and used to advance their strategic operations were often assaulted by House Steiner. While Saffel and Styx became the sites of repeated attacks by Davion and Kurita forces seeking to establish their coreward borders.

Those worlds lucky enough to escape direct assault still suffered heavy raiding that destroyed their once impressive industrial base. Worlds like Epsilon Eridani whose renowned aerospace industry survived the Amaris Coup saw their manufacturing facilities laid waste by frequent incursions by Davion and Liao raiders. Technological marvels like the Storm Inhibitors of Bryant were not spared destruction by bandits that would ultimately drive residents toward the planet’s more habitable polar regions. The “lucky” few worlds of the former Hegemony that escaped unscathed saw their commerce reduced to nil sending most into severe economic turmoil. Whatever remained of value was scavenged for interior House worlds leaving these once magnificent core planets of humanity barren.

   The First Succession War raged nearly four decades as many former Terrans simply starved. Even the sheer barbarity of Kentares, which itself was once a Hegemony world, fails to match the incalculable suffering incurred by the billions killed. Lack of food and medicine created a holocaust that today would be unimaginable. Consumed with their lust for power and crippled by the great war the House Lords gave little aid. With their homes shattered those who could fled leaving behind those who were too poor or too prideful to admit defeat. On many worlds life reverted back to earlier times. Only a few dared hope that the war was over but even during this lull in hostilities Terrans had to contend with plunderers like the Kuritan Chain Gangs who terrorized many of their planets.

   Beginning in 2830 these strikes began to escalate into what would eventually become the Second Succession War. The already battered worlds of the former Hegemony would again see their share of conflict. The discreet “revelation” by ComStar that the Lyrans were planning an offensive against Graham IV, Castor, and Callison led the Free Worlds to commence hostilities along its shared border as the Draconis Combine anxious to regain Moore opened another major offensive against Steiner. The DCMS also made good use of swift light units in their raid on Kessel in 2831 performing well in spite of heavier Steiner defenders. Taking advantage of the Kurita attack Marik seized the former Hegemony world of Dieudonne from the Commonwealth sparking several counter assaults that saw control of the planet change frequently.

The League expanded its core ward offensive in 2832 seizing Berenson and Zion from the Capellans. The Captain-General’s success would suffer setbacks thanks to the so-called ComStar War which saw Davion and Kurita raiders descend on Marik held Terran worlds. The fall of Van Diemen IV to House Liao in September 2838 helped convince the Free Worlds to sue ComStar for peace. Marik quickly struck back that year conducting a major raid against the large storehouses of Carver V. These maneuvers within the borders of the former Terran nation were followed by the Lyran assault on Oliver and Graham IV in 2839. Marik now free of the ComStar Interdiction was able to put up a better defense that along with the desertion of Colonel Grimm caused Steiner to withdraw.

A year later Steiner was hard pressed to defend Lambrecht from a Kurita offensive that was quickly aided by a heavy DCMS raid on nearby Thorin. Lucky the heavier LCAF defenders were assisted by poor weather on Thorin that stymied the Dragon’s lighter troops. Perhaps the largest assault through Terran space of the second war was Prince Paul Davion’s drive through the Liao-Kurita Seam. Begun in 2841 the AFFS conquered several former Hegemony worlds including Northwind, Mallory’s World, Mara, New Rhodes III, and Ozawa. Thankfully these while major actions early in the war subsided raids like the Marik employed Eridani Light Horse against Steiner held Dieudonne in 2860 continued throughout. However, the near apocalyptic damage had already been done to the former Hegemony.

While less devastating because of the immense damage inflicted by its predecessor this second cataclysm was no less heinous. Hundreds of millions died while technology continued to plunge downward. Thankfully the destruction of Jumpships and the facilities needed to construct them gradually diminished the size and scope of these conflicts. Exhausted from almost eighty years of inconclusive war the Successor States finally agreed to talk peace in 2864. Sponsored by the Lyran Commonwealth the talks began amid the ruins of New Earth on November 9. The seven weeks of futile bickering produced no final resolution and established that war was now a way of life. Nowhere was this fact more apparent than on the former worlds of Terra who except for Earth had been reduced to utter desolation.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Gabriel on January 26, 2014, 05:34:25 PM
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on January 26, 2014, 10:14:31 PM
Thanks Gabriel! I’m hoping to create an alternate setting fanbook which is part Fall of Terra and part House Handbook. The in universe date will be October 1, 3058 and it will be styled as a report to the Whitting Conference by request of Focht. Its goal is to outline the new Terran Union and promote understanding which could be an uphill battle.  ;)
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Dragon Cat on January 27, 2014, 05:44:53 AM
I'll agree an interesting thread
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: David CGB on January 27, 2014, 06:55:04 AM
I'll agree an interesting thread
yes, small ? what do the clans say about this...
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on January 27, 2014, 07:40:37 AM
In the formation of the Terran Union they have very little to say. A nation of mercenaries albeit some with ties to the Star League and the Terran Hegemony with the Wolf Dragoons as one of its founders. My first impression if I were a Clanner, not good.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Rainbow 6 on January 27, 2014, 01:58:31 PM
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: muttley on January 28, 2014, 03:56:30 PM
Thanks Gabriel! I’m hoping to create an alternate setting fanbook which is part Fall of Terra and part House Handbook. The in universe date will be October 1, 3058 and it will be styled as a report to the Whitting Conference by request of Focht. Its goal is to outline the new Terran Union and promote understanding which could be an uphill battle.  ;)
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on December 28, 2023, 09:49:43 PM
Well it sure doesn't feel like a decade has gone bye but that is what the dates say. Over the past few months I've been delving into the 3058 timeline more and more to rewrite and complete this alternate. In the coming days I will try to outline more and more but the idea here is to present a Sourcebook as a report to the Whitting Conference that spells out the birth of the Terran Union. Don't believe I posted this map or at least the update of it before. Its a good place to start. More tomorrow!
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on December 29, 2023, 08:48:40 AM
Currently in the works is the explanation of the map above. You'll notice some borders above and this should start to expound on some of them.

Terran Regions (March 15, 3058)
   Popular uprisings in support of the new Union have appeared in varying strength throughout the ancient Terran nation. One hundred and twenty-nine (129) star systems in all are affected by this discontent which directly affects all of the Great Houses. Eleven unique stellar regions have been identified over the course of this year based on recent political affiliations and local astrography whose worlds share much in common.
   Terran Extent is the border of this map based on current popular uprisings and historic claims of the Hegemony prior to the Amaris Uprising of 2766.

Core Worlds (3 – Terra, Outreach, and Northwind)
   The core of the new Union was formerly at the center of the old Terran Hegemony and lay either in or near the Chaos March. These star systems have been controlled solidly by the Big or Founding Three Mercenary Units (Illician Lancers, Wolf Dragoons, and Northwind Highlanders) of the new Terran nation since early March 3058.

Dieron Salient (14 - AI Na'ir, Altair, Asta, Athenry, Deneb Algedi, Dieron, Fomalhaut, Kervil, Nirasaki, Pike IV, Quentin, Saffel, Styx, Telos IV and 1 - shared by the Hegemony and Combine = Nashira)
   Since the start of the 1st Succession War (circa 2788) the Draconis Combine has forcefully reasserted what is it pre-existing claim to Dieron and the surrounding worlds here. While the Alliance of Galedon did manage to ‘trick’ Dieron into joining its pre-Draconian successor state long ago this planet and others were part of Terra far longer (circa the early 2300s). This four-hundred-and-fifty-year history has led many on these solidly controlled Kurita worlds to rise up in the past year. Still the Dragon has a sheer force of arms here as well as two-hundred-and-sixty years of almost unfettered military occupation.

Lyons Thumb (7 occupied by DCMS - Atria, Dyev, Imbros III, Ko, Lambrecht, Sabik, Yorii, 1 occupied by DCMS shared by the Hegemony and Commonwealth – Moore, 1 shared by the Hegemony and Commonwealth – Nusakan, 1 Lyran Alliance – Lyons)
   Long dominated by the Draconis Combine this astrographic region was largely created by the War of 3039. More than two hundred years of Kurita rule came to an end when the Federated Commonwealth liberated these worlds. The breakup of the Commonwealth during the Liao-Marik Invasion of 3057 caused Archon Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion to allow the Dragon to station non-BattleMech equipped peacekeepers here. Draconis military control generally prevails but Terran Uprisings along with dueling Lyran and Davion claims make for quite a confusing situation.

Tau Ceti Corridor (8 – New Earth, Rigil Kentarus, Muphrid, Zollikofen, Chara, Lipton, Thorin, Zavijava)
   Absorbed by the Lyran Commonwealth early in the 1st Succession War (circa 2790) these worlds have long been Steiner held territory. While usually linked with Skye thanks to this two-hundred-sixty-year regional association flowing the fall of the Hegemony their origins have not been forgotten. Some attribute the success of Terran Uprising here to the breakup of the Federated Commonwealth and ties to the Free Skye Movement but the massive patriotic showings for the new Union seems genuine.

Denebola Badlands (4 - Alioth, Milton, Wyatt, Summer; 6 - shared by the Hegemony and Commonwealth = Alchiba, Cor Caroli, Mizar, Galatea, Syrma, Zebebelgenubi; 1 - Denebola = a contested world administered by the Hegemony)
   This historically disputed area has been controlled by the Lyran Commonwealth since the 1st Succession War. However, many of its worlds were at least in part shared possessions with the Terran Hegemony and in one case (Denebola) the Free Worlds League as well. These eleven (11) worlds which have been fought over by House Steiner and House Marik for the past twenty-seven-decades now is seeing some new adversaries. More recently two Free Skye Rebellions in 3034 and 3056 squared off against united Federated Commonwealth forces only to be followed today by Terran Uprisings and the ComStar Civil War.

Sirian Triangle (10 - Sirius, Procyon, Graham IV, Pollux, Alula Australis, Oliver, Devil's Rock, Castor, Zosma, Marcus; 1 - Callison = historically shared Terran-Marik world)
   The wedge that Kenyon Marik seized from the dying Hegemony at the start of the Succession Wars was largely unchanged up till the 4th Succession War. While possession of these worlds was challenged by the Lyrans and Capellans over the next two hundred and forty years. It wasn’t until the Lyran Commonwealth and the Tikonov Free Republic took many of these systems in 3029 that the situation changed. Two years later the dissolution of that new nation ushered in the emergence of the Terran Corridor of the now fully united Federated Commonwealth. Recently, Operation Guerrero restored these territories to the Free Worlds League but the advent of the Terran Union has challenged this status once again.

Marik Frontier (7 - Berenson, Bordon, Connaught, Menkalinan, Talitha, Van Diemen IV, Wasat; 5 - Dieudonne, Dubhe, Wing, Zion, Chertan = joint Terran-Marik worlds during the Star League era)
   These dozen worlds made up the edge of the Free Worlds League space since the days of the Amaris Coup. Nearly three centuries of uninterrupted Marik rule have suddenly seen Terran revolutionaries appear on ancient Hegemony possessions surprising many. While protests and this insurgency continues local authorities seem to have things in hand for now a situation which will not change without reinforcements. Both SAFE and the FWLM are also assisting as Parliament has already passed a resolution stating it is entirely unwilling to concede this region.

Chaos March (20 - Acamar, Bryant, Carver V, Caph, Capolla, Elgin, Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon Indi, Fletcher, Hall, Hsien, Ingress, Keid, New Canton, New Home, Saiph, Sheratan, Small World, Tall Trees, Terra Firma)
   The largest and most unstable region near Terra was formerly part of the Federated Commonwealth’s Sarna March for the last twenty-five (25) years. Before that all of these former Terran worlds fell to the Capellan Confederation in the early days of the 1st Succession War. Unfortunately, House Liao didn’t have the military strength to completely displace the disintegrating AFFC in 3057 causing this area of anarchy to appear near Terra which setup much of today’s current events.

Nanking Pocket (12 - Arboris, Azha, Basalt, Bharat, Genoa, Hamal, Kawich, Nanking, Nopah, Ruchbah, Woodstock, Zurich; 4 - Slocum, Yangtze, Aldebaran, Ningpo = jointly owned Terran Hegemony planets with the Capellan Confederation)
   These former Terran worlds remain largely under the authority of House Davion were absorbed into House Liao during the 1st Succession War (circa 2800). For over two hundred years they remained under Capellan aegis until the 4th Succession War (circa 3028) when they fell to the Federated Commonwealth. This astrographic area has been split between the Draconis (Nopah, Kawich, Basalt, Ruchbah) and Capellan Marches since the collapse of the Sarna March in 3057.

Addicks Zone (13 - Achernar, Addicks, Ankaa, Deneb Kaitos, Errai, Hean, Helen, Murchison, Ozawa, Ronel, Tigress, Towne, Tybalt)
   All of these worlds are part of the Federated Commonwealth’s Addicks PDZ and have recently been reinforced by the entire Deneb Light Cavalry. Davion territory since it was reconquered during the 2nd and 3rd Succession Wars many planets have deep ties to New Avalon. However, all thirteen-star systems were once part of the Terran Hegemony and the populace has demonstrated strong support for the new Mercenary led nation. Duke Sandoval has been steadfast in cracking down on Terran protests even if the Archon Prince might be supportive of the Union.

Elbar Expanse (4 -Angol, Galatia III, New Rhodes III, Rio; 5 - Elbar, Mallory's World, Mara, Mirach, Schedar = Terran-Davion shared holdings; 1 – Tikonov = jointly owned Hegemony world with the Capellan Confederation)
   Laying at the extreme edge of the old Hegemony are these ten (10) worlds which currently all governed by the Federated Commonwealth rump state. Possession of these systems has fluctuated between the Capellan Confederation and the Federated Suns during the Succession Wars. Their distance from Terra has thus far limited the size and scope of uprisings against a mostly benevolent Davion regime.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Rainbow 6 on December 31, 2023, 06:30:28 AM
Interesting to see where you take this Takiro.

Especially interested to see what units join the new states military, units like the Sirian Lancers for example?
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on December 31, 2023, 07:28:12 AM
The Sirian Lancers are indeed in the cards but more importantly are the Black Tigers. One of the chief reasons for my effort here again is wanting to honor BlackTigerActual. As you'll notice in his original reply here to my first post that his unit did something very similar before his epics set during the Star League time. This one would be a more modern take which I am still trying to flesh out.

Think the Terran Regions (basically a map explanation) has been sufficiently fluffed out.  ;)
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Wrangler on December 31, 2023, 09:39:46 PM
Cool, I hope see this come together.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Dragon Cat on July 12, 2024, 06:56:26 PM
I'll agree an interesting thread
yes, small ? what do the clans say about this...

another 120+ days Takiro ;) feel like another 120 years  ;D

David CGB, I'm not sure if the Clans care... due to the Great Refusal happening as canon (they lose, and worse Star League badged and serving units beat them) they are stuck with abiding by the war being ended.

I think they do exactly what they do in canon wait for the Truce to expire and the they continue to push into the Inner Sphere individually

Unfortunatley the SLDF seem more organised here so the Clans might need to get creative like activating other Clans. Should say the Star Adders, Steel Vipers, Cloud Cobras join the battle perhaps it would even the odds a little. The excuse... the Inner Sphere got organised so the Clans did.

As for Terra its still a target whether or not Wobblies, ComStar or the "nuSLDF" are garrisoning it, they have a mission from their Founder to reclaim Terra
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on July 13, 2024, 08:43:48 AM
I'll agree an interesting thread
yes, small ? what do the clans say about this...

another 120+ days Takiro ;) feel like another 120 years  ;D

Oh, I hear you there buddy!  ;D

Organization in this scenario maybe only on the surface. One thing I'm still struggling with is the impact of this new Terran state on the InnerSphere. It's hard for me to see unity among the Great Houses other than against the Clans. I'm not 100% satisfied with the reactions as of yet to the birth of the Mercenary Union and DC these comments are extremely useful to me to work that through. Having old Hegemony worlds rebel against your authority will have consequences I am sure which will range from House Lords, intel agencies, militaries, Local Lords, militias, etc. Love to talk more about this here. Will there even be a Star League here?? An Operation Bulldog?

I do think the Clans would care especially with their traitor Dragoons leading this new nation at the heart of their objective but again that reaction could differ from Clan to Clan. Jade Falcon would be pissed I'm sure but coming off the Refusal War could they do anything about it? The Crusader Wolves now under Vlad may even be more united or could they come under significant pressure. Mercenaries are particularly hated by the Ghost Bears do they go off on the Terran Union?

I agree that the Word of Blake would be driven to kill the Terran Union now more than ever. Hash tag nemesis but their strength is greatly diminished in this scenario.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Dragon Cat on July 14, 2024, 02:37:51 AM
If the Inner Sphere remain united in the face of the Clan threat then they are still a long way from Terra or the new Mercenary Union

The world's close to Terra will be happy under new rulership if Terra stands for them and provides defence. They were hardest hit throughout the Succession Wars

Only former Capallan worlds might cause issues much like during the Republic era
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on July 15, 2024, 10:58:01 PM
I know Sun Tzu's goal was to reclaim all of the Confederation's lost 3025 territory but in this scenario I have him being the first to acknowledge the new Terran Union in order to secure what he has recently acquired and fortify his realm against any counterattack. Accepting this new state today doesn't mean that part of it won't be his tomorrow and since the Chancellor doesn't really own anything there now what does it matter especially when his neighbors are kept off balance. Plus, he remains on friendly terms with the largest mercenary market around which grows him a few new units. Aside from recognition there is a formal border agreement between the two nations. A win-win in my estimation. Any counter thoughts? Playing both sides is very Liao which I feel like he is doing here.

Victor being the ruler of the rump Federated Commonwealth is the next most friendly to the Terrans granting several units leave to return to their ancient homeworlds. While tensions remain between Terra and New Avalon these former long-term Davion units (most notably the Illician Lancers) push for friendly relations even as far off Hegemony worlds in the so-called Addicks Zone and Elbar Expanse remain under the Suns banner. While there is recognition of the Terran Union there is no formal border agreement and many around the InnerSphere suspect the Archon-Prince of playing the long game and reintegrating the old Corridor as a new March one-day in a reunited Commonwealth.

Theodore is somewhat standoffish with this new realm giving tacit recognition, but any formal border agreement seems outlandish at best especially with the Draconis Combine currently holding the Dieron Salient. Hardliners would already like to go further any eliminate this mercenary nation from the InnerSphere altogether. Terran unrest despite being muted in the face of the Dragon is already too much for many to bare and may provoke the wrath of the Black Dragons.

Its hard to say that there isn't a formal state of war between the Terran Union and the Lyran Alliance led by Archon Katrina Steiner-Davion. Some of her most loyal subjects have come under attack by this rebel nation which Tharkad clearly despises. However, the Lyran secession and constant crisis management may have stayed her hand somewhat.

Captain-General Thomas Marik has so far shown tremendous restraint despite being an outspoken opponent of the Terran Union. Already frowning on mercenaries to begin with his Blakist allies defeat and subsequent Terran rebellions has pushed him to the brink of war. However, he has shown reluctance to declare such a massive conflict in the wake of the 3057 perferring to hold onto to what he can while dispatching more troops to deal with situation. There could be a little bit of black mail going on here too by Victor.

Love to hear what you think of course.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on September 27, 2024, 08:34:16 PM
I'm open to accepting unit concepts for mercenaries in this AU, please post here. We can discuss!
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Dragon Cat on October 23, 2024, 09:44:48 PM
I'd suggest something like the Illician Patriots or something along those lines. Basically Lancers who believe that the Federated Suns stood up with them during the Succession Wars and deserve the units loyalty

Maybe Capellan Highlanders the same story

The big problem I guess with a big central Inner Sphere power is the nations aren't as close to each other there isn't a melting pot region like the Chaos March or the imploding Republic which creates the need for mercs. If you take a job with a Succession State you'll be sent to one border or you'll be in the periphery hunting bandits
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on October 27, 2024, 10:39:55 AM
I'd suggest something like the Illician Patriots or something along those lines. Basically Lancers who believe that the Federated Suns stood up with them during the Succession Wars and deserve the units loyalty

Maybe Capellan Highlanders the same story

I actually have a plan for a Capellan Highlanders successor unit like this but a Federated Lancers (or Illician Suns) successor unit makes sense as well. Thank you for the suggestion. I will incorporate that. Nicely done!

The big problem I guess with a big central Inner Sphere power is the nations aren't as close to each other there isn't a melting pot region like the Chaos March or the imploding Republic which creates the need for mercs. If you take a job with a Succession State you'll be sent to one border or you'll be in the periphery hunting bandits

My vision ahead sees mercenaries being nationalized by the birth of the Terran Union with each Great House incorporating their own trusted privatized units in their own ways. Hiring other nations mercs becomes more complex of course as you suggest. The continuing Clan crisis is one such mission Terran mercs would get hired for in, our version of Bulldog if there is one here, or alternative garrison contract. Don't also forget the Merc Lord in question has to maintain a garrison on their protected Terran world (an arrangement known as a Directory) or else lose said homeworld. More on that later though. 
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Dragon Cat on October 28, 2024, 04:30:45 PM
Sounds interesting also makes sense, if you've got a world to defend... You defend it
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on October 29, 2024, 05:56:46 AM
I think so. Pretty basic. Even though it ties your hands a bit. I'll outline more later. I want to get to the actual battle of Terra itself here.

How many times has Terra been fought over up till now? I'm talking the 3057 battle for Terra.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Dragon Cat on October 29, 2024, 06:30:10 AM
During the formation of the Terran Hegemony I'm pretty sure McKenna fought over it (New Zealand disappeared I believe)

I think the Cameron's just inherited it so the Star League didn't fight for it

amaris Coup

Liberation of Terra

ComStar rise from ashes and destroy what SLDF units refused to bend to their will

Then WoB invasion

All I can think of
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on October 29, 2024, 08:59:57 PM
During the formation of the Terran Hegemony I'm pretty sure McKenna fought over it (New Zealand disappeared I believe)

I think the Cameron's just inherited it so the Star League didn't fight for it

amaris Coup

Liberation of Terra

ComStar rise from ashes and destroy what SLDF units refused to bend to their will

Then WoB invasion

All I can think of

I agree with you DC let me know if anyone has any other contenders

1st Battle [September 5, 2314 to June 2, 2315] Terran Civil War between rival political factions ended by Fleet Admiral McKenna who uses Ortillery from his WarShips (first ever use) to destroy two small uninhabited islands (Strand Rock, near Scotland and an unnamed one near Australia) to end the violence.

2nd Battle [December 27, 2766] The Amaris Coup forever changes the InnerSphere as the Usurper succeeds in seizing humanity's homeworld

3rd Battle [January 23, 2777 to September 29, 2779] Operation Liberation by the SLDF frees Terra from the control of Stefan Amaris

4th Battle [June 25, 2788 to June 28, 2788] Operation Silver Shield by ComStar seizes control of Terra in order to safeguard the Cradle of Humanity during the coming Succession Wars

5th Battle [February 28, 3058 to March 3058] Operation Odysseus is launched by the Word of Blake
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on November 05, 2024, 11:39:02 AM
So I think I've made a creative decision here. I'm going to include the Black Tigers right from the start of this scenario. Previously I had envisioned them joining after the Fifth Battle of Terra but if I am really honoring BTA then it is only proper to have the Black Tigers in this right at the beginning. I'll try to get an outline together for the conflict soon.

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 09:38:54 AM »

   Nice T, Similar to my old group's tale.
   In ours a conspiracy of Hegemony restorationists existed since the fall of the Star League.  Thier infiltration of the Phone Company (Tigerspeak for ComStar) is so complete that when the WoB break up happens several of thier key members hold Blakist positions.  When the 21st Centauri is taken hostage Wolf's Dragoons 7th Commando is hired to bust them loose.  The Dragoons are hired along with several regimental sized units to supplement the Terran forces both home raised and existing units to counter the assault.
Pro Terran Forces include:
The Blue Star Irregulars (Escape clause in contract.)
Bolton's Rangers (AWOL from FWL)
Sirian Lancers (Same deal.)
The Eridani Light Horse (After Coventry)(A stretch but the we were always fond of them.)
The Black Tiger RCT (Escape Clause in contract)
       The 90th Royal Dragoons (The original Black Tigers of New Vandenburg.)
       The 42nd CAAN (The Tigersharks)(Non canon unit)
       The 1st Ryukaze (Guess who.)
       The 12th Hussars (The White Tigers of Acamar)(Our Acamar campaign occured slightly earlier than was written in the RPG module.)
Plus five local ComGaurd units whose commanders were loyal.
       Six day long (Real Time, not in game. I took vacation for this (Yes I am a TOTAL nerd.)battle ensues.
       To make a long story short Operation Odysseus fails badly.  On Terra and many former Hegemony worlds popular uprisings restore these worlds to rightful Terran rule.  Under Director General Mitchell Stuart, ComStar is granted International Organization status and maintains it's Hegemony facilities as "Necissary to combating the Clan Threat." However military production is shifted to support of the HAF.
        The Sirian worlds seceede to the Hegemony.  Thomas Marik does not object.
        The BSI becomes the 1st Royal RCT, the Black Tigers; the 2nd.
        Low level warfare between the Cappellan Confederation and the Terran Hegemony over former Chaos March worlds begins.
Unrest on Dieron comes to a head during The Black Dragon Crisis. Black Dragon attacks on Dieron use chemical and biological warfare killing DCMS troops and civilians alike.  1st Royal RCT deployed as "Peacekeepers" despite Combine protests. Hegemony troops hunt the Black Dragons down and publicly execute them while Terran aid heavily influences the populace despite the best efforts of the VOTD.  Dieron seceedes along with several other worlds.
Situation simmers without resolution
        The Star League is reformed as per Canon. Eridani's join SLDF with Terran Blessings. Mitchell Stuart and Theodore Kurita argue about Dieron.
        Everybody decides to pound the Smoke Jaguars.
        The 1st Royal RCT joins Operation Bulldog, 2nd Royal RCT joins Operation Serpent.
        Events of the Twlight of the Clans occur.
        ISF loses contact with Dieron.
        Northwind Treaty of Neutrality signed.
        Wolf's Dragoons official pardoned for thier ancestors part in the Great Betrayal.  General Maave Wolf swears alegeance to House Stuart the 1st Terran BattleMech Division (The Wolf Dragoons Division) is formed.
       HAF warfleet led by THS Alexander anihilates a WoB fleet at Procyon.
       Real Thomas Marik found by SAS Team 1 having commited suicide after evading CIB agents for two years.  As per a secret agreement the body is buried quietly in a SLDF graveyard under the name Albert Humphries.
       St.Ives conflict smoulders out as with support from both the FedSuns and the Terran Hegemony prevent Cappellan troops from ever gaining a foothold.  Morgan Kell marries Candice Liao.
      FedCom Civil war erupts with the failed attempt by Katherine Stiener to assasinate Victor.  Sandovaal launchers his attack during the Ghost Bear war.  The FedSun manage to restore the 3025 border while the 'Neutral" Terrans consolidate thier hold on the new Dieron Sector.  The Skye Revolt plays out with the Free Skye govenment appealing to the Hegemony for support.  Hegemony troops reinforce Skye.  Falcon Invasion makes greater headway than in Canon.
     Tikonov revolts against FedSuns fueled by the Skye Revolt and the Civil War and an apparent atrocity by Davion Troops.  When this is revealed to have been set up by the Maskirovka the entire region goes haywire.  The Wolf Dragoons sent in by Terra at the request of Vassily Chernenko, leader of the Tikonov Union.
       Loki agents assasinate Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner.
       Diplomatic negotitions with the Ghost Bear Dominion begin to have profits.
       Katherine Steiner deposed by Peter.
       Skye joins the Hegemony.
       Proof of the Mask's Tikonov operation is brought before the Star League Council.  House Liao is censured.
       Tikonov joins the Hegemony.
       Hegemony-Confederation War begins.
      Our game ended with the Tigers defending against thier old nemisis The Big Mac.
     Cute huh?

I'll also be trying to integrate as much of BTA's original outline together with mine.
Hegemony Restorationists aren't a bad idea but I need a name something like Terra Prime or Terra Invictus. Not sure what role I'll have them play in the battle itself perhaps the core of a new Central Intelligence Bureau.

Also working on the size and story of the Black Tigers at this time. They could be on Outreach at this time recovering from raids at the behest of the Federated Commonwealth in the Deep Periphery in order to keep the Clans off balance. Not sure 4 regiments would be appropriate in size at the moment, perhaps 2?

Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Ice Hellion on November 17, 2024, 09:29:02 AM
Also working on the size and story of the Black Tigers at this time. They could be on Outreach at this time recovering from raids at the behest of the Federated Commonwealth in the Deep Periphery in order to keep the Clans off balance. Not sure 4 regiments would be appropriate in size at the moment, perhaps 2?


I think it all depends on how much you want them to change the scale of the conflict.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on November 23, 2024, 10:00:24 AM
I will get going on the rewrite soon that will meld these stories together.

Think I will go with 3 regiments of Black Tigers. BTA seemed to imply that the White Tigers of Acamar were a Chaos March creation.

The Tigers history here will be brief. Long a FedCom mercenary unit probably refitting on Outreach after action on the Clan front.
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Ice Hellion on November 23, 2024, 12:04:16 PM
Think I will go with 3 regiments of Black Tigers.

3 BattleMechs Regiments or 3 Combined Arms ones?
Title: Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
Post by: Takiro on November 23, 2024, 04:17:30 PM
I'd assume 3 Battlemech regiments given the Succession Wars but in line with BTAs concepts. They could understrength given recent engagements with the Clans.