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Building For Victory
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:16:52 PM »

Triad, Tharkad
Lyran Commonwealth
30 March 3031

It was the first time that Hanse Davion had visited Tharkad. It was only fair that he did now, since Melissa had spent months on New Avalon with him and having missed the birth there was no possibility whatsoever that Hanse was going to miss his son's first birthday. At the moment Victor Ian Steiner-Davion was not present and therefore his aides along with several senior officers of the Lyran Commonwealth were therefore spared the sight of the First Prince dissolving into a puddle of paternalistic pride. He had handed out cigars though.

Katrina Steiner tolerated the social niceties with the amused toleration of aging matriarch before calling the room to order with a casual flick of one hand. Yep, she decided as everyone settled into their chairs, I've still got it. "Hanse, would you like to begin?"

"Thank you, Katrina." Hanse looked down the table from where he was seated next to the Archon. "To recap the agenda, we are here to discuss our military policy over the next few years."

Backs straightened along the table as officers braced themselves to champion their particular opinions.

"The first point is of course that neither LCAF nor the AFFS is ready for an offensive war." It wasn't much more than a year since the end of the Fourth Succession War and while equipment losses had almost all been made good, the stocks to replace new combat losses were still all but non-existent. The personnel and financial situations were even further from being ready.

Hanse leant forwards. "There are essentially two points of view within the AFFS High Command. The first is that we should rebuild as fast as we can and hit the Draconis Combine a second time before they have the chance to recover." There was a murmur of approval. "Alternatively, we not only rebuild but expand and defer military action until we have sufficient forces to ensure that the action is decisive."

"Respectfully, your highness, that sounds like an excuse to hold off on dealing with House Kurita. We know that that the League and the Capellans are in disarray over Andurien and probably will be for the next few years," observed Roman Steiner. "Further, while our supply situation is still somewhat lacking, the DCMS is in a much worse condition. This is our best chance to finish them off without having to worry about Marik and Liao at our back."

"Everything that you say is right, Roman," Katrina agreed. "But we aren't just talking about a quick campaign. You've not been directly involved but the occupation of the worlds we took in the last year is still posting a drain. Pushing the DCMS to breaking point means pushing at least as far in as Benjamin and occupying a hundred or more worlds. And that's a strain that we can't support for at least a few more years."

Hanse nodded his agreement. "It is unfortunate, but realistically we're looking at 3034 or 3035 before we can support another major offensive. So I do see the opportunity, but we're not in place to take advantage of it."

"I think we can all agree that striking at the Dracs as soon as possible is very appealing." Colonel Thomas Steiner-Green was a much more distant relative of the Archon than Roman Steiner. He'd also not led any unit larger than a battalion into battle, but he was a rising star of LCAF's Replacement Depot Corps and highly familiar with the state of the supply situation. "What are the arguments in favour of deferring to build up our forces further?"

"Primarily the expectation is that with the Lyran military-industrial complex and the acquisition of several Capellan factories, we have something of an advantage in production over the Kapteyn powers combined and we're already ahead of them in recovering from the last year. The theory is that we could build up such a lead over ten or fifteen years that we could then crush the Combine or the League while still being able to keep enough forces on our other borders that we're still entirely secure."

Roman shook his head. "What are you suggesting we could build up in that time? The entire SLDF?"

"Nothing quite so formidable," Katrina told him. "The idea that has been put forward is to use the First Federated Commonwealth Regimental Combat Team as the seed of a new joint military force - the Federated Commonwealth Armed Forces - built up partly by raising new regiments and partly through transferring regiments, from the LCAF and AFFS, replacing them with newly raised units. The Arcturan Guards have been suggested as the Lyran contribution to the core units of the new force."

"If we do go down this route, their counterparts would be the Avalon Hussars. Both formations have a long history going right back to the beginning of each state and I don't believe that anyone here wants to see those traditions to be lost in our union. Neither the Archon nor myself sees the Federated Commonwealth as something that leaves our heritage in tatters."

There were nods of agreement at Hanse's statement.

"In principle the FCAF - or AFFC, which I still think flows better - would reinforce the regiments already on the border of the Combine when the time comes to launch the invasion. Thirty or forty regimental combat teams, along with a similar number of LCAF and AFFS units should be more than enough to do to the Combine what was done to the Confederation."

"You want to outnumber the entire DCMS without moving regiments from facing Liao?" asked Nondi Steiner. "And even with the Arcturan Guards and Avalon Hussars, that's less than twenty regiments."

"I believe Hanse has already made it clear, Nondi, that we're looking at ten or twenty years from now," her sister pointed out firmly. "This will give us the time to get the March Militia regiments that have been proposed."

"Yes, but you can't substantially expand the Arcturan Guards when they still need to recruit a quarter of their personnel from Arcturus. There just isn't the manpower."

"Then maybe it's time that we revise that particular obligation for them," Katrina said unflinchingly. "Give them first call on all personnel recruited from Arcturus perhaps. With the prospect of re-raising half a dozen of their disbanded regiments, they might well agree. Or we assign the Lyran Guards instead. This is all theoretical at this point."

There were thoughtful looks around the table. "I'm still in favour of hitting the Combine as soon as possible," Roman observed. "Theodore Kurita is dangerous - it's an open secret he murdered Frederick on Dromini VI. We don't want him to get his feet under him. Takashi's in a weak position right now, better to strike now while he's in charge rather than giving another Jinjiro Kurita the chance to take power."

"It's a good point," agreed Hanse. "Well launching an attack in 3034 would certainly preclude any major reorganisations..."

Avalon City, New Avalon
Federated Suns
17 August 3034

"Well that puts paid to any thought of going after Theodore this year," Hanse concluded. "Probably not next year either. We can't consider staging out of Skye while it's a mess like this."

"I'm sorry about that," Melissa told him serenely. "But however important long term goals are, we can't ignore the immediate concerns in Skye."

Her husband nodded. "I'm not saying that you're wrong, love. Arguably I've been pushing too hard." He ran one hand through his still ruddy hair, noting that he could do with a haircut. "And the regiments their being identified as 'Davion' soldiers rather than as Federated Commonwealth soldiers is probably the worst of it."

"Wasn't there...?" Melissa tapped her fingers on the glass she'd been drinking from. "Who was it...? Ah, yes. Aunt Nondi mentioned a few years back that you and mother considered forming a seperate Federated Commonwealth Armed Forces that wouldn't be identified with either half of the Federated Commonwealth. That has it's own uniform and rank structure and so forth."

"That's right. We talked about it, but the decision was made to build up to hit the Combine as soon as possible." He frowned. "You're thinking we should revisit that?"

"Well what were the arguements?"

"Mostly to hit the Combine before they could get back on balance after the Fourth Succession War." Hanse reached for the coffee carafe. "I suppose that the fighting in Rasalhague shows that we've missed our chance there. Of course it's also created pressure from Tamar to make good the worlds Katrina has had to hand over to the Republic by launching another invasion."

"Arguably she was more generous than I would have been," Melissa agreed. "Keeping a few worlds around Tamar..." She shrugged. "What's done is done and arguably a buffer zone benefits us just as much as it does Theodore. The question is how strong the DCMS is now."

He offered her a refill of her own mug but she declined with a graceful gesture. Very much her mother's daughter, Hanse noticed wryly. "The only way to find out is to test them," he observed. "Perhaps it's time to make a limited push - Third Succession War style - pick a couple of strategic targets and make some low key attempts to take them."

"It would certainly be good for morale in the border regions."

"The Sandovals would certainly love the idea." Hanse leant forwards, clearly intrigued by the idea. "And if we do this under the banner of the Federated Commonwealth not of either individual state..."

"They'd have to be important worlds. Places that Theodore would have to take seriously." Melissa reached for orange juice, not wanting too much coffee at this time in the morning. "Dromini VI for example - it's very symbolic, his victory from the last war, and it cuts off Alphecca and Skondia."

"It might be a little too drastic for the first probe, but yes it's a good idea."

Triad, Tharkad
Lyran Commonwealth
3 January 3036

There was a chill in the air of the Triad that had nothing to do with the snow out on the ground. Leutenant General Gunter Hillam and General John Yapt both rose to their feet as the blonde woman entered the room. She wasn't the blonde that they'd expected to see, although it was no surprise that Melissa was flanked by James Sandoval, wearing the uniform of the commander of the three Federated Commonwealth regiments.

"Gentlemen," Melissa said in greeting, gesturing towards the comfortable armchairs that made up the furnishing of the small antechamber that they had gathered in. "Please be seated. I'd like this to be a fairly informal meeting."

"Will the Archon not be joining us?" asked Hillam cautiously.

Melissa inclined her head slightly. "It's possible, but she has been delayed and would rather that we proceed without her for now."

"I'd like to congratulate the two of you on the Aubsisson last year," she said as the four of them sat down. Prior to Hillam's promotion he'd commanded the Twentieth Arcturan Guards under the overall command of Yapt, working with the Thirty-Third Avalon Hussars RCT to seize Aubisson from the Draconis Combine. The smooth command relationship that had been established between the two of them had been critical in their success...

Something that had been noticeably absent when the Argyle Lancers had been subordinated to the Tenth Lyran Guards RCT for a similar strike on Dromini IV later in the year. The falling out between Colonel Preston and General Devers had probably had as much to do with their failure as the swift arrival of reinforcements led by the new Warlord of Dieron, Michi Noketsuna. Both officers had been cashiered and the Tenth's heavy losses had been a severe blow to a unit still recovering from their near extermination on the same world seven years before.

As if seeing what was on their minds, Sandoval nodded wisely. "Unfortunately your operation was the only really successful attack out of four carried out last year. Meaning no disrespect, the situation on Aubisson probably did benefit from being first and therefore the defenders being less alert but there were still ample opportunites to screw up and you didn't."

"I thought Royal..."

"Royal was a victory only because we were more willing to throw reinforcements in than Theodore was," Sandoval growled. "If the New Ivaarsen Chasseurs hadn't been rushed in, we might well have lost both units commited. And the less said about Murchison the better."

"I am aware that the rumour is that the defeats on Dromini VI and Murchison aborted what would have been an all out invasion of the Draconis Combine this year. Those rumours are both true and false - in fact, they're the result of deliberate mis-information by LIC and MIIO in order to draw out and identify ISF informants in our command stucture," Melissa told them. "We were actually at least two years from being ready to invade the Draconis Combine although all four worlds would have been useful as staging points."

The two 'junior' officers, at least out of this select group, picked up on one detail immediately. "Uh, you said that we ere two years from launching an invasion. I take it that the timetable has been changed?" asked Yapt.

"It's been decided that given the increased capability of the DCMS that we need to do this right," Sandoval told them. "It's also been decided that we haven't really taken all the lessons of the Fourth Succession War onboard - it's hard to be critical when we won. One lesson we've learned is that we need a single, unified chain of command and that starts here."

"Starting from February, James will be appointed Marshal of Armies for the Federated Commonwealth Armed Forces," Melissa declared. "At the same time, Nondi Steiner and Ardan Sortek will take up the same offices for the LCAF and AFFS respectively. The three of them will be co-equal and report directly to Edward Regis as Prime Marshal who will have ultimate responsibility for the military of both realms."

"I thought Ed was retiring."

Melissa smiled. "Mother has persuaded him to stay in harness for a few more years." Then she grew more serious. "So now we get to the point. The new FCAF can't simply be the Federated Commonwealth regiments alone. The Archon has agreed with the First Prince that each national military needs to transfer in several additional regiments and for obvious reasons these need to be respected units."

"You mean the Twentieth Guards and Thirty-Third Hussars?" asked Hillam.

"I mean the entire Arcturan Guards and Avalon Hussars corps will be transferred. All seventeen regiments." Melissa smiled slightly. "That means that as the new commanders of each corps, you will each be reporting directly to James in the future." She let that sink in. "It's not yet been decided exactly what the rank structure of the FCAF will look like but you'll be roughly co-equal with LCAF Kommandant-Generals or AFFS Marshals."

"Jackson Davion, currently the commander of the First Davion Guards, has been offered the command of the Federated Commonwealth corps," James Sandoval told them. "However it will be at least a month before he can hand over his current duties so I'd like to start thinking about the basic structure of the FCAF now."

"Where do we begin?" asked Yapt.

Sandoval produced a sheet of paper from his attache case and placed it on the table. It was completely blank. He took a pen and wrote 'FedCom RCTs + Avalon Hussar RCTs + Arcturan Guards'. "From this."

That elicted a harsh chuckle from Hillam. He produced a pen from inside his pocket and scribbed 'RCT' next to the words Arcturan Guards. "I'm getting to like this combined arms business," he admitted.

"I'm rather fond of it," agreed Sandoval.

"While we're looking at importing good ideas, I rather like the idea of Warrant Officers. Gives the non-combat arms something to aspire to beyond Sergeant Major," suggested Yapt. "Since the rank structure is still being organised, that is."

Hillam wrote that on the paper and then looked up as Melissa reached for the paper, a pencil in hand. "I'm inclined to think that the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh FedCom regiments can wait a few years to be formed," she said and wrote '1st Arc. Gds 2nd & 3rd Avln Hsrs' down underneath Sandoval's header.

"Why does Johan get two new regiments?" Hillam asked lightly, allowing his usually fluent English slip slightly towards his native German.

"You're getting something on the order of ninety conventional regiments attached to your corps," pointed out Yapt drily. "It's not as if you're being short-changed."

Hillam spread his hands. "Just playing Devil's Advocate," he promised. "That's going to be difficult though, I'm not sure that we can fill out twenty-five percent of ninety regiments with natives of Arcturus."

"That's why, after some thought, the Archon has decided that that tradition will only apply to the BattleMech regiments," Melissa told him. "Arcturan natives will be given preference, but there will not be a quota."

"That's going to be bad for morale," warned Hillam.

Sandoval cleared his throat. "Given the general shortage of Arcturans in the LCAF, I wouldn't oppose abolishing the entire tradition," he observed. "However Archon Steiner and Prince Davion feel otherwise. They've therefore agreed that to facilitate recruitment, the training facilities on Arcturus will be upgraded to academy status and I will make my headquarters there. It's conveniently placed for the Draconis front and the existence of the Free Rasalhague Republic leaves Arcturus relatively screened against direct approach from the Combine."

The Lyran officer scratched his beard. "Does anyone outside this room know that you want to abolish one of the Arcturan Guards' most sacred traditions?"

"Just the Archon and First Prince." Sandoval shrugged. "Let me guess. I should keep it that way."

He nodded. "Never mention it again."

Triad, Tharkad
Lyran Commonwealth
15 March 3039

Katrina Steiner became a grandmother for the fifth time, the same day that she signed her name to her formal abdication.

In some ways that abdication changed nothing. Melissa was on Liao, technically within the Lyran Commonwealth but far from the capital on Tharkad. Until she arrived along with the newborn Yvonne Steiner Davion, Katrina would continue to rule.

In practical terms, however, responsibility had now shifted out of her hands. That fact had done more to put energy into Katrina's stride than all the medicine she'd taken since being diagnosed with cancer two years before. Not quite as much energy as Victor, who was nine now (or so he declared in cheerful disregard for the exact date of his birthday, which was almost a month away) but enough to keep the boy more or less in sight as he ran cheerily through the corridors of the Triad.

That meant that she had a perfect view of the boy crashing headlong into the legs of Gunter Hillam as the Marshal - the rank that had eventually been decided on for his position - left one of the many office suites on this level of the Triad.

"Whoops," the mechwarrior declared in surprise, half-turning to catch the little boy before the collision could sending the much smaller participant tumbling to the ground. "Steady there, lad."

"I'm okay," Victor replied, shaking off the hand.

"Victor," called Katrina sternly.

The boy winced and then bowed formally towards the Marshal. "I'm sorry for running into you, sir."

"That's alright," Hillam replied. "These floors are slippy, running on them is like running a 'Mech on icy ground. You have to be careful to watch what you're doing." Above Victor's head he winked at Katrina and she smiled broadly. Clearly the Marshal had been warned of the best way to make a lesson stick with the young heir to the throne: put it in terms of being a mechwarrior.

"You've got blue trousers," Victor observed thoughtfully. "That means you're eff-caff, right?"

"FCAF," confirmed Hillam, enunciating each letter clearly. "And yes, I am." The uniform of the FCAF was predominantly of the Lyran-pattern with a high-collared jacket and stirrup pants. However while the LCAF dress uniform used white pants and a blue jacket with metal epaulettes, the FCAF made the pants Steiner-blue and the jacket Davion-green with white and orange epaulettes. In addition, Hillam wore both his school rag around his waist and rowel-less spurs on each trouser cuff in the fashion of a Davion mechwarrior. Other than the neat line of braid on his left breast pocket that represented various medals, in keeping with the Archon's long-standing preference, the uniform was bare of other decoration.

The boy nodded his head, apparently committed it to memory. Then he pointed at the spurs. "Do those mean that you're a mechwarrior like my father's spurs do?"

"They do indeed."

Then Victor asked the first of two questions that he'd asked every mechwarrior he encountered for the last year and a half: "Do you pilot a Victor?"

"Not yet." Hillam smirked slightly at the confused expression on the boy's face. "I used to pilot my family's Zeus, but I handed it on to my nephew now that he's about to graduate from the Nagelring. Fortunately, I've been assigned a Victor as a replacement."

The boy started hyperventilating and Katrina laughed out loud. "You've just made his day, Marshal Hillam. No one's ever said yes to that question so far."

"Can I see it!? Please!" Victor all but shouted.

"Not unless you're quite a bit more polite about asking," Katrina told him.

"Please may I see your battlemech, Marshal Hillam," Victor begged, turning big pleading eyes on the man.

The Archon-Emetrius could see that Victor's secret weapons were weakening whatever resolve Hillam might have mustered in opposition of the idea. "Only if it fits in with your schedule, Marshal."

"Well not today. Perhaps tomorrow?"

Victor's face fell, but his grandmother came to his rescue. "I think that your piano lesson could be let slip tomorrow but only if you practise properly tonight," she offered. "And you are not for any reason to touch the controls of the Marshal's 'Mech. No piloting any Battlemech until you're at least eleven."

"Eleven," Victor grumped, although he clearly wasn't too depressed since he would now get to see a Victor BattleMech for real and by implication, actually get to go into the cockpit.

"I didn't start learning until I was twelve," his grandmother said firmly.

Altair, Dieron District
Draconis Combine
9 November 3042

The golden trim on the heavy BattleMechs of the Eighteenth Dieron Regulars was bled crimson by the setting sun as they ran for the cover of the spaceport's buildings.

Chu-sa Martina Falkenburg was not among those who withdrew. Only the faster of the regiment's machines would reach that shelter in time and her Atlas was many things but it was not fleet of foot. Instead she joined the thin line of assault and heavy machines that were trying to blunt the oncoming Forty-Second Avalon Hussars.

Attrition and transfers had diminished the Forty-Second from the five battalion behemoth it had been in the 3020s but it was still one of the heaviest regiments to have ever served House Davion and it had only benefited from access to Lyran factories. They hit the Kurita line with three times their number and four times their tonnage, supported by air-to-ground fire from a squadron of Lucifers.

Falkenburg's Atlas staggered backwards as missiles shattered armour all across the barrel-chest of the 100 ton 'Mech. Her missile salvo rocketed somewhere into the onrushing 'Mechs but whether or not it hit anything or not she couldn't tell.

A Warhammer next to her fell to the ground as a pair of Victors closed in and opened fire, their powerful autocannons tearing through the chest armour with relative ease. Falkenburg placed her crosshairs over the nearest and fired a salvo from her own autocannon, backing it up with lasers and SRMs. The Victor's pilot raised his 'Mech's left arm just in time to shield his cockpit - the shells from the potent 'MechHunter autocannon splintering armour along the limb from wrist to elbow, severing entire bundles of myomers. Had the salvo struck the cockpit then it would surely have been destroyed.

Propping itself up on one arm - the other hung loose and useless - the Warhammer unleashed a muted volley from its secondary weapons at the other Victor, which responded with a vicious kick that caught the fallen Dieron 'Mech above the knee, literally half-spinning it around. The Victor squatted slightly to place the muzzle of its autocannon above the rent in the right-chest and fired a volley directly into the wound.

The resultant explosion as the missile reloads inside the Warhammer's chest detonated sent parts of the luckless 'Mech across a square kilometer of tarmac and lifted the responsible Victor off the ground, gravity slamming it back onto the concrete with brutal force.

Falkenburg and her own immediate adversary were less affected, although the clatter of debris against their armour was an unwelcome distraction. They exchanged fire again, with the now dis-armed Victor coming off second-best, Falkenberg taking the autocannon shells against one well-armoured leg of her Atlas while her fire pummeled the chest and upper thighs of the Victor viciously. The FedCom mechwarrior made the mistake of taking a half-second to stabilise before using his jump jets to open the range and Falkenburg closed the fist of her Atlas around the muzzle of the other 'Mech's autocannon, turning what had been intended as a well-controlled hop into tumble that dropped both 'Mechs onto the ground.

Before she could release her hold - which had somehow survived the tumble - the autocannon went off. Given the twist that their one point of contact had suffered, the rounds didn't make their way out un-interrupted and the forearm of the Victor came apart, similarly obliterating the left hand of Falkenburg's Atlas and sending lethally sharp splinters of metal out through the area between the two. Struggling to right her fallen 'Mech, it took the Chu-sa a moment to realise that the face-plate of her opponent's head had been torn open by one such shard and that the 'Mech was not moving.

As the Atlas finally came to her feet she noticed two things.

Firstly, that more dropships were descending on the port. Dozens of them, some spilling additional 'Battlemechs towards the surface. Unlike the light gray of the Avalon Hussars, these were painted the navy blue of the Federated Commonwealth RCT.

Secondly, she was surrounded with no less than seven assault-weight BattleMechs pointedly aiming their weapons at her.

Later reviews of BattleROMs would show that the momentary hesitation that to the Chu-sa felt like at least half an hour was no more than a second and a half. She broken into a charge directly towards the nearest 'Mech, the Victor that had killed her comrade in the Warhammer.

Four seconds later the crippled wreckage of her Atlas managed to fall against the Victor with enough force to knock it down for a second time.

Unconcious inside the cockpit, Falkenberg could do nothing to prevent FCAF infantry from forcing open the hatch and dragged her with no particular gentleness towards the holding area set aside for prisoners of war where a pair of Firestarters were lurking in pointed indication of what would happen to anyone standing next to a prisoner who decided to die like a samurai.

Avalon City, New Avalon
Federated Suns
17 December 3042

"Well that went rather better than last time," Hanse noted with satisfaction as the map on his offices display screen updated to show the outcome of the three attacks that had been authorised to let the FCAF cut its teeth.

Altair, less than five light years from Dieron and the only world between it and Terra, was of fairly minor strategic value but immense psychological value: not only was the Draconis Combine 'cut off' from Terra but the motherworld was now surrounded on all sides by the Federated Commonwealth. The effects not only on the court at Luthien but also on ComStar would be interesting.

The second success had been Klathandu IV, one of the worlds that had been taken by the DCMS in the Fourth Succession War. It wasn't particularly important, not something that Theodore Kurita would consider he had to fight to the death for, but it was a bone to throw to the Sandovals and helped to firm up the saved Raman Command further.

"The only fly in the ointment is Buckminster," he admitted. "That was too bold perhaps."

"A tactical defeat," admitted Justin Allard from where he sat facing the First Prince's desk. "I suspect that Theodore will consider it a strategic victory for us however."


The Deputy Secretary for Intelligence nodded. "As a prefecture capital we knew that Buckminster was well protected, with two regiments of the Alshain Regulars assigned there. The reason that our invasion force retreated offworld was the arrival of two more regiments as reinforcements. We'd not anticiapted that because those regiments are not part of the Order of Battle we had for the DCMS."

Hanse glanced up. "Unknowns? That's worrying."

"And no doubt something that Theodore would have been delighted to hide from us." Justin produced a data disc from his attache case. "We don't know where he found the mechwarriors, or the supplies. But we do have a theory on where he found the BattleMechs. Or to be more precise, where he bought them."


"We've had the occasional indication that the DCMS has had an influx of rare designs. BattleMechs like the Thorn, the Hussar or Kintaro have been occasionally sighted over the last few years. Enough that we thought they'd found a small cache. But the regiments that reinforced Buckminster had scores of 'Mechs, apparently in good condition, that have been out of production for centuries."

Hanse frowned. "That would be a huge cache to find. Something on the order of the Gray Death find on Helm, if not larger."

"And we keep very close tabs on that sort of thing. It's unlikely that anyone turned up a new find like that without at least some rumours getting out." Justin spread his hands. "However there is one cache of these machines that we do know about: Akira Brahe, currently part of the Kell Hounds, located a huge cache of Star League era designs stored under Hilton Head in 3028, hundreds of 'Mechs being maintained by ComStar."

"I begin to see." The First Prince accepted the data disk and loaded it into the appropriate slot of his desk. Images came up on the screen, 'Mechs of an unfamiliar design painted a gray-white as if they where ghosts of the armies that had waged the devestating campaigns of the late twenty-eighth century, fighting for control over the Terran Hegemony and the empty throne of the Star league. "You think this was a gift from ComStar?"

Justin raised one mechanical finger. "Almost. A payment, not a gift. We've been wondering why Theodore would take the immense risk of allowing the secession of Rasalhague. The fact that it let him draw out and destroy many of the hardliner opposition to his reforms was the only idea that made sense but it still looked like quite a gamble. However if he could do that and secure the battlemechs to replace the losses the DCMS suffered during the last war..."

"He'd be a fool not to," Hanse agreed. "And it's likely that he has more than two regiments."

"I've got a team looking into it now," Justin assured him. "Now that we know that they exist we have something to look for. It's going to impact on strategy though."

"You're right. Firstly it means that Theodore has the means to fight back against our nibbling along his frontiers. And secondly, now that he knows that we know about them, he has no excuse not to. If these... ghosts... hadn't appeared, the logical conclusion from the way we won on Altair and Klathmandu would be that he couldn't." He laughed. "That cunning devil, he's been deliberately luring us in. Sooner or later we'd have over-extended and then he'd have dropped regiments we couldn't account of on us and hammered us just as badly as the Wolf Dragoons mangled the DCMS on Misery and Crossing."

Justin nodded. "It sounds almost like something that you'd do."

"A dangerous man." Hanse removed the data disc from his desk and returned it. "Let me know what you find out."

After he was alone Hanse retreived a bottle of whisky from his drinks cabinet and served himself two fingers, neat. "Here's to you, Kanrei," he offered the toast towards the setting sun outside his window. "Let's leave this one to our sons."

Rainbow 6

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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2012, 05:01:50 PM »

Very nice.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2012, 08:32:01 PM »

First rate, as always.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2012, 08:40:19 PM »

Sounds a lot like FedCom reforms from Clarion Call ahead of the Clan invasion though. Strange selection of units for your FCAF in my opinion - I identify the Arcturan Guard and the Avalon Hussars as Lyran and Davion respectively not FedCom. I went with others to fill out the Alliance Forces.

Love to give you the Vanguard class Warship I designed for a setting just like this. Would be perfect in my opinion. Link below.


Good read, very nice! Looking forward to more.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2012, 09:17:06 PM »

looks awesome
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2012, 01:59:31 AM »

Sounds a lot like FedCom reforms from Clarion Call ahead of the Clan invasion though.
I'd be lying if I said the idea wasn't partly inspired by yours.

Strange selection of units for your FCAF in my opinion - I identify the Arcturan Guard and the Avalon Hussars as Lyran and Davion respectively not FedCom. I went with others to fill out the Alliance Forces.
At this point only the FedCom RCTs could be considered as associated with the Steiner-Davions rather than with one or the other. With that said, the Avalon Hussars and Arcturan Guards don't have troublesome regional affiliations within those states - in fact neither formation is particularly politicised.
Going further than that, both formations have long histories going back to the foundation of their respective states. By bringing these into the FCAF, that history is co-opted. If's hard to claim that the Federated Commonwealth is trampling on a Lyran's history when the Arcturan frakking Guards are a core part of the FCAF.

The FCAF will also be growing quite rapidly - other regiments will transfer in and a number of other regiments will be formed - without the losses of the War of 3039 to make good, rather more than in canon. That was another reason I picked those two formations - they have a lot of disbanded regimental numbers that can be reactivated. There will be some expansion in the two national militaries as well, but less so.

Love to give you the Vanguard class Warship I designed for a setting just like this. Would be perfect in my opinion. Link below.
Interesting, thank you.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2012, 09:11:00 AM »

I like it. Very well thought out.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2012, 06:24:59 PM »

Here's the rank structure of the FCAF compared to the old LCAF and AFFS rank structures.

The canonical AFFC ranks never made sense to me: replacing Colonel (a rank that the LCAF and AFFS share) with Leutenant General? Trimming away middle-management roles for enlisted and officers alike, but inflating the senior command roles?

This time the merger is attempting to take the best from both sides. The Lyran influence is a bit more obvious: not only are the germanic junior officer rank names kept, but they also keep their warrant officers (essentially a rank for technical specialists outside of the chain of command but otherwise paid and treated like junior officers).

The enlisted ranks are a compromise: increased from the very flat 4 ranks of the AFFS but not reaching the complexity of the LCAFs nine seperate ranks. In the senior officer ranks, the Lyrans lose Hauptmann-Kommandant and the Feddies lose Leftenant General. Also, because the FCAF is at this time more concerned with administration for forces in the field but not the Command, Operational Area and March regional command posts, they can cut out the General/Field Marshal rank (which may reappear if the LCAF and AFFS are eventually phased out). There's a degree of rationalisation in names to try to be a bit more consistent - again, the Steiners get their preferred spellings.*

For those interested, the FCAF goes the same route as the AFFS for rank badges: the LCAF badge is overlayed on the AFFS equivalent, with an AFFS-style epaulette.

Code: [Select]
LCAF Ranks           AFFS Ranks          FCAF Ranks           Role
General of Armies    Prince's Champion   Marshal of Armies    Army CO
General              Field Marshal
Kommandant-General   Marshal             Marshal              Corps CO
Hauptmann-General    General             General              RCT CO
Leutenant-General    Major General       Leutenant General    RCT XO
                     Leftenant General
Colonel              Colonel             Colonel              Regiment CO
Leutenant-Colonel    Leftenant Colonel   Leutenant Colonel    Regiment XO
Kommandant           Major               Kommandant           Battalion CO
Hauptmann            Captain             Hauptmann            Company CO
First Leutenant      Leftenant           Leutenant            Lance CO
Leutenant            Cadet/Subaltern     Subaltern

LCAF Ranks           AFFS Ranks          FCAF Ranks           
Chief Warrant Officer                    Chief Warrant Officer
Senior Warrant Officer                   Senior Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer First Class              Warrant Officer First Class
Warrant Officer                          Warrant Officer

LCAF Ranks           AFFS Ranks          FCAF Ranks            Role           
Senior Sergeant Major                    Staff Sergeant Major  Regiment SNCO
Staff Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major       Sergeant Major      Sergeant Major        Battalion SNCO
Staff Sergeant                           Staff Sergeant        Company SNCO
Sergeant                                 Sergeant              Platoon SNCO
Senior Corporal      Sergeant            Corporal              Squad SNCO
Private First Class  Corporal            Private First Class
Private              Private             Private

* Yes, the Lyrans are getting their way a lot on this matter. There are reasons beyond Melissa having Hanse wrapped around her little finger, and the AFFS (and Federated Suns as a whole) isn't entirely happy about the matter. However with the LCAF adopting March militias, RCT unit structures and being broken up into Marchs, there remains considerable cross-fertilisation.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2012, 11:19:27 PM »

Very interesting drakensis. We certainly have different ideas on a similar theme however. I will post details on my AFFC in Clarion Call latter this week for comparison. I still have some units to introduce for my story (existing and yet to be) but so far the FedCom Corps (RCTs) are joined by the Royal Guards, the Deneb Light Cavalry, and the new Exemplar Knights as Multinational (AFFC) Commands. I understand your reasoning for the Arcturan Guard and Avalon Hussars but in my vision they will remain core formations of the Lyran and Davion State Commands respectively.

I absolutely agree with you on AFFC ranks never making sense what so ever. I chalked it up to simplification to ease integration of the allies which should have been added to over time but never was. Clarion Call has Project Unity which codifies the AFFC Ranking System in a base six system (Flag Officers, Field Officers, Warrant Officers, Enlisted Personnel, and Cadet Corps each have six ranks). It does include Colonel which both its forerunners did but not the canon AFFC (weird huh). The three different organizational ranks I have are not for the AFFC, LCAF, and AFFS but rather for Army, Navy, and Knight ranks.

Can't wait to see and compare more!



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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2012, 02:40:58 AM »

I'm working on the second part now. The Deneb Light Cavalry are on my 'shortlist' of formations for transferring into the FCAF before the Clan Invasion. There is a No-Prize for whoever guesses the Lyran counterpart.

As for the Royal Guards... well, I do have plans for them  ;)


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2012, 06:50:47 AM »

I can't guess... hmm. Weird.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2012, 06:43:36 AM »

Triad, Tharkad
Lyran Commonwealth
1 June 3043

"I'm not entirely enthused about this," Richard Regis said quietly.

His companion shrugged his shoulders and then tugged on his jacket cuffs to try to get the garment to sit more comfortably. "I can't pretend I don't understand where you're coming from."

Both men were well connected: Richard's uncle had been Prime Marshal until three years ago and Bishop Sortek was a cousin to the AFFS Marshal of Armies. It wasn't standing at the heart of an interstellar government that was ruining their moods.

That honour went to the uniforms that they were wearing. FCAF uniforms to be precise.

Up on the dais, Melissa Steiner-Davion was seated in the throne, flanked by her husband and her oldest son. As usual Hanse Davion wore the uniform of an AFFS Field Marshal, while Victor wore a formal green tunic and blue trousers that just happened to suggest a military uniform.

The two generals walked along the stripe of crimson carpet that connected the two great doors leading into the throne room. A second carpet met this at the precise mid-point, forming a T-junction and leading to the throne itself. At this junction they - and the colour parties behind them - met their opposite numbers from the three Royal Guards RCTs. All five then made right turns to march side by side towards their lieges.

The Griffins that loomed to either side of the throne were still in the familiar colours of the First Royal Guards. Those hadn't changed, much to Richard's relief. The assembly of the commanders of the Royal Guards was rare enough even before you threw in new uniforms, new and more senior ranks (expanding to RCTs had made some parts of their jobs easier, but not the paperwork)... and having five men amongst them.

They reached the foot of the dais and dropped to one knee before the Archon, who smiled welcomingly. "Please rise," she instructed.

"It is almost two hundred years since the Pride of the Commonwealthy perished upon Caledonia," Melissa reminded them - and the audience in the galleries. "The Fourth Royal Guards were avenged by Snow Fire but were not - could not - be resurrected. Since that day, there have been only three regiments among the Royal Guards."

"In two hundred years many things have changed. But though these uniforms may seem unfamiliar, the Royal Guards still defend their Archon and the heartlands of our realm. That realm is larger now, than it has been for many generations, and upon the accession of our son Victor, will combine with the Federated Suns to become the Federated Commonwealth. It has long been the duty of the Second Royal Guards to defend Tharkad, but now the role of capital shall extend to two worlds."

Hanse Davion took a half-step forward. "Since the earliest days of the Crucis Pact, the protection of New Avalon has rested primarily with the regiments of the Davion Brigade of Guards. We cannot, in good conscience, break faith with the soldiers who have served my House so well, for so long. Yet nor can I deny that our son Victor will be both First Prince and Archon and that the defense of the Archon rests forever in the hands of the First Royal Guards."

"For a time," Melissa admitted, "It was considered that the Davion Guards and the Royal Guards might be merged into a single formation."

No one, not even the most junior of the Royal Guards before them gasped at the thought of such a dilution. Their discipline was beyond perfection or they would not be where they were. The muttering among those watching was enough to express the... dissatisfaction that they felt at the prospect.

"I quite agree that this would not be the correct direction, and so it has been decided instead to create a new bridge between our people." Now Melissa stood. "General Regis."

Richard reached back and accepted the staff of his regimental colours from their bearer. As he stepped forward, the furled banner came lose from the covering and for the first time the emblem upon it - a golden shield bearing the fist-and-sunburst of the Federated Commonwealth was revealed. With a careful (and practised) motion, the General dropped to one knee again, lowering the banner so that its staff pointed onto the dais, in easy reach of Melissa but with the tip pointed unerringly towards young Victor.

"General Sortek."

Without a word, Sortek mirrored Richard, accepting his own banner and revealing that the shield emblazoned upon that standard was the sword-and-sunburst of the Federated Suns. When he lowered it, he aimed the tip towards Hanse Davion.

"For many centuries, the standards of a regiment have been their rallying point. They represent everything that is good about a regiment. In the days before IFF systems, they were a rallying point in the fog of war and even today, by acting as a focal point for a regiment's pride and their honour, they are a moral rallying point."

Melissa placed one hand upon the blunted brass spearhead of each banner pole. Victor and Hanse stepped forwards, placing their hands over hers, although Victor had to reach up slightly to do so.

"It is because of these virtues that it is right and just that a standard be treated with dignity and it is proper that we should pay our respects towards them. On this day, the first day of June in the three thousand and forty-third year of the Common Era; I, Melissa Steiner-Davion, bless and dedicate these standards, welcoming the regiments who bear them into the family of the Federated Commonwealth Armed Forces and into the Royal Guards whom I have the privilege to command."

Victor looked to his mother for a moment and at her slight nod he said: "I, Victor Steiner-Davion, bless and dedicate this standard. May those who carry it, the Fifth Regiment of Royal Guards, and those who look upon it - be they friend or foe - know that they look upon the pride of the Federated Commonwealth. May it ever be carried in the cause of good."

"I, Hanse Davion, bless and dedicate this standard," his father continued without hesitation. "May those who bear it, the Sixth Regiment of the Royal and Davion Guards, extend their protection to all enemies of the Federated Commonwealth. May they receive loyalty for fealty, just reward for fidelity and let all who see this banner know that with it is carried the pride of New Avalon."

The two generals raised the banners upright and stepped back, turning to hand them back to the standard bearers. They saluted briskly as the bearers stepped back into line as cunningly concealed fans spun up.

And for the first time in history, the banners of five regiments of the Royal Guards flew in proudly within the Triad.

Comstar First Circuit Compound
Hilton Head Island, Terra
2 February 3044

Charles Seneca and Anastasius Focht sat opposite Myndo Waterly and Sharilar Mori in a small meeting room adjacent to the Primus' private suite.

"Davion is proving uncommonly patient," Seneca reported. "There have been rumours of troop movements for further attacks into the Draconis Combine, but none have materialised. Analysis suggests that the rumours were begun by Intelligence Secretariat agents in efforts to lure out the Theodore Kurita's Ghost Regiments and also to identify informants within the FCAF's structure. In the latter case they have had some success."

"That would tend to imply that the FCAF is not prepared for offensive action." Sharilar Mori, representing the HPG stations within the Draconis Combine certainly had motive to hope that the Federated Commonwealth would not take more worlds - worlds whose control would then pass to Precentor Tharkad or Precentor New Avalon.

The Precentor Martial shook his head. "The Federated Commonwealth is as prepared for war as it was in 3028, if not more so," he stated with conviction. "There are only two military reasons that Hanse Davion could have not to strike across the border in force: either he intends to wait until he has confirmed the nature of the reinforcements that the DCMS has obtained, or he is waiting until the AFFS is large enough to shatter the Combine completely."

"Or both."

"Or, as you say, both," he yielded the point to the Primus. "In the former case, it could take place at any point and with relatively little. In the latter, I would anticipate no significant action for the next ten years."

"Why ten years?" asked Mori.

Focht adjusted his eyepatch. "At the current rate of expansion, the combined military forces at his command will be significantly in excess of the rest of the Inner Sphere. It is also Charles' best estimate for the timeframe for him to have upgraded a significant fraction of those armed forces with equipment equivalent to that used by our own ComGuards."

Waterly had been briefed on that previously. She still wanted to scream at the thought but restrained herself. "I thought Davion already had more regiments than the Kapteyn Pact. Two hundred and fifty  compared to two hundred, according to the last reports."

"That is correct, Primus," Seneca confirmed. "However..."

"I believe that the Precentor Martial is including our own forces into the balance," Mori deduced.

The Primus closed her eyes and counted to ten. "Alright. How do we stop this before he conquers the entire Inner Sphere including us. Not even Romano Liao is crazy enough to launch a serious attack on him. Neither Theodore nor Thomas will."

In fairness to the Captain-General, he had sent a probing attack into the Sarna March to see if the Federated Commonwealth's focus on the Draconis Combine had weakened the forces along his own borders. The attack force had run into the Kathil Uhlans on Gan Singh and been lucky to get off the planet more or less intact. Three months later, regimental combat teams from the Arcturan Guards, Federated Commonwealth Corps and the Deneb Light Cavalry had seized Berenson despite the best efforts of the First Free Worlds Guards and Fifteenth Marik Milita.

With the certainty of retaliation and no real likelihood of support from the rest of the Kapteyn Pact, an invasion of the Federated Commonwealth was implausible to say the least.

Seneca produced a data disc. "While it would be more of a stalling tactic rather than a solution, I suggest that a covert strike  - covered by disguised ComGuard forces - on Tikonov could stall progress on re-equipping the FCAF by at least a year."

"On Tikonov? Why would they be doing anything significant there rather than secure facilities on Tharkad or New Avalon?"

"While they are of questionable loyalty, Tikonov is one of the largest factories in the Inner Sphere," Seneca answered the Precentor Martial's question. "It's more secure for them to use the EarthWerks factories there than to spread their efforts over two or three smaller facilities. They are also able to draw on one of the more innovative engineering teams available to them - the same one that developed the Cataphract for Chancellor Liao is now adapting and improving upon it for the benefit of the Steiner-Davions."

"Destroying one 'Mech production facility is hardly sufficient, although I take your point that it is a delaying tactic."

"Forgive me for being unclear, Primus. The target is less the factories than the engineers. Their work on the Cataphract is all but complete, so the goal here is to prevent them from carrying out similar prjects in the future."

She nodded. "Approved. Precentor Martial, what would you say the likelihood is of Davion deciding to seize Terra?"

The one-eyed man's lips thinned. "Unlikely," he said after a few seconds thought. "Assuming that he could successfully take Terra - by no means certain, given what remains of the SLDF Space Defense Systems and the warships available - the majority of local Precentors would assume that an Interdict was in force and act accordingly. That would profoundly limit interstellar communications and greatly enable both the Kapteyn Pact and his own seperatists."

Mori spread her hands. "I am sure that the Fox has plans for the invasion of Terra, but I am inclined to agree that they would be last resorts. However, if some other cause for an Interdict were to present itself..."

"Perhaps." The Primus stood sharply. "But of course, that could then provoke him to act. Precentor Martial, I want you to draw up a proposal to absolutely guarentee that the AFFS, LCAF or FCAF cannot place one foot upon Terra's soil."

"There is no absolute guarentee in war Primus," he cautioned her. "But there are measures that can be taken if you are willing to authorise the expenditure. Restoration of more of the SDS network and refitting additional warships from the derelicts under ComStar's control would greatly reduce the threat."

"Draw up a proposal and estimate those costs," she told him. "Sharilar and I will ensure that the funds are made available. The Federated Commonwealth pays ComStar a great deal for our services, I am sure some of that can be used to defend us from the Fox's driving ambition."

If anyone in the room saw more than one irony in her statement, they did not elect to draw attention to it.

Fort Bourgogne, Marlette
Federated Suns
14 May 3044

General Lester J Otto knew that he had never been in more physical danger than at this precise moment and being wrapped in one hundred tons of the most advanced BattleMech he'd ever laid eyes upon was not offering him a great deal of consolation. Outside his headquarters compound, but well within the rings of defenses that ought to have protected him, were the leading elements of McCarron's Armored Cavalry: First Battalion, Second Regiment.

The rest of the second regiment - Barton's Regiment - was pouring through the gap that Marcus Barton had torn through the Marlette CMM lines and intelligence reports made it clear that the mercenary's Sixth Regiment was covering their rear.

Worse, this was personal.

"Otto!" roared a familiar voice, amplified a hundred times by the external speakers of a BattleMech. "Get yer butt out here, ya yellow-bellied flag! Ya can't hide behind your wall anymore!"

One last time, Otto examined the controls of the Devestator. He'd trained with it before of course, but this would be the first actual battle he'd take it into. And given that he'd sent the other surviving CMM 'Mechs to break out of Bourgogne and would be facing Barton alone, almost certainly his last. Given that most of their BattleMechs were seriously damaged, there was no point in having them throw their lives away.

He pushed the Devestator into a walk, checking the data feed from the command buildings behind him. They'd need time.

"I'm right here, Barton," he replied and walked to face the gates of the compound. There were five 'Mechs facing him across the parade ground: Barton's command lance and a stray he'd picked up somewhere. "I'm curious, was this Liao's idea or did you decide to come here in your father's name?"

The Awesome in the middle of the line raised its right arm, pointing the PPC at Otto's 'Mech. "You've got a lot of nerve bringing that up, Otto."

"Tom Barton's ego couldn't cope with being second-best." Otto raised his own Mech's arms. "If you think you can do better, bring it on." It was bravado: Marcus Barton wasn't just a successful mercenary officer, he'd also been a top Solaris fighter. And he was more than twenty years younger than Otto.

But sometimes bravado works: Barton's Awesome marched forwards and blistering particle beams lashed out of melt away layers of armour on the Devestator. One smashed directly into the head, tearing away all the armour protection but miraculously failing to breach the cockpit and kill Otto outright. The other four McCarron 'Mechs, however, didn't join in.

Firing back, Otto saw his own PPC fire go wild but massing slabs of the Awesome's armour shattered as gauss slugs slammed into the left thigh and parts of the torso above it. He marched forwards a few steps, feeling a faint thread of optimism. He'd be gunned down by Barton's cohorts even if he won now, but he might at least be able to deny the mercenary his revenge. There was no cover available so this was a straightforward slugging match, the very sort of fight that the Devestator and the Awesome excelled at.

Of his next salvo, one shot slammed into Barton's machine below the left knee. There couldn't be very much armour left on the limb at all. But then it was his own 'Mech's left leg that took a hammering and two PPCS flayed away fully half the protection. Otto tried to compensate, failed, and was thrown against his harness as the mighty 'Mech crashed to the ground, taking even more damage to the weakened leg. He could taste blood in his mouth licked it from his lips. Nowhere stood out as being more painful than anywhere else so most probably he'd only bitten his lip.

There was no time to make a thorough check of the medical monitors, some how the fall had left his 'Mech face down and he had to scramble quickly to right it before the Awesome could hammer a salvo into the vulnerable rear armour - always much thinner than that on the front. He succeeded and caught the Awesome by surprise. In eerie mimicry of the earlier impacts one of his PPCs blew the face off the lighter 'Mech's head, though something that must have come within inches of killing Barton. There was also a gaping hole in evidence now on the chest where he had damaged it before.

The truth was that Otto's Devestator didn't look much better. As he took in the paper-thin armour left protecting the vitals - and the complete lack of protection remaining for myomers and actuators on his left leg - he heard a chirp and saw what he'd been waiting for on the datalink from the command centre.

"It's over Barton, you've lost."

"You're bluffing." The Awesome stood stock still, drawing a very precise bead upon Otto's cockpit, not confident that the eldrly General wouldn't be able to do the same. "Is that all you're reduced to, you backstabbing bastard."

"Not at all." Otto laughed and felt his ribs protest. Not just his lip then. "The Third Lyran Regulars and the Thirty-Fifth Avalon Hussars just started dropping either side of your pal Baxter. He's royally corncobed, and he's right on your line of retreat. You didn't think AFFS would let get away with destroying Fort Bourgogne a second time: we knew you'd come here. Just as egotistical as your father..."

Barton's finger tightened on his trigger a fraction of a second before Lester J Otto's last shots. One PPC burned directly through the General's cockpit and the hundred ton machine keeled over backwards, thoroughly decapitated, firing two gauss rifle shots harmlessly into the sky. The PPCs had fired faster however and Lester had been aiming for a much larger target: the damaged leg of the Awesome. Charged particles blew through knee and shin, tearing the limb into three seperate pieces.

After more than four decades, Marcus Barton had avenged his father's disgrace. But the price of it was that he and his regiment, not to mention the regiment of a good friend, were caught in a trap and his 'Mech was too crippled to run.

It was like ashes in his mouth.

FCAF Headquarters
Arcturus, Lyran Commwealth
9 March 3045

"In light of the accident on Tikonov, we're going to have to delay replacement of the Rifleman in our heavy formations," Gunter Hillam said regretfully. "Current expectations are at least two years before production of the new Cataphracts can be restored."

That didn't seem to disturb the newest addition to the senior staff of the FCAF. Andrew Terlecki's family had been part of the Deneb Light Cavalry since before they defected from the SLDF to the AFFS in the 2780s - for that matter, his son (also named Andrew) currently commanded the Fifth RCT. Then again there weren't very many heavy BattleMechs in the Deneb Light Cavalry.

"Well we need something to replace them," pointed out the woman next to Terlecki, who could claim only a few days seniority in her presence amongst them.

"I know that, Ruth," Hillam told the commander of the Lyran Regulars. "And believe me, I've no intention of seeing any Rifleman or JagerMech in our ranks any longer than I need to. We all know that they can't hack it on the modern battlefield. But we need something to replace them with. I've got someone talking to Johnston Industries on New Syrtis. They apparently have some sort of reverse-engineered Cataphract in production, but it's been secondary to the Axman project. If there's anything to it, maybe we can get them to set that up for us."

"Speaking of New Syrtis..." Terlecki leant forwards. "I know I'm new here, but there's a rumour that I'd like to confirm or quash. Sorry if it's bad manners, but are..."

"If you mean the rumours that Morgan Hasek-Davion is going to be promoted, then I can confirm." Hillam gave him a steady look. "If you mean the rumour that he's replacing me, then all I can tell you is that I've not heard anything. My own read is that he'll be replacing Ardan Sortek as the AFFS Marshal of Armies, with Sortek bumped up to Prince's Champion. Which sounds like it should nicely confuse the chain of command..."

And it's a hell of a thing for an honest soldier to have to worry about that sort of crap, Hillam mused. He'd always hoped to rise high in the LCAF, but had never really expected to reach the heights of being only one step removed in the chain of command from the Archon herself. Of course, in theory he'd been only two steps away back in '36 when he accepted a double promotion from LCAF Leutenant-General to FCAF Marshal, but it hadn't really sunk in until James Sandoval was promoted to Prime Marshal.

"Now if we can get back to the business at hand, we're not going to get new Cataphracts for a while, but Cosara Weaponries swear blind that they've sorted out the problems with producing Crabs in the numbers we need. It's only taken them three hundred years to have their supply equal to demand, so I suppose that it's worthy of mention somewhere." There were several snorts of amusement. Cosara's trademark medium 'Mech had been ordered by the SLDF in 2719 but full production had not been reached by the Star League's fall, sixty-odd years later. "Between that and ample supplies of Wolfhounds coming through, we should be able to mount all our new recruits. So unless their are any last minute objections, Operation Volsung will take place this April."

He looked along the Corps Commanders seated around the table. It still felt strange to see more than three of them, but there were seven seperate formations under his command now, although at least the Royal Guards and Davion Guards had agreed to share a single Marshal, in this case Rudy Pinada, late of the Second Davion Guards.

Said Marshal cracked a nut from the bowl in the middle of the table and shrugged. "It still seems ambitious to me, but it's not my regiments that are going to be mating with each other."

Hillam's patience withered slightly, but he refrained from direct comment on the implied criticism, looking instead at Herbert Timmons, who had replaced him at the head of the Arcturan Guards, and John Yapt, who still led the Avalon Hussars. Operation Volsung would have each 'Mech regiment in the two corps detach a battalion and those battalions would then be paired up to form the core of new regiments. In theory, it would add fifty percent to their strength but in practise it would mean a twenty-five to thirty percent reduction while the regiments integrated new graduates from academy training cadres and training battalions all across the Federated Commonwealth.

"Ambitious, but rewarding," Timmons said simply. "We will make it work."

Yapt raised his thumb in agreement. "Bringing those regimental numbers means a lot to my boys and girls. We're not going to let those legacies down."

Fortress Sanethia, Luthien
Draconis Combine
9 June 3045

"This is the perfect opportunity!" Alfred Tojiro was red-faced but otherwise kept his composure as he addressed the Gunji-no-Kanrei. "The Lyrans will never expect the sudden appearance of a regiment of the Pesht Regulars upon the border and with this new Ninth Arcturan Guards made up of raw recruits and discards from two other regiments, their defeat is all but assured!"

"The destruction of such an inferior force would be no great humiliation for the Federated Commonwealth," answered Narimasa Asano. "Nor would it be a victory worthy of honouring your Third Regulars."

"What honour is there for a warrior without victory upon the battlefield! Or," and here Tojiro's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Do you doubt that I can deliver such a victory?"

Asano picked his words carefully. Being too bold here could provoke a duel and while he was confident of a victory there, he would be destroying one of the Co-ordinator's pets. The consequences of such a victory would be disasterous within the Imperial Court, not only for the commander of the officially-disbanded Genyosha, but also for his master.

"Our honour is in the completion of our duty. It is clear that Davion hopes to draw our strength into assaulting the weakened Arcturan Guard and Avalon Hussar regiments along the border. No doubt the moment he confirmed your presence, he would strike for the heart of the Combine. What value would destroying a mere line regiment hold if it means that invaders can set their feet upon Galedon, Benjamin or even upon Luthien itself?"

The Tai-sa of the Third Pesht Regulars was blatantly looking for a way to take offense at Asano's words, but he couldn't find one and grudgingly bowed towards Theodore. "Thank you for taking my proposal into consideration."

"I am always pleased to hear from one of my father's most trusted officers," Theodore answered politely. He waited until Tojiro was well out of earshot before musing: "He owes his life to the fact I care more about his soldiers' survival than he does. The Ninth Arcturan Guards have crack regiments of tanks and infantry attached to them, according to Indrahar's information. If there's every been more obvious bait, I can't think where and when it was."

Asano tilted his head sideways. "Fort Bourgogne on Marlette, last May perhaps?"

"You might have a point. Archibald McCarron's cut from the same cloth as my father - who, sent him a Charger as a gift, would you believe? What did he lose on Marlette? More than a regiment?"

"Roughly a battalion of Baxter's Brawlers made it back to their dropships as a formed unit. I believe he was able to ransom almost as many survivors as well, so that would mean the effective loss of four battalions because Marcus Barton acted like a bull shown a red flag. And the ransom being the repair costs for Fort Bourgogne added insult to injury."

"Quite. I wouldn't be too surprised to hear that Romano had Baxter arrested for the crime of surviving a debacle like that."

Ninju Kesai, who had thus far been silent, cleared his throat. "I believe that it was given consideration, sir. However, the late Colonel Barton made a suitable scapegoat since he can hardly defend himself. It's entirely possible that McCarron will find himself following the Shin Legion's example and quitting the Confederation entirely."

"Hmm. Well I suppose they'd be more likely to turn to Thomas than to us. Dammit, we need mercenaries and father's poisoned that well for years to come."

The other two men were diplomatically silent. The Coordinator's only son had more leeway to criticise the supposedly absolute lord and master of the Draconis Combine than a mere Tai-sa and ISF official. Even if they did agree with him.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2012, 08:28:10 AM »

My my how interesting this all is.  ? I wonder will the homicidal Katherine be here or will she be sane?
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2012, 03:16:06 PM »

Nice addition of the Royal Guards. I thought we were on the same page until I saw later that the Davion Guards were also FCAF.

ComStar planning session seems about right. Surprised that the Order wouldn’t coordinate with the remaining powers to split the might Federated Commonwealth in two concentrating their assaults on the Terran Corridor.

Sucks for McCarron’s Armored Cavalry. Looks like Barton got his revenge at the cost of his unit. Really takes some teeth out of the Confederation and it isn’t like they have too many more to lose. Wow if they leave Liao employment altogether, sucks for them even more.

Seven formations for the FCAF. The original three were the FedCom RCTs, Arcturan Guards, and the Avalon Hussars. They were joined by the Royal Guards and the Davion Guards. Not sure I like the Davion Guards joining in mass as they are Sons of the Suns to me. What is going to be left for the LCAF and the AFFS? We learn that the Lyran Regulars (which I could see given they were old merc commands) and the Deneb Light Cavlary (a SL unit originally) fill out the units.

Interesting to hear from the Combine as well. I guess without the War of 3039 the Kanrei is still on a short leash and unable to reform the DCMS completely. Another win for the FCAF.


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Re: Building For Victory
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2012, 06:05:23 PM »

At this point - which is more or less how things will stand for quite a while - the AFFS retains the Crucis Lancers, Ceti Hussars, Syrtis Fusiliers, Robinson Rangers, Chisholm Raiders, New Ivaarsen Chasseurs, five Academy Cadres, seven independent regiments and various battalions. They also have the lions' share of mercenaries, particularly the multi-regimental commands, and 27 March Militias RCTs.

The LCAF is slightly larger with the Lyran Guards, Donegal Guards, Skye Rangers, Tikonov Republican Guard and Winfeld's Regiment, plus various battalions , several mercenary units, and 39 March Militia RCTs (an imbalance caused by their having the Sarna March Militias).

The FCAF currently has sixty or so 'Mech Regiments, mostly RCTs. With Volsung, a number are under strength, but numbers are rising rapidly and they have the priority for advanced material entering production. By 3050, the FCAF, LCAF and AFFS will each make up around 1/4 of Hanse and Melissa's forces, with the last 1/4 being mercenaries.
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