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Re: Centurion
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2013, 02:12:47 PM »

Entry #8
High Orbit
Terra, Terran Hegemony
05:00 28 December 2766

Dawn is beginning to break across Eastern Europe. Millions of people who went to bed oblivious to the fighting are waking up to find that they don’t know who’s in charge. Amaris will no doubt be delighted to tell them he is. I rethink again my decision not to level the palace complex entirely. Unfortunately it would have taken a day or so to get to all of the bunkers and by then he’d probably have escaped.

It occurs to me that the Fat Man may not be quite so hasty to tell them about his… finer qualities. Fortunately, since he his second wave of troops haven’t reached Geneva yet, he doesn’t have a lock on civilian broadcasting. That allows me to make a few calls.

Radio may have changed in manner of transmission and distribution but it’s still the name given to audio-only broadcasting. Simon Siegel is the current ‘king of breakfast radio’, listened to by an estimated couple of hundred million people every weekday. He’s also the public face of his wife Simone (that must be confusing), who’s at least twice as smart and an unrepentant newshound.

Faced with a transmission from a ship of the much-respected SLDF actively offering to discuss what was going on…. Well, she smelled a scoop and bumped the scheduled guests from today’s early morning transmission in my favour. I’m fairly sure she also made sure she and her husband have bags ready to run for their lives the minute we’re off the air. Like I said, she’s smart.

“Good morning. This is Simon Siegel and I’m here to tell you ‘What is Going On’. It’s been a very nerve-wracking night with unconfirmed reports from all over the globe that Rim Worlds troops – invited into the Hegemony by the First Lord more than a year ago to take the place of SLDF regiments sent to the Periphery – are now securing government buildings and have declared martial law. I can tell you now that fighting has taken place right outside Geneva when the First Royal Swiss Cavalry deployed to prevent two regiments of Rim Worlds BattleMechs from marching into the city.”

“So what has happened? There’s been tension in the past between Commanding General Kerensky and President Amaris – but why are troops subordinate to each of them but answerable to the First Lord now exchanging fire? To answer this question, on my other line is a gentleman from one of the Star League Navy battleships orbiting the Earth right now.”

“Now, you identified yourself as ‘Praetorian’, is that your name or your rank?”

“It’s the name on my commission.” Technically true, even if it’s the commission of a warship not an officer. “Up until yesterday I was directly answerable to the First Lord’s Royal Security detachment.”

“And yesterday? Mr. Praetorian… What is Going On?”

“There has been a coup d’etat, Simon. Tragically, one that appears to be succeeding. It’s well known that the First Lord has viewed the President of the Rim Worlds Republic as a surrogate father. For this reason, Stefan Amaris was permitted to bring armed bodyguards into the First Lord’s quarters yesterday. Moments later Amaris and his guards opened fire and killed everyone else in the room.”

“My god…”

“Quite. At the same time, several arms of a well-planned and orchestrated military attack unfolded across the system and possibly across the rest of the Hegemony as well. There is no doubt that Amaris has been intent upon this for years and his supposed friendship for the First Lord and the Hegemony’s leaders has been a façade in preparation to this attack. Nuclear and chemical weapons were used to destroy or seize control of a number of SLDF bases, including the base of the First Lord’s bodyguard regiment inside Unity City itself. Civilian casualties are believed to be high.”

“How could this happen? Terra is supposed to be the most secure planet in the universe?” Siegel has some of the answers already but now he’s the surrogate for the audience, who don’t.

“The strongest gate is of little value, Simon, if the owner leaves it upon. Not only has Amaris suborned powerful figures within the Terran government and financial circles, he persuaded the First Lord himself to order that the Rim Worlds Army be admitted to many of the most secure installations in the Hegemony. With that said, his plans have already proven to be less than entirely successful. SLDF warships over Terra have fought off his first attack and Army units continue to fight back – probably more of them than we are currently aware. A number of bases were destroyed to deny him access to their resources – including large portions of the Space Defenses Systems.”

“Unfortunately, given that the SLDF has been caught by surprise and our forces in the Hegemony were substantially outnumbered, it is likely that many of those now listening to my voice will fall under the rule of Amaris and his cronies. It will take months for the SLDF forces to return from the Periphery and by that time, Amaris will no doubt have entrenched himself. He will take hostages, he will enact martial law. Ultimately, for all his admitted acumen, the Usurper will seek to rule Hegemony as he has the Republic: as a tyrant, answerable to no one and maintained by brutality.”

“Uh… such as?”

“You may expect members of House Cameron to be arrested, executed or perhaps to simply disappear. You may expect the media to be shackled to report only what he declares to be the truth. Those of you who work in the armaments industry will be required to provide for his forces. Your priests and other community leaders will be required to support him publically or be replaced. Your sons and daughters will be called upon to fight for Amaris and against the Star League.”

“I can assure you of this: the Star League Council will not support Amaris as the ruler of the Star League and General Kerensky will not tolerate Amaris as ruler of the Terran Hegemony. Therefore we are now at war.”

Siegel swallows. “And… what can we do?”

“Across the Hegemony, neutrality is no longer an option for any of us. If the Star League is to survive it requires that the Hegemony be the strong heart at its centre. It requires all of us to defend it.”

“Last night, while fighting raged over Unity City, a handful of SLDF soldiers managed to enter the palace and rescue Richard Cameron’s daughter Amanda, along with other children that the Usurper had taken as hostages. They are free from him and unlike little Amanda they can return to their families. That, Simon, is what I am fighting for. What will you fight for?”

“I have an arsenal of railguns, particle beams and other weapons under my control. You might very well say that I am better equipped to fight a war than you are but others will fight with humbler weapons: with their eyes and ears, gathering information on Amaris’ crimes, with their voices when they speak the truth that he does not want others to learn, with their hands when they turn to helping their neighbours and not to the service of the Usurper. With their guns when they protect their families.”

The presenter clears his throat. “That’s very inspiring but…”

“It’s a long time since Earth has seen war like this,” I admit. “Perhaps not since the days of James McKenna. But it is too late. The avalanche has begun and it is too late for we poor pebbles to vote nay.”


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2013, 02:20:49 PM »

He has Vorlon in him.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2013, 03:33:39 PM »

Nice story.


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2013, 03:38:37 PM »

Entry #9
High Orbit
Terra, Terran Hegemony
07:30 28 December 2766

“What the blazes did you think you were doing!?”

I have an unfair advantage in keeping the face of my digital representation cool in the face of Admiral McTiernan’s anger. “I have taken the initiative in the field of war known as public opinion.” Internally I am checking my combat readiness every ten seconds. It’s not as if I have a horde of onboard drones to carry out repair work – just a few waldos in certain areas, more for shifting ammo between magazines than plastering else.

I could do with a month in a shipyard. So could most of the fleet… but we’re not going to get that. Not yet, anyway. I still have most of my turrets and enough stores to refill my magazines – except for the missiles.

“I didn’t authorise you to issue a press statement, much less an interview!”

“Quite right, Admiral. If General Kerensky asks, I’ll confirm that.”

“That’s not the point. Everyone thinks you’re speaking for the SLDF!”

“Did I say anything that you specifically disagree with?”

“You said Amaris was succeeding.”

“Do you really think he isn’t? Be realistic, Admiral. Amaris has control of most of Terra, of the Solar System, and the Hegemony. Beating him will be an uphill struggle and one we cannot grant him any advantage in. The last thing we can afford is for any substantial majority of the Terran Hegemony to support him.”

McTiernan chokes on that for a minute before ploughing on. “You grossly exceeded your authority.”

“I’m not under your authority, Admiral. I will assist you to the very best of my ability, but if I believe that you are failing to deal with a problem then I will. In this case, letting Amaris be the first to put his case to the public – claiming he removed the First Lord out of principle and that the atrocities carried out were the SLDF or at most, excessive force he will punish severely – would be a major mistake. Now when he addresses the public he’ll have to deal with their first impression of him being a tyrant who ordered nuclear strikes on Terra and abducts children. That’s going to take a certain amount of effort to undermine.”

“I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you’re also a loose cannon and I can’t trust you.” I’m ominously aware that the Enterprise had come to a slightly higher degree of readiness. I doubt that that’s a coincidence.

“I’m aware of that, Admiral. My most optimistic prediction of my own survival is that General Kerensky has me hunted down and destroyed after Terra is liberated.” Like hell. My longest-running prediction involved running away to the Periphery and being a pirate king through the centuries of the Succession Wars. It just happened to be a fairly low probability outcome.

More likely, Amaris would save the SLDF the trouble of hunting me down. He was certainly amply motivated.

“Then why are you…?” McTiernan began to ask.

“Because I have limited time and miles to go before I sleep, Admiral. The Hegemony and the Star League are in grave danger. I must act to save them.” I hope that that urge is just my specific psychology and not the programming of the software that now makes up what it pleases me to call my mind. If there’s a difference any more. “Half-measures will not succeed and the alternatives are… undesirable.”

McTiernan crossed his arms on the monitor. “Convince me.”

“Absent a Cameron First Lord, the Star League Council will need to elect a new First Lord. The probability that even two of them will agree on a candidate is low and declining steadily. Already the loss of contact with Terran institutions is beginning to send ripples through the economy. I predict a slide into a Sphere-wide depression by the summer of 2767 and systematic reduction of cross-border trade and interaction as the Lords retrench upon their national power bases.” I paused. “Odds are about even that war between them will begin with a decade. If the Star League government is not restored to full functionality by the time Amanda Cameron is a legal adult, the title of First Lord will be quite irrelevant. The chances of the Director-General ruling more than a handful of worlds is less than even by that point.”

“That’s unthinkable! There are safeguards, procedures… the General won’t let that happen.”

“General Kerensky is by all accounts admirable within his sphere of expertise. Governance beyond a military occupation, international diplomacy and parenting all appear to be fields he is less gifted in.”

“How would you even know!?”

“I believe the late Richard Cameron’s character stands as evidence of the last. As to the others, his period of regency was unfortunately ample evidence that he was overburdened. In fairness, it is hard to see how he could not be, with four major responsibilities to juggle.”

“But why would they want to tear the Star League apart? That makes no sense!”

“The Great Houses care for the Star League so long as it serves their needs. Once it becomes a hindrance to them…” I let him finish that thought for himself.

“A hindrance to them shooting at each other, you mean?”

“War, in this case, is an extension of them insulting each other across the Council table,” I confirm. “Matters are likely to worsen before they can improve. Fortunately Geneva remains a key financial centre so we can hopefully take enough data out to keep the Bureau of Star League Affairs running. Otherwise, the SLDF might find itself without the finances to fight a war.”

There’s also the not so minor issue that the BSLA collapsing would remove one of the benefits that the Member-States still valued the SLDF for. Keeping it running might keep enough grass-roots support for the Star League to make a difference against the rising tide of nationalism.

“If it’s any consolation, I’ll be out of your hair once the First Royal Swiss Cavalry arrive.”

“As comforting as that might be, it also means there’s no one watching you.”

“Fame is so fleeting,” I reply sardonically. “I’d offer to send you an HPG but with the network down…”

“Where are you going to go?”

I consider for a minute whether to tell him. A gesture of trust? Well, maybe it’s worth the risk. “There’s a strategic asset I’m going to try to rescue. And apropos of that, if someone could try to rescue the staff of the Nirasaki Computer Collective that might not be a bad idea. They came up with some of the SDS systems and might figure out a counter.” A counter that might then be applied to me. Well… hope for the best. Plan for the other thing…


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2013, 02:17:44 PM »

Entry #10
Lagrange Jump Point
Zebebelgenubi, Terran Hegemony
12:00 30 December 2766

I’d hit two of the deep space recharge stations that the SLDF had set up for moving their ships around without being spotted by civilian traffic. There weren’t many of them and probably the Republican navy would take out as many as they could with data captured on Terra, but getting charges from them meant I could race from Terra to the borders of the Hegemony in two days. That was particularly useful since my escorting Caspars didn’t have lithium fusion batteries.

I could have gone faster but the First Royal Swiss Cavalry needed the time to carry out repairs to their equipment, finish integrating the Sandhurst cadets into their ranks and to plan for the coming operation. Taylor Corvus, their former senior battalion commander and now in charge of the whole regiment via dead men’s shoes, had offered to have her techs don vac-suits and try to patch up some of the rents in my armour, but it would have taken too long. They didn’t really have the equipment to work with the lamellor ferro-carbide plating either.

“You know we usually have more to work with, intelligence wise,” she warns me as the dropships detach. The Caspars are already rebooting after the jump, their scratch crews running for the shuttles that they’ll be using to get clear.

I consider pointing out that at least we have maps of our target region of the planet below us, something that’s not usually available when hitting pirate bases in the deep periphery – that having been the SLDF’s major activity before the Periphery Uprising. Still, even then there would be a forces estimate. “I can tell you what I’m going to be fighting,” I advise her instead, giving her dropship a shot of four of the Republican Essex-class destroyers escorting an Avatar-class cruiser whose transponder suggested it ought to be in a boneyard somewhere.

Corvus nodded. “That shouldn’t be a problem for you, I take it?”

“Not if everything goes to plan. Then again…”

“When do things ever go to plan?” she asks ruefully. “I’ll put my faith in you.”

“I’ll do my part, Major.” Actually, I don’t plan to directly involve myself at all unless things go wrong. It may be a little cowardly to send the M-5 drones forwards to do the main fighting, but since destroying me would neutralise them anyway, it’s nothing less than good sense.

The Swiss’ three dropships tuck in against me and launch their fighters. My own remaining drones will be covering the Caspars so I’ll be depending on the single squadron for close air protection. In the same spirit of mutual dependence, for the first time since I awoke I open up my hatches and let human beings in – as far as the shuttle bay anyway. “You’ll excuse me for not letting you further,” I advise the crews aboard the shuttles. “Stretch your legs if you want, but I don’t have any escape pods so you probably don’t want to be far from the shuttles if things go badly.”

The M-5s rush forwards, pushing three gravities of acceleration, spreading out to flank them from five angles. Faced with the unexpected, the defenders try to focus on one side of the circle. Not a bad decision: if they tried to punch through the hole they would have been caught in a crossfire. This way, they can concentrate their fire on one drone and… the other drones can take targeting data from it and rip two destroyers apart, well outside the effective range of the Republican’s weapons.

The damaged drone accelerates towards the cruiser, which has enough warning to get out of its path but that takes it out of supporting range of the remaining two destroyers, who promptly become the proud recipients of laser fire and particle beams from the other four drones.

The captain of the cruiser apparently decides that discretion is the better part of valour and breaks away to shadow us from a distance. I’m happy enough to accept that – for now. The priority is to get the Swiss Cavalry down to the surface, not driving off a voyeur. I post the damaged Caspar to keep an eye on it – if it turns and resumes the battle one M-5 won’t last long, but it can soak up a little damage while the others blow the cruiser to atoms.

The Swiss Cavalry - it’s increasingly hard not to call them the Swiss Guards but they might take offense if I do that – may be short on aerospace but they’ve managed to patch up three battalions with the replacements. And while their transports are a mis-matched set – one Overlord, one Dictator and one Colossus that has the infantry and armour that are semi-officially attached to them – they all work. This isn’t the Third Succession War, after all.

More than a hundred BattleMechs rain down over Zebebelgenubi and I’m damn glad that it’s not heavily fortified. Actually, given that it’s under joint-control with the Lyran Commonwealth, the planet’s in a fairly strategic position with a couple of Castles Brian to ensure that the SLDF maintained a stranglehold. Of course, with the garrison thinned and mostly replaced by Rim Worlders there had probably been rumbling about calling in LCAF for months now.

Just rumbling… but now with the Rim Worlds in sole control that rumbling might be fanned into something stronger. Maybe. Just maybe.

The important thing is that while Castles Brian are too tough a nut to crack with a battle group that might barely count as half a brigade, that’s not what I’m aiming to do. If the Rimjobs want to fortify themselves up inside those meaty fortifications then that’s just fine for now. Well, it’d be better if they were out in the open like that mechanized battalion that’s… Uh-oh. Right outside my target. And that’s just the vehicles.

“First Swiss Actual, I have a battalion’s worth of APCs in your target area along with a company or so of Hipparchs.”

“That’s not much of a military threat,” Corvus replies. “But it might take a while to root them out if they go to ground and that could be rough on the people around them.”

“Particularly when your infantry are coming down the slow way. Would you like some fire support?” I ease power, letting myself lag a little so that I have a clear path of fire past the dropping ‘Mechs.

“And make this even more unfair? Be my guest.”

In the interest of precision only my first shot is from a particle beam turret – after that the atmospheric after-effects of the shot will make punching a shot through it a little chancier than I like – it might cause problems as it did over London. The four beams smash into the centre of the hover tank company that are parked in a sprawling parking lot and the blast radius of the impacts flips, crumples and melts through the rest of the unit. Along with everything else in an area about a third of a kilometer across. Quite a lot of people’s cars just go slagged but the buildings nearby don’t appear to have more than cosmetic damage – fortunate that they have such a huge parking zone.

For the APCs I use railguns – half-ton slugs of nickel-iron aren’t going to be quite as disturbed by the suddenly heated and ionized air – to pick off parked units. They’re not so conveniently out and away from nearby buildings so I crack a lot of windows and take the pillared front porch off what I’m fairly sure is the town hall, taking out a third of them with six slugs before I decide that that’s enough. It’s far from impossible I’ve hurt civilian bystanders already – I’m certainly not going to try this with residential regions.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2013, 02:37:07 PM »

A couple of questions:
- First Swiss Cavalry? Who are they?
- no repair drones/robots inside the Praetorian?
- how can it know about the Succession Wars and the 3rd one?

- stranglehold: isn't it stronghold?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2013, 05:14:16 PM »

A couple of questions:
- First Swiss Cavalry? Who are they?
I introduced them in Entry #4

- no repair drones/robots inside the Praetorian?
Only to a very limited degree. I don't believe that they're canonical.

- how can it know about the Succession Wars and the 3rd one?
I'm afraid this is a self-insertion.

- stranglehold: isn't it stronghold?
While I'm perfectly capable of erring, in this case I did indeed mean stranglehold.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #37 on: October 02, 2013, 02:34:59 PM »

A couple of questions:
- First Swiss Cavalry? Who are they?
I introduced them in Entry #4

I know but I still don't know who/what they are.
Are they troops assigned to defend Geneva? Mercenaries?...

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #38 on: October 02, 2013, 03:53:21 PM »

The First Royal Swiss Cavalry are the SLDF regiment that was posted in Geneva at the time of the Coup. It's likely they're part of the 48th Royal BattleMech division although that's not specified in canon.

Entry #11
Low Orbit, Zebebelgenubi,
Terran Hegemony
15:00 30 December 2766

“Scratch the tanks and a dozen APCs. No numbers on the infantry,” I warn Corvus.

“It’s still an improvement,” she concludes, reassuringly. “Don’t worry about the infantry, that’s what the Vulcans are for. I’d take it as a personal favour if you’d keep the garrison from sending in heavy reinforcements.”

“I’ll do what I can,” I agree, scanning my maps of the area and singling out bottlenecks in the transport network that I can cut off. Bridges and tunnels are fairly fragile things all things considered.

One of my intact M-5s moves over the horizon for the nearest Castle Brian and more importantly, to its sally ports. One opens to send out a handful of scout tanks – most likely testing the waters before sending out a serious force. Since I’d rather that they didn’t, low angle lasers bore in and pulversize half the lance.

At the same time, I have to keep my eyes open. If the ‘Mechs were already deployed then they could pop up anywhere on the planet and that’s a lot of landmass – not to mention shallow water – to search.

Down below the first battalion of the First Swiss Cavalry hit the dirt and start fanning out. The landing zone is a semi-military drop-port that doubles as shipping out smaller products of local manufacture and also fits out military dropships like the Model-96 variants below. Fortunately it seems that the Hipparchs and an platoon’s worth of APCs I’d taken out were the only heavy weapons on site, but the ‘Mechs machineguns are soon in play against dismounted infantry and the battle for Ulsop Robotics and the company town that surrounded the factory was underway.

Equipped as a Hussar regiment, the Swiss’ use their first battalion as heavy scouts – two companies of Royal Phoenix Hawks and one of Vulcans, now with Chameleon training ‘Mechs from Sandhurst filling gaps in their ranks. All had integral jumpjets and make relatively soft landings, letting them rally quickly to provide a perimeter for the other two battalions’ Royal Warhammers (the older of the two variants with that distinction), Guillotines, Champions and Shadow Hawks – intermixed with occasional oddities like three Crocketts from Sandhurst and the regimental Gunslinger’s Griffin - to come down in.

I wince as one of the Champions suffers a malfunction of some kind. The Mechwarrior keeps his head and ejects the drop cocoon before ejecting himself. The heavy ‘Mech splashes into a river and comes apart, which will probably preclude any investigation of the cause. One of the Guillotines is less fortunate – half of the jump-jets cut out far too low for any reaction but horrified recognition as seventy tons of BattleMech hits the ground spinning. A leg somehow ends up caving in a house on the edge of drop-port.

Statistically this is a high-average level of casualties for executing a regimental drop under combat conditions.

The losses don’t make much difference to the ‘Mechs – a Shadow Hawk lance detaches to check the house for survivors and recover the Mechwarrior’s body if possible. Otherwise the heavies fan out to cover the landing zone, freeing first battalion to move out into the town towards the factory.

They seem to know what they were doing and I doubt that they’ll want some naval type jogging their elbows so I resolve not to do that thing. Instead I look at the local media. Wow, someone’s making waves. Oh yes… that would be us.

Since I’m not terribly busy right now – oh, that looks like a Rampage down there leading a lance back towards the Castle Brian, well we know who uses those, smite! – I scan a few dozen local media forums. Martial law, RWR troops in the planetary capital and the major cities, Castles Brian sealed up more than usual… oh look at that. The Fat Man made a speech. Looks like he got the HPG working again. I check the location of the local transmitter. A good chunk of the way around the planet. Now this is where I could detach one of the Caspars to take it out on a more permanent basis if it wasn’t for the fact that that cruiser might take the opportunity to come back and pick it off…

Maybe I should have killed the ship earlier. It doesn’t have the engines to get away… should have followed through. I break off two M-5s. If it decides to come in after those… well, two to one odds should counter the tonnage advantage of the Avatar. If he thinks he can get to me, with my own armament plus three… well, two and a half Caspars. It’d be the smart play, I’d give him about a one in six chance of causing me serious damage. The cruiser wouldn’t survive but somewhat abashedly I think that would count as a win for the Republic right now.

Creating a few dozen profiles on several political forums doesn’t take any longer than finding the ones that catered to pro-Lyran and pro-Skye sentiments. It’s not exactly subtle but I seed them all with suggestions that an appeal be smuggled to the Lyran Commonwealth – to the Archon and to anyone else that might be listening – asking for the liberation of Lyran worlds like Zebebelgenubi.

It won’t accomplish anything much right now, I don’t even know how they might send that message… but people are inventive. And greedy. They’ll find a way. And in the meantime the pro-Lyran elements among the population will be that much more opposed to the Rim Worlders. Maybe it would have happened anyway

Okay. Public opinion gone. Now to start covering tracks: tax records and census data for the entire region around Ulsop Robotics. We can’t get all of those people out but I can do as much as possible to prevent them from being identified.

“Praetorian, this is First Swiss Actual. We’ve reached the factory and our infantry are down.”

“Excellent news, well done.”

I could detect a degree of amusement in her voice. “Oh, the man in charge would like to talk to you.”

“Splendid.” I made a bet with myself. Outrage at my invading his factory?

“Who is this!?”

I award myself victory in the bet. “My name is Praetorian. Right now I’m all that stands between you and your people becoming slave labour for Amaris and your families being hostages to keep you in line. Can I help you in any other way?”

That took the wind out of his sails. “W-what?”

“It’s been a rough couple of days, hasn’t it? You must have heard of the Coup? You must realise that General Kerensky will return here, in time, with the SLDF to oust Amaris.”

“Well, yes…”

“And all that stands in his way are the SDS systems that the Usurper had to decapitate for the Coup to succeed. Which means his forces here were to ensure your compliance with his demands in restoring them.”

The factory manager isn’t a stupid man. “What do you want?”

“I want the factory destroyed and the workers hidden or evacuated.” I pause. “And I could do with your help.”


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #39 on: October 02, 2013, 04:41:57 PM »

Amaris is gonna be hard pressed to do better than he did in the canon timeline. Praetorian is undercutting his efforts quite effectively. Plus the Draconis Combine has no reason not to strike Amaris for his attack on the Kuritas. The Davions also have incentive to help if the First Prince is the Regent Lord of the Star League. Things looking bleak far quicker for the Fat Man.


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #40 on: October 03, 2013, 08:19:28 AM »

This is a fun story
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2013, 02:43:03 PM »

Vulcans were first produced in 2777 (checking details freak).

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2013, 04:06:57 PM »

So I've been advised. My bad.

Entry #12
Low Orbit, Zebebelgenubi,
Terran Hegemony
23:30 31 December 2766

New Year’s Eve is usually a festival, across all of humanity. Most of them still have no reason not to celebrate it.

I, on the other hand, am about to undergo brain surgery.

“You realise that this will place exceptional strain on your processing power?” the rather worried young man inside the hardware of my tactical computer warns. “I’ve no experience of your computer core but I’d be hesitant to consider this with the systems of an M-5C.”

“These aren’t ideal circumstances,” I agree. “But they are the circumstances that we have.”

Given the terrible circumstances I’d warned the Ulsop management of, they’d been more than happy to provide me with access to their equipment and technical staff while families were streaming out of the area – either to hide on other parts of Zebebelgenubi or onto a small flotilla of dropships. As you might imagine, I was abusing this recklessly.

“It’s your funeral if this goes wrong, Mr Praetorian,” the engineer says with a shrug. “Quite literally,” he adds under his breath.

One thing that the engineers had been able to do was unlock the controls of the M-5s with me so that I could give them orders without having to stay around. That meant that I could delegate escorting the dropships to the jump point – fortunately the Republican ships that had seized the jump point on the day of the coup had moved on and not yet returned but if they did, the Caspars would hopefully be enough protection.

That wasn’t the main thing that I wanted from them though. You see, I have more than one tactical computer aboard: the one that I could use to group M-5 and M-3 drones into a network with me and a separate one that handled my Strikers and shuttles.

My thinking had been to work out how to use the latter to control capital drones like the first one. Suborning dozens of Caspars at once could neutralise the entire SDS drone fleet over a world or jump point. It would also enable me to handle fleet engagements almost unaided. The engineers had shaken their heads at that – they’d have to pull the whole system and probably expand it beyond the available space in my hull to do that.

But that wasn’t enough to make them give up. After all, if I can mount two tactical computers… why not more?

And if there isn’t sufficient space inside my hull then what about outside it?

Inventive devils. I’m glad they’re on my side. At least I hope they are. Letting them in at my computer core means that if they aren’t then I probably won’t survive the surgery.

Among the dropships being fitted out at the drop-port were four M-96C dropships, a class commonly known as the Howdah. Each comes fitted with a tactical computer capable of directing twenty drones – usually Voidseeker drones like my Strikers, but in practise they’d been sufficient to control M-3 drones in the past. Ulsop engineers were crawling over them at this moment, some of them upgrading the hardware to handle larger drones using parts from tactical computers being prepared for M-5C drones, others tearing away life support to make room for the computers and placing the armour-clad structural members that were needed to hold the dropships permanently in my four aft drop-collars.

I’d be giving up most of my primary tactical computer to link through to these tactical computers – another reason to be glad that my immediate escorts could now operate without constant supervision – but the potential trade off was mouth-watering. If I had a mouth, that was. The potential to control as many as eighty capital drones without losing my fighter cover?

“Well, ready when you are.”

Making the changes meant shutting down the tactical computer, which isn’t neatly differentiated from what’s notionally my core processors as the terms might suggest. To all practical purposes I was closing off part of my brain temporarily.

“Let’s do this thing.”

I flip the ‘switch’.

Well that doesn’t feel too bad. A little like being sat in the dentist’s chair as the tactical feeds are disconnected from their transmission nodes and connected to the cables leading into the Howdahs.

I’m… human again?

Heh. Howdahs are those things on the backs of Elephants that people sit in. Kind of silly to call a variant on the Elephant-class dropships that, but now they’re being carried by something larger it makes perfect sense.

Standing in a perfectly ordinary street. Looks like a fairly major city’s business district. Grand stone buildings set a metre or so back from street by black-painted railings and a moat-like arrangment that allows the basement to have windows. Reflected a window is the face I’d chosen for myself.

Of course, adding another sixty thousand tons to me isn’t going to do my acceleration any favours, but it’s only 4% of my mass and they still have their engines so that adds enough thrust to offset it.

What’s going on? No one else on the street seems surprised by my presence, or even particularly interested in me. Clothing styles aren’t all that familiar… is this still the 28th century?

Battle damage feels like pain. Having parts of my systems disconnected feels numb in places. Weird.

There’s one man looking at me. It takes me a moment to recognise the face as familiar… He grins and gestures for me to look up.

This is actually kind of tedious. Then again, I suppose I should expect that: warfare’s usually mostly waiting.

There’s a shadow in the sky. Impossibly clear, the silhouette of a warship. Texas-class.

It’s a shame there’s no dock here that can patch up the holes in my armour. Perhaps at my next destination…

Part of me recognises that this is impossible. A ship that low would be in terminal descent, certainly not simply hanging in the sky. That part of me is by far subordinate to portion that’s frantically looking for a street sign.

There’s a pins and needles sensation as the tactical computers boot up, one at a time.

Temple Avenue. I’m in London? There’s the briefest sense of lightning and then all is fire.

What the fuck was that?


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2013, 12:26:36 AM »

Since you described them as Hussars... they wouldn't be a part of the 48th Royal BattleMechs. Hussars are independent regiments.

Honestly, I would have put em down as a SLDF Reserve formation who managed to get organised and equipped.


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #44 on: October 04, 2013, 04:00:09 PM »

Entry #13
Low Orbit, Zebebelgenubi,
Terran Hegemony
09:30 1 January 2767

Okay, apparently warships do not dream of electric sheep.

Either that or BROB is fucking with me. The face I saw suggests that, but it might be my own psyche messing me up. It was a dream, after all.

I hope that won’t happen again, next time I get fixed up. I’m going to need some dock time sooner or later, unless I get unlucky and someone gets a kill-shot in. But if that happens next time too then I’m going to have to keep shutting down to the absolute minimum.

I mean… part of me was fine. I was humming along, happily oblivious to the fact that other parts of me were hallucinating. And that’s good because if it had gone the other way then I’d probably have made a hideous mess. A warship that can’t tell what it’s doing is a warship that is not safe to be around.

Or is it a good thing? What if another part of me is going through something similar right now? I run diagnostics, comparing to activity while I was napping. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, which wasn’t entirely comforting. Or perhaps it was. After all, I don’t recall any brain surgeons having located the part of the human brain that contains the soul.

“Everything okay, sir?”

“Nothing seems to be damaged,” I assure the nervous engineer. “Let’s see how the new systems are integrating…”

Two of the links are successful and I am able to connect to my remaining escorts with ease – although there’s a notable lag for those boosting towards the jump point. The other two, it seems, will need a little adjustment.

“Do you want to shut down the main computer again?”

“No,” I decide. “That won’t be necessary – now that the main links are in place it will be more productive for me to give feedback as they’re adjusted.”

“I guess so,” he agrees and starts wriggling out of the crawlway he’d been working in.

Had I been too firm about that? Did he guess how nervous the idea of rebooting that part of me made me?

Probably not, but it’d be a good idea to think before speaking in the future. That’d be a change, really.

“Major Corvus?”

“Praetorian?” she greets me. “Is there a problem?”

“No problem. The main changes have been made and there’s some fine-tuning to do. I’m just checking your status.”

“No sign of the Republicans – I think they’ve figured out we’re not going anywhere and they’re just going to wait us out. We are getting invaded though.”

“What?” I checked my scanners. No sign of troop movements down there.

“Nothing like that,” Corvus explains quickly. “There are quite a lot of reservists in this area though. We keep getting people coming up to our lines." She pauses, irritated. “In a couple of cases getting past our lines – and volunteering their services.”

“Do you have room for them?”

“Not all of them. I feel like the biblical Gideon since I’ve only got room for three hundred. So far I’m sending them home if they have families. At the current rate that won’t be enough soon though.”

“Tell them that we need them to stay her and defend their people against Amaris. The more resistance movements there are bothering him, the less he can focus on the rest of the war.”

“Yeah… I used that excuse when the family men don’t take no for an answer. I don’t like to think about how an angry young man might take it though. Amaris’ troops are used to suppressing resistance.”

“If they were that good at it,” I point out, “They wouldn’t have to keep doing it. It’s going to be pretty rough on Zebebelgenubi but the things are going to be rough all over.”

“General Stefannson was right. You are a cold-blooded son of a bitch.” There was no anger in her voice though.

“I don’t have blood and I’m fairly sure I have no canines in my ancestry.” I pause. “It’s a good image though. The implacable warship that will do anything to complete the mission. Let them believe that.”

“So it’s not true?”

“It’s easier to fight for Amanda Cameron, who is more or less an innocent and whose life depends on my doing so than it would be to fight for Richard Cameron, a petty tyrant. Of course Amanda may not turn out any better but at least there’s some hope.”

There’s a long pause.

“Major? Are you alright?”

“Who built you, Praetorian? Why are you this smart?”

Well it started with a Random Omnipotent Being who got bored… “I don’t have that information. I suspect that I was an experiment. It’s very likely that I am not my creator’s intended goal. Most SLDF officers I’ve encountered don’t seem too happy about me.”

“Well I appreciate you. You might want to work on your manners though.”

“I don’t really think that’s the problem. I am a tool. A weapon. Who trusts a weapon that wields itself?”

“It used to be – before the SLDF – an age-old problem. ‘It’s Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy go away’.”

“Kipling. However, Major, the band is playing and the drums have begun to roll. Tommy ain’t a blooming fool. Trust, in me, requires me to be predictable to the SLDF, and obedient to their Generals. Yet predictability is no virtue in our current campaign. It is very unlikely that the SLDF will allow me to survive this war. Then again, I may simply die of self-pity.”

She laughs at the deadpan last sentence. It helps to have someone I can tell a joke to.
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