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Re: Centurion
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2013, 11:36:17 AM »

Pity, no never that
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2013, 02:36:37 PM »

Entry #14
Lagrange Jump Point, Zebebelgenubi,
Terran Hegemony
19:45 6 January 2767

Ulsop Robotics is a crater.

I spend a merry hour or so pounding it flat with particle beams until the building’s remains crashed down into the basement levels, and then a bit more just to be sure. That did quite a bit of damage to the town around it, but anyone living there had had ample warning to leave and for all I know, they have done so. Some of them willingly, knowing that their work won’t be used to support an usurping tyrant, some of them cursing the SLDF and I for forcing them away from their homes and a few in police vans after they were caught chaining themselves to fences, having laid out large signs to warn me that they ‘would not be moved’.

Apparently they’d never heard of bolt-cutters.

“You’ve been keeping your cards close to your chest.”

Taylor Corvus hadn’t been best pleased to find out that with four of my docking collars filled there wasn’t room for me to carry her whole regiment with me on the next operation. It wasn’t as if the Caspars had jump collars. It all worked out in the end – the Dictator-class dropship could carry another hundred or so refugees out to the Nadir jump-point and to safety in the Lyran Commonwealth, while thee companies of BattleMechs would give the Zebebelgenubi resistance movement some teeth to use on the Rimjobs.

Still, I don’t think she’s forgiven me yet.

“I’m sure I don’t need to explain operational security, Taylor. I’ll tell you once we reach our first waypoint.”

She folds her arms. “I thought that you wanted me to trust you, Tommy. But you if don’t trust me, how can I?”

Apparently Praetorian is too formal a name for me now. I’ve started using her first name on private channels in retaliation. It was all very childish. It was also friendly, or a reasonable approximation of it.

“You really can’t wait half an hour? You have to know now?”

“Well I am the senior SLDF officer in the expedition. It reflects badly on me not to even know where we’re going.”

I consider that. Push the limits? Well… maybe. “I see your point, Taylor. I’ll have to ask you not to tell anyone – not even your second-in-command – until we’re clear of the system. If the Republic found out, it would be disastrous. One transmission.”

“I promise, I won’t say a word. I just want to start thinking it through.”

“Alright. If it keeps you happy.” I lower my voice. “But not a word. Not spoken, written or anything.”

“What do you want me to do, cross my heart and hope to die?”

“If that would keep it more confidential then I’m in favour of it.”

Corvus crosses herself. “I swear on my life not to tell anyone where we’re going until we leave the Zebebelgenubi system. Satisfied now?”

“Okay.” I lower the volume of my voice further. “Our next destination…”

She nods.


“Go on…”

“…a secret.”

She gives my camera a blank look and then snorts. “Very funny. You’re not an artificial intelligence, you’re an artificial smart-alek.”

“One tries.” I check my calculations again. “Thirty seconds until we jump, I hope anyone with TDS is strapped in tight.”

“Will you at least tell me when we –“

We jump.

“- arrive?”

“New Dallas,” I tell her. And then we jump again.

“New Dallas?” Corvus shakes her head. “What’s on New Dallas that’s caught your eye? It can’t be the agriculture – you don’t eat.”

“It is a factor. When the SLDF come back they’ll need to eat. And because New Dallas export a lot of food they’re a shipping node. Control that and we might be able to yank half-a-dozen nearby worlds out from under Amaris before the Republicans are fully entrenched.”

“That’s kind of ambitious for one ship and less than a regiment of BattleMechs,” she warned. “Sure, it sounds good on paper, but…”

“I’m not planning on doing this alone. When the Ulsopp crews reach the Lyran Commonwealth they’ll be forwarding a lot of messages for me. Most of the SLDF is out of reach but the Eighth and Eleventh Armies have garrisons on five worlds not all that far outside of the Hegemony. Given the priority codes I attached to them, I think there’s a good chance they’ll at least send a scout force to see if the data I sent them is correct.”

I pause to let her process that. “As for warships, New Dallas has an SDS network. If it’s destroyed then I’ll have an entire fleet at my disposal. If it’s still in local hands, that’s just as good – better in fact. The SLDF will trust them with drones more than they’re ever likely to trust me.”

“And if it’s fallen into Republican hands?”

“Got any coins on you?”

“Not right now… why?”

“I’ve never tried taking drones out from under the control of an operational network. My best guess is that I’ve about a fifty-fifty chance of succeeding – assuming that they aren’t too proficient. So if it comes to that? Heads, we win. Tails, we all die.”


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2013, 03:14:36 PM »

And one quick sidetrip to HTP: New Dallas to check dates..

Wow, this should be interesting.
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2013, 04:21:49 PM »

And one quick sidetrip to HTP: New Dallas to check dates..

Wow, this should be interesting.

Yeah. I checked Historical: LoT I. Says the Rim Worlds Fleet sent to show Amaris's displeasure and properly take the place... arrived 11 days later. Wouldn't that be the 7th of January?


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2013, 12:36:55 PM »

Can't wait for more.


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2013, 01:04:17 PM »

Interlude #2
Unity City, North America
Terra, Terran Hegemony
10 January 2767

Stefan Amaris, once merely President of the Rim Republic, now soon to be elected Director-General of Terran Hegemony, Emperor of the Amaris Empire and First Lord of the Star League, drank tea as he watched the construction teams work to repair his capital.

There was quite a lot to repair.

“Is Geneva still burning?” he asked, placing his empty cup down on the table behind his chair. He didn’t take his eyes off the bank of monitors that took up one wall of the lounge. It was far too dangerous for him to watch the work with his own eyes.

General Scoffins glanced at the display for himself. In addition to regular construction workers, drafted civilians were pushing wheelbarrows of debris away from the sites being cleared. “Yes sir. Colonel Legos is… punishing them for you with his usual enthusiasm.”

“Judge not, General. The Colonel has his uses and it will not do for the Hegemony’s government to believe that they can escape the consequences of obstructing me.” He waved one pudgy hand over the table. “Would you like a cup?”

“Thank you, sire.” One does not deny an Emperor, even if your back teeth are floating.

A subservient maid filled a cup for the general who held it but did not drink. She’d know how he liked it, milk and no sugar, without prompting.

“Would it surprise you to learn that Ms. Outerbridge’s OPD have yet to find any new information upon this ‘Praetorian’ who has spoken against me?”

Scoffins’ lips curled slightly. The Office of Policy and Doctrine had been of great help in securing the tools of government for the newborn Empire but its sudden adoption of paramilitary attire was hardly welcome in the eyes of the men and women who had fought and died to acquire that Empire in the first place. “It disappoints me, sire. Particularly, if – as seems likely – this Praetorian is associated with the battleship of that name.”

“There have been no sightings since Zebebelgundi?”

“I would have informed you immediately, sire. Most probably it has retreated to a deep space rendezvous or into the Lyran Commonwealth. No doubt it will return.”

“Yes. The officers in command on Zebebelgundi have been dealt with?”

“Demoted and transferred.”

Amaris pulled on his mustache with one hand. “That hardly seems sufficient.”

“They may not be fit to command, but they can still die for you as soldiers, sire.”

“You seem sure that I can trust them to do that.” He lowered his hand to the table and drummed his fingers on it. “Send them to General Milton-Davis for employment in probing the defenses of the hold-outs on Caph. If they doo well then there will be no need to involve their families in their disgrace.”

“As you command.”

“Whether this Praetorian is a man or – as some claim – a machine does not truly matter, General.” Amaris waved back the maid and refilled his own cup, using tongs to drop three cubes of sugar into the tea. “What matters is that he is a symbol. At the moment, a rather unfortunate symbol of resistance to us. But break him and he becomes symbolic of those who defy me.”

“Naval casualties securing the Hegemony are over one hundred and fifty warships, sire, and losing the ships that were moored here for repairs has set back replacing them. Destroying the Praetorian may prove expensive.”

“A cost that we shall have to bear, Patrick. Ms. Outerbridge’s report on the Nirasaki hasn’t reached your office yet, I believe? The SLDF struck at Nirasaki Computer Collective before the OPD could transfer them to more secure facilities here. Quite a number of the scientists were killed in the crossfire and others are unaccounted for. Between that and the loss of Ulsop Robitics, the repair of the SDS command centres has been set back months.” Amaris sipped on his tea. “They might also have shed some light on how he is subverting their supposedly secure drones. Very frustrating. Our own experts assure us that Praetorian cannot comandeer control of drones where we have intact control links, but quite a number of our systems no longer have those.”

“Meaning that that battleship has a ready-made fleet in waiting over almost two dozen worlds.” And that explained why the SLDF hadn’t used Praetorian to destroy the drones over Terra. As soon as they rallied enough ground forces to secure a beachhead on the homeworld, they could return and activate the hundreds of M-5 drones, gutting the naval defenses around Terra. “This is a nightmare.” Destroying the Caspars would prevent that… but it would also require concentrating the Amaris Empire’s fleet to do so, and no doubt casualties would be severe.

“Ah, but one can wake up from a nightmare General. Once Praetorian has been destroyed or we have our SDS networks restored, that threat vanishes. An amateur’s mistake, no doubt made in a panic when they realised that they had been defeated here.” Amaris finally turned away from the screens. “Unfortunately, to restore control will take several months, a window of opportunity for Kerensky’s attack dogs. The Empire depends upon my navy killing that ship, General. Give the necessary commands.”

Scoffins came to attention. “Sire.” At a dismissive wave of his lord’s hand, the general handed the tea cup to the maid and then made his exit.

Behind him, Amaris flicked his fingers to banish the maid too and turned back to the screens. He wasn’t looking at the ruins, instead he envisaged them restored and improved upon. A new, grander Court to house the grander Empire that now made its home here. In time, of course, he reminded himself. The Great Houses might well need… persuasion before they recognised him as their leader.

And there was Kerensky.

Well, no one ever started a new age for mankind without getting rid of some deadwood first. It was unfortunate that the man had survived the ambush on New Vandenberg but it might work out for the best. “You’re predictable, my dear General,” the new master of Terra addressed his distant enemy. “Everything must be in its place and now everything is not in its place at all. ….ah.” His eyes widened as an idea sprang to life in his mind.

“Oho,” he chortled. “’Praetorian’ indeed. I wonder… if you didn’t know about him, General Kerensky, then what place will you assign him now.”

Mentally, Amaris juggled a dozen factors and then chortled again. “So will your ideals make you destroy this wild card that calls itself your ally? Or will you compromise them in the name of pragmatism, cracking your own foundations? What a choice for you, what a choice.”

Ice Hellion

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #51 on: October 06, 2013, 01:39:34 PM »

“So will your ideals make you destroy this wild card that calls itself your ally? Or will you compromise them in the name of pragmatism, cracking your own foundations? What a choice for you, what a choice.”

I don't get this.
Does he know that Praetorian is no human? Does he think that Praetorian is too brutal even for angered soldiers?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #52 on: October 06, 2013, 03:10:24 PM »

Amaris' deduced that Praetorian (whether manned or not) is outside the SLDF chain of command.

He's speculating whether Kerensky's going to follow his first instinct (all in order, everything in its proper place) and force Praetorian to conform (or destroy Praetorian in the process) or if Kerensky will compromise and work with Praetorian, something he'd find uncomfortable and might throw him off his game.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 03:38:05 AM by drakensis »

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #53 on: October 06, 2013, 04:53:15 PM »

“So will your ideals make you destroy this wild card that calls itself your ally? Or will you compromise them in the name of pragmatism, cracking your own foundations? What a choice for you, what a choice.”

I don't get this.
Does he know that Praetorian is no human? Does he think that Praetorian is too brutal even for angered soldiers?

I think that's Amaris cracking
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Centurion
« Reply #54 on: October 07, 2013, 02:29:06 PM »

all in order, everything in its proper place

I think this is a bit of a caricature as war is chaos.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #55 on: October 07, 2013, 04:22:49 PM »

Entry #15
Nadir Jump Point, New Dallas,
Terran Hegemony
12:10 13 January 2767

New Dallas’s star is quite small – meaning that the usual jump points are less than four days away from the system’s one inhabited planet. Normally that would be too far out for what I had in mind, but in this instance it opened up an opportunity.

I braced myself for a fight – if the Republicans held the Pavise M-9 station here and if they’d left any substantial number of M-5s to defend it, then I would be fighting a naval battle for my life and an electronic battle for control over the drones.

To my good fortune, only one of those things is true – the Pavise is active but its protectors are only a squadron of M-3 drones – enough for police work on unarmed civilian jumpships but they’ll only threaten me by ramming – something I’m alert for.

Even better, I’ve hit the exact point I wanted to arrive at – just outside the effective range of the station’s weapons. It might mean that I can’t engage them myself – my own range is no better – but it gives the First Royal Swiss Cavalry a chance to detach.

My only real cause for complaint is that once the Rimjobs recover from their surprise, they don’t make the mistake of sending their M-3s out into my weapon range. Instead, as my onboard Strikers launch and stream towards the Pavise the M-3s cluster in and add their fire to its Naval Lasers, hammering shots into the five squadrons (I managed to replenish them from stocks on Zebebelgenudi) that cost me fourteen Strikers in a little over two minutes.

I don’t sit idle, of course, but it takes time for my own engines to accelerate me to the sort of speeds I need for my Plan B – high speed passes to engage the station like the sitting duck that it is – and now the other sixteen Strikers are in range to fire their external ordnance.

Radio channels descend into unintelligible static as more than a dozen five kiloton warheads do their business. Most crash against the thick armour plating, converting the tons of layer metal, ceramic and other materials into plasma but failing to penetrate. Some though, find weak spots and the penetrators function as intended, letting the nuclear reactions commence inside the M-9’s massive hull.

The M-3s drop into standby, quite a relief since they’d been holding out against my intrusions quite well, and a moment later I have them – and the two-dozen Voidseeker Interceptors that had been about to do something very unfriendly to my Strikers. It appears that the Pavise’s tactical computer must be a casualty. Good.

“Major Corvus, we’re in.”

“I’m on it.” The Colossus and the Overlord fan out towards the waiting jumpships Her infantry are vac-suited and the ‘Mechs configured for void operations. If any of those captains have any latent Republican sympathies then they’d be wise to keep them very quiet.

One scan of the Pavise confirms it’s not just mission-killed, it’s fragmented into four large and myriad smaller sections. It’s a design flaw, I think. If they’re going to still be used when this is all over, someone needs to think of a way to reinforce the structures against that sort of hit. Then again, if someone already had then I’d be having a much harder time right now.

Now, there had been two dozen Caspars assigned to each of New Dallas’ jump-points. If the twenty-four assigned here weren’t around then where are they?

Heading for New Dallas is the answer and that tells me a lot. There’s no way they’d be sent there unless New Dallas is holding out still and unless there’s a command ship with them, they must still be operating on direction from the Pavise here. Not on standby, of course, that would be ridiculous at a distance of several light minutes. But even so…

The drive flares of more than twenty warships are detectable at this range – and there’s more than twenty of them! They must have regrouped with the drones from the Zenith jump point and reinforcing warships… probably a full invasion force of the RWA as well. There’s got to be at least eighty capital ships and as many dropships in that formation and they’re less than a day out from New Dallas.

Isn’t a just a goddamn shame that a quarter of that fleet isn’t taking orders from Amaris anymore? I may be too far apart to give them tactical direction but I can most certainly give them new targeting priorities.

Quite a number of the Rim Worlds warships are Block I and Block II Lola-class destroyers not so very different from the M-5 and M-5C drones intermixed into the formation. Most likely they were among the obsolete vessels that Richard Cameron sold off to Amaris. Not terrible ships really, but just a bit too fragile to face the firepower that the drones can throw. Particularly since someone considerately loaded them with nuclear-tipped capital missiles for this operation. On general broadcast, Chris Cornell warns them that ‘You Know My Name’.

Two minutes after my little fleet suddenly swerved to bring their broadsides to bear – well before the news can reach the Zenith command station that their drones need updated orders – more than forty Lolas and Caspars have been reduced to tumbling wreckage. Transport dropships scatter in all directions as the Republican command group of three Monsoon-class battleships that I’m fairly sure were not sold off legitimately open fire.

The dropships take pretty heavy losses just as secondary targets – any weapon arc of my Caspars that isn’t firing into the battleships is firing on whatever they can – the main priority is the leviathans that are smashing my four squadrons of renegades. Each has a massive broadside of naval autocannon that laugh at the armour of the destroyer-sized M-5 and they’re fighting at the same point blank range that let the drones cause such carnage in the attack.

Barham, now renamed RWS Arabella Rowe, goes silent as nuclear missiles scorch its armour from end-to end, just as I switch tracks to tell them that ‘We Won’t Get Fooled Again’. RWS Heather Durant, once SLS Rodney meets one of the M-5s head on, adding one last enemy to its score of three destroyed by its broadsides before battleship and drone die in a mutual viking funeral pyre. Surrounded and alone, SLS Thunderer, bearing the IFF of RWS Gregory Amaris explodes under the battering of the surviving drones, all nine of them.

Well… we’ve won. Yay the good guys.

If I had any delusions of immortality though, this kills them as dead as a doornail. I’ve been damn lucky not to expose myself to that sort of carnage yet and if I want to survive, I’d be wise to keep myself out of point-blank encounters.

Some Republican fighters did launch but none of them seem to have nukes so I can afford to ignore them. “Republican transports,” I transmit, via one of the drones. “Cut your engines and surrender or you will be run down.”

And now for people who are hopefully on my side. There are almost twenty drones in orbit over New Dallas, presumably still under loyal control. “This is SLS Praetorian calling Governor Clay. I have control of the Nadir jump point and I’ve neutralised the invasion force. Please respond…”


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #56 on: October 07, 2013, 04:39:18 PM »

more please


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #57 on: October 07, 2013, 07:00:44 PM »

New Dallas is a true holdout.


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #58 on: October 08, 2013, 11:20:33 AM »

Oh, this was a nice story.


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Re: Centurion
« Reply #59 on: October 08, 2013, 02:37:09 PM »

Entry #16
High Orbit, New Dallas,
Terran Hegemony
02:30 17 January 2767

Quite sensibly, Governor Clay didn’t let me jump in via any of the three pirate points formed by New Dallas and its two moons, so I approached them the old fashioned way.

This also let them run technical teams out to the remaining drones from the slaughter and reconfigure them to take orders from the planetary SDS networks, which remained in loyalist hands. I could have prevented that, but only by firing on the shuttles, which would have been a bit counter-productive.

“You’ve made quite an impact on my people.” Governor Titus Clay had entered politics after a successful career as an SLDF officer. Given his success in both fields (he’d retired as a full General), I wasn’t inclined to underestimate him.

“If you hold off on deactivating me, I won’t ask you to go ahead and award the medals they’re suggesting. That way both extremes are equally frustrated.”

He snorts. “You’re not much of a politician. The politically correct answer would be to do both, but I’m not fool enough to try the former so you’ll take your medal and be polite about it.” While hardly on par with a SLDF sanctioned Hegemony Medal, the Star of New Dallas was well within the Governor’s authority to award and came with a string of minor privileges upon the world. Most of which would be kind of hard to claim since I can’t exactly go down there, but it’s the thought that counts.

“I guess I’ll grin and bear it.” Plus, the public support might be a factor if someone follows up the idea of shutting me down later.

“Colonel Corvus sings your praises, by the way.”

“No longer a Major?”

“General Kataga issued her a well-deserved promotion. Granted she may have to wait a while for SLDF HQ on New Earth complete the paperwork, but I don’t think Kerensky will disapprove of her.”

“Me, on the other hand…”

“Kerensky’s a practical man and you’re a valuable asset. Granted, he’s not ecstatic about SDS drones in general but you’ve proven yourself. So what are you planning next?”

“A plan? Little old me?” My face on the monitor grins.

“Son, I know full well what a junior officer with a plan that requires more balls than brains looks like and the white hair doesn’t fool me one bit.” But Clay is also grinning.

“I’ve sent word to the Eighth and Eleventh Armies, I’d be appreciative if you’d do the same. They probably don’t have the manpower or the shipping to liberate the Hegemony but if I can bust open a salient, I’m fairly sure we can keep it open long enough for reinforcements to arrive and turn that salient into a path right back to Terra.”

“That’s an ambitious plan. Of course, Amaris will do everything he can to crush you.”

“I’m sure he will. Which will make his claims to be a legitimate, benevolent ruler look a bit threadbare, not to mention pull troops away from their busy schedule of oppressing the rest of the Hegemony.”

“The problem with your plan is that if he does crush you, he’ll crush us too… and probably salt the earth of New Dallas.”

I shake my icon’s head. “You’ve been resisting him for a couple of weeks now, Governor. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to invite you around for tea and cakes any time soon. But if we can demonstrate that Amaris’ grip hasn’t tightened yet then maybe we can convince the Commanding General that he can take the Hegemony back on the run, rather than some slow and ponderous siege that gives the Fat Man time to get the SDS networks back online.”

“I suppose I see your point. So what’s step one?”

I bring up a map of the Hegemony, centred around New Dallas. “Tyrfing. We don’t have good intelligence – surviving elements of First and Second Fleets are working on that but I’m not back in contact with them yet – but it’s a provincial capital so the Rim Worlders would have had to knock it out hard and fast. There’s a very good chance that they didn’t manage to capture SDS control intact. If I can recruit some scratch navigational crews, I should be able to bring most of the M-5 Drones there back here. That’ll give the orbital defenses of New Dallas near parity with the entire fleet at Amaris’ disposal. It makes you too tough a nut to crack.”

“I like that part. Of course, if Tyrfing has been compromised, you’ll be outnumbered dozens to one. I don’t like your chances.”

“It is a risk. War’s like that. And I have a Lithium-Fusion Battery, so I may be able to escape if things don’t go well.”

“I’m not in a position to refuse you, I suppose.” Clay stroked his chin. “And what will we be doing while you’re running around playing hero?”

“Oh you’ve got the best job of all: logistics and politics.”

“You merciless sonuvabitch. I knew you’d get me back for pinning a medal on you.”

“Some of us are made for bigger roles, Mr. Interim Director-General.”

It takes a second for my words to sink in. “What did you call me!?”

“You’re the most senior government official I’ve found that I’m sure isn’t compromised and Amanda Cameron isn’t old enough to rule. Kerensky’s already shown he’s not got the political chops for the job even if he didn’t have a major war to fight. Who else is there?”

“…there’d have to be an election.”

“Of course, thus the word ‘Interim’. But in the meantime you’ll have much more weight with Generals Watanabe and Nagenda, given your military credentials, than anyone else would. That’s going to be quite important since New Dallas is probably going to be feeding most of the SLDF for the next few years – not to mention serving as their headquarters.”

“Are you sure you can’t find another couple of hundred Caspars? Or a spare SLDF fleet?”

“You’d have to ask the Generals if you can borrow their transport fleets, but more Caspars might be possible. That’s phase two, right alongside you re-establishing the Hegemony Armed Forces.”

“You want me to do what?”
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