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Author Topic: Clover Spear - The War of '56  (Read 44643 times)

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2018, 12:11:44 AM »

Nicely done Panzerfaust 150, I have to say this AU is well thought out and very entertaining there are a lot of plot twists in this AU that keep me on my toes so to say and I am looking forward to reading more of this fine AU. ;D


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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2018, 07:38:59 AM »

I gotta track down PanzerFaust and get him to start posting here again. Missin me some updates!

Panzerfaust 150

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2018, 11:22:23 AM »

Benzaiten's Ivories, Nadir Recharge Station

Benjamin, Benjamin District

October 19th, 3056

Why, then, ivory, as the substance of the Pillar that
signifies the thought and conduct of the Kuritan people?

Of the Five Pillars, only Ivory and Teak represent living
materials, and only Ivory comes from sentient beings like
ourselves. Starting in earliest youth, the animal's tusks
continue to grow during the whole of its existence; the tusk is built
up in layers, the innermost layer being the last produced, while the
outermost eventually becomes a hard and impervious protection.
In like manner, the Pillar of the people's consciousness continues
to grow with the expansion of House Kurita. As in the layered tusk,
each stratum of society is assigned the mode of faith and conduct
most suited to its position. As with the protective outer bark of the
tusk, all is kept safe by the strength of character of the First Lord
and the diligence of the Keeper of the House Honor.
-Constance Kurita, Keeper of the House Honor, in
Commentaries, Office of Educational Materials, Order of the Five
Pillars, Luthien, 3007

The antique brass bell above the door of Benzaiten's Ivories chimed musically as Omi entered. She gave a thankful smile to the silent Shujin who had been escorting her after her meeting with the new Coordinator as he assumed a position to watch the door. She then looked over to the counter where the assistant manning it was speaking to a white-haired noble in a stylish dark-red outfit styled similar to DCMS uniforms.

Her ear catalogued the noble's speech patterns as that of lost Rasalhague and something about him rang faint bells of recognition. One of her grandfather's courtiers who had gone into seclusion shortly before the Clans arrived...the 'Red Duke' was what he had been called when she was a girl.

With a silent inward sigh at the delay in her plans, Omi instead walked over to the display case and used one of the offered magnifying glasses next to the case to examine the exquisite carvings being presented. While no stranger to artistry in her own life in Imperial Palace, the miniature okimono figurines presented took her breath away. In particular a Kitsune no Yomeiri set caught her eyes, with their depiction of the fox-spirits' wedding procession with the groom as a swaggering samurai dog-fox, the vixen bride in her white kimono folding an origami crane for happiness, and the officiating priest as an elderly, chubby monk leaning on a cane.

Behind her, the noble finished paying for his purchase and turned to go. His eyes widened as he saw Omi's profile and then he turned to go with almost indecorous haste, reaching for his buzzing phone as he departed the shop.

"Does the honored customer see something that she likes in our humble business?" A soft and polite voice interrupted Omi's examination and she turned to see the assistant standing next to her.

"Hai, the Kitsune no Yomieri lifts my spirit in these troubled times. But I am not here to admire the work of a master, unfortunately. Notify Jukurensha Futsumi-ji that 'Sanyu Kurita has decided that the need is great enough'. I must speak to him in privacy, along with Sho-sa Yodama when he joins us."

A widening of the eyes was the only sign of the impact that her words had given the assistant, who quickly scurried off. Several minutes later, he returned and bowed low to her before escorting her behind the counter. The room she was led to was laid out in the classic style of a Japanese dwelling. White tatami mats covered the floors, the soundproofing on the walls was hidden by rice paper and wood, and the lighting was indirect. Omi bowed to the assistant, slipped off her shoes to take the offered slippers with the ease of long practice and then entered.

She knelt before the tokonoma alcove, contemplating the objects on display. The wall scroll's calligraphy was almost as good as hers, and the subject was...interesting to say the least. 'Might makes Kurita' was the first line of one of the traditional haikus every schoolchild learned and she mentally filled in the remainder 'Pillar of Dragon Steel/Victory over all!' automatically. Pain filled her heart at the memory of her brother and father's last moments, along with a fierce pride that they had died like a Kurita should with their face toward the enemy. Duty was heavier than a mountain, true, but death was lighter then a feather when the time came for duty to embrace it.

Her eyes then lowered to the object on display, a ivory handled katana, with the hilt an exquisitely carved dragon writhing around in such a way to almost seem alive. Not a show piece though, she could see the wear where hands had grasped the dragon, and the faint marks on the blade from duty on the battlefield and dueling grounds. Time stilled and her breathing settled into a slow rhythm as her eyes traced the woodgrains in the blade formed by the folded steel and then followed them to the writhing ivory dragon grasping the steel, then back along the curve of the blade to the chisel point.

A soft male voice spoke in her ear and for the space between two heartbeats she thought that Hohiro's ghost spoke those words. "I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. Forgive my tardiness, honored guest, the ivory was calling me when Hiro-kun notified me of your arrival."

Omi turned and bowed to the middle aged man with the shaved head kneeling next to her. "Iie, Futsumi-ji. This one was caught in the dance of the Dragon across the steel and remembering those who have passed onward before her. Peace in such troubling days is all the more precious when it sneaks up on her, neh?"

The man returned the bow then as he raised his head, Omi's breath caught in her throat. His face was hideously scarred and his eyes the milky white of the ivory that he carved. "Indeed it is. Indeed it is. Do not be troubled, young one. I gave my sight in the service of the Dragon willingly on Halstead Station in 3039 only to find it again in contemplation of what the ivory speaks to me when I touch it. Your voice...? Forgive an old man's impertinence, but may I see your face?"

"Hai." Omi guided his hand, scarred by the tools he used to carve the ivory over the calluses of a swordsman and 'Mechwarrior, to her cheek. Feather-light fingers danced across her face as he nodded his head quizzically and spoke to himself.

"Strength, the strength of the bamboo which bends in the hurricane winds and then stands proudly when all around it are laid low in their foolish pride. Strength mixed with the pride of her heritage...and such terrible sorrow for one so young. Secrets too, so many secrets. How may this one be of service to you Kurita-dono?"

Omi's eyes widened fractionally and the ivory carver laughed with the sound of unalloyed happiness as he sensed her surprise. "Your father came to those of us who survived Halstead Station while we were recovering from our injuries to thank us for our sacrifice and honor our service. You have much of him in your voice and to those unencumbered by the illusion of sight the Dragon speaks through you as it did through him when he ordered the Ivory Dragon into battle against the lesser enemy. Just as your voice now speaks to me of the pain he felt at the cost of the battle when he honored my sacrifice at the head of my company. So the whispered rumors are true then?"

Omi whispered. "Hai. Father and my elder brother died at the claws of the Smoke Jaguar along with many of our finest, and now Coordinator Kurita Minoru-dono rallies the Dragon to take revenge. I must travel in secrecy to NewAvalon to secure what aid I may. Therefore, I need to make arrangements to travel to Proserpina in secrecy for the first step of my travels."

"Such can be arranged. The Yukikaze leaves tomorrow to purchase ivory, and schedules shall be adjusted. Hiro will supply traveling garb for you and your companion, a pair of acolytes on pilgrimage will attract no attention."

Omi smiled. "My thanks."

"Such are not needed, service is its own reward. Although, if you could indulge an old man's whimsy, I wish you to take tokens of your visit along with you. Hm, for peace...the Kitsune no Yomeiri shall do well, it called to me strongly when I touched the tusk that gave it birth. And for the other...while it is a poor grasping at beauty for my first attempt, I wish you to have my sword."

Omi shook her head. "You do me too much honor! I could not..."

"No, I regretfully insist, Kurita-dono. If you must, hold my sword in trust for your husband-to-be."

He laughed merrily again at the note of shock in her voice as she started the customary second refusal. "I have three younger sisters, each happily married along with my youngest brother, Kurita-dono. I know the signs all too well even in my blindness. No, no, please take them with my modest blessing for many children to fill your life."

Panzerfaust 150

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2018, 11:24:52 AM »

Nadir Recharge Station

Benjamin, Benjamin District

October 20th, 3056

Mist-covered mountains
Move in and out of vision.
Real or just fog dreams?

-Haiku found upon the body of Minoru Kurita in 2796

Bronze chimed musically as the four rings attached to the top of Omi's shakujō staff gave a musical counterpoint to her steps through the station. Attired in the robes of a Pillarine monk, she led the way for Shin Yodama, likewise dressed in the robes of an acolyte and carrying a dark-stained wooden box reverently in both hands. Supposedly based on a pre-spaceflight Terran sect called the 'Jedi', the armored fabric of the brown robe whispered gently as a soft counterpoint to the chiming of the staff Omi held in her right hand to guide her steps and announce to the traffic that a priestess was passing.

Beneath the armored cowl with the one-way visor lowered to cover the top of her face, Omi's eyes darted left and right, trying to catalogue the images of life in the Combine to hold in her spirit for the journey ahead. A brief flicker of movement in the crowd heralded a clearly pregnant young woman stepping out with her belly bulging under her cheap patterned kimono.

"Enlightened One, if you would be so kind?"

"Hai." Omi bowed her head and chanted a Buddhist prayer for a painless childbirth, placing her free hand on the woman's bent head. Behind her, Shin Yodama paused, then frowned slightly as he saw a fair-haired man in a Tech's utilitarian jumpsuit turn his head at Omi's words and then start to speak into a DCMS-issue portable radio as he watched the scene.

"Ruby, Carmine three here. Possible identity of target, monk heading to the docking ring. Observing, over."

Omi finished her benediction then rang the staff to conclude the invocation, before turning andproceeding. Shin's eyes traveled to a merchant's stall selling cheap mirrors as he followed his superior and his frown deepened as he saw the Tech following them. As they waited for a lift to arrive to carry them from the mercantile district of the station to the docking bay he leaned close to Omi and spoke in a low voice.

"I fear we are not unnoticed. I sense danger on the wind."

Omi returned a fractional nod, her grip tightening on the teak of her staff. "Hai. Audacity is the virtue that we must meditate on now."

As the lift arrived, Shin 'fumbled' with the box that he was carrying in the outflow of people. This delayed their entrance long enough to be the last ones inside the doors before they slammed shut in the face of their pursuer.

"Ruby, Carmine three. Targets are heading for Docking Bay Four. Over."

"Scarlet seven, Ruby. Proceed to Docking Bay Four, neutralize and secure monks there, alive if possible. Over. Carmine three, Ruby. Reinforce Jasper-six. Over."

Inside the lift traveling to the docking bay, Omi lowered her head. Her eyes closed and her breathing slowed into a steady, slow rhythm as she mediated. She had made her decisions and discharged her duty to the Combine and her father's spirit and now the vista that opened up was both enticing and terrifying. Another slow breath and hold as the lift slowed, then a vision of memory from the past filled her mind's eye.

She had sought out her Father after her fifth birthday and found him kneeling in his dropship cabin meditating on a scroll as she and the rest of the family traveled to Luthien. When she had asked Father what he was doing, he responded. "I am seeking guidance for my path in the writings of one far wiser than I, Omiko-chan. Musashi-sensei wrote in the Book of Five Rings: 'You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain' before our ancestors left Terra. I am seeking my own path to fulfill my duty as a Kurita must. One day you and your brothers will make your own journey to the top of the mountain in turn."

Omi knew now more of the reasons for Father's disquiet on that journey. That was the journey that ended with her presentation of court and the revelation of her parents' secret marriage to Grandfather, who had not taken the news well. Grandfather and Father's relationship had been strained often but rarely had it come as close to violence as in that moment. Still just as Father had planned, weighed his decision, then acted, so must she. A Kurita could do nothing less, after all.

"Ruby, Scarlet-Seven. Approaching Docking Bay Four."

"All elements, Ruby. EXECUTE! EXECUTE! EXECUTE!"

Omi bowed to the Friendly Persuaders at the checkpoint to enter the docking bay as they returned her travel papers, then gestured with her staff sharply to 'order' Shin Yodama to follow her across the bustling floor to the waiting Yukikaze. As sheapproached a pallet loaded with drums of gasoline bound for the ever-hungry maw of the DCMS' Procurement Department, suddenly there was a muffled explosion and the station shook.

Omi stumbled at the unexpected shock as the million-ton station shuddered. Years of training with her mother, brothers, and a selection of hand-picked Shihan masters of their schools in the family dojo converted that into a roll that landed her behind the cargo pallet. Seconds later Shin Yodama slid to a stop next to her. Behind it, there was a chorus ofscreams over the rattle of gunfire and the thumps of the Friendly Persuader's riot shotguns.

"Shimatta! Terrorists?" He gasped as he spun the wheels on the combination lock holding the boxclosed then threw it open to reveal their personal weapons. He grabbed his needler pistol and DCMS-issue tanto dagger, charging the pistol as hecrouched low behind the barrels.

Omi slid her sheathed katana through the sash of her robe and picked up the Nakjima Hand Laser pistol that Shin had been extremely vague about the origin of when he showed up in Benzaiten's Ivories with it. Considering that it was normally restricted to DCA naval officers, Omi decided in this case that discretion would be wise as she dialed the beam selector to a two-second burst. "If we are fortunate. If our karma suggests otherwise, we are targets."

Shin risked a quick peek over the barrels, thenscowled. "Two Persuaders up fighting six of them. Hachimaki headbands, and maintenance Techs' coveralls."

Alarm sirens sounded in the distance and the station shook again. Omi swallowed hard and willed her voice to a calm that she did not feel in the slightest. "Ambush or flight, Yodama-san?" She looked at the hatchway to the Yukikaze across twenty meters of open space from where they were at.

The rattle of one of the attackers' submachine guns and a suddenly choked off cry of pain punctuated Shin Yodama's next words as he drew his dagger in his off hand. "In death ground, fight."

"Hai." Omi drew her hood back to reveal her face, stood in one smooth movement, and then braced her right hand with her left as she took aim. Her shaking wrist steadied itself automatically as in the space between two heartbeats she became one with the man waving the attackers forward from the rear. The right shot at the right moment does not come because you do not let go of yourself. You do not wait for fulfillment, but brace yourself for failure.

Fifty meters away, Sergeant Paul Hughes of the 37th Benjamin Jump Infantry, attached to the 6thBenjamin Regulars and detached for 'special duties' at the request of Duke Hassad Ricol had his head explode like a pumpkin in a microwave under a two second pulse of laser energy impacting his hachimaka.

Omi never noticed the corpse of Scarlet-Seven hit the bloodstained deck like a puppet with its strings cut. Her steel-blue eyes tracked to one of the two attackers firing down at a wounded Friendly Persuader begging for mercy and her finger squeezed the firing stud again.

The second body falling alerted Scarlet squad to their danger and they responded like the trained soldiers that they were. Two of them knelt and returned fire as the Corporal who was now in charge of the squad hurried to his superior's corpse. Cursing under his breath at the destruction of the microphone, he stuffed the viscera-covered radio headset in his pocket to muffle the squawks from it and issued his orders. "Shirosama! Kim! Suppressive fire! Eriksson and I will close. Bounding advance!"

"Hai, Go-cho Tadasa!"

Sparks flew from the steel fuel drums as stray rounds ricocheted off them. Omi grunted as a trio of impacts punched her torso, the body armor in the robes preventing penetration and locked her eyes on Shirosama as he fumbled for a new clip. Her pistol twitched and Kim blanched as his squadmate dropped with a limp finality. A shaking finger flipped the selector switch to full automatic and the DCMS trooper locked eyes with the Keeper of House Honor across the bay.

Both fingers closed on the triggers simultaneously. Kim felt a whip of fire lash across his torso and hisdarkening vision saw the young woman fall away behind the drums as he fell into the embrace of death. Behind the drums Shin raced to cradle Omi as blood stained her brown robes a deeper color across her torso and left shoulder. Her eyes focused on him as she dropped the now drained pistol.

"Two left, breaking left and right to pincer us." Omi choked out as she fumbled for the ivory hilt of the katana. "I'll cover your back."

Shin Yodama nodded, taking an instant to squeeze her shoulder before duckwalking to the far corner of the pallet.

Tadasa dashed around the near corner, SMG tracking the motionless figure in a pool of her own blood, then raising the muzzle to track where Eriksson should have joined him. "Eriksson!" he called as the expected squadmate failed to show. He advanced, slowly taking a firmer grip on his weapon as he nudged the body with a toe. Satisfied, he kicked the pistol away from where it lay next to her arms crossed over her belly and then nodded grimly to himself. "Eriksson, Report!", he cried as he kicked the pistol away from where it lay next to her arms crossed over her belly.

The only answer was a pained cry from around the corner.

Tadasa advanced, stepping over the corpse at his feet then took two more steps. A gasp of pained effort from behind him was the only warning he had before eleven centimeters of bloodstained steel suddenly protruded from his chest. As his gun fell from nerveless fingers, a hate-filled voice hissed inhis ear.

"Kuritas take a lot of killing."

Panzerfaust 150

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2018, 11:25:59 AM »

DCA Yukikaze

Benjamin, Benjamin District

October 20th, 3056

Gionshōja no kane no koe, Shogyōmujō no hibiki ari. Sarasōju no hana no iro, Jōshahissui no kotowari wo arawasu. Ogoreru mono mo hisashikarazu, tada haru no yo no yume no gotoshi. Takeki mono mo tsui ni wa horobin(u), hitoeni kaze no mae no chiri ni onaji.

The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sāla flowers reveals the truth that the prosperous must decline. The proud do not endure, they are like a dream on a spring night; the mighty fall at last, they are as dust before the wind. (translation)

Heike Monogatari (written sometime 1200-1330) Chapter 1.1

The crew member who had let Omi and Shin on board the Buccaneer-class cargo-hauler was still pale faced and shooting glances at them as he escorted them to the VIP cabins reserved for an ivory merchant and her aide. He could hardly be blamed, since Shin presented quite a piratical appearance with two pistols and a dagger stuffed through his belt sash along with a very bloody radio headset that was squawking commands periodically. The reason for the small arsenal was that he needed his hands free to help support Omi, who was being half-carried and half supported by him, with her one good hand still holding a bloody katana.

"Ahh, honored guests, here are your cabins. I shall notify the ship's doctor---"

"Iie." The whiplash command cut through the babble of the crewmember like a knife as Omi turned her head to face him, with a furious stare. "Notify the captain that we depart immediately for Proserpina. A bonus of triple the normal hiring costs for arrival ahead of schedule. Patch us in to news from the station, and once we are undocked and maneuvering for the Jumpship, then the doctor can see myinjuries. Yodama-san?"

"Hai." The ex-Yakuza reached into his belt pouch and withdrew a stack of 50 C-Bill notes. "A downpayment. Our business is quite urgent."

Shaken, the crew member took the bills, bowed, and departed at a run for the bridge. As the door slammed closed, Omi shook in the grasp of some strong emotion, then placed the blade of her katana on her left shoulder, drawing a hiss of pain as it rested on the bloodstained cloth over her injuries. "I need a clean cloth, Yodama-san."

Shin nodded and pulled out a traveling towel from the footlocker in the cabin which he carefully laid on her shoulder so that she could perform the chiburui maneuver to ritually clean her katana before resheathing it. She wiped the sword twice on her shoulder in slow, formal motions, then breathed in sharply suddenly slashing in arc across her body from left shoulder to right hip before reversing and resheathing her blade with a huff of exhaled air. That seemed to deflate her and she visibly returned to herself from whatever place her spirit had been in during the attack.

"Minoru... Minoru must be warned." Omi dug one-handed in her belt pouch for her phone then frowned at the lack of signal. "Shimatta, we will have to use the ship's communications to contact Minoru."

Shin nodded and began to punch commands into the terminal of the passenger cabin as the maneuvering engine began to growl in the background. A minute later, he nodded in satisfaction at the menu presented as the holoscreen flickered to life. "Now to punch in your brother's num---"

The screen suddenly displayed a red priority override command in katakana along with a rotating Combine seal, then sharpened into a image of carnage. The station traffic control center in the broadcast had a dozen clearly wounded men in it, along with a row of bodies in the corner. One, in a Tech's coveralls, gave a thumbs up sign to someone offscreen with his arm that was not in an improvised, blood-soaked sling that had started life as a DCMS dress uniform jacket. The Tech then bowed and headed to where other survivors were barricading a fire-scorched and damaged hatch with furniture as some stood guard with small arms and one lifted a missile launcher.

Minoru stepped into view of the camera slowly. Bloody bandages covered his chest and abdomen in the absence of his uniform jacket, and one eye was covered by a blood-soaked hachimaki headband that was leaking crimson tears. Behind him, Isoroku limped with the aid of another of the walking wounded, who helped seat him in one of the chairs that were not being cannibalized to barricade the hatch. Gunfire sounded behind them as Minoru stared into the screen with his one good eye, pinning the viewers like a snake would pin a field mouse.

"People of the Combine! Dark days are upon us! Luthien has fallen to the Smoke Jaguars with the aid of traitors among us. Not content with aiding the barbarian degenerate remnants of Kerensky's army, the Black Dragon Society has dishonorably struck our samurai in the back as they rallied to get vengeance for our dead! My children..." Minoru's voice softened as he touched the blood streaming down his cheek. "The Dragon weeps for your pain and counsels you to faith. While I, my uncle Tai-shu Kurita Isoroku, and my remaining loyal samurai must make the same choice that our ancestors did at Shiroyama under the guidance of Saigō Takamori, you have your own duty!"

The firing behind him intensified as Minoru leaned forward to speak intently. "Keep the Dragon in your hearts. The Black Dragons will try to use the example of the Von Rohrs." Minoru's voice was full of hatred for the notorious bastard usurpers who had nearly ended the Kurita line in the twenty-fourth century as he spoke their reviled name. "They will lie and flatter you for their own dishonorable ends. Do not let them! Even now, my sister Keeper of House Honor Kurita Omiko-sama goes to bring us aid, and my cousin Kurita Miyoko-sama, daughter of my loyal Tai-shu is outside their grasp. Aid them! I repudiate them and show my defiance in the moment of the illusion of their victory! Hear now my final words, my children."

Minoru's face became calm as he unsheathed his wakazashi. "My whole life long, I've sharpened my sword./And now, face to face with death/I unsheathe it, and lo--/The blade is broken--/Alas!" With that Minoru grasped his wakazashi and plunged it into his belly, serenely smiling throughout his defiant seppuku and Omi's flowing tears.

Behind Minoru, Isoroku lifted Shiro Kurita's sword in both hands with a strength at odds with his visible wounds and pain. At Minoru's nod, the ancient steel flashed once. Isoroku then turned to one of his few remaining guards who was leveling a SRM launcher with the red bands of an Inferno missile at him as the first Black Dragon troops clambered over the barricade and Minoru's headless corpse slumped.

"Perform your duty, Kashira"

Fire and screams filled the screen then thetransmission faded to black.

Omi collapsed into Shin's arms, her tears flowing like a waterfall of pain and loss.

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2018, 11:27:08 AM »

Exeter, Draconis March

Federated Commonwealth

November 14th, 3056.

There is always something to upset the most careful
of human calculations.
-Ihara Saikahu, 1642-1693

Hagiwawa. Kitalpha. Junction. Homam. Proserpina.

The systems and jumps passed by in a blur as Omi traveled onward. One planet was the same as another to the grieving princess as she fled the ruin of her family. Her days were filled with little but the attempt to deal with the ghosts of her dead father, uncle, and brothers. Nights...the nights were worse.

More than once Omi woke up from fitful sleep in tears or a cold sweat. The memory of the men she had killed blurred with Hohiro and Minoru's faces in her dreams. Sometimes in her dreams, she was the one to stab her brother in the back and feel his blood splash against her robes and hear his dying rattle of breath.

Those nights, sleep totally abandoned her.

It was on Proserpina when Omi left the Yukikaze as one of the flotsam flung free by the explosion engulfing the Combine. Walking down the ramp to the port like a ghost, her heart numb and her tears having ceased only when she had no more to give from her burning eyes in the weeks since her brother's final words, news reached Omi. The recording of her brother's defiant death as all was lost for him had spread from Benjamin on the wings of dropship traffic and HPG transmissions. Like a rock thrown into a lake, the ripples were spreading throughout the Combine.

Warlord Benjamin was dead in the second day of rioting that had engulfed his capital, blamed for the treason that had claimed her brother. Warlord Galedon had pledged his support to her half-brother Franklin Sakamoto, who was forming a government on her ancestral homeworld. Warlord Pesht was incommunicado, although unconfirmed reports spoke of fighting that mirrored the worst of the First Succession War on worlds bordering the Smoke Jaguars . Meanwhile her cousin Miyako called for loyal samurai to flock to her banner raised on Dieron to take revenge for her father's death by treachery.

Omi roused herself to act then through her will to perform one last duty to the Combine as Keeper of the House Honor. As Shin Yodama made the final arrangements to cross the border, she visited the Proserpina HPG and the Pillarine temple. Orders were sent; the same orders as those of Jamila Benhashemi when the Von Rohrs took over. "Go underground, preserve the Combine, aid the true Kuritas, not the usurper Sakamoto." A brief message of commiseration to Miyako for their shared loss and a promise of support for her now-orphaned cousin on Dieron. Finally, Omi stared at the screen and then slowly typed a line of poetry that she had memorized.

"Les sanglots longs/Des violons/De l’automne/Blessent mon coeur/D’une langueur/Monotone."

Next came the address of a trading concern on Robinson, and she then slid her new identification card made out to Aihara Tokiko to send it priority to the location which the diplomatic courier from New Avalon had specified int he message that she received last year.

With that, she exited the HPG compound and headed down the street past the flapping Combine banners with a heavy, leaden tread to her rendezvous with Shin Yodama. She knew in her heart that she would likely never return to her homeland; no chance that she could visit the graves of her brothers, father, and ancestors to pray for their spirits. Her last sight of the Combine was the poison-filled clouds of Proserpina, poisoned by the centuries of war between her family and Victor's as her shuttle broke ground enroute to the Wanakaze.

Xhosa VII. Clovis. Exeter.

"Purpose of entry?"

Omi controlled an involuntary wince as her healing shoulder took the opportunity to remind her of how close to death she had come. She was fortunate to have only suffered a punctured lung and a clean fracture of her collarbone in the escape from Benjamin.

"Trade in ivories." She responded coolly, taking the opportunity to open the teak box to show the customs clerk the exquisitely carved Kitsune no Yomieri set of figurines that she had brought with her across the Combine. The katana was hidden underneath the velvet holding the other ivories, of course. Omi refused to part with the sword, even if she still had nightmares about the man she had killed with it.

"Identification?" The clerk adjusted his half-moon glasses to look at her as she handed over her identity card.

He swiped it in the reader, and the computer beeped twice, relaying a message generated automatically.

"Miss Aihara, there is a security hold on your party. Take a seat there until a supervisor can arrive to process you." He pointed to a waiting area guarded by a pair of soldiers in AFFC green undress uniforms under the Fist and Sunburst.

Omi nodded and waved Shin over to sit next to her under the eyes of the guards. The ex-Yakuza raised an eyebrow and leaned his head toward the pale-faced girl with bags under her eyes dressed in the utilitarian coveralls prevalent Sphere-wide for ship crew. "Problems?"

Omi shook her head. "I sent a code before we left that should have flagged this identity for special processing. The Fox relayed it to allow me to contact authorities of sufficient rank to process me and provide swift transportation to safety." She inclined her head to the nearer guard, who was staring at the two Combine refugees with naked suspicion tempered by hatred. "Old feuds run deep in this part of the Inner Sphere."

"Hai." Shin replied laconically before leaning back in his chair to read a magazine from the waiting room table showing a stunning young blonde woman in a sundress clearly patterned after the Lyran Royal Guards' colors.

Half a hour later, Omi focused her attention on a short, finely featured brunette woman in uniform with striking hazel eyes and a dark chocolate skin tone entering the waiting area with an obvious aide in tow. The guards saluted her, which she returned as she zeroed in on Omi. "Miss Aihara?" she questioned in a slightly musical voice. "Hauptmann Indira Parvati of Panpour. I just need you to verify your identity." With that she waved her aide to open his briefcase to extract a portable DNA scanner.

Omu nodded and placed her finger in the indicated sample tube. there was a brief prick of pain as the machine took the blood sample, then a beep and a flashing green light. Parvati gave a brilliant smile. "There! You are who we have been expecting. If you will follow me, we have a car."

Omi stood wearily and walked with the Feddies through the building to where a green-painted hoverlimo waited in a parking spot marked OFFICIAL BUSINESS ONLY with a burly sergeant standing guard next to it. Parvati opened the rear door for them, and then followed as her aide took a seat up front behind the armored partition.

As the limo began to move, Parvati rubbed her temples then gave Omi an inquisitive look as she spoke in accented Combine Japanese. "I don't know who you are, or what's going on, but I received FLASH orders to assist a young lady showing up with your name and that DNA profile two weeks ago, as did every other MIIO and DMI office in the March. So, if you don't mind me being blunt, what in the world is going on and how can DMI assist you?"

Omi gave a wan smile, then glanced at Shin. Her companion gave a small nod and a reassuring squeeze of the hand. "My name is Omiko Kurita, daughter of Theodore Kurita, and I wish to ask for asylum on New Avalon as quickly as I can be transported there. I fear that I am the last survivor of my family."

Across from her, the DMI officer opened and closed her mouth like a fish on dry land, forcing Omi to stiffle a highly inappropriate case of the giggles.

"Arey, Kya?!?" Parvati swore, the tone of the expression showing her shock despite Omi not knowing a word of Hindi. She then punched the intercom button. "Driver! Get us to the Duke's residence and step on it. Call McLauren from MIIO and tell him to meet us there too. This promises to be an all-nighter." Parvati then shook her head and focused on Omi.

"Well on behalf of the FedCom welcome to Exeter, Kurita Omiko-sama. We will get you the rest of the way to New Avalon, although I have to warn you, it's a kicked over anthill for us as well these days.

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2018, 11:32:49 AM »

Luneberg Plain

10km South Southwest of Waldorff City, Waldorff

Tamar March, Federated Commonwealth

November 9th, 3056

Star Captain Hardek laughed with delight as his Stormcrow Prime grounded with a shudder in a cacophany of braking jets and a barely controlled impact on the earth of Waldorff. He howled with delight as his ‘Mech’s systems reported in that they were working nominally. Good, the drop was within acceptable parameters, and now we crush the surats who dare attack our Clan, and then deal with the foolish home clans who dare oppose us? The Steel Viper plan was simple, two clusters, the 423rd Assault Cluster, of which Hardek and his trinary belonged to, and the 94th Battle Cluster would drop onto the Luneberg Plain and attempt to suck the FC defenders into a long-range fight, one more clanlike, Hardek’s mind echoed. Meanwhile, 12 hours from now, the 428th Assault and 57th Striker Cluster were going to do an avalanche drop onto Waldorff City itself, seize the starport, and cut off the FC forces from their base of supply. The Khan had assured them all that “This will be a simple matter, a bandit execution.”

“All Stars, report readiness” Hardek barked. He was eager to get going, to restore the honor of the Steel Vipers. He smiled, as he mentally counted the ‘Mechs of his trinary in the distance. 15 for 15, excellent. Trinary Bravo looks ready to walk the Honor Road.

“Alpha Krait Star, we are ready to dispose of the enemy.” Star Commander Susan was a no-nonsense warrior, quite shy in social matters, but a terror on the battlefield, and someone who did not brook any issues from her subordinates. She was probably going to be a candidate for the next Mercer bloodname contest, as she had impressed many in her blood house. Her short stocky build had many wondering if she was the freebirth product of coupling between a ‘Mechwarrior and an Elemental. It was not a question anyone ever asked twice.

“Bravo Boa Star, we are ready” Star Commander Haskell Moffat was the only bloodnamed member of the Trinary, and normally, he would be a lot more than a simple Star Commander by now. But ever since his bloodname trial 4 years before, he had proven to be a disappointment. He had just turned 31, and any day now, he would probably get orders for a solahma cluster. Watch this one, Hardek, he might get his Starmates killed seeking glory that is not his. He was tall, and lanky, with hair that had prematurely greyed and worry lines that creased his face like old parchment.

“Charlie Mamba Star, we are ready for the glory that awaits!” Star Commander Chase was an interesting fellow, he was another ristar fresh from his Trial of Position on the Homeworlds. He had managed two kills in his graduation trial, and worse yet, had graduated early. Seems a lot of sibkos are doing that these days. He was a young puppy, eager to please and overly eager to come to grips with the Fedcom. A little too eager, it was all so…unclanlike. Chase was a short fellow, socially awkward, and somewhat befuddled as to his responsibilities as a Star Commander, and worse, he was a complete incompetent when it came to land navigation. He had gotten his entire Star lost on a night exercise a week before and had almost led them into a sandstorm back on Twycross. He used the radio entirely too much often clogged it on exercises. Hardek had threatened him with a circle of equals and that had, for now, put an end to that. He might be the Trinary’s point of failure. I must watch him as well.

“All Stars, we go forward to determine the future of our Clan. Our Khan has already taught the Hell’s Horses a lesson in humility. Now, we shall teach it to the sphereoids. The order is, advance and no bondsmen, we shall not have these honorless surats sully the honor of the clan!”

A chorus of “Aff, Star Captain!” filled the trinary radio frequency. Hardek had the secondary radio tuned to the Cluster frequency. That radio could not transmit, but it was useful for getting the intent of his Star Colonel and acting upon it before it was transmitted over the radio to Hardek. And it improves my chances for being selected for the next Ahmed bloodname contest.

The secondary radio crackled to life, it was a bit staticky, more than usual. A series of squeals tore through the air and obscured part of the Star Colonel’s orders “- Trinary Delta, I want you to work around the enemy Hardek, see if you can find a seam between their two RCTs, and get at that artillery. Without it, the surats are helpless, and we will dispose of them as we did during the invasion.” The radio squealed again, and then gave way to harsh static, and then, the faint musical notes that sounded as if a cat was being strangled..strange, Davion units, at least the ones the Clans have encountered, do not often play music in battle. It did not matter to Hardek, he had his orders.

“Aff, ovKhan.” Hardek replied. He was unsure if the Star Colonel had heard him acknowledge the order, but he lurched his Stormcrow forward at a loping pace, eager to come to grips with the Davion units reported to be on the planet. Three RCTs of their vaunted Guards, this will be an execution. Let us see them fight without their tricks.

“Charlie Mamba, advance to full speed, and flush out any surprises the enemy has in store for us!”

The radio was dead, except for harsh squeals and the occasional pop of static. All of the ‘Mechs of his trinary remained in the double column with him at his head. He made hand and arm signals to deploy the trinary into line, which took time, and forced Hardek to halt his ‘Mech, and observe the shakeout of the trinary. That too more valuable time, 5 whole minutes by Hardek’s chronometer.

Once the line was shaken out, they advanced at the walk, the controlled thunder of 15 Battlemechs at walking speed shaking the earth for at least half a mile as they advanced along the azimuth of the inertial navigation of Hardek’s mech, who was still leading the trinary, some 100 meters forward of the center of the line. Charlie Mamba had still not advanced to screen the line.

Hardek turned his ‘Mech to pass hand and arm signals to Star Commander Moffat in his Kit Fox, when threat warnings blared through his cockpit. A series of small heat signatures had appeared as if from nowhere to his front. Stravag! Enemy infantry to my front…and we have no Elemental support. They were formed into provisional clusters for the drop onto Waldorff City, and who knew how they were making out? Several smoke trails shot out from a series of well hidden positions to Hardek’s front, some 90 meters away. Two of them intersected with a Viper A from Charlie Chase. The rockets exploded short of the mech, making popping noises as the ‘Mech was soon covered in burning gel, as it stumbled and fell..as it did so..the ground exploded, separating the Viper’s left arm at the elbow, and the right leg at the knee. The ‘Mech’s ammunition soon began to cook off and an inferno began to consume the ‘Mech.

Hardek slammed the arm of his command couch with his left fist in frustration and anger. There was infantry in prepared positions out there, he had the wrong weapons and loadouts to deal with them. He had no elemental support, and worse? He’d walked right into a minefield. He halted again and made more hand and arm motions for the rest of the trinary to withdraw, he’d find a way around these surats, and accomplish his mission. He checked his map, there was an entrance to a small rolling valley that led into the Davion rear, it could be used to reach his objective, and keep him covered, he’d just have to find somewhere sheltered to brief his people face to face and-

It was then that his threat warning system went off again. Air threat. Dammit, where the hell were our fighters? Hardek’s mind questioned. It wasn’t long before a pair of what the computer identified as Corsairs roared past, with half the trinary opening fire on them with everything bigger than a small laser. Naturally, they did not hit them, but a series of dark shapes tumbled from their wings..right over the center of Alpha Krait. The shapes split open into multiple smaller shapes, too many to count, and small parachutes blossomed. Oh no, that new Fedcom munition. They can drop it from the skies too. Many of the munitions fired small thrusters and landed on the tops of the three ‘Mechs caught in the beaten zone. A Mad Dog C caught the worst of it. It blossomed in a series of explosions that dropped the ‘Mech like a puppet with it’s strings cut. The wrecked remains fell to the ground, streaming gouts of black smoke and hit the ground with a loud crash that shook the ground under the feet of Hardek’s ‘Mech.

It was then that Hardek’s secondary radio crackled to life. “Steel Vipers, this is Star Colonel Ravill Pryde of the Jade Falcon Guards, I come with two Clusters, my own and the 8th Falcon Regulars, we come to bid for the right to face the FC forces on world. We will do so, with, or without your cooperation.”

Freebirth! Have the Falcons gone mad? Those units were badly hurt defending Sudeten according to the Chatterweb. And now, they are here? And they bid against four FRESH clusters to participate in our counterattack? Everything is madness.

“This is Galaxy Commander Sarah Andrews to all Gamma Galaxy callsigns, break contact and withdraw to the dropships, FC forces have broken through our security screen. Withdraw and break contact. “

The frequency then squealed painfully again, and this time, the cat strangling music was back, even louder this time. It was then that his cockpit glass polarized as a double flash ripped across the sky, high in the atmosphere, then another..then three. Stravag, what was that?

“Star Captain, Mechwarrior Gerd of Alpha Krait, Sir, they’re saying the Steel Python has been destroyed. The surats nuked it!”

"Stop spreading rumors and get off the air, Gerd. You will submit yourself to your Star Commander for punishment when this is over!" Hardek barked.

“Aff Star Captain, I would, but she is down, it was her Mad Dog that went down from that air strike!”
“Then who oversees your star? Mechwarrior?” Hardek barked again.

“I am, I am senior.” The voice came through the radio small, and distant.

Hardek shook his head. Gerd was fresh from the homeworlds, like about a 1/3rd of the Trinary. He had no idea HOW to run a star. And what made it worse, learning how during what was looking like a nasty ambush was not the way to learn.

“All Trinary Charlie elements, execute the orders of the Galaxy Commander.” Whom I will face in a Circle of Equals when this is over. “Keep your intervals and spacing.”

A chorus of “Affs” echoed over the radio.

The trinary moved out in a south westerly direction. The radio was a hash, a mix of cat strangling music, jumbled orders and situation reports, screams, and harsh squeals. Hardek couldn’t raise anyone after some time. Who even knows if we are out here? We went wide to the left to try and overrun the enemy artillery. And we should be seeing our dropships by now?

Hardek’s threat receivers went off again. Ten, no, twelve MAD contacts, mix of weight classes, but 12 ‘Mechs 450 meters to his front only meant one thing. The Davions got there first. And now they are here to finish us off. He glanced at his repeater screen. Charlie Mamba had lost two ‘Mechs in the initial exchange, and Alpha Krait had done likewise. He had 11 ‘Mechs with all sorts of levels of damage. Hardek was willing to bet the Inner Sphere company to his front was as fresh as Arcadia daisies.

His radio crackled to life again. The voice was tinged with a mild brogue that Hardek could not place “Steel Viper Commander, this is Captain Tam McIvish, Charlie Company, 78th Highland Battalion, 1st Kearny Highlanders. I know who you are, and I know what kind of shape you are in. I have air from the Kell Hounds five minutes out. We just took your dropships. They won’t be waiting for you. Power down and surrender. You cannot win, and we don’t want to kill good men in a bad cause.”

“If you know me, Captain Tam, then you know what my answer will be.” Hardek replied.

“Aye, Steel Viper, Aye. But, I had to try.”

“I thank you for that. I assume we will not be fighting according to the rules of Zellbrigen?”

“No Clanner, we won’t. It’s my rules this time. And for the record, I lost a son with the 10th Lyran Guards on Twycross. I won’t be taking revenge, he took a soldier’s risk. But, I won’t be playing by your rules. Now, come at us, Clanner. You won’t find Highlander steel to your liking.”

“Trinary, full advance. No zellbrigen, No bondsmen!” Hardek cried.

The trinary again shook out into a rough line, and before long, broke into a full-on run that left the trinary advancing as more of a gaggle, as lighter machines outpaced heavier ones. Gouts of flame and earth erupted from the ground. Artillery or mines? It does not matter. Hardek pushed his throttle to the stops and put the targeting reticule in his HUD on what the warbook identified as a Shadow Hawk. It was resplendent in the tartan of the 78th battalion and it was advancing as part of a loose line with its comrades, a Battlemaster was next to it, giving hand and arm signals to the rest of the company. That must be McIvish. I shall kill him last, he attempted to honor me.

The reticule pulsed twice, and a growling noise in the speakers of Hardek’s neurohelmet let him know he was in range and on target. He fired his ER Large Lasers and one went wide, leaving a cerulean beam cutting the distance between the two combatants, the other impacted into the left torso of the Shadow Hawk, leaving a scorch mark and knocking loose a few burning armor plates. Good Start, Hardek

The distance closed, 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters…soon 80 meters. And it became a knife fight, ‘Mechs swirled around each other, the radio filled with warnings, shouts of triumph, and of pain. To Hardek’s left, a Fire Moth was pinned on a spit of lightning from a pair of PPCs from a Warhammer. It’s right leg violently separated from it’s body, and the ‘Mech crashed to the ground, sliding headfirst a dozen meters down a rolling incline. The Warhammer turned to Hardek and fired a PPC and a pair of medium lasers at him, the PPC slamming into the Stormcrow’s left torso. Hardek fired all his weapons at the Warhammer, catching it with both ER Larges in the left arm. The PPC flared, then gouted a bit of smoke. Good, I took away one of his PPCs. Hardek moved on, aiming to get around the Battlemaster, who was taking on all comers, and already had two dead Steel Viper ‘Mechs at his feet.

“So, you want to do this your way, do you Clanner?”

“As you say, aye, sphereoid.”

“Alright”. The Battlemaster made a transmission in the clear. “Boys, I intend to sort this Clanner out myself, everybody else, stay out of it.”

Hardek smiled then said over his trinary’s frequency “Trinary, I intend to duel this spheroid. Let no one interfere.”

Hardek turned and closed on the Battlemaster, he smiled ferally. I have you now, freebirth. The Battlemaster began to walk backwards, trying to buy some distance for time. Two PPC shots hit Hardek’s Stormcrow square in the torso, momentarily unbalancing the ‘Mech, but Hardek compensated and kept trying to get around the Battlemaster. As he rounded the left side of the ‘Mech, Hardek had a nasty surprise, the Battlemaster turned a lot faster than any assault mech had a right to. Six medium lasers speared the left side of Hardek’s ‘Mech and tore open the left torso. The engine inexplicably shut down, and the ‘Mech’s momentum threw it into the side of a rolling hill, throwing up great gouts of earth. Hardek’s restraints failed..and he was thrown against the control panel, mercifully losing consciousness.

Two Hours Later

“Wakey, Wakey, Clanner. Don’t get any ideas, we already took your sidearm. Now let the nice medic treat you.”

Hardek awoke to his ‘Mech’s head open to daylight, someone had pried open the hatch, and now two figures were inside, one, an obvious medtech, was attempting to treat Hardek’s wounds. He attempted to move his limbs, but the medtech leaned on him to stop him. “Don’t move Clanner. I think you have a concussion and possible bruising of the spine. I got a C-spine coming for you and we’ll be medivacing you shortly.”

“My trinary?” Hardek croaked.

The medtech shook his head. “Sorry Clanner, you lost. The six other survivors surrendered when they saw you go down. One, named Moffat, he keeps asking for bondsref, whatever the hell that means? Do me a favor, live long enough so that I don’t feel my efforts were wasted here? OK?”

Hardek nodded, as his vision began to grey out.

Taken from the daily FC operational briefing provided to Field Marshal Ranier Poulin, Supreme Commander of “Operation Clover Spear”, declassified October 9th, 3076.

“..while the Jade Falcon raids along the Periphery frontier have caused some issues on the homefront, as well as political liabilities that are beyond this command’s purview, we can confidently state that the counterattack as we expected on Waldorff was not only shortlived, but costly for both Clan Jade Falcon and Steel Viper. We have no idea why the Falcons appeared in the midst of the fight, but the fact remains, they did, and caused a measure of confusion that in the end, worked to our benefit…”


Friendly Forces: 1st and 2nd Davion Guards RCT, Davion Assault Guards RCT, 20th Avalon Hussars RCT, 1st Kearny Highlanders, 1st Kell Hounds

Enemy Forces: 423rd Assault Cluster, 428th Assault Cluster, 94th Battle Cluster, 57th Striker Cluster, Clan Steel Viper. Jade Falcon Guards (50% Strength), 8th Falcon Regulars (50% Strength). CSV Steel Python (Aegis Class Cruiser)

Results: The clan counterattack at Waldorff was an unmitigated disaster from the beginning. The initial Clan drops went well, but the fight for Waldorff City was a meatgrinder for the 428th and 57th Clusters, with the Davion Assault Guards and local resistance fighters turning the city into a patch of urban hell. As for the 423rd and 57th, both clusters advanced across the Luneberg Plain to pin the remaining Davion units between the Tief river and the capitol. It did not work out that way. First, the 20th Avalon Hussars hit the 94th in the flank, and in a two-day running battle, shattered the 94th, which barely had two trinaries escape back to Twycross. The 423rd was even unluckier, being hit by the 1st Kearny Highlanders in the flank, and then having both RCTs go on the attack, and within hours, being plowed under, barely three trinaries surviving to surrender. They also lost most of the Galaxy’s dropships, along with the Gamma Galaxy Command Keshik. Galaxy Commander Sarah Andrews died attempting to organize a defense of the dropships, as Davion fighters nuked the Steel Python, disabling her, then boarding her with a battalion of marines.

It was then that the Falcons showed up, executing an avalanche drop onto Waldorff City, and for a time, initiating a three-way fight for the capitol before both Star Colonel Pryde and Star Colonel Thomas Mercer, commander of the 57th Striker Cluster managed to forge a rough pact and the surviving elements of both clans (a Cluster) and held off the 1st Kell Hounds and the 20th Avalon Hussars for another 10 days before being wiped out.

Casualties for the FC forces were heavy, with the Assault Guards having lost 45% of their equipment and manpower, the 2nd Davion Guards having taken 20% casualties, and the 1st Kearny having lost 25% casualties. The Kell Hounds and Avalon Hussars lost 15%, mostly in the fight for the capitol.

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #37 on: July 20, 2018, 11:34:22 AM »

“..operations against FC forces continue in the stolen regions (Capellan name for the Sarna March) and we have achieved all goals of East Sea, with the limited assistance of the League. We are therefore content to go on the defensive and bleed the inevitable FC counterattack while causing maximum confusion against enemy soft targets through diversionary raids and revolutionary actions (the Capellan euphemism for state sponsored terrorism). We cannot underestimate the size nor intensity that the FC counter attack will take, and we should consider the release of the operational reserve no later than…”

Excerpt from report to the Chancellor on the Progress of East Sea from the Strategios, dated 1 December, 3056 (damaged copy was released by Capellan Joint Committee to Investigate the Prosecution of the War (Joint Committee formed from both the House of Scions and Prefectorate.) The document was released to the public in open hearings on 19 July, 3058.

Operation East Sea, Wave 2

Attacking Units: 5th Confederation Reserve Cavalry

Defending Units: Bromhead Planetary Guard

The 5th CRC came this time to finish the job they had begun, and quickly disposed of the depleted planetary guard within a week, and intergrating Bromhead into the Capellan Confederation.

Attacking Units: Kincade’s Rangers

Defending Units; Palos Planetary Guard

The Palos Planetary Guard did its best but was ground under after 48 hours of a confused fight for the planetary capital.

Attacking Units; Ishihara’s Grenadiers, Albermale Highlanders (1 Btn), Marshagima’s Legionnaires

Defending Units: 3rd Ceti Hussars RCT, Manapire Planetary Guard

The invasion of Manapire went wrong from the start, both in that the intelligence that the 3rd Ceti Hussars was no longer on world (false) and that the local militia would side with the Capellans (also false), in fact they enthusiastically turned out to shoot at the Capellans. The drop went wrong as well, as one of the Albermale Highlander’s Union dropships had a drive failure during the drop and lost most of Bravo Company when the dropship spiraled out of control, and broke up in the upper atmosphere, with only 3 damaged mechs out of 12 surviving the disaster.

On the ground, it was worse, as the 3rd seemingly managed to be everywhere at once, harrying the Capellans from the start, and quickly forcing the remains of the Highlanders to surrender. The two remaining Capellan units holed up in a series of caves in the planetary uplands and waited for reinforcements.

Attacking Units: 4th Word of Blake Militia Division

Defending Units: 41st Avalon Hussars, Frazier Planetary Guard

The 41st Avalon Hussars fought gamely, as they were smarting from last month’s raid. They fought well for a green unit, but they were outnumbered by the Blakists, even with help from the Planetary Guard, the 41st held out for two weeks, suffering 15% casualties. The 41st then broke contact and withdrew to Mendham. After two more weeks of crushing guerilla resistance by the Planetary Guard, the 4th secured the planet in the name of the Capellan Confederation.

Attacking Units: Kingston’s Legionnaires

Defending Units: Quemoy Planetary Guard

The Quemoy Planetary Guard had no intentions of willingly returning to Confederation control, and fought hard, but after 4 days, most of the militia was either dead, or POWs and they had done little in the way of casualties to the Legionnaires.

Ulan Bator
Attacking Units: 2nd Word of Blake Militia

Defending Units: Ulan Bator Planetary Guard

The planetary government saw no point in resisting the CCAF and ordered the militia to surrender without a fight.

Attacking Units: Green Machine, Lockhart’s Ironsides

Defending Units: 5th Avalon Hussars

The 5th Avalon made the classic mistake of “running to the sound of the guns” and moving all of it’s forces to attack the Ironsides LZ. This gave the Green Machine a chance to catch the 5th’s third battalion in the flank and annihilate it. They didn’t manage that, instead they mauled it, inflicting 30% casualties and forcing the 5th to retreat to their fortified base, where they were besieged by the two Capellan units.

Attacking Units: Bordon’s Blood Drinkers

Defending Units: Sakhalin Planetary Guard

The Blood Drinkers showed the Planetary Guard little mercy, and crushed them within 72 hours, they then slaughtered the survivors when they tried to surrender. The CCAF’s Mercenary Relations department threatened Colonel Wesley Bordon with censure, and possible forfeiture of his unit, but Bordon ignored them and was reputed to have said, “With what coin will you pay the unit that replaces me?”

Attacking Units: 15th Dracon, Kaifeng SMM (Renamed the 1st Citizen’s Honored Brigade), Kaifeng Planetary Guard.

Defending Units: 8th Arcturan Guards (-) (Had taken 10% casualties on Truth)

The 8th’s position was untenable from the start, as the planet was a veritable pro-Capellan hotbed of resistance. The 8th’s commander knew this, and stayed only long enough to evacuate all those that wanted to leave, fighting their way to the dropport and their dropships before boosting off world and retreating to Maetsu.

Tsinghai, Part 2
Attacking Units: House Matsukai, Redfield’s Renegades

Defending Units: Beta Regiment, 12th Vegan Rangers, Tsinghai Planetary Guard

With the arrival of Redfield’s Renegades, the numbers had shifted to the Marik-Liaos, and Beta’s commander felt it best to fall back on their sister regiment and come back in strength later. Beta regiment left 3 days after the arrival of the Renegades, headed for Old Kentucky. The Planetary Guard declared their loyalty to the Confederation and laid down their arms.

Sarmaxa, Part 2
Attacking Units: House Hiritsu, Tooth of Ymir

Defending Units: Grim Determination

With the arrival of the Tooth of Ymir, the numbers were against Grim Determination and realizing the unit was in fact, cut off from the rest of the FC, it was decided to negotiate with the Capellans. After a short council of war, Colonel Fiona Trent asked for and received honors of war from the Capellans after paying a ransom of a company of ‘Mechs (most of them captured Capellan salvage), and left the world, which passed quietly into Capellan control and Grim Determination left for Bora.

Operation Lattikia, Wave 1

Van Diemen IV
Attacking Units: 4th Free Worlds “Volunteers” (ex – 4th Free Worlds Legionnaires), Van Diemen IV Planetary Guard

Defending Units: 3rd Republican

The 3rd Republican was caught by near-complete surprise, as it was scattered in penny packets attempting to provide security against a “Capellan/Blakist terror threat” (the post war board of inquiry could find no evidence such a threat had been issued). It was a credit to the 3rd’s experience that they recovered quickly, coalescing around their 2nd and 3rd Battalions, as the 1st was destroyed piecemeal in the first hours of the Marik landings. Both battalions proceeded to hole up in the swamps north of the planetary capital and waited for help to arrive. Worse, the Planetary Guard led a pro-Marik uprising that simplified the rear area issues for the Mariks.

New Canton
Attacking Units: 3rd Free Worlds “Volunteers” (ex – 3rd Free Worlds Guards)

Defending Units: 1st Kestrel Grenadiers, New Canton Planetary Guard.

The elite 1st Kestrel made short work of the Marik troops, destroying almost a battalion of them in a wide ranging mobile fight in the arid plains of the planet’s southern continent over the course of three days. The rest of the 3rd fled back to Marik space.

Attacking Units: 1st and 2nd Smithson’s Chinese Bandits

Defending Units: 15th Arcturan Guards, Elnath Planetary Guard

The 15th Arcturan Guards did their best to try to face both merc units, but the weight of numbers was not with them, and after two weeks and 15% casualties, the unit retreated to Wei

Unsanctioned Operation by Sirus against Skye March

Attacking Units: 1st Sirian Lancers

Defending Units: 17th Arcturan Guards RCT, Wyatt Planetary Guard

The operation was doomed from the start, and the 1st grounded alone, with no plan, and little idea of what to do, the Wyatt Planetary Guard quickly fixed the 1st Sirian in their dropzones, and the 17th encircled them and annihilated them in a two-day battle that saw little more than a battalion survive to surrender.

Attacking Units: 3rd Sirian Lancers

Defending Units: 11th Lyran Guards RCT, Callison Planetary Guard

The 3rd, like it’s sister unit on Wyatt, met much the same fate, but unlike the 1st, quickly bowed to the inevitable and surrendered within hours of grounding on Callison.

Diversionary Raids

Attacking Units: House LuSann

Defending Units: 3rd Illician Lancers, Glentworth Planetary Guard

House LuSann’s raid accomplished little but looting an outlying warehouse of a local beer distributor, as they were only one step ahead of a very enraged and alert 3rd Illician Lancers. The Warrior House barely got out intact three days after they landed.

Attacking Units: Dragon’s Breath

Defending Units: 32nd Lyran Guards RCT, Solaris Planetary Guard

The Dragon’s Breath embarrassed the green RCT, running rings around them as they looted a number of AFFC warehouses over a two-week period, and mauling several units of the Planetary Guard.

Cavanaugh II
Attacking Units: Greenberg’s Godzillas

Defending Units: 6th Donegal Guards RCT

An early attempt at a ruse by the Godzillas backfired as the commander of the 6th was a movie buff and knew a special effect when he saw one. His approach was direct, a full on frontal assault against the Godzilla’s LZ, which turned into a rolling fight across the Eastern snow-covered plains of Cavanaugh II. Casualties on both sides were moderate, and the Godzillas left after 4 days with little to show for it.

Office of the Captain General

Atreus, Marik Commonwealth

Free Worlds League

October 11th, 3056

Thomas Marik was putting in another long night trying to rally Parliament to the idea of approaching the Fedcom and turning over the remaining citizens SAFE had determined were on the FC’s list of people they had determined were associated with the Word of Blake, and the associated terror attacks that were still going on in the Commonwealth.

Jesus, between a potential threat to Joshua, as well as the fact we might get drawn into this war of my son in law’s? No, I know what I said in Parliament, but the fact is, a wounded FC is far more damned dangerous than anything, especially with Katherine at the helm. She isn’t playing around, and she has an alarming tendency to do what she likes. Thomas banged away on the keys of his noteputer, crafting yet another message for another influential MP who probably would promise little, and deliver less when the time came to vote. They don’t want war, but they don’t want to do the right damn thing either. “Delivering League citizens to a foreign court is a bad idea…sets a bad precedent they say.” Screw that! If they could see the reports coming out of Skye and Tamarind that SAFE drops on my desk? I would say that Katherine isn’t going to wait for us to make up our damned minds, new supply depots, snap alerts? Jesus. The Lyrans are getting ready for something.

What makes this all even worse is that the Master didn’t even warn me when he was going to pull this little stunt. Just what the hell has he done to get the Capellans in bed with him? What has he promised them? And whom has he suborned amongst my own to make sure I play ball? With the history our nation has, it damn well could be anyone.

Thomas almost didn’t notice the door open to his private office. “I told you I was not to be disturbed!” he snarled. Three figures dressed head to toe in black stepped into his office. They were all cradling very evil looking Roynex submachine guns, equipped with laser sights and suppressors and all the muzzles were pointed in his general direction. The middle figure removed her black balaclava, and shook her dark hair loose, Corrine?

“Hello Uncle, Father sends his greetings..or he would…if you were whom you say you were.”

Thomas made a subtle move for a concealed button “And why would you say that, Corrine?”

“Because the Blakists have thoughtfully provided the evidence of the fact you are a ComStar stooge. So, what was the plan, Uncle? Deliver us into the hands of the Federated Commonwealth? Was Joshua the blood price for the deal, a hostage in case it all went wrong? Oh, and your guards…they aren’t coming. They had a fatal disagreement with me..and some friends of father.”

“So why not just shoot me now?” Thomas felt a lightness in his bladder, but he had had little to drink, so not much came forth from there. Even so, his sweat glands went into overdrive.

“Because, you traitor, I wanted you to know, one, the Regulans and the Guards are with us. We’re moving against that nest of traitors you call the Knights of the Inner Sphere. We’ve already subdued those not with us. All of this should be wrapped up in a couple of days.”

“And after that?”

“That is not your concern, scum.” and Corinne in one smooth move, pointed the muzzle of her Roynex towards Thomas. Her weapon spoke three times. Thomas’s chest erupted in a series of explosions of guts, blood, and bone as he slumped in his office chair, dead.

She turned to one of the masked men. “Get this office cleaned up, burn this..rubbish. Inform the Blakists we will honor our deal and intervene in a limited fashion on the side of the Capellans. But inform them, I will not commit my nation completely to war without some…guarentees.”

The masked man hissed “This was not the deal.”

“I give a damn, the deal is what I say it is, or would you like me to do to you what Thomas was about to? I promise I would be a lot professional about it.”

“And your uncle, you know his life would be…endangered, if you were that stupid.” replied the masked man.

Corrine made her way to the left corner of the desk, and sat down on the corner of the desk, hefting her submachine gun contemplatively. “And whose realm are you in, Blakist? Best you mind your manners. If my father gets so much as a hangnail? You will pay the price.”

She turned to the other figure “Markos, pass the remaining orders, we need this wrapped up..and the troops on the move into FedCom space. And send an HPG to my cousin in law on Sian…”

Chancellor’s Throne Room

Forbidden City

Sian, Sian Commonality

Capellan Confederation

November 11th, 3056

There has been some fortuitous developments overnight, and I intend to make the most of them. Now if my bureaucracy and the Prefectorate would stop fighting me on it. The throne room had been emptied for the briefing on current military operations, with only James Teng, the Strategic Military Director, Alexa Shang, and the House Master of House Immara, Alexander Zhao allowed to remain.

“I am surprised we have managed to achieve all of the goals for East Sea so early. Major Shang, you have attended many Strategios meetings in my stead? Why do you think this so?” Sun-Tsu inquired, stroking his chin.

“Celestial Wisdom,” Alexa spoke, her voice far more precise than most days “We have been fortunate beyond belief, but that cannot last. We know the FC is gearing up for a long war with us. We know that they outclass us in numbers, and in industrial might. And they will soon return home with better technology. We have already received reports that certain RCTs are being released from combat operations in the Tamar March. We can only guess where these units will be sent, but to the stolen regions is one very good guess. We cannot hold all of the planets we have seized forever, but we can make the Davions bleed on one, well-prepared planet.”

“And which planet would you choose, Major Shang?”

Alexa smiled cruelly. “I suggest, Celestial Wisdom,” fixing Sun-Tsu’s gaze with her own one good eye “that we choose Sarna. It is already an ill omen for the Davions. And, we can release all of McCarron’s troops to properly fortify the planet.”

Sun-Tsu smiled. “Excellent Major Shang, make it so. Cut the orders as soon as possible. Oh, and another matter, I wish to know the circumstances behind the slaughter of Capellan nationals on Sakhalin by one of our mercenary units? Bordon’s Blood Drinkers they are called, I believe?”

“It was claimed by the Blood Drinker’s commander that the planetary militia had used infernos on Colonel Bordon’s men, and that they had used a flag of truce as a ruse de guerre.”

“And what did the Mask find out?” Sun-Tsu leaned forward in his seat, a look of warning on his face.

“According to their report? No such weapons even belonged to the militia, and the catalyst for the massacre was some of Bordon’s men acting like medieval conquerors and trying to take liberties with various prisoners of war.” Alexa's eye narrowed in disgust.

Sun-Tsu saw red. “Even servitors have rights! No, I want this Bordon fired, and no..I want him permanently dealt with. Send my Death Commandos to make sure of it.”

“An incident like this will only reinforce the FC resolve. Celestial Wisdom, but were we to punish Bordon…”

“It would have advantages and disadvantages. It would help to mollify the Commonwealth, on the other hand, it would get more difficult to hire more mercenaries. See this is handled…delicately. Kill all the officers and NCOs of the unit..the rest, can be formed into a new penal infantry battalion. I am sure they will serve the Capellan state well there.” Sun-Tsu snapped the fingers of his left hand, as if the idea had come from thin air.

“And for the general situation? We ultimately cannot win this war, but we can bleed the Davions to the table, if our luck holds. If not, we may be greeting Davion troops on Sian by the new year.” James Teng stated flatly.

“Ours of theirs, Major Shang?” Sun-Tsu growled.

“Ours, Celestial Wisdom, but even that is a middle case scenario.” Alexa admitted sheepily.

“Then Major Shang, I expect you to perform an extraordinary service to the Capellan State and ensure that my cousin assumes my throne. He is all that is left of my effort to give the Capellan people their pride back.”

“The people have their pride for now, but it will not, and it cannot last forever when the Davions come.” Alexa stated starkly.

“Then we must bleed the Davions to the table, Major Shang, we must bleed them to the table.”

Oflag 113


Donegal Province

Federated Commonwealth

December 1st, 3056

“It is a poor omen to be called to the camp commandant’s office” Taman Malthus swore softly. He’d been at Oflag 113 for four months, along with a collection of other captured Jade Falcon officers. The other side of the camp was for the Steel Vipers. When that had been found out, there was a near riot in both camps that the Lyrans had put down rather…harshly, and 5 POWs (the Inner Sphere term for bondsmen) were killed and the Senior Prisoner Officer, who had been an elderly Star Colonel named Jessup, had been sent to another camp..one more dreary than this..or so Malthus had been informed.

And we spend our days being worked like laborers in the unceasing forests of this place. I see trothkin lose their minds as to the enormity of this place. And, to the isolation. They do not let us couple, they do not let us spar for fun. We are left with nothing but work and more sedate Inner Sphere pursuits. They had someone come in here to try to teach us Lyran German!

Yesterday, Malthus had been informed that he had a vistor coming, and that he could use the Camp Commandant’s office to greet him. An unknown luxury here, privacy. So, to whom do I owe this small joy? LIC?

The door threw open to reveal a small figure, about 1.5 meters tall, wearing a Fedcom Officer’s duty uniform, with a cloak attached to the issue poncho. So he does not want to be seen. He must be LIC. And no school rag..how..interesting, but he is wearing spurs. Davion in a Steiner uniform, so who is this mysterious guest?

A hand threw back the hood of the poncho to reveal the personage of none other than Kai Allard Liao himself. “Greetings Taman, I am damn glad to see you alive.”

Taman barked a laugh “It might be poor taste to say I wish I had died with my men in glorious battle, but you fought well, and I cannot complain about my treatment here, though many amongst the camp’s residents wish to be proper bondsmen and serve their new Clan. They do not understand the concept of being a ‘Prisoner of War’.”

Kai nodded. “Taman, I have a problem. You may not be aware, but my mother is dead, she was slain by an assassin. One bought and paid for by my cousin.”

“Sun -Tsu Liao? Yes we hear much about that. They allow us unfettered access to your news services on the camp datanet. I thought of you when I heard of her death. She was a warrior, and for her to die like that, is…unClanlike.”

“Aff, Taman, Aff. It seems I need a travelling companion, one who is possessed of a certain set of skills. And one whom I know and trust implicitly.”

“When do we leave and where are we to go?” Taman smiled, flexing his muscles.

“As soon as you can pack, and we are headed to the belly of the beast, Sian.”

Taman smiled and laughed “Oh, Kai, this promises to be a tale for the Remembrance, indeed.”

Panzerfaust 150

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2018, 11:43:51 AM »

AU: The letter from Juliette Von Strang was written by Gladiusone of Spacebattles.com. I really want to take this time to give him and Yellowhammer a shoutout as they have helped to make Clover Spear what it is.

“..Jade Falcon warriors have fought poorly in many circumstances and our warriors said that dezgra bandits were better in some cases. I have had to discipline more than few under my command who suggested that we should not have bothered to take bondsmen. While I tend to agree privately, they are still misguided trothkin, even if they are solahma by anyone’s standard, and in some way, they can still benefit the Clan. But yes, the state of their garrisons was pitiful to say the least, not to mention of their lower castes. Both Clans are on the verge of collapse in the Inner Sphere. Khans Kerensky and Ward were prescient in acting now before the 3rd wave of the Federated Commonwealth resumes.”

Excerpt from the unpublished diary of Star Commander Anton Fetladral, 5th Wolf Guards Striker Cluster, dated November 9th, 3056

Results of the Clan Wolf “Land Grab”

October 3056

Attacking Forces: 13th Wolf Guards

Defending Forces: 1st Falcon Velites

Results: The First Falcon Velites met the 13th on a series of rolling plains outside the planetary capitol of Hedemarr. The fight was short and brutal, with Kerensky leading a brutal attack on the Falcon left flank that buckled but did not break the Falcon line. Neither side could gain a decisive advantage, as the Falcons were slightly outgunned by the Wolves, they were more skilled, and as such, neither side could gain a ready advantage. Kerensky came close to breaking her bid and calling down the 24th Wolf Rangers, but after two days of inconclusive fighting, the commander of the 1st Falcon Velites, Star Colonel Serendice Helmer asked for a duel with Kerensky to decide the fate of the planet. Kerensky took a Mad Dog to face Prentice in his Thor. At first, it looked as if Prentice might win the duel, as he landed a couple of lucky SRM hits to the head of Kerensky’s ‘Mech, but Kerensky cored his right torso with a pair of Large Laser hits from the rear, and then put two racks of LRMs into the legs of his ‘Mech, destroying several actuators in the right leg, and toppling Helmer’s Thor. Kerensky made Helmer her bondsman, and then took the rest of the 1st as isorla.

November 3056

Attacking Forces: 37th Striker Cluster

Defending Forces: 5th Talon

Results: The 5th Talon did not respond to the batchall of the 37th’s commander, and thus, he grounded with his entire cluster, expecting the worst. He was not met with resistance initially, but the 5th massed for an all-or-nothing assault on the 37th’s dropships and landing zone. It was a 12-hour desperate fight on the part of the 37th to stop the enraged Falcons from overrunning the LZ. Little observance of the Honor Road was in evidence on either side and by the time the smoke had cleared, the 37th had taken 20% casualties, but the 5th was barely a half-dozen confused and wounded bondsmen whom were only taken after the intervention on their behalf of the commander of the 37th.

Attacking Forces: 5th Wolf Guards Striker Cluster

Defending Forces: 5th Provisional Garrison Cluster

Results: Considered by Clan Jade Falcon to be one of their worst units, and little more than solahma trash, it was little surprise that they did not fight very hard to keep the 5th Wolf Guards Striker Cluster, with many members of the unit preferring to become bondsmen to Clan Wolf after desultory duels that were little more than surrenders en masse.

Maxie’s Planet
Attacking Forces: 11th Battle Cluster, 24th Wolf Rangers

Defending Forces: 8th Talon Cluster

Results: Maxie’s Planet was the closest the Wolves came to a disaster during the Land Grab. The Wolf Clan Watch missed the fact that the 8th Talon Cluster was being upgraded to a frontline cluster and had had a recent draft of experienced trueborns arrive to whip the unit into shape. Their lessons soon proved to be just in the nick of time, as the 11th soon arrived to bid for control of the planet. The 8th honored the 11th’s batchall, and the 8th gave them a good fight, forcing the 11th to break their bid twice, and then for good measure, call in the 24th Wolf Rangers, who by force of numbers, managed to finally force out of the planetary capital and back towards their dropships. The 8th took the hint and left hours later, bound for Trell I. The commander of the 11th was killed by a subordinate in a Trial of Position within hours of the departure of the 8th Talon Cluster.

Attacking Forces: 4th Striker Cluster

Defending Forces: 7th Provisional Garrison Cluster

Results: The 7th was made up almost exclusively of older trueborns whom had been declared solahma and were looking for an honorable end. They answered the call of the 4th, demanding a series of duels to the death to decide who got the planet. Honors were about even after the duels were fought, but the Wolves managed to win two more duels than the Falcons, and under the terms of the deal, the 7th left for Evcilier two days after the last duel was fought.

Both Seiduts and Zoetermeer fell without a shot, as the Falcon sponsored militias surrendered without issue to the Wolves en masse.

Grand Hall of Castle Davion

New Avalon

Federated Commonwealth

December 9th, 3056

“..how many can say they had a life well lived? I am happy to say; my parents didn’t have that problem. I’d like to think that’s why we loved them so much for it. Many will remember my father for the wars he started, and my mother for the wars she helped prevent. I just remember them as my Mom and Dad, and they were great parents, as well as leaders, and I hope, no, I pray I am half the parent they were when the time comes. ”

From the eulogy delivered by Katherine Steiner Davion at the state funeral for Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner Davion, December 9th, 3056

Katherine surveyed the wake for her parents. The ballroom was packed, and yet, it seemed few were willing to approach Katherine, except to say some whispered condolences, Galen was running interference for me today. God I need it after all that. It seemed all New Avalon had turned out for the state funeral, led by a single Albion cadet in full mess dress, carrying her father’s graduation sword on a white satin pillow with the Federated Commonwealth sigil, marching slowly and alone the length of Avalon Boulevard to the Peace Park, where both had said they had often wanted to be buried, overlooking the Silver Eagle memorial.

They’d been followed by a riderless horse, led by another Albion cadet, the horse had reversed boots in the stirrups, the clops of the horse on the pavement rang throughout the silent city, silent except for a wail or a sob. Then came a pair of horsedrawn herses, each with a single black coffin, with the Federated Commonwealth seal inlaid into the coffin. They were made of hardwoods from Tharkad for her mother, and New Avalon for her father. Thankfully, the laying in state was closed casket, I am not sure I would want to remember my parents like that. Behind the herses marched Katherine, Galen, Ardan Sortek, and Quintus Allard, as well as the rest of Katherine’s siblings. Yvonne was trying, and failing to hide her tears, but the rest managed, if only by force of will, their manner somber. Ardan and Galen wore full mess dress, their medals and brass gleaming in the winter day’s sun. Katherine wore a black dress but did not wear a veil. I want them to see my pain, to know I loved my parents, my family. How do I tell them without losing it?

Behind the family and close friends marched an entire company of infantry from the Davion Heavy Guards. Mechs from all the units of the New Avalon garrison lined the route. Half of them had been repainted in the Steiner Royal Guards scheme. All the infantry was in full dress uniform and everything gleamed in the sunlight. They marched perfectly in step, colors lined in black, and black armbands on every soldier’s left sleeve.

A single drummer, this time an Albion student from the Commonwealth, she had been told, beat a single steady somber beat on a military drum. The echo of the drum filled the streets. Behind her, marched the rest of the friends, well-wishers, and heads of state that were at the funeral.

The mood of the people was a mix of sorrow, and anger. Anger at the Capellans, who had been the cause of this funeral, and so, so many others on New Avalon, and elsewhere. Katherine had already attended funerals for at least three Avalon City police officers who had been killed trying to rescue people after the blast. They’d been caught in a collapse of rubble and crushed. They died trying to save people, my people. Their sovereign has a duty to be there. Many were dressed in black, with veterans saluting as the caskets passed. Some held hand written signs that read “God Bless You Hanse and Melissa” and “We’ll Miss You Both”. Katherine felt a stab of pain at every one. Thank you, but seeing that, it just makes me want to bawl. How did my parents lead these people so well? And when will they figure out what a damned fake I am? she remembered thinking.

The service at the Grand Cathedral had been elaborate, but tasteful. Her parents staff, as their last act before handing in their resignations pro-forma (which Katherine had rejected out of hand), had done a marvelous job of planning the funeral. Katherine still had to approve everything, but she’d been surprised how little of her time the staff had taken up with the details of the funeral. Mom and Dad was beloved by them too. I really should say something to them. Ran Felsner, Ardan Sortek, Galen, James Sandoval, and a pair of very large soldiers from the Heavy Guards acted as pallbearers for her father. Her mother had Misha Auburn, her brothers Peter and Arthur, and some Lyran Guardsmen from the 10th Lyran Guards standing in for Victor. Please God, if you’re listening? Don’t let us have to have one for Victor, her mind had echoed.

The service had been full of the usual pomp and circumstance, with the Pope of the New Avalon Catholic Church presiding, but with some allowances made for Melissa’s Lutheran faith. The Pope had talked of her father’s faith. Of how he and her father had spoken of both’s love of the Unfinished Book and how Hanse, for all his roguish nature, and his being a ‘Mechwarrior, had become a true father, husband, and leader of his people. He spoke of his mother and told a story of how she had offered to convert to the New Avalon Church, but that both Hanse and the Pope had talked her out of it, admittedly, as much for political reasons, as both men were believers in the Unfinished Book, and felt such a thing was anathema to its tenets.

Then began the eulogies. Ran Felsner went first, he spoke of meeting Hanse for the first time as a Major General in 3010, how even with all his accomplishments, he was still as nervous as a firstie at NAIS. Hanse’s advice? “Fake it till you make it, Ran, and knowing you, that won’t be long.” Ran spoke of how he, Ardan Sortek, and Hanse would often have drinks in Hanse’s drawing room in the palace after working hours, trying to solve the problems of the Inner Sphere..and often getting fairly tipsy, but occasionally getting a good idea out of it. He spoke of Melissa, and how they first met at the wedding, and how she seemed quiet and bookish, but had a spine of steel, and a heart of gold, and how it was evident in her children.

Ardan Sortek spoke of knowing Hanse as a boy, and as a younger man, he asked Melissa to forgive him those trespasses, and to know, she was the best wife and mother Hanse could have asked for. He laughed when he remembered a few things from Hanse’s bachelor party that he swore he would tell no one until after Hanse and Melissa had passed and the kids were old enough to understand. They weren’t particularly ribald, more sophomoric hijinks that Katherine could never picture her father having a hand in, or at least the Hanse Davion she knew. Filling Myndo Waterly’s swimming pool on Hilton Head with a mix of Jello and lunchmeat? Inspired Dad, inspired. I do wonder what Mom thought when she found out just how close you guys came to order MIIO to do it!

Then it came to be Katherine’s turn. She’d written and re-written her eulogy a dozen time the night before. She still wasn’t happy with it. It was some proforma thing that the Press Office had cleared, and it well, wasn’t her. But she didn’t have the luxury of being her. Or at least she didn’t think so, till she looked over at Galen once she reached the lectern, and he smiled weakly, and mouthed “be yourself.”

Katherine nodded, and tossed away the speech, much to the gasps of the crowd. “That’s better. Apologies to my speechwriting staff. I know you guys work hard, but this was my Mom and Dad. And well, I am going to talk about them as my Mom and Dad, not great personages of history. At least, not yet. Everyone OK with that?”

The cathedral was silent as a tomb

Katherine cleared her throat, and sniffled a bit, holding back tears. “My Mom and Dad were wonderful people. They raised five kids to inherit one of the toughest family businesses in the Inner Sphere. They did it with grace, humility, and still managed to find time for each other even with the demands of state and us five pains in the rear, and yeah, we were hellions at times.” That got a chuckle from the crowd.

“Mom was brave beyond words sometimes. She knew the lives we would lead, lives we did not choose, and lives some of us aren’t sure we wanted. But she showed us that those lives were accidents of birth, and those lives didn’t make us better, or superior. I remember once, I was going through a bratty phase when I was 7, and I tripped one of the maids in the palace just to do it. Poor woman hurt herself badly with a knee injury. I thought it funny. It wasn’t, and Mom made sure I knew that. She gave me a hiding I deserved, and I never thanked her for it, because I deserved it…and I needed it. Well, I am thanking you now. Thank You, Mom. You made me a woman. A woman who mourns her mother as the strong, wonderful mother and ruler she was.”

She remembered smiling weakly as she thought of her father “My father. If ever there was a roguish influence in my life, it was him. Daddy, and yes, to me, he will always be Daddy, well, for all the tough Mechwarrior exterior, was a ball of mush when it came to his daughters. I will never forget how he snuck out of the palace one Christmas to buy us the “it toy” that year. He did it himself with a small security detail, and a elaborate disguise. I am happy to say; Yvonne and I had that toy under the tree! He doted on us perhaps too much, but he showed me, and Yvonne never settle for a man who won’t treat you like he did. I am glad to say, I found him Daddy!”

“I know we can all ask; how many can say they had a life well lived? I am happy to say; my parents didn’t have that problem. I’d like to think that’s why we loved them so much for it. Many will remember my father for the wars he started, and my mother for the wars she helped prevent. I just remember them as my Mom and Dad, and they were great parents, as well as leaders, and I hope, no, I pray I am half the parent they were when the time comes.”

The cathedral filled with applause.

The rest of the service had been a blur, the graveside service, the honors rendered, though the young Leftenant who had handed her the flags for her parents on “behalf of a grateful Commonwealth” had tracks of tears running down his face and had apologized for it. Katherine smiled and whispered “It’s alright, Leftenant, we just buried the soul of the Commonwealth today. I think tears are the order of the day.”

And now, there came the wake. “Galen, dear, thanks for running interference.”

Galen smiled, “Hon, I know you have to greet some of these people, but it it wrong if I get to say “not now?”

Katherine shook her head “I get it, with Omi reading to Victor now, I kinda want some alone time with you after all this. Been trying not to lose it all day, and well, I need to.”

“Me too, Katherine, me too,” as Galen took her hand gently in his.

Later that evening

Katherine surveyed the roomful of cards and flowers that filled the private sitting room of her mother. I really don't know what the hell I am going to do with this place? She wanted to do something other than a stuffy old granite memorial to her parents. Something alive, something that continues their legacy. If I do anything with my time here, it's that. She surveyed the heaps of cards, well wishes, and condolences. One in particular, marked with the unique sigil of the Von Strang family caught her eye. That crazy pirate even sent condolences? Oh, this I gotta read. She grabbed a letter opener off of a nearby table, and opened the black and silver envelope deftly in a single motion, and carefully removed the finely weighted paper. It was high quality, with the note penned with what could only be a high quality pen. Jeez, that Von Strang woman went all out.

29 October, 3056


We have not met, but I spent several days negotiating with your mother. She was a brilliant, honest and powerful woman, and the Inner Sphere is a lesser place without her. As someone who has also lost a parent to murderous barbarians, you have my most serious condolences.

I never had a chance to meet either your father or brother, but your fathers reputation for war and politics echoed even to my fathers halls as I grew, and your brothers valour against the Clans is unquestioned. Such strength is not easily conquered: he will recover to rain hellfire down upon the spawn of Hazen again, I am certain.

My Legion is reforming on Sudeten, preparing to resume the drive to rid your worlds of the Tanker plague, and then to hound them through the Periphery until they are driven back to their cold, barren holds in the deepest black. This is accomplished through the will of your mother, the wit of your father and the prowess of your brother. You are of that same stock: you will not fail them, or your people.

Perhaps I should not have written thusly: I do so only with the recommendation of your cousin, Colonel Morgan Kell, whom I count as both mentor and friend. Yet I felt compelled to speak, as one ruler, one orphan, one woman, one seeker of vengeance to another: you will prevail.

I saw the video of Kali Laois death: it is a good start. You are doing well ... for a Spheroid.


Colonel the Baroness Juliette von Strang, Sudeten.

Secure wing of New Avalon General Hospital

New Avalon

Federated Commonwealth

December 9th, 3056

“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” Omi Kurita smiled as she read the passage in Moby Dick. What a very Kurita statement, for such a Gaijin? Did Hohiro or Minoru go to their end laughing? Did Father? I do not know whether I wish they did..or did not. And as such, is me wishing they had not made their sacrifices, that I still had them here, does that stain the honor of what they did?

Omi’s sleep had been troubled of late with these questions and more. She had attended the funeral for Victor’s parents in disguise, it was thought best by both Shin Yodama, as well as the head of Katherine’s security detail. They had made up a fictional identity as a minor noblewoman from Ozawa who had come to pay her respects, as well as get her title of nobility confirmed at the hand of the Archon-Princess herself.

The funeral had been very unlike Combine affairs, more a celebration of life of the deceased, rather than a focus on the afterlife. She’d come to appreciate it, and it made her think about her future with Victor. I love him, and there really is no other. If what I believe is true, then if he does not return from his sojurn in the land of the dead, then I shall join him there. Lady Fiona has gone mad with everyone trying to restrain her from doing so with Hohiro. I will not share that fate.

Omi put the book down and smiled at Victor, he looked better than he had when the doctors briefed her as to his condition. Most of the smaller bandages were gone, and he was off the ventilator, she helped the nursing staff do what they could for him, to Omi, nobility did not preclude hard work.

She heard a gasping noise...ie, could it be? No, the doctors said he was probably not going to come out of his coma anytime soon! She heard it again. It was clearly coming from Victor. He had made random noises before, and his eyes opened and closed randomly, but there was no spark, no consciousness behind them. But this time..the eyes opened as gummy slits, and the rasp was making a sound, Omi dropped the book in shock, throwing the chair aside, and rushing to his bedside. She smiled and leaned over his head.

Victor rasped “My love, what are you doing here?”

Omi lunged for the call button, tears and giggles of joy warring as her prayers had been answered.

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2018, 11:45:42 AM »

(Another Omake from Omi's POV by Yellowhammer!)

December 31st, 3056 (Year of the Yang Fire Dragon)

Byodo-in Temple (reference image)

New Avalon, Crucis March

A pair of hover limos slowly climbed up the low wooded hill along a road marked off by Avalon City Police for the New Year's Celebration to where the Buddhist temple overlooked the river running through Avalon City. Inside the lead one, marked with the flags of the Davion Heavy Guards and an AFFS license plate, Omiko Kurita sat like a marble statue.

While she had been invited to the traditional New Year's Party at the Davion Palace by Katherine, she had politely requested to arrive after midnight. As much as she wished to stand with Katherine as she gave the traditional address to the Federated Suns from the Great Hall or celebrate with Victor as he recovered from his injuries, she felt that the time was not yet right for her to do so. While the Western tradition was purely a celebration; in the Japanese tradition, ÅŒmisoka was a period of reflection and preparation in part.

Omi felt that she had much to reflect on as this year turned to its close.

To keep her mind occupied, she looked over at the other woman in the back of the limousine. "Tell me of this temple, please, Parvati-san."

The dark-complexioned woman with her face showing the fine features of her ancestors from distant India shifted slightly. Her AFFC dress uniform was now adorned with a Kommandant's thick white stripe on the dark yellow epaulets showing her posting in Administration. "An useful fiction for DMI," she had explained to Omi during one of their conversations on the trip from Exeter to New Avalon.

"Omiko-san, I must confess that I only visited Byodo-in three times. Twice when I was a cadet at Albion as part of a class on religious studies and then Combine culture, and then the third time for a friend's wedding in '53. I'm Panpouran, which means mainly Hindu with Theravada Buddhism synthesis. Byodo-in is one of the Mahayana East Asian branches of Buddhism such as you would have found in China or Japan. As I recall..." Parvati drummed her fingers on the car door briefly, then spoke again, "it is shared by the Jōdo Pure Land and Tendai Schools."

Omi's face lit up in a smile. "That is fortunate! I follow the Sōtō Zen school, which was developed from Jōdo during the Kamakura Shogunate era in Japan." At Parvati's inquisitive look the Kurita elaborated. "Religion is one of the key duties of the Keeper of House Honor, and I found that it suited me well. While I was no nun such as Aunt Constance, it did...does grant me solace." The smile faded at the mention of yet another of her relatives who had vanished in the chaos enveloping the Combine.

Parvati reached over and gently squeezed Omi's hand, who gave her a grateful smile in return before deliberately changing the subject away from too-fresh worries. "You mentioned that this temple is famous for its beauty, no?"

Parvati smiled. "Yes, it was founded in 2373. These are not the original wooden buildings, of course, although they are constructed to the original plans with some cosmetic modifications." Omi frowned minutely at the odd tone of Parvati's voice. She was familiar with the Sengu tradition in Shinto that had a shrine be rebuilt every twenty years both to honor the impermanence of nature and transience of beauty, as well as insure traditional building techniques were taught to the next generation. However, this seemed to be something different, with an undertone of hidden..pain?

Curious now, Omi probed further with her next question. She schooled her voice to project innocent curiosity as she gave the DMI officer a shy smile. "Parvati-san, did something happen that caused a modification to the plans?"

Parvati's smile soured, and she looked like she had just bitten into a lemon. "You could say that, Omiko-san. You must understand that it was a different, darker time back then." The Indian woman visibly collected her thoughts before proceeding. "There has sometimes been a current of antipathy toward Asian culture in the Suns. Many people see it as alien to their culture, and worse see it as the subtle creeping influence of the Liaos and Kuritas." Parvati then hastily added, "No insult intended, Omiko-san!"

Omi gave a reassuring smile, "It is understandable. I am well aware that my family's relations with the Suns have been rather strained at best."

Parvati grimaced and continued. "That is one way to describe it, yes. But...during the First Succession War, when we were reeling, as the Dragon thrust to the gates of New Avalon while the Capellans gobbled up worlds...it turned very ugly. People of Asian ethnicity were hounded as 'enemy agents' and 'traitors', and sometimes attacked by mobs. Then the news came about Kentares..."

Now it was Omi's turn to go pale and make her own sour face. While the subject of the Kentares Massacre ordered by then-Coordinator Jinjiro Kurita was glossed over in the official histories of the Combine by being described as 'Fedrat propaganda and lies', as the Keeper of the House Honor Omi knew the truth. She had read the actual eyewitness accounts of the Massacre in the secret archives of the Order of the Five Pillars, along with the scathing diary entries penned by Keeper Izumi Kurita as Jinjiro Kurita ordered the murder of an innocent planet for vengeance for his father's death on Kentares. "I...see, Parvati-san," she whispered in a tightly controlled voice.

"When the news of Kentares hit New Avalon...a mob formed, and marched on Byodo-in, and put it to the torch, beating and killing the monks who prayed for the souls of their attackers as they were brutalized. It took over an hour for the police to manage to quell the riot and allow firefighters to quench the flames."

Omi shivered, staring at the beautiful carved wooden buildings of the Buddhist shrine. "How terrible."

Parvati whispered, "Yes, it was. First Prince John Davion stepped in to call for an end to the attacks on innocent citizens. He visited the surviving monks, along with the head of the New Avalon Catholic Church and the Chief Rabbi of Avalon City, as well as his son and grandson." Parvati pointed through the window as their car stopped in a cordoned off parking spot for the 'Baroness Murasaki Tanaka of Ozawa'. "He stood there, where you see the torii gate with the fox statues on either side with the still smouldering main hall behind him as his words were broadcast across the Suns, and explained to the citizens that the Combine was the true enemy, not their own fellow citizens. Prince John stated that this madness was a stain on the realm's honor, and his own honor as First Prince. He then asked the chief monk of Byodo-in to stand beside him and lead him, his family, and the other clergy in a prayer for the souls of the victims of the Asian Purge. He even paid out of his own personal funds for the rebuilding of the temple, although he would never see it since he was assassinated later in the year. His grandson Prince Paul was the one to represent the Suns at the reconsecration of the temple five years later."

Omi was shocked to her core. To admit wrongdoing and show himself at fault publicly in such a manner was unthinkable for the Coordinator. She knew how desperate the situation was for the Suns in that hour and how close to victory the Arm of the Dragon had come, only distracted by Jinjiro's madness from storming the capital. The Suns were fighting for their life, with all resources turned toward the battlefield...and yet the First Prince elected to try to stop this madness instead of channeling that toward his own ends and his realm's survival. "I...see. I would have liked to meet Prince John. Such magnanimity of spirit is rare among rulers."

Parvati nodded as several plainclothes security personnel and Shin Yodama exited the other car to secure the area. "It is. Unfortunately, Prince John's reputation is tarnished by his actions as the Star League fell and then the First Succession War. A string of military defeats does not sit well for Davions in the history books, especially since Prince Paul was one of our most brilliant commanders. To be fair to John, it was a systemic failure, I can assure you. DMI missing the signs of your surprise attack into the Draconis March is a case study in intelligence blunders that we have to study both to see what we did wrong then and as a warning about how important it is to get it right."

Omi nodded. "True, we should learn the lessons that those who went before us can teach. Thank you for escorting me to the Ōmisoka celebration. If it allowed for visitors to assist the monks in ringing the bonshō bell 108 times to cleanse the listener of the 108 human sins and worldly desires such as anger, regret, and sadness, I would like you and Yodama-san to be with me as we swing the timber to strike the bell."

Kommandant Parvati gave a grin and opened the limousine door. "It would be my pleasure, Omiko-san. After all, you are my assignment now, by direct order of Princess Katherine no less. I need to do something to justify the promotion that she requested for me!"

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2018, 11:26:11 AM »

January 5th, 3057

Situation Room of the Fox’s Den

New Avalon

Federated Commonwealth

Katherine Morgan Steiner-Davion looked on with interest as the briefer, a nervous young Hauptmann, briefed the very experienced (and very high-ranking) personages on the progress of both the Marik-Liao offensive. He was using a clear, meter long pointer to call attention to various battlegrounds throughout the Sarna March on a flat representation of a holomap. Volunteers my ass, that is a useful little fig leaf, Corrine. I am going to remember that when the time comes for me to settle accounts.

“..we expect that Clover Spear will jump off on its third and final wave on or about the 10th of January, and orders have been cut to send back several RCTs already. Among them are the 7th Crucis Lancers, the Assault Guards, Hansen’s Roughriders, and the Grey Death Legion. The plan is they will form the nucleus of the force that will form one of the prongs of ACTIVE PANTHER.”

Katherine’s ears perked up. “ACTIVE PANTHER? Jackson, you have not mentioned this in previous briefings. I don’t like being kept in the dark.”

“My apologies your highness, I don’t like presenting plans before they are ready.” Jackson Davion rose and walked over to the young Hauptmann and whispered something in his ear that made him turn white. He then took the pointer and the Hauptmann left in an unseemly hurry. His next meeting with Marshal Davion will not be a pleasant one.

“My apologies your Highness, no obfuscation was intended. We have a rule here at the Den, “no operations plan before its time, and to be honest, Active Panther is a bit rough.”

“Who instituted that rule? It seems a bit easy to abuse?” Katherine inquired, some of her earlier ire satiated, but a warning tone still present in her voice.

“Your father, Your highness.”

Katherine gasped in embarrassment. “Oh, well, knowing Daddy, he had a damn good reason for it. Ok, well the cat is well and truly out of the bag, so tell me of Active Panther? And how rough is this plan?”

“Extremely. Your highness, all we have really is a rough concept of operations, and it will depend on the cooperation of foreign powers.”

“St. Ives?” Katherine inquired.

“Exactly and considering the last time this was presented to the SIMC General Staff back in 3045, Candace Liao herself balked at this, it’s one of the reasons we are less than confident about it.”

“I suspect times have changed, Jackson. Now, tell me, what is the basics of the plan?”

“It’s brutally simple really. We pin down Capellan forces in the Sarna March with a drive towards Capella, or in in this case, Sarna. We know they’ll fight hard for it because a) they’ll have to, and b) they have already committed the lion’s share of their reserve to reinforce their efforts on digging in on the worlds they have already taken. Then, we launch two more prongs. One is through the Zilang salient, designed to cut the Confederation in two, and take Grand Base and Menke, crippling the remainder of Capellan war production. The third prong? Direct from St. Ives, right for Sian.”

“So, other than the usual reluctance by St. Ives to get involved in the Capellan mud pit, why did St. Ives balk?”

“Our casualty projections for Sian alone…Percy, pull up slide four.”

Katherine’s face turned white at the numbers “250,000 dead? On our side? Holy Christ!”

“And that’s a lot to ask either of our nations, especially one as small as St. Ives. Thus, we’ve been trying to refine the plan a bit before we presented it to you.”

“Sweet Jesus. Clover Spear’s been a relative cakewalk thus far, we lose 250,000 just for Sian alone, that’s going to have angry crowds in front of the palace calling for all our heads, and rightfully so. I understand your problem, Jackson. If I may ask, what factors are contributing to such high numbers?”

“We expect near fanatical resistance from all the Capellan defenders, and more than a few civilians, as well as the Capellan to utilize every special weapon they have. Not to mention, there could be unknown factors in play as well.”

“Like what?”

“Like the fact that as of last week, we have lost track of both Blakist divisions on the Capellan front. We don’t know where the hell they are. And to be honest, that worries me.” Jackson stroked his beard for emphasis.

“I don’t know a person in this room who isn’t concerned by that, Jackson. Quintus, any ideas?”

“We’re running down every lead we have, your Highness, but it’s not easy with the Blakists.”

Katherine nodded. “Alright, I am giving a tentative go to ACTIVE PANTHER. But I want those Blakist divisions found and found fast. I promised vengeance. And considering a favorite author of mine once said ‘Vengeance is like Ice Cream’? Well, call me the Good Humor lady. Only, I am not laughing. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Today’s briefing has put a smile on my face, first in a while I must say. I must go visit my brother…”


January 5th, 3057

Secure Wing

New Avalon General Hospital

New Avalon, Crucis March

“I am sorry, Victor-san. Your life has been ripped from you, in a way..so cruel.” Omi stated, her sorrow for her beloved’s fresh news.

“Omi, as my father used to say. ‘Shit Happens’. I wish it wasn’t this in particular. The arm, I could have dealt with…but this? To know a part of my life is over, just like that…that is the part that is particularly painful. Wasn’t enough those bastards took my parents, and 6000 of my other subjects, but now, my career as a ‘Mechwarrior? I guess the hits really do keep on coming?” Victor’s attempt at a one-armed shrug was still not what he would have liked, but he did what he could, what with the bandages around his stump, and the sling.

Victor had had a busy schedule, physical therapy, consultations with doctors, and visits by all sorts of personages. Katherine had told him about their parents, with Omi present. Victor had never been much on tears, but he sobbed like a baby when he’d heard the news. He’d wanted to get back into the cockpit as soon as he could, leading his nation from the front, like a good ruler should, but then came the next blow:

Victor would never pilot a Battlemech again.

It had happened during a routine “skullcap” test where he was like any recruit being considered for battlemech training, asked to make a 1/72nd Battlemech move via a crude nerohelmet. He’d given himself a tonic-clonic seizure instead. An MRI and and EEG later, the results confirmed it. The head injury had caused a form of epilepsy, and the strain of piloting a ‘Mech could potentially kill him. Even with all the strides in neuroscience that had occurred because of neurohelmets, and other Battlemech-related technologies, epilepsy was still a scourge, and was not able to be treated except through medication, diet, and rest.

“They have done all they can, love. Riva Allard herself consulted on this, and if she says we must live with it, then that’s it. Hey, I may be named after my Uncle Ian, but, maybe this is the universe’s way of saying it’s time for me to grow up and hang up the damn spurs.”

Omi nodded “My love, if you can endure, then so can I, at least we know other parts work.” Omi’s smile turned a bit playful at the last remark.

Victor shook his head. “You are going to attack me when they let me out of the body and fender shop, aren’t you?”

Omi nodded, this time, her grin was in full flower.

“If your family saw you?”

“They would approve and wish you strength and for us to produce many grandchildren..especially my grandfather.” Omi stated, her brows furrowing and her smile turning into a smirk as she leaned over and kissed Victor.

“I will admit, you being here has made this all a hell of a lot easier to bear.”Victor said, his hands cupping Omi’s face.

Omi whispered “We are each other’s keeper..in mind, heart, body, and soul. And we will always be so.”


Ryan Steiner’s Private Drawing Room

Ducal Palace

Summer, Isle of Skye

January 9th, 3057

“BASTARDS!” Ryan Steiner was fuming. First, the indignity of the vaunted AFFC not hunting down and destroying the clanner bastards who had raided his worlds, the fact that they are mine by marriage is only a small detail. And now, this. The AFFC had no intention, according to a man of his on Nondi’s staff, of driving onward to retake worlds from the damn Wolves!

He threw his tumbler full of MaCallan 15 year into the fireplace, and the glass broke with a loud shatter as the contents were consumed by the flames.

“Surely we cannot convince one good son of Skye to do something about this?”

“I am sorry my liege, but our man on Nondi’s staff confirms it. There is to be no war with the Wolves. Tamar is to be left-“ Hauptmann General Harrison Von Frisch, commanding general of the 4th Skye Rangers RCT, and nominal head of the Skye Rangers, was Ryan Steiner's man, body and soul. The weasel tone in his voice was all but proving it, much to Frisch's chagrin.

“Tamar is to be left nowhere, but to us! Harrison, tell me, how many mercenary units do we have on retainer?”

“Four regiments, my liege, the Dragonslayers, whom have enough reasons to hate this faux ‘Commonwealth.’ Eriksson's Einherjar, of whom our money has rebuilt to a full regiment over the last four years, and the Crater Cobras, whom recently left Marik service, and would love a chance to make a splash like this.”

“Good Harrison, good, plus our own regiments? Yes?” Ryan Steiner stroked his chin, conspiratorially.

“Yes, my liege. Give us four months, and we could drop on Tamar with a decent chance of taking the place.” Harrison stated, a bit of pride leaking into his voice when the subject of "his" troops came up.

Ryan Steiner smiled cruelly. “This is good. We shall present the Commonwealth with a fait accompli. Either they reinforce our regiments, and show whom the real Steiners are? Or, they let us die, and risk another rebellion back home as well as in Tamar. This has much potential, Harrision. Send the messages and get the ball rolling. I think it is time we gave the Wolves their eviction notice.”

Harrison nodded, and inexpiably, the night grew just a bit colder indeed.


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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2018, 04:59:16 PM »

I gotta catch up on this story


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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2018, 09:25:04 PM »

Cant wait to see where this story goes next
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2018, 03:43:06 PM »

It is pretty good Bradshaw, i have to catch up still.

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Re: Clover Spear - The War of '56
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2018, 02:20:58 AM »

Khan’s Office, Steel Viper Compound

Katyusha City, Strana Mechty

Clan Space

January 6th, 3057

“It is confirmed, Waltrip, quiaff?” Khan Perigard Zalman queried of his impromptu “intelligence officer”. Waltrip was an older warrior whom had been in Zalman’s sibko, but whom had not quite been the ristar everyone had thought he would be. Zalman prized his judgement, and his counsel, which except for the debacle on Waldorff, which I gave the order for, so it is hardly worth holding against Waltrip, he had been a pretty good intelligence liaison to the Khan.

“Aff my Khan, it is, the Federated Commonwealth is not even bothering to disguise their intentions this time. Not that I fear, we can do much about them..not after Waldorff.” Waltrip’s reedy frame, with an age induced stoop jumped slightly as he exclaimed each word, his high cheekbones and thin face giving him a look of a warmed-over corpse.

Khan Zalman rose from his desk, it was made of the finest Oak from the finest Arcadian hardwoods, with a top of marble taken from the upland mines of New Kent. The marble had inlaid designs of Steel Vipers chasing the sigils of other clans around the desk. Zalman like to look at the design to soothe his nerves after a bad day. It seems I have had more than a few of those of late.

“When do we expect the next wave to commence?” Zalman inquired, the exasperation evident in his voice.

“Sometime in the next 7 to 10 days, my Khan. And we cannot stop it, not at all.” Waltrip stated flatly.

“You have been quiet, Ahmed? Any suggestions?” Zalman turned to the balding, bulky figure wearing Steel Viper issue fatigues leaning against the far wall, his arms folded over his chest and his ankles crossed.

Ahmed exhaled “My Khan, we are at a crossroads. The Falcons are on their way to the inevitable darkness. They have proven themselves a weak clan in the end, and we should not emulate them. There will be other opportunities with the Inner Sphere, but to allow ourselves to be dragged into their folly and allow our clan to be destroyed, along with theirs is stupidity compounded with hubris. I know we have not gotten along in the past-“Zalman nodded at that “-but we must put aside our differences for the good of the Clan, as we have done so in the past.”

“So, Ahmed, I ask again, what do you suggest?” Zalman leaned in his seat towards Ahmed, his dark eyes boring into Zalman as if to suggest. I have no problem killing you right here if you suggest something foolish.

“Withdrawal from the Inner Sphere. Return to the homeworlds and join the feeding frenzy that will soon take place regarding the holdings of the Falcons.”

Zalman leaned back and stroked his chin contemplatively. Ahmed is right. What have we gained from the Inner Sphere? First there was the debacle on Tukayyid, now this even greater calamity. Not to mention all the Spheroids willing to chance certain death just to kill only one of our warriors..and the methods they use? So…unclanlike. Why the need to govern people so obviously mad? No, we are better off amongst our own. That and preserving our Clan is the obvious choice.

“Ahmed, you are right. Give the order to our forces in the Inner Sphere to begin withdrawing upon receipt of orders to do so. If they encounter FedCom forces, they are to resist commensurate with whatever force is needed to escape. Warriors, Military equipment, and supplies have priority. All equipment unable to be withdrawn is to be destroyed, military and civilian.”

“And our civillians, my Khan?” Waltrip inquired in a voice he already knew the answer, yet dreaded hearing it just the same.

“Space available basis, Waltrip, Space available. The rest shall be left to the mercies of the Federated Commonwealth.”

Taken from the daily operational briefing provided to Field Marshal Ranier Poulin, Supreme Commander of “Operation Clover Spear”, declassified October 9th, 3076

..Due to some communications difficulties, the 3rd Wave of Clover Spear did not jump off until 11 January, 3057. Little to no resistance was met on several Steel Viper worlds where it was expected, that and other information from various sources and methods has now led us to believe that the Steel Vipers have ordered a general withdrawal from the Inner Sphere. Furthermore, we have noted a definitive decline in the morale of Jade Falcon EPWs. If this information is correct, we believe we can speed up the timelines for both the 4th wave, and for the return of Davion units to the Federated Suns State Command to deal with the Capellan offensive into the Sarna and Capellan Marches…

Attacker: 20th Arcturan Guards RCT, 21st Striker and 151st Light Horse, Eridani Light Horse, 2 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 5th Falcon Regulars, Clan Jade Falcon

Results: The 5th Falcon Regulars grimly dug in around the planetary capitol and awaited the FC taskforce which arrived 5 days after arriving in system. The 5th’s aerospace fighters did what they could, and took a toll of the FC fighter screen, but did not appreciably slow down the FC landings, the FC took their time on Derf, taking the better part of two weeks to encircle and invest the planetary capitol, with the initial break in assault happening under cover of night and concentrated artillery fire via the western suburbs. The block to block fighting was grim and determined and took ten more days before the final Falcon citadel was literally battered down via direct fire from a Long Tom and the survivors, a mixed Binary of Jade Falcon troops, was compelled to surrender. Casualties amongst the Fedcom forces ran about 25% with the 20th Arcturan taking the worst of it.

Baker 3
Attacker: Davion Light Guards RCT, 7th Crucis Lancers RCT, 4 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 305th Assault Cluster

Results: The 305th Assault Cluster fought poorly, failing to engage the Davion units in a week of cat and mouse pursuit across the planet before the unit decamped and headed for Evciler.

Attacker: Wolf’s Dragoons (Delta and Epsilon Regiments), 4 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 1st Falcon Jagers and Gubereng Garrison Cluster, Clan Jade Falcon

Results: The Falcons met the Dragoons on their LZs in the Danzo River Valley and came close to overrunning Epsilon Regiment, but the overwhelming firepower advantage the artillery brigades provided made the difference, especially the 56th Artillery Brigade, whose fire proved to be very accurate. This fire broke up attack after attack by the Falcons, by daybreak two days after planetfall, the Falcons surrendered to the battered Dragoons. Epsilon Regiment was soon sent back to Outreach for rest and refit, and the 56th was given the honor of putting Epsilon regiment colors, and the Dragoon patch on their uniforms and equipment for their actions.

Attacker: 25th Arcturan Guards RCT

Defender: None

Results: The FC landing force missed the Steel Viper garrison by just hours and arrived during a full-blown revolt against the collaborationist government left behind. The 25th fell into the role of peacekeeping amongst a populace that was both grateful, and vengeful, with both regiments helping to narrowly avert several attempted massacres of Steel Viper civilians that had been left behind.

Attacker: 23rd Arcturan Guards RCT

Defender: None

Results: Like Parikoila, the FC troops missed the Steel Viper garrison by hours and spent most of their time policing the now newly liberated world.

Attacker: 26th Lyran Guards RCT, 2 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 14th Falcon Regulars

Results: The 14th was scattered in penny packets that were virtually besieged by a planetary rebellion that trapped most of the packets in their forward operating bases. Morale had been low for some time and thus it took only 10 days for the 26th to clean up the Jade Falcon resistance on Here. In a side note, the 17th Skye Rangers, who were supposed to be part of the operation, never showed up, and are currently listed as missing by the AFFC.

Attacker: 1st Davion Guards RCT, 8th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT, 10th Deneb Light Cavalry RCT, Lindon’s Regiment, 4 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: None

Results: The FC was expecting a huge Steel Viper presence on Twycross, but upon entry to the system, no evidence of the Vipers was found. The FC force grounded without incident, and quietly assumed control of the once embattled world.

Attacker: 2nd Davion Guards RCT, 3 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 9th Talon Cluster, Clan Jade Falcon

Results: The 9th fought a rear guard across the planet for two weeks, then after taking seemingly light losses, they left the world for Evicler.

Attacker: Grey Death Legion, 3rd Crucis Lancers RCT, 2 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 7th Talon Cluster, Clan Jade Falcon

Results: The 7th fought a determined and brutal action from the start of the campaign, but the unit was overmatched in both numbers and firepower, and at the end of two weeks, the surviving trinary surrendered to FC forces.

Beta VII
Attacker: 1st Aragon Borderers, 1st Federated Suns Armored Cav, Hansen’s Roughriders, 4 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: 18th Falcon Regulars, Clan Jade Falcon

Results: The 18th set up their defenses in the remains of the old Commonwealth firebase north of the planetary capital. The attempt to hold out did not last long, after 5 days of heavy bombardment by FC artillery and several probing attacks by the 1st Armored Cavalry, the 18th’s commander was killed in a Trial of Position and the new commander surrendered the unit.

Attacker: 2nd Royal Guards RCT, 3rd Royal Guards RCT, 4 Independent Artillery Brigades

Defender: None

Results: The collaborationist government on Dompaire surrendered without a fight to the overwhelming FC invasion force.

Wolf Land Grab, Part II

Attacker: 11th Wolf Guards, 37th Striker Cluster, Clan Wolf

Defender: 1st Viper Guards, 2nd Viper Guards and 5th Legion, Clan Steel Viper

Results: The Wolves fought a series of duels for the possession of the three Steel Viper Clusters on the planet, and won three of the five trials, winning possession of the Steel Viper units, and then withdrew with their new bondsmen and gear back to Wolf space.

Private Quarters of the Acting Archon Princess

Royal Palace, Avalon City

New Avalon

Crucis March, Federated Commonwealth

January 19th, 3057

Katherine Steiner-Davion smiled as she took another sip of her tea. This is good Earl Grey, I am going to have to get this recipe when I leave here. A smile came unbidden to that last thought as she gingerly put the tea down on the saucer and regarded her guest. Mother and Father must be of two minds concerning whom we have been entertaining..and who my brother is dead set to marry. Thing is, I like this woman. A lot. She’s not your typical Kurita. She’s more…introspective, and a lot less of the “me big warrior” hubris, then again, I got one of those in my own life..god Bless Galen, but he’s not the typical arrogant Mechjock either. I wonder if I got that wrong? Daddy did exude that at times..when mom would give him a mock clouting and let some wind out of his sails. Concentrate, Katherine, it’s time to get the measure of your future sister-in-law.

“Hello Omi, I wanted to ask you here at some point because, well, I finally have a bit of breathing room with two wars and all the related instability in the Inner Sphere to have what we call in the Commonwealth..’girl talk’.”

Omi chuckled, her laugh was demure, but somehow had a quality that filled the room. I see why my brother was attracted to her. She has a gentle quality, but with steel underneath. Good. I do not want him getting his own way. “Forgive me, Katherine-chan, if I may call you that?”

Katherine simply nodded. “You are amongst friends here. I just have to know..what do you see in my brother? Not that he isn’t a great guy..but I’ve seen him well, at his lesser moments..many of them I am willing to share.” Katherine punctuated that last with another bit of mirthful laughter.

“Please do, he is a bit serious most of the time. Especially so since his injury.” Omi’s head lowered, and a frown crossed her face.

“That won’t do. Tell him his younger sister remembers the time he put a toad in her bed and has been waiting for a chance to retaliate. That and she remembers he has a fear of spiders. But seriously, how is he doing?”

“Physically, well as can be, Katherine-chan. Emotionally? Victor is as good at hiding his emotions like any of the men in my family…were.” The frown deepened as Omi remembered her dead brother and father and tears formed in her eyes.

Great going Katherine, you’re doing more harm than good. Christ, why am I so damn bad at this? Katherine winced at that last thought. “Please forgive me Omi, I did not mean to cause you pain.”

Omi shook her head “Shigata-nai, Katherine-chan. My emotions are a bit raw and well..my sleep has been irregular. Your intelligence apparatus has been very forthcoming about the state of my people back in the Combine. I am doing what I can to rally my people, but..most of the DCMS is content to rally around the pretender, as they blame my father for the loss of Luthien to the Jaguars.”

“Rather unfair, that.” Katherine nodded. “Think we both have had a measure of the weight of the world on our shoulders. Both of us having jobs we clearly didn’t want, nor ask for. But yes, I do believe we need a break. And that’s what I wanted to ask you about? I have some ideas to endear you to the people of the Commonwealth. My brother loves you, and between our interaction, and the reports I do get from Kommandant Pavrati, whom I think you share a friendship with? Yes, I do think you are more than worthy of my brother. He’s frankly lucky to have you, the big lunk head.”

Omi giggled. “He is. But aren’t all the men in our lives fortunate?”

Katherine nodded “They are. But they’ll never admit it. Now, phase one of my little plan to make the Commonwealth see reason about you two, and get you a new wardrobe..seeing as you have little more than what you left Luthien with, is a little thing I like to call…”retail therapy!”. Omi, I need a break too, I am seeing the casualty figures in my mind every day, and I imagine the faces and the families behind them. Simply put, we need out of this stuffy old place before the weight of the history buries us both and we’re no good to anyone.”

“But Katherine-chan, I must inform you that my funds..are a bit limited..”

Katherine shook her head, reached into her dress and whipped out a plastic credit card with the Fist and Sun sigil of the Commonwealth on a black background. “Tsk, Tsk, I am a Federated Commonwealth Express Black Select member, sweetie..being the queen has SOME perks you know! Now, let’s get Kommandant Pavrati in here, get some proper disguises, and show the boys what charge really means? Heh, if Victor and Galen are really good, we’ll get them a small latte from Starbucks.”

Both women collapsed into hysterics at the last thought.

Jade Falcon Enclave

Katyusha City

Strana Mechty

Clan Space,

January 31st, 3057

Marthe Pryde looked at the casualty lists in horror, thousands of warriors dead, captured, missing, or too maimed to be warriors anymore. The once proud touman reduced to nothing. And our freebirth idiot of a khan too racked with indecision to do a damn thing about it. We cannot defeat another absorption vote when it comes. And it will come. If it does come, we must make sure it comes on our terms.

But how? None of the other Clans will afford us, the once powerful Falcons, second only to those whelps in the Wolves, any mercy at all. No, I must consider steps unprecedented in Clan History. At least, to most Clans. The Blood Spirits have shown the way, and unclanlike as it may be, we must arm the lower castes, to give us the numbers, and the time to fight for our survival.

But that fool Crichell, he selects me as the new saKhan, and then ignores every piece of advice I have given him. What I must consider..it smacks of a spheroid concept..a “coup”, to somehow save what is left.

Pryde’s frustration bubbled to the surface and her fists curled, her shortly cut fingernails cutting deep into the flesh of her hands.

“Whomever planned this assault, whomever they are, I swear as my rede, that I will see them dead for what they have done to my trothkin, my Clan, and all of us of the Clans. I ken death for this person.”
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