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Facing the Past
« on: January 15, 2015, 04:25:43 AM »

It has taken me 3 months to write this one chapter - life as a busy man has its limits.  Fans of the Kapteyn Universe may recognize many of the ship classes presented here.

Enjoy the new story.

An Alternate Universe Setting of the BattleTech Universe

Part 1: Revelations

Chapter 1
New Dallas-Pecos LaGrange Point
1st of August, 3049

“Are we invited?”  Asked the Admiral.

“Considering what Davion might be revealing, would it matter now anyway?”  Answered General Jamie Wolf with a smile, looking through the clear viewing panel in the quiet and nearly empty forward observation deck, across the vista of stars and WarShips spread before him at the LaGrange Point.

“Probably not, considering that the war book has no idea what those ComStar WarShips are.  They mass at least a million tons, but I have never seen their like before.” 

Upon their appearance at their designated arrival point, the Wolfs Dragoon Aegis-class WarShip WDS Alexander had been hailed by the CSS Jupiter and told in no uncertain terms to behave itself and obey all ComStar orders.  Since the moment of their arrival and over the hour’s transit time since, the larger Jupiter had rode shotgun on the Alexander, as a perplexed Dragoon Fleet Admiral Issola Chandra had endeavoured to learn all he could about the vessel.  What was even more surprising was that standing herd over the assembled fleet of the Successor Lord’s personal WarShips, and those of the lesser states, were an additional four large WarShips of the same class as the Jupiter, one of which had identified itself as the CSS Mars.

A woman’s voice spoke from behind the Admiral and General Wolf, “I have never had much time for your stellar adventures Issola, but in our present situation, I am more than a little interested to see who is here.”  Natasha Kerensky moved between Jamie and Issola, wearing a simple light blue Dragoon jumpsuit, which matched that worn by the General, though the Admiral wore a semi-dress uniform, as was his want.

“And what would the esteemed lady of dirt side death wish to know from a sled driver?”  Issola asked with a wry smile, which elicited a chuckle from Jamie, who shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to the view.

“That.” Stated Natasha, waving her arm in the general direction of the WarShips before them, as if the gesture would suffice for an explanation.

“That what Natasha?  There is rather a lot out there and I would prefer to work off specifics rather than your usual “make it up as you go along style.””  The Admiral asked, delivering the comment in a somewhat condescending tone, though all knew the Admiral and Natasha got along well, despite their different professions and manner.

Natasha Kerensky gave the smirking Admiral a flat stare before answering, “Who is who and what is what out there.  I assume most are battle wagons, lordly egos being what they are and all, but the specifics of what ship is what and whose eludes me Admiral.”

“My dear Colonel, it would be my pleasure to instruct you.”

“Of course it would.”  Natasha answered with a grin of her own.

“Well then,” began the Admiral, “let us begin your instruction.”  Jamie Wolf seemed to cock and ear slightly, but otherwise seemed oblivious to his two officer’s banter.

“Those two identical beasts nose onto us with the fist and sun on their bow, are two of the Federated Commonwealth’s new Mjolnir-class Fast Battleships, truly dangerous vessels combing speed, firepower and a massively thick armour belt.  From their signature,” the Admiral pointed to one then the other, “they would be the FCS Sword and Sun and the FCS Iron Fist, the Fleet Flagships of the Federated Suns and Lyran Fleet Commands.”

Natasha snorted and sneered at the same time, “Somewhat hubristic names for such expensive toys.”

The Admiral shrugged, “No more than many others and the Mjolnir is second only to our brethren’s Leviathan-class in power.  Still, the FCN has gone for rather grandiose names for the class.  The others in service are the Davion, Steiner, Invincible and Federated Commonwealth, the latter being the FCN Fleet Flagship over New Earth.”

“Still stupid names.” Muttered Natasha.

“Of course.” responded the Admiral, before continuing “Broadside to our own bow is a Free Worlds Thera-class Battle Carrier.  Her class is the largest carrier commissioned since the old SLS Enterprise.  Overall, her fighters give her more offensive capability than the FCN ships, but her ability to take damage is less than two thirds that of the Mjolnir-class.  We think she is the FWLS Santorini, but I can’t be sure, as she is being devilishly quite.”

Natasha said nothing, so the Admiral continued as he pointed upwards, “The vessel about five kilometres above all the others, that is the DCS Black Pearl, the Luthien-class Battleship that is the personal flag vessel of the Coordinator.  Apparently the DCA thinks itself superior to the other fleets and refuses to enter a parking level with the other WarShips.”  The Admiral chuckled, as did General Wolf “It is giving the ComStar fleet controllers fits, but they can’t do much about it except park the CSS Mars right across the Black Pearl’s bows at point blank range.”

“Stupid snakes and their honour.  Their fleet’s not that good, you proved that yourself in the 4th War and again on 3039”

“Why thank you Natasha.”  The Admiral responded with a huge grin, I had rather thought you hadn’t noticed.”

“Well, it’s hard to focus on a fight when megatons of snake ships keep raining from the sky.”  Natasha’s response drew a laugh from the others.

“My deepest apologies Colonel, I’ll try to be more considerate next time.”

“See that you do.”  Natasha changed track, “What is that long sexy ship to the rear of the League ship?”

The Admiral turned his head to the right to look, “Ah, that would be the CCS Jade Phoenix, lead ship of her class and the replacement for the ancient Du Shi Wang-class Battleships.  The Capellans have really outdone themselves with the Jade Phoenix-class, considering the state of their economy and yards.  Of all the Battleship classes in service, I’d rank her fourth behind the Leviathan, Mjolnir and Taurian Meteor.”

Natasha looked sharply at Issola, “Better than that Drac boat?”

“Well yes,” the Admiral cocked his head towards the DCA WarShip, “The Luthien I would rank sixth, behind the Thera, however, DCA crews are the most well trained, led and proficient of the Inner Sphere’s major navies, so they often make their WarShips appear better ship to ship.”

A wry smile crossed Natasha’s face, “Then what does that make you?”

Without a hint of arrogance, the Admiral answered, “Better than the best.”

Natasha nodded, “Who else is here?”

The Admiral pointed to a smaller vessel, “That there is the HMRS Rasalhague, a Kirashima R-class Cruiser.  Not a bad modification, though she has limited endurance.  For my money, the Rasalhagians crews are better than the DCA, even than the Taurians I would think.”  Natasha seemed surprised, but before she could say anything, the Admiral continued, “The Royal Rasalhague Navy took the basis the DCA left them with when they cut the Republic loose and saw perfection in their fleet as the best guarantee of their safety.  They showed it when they slapped Oberon about in 3039.  Hell, they took down Battleship with a Cruiser and you need to be very sharp to pull that off.  Of all the ships here, that’s the one, bar maybe the Taurian Battle Cruiser, that could kill us the fastest if we did something hinky.”

“Wonders will never cease.”  Natasha crossed her arms whilst staring hard at the cruiser.

“No different from Clan Mongoose really.”  This came from General Wolf, who had turned his head towards his counterparts.

“I suppose so.” Was Natasha’s response.

“Yes, very much so, “ Said the Admiral ,”and in contrast to the St. Ives vessel and navy.  They have never gotten it together with their fleet, despite launching a new Cruiser class.  That old Du Shi Wang over there, the SICS St. Ives really is past her prime.”  All three looked towards the St. Ives ship, sitting as it was on the Federated Commonwealth vessel’s starboard side, pointed slightly away from them.  It seemed dull and lacked the new paint that the other ships present sported.

“Pity, I always hoped that St. Ives might prove more of a bane for the Capellans than it has.”  Natasha looked thoughtfully at the St. Ives vessel.

“They do have the 300 BattleMech Divisions of the AFFS at their back,” Said General Wolf, “That always counts for something.”

“It might do, but we could take them with our five Divisions, or even ravage them with Zeta Brigade and my Wolf Spider Regiment if we really wanted.  Davion should just annex them and be done with it.”

Admiral Chandra smiled, “Ever the diplomat Natasha.  Should I continue?”


“Very well.  The WarShip behind and a little below the Capellan is the TCS Jean Bart, a Richelieu-class Battle Cruiser and third in her class.  I am not surprised that TCS Meteor is not here, but she is tied to Taurus and rarely leaves that system, let alone the Hyades Cluster.  Besides, the Taurians have always preferred mobile Battlecruiser warfare to that of the larger slugging match of the line-of-battle.”

No response came from either listener, so the Admiral went on, “The vessel behind the Taurian is a Magistracy Athena-class Cruiser, though I don’t know who she is yet, her systems are at dead quiet.  Her presence here also goes someway to proving the rumour that the Magistracy Union-class Pocket Battleship really is a disappointment, considering how new it is.  The story is, if it can be believed, that the Canopians plan to sell the MCS Union and start again.”

“Who would by it?” Asked Natasha.

“We are.” Stated the Admiral shortly.

“We are?”  Natasha directed this at both men.

Jamie nodded and the Admiral explained, “With all the naval expansions lately and improvements in ship design, our old Star League vessels are not up to the task and are just too old to keep going as the sharp edge of the Dragoon aerospace support arm.  We can offer much to the Canopians for their ship, upgrade it over Outreach and it provides a strong base for any future acquisitions.  We can sell our old vessels off to smaller powers and then see if we can purchase from some of the Successor State reserve fleets.  We still won’t match them ship for ship, but we will close the gap and our skill will make us equal or better, just as it did in the Fourth War.”

“Maybe I should actually read your naval briefing instead of using them to fight insomnia next time.”

“That would be appreciated Natasha, but it would have provided you the background as to why I want that ship and some from the Davions.”

Natasha focused her shrewd eyes on the Admiral, noting he change in his tone.  “I expect you see great advantage for us?”

“I do.” Answered the Admiral, “However, there is more to it than meets the eye.  By assisting the Canopians develop a new class to replace their Union, we get a brand new ship we can turn into something entirely different over Outreach.  We can do the same with Davions and their retiring Davion II’s, most of which are centuries younger than our vessels.  My proposal would be to assist in making a Davion IV-class and using five Davion II’s to make something far more useful to the Dragoons.  Costs are limited and further offset by seeling the other vessels to small states desperate for shipping, like the Marians, Illyrians or Lothian League.  The General has already approved of the overall concept and this gathering here over Terra may serve as something of a catalyst for us.  Did I mention what we are thinking naming the Union if we could get her?”

This last was addressed to General Wolf who shook his head, “No Issola, you did not, but no need to name dreams.”

“No dreams General,” answered Issola, “naming a plan would be more precise.  I would like to name any new flag vessel the WDS Joshua Wolf.”

Both Jamie and Natasha turned to look hard at the Admiral, both unable to say anything for a moment.  Finally the General spoke, “A most appropriate name Issola, here is hoping your plans come to fruition.”

“Seyla.”  Natasha laid a hand on the Admiral’s shoulder, “Thank you Issola, I could not think of a more fitting tribute.”

“Neither could I.” said the Admiral as Natasha removed her hand from his shoulder, “If I can make it all happen, I plan to name the other five vessels the Shostokovitch, Dumont, Korsht, Arbuthnot and Yukinov.”

Both of the other officers nodded in unison, indicating their thoughts on the matter.

After a pause, the Admiral spoke up, “Back to the task at hand then.  The Cruiser off the St. Ives port bow is the OAS Pitcairn, one of the Alliance’s Dart-class Light Cruisers.  I have always liked the Dart and despite its age, the Periphery navies have continued to upgrade its systems over the years and there are fourteen in service across four navies.  Just of her bow is one of the more remarkable vessels of recent years.  That little Destroyer there is the WPS Prince of Wales, one of the eleven Prince-class Destroyers that Wynn’s Protectorate has managed to design and build since seceding from the Outworlds Alliance in 3030.”

Natasha lent forward and tapped the forward view screen, “Who would have thought that the Alliance would militarise and fragment the way it has 30 years ago?”

“Not many,” said Issola, “but then much has changed.  A good thing too, as her main rivals are off the League’s ship’s starboard quarter.”  The Admiral gestured to another of the Cruiser sized vessels in the group.  “The Mican Star Empire has sent one of their Quixote-class Frigates, the MSES Imperious.  Not that it’s that impressive, but it is the line class of their nasty little squadron.”

Natasha laughed and Jamie eventually joined her once he realised what she was laughing at, “You always did have a dark spot of spite for the little Mican Empire.”

The Admiral sniffed, “They are no better than heavily armed pirates, much like those thugs from Oberon who still think Amaris was misguided, rather than evil.  That’s their disgrace of ship beyond the Rasalhagians, the OCS Oberon V, and beyond it the Rim Collection’s RCS Rimshield, both renamed knock offs of the Stefan Amaris-class Battleship.  At least the rimmers have the good sense to disown the Usurper.”

“Oberon V?  Odd choice, considering where their capital is.” Stated Natasha.

The Admiral shook his head, “No, not really.  Ever since 2786, the Confederation has had an OCS Oberon, this just happens to be the fifth vessel named so.  It is quite young too, as the Oberon IV was the ship the RRN shot up with only a Cruiser.  Ah, what a terrible day to be a Usurper supporting pirate Admiral that must have been.”  This last was said with a sarcastic and wistful turn.

“You’ll get over it Issola.”  Natasha said smiling.

“Perhaps.  Well, last but not least, at the far side of the pack you would recognise the lines of a Kimagure-class Pursuit Cruiser, the SLS Vanguard.  The old Star League Protectorate has managed to build a few of these and made good use of them whilst keeping Lyran and League interest along their Periphery near Circinus to a bare minimum.”

“Thankyou Admiral, as always your over extensive knowledge of minutiae has proven a useful way to waste a half hour.”

“One day Natasha, I’m going to be inaccurate with orbital support and you are going to wish you were more polite to the senior service.”  Before Natasha could respond, the Admiral turned to General Wolf, “We will be parked soon General and I’ll await your orders for the landing, but I expect that ComStar will be fairly restrictive on who departs for the surface, when and by what path.  In the meantime I plan to pry every secret from those ComStar vessels sitting around us that I can.”

“I am sure you are right about the landings and get all you can, ComStar has changed for the worse and we need to know what they are capable of.  Have the escort party ready to move at 15 minutes’ notice and then get yourself ready to accompany Colonel Kerensky and I to the surface.“
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 05:44:15 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2015, 09:04:39 AM »

A good start Blacknova!  8) You have my curiosity piqued and I'm looking forward to more.


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2015, 03:16:28 PM »

Map of the AU.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2015, 09:36:07 PM »

damn you for starting another project for me to read!

Any chance of getting my map set up still?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2015, 10:32:37 PM »

Nice naval start sounds interesting

Nice map too
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2015, 07:36:59 PM »

Had little chance to write more than a page of Chapter 2, so I'll start posting some of the background material.

Federated Commonwealth Navy
The Federated Commonwealth Navy (FCN) is the largest, most balanced, and well-supported fleet in the Inner Sphere.  Its ability to dominate any one rival and its plans for future expansion have led to the beginnings of a naval arms race and a slew of new WarShip designs and fleet revolutions over the last decade.  The fate of this large fleet will surely determine the future of the Inner Sphere

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786 – 2821

As with all the navies involved in the 1st Succession War, both the Lyran Commonwealth Navy (LCN) and Federated Suns Navy (FSN) were brutalised by the fighting.  Expanding to 496 and 408 hulls respectively by 2786, both fleets had reached their zenith.

The 1st Succession War was a savage conflict and tore the heart out of both fleets.  By 2821, the LCN was reduced to 117 vessels.  The LCN had managed to launch another 406 ships during the war, though by the war’s end, production had fallen from twenty ships per year to less than three.  Total losses for the LCN were 785 ships, a staggering number and the most lost by any navy in any war in interstellar history.

The FSN had only ninety-five ships in service by the end of the war, despite launching an additional 339 hulls.  Battles like Cholame had been bloodbaths that had broken the back of both navies and the incessant conflict and use of nuclear weapons had allowed neither fleet the chance to recover.  The FSN lost 652 WarShips over the course of the thirty-five years of the 1st Succession War, deeply scarring the psyche of all those involved.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

Neither navy had much of a chance to recover before the 2nd Succession War began, with the Lyran yards managing to get their damaged vessels into fighting shape and launch another eighteen ships.  A similar story played out in the Federated Suns, where seventeen new ships launched and the damaged line of battle made war ready.

At the outbreak of the 2nd Succession War, the LCN possessed 135 ships of war, where the FSN could call upon 112.  Though these fleets were now well experienced and outfitted with vessels that had been both tested and modified for all-out war, the ongoing brutality of the 2nd Succession War left both navies little more than scattered pickets and wrecked hulks by 2864.

The LCN was reduced to sixteen active vessels, despite launching an additional sixty-four ships during the war, whereas the FSN had only eight active ships, the fewest of any major navy, after launching sixty-three more WarShips during the course of hostilities.  The battles of Tikonov and the savage fighting on both borders cost the FSN dearly.  The LCN however, saved its major losses for the massive engagement over Hesperus II against the Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA) in 2853.  Hesperus II was the largest naval engagement of the 2nd War on any front, where forty two DCA ships were annihilated by the smaller Lyran fleet of twenty seven heavier vessels.  However, only three LCN ships survived the battle, with the last of their Tharkad-class battleline falling during the fighting, including the LCN flagship LCS Invincible.

The LCN ended the war having lost another 183 ships, where the FSN lost 167.  The losses suffered in both wars to date had totalled nearly 1,000 for the LCN and over 800 for the FSN.

3rd Succession War 2866 – 3025

During the Star League era build up, the LCN was launching nearly two ships a month however, over the course of the 3rd Succession War, the rate of construction would fall to little better than a ship per year, thought this rate increased during the 31st Century.  Similar issues beset the FSN, with the size of the fleet slowly growing, as new construction barely managed to keep ahead of losses.

The LCN ended the 3rd Succession War with 102 WarShips in service, having built 203, but lost 117 over the course of 159 years of ongoing engagements.  The FSN saw a similar recovery, as the yards produced 219 new ships, of which 143 were lost, leaving the FSN with eighty-four vessels in 3025.

As part of Hanse Davion’s plans to revamp the war fighting methodologies of the AFFS, the FSN and later the LCN, though Katrina Steiner, he began to experiment with larger fleet tactics in support of massed Regular Corps Teams (RCT’s).  This return to larger fleet unit organisation and combined arms operations would change the face of the Inner Sphere during the 4th Succession War.

4th Succession War

The LCN surged across the border into the Draconis Combine in 3028 and scored numerous victories, the largest of which was over the worlds of Buckminster and Dromini VI.  Over Buckminster, the LCN destroyed six DCA vessels for the loss of two LCN and over Dromini VI, eight were destroyed for the loss of five.  Eight other ships were lost along the front and six further DCA vessels destroyed as the LCN took the initiative and held it.

The League front saw several naval skirmishes, but the losses for both sides were confined to the Battle for Castor in 3029, where two Lyran Fleets, totalling thirty-one WarShips faced off against a League Battle Fleet of twenty-seven ships.  The League lost nine vessels and had fourteen more severely damaged, destroying six Lyran vessels in return, with the damaged League ships only escaping due to the LCN Admiral’s inexperience with such large fleets.  This victory was one of the major reasons for Janos Marik’s panicked withdrawal from the Terran Corridor.

The end of fighting saw the Commonwealth with eighty-one active vessels, having lost twenty one to enemy action.  However, the LCN’s actions in support of the LCAF’s drive into the Combine brought a new sense of accomplishment and pride to the fleet.  The LCN had destroyed thirty-one enemy WarShips, including two Oberon Confederation Navy (OCN) vessels over Steelton during the OCAF’s abortive attempt to capitalise on the fighting.

The FSN was not as successful as the LCN during the 4th Succession War, as its focus on the Capellan Confederation Navy (CCN) left it open to strikes from the DCA.  The fighting against the CCN was decided in five pivotal engagements, which decimated the CCN and gave the FSN mastery of the Capellan border.  The Battles of Tikonov (3028), Keid (3029), Sarna (3029), New Aragon (3029) and Sian (3029) cost the CCN thirty one lost ships between them with another eleven lost to other FSN actions.  The fighting saw the FSN loose only seven ships to the CCN, retuning a loss ratio of six-to-one.

The Draconis front was a different story for the FSN, where only the actions of the Wolf Dragoons squadron help redress the one sided losses.  The DCA destroyed nine FSN WarShips and lost only four itself, all of those to actions against the fleet of the Dragoons.  Though losses were light, the psychological advantage the DCA gained over the FSN, where it comprehensively outmanoeuvred its foe, would come back to haunt the FSN in 3039.

The conflict’s end saw the FSN with sixty-eight operational WarShips, having lost a total of sixteen WarShips to enemy action and having claimed forty two enemy vessels destroyed (forty six if the Dragoon’s numbers are counted).

War of 3039

The War of 3039 saw the first actions of a united Federated Commonwealth Navy (FCN), which unified faster than the AFFC, but had only just completed its reorganisation in late 3038, four years behind schedule.  The issues of command and control, logistics and fleet tactics had not been resolved and the bugbear of DCA strike groups to the Draconis March squadrons remained, along with an arrogance in the former LCN over its newfound abilities.

The FCN entered the War of 3039 with 177 active hulls, having launched twenty-eight new ships since the end of the 4th Succession War.  However, little had been done to integrate the ships of the two progenitor navies and the FCN looked more like a rebadged LCN and FSN who were still deciding on which way to point their ships.

The War of 3039 was a rude awakening for the FCN admirals, as Lyran overconfidence, the trepidation of the Davion Admirals in the Draconis March and the rejuvenated and excellently led DCA struck blow after blow against the allied fleets.  Forty-three FCN WarShips were lost in the conflict, a staggering number, with the defeat over Vega breaking the back of the Skye based 2nd Battle Fleet, where fifteen of the 2nd Battle Fleet’s eighteen ships were lost.  Eleven DCA ships were destroyed, as where a CCN vessel and two Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN) ships involved in raids.

By the end of fighting, the FCN strength was 134 WarShips forcing it to undertake a brutal assessment of its tools and methods.  The review would lead, along with the overall economic recovery in the Inner Sphere, to the beginning of an accelerated program of WarShip construction within the FCN.

3040-3050 Expansion

The period from 3040 has seen the FCN add forty-five new hulls to its order of battle, bringing its total strength to 213 vessels, with 179 active WarShips and thirty-four reserve hulls.  The FSN has been brutal in determining which ships to keep in production and is progressively retiring older vessels, no matter what the damage to either nation’s pride.  These decisions have made and driving towards a 600-ship navy by 3100 a practical reality and have driven every other nation to outline expansion plans and accelerate building programs.  The structure of the navy will eventually be one of Lyran based heavy designs, with lighter Davion designs working as escorts, providing the Federated Commonwealth with 10 balanced fleets over the course of the next 50 years.

Federated Commonwealth Future Standard Fleet (FCNFSF) – 510 Ships

10 Fleets, each with
3 Mjolnir-class Battleships
3 Tharkad-class Battlecrusiers
6 Bismarck-class Heavy Cruisers
3 Emden-class Light Cruisers
3 New Syrtis-class Carriers
12 Davion III-class Destroyers
15 Fox-class Corvettes
6 Robinson II-class Transports
Reserve Fleet of 129 older vessels
Total strength of 639 ships

The FCN currently, and more so in the future, is a well-balanced fleet, taking advantage of the strengths of both the FSN and LCN and endeavouring to eliminate the weaknesses of both.  Allied to the strong Lyran battle line and cruiser groups are the Davion carrier and transport units and their light and heavy escorts.  This combination has produced the most balanced fleet in the Inner Sphere since the departure of the SLDF.

The FCN Today

FCN – Current Construction Program

The FCN can call on the services of fourteen shipyards, with 35 capital construction slips.  Of these, 6 yards and 15 slips are in the Federated Suns, 6 yards and 17 slips are in the Lyran Commonwealth and 2 yards and 3 slips are in the captured Sarna March territories.

Mjolnir-class Battle Ship    Delevan, Alarion (2), Skye, Donegal
Tharkad-class Battle Cruiser    New Earth, New Kyoto, Tamar
Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser    Delevan, Alarion, Panpour, Skye, Donegal, Keid
Emden-class Light Cruiser    Donegal, Keid, New Earth
New Syrtis-class Carrier       Delevan, Panpour
Davion III-class Destroyer    New Kyoto, New Syrtis, Tamar, Castor, Electra, Galax, Kathil
Fox-class Corvette      Delevan (2), Alarion, Panpour, Skye, New Syrtis
Robinson II-class Transport   Panpour, Skye

CURRENT FLEET – 213 (179 Active, 34 Reserve)

Battle Line – 27 Ships
6 Mjolnir-class Battle Ships
13 Tharkad-class Battlecrusiers
8 Defender-class Battlecrusiers
Cruisers – 44 Ships
12 Bismarck-class Heavy Cruisers
12 Emden-class Light Cruisers
3 Avalon-class Missile Cruisers
17 Commonwealth II-class Light Cruisers
Carriers – 7 Ships
7 New Syrtis-class Carriers
Frigates and Destroyers – 44 Ships
9 Congress-D-class Frigates
8 Davion III-class Destroyers
8 Davion II-class Destroyers
19 Lola I S-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 40 Ships
9 Fox-class Corvettes
12 Bonaventure D2-class Corvettes
19 Mako-class Corvettes
Transports – 17 Ships
8 Robinson II-class Transports
9 Robinson I-class Transports
Reserve – 34 Ships
5 Avalon-class Missile Cruisers
12 Commonwealth I-class Light Cruisers
8 Davion II-class Destroyers
9 Bonaventure D2-class Corvettes


The FCN is currently operating on the model developed post-3039, which represents a transitional form as the fleet builds towards the FSNFSF model.  It is expected that from 3050, individual fleets, in order of seniority, will be upgraded to the new FCNFSF model.

Currently, the fleet is divided into 5 Battle Fleets in the more active Marches, 4 Fleets in the less active districts and a single Mobile Fleet and Reserve Fleet commanded directly from FSN HQ over New Earth.

1st Battle Fleet (18 ships)
FCS Sword and Sun   Mjolnir-class Battleship
FCS Tharkad   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS New Kyoto   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Furillo   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Scharnhorst   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Lilienstern   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Waldersee   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Carysfort   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Bremen   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Axton   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS Edward Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Roger Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Laura Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Simon Rommel   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Arctic Fox   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Mackerel   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Mayetta   Robinson II-class Transport
FCS Bryceland   Robinson II-class Transport

2nd Battle Fleet (18 ships)
FCS Iron Fist   Mjolnir-class Battleship
FCS Skye   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS New Earth   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Coventry   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Bismarck   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Grolman   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Moltke   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Caroline   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Gazelle   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Kathil   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS Simon Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Joseph Davion I   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Alexander Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Peire Cabal   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Fox   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Thresher   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Maynard   Robinson II-class Transport
FCS Damevang   Robinson II-class Transport

3rd Battle Fleet (18 ships)
FCS Invincible   Mjolnir-class Battleship
FCS Drake   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Donegal   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Gibbs   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Gneisenau   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Reyher   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Conquest   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Hela   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Lübeck   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Taygetta   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS James Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Paul Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Zane Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Fergus Martin   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Kit Fox   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Longfin   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Addicks   Robinson I-class Transport
FCS Kirbyville   Robinson II-class Transport

4th Battle Fleet (18 ships)
FCS Davion   Mjolnir-class Battleship
FCS Defender   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Hesperus II   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Sudeten   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Hake   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Müffling   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Cleopatra   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Emden   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Hamburg   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Panpour   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS Edmund Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Samuel Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS William Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Duong Thanh   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Corsac   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Great White   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Lucerne   Robinson II-class Transport
FCS Beaumont   Robinson II-class Transport

5th Battle Fleet (18 ships)
FCS Steiner   Mjolnir-class Battleship
FCS Dauntless   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Panpour   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Pandora   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS Rauch   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Krauseneck   Bismarck-class Heavy Cruiser
FCS Comes   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Dresden   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Berlin   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Ridgebrook   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS Ellen Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Marie Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Sarah Davion   Davion III-class Destroyer
FCS Jordan Leslie   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Fennec   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Mako   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Ballentine   Robinson I-class Transport
FCS Le Blanc   Robinson II-class Transport

6th Fleet (15 ships)
FCS Diomede   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Merlin   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Champion   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Gelderland   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Groningen   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Gewapende Ruyter   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Brederode   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Danzig   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Xiphos   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Acinaces   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Khmali   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Shenouda Hazem   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Sand Fox   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Shortfin   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Bronze Whaler   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Northwind   Robinson I-class Transport

7th Fleet (15 ships)
FCS Driven   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Camrian   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Eenhoorn   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Fredrik Hendrik   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Ter Goes   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Maan   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Huis van Nassau   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Königsberg   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Asi   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Gladius   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Arming   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Tom Björn   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Radko Karavelov   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Bull   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Grey Tip   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Ruchbah   Robinson I-class Transport

8th Fleet (15 ships)
FCS Dido   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Avalon   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Cordelia   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Salamander   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Eendracht   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Prinses Roijael Maria   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Zeven Provincien   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS München   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Etien Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Makhaira   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Spatha   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Adrie Gendringen   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Orvo Leppänen   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Red Fox   Fox-class Corvette
FCS Black Tip   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Errai   Robinson I-class Transport

9th Fleet (15 ships)
FCS Dragon   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Excalibur   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Calliope   Congress-D-class Frigate
FCS Aemilia   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Zon   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Utrecht   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Haarlem   Commonwealth II-class Light Cruiser
FCS Liepzig   Emden-class Light Cruiser
FCS Khopesh   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Kopis   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Paramerion   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Gabriel Aanonsen   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Eskil Angeltveit   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Swift Fox   Fox-class Corvette
FCS White Tip   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Ozawa   Robinson I-class Transport

Mobile Fleet (23 ships)
FCS Federated Commonwealth   Mjolnir-class Battleship
FCS Demeter   Defender-class Battlecruiser
FCS Alarion   Tharkad-class Battlecruiser
FCS New Syrtis   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS Electra   New Syrtis-class Carrier
FCS Longsword   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Estoc   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Claymore   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Curtana   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Sabina   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Zweihänder   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Flamberge   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Broadsword   Lola I S-class Destroyer
FCS Blue Shark   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Grey Shark   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Tiger   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Goblin   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Sand Tiger   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Blacknose   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Copper   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Spinner   Mako-class Corvette
FCS Tancredi IV   Robinson I-class Transport
FCS Robinson   Robinson I-class Transport

Reserve Fleet (34 ships)
FCS Lancelot   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Davion's Pride   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Federation   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Rat   Avalon-class Cruiser
FCS Graaf Willem   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Kameel   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Postiljon van Smyrna   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Vrede   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Jaarsveld   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Vrijheid   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Mercurius   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Louisa Hendrika   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Vogelstruis   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Witte Lam   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Groote Liefde   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Campen   Commonwealth I-class Light Cruiser
FCS Reynard Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Charles Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Lucien Davion   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Martin DuVall   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Nathan DuVall   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Joseph Cartwright   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Sandra Lockhart   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Jason Hasek   Davion II-class Destroyer
FCS Aron Hämäläinen   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Dewey Vandyke   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Tim Aarstad   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS PÃ¥l Johansen   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Antoni Petrov   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Markus Kukk   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Thijs de Bruin   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Aleksandar Filipov   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette
FCS Raffy Rivera   Bonaventure D2-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
  • HQ FCN – New Earth
    Mobile Fleet – New Earth – Mobile FCN reserve, as well as administrative holding fleet for new build and transferring vessels
    Reserve Fleet – Tikonov – Administrative fleet maintaining 34 reserve vessels at most fleet stations
    Delevan – HQ Federated Suns Fleets (also controlling Sarna March based 5th Battle Fleet)
    1st Battle Fleet – Delevan – Draconis March
    8th Fleet – Galax – Crucis March (also covering Panpour)
    9th Fleet – New Syrtis – Capellan March (also covering Electra and Kathil)
    5th Battle Fleet – Keid – Sarna March (also covering Castor)
    Alarion – HQ Lyran Commonwealth Fleets
    2nd Battle Fleet – Skye – Skye March
    3rd Battle Fleet – New Kyoto – Bolan March
    4th Battle Fleet – Tamar – Tamar March
    6th Fleet – Donegal – Donegal March
    7th Fleet – Alarion – Periphery March
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2015, 08:04:58 PM »

Draconis Combine Admiralty

The Draconis Combine Admiralty (DCA) is the most professional and well led of the major fleets, though some smaller fleets, such as those possessed by Rasalhague, the Taurians and Star League Protectorate are considered to be better man for man.  Long the sharp point of the DCMS’s advance or the brutal redoubt upon which enemies of the Dragon Throne have broken themselves, the DCA is respected across the breadth of human space.  Just as importantly, the DCA has managed to maintain a fleet structure and building program over a long period, allowing for a level of fleet homogeny rarely achieved by the other powers.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

At the outbreak of the 1st Succession War, as Minoru Kurita sought to bring destruction to the Federated Suns, the DCA possessed 336 WarShips, the second fewest of any major power.  However, the professionalism and dedication of the DCA proved devastating, decimating the Davion fleets facing the Dragon.  Despite early successes, the revival of Davion forces after the Kentares massacre and a changeover to defensive tactics hurt the DCA, as initiative passed to the FSN.  All this action came at a cost, as the DCA was reduced only seventy-four vessels in 2822, despite having launched 284 more during hostilities.  Though deeply hurt, the DCA retained a hard core of pre-war veterans who would carry the fleet though both the 1st and 2nd Succession Wars and build the basis for the modern DCA’s traditions and practices.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

With trade and the economy crippled, the DCA could only commission fifteen new WarShips before the 2nd Succession War broke out, though another seventy would follow over the course of the war.  Just as professional as before, the DCA had a good war against both foes, until overconfidence and overextension in the face of a foe with a more powerful battle line undid every advantage the DCA had worked so hard to gain. 
The Battle for Hesperus II in 2853 saw forty-two DCA ships lost for twenty-four Lyran vessels, as the LCN, despite being heavily outnumbered, broke the siege for the world in spectacular fashion.  Caught divided into three groups, the DCA forces were destroyed in detail, though they were able to take down the remaining line ships of the LCN in the process.  These losses turned the DCA from the premiere fleet in the Inner Sphere, to just another collection of floating wrecks and scattered operational vessels.

Despite the catastrophe over Hesperus, the DCA’s remaining 14 WarShips had managed to survive both wars and the DCA maintains the names of each ship as the premiere vessels of the DCA, akin to the DCMS’s Sword of Light Regiments and the heart and soul of the DCA.

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

By the end of the long and grinding losses of the 3rd Succession War, the DCA had managed to rebuild both its numbers and reputation.  108 WarShips were in service by 3025 and the fleet had developed a reputation as the most daring and aggressive of the major fleets.  This was accomplished through the building of 326 vessels across the 160-year war, though 218 were lost to various causes during that time.  However, late in the war, stagnation had set in under Coordinator Hehiro Kurita, with Admirals appointed for their connections to the Dragon Throne, rather than their record, something that had never before happened in the apolitical naval circles.

This created a stratification of the DCA, where individual ships and squadrons maintained high professional standards, but larger fleet units and senior Admirals lacked a true appreciation of their roles and responsibilities.

4th Succession War

The 4th Succession War would see the underlying faults of Hehiro Kurita’s changes to the DCA be ruthlessly exploited by the LCN, whilst the strengths of the lower ranked Admirals, who had few political connections, shone on the Davion front, where battles were fought by smaller groups of ships.  The significant Lyran victories over Buckminster and Dromini VI not only showed the faults of the Kurita Admirals, they also managed to kill many of them.  This culling of the top ranks was aided by the ineptitude of the senior DCA Admirals sent after Wolfs Dragoons and would allow Theodore Kurita to restore the DCA’s traditions in the immediate post war period and invite several of the incompetents onwards.

By the end of fighting, the DCA had lost twenty-four vessels, twenty to the Lyrans and four to the Dragoons, whilst destroying fifteen Lyran and nine Federated Suns WarShips over the course of the two-year war.  However, though the DCA had lost a fifth of its ships it regained its faith in its traditions and culled it worst leaders, allowing it to grow and rejuvenate itself during the post war period.

War of 3039

The period leading up to the War of 3039 was one of rebuilding and reconnecting with traditions for the DCA.  Sixteen new WarShips joined the fleet, along with an additional seven built in the Terran system by ComStar to replace those that went to Rasalhague in 3030.  Theodore’s reforms allowed the fleet to regain its sense of dignity and confidence and the new vessels allowed the fleet to fill out its ranks quickly.  The invasion by the Federated Commonwealth was met by the DCA somewhat later in the War, during the DCMS counter-attacks, where several large battles and the escort of Theodore Kurita’s strikes saw the DCA engaged in several large actions.  The reinvigoration of the DCA proved to be critical in the war, as the DCA destroyed forty-three FCN vessels for the loss of only eleven of its own.  These victories marked the most successful period in the DCA’s history since the first two decades of the 2nd Succession War and justified the DCA’s renewed vision of itself and its methods.  The eighty-nine remaining WarShips now stood as the primary strike force for the Dragon as the Federated Commonwealth looked to rebuild its strength.

3040-3048 Expansion

Since the end of the War of 3039, the DCA has worked hard to recover it numbers and maintain its fighting edge.  Though only eleven new ships have entered service, ComStar is no longer providing material assistance, the fleet is second only to the FCN in size and outnumbers both the Lyran and Davion Fleet commands.  The current program for the DCA’s expansion envisions most of the existing classes staying in service, with only the destroyer arm of the fleet undergoing a replacement program.  The DCA currently numbers 100 active WarShips with a further twenty four in reserve.

DCA Model Fleet Plan (5) – 325 Ships
5 Luthien-class Battleships
5 Kirashima-class Heavy Cruisers
10 Kyushu-class Frigates
10 Samarkand II-class Carriers
20 Narukami II-class Destroyers
15 Inazuma-class Corvettes
Reserve of 61 older vessels
Total strength of 386 ships

The DCA Model Fleet Plan (DCAMFP) builds on the existing fleet structure and preference for carrier warfare, supported by numerous strong escort vessels.  The DCA battle line is relatively weak, however, the DCA’s skill in utilising its smaller ships to great advantage has been proven time and again as an effective tool of warfare.

The DCA Today

DCA – Current Construction Program

The DCA can call upon the services of five shipyards with seventeen construction slips between them.  Though the yards at Dieron are positioned close to the border with the Federated Commonwealth, the remaining yards are all located well inside the Combine’s borders.

Luthien-class Battleships      Dover, Luthien, Midway
Kirashima-class Heavy Cruisers      Togura
Kyushu-class Frigates         Dover, Luthien, Dieron
Samarkand II-class Carriers      Midway, Togura
Narukami II-class Destroyers      Dover, Luthien (2), Dieron, Midway, Togura
Inazuma-class Corvettes      Dover, Dieron

CURRENT FLEET – 124 (100 Active, 24 Reserve)

Battle Line – 5 Ships
5 Luthien-class Battleships
Cruisers – 9 Ships
9 Kirashima-class Cruisers
Carriers – 25 Ships
12 Samarkand II-class Carriers
13 Samarkand I-class Carriers
Frigates and Destroyers – 47 Ships
11 Kyushu-class Frigates
12 Narukami II-class Destroyers
12 Tatsumaki-class Destroyers
12 Narukami I-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 14 Ships
14 Inazuma-class Corvettes
Reserve – 25 Ships
13 Samarkand I-class Carriers
12 Narukami I-class Destroyers


The DCA endeavours to maintain balanced fleets across all its Military Districts, though more prominent Districts, like Dieron or Galedon, usually have some additional vessels and a higher number of newer hulls.

Dieron District Fleet (22 ships)
DCS Luthien   Luthien-class Battleship
DCS Kirashima   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Tsurugi   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Kyushu   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Chikuzen   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Bungo   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Kitalpha   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Setubal   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Isfahan   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Tok Do   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Nirasaki   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Tatsumaki   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Saikuron   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Arashi   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Sunaarashi   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Kōgi no arashi   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Hisame   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Fubuki   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Hyōnoarashi   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Inazuma   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Samidare   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS ÅŒnami   Inazuma-class Corvette

Galedon District Fleet (20 ships)
DCS Musahsi   Luthien-class Battleship
DCS Ibuki   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Ishizuchi   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS KyÅ«koku    Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Chikugo   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Havdhem   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Shirotori   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Fefferfer   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Dove   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Courchevel   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Wakaba   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Shigure   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS YÅ«kaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS SenpÅ«   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS HarikÄ“n   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS BōfÅ«   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS KyōfÅ«   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
DCS Murasame   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Ikazuchi   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Makinami   Inazuma-class Corvette

Benjamin District Fleet (20 ships)
DCS Kurita   Luthien-class Battleship
DCS ÅŒdaigahara   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS KujÅ«   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Chinzei    Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Hizen   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Shimonita   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Aix-la-Chapelle   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Vega   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Baldur   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Glenlivet   Samarkand II-class Carrier
DCS Shimakaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Akikaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS YÅ«nagi   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Hakaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Shiokaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Nokaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Nagatsuki   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Harusame   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Akebono   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Sazanami   Inazuma-class Corvette

Pesht District Fleet (20 ships)
DCS Tokugawa   Luthien-class Battleship
DCS ÅŒmine   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Sobo   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Tsukushi-no-shima   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Higo   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Kervil   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Hun Ho   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Soul   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Fukuroi   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Kessel   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Nenohi   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Namikaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Sawakaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Kamikaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Hokaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Harukaze   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Ushio   Narukami II-class Destroyer
DCS Yudachi   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Ariake   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Suzunami   Inazuma-class Corvette

Alshain District Fleet (18 ships)
DCS Oda   Luthien-class Battleship
DCS Daisen   Kirashima-class Cruiser
DCS Saikaidō   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Buzen   Kyushu-class Frigate
DCS Irece   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Lapida II   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Marduk   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Benjamin   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Altair   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Okikaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Minekaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Uranami   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Nadakaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Matsukaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Yayoi   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS YÅ«gure   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Kirisame   Inazuma-class Corvette
DCS Takanami   Inazuma-class Corvette

Draconis Reserve Fleet (24 ships)
DCS Quentin   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Avon   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Togura   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Krenice   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Al Na'ir   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Midway   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Alshain   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Dieron   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Schuyler   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Dover   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Chatham   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Proserpina   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS New Samarkand   Samarkand I-class Carrier
DCS Uzuki   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Oite   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Nowaki   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Shiratsuyu   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Shirotae   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Yakaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Tachikaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Hatakaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Numakaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Shirayuki   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS YÅ«dachi   Narukami I-class Destroyer
DCS Asakaze   Narukami I-class Destroyer

Fleets are based at:
  • HQ DCA – Luthien
    Dieron District Fleet – Dieron
    Galedon District Fleet – Midway
    Benjamin District Fleet – Dover
    Pesht District Fleet – Luthien
    Alshain District Fleet – Schuyler
    Draconis Reserve Fleet – Togura

« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 08:10:46 PM by Blacknova »
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2015, 08:13:21 PM »

Royal Rasalhague Navy

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

The Royal Rasalhague Navy (RRN), was born in 3030 when the Republic was created.  One third of the DCA’s Rasalhague Fleet was made part of the new realm.  The RRN wasted little time in developing its own traditions and became the premiere formation within the new state, were a place in the navy brought high prestige and those in naval uniforms were feted by the common man.

This faith and support was well rewarded when the Oberon Confederation sought to take advantage of the Republic in 3039.  Striking towards New Oslo and Rasalhague from Star’s End and Santander, the Oberon Confederation Armed Forces (OCAF) and Oberon Confederation Navy (OCN) managed to drive as far as Rodigo and Balsta.  However, the RRN broke the OCN at the battles of Bruben and Leoben, where five OCN WarShips, including their flagship the OCN Oberon IV, a Stefan Amaris-class Battleship were destroyed without loss to the RRN.  The OCN’s remaining twelve vessels were driven off in disarray and retreated from the Republic.  The following offensive saw the Rasalhague Kungsarme (RK) retake all of its lost territory, as well as an additional seven systems from Oberon, with the RRN leading the way.

Since the end of the War of 3039, the RRN has nearly doubled in size, with nineteen active vessels.  The construction program focused on the heavy ships during the last decade and is now turned towards filling out the remaining fleet escorts, which should see the fleet reach its planned full strength in late 3054.

3054 Fleet Plan – 30 Ships
3 Fleets with
1 Kirashima-class Cruiser
1 Kyushu-class Frigate
1 Samarkand II-class Carrier
4 Tatsumaki-class Destroyers
3 Inazuma-class Corvettes

The RRN Today

RRN – Current Construction Program

The yards at New Oslo are large and have been in near constant operation since 3039.  With three building slips, the RRN has more than sufficient support to ensure its construction and maintenance programs are well supplied.

Tatsumaki-class Destroyer      New Oslo (2)
Inazuma-class Corvette         New Oslo

CURRENT FLEET – 19 (19 Active, 0 Reserve)

Cruisers – 3 Ships
3 Kirashima-class Cruiser
Carriers – 3 Ships
3 Samarkand II-class Carrier
Frigates and Destroyers – 7 Ships
3 Kyushu-class Frigate
4 Tatsumaki-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 6 Ships
6 Inazuma-class Corvettes


The RNN spreads its ships evenly across its three Provincial Fleets, much like the DCA.  Each fleet now has its full roster of heavy ships and will fill out the remaining Destroyer and Corvette positions over the coming four years.

Rasalhague Fleet (7 ships)
HMRS Rasalhague   Kirashima-R-class Cruiser
HMRS Magnusson   Kyushu-class Frigate
HMRS Tyr   Samarkand II-class Carrier
HMRS New Oslo   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
HMRS Orestes   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
HMRS Balsta   Inazuma-class Corvette
HMRS Heidrun   Inazuma-class Corvette

Radstadt Fleet (6 ships)
HMRS Radstadt   Kirashima-R-class Cruiser
HMRS Vijarson   Kyushu-class Frigate
HMRS Odin   Samarkand II-class Carrier
HMRS Trondheim   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
HMRS Thule   Inazuma-class Corvette
HMRS Carse   Inazuma-class Corvette

Skandia Fleet (6 ships)
HMRS Skandia   Kirashima-R-class Cruiser
HMRS Mirborg   Kyushu-class Frigate
HMRS Thor   Samarkand II-class Carrier
HMRS Spittal   Tatsumaki-class Destroyer
HMRS Porthos   Inazuma-class Corvette
HMRS St. John   Inazuma-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
  • HQ RRN – New Oslo
    Rasalhague Fleet – Rasalhague
    Radstadt Fleet – Radstadt
    Skandia Fleet – Skandia
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2015, 09:59:03 PM »

Free Worlds League Navy

The Free Worlds League Navy (FWLN) has never been the leader of naval innovation or shipbuilding, nor has it ever been a fleet to be scorned.  The FWLN has had its share of defeats and victories but has never been able to shine, nor has it simply rolled over and died for its enemies.  The FWLN, if anything, can be described as average, doing the job assigned to it a no more.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

The 1st Succession War was brutal on the ranks of the FWLN, like it was for the other fleets of the time.  Starting the war with 376 hulls, the FWLN launched another 315 during the fighting, but had only eighty-five in serve by 2822.  Campaigns like those along the Lyran border, which were a success, were balanced by actions like those in the defence of the Bolan Thumb, where the LCN savaged the fleet units defending those systems.  Though fighting on the Capellan border was generally more successful, the CCN’s willingness to use nuclear weapons more often than most, evened the odds considerably.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

Seventeen new vessels were rushed into service by 2830, seeing the FWLN return to war with 102 WarShips.  Sixty-nine more would follow from the yards, but the ongoing severe losses of the 2nd Succession War meant that only twenty hulls remained serviceable by 2864.  Though this was more than any other nation, it gave the League no real advantage, as no fleet was in any condition to mount major operations. 

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

The FWLN was slow in growing during the 3rd Succession War, as bickering between Parliament and the Captain-General meant that the funds for new WarShips were not always available.  By the end of the war, 281 new ships had been built, but of those only ninety were operational by 3025.  As in earlier wars, the FWLN managed to fight several successful campaigns, but for each one of these, there is another where disaster undid any earlier good work.  The losses suffered during the Anton’s Revolt and Civil War broke the heart of the FWLN and the morale of the fleet would not recover in time for the 4th Succession War.

4th Succession War

Skittish and not trusting in itself, its men or its ships, the FWLN limited its role in the 4th Succession War to small raids on the Lyran Commonwealth.  However, when the Lyran Commonwealth and Tikonov Free Republic counter-attacked in 3029, the FWLN was not ready, suffering a heavy defeat over Castor and losing the valuable shipyards there, as well as nine vessels.  The withdrawal of the FWLM was covered by the FWLN and then the navy hid behind its borders.

War of 3039

Admiral Richard Anderson was given command of the FWLN in 3030 and was tasked with restoring morale.  Admiral Anderson managed to keep the FWLN together, despite six ships going to Andurien and led the assaults that broke the Duchy’s fleet, as well as raids into the Federated Commonwealth during the War of 3039.  However, defections and losses saw the League loose ten ships in this period, new construction saw nineteen vessels built, leaving the FWLN more confident and with a strength of eighty-eight hulls in 3040.

3040-3048 Expansion

Since the end of the War of 3039, the FWLN under Admiral Anderson has continued to expand, with twelve new ships bringing total fleet strength to 100 active and twenty reserve vessels.  The ongoing program of construction, active training for all fleets and more aggressive patrol and raiding patterns have continued to improve fleet moral and the FWLN no longer carries the burdens of twenty five years before.  Only slightly smaller than the DCA, the FWLN is fast becoming a potent weapon that may prove the shield for the realm against the Federated Commonwealth.

Future Standard Fleet (5) – 230 Ships
6 Thera-class Battle Carriers
8 Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruisers
8 Eagle-class Frigates
12 Impavido-class Destroyers
12 Zechetinu II-class Corvettes
Reserve of 65 older vessels
Total strength of 295 ships

The Future Standard Fleet calls for five regionally based fleets, all of equal composition.  This will necessitate a change from the current fleet structure, however, Admiral Anderson considers the more homogenous model a better basis for planning and fleet cohesion, something often lacking in the broader FWLM.

The FWLN Today

FWLN – Current Construction Program

The FWLN construction program is currently revolving around the massed production of the Thera-class Battle Carriers, which are being constructed at seven of the nine yards in the League and taking up seven of the nineteen construction slips the FWLN has access to.

Thera-class Battle Carriers   Angel II, Ionus, Oriente, Asuncion, Stewart, Tamarind, Clipperton
Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruisers   Angel II, Ionus, Oriente, MacKenzie
Eagle-class Frigates         Angel II, Stewart
Impavido-class Destroyers      Angel II, Ionus, Oriente, Asuncion
Zechetinu II-class Corvettes      Tamarind, Loyalty

CURRENT FLEET – 120 (100 Active, 20 Reserve)

Battle Line – 12 Ships
4 Thera-class Battle Carriers
8 Atreus-class Battleships
Cruisers – 20 Ships
11 Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruisers
9 Soyal-class Cruisers
Frigates and Destroyers – 38 Ships
13 Eagle-class Frigates
12 Impavido-class Destroyers
13 League II-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 30 Ships
15 Zechetinu II-class Corvettes
15 Zechetinu-class Corvettes
Reserve – 20 Ships
2 Atreus-class Battleships
6 Soyal-class Cruisers
12 League I-class Destroyers


The FWLN is divided into Line Fleets, Border Fleets and the Security Fleet.  The Line Fleets cover the borders with the Federated Commonwealth and Capellan Confederation up to sixty light years into League space, as do the two Border Fleets for the Periphery.  The Security Fleet is the League reserve and patrols the interior of the nation.

1st Line Fleet (2) – 26 Ships
FLWS Clipperton   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Oriente   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Loyalty   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Santorini   Thera-class Battle Carrier
FLWS Sardis   Thera-class Battle Carrier
FLWS Agamemnon   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Aeneas   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Troy   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Odysseus   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Diomedes   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FWLS Juhasz   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Lancelot   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Tristam   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Galahad   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Bors   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Peter Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Joseph Stewart   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Allan Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Geraldine Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Terrence Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Danak Selaj   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Acastus   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Admetus   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Amphiaraus   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Amphion   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Areius   Zechetinu II-class Corvette

2nd Line Fleet (2) – 26 Ships
FLWS Angell II   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Irian   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Stewart   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Corinth   Thera-class Battle Carrier
FLWS Delphi   Thera-class Battle Carrier
FLWS Menelaus   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Hippolyta   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Achilles   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Ajax   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FLWS Patroclus   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FWLS Lakatos   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Gawain   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Bedevere   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Mordred   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Kay   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Terrence Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Peter Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Mikhail Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Philip Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Christopher Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Juliano Marik   Impavido-class Destroyer
FWLS Actor   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Aethalides   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Amphidamas   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Ancaeus   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Argus   Zechetinu II-class Corvette

1st Border Fleet (2) – 24 Ships
FLWS Gibson   Atreus-class Battleship
FLWS Troad   Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser
FWLS Ivanova   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Liapchev   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Ulloa   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Percival   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Aglovale   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Bagdemaus   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Florida Solov'ëv   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Jonas Günter   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS James Fisk   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Josien van Oort   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Francisco Yanez   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Laetitia Brocard   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Autolycus   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Butes   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Caeneus   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Castor   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Clytius   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Cytissorus   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Echion   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Ascalaphus   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Asterion   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Atalanta   Zechetinu II-class Corvette

2nd Border Fleet (2) – 24 Ships
FLWS Kalidasa   Atreus-class Battleship
FWLS Novak   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Molnar   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Bernotti   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Grijns   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Leodegrance   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Agravain   Eagle-class Frigate
FWLS Manuela Castelo Branco   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Meredith Leal   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Marcus Nielsen   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Ivan Vysockij   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Elanora Soglio   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Franco Rubbi   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Charles Deppas   League II-class Destroyer
FWLS Augeas   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Bellerophon   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Calaïs   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Canthus   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Cepheus   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Coronus   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Deucalion   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Eribotes   Zechetinu-class Corvette
FWLS Asclepius   Zechetinu II-class Corvette
FWLS Asterius   Zechetinu II-class Corvette

Security Fleet (1) – 20 Ships
FWLS Andurien   Atreus-class Battleship
FWLS Tamarind   Atreus-class Battleship
FWLS Ali   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Krausse   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Pigeonnier   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS O'Gowan   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Paisi   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Zdravkov   Soyal-class Cruiser
FWLS Torild Holmberg   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Alana Duff   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Majvor Svensson   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Laura Horas   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Eduardo Guimarães   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Eugenie Martin   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Ellis Baker   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Claudius Temay   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Oleane Eliassen   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Isabella Morcillo   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Gerardus Boer   League I-class Destroyer
FWLS Finn O'Donnell   League I-class Destroyer

Fleets are based at:
  • HQ FWLN – Angel II
    1st Line Fleet – Stewart – FC Border from Poulsbo to New Dallas
    2nd Line Fleet – Oriente – FC Border from Bat Kol to Gorki and Capellan Border
    1st Border Fleet – MacKenzie – Periphery Border from Circinus to Aurelius
    2nd Border Fleet – Clipperton – Periphery Border from Stettin to Joppa
    Security Fleet – Ionus – Internal patrols of FWL space over 60LY from the border.
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2015, 10:00:50 PM »

Naval goodness! 8)


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2015, 10:03:39 PM »

Always naval goodness here.
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2015, 10:37:49 PM »

Capellan Confederation Navy

The Capellan Navy has always been the smallest of the major fleets of the Inner Sphere, but until the devastation of the 4th Succession War, the CCN had always managed to hold its own.  The devastating losses of the 4th Succession War have not yet been recovered from, however, the CCN of today is an ever growing fleet with a new purpose and drive that will cause any unprepared foe great pain.

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

1st Succession War 2786-2822

At the outbreak of the 1st Succession War, thee CCN possessed 296 WarShip and would add another 247 during the course of hostilities.  However, the losses the CCN suffered were enormous, with only sixty-five vessels in commission by the end of fighting.  The losses to powers on all borders was only offset through the profligate use of nuclear weapons by the CCN and the effects of the New Dallas Accords, that allowed the Capellan shipyards to maintain production, even if it was at an ever declining rate.

2nd Succession War 2830 – 2864

The CCN continued to fight hard during the 2nd Succession War, entering the fight with seventy eight vessels and commissioning another fifty two during the war.  Despite these efforts, which were enormous for the small and beleaguered state, the CCN had only fifteen active WarShips by 2864 and the Confederation’s yards had nearly ground to a halt by the end of the war, so devastated was the Capellans industrial base.

3rd Succession War 2866-3025

Through sheer bloody minded determination, the CCN managed to continue producing WarShips throughout the 3rd Succession War, managing to launch 212 by 3025 and possessing a fleet of 66 active vessels at that time.  Though the smallest of the navies of the major states in 3025, the CCN had a strong reputation as a responsive and effective naval force.  However, this ability to respond to numerous small-scale threats along both borders had deprived the CCN of the skills needed to work effectively in large groupings,

4th Succession War

The massing of the FSN against it in 3028 and 3029 forced the CCN to face its foe at a scale beyond which it had operated for more than fifty years.  The results were devastating, as the CCN was brutalised in large-scale engagements over the worlds of Tikonov, Keid, Sarna, New Aragon and Sian, where thirty one ships of war fell to the Davion fleet.  Eleven other ships would be destroyed in other engagements with the FSN, with the Capellan Navy managing to eliminate only seven Davion vessels in return.  Following the raid on Sian, the spirit of the CCN had been broken more effectively than had been the case in either the 1st or 2nd Succession War.  The remaining two dozen ships of the CCN suffered further degradations to their fighting power during the purges of Romano Liao’s early reign.

War of 3039

The Canopian-Andurien invasion and the actions of the War of 3039 showed a Capellan fleet more ready to run than fight, hence the loss of only a single ship during this period.  However, Romano Liao was less than pleased with the results of her new navy, despite its growth to thirty-one vessels.  The appointment of Fleet Colonel Yu Shin was her answer to this and her mandate was to turn the CCN back into a fighting navy again.

3040-3048 Expansion

Since Admiral Shin’s appointment ten years ago, the CCN has begun to approach the strength it had before the beginning of the 4th Succession War, with forty three WarShips now in service and fifteen in reserve.  However, Admiral Shin’s achievements are greater than just the launching of new hulls: the Admiral has managed to re-instil a fighting spirit in the CCN, though there has been no real chance for the Admiral to test her new fleet in major battle.  The CCN seems to have recovered from the trauma of the 4th Succession War, however only the true test of battle will show if the Admiral’s work has been successful.

Phoenix Fleet Plan (3) – 159 Ships
3 Phoenix-class Battleships
5 Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruisers (3 escorts, 2 independent)
15 Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyers (6/4 escorts, 5 independent)
30 Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvettes (6/4/10 escorts, 10 independent)
Divided into:
•   1 x 18 Ship Core Group
•   2 x 5 Ship Strike Groups
•   5 x 3 Ship Patrol Squadrons
•   10 x 1 Ship Corvette Patrols
Reserve of 36 older vessels
Total strength of 195 ships

The Phoenix fleet plan calls for the CCN to continue to grow towards a balanced and large fleet capable of both defending and expanding the Capellan Confederation, though the actual practicality of the plan and its scale remain more of a Capellan dream than an actual achievable reality.

The CCN Today

CCN – Current Construction Program

The recovery of the CCN rests partly on the loss of only two major shipyards during the 4th Succession War.  The CCN can still call on the services of three shipyards and eight building slips, enabling the small navy to be relatively well supported.  Capellan production is completely focused on new designs and has been from just before the 4th Succession War.  For such a small state, this effort has been nothing short of incredible.

Phoenix-class Battleships      Capella
Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruisers       Capella
Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyers    Capella (2), Betelgeuse
Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvettes      Capella, Betelgeuse, Necromo

CURRENT FLEET – 58 (43 Active, 15 Reserve)

Battle Line – 8 Ships
2 Phoenix-class Battleships
6 Du Shi Wang-class Battleships
Cruisers – 11 Ships
5 Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruisers
6 Soyal-class Cruisers
Frigates and Destroyers – 7 Ships
7 Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyers
Light Escorts – 17 Ships
8 Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvettes
9 Ranger-class Corvettes
Reserve – 15 Ships
2 Du Shi Wang-class Battleships
5 Soyal-class Cruisers
8 Ranger-class Corvettes


A single fleet is deployed to each Commonality, with the reserve fleet responsible for the defence of the realms major shipyards.  The Capella fleet receives the most support and new vessels and passes of older and less desirable units to the other fleets.

Capella Fleet (16 ships)
CCS Victor Edward Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Franco Martell Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Phoenix   Phoenix-class Battleship
CCS Victoria   Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruiser
CCS Sarna   Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruiser
CCS Kong   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Tsui   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Tianjin   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Shanxi   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Jilin   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Cavalor   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Pojos   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Cao Guojiu   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette
CCS Han Xiangzi   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette
CCS Han Zhongli   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette
CCS Lu Dongbin   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette

Sian Fleet (16 ships)
CCS Kurnath Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Arden Baxter   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Dragon   Phoenix-class Battleship
CCS Capella   Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruiser
CCS Sian   Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruiser
CCS Tsang   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Huo   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Hebei   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Liaoning   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Jiangsu   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Bentley   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Pella II   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS He Xiangu   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette
CCS Lan Caihe   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette
CCS Tie Guaili   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette
CCS Zhang Guolao   Shuang Bi Shou-class Corvette

Victoria Fleet (11 ships)
CCS Irenna Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Emile Faulkner Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Tikonov   Liuye Dao-class Heavy Cruiser
CCS Jong    Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Gang   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Heilongjiang   Shuang Shou Ji-class Destroyer
CCS Zangul   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Madras   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Muridox   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Carmen   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Cordiagr   Ranger-class Corvette

Reserve Fleet (15 ships)
CCS Aleisha Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Stephen Edward Liao   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
CCS Shuang   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Mi   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Lin   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Mar   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Chuko   Soyal-class Cruiser
CCS Amu Darya   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Nihal   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS No Return   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Decus   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Wantorill   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Gei-Fu   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Yàn-huì   Ranger-class Corvette
CCS Ghorepani   Ranger-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
  • HQ CCN – Sian
    Capella Fleet – Capella
    Sian Fleet – Betelgeuse
    Victoria Fleet – Kimi
    Reserve Fleet – Necromo
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2015, 11:48:18 PM »

St. Ives War Fleet

Historical Overview of Succession Wars Actions

St. Ives emerged from the 4th Succession War with the three reserve vessels that were responsible for protecting the St. Ives shipyard.  With the focus of St. Ives on nation building and the ground arm, the St. Ives War Fleet (SIWF) gained only a single new vessel before 3040.  However, following the War of 3039 and the general increase in naval spending across the Inner Sphere, the SIWF gained nine additional vessels in the last four years, including 3 Feng Huang-class Cruisers and 6 Yan Yu Dao-class Corvettes.

However, despite the impressive building program the SIWF has major systemic issues with command and control, training, fleet discipline and maintenance, making the overall strength of the fleet much less than it could be.  Though the current plan is to expand the fleet to 26 vessels, there are many who believe that a wholesale reorganisation of the SIWF would be a better way to spend money.

Future Fleet Defence Plan – 26 Ships
1 Active Fleet with
1 Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
4 Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruisers
21 Yan Yu Dao-class Corvettes
2 Reserve Ships
Total of 28 ships

The SIWF Today

SIWF – Current Construction Program

The last of the planned Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruisers is currently under construction with both building slips to continue series production of the Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette as part of the Future Fleet Defence Plan.

Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruiser         St. Ives (switching to Yan Yu Dao in late 3051)
Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette         St. Ives

CURRENT FLEET – 12 (10 Active, 2 Reserve)

Battle Line – 1 Ships
1 Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
Cruisers – 3 Ships
3 Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruisers
Light Escorts – 6 Ships
6 Yan Yu Dao-class Corvettes
Reserve – 2 Ships
2 Soyal-class Cruisers


The SIWF has no real structure, with senior officers appointed for specific missions and ships rarely operating together for long periods of time.

St. Ives War Fleet (12 ships) – Ad hoc groups dispatched as needed
SICS St. Ives   Du Shi Wang-class Battleship
SICS Feng Huang   Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruiser
SICS Candace Liao   Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruiser
SICS Kai Allard-Liao   Feng Huang-class Heavy Cruiser
SICS Hope of Capella   Soyal-class Cruiser
SICS Unity of Duty   Soyal-class Cruiser
SICS Warlock   Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette
SICS Indicass   Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette
SICS Texlos   Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette
SICS Tallin   Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette
SICS Vesthallas   Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette
SICS Milos   Yan Yu Dao-class Corvette

Fleets are based at:
•   HQ SIWF – St. Ives
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 02:23:07 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2015, 12:26:33 AM »

Dang, you must be writing offline and just posting, because I see three more are ready to read.  This looks very interesting, BN, thanks for something new to read!

How's work going?


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Re: Facing the Past
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2015, 12:28:55 AM »

This was all written over the last few months, just posting it piece by piece.

Work is still busy, but thhat's looks like standard for this place.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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