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Author Topic: Taurian Marines  (Read 6512 times)

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Taurian Marines
« on: February 13, 2016, 08:35:28 PM »

After reading everything I can about the Taurian Military ,there still are just hints of the other service that has played such a large part in Taurian history . They serve on all naval vessels , space stations, embassies and other duties . This is a challenge to put a face on the Taurian Marines .
I'm thinking more along the lines of Dan Craig's and David Sherman's Confederation Marines . Their FISTs (Fleet Initial Strike Team).
Mstr.A or IRose you two are the best at doing this type of face lift for a faction . Though anyone who wants to weight in are most welcome .
                      Thanks for the time .
the original old salty sea dog


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2016, 12:45:26 PM »

An idea that had been kicked around for nearly four decades by Taurian Naval High Command was finally put into effect when Jeffery Calderon became Protector . The total revamping of the Taurian Marines to be the true sister service of the Navy . There would be 7 Marine line regiments , 7 Marine Expeditionary Forces , 14 Marine Expeditionary Units & 28 Marine Raider Units .

Taurian Marine Raider Unit
1st platoon
2 battlemech
4 tank
30 infantry + 6 APC

2nd Platoon
2 battlemech
4 tank
30 infantry + 6 APC

3rd Platoon
6 battlemech
12 tank
48 battlearmored infantry + 12 Hover APC

4th Platoon
8 battlearmored infantry + 2 VTOL transports
4 Attack VTOL

next up will be the Marine Expeditionary Unit
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 07:30:42 PM by Hairbear541 »
the original old salty sea dog


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 08:04:56 PM »

Marine Expeditionary Unit
Command Section
2 battlemech
2 C3 vehicle
2 artillery vehicles
3o infantry + 6 APC
12 aerospace fighter

1st Company
6 battlemech
12 tank
90 infantry + 18 APC

2nd Company
6 battlemech
12 tank
90 infantry + 18 APC

3rd Company
12 battlemech
24 tank
96 battlearmored infantry
24 APC

4th Company
32 battlearmored infantry
8 transport VTOL
8 attack VTOL

5th Company(support)
30 combat engineers + 6 engineering vehicles
30 artillerymen + 6 artillery batteries
30 airdales(mechanics , techs & artificers) for units fixed & VTOL craft

6th Company
30 transport personnel + 6 heavy transports
30 maintence personnel + 6 wrecker or salvage recovery vehicles
30 medical personnel + 6 battleambulances
30 ordnance personnel + 6 ordnance transports
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 06:37:39 PM by Hairbear541 »
the original old salty sea dog


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2016, 07:00:26 PM »

Marine Expeditionary Force
Command Maniple
6 battlemech
6 C3 vehicle
6 artillery vehicles
90 infantry + 18 APC
24 aerospace fighters

1st Battalion
18 battlemech
36 tank
270 infantry + 18 APC

2nd Battalion
18 battlemech
36 tank
270 infantry + 18 APC

3rd Battalion
18 battlemech
36 tank
144 battlearmored infantry + 36 APC

4th Battalion
96 battlearmored infantry + 24 transport VTOL
12 attack VTOL

5th Battalion
90 combat engineers + 18 engineering vehicles
90 artillerymen + 18 artillery batteries
90 airdales(mechanics , techs & articifers) for units fixed wing & VTOL craft

6th Battalion
90 transportation personnel + 18 heavy transports
90 maintence personnel + 18 wreckers or salvage vehicles
90 medical personnel + 18 battleambulances
90 ordnance personnel + 18 ordnance transports
the original old salty sea dog


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2016, 12:59:07 PM »

Personally I don't see the TC marines having heavy equipment.  Let me explain my view a bit.  The TDF (particularly before the RW) has a lot of similiarities to the pre-WW2 US military (especially the pre-WWI military). 

The US military at that time was composed of a large navy and a small army.  Having few neighbors (only Mexico & Canada) and few colonies/territories (Philipines, Hawaii, Guam, Wake Island, Midway, American Samoa) the US had little need for a large standing army, but it did need a large navy to protect it's merchant traffic from pirates and to maintain Sea Lines of Communication (SLOC).  As a result the navy was large with modern Battleships, Aircraft carriers, etc, while the army was a small organization that during times of war would serve as the officer and NCO core of a larger force composed of National Guard units, volunteers and draftees. 

Periphery 1e (p.28) specifically cites this as the Taurian model - the reason for Case Amber was to have the navy buy time for the TDF to integrate reinforcements training in the Hyades Cluster. 

Using the US military pre-WW1 model for the TDF Marines are mainly guards for the navy- they are assigned to defend naval installations and ships from attacks, lead boarding or shore parties and fill secondary functions on vessels (including damage control and AA support).  The Marine amphibious capability (which is what it seems you are going for) did not begin to really materialize until after WW1 and came into full blossom during WW2. 

So I see the TC marines serving mainly on Taurian vessels and facilities as guards and conducting boarding operations against enemy ships.

The other reason I don't see the TC Marines filling the assault role is because the TDF already fills that role.  The TDF has 3 levels- the Noble Family regiments (aka national guard/reserves), Regular Army and the Battlemech Corps.  This is hinted at in the source books but since only battlemech forces get fully detailed it is somewhat overlooked.

The Noble Family regiments are the reserve of the TDF- they are only called up during extreme emergencies and serve to defend their home world.  The regular army is composed of all of the Armor and Infantry regiments not assigned to support battlemech units- Remember every TC has at least one Armor battalion, with important worlds have multiple regiments.  These form the bulk of the TDF and plain the major role in defending the Concordat (remember prior to Shraplen coming to power the TDF was a DEFENSE force not an offensive one).  In a defensive role tanks and infantry are very effective - the battlemech's major advantage is it's mobility both tactical on the battlefield (being able to move through almost any terrain) and strategic (easier to transport over interstellar distance and the advantages of being able to conduct orbital drops).   

The TDF's battlemech Corps are a cross between the modern Marines and a mobile defensive reserve force.  If you need to kick in a door- you go to a TDF mech regiment.  Need to rapidly reinforce a planet against an enemy invasion- send in a battlemech regiment.  Also remember the TDF favored forming Special Task Groups- any battlemech units not actively involved in defending against a planetary invasion would be deployed in counterattack roles or as deep raiders.

Much like the US Marine Corps between WW1 & WW2 they need a distinct mission from the army-for the USMC that mission it was the Amphibious assault role- in the Concordat I think it is the space combat mission.  So in my view- the TC's marines are light infantry, highly trained in zero-g combat.  They are probably organized in battalions and even regiments but usually deployed in smaller detachments on board Concordat ships.   The probably have aerospace assets (fighters & boarding shuttles) but I think mechs and tanks would be rare- maybe just a few battalions for use in assaults against targets located in the vacuum of space (think a facility located on the moon or some such). 

That said I like your organization- I like mixing tanks and mechs at a low level and I love the idea of mechs organized into lances of 6 units and companies of 18.  I'm just not sure I see this a Taurian Marine unit. 



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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 05:26:32 PM »

good day Irose , glad to have somebody to say anything about my ramblings . you bring up some very interesting salient points per pre-RW Taurian Marines . but as i mentioned , this takes place under Jeffery's watch . a total re-vamping and upgrade of the Taurian Marines . i was thinking more along the lines of the USMC Regimental Combat Team of WW-II , updated to modern times .
as far as force structure , i have Mstr. A to thank for that . i see the raider unit as just that...in fast and dirty, surgical strike , then get the H out of dodge . the other 2 units go in ,establish  a planethead for follow up Line Marine or Army units to exployt , as they return to base for rest, refit and training
thanks again for stopping by
the original old salty sea dog

Ice Hellion

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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2016, 02:30:08 PM »

I am not sure your raiders are fast enough.
In the modern era, raiders units are fast unit designed to move in quickly, take everything and move out (just look at TRO 3025 to get the feeling). This would make them more pure 'Mech units.

And why not go for the modern USMC organisation?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2016, 04:08:08 PM »

I did the Royal Marines for the Terran Republic many years ago and going back through history revealed at least to me that the "Marine" name wasn't all that it is today. The Colonial Marines were the only unit of the Terran Alliance able to carry out effective operations during the Outer Reaches Rebellion. Despite the Terran collapse I got the feeling (could be me just drawing conclusions) that the Marines were viewed as oppressors of a distant tyranny. What I am trying to say is the brand suffered so the new Houses went away from such independent units. Marine in BattleTech is equal to naval infantry on board a ship but rarely deployed outside that area of operations.


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2016, 07:12:00 PM »

takiro , i've read those same things and yes for the most part none of the other houses have a dedicated marine force , but the concordat has had their marines for what , nearly 500 years now . i've just given them an upgrade from all leg to having a more balanced force structure . much like the usmc developed during WW II . the modern corps is still evolving today into a much more well rounded and capable force .
like i said to irose this idea had been placed before thomas calderon back when he first became protector , but wouldn't be instituted till jeffery calderon took the protectors mantle . i'm glad there are other history buffs on this forum...sweet .
the original old salty sea dog


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Re: Taurian Marines
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2016, 03:08:51 PM »

I still don't see the reason for the expansion.  Following WWI the USMC was looking for a new role- during the war they had been used as infantry like the army- they wanted a role distinct from the Army, in part so that they would not be absorbed by the army. The role they focused on was as an amphibious assault force.  This latter evolved into a force able to kick in the door by air land or sea. 

The TDF already has a force filling the role of raiders/assault force- their battlemech corps- that capability has been described ever since the publication of Periphery 1e.   Having the Marines add this role (which would come at the expense of their expertise in zero-g fighting- something vastly different from a planetary assault mission) just does not make much sense to me.
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