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Dragon Cat

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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2012, 04:24:06 PM »

Nice chapter, I like Bersick earning his promotion to Precentor (I'd hope) and giving the Clans a bloody nose very early on.

When the Clans learn of the ComGuard's full WarShip fleet (which I assume Jamie Wolf wasn't entirely aware of) this will turn very bloody.

Also typical Clan way of dealing with Port Krin very nice >:)
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Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2012, 05:07:24 PM »

I'm surprised the Galaxy didn't launch fighters and wreck the remaining ComStar vessel. It'd be poorly armed to face Clan Aerospace Fighters. Still loving this.
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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2012, 12:30:06 AM »

The Clan Commander should be executed for stupidity. Good story so far
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2012, 03:29:18 PM »

When the Clans learn of the ComGuard's full WarShip fleet (which I assume Jamie Wolf wasn't entirely aware of) this will turn very bloody.

When will they learn it?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2012, 01:54:59 AM »

Although the first step had been taken, it would be two more weeks before the Clans invaded the Inner Sphere. Jaime Wolf and several members of the Grand Council were heavily engaged in evaluating the impact that the existence of an independent Rasalhague and of the ongoing Andurien War would have on their plans. Many of the other Khans were far more interested in the shifting political landscape following the Absorption of the Burrocks and the Cloud Cobras, both inside the Grand Council and inside the Clan Council of the victorious Snow Ravens (the workings of the insular Blood Spirit Clan Council were opaque to everyone).

Meanwhile on Terra, the First Circuit was aghast at the report arriving from Beresick. The notion that a huge army and fleet was about to descend from the Periphery was bad enough but the notion that their technology was in advance of that of the Star League was anathema to the leaders of ComStar. Serious consideration was given to the notion that the relatively junior Beresick must surely be mistaken, but as Myndo Waterly pointed out, the facts would soon be confirmed.

Assuming for the moment that the report was accurate the salient points, in the Primus opinion, were: that the Star League Defense Force had survived and their descendants were intent on the conquest of the Inner Sphere; that they were shortly to invade the Draconis Combine; that they fully intended to capture Terra; and that Jaime Wolf was their leader (the celebrity of Wolf obscured his relatively low rank in the eyes of the Clan civilians interrogated at this point). The only question was whether to stand for them, or against them. With Jaime Wolf, a persistant problem for ComStar over the last few decades and known to hold them in low regard, at their head this was no question at all for Waterly who ordered Sharilar Mori, her right hand woman, to warn the Coordinator and the Gunji-no-Kanrei at once of the threat.

Waterly's second decision was to summon Anastasius Focht to her side. Could the Combine, she asked, defeat the Clans? Focht, who had already been involved in the analysis, replied that only in the most optimistic of cases (that the Clan numbers were overstated and their technology far less advanced) could the Combine triumph and that at extraordinary difficulty due to the need to protect their other borders from the Federated Commonwealth. More probably the Combine would be destroyed completely and might, at best, buy the rest of the Inner Sphere time to rally. He also pointed out that the only military force that might be able to stop the Inner Sphere was the Federated Commonwealth's armies.

To Waterly this was unacceptable but she knew that Focht was the finest military mind available to her. On this basis she decided upon her strategy: the Federated Commonwealth must be convinced to reinforce the DCMS and slow the oncoming juggernaut. Once the Clans were weakened and more importantly understood, a force made up of the ComGuards and of troops extorted from the Free Worlds League and if possible other small states would be assembled under Focht's leadership to save the Inner Sphere... and to then seize control of it from the war weary Federated Commonwealth and Draconis Combine.

Little of this would be shared with others however. Instead she appointed Focht as Precentor Martial of the ComGuards and ordered him to proceed with all possible speed in their expansion and preparation to face the Clans in battle. He was given carte blanche to use whatever stockpiles and factories remained from those used by the SLDF and a budget that was to all practical purposes unlimited. Focht's first request was that Beresick be summoned back to Terra with as many of the most co-operative prisoners as possible: not only would the prisoners be invaluable as a source of information but Beresick was literally the only man from the Inner Sphere to win a naval battle in centuries and therefore the obvious choice to lead the ComGuard's fleet. (The fact that a third of ComStar's active fleet had been lost in that battle wasn't something that anyone wanted to dwell upon).

Almost incidentally, ComStar's leadership decided that the Andurien War was an unnecessary distraction. Precentor Atreus was directed to offer Duncan Marik the complete Interdiction of the rebellious province in return for a pledge of military support. The fact that ComStar's famed neutrality would be publically cast aside does not appear to have crossed the Primus' mind.

This left the troubling matter of how to convince Hanse Davion and Katrina Steiner to help rather than hinder their great enemy. Before Waterly could come to any conclusion on this matter, news arrived from the Draconis Combine: first the last message of the Port Krin HPG compound that it was being overrun by soldiers bearing 'Snake' markings. On 24 December 3035, pirate jump points over almost a dozen worlds marked the arrival of the Clans.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2012, 05:44:10 AM »

I imagine the Port Krin HPG's Comstar staff scorched earthed their own HPG when the Clans (Not caring about Comstar's neutrality) turned up to seize it?


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2012, 10:56:32 AM »

Just an ever so minor edit,  "Waterly's second decision was to summon Anastasius Focht to her side. Could the Combine, she asked, defeat the Clans? Focht, who had already been involved in the analysis, replied that only in the most optimistic of cases (that the Clan numbers were overstated and their technology far less advanced) could the Combine triumph and that at extraordinary difficulty due to the need to protect their other borders from the Federated Commonwealth. More probably the Combine would be destroyed completely and might, at best, buy the rest of the Inner Sphere time to rally. He also pointed out that the only military force that might be able to stop the Inner Sphere(?) was the Federated Commonwealth's armies."

Did you mean Invasion?, or maybe the Clans?



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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2012, 03:49:47 PM »

actually that phrase should be 'save the Inner Sphere'.

Thanks for the catch.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #38 on: May 24, 2012, 04:37:41 PM »

If I was Hanse I'd let the Combine burn

Thinking seriously as Hanse none of my worlds are threatened my military is brand-new i have 2 areas in my realm (draconis march and tamar march not to mention Skye) that are going to be doing cartwheels in the street watching the Combine die.  And I have arguably the best intelligence and R&D in the Inner Sphere.

I'm going to spend the next year watching my greatest enemy die maybe try to seize Dieron for myself securely surround Terra.

Otherwise I'm going to learn about the Clans send mercs or Rabid Fox teams in capture what we can for minimal loss.

I'm going to turn the Draconis March into a minefield fortify everything

Hanse Davion was a smart man nothing ComStar could offer him could make him help the combine with no FedCom citizen threatened

Otherwise nice stuff from ComStar typical waterly not having a clue focht seeing bersick as a potential ally   
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 04:40:29 PM by Dragon Cat »
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Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #39 on: May 24, 2012, 09:58:53 PM »

I also thought lending mercs for Luthien was fictional gold, but a little lame considering the situation. Assuming Wolf wasn't a complete &%^ nut he'd have provided rough figures on the size of the Clans, their Toumans and general population to the assembled leaders at the Outreach summit. If I were Hanse, I would have laughed at the fall of Luthien and gotten drunk. But that's just me.
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2012, 07:34:29 AM »

I would agree there actually, let the Combine burn. Hell, maybe even hope they resort to nukes in the end to kill as many of the enemy for me as possible.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2012, 03:38:20 PM »

On Luthien, Takashi Kurita had been highly sceptical of Mori's message until she mentioned Jaime Wolf's name. While the Coordinator's obsession with the mercenary leader had clouded his mind in many ways, the notion that Wolf had returned from his mysterious homeworld and was bound upon vengeance was completely plausible to Takashi. For his own reasons, Theodore Kurita was similarly convinced by the story.

What father and son differed upon was how to respond. Takashi concluded that he personally was a target and ordered that the finest regiments in the Combine be assembled at Luthien for him to lead into battle. Theodore, on the other hand, favoured a mobile campaign by the DCMS battlemech regiments, using local forces to bog down the Clans until their tactics were understood and weaknesses identified. In his view, gathering the best of the DCMS together for a decisive battle was tantamount to throwing them away.

The delicate balance of power between father and son was one that neither wshed to destroy: in theory the Coordinator's power was absolute, but for him to undermine the man who was not only the heir but the person he had handpicked to command his armies would be a political disaster. Teh final decision was a compromise: Theodore ordered many of the most traditionalist regiments, units that were for the most part more loyal to Takashi than to himself, to Luthien. However his own picked force would proceed according to his own strategy.

Ultimately the decison was moot: hardly any forces were in motion before Clan Wolf descended upon Luthien. Arguably the most important action taken by either man was Theodore ordering his wife and children to depart for Dieron. He also gave Tomoe Sakade his signed authority to act as regent to their son Hohiro if the worst came to the worst.

Christmas celebrations across the Combine, clandestine on many worlds, sputtered to a halt as martial law was proclaimed. By the time that Clan Wolf's forces had reached orbit and were preparing to land, word was already arriving from other targets. The Goliath Scorpions had had no difficulty in destroying the Fifth Galedon Regulars on New Samarkand, although they had yet to root out the ISF headquarters with its exotic defenses (orbital bombardment was called in after ISF agents carried out acts of terrorism against Scorpion-occupied facilities).

On nearby Galedon, the Third Prosperina Hussars and Second An Ting Legion, two of the finest regiments in the DCMS, managed to cause some initial confusion for the Nova Cats, who were discomfited by the Hussar's hit and run attacks and the Legion's preference for engaging multiple targets. Rather than act rashly, the Nova Cats maintained their own adherence to zellbrigen and relied on their individual superiority to cripple individual 'Mechs and then finish them off while others escaped. The Hussars, shamed by this behaviour, fought a conventional battle near the Cabra Dulce Memorial Site and were destroyed although many of the survivors were taken as bondsmen. The more pragmatic An Ting Legion fled the Galedon.

Although the Smoke Jaguars had expected to find strong defenders on Benjamin they were surprised to find not only the Seventeenth Benjamin Regulars but also two Ghost Regiments, whose very existence was unknown to them. Alpha Galaxy, which had won the right to spearhead the invasion, reacted with typical ferocity and pursued the defenders into the streets of Deber City, causing enormous collateral damage. Upon accepting the surrender of the remaining DCMS regiments the Jaguars permitted the Colonel of the Regulars to commit seppuku but, drawing a plausible but incorrect conclusion, executed all surviving Ghost warriors as mercenaries.

There were many other attacks in this period - the Diamond Sharks, Ghost Bears and Star Adders hit a total of seven worlds on schedule, none protected by more than local forces that they ran down with great ease. To the embarassment of the Jade Falcons they were running a day behind but were able to cover this by pointing out that one of the three worlds they hit, Land's End, was garrisoned by the Seventh Pesht Regulars. Like most of the Pesht Regulars, the regiment was a low priority for supplies and many soldiers were inexperienced graduates from minor academies gaining field experience. While many fought bravely, they were torn to shreds trying to charge in to close quarters.

Clan Wolf's bid for Luthien itself had been known for quite some time: the Wolf Dragoons and the four secondline garrisons of Epsilon Galaxy. In defense of the Combine's capital were the usual forces of four regular regiments, currently the Otomo, two of the Sword of Light regiments and the First Genyosha. In addition a regiment of the Shin Legion - an expatriate unit that had served House Liao until they fell afoul of Romano Liao - had been en route to Pesht and was able to divert to Luthien.

Jaime Wolf had issued a formal challenge, stating his own forces which the DCMS command deemed to be equivalent to five regiments. Takashi elected to reply, quoting the Second Shin Legion as part of his force. In a gentlemanly fashion, Wolf agreed that the Shin Legion would be allowed to land without interception if the Combine agreed to allow his own forces to make an unopposed landing on the Tairakana Plains. In order to limit collateral damage, both sides agreed to restrict their troops to the Kadoguchi Valley that lay between the plains and the Imperial City.

The resulting setpiece battle would have inevitably have favoured Clan Wolf even if the Combine hadn't been suffering from a divided command. Takashi Kurita had insisted on being placed in command of the second of the two Combine lines while Theodore led the forward line that would be expected to blunt the initial Clan advance and then fall back upon Takashi's fresh forces for the decisive clash. Instead, the Coordinator ordered his three regiments forwards as soon as he realised that the Genyosha, Shin Legion and the supporting armour regiments were heavily engaged.

The resultant engagement was a chaotic one that raged for most of a day. BattleROMs from surviving Combine forces confirmed that the Coordinator's Battlemaster engaged three Wolf battlemechs in succession, defeating first a Shadow Hawk and then a Griffin. In the process, however, the assault 'Mech had taken serious damage. The third 'Mech was a SLDF-era Archer refitted with Clan missile systems: unique amoung the invasion force and evidently the command 'Mech of the Wolf Dragoons. The first salvo from Wolf tore through weakened armour and inflicted devestating damage upon the reactor shielding and the ammunition bins inside the torso.

Takashi Kurita's death was confirmed, along with over a hundred DMCS mechwarriors. Almsot three hundred more were captured or simply unaccounted for, the latter case including the Gunji-no-Kanrei. Survivors, forming up around two battalions of the Seventh Sword of Light - the largest intact body of troops remaining, fell back towards the Imperial City. With significant losses, the Clan forces allowed them two hours while they re-organised before resuming a rapid march after the DCMS.

Seeing defeat on the horizon and without the Coordinator or Gunji-no-Kanrei to lead them, the remaining regiments had difficulty establishing a new strategy. With Clan battlemechs almost in sight, the remaining officers finally agreed to obey the orders of Tai-sa Kiyomori Minamoto of the Seventh Sword of Light, who instructed all officers to form a line on him, to form a last line of the defense so that it could not be said that any DCMS officer had declined to defend Luthien. The other mechwarriors were to retreat to the Imperial City's spaceport and escape if possible to continue to fight for the Combine.

Although Conal Ward pressed Khan Jenna Vickers to destroy the escaping dropships but she declined to do so as it would require the use of aerospace assets not bid in the invasion. Not one of Minamoto's force survived their last stand.

On 1 January 3036 the banners of Clan Wolf were raised above House Kurita's Imperial Palace. That night ilKhan Sevren Leroux woke from his sleep with a sudden conviction that Khan Lucien Carns of the Nova Cats was dead.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #42 on: May 25, 2012, 05:09:58 PM »

Any details on Khan Carns' death?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #43 on: May 25, 2012, 05:53:17 PM »

Interesting also Servern Lervoux convinced Carns is dead doesn't mean he's dead could be a vision which normally means... Trouble
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Hour of the Wolf
« Reply #44 on: May 31, 2012, 01:53:13 AM »

Once the ilKhan's fears were assuaged via HPG communication, the Grand Council took stock. Overall the attacks were going very well with most of the initial targets taken quite quickly and the Combine's leadership at least momentarily eliminated. Losses were also higher than most had expected although the most severe losses had been to Clan Wolf - something that no one was surprised by, since the troops involved were secondline.

Under the circumstances there was enthusiasm for the Goliath Scorpions, Smoke Jaguars, Nova Cats and Wolves to expand their holdings faster than originally planned. Subduing the key worlds had been expected to take months but it now seemed that major resistance had collapsed and that garrisons, albeit substantial ones, would suffice. In addition, enormous quantities of intelligence data had been obtained, some of which would become outdated and there was a great desire make use of it while it remained fresh.

By the end of January, Goliath Scorpion forces had reached Bad News on the border with the Outworlds Alliance, having left Clusters behind to seize Pondicherry, Tabayama and Ziatousi. The Nineteenth Galedon Regulars, having neglected by the Draconian high command for years had long supplemented their supplies through raids into the Outworlds Alliance and their reaction to the arrival of the Clans was pragmatic: those forces on world boarded dropships and fled across the border to regroup with companies raiding Quentraine and Risin.

Pushing through the sparsely settled Ningxia prefecture, Clan Jade Falcon took three more worlds, allowing a secondline cluster to seize Enig in Tabayama Prefecture in order to prevent Clan Steel Viper from opportunistically using it to threaten their rear at a later date. Clan Ghost Bear didn't need to go looking for DCMS units: the Sixth and Tenth Pesht Regulars had been bypassed earlier and now attacked Hartshill and Salford to try to retake them from the invaders. The Ghost Bears allowed them to land and then crushed them, assigning one Galaxy to retake their base worlds while the others conquered Ad Duwayd and Slaithwaite.

Clan Star Adder hit the prefecture capital of Bjarred and found that the Fourth Pesht Regulars were barely better than militia. The DCMS unit broke under the hammerblow of Star Adder heavy and assult OmniMechs but hunting down survivors took considerable time. Embarassed by their slow showing, the Khans planned an ambitious wave of attacks as soon as their logistics caught up. The Diamond Sharks found themselves fighting on a worlds they had thought was secured when they discovered that the Ninth Pesht Regulars had been on manoeuvres on the northern continent of Schwartz. With frontline clusters fighting on Turtle Bay, Almunge and Coudoux, suppressing the Ninth was left to garrison forces which conducted themselves well.

The Sharks also began to survey Brocchi's Cluster, impressed by the potential riches there. In general all the Clans found their new conquests - even relatively poor planets in backwater regions - to be startlingly wealthy in contrast to their Homeworlds. Clan Wolf faced the most extreme example of this: rather than trying to seize additional worlds Khan Vickers had clusters fan out over Luthien to take control over the many valuable factories, military facilities and research installations.

Luthien Carns ordered ambitious attacks, claiming to be inspired by dreams of a Nova Cat clawing at an ailing Dragon. Nova Cat seized five worlds fanning out from Galedon, moving away from Galedon. The Khan did maintain a reserve on Galedon as it seemed likely that DCMS forces would move to try to retake the world. In contrast the Smoke Jaguars seized Fukuroi, using it as a springboard to take the prefecture capital of Kajikazawa. The Second Benjamin Regulars were stunned by the firepower of the Clan OmniMechs. Although reeling, Tai-sa Ashura decided it was vital that the DCMS gain samples: in a sudden counter-attack the Regulars brought down three Smoke Jaguar 'Mechs and an entire battalion was sacrificed to hold off the rest of the invaders while the Tai-sa dragged the three captured BattleMechs off to prime movers that were held in reserve. By the end of the day, the Regulars' dropships launched, scattering in the hope of avoiding warship interception. One Union-class dropship was destroyed, along with a captured 'Mech, but the other two 'mechs and one living captive, were successfully carried away.
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