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Hourglass Alliance
« on: February 14, 2017, 04:37:26 PM »

2795   Barbara Liao dies, Sandol-Quinn becomes regent

2797   John Davion and his son Joshua asassinated, Paul Davion becomes First Prince

2801   Ilsa Liao is of age, Sandol steps down as regent but remains her advisor

2802   Ilsa offers Paul Davion a conference. Offers a guarded truce to Paul Davion, who is in the early stages of a major counter-offensive against the Combine. Points out that no state can win the war, only survive, and the best chance of this is not to to shoot at each other.

2804   Michael Davion born

2805   Laurelli Liao born

2807   Federated Suns counter-offensive concludes. Second conference between Paul Davion and Ilsa Liao.

2815   Ion Liao born

2818   First meeting of Laurelli Liao and Michael Davion, accompanying their parents to the third conference between Chancellor and First Prince

2819   Death of Jerome Blake, Conrad Toyama becomes Primus

2820   Marriage of Laurelli Liao and Michael Davion. Toyama tries and fails to prevent the marriage.

2821   End of First Succession War

2822   Salicia Liao-Davion born.

2823   Archon Richard Steiner pushes to remove ComStar's tax exempt status in the Lyran Commonwealth, incurring an Interdiction of Tharkad.

2824   End of the Interdiction of Tharkad.

2825   Carl Liao-Davion born

2826   Vindicator battlemech design enters production.

2828   Ilsa Liao personally retakes Andurien

2829   Otto Liao-Davion born

2830   Start of Second Succession War.

2832   Guided by intelligence from ComStar, the FWL launches a successful offensive into the Sarna Commonality. Ilsa Liao dies in action against House Marik, Laurelli Liao-Davion takes office as Chancellor.

2833   Melissa Liao-Davion born

2835   Damien Hasek appointed Duke of Tancredi IV, taking command of military efforts against the Galedon District of the Draconis Combine. Although intended to mitigate Sandoval influence, this creates a potentially dangerous split in authority within the Draconis March.

2837   Suspecting ComStar is playing both sides as even with the intel advantage there have been several defeats, Charles Marik leaks information about a lost SLDF warehouse on Cursa. Within weeks CCAF regiments strike at the world. Believing ComStar was responsible for the leak, the Captain-General destroys the Oriente HPG station and the Free Worlds League is placed under interdict. Death of Conrad Toyama.

2838   ComStar lifts the interdiction of the Free Worlds League, which has lost all its gains against the Capellan Confederation since 2830. Primus Karpov orders Operation Holy Shroud, targeting scientists across the Inner Sphere. Efforts are made to mark Capellan deaths as MIIO operatives and Suns deaths as assassinations by the Maskirova, although this proves unconvincing.

2840   Yoguchi Kurita's efforts to tie up the AFFS with operations around Robinson fail utterly and the Sandovals spearhead efforts to retake worlds around Kentares, while Damien Hasek leads an offensive near the periphery.

2842   Paul Davion dies, Michael Davion becomes First Prince. His core policy is essentially defensive, with a focus on rebuilding infrastructure lost over the last six decades.

2847   Federated-Boeing restore their Delavan yards after damage from the First Succession Yards. Unable to continue building Star League standard jump cores they revise their Invader and Star Lord production to use more germanium intensive and expensive compact cores.

2849   Yoguchi Kurita caught behind enemy lines on Tishomingo and organises resistance to the AFFS invaders. Despite efforts to rescue him, Yoguchi is surrounded and commits suicide rather than be captured.

2850   Although the Lyran Commonwealth appears weaker, the death of his father compels Miyogi Kurita to launch a strong and concerned attack against the Federated Suns

2864   Robinson falls to a major DCMS attack, further weakening House Sandoval's influence in favour of House Hasek's. House Kurita's last warships are sent into the fray.
2865   A major aerospace operation over Robinson, supporting a false invasion force, draws out the DCA warships and they're destroyed with nuclear warheads.

2860   Laurelli Liao dies, Salicia Liao-Davion becomes Chancellor. While concerned about infrastructure, she wishes to regain worlds lost to the Confederation in the Succession Wars.

2863   Exhausted by the offensives into the Suns and heavy fighting to retain their gains, the DCMS requests a slowing of operations. Miyogi Kurita approves this, a large step towards the end of the Second Succession War.

2864   End of Second Succession War

2866   Start of Third Succession War

2867   The DCMS focuses its attention against House Steiner, suspecting Archon Steiner is aware of their shameful internal conflicts between the ISF and PRE. With Michael Davion uninterested in aggression this spares the Federated Suns the initial fighting.

2873   Michael Davion dies, Salicia Liao-Davion becomes First Prince, union of FS and CC formally completed. Peter Davion dies the same year as his nephew. Carl Liao-Davion becomes Prime Marshal of the allied military.

2874   Placing Otto Liao-Davion in control of the Draconis front, Salicia and Carl lead a major offensive against the Free Worlds League, seeking to regain the Andurien worlds while regiments from the Duchies of Andurien and Orloff are fighting in Skye. A number of worlds are regained, discrediting Captain-Geeral Marie Marik in the eyes of the Humphreys.

2884   Anticipating an internal power-struggle between Elizabeth Marik and Lloyd Marik-Stanley, Salica and Carl lead an attack on Oriente. Instead House Marik pulls together and Carl is seriously wounded defending Salicia.

2885   With coordination crippled by Taragi Kurita, the DCMS is open to attack which Otto quickly takes advantage of, scoring several military victories. Taragi suggests the need for a single leader to face the AFFS but is infuriated when Jon Kurita is appointed rather than himself.

2886   Salicia dies, her children having predeceased her in the fighting. The childless Carl Liao-Davion abdicates his claim in favour of Otto, who becomes the second Prince-Chancellor of the Capellan Suns. With his sister's war goals largely met, Otto takes a defensive stance which proves well-timed in the  face of FWLM offensives.

2891   As Jon Kurita's second in command, Taragi deliberately leaves Robinson's defenses short of supplies. Under the command of Melissa Liao-Davion, the planet is quickly reclaimed and she is granted the rule of New Syrtis (although not control of the Capellan March) as a reward.

2892   Miyogi Kurita is assassinated and Taragi Kurita quickly eliminates Jon Kurita, making himself Coordinator.

2894   Otto Liao dies, handing power to his son Merlin. As Prince-Chancellor, Merlin focuses on addressing the remaining conflicts between Liao and Davion adherents, rationalising his government and husbanding the strength of the Capellan Suns, reasoning that in the extended fighting victory would go to the state with the greatest ability to endure.

2895   Under heavy pressure from the DCMS, the LCAF has been pushed back to the point of having to defend Skye itself, narrowly succeeding. Archon Elizabeth Steiner dies and her son Erich succeeds before the battle is decided.

2900   Merlin formally combines the Commonality system (of civil leadership) with the March system (for military leadership).

2903   Merlin successfully negotiates an agreement with Elizabeth Marik to refrain from targeting jumpships in battle.

2907   Shortly after taking office, Coordinator Shinjiro Kurita approves an agreement with Merlin Liao-Davion not to target jumpships. ComStar actively mediates similar agreemnts between the Combine, the Commonwealth and the League.

2908   Erich Steiner launches a serious of military reforms as well as extending military service.

2913   Archon Erich Steiner's rebuilding of the LCAF allows him to begin a steady series of operations to reclaim worlds of the Federation of Skye - primarily from the Draconis Combine.

2920   Death of Merlin Liao-Davion. His son Joseph Liao-Davion is focused on battlefield leadership, taking the field repeatedly against the DCMS and leaving government leadership to his Ministers.

2923   Prince-Chancellor Joseph appoints himself Marshal of the Draconis March in efforts to halt conflict between House Sandoval and House Hasek. It only draws House Liao-Davion into the quarrels. Meanwhile, Joseph's cousin Dainmar (grandson of Melissa), the Duke of New Syrtis, becomes increasingly influential on New Avalon and Sian.

2930   Joseph Liao-Davion seriously wounded in battle, abdicates in favour of his son Andrew - then serving on the Marik front. Andrew is shot by a sniper on his way to New Avalon and the crippled Joseph is quietly confined by Dainmar, who assumes power as Prince-Chancellor.

2933   Joseph Liao-Davion dies of his injuries.

2935   Dainmar approves the formalisation of the Mechwarrior brotherhoods as Warrior Houses, basing them along the borders of the Capellan Suns.

2944   Death of Samuel Marik ends a period of strong Marik leadership with three Captain-Generals dying between 2947 and 2949, leaving the arrogant Thaddeus II Marik as Captain General. Many provinces use the Home Defense Act to deprive Thaddeus of military forces.

2945   Dainmar authorises offensives against the Free Worlds League only to run headfirst into aggressive aerospace operations that nearly lead to disaster. Significant resources are shifted into the AFFS' aerospace operations, annoying mechwarriors.

2951   The 'Warrior's Cabal' spreads within the AFFS, seeking to restore their threatened mechwarrior dominance.

2954   Vandenberg Mechanized Industries develop the Medium Range Missile as a substitute for LRMs and SRMs, for which they can no longer build the guidance heads. Limited LRM and SRM production continues using imported components.

2955   Dainmar appoints his younger daughter Rebecca Liao-Davion commander of the Brigade of Guards. She systematically purges the brigade of Cabal supporters and as a veteran of the Ceti Hussars integrates combined arms into the RCTs.

2957   Tarlak Liao-Davion, Dainmar's heir, formally joins Warrior House Imarra, stationed on Liao.

2961   Tarlak becomes Master of House Imarra and champion of the Warrior's Cabal.

2963   Death of Thaddeus Marik raises Stephan Marik to Captain-General but does little to ease relations between the Captain-General and Parliament.

2965   Hohiro Kurita launches an offensive towards Tikonov, intending to cut off a major AFCS supply world and weaken the pressure on Dieron District. In response, Dainmar orders several warrior houses and the Brigade of Guards to reinforce Tikonov.

2966   Despite heavy fighting on Tikonov between Warrior Houses and elite DCMS regiments, Rebecca Liao-Davion strikes at the DCMS supply base on Towne and then invades Al Na'ir, forcing Hohiro Kurita to pull back to defend the factories there. Both siblings claim victory but the Warrior Houses have taken serious losses while the Brigade of Guards are in much stronger shape.

2968   Anticipating a power struggle between the siblings, Hohiro Kurita orders the assassination of Dainmar Liao-Davion as well as secondary efforts by the ISF to drive a wedge between Tarlak and Rebecca.

2970   Seeking to break the long-standing stalemate along the border with the Commonwealth, Stephan Marik orders a coordinated assault on Solaris, seizing the world before LCAF - then focused upon the Combine front - can rally reserves.

2971   After several years of working his way into the court, an ISF operative within Warrior House Barlow guns down the Prince-Chancellor before turning his gun on himself. Tarlak Liao-Davion assumes power and orders the dissolution of Warrior House Barlow before cashiering his sister for failing to protect their father.

2972   Unidentified battlemechs destroy the Liao-Davion palace on New Syrtis where Rebecca had withdrawn. Her son, Maximilian Liao-Davion considers this a plot by his uncle and feigns his own death. Instead he crosses the Capellan Suns incognito, networking with the mercentile nobility and his mother's suppporters in the AFCS.

2974   Tarlak Liao-Davion visits Tancredi IV to begin an inspection of the Draconis front. With aid from House Hasek, Maximilian has him detained and after a private conversation surprises Duke Hasek by drawing a sidearm and executing the Prince-Chancellor. With no choice but to support Maximilian, the Haseks proclaim him the new ruler of the Capellan Suns.

2975   Warrior Houses lead an ill-coordinated insurrection against Maximilian, who relies on the Brigade of Guards to systematically break the back of resistance in each region, sometimes pausing to repel raids from the DCMs or FWLM. While not a significant military leader himself, Maximilian proves an able politiican.

2978   After three years of fighting, Maximilian Liao-Davion is left in control of a weakened Capellan Suns. He weds his cousin Matilda Davion (one of the Argyle Davions), who served as his main military commander and banishes the surviving Warrior Houses to garrison worlds along the periphery borders, much reducing their strength. Maximilian's core policy is to hold the existing borders militarily while rebuilding from the civil war and expanding the reach of MIIO.

2979   Matilda Liao-Davion is appointed Prime Marshal of the AFCS and granted carte blanche to reform the service. The modern RCT begins to take shape.
2982   Birth of Yvonne Liao-Davion

2984   Last factory in Free World's League capable of building PPCs is destroyed by a Lyran objective raid.

2987   Archon Alexander Steiner revises Lyran military strategy, largely unchanged since the time of Erich Steiner, switching to a dramatic series of deep raids into both neighbouring realms and even into the Capellan Suns.

2989   Janos Marik becomes Captain-General of the Free Worlds League following the assassination of his father by an officer of the Orloff Grenadiers.

2997   Tenth Battle of Hesperus II won by Katrina Steiner.

2998   With Katrina Steiner's regiment reassigned to fighting on Kalidasa, only the Eridani Light Horse and Friedrich Steiner's 7th Regulars manage to hold Hesperus II against a new FWL attack.

2999   Death of Matilda Liao-Davion.

3000   DCMS return to Hesperus II for the Twelth Battle. Defeat looks certain until Katrina Steiner and Friedrich Steiner combine forces. Despite this the Eridani Light Horse seek new employment with the FWL. In response Alexander Steiner moves regiments from the interior to reinforce the League border, a policy he calls 'concentrated weakness'. Hohiro Kurita promotes his elder son Takashi from command of the Second Sword of Light's heavy assault battalion to command of the Otomo, the Coordinator's bodyguard regiment.

3003   FWLM launches repeated attacks on Lyran Commonwealth, exploiting the Archon's 'Concentrated Weakness' strategy. Anton Marik is appointed supreme commander of Free Worlds League operations on the Capellan front.

3004   Coordinator Hohiro Kurita is assassinated by a member of the Otomo. Although the assassin is associated with the Tyr resistance movement, rumours suggest he was actually sent by another member of the House Kurita. Takashi Kurita has those he suspects of spreading these rumours arrested and executed for undermining the state.

3005   Wolf Dragoons arrive in Inner Sphere and take service with the Capellan Suns. Takashi Kurita reforms the DCMS' system of front commanders, placing more responsibility on District Warlords.

3006   Friedrich Steiner and Katrina Steiner jointly speak before the Estates-General, calling for a vote of no confidence. Within weeks of the vote, Alexander Steiner abdicates in favour of Friedrich.

3007   After seeing the effectiveness of the Wolf Dragoons, Maximilian Liao-Davion orders several training exercises pitting them against AFCS forces to learn as much as he can from their doctrine and equipment. The Wolf Dragoons sign an exclusive deal with Blackwell Industries, investing in their factories in return for purchasing rights on all their production.

3008   Faced with a vote of no confidence from the Estates-General, Alessandro Steiner resigns as Archon, appointing Frederick Steiner as his heir. As his first act, the pugnacious new Archon appoints his cousin Katrina as General of Armies.

3010   After several years service against the FWL, the Wolf Dragoons quit service with the Suns and take a contract from House Marik, on condition they're deployed against House Steiner. With the new Lyran leadership proving bruisingly effective, Janos Marik approves the deal. No sooner have the Dragoons left than the MIIO begins work extracting technical data from Blackwell Industries.

3011   Maximilian Liao-Davion issues his Peace Proposal, recommending collective negotiations to end the Succession Wars and formally end all efforts to claim the throne of the Star League. Janos Marik, having recently lost his second wife, allows his brother Anton free reign to exploit this sign of weakness while Takashi Kurita orders his warlords to do likewise. Fighting breaks out all along the borders of the Capellan Suns.

3012   Fully reformed AFCS forces, well supplied after relative peace in recent years, honed in exercises against the Wolf Dragoons and alert to the DCMS and FWLM movements, converge on the invaded worlds to contain and smash the regiments involved. Quintus Liao-Davion is killed in the fighting on the Marik front, as are two of Janos Marik's elder sons. With limited supplies after years of fighting the Lyrans (who are refraining from attacking save for some probes the Dragoons can hold back), Anton is forced to retreat by the end of the year.

3013   A task force led by Yvonne Liao-Davion wins a critical victory on Halstead Station, destroying the DCMS' supply base for their offensive. Damage in the fighting uncovers the ruins of a Star League university and Yvonne is able to load her dropships with an enormous haul of books and data cubes. Maximilian founds the New Avalon Scientific Academy to make use of the collection. With AFCS reserves shifting to the Draconis March and DCMS losses mounting, Takashi orders the seppuku of the Warlords of Dieron and Galedon, allowing the invasion forces to withdraw with their own honour intact. Third Succession War deemed by ComStar to have ended in October when a three-way ceasefire is agreed by Janos Marik, Takashi Kurita and Maximilian Liao-Davion. Friedrich Steiner ratifies similar agreements with his neighbours a month later.

3014   Wolf Dragoons leave Marik service for House Steiner, this time with the condition they be assigned to fight against House Kurita. Maximilian Liao-Davion meets with Frederick Steiner on Mars. The wily Prince-Chancellor asks the Archon simply: "Now you have seen my strength against our common enemies, are you with me or against me?" ComStar begins cultivating the Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus and Outworlds Alliance in an effort to outflank the Capellan Suns.

3015   On New Earth, Archon Frederick Steiner weds Yvonne Liao-Davion, heiress to the Capellan Suns. On Terra, Takashi Kurita and Janos Marik sign the Kapteyn Pact
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 02:24:07 AM by drakensis »


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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2017, 11:34:54 PM »


Red Pins

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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2017, 11:37:48 PM »

Tagged.  Is this going somewhere?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2017, 03:30:29 PM »

Just a minor point.
You should perhaps detail a little more why in 2837, the FWL suspects a security leak as in your timeline, they seem quite successful.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2017, 04:08:08 PM »

That's actually entirely canonical but I'll look at clarifying.

Essentially, Charles Marik figured that with the intel he was getting he shouldn't be getting the occasional reverse that he was still taking.

Red Pins: Well, initially it was a timeline for the sake of seeing where such a timeline could go. But I do have an idea or two for a story in this universe, featuring some familiar faces in situations that canonically they wouldn't experience.

The story ideas (and the timeline) will need further refinement.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2017, 04:12:29 PM »

That's actually entirely canonical but I'll look at clarifying.

Essentially, Charles Marik figured that with the intel he was getting he shouldn't be getting the occasional reverse that he was still taking.

I remembered it when I read your timeline but it is not obvious from your writing.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2017, 02:38:45 AM »

Updated the timeline with corrections and additions.

Here are some supplementary notes:

Armed Forces of the Capellan Suns

The basic unit is a Regimental Combat Team built around a single 'Mech Regiment and multiple supporting regiments of infantry, armour and specialist battalions. These are then grouped into three (or four) combined arms Brigades of ten battalions, which may in turn be divided into Demi-Brigades of five battalions. This allows commanders to tailor their forces to the specific mission they face.

The most common BattleMechs in the AFCS are: Locust, Stinger, Wasp, Valkyrie, Hermes II, Phoenix Hawk, Vindicator, Centurion, Enforcer, Dervish, Griffin, Wolverine, Rifleman, JagerMech, Marauder, Victor, Longbow, Stalker, Atlas

The most common Aerospace Fighters in the AFCS are: Sabre, Thrush, Sparrowhawk, Corsair, Lightning, Transit, Eagle, Transgressor, Stuka, Thunderbird

The most common vehicles in the AFCS are: Scorpion, Harasser Pegasus, Striker, Hetzer, Goblin, Maxim, Bulldog, Manticore, Demolisher, Partisan, Schrek, Ontos, Behemoth

The AFCS force balance favours medium BattleMechs and heavy or assault tanks (Brutus is newest addition, not common yet). They have a well balanced aerospace force with several options for interceptors, ground attack and air superiority. New light and heavy 'Mech designs are under development to better balance the 'Mech regiments in weight (Raven and Cataphract, basically).

The lowest tier of the AFCS are the Home Guards: regiments of infantry which almost never leave their planet of origin. In border regions the Home Guards may include contingents of combat vehicles and aerospace fighters. Mechwarriors resident on a planet are subject to summary conscription into the Home Guard in a crisis, which usually turns up a handful of retirees at best.

The entire Capellan Suns is divided into dozens of Polymorphous Defense Zones. Each of these regions has a permanently assigned Regimental Combat Team of regular troops, typically a mix of inexperienced soldiers with veteran NCOs and officers. Originally a Federated Suns arrangement called the March Militia and usually understrength, these RCTs were redesignated Confederation Reserve Cavalry by Prince Chancellor Merlin Liao and are now kept as close to full strength as possible. Several military academies also maintain one or more Regimental Combat Teams for newly graduated officers, which have a higher proportion of experienced enlisted personnel. Academy Cadres tend to reinforce the CRC regiment of their home or neighbouring PDZ unless reinforces are seriously needed on the frontlines.

Regular Army Independent Brigades are combined arms brigades, usually built around a single 'Mech or armoured regiment, an infantry regiment and several supporting battalions. The Ariana Fusiliers and Chesterton Voltigeurs formations provide a number of rapid response brigades to the AFCS. A similar organisation is usually built up around noble regiments 'on loan' to the AFCS and mercenary units under hire.

Regular Army Divisions, of which there are several formations, make up the main force of the AFCS, along with independent brigades of conventional troops and mercenary regiments. By policy the AFCS prefers to rotate deployments of the regular army every five to ten years, reducing the impact of regional loyalties. Usually about forty percent of of the regular army is stationed facing the Free Worlds League and forty percent of it is facing the Draconis Combine, with the remainder in reserve, defending strategic worlds or based along the Periphery. Formations include the Avalon Hussars, Ceti Hussars, Northwind Highlanders, Deneb Light Cavalry, St Ives Armored Cavalry and Crucis Lancers.

The most elite units of the AFCS are the Davion Guards and the Capellan Hussars. All eleven RCTs are maintained at four brigades, with the additional demi-brigades stationed to defend worlds of political and military significance. By tradition the Red Lancers guard the Prince-Chancellor within the traditional boundaries of the Capellan Confederation while the First Davion Guards carry out the same role in the Draconis March. In the safer interior, the Prince-Chancellor designates a regiment of their choice for the duty, typically the same regiment they served with, and this regiment may accompany them alongside the First Guards or Red Lancers in a secondary role.

The AFCS employs a large number of mercenary units, as with any of the successor states. Since the Second Succession War they've preferred hiring units of no more than regimental size, due to concerns that overly powerful mercenary armies could destablise them internally. The excellent service of the Wolf Dragoons, one of the few recent exceptions, had changed this perception and the AFCS recently hired McCarron's Armored Cavalry.


The Prince-Chancellor wields executive power slightly restrained by the Prefectorate. In order to succeed to the throne, the heir must have five years of military service and be a member of the Prefectorate (although Maximilian Liao-Davion worked around this, by being nominated to the Prefectorate simultaneously with claiming the throne).

The High Council has absorbed the Capellan House of Scions but has little authority beyond approving appointments to the Prefectorate, which is made up of the Ministers of the major departments and commonalities. Traditionally the Ministers of the Sian, Syrtian March and the Crucis Commonalitiesare members of House Liao-Davion or their nearer relatives from House Liao or House Davion (the descendants of Ion Liao and Peter Davion are the predominant branches), while the heir is usually brought into the Prefectorate as Minster of Administration or of the Army and Navy depending on their particular focus.

House Sandoval and House Hasek each dominate one Commonality in the Draconis March - Robinson and Tancredi. House Hargreaves traditionally hold the title of Minister of the Chesterton Commonality (split from the Syrtian Commonality when the Capellan March was divided). The Prime Marshal often holds a seat on the Prefectorate, but the Marshals of the four Marches (Draconis, Outworlds, Crucis and Free Worlds) rarely do.

Due to its central location, New Avalon is the seat of the bureaucracy. The Royal Court, under the Prince-Chancellors, is more mobile and is usually relocated from world to world depending on the politics of the day. Prince-Chancellor Maximilian Liao-Davion usually divides his year more or less evenly between St Ives and New Avalon. (Sian, while still an important world, is considered too near to the Free Worlds League for day to day business).

The emblem of the Capellan Suns is a crossed dao and arming sword before a sunburst.

The year is 3015 CE. The Third Succession War is over.

Four years ago, Prince-Chancellor Maximilian Liao-Davion issued his famous peace proposal, which could be summarised as 'let's stop squabbling like children' with a subtext of 'come and have a go if you think you're hard enough'.

To be fair to the DCMS and the FWLM they really tried and for a while it looked as if they might have had a chance. After two years of fighting, however, they accomplished the square root of nothing. Actually, from their point of view it was worse than that. If Yvonne Liao-Davion hadn't raided the DCMS supply base on Halstead Station she probably wouldn't have uncovered the lost university or taken its library back to New Avalon.

Archon Freiderich Steiner couldn't have signed up to the offered alliance fast enough. (Unless General of Armies Katrina Steiner had hold of his ear, which may have been the case). And now wedding invitations are being issued: the heir to the Capellan Suns to wed the ruler of the Lyran Commonwealth.

And the only question left is: 'What now?'
« Last Edit: February 19, 2017, 12:38:30 PM by drakensis »

Ice Hellion

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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2017, 03:18:20 PM »

How are the other Successor States armies? With such a powerful tool, I wonder why the Capellan Suns didn't invade "everything".

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Dragon Cat

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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2017, 05:26:46 PM »

Cool set up interested to see more

Maybe a map?
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2017, 01:43:30 AM »

The AFCS is the largest military in the Inner Sphere by a good margin but they also have to defend the largest territory, both by volume and number of worlds. Also their military and commercial jumpship fleets aren't proportionate to their size, which limits both their ability to move troops rapidly and their economy. Still, the potential is there to be very dangerous if they overcame those obstacles.

The DCMS is the second largest military and operates fairly similar to canon with District Regulars doing most of the work and a mobile reserve of regiments such as the Proserpina Hussars and the Sword of Light. Under Hohiro Kurita, they were in a position where neither of their neighbours was particularly inclined to launch invasions so they could take the initiative and since the LCAF was hamstrung by Alexander Steiner's leadership, the bulk of resources went into hitting Commonwealth worlds. Takashi was taking a more balanced approach even before the Peace Proposal and raids into the Suns were probing for weaknesses. Unfortunately for the warlords involved, those they found were what MIIO chose to show them and the DCMS' mobile reserve, as well as the Dieron and Galedon Regulars, has lost entire regiments (the Warlord of Benjamin cut his losses before they got out of hand, which let him keep his head).

The LCAF is the next largest military and through the 30th century it was on the build and aggressively fighting back against the Draconis Combine. Late in the century the offensives tapered off as costs rose and a number of regiments that were understrength were maintaining full officer corps or even over-reporting supply needs as the LCAF slumped into a period of social generals and corruption. Alexander Steiner wasn't solely responsible for this or the military defeats but he didn't help and Friedrich Steiner and Katrina Steiner haven't managed to repair all the damage done yet. Skye is agitating for a home defense act to let them keep Skye regiments 'at home' since all their worlds are under threat from two directions.

The FWLM is narrowly smaller than the LCAF but the Federal regiments are held to a higher standard and permanent brigades have been set up, pairing 'Mech regiments with an infantry and an armor regiment. They make up for their low numbers by investing a lot of money in mercenaries, particularly multi-regiment units - some of which have become quasi-provincial regiments. Oriente's exposed position has kept a lot of their sizeable provincial forces tied down facing the Capellan Suns and the Duke of Oriente supported Anton Marik's offensive into the Capellan Suns, which cost them dearly. Janos Marik's reluctance to pull additional regiments from the Lyran border (as opposed to giving his brother the strategic reserve of regiments) cut short the offensive but also preserved forces. It didn't make him friends in Oriente.

Here's a rough map:

The yellow lines mark the boundaries between the inner and outer reaches, a more or less economic divide where the inner reaches have sufficient density of colonies that they can maintain a flexible interstellar economy whereas worlds in the outer reaches may have some exports and imports but can't count on enough commercial jumpship traffic to be anything but self-sufficient. (It's a rough distinction - obviously national capitals see a lot of traffic and there are prosperous worlds in the outer reaches, but there's a visible economic divide). Part of the pusher is that a lot of jumpship manufacture has slipped back to shorter jump-distances since more primitive jump cores are easier to build - if not cheaper.


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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2017, 10:12:07 AM »

Nice that is a lot of territory the Capellan Suns has

And here was me thinking that the yellow lines were the Clans claimed space...
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Hourglass Alliance
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2017, 03:08:20 AM »

The Clans claim all of the inner sphere and the periphery. That doesn't mean they actually have any presence there.

(The Wolf Dragoons are around though).
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