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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2011, 05:12:17 PM »

September 29th, 3017
Fort Blaine, Defiance
Kettering Proving Ground

“No, No, No, No, and for the last time, No Captain.”  Major Jasper Hathaway's voice was beginning to lose its patience.  “Watch the replay again.”
The lights were dimmed, the holotank came back to life.  The planet rotated, and zoomed into the Profitt Valley.  A column of mechs on route march advanced.  There were flankers out on either side, but there was a certain, sloppiness to unit.  A couple of enemy tanks appeared over the ridge line, and fired some LRM's, an ineffective spread but one that caught the column by surprise.
“Contact Left!  Two Saracen's at 400 meters!”
A series of confused commands came down, and the column slowly reoriented itself and began to move after the hovertanks.  A few more hovertanks popped out and fired, what appeared to be two lances of Saracens executed a perfect fighting withdrawal further into the valley.  A few minutes later, as one mech moved up the hillside, the ground erupted in a column of flame and smoke, followed closely by others.  A simulated minefield and artillery strike rained down, the computers incapacitating damaged and destroyed mechs by locking their systems down. All the mechs in the column were damaged to some degree, some destroyed outright.  The comms came to life again briefly, until the computers and referees shut down their comm systems.  A lance of heavy Mechs, painted in Capellan colors, came over the hill and made short work of the remaining damaged mechs.  A couple of Davion mechs were able to disengage, but in less than 10 minutes the majority of a company was damaged or destroyed.
“Captain, did you ever consider that the tanks were a lure, a decoy?” asked a referee, hidden by the dark?
“Yes Sir,” Captain Angus Macaffee.
“How Captain?” asked another referee.
The silence was heavy.
“Lets face facts,” said Major Hathaway.  “If you thought this was a decoy, why not have your recon element investigate?”
“Sir, I -”
“You didn't think to have them investigate.” interrupted the Major.  “You heard the shots, and directed everybody towards the sound of the guns, full speed, against a unit that was smaller and more maneuverable than you.  You became so locked on those tanks you ignored the tactical reality of the situation, right?”
The silence lasted for a few seconds.
“Right?” This time Major Hathaway was on the verge of yelling.
“Yes Sir.”  If Captain Macaffee could have sounded more dejected, he would have.
“Excellent Captain.  Accpetence is the first step on the road to improvement.” There were a few chuckles.
“Whose the Leftenant who managed to retreat?” It was a question Hathaway already knew the answer to, but he wanted to see if Macaffee would volunteer it.
“Leftenant Rodgers sir.” 
“Leftenant Rodgers, what would you have done differently?”
“Reconned the area a little more aggressively sir.  We were to lax in our march, and we failed to utilize our supporting elements to their fullest extent.”
“That's true.  Win the recon battle and you have the advantage.  Go in blind and you just might find yourself on the wrong end of the stick, right Captain Macaffee?”
“Yessir,” came the still dejected voice.
“Lights,” called out Major Hathaway, shutting the holotank down. 
The Mechwarriors of Delta Company, 2nd Battlion, 33rd Avalon Hussars were a dirty, grimy lot.  They had come out of the valley, back to the makeshift mech bays and directly into the review room, with barely enough time for a drink and a quick bite.  The referee's had found out early on the quicker the review began, the quicker a resolution began.
“Look Captain,” said Hathaway, coming to the center of the floor. “We've all screwed up at one time or another.  The good thing is you and your company walked away from this with nothing more than a few bumps and bruises. It's a lesson you need to learn from.  If you don't learn from it one of two things is going to happen.  You'll be cashiered from the service, or you be killed while serving.  Remember that the next time you're out there, which will be in about six hours.  You're OpOrd will be sent then.”
Major Hathaway smiled, and it wasn't friendly.  “And the Warriors of House Jomamma look forward to beating you on the field of battle again.  Dismissed.”

* * * * * *

“I wasn't expecting to see you here, House Master,” Major Hathaway said with a smile.  He himself was dressed in a very good facsimile of a CCAF House Battalion leader.
“I wasn't expecting to be here, either.  How go the travails of House Jomomma?”  Colonel Zibler said with a grimace.  He didn't like the name, one of the first OpFor captains had come up with it.
“We have added many glorious victories to the House of Liao, captured many banners, and shamed many Davion Dogs.” was the smiling reply.  “On a lighter note, kicking butt and taking names.  How go things on Perdido?”
“The 1st Dragon Regiment of the Draconis Combines Misguided Soldiery do well, but that's not why I am here.  Listen Jasper, I've got some good news and bad news.” 
“Oh.  Well, hit me with the bad news first.”
“Words come down from On High.  After the next cycle, we stop training for 9 months, equipment upgrades, and we need time to integrate the new members.”
“New members sir?  That's ahead of schedule.”
“I know, which leads me to my good news,” replied Zibler, reaching into his pocket.  He handed over a pair of Leftenant Colonel epaulets to Hathaway, who stared at them in silence for a minute.
“When, Where?”
“After the next cycle.  Your being transferred to the 6th Ceti Hussars, they're being moved to Bromhead.    You're the new CO of Combat Command Beta.  In a way I envy you, I never served in the Ceti Hussars, its a great opportunity.”
“Yes Sir, Thank You, Sir.”  They started walking down the hallway again.
“I am sorry to lose you Jasper, you're a good referee, and a top commander.  I'm on my way to find Captains Shore and Jarvis, they're getting transferred out as well.”
“And Captain MacIntyre?”
“She gets your job, and well deserved at that.”
“Yes Sir, I do agree with that.  I know where she is, I think it might be more appropriate to tell her first.”

* * * * *

November 23rd, 3019
Location Unknown

“You look tired.”
“The death of a brother will do that to you.”
“It is more than just his death...”
“You have my sympathies, as alien as they are to me on this manner.  I wish I could say I know how you feel, but I have never lied to you in the past, and I am not going to start now.”
“In time.  In time.  At this point there needs to be a strong leader, and there are very few who have been with us since the beginning willing to step up.  I've asked, and the one person who came close to agreeing said they could never do it while I was still there, looking over their shoulder.  And she was right.” 
“I can understand that point of view.  I still get my elbow jogged from time to time, its enough that I want to declare a circle and get it over with, but that would be rash.”
They walk in silence for a minute. 
“I have a change of orders for you.”
“The Council is becoming...agitated.  It's becoming more and more difficult to reign in the Crusaders.  Three, maybe five generations, and they will be ready, and I cannot guarentee which way the vote will go.”
“I understand.  What do you wish us to do.”
“Unless circumstances warrant it, you are to stay behind.  Fulfill your original mission, serve each House, and when that is done, prepare.”
“The coming storm.  You and I both know what could happen when the crusaders get their way.  You and I know that's not the way it should be.  So we want you to prepare.”
“That...could be difficult.  There has been a complication.”
“What complication?”
“Something is not right with Blake's creation.  We heard a name on New Delos.  One I cannot place, but one that is troubling to me.”
“What name?”
“The Blessed Marillier.”

A few days later.

“I will do what I can to find out the source of the name for you.  But this is your new charge:  Serve the remaining Houses, then find a new home, and do what you can to prepare.  If I can warn you, I will.  Unless it is an emergency of the highest order, this is the last time you and I will probably see each other.  So long my friend.  Tell Natasha she is welcome back with open arms.”
“Your getting better at lying Kerlin.”


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2011, 06:56:16 PM »

“The Blessed Marillier.”

Nuke the bastards!
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Khan Jade Wolf

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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2011, 08:18:06 PM »

Its a WoB, beat it a pulp and burn the pulp the fire the ashes into the sun of the nearest system!


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2011, 08:29:17 PM »

I take it the Blake Documents are all true in this universe?
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2011, 10:02:29 AM »

Not all true.  But I have a cunning plan, all will be revealed! 

I hope.


I take it the Blake Documents are all true in this universe?


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2011, 10:33:24 AM »

I like cunning plans.
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2011, 04:24:19 AM »

I like cunning plans.

What a surprise.  :P

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2011, 10:29:23 PM »

The following conversation was recorded on June 10th, 3020 in the Office of the first Prince of the Federated Suns.  Present are the First Prince Hanse Davion, the Minister of Intelligence Investigations Quintus Allard, and Foreign Minister Olivia Fenton. Released to the public on June 10th, 3070.

June 10th, 3020
New Avalon

Hanse Davion:  Good morning Olivia, Quintus. 
Both replying:  Good Morning Hanse.
HD:  I take it you've both had the opportunity to go over the Archon's reply.
QA:  Backwards and forwards.  I must admit it has me a little worried, but that's entirely due to my own paranoia.
HD:  How so?
QA:  Well, lets be honest, her Peace Proposal was nothing more than a cease fire writ large, essentially maintaining the status quo.   
OF:  Which is what, in your opinion, Minister?
QA:  That things are slowing down.  The tempo of operations has slowed to such that large scale operations that were the hallmark of the First and Second Succession wars are no longer possible.  Wait, I shouldn't say impossible, but rather improbable.  Everyone is ground to a halt, or nearly so.  Sustaining offensive operations on a long term scale is no longer plausible or feasible.  Something is going to have to change.  She knows that.  We know that.  Any leader worth his or her salt knows that.  And to be honest, the economic proposals in her message are heavily weighted in her favor.  If sh were serious, why negotiate like that?
OF:  I think her proposal is a starting point.  She set the bar high, but not so high, I think there's room to negotiate.  But what if her proposals go beyond what she sent.  Reading between the lines of course.
HD:  How so?
OF:  I am reading her differently of course.  I think she truly meant what she sent out, as much as you truly meant your reply to her, and the next two communiques are nothing short of astonishing, at least to me.  There's a real opportunity here.
QA:  For what?  A dialogue?
OF: Yes.  Look, I don't want to have to point out the obvious here, but the fact of the matter is these last three months of communications are the first time in over a century two House leaders have talked to one another without threatening some sort of military action, and I think there is some real opportunity here.
HD:  For what?
OF:  More talking.  Whats the damage, short and long term, if we build on the small dialogue we have here?
QA:  True.  Talking doesn't hurt either of us in the long run, at worse we sound each other out.
HD:  And best case, in your opinion?
OF:  Formalized trade Trade and Tariff agreements?   Technology Transfers? The Lyran Market and Economy  could be as much a boon to us as ours could be to them, and they know it.  The fact that we share borders with a common enemy can't hurt our cause either, especially if we frame the discussion that way as well when the time matters.
QA:  I agree.  It will be years before we see a return on the investment in the Outremer, at last two decades before we break even on just out initial investment, Lyran currency  and equity would go a long way in redressing that balance.
HD:  I Agree. What's your read on your counterpart Olivia?
OF:  I think she's intrigued by the possibilities as well.   
HD:  OK.  Let's take a chance here.  Olivia, next message tell the Grafina that  your willing to conduct a face to face series of meetings, if you have to agree to do it on one of their coreward worlds, New Earth perhaps.    Set it up for  three, four months from now.  In the meantime I want a team to study the potential effects of a series of economic agreements, ranging from the limited to the unlimited, maybe if we can sell them on the idea of mutual economic treaty, we can get some more out of it as well.
OF:  Yes Sire. With your permission then?  <Minister Fenton leaves>

* * * * *

“Billions of C-Bills are being invested, on what?  Infrastructure, they say.  In order to build an economy in this  “Outremer”, they first have to prepare the planets  to be able to support an economy.    So I ask, why invest Billions in building infrastructure to prepare for an economy when there is already an economy languishing here in the Capellan March.  Has the Outremer suffered the depredations we have?  No.  Do they live under the threat of the Capellan Sword as we do?  No.  In fact, were it not for the sacrifices of the Capellan people, it could be that the Outremer would be worse of than it is now.  But your still going to tell me that those worlds need the help more than those of the Capellan March?”

From an editorial in the New Syrtis Times, widely reputed to have been written by Duke Hasek-Davion.

* * * * * *

“There is only one thing worse than a clever man trying to be devious, and that is a devious man trying to be clever.  Duke Hasek-Davion is either blind or ignorant, and I know he's a smart man.  Building up the Outremer means more of our industries and wealth away from the front lines, where they cannot be raided, stolen, or destroyed.  When Hasek has to fight the Capellans to take his planet back, then he can complain.”

From the Private Diary of James Sandoval                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2011, 10:30:17 PM »

November 24th, 3021
Fort Ian
Kettering Proving Grounds

He was sitting at his desk, eyes deep in paperwork, when he heard the door open. 
“Be with you in just a moment,” He muttered.  He read the latest report from Major Dupree, who commanded his 3rd Battalion.  They had just kicked 2nd Battalion, 2nd New Ivaarson Chasseurs in the teeth, hard.  Really hard judging by the accompanying comments the Battalion commander has attached in his own defense.  The door shut, and he assumed whoever had stuck their head in had left.  His aide probably saw the look on his face and was doing his best to cover for him.  He was very good at that. 
“Rough Day Colonel?” asked a voice.
He knew that voice.  Dreaded that voice.  He looked up from his notepad, and sitting in front of him was Yvonne Davion, Marshal, Princes Champion.
It didn't happen to Thomas Zibler often, but when he froze, he froze.  Hard.
“Don't get up Colonel.  It's not as if you knew I was coming.”
So this is how the axe fell.  With a grandmotherly smile and an offer of cookies...
”Uh, No Ma'am.  Thank you Ma'am, I was unawares of your travel plans.”
“Well, to be honest, this is a brief visit, I am on my way to Broken Wheel for a meeting and a tour of the PDZ.  I must say Colonel, that you have exceeded even my expectations.  Not a cycle goes by now when my deputy doesn't get a message from the last CO who came through complaining about something you said, or did.”
“Are those something I should be apologizing for Ma'am?'
“Good gracious! No!”  Great, he thought, even her laugh was matronly.  “That's one of the reasons he's there, so I don;t have to listen and or read them out right.  I should also tell you that I have another folder, albeit one not as thick, with messages from others who have participated saying it's on of the better things to happen to them.  And to be honest, we're seeing an uptick in requests to transfer to the unit.”
“I've seen those too Ma'am.”  It was a new phenomenon to him, actually having outsiders request in.  Since the Proving Ground RCT had been created he had vetted all the members, approved them all, and with only a couple of mistakes, had done very well.  That those previous members of his unit had gone on to do some very good things obviously had caught the attention of others.
“I will say though, a number of feathers have been ruffled in some of the After Action Review Sessions.  Mostly CO's and XO's who feel they are being to harshly judged in front of their troops.”
Zibler, couldn't help it.  He groaned and put his head on his desk, and would have banged it more than a few times had not the Right Hand of the First Prince been sitting there.  He sat back up.
“You know Ma'am, when we first started doing this, that was one of our primary concerns.  And the first couple of rotations, we had the Commander's sit in a different AARS, but we found out petty quickly it devolved into a “My CO told me to do this” and “My troops misunderstood/ignored/didn't hear me.”  It became a bitch session where every0ne was blamed, no one took responsibility, and nothings going to improve that way.  No, AARS where everyone is present is the only way to go.  If your ego gets bruised, it gets bruised.  But better bruised here then dead on the battlefield.”
If she was at all disturbed by his physical actions she didn't show it.  Yvonne nodded her head.
“I fully agree with that point of view Colonel.  And I and the Prince will continue to endorse that point of view.  If a commander cannot willingly admit his mistakes in front of them men and women he commands, then he shouldn't be allowed to send him into battle.”
“Well, to be honest Ma'am, that sounds a lot better coming from you than it does from me.”\
“How so?”
“Apparently I'm just a Colonel with an ego problem and no tact.”
Marshal Davion looked at him for a brief moment, then reached into her tunic.
“What if I could solve that?”
“I'm afraid you can't Ma'am, the tact thing will always be an issue.”
“I didn't mean that.”  She tossed something on his desk.
Zibler was obviously tired.  When he looked at them they were Marshal's tabs.  He was buried on the list.
“I didn't take you for the practical joker Ma'am.”
“It's not.  I had an interesting communique from Marshal Nicholas Stephenson, after his units rotation here.  He thought that you and your subordinates made a lot of good points, did a lot of good things, had a lot of things to teach his unit.  But then the RCT XO piped up and said that you were getting to much time and consideration, especially as, and I quote “A Colonel in command of an RCT that exists on paper only.”
Thomas picked the tabs up in one hand, holding them.  A Marshal.  He never thought he'd make it past Major, not after that incident.
“Ma'am, not to belabor the point, but isn't this just a dodge.  An end run around the critics?”
Yvonne Davion smiled, which was disarming.
“It is.  But the fact of the matter is Marshall Stephenson has a point.  So he raised the issue. And it was passed along.”
Zibler, despite his best effort, sighed, and picked the tabs up.
“Some people will still think it's a dodge.”
Smiling, Marshal Davion reached into her tunic again and pulled out a piece of heavy paper, and handed it to Zibler.  He opened it, read it once, then dropped it on the table.
“I'd frame it, put it behind you or keep it close, so the next time someone tries to discount this, they are put in their place.”  She glanced at her chrono.  “No rest for the wicked Marshal Zibler.  You have my congratulations, and my thanks.  However, I do have a request for you.”
“Yes Ma'am?”
“I understand that next years rotation has the 5th Syrtis Fusiliers coming?”
“Ah, yes Ma'am, that's true.”
“Make sure they leave with their tails tucked between their legs.”
“Yes Ma'am!”
The Princes Champion stood, and Zibler shot to his feet as well.  His half baked attempt at a salute was met with a laugh and a wave.  “Good Day Marshal Zibler.  Congratulations on your recent promotion, and good luck to you and yours this coming year.”  She shut the door behind her as she left.
Zibler, unsteady on his feet for a few moments, sat down, then picked up the paper again, and read:

June 15th, 3021

Be it known to all, on this 15th Day of the Month of June, in the year Three Thousand Twenty One, Thomas Andrew Zibler is hereby promoted to the rank of Marshal, date effective immediately, by my order, signed by my hand.

Hanse Davion.

The veriagraphed signature was just icing on the cake...


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2011, 10:32:56 PM »

Time Line 3021- 3025


March – Comstar and Janos Marik finalize an agreement that allows Marik's youngest son Thomas to become the heir of the Free Worlds League.

May – The LIST announces a breakthrough in cancer treatments.  The SINA announces a new treatment in the regeneration and regrowth of bone.

September – Wolf's Dragoons attacks Dromini VI.  Infighting among the Kuritan commanders allows the Dragoons to decimate the DCMS defenders.  During the campaign Minobu Tetsuhara encounters Jaime Wolfs damaged Archer and allows him to leave the field of battle unhindered.

November – After encountering difficulties from the commanders of units whose performance has been revealed as lacking at the Kettering Proving Grounds, Princes Champion Yvonne Davion promotes Thomas Zibler to Marshall and gives him overall command of the Kettering Proving Grounds Zone.


January – Smithson's Chinese Bandits raid Sian.

May – The Federated Commonwealth Accords are signed on Terra. Galtor III is captured from the Draconis Combine.

October – The Initial Proclamation of the Concord of Kapteyn is announced.

November – McCarron's Armored Cavalry begins its raid into the Federated Suns, hitting Kathil.  Maximilian Liao meets with Michael-Hasek Davion on Lee.

December – Wolf's Dragoons exercises its escape clause with the Lyran Commonwealth and enters into contract with the Draconis Combine


March – The 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry becomes the first unit to win a Kettering Proving Ground Campaign, with a record of 5-4-1. 

March – While out on a tour of the region, First Prince Hanse Davion and his escort of Heavy Guards encounter McCarron's Armored Cavalry during their raid on Beten Kaitos.  In a week long running battle, the AFFS forces whittle down the MAC forces, injuring McCarron on the last day of the battle.  The MAC retreat off planet, and although injured, McCarron is still able to coordinate his now infamous raid.

May – Taking advantage of the massive tax breaks being offered by the Exchequer, Several companies announce expansion plans in the Outremer.  Federated Boeing announces the construction of a new manufacturing center in Filtvelt.  General Motors of Kathil announces a new civilian motor vehicle factory will be built at Broken Wheel.  Already 30 other companies have set up divisions on Zolfo, where recent mineral and oil deposits have led to a booming system.  In addition, the AFFS and Department of Education begin constructing the Outremer Academy System.  With the primary campus, also doubling as a Military Academy on Filtvelt, and Satellite campuses on PDZ command worlds, the Outremer should see improvements in a very short while.

June – In a rapid campaign, AFFS forces retake Tancredi, ending a 10 year Combine occupation of the Planet.

August – Wolf's Dragoons raid David, and the next four months go on to raid Elidere and Cimmaron.

October – The MAC attack the Listowel Depot.


February – The Dragoons raid Breed, starting a trend of almost 1 raid every six weeks on a new Federated Suns Planet planet for the year.

March – The MAC attack Kathil again, surprising the local units. 

June – The first Lyran students start attending the NAIS. 

July – MAC hits Mira and Mesartim, then cross back into Capellan space in October. 

August - September– The Kettering Proving Ground RCT defeats the 10th Lyran Guard in a series of closed games on New Earth. 

October – While traveling back to the PGZ, the Kettering Proving Ground RCT stops briefly on New Avalon.  While there, Marshall Zibler is reassigned.  The Kettering Proving Grounds Zone is now commanded by Marshall Erik LeFarge, former CO of the 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry.

November – Elements of the 12th Star Guards arrive in in the Lyran Commonwealth, commencing a new contract.

December - Lyran troops defeat the Combine on Severn.


January – Two Regiments of Wolf's Dragoons hit Deshler, beginning a bloody four month campaign. 

February – Operation SWIFT LANCER commences, as AFFS units begin several raids on the Combine border.  Marlowes Rift, Delacruz, Capra, Thestria, and Al Na-ir are hit in rapid succession the rest of the year.  On Thestria, the 1st Chisholm Raiders, a recent “graduate” of the Kettering Proving Grounds, soundly defeats Epsilon Regiment of the Wolf's Dragoons.

April – Capellan Forces invade and conquer Redfield.

May – Acting on what was supposed to be false intel, the Combine invades Galtor III in search of a Star League cache, setting off one of the most brutal, contested campaigns of the early century.  By September, more than 20 different units on both sides will have rotated through combat on the planet  Serious infighting between the two Combine commanders prevent them from coordinating together.

July – Taking advantage of an AFFS High Command distracted by the Galtor Campaign, Capellan units jump to Stein's Folly, and in a swift campaign eject the Davion troops from the planet.

August-October  A curious time for the Federated Suns, after celebrating the victory over the Draconis Combine on Galtor and Deshler, the AFFS moves to blunt the Liao troops on Steins Folly, and do so in a swift campaign.  Soon after the battle, Hanse Davion begins to openly repudiate provisions of the Federated Commonwealth Accords, going so far as to remove several people from their posts and jail others.  It is eventually discovered that Hanse Davion has been kidnapped while on a working retreat on Argyle, and replaced by a body double. 

August – The LCAF 2nd Royal Guard beats the 3rd Ceti Hussars in the Second Alliance Games, held on New Earth.  It is later revealed the 2nd Royal has done noting but train the past 9 months in preparation for the Games.

November – By mutual exhaustion, the Third Succession War ends.

December – Takashi Kurita announces the formation of the Ryuken.



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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2011, 10:33:50 PM »

From an Intelligence briefing in September, 3022.

AFFS units are stretched to the limit.  With constant raids on the Draconis Border, and the aftereffects of the Tancredi Operation, and tensions on the Capellan border still at an all time high, something has to give, and soon.  And if this present raid by McCarron is a sign, we are in no position to do much. 
It's telling that Kurita is using Wolf's Dragoons for these raids, as they must use their own supplies, and then buy replacements from Kurita, Is this an attempt to try and force them into the company store approach?   With regards to current operations, something has to change soon.  Years of Low Intensity Conflict have taken their toll.  We all have reached a breaking point.  And the question before us is:  Who will break first?

June 3023

So what, they announced new investments.  I don't care what he spends, or how he spends it.  I know for a damned fact I ain't seeing any of the results in my lifetime.  Unless he's putting extra bodies in my fields so I can harvest the crops faster, I could care less who's coming here and why.

From the trivid series Interview in the Outremer

September 3023

Look, we're no slouches.  Next time you run across the 8th Sword of Light or the 3rd Prosperina Hussars, you ask them “Hey, are the 22nd Avalon Hussars walkovers?”  They'll give you the straight stuff.
Anyways, everybody's heard of Kettering.  We had a company Commander in the unit who was part of the unit there for a year, and the Colonel picked his brains but good.  And we practiced as well, blew through our training budget in almost 5 months.  Heck, we had guys in the sims on weekends and holidays practicing...May rolls around and we are ready.
So we get there, we pass and review, and we go to the first briefing.  And this room, it's like something out of the movies.  Holo display's and graphics everywhere, manipulative video feedback, sensor tie ins.  I thought that stuff only existed in the movies, it was that shit hot.  Anyways, we sit down, and across the room is the Kettering folks, and they looked, I don't know...bored. Marshal Zibler, he was on the ball though.  Spent three hours talking about what the next six weeks were going to entail, but it felt like 20, 30 minutes tops.  I loved the line about “After Action Review Sessions are not the place where you air out your grievances with your current command.  They are not the place to belittle and attack those you serve with.  What happens on the Training Ground is recorded and played back, without any edit.  So when you screw up, and you will, everyone will see it.  This is a learning opportunity ladies and gentleman.  Learn here, bleed less when its real.”
So that night were at one of the local watering holes, shooting the breeze.  The Kettering Guys are playing it pretty close to the vest, and I notice there's a sign above the bar, that says 23-1-4.  I ask one of the Kettering guys what that is, and he says that's the scoreboard.  Since 3016, they've averaged 4 cycles a year, fought 28 different units, and in that time they've gone 23-1-4, with the average score being 7-2-1 out of ten missions on the rotation.
So, I ask him.  “So, who was the 1?”  And he says “2nd Battalion, 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry.”  And I'm thinking, those guys are tip man, no wonder Kettering lost.  And the troop I'm talking to sees it in my face, and says “Final score was 5-4-1.  They had to win the last battle on the last day to pull out the win.  And they deserved it.”
I'm thinking to myself, man, that's gotta smart.  RUMINT said the Kettering troops were a bunch of insufferable prancing ponies because they never, ever lost.  They were good, they knew they were good, you knew they were good and they were still going to wipe the board with you.  So anyways, we're drinking and shooting the breeze, and I know I had to many cause I say “Man, I would have hated to be the unit that came in after the FSAC.  I know you guys must have been angry about losing for the first time, and just itching to take it out on whoever is next.  Guy smiled, and set his beer down. 
“You could say that,” he says.
“So, who was the next unit?” I ask, ordering another beer.
“Why Troop, that would be you guys.”  And the guy pats me on the shoulder and walks out.  And I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach like I'm going to throw up.
And they cleaned our clocks.  We went 2-8 against them, and one of those was a gift. 

From “Damn, I Volunteered for This?”, the memoirs of Mechwarrior Cody Jones, 3018-3048.

Look, I know a few  things after “fighting” the 10th Lyran on New Earth.  One is that we train more than any unit in the Inner Sphere, so it stands to reason we're going to be good.  Two.  I ran into a Colonel who had seven years in uniform.  Seven.  And he had two rows of medals, one of which he earned by jumping into a system and then out again because the local ASF patrol fired at the dropship he was on.  Third, if the 10th Lyran is a good Elsie unit, they're in trouble.  Given the proper jumpship and supply support I have no doubt I could make my way to Tharkad and beat any unit, or any three units, there with next to no trouble.  Four, When I told Duke Frederick that, I think he was ready to join me.  The Man's brave, but lord, he's a sledgehammer, and not every problem, strategic or tactical, is a nail waiting to be hammered.  That said, God help whomever they face should they get competent.

From a communique to Marshal Yvonne Davion, from Marshal Thomas Zibler.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2011, 10:34:26 PM »

New Avalon
November, 3025

“Who is he?”
“We have no idea.  He know from his bloodwork that he is from one of the Rasalhauge planets.”
“How so?”
“He has antibodies in his system to fight Harkung's Disease.  Which is only found on a couple of planets in the Rasalhauge district.  Plus there is his DNA itself.  It compares quite favorably to certain Scandinavian stock found in Rasalhauge.”
“What about his DNA.”
“We believe parts of it have been changed,  in particular those strands and segments that relate to eye color and hair color.”
“And his memory?”
“His original memory?  Wiped.  We don;t know how, other than it was aggressive.  His mind was basically emptied and filled with yours highness.  He believes he is Hanse Davion.”
“Well, he certainly came close enough.  Do we have an idea who did this?”
“Well, we don't have the technology, at least the DNA change technology.  That to me speaks of Kuritan influence, many of their recent medical breakthroughs are based on DNA, RNA and amino acid manipulation.  The mind wipe could be any of the houses really, but judging from the evidence proffered by the other conspirators, that was Liao's doing.”
“So we have a Kuritan citizen who was mindwiped by Liao into becoming me?”
“It would appear so, Highness.”
“And the leg?”
“They did that, medically speaking.  It appears they even broke his arm and reset it so it would reflect the injury you suffered when nine.”
“Monstrous, simply monstrous.  To think what he could have done had he succeeded.”
“To be honest Sire, he wouldn't have been able to accomplish much.”
“What do you mean.”
“He's dying sire.  Or at least his brain is.”
“WHAT!?  How?”
“The changes in his DNA have caused his body to reproduce T-Cells and attack elements within his body, in particular several areas of his brain, those that were wiped.  I would like to call it unintended consequences of what happened, but there is a certain, elegance...to whats happening to him that makes me think this was intentional.”
“So whats going to happen to him?”
“In effect sire he has the effects of rapid onset Alzheimers.  In three years, five tops, he will no longer be able to function beyond autonomic body control, but that's just guessing.  It is not something I would wish on my worst enemy.”
“What about your two worse enemies?”
“Excuse me Sire?”
“Nothing.  Do what you can.  Spare no expense.”
“As you order, Sire.”


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2011, 10:35:27 PM »

New Avalon
January 15th, 3025

The nice thing about being underground was the warm air.  The not so nice thing was you forgot what the sun looked and felt like, although judging from the reports of local weathermen no one had seen or felt the sun in a few days.  You also forgot to what time it was.  If it weren't for the attendants, and the meal schedule, a person could quickly lose track.
Of course, a few weeks of inactivity meant losing track of the days was the least of many things to worry about.  Losing his mind over inactivity was another.  On the surface he had a nicely appointed apartment he never spent any time in.  In the Den he had been given an office, a small staff, and nothing else.  Various memo's came across his desk, he read them, then usually threw them away.  The only ones he did save were regarding the Kettering.  LaFarge and the new officers had picked up where he had left off, drubbing the 8th Crucis Lancers.
The other memo's he had studied dealt with the recent raid by MacCarron's Armored Cavalry.  He had gone so far as to appropriate whatever information he could, and with a Marshall's Rank and security clearance so high it was almost stratospheric, that was quite a bit of information, and he was studying it intently.  It was bold, daring, took more than a few risks, but the planning and logistics behind it were what impressed him.  It was long thought that coordinating an RCT on a planet taxed a commanders resources, and here McCarron had done it across two years and several star systems.  He had detailed maps and after Action reports printed out, covering one wall, and when he wasn't standing in front of them studying them, he was at his desk, studying them from afar.
When the knock on the door occurred, he was standing in front of the wall again, jacket off, sleeves rolled up, eating a roast beef sandwich, admiring again the coordination McCarron pulled off with his jumpships.
“ENTER!” he half yelled,taking another bite.  He heard a soft curse from his much put upon aide, but paid it no mind.
“Are we interrupting something, Marshal Zibler?”
Dammit, he knew that voice.  He had to stop impressing her like this.
“No Sir,” he said turning away from the wall.  Marshall of the Armies and Princes Champion Yvonne Davion stood looking at him, arms crossed, a slight smile on her face.  That's when he realized she was not alone.
“Marshal Zibler, it's a pleasure to meet you,” Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, walked forward, cane in one hand, other hand outstretched.
Zibler momentarily went into brain lock. Do I say Hi?  Do I shake his hand?  Do I salute?  Deciding that when push came to shove, the military way was the only way, He assumed a position of attention and began to salute, then realized he was still holding the sandwich in that hand. 
“Sir!” he barked.  “Um, sorry, My Prince, if you'll forgive me...” he raised the hand with the sandwich in it almost apologetically, stepped over to his desk, put it down, grabbed a napkin and wiped furiously for a second, then turned back around.  Both the Prince and the Marshall were looking at him with something bordering on amusement.  Beyond them he could see his aide hanging his head, shaking it.
The Prince proffered his hand again, and the Marshal shook it. 
“Please, Sirs, sit,” he gestured to a pair of chairs in front of his desk.  “Would you care for any tea?  I do have a pot of water ready.”  Marshall Davion went and sat down, declining his offer.  The Prince went over and stood in front of the wall, looking over many of the charts he had.
“This,” Hanse Davion said with a sweep of his hand, “Is most impressive.”  Marshall Zibler couldn't help himself, he went and stood next to his Prince, and started talking.
“I agree sir.  A most impressive campaign run by a very capable commander.  Hard to believe that this level of coordination was pulled off in this day and age.”  Out of the corner of his eye he could see Marshall Davion wince.
“Actually, Marshall Zibler, I was referring to your display of information.  You have data from three different intelligence branches and six different working groups organized in a clear, cognizant manner that I suspect very few people would have trouble following.”   The Princes voice was very matter of fact, he waved his cane at a few printouts.
“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.  If anything it's a teaching moment for us sir, one that I think we can learn from.”
“And that, Marshall Zibler, is why I am here.  Lets go to my office.”
“Uh, yes sir.”  They left quickly enough that Zibler forgot his jacket.  The walk to the Princes office was quick, with next to no small talk.  Once inside behind the double doors, Prince Davion keyed a device that sat on his desk, then sat down quite heavily, favoring his leg.
“Weather playing hell with your leg sir?” Zibler asked.  Davion returned the question with an arched eyebrow.
“My Uncle had a similar injury, said he always knew when the weather was going to be bad because it would hurt like a mother—well, it would really hurt.  I never really believe him till I spent the summer with him once and he predicted every day it would rain.”
Hanse smiled apologetically.  “I'll manage Marshal, although I thank you for your inquiry.”  He sat back in the chair, thinking for a minute, just long enough for Zibler to start contemplating exactly what the hell minefield he had gotten himself into this time.
“Marshal Zibler, first of all I wanted to congratulate you on your performance and the Kettering Proving ground commander.  You did yeoman's work in getting that up and running, and your record speaks volumes to you and your troops capabilities and efforts.  I have been very pleased with the results.”
“Thank You Sir,” Zibler couldn't help it, he smiled.  Praise was one thing, but praise from Hanse Davion was something else entirely.  “and thank you for the promotion, it did cut a lot of the chaff at the end of the day.”
“You earned it Marshal, I was more than happy to sign that particular piece of paperwork.  Now, what exactly can you tell me your working on now?”
Zibler paused.  “Well, to be honest sir, nothing really.  At the moment I seem to be “without Portfolio” as it were.  I've done some Gauntlet work for SINA, but other than that, not a lot.  I'm presently attached to Strategy and Tactics, but I have no official duties as of yet.  I know Marshal Karrendal at SINA wants me to give a couple of lectures this semester, I am looking very forward to that.”  And he was.  Teaching was one thing he found he had a knack for.\
“Well, Marshal, I have another assignment for you.  He hit a button, and one wall slid away to reveal a flatscreen display.  A Map of the Federated Suns was prominent, and it zoomed in.  Hanse Davion stood up, and with a small arm movement beckoned Zibler over.
“Watch, and tell me what you think, Marshal.”
Zibler did.  Hanse hit a button on the display, and data began to flow.  RCT locations, jumpship timetables, then slowly, lines began to appear, units moving from the core and edge towards the interior.  Ten, Twenty, Fifty, soon some 75 Mech regiments had wound their way across the Federated Suns and to the Capellan and Kuritan border.
“Impressive Sir.  The basic work looks good, and the movements are well planned, but there are some underlying issues I think were missed.”
“Thank you Marshal, it's nice to know my planning skills haven't eroded over the years.”  The Princes smile was genuine.  In her chair Yvonne Davion almost choked on the tea she was drinking.  Inwardly Zibler felt his stomach knot up.  “Christ man, one of these days just keep quiet!” his inner voice was telling him.
“Uh, you welcome Sir.  If I may point out a few things?”
“Of course.  Excuse me.” Hanse turned around and sat back down in the chair next to his Champion.
“It's ambitious, but there are several flaws.  The first is that this sort of movement has never taken place before.  Which means that something will go wrong, and judging by the time table in place I would say that bottle neck would be the transportation assets involved.  Looks as if a lot of the jump ships are assigned double and in some cases triple duty.  One failure would cause a ripple effect that would set the whole thing back.”
“Solution?” asked Marshal Davion.
“If this is what you want to do, temporarily seize civilian assets.  It's the only way this has a chance if succeeding.  The second issue I see is that this is overly ambitious.  100 mech regiments moving is going to play havoc with the system, and then set off our neighbors.”
“What if that's the final plan?” Asked the Prince.  Zibler blinked. 
“This is the “Run” part of the plan, Sir?” he asked.
“If you are referring to Crawl, Walk, Run, then yes.”
“Ah, well, that does make sense.  Well, There are always going to be logistical issues involved with such large maneuvers.  But, as long as your willing to give local commanders the leeway to get things done the best way they see fit I suppose, and the bullets and butter guys are up to speed, that shouldn't be a problem.  But to be honest, until we do it, there's no telling what issues are going to arise.  I could do my best forecast and still miss stuff.”
“So how big would the crawl phase have to be in your opinion Marshal?” asked Yvonne.
Zibler thought for a few minutes.  “At a minimum.  10 RCT's, with accompanying units.  If those were moved to the Terran corridor, it would be enough to set of alarms everywhere, which can be good and bad.”  He Paused.  “Plus it will give us a good idea on what needs to be done in terms of supply and the like.  There's going to be enough snafu's moving 10 RCT's, I can imagine the headaches moving more than 50.  No, 10 RCT's is a crawl.  Next we do 20, maybe 30 RCT's.  After that we see what we can really screw up...” Zibler stopped talking.  He felt it the right thing to do before further embarrassing himself.
Hanse nodded to his Champion.  “I can see why you like him, Yvonne.”  He stood up, walked next to Zibler, and swiped the deployment map away.  It was replaced by an Org chart, one that did it's best to show the AFFC high command and its departments.  Rumor had it if you stared at it long enough and relaxed one eye, various images would jump out of the jumbled mess in 3-D.  Hanse zoomed in, to where his name was at the top, followed by Marshal Davion's, then a line leading to Strategy and Planning.   Off of that line was a dotted line, leading to a box, with his name in it.  The pit in his stomach grew tighter.
“Marshal Zibler, what you've just seen is the basis for what I am calling Operation GALAHAD.  It is now your responsibility.  You answer to Marshal Karrandal in theory only, for the time being you talk to noone but myself and Marshal Davion about this.  I want preliminary plans and OpOrd's generated for a 10 RCT movement to these PDZ's.”
“Uh, yessir.  Thank You sir.”
“Marshal Davion and I will help assemble your staff.  This is going to be codeword clearance only, and I suspect we'll be spending quite a bit of time going over a few things related to this.”
Zibler tried not to gulp.
“Thank you sir.”
“Excellent.  Marshal Zibler, I thank you for your insight and opinions.  The guard outside will escort you back to your office.”  Hanse Davion stood, proffered his hand again, and this time, Zibler took it.  Than hand shake was just on the right side of bone crushing, and the look in his rulers face was determined, to say the least.  Suddenly, the knot in his belly went away.  Zibler could never explain why, but looking into Hanse Damion’s eyes, seeing what burned within, made him want to succeed, lest he be on the receiving end of that anger.
Marshal Davion shut the door behind him, laughing quietly to herself.  A guard in body armor waited outside.
“Where to Sir?” he asked politely.
“You know Sargent, I haven't the faintest idea.”



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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2011, 10:43:54 PM »

For those who like to follow the nitty gritty details:

RCT movement for Galahad, 3026:

5th Crucis Lancer RCT from Kathil to Mira
1st Argyle Lancers from Broken Wheel to Helen
1st Capellan Dragoons from Wernke/Talon to Errai
1st Kestral Grenadiers from Kestrel to Errai
6th Ceti Hussars from Elidiere IV to Errai (not a canon unit)
1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs from New Ivaarsen to Towne
2nd New Ivaarsen Chasseurs from New Valencia to Nopah
1st Davion Guards from New Avalon to Demeter
3rd Davion Guards from Kesai IV to Errai
42nd Avalon Hussars from Fallon II to Elbar.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2011, 09:59:05 PM »

OK, some basic maps.

At some point I'll go back and redo them, there's enough small things wrong with them that my inner cartographer is twinging like a meth head needing a hit, but for what I am doing now, I think they fit the bill.

First Up, the Galahad Movements.

There's a couple more units movements in 3028, but I need to get those done.


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