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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2011, 10:00:01 PM »

Operation THOR movements.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2011, 10:14:05 PM »

June 2nd, 3028

Marshal Thomas Zibler stood in front of his wall, looking at the various charts and graphs that he had put up there.  To an outsider, they were a random arrangement of charts, graphs, and movements that on a good day, might make half sense and force a migraine.  His phone rang, but he ignored it, lost in a back and forth conversation in his own head.
After the tenth or so ring, the phone stopped, and a few minutes later a pounding came on his door.
“Enter!” he called, not looking away.
The door opened, and he heard a sigh.
“Tom,” Colonel Greg Sanromea-Davions voice was soft, but it had the effect of breaking the Marshall out of his metal feedback.
“What, oh, Sorry Greg, what's up?”
The colonel pointed at the phone, which began ringing again.  “Pick it up,” he said with a smile, and watched as Zibler went over and picked it up.
“Zibler speaking.”
“Catch you at a bad time Marshall?” asked the Princes Champion.
“No ma'am.  What can I do for you?”
“In two hours the dropship Amelie Rose is lifting from New Avalon, your going to be on it.  The Prince is sending you to Harrow's Sun.”
Thomas felt his stomach drop a little.  He new the deployment of the entire AFFS at the moment, down to the individual regiments.  Other than a militia garrison, there was nothing on Harrow's Sun. 
“Yes Ma'am.  Can I ask why Ma'am?”
“Your are going to be our Liason with our new addition to the AFFS.  The Prince wanted to send General Sortek, but he is needed elsewhere in the short term.  Your the next best person to send IMO, so you go.  You get to take Colonel Davion with you, and that's it.  Swing by my office before you leave, there's a couple of other details I want to go over with you.”
“Yes Ma'am, of course.  May I ask who I'm meeting?”
He could almost hear the smile over the phone.
“Wolf's Dragoons have left the Combine, Marshall.  The Prince wants someone to welcome Colonel Wolf back to the Federated Suns, and potentially brief him on upcoming events.  General Sortek is out.  You're it.”
The Dragoons! 
“Yes Ma'am, thank you ma'am.  Be there in Five.”

Fort Belvoir, Harrow's Sun
July 15th, 3028

He waited a respectful distance away from the landing pad, watching as the Overlord Class Dropship Chieftan landed in a plume of fire and smoke.  A few minutes after landing, as the dust settled, he made his way to the main landing door.  It opened up as he got with a few yards of it, and a few minutes later a few officers appeared.  Upon reaching the bottom of the gangway, they stopped.  As one, they saluted in the Federated Suns fashion.
He returned it as crisply as he could.
“Colonel Wolf, welcome back to the Federated Suns.”
Colonel Wolf, looking tired and haggard, smiled.
“Thank You Marshall Zibler.”  Thomas felt a little shock, but it quickly passed.  He looked behind him and motioned, and a couple of GPV's made their way to the drop ship.
“Sir, if you'll follow me, we'll go to the briefing area.”
“Of course,” said Wolf, “Let me pass a few orders of my own on first.  He turned to the group of officers with him, speaking softly.  A minute or so later, they scattered in several directions, only a few accompanying Wolf.
Fort Belvoir wasn't the most lavishly appointed post in the Federated Suns, but it was adequate enough. 
The only change Zibler had made was to find a round table to fit in the conference room, and the MIIO team that had tagged along with him had swept and safed the room to a fare the well.  Zibler couldn't help but notice that as a whole, the Dragoon personnel were on the edge of exhaustion.  He knew that look well, he had inflicted it many a time on opposing warrior's while at Kettering.  After introductions, and an offer of refreshments, Zibler spoke.
“First things first Colonel.  Your dependents have arrived safely on Robinson and are being watched and cared for.  If Kurita wants to go after them, they'll be in for a surprise.”
He watched closely, Wolf's shoulders sagged almost imperceptibly, as if a weight had been lifted off them.  The look on several of the other assembled officers was more revealing, from relief to gratitude.
“Secondly, starting tomorrow I have several Tech teams arriving, with some supplies as well.  Once here, they are essentially yours to do with as you please.  In about a week there's a companies worth of replacement mechs arriving as well, compliments of Hanse Davion.  Now, that's out of the way, tell me what you need from me and what I can do to make that happen.”
If Jaime Wolf was surprised he didn't show it, but he paused before speaking.
“Having our families safe and secure was our primary concern Marshal, thank you very much.  The only request the Dragoon's have is a frontline assignment.”
Zibler blinked.  That was one thing he wasn't expecting.  He had yet to receive a full accounting of the Dragoons present state, but RUMINT said they lost upwards of half their mechs on Misery.
“I think Colonel, that's something we can discuss in detail in the coming days.”
Wolfs response was a look Zibler knew well.  They would be discussing it, in depth and detail.

Fort Belvoir, Harrow's Sun
July 16th, 3028

Marshal Thomas Zibler was on the verge of tears.  It wasn't the wind blowing across the battered parade ground that caused it, for the first time in a long time it was emotion.  A pain he had not felt in a long time. 
Colonel Wolf had insisted on a parade, a Pass and Review to acknowledge their new employer.  So the stands had been pulled out of storage, the band tuned, and at 0900 the pass and review began.
Zibler knew the Dragoons had suffered casualties at Misery.  Five Regiments against Eight, on some of the most hostile terrain in settled space, he knew casualties were going to be heavy.  But this, this was something else.
The Dragoons had been Five Regiments with supporting units.  Now, Alpha Regiment and Beta Regiments were barely five companies.  Delta, Gamma and Epsilon four each.    Twenty Two Companies out of Forty Five.  Fifty Percent losses.  On several instances, a lone mechwarrior marched carrying his company's guidon, but the salutes were perfect, the marching impeccable.  The pride and determination in their faces, their steps, their carriage was evident for all to see.
The last company of Epsilon Regiment passed, and marched into place.
Zibler moved to the microphone, turning it on.  There was a brief moment of feedback, and then he spoke.
“I cannot begin to imagine the hell you have gone through, of the friends you have left behind, the pain of your families being attacked yet again...” He had to stop for a minute, a deep breath to steel himself.  “The Dragoons have long History of excellence in service, of professionalism and battlefield prowness, duty served with Pride and Honor.  I have followed your exploits since 3010, know the names and details of the many of those campaign ribbons those guidons bear, but I want to say, that today I have seen the true heart and mettle of the Dragoons.  Today I am most proud to stand in the presence of  group of warriors whose skill, courage and determination, exceeds not only my expectation, but your own as well.  And for that courage, that skill, that determination, I salute you.”
Standing at attention, Zibler ripped off a salute that would make have made even Marshall Yvonne Davion proud.

“Do you trust him?”
“Yes, I do.  Zibler's well known in the right circles, and despite his...impediments...he's a top notch soldier and tactician.  You've seen his work with the Kettering Proving Ground.  Plus the people he brought with him are doing wonders for us.  I trust him, so far.”
“But he's not a politician.”
“Which is why I believe him.  The man has no reason to lie, and he's got the pull to get things done.”
“Which means what exactly?”
“We've got a front line assignment.  Gamma, Delta and Epsilon are going to Glenmora.  Alpha and Beta are going to Wapakoneta.  Plus the 10th Deneb is moving to Bennet III, from there they can reinforce as needed.  Not a seasoned unit, but they can help if need be.”
“And the Widows?”
“Wapakoneta, I need you there to give Kelly a hand.  From what Zibler has shown me we're going to be busy.”
“You not going?”
“Not right away.  I have a wedding to attend.”


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2011, 10:15:15 PM »

Timeline 3026 – August, 3028

February - Jamie Wolf is awarded the Order of the Bushido Blade, one of the few non combine officers to ever receive the award.  In successive months starting in April, elements of the Dragoons raid David and Cylene, but the Professional Soldiery Liaison begins to slow, and in some cases stop, the flow of supplies to the Dragoons

April – Initial plans for Operation GALAHAD are formulated and finalized.

June – Orders for Operation GALAHAD are sent out by Jumpship.

August – Operation GALAHAD begins.  The movement of such a large number of troops to the Addicks DMZ, in particular Errai, both the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine go to a high state of alert.

November – Justin Allard is wounded while fighting on Kittery.


January – Takashi Kurita orders Yorinaga Kurita out of exile to command the Genyosha.

January – Following a claim made by Duke Michael Hasek-Davion, Justin Allard is brought up on charges of treason.

February – Found guilty of Treason, Justin Xiang, nee Allard, is exiled to Solaris.

April – Hampered by the inefficiency in the DCMS supply system, the Dragoons raid an AFFS supply depot on Ubidi.  Several Dragoons are captured, but the remainder escape with a good amount of supplies.

April – The LCAF starts adding “Blitz” companies to several line RCT's.  Comprised of mostly light and fast medium mechs, many of these companies are commanded by LCAF graduates of the NAMA exchange program.

May – Justin Xiang beats Phillip Capet on Solaris, then disappears shortly thereafter.

May – Traveling incognito to the Federated Suns, Melissa Steiner is almost kidnapped by Kuritan forces after her jumpship misjumps into Combine territory.  Only the arrival of the Kell Hounds prevents her capture at the hands of the Genyosha.  Patrick Kell is killed by Yorinaga Kurita during the battle.

June – Throughout the summer Kuritan civilian protests against the Dragoons increase.

July – Justian Xiang appears on Sian, apparently having been appointed to a senior intelligence position by Chancellor Maximilian Liao.

August – Operation GALAHAD II moves 30 Davion Units around the Capellan Kuritan border.  At the same time, the Lyrans undertake Operation THOR, which moves several of their units to the Kuritan border.

October – The announcement that Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner will marry shocks the Inner Sphere, but not as much as the personal invitations to all the major House Lords that follow.


January – After several riots on An Ting and other Dragoon posts, a general uprising against Wolf's Dragoons begins, starting with the capture and destruction of their space station and deadlier riots on An Ting.  Mover the next two weeks, general fighting breaks out as elements of the Dragoons begin fighting Kuritan Units.

February – Dragoon Units begin assembling on Misery.

March – The AFFS announces GALAHAD III and releases partial details of troop movements.

April – Wolf's Challenge to Takashi Kurita is received.  On April 23rd, the Dragoons contract expires, and they are officially at war the the Draconis Combine

May – The last battles on Misery take place.  The Dragoons have destroyed the 17th and 21st Galedon Regulars, Two Ryuken regiments and have bloodied the 8th Sword of Light.  Dragoon losses are nearly as horrendous. Alpha and Beta  Regiment are reduced to 5 companies, Delta, Epsilon and Gamma are reduced to 4.  The Dragoon dependents arrive on Robinson.

June – The Dragoons arrive on Harrow's Sun.

July – Jaime Wolf leaves Harrow's Sun, the Dragoons redeploy to Wapokoneta and Glenmora.  On Marshal Zibler's authority, the 10th Deneb moves to Bennet III.

August 20th  Hanse Davion Weds Melissa Steiner on Terra.  The AFFS launches Operation YELLOW BIRD, the LCAF launches Operation VALKYRIE against the Draconis Combine.  A smaller Operation,  Operation SPIKE against the Tikonov Commonality of the Capellan Confederation.   The 4th Succession War begins.


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2011, 10:16:32 PM »

First Wave, Operation VALKYRIE Maps


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2011, 10:17:13 PM »

Operation SPIKE, Wave 1 and Operation YELLOW BIRD, Wave One
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 10:18:56 PM by Davout73 »


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2011, 10:27:22 PM »

This is just me fooling around with a tactical sketch.

I like it OK, it could be better, but I am not sure what direction to go.  Part of me says if I really want to I could fine some 1:50000 maps or even take some googlearth screenshots and use them as the background for the MilSketch symbols, but then the other part of me does like the simplicity of this, even though it doesn't look all that great IMO.  Then again, the maps in the 4th SSW books were about the same in temrs of detail and the like...

Anyways, feedback welcomed.




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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2011, 12:29:53 PM »

Not bad, your tactical representation reminds me of something from the 4th Succession War Atlas.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #37 on: September 02, 2011, 02:14:36 PM »

The last part of your post reminds me of what the Coordinator could have told to the ISF Director  ;)

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2011, 08:19:23 PM »

OK,  Proof that I have slightly to much time on my hands.  The nice thing is the more I do to shake the first part of this out the easier it becomes, so hopefully the rest of it comes together just as quickly.  And if it doesn't, what the heck, I'm still having fun doing it.


Thanks for reading, feedback welcomed!


Ice Hellion

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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2011, 01:46:43 PM »

I will read it.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2011, 11:13:04 AM »

My company is finally starting the project that's been on hold for 9 months, so I know what free time I've had at work will diminish.

But this has been pretty fun to work on.  I'm glad I mapped most of it out before I started working on it though, that's been a lifesaver.


New Avalon
May 30th

   Despite his best efforts, Thomas Zibler was nervous.  He had given briefings before, had taught classes before, had conducted After Action Reviews in some of the most hostile rooms after a weeks worth of battles in Kettering, but this.
   Fourteen Field Marshal's and Marshal's sat around the table, against the wall a bevy of Leftenant and Major Generals sat or stood, chatting amongst themselves.  Zibler doubted anyone under the rank of Major General was going to get through the doors.  Zibler glanced at his watch.  Soon now.
   The heavy doors opened, and the Princes Champion walked through.  Most of those sitting came to their feet, someone in a corner called “Attention!” but Yvonne Davion had waved it away as she sat down.
   â€œGood Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I trust you all had good trips?”  She smiled, checked her notes, then set them down.
   â€œIn a few minutes we are going to begin, but first lets get the usual out of this way.  Anything said in the room falls under the Official Secrets Act, the penalty for breaking is Treason.  Clear?”  There were silent nods all around.  The Princes Champion motioned him forward to the lectern in the corner.
   â€œLadies, Gentlemen, some of you know Marshal Zibler by reputation, some of you know him from experience.  He is the senior planner for what you are about to see, direct any questions and concerns you have to him.  Ready to go Marshal?”  The way she asked the question suggested there was only one answer.  He nodded.
   â€œLights!” he said, and the room dimmed.  The Holoprojector came on.
   â€œA bit of background first,” he voice was a little shaky, but it grew with confidence as he spoke.  “GALAHAD '26, 10 full RCT's moving to the coreward theaters.”  Lines snaked out from the realms  interior, spreading to the coreward PDZ's.  “GALAHAD '27, the equivalent of 30 RCT's.”  Again, the lines worked their way across the Federated Suns.  “The plans for GALAHAD '28.  Not as big as '27, but enough...”  More line started to work their way through, then stopped.  A few mumbles were heard, several officers thinking maybe the holoprojector had stopped working.
   â€œThis is not an error,” said Zibler.  “What you are looking at is a chimera.  Marshal's, I give you Operation SPIKE.”  Zibler typed in a couple of commands, and this time the lines snaked their way into the Capellan Confederation.  The mumbling stopped.  Liao, Pleione, Poznan, Styk, the Tigress-Tybalt-Ronel thumb, all blossomed as the lines reached them.
   â€œSirs, the goal of Operation SPIKE is to forcibly separate the Tikonov Commonality from the Capellan Confederation.  If you'll look at your briefing papers,” he nodded to the pair of Major Generals who began passing out hard copies to everyone.
   â€œWhat we are anticipating is a three wave attack.  The First wave will hit eight worlds, the second wave will hit three worlds, the Third Wave right now is theoretical, but should we need to we can hit up to four more additional planets.
   â€œYou'll notice a couple of things here. One is that in each wave we are not hitting an undefended world.  Our goal here is twofold, we want to cut off the Commonality, and we want to destroy what Capellan Combat power we can while doing that.  Sending an RCT, or even part of an RCT against a world such as Azha does not get us any closer to achieving that goal.  There are at present a total of 20 Regiments and 4 Warrior Houses in the Commonality.  Some planets may only have a battalion on them, but it is believed that if we take certain worlds and hit certain units, we can affect not only the morale of the CCAF, but potentially alter the political landscape as well.”  He was really starting to get into to it now.
   â€œQuestion Marshal Zibler,” a voice came from one of the walls.
   â€œAsk Away.”
   â€œAm I reading this right, all 8 Crucis Lancers Regiments are to hit Tikonov?”
   â€œYes.  As we all know, Tikonov is one of the most defended planets in the Inner Sphere.  It has to be, considering its importance.  Latest intel had 6 plus regiments of mechs on planet, supported by 80 conventional regiments.  In 3026 Senior Colonel Ridzik assigned sectors of the planet to a mech unit, then assigned conventional units to that mech unit, creating something akin to our Regimental Combat Teams.  So we are going to hit them with a hammer.
   â€œForgive me Marshal Zibler,” another voice interrupted.  “Something is not adding up here.  You have 12 mech regiments assigned to Wave 1.  By my count 7 of them are Mercenary Regiments.  What exactly are the other RCT's in the Addicks and Raman March doing while this is going on?”
   Zibler smiled, and typed another set of commands in.
   â€œThey will be doing this,” he said, hitting enter.     
   â€œSomebody, he couldn't tell who, gasped.   The mutterings began almost immediately.  Again, several golden tendrils worked their way across the combine worlds in Dieron and Benjamin Districts.
   â€œMarshal's, this is Operation YELLOW BIRD.  Many of the same principles I talked about concerning SPIKE are also in play here.”
   â€œDo we even have the transport capabilities for this?” asked a voice.  The Princes Champion spoke before he did.
   â€œWe will.  At the present time the AFFS is...borrowing...several jumpships and dropships from civilian firms in AFFS space.  Also, the standard practice of returning to home territory for repairs and refit after an invasion jump is going to be put on temporary hold.  Unless it's an extreme emergency, jumpships will be staying in system and continuing from there.”
   â€œThat's a lot of civilian assets your talking about Ma'am,” a voice said.
   â€œAt a minimum, were looking at temporarily requisitioning upwards of 50% of the civilian fleet to accomplish this.”  The room exploded in chatter, which Zibler let continue for a few seconds.
   â€œMARSHAL's!” he didn't exactly yell, but it quieted everybody down.  “First off, let me assure you that we took care and consideration in figuring out who to...borrow from.  There will be no Jesup's during these Operations.  Food and medical have priority, followed by military supplies, including mail.  Let me be very clear here, if the Prince finds out some Duke is getting an Avanti aircar shipped to him when that cargo space could be taken up by food, he will not be happy.”
   â€œSome of those troops movements are audacious to say the least Marshal.” another voice.  Zibler recognized this one, Marshal Felsner.
   â€œYes Field Marshal, they are.  And they are not without some risk, but at the same time, McCarron's Raid showed us how a well planned and coordinated deep strike can be effective.  They do not have to do any material damage to be effective, if we can affect their political and military thinking, get them react to threats that are not really there, sow enough confusion-”
   â€œWhy do you think that will work Marshal?” asked Field Marshal Lawson.  She was sitting at the table, and he could see the look of, well, not exactly disgust on her face.
   â€œBecause it worked against us.” he replied.  The room got quieter.  Everybody remembered the panic McCarron had created in those two years, jumping from planet to planet, raiding, retracing his steps.  Hitting Kathil had gotten everybody's attention, and escaping from the First Prince had been a feather in his cap as well.  Yes, Archibald McCarron had shown that even the best had their cracks and chinks in the armor.
   â€œPlus, if there's one thing I learned while at Kettering, it was that by giving an opponent to many options to consider, they either froze up trying to cover them all, or chose poorly.  And if we can influence our enemies into choosing poorly, then we come out that much further ahead.”  He smiled, and there were a few chuckles, including Felsner and Yvonne Davion.
   â€œAnd if they choose well?” Lawson asked pointedly.
   â€œThen we take it in the teeth.  Let's be honest, these plans could fail miserably.  YELLOW BIRD in particular has been planned in such a way as to fully exploit the weaknesses in the Combine Command and control.  The Capellans could really hurt us on Tikonov and other worlds.  At most, we have eighteen months, maybe twenty four tops, to accomplish our goals.”
   â€œWhy the short time frame?” asked someone on the wall.
   â€œBecause this war is going to ruin our economy in the short term if we win.  And its going to ruin our economy for decades if we lose.” said the Princes Champion.  The room sobered up quickly at the Champions words.
   â€œWhat if Liao counterattacks in the Sirdar PDZ or Alcoyne PDZ?” Lawson's question was pointed.  Those were her areas of responsibility.
   â€œWe expect Liao counterattacks to come against those worlds we've taken in the Tikonov Commonality.” replied Zibler.  Lawson frowned.  “If the Capellans do attack in that region, truth of the matter is we lose some worlds, but frankly considering what we gain if they focus their efforts elsewhere, those rewards outweigh the risks.”  The look on Lawson's face said she didn't agree.
   â€œWhat if we have issues with some of the deployments?” she asked.
   Zibler paused, looking at her.  There was a right way to answer her and a wrong way, and although one option was clearly the more prudent, it also wasn't the most effective.
   â€œMarshal Lawson,” Yvonne Davion's voice had a hint of anger in it.  “While these plans are not set in stone, their deployment is.  The fact of the matter is orders are going out tomorrow via Pony Express to all commanders.  At this point, it is to late to redeploy.  Should the strategic or tactical situation demand a change of plans, we will change them, but at this time we are locked into this plan of action.  Are we clear?”  She looked around the room as she asked the question, the look in her eyes  and on her face enough to communicate what she meant.
   â€œYes, Field Marshal, very clear,” replied Lawson, with a look of her own that said she was not happy.
   The briefing continued for another forty five minutes, with a very good question and answer session at the end.  When the light came back on Zibler was surprised how calm and collected he had been.  Then he looked and realized his pitcher of water was empty.  A few people stood around chatting with each other, Zibler was collecting his notes when Field Marshal Felsner came over.
   â€œThat was a very good brief, Marshal” he said, sticking his hand out.  Zibler shook it, then went back to gathering his papers.
   â€œThank you sir.  It wasn't as combative as I thought it would be.”
   Felsner leaned in closer.  “In here it never is.  The backstabbing comes later, usually.  Although if I were you I'd invest in a stab proof vest myself.”
   â€œWhy is that sir?” Zibler asked with a smile.
   â€œFor years we've heard the Sandovals claim we never paid enough attention to the Combine, and the Hasek's say that the Capellans are the true threat.  And you have managed to come up with a plan that is not only bold and daring, but has the added effect of making neither the Sandovals or Haseks happy.  Michael will scream for the units being sent into Drac space, and Aaron will scream about the units being sent to the sideshow in the Tikonov Commonality.  With this plan you've managed to hack off the two most powerful Dukes in the Realm!”  Felsner's eyes were laughing as he talked, and Zibler felt his stomach acid start to roil.  The Field Marshal obviously saw the look on his face and sobered up.
   â€œI wouldn't worry about it to much Marshal.  You've got plenty of cover on this.  I'm on your side, Yvonne is on your side, the majority of the High Command is on your side.  And most importantly The Prince is.  And at the end of the day that's what counts.”


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2011, 11:14:19 AM »

May 17th, 3028
New Avalon

   Hanse Davion was sitting behind hid desk, frowning at a report when there was a knock on his door.
   â€œBad Time?” asked Ardan Sortek, walking in and sitting down in front of the First Prince.
   Hanse sighed, set his papers down and with one hand, rubbed his temples.  “Let's just say it's never a good time?”
   â€œI can understand that.  How's the leg treating you these days?”
   In response Hanse leaned over and picked up a cane, one that Sortek had given him in fact.  “Reminds me I am human, lets me know when I am overdoing it, which seems to be quite a lot these days.”  He chuckled briefly.
   â€œI've got a proposal I want to run by you, that could really affect whats coming up,” said Hanse, leaning forward.  Sortek was a Leftenant-General in name only, if anything he was the closest person the Federated Suns had to a “Minister without Portfolio.”  He could go almost anywhere, do almost anything, and do it with his Prince's blessing.  “Read these over and tell me what you think,” said Hanse, tossing him a sheaf of papers.  Sortek read the Intel labels at the top, then started flipping through them.
   â€œHow trusted would you say these sources are?” he asked fifteen minutes later.
   â€œHigher than some.  We know for a fact that the supply situation Chattan describes is real, and the fact of the matter is each regiment is moved every 18 or so months.  And for the Highlanders, that's got to hurt them more than the 5th Deneb occupying their home world.”
   â€œYou think you can play this to our advantage somehow?”
   â€œI do.  I think the upcoming events may help as well.  But I believe we also need to set a great deal of groundwork in motion in order to achieve something that we both find equitable.”
   Ardan thought for a few moments.  Bringing the Northwind Highlanders over, especially with the current plans progressing would certainly be a coup.
   â€œAnd what's you definition of equitable?” Sortek asked.  Hanse told him, and a few minutes later Sortek stood up.
   â€œI think I can make that work.  When do I leave?”  Hanse looked at the clock on his desk.
   â€œFour Hours,” he said with a smile.

June 14th, 3028

   The meeting was as secret as Sortek and the Clan Elders could make it.  The past week had been tense, all of Castle Northwind had been on virtual lock down.
   He stood in front of the elder's, respectful, calm.  Despite a few harsh comments directed at his house and leader, for the most part the Clan leaders had been at best courteous with him.  He felt the major details had been hammered out over the previous days of negotiation, now there were the finer details to work on.  Sortek had spent the previous evening mulling a few ideas over, and felt he had hit on a solution.
   â€œI believe I have a resolution for us all,” he said, getting the elders attentions.  They had been talking amongst themselves for the past few minutes.  “What I propose is this: Should the Highlanders choose to leave, here is what is required.  You must renounce any allegiance to the Capellan Confederation, and swear allegiance to the Federated Suns, and you enter the employ of the Federated Suns as Mercenaries, with a long term contract.  With the signing of that contract the Highlanders get title to the Planet Northwind, with the stipulation the one regiment of the Highlanders remain on planet at all times.  The Final stipulation would be that when the initial contract with the Federated Suns runs out, the Highlanders may choose to sign with any power they want, but should they choose someone else other than the Federated Suns, their regiments cannot be used against the Federated Suns.”     
   There was silence from the elders.
   â€œHow ken we trust ye?” asked Miles MacKenzie.  By far he had been the most obstinate of the elders, the most argumentative.
   Sortek smiled, and walked to the council hall doors.  Opening one, he chatted briefly for a moment, then came back in, lugging a case.  Setting it on a table, he keyed open the latches.  Reaching in, he pulled out a broadsword, not exactly aware of the tension in the room.  Holding the Claymore with reverence, he brought it forward, laying it in front of the Senior Elder.  He went back to the case, removed yet another claymore, and set that in front of the senior elder as well.  Finally, with one more trip, he removed two flags from the case, and set them both down in front of the elders.  They were staring at him in shock and surprise, all except MacKenzie, who glared.
   â€œThe swords and standards of the Third Kearny Highlanders and the Stuart Highlanders, a-”
   â€œBribe?” MacKenzie made the word an accusation.
   Sortek smiled.  “A gift,” he replied.  “A show of good faith and my Princes willingness to allow the Highlanders the freedoms they desire.”

August 15th, 3028

   â€œMy Prince, you look quite dashing,” Ardan Sortek said with a smile as he entered the small dressing room.  Hanse Davion was decked out in his wedding uniform, last minute alterations taking place.  With a silent nod from the prince the tailor withdrew.
   â€œThank you Dan, but I suspect you aren't here to compliment me on my dress.”
   â€œNo Hanse.  I've a report from Marshal Yolis, via Pony Express.”  The CO of the 5th Deneb had long been a partner with the Highlander Elders, when he left Sortek had made it clear any communication would go through the Marshal, to him, to the Prince.
   Hanse couldn't help the eagerness that showed, reading the communique as Sortek spoke.
   â€œThey'll put it to a vote, but Chattan thinks that with the conditions agreed upon earlier they will go for it.  The hard part is going to be getting away clean, they're worried about what the Capellans might do to stop them.”
   â€œWhat time line are we looking at?”
   â€œThree months, minimum.” replied Sortek.
   â€œWell, assure the Highlander Elders that in three months time Maximilian Liao is going to have his hands to full to worry about following them out of Highlander Space.  Make sure it goes by Pony Express Only.”
   â€œYes Sire.”


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2011, 11:15:22 AM »

“She gives him a mech regiment.  He tries to give her half the Inner Sphere.  What's that mean if they get a divorce? “

   Anonymous soldier, AFFS

“The division of effort cannot last, the AFFS does not have the transportation assets available to continue further operations against both the Draconis Combine and the Capellan Confederation (see attached index 3).  The Federated Suns main effort appears to be the Draconis Combine, as evidence by the new military operation directed against it (see attached index 4).  While the Confederation has been surprised, and has lost several worlds, we must also admit that many of those worlds were exposed, and their loss does not adversely affect the economic infrastructure of the Confederation.  If the AFFS wishes to continue it's offensive, it must slow down its pace of operations against the Combine, and that does not appear to be happening.  We therefore must conclude that the initial attacks against us are the only major attacks, and while raiding and other spoiling attacks may take place, another major advance is improbable and unlikely.”

   Maskirovka briefing report, delivered September 30th, 3028

“Shoot whoever prepared that report.”

   Chancellor Maximilian Liao, on hearing the news that Tikonov, Liao, Styk and New Hessen had been invaded.

“They say that if we win we will be stronger.  I ask how?  How much money is being spent on conquering worlds, repairing the engines of war, rebuilding those planets.  Could that money have not been better spent here?  How is destroying something in the name of conquering it and rebuilding it more effective than building and expanding here?”

   From an anonymous posting, Filtvelt, the Outremer.

“Why he divides our strength I do not know.  Yes, it hurts the Capellans, but more could be done against them.  More needs to be done against them.”

Michael Hasek-Davion

“My fathers warlords fight amongst themselves, he fights his own personal war against Wolf.  We are beset upon all sides, from within as well as out.  The Coordinator has not coordinated anything, unless something changes we are headed for disaster.”

   Colonel Theodore Kurita

“Two Zeus, an Atlas, and a Warhammer are standing-”
“Wait, whats a Warhammer doing in a recon lance?”

   Popular LCAF joke of the day.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2011, 03:51:04 PM »

“She gives him a mech regiment.  He tries to give her half the Inner Sphere.  What's that mean if they get a divorce? “

   Anonymous soldier, AFFS

“Two Zeus, an Atlas, and a Warhammer are standing-”
“Wait, whats a Warhammer doing in a recon lance?”

   Popular LCAF joke of the day.


"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Kiiro no tori
« Reply #44 on: December 07, 2011, 05:40:10 PM »

A few more updates over on the Battletech forum.


Thanks for reading,


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