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Author Topic: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)  (Read 17650 times)

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Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« on: November 28, 2012, 03:24:06 PM »

Okay.  I need someone to check my math and my thinking processes here, if you folks don’t mind.  This is for a new, more hard-core Clan Invasion AU that I am working on.  But we will get to that in a moment.

Some background first. 

When the debate began on what would become the Dragoon Comprise in 3000, things proceed according to canon . . . with the following exception (a rather large exception).  In this AU, the Khan of Clan Star Adder (name needed) brings up the matter of logistics for a future invasion.  In addition to the dispatch of Wolf’s Dragoons, the Adders force a vote on establishing a forward base in the Chainelane Isles to support the Invasion, when it is launched. 

Citing the vast distance between the Homeworlds and the Inner Sphere, the Adders successfully argued that a source of supply must be close at hand; while many critics of the plan derided the Adder caution, the opportunity to seize new holdings appealed to many Crusaders, whereas several nominal Warden Clans supported the measure because they recognized the sheer difficulty of conducting the invasion at such great distances.  Supported by the Cloud Cobras, Diamond Sharks, Ghost Bears, Goliath Scorpions, Hell’s Horses, Nova Cats, and Snow Ravens, the Adder Khan was able to override the objections of Khan Kerlin Ward of Clan Wolf.

Operation Shining Dawn would consist of three components:  the conquest of the Chainelane Isles and subsequent integration into Clan society, the establishment of a Clan manufacturing complex on those worlds, and the establishment of a permanent series of way-stations and Jump-Ship stages between the Homeworlds and the Isles.

PHASE I (Occupation and Integration)

A small Clan force of older SLDF BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters (using equipment from reserve caches) would be dispatched to seize and defend the ten inhabited systems of the Chainelane Isles.  Trials between the Clans resulted in the following enclaves being established in 3005.

Vannes:  Clan Jade Falcon
Ingvolstand:  Clan Star Adder; Clan Cloud Cobra
Idrmach:  Clan Wolf; Clan Coyote
Fredotto:  Clan Smoke Jaguar
Paran:  Clan Ghost Bear; Clan Snow Raven
Syrstart:  Clan Diamond Shark; Clan Hell's Horse
Haublan:  Clan Steel Viper; Clan Burrock
Far Reach:  Clan Nova Cat; Clan Ice Hellion
Chaine Cluster:  Clan Fire Mandrill; Clan Blood Spirit
Rondane:  Clan Goliath Scorpion

The initial invasion of the Isles was successfully accomplished in less than a week of fighting across the ten systems; then the Clans began to integrate the existing population into their Castes.  This experience soon tasked the adaptability of the Clans, leading to all of the Clans putting more and more second-line and garrison forces in place as they fought against the sullen Isleanders who resisted conversion to Clan society.  Some Clans were more successful at this, while others found themselves involved in a bloody struggle that escalated into brutality and massacres.

Still, the relatively small population of the worlds within the Isles made this matter a foregone conclusion.  Building on their experience in the Tanite Worlds, the Cobras and Burrocks quickly took the lead in establishing order . . . which many Clans then followed.  Others (notably the Jaguars) did not.  Regardless, by 3027, the subjugation of Isles was complete, save for isolated terrorist activities.  An entire generation had been born and raised to adulthood under the rule of the Clans, and little by little, the Isles were converted into strongholds of Clan Law.

However, the sheer length of time that it took for the Clans to fully establish control and integrate the Isleanders into their culture and society gave many Khans pause over a full-scale invasion of the Inner Sphere.  They worried that the far larger numbers present there might prove too much to absorb without shattering what little cohesion the Clans shared; other leaders scoffed at such concerns, noting that none of the Clans in the Isles had committed more than one or two Clusters of second-line troops and a handful of Garrison forces.  Surely, they claimed, that the full might of the Touman would be able to cow resistance far more quickly.

PHASE II (Establishment of Manufacturing and Support Complexes)

Phase II began almost immediately after the seizure of the Isles, although to differing degrees.  While the Isles had been inhabited for centuries, the native Isleanders had a very low level of technology (relatively speaking) vis-à-vis the Clans.  It took the work of decades to fully raise the technology level of the natives to a level comparable to that of the Homeworlds, but by 3027, each world of the Isles possessed the same level of technological achievement as the remainder of the Clan holdings.  The natives had barely begun to scratch exploiting the natural resources of their worlds and (in many cases) had used technology that polluted their environment.  Clan Scientists and Technicians and Merchants and Laborers spent decades correcting the course of centuries, locating mineral resources, building infrastructure, and fully integrating the population.

In this, certain Clans made far greater progress than others, as the Cobras, Sharks, Bears, Scorpions, Falcons, Cats, Ravens, Adders, and Wolves transplanted hundreds of thousands of civilians from the Homeworlds to their new holdings.  These Clans were rewarded as their new systems became profitable; the other Clans found their progress stalled as they tried to accomplish the same thing, but with a minimum of investment and a heavy reliance on the unskilled (and often illiterate) natives.

Despite those setbacks, Phase II was a success.  Every Clan managed to establish a manufacturing complex in the Isles.  The Ravens built a major shipyard (not quite as large as the Yards at Lum) orbiting Paran; while this complex was not capable of building WarShips, it was able to service them and conduct repairs.  DropShips and JumpShips could both be constructed at the facility.

Meanwhile, munitions factories, BattleMech and OmniMech production complexes, armament factories, Elemental Battle Armor production centers, Aerospace and OmniFighter manufacturing plants, small arms plants, and vehicle factories sprang up across the Isles.  Vast warehouse complexes were built and supplies were stockpiled in tremendous quantities. 

It was not forgotten that the Isles had been conquered only as a stepping stone.  To form a military depot and forward base from which the Clans would triumphantly return to the Inner Sphere.  By 3030, the Clans had begun to transfer front-line troops to the Isles, beginning a build-up that would continue until the launch of Operation Revival in 3049.

In a radical move, several Clans began construction on ground-based SDS systems on their possessions in the Isles in the late 3030s.  Although far from complete, these orbital defenses provide their enclaves with some protection from hostile attack from space.

PHASE III (Linking the Homeworlds and the Isles)

Phase III began in 3007 with the ultimate goal of connecting the two isolated sections of Clan space into one (almost) unified whole.

There were many detractors of this part of the plan.  Some very vocal critics voiced concerns that permanent way-stations and a command circuit linking the Isles and the Homeworlds would give (one day) the Inner Sphere the opportunity to quickly locate the Homeworlds and conduct military operations there.  But, the proponents used the Clan’s own arrogance against them . . . accusing those critics of being cowards who feared the Inner Sphere. Scores of Trials of Grievance were fought over the issue, and three separate Trials of Refusal; but in the end, the Council of Khans approved the allocation of resources to the project.

The system of Dagda (X coordinate -129.63; Y coordinate 1590.24) in the Pentagon was selected to be the starting point, linked to the end-point at Ingvolstand (X coordinate -153.17; Y coordinate 574.24); these two worlds formed the shortest path between the Homeworlds and the Isles, spanning slightly more than 1,016 light-years.  Christened as the Aaron DeChavillier Corridor, the project would take decades to complete.

Thirty-three stations were constructed at intervals of 27.46 light-years between Dagda and Ingvolstand.  These stations were placed in deep space, avoiding all contact with planetary systems; although this prohibited the stations from relying upon solar sails to generate power, it was done to ease the discomfort of the traditionalists over this line of breadcrumbs.  Each station was massive, roughly the same size as an Olympus-class, but relied upon their fusion generators to charge the energy storage batteries instead of solar sails.  Equipped with a HPG transmitter, these stations would serve as way-points, fueling stations, repair stations, and communication links between the Homeworlds and the Isles.

All thirty-five stages (Dagda, Stations ADCCS-01 through ADCCS-33, and Ingvolstand) were assigned four Odyssey-class JumpShips (140 in total) that provided a quick means of transport along the Corridor.  Typically, a pair of the JumpShips would start from Dagda and jump to next station in the chain.  Upon arrival, their DropShips would detach and dock with fresh JumpShips that would then jump to the next station.  With transfer times requiring approximately one-half hour, up to eight DropShips could delivered through the stages in the Corridor in approximately sixteen and one half hours.  As each Odyssey is outfitted with lithium-fusion batteries, the Corridor is able to conduct such a transit twice per week (every 3.5 days) per JumpShip pair, hauling resources, personnel, supplies, or up to a Cluster of troopers in each transit.  At maximum capacity, the Corridor is able to initiate one full-length transit of eight DropShips every 42 hours.  However, such transits are rigorously scheduled and can be altered only for the direst of circumstances.

The high-speed command circuit of the Corridor is regularly used by the Clans in transferring personnel and material between the Isles and the Homeworlds, but ships (especially WarShips) are still called upon to make the journey themselves.  To keep these vessels supplied on the long voyage (34 jumps with a minimum spacing of 3.5 days between jumps for a total transit time of 115.5 days Dagda-Ingvolstand), each station along the Corridor has vast quantities of fuel, provisions, and spare parts available.  Each station is also assigned at least one tug to tow disabled ships.

Construction of the corridor was a massive undertaking, requiring the major commitment of the Ravens (and indeed, ALL of the Clans), with the final link in the chain completed in 3044.  Since the official opening of the Corridor, the flow of resources from the Isles to the Homeworlds (and troops, war material, and supplies vice-versa) has increased dramatically.  Station and JumpShip crews of the Corridor are drawn from the castes of every Clan, with each contributing roughly 5.8% of the personnel and ships required for the Corridor to operate.



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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 03:47:39 PM »


Of course, ComStars exploration program discovered the Isles in 3017.  The JumpShip DeGama was conducting a survey of Periphery systems when it jumped into Vannes on August 17th of that year.  But strict orders from the Grand Council of Khans managed to maintain the secret nature of the Isles . . . and keep concealed the identity of their new owners. 

ComStars report indicates that upon arriving at the Zenith point of the system, they were immediately challenged by an Invader-class JumpShip loaded with two Leopard CVs and one Avenger-class Assault DropShip.  The exploration crew was threatened with hostile action, but DeGama’s commander managed to use diplomacy to avoid a conflict.  He noted that the natives of the Chainelane Isles were ‘highly territorial’ and wished to establish ‘no contact’ with anyone at this time.  As his report indicated that the ships and fighters observed possessed the same levels of technology as the Inner Sphere, he agreed that ComStar would respect their borders and territorial integrity.

Captain Alan Jeffries did note that the Isleanders which he had established contact with were ‘hostile, barbaric, and given to physical violence at the drop of a hat;’ he recommended to the First Circuit that ComStar respect their territory (of which he was given very basic charts) and avoid future contact unless the Isleanders (and in particular, the Raptors of Vannes, whom he suspected of being pirates) reached out to them. 

Had Jeffries and DeGama encountered true-born Clan Warriors, it is unlikely that he would have survived . . . and quite possible that the Inner Sphere alerted to the impending threat.  But, the Falcons were using Vannes and the Isles as a dumping ground for their free-birth Warriors, who in accordance with the directives of the Grand Council, were playing the part of bandits and rogue warriors to the hilt.

Sporadic contact would continue through the 3020s,-30s, and -40s, but in all cases, the ‘Isleanders’ reacted with hostility and ComStar withdrew, believing the Clan ruse that they were relatively primitive barbarians fighting amongst themselves (which, since the Clans of the time were fighting amongst themselves, was not a difficult concept to convey).


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 04:42:18 PM »


With the completion of the DeChavillier Corridor in 3044, the Clans prepared themselves to launch Operation Revival . . . the Invasion of the Inner Sphere.  Reports from the Dragoons had gradually slowed and then came to a halt in 3031, four years after the tragic death of Khan Kerlin Ward in a vehicular accident on Strana Mechty.  Still, the Clan Merchants managed to keep abreast of the general nature of life in the Inner Sphere, and the Khans were growing worried over the increased power of the Federated Commonwealth.  It was possible (if unlikely) that Hanse Davion might well be able to reform a new Star League . . . and that was unacceptable to the Crusaders.

The Great Debate raged for years, but at long last the vote to launch REVIVAL was successful in late December of 3048.  Final preparations were made and troop movements scheduled with the actual invasion to commence on August 1, 3049.

But before REVIVAL could begin, the Clans needed to decide upon a plan.  Led by an impassioned speech from Khan Margaret Collesano of Clan Goliath Scorpion, the Wardens (and more than a few Crusaders) refused to authorize the plans of Khans Showers and Crichell that would have seen just four of the seventeen invade.

“Trothkin,” she said in the well of the Hall of the Khans on Strana Mechty, “our Return is not a prize that can be held by a few, but instead it was the Promise of the Great Father and the Founders to all of us.  We Return from our long-exile as One People, as the Clans of Kerensky, and to give this honor to but a handful, while keeping the rest at home . . .; no, this is wrong, it is against the intention and the will of Nicholas Kerensky and Aleksandyr Kerensky.  We must ALL return, or none of us shall.”

By a margin of just two votes, the Grand Council decided to return in force with all seventeen Clans.

The existing plans would have to be changed.  Khan Cassius N’Buta of the Star Adders managed to convince a majority of the Khans that the current plan of attacking three states at once was reckless—although his majority was slim, he was able (with the help of Ulric Kerensky) to convince the Khans to concentrate the might of the Clans against ONE Inner Sphere target . . . the Lyran Commonwealth half of the Federated Commonwealth.


Blood Spirit:  Khan Karina Schmidt; saKhan Daryl Keller; Loremaster Bayle Campbell
Burrock:  Unknown
Cloud Cobra:  Kahn Din Steiner; saKhan Leighton Khatib; Loremaster Elena Riaz
Coyote:  Khan Robin Steele; saKhan Pazi Techernovkov; Loremaster ?? (Sullivan Koga?)
Diamond Shark:  Khan Ian Hawker; saKhan ??; Loremaster ??
Fire Mandrill:  Unknown
Ghost Bear:  Khan Karl Bourjon; saKhan Teresa DelVillar; Loremaster ?? (Aletha Kabrinski?)
Goliath Scorpion:  Khan Margaret Collesano*; saKhan Alicia Dinour; Loremaster ??
Hell’s Horses:  Khan Malavai Fletcher; saKhan Tanya DeLaurel; Loremaster ??
Ice Hellion:  Khan Stephen Tyler; saKhan ??; Loremaster ??
Jade Falcon:  Khan Elias Crichell; saKhan Timur Malthus; Loremaster ??
Nova Cat:  Khan Severen Leroux; saKhan Lucian Carns; Loremaster Biccon Winters
Smoke Jaguar:  Khan Leo Showers; saKhan Sarah Weaver; Loremaster Edmund Hoyt
Snow Raven:  Khan Lynn McKenna; saKhan ??; Loremaster ??
Star Adder:  Khan Cassius N’Buta; saKhan Tabitha Paik; Loremaster ??
Steel Viper:  Khan Natalie Breen; saKhan ??; Loremaster ??
Wolf:  Khan Ulric Kerensky; saKhan Garth Radick

*A change I have made, since Nikolai played such a prominent role in my last work.  In this AU, Nikolai was killed in 3045.  Ren Posavatz was turned out of office and the Scorpions selected both a new Khan and SaKhan.



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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 04:55:19 PM »

Clan Blood Spirit

Command (Chaine Cluster)
Blood Guard Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)

Alpha Galaxy (The Blooding; Chaine Cluster)
Red Guards (Elite/Fanatical)
7th Blood Drinker Cluster (Elite/Fanatical)
37th Red Assault Cluster (Veteran/Fanatical)
55th Red Vanguard Cluster (Elite/Fanatical)
72nd Crimson Cuirassiers (Veteran/Fanatical)
112th Scarlet Battle Cluster (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (The Sanguine Reavers; Chaine Cluster)
Scarlet Guards (Elite/Fanatical)
33rd Red Battle Cluster (Veteran/Fanatical)
79th Blood Hussars (Elite/Fanatical)
91st Crimson Vanguard Cluster (Veteran/Fanatical)
71st Crimson Assault Cluster (Elite/Fanatical)
271st Crimson Assault Cluster (Veteran/Fanatical)

Sigma Provisional Galaxy (Chaine Cluster)
42nd Crimson Guards (Elite/Reliable)
88th Crimson Guards (Regular/Reliable)
158th Crimson Guards (Regular/Fanatical)
258th Crimson Guards (Veteran/Reliable)

Omicron Provisional Galaxy (4 second-line Clusters; York)
Tau Provisional Galaxy (3 second-line Clusters; York)
Upsilon Provisional Galaxy (3 second-line Clusters; York)

Naval Reserve:
Black Lion-class Battle Cruiser (Rocinante-Flagship)
Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser (Exsanguine)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Fury)
York-class Destroyer (Stooping Kite)

WarShips maked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 05:10:17 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2012, 05:02:39 PM »

Clan Burrock

Command (Haublan)
Iron Spine Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)

Alpha Galaxy (The Burning Acid; Haublan)
Stoneheart Keshik (Trinary) (Elite/Fanatical)
3rd Burrock Guards (The Acid Spitters) (Veteran/Fanatical)
192nd Burrock Guards (The Hunter-Killers) (Veteran/Reliable)
15th Combat Cluster (The Sting of Fate) (Veteran/Fanatical)
66th Combat Cluster (The Swarm's Fury) (Veteran/Fanatical)
116th Striker Cluster (The Deathshriekers) (Veteran/Reliable)

Beta Galaxy (The Blood Hunters; Haublan)
Spirit Devourer Keshik (Trinary) (Veteran/Reliable)
78th Burrock Guards (The Banshee's Scream) (Veteran/Reliable)
82nd Burrock Guards (The Reaving) (Veteran/Fanatical)
14th Combat Cluster (The Fury) (Veteran/Reliable)
102nd Combat Cluster (The Defilers) (Veteran/Reliable)
128th Striker Cluster (The Blood Drinker) (Veteran/Reliable)

Gamma Galaxy (Harvesters of Sorrow; Haublan)
Burning Scythe Keshik (Trinary) (Veteran/Reliable)
7th Burrock Guards (The Faceless) (Veteran/Reliable)
23rd Combat Cluster (The Burrock Grenadiers) (Veteran/Reliable)
114th Combat Cluster (The Nightmare) (Veteran/Reliable)
204th Combat Cluster (The Nameless) (Veteran/Reliable)
75th Striker Cluster (The Forgotten) (Veteran/Reliable)

Epsilon Provisional Galaxy (Haublan)
35th Burrock Defenders (Rock Eaters) (Regular/Reliable)
44th Burrock Defenders (The Devourers) (Regular/Reliable)
93rd Burrock Defenders (Caustic Spray) (Regular/Reliable)
331st Burrock Defenders (Hive Guardians) (Regular/Reliable)

Iota Provisional Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Albion)
Kappa Provisional Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Priori)
Omega Provisional Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Dagda)

Naval Reserve
Nightlord-class Battleship (Absolute Truth)
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Divine Conquest)
Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser (Ares’ Might*)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Cameron’s Flame)
York-class Destroyer (Star Fire)
Vincent-class Corvette (Vritra*)

NOTE:  I pulled a lot of the informaton here from the fan-designed Clan Burrock Sourcebook linked on this site.  I have changed some, but the basics should be credited to the person who made it.  WarShips maked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 05:14:22 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2012, 05:09:52 PM »

Clan Cloud Cobra

Command (Ingvolstand)
Cobra Pharaoh Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)
Cobra Temple Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)

Alpha Galaxy (The Keystone; Ingvolstand)
33rd Battle Cluster (Thor's Hammer) (Elite/Fanatical)
45th Cobra Grenadiers (Spitting Serpents) (Elite/Reliable)
116th Dragoon Cluster (Last Stand) (Elite/Reliable)
214th Striker Cluster (Black Sheep) (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (Scourge of the Pentagon; Ingvolstand)
84th Cobra Fusiliers (Wings of Pharaoh (Veteran/Reliable)
121st Cobra Fusiliers (Dragonscales) (Veteran/Reliable)
185th Striker Cluster (Heaven's Gate) (Veteran/Reliable)
222nd Striker Cluster (Iron Butterflies) (Veteran/Reliable)

Delta Galaxy (Olympus Head; Ingvolstand)
1st Cobra Fusiliers (Wild Kaards) (Veteran/Reliable)
5th Cobra Fusiliers (Arms of Ares) (Veteran/Reliable)
170th Striker Cluster (Little Green Men) (Veteran/Reliable)
268th Striker Cluster (Titanium Wind) (Veteran/Reliable)

Epsilon Reserve Galaxy (Ingvolstand)
66th Cobra Guards (The Sapphire Guard) (Regular/Reliable)
102nd Cobra Guards (The Obsidian Guard) (Regular/Reliable)
155th Cobra Guards (The Jade Guard) (Regular/Reliable)
243rd Cobra Guards (The Emerald Guard) (Regular/Fanatical)

Gamma Reserve Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Zeta Reserve Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Eta Reserve Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserve: 
McKenna-class Battleship (Second Coming*)
Cameron-class Battle Cruiser (Incense)
Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser (Consequence*; Inquisitor)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Cataclysm)
York-class Destroyer (Brimstone; Nebulous*; The Protector)
Vincent-class Corvette (Hertzog's Staff*; Trump*)
Fredasa-class Corvette (Hell Fury; Perdition's Flame)
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (True Sight; Wisdom of Ages)
Carrack-class Transport (Blind Faith*)

NOTE:  I have redone the Cobra's Touman a bit.  WarShips maked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 04:41:06 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2012, 05:28:09 PM »

Clan Coyote

Alpha Galaxy (Sight of the Coyote; Idrmach)
Golden Keshik (Guardians of the Prophecy) (Veteran/Fanatical)
Silver Keshik (The Chosen) (Elite/Reliable)
Bronze Keshik (The True Vision) (Regular/Reliable)
38th Assault Cluster (The Faithful) (Veteran/Fanatical)
72nd Reserve Battle Cluster (Guardians of the Pack) (Regular/Reliable)

Beta Galaxy (Heart of the Coyote; Idrmach)
9th Strike Cluster (The Pack) (Regular/Reliable)
19th Battle Cluster (Long Fangs) (Veteran/Reliable)
34th Strike Cluster (Rabid Coyotes) (Elite/Reliable)
67th Assault Cluster (The Devastators) (Veteran/Fanatical)
44th Reserve Battle Cluster (Hard Eights) (Regular/Fanatical)

Epsilon Galaxy (The Stalking Coyotes; Idrmach)
12th Battle Cluster (Shadow Coyotes) (Regular/Fanatical)
49th Battle Cluster (Midnight Assault) (Veteran/Questionable)
50th Assault Cluster (Creeping Death) (Elite/Fanatical)
95th Strike Cluster (Black Coyotes) (Regular/Reliable)
55th Reserve Strike Cluster (Double Nickel Demons) (Veteran/Reliable)

Zeta Galaxy (Swift Coyotes; Idrmach)
8th Recon Cluster (Eyes of the Coyote) (Veteran/Questionable)
69th Strike Cluster (Lightning Coyotes) (Regular/Reliable)
80th Strike Cluster (Swift Retribution) (Veteran/Fanatical)
81st Strike Cluster (The Exterminators) (Regular/Reliable)
101st Reserve Battle Cluster (Assault from Above) (Regular/Fanatical)

Omicron Galaxy (Ancient Coyotes; Idrmach)
98th Strike Cluster (Rogue's Gallery) (Regular/Fanatical)
246th Strike Cluster (The Coyote Irregulars) (Veteran/Fanatical)
990th Composite Battle Cluster (Best of Both Worlds) (Regular/Questionable)
509th Solahma Battle Cluster (The Centurions) (Regular/Reliable)

Lambda Galaxy (4 second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Nu Galaxy (3 second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Rho Galaxy (4 second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserves:
Texas-class Battleship (Ancestral Home*)
Nightlord-class Battleship (Great Coyote Spirit)
Cameron-class Battle Cruiser (Blood of the Coyote*)
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Howling, Steel Fang*)
Liberator-class Cruiser (Spirit in the Sky)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Honor of Ages*, Courage)
Essex-class Destroyer (Windrunner)
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Midnight Star, Morning Star)
Carrack-class Transport (Solar Blaze*)


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2012, 05:47:37 PM »

Clan Diamond Shark

Alpha Galaxy (Deathstrike; Syrstart)
Diamond Skate (Elite/Fanatical)
39th Strike Cluster (The Frenzy) (Elite/Reliable)
21st Combined Assault Cluster (Nagasawa's Sharks) (Elite/Fanatical)
27th Cruiser Cluster (Flashing Ivory) (Veteran/Reliable)

Beta Galaxy (Predator; Syrstart)
Pearl Skate (Elite/Reliable)
7th Cruiser Cluster (Riptides) (Veteran/Reliable)
6th Strike Cluster (Blood Hunters) (Elite/Reliable)
42nd Combined Strike Cluster (Gnashers) (Veteran/Questionable)

Gamma Galaxy (Snapping Jaws; Syrstart)
Emerald Skate (Elite/Fanatical)
8th Assault Cluster (Rogue Hunter) (Elite/Questionable)
21st Strike Cluster (The Merfolk) (Veteran/Reliable)
28th Cruiser Cluster (Strum Wache) (Regular/Fanatical)

Zeta Galaxy (Territorial Waters; Syrstart)
Agate Skate (Elite/Fanatical)
44th Cruiser Cluster (Land Sharks) (Regular/Reliable)
51st Strike Cluster (Diamond Hide) (Green/Reliable)
83rd Combined Strike Cluster (Cutting Pace) (Veteran/Fanatical)
27th Combined Strike Cluster (Regular/Questionable)

Lambda Spina Galaxy (3 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Rho Spina Galaxy (3 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Omega Galaxy (5 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Sigma Galaxy (5 Second-lien Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserve:
Nightlord-class Battleship (Terror of the Deep)
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Nagasawa)
Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser (Bloodlust*)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Predator; Space Hunter*)
Essex-class Destroyer (Sharon; Tracy*)
Fredasa-class Corvette (Swift Strike)
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Kraken; Poseidon*; Red Tide; Titanic; Tsunami)
Volga-class Transport (Bold Venture; Speculator*)
Carrack-class Transport (Devourer*; Bloodletter*; Star Swimmer*)

WarShips marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2012, 05:53:40 PM »

Clan Fire Mandrill

Alpha Galaxy (Battle-Hardened; Chaine Cluster)
Alpha Command Trinary (The Dragon Mandrills) (Elite/Fanatical)
53rd Assault Cluster (Stalwarts) (Elite/Fanatical)
3rd Mandrill Battle Cluster (Banner-Bears) (Elite/Fanatical)
7th Mandrill Battle Cluster (The Fire-Eaters) (Elite/Fanatical)
14th Striker Cluster (Burning Brands) (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (The Gift of Foresight; Chaine Cluster)
Beta Command Trinary (Cassandra's Folly) (Elite/Fanatical)
16th Assault Cluster (Silent Sentinels) (Elite/Fanatical)
1st Mandrill Battle Cluster (The Howling) (Elite/Fanatical)
13th Mandrill Battle Cluster (The Valiant) (Elite/Fanatical)
12th Striker Cluster (The Keystone Cluster) (Elite/Fanatical)

Gamma Galaxy (Strength of Will; Chaine Cluster)
Gamma Command Trinary (The Guardians) (Veteran/Reliable)
2nd Mandrill Battle Cluster (The Lionhearts) (Veteran/Reliable)
4th Mandrill Battle Cluster (Embers of Warfare) (Veteran/Fanatical)
11th Striker Cluster (The Fire Dancers) (Veteran/Fanatical)
19th Striker Cluster (Fire-Born) (Veteran/Reliable)

Delta Galaxy (Up and Coming)
Delta Command Trinary (Vulcan's Chariot) (Veteran/Reliable)
61st Mandrill Battle Cluster (The Brimstone Cluster) (Veteran/Reliable)
71st Mandrill Battle Cluster (Dante's Torment) (Veteran/Reliable)
202nd Striker Cluster (The Furies) (Veteran/Reliable)
301st Striker Cluster (Citizens of Hades) (Veteran/Reliable)

Epsilon Garrison Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Zeta Garrison Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Eta Garrison Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserve:
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Reaver)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Anathema*; Rage; Rancor)
Vincent-class Corvette (Firetender*)
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Fire-Eater)
Carrack-class Transport (Howler*)

WarShips marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

NOTE:  For this AU, I have done away with the Kindraas.  The Mandrills are not divided against themselves; it just makes everything easier.



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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2012, 05:58:55 PM »

The rest of the Clans will come tomorrow.  So far, with six of the seventeen Clans, we can see that there are 87 front-line Clusters and 25 second-line/garrison Clusters being committed to the attack.  Along with 39 WarShips.  And we haven't even come to the BIG Clans yet.


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2012, 07:44:25 PM »


I like the Invasion of the Isles and the build up lots of interest there.  Also if the Clans were ever discovered in that region it could be believed that was the Homeworlds

Love the Raptors of Vannes finally Jade Falcons I like!!
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2012, 10:03:40 AM »

Clan Snow Raven: Khan Lynn McKenna, saKhan Joseph Crow (probably), Loremaster ?? but Klaus Harper didn't take the post until 3055.

I'm really liking the looks of this. :)


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2012, 11:52:12 AM »

Clan Ghost Bear

Command (Paran)
The Ourse Keshik (Trinary) (Elite/Fanatical)

Alpha Galaxy (The Golden Bears; Paran)
The Silveroot Keshik (Trinary) (Elite/Fanatical)
1st Bear Guards (The Rage) (Elite/Fanatical)
3rd Bear Guards (The ilKhan's Shield) (Veteran/Reliable)
20th Attack Cluster (Polar Bear) (Veteran/Fanatical)
50th Striker Cluster (The Black Bears) (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (Night Howlers; Paran)
The Shrill Keshik (Trinary) (Veteran/Fanatical)
304th Assault Cluster (The Howling Bears) (Veteran/Fanatical)
332nd Assault Cluster (The Iowa Blacklancers) (Regular/Reliable)
14th Battle Cluster (The Maulers) (Elite/Questionable)
12th Bear Chevaliers (The Wendigos) (Veteran/Fanatical)

Delta Galaxy (The Blitzkrieg; Paran)
Jorgensson's Keshik (Trinary) (Elite/Fanatical)
73rd Battle Cluster (The Lash) (Veteran/Fanatical)
8th Bear Cuirassiers (The Blinding Drive) (Veteran/Reliable)
68th Striker Cluster (The Walking Panzers) (Veteran/Questionable)
115th Striker Cluster (The Rolling Waves) (Elite/Reliable)

Rho Galaxy (The Bear Essentials; Paran)
Kabrinski's Keshik (Trinary) (Elite/Fanatical)
18th Battle Cluster (Fire with Fire) (Veteran/Fanatical)
243rd Battle Cluster (Apollo's Chariot) (Elite/Reliable)
283rd Battle Cluster (Ursine Inferno) (Veteran/Fanatical)
279th Battle Cluster (The Burnout Brigade) (Veteran/Questionable)

Omega Galaxy (The Raging Bears; Paran)
Tseng's Keshik (Trinary) (Elite/Fanatical)
5th Bear Guards (Arctic Thunder) (Veteran/Fanatical)
10th Bear Cuirassiers (Tundra Roughriders) (Elite/Reliable)
139th Striker Cluster (The Sphere Hunters) (Veteran/Fanatical)
140th Striker Cluster (Death from Above) (Veteran/Reliable)

Theta Galaxy (Paran)
3rd Bear Regulars (Veteran/Reliable)
4th Bear Regulars (Veteran/Reliable)
5th Bear Regulars (Veteran/Reliable)
6th Bear Regulars (Veteran/Reliable)

Kappa Galaxy (Paran)
1st Bear Regulars (Elite/Fanatical)
2nd Bear Regulars (Veteran/Reliable)
7th Bear Regulars (Regular/Reliable)
8th Bear Regulars (Regular/Reliable)

Xi Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Omicron Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Pi Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Sigma Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Tau Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserve:
Nightlord-class Battleship (Ursa Major*)
Cameron-class Battle Cruiser (Dieron's Run*)
Black Lion-class Battle Cruiser (Bear's Den)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Blizzard, Icepick*)
Essex-class Destroyer (White Claw*, White Fang)
York-class Destroyer (Ursa Minor)
Fredasa-class Corvette (Black Ghost)
Volga-class Transport (Ursine Boatman)
Carrack-class Transport (Den Mother, Yggsdrasil*)

WarShips marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

NOTES:  The Bears are a bit smaller than in canon, but they are also smart enough that they brought twice the number of PGC/Garrison/Second-line forces of previously listed Clans.  Thanks to their robust Touman, they still have 20 Clusters (all second-line) left in the Homeworlds.

Running Totals:

Front-line:  107
Second-line:  33
WarShips:  46


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2012, 12:05:29 PM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion

Alpha Galaxy (The Rock Minders; Rondane)
24th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Khan's Own) (Elite/Fanatical)
35th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Scorpions of the Veil) (Elite/Fanatical)
8th Scorpion Dragoons (The Whip-Tail Brigade) (Elite/Fanatical)
14th Scorpion Hussars (Swift Retribution) (Veteran/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (The Sand Runners; Rondane)
23rd Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Ironshell Irregulars) (Elite/Fanatical)
1st Scorpion Dragoons (Heartvenom) (Elite/Fanatical)
6th Scorpion Hussars (Desert Wind) (Veteran/Fanatical)
22nd Scorpion Hussars (Eye of the Storm) (Veteran/Fanatical)

Gamma Galaxy (The Cave Dwellers) (4 front-line Clusters; Roche)

Delta Galaxy (Nightcrawlers; Rondane)
20th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Scorpio Ascendant) (Veteran/Reliable)
38th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Khan's Castle) (Elite/Fanatical)
9th Scorpion Dragoons (Obsidian Claws) (Veteran/Reliable)
21st Scorpion Dragoons (Black Sun) (Regular/Reliable)

Epsilon Garrison Galaxy (Rondane)
5th Scorpion Gendarmes (Forked Ambition) (Regular/Fanatical)
7th Scorpion Gendarmes (The Din of Battle) (Regular/Fanatical)
10th Scorpion Gendarmes (Poisoned Gambit) (Regular/Fanatical)

Iota Garrison Galaxy (Rondane)
13th Scorpion Gendarmes (Scorpion Strikers) (Green/Reliable)
25th Scorpion Gendarmes (Blazing Eyes) (Regular/Questionable)
27th Scorpion Gendarmes (The Burning Sting) (Green/Questionable)

Zeta Garrison Galaxy (3 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Eta Garrison Galaxy (3 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Theta Garrison Galaxy (3 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserve:
McKenna-class Battleship (Lei Kung)
Nightlord-class Battleship (Atropos*)
Cameron-class Battle Cruiser (Hephaestus*)
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser (Serket)
Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser (Corona Austrina*, Corona Borealis)
Congress-class Frigate (Bernlad, Garlon*)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Auriga*, Sagitta)
Essex-class Destroyer (Orpheus)
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Enceladus, Epimetheus, Karttikeya, Prometheus)
Volga-class Transport (Andromeda)
Carrack-class Transport (Collrane*)

WarShips marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

NOTE:  Like the Cloud Cobras, I have expanded the Scorpions slightly.  They are one of the few Clans to leave ANY front-line forces in the Homeworlds (4 Clusters), but (in partial compensation), they also have brought more garrison troops than most Clans.

Running Totals:

Front-line:  119
Second-line:  39
WarShips:  57
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 12:07:15 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles (A Clan Invasion AU initial outline)
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2012, 12:15:53 PM »

Clan Hell's Horses

Command (Syrstart)
Alpha Keshik (Elite/Fanatical)
Omega Keshik (Elite/Reliable)

Alpha Galaxy (Stampede of Steel; Syrstart)
Alpha Command Binary (Elite/Fanatical)
11th Mechanized Cavalry (Blackhorse) (Elite/Fanatical)
12th Mechanized Cavalry (Long Knives) (Elite/Fanatical)
13th Mechanized Cavalry (Thirteenth Horse) (Elite/Fanatical)
30th Mechanized Strike (Steel Hooves) (Elite/Fanatical)

Beta Galaxy (The Apocalypse; Syrstart)
Beta Command Binary (Elite/Fanatical)
6th Mechanized Assault (War) (Elite/Fanatical)
8th Mechanized Assault (Death) (Elite/Fanatical)
7th Mechanized Cavalry (Famine) (Elite/Fanatical)
3rd Mechanized Strike (Pestilence) (Elite/Fanatical)

Gamma Galaxy (The Bloodriders; Syrstart)
Gamma Command Binary (Veteran/Reliable)
201st Mechanized Assault (Bearslayers) (Veteran/Reliable)
87th Mechanized Cavalry (Vindicators) (Veteran/Reliable)
99th Mechanized Cavalry (Avengers) (Veteran/Reliable)
45th Mechanized Strike (Worldtakers) (Veteran/Reliable)

Delta Galaxy (The Storm Riders; Syrstart)
Delta Command Binary (Veteran/Reliable)
44th Mechanized Cavalry (Black Wave) (Veteran/Reliable)
71st Mechanized Cavalry (Thunderstrike) (Veteran/Reliable)
82nd Mechanized Cavalry (Firestorm) (Veteran/Reliable)
65th Mechanized Strike (Whirlwind) (Veteran/Reliable)

Zeta Garrison Galaxy (Syrstart)
2nd Horse Guards (Virginians) (Veteran/Reliable)
4th Horse Guards (First Team) (Veteran/Fanatical)
5th Horse Guards (Stonewall) (Veteran/Reliable)
27th Horse Guards (Shenandoah Volunteers) (Veteran/Reliable)

Eta Garrison Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Theta Garrison Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)
Iota Garrison Galaxy (4 Second-line Clusters; Homeworlds)

Naval Reserve:
Cameron-class Battle Cruiser (Sleipnir)
Congress-class Frigate (Bucephalus)
Lola III-class Destroyer (Black Knight, Gold Knight, Red Knight*)
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser (Armageddon*, Blood Horse, Steel Shield)
Volga-class Transport (Mount Olympus)
Carrack-class Transport (Golden Clydesdale*)

WarShips marked with an asterisk (*) remain in the Homeworlds.

NOTE:  Slight changes in the Touman here; nothing too major.

Running Totals:

Front-line:  135
Second-line:  43
WarShips:  64
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