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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2012, 03:29:51 PM »

The Lancers had 4 regiments in 3040's. They were the 59th Strike, 21st Rangers, the 4th and 9th Rangers according to the Historical : War of 3039 p.141
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2012, 12:32:01 PM »

Headquarters, Rho Garrison Galaxy
Koutani Station, Glory
June 21, 3003

“You are certain in this choice, saKhan?” Leslie Buhallin, the Khan of Clan Jade Falcon asked in a sour voice.  “He is a free-birth—this entire Galaxy is predominately comprised of free-births.”

Yvonne Hazen grinned at her Khan.  “Aff, my Khan.  Unless you would prefer to spare a front-line unit for what may be decades.  He is the best choice.  First, he is troublesome to the Nest, and sending him—and those like him—to Chainelane will serve the Clan by securing the system of Vannes and cleansing the Homeworlds of their presence.  Second, he is an excellent Warrior, despite his peculiar tendencies and mannerisms that have alienated him within our society.  Third, he has a keen mind and does not shirk a task—he will do well and transform this primitive backwater into a stronghold of the Clan.”

Buhallin snorted.  “A stronghold shaped by a free-birth who is often at odds with the Unity, saKhan.”  She grimaced and shook her head.  “You are, however, correct.  The parameters set by the ilKhan cannot be accomplished with one of our true-born at the head of this expedition.  They will balk and squabble and they do not understand the necessity of deception and deceit.”

The Khan stood and she began to pace.  It was a . . . troublesome truth that she had learned as Khan.  Sometimes, a lie of omission was required—sometimes, deceit had to be employed.  It gnawed at her, though, the dishonor of those actions which she sometimes had to take to ensure that the Clan survived and thrived. 

It was not the Way that Nicholas Kerensky had established; but then, the Clans had charted their own course away from the exact Path of the Founder and First Khan of Khans since his death.  That was one constant of life that the Falcons struggled with—it changed.  It adapted.  And her Falcons—her Falcons—struggled against such change.  That was their foundation of strength . . . and their greatest weakness.

There was a knock on the door frame and Buhallin nodded to herself; she walked back over to her chair behind the desk and sat once more.  “Enter,” she commanded.

The door opened and a tall Falcon Warrior was ushered in, the door closed behind him by her aide.  His uniform was immaculate, but the Khan still frowned upon seeing the ornamentation worn by this freebirth in the form of a jeweled stud in one ear lobe.  And his hair was worn too long.  She shook her head and sighed.

“Star Colonel Paris reporting as ordered, my Khan!” he snapped out as he came to a halt two paces from the desk and stood at attention.  His posture and bearing were perfect and exact, but his tone held just a touch of contempt and sarcasm, and the Khan ground her teeth as she stared at Yvonne.  The young saKhan just shrugged, and Buhallin sighed.

“You have heard of the expedition to the Chainelane Isles, quiaff?” she asked in a clipped voice.


“It is a matter of vital importance to the Clans—to the Falcons—that we secure a foothold there from which we shall one day return to the Inner Sphere.  Do you agree?”

“Aff,” he replied, his face showing no expression at all.  Buhallin’s cheeks began to color as this free-birth’s one-word answers irritated her.  She stood.

“Against my better judgment, my saKhan has selected you to command our expedition, Paris.   Are you qualified for this task?”

“Aff,” he said again with a slight smirk, and then remained silent.  The Khan laid her palm on the grip of her holstered pistol and she shook her head.

“Look at me, damn you!” she bellowed.  “I have no patience for your games today, Paris!”

The free-birth Falcon stood at ease and he glared straight into his Khan’s eyes.  “Aye, Khan Buhallin, I can take and hold Vannes for you.  I can transform the native people there into good little Falcons for your Nest.  If you have doubts, well, that is your problem, not mine.  Either order me to do the job, or reassign me to a Solahma unit, or kill me.  Because frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn what you prefer today, my Khan.”

Her eyes grew wide, and Leslie Buhallin could feel the blood boiling in her veins, but then both of the standing Falcons—true-born Khan and free-born Warrior—turned their heads as Yvonne Hazen burst out laughing.

“My Khan, he is a Falcon.  Proud and haughty regardless of his lineage.  You asked the question and received the answer.  Paris, this is no ordinary task we are setting you to.  You must secure Vannes, you must indoctrinate the civilians there in our ways, and you must oversee the construction of industry and infrastructure to support our eventual invasion.  Further, you will have to accomplish this while keeping your neighbors in the Inner Sphere ignorant of our origin and our goals.  They cannot have warning.  Can you do this?”

The free-birth grinned and he nodded.  “Aff.  I can do this.  I will be taking my 4th Garrison Cluster?”

Buhallin exhaled and she forced her back down into her seat.  “Aff.  You will command the 4th PGC and all of Rho Galaxy, Galaxy Commander Paris.”  She smiled as she saw the stunned look on the face of this free-birth.

“You may discover that this assignment is rather more challenging that you think, Paris.  Rho Galaxy will be reequipped for operations with SLDF BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, and vehicles.  Your normal equipment will be sent along with you, but will be warehoused against future need.  You are NOT to use our technology unless it is a question of Vannes falling into the hands of others.  In which case, your mission will have already been a failure.  Should you encounter merchants or explorers or military personnel from the Inner Sphere, you will lead them to believe that you are nothing more than minor warlord—a bandit on the edge of civilization.  Nothing they need fear, and certainly nothing they need to investigate.”

Paris frowned and he nodded.  “I see why you wanted a free-birth, Khan Buhallin.  True-born Falcons would find that difficult to accomplish.”

“We must disguise our presence and give them no warning of what is to come, Paris.  Fail and you will not be remembered by any.  If you succeed,” and Leslie Buhallin, Khan of the Jade Falcons ground her teeth again, glaring at her saKhan who had proposed the idea, “if you succeed, I will see that your genetic legacy enters the breeding program.  You are of the House of Folkner, quiaff?”

“Aff,” the free-born said quietly, his attention glued now to the Khan.

“Understand this, Paris.  You will be out there alone for decades—twenty, perhaps even thirty or forty—years.  You will not live to see it, but you have my word—and that of my saKhan—that your progeny will be true-born Warriors of the Clan.  If you succeed.  Is it still your will to try?”

“Try not.  Do or do not.  There is no try,” Paris quoted with a wry smile.  “Aff, my Khan.”

“Good,” the Khan said and she glanced back over at Yvonne and sighed.  “Tell him.”

The saKhan stood.  “Rho Galaxy has never been given the honor of a Name, Galaxy Commander Paris.  At least, until now.  Take your Raptors to Vannes, conqueror that world in the name of the Falcon, and make for us a Nest worthy of this Clan.”

Paris grinned.  “The Raptors of Vannes?  Aff, saKhan.  I can work with that.  I’ll have a free hand, quiaff?”

Leslie sighed at yet another contraction leaving the lips of the free-born—he must be doing that on purpose to annoy her.  But she nodded.  “Within reason.  And I expect monthly reports, Galaxy Commander.  Detailed reports.”

He nodded.  And then there was silence for several long moments before the Khan shook her head.  “You had best get started preparing Rho for this assignment.  And getting them acquainted with the ancient equipment that you will shortly be receiving.”

“How long do I have?”

“Not long, Galaxy Commander.  I expect that the expedition will depart within the next year—fifteen months at the most.  In that time, you must prepare Rho—the Raptors of Vannes—for operations, assemble a force of civilians that will build our Nest, and prepare yourselves for the most important assignment in the history of the Falcons to date.  Do not fail me in this.”

“Well, with your permission then, Khan Buhallin, I think that I should get to work.”

“Go,” she said, as she opened another folder and bent her head to read the next report on her schedule.  The free-born just nodded at the Khan, and the saKhan in turn, and then he spun on his heel and marched out of the office.  Buhallin threw down the file folder and she snorted.

“And you, Yvonne Hazen.  If he fails, I shall not forget who advised me to send him.”

“Succeed or fail, see that you do not, Khan Buhallin,” she answered with a chuckle.  “For the rest of your life, he is going to be over a year’s travel away from you and all proper Falcons.  I think you owe me a hearty thank-you, myself.”


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2012, 04:48:00 PM »

What I don't understand, is how noone ever correlated the sudden appearance of 5+ regiments with the exodus.  I mean, some conspiracy theorists somewhere had to draw that connection, especially considering the VERY sudden appearance of the force, and the utter superior skill of it's warriors means they had to come from somewhere, and nowhere was there to be 5 suddenly missing regiments, elsewise there'd have been SOME sort of intelligence.  The other way to look at it, is those weary of C* could believe the Dragoons to be a C* ploy of some kind.  That's pretty much it.

There was considerable speculation (particularly with Natasha Kerensky's surname) but the Wolf Dragoons simply smirked a lot and refused to answer, since they could be sure that there was never going to be someone who didn't want to employ them anyway.


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2012, 04:51:14 PM »

And of course every single Intelligence Agency tried to crack their secrecy until Wolf had his big reveal on Outreach.  And I'm sure Romano was grabbing plates...

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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2012, 04:54:24 PM »

Headquarters, Rho Garrison Galaxy
Koutani Station, Glory
June 21, 3003

“You are certain in this choice, saKhan?” Leslie Buhallin, the Khan of Clan Jade Falcon asked in a sour voice.  “He is a free-birth—this entire Galaxy is predominately comprised of free-births.”


“Succeed or fail, see that you do not, Khan Buhallin,” she answered with a chuckle.  “For the rest of your life, he is going to be over a year’s travel away from you and all proper Falcons.  I think you owe me a hearty thank-you, myself.”

We'll always have Paris...

The Raptors of Vannes.  I like it.  So did you do their order of battle?
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2012, 05:23:08 PM »

Headquarters, Rho Garrison Galaxy
Koutani Station, Glory
June 21, 3003

“You are certain in this choice, saKhan?” Leslie Buhallin, the Khan of Clan Jade Falcon asked in a sour voice.  “He is a free-birth—this entire Galaxy is predominately comprised of free-births.”


“Succeed or fail, see that you do not, Khan Buhallin,” she answered with a chuckle.  “For the rest of your life, he is going to be over a year’s travel away from you and all proper Falcons.  I think you owe me a hearty thank-you, myself.”

We'll always have Paris...

The Raptors of Vannes.  I like it.  So did you do their order of battle?

All of the Clan OBs (circa 3049) are in THIS THREAD.  Rho Galaxy contains four Provisional Garrison Clusters, which are Falcon 2nd-line/garrison units.  Equipped with BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, vehicles, and Conventional Infantry.  It's all covered in that thread.  Page . . . 6, I think.



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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2012, 05:34:49 PM »

Thanks, it didn't register when I skimmed through that thread.
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2012, 05:38:03 PM »

Nice balanced forces in the PGCs.  Did you lay out what they called themselves while on Vannes?  ie 2d PGC = Raptor's Talons, 3d PGC = The Beak?
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2012, 06:29:31 PM »

Nice balanced forces in the PGCs.  Did you lay out what they called themselves while on Vannes?  ie 2d PGC = Raptor's Talons, 3d PGC = The Beak?

Not yet.



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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2012, 09:38:33 PM »

Wolf’s Dragoons Headquarters
Abaddon Heights, Eden
February 8, 3004

General Jaime Wolf stood outside in the cool night air, and he surveyed all that he could see below him.  The edge of the heights on which he stood dropped precipitously to the jungle floor below, but the rim stood high above even the tallest of the trees.  He could hear the sounds of the creatures that filled that jungle quite clearly, however, and he sighed.  This was the last time that he would cast his gaze upon Eden.  The last time he would ever see with his own eyes the beauty of the Homeworlds.

A faint sound rose above the voices and cries of the night prowlers, a rhythmic thump, thump, thump; and Jaime sighed.  He turned his back to the misty jungle far below and he walked towards the complex of buildings that served his Dragoons as their temporary headquarters.  The source of the sound came into view and the VTOL slowed over the well-illuminated landing pad, its landing gears deploying as it settled down and the rotors wound down.  The battle-armor clad Elementals of the Ebon Keshik—already deployed in advance of the ilKhan—snapped to attention as the side door opened and Nadia Winson descended the short steps, followed by her aides.

Jaime walked over and he nodded his head in greeting.  “We are ready for the final briefing, ilKhan—if you would follow me?”

She nodded, removing the helmet that she wore handing it off to an aide.  Together the two of them entered the building and then a conference where nearly two dozen officers waited.  “Attention!” bellowed Colonel John MacKenzie, the commander of Alpha Regiment and Jaime’s second-in-command.  As one, the men and women snapped to their feet and saluted crisply.  Most—but not all—wore the black and red uniforms of the Dragoons.

“As you were,” Nadia said as she took her seat at the head of the table; following her lead the others quickly resumed their own seats and Jaime took a chair.  John sat to the right of Jaime, the Bloodnamed Ghost Bear Warrior calm and collected in the presence of his ilKhan. Jaime had been surprised, but he had developed a fondness for the man; his cautious personality perfectly offset the rashness that the General knew he had a tendency towards, and his skill in battle was considerable.  He had also proved himself a keen administrator and leader, and under his tutelage Alpha Regiment—First Team—had become a finely honed sword, taking unanticipated changes in the battlefield in stride and possessing a tenacity and camaraderie which had impressed the Wolf.

To his right sat Joshua Wolf, Jaime’s own free-born younger brother, and Colonel of Beta Regiment—Second to None.    Fiery and ready for the crucible that awaited them, Beta had been built as a fast-moving regiment of medium-weight designs, to complement the heavy Alpha.  It was truly a Wolf unit, able to adapt in an instant and built to worry its opponents to death.

Aleisha Ross came next.  Wolf smiled.  They had to conceal the fact that the ilKhan had granted the use of surnames to his Dragoons from the Khans—had that little tidbit of information leaked out, there would have literal hell to pay in the Grand Council of Khans.  Colonel of Gamma Regiment—The Iron Guard—Aleisha was a free-birth of Clan Burrock.  And if her chosen Gamma was slower than Beta Regiment in speed, and lighter than Alpha Regiment in weight, it was a solid defensive unit that excelled at holding ground.  A pursuit unit, no; that it was not.  And the medium-weight units could not absorb as much damage as Alpha, but the Regiment under her leadership had settled down nicely and packed a measure of firepower all out of proportion to the size of its BattleMechs.

Colonel Travis King commanded Delta Regiment—The Hunters—which was the lightest of Wolf’s five regiments.  An Ice Hellion by birth, the free-born Travis had volunteered for this assignment and built a Regiment that would have made Stephen Cage proud.  It certainly satisfied him, Jaime thought with a wry grin.  Even if Travis wouldn’t stop complaining about how sluggish and slow the old SLDF BattleMechs and hover vehicles were compared to modern Clan designs. 

The Goliath Scorpion Baxter Arbuthnot was another free-born volunteer—but one who had earned his mother’s Bloodname in a Grand Melee.  Tasked as the Colonel of Epsilon Regiment—the Harrowers—Baxter had built a combined arms regiment where all ten of his companies held a mixture of BattleMechs, combat vehicles, infantry troopers, and aerospace fighters.  Although the volunteers from other Clans had protested, Jaime allowed him to build his Regiment in the Scorpion fashion—and the results had been outstanding.  Lacking almost any light or assault-weight BattleMechs, Epsilon was second only to Alpha in the weight of its combat units, and the incorporation of vehicles and infantry in every company had given Baxter flexibility that no other Regiment of the Dragoons had demonstrated.  Able to attack, defend, and pursue—if not specialized in any specific mission—the well-rounded nature of The Harrowers made Jaime grateful that Baxter had volunteered for this assignment.

Lieutenant Colonel Misha Lloyd took the next chair.  A Star Adder, she had been awarded command of the Fire Support Group; a battalion of artillery vehicles designed to give any of the Regiments fire on demand. 

To her side sat Lt. Colonel Jason Carmody, a Cloud Cobra in command of the Orbital/Aerospace Operations Group.  Twenty-four aerospace fighters and four carrier DropShips formed the core of his command, supported by a pair of Assault DropShips.  The Cobra fighter pilot had drilled his pilots mercilessly, and today Jaime would have bet his stars that they could take any pilot in the Clans—let alone the Inner Sphere.

Lt. Colonel Marian Griffin was a hard woman from a hard Clan.  A Smoke Jaguar, the free-birth had served in the Jaguar Garrison Infantry, where she had made a name for herself in a field where those of the Elemental phenotype usually prevailed.  Wolf had assigned her to command his Seventh Kommando, a unit of infantry and vehicles that Jaime intended to undertake so-called “special missions”, where a small unit of elite soldiers could indeed make a difference.  And Marian had built that unit, although her former Jaguar Khans would be shocked by the dishonorable (in their eyes) tactics she had chosen to train her command in.

The Special Recon Group of Lt. Colonel Hansen Brubaker was next.  A mixed battalion of BattleMechs, fast VTOL gunships, and combat hovertanks, it was designed to scout for the Dragoons in all types of terrain, and these Warriors exceeded even the speed and mobility of Travis King’s Delta Regiment—a fact which the former Horse never allowed Travis to forget.

Zeta Battalion was the Hammer of the Dragoons.  Commanded by the Jade Falcon Lt. Colonel Anson Howe, it was comprised of just heavy and assault-weight BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters.  Slow, ponderous, relatively immobile, Zeta carried an impressive amount for firepower—especially for such primitive BattleMechs as the Dragoons were using.  And while Jaime might personally detest Anson Howe, the man knew well how to deploy his command and lead it.

Paul Vandenberg, the Colonel assigned to command the Home Guard Regiment of combat vehicles and infantry, had been a Blood Spirit.  Which made him one of the few of that Clan in the Dragoons—the Spirit Khans had offered the bare minimum of troops, and most of those had been rejected.  But not Paul.  Paul was one of those rare Spirits who seemed to be able to let go of the past; he had built the Home Guard into a confident unit well able to keep the Dragoon’s rear secured.

Colonel Julia Kidd, a Snow Raven, was the commander of the transport JumpShips and DropShips assigned to carry his Dragoons.  Although she lamented that the ilKhan had rejected WarShips, she had thrown herself into getting the ancient ships ready for deployment—her skill would prove invaluable in the coming days and long journey ahead, Jaime thought.

Lt. Colonel Martha Ryan was next; charged with the command of the Special Intelligence and Operations Group, she was the Warrior that the ilKhan had found to ride herd on her promised Watch analysts.  And so far, she had proven very, very good at her job.

Wolf’s aide—Captain William Cameron was next, seated beside Captain Natasha Kerensky.  William served as his aide and commanded the Timber Wolf Company of his command.  Natasha—another rare true-born with a Bloodname in the Dragoons—had been assigned to the second company—the Black Widow Company.  Between the two of them, he was as safe as any General on the battlefield had a right to expect.

And sitting between Natasha and Nadia was the final member of this meeting:  Khan Gordon Myers of Clan Goliath Scorpion.

Nadia smiled at the men and women she had come to know so well.  “First of all, my congratulations.  You have raised a furor in the Homeworlds like we have not seen in ages.  The Jaguars and Falcons and Vipers are calling for me to have you all declared as dezgra; apparently your defeat, in simulation, of their hand-picked front-line forces while using equipment we have considered obsolete has outraged them.”  She grinned and slowly clapped.  “Perhaps it will make them reconsider why they lost; perhaps not.  But defeat them you did—and now you are ready to start your assignment.  Khan Myers?”

The Scorpion stood, and he nodded at the men and women trained with the texts and simulators his Clan had supplied—trained in the style of the old SLDF.  “Warriors, next week you will depart the Pentagon and set course for Vannes, the closest world in the Chainelane Isles to the Inner Sphere.  Clan Jade Falcon’s Rho Galaxy should have already seized the world by the time you arrive—they departed three months ago.  There, you will refuel and have a few weeks to stretch your legs after your year-long journey.  And then,” he picked up a remote and clicked it.  A holographic map of the Inner Sphere appeared.  “Contrary to what many Khans believe, we do have some information on the current situation in the Inner Sphere.”

He smiled crookedly at the ilKhan, who glowered back at him.  “Our Seekers, while never quite breaking the ruling of the Council, have made inroads into the near Periphery.  There we have learned of the largest events of the day.  As you can see, the Terran Hegemony no longer exists.  Their territory has been divided amongst the Five Great Houses, and the borders have been rather fluid over the centuries, as you can plainly see.  We have also confirmed that it is generally believed that WarShips are extinct—no one has them anymore or the means to produce them.  Your BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters are possibly in better condition than the majority of their forces—I anticipate that your arrival will cause quite a stir.”

He chuckled, and then shook his head.  “The original plan was to circumnavigate the Inner Sphere to disguise where the eventual Invasion would come from—but that would add at least a year to your journey.  Instead, you will enter the Lyran Commonwealth once you depart Vannes.  Your cover story will be that you have been exiled by the leadership of the Isles—a remnant of the Rim Worlds Republic—and that you are mercenaries looking for employment.  I would suggest either Barcelona or Bone-Norman for your initial point of contact with Lyran forces.  The files I have uploaded to your personal systems contain the story we are weaving—study it and learn it, and stick to it.  Emphasize that the Isles are violently isolationist and that you were exiled for daring to question the status quo—it is the understanding of our Seekers that such reasons often lead to formed units going mercenary in the Inner Sphere of today.  The distance between the Commonwealth and the Isles should prevent them from trying to confirm the story—and even if they do, our forces on station there will turn away any . . . inquisitive minds.  All of the commanders on the ground will be informed—and if your names are mentioned, there are certain to be expletives as well.”

Laughter circled the table, but Myers pressed on.  “Beyond that, we know little.  I would suggest trying to obtain five year contracts; that should be sufficient for gathering information.  Once your contract with Steiner expires, you can either head for the League or Kurita space—your choice, General Wolf.  We need a full assessment of the strength of each Great House, however.  Once a complete circuit of the Inner Sphere has been accomplished—which should take approximately twenty-five years, we would also like assessments on the Outworlds Alliance, the Taurian Concordat, and the Magistracy of Canopus.  While not strictly necessary, reports on those powers will be helpful in forming our final invasion plans.”

Myers sat down without another word and Nadia nodded.  “Expect that we will have a little chat about how far the Seekers are allowed to go in the future, Khan Myers.  But that is for later.  Warriors, this is the last time we will meet—in my lifetime, certainly.”  She stood, followed by everyone seated at the table.  “Your mission is of vital importance, and we are all counting on you and your people to succeed.  Good hunting.”

And turned on her heels and left the Dragoons behind her.

Jaime watched her go and he sighed.  “Final preparations for embarkation begin at dawn.  Make certain you have everything we need because we are not coming back if you forget some spare parts.  Dismissed.”
« Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 09:54:31 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2012, 09:56:55 PM »

Nicely done.  Question- in canon she became the Black Widow when Joshua was killed.  What triggered it or is it just her Widowmaker Blood showing?
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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2012, 10:09:44 PM »

Nicely done.  Question- in canon she became the Black Widow when Joshua was killed.  What triggered it or is it just her Widowmaker Blood showing?

Her rebellion against traditionalists in Clan Wolf.  I thought that she used the Widowmaker embleem to tweak the nose of certain Wolf leaders when she became Star Colonel of the 328th Assault Cluster in 3003.  I could be wrong.  But in this AU, I have her doing it to irritate the ilKhan, who seems deadset on having ALL of the Clans represented.  "ilKhan, I thought you would be happy.  See, we have Widowmakers too!"



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Re: Lords of the Isles
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2012, 06:07:57 PM »

:)    Too funny!    Nasty's back!
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451
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