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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #105 on: April 21, 2015, 03:14:09 PM »

Guns, lots of guns.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #107 on: April 23, 2015, 01:48:29 PM »



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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #108 on: November 05, 2015, 03:30:02 AM »

We are back.  This has taken a long time to get back on track, but here we go.  The next chapter was written by Trajan Helmar, who is fleshing out the Smoke Jaguar side of things.  This is his first chapter, then one of mine back in the Inner Sphere will follow.

5th of March 3063
Clan Smoke Jaguar Command Center,
Huntress, Clan Homeworlds

Galaxy Commander Russou Howell surveyed the faces of the staff of Huntress’s defending Clusters and the holovid projections of the other Jaguar commanders in Clan Homeworld space.  The distasteful news he had just delivered, was still registering in their bodies, now taut with angry tension. 

“The orders are clear from Khan Howell and we are on our own.” He said.  “What we do here on Huntress in the next four weeks will determine whether our Clan will survive or fall,“ he paused before continuing, “We will not fail, lest shame com upon our great and glorious Clan. ”

Howell watched as the faces of his subordinates fixed him with angry stares.  Good. The possibility of shame through failure will motivate them to do all we must to protect the heart of the Jaguar as it is transplanted to its new home.  “Our next step is to organize and prepare for the wholesale evacuation of what the Jaguar needs to survive in the Inner Sphere.  This is why I have commanded Merchant, Laborer, Technician, and Scientist Factors to be present at this briefing. “

Star Colonel Abel Nevversan of the 12th Solahma Cluster spoke, “Galaxy Commander, who will be facing our warrior’s teeth?”

Russou waved Nevversan away, instead addressing the Factors.  “What I require from you are lists.”

“Lists?  Ovkhan, I do not understand,” said Merchant Factor Niccolo.

“What he wants, “Technician Factor Roger spoke before Howell could himself, “is lists of materials, caste members, and whatever else is necessary for the Clan to make the journey to and thrive in the Inner Sphere.”  Roger found Russou’s expression hateful as he looked back to the warrior. 

Blanching from fear, he bowed his head, “Apologies, Galaxy Commander, Instead of forcing you to waste your breath on Niccolo’s ignorance, I thought to stay any more foolishness from him.”  Howell’s anger abated somewhat with the appology, but Roger trembled until the man’s terrible gaze left him. This commander has already killed two other Factors in the last year, I have no intention of being the next.

Russou continued, “Aff, Factors, you will compile and produce manifests of everything the Jaguar needs. Of personnel, only the strongest laborers, most able techs, savvy merchants, useful scientists, and triumphant warriors will be leaving Huntress.”

Abel Nevversan shifted his weight uncomfortably at the last sentence. Russou’s eyes fixed on the Scientist Factor, “I want our warrior’s legacies shipping in less than two weeks.  Make sure they are safe to travel to the Inner Sphere, Scientist, you are fully culpable should even a single strand of DNA be left behind or be damaged in transport."

“You there,“  Roger felt the coldness emanating from the commander’s voice, “you have three weeks to board our ‘Mech factories. They are to be off-world before any Trials are fought, as per the Khan’s orders.“

“That may be possible but what about the tooling?” Roger boldly asked as he realized he would have to explain why he interrupted the commander a second time.

“What are you talking about?” Russou barked it out like a marching order on the parade ground.

“Th-The tooling, ovKhan. The machines that make the tools to manufacture the machines you use to kill.”

“What of them?” 

“They are essential, ovKhan.  Without them in the Inner Sphere, the ‘Mech factory equipment will eventually fail. Without a steady supply of replacement parts that are ready-made to specification, it will not be possible to make more Clan-spec equipment.“

 Russou countered, “Can we not make more using the blueprints we already possess?”

“Doubtful, Commander. Even if we manage to make something like the technical specifications require, it could take years to make proper, Clan-spec material, as we would need to rebuild the supporting infrastructure from scratch.  We cannot make our best OmniMechs or equipment if the factories are idle because of some broken, vital part?”

“We will take the parts in storage.“

“With all due respect Galaxy commander, I must explain further.” Technician Factor Roger stood, “Our Clan will lose a full year of production if we move without those machines!”  Roger pointed his hand outside the office, as if the whole room could see what he was motioning towards, the Inner Sphere.  “Without the tooling we will only make so many of this ‘Mech or that ‘Mech.  With no replacement parts for the factories, when they are finally up and working again, the Jaguar will need more machines more often, so it will work them harder than before Operation REVIVAL.  There will be more frequent breakdowns and production will be delayed.  The other Clans will face the same issues, though the Ghost Bears will not. They moved most of their industry in the last decade and they will come with their power and try to claim our worlds and kill our Clan when our factories begin to fail!”  Roger fell into his seat, trembling for raised his voice to the Smoke Jaguar Galaxy Commander.  For a long moment Russou did nothing.  A sardonic half-smile cracked across his face. “Have it your way, then Tech Factor. Make it happen.”

Star Colonel Abel asked again, “Commander, who is coming to face our warriors?”

Howell ignored the man again and continued to address the lower castemen.  “Labor Factor Tyrus, your caste is responsible for coordinating traffic on the planet?” Unusually for a Clan, the Smoke Jaguars entrusted space traffic control to the Laborers, not their Merchants, who the Warriors distrusted above all other castes.

“Yes, commander.  Our traffic controllers coordinate with the other castes to ensure prompt transfer and delivery of people and material.”

“Make sure the proper people are put with their tasks and materials, then load up the DropShips with everything needed for the transfer to the Inner Sphere.  Priority One will be the genetic library. Weapons programs and the ‘Mech factories are second, third priority given to medical equipment, data, technology, and support personnel for all vital Clan operational needs.”   

Tyrus nodded and replied, “Pirate points are authorized for transfer, quiaff?”

“Aff. With required transponder codes and scheduling pre-approved. I do not want to kill any Jaguars, there will be precious few of us soon. Merchant Factor….”

“Vasili, Galaxy Commander. I am Merchan-“

“Shut up. You will assist all other castes in accomplishing their tasks.  Your uselessness will be made up for by doing so.”

“Aye, Galax-“

Howell cut him off again, “Scientist Factor Lawrence, how many dangers will there be transporting the Jaguar’s spawn?”

“Several, Commander.  But thanks to a program designed in Khan Theodore Osis’ waning years, we have a solution for moving the genetic library with haste.  However, the active legacies will need more care to move since they are this moment, being worked with.  Nevertheless, I see no issues on meeting your timeframes.”

“Suspend all operations and put active legacies in cold storage." He paused, "Tell me of Khan Osis's  plan, Lawrence.”

“It is simple and elegant.  After the Mongoose Absorption, Khan Theodore began to worry about what could happen to our Clan if another tried to Trial for the entire genetic repository.  He had the Repository rebuilt with heavy modifications during the Mt Szabo Jaguar carving.  Because of a special system of rails and lifts, in two hours we can retrieve all inactive legacies and have them safely stowed for transport in another two hours.  Working legacies require more than a day to properly refreeze and move.  Of course, this preparation was rendered less important when satellite repositories were created a century later.”

Galaxy Commander Howell was considering this when the commander of the 48th Jaguar Battle Cluster spoke in a low voice,  “It would be wise to place the sibkos with the evacuated legacies.  The Cub Masters can train them in zero-gee combat ahead of schedule.  They will be good killers when they arrive in the Inner Sphere.”

Russou agreed, “Yes Temo, they will be.  But we will keep the sibkos ready for Trial of Positions in the shadow of Mt Szabo, should the enemy attack and break the main line. Thier crucible trial will be under the eys of the Great Jaguar.” 

Howell chaged track,  “Tech Roger, do we have enough ‘Mechs to cover our losses in supporting this move with the forces on Huntress?"

“I will check with the manufacturers.  We average producing about three trinaries per month in all ‘Mech chassis, but most of that production goes directly to the Inner Sphere to replace our losses there.  We also have nearly five Trainaries of Aerospace Fighters, five or Battle Armour and nearly 14 of OmiMMechs ready for shipment.” Roger relaxed as Russou’s tone was only questioning. 

“See that those materials are available for immmidiate use, Tech Roger, I want to know what exactly is available before the end of day.” 

Roger ignored Russou insulting him as a tech instead of recognizing his importance as the Technician Factor.  Small price to pay for what I did earlier.  “Aff, Galaxy Commander.”

“Factors, you are dismissed. Carry out your orders. Any queries will be channeled to me by my adjutant, Star Captain Kala.“  The Factors of Clan Smoke Jaguar quickly filed out of the communication room. The door was closed.

Russou turned his attention fully to the the other Jaguar officers present.  “According to Khan Howell and as I said earlier, the so-called Core Clans are united against the Invading Clans.  Eight versus eight.  They will be attacking us no later than April 2, twenty-eight days from now.”

Star Colonel Abel raised his hand.

“No, Star Colonel Abel, we do not know who we will face.  It is possible we will be attacked dishonorably en masse by the Homeworlders, we could be attacked honorably one Clan against another, or they could decide to coordinate on shared planets and attack piecemeal, so we must be ready for any eventuality.”

“Commander Howell, they called us dezgra! Us! Smoke Jaguars! Our recent fighting against the Ghost Bears and Nova Cats showed we are not,” said Hadria Furey commander of the 63rd Jaguar Regulars in a furious voice, “I will choke them with their own damned blood and piss on them while they die!”  Hadria Furey was known as one of the most violent Jaguars in Clan space.  Her last Trial against the Diamond Sharks on Vinton had ended when she used her Elemental battle armor claw to pull out a popular Shark commander from his cockpit, amputate his arm, and beat him to death with it.  Because of the severe umbrage from the Sharks and the subsequent approval of the Jaguar saKhan, Furey was transferred from a Solahma Cluster back to the 63rd Regulars, where she promptly killed the last commander to assume her new position.

“They only see Turtle Bay and the glory they were too weak to claim themselves Hadria.”

“Do I look like I give a damn? I will turn those savashri fools into my personal meat puppets,” she growled.

Russou’s smiled. “Khan Brandon Howell ordered no zellbrigen shall be offered to any of the Homeworlder Clans.”

The room was made silent by this comment, though Hadria nodded and smiled.

“Are nuclear weapons authorized for release,” asked the 33rd Jaguar Assault’s commander, his frigid tone chilling the room.  Russou Howell eyed the man who had seated himself quietly at the bottom of the table.   Howell was a skilled commander and terrific fighter who instilled fear and respect into his subordinates, all except for that one.  The commander of the 33rd Jaguar Assault was a quiet, cold man.  He had never been known to yell at anyone and his calm, even demeanor unsettled even Hadria Furey.  It was rumored he had never met a joke he could laugh at.  When he spoke, a river of ice issued forth that froze the blood of the people around him.  If Russou’s combat skills were excellent for a Smoke Jaguar, Attila Kotare’s were unparalleled in the Jaguar’s Homeworld possessions.  Russou donned his jacket. Attila’s icy blue eyes made the effect of his voice worse.

“No, Star Colonel, they have not been released.”

Kotare answered in a new tone that sounded like an alcoholic about to receive his daily fix,  “When will they be allowed?”

“I have no order from the Khan concerning this. This matter is closed.”  You tread a dangerous line Kotare, thought Russou, nuclear weapos are the last resort of the dammed and we are far from such a precipice.  I doubt many would support your line of thinking, even if we faced Annihilation.

Hadria spoke,  “I am glad that I will soon be able to know and kill our attackers.,” her hand was shaped like the motion-capture glove she wore inside her Elemental suit and she closed it around an imaginary limb.

Russou nodded to her and then continued to address the entire officer Corps of the Homeworlds “Khan Howell has openly ordered every inch and building of Jaguar territory to be defended.“ Russou said. The room erupted in praise, the holovid commanders lending their movements and sound to the noise.

The 63rd Solahma’s Star Colonel cheered, “We will win great honor as we slay our foes and die!”

Another joyous cheer rang throughout the chamber. Attila studied his commander’s face. He didn’t buy into what Howell had said.  Attila’s voice knifed through the atmosphere.

“That is not what we are truly doing, is it Commander?”  The room’s happiness settled into uneasy confusion. 

“No, it is not, Star Colonel. The Khan has ordered all clusters to report to Huntress at best possible speed.”

The room erupted into anger. Russou allowed it to calm before he dropped the second bomb. “All clusters outside of Huntress are also ordered to report here via merchant shipping immediately.”

The commanders of the other Jaguar enclaves violently disagreed. “We are warriors! Sitting in a surat merchant ship is beneath us,” Brady Wirth, the 77th Solahma’s commander decried.

Attila spoke calmly, “You will do as ordered by your lawful commander, you foolish surat.” Brady drew back as if he had been slapped through the holovid transmitter.

Attila looked at his fingernails, showing all present that Brady Wirth was unworthy for him to look at, “Galaxy Commander Russou Howell is our chief and I support him wholeheartedly. The plan is trap our attacker and destroy him where we are able.  Coming home in merchant shipping will only reinforce the illusion to the Core Clans that we will fight everywhere.  It is that simple is it not my ovKhan?”  Russou had buttoned his jacket halfway before he had realized what he was doing. 

“Correct Star Colonel Kotare.  That precisely is the Khan’s order. “

“But why,”  Wirth was incredulous.

“Most of the Jaguar’s industry is here on Huntress.  I know we have a ‘Fighter line or two on Kirin, components made for other machines on Atreus, but the prize is here,”  Russou placed his index finger on his desk.  Khan Howell wants this place picked as clean as can be so nothing is left,“ he looked at Attila who bowed his head a fraction, “to the Core Clans.  Worry not about what is left behind, only toward what we can leave with.”

Howell straightened up, “All commands off Huntress are hereby ordered to compose a recorded batchall to the future attacker to draw him into the…“ Russou felt the word fly off his tongue like a sour grape, “…deception.  The Jaguar demands we serve the Clan over personal honor.“  A useful figure of speech, the Jaguar’s survival was now the focal point for their worries about honor and disgrace. Russou thought to himself.  He knew what they had to do to succeed in the coming weeks would force them to be as disgraceful as their former brethren in the Core Clans made them out to be.  He also knew that whoever was going to attack them would buy Huntress at a fearful price.  He would make sure of it.

“See to your duties, Star Colonels.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #109 on: November 05, 2015, 03:53:44 AM »

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #110 on: November 05, 2015, 04:07:40 AM »

30th of April, 3063
Fortress Asguard
Tharkad, Donegal March, Federated Commonwealth

“I said attack, just like we did with the League.  Dam that little bastard Hohiro Kurita and his attempt to maintain his honour by using a few mercs on only four worlds, I want Dieron CUT OFF!” 

Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion was angry, as he had just received news that the DCMS had joined the fighting in the Terran Corridor, just as the AFFC reacted in full force the Marik and Liao incursions in that region.  The young Archon-Prince was leading in his first real war, as the Federated Commonwealth was assaulted by no less than seven neighbouring states with ten separate strikes.

“Victor, rash decisions won’t win the war.”  Marshall of the Armies, Morgan Hasek-Davion said, “What seems to be working against Marik, won’t necessarily work against Kurita.  Yes, we have cut off Sirius and driven back the FWLM from most of the worlds we have hit, but they still have significant forces in theatre, strong reserves and the Capellan Confederation is still hitting worlds faster than we can reinforce them.”

Victor stared daggers at his Marshall, “I understand that Morgan, but they tried to take us by surprise and our commanders engaging our AMBUSH PROTOCALS worked better than I could have hoped for.  We need to hit them again and hard.” 

The development of the AMBUSH PROTOCAL followed the Tamar Conference, with each March pre-positioning transports for rapid counter-attacks by reserve forces.  Reserves in the Terran March had gone on an immediate counter-offensive, which left the League reeling, whilst reserves from the Crucis March rapidly came forward.  What little could be done on the Capellan front was enacted, though the two salients were as good as lost, whilst the Periphery March began to strike back against the Taurians.  On the Clan front, the Horses and Steel Vipers had slowed as reserves arrived and the AFFC was poised to drive the Ice Hellions off completely.  However, the main focus was on the Terran Corridor, where reserve forces from Skye and Donegal had massed on Alcor and WarShips were moving towards Sirius to finish the defence of that world off.

Before Morgan could respond, Victor held up a hand.  “Morgan, you cannot deny the surprise that the FWLM has suffered.  We have not only stopped their advance cold, we are ploughing a wider path through the corridor.  The FWLM has come in to this war over confident of what it can do to use, especially after its easy victories against Katherine.  We need to do the same to the Combine.  The forces on Alcor need to cut in behind Dieron and force Theodore to weigh up a potential lost cause with the League or keeping a District Capital.”

Morgan nodded once and then walked across the well-appointed room towards the bar.  He threw Victor a questioning look, got a shake of the head in return and so poured himself a drink from a decanter, not really looking at what he poured, more needing a drink in hand to help him think. 

“Well Victor, your points do have merit, they do, but, and I must emphasise the but, you are betting much on long odds.”

The Prince smiled “He who dare wins…To the Victor go the spoils, a few other catch phrases and such.  I feel this Morgan, we have them.  They have underestimated us, underestimated the Federated Commonwealth, something I never thought would happen.  We are being attacked by seven opponents, we have three on the ropes, two more unsure of what we will do next and two others that we can afford to deal with at a later date.  It is there for the taking!”  He finished with a flourish of his arms.

“Prove it to me Victor.”

Victor looked at Morgan sharply, “I’m not a cadet anymore.”

“No you’re not, you are the Archon-Prince of the Federated Commonwealth in the midst of a four front war “feeling” his way to victory.  I am your Marshall of the Armies and it my job to make sure you make the right decisions, based on hard facts.”

Victor looked ready to bite back, but then breathed in and calmed himself.  “Ok Morgan, fair point, I’ll prove it to you.  Ask away.”

Morgan leant back against the bar, “Let’s start with logistics then.”  Victor nodded.  “At current rates of expenditure, we will be unable to keep forces in the field supplied beyond October, six months from now.  If you can’t get past that issue, the rest are moot.”

Victor looked to the floor then moved across the room to sit in the grey twin couch closet to Morgan. “The Capellans are slowing dramatically and we have good data on their supply situation, they can’t force a long war and will dig in soon, of that I am sure and you have seen that data as well.  The Taurian right flank is up in the air and in trouble, though their drive towards the Pleiades is still going well.  Once they get that gem and we can’t really stop them at the moment, we sue for peace.  They will jump at the offer, as by that stage the Capellans will be winding there operations right back.  That calms a third of the entire war effort, though yes, it is the smallest part of it.”

Morgan interjected, “What if they don’t stop, either of them?"

“Then they over extend and we drive them back in the medium term.  They just don’t have the numbers to swallow too much of the Federated Suns.”

Morgan nodded, “True enough.  What about the League and Combine?”

Victor looked up, “That’s where the shock of Sirius and Dieron comes in.  We give them no choice but to escalate.  With the Capellan and Taurians cooling off, the League won’t want to face us alone, and there is too much activity on the Clan front and too few years before the Truce ends for Theodore to want to get engaged in a major war with us.”

“The League could keep going alone, “ responded Morgan, “but I think you have Thomas’s metal.  He does not want a long war and won’t risk exposing the League unnecessarily.”

Victor nodded slowly, “That leaves us the Clans.  If we can focus our resources there, we can at least halt their advance, if not regain ground, especially from the weaker two Clans.”

“What of losses?” added Morgan

Victor pursed his lips as he thought, “We have lost thirty worlds, with five more cut off and taken five in return.  If we can play the Taurians and Capellans, we can start to reclaim worlds elsewhere.  Our regimental losses though, that we have to wear for some time, as new Mech’s and other equipment needs to go towards supporting active commands.”

Morgan pulled a scrap of paper from inside his jacket, “Have you seen the latest on the lost commands?”

Victor shook his head.

“None in the recent attacks.”  Victor smiled as Morgan continued, “We have lost thirteen commands total so far, including six RCT’s, but I do think the worst is behind us for now.  Looks like the Panzer shock has worn off and the units engaged are thinking on their feet again.”
Victor leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyes, “They were bound to Morgan.  Whenever we give them the opportunity to touch the avatar of the FedCom mantra, they always measure up.”

Morgan cocked his head to one side, his eyes curious, “What do you mean?”

Victor looked across to Morgan, “I mean that when we let them advance, with the shackles off, they always perform.  When we hinder their advance or let them get struck at, they seem to doubt themselves.  Father should have let them off the leash in ’39, I think he regretted not doing so later, despite what he thought at the time.”

“It was the right call at the time.” Said Morgan

“No it wasn’t Morgan.  He blinked, the ultimate gambler blinked.  Less than twelve months of operations and he pulled back.  I have modelled about fifteen different scenarios and pushing for six more months, even with the Combine winning most fights would have seen a border wide collapse of the DCMS.  It was a pivotal moment in history and a decision we are still paying for today.”

Morgan took a long breath, “That’s a conversation for another time and I disagree with you entirely, so I expect we will need to spend some long peaceful nights arguing about it over a good bottle.”  He smiled as he finished

“Sounds like a plan Morgan.  Have I convinced you.”

“Not entirely, but the basis seems sound.  I want to run it by the operations teams to see what your thinking would allow us to accomplish.”

There was silence for several minutes as both men focused their minds on the ongoing war, turning issues over.  Victor broke the silence, “Any word on the FWLN?”

Morgan put his glass down, untouched, and walked over to sit opposite Victor, “They are massing over Marik.  So far we believe there is a Thera, Black Lion, two cruisers, two frigates, four destroyers and four corvettes.”

Victor made a strange looking grimace, “Fourteen ships with a strong core.  What is their likely target?”

“Sirius, or so our sources say.  We have ships from the Donegal, Capellan and Crucis March on their way to link up with the Tikonov Squadron over Sirius in two months, about when we expect the League task force to arrive.”

“Our force strength?”  Victor’s eyes narrowed, knowing that the largest naval battle in the Inner Sphere in centuries had the potential to be fought, with the victor able to dominate shipping throughout the Terran Corridor.

“Oddly enough, fourteen of our own.  The Mjolnir FCS Fylgia, three Avalons, Durandel and nine Fox’s.”

Victor did not look impressed, “We will be hard pressed to keep them out of the system with that force.”

Morgan shook his head, “I said the same thing to Admiral Hood, but I was pulled up short.  The Admiral says that we have more than a 35% advantage in firepower and staying ability.”

Victor looked pleasantly surprised, “An advantage a good Admiral or pure chance could all but nullify.  Our losses will be heavy either way.”

“True,” said Morgan as he nodded “We also have the advantage that the FWLN probably won’t expect to find a fleet of equal size to its own over Sirius.”

Victor smiled thinly, “Agreed.”  He then asked “Have we had any more information on the fighting within the Clans?”

Morgan grimaced and shook his head, whilst raising one hand palm up, “None whatsoever.  The Jaguars and Nova Cats are no longer fighting with the Combine and the Bears and Wolves seem to have settled down as well.  What the final fall out was is still unclear, though some worlds seem to have changed hands.  We have got some odd reports from some Loki cells behind the lines that indicate a sudden surge in communications between Tamar and Sudeten and numerous worlds across the Occupation Zones, though there have been zero new troop movements that we have seen.  Something has them a little agitated, but no one knows what it is as yet.”

There was another moment of silence, “If you don’t mind Victor, I want to see Ops about your plans, get them onto their analysis nice and quick, just so you can say I told you so.”

Victor smiled at the Marshall, “Here is hoping I do.”
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #111 on: November 09, 2015, 02:58:13 AM »

The Following extracts come from a Clan Diamond Shark report summarizing actions in the Homeworlds.  Unfortunately the beginning of the document was corrupted in transfer...

Khan Sennet,

The $%(*#&%(&@ of the twelve #&$# #$)#^ of Kerensky, by the eight Core Clans, was a process that took #$% #$)(!*$and transformed the Clan Homeworlds.  More importantly, the %$)#*&%(@*put in motion events that will likely see their final impact within the Inner Sphere from 3085 onwards.

The following document tries, in its own limited way, to shed some light on the events and motivations that moved Clan society from its steady, if conflicted state of 3060, to its divided and rapidly changing one of 3065 and the developments following from that time.

The summary provided in this document is just that, a summary.  It is the work of our Lamprey Agents, left behind as the Star Adders swept over us.  That some managed to last so long as they did and report to us at regular intervals, indicates that the ilKhan may well have known of the presence of our agents and has used them to feed us the information he wants us to see.
This last is supposition, but it fits with the picture of our operations that we have developed, and as a tool of intimidation by the ilKhan, and though it has failed to bother us here in our sanctuary, it could be devastating for our remaining brethren in the Inner Sphere. 

Dissemination of this information is critical; otherwise the #)% (*#!@*&% will reach Terra before any of us are ready.

Watchmaster Adrian Nagasawa,
January 15th, 30%*

The Path to Rejection

Khan Cassias N’Buta of Clan Star Adder had long seen the invasion of the Inner Sphere, through Operation REVIVAL, as an effort doomed to failure.  In N’Buta’s view, too little force was dispatched and too little coordination undertaken to gain victory over the Inner Sphere.  With the massive defeat of Tukayyid in 3052 and the devastating Refusal War of 3057, N’Buta rapidly became convinced that the Invading Clans were setting all of the sixteen remaining Clans on a path to destruction.

N’Buta had begun work behind the scenes from 3054, to gain support for concerted action against the invaders, with several Clans, most notably Clans Burrock, Cloud Cobra, Fire Mandrill and Star Adder ready and willing to carve out a more prominent place in the Homeworlds for themselves.

With the sudden departure of Clan Ghost Bear from 3057, followed by the Wolf transfer of large portions of the Falcon industrial base to the Inner Sphere, Khan N’Buta and his closest allies were deeply concerned that the Invading Clans would strip the Homeworlds of valuable materials and leave the remaining Clans there to rot.  Providing further impetus to the Adder Khan’s plans, the invading Clans began to engage in heavy fighting against each other in the Occupation Zones in mid-3062, with just five years remaining before the end of the Truce. 

Such bickering by the chosen few and their attitude to the great task of the Crusade and to those in the Homeworlds, left a bitter taste in the mouth of many of the remaining eight Clans, with even support for Clan Wolf from its allies in Clans Coyote  and Goliath Scorpion  declining.  The attitude of the now hugely powerful Wolves to their long times allies had cooled, fuelled by perceptions and realities on both sides.

N’Buta, ever the canny judge of other’s outlooks, first ensured his own Clan was behind him before first approaching the Burrocks.  A Clan ever eager to rise up on the ruin of others, Clan Burrock saw a war against the invaders as the perfect vehicle for its expansion.  The Cloud Cobras came next, and believed that the Invaders had fallen from the Way and that a new path needed forging.  Under N'Buta as ilKhan, the Cobras believed that they could find the means to bring all the Clans to the right path, with the more practical Cobras also seeing the chance for great material gain.

Clan Fire Mandrill, recently unified under Khan Nathan Ravenwater, a former Hell’s Horseman, was next on Khan N’Buta’s travels.  Needing an opportunity to test his troops, without suffering from counter-strikes from other Clans, the eminent practicality of the Star Adder’s war brought Khan Ravenwater on side.

Then departure of Clans Ice Hellion and Hell’s Horses for the Inner Sphere in 3060, along with the merchant manoeuvrings of Clan Diamond Shark, only added fuel to the fire and aided in N’Butu’s efforts to sway Clan Blood Spirit, despite their hostility to most other Clans.  The Ravens soon came on side as well, as their desperate need for resources to fuel their naval growth drove the Ravens to strike opportunistically.

With six of the Clans remaining in the Homeworlds on side, N’Buta presented his case to the Coyotes and Goliath Scorpions.  Approaching the Coyotes first, he pointed out how far those in the Inner Sphere had fallen from the original traditions of the Clans and that their one time close ally was little more than an opportunistic Falcon in Wolf’s clothing.  Disappointed with the Wolves and seeing little chance for glory and growth outside of the Homeworlds, the Coyotes agreed to N’Buta’s plan, despite their long enmity with the Star Adders.

Lastly, the resource poor Goliath Scorpions had the stark choice of joining the campaign or facing the wrath of those remaining in the Homeworlds at the end of the fighting.  Unexpectedly, the Goliath Scorpions were more accommodating than Khan N’Buta had expected, but pushed for several more lenient parameters for the Adders planned war.  Though surprised by the Scorpion’s attitude, N’Buta saw the wisdom behind the words of the Scorpion Khans.

The combination of the fleets of Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Wolf, following the Refusal War, spun Clan Snow Raven into chaos.  With a single action, Clan Wolf became the most powerful naval force within Clan Space, eclipsing the one aspect of Clan Snow Raven’s power that had always seemed secure.  In response, Clan Snow Raven began a crash reactivation of numerous ships from its naval cache, as well as starting construction of WarShips in all six of its docks capable of doing so.  Gradually at first, but rapidly accelerating in number, every Clan began to renovate its own cache vessels or begin construction of new vessels, in order to match rivals or maintain its place in the pecking order.  By the time of the Homeworlds War, many new vessels were in, or close to, service and played a large role in the War.  However, the Raven’s paranoia and desire to maintain their naval supremacy would drive the Clan to war and see it act in ways that many other Homeworld Clans frowned upon.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 02:59:51 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #112 on: November 09, 2015, 03:00:52 AM »

The Rejection and the Homeworlds War

The Call by Clan Star Adder for the election of a new ilKhan, to begin the planning for Operation REVIVAL’s recommencement in 3067, viewed as premature by some, remained for others as a prudent measure.  By installing an ilKhan now, the successful candidate might be able to combat the increasing frictions in the Clans and begin thorough preparations for the invasion’s resumption.

However, unbeknownst to the Invading Clans, the eight Clans of the Adder Alliance did not intend to allow the invaders to take control of the Grand Council.  During a virtual Kurultai in December of 3062, Khan N’Buta moved that the election of the next ilKhan proceed without the need for all the Khans to gather on Strana Mechty.  Though a major change to the way the Clans traditionally elected an ilKhan, this proposal was something of a final test for the invaders, to see how far they had fallen.  With most actively in combat against each other, or the Inner Sphere and Clans Steel Viper, Hell’s Horses and Ice Hellion about to invade the Federated Commonwealth, Khan N’Buta got his way with little difficulty. 

Thursday the 5th of March 3063 was the date for the virtual Grand Council, which would elect a new ilKhan and N’Buta had planned to ensure that he alone would ascend to the ilKhanship.  The eight Homeworlds Clans had all pledged their votes and in order to ensure he would gain a majority, he followed the simple expedient of bribing Clan Diamond Shark.  N’Buta managed this by offering the Diamond Sharks major trade deals with the eight Homeworld Clans, which turned the trick, with the Sharks unseemly in their haste to agree to the deal.  With the Diamond Sharks in the bag, N’Buta was confident in the Grand Council’s ability to elect him.

The Black Council, named so by both sides of the coming Clan divide, began with little ceremony and rapidly proceeded to the nominations for ilKhan.  Nominated as candidates by their fellow Khans were Khans Phelan Kell of the Wolves, Brandon Howell of the Smoke Jaguars and Cassias N’Buta of Clan Star Adders.  When the first vote was complete, N’Buta had 16 votes (the Blood Spirits had abstained to his and his allies’ surprise) to Kell’s 6 and Howell’s 8.  When Kell withdrew and urged his supporters to back N’Buta, he not only assured the ascension of the Star Adder, but also sealed his Clan’s fate in the Homeworlds.  With nearly 3:1 odds to face, Howell knew he was beaten and withdrew, leaving the ilKhanship to the Adder Khan.

Before any Khan could grow accustomed to the new order, ilKhan Cassias N’Buta dropped the bombshell he had been years planning.  Condemning the invaders as corrupt and having failed in their duties of invading the Inner Sphere, he informed the seven invading Clans and Clan Diamond Shark, that the remaining Homeworlds Clans were hereby declaring War upon them in order to cast them out of the Homeworlds and Clan society.

Khan Jorgensen of the Ghost Bears immediately challenged the ilKhan, stating that such actions were illegal and would require large majorities in Grand Council voting for each Clan to be Abjured, however, N’Buta only laughed.  Khan N’Buta’s reply was short and to the point, leaving little doubt as to the intentions of the eight allied clans.  “Through our weapons and strength, we eight true Clans of Kerensky will drive out those who have sought cheap glory and enrichment at the expense of their brothers.  We will cast you out in the true Clan way, by force of arms and your defeat will mark your exile from this body for all time.”  With those words, the eight Clans of the Homeworlds gave their new foes twenty eight days to vacate their holdings; a measure insisted upon by the Goliath Scorpions and strongly backed by the Coyotes and Cloud Cobras.  At the end of that time, the Homeworld Clans would strike en masse and drive out what they could not destroy on the battlefield.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #113 on: November 09, 2015, 03:03:29 AM »

The Homeworlds War

The shock of the Homeworld Clan’s actions stunned those in the Inner Sphere, but the calculation the Core Clans made was critical.  With all but the Diamond Shark’s Khans in the Inner Sphere, coordinating an escape would be difficult at best.  Only Clan Wolf had a Homeworld’s commander in place prior to 3063, with Galaxy Commander Katyusha Kerensky moving rapidly to accelerate the Wolves plans to relocate the remainder of their Homeworlds assets to the Inner Sphere.

However, despite each Clan scrambling to protect what it could, as it extricated itself from the coming war within the Homeworlds, each faced planning by Cassias N’Buta that predated the Black Council and saw each Clan the target of a single Homeworld Clan.  Though some Clans, like Clans Diamond Shark and Hell’s Horses, had significant power remaining in the Homeworlds, there was little that any could realistically do against the focused strength of eight cooperating Clans.

As March moved into April, the Homeworlds Clan struck in force at nearly every world in the Kerensky Cluster and Pentagon, with little quarter asked for, or given.  In the case of Clans like the Blood Spirits, righteous vengeance lit the way and unmerciful power was utilised in all assaults.  Others, like Clans Goliath Scorpion, Cloud Cobra and to a lesser extent, Clan Star Adder, at least offered a way out for foes with strong defences, lessening their losses and making gains that would otherwise have costed them dearly.

Prior to the Black Council, each of the Homeworld Clans had bid to determine who would be their target, however, in order to minimise the losses and ensure that a Clan’s target for expulsion did not escape with valuable industry and resources, bidding was highly conservative in some instances, as recommended by Khan N’Buta.  Though uncomfortable for some Clans, most saw the need to take as much as possible from the invaders, to ensure its place in the new order.  However, some Clans refused to see the lesson the Adder Khan tried to impart and drove themselves, or others, into dangerous bids.

Despite the four weeks provided no Clan, bar the Wolves, was able to move an evacuation plan into high gear.  Every Clan was caught in the midst of loading operations and suffered to a greater or lesser extent at the hands of the ilKhan’s plan.  The result was a bloodbath on many worlds, with civilians caught in the crossfire and transports targeted as they lifted from the surface.

In his mid-fifties, Khan N'Buta is short and thin, with unkempt grey hair. Despite his small stature, he radiates an undeniable air of command. Cassius has led Clan Star Adder since 3035; before becoming Khan, he served as saKhan for four years. His duties keep him mostly on Sheridan or Strana Mechty, though he eagerly leads his warriors into battle when necessary.  What surprised observers of the Star Adders is the length to which N’Buta has gone in order to secure his vision of the Clan’s future.  Though his planning, politicising and actions leading up to his election as ilKhan were significant in and of themselves,  his actions since 3065 are even more important to the future of both the Homeworld Clans and those within the Inner Sphere.  During the early 3080’s and with his age approaching 75, N’Buta knew it was time to step down.  Having led the Clans for over twenty years and left a mark as important as that of Nicholas Kerensky, ilKhan Cassius N’Buta has set the stage for the next and most devastating chapter of Clan history.  With N’Buta’s children now actively planning their return, in only a short time we will be able to tell if his works will match his vision of the future of the Clans.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 03:04:02 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #114 on: November 09, 2015, 03:05:24 AM »

The Bidding for War

The bidding that took place between the eight Clans, prior to the Black Council, was as fierce and cunning as any seen in Clan history.  The agreement saw that a ranking of each Clan facing exile was made and bidding on each would proceed in turn, with each Clan to be bid on drawn randomly.

Much too every Clan’s dismay, the Diamond Sharks were drawn first, the strongest militarily in the Homeworlds of those to be ejected and the third most valuable in terms of resources and industry.  No Clan but the Star Adders could match the Diamond Sharks on the field of battle and make any profit from it.  The Adders knew that the opportunity to lead by example was upon them and bided accordingly.  Forty five Star Adder Clusters would face the thirty oversized Diamond Shark Clusters in the single largest campaign of the war.

Drawn second was Clan Ice Hellion, poor in resources, but with a strong military, by Homeworlds standards, to deal with.  Most initial bids by the remaining Clans, bar the Coyotes, were close to the cutdown, in an attempt to push another Clan over the line inadvertently.  However, conservative second round bids showed that no Clan truly desired facing the Hellions.  However, Clan Goliath Scorpion, seeing the example set by the Coyotes, knew it could be left facing even poorer choices and bid twenty Clusters to face the Hellions seventeen.  The remaining six Clans applauded the Scorpions and planned for better pickings.

The third draw was Clan Ghost Bear, whose two Clusters defended two worlds bereft of industry or real value.  Here, the larger Clans forced the small Fire Mandrills to face the Bears, as the size of the Mandrill Touman prevented them submitting a bid above any other Clans.  The actions of the larger Clans left the furious Mandrills with the Ghost Bears by default, until Khan Absalom Truscott of Clan Star Adder requested that three Mandrill Galaxies form part of the Adder bid.  Gladly accepting, the Mandrills looked forward to more gains and Clan Star Adder had again played the peacemaker and benefactor, gaining strong support from the Mandrills for the future.

The forth Clan drawn was Clan Nova Cat, moderately placed both industrially and militarily within the Homeworlds.  Clan Blood Spirit set the early mark, bidding thirty-one Clusters, with other bids closer to forty.  However, through canny bidding, eventually reducing their bid to twenty-four Clusters, the Blood Spirits gained the honour of facing the Nova Cats.  In reality, the strength of their bid was the small size of their Clusters, which equalled about eighteen Nova Cat Clusters, making for what would be a tough fought campaign.

Clan Steel Viper was drawn fifth and with a relatively poor industrial base compared to the Wolves and Jaguars to come, none of the remaining Clans wished to fight the Vipers if they could.  Bidding was agonizingly slow, as each Clan cut small pieces from their Touman, however, it was a simple error on the part of the Snow Ravens that saw them earn the dubious honour of facing their old foe.  Nineteen Raven Clusters would face the six small Viper Clusters, where glory would be fleeting.  Few mourned the Raven’s mistake, which cost Khan McKenna her life, as Raven motivations and politicking had grated on several of the Clans present.

The prize of Clan Wolf was drawn third to last, with the remaining three Clans bidding hard, although the Coyotes bid more conservatively, less from former friendship, than from an understanding of Wolf strength and abilities.  The bidding came down to a fierce but good natured one between the Burrocks and Cloud Cobras, with the Burrocks gaining the glory with a bid of sixteen Clusters to face the Wolf fifteen, with only four Clusters in reserve if they broke bid.  Many expected the Burrocks to learn the hard way that the Wolf was not to be trifled with when cornered.

Clan Hell’s Horses was drawn second to last, with Clan Coyote able to keep it bids above those of the Cloud Cobras, forcing the Aerospace minded Clan into the campaign against the conventionally minded Horses.  This bidding round and the practices of the Coyotes, which were similar to those of the Ravens, did little to endear them to many of the other Clans.  More so, the Cloud Cobras would go in facing numerical inferiority, though their strong fleet was expected to be of great assistance.  Nevertheless, the unity the Adders sought was sorely tested by the bitter feud between the Cloud Cobras and Coyotes.

Finally, with a conservative bid of seventeen Clusters, the Coyotes would face the eight defending Smoke Jaguar Clusters, which protected the strong holdings of that Clan and the prize of the highly industrialised world of Huntress. 
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #115 on: November 09, 2015, 03:17:58 AM »

The Campaign for the Homeworlds

The 2nd of April 3063 saw the emergence of scores of Core Clan forces in the systems that the Invading Clans were desperately trying to evacuate.  Nearly every world in the Pentagon and Kerensky Cluster was targeted, bar the handful that were held exclusively by the Homeworld Clans.  Naval support for the larger attacks, was a given, seeing some of the largest naval engagements ever fought by the Clans taking place.

One unexpected move, which each of the departing Clans made, was to launch whatever ships were being constructed or refurbished, no matter their state of readiness.  These ships, many of which were lost, nevertheless made a huge difference for the fleeing Clans, as they gave their all covering the evacuations.

Much has been made of ilKhan Cassias N’Buta’s plan to strike with entire Clans against their foes, instead of mobilising forces on shared worlds to strike against the invading Clans where they stood.  From what we have been able to determine, N’Buta saw the utilisation of entire Clans against a single foe as a far more efficient use of forces than scattered piecemeal attacks, ensuring that fewer would escape and that nearly all worlds would be assaulted simultaneously.  Though this strategy strained the transport assets of some Clans, the lack of coordination at the strategic level, on worlds that were hit by several Clans, bore out the ilKhan’s rationale.  With the inability of the eight core Clans to coordinate well at the Galaxy level, there would have been chaos at the cluster level had forces in place struck out at the nearest target.  This policy prevented needless losses and potential territorial bickering after the war and the payoffs were huge for each of the eight Homeworld Clans.

Clan Diamond Shark and Clan Star Adder with Clan Fire Mandrill

Clan Diamond Shark did itself a great favour when it executed Khan Ian Hawker for incompetence and elevated Angus Labov from the Merchant Caste to act as saKhan and commander of the evacuation, as Khan Sennet led the defence of the Shark forces defending the departure areas.  Ten years earlier, Clan Diamond Shark, even with six Clusters in the Inner Sphere, could have expected to face down the Star Adders for a considerable period of time, however, the assistance of the now unified Fire Mandrills meant that the fighting would be hard on the Sharks.

One advantage Clan Diamond Shark had was its huge merchant fleet and its numerous Potemkin-class troop cruisers.  It would be these two assets, which would allow the Sharks to extract much from the Homeworlds and form some type of future for the Clan.

Unlike the other Clans being assaulted, the Diamond Sharks had limited numbers of civilians in the Inner Sphere and so utilised their huge lift capacity to move as many civilians as possible from their enclaves.  This focus on their civilians first would force the Diamond Sharks to leave behind much industrial hardware, but was a sacrifice the Clan made for the sake of its own survival.

The Star Adders knew they were in for a tough fight on most worlds and assigned several to the Fire Mandrills in order to allow them to concentrate their troops against key targets.  Khan Truscott was unwilling to fight next to Mandrill warriors, for the simple reason that they still had difficulty coordinating with each other, despite ten years of unity.  Coordinating with another Clan would be beyond them and would cost the Adders unnecessary losses if attempted.

The Shark capital of Babylon was well defended, with the Clan’s Alpha Galaxy and nine WarShips on hand to protect it.  However, the Shark naval force contained four ships in various states of repair, three cache ships undergoing reactivation and the first of the new Hatakaze-class destroyers.

In order to break the Sharks and allow a swift landing, the Adders tasked the Mandrill fleet units to assist in the assault, the only case where this happened and one that confirmed Khan Truscott’s thoughts about Mandrill coordination.  The five Fire Mandrill and four Star Adder WarShips operated as distinct entities, despite the pleas of Star Admiral Azel LeFabre for better coordination.  The result of this division of action displayed itself through the damage the Diamond Shark fleet inflicted upon the invaders.  By focusing on one force and then the other, the Diamond Sharks destroyed three Mandrill and two Adder vessels, whilst forcing a third to emergency jump out of the system, at the cost of three lost and two captured by the allied Clans.  However, the four remaining Shark ships were able to keep the three remaining and badly damaged allied ships at bay, whilst the evacuation proceeded. 

The Fire Mandrills lost the CFM Firedrinker, CFM Rancor (both Lola III) and CFM Reaver (Sovetskii Soyuz), whilst the Adders lost the CSA Stellar Serpent (Aegis) and CSA Nygaard (Sovetskii Soyuz).  Losses for the Diamond Sharks were the CDS Space Hunter (Lola III), CDS Hunter’s Dream (Aegis) and the CDS Collector (Samarkand II).  Additionally, the CDS Tracey (Lola III) was captured by the Fire Mandrills and the CDS Hatakaze (Hatakaze) by the Star Adders.

The chaos of the space battle and the need to face two separate forces prevented the Sharks from engaging the inbound transports and with the Ice Hellions fighting for their lives against a large Goliath Scorpion fleet nearby, the Sharks were in no mood to gamble their convoy cover force. 

Clan Star Adder’s Alpha Galaxy landed and advanced in a broad arc, yet found itself stymied by the Sharks, who threw Zellbrigen out the window and engaged in all manner of dishonourable tactics.  Losses mounted on both sides, but the Sharks were able to maintain a fighting retreat to their transports and lift off under the cover of the remaining fleet units.

The evacuation of Babylon was one of the Diamond Shark’s more successful endeavours, with half the military industry on world removed along with two portable orbital yards and nearly 700,000 civilians.  Despite their success, there was still much gained by the Star Adders and Fire Mandrills.  The remaining military facilities the Adders gifted to the Mandrills, along with over 6 million civilians.  However, Clan Star Adder kept the Shark’s large orbital yards and fleet docks and absorbed over 26 million Diamond Shark civilians.

Second only to Babylon in importance for Clan Diamond Shark, Barcella was a world long shared with Clan Nova Cat.  Though both Clans had agreed to cooperate in the defence of the world, events overtook them, as Clan Star Adder and Blood Spirit coordinated the timing of their assault, forcing the Diamond Sharks to face the Adders alone. 

Above Barcella, the Diamond Sharks had a squadron of Carracks, with an escort of Corvettes, Destroyers and a single Aegis-class Cruiser.  Despite their numbers, there were nine ships in all, the Shark fleet was a weak force compared to that which Clan Star Adder sent against the world.  Lead in by a pair of Battleships, the Adder fleet had an even mix of supporting Cruisers and lighter vessels.  The battle between the two forces was quick and one sided.  Eight Diamond Sharks ships fell and Adder boarding parties captured the CDS Bloodlust (Aegis).  Despite these losses, the Diamond Sharks destroyed the CSA Tehuantepec (Essex) and crippled the CSA Vicious Fang (Fredesa).  The main achievement of the Shark fleet was the attempt of several of their vessels to ram the two Battleships, forcing both ships to move back from the battle.  The Diamond Shark vessels lost were the CDS Star Swimmer, CDS Bloodletter, CDS Devourer (all Carrack), CDS Sharon (Essex), CDS Swift Strike (Fredesa), CDS Predator (Lola III) and CDS Bold Venture (Volga).

With the evacuation’s WarShip cover destroyed above them, the defending Diamond Shark Beta Galaxy was limited in its options whilst defending against their opposite number from Clan Star Adder.  Within hours, the Adders had the Sharks on the run and the remainder of the evacuation disintegrated into scattered groups of ships lifting off and endeavouring to avoid the remaining Adder WarShips in orbit.  Though many escaped, more were lost and in the end only a little over 300,000 civilians escaped, along with only a quarter of the world’s vital military industries and a single mobile orbital yard.  This left the Adders in possession of several excellent OmniMech lines, orbital yards and sixteen and a half million civilians.  Of all the Diamond Shark evacuations, Barcella was the largest disaster, with hundreds of thousands of civilians and huge quantities of materials shot down over the world, along with heavy fleet and ground force losses.

Delios was one of the minor Diamond Shark holdings that Clan Star Adder passed off to Clan Fire Mandrill to assault.   Beta Galaxies 12th and 19th Striker Clusters were to deal with the Diamond Sharks 44th Cruiser from Zeta Galaxy.   The fighting on Delios, though no les savage than on other worlds was the first to display the real strength of the Diamond Shark’s military practices.  The large Shark Clusters were able to take heavy losses and remain functional in their role of defending the evacuation zones, before pulling back and lifting off themselves.  By the time the Sharks departed Delios, 100,000 of the 700,000 civilians in the enclave were safely aboard transports along with the 44th.

Another world left to the Fire Mandrills, the small Shark enclave on Lum had been raided several times by the Snow Ravens, which the Fire Mandrills complained to the ilKhan about, earning the Snow Ravens a censure from the ilKhan over the matter.  Eta’s 21st Battle and 12th Irregulars were to deal with Shark’s 51st Striker, from Zeta Galaxy.  As on other such worlds, the limited size of the Mandrill Clusters and their inability to coordinate well with each other, saw the Sharks withdraw in good order with more than 850,000 civilians in tow.  However, despite their success in pulling off world, more than 5.5 million remained.

New Kent
The Viper Homeworld was host to a large Snow Raven invasion fleet and additional strikes against the Ice Hellions by Clan Goliath Scorpion, leaving the small Fire Mandrill force of the 42nd and 55th Battle Clusters from Delta Galaxy to approach the planet unmolested.  The defending 27th Combined Striker from Zeta Galaxy was able to control the battlefield and airspace with its oversized fighter complement.  The call for cover by the Fire Mandrills to seal off the system, gained only the Snow Raven’s refusal and in their own words “…cover for the inadequacies of other Clans…”  This meant that the Diamond Sharks were able to evacuate nearly 600,000 civilians farom the world and though 2.2 million remained, New Kent was one of the Shark’s more successful operations.

Another of the Diamond Shark’s successful evacuations, defending Paxon was Omega Galaxy, rebuilt since its heroic last stand on Tukayyid, but now possessing only limited experience.  Nevertheless, in the same fashion as those who defended the Shark retreat on Tukayyid, the Omega warriors on Paxon went toe to toe with the Star Adder’s Epsilon Galaxy, breaking the 4th Adder Assault Cluster before retreating to their transports in good order.  Of the 4.5 million civilians on world, Omega got 150,000 off, though far more importantly, they managed to get sixty precent of the worlds military industries loaded and shipped before evacuation.

Priori was the primary target of Clan Fire Mandrill and saw the entire Mandrill Alpha Galaxy, with a single Cluster from Beta Galaxy descend to face off against the Shark’s Sigma Galaxy.  The 61st Air Assault Cluster was able to provide an umbrella of air cover that the Mandrills were never able to threaten, but despite this, the Mandrills landed so close to the Shark evacuation zone that they cut off the main convoys carrying the primary industrial and scientific material the Sharks wished to take with them.  Though the loss of these convoys was a major blow, Sigma Galaxy was able to ensure that was as far as the Mandrills got, holding the line from then on and evacuating 400,000 of the enclave’s 4.4 million civilians.

Strana Mechty
Every Clan was involved in actions on Strana Mechty and although the world played home to limited military industry, its huge population made it valuable to all.  The Diamond Shark enclave was defended only by Zeta Galaxy’s Agate Skate, which faced 61st Guards and 16th Assault Clusters from the Fire Mandrill’s Beta and Eta Galaxies.  As before, limited coordination from the Mandrills saw the Skate, despite serious losses, mange to lead a strong evacuation, which slipped off in the chaos around the world and took 1.3 of the 12 million Shark civilians on world with it.

Strata Dominigo
saKhan Angus Labov defended Strata Dominigo personally, making sure that huge masses of HarJel were taken and the facilities to produce it left in ruins.  Over the world orbited all six of the Shark’s Potemkins and the CDS Nagasawa, a Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruiser.   The Star Adder fleet sent to break the Shark squadron consisted of a Battleship, three Cruisers and two Destroyers.  The Nagasawa managed to draw off the CSA Brisbane (Texas) CSA Divine Conquest (Sovetskii Soyuz) and was destroyed for its trouble, however, that left the superbly massed firepower of the six Potemkins to gut first the CSA Black Adder (Carrack) and then the CSA Starfire (Essex), before severely damaging and driving off the CSA Paralyser (Aegis) and CSA Eagle (Essex).  The return of the Brisbane and Divine Conquest was met with the same precise massed volley’s and both vessels were broken, left for the Adder’s to salvage, though they did deal extensive damage to the CDS Titanic, CDS Tsunami and CDS Red Tide (all Potemkin).

With all attention focused on the naval battle, and the Shark squadron loath to leave its position of the primary evacuation point, the Adder’s Delta Galaxy was able to land unopposed and advance on the Diamond Shark Gamma Galaxy.  Delta tore into Gamma, overrunning the Emerald Skate and driving off the 28th Cruiser before advancing on the remaining defenders.  This forced saKhan Labov to leave many behind, though he was able to get more than half the military industry and nearly 2.5 million civilians off world and crammed onto the Potemkin squadron.  The Adders seized less than half the enclave’s population, but gained several valuable military sites that Delta had managed to overrun.

Tathis was a disaster for Clan Diamond Shark and an example of just how lucky the Clan had been through circumstance and the Clan’s inherent strengths.  Clan Star Adder’s Gamma Galaxy made short work of Lambda Spina, capturing three quarters of the world’s industry and allowing only 75,000 Shark civilians to escape, whilst capturing another 3.6 million.  To make matters worse for the Diamond Sharks, Lambda Spina was reduced to well below half strength and the 15th Cruiser Cluster was destroyed.

Vinton saw one of the few instances of Zellbrigen during the entire war, with the 71st Mandrill Guards and 7th Striker of Delta Galaxy fighting the Shark Zeta Galaxy’s 83rd Combined Strike Cluster in true Clan fashion.  This delayed the Mandrill advance and allowed over 1 million of the enclave’s population of 6 million to escape.

The campaign to drive out Clan Diamond Shark was the single largest of all those fought and involved over forty WarShips and seventy five Clusters of troops.  Clan Diamond Shark lost two Clusters and thirteen WarShips entirely, with the remaining ground forces at approximately 75% strength.  The size of their Touman, especially their large Cluster size, the nature of the Star Adder bid and Mandrill battlefield shortcomings greatly mitigated potential losses.  In the end, the Diamond Sharks escaped with half their military industry, three mobile orbital yards and slightly over 8 million of their civilians, just 8% of the total Shark population.  However, the Shark evacuation was a success, especially when so much was at stake for the Clan and when seen in the light of some of the disasters suffered by the other fleeing Clans.

Clan Star Adder paid a price in blood and treasure for its desire to play the part of the noble leader of the Clans, losing seven WarShips, though it captured two Diamond Shark vessels in return.    Combat losses in the Touman amounted to 21% for the clusters involved, which meant the Clan lost about 10% of its forces overall.  Nevertheless, the Adder gains would enable them to increase their military output by over a third, more than double their orbital and naval construction assets and increase their population by nearly half.

Clan Fire Mandrill lost three WarShips and captured one, with losses to the Touman coming in at 9%, though for units involved the rate was closer to 17%.  The industrial gains increased Mandrill production by 25% and added half again to the Clan’s population, which considering the liberal mind of many Diamond Sharks, would lead to changes in the Mandrills in years to come.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 03:19:11 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #116 on: November 09, 2015, 04:52:35 AM »

Numpty Clans spiting themselves when they are doing so well in the Inner Sphere.

Curious about the Nova Cats (guessing you're shocked there)  ;) they should be able to prevail against the Blood Spirits but with their decent sized OZ and fighting against the Jaguars maybe they are stretched too far.  Should be interesting different way to screw over the clans I guess.
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #117 on: November 09, 2015, 05:04:54 AM »

The Spirits are stronger than most give them credit for.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #118 on: November 10, 2015, 02:32:21 AM »

1st of May, 3063
Marik, Free Worlds League

Thomas Marik was not a man easily shocked, he took pride in his ability to take things in stride, but what Admiral Heather Alexander had just suggested took him back, and back a long way.  “I’m sorry Admiral, but I may have just experienced a stroke and missed what you said.  Could you repeat yourself?”

Admiral Alexander laughed, it was not always that a liege lord took being blindsided so well.  “My apologies Captain-General, I should have laid a little more ground work.”

Marik raised his right hand and held his thumb and index finger close together, “Yes, just a little.”  He chuckled and then resumed walking along the intricate Parterre that formed part of the Marik family Palace on the world that bore their name. 

The gardens, shrubs, fountains and paths extended into the middle distance and it appeared to the Admiral that The Marik was planning to aimlessly stroll them as they talked.

“Captain-General, as I said, I believe we need to halt operations in the Terran March, regroup and strike in an entirely new direction.”

Marik nodded, his hands now behind his back, across his purple robe, “In complete contravention of the plans we drew up not months ago and leaving our allies to pick up the pieces.”

The Admiral could not prevent a hint of bitterness creeping into her voice, “It is no different to what they have done.”

Marik cocked his head slightly, “Maybe, in some cases, though I assume that is your full assessment?”

Alexander nodded her head emphatically, “Yes it is.”  She paused, “The Taurians are stalled, apart from their attacks into the Pleiades.  They are pulling their right flank back and reinforcing it, whilst digging in elsewhere.  I honestly think they are surprised both by their initial success and by the vigour of the AFFC response, despite its limited strength.  They have all their chips on the table and to my eyes; they are suddenly getting cold feet.  There will be little pressure on Davion from that front.”

Marik took a turn to the left, wrong footing the Admiral who had to pivot quickly to maintain her place at his right side.  “You might have the measure of the Taurians, but the Capellans have built some momentum and much of this war is down to Candace Liao and her drive.”

The Admiral sighed, I hate bringing bad news to the higher ups, it never ends well.  “Captain-General, it appears that the CCAF has had its fill of direct assaults.  SAFE has intercepted a message from Sian that has directed commanders in all theatres to hold pending developments.  CCAF units near Liao have been directed to “…take advantage of escalating fighting between the AFFC and FWLM on any world formerly controlled by the Capellan Confederation.”

“That cunning bitch.” Marik said with a smile.  “I suppose moving to a defensive posture was a possibility, given Liao’s total force strength, but she has several good months of fighting in her troops yet.”

“Yes she does Sir, and she plans to use it against targets of opportunity, including those presented by the Free Worlds League.”

“The lesson here Admiral,” Thomas said as he took another turn onto a rose lined path, “Is that one just can’t trust the good word of a Capellan Lady.”

The Admiral suppressed a smile, “No Sir, one cannot.”

“Based on the information you passed on yesterday, it would seem that Lord Theodore has done his bit on four worlds, taken the money and in a most un-samurai way, cut and run.”

The Admiral looked to Thomas as she grabbed at a flower absent-mindedly in passing, “It would my Lord and Duke Christopher is said to be sending his younger son on a rather extended tour of the nastier parts of the Oriente system for getting the League to part with that coin as well.”

“The boy will learn, but so will we.”  Marik paused, stopped, dropped his head and then started walking again, “We can still close the corridor though?”

Alexander shrugged, “Possibly.”

“Possibly, that’s the best you have for me?”

“Yes, hence my alternate plan.  Why bet the farm on a maybe when we can see massive success on another front?  With a cosmetic Kuritan advance about to get pummelled by little Prince Victor, the Capellans as much a threat as the Federated Commonwealth in the corridor – and also leaving us to do the fighting – and the freeing up of resources from other fronts, we would face the Federated Commonwealth’s full wrath for a tiny number of worlds.  I understand where the desire to close the corridor comes from, but without the support of our “allies,” it becomes a fool’s errand.”

Marik raised one hand, “Victor won’t free up all that much additional force from the Capellan and Periphery Marchs.”

“No Captain-General, he won’t,” agreed the Admiral, “But he has just captured or destroyed the entirety of the Hell’s Horses Gamma Galaxy, more than held his own against the Ice Hellions and has the Steel Vipers bogged down on Bone-Norman in the type of large scale campaign they have always failed at.”

Marik stopped, turned and looked at the Admiral with his jaw open, “An entire Clan Galaxy?”
Heather shook her head with a wry smile, “Yes Sir, he knows how to fight the Clans and has trained his generals well.  On Canal, General Kopper was able to convince the two attacking Clusters to bid their entire strength as Isorla, but forgot to mention that on top of the 5th Lyran Guards RCT and 4th Lyran Regulars, the “militia” also contained the Coventry CMM.  By the time the trap closed, it was too late and the Horses were granted an honourable surrender.  Meanwhile on Howick, the 45th Mechanised Strike Cluster was wiped out when it botched it landings, ended up scattered all over the Ellsworth Badlands and was defeated in detail.  The 666th Mechanised Assault could not take the world at that point and left.  The Horses have been forced to pull back from some of their gains to cover the loss of Gamma.”

Marik smirked and resumed strolling, “Wonders will never cease.  That boy Victor certainly has a way with the Clans.  But I see what you are suggesting.  With the Clans not so much advancing as bogging down, Victor can deploy reserves to keep the corridor open.  What he can do with two arms tied behind his back is quite astounding.”

“That is why I don’t want to face him across a narrow front in the corridor.  The Capellans, Taurians and the Clan advance as a whole were successful over broad fronts against the AFFC, we have been too narrow and allowed him to concentrate force in the critical theatre.”  Alexander had raised her arms as she spoke and now dropped them to her sides.  She looked hard at the Captain-General and did not look away.

Gesturing with an arm down a pathway covered with wisteria that was dripping with purple blossoms, the Captain-General allowed the Admiral to change course before he spoke again.  “What resources do you need for your little about face Heather?”

Admiral Alexander replied without hesitation “Six regiments to take and hold Oliver and Pollux, the dispatch of the Sirian Lancers to Nanking…”

She was interrupted by the Captain General, “Do you really think you can get them off Sirius?”
“They either re-join us or die.  Despite their alleged patriotism, they are pragmatists at heart.  Even if we don’t have them at Nanking we will still take the world, they just make it happen faster.  I will need thirty Mech Regiments and as many again conventional Brigades and Aerospace Regiments massed at Marik for the strikes on the Provincial Capitals.”  She lifted a portable holo-projector from her jacket and an image of the front jumped to life, show troops movements and targets.  I will also mass fifteen WarShips at Marik.  That will all be for the strikes on two Provincial and several other command centres.  During all of this you have to convince the Capellan Chancellor to at least make the pretence of wanting to take more worlds from the Federated Commonwealth, the CCAF has to stay near the front whilst we mass our own troops, otherwise troop movements across the front will throw our plans into chaos.”

“Based on her earlier message,” Thomas responded, “Keeping Candace ready to push in the Tikonov region will not be hard.”

“I will also mass a second force here,” she pointed, “For the surgical second strike.  It will consist of twelve Mech Regiments and similar support brigade and aerospace numbers and twenty WarShips.”

Marik frowned, “I understand the logic of your first strike, but the second could lead to a bloodbath.  No one has ever taken that world and the defenders will not let us have it easily.  Troops from the whole region will arrive to defend it once we are there.”

“That’s why I would take half the Fleet.  Nothing would get through!  No one may have succeeded before, but no one has tried using this much force, all while the defence was looking somewhere else.”

Marik nodded, “And these smaller actions?”

Alexander stopped, forcing The Marik to as well, “They are all part of the same general plan – take and hold industry.  That is what we are not getting in the current campaign.  We are fighting for low yield worlds that sap our strength whilst giving nothing in return, bar Nanking.  These smaller strikes are aimed at snatching industrial worlds close to the border whilst the main strikes take out major command and control centres and the truly critical industrial prizes in the region.  We have grown strong by striking at weakness and avoiding costly and long engagements, allowing our industry to build us up to the point where we are no longer an easy mark.  We need a short and sharp war that gains us industrial muscle and this plan does just that.  We will increase our industrial capacity by over 50% and when the AFFC can finally turn to deal with us, like they tried with the Combine in 3039, they will find a cloud or WarShips and a wall of Regiments that will be impossible to break through.”

Thomas Marik was impressed, as nothing like it had ever been tried by the Free Worlds League, or any other power he could think of.   Disengage from the main front whilst fortifying it and allowing worlds lost to stay that way, whilst reconstituting the main striking arm and hitting a whole new region with crippling hammer blows.  We gamble much, but the prize, the prize is truly worth it.

“Admiral, how long until you could have plans ready and forces assembled?”

“Possibly three, probably four months, though some of the smaller actions could be initiated immediately.”

“Very well, bring me detailed plans by weeks end and send preparatory orders to units in the Corridor to fall back to the fortified positions as needed.  Leave me the projector, I want to look on your plans more.”

“Yes Captain-General.”  Heather passed over the projector, bowed, and walked back the way she came.

Thomas Marik smiled at the projection, which showed a series of small strikes along the Federated Commonwealth’s border that could start immediately.  He then watched as two huge fingers of projected targets grew towards and then encapsulated their primary targets.  As the two fingers reached out and encompassed Sarna, Capella and Sian, Marik smiled again. 

I’m coming for you Candace.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 02:44:32 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #119 on: November 10, 2015, 03:10:56 AM »

Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Fire Mandrill

The Campaign against Clan Ghost Bear was the smallest of all those fought during the Homeworld’s War.  With only two undermanned targets to strike, the Fire Mandrills dispatched only a single Galaxy, Gamma, and its four Clusters.  However, well-practiced in moving large numbers of civilians the Bears were well aware of what they could and could not do.  Though they would leave many behind, the Bears moved more civilians than was thought possible by observers.

The Bear’s single Cluster on Arcadia was the 4th Regulars and they had managed a difficult task well, loading up just short of 1 million civilians in four weeks.  When the Fire Mandrill’s 4th Assault and 3rd Battle landed on world, the Regulars proceeded to fight little more than delaying skirmishes as they collapsed their lines and lifted off, leaving the Mandrills as the masters of the remaining 11.5 million civilians.

Strana Mechty
Despite an excellent and well organised evacuation, the 1st Bear Guards had no plans to depart Strana Mechty without bloodying those who came to dispossess them of their ancestral holding.  The 1st fought for three days and two nights before losses became unsustainable and threatened the final evacuations plans and the Mandrill 342nd Battle and 1st Striker were made to pay a high price for their gains.  The 1st finally rolled onto its transports and departed with the last of the Bear civilians into the chaos of the Clan capital world’s space lanes.  The Bears managed to evacuate nearly 1.5 million lower castemen but were forced to leave over 16 million behind.

The limited campaign against the Ghost Bears gained the Fire Mandrills another 27.5 million civilians, which added to their other spoils, nearly doubled the size of the Clan.  The combination of family oriented Bears, liberal Sharks and fierce Mandrills would produce a dynamic Clan in future years, one free of many of the ills of the earlier Fire Mandrill Clan.
For Clan Ghost Bear, the losses were minimal compared to those of other Clans, though they were less than impressed with the new ilKhan and his actions.  However, with all their major facilities already in the Inner Sphere, the loss was less jarring for the Bears than for other Clans.  2.5 million Ghost Bears escaped the Homeworlds, along with both Clusters, though they had suffered heavy losses leaving Clan space.

Clan Hell’s Horses and Clan Cloud Cobra

Clan Hell’s Horses took an extremely practical approach to its evacuation.  With no industry but plenty of Inner Sphere civilians in its small occupation zone, the Clan focused on removing industrial and scientific infrastructure and those needed to run such facilities, along with caste leaders and those required to rebuild the caste system in the Inner Sphere.

For Clan Cloud Cobra, the assault on the Hell’s Horses would be a limited challenge for the naval arm of the Touman, but a severe strain for the ground component.  The limited size of the Cloud Cobra Touman meant that certain targets were ignored and key worlds focused upon in order to prevent the Hell’s Horses escaping with too much material.  This left the worlds of Hoard and Strata Dominigo unmolested and limited forces used against some other targets like Paxon.

Additionally, demonstrating their eminent practicality, the Cloud Cobra’s broke bid before even lifting off, taking their entire Touman to battle.  Though derided by some, especially the Coyotes, for their dishonourable actions, others saw the sense in the move, especially considering the bidding practices of the Clans that had tried to force the Cobras to suffer during what was to be a war to unify the Homeworld Clans.

Clan Cloud Cobra dispatched Beta Galaxy to drive the Hell’s Horses from Eden.  Considering the Horses, Dezgra, Beta brought the CCC Consequence (Lola III) into close orbit in an effort to prevent any escape.  The three Beta Clusters then landed and proceeded to push hard against the Horse’s Eta Galaxy, which they rapidly drove back to its transports and forced to retreat.  Calling the Cobra’s bluff, all of Eta’s DropShips ran straight at the Consequence, forcing the ship to pull away due to heavy damage, though Eta and the last civilian transports to depart suffered heavy losses as well.  By the time Eta had lifted offworld, 575,000 civilians and half of the enclaves vital facilities had been loaded and seen safely away, though nearly 13 million remained behind.

Kirin was well defended by the Hell’s Horses Epsilon Galaxy, with Clan Cloud Cobra dispatching Delta Galaxy to take the enclave.  The four WarShips of Delta’s escort were, like Eden, put into close orbit, as Star Admiral Tor Kardaan wished no Horse unit or civilian to escape.  The ground battle, though not one sided was a success for Delta and the remains of the Horse’s Epsilon Galaxy and its charges where met in orbit and destroyed or captured.  By the end of the fourth day of fighting, Epsilon was wiped out and all Horse assets on Kirin were seized by the Cobras, including the OmniMech facilities and nearly 6 million civilians.

The Hell’s Horses capital world was defended by their few WarShips and their best Clusters, namely their Keshiks and the entire Alpha Galaxy.  In order to break the defences of Niles and gain access to is strong industry and large population, Clan Cloud Cobra dispatched their own Alpha Galaxy, the Pharaoh Keshik and Epsilon Galaxy.  Escorting this force were Alpha Galaxy’s escort ships and all of Alpha Naval Reserve.

The WarShip engagement in close orbit over the planet was straight forward and brutal, with both sides moving to close range and engaging with all they had.  CHH Sleipnir (Cameron) came in for special attention from the Cobras and was left as a burning hulk, which fell into the atmosphere.  CHH Bucephalus, CHH Equinus and CHH Destrier (all Lola III), through giving better than they got all fell, with the former captured and two latter destroyed.  The CCC Blind Faith (Carrack) was the only loss to the Cobra’s, though several ships suffered heavy damage.

In the midst of the WarShip engagement the Horses lifted off en masse, with running Aerospace fighter battles costly to both sides and with their WarShips busy, the Cobras were unable to inflict much damage upon the fleeing Horses.  The Hell’s Horses decision to rapidly escape, with what they had and not try to salvage more, whilst minimising losses for those departing, left much behind of value for Clan Cloud Cobra.  Only a quarter of the enclaves military facilities and none of its orbital facilities were rescued and with the focus on military forces and industry, only 65,000 of the most important civilians were taken off from a population well over 50 million.  The prize taken by the Cloud Cobras was huge and Niles would be the world that rebuilt the Cobra ground arm into a true fighting force in years to come.

Strana Mechty
Strana Mechty proved to be a bloody conflict for both Clans, with the Cloud Cobra’s Zeta Galaxy landing to face the Hell’s Horses Delta Galaxy.  Strana Mechty was also one of the few worlds where large numbers of civilians were evacuated.  As such, Delta put up fierce resistance in order to allow as many lower caste members as possible to escape.  The cost was high though, with the 65th Mechanised Strike destroyed when left as the rear guard and the 44th Mechanized Assault and 71st Mechanized Cavalry badly damaged.  However, the 82nd Mechanised Cavalry was able to catch and break the 57th Cobra Guards, when that unit tried to flank the Horse line.  Delta’s efforts rescued over half a million of the enclaves 10 million civilians, a feat of great importance for the future of the Clan.

Tiber was another bloody engagement, but this time more so for the Cloud Cobras.  The Cobras dispatched the Temple Keshik and Gamma Galaxy to face Clan Hell’s Horses Zeta Galaxy and from the moment the drop began to scatter, things continued to go wrong for the Clan.  The 59th and 441st Guards were both caught alone by most of the Horse defenders and crushed before the Horses lifted off.  However Cobra Aerospace fighters took a horrible toll on the lifting transports, destroying the 27th BattleMech Cluster.  Nevertheless, 200,000 of the enclave’s 1 million strong population were taken off.

Hoard and Strata Dominigo
With no Cloud Cobra forces assaulting either world, the Horses removed 350,000 of the combined population of 950,000, leaving the remainder to the Cobra forces that arrived at the beginning of May to find the Horses gone.

The campaign was a bloody one for both Clans, with nether truly suited to fighting the other, due to imbalances in both Toumans.  In all, forty four clusters engaged along with sixteen WarShips, with the Cobras keeping a reserve of ships out of the fighting.

Clan Hell’s Horses lost two Clusters and four WarShips outright and overall losses to the ground arm of the Clan ran to 30% of all troops in the Homeworlds.  The small size of the Horse merchant fleet and lack of naval transports meant that little was rescued, with just 1.7 million civilians out of a population of 85 million rescued and slightly over a quarter of their military facilities removed.  Most devastating for the Horses was that no orbital yards were relocated.

Clan Cloud Cobra lost three Clusters and one WarShip, though one was captured from Clan Hell’s Horses.  Overall losses ran to nearly 25% of the Touman, which was acceptable only in the light of what the fighting gained.  Cloud Cobra military production would nearly double from their isorla, with yard space increased by two thirds and a population increase of nearly 80%.  Most importantly for the Cloud Cobras was that most of the industry captured was focused on Mech production, finally allowing the Touman to develop the ability to fight other Clans on an equal footing.


TELINOV: My Khan, we have no option.  We break bid or we face defeat and predation at the hands of our so called allies.

RIAZ: I must agree with the saKhan, Khan Steiner.  We have little choice here.  In order to follow The Way we must sacrifice our own honour for the greater good, both of our Clan and the Clans as a whole.  Without our hand to guide them following this war, they will fall.

STEINER: You may be right.  The Horses are Dezgra and deserve no honourable treatment.  Even with our full strength, we have not the numbers to strike them everywhere.  We must be strong where they are and leave lesser targets to their own devices.

TELINOV: I agree, but I would suggest we use our fleet aggressively, both against their WarShips and in interdicting their escape.  With our small numbers, we need to use every tool we have to prevent the Horses taking too much with them.

STEINER: Very well saKhan Telinov.  I want both of you to have an operational plan ready by the end of the week – we need our troops moving soon, if we are to lock the gate before the Horse has bolted.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 04:55:19 AM by Blacknova »
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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