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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #135 on: November 27, 2015, 02:34:11 AM »

I don't really remember, as it was done originally for the KU and based on hints from FM: Crusaders and a couple of other sources.  It does not have the HTP: Revival Trials info, but I can send you a full Touman list of you like for comparison.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #136 on: November 27, 2015, 06:19:48 AM »

Please do!


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #137 on: November 27, 2015, 07:00:32 PM »

Here are the Burrocks as of mid-3062.  I use X for Clan experince as exceptional, to better balance them against the IS.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #138 on: December 06, 2015, 02:00:18 AM »

12th of May, 3063
CWS Werewolf, Tamar
Clan Wolf Occupation Zone

Phelan Kell focused on the Khan of Clan Smoke Jaguar, Brandon Howell, who stood opposite him on flag bridge of the Wolf Clan flagship, CWS Werewolf.  The dark haired and plain featured Jaguar Khan had attended this meeting in full Smoke Jaguar dress uniform, less the Jaguar helm, of a light grey semi-jumpsuit, back boots and belt, with a light grey cloak that was deep red upon the inside.  The officers who accompanied Howell, were similarly attired, with saKhan Tatiana Kotare, tall, dark and severe to his left and Galaxy Commander Joho Perez to his right.  Perez was similar in many respects to his Khan, though the new Alpha Galaxy Commander was notably younger.

Dressing up, at least in Phelan’s mind, he his fellow Wolf Clan officers were wearing their light tan and brown first class uniform with its red cloak.  Attending the Wolf Khan was his saKhan Marthe Pryde, worse for wear following the hard campaign against the Ghost Bears and the shock of the Homeworlds War.  Marthe had become cold and harder over the last few weeks and Phelan was becoming worried about her and others demeanour following the Wolf ejection from the Homeworlds.  Marthe stood at his right, beyond her was Katya Kerensky, rushed here along the command circuit from the Homeworlds, which was even now being rolled up by the Wolf Clan evacuation convoys.  Kerensky was the first of his new Orloks, as was Erik Kerensky, a sibkin of Ulric Kerensky, who stood to Phelan’s left. 

Phelan spoke first, “Welcome Khan Howell of Clan Smoke Jaguar, welcome to the home of the Wolf following your great victories against Clans Nova Cat, Ghost Bear and Coyote and your conquests of the worlds of the Combine, long has it been since a Wolf was able to welcome a Jaguar within our den.”

Howell’s eye’s widened a little at the honour showed in his greeting. You are here for something Howell, and I may need you as much as you must need me.

The Jaguar Khan took a breath and responded, “Khan Kell, long has it been since a Wolf Khan offered such words to a Jaguar.  I have marvelled at the strength of the Wolves, strength which has grown when allied to your wisdom.”

How did those worlds taste coming out of your mouth? Nope, no need to tell me, the look on the faces of your officers is enough. saKhan Kotare was staring open mouthed at her Khan, whilst Galaxy Commander Peres’s face had gone flat, seeming to drain of blood.

Phelan bowed his head, “Khan Howell, I am honoured by your words, however, before was cause either of our assembled retinues to collapse, I would suggest we turn to business quickly.”

Phelan could have sworn the Jaguar Khan smiled slightly as he responded, You are a different beast, are you not Brandon? “Khan Kell, your suggestion would seem most welcome to some.”

Phelan gestured to the Jaguar officers to sit at the long holotable that occupied a third of the flag bridge, with the Jaguar officers waiting until Howell and then Kell sat, then sat as the other Wolf officers did.

“Khan Howell, considering recent events and the tasks each Clan now faces in this new order we find ourselves in, I find it intriguing that you would come to Tamar at this date.”

Howell reclined slightly, “It may seem so on the surface Khan Kell, but in reality, it is the wisest thing for the two most powerful Clans remaining in the Inner Sphere to discuss the immediate future.”

Kell indicated graciously that Howell continue to speak, “By all means then Khan Howell, please place your cards on the table.”

Howell remained silent for a moment then began speaking, “Do you truly understand the unity Khan Kell?”

“I am not sure I follow you Khan Howell, do you ask if I truly understand Clan society?”

Howell shook his head, “No I mean the unity.  However, I am sure that Clan Wolf, even as the descendants of the Kerensky legacy, do not consciously understand it, even though you are the leading proponents of it.  My Jaguars understand it, we always have, hence many of our actions, though of late they were more instinctual then well thought out.”

Kell cocked his head to one side, “You mean our ability to bring together disparate views?”

Before Howell could answer, Marthe Pryde answered from his right, her voice cold, “He means we are killers my Khan.”

Howell nodded once, “Your saKhan sees to the heart of the matter, but not its logical conclusion.  Of all the Clans of Kerensky, you have ended the lines of more of your brother Clans than any other, the Falcons and Widowmakers you absorbed, the Not Named you annihilated.  Four became one.  We Jaguars took the Mongoose Clan, for all the good it did us and the Burrocks fell to the Star Adders.  Now N’Buta has taken much of what we are and made his eight stronger for it.”  He paused, “Do you see it now?”

“You believe we are better for the victories that brought us strength?”

“No Khan Kell.  Perhaps it is because you became Clan and were not born Clan that you cannot see the fundamental underlying truth of Clan society.  It operates at every level, through labourer to Warrior and within each caste.  We strive towards it everyday, both consciously and unconsciously, with our past littered with the heaped corpses of those who fell under the reality of what it is to be Clan.  The Great Founder Nicholas Kerensky created us this way, knew this tool would be vital in creating his chosen ones, those who would rule over all mankind.  The Founder even made sure it would happen as soon as it was necessary when Terra fell, if it had not been accomplished by other means beforehand.”

He stopped for a moment, to see if Kell would speak, “Khan Kell, the truth of the Clans is that there can be only one.  The unity, as we speak of it, is thought by most to be the unity of the twenty, or sixteen as it is now, but that is not the truth of it.  The unity is the unity of the twenty in the one.”

There was silence for a time, before Kell spoke, “Only one Clan?”


“He is right my Khan.” Said Marthe.

“Your saKhan is more in tune with what I speak of, the Falcons always were, despite their lack of Absorption.”  Howell gestured around the room, “We have reached a crossroad for the Clans, many are weakened and ripe for taking, whilst all those thrown from the Homeworlds stand on a precipice.  N’Buta, scheming dezgra that he is, seems to have partially grasped this fact, we Jaguars understand it, as do some of the Falcons in your ranks.  Some Vipers do, in their own bizarre way, but the other Clans fail to grasp the fact of what lies before us now.”

Kell’s face had grown grim, “And that fact is Khan Howell?”

“If eight remain when N’Buta comes, and come he will, then none will survive.  We, as the strongest two Clans, must become stronger still; otherwise we will be crushed between the Inner Sphere and the Homeworlds.”

Kell snorted, “You want to convene a Council of the Inner Sphere Clans and then call for at least two Absorptions.”

“Khan Kell, you continue to amaze me.  You of all people, someone who has been able to force the Clans to think outside of the box for so long are now trapped by your very own gifts.”

As some of his officers shifted at the insult, Phelan only became more wary, What is he driving at?  “Khan Howell, please enlighten me, for you seem to want to complete the entirety of your sermon.”  Kell’s voice was hard, which Howell picked up on.

“Khan Kell,” Howell continued in a measured voice “My last comment was not meant as an insult, you have done extraordinary things with your Clan, but you amongst all our brethren must understand that a new viewpoint can often unlock doors you did not even know existed?  For example, your new organisation intrigues me, what are these Orloks you announced to me upon arrival.”

Nice change of topic. “Khan Howell, Clan Wolf controls over 100 worlds across a huge volume of space, with eighty Clusters and numerous garrison forces.  I have created two new ranks, as is my right under the Martial Code, Section 12.”  Kell paused, recalling the text from his memory, “Any Khan may, dependent on the realities of the theatre in question, appoint officers as necessary to command large bodies of troops, usually those larger than a Galaxy.”

“An oft used provision Khan Kell, by many Clans.”

“It is Khan Howell, I have merely formalised it due to the realities of the Wolf Clan Occupation Zone.  The Zone is now broken into five Ordu, each of which will soon have at least three Galaxies of what are now called Combat Clusters, formerly Front and Second Line Clusters, one or more Naval Stars and dozens of Provisional Garrison Clusters – what were once called planetary militias.  For each Ordu an Orlok commands.  Beneath the Orlok, commanding the Combat Galaxies of a Tumen is a Tumetu, effectively the Orloks combat commander and leading two to five Galaxies.  Commanding the Provisional Garrison Clusters, which are grouped as a Mingat, and assisting the Orlok with the good governance of the Ordu, is a Minggan.  In order to become a Khan of Clan Wolf, an officer now must have served in one or more of these roles.  My Wolves need to be more than Warriors and Generals if we are to survive, we must also be good overlords and wise masters of our holdings if we are to prosper in the times ahead.”

Howell looked thoughtful, “You borrow terms our first ilKhan may well have considered whilst creating a General Staff and administrative organ that will be both flexible and clear in the management of your Occupation Zone.  This is what I speak of when I say you are one of us but not born of us, you adapt the Clans to the Inner Sphere, but you have not finished adapting to the Clans yet.”

“Perhaps not Khan Howell, but please, if you could finish your line of thought from earlier when you disagreed with my point about a Clan Council.”

Howell chuckled, “What good would such a Council do us?  The eight would bicker and trying to choose a leader would be pointless.  The Horses, Cats and maybe the Bears would follow you, none of the rest of us would.  The Vipers are isolationists at best, the Hellions a pack of rank idiots and my Jaguars would never follow a Wolf again after Ulric, as your wolves would not follow me after what ilKhan Showers did.  What is more, any call for Absorption will be opposed by all but one or two Clans.  What is the point of any ongoing Clan Council?”

Phelan shrugged, “None in your view.”

“Yes!” Said Howell with some vehemence “There is no point, however, there is War and it holds its own council on Absorption.”

It then dawned on Phelan why the Smoke Jaguars were here.  Audacious! “You seek to destroy Clan Ghost Bear.”

There was silence at the table as Kell’s words hung over the table, all whilst Khan Howell smiled at Phelan.

“The time has come,” responded Howell, “to free ourselves of the past and advance on the future, otherwise we will fall.”

Phelan sat back, “Why should Clan Wolf assist Clan Smoke Jaguar with a war to destroy another Clan?  We have no trust in you Khan Jaguar.”

“Because we both need the resources and troops we will capture and neither can do it without the other.  Besides, even if you do not trust the Jaguar, the reality is this: You have the Viper and we the Cats to deal with, neither of which can be caught in a vice like the Bears can and both of which would break one or either of us were we to go to war with each other.  By combining our assaults, we can both gain much, especially so should our Homeworld troops strike along the Coreward flank of the Bears, in effect rolling them up as they advance.”

“And the Cats and Vipers, what of them?”

Howell smiled, “If they turn towards us, they will be struck by the Inner Sphere as they weaken their garrisons, just as the Combine did recently.”

“Perhaps, “ Phelan was not convinced on this last point.  “And what of Ghost Bear industry, that is the true prize here?”

“Clan Smoke Jaguar would claim Thule and Alshain, Clan Wolf would have Spittal and Goito.”

Murmurs came from the Wolf side of the table as both Kotare and Peres smiled.  “You think the Jaguars could take more than half the Bear industry?  You have only fifty-five Clusters to our seventy-eight and cannot commit more than thirty of those.  The fifty we can commit will overshadow your force by more than a third, but you claim a stake that is rightfully ours by numbers.”

Howell’s face became hard, “Khan Wolf, based upon the division I suggested, Clan Wolf would still hold more than 12% more industrial Mech lines than Clan Smoke Jaguar at the end of the War.  Besides, Alshain is contiguous with or zone, not yours.”

“Down from 47% greater production now and you have not even stated what would happen with the orbital facilities at Alshain, though no doubt you would see them remain in Jaguar hands?”

“I would,” said Howell, “You possess two yards capable of WarShip construction in the Inner Sphere already, we have none.”

“Your problem Howell, not mine.”  Said Phelan in a heated voice.  Before Khan Howell could respond, Phelan raised his hand and said more quietly, “I suggest an alternative.”

Howell indicated that Phelan should continue, “Should we join you in this task, we divide the Bear Occupation Zone on a line from Najha to between Porthos and Thule.  However, the worlds of Thule, Goito, Spittal and Alshain are separated from this division.  Each of these we trial for the right to attack, no bidding, as we will need all we can both muster to put down an enraged Bear and engaging in a bidding war will only allow the Bears to survive.  For Alshain, we Trial for the right to assault the world and its orbitals separately.”

“No bidding, but we Trial in combat for that we truly desire between us.”  Howell said as he rubbed his jaw. “This is acceptable.  Bargained well and done Khan Wolf.  I have the 5th Jaguar Dragoons aboard the Streaking Mist, five stars of Warriors would be more than sufficient for the task at hand.”

Dammit, the best I have on Tamar is the 1st Wolf Assault, but I have no choice.  Bastard’s played me. “Very well Khan Howell, you will have your Trials.”

Several minutes after the Jaguars had left, Phelan addressed his commanders, “The Jaguar seeks to use the Wolf as tool to strengthen himself.  He is no different from N’Buta, though his statement that there can only be one is more than likely true.  Prepare ten Wolf Galaxies for the assault and no matter what happens in the Trials we are about to fight, four land on Alshain and two on the other three worlds.  The Jaguar can choke on the remainder of the Ghost Bear Occupation Zone.  Assemble the Battle Line as well, our three most powerful Naval Stars go to Alshain to break the Leviathans there, one other to each of the remaining targets.”

Katya Kerensky spoke up, “Khan Kell, we risk much on his line of action.  We are proceeding in the face of potential Trial losses and cast away Clan law.”

“Yes Katya we are, but Howell has made himself dezgra by seeking to Absorb a Clan without Trial, so it is our duty to ensure that the strength of the Bear is joined to that of the Wolf, rather than the Jaguar, as that Clan cannot be trusted with the future of the Clans

"Seyla Said his commanders.

The Old ways are dead Khan Howell, you are just about to learn that fact.


As they sat on the shuttle back to the CSJ Streaking Mist, Howell looked to his saKhan, “Whatever happens saKhan, plan an assault on Alshain, we cannot allow the world to fall to the Wolves.”


Three weeks later the Khan of Clan Ghost Bear turned to the saKhan, “The reserves of the Wolves and Jaguars will be arriving from the Homeworlds soon, we must concentrate additional forces on our major worlds so that they cannot use their additional troops to take what is rightfully ours.”
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 02:01:17 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #139 on: December 07, 2015, 10:22:11 PM »

This should be a good war.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #140 on: December 10, 2015, 04:56:21 AM »

OK, I have jumped ahead from May to October, but will go back to fill things in, as I wanted to get this out of my head so I can focus on some other stuff, which means there will be no more updates for a couple of weeks. 

However, please enjoy the crazy.

The Ghost Bear Conflict
Desperate times often see desperate measures, history has always shown us this, however, the actions of three desperate Clans: Ghost Bear; Smoke Jaguar; and Wolf in mid-3063, showed just how desperate the situation had become amongst the Clans.  We in the Inner Sphere were unaware of the pressures emanating from the Homeworlds, pressures that not only drove Khans Kell and Howell into seeking the death of Clan Ghost Bear, but into a willingness to prevent the other from gaining an advantage over the other.

The true ember that set the fires of Clan carnage alight was the success of the Wolf Clan’s 1st Assault Cluster in a single trial against the Jaguar’s Keshik troops.  Clan Smoke Jaguar won the right to assault Alshain, both its orbitals and grounds facilities, Spittal and Thule.  Clan Wolf won only a single Trial, that for the world of Goito, though information in Khan Kell’s journals show that he had drawn up plans to assault all five targets no matter the outcome.  The actions of the Smoke Jaguars showed that Khan Howell had exactly the same plans as Khan Kell, however, fate would intervene to change the plans of all three Clans.

As the convoys from the Homeworlds approached, Clan Ghost Bear began to pull forces into its major industrial enclaves, massing Alpha and Zeta Galaxies on Alshain, Rho on Spittal, Tau on Goito and Pi on Thule, with other deployments changed across the Occupation Zone. Additionally, the Ghost Bears massed their fleet over the four worlds, with two of the powerful Leviathan-class at Alshain and one at Thule, though both of the former carried damage from the fighting with Clan Wolf.  The Ghost Bears movements went undetected by Clan Wolf and Clan Smoke Jaguar and even by Clan Diamond Shark, whose attention was on its own convoys along the route to the Homeworlds and their own developing plans.

Clan Smoke Jaguar would get the jump on Clan Wolf, launching its strikes on October 2, hitting Thule, Goito and Spittal with a Galaxy supported by WarShips and sending two Galaxies to Alshain with heavy naval support.  What would come to be called Black Friday by Clan Smoke Jaguar would see some of the bloodiest fighting that Clan had partaken in since Tukayyid. 
What was worse for Clan Smoke Jaguar was that the reorganisation of the Wolf Touman for the coming assault.  It would take the Wolves more than two weeks to sort out their logistical issues, learning during that time that Clan Smoke Jaguar had struck all four targets.  This played right into Khan Kell’s hands, though he was unclear on what was exactly happening on each world.  However, Khan Kell now had a pretext for assaulting all his planned targets and one that would play well with both the Wolves and other Clans.  Clan Wolf now had the opportunity to break two Clans and prepare its path to absolute ascendency with in the Occupation Zones.  On October 15, Clan Wolf’s four task forces materialised at the LaGrange points of each system to be meet with visions of catastrophe.
Phase 1 – The Smoke Jaguar Assault
Clan Smoke Jaguar planned to pre-empt any Wolf strikes on primary target worlds, as well as take Clan Ghost Bear unaware, thereby seizing key objectives, facilities and worlds quickly. Dedicated to the task were twenty-eight Clusters and twenty WarShips, a force greater than any Clan Smoke Jaguar had ever deployed in a single action.
Alshain – Phase 1
Clan Smoke Jaguar sent Alpha and the reorganised Ironguard Galaxy to Alshain, the Ironguard rebuilt and reorganised since it left Huntress.  The Jaguar OOB for the assault was:
Jaguar's Spirit Keshik
5th Jaguar Dragoons
6th Jaguar Dragoons
9th Jaguar Cavaliers
33rd Jaguar Assault
43rd Jaguar Battle
48th Jaguar Battle
14th Jaguar Regulars
63rd Jaguar Regulars
CSJ Streaking Mist                           (Black Lion)
CSJ Blood of the Coyote                                (Cameron)
CSJ Spirit in the Sky                          (Liberator)
CSJ Firecrest                                       (Congress)
CSJ Snow Leopard                           (Congress)
CSJ Storm Cat                                    (Lola III)               
Defending Alshain were some of the finest Clusters in Clan Ghost Bear and the massed Elementals of Zeta Galaxy’s four Claw Clusters, backed by seven PGC’s, though they consisted primarily of light tanks and light infantry.  The core of the Ghost Bear Fleet, which included two Leviathan-class Battleships, covered this force.
Ourse Keshik
1st Bear Guards
3rd Bear Guards
50th Bear Striker
1st Rasalhague Bears
1st Claw
2nd Claw
3rd Claw
4th Claw
1st Alshain PGC
2nd Alshain PGC
3rd Alshain PGC
4th Alshain PGC
5th Alshain PGC
6th Alshain PGC
7th Alshain PGC
CGB Rasalhague              (Leviathan)
CGB Leviathan                  (Leviathan)
CGB Ursa Minor                               (York)
CGB Langcaster                 (York)
CGB Black Ghost              (Fredesa)
When the Jaguars emerged at the assault jump points, they immediately realised they had misjudged the Bears, as the two massive Leviathans defending the world and their escorts began to run straight at the Jaguars.  Detaching the DropShips, Khan Howell made immediately for the planet, commanding his Star Admirals to keep the Bear ships and fighters off his back.  He planned to take the world and starve the Bear fleet of support from the surface.

Khan Howell declared to the Ghost Bear Khans, that Clan Smoke Jaguar decreed that the Ghost Bears no longer had the right to exist and would be destroyed or join with the Jaguars.  This announcement incensed the Ghost Bears, who viewed the coming battle for what it was, an unsanctioned Trial of Absorption.  This ploy by Howell, designed to weaken the Ghost Bear’s morale, would backfire badly, as the usually stoic Bears abandoned all pretences of civilised warfare.

The Jaguar fleet made straight for the two Battleships and met a level of firepower rarely seen, crumpling under the barrage.  Though the Jaguars were able to eliminate the CGB Black Ghost, which was deployed forward of the main Bear line, they then fell under the guns of the CGB Rasalhague and CGB Leviathan.  Despite the firepower levelled against them, the Smoke Jaguars took the fight into the teeth of the Ghost Bears getting within mere kilometres of their opponents.  CGB Rasalhague was driven off as every Jaguar ship poured fire into it, but the huge vessel was able to make running repairs and return to the fray.  The Jaguars managed to land marines aboard CGB Leviathan and CGB Ursa Minor, but despite valiant attempts and large gains, the Ghost Bears drove off or killed the marines. 

Meanwhile, the enraged Bears, with CSJ Firecrest and CSJ Snow Leopard the first to fall, smashed one Smoke Jaguar ship after another into nothingness.  However, the Jaguar fleet held its formation until the CSJ Streaking Mist blew apart and the Jaguars line disintergrated. Divided, the Smoke Jaguar fleet was caught in a crossfire as CGB Rasalhague returned and after three hours of brutal fighting, six Jaguar Warships were lost, along with a single Ghost Bear Corvette.

On the planet’s surface below, Khan Howell, though disturbed by the loss of his fleet, was quietly optimistic, as arrayed before him were the PGC’s of Alshain and the Ourse Keshik and 1st Claw, the units he expected to see.

The Jaguars advanced in “old style” a frontal assault aimed at the Ourse and 1st Claw in the Bears centre.  Khan Howell planned to crush the best of Clan Ghost Bear and then mop up the PGC’s. The Ourse and the 1st Claw gave way, whilst the PGC’s struck on the Jaguar flank.  Once the Jaguar assault was stretched out, two Clusters from the Bear Alpha and a Claw Cluster from Zeta Galaxy appeared on each side of the Jaguar advance, as the 3rd Claw reinforced the centre of the Bear line.

For six hours the Jaguars fought for their lives, with the Jaguar Centre finally giving way, where the Keshik and 5th and 6th Jaguar Grenadiers were broken when the Ghost Bear Khan destroyed Khan Howells Mech – the Khan’s body was not recovered. With the centre collapsing, the remaining Jaguar forces had little option but to withdraw, as they faced defeat in detail.  The gallant sacrifice of the 63rd Regulars, who died to a man, was not enough to allow the Jaguars to properly reform.  Harried back to their DropShips the Jaguars lifted off, but were not pursued by the Bears in space or on the ground, as their own losses were heavy as well.

The invasion of Alshain had cost Clan Smoke Jaguar it reformist Khan, eight WarShips and 49% of the forces that landed on world.  For the Ghost Bears, a single WarShip was lost, whilst the remainder were in a poor state and 31% of their ground forces had been destroyed, though most of their Clusters retained their integrity. 

However, just as the Ghost Bears began the process of recovery, two days after the Smoke Jaguars jumped away, fifteen Clan Wolf WarShips materialised, along with four Galaxies of troops.
Spittal – Phase 1
Clan Smoke Jaguar was confident that Spittal would fall quickly to the warriors of Beta Galaxy and their strong WarShip escort, expecting only a couple of defending WarShips and a single Cluster and supporting PGC’s to be on world.

The Jaguar task force consisted of:
The Swath Keshik
1st Jaguar Guards
2nd Jaguar Guards
362nd Jaguar Assault
267th Jaguar Battle
CSJ Vladivostock              (Sovetskii Soyuz)
CSJ Swarm                          (Samarkand II)
CSJ Azov                              (Vincent)
The Ghost Bears, as at Alshain, had pulled additional forces to the world and changed the defending ships.  The Smoke Jaguars would face a full Frontline Galaxy and a Nightlord-class Battleship.
18th Bear Battle
243rd Bear Battle
283rd Bear Battle
297th Bear Battle
300th Bear Battle
1st Spittal PGC
2nd Spittal PGC
CGB Ursa Major                                (Nightlord)
CGB Blizzard                       (Lola III)
Like Alshain, the Ghost Bear fleet did not have the numbers to get past the Jaguar flotilla and engage the transports, however, that meant the three Jaguar ships were given the full attention of the CGB Ursa Major.  The Battleship made short work of the Jaguar fleet, destroying all three Jaguar ships with the assistance of its escort.

saKhan Tatiana Kotare was less adventurous than her Khan, reasoning that stronger naval defences could well mean stronger forces deployed against her on the ground.  However, Khan Kotare was pleasantly surprised to find that the two PGC’s had been reinforced, but only with the 18th Battle reinforced by the 243rd.  Advancing with three Clusters and leaving the Jaguar Guards as her reserve, Khan Kotare hit the Bears hard.  By the end of the second day, the two PGC’s were overrun and the 243rd Bear Battle was breaking apart, though at the cost of considerable casualties to the the 362nd and the Swarthe Keshik. 

The Ghost Bear Reserve Clusters swung into action before dawn on the third day and broke both the 267th Battle and the 2nd Jaguar Guards in a massive flank attack. Only the timely injection of the 1st Guards prevented a complete route, but the Jaguars were forced to withdraw and depart the system, though the CGB Blizzard managed to destroy several retreating transports.

The battle cost the Smoke Jaguars 45% of the forces they sent to the world and three more WarShips, whilst the Bears lost 33% of their frontline forces and 60% of their PGC’s, rendering the latter combat ineffective.  The Jaguars had again underestimated both the ability of Clan Ghost Bear to reinforce and the Bear’s savagery in defending their home against what they saw as dezgra assaults.  However, like Alshain, the Bears had barely begun their recovery when Wolf forces arrived in system: eight WarShips escorting two Galaxies.
Goito – Phase 1
Khan Howell had sent orders to Galaxy Commander Hang Mehta that Goito must be taken rapidly, so that the Jaguars could dig in before the Wolf Assault arrived.  Mehta’s force consisted of:
Skyriders Keshik
3rd Jaguar Cavaliers
3rd Jaguar Assault
75th Jaguar Assault
19th Jaguar Striker
CSJ Violent End                 (Aegis)
CSJ Obsidian                      (McKenna)
CSK Dark Shadow            (McKenna)
The Ghost Bears had stripped away the 63rd Bear PG, but replaced it with the remaining four Clusters of the Clan’s oldest Second Line Galaxy; a force known for is tenaciousness.
1st Bear Regulars
2nd Bear Regulars
9th Bear PGC
18th Bear PGC
37th Bear PGC
1st Goito PGC
2nd Goito PGC
CGB Bear's Den                 (Black Lion)
CGB Icepick                         (Lola III)
CGB Ursine Boatman     (Volga)
The Jaguar fleet was, on paper, far superior to the Bear’s ships, however the fighting at Huntress and the long journey from there meant that both the Jaguar Battleships were in poor condition.  Though the large ships were able to destroy both the CGB Icepick and CGB Ursine Boatman, the CSJ Obsidian blew up when weakened armour was penetrated and Ghost Bear Marines captured the Aegis-class Violent End by approaching along lanes where the Jaguar ship had lost its weapons.  The CGB Bear's Den then hammered the CSJ Dark Shadow into a battered wreck.

Ignoring the battle above, Delta Galaxy made a rapid landing and advance on the planetary capital, but found themselves delayed by the inundated terrain around the capital, which was soaked from recent heavy rain.  This allowed Tau Galaxy to fight a slow withdrawal, which though it cost them both PGC’s, which lacked the mobility to avoid the Jaguar frontline Clusters, prevented Delta from gaining too much ground.

When Clan Wolf appeared with five WarShips and two Galaxies, Clan Smoke Jaguar had lost three WarShips and 31% of its troops, whilst the Bears had lost two WarShips, captured a barely operational Cruiser and 41% of their ground troops.
Thule Phase – 1
The final world contested by the three Clans, Thule saw the dispatch of Clan Smoke Jaguar’s Epsilon Galaxy and its escort:
The Dark Prowlers Keshik
4th Jaguar Dragoons
7th Jaguar Dragoons
304th Jaguar Battle
6th Jaguar Striker
CSJ Hunter's Pride                            (Congress)
CSJ Hell Fury                                       (Fredesa)
CSJ Hell Rage                                      (Fredesa)
CSJ Queen Lynx                                 (York)
CSJ Osis' Pride                                    (Potemkin)
CSJ Simas Osis                                   (Vincent)
CSJ Whirling Jaguar                        (Whirlwind)
CSJ Lioness                                          (York)
Clan Ghost Bear had massed its second line Pi Galaxy on Thule, so that its Frontline Clusters in the region were freed up for mobile operations.  However, the naval units assigned to Thule were second only to those stationed above Alshain.
23rd Bear PGC
29th Bear PGC
54th Bear PGC
5th Bear Phalanx
13th Bear Phalanx
Thule PGC
CGB Great Bear                                                (Leviathan)
CGB White Claw                               (Essex)
CGB Yggdrasil                                    (Carrack)
The Jaguar fleet, despite discovering the presence of the CGB Great Bear, was confident that it could be victorious and managed to separate and destroy both the CGB White Claw and CGB Yggdrasil before the big ship could bring its guns to bear. The Jaguars then tried to swarm the CGB Great Bear from every angle, but were met with volley after volley of highly accurate and withering fire, along with swarms of fighters.  The light weight vessels of the Jaguar squadron were obliterated one after the other, and with the death of last Jaguar WarShip, the CSJ Queen Lynx, the Smoke Jaguar fleet was completely destroyed, all within 24 hours of the go order for the assaults.

Epsilon Galaxy fared little better on the ground, as Pi Galaxy had created a huge network of defences that the Jaguars attempts to bull through came to naught upon.  PGC’s and Phalanx Clusters were underestimated by the Jaguars at every turn and the reinforcement of the world by Clan Ghost Bear saw overconfident Jaguar commanders make repeated blunders against a prepared and motivated foe.  When Clan Wolf arrived on the 13th, the Jaguars withdrew, as the Wolf Commander declared he would fight all defenders on world.

As the Jaguars departed, they left behind 32% of their forces, the hulks of eight WarShips and the honour of the 4th Dragoons and 304th Battle, both of which had been savaged by the defenders.  Clan Ghost Bear’s Pi Galaxy’s efforts had cost it much, with losses of 30% having weakened some formations and two WarShips had fallen.
Phase 1 Summary
Over the course of the first two weeks in October, Clan Ghost Bear repelled massive assaults from Clan Smoke Jaguar, including smaller strikes against the worlds of Marawi and Tinaca, where fighting continued.  The defence of each system was undertaken with skill and determination and the overconfidence of the Jaguars only magnified the scale of their failure to take even a single world. 

Within twenty-four hours, Clan Smoke Jaguars fleet was annihilated, with nineteen WarShips destroyed and one captured.  The loss of the Jaguars prime strategic asset would leave them shockingly vulnerable in years to come and would see a rapid realignment of resource allocation in their occupation zone.  Additionally, Clan Smoke Jaguar had lost over 36% of the ground forces deployed, nearly one fifth of the entire Jaguar Touman, including Khan Brandon Howell, the Clan’s great reformer.  However, before the Clan could even come to terms with these losses, Clan Wolf struck. It would take all of the supplies and reserve brought forward from Huntress to fill the ranks of the Touman over the coming months and present the illusion of strength, but the defeats had gutted the Jaguar reserves and the Clan would require years to recover from the defeats it had suffered.

Clan Ghost Bear suffered far fewer losses than the Jaguars and were entertaining the possibilities of a counter invasion when Clan Wolf arrived.  Historians have pondered what the results of such a counter-blow would have been, but most agree that the Bears could have taken Schuyler and broken Clan Smoke Jaguar. 

The Bears losses in the fighting were five WarShips, though they captured one.  Losses of the ground forces were 25% of the regular forces engaged and 61% of the Planetary PGC’s, which totalled losses of 37% of troops engaged, though the losses to the PGC’s were inconsequential to the Bears.  Loses to the total strength of the regular Touman were 11.5%, large, but recoverable from the Bear stockpiles and battlefield salvage.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #141 on: December 10, 2015, 04:58:58 AM »

Phase 2 – The Wolf Assault
Knowing they were facing the possibility of dual fights on four worlds, the Wolves counted their blessings in that they had earmarked huge numbers of troops for their operations, wagering that the fighting against the Federated Commonwealth would keep the Steel Vipers and Ice Hellions attention until the end of the year. 

Not even the mass deployment of Clan Star Adder six months earlier matched the force deployed by Clan Wolf, which was nearly the size of the original Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere. Fifty Clusters, along with all thirty-six of Clan Wolf’s WarShips surged into the four systems to find the wreckage of Smoke Jaguar ships, damaged Bear vessels and in two cases, no trace of the Smoke Jaguars.  Rapid HPG communications between the four assault groups provided Khan Phelan Kell with a rough picture and his orders that day have taken on an almost mythic significance within Clan Wolf.  The signal from CWS Werewolf was: “Go for the throat.”
Alshain – Phase 2
Clan Wolf dispatched four Galaxies into the Alshain system, along with its fifteen most powerful WarShips, well aware of the firepower that the Bears possessed with their Leviathan-class ships.
Golden Keshik
4th Wolf Guards
1st Wolf Assault
5th Wolf Battle
4th Wolf Striker
Emerald Keshik
1st Wolf Guards
1st Wolf Hussars
1st Wolf Jaegers
2nd Wolf Jaegers
Black Keshik
1st Wolf Velites
3rd Wolf Velites
1st Wolf Striker
109th Wolf Striker
1st Wolf Guardians
8th Wolf Grenadiers
2nd Wolf Regulars
6th Wolf Regulars
7th Wolf PGC
CWS Werewolf                                  (McKenna)
CWS Emerald Talon                         (Nightlord)
CWS Falcon's Nest                           (Texas)
CWS Jade Aerie                                 (Texas)
CWS White Aerie                              (Black Lion)
CWS Implacable                               (Black Lion)
CWS Blood Drinker                          (Black Lion)
CWS Ulric Kerensky                         (Cameron)
CWS Dieron's Run                            (Cameron)
CWS Janice Hazen                            (Aegis)
CWS Gold Talon                                                (Aegis)
CWS White Talon                             (Aegis)
CWS Blue Talon                                 (Aegis)
CWS Jade Talon                                                (Aegis)
CWS Victoria Ward                          (Liberator)
The defenders of Alshain had suffered serious losses over the previous two weeks and although their formations had adjusted, they had suffered losses that would make facing he Wolves a difficult proposition.
Ourse Keshik                     (69%)
1st Bear Guards                                (46%)
3rd Bear Guards               (77%)
50th Bear Striker              (85%)
1st Rasalhague Bears      (69%)
1st Claw                               (69%)
2nd Claw                              (77%)
3rd Claw                               (85%)
4th Claw                               (77%)
1st Alshain PGC                 (61%)
2nd Alshain PGC               (50%)
3rd Alshain PGC                                (45%)
4th Alshain PGC                                (72%)
5th Alshain PGC                                (77%)
6th Alshain PGC                                (61%)
7th Alshain PGC                                (61%)
CGB Rasalhague              (Leviathan)         (36%)
CGB Leviathan                  (Leviathan)         (46%)
CGB Ursa Minor                               (York) (45%)
CGB Langcaster                 (York) (65%)
CGB Black Ghost              (Fredesa) (Destroyed)
The Wolf Fleet, consisting of fifteen Battleships, Battle Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers possessed overwhelming firepower, however, upon seeing the state of the Ghost Bear Fleet, the Wolves launched a massed marine assault and endeavoured to limit ship to ship fire. However, the realities of the operation meant that the suppression of Ghost Bear return fire was a necessity. Despite the numbers against them, the two massive Leviathan-class ships managed to destroy the CWS Dieron's Run and severely damage the CWS White Aerie and CWS Janice Hazen.  Despite the damage done to the Wolf Fleet, numbers and accumulated battle damage were too much for the Ghost Bear vessels.  CGB Ursa Minor  came apart under firefrom the CWS Emerald Talon, but the two Leviathans and the CGB Lancaster were taken by storm, though the former two vessels would require over a year in the Alshain yards to make good the damage they had sustained.

With the orbital battle won, Khan Kell landed his forces in a circle around the Bear capital and struck from four directions at once.  The initial Ghost Bear defence was fierce, with both the Alpha Galaxy southern assault, led by the 4th Wolf Guards, and the Eta Galaxy eastern attack, fronted by the 109th Striker Cluster repulsed.  However, the Bears lacked the numbers to turn back all four attacks and the breakthrough of Vau Galaxy’s Emerald Keshik and 1st Wolf Guards in the north after three hours fighting, was followed shortly after by the surging advance of Lambda’s 8th Wolf Grenadiers to the west.
The following day, Wolf forces from Vau and Lambda Galaxy expanded their breaches as Alpha and Eta became the anvil upon which the Bears were broken.  Thirty-seven hours of constant combat left less than 14% of the Bear forces on Alshain alive and the heart of their fleet in Wolf hands.  The Wolves suffered too, with a WarShip lost and 17% of their troops dead, the equivalent of one and half Clusters. 

Nevertheless, Clan Wolf had gained a vast prize, as Alshain was the heart of the Bear Empire.  Supplies and sibko cadets to make good what they had lost three times over were secured, as were the orbital yards, which had a WarShip construction yard, four servicing yards and sites for the construction of Broadsword and Union-C-class DropShips and Star Lord-class JumpShips.  Other facilities produced twelve different OmniMech and OmniFighter chassis, whilst four tank lines and two large Elemental Battle Armour facilities were also secured.

As his first act as the conquering Khan, Phelan Kell immediately formed up the surviving Ghost Bear Warriors into two oversized Clusters and inducted them into the Wolf Touman as the 1st and 2nd Wolf Uhlans, who would wear the colours of Clan Ghost Bear’s Alpha Galaxy and the Wolf’s head insignia.  Kell said to his new Wolves, “Your actions against two Clans were your Trial of Position as Wolves and the glory of your defence has convinced me that part of the Bear must survive in the Wolf, as does the Flacon and Widowmaker.”  Despite his words, Kell was pragmatic over the usefulness of the two Clusters and immediately dispatched them to reinforce the thinly defended border with Clan Steel Viper.
Spittal – Phase 2
Clan Wolf sent a strong force to Spittal, though its naval escort did not have the strength of those sent against other targets.
Bronze Keshik
9th Wolf Guards
305th Wolf Assault
11th Wolf Battle
124th Wolf Striker
White Keshik
103rd Wolf Striker
5th Wolf Cavalry
1st Wolf Legion
2nd Wolf Legion
CWS Full Moon                                                 (Potemkin)
CWS Emerald Tornado                   (Whirlwind)
CWS Nature's Wrath                      (Lola III)
CWS Trailblazer (Vincent)
CWS Lightning Strike                      (Vincent)
CWS Kerensky's Blues                     (Fredesa)
CWS Provider (Volga)
CWS Ironhold Provider                  (Carrack)
The Ghost Bear defence against the Jaguars had weakened Rho Galaxy, especially as casualties were heavy amongst officers and Bloodnamed following losses to Jaguar duelling practices.
18th Bear Battle                (84%)
243rd Bear Battle             (55%)
283rd Bear Battle             (77%)
297th Bear Battle             (62%)
300th Bear Battle             (85%)
1st Spittal PGC                   (Destroyed)
2nd Spittal PGC                 (Destroyed
CGB Ursa Major                               (Nightlord) (90%)
CGB Blizzard                       (Lola III)                (77%)
The CGB Ursa Major was still in fighting trim when the Wolves arrived and it pounced, scattering the Wolf fleet.  Only close to reckless manoeuvring kept the Wolf WarShips between the Bears and the transports of Gamma and Theta Galaxies and the Bears took full advantage of the situation.  By the time CGB Blizzard detonated when its fuel bunkers cooked off and CGB Ursa Major was forced to jump away due to damage, the Wolf fleet had been savaged. CWS Full Moon and CWS Trailblazer were expanding debris clouds, CWS Nature's Wrath and CWS Kerensky's Blues had jumped away to save themselves, CWS Emerald Tornado and CWS Ironhold Provider were out of control but later recovered and only CWS Lightning Strike and CWS Provider remained functional for the Wolves.

Despite their near success in space, Clan Ghost Bear’s defence of Spittal against Clan Wolf fell apart rapidly, as the lack of senior officers hampered the coordination of the defence. Gamma and Theta Galaxies were able to rapidly overrun and pull apart the defences of all but the 18th Bear Battle Cluster, which surrendered its remaining strength when the 243rd was overrun and completely destroyed, leaving the 18th on its own.  Ghost Bear deaths totalled nearly 85% of the troops deployed to Spittal, along with one of the defending WarShips.

Clan Wolf suffered lightly for its conquest in terms of ground troops, with only 13% losses being recorded, however, naval losses were heavy with two ships destroyed and four others severely damaged. Under orders from Khan Kell on Alshain, the Bear survivors were again pulled into a 3rd Uhlan Cluster and dispatched to the Viper border.  The capture of Spittal netted the Wolves and additional eight OmniMech lines and six tank lines.
Goito – Phase 2
Clan Wolf and its saKhan Marthe Pryde, would face two foes on Goito, though this was not known before the Clan’s arrival there.  Dispatched to the world were:
Silver Keshik
13th Wolf Guards
352nd Wolf Assault
3rd Wolf Battle
12th Wolf Striker
2nd Wolf Lancers
8th Wolf Regulars
12th Wolf Regulars
18th Wolf Regulars
51st Garrison
CWS Hawker                      (Sovetskii Soyuz)
CWS Dire Wolf                   (Sovetskii Soyuz)
CWS Green Lantern         (Congress)
CWS Kerensky's Pride     (Congress)
CWS Rogue                         (Congress)
The Ghost Bear forces, apart from their naval cover were in relatively good condition, though the prospect of facing a fresh foe whilst in the midst of battle would put great pressure on Tau Galaxy
1st Bear Regulars                                             (82%)
2nd Bear Regulars                                            (64%)
9th Bear PGC                                                     (77%)
18th Bear PGC                                                   (85%)
37th Bear PGC                                                   (77%)
1st Goito PGC                                                    (Destroyed)
2nd Goito PGC                                                  (Destroyed)
CGB Bear's Den                 (Black Lion)         (46%)
CGB Icepick                         (Lola III)                (Destroyed)
CGB Ursine Boatman     (Volga) (Destroyed)
Clan Smoke Jaguar was in the worst position on world, but Jaguar pride, though slowly being moderated by Khan Howell’s polices would not allow for their withdrawal in the face of the Wolves.
Skyriders Keshik                                               (75%)
3rd Jaguar Cavaliers                                        (67%)
3rd Jaguar Assault                                            (67%)
75th Jaguar Assault                                         (50%)
19th Jaguar Striker                                           (75%)
CSJ Violent End                 (Aegis)                  (Crippled and captured)
CSJ Obsidian                       (McKenna) (Destroyed)
CSK Dark Shadow             (McKenna) (Destroyed)
Like Alshain, the state of the CGB Bear's Den allowed the Wolves to rapidly secure the vessel and the barely operational CSJ Violent End that it was docked with and stabilising, with little damage suffered by the Wolf fleet.

Khan Pryde decided early that both Clans would need to be struck by the Wolves to show the intent of the Clan of Kerensky and its strength.  Beta Galaxy was dispatched to land behind the Smoke Jaguars and Iota Galaxy to face the Bear’s Tau Galaxy.  The previously warring Clans were at a disadvantage as both needed to keep an eye on the other as they turned to face the Wolves.

Beta Galaxy, led by the 13th Guards and 352nd Assault Cluster tore apart the first line of Jaguar defence, gutting and taking as isorla the remains of the 3rd and 75th Jaguar Assault Clusters.  By the time Hang Mehta realised the Bears had issues of their own with the Wolves and cared not for what his Jaguars were doing, it was too late. The remaining three clusters, now at less than 50% strength withdrew from the field, allowing Beta to begin threatening the rear of the Bear’s Tau Galaxy.

Meanwhile, Tau Galaxy was fighting desperately against a full front advance by Iota Galaxy, with only the 9th PGC able to hold its ground, where both the 8th and 12th Wolf Regulars had been unable to break the defence. However, the appearance of Beta Galaxy in the Ghost Bear rear areas spelt the end of the defence, but all five Bear Clusters managed to break contact on the night of the 17th during intense storms and escape.  The Wolf fleet, still chasing Jaguars, was unable to interdict the fleeing Bears.
By the end of fighting on the world, Clan Ghost Bear had lost three WarShips and over 60% of its forces, though all five Clusters retreated in good order.  Clan Smoke Jaguar lost three WarShips as well, two Clusters entirely and nearly 75% of the troops deployed to the world.  For Clan Wolf, Goito was not as costly as it could have been, with no WarShips lost, two captured and losses to ground forces running to 25%. Clan Wolf secured eight OmniMech and OmniFighter lines and instead of dispatching Ghost Bears to the Steel Viper border, rounded up the remains of the two Jaguar Assault Clusters and other survivors into the 1st Wolf Cavaliers and dispatched them to guard the border as well.
Thule Phase – 2
Thule was the final target on Clan Wolf’s list and dispatched to the world were:
Red Keshik
16th Wolf Guards
271st Wolf Assault
53rd Wolf Battle
2nd Wolf Striker
1st Wolf Lancers
5th Wolf Regulars
7th Wolf Regulars
17th Wolf Regulars
112th Wolf Regulars
CWS Dagda                        (Cameron)
CWS Jerome Winson       (Liberator)
CWS Gauntlet                    (Liberator)
CWS Red Talon                  (Aegis)
CWS Black Talon               (Aegis)
CWS Hawk Eye                  (Aegis)
CWS White Fang              (Essex)
The Ghost Bears were confident in their defence, as they had dealt easily with the Jaguars and expected to do the same with Clan Wolf
23rd Bear PGC                   (69%)
29th Bear PGC                   (69%)
54th Bear PGC                   (77%)
5th Bear Phalanx              (75%)
13th Bear Phalanx            (81%)
Thule PGC                           (53%)
CGB Great Bear                                (Leviathan) (70%)
CGB White Claw               (Essex) (Destroyed)
CGB Yggdrasil                    (Carrack)              (Destroyed)
Clan Wolf jumped a strong fleet into Thule, but met the recently engaged CGB Great Bear whose crew was ready for additional action.  The fight was short and brutal, with the CGB Great Bear           a broken wreck after forty five minutes of constant fighting, refusing to strike and refusing to run.  The cost to Clan Wolf to bring down the Leviathan-class Battleship was the destruction of the CWS Dagda, CWS Gauntlet, CWS Hawk Eye and CWS White Fang and the ravaging of the CWS Red Talon and CWS Black Talon.  Only the CWS Jerome Winson was in any state to cover the landings following the battle.

Once the Wolf transports cleared the naval fight, both Galaxies landed and a proceeded to rip the defending Ghost Bears apart in revenge for the loss of so many Wolf ships.  With ten Clusters to face, the Bears had little hope as first the 23rd and then the 54th PGC’s were swarmed under.  The rear guard actions of the planetary PGC’s were not enough to prevent heavy damage to the 5th and 13th Phalanx Clusters and only 29th PGC lifted off in any semblance of order.

Clan Wolf, apart from losing four WarShips, lost only 15% of the force dispatched, whilst the Bears left the world with only 22% of the world’s original defenders and lost their entire Naval Star.  Clan Wolf’s victory netted them the last of Clan Ghost Bear’s industrial facilities in the Inner Sphere, which included another three OmniMech lines.  An additional half Cluster of resuscitated Bears was sent to the Steel Viper border, where with excess units from the other three Clusters they formed the 4th Wolf Uhlans.
Phase 2 Summary
The later part of October saw the gutting of some of Clan Ghost Bears finest units and the loss of the entirety of their heavy military industry and most of their fleet.  Clan Ghost Bear lost nearly 80% of all ground forces deployed to the four worlds, which included all of the planetary PGC’s and 70% of the line troops engaged.  Sixteen clusters were total losses and the Touman was reduced by nearly a third. Though devastating in itself, the loss of all major production and supply depots meant that there was no way for the Ghost Bears to recover the losses.  Only one path remained for Clan Ghost Bear and that was to live or die in a last desperate attempt to liberate the fallen worlds.

Clan Smoke Jaguar suffered additional losses, with two further Clusters destroyed and their losses rising to 44% of those engaged and over 22% of the Touman.  Clan Smoke Jaguar could recover, but withdrew to initially lick its wounds a seek targets of opportunity as the Bears struggled for their lives against Clan Wolf.

Clan Wolf on the other hand emerged from October as the masters of the Occupation Zones, their industry swollen by 80% for ground forces and 30-50% for orbital production.  Six WarShips were lost, but five were captured, one being a Bear prize taken from the Jaguars, and two of the captured vessels were Leviathan-class Battleships. Five Clusters of troops were pressed into service, both a pragmatic use of troops and a desperately needed measure to shore up the Steel Viper border areas.

Immediate pressures began to build on all three Clans as November dawned.  For Clan Ghost Bear, the survival of the Clan was at stake and numerous units began to move towards the four worlds, though coordination was lacking and only a single heavily damaged WarShip remained as an escort.

Clan Smoke Jaguar, despite its gamble gained nothing and would need to move carefully, ensuring it could take what it could as the Bears struck back against Clan Wolf, whilst not exposing itself to Clan Nova Cat or the Draconis Combine.  Anti-reformers blamed Khan Howell’s polices, whilst reformers blamed hardliners for the failings.  Only outside pressures prevented the Jaguars turning on themselves.

For Clan Wolf, the prize had to be protected and additional territory secured.  Khan Kell’s declaration that no safcon was to be granted to any incoming assaults rubbed many the wrong way, his saKhan amongst them, but with Wolf troops moving to secure additional worlds, no effort could be spared in protecting their new prizes.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #142 on: December 10, 2015, 07:55:14 AM »

Sucks to be the Smoked Kittens (Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose)
Sucks more to be the Bears.
As for the Wolves, I'm waiting for their comeuppance. The Karmic wheel eventually has to turn against them.
The Honor of Men cannot be bound by the words of Fools- Marco Hietala
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius
May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies. - Voltaire
Chaos doesn't need a recipe, just a list of ingredients. - Drakensis
Kachi ni Fushigi no Kachi Ari. Make ni Fushigi no Make Nashi
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #143 on: December 23, 2015, 02:51:45 AM »

19th of October, 3063
Palace of the Phoenix
Solaris City, Solaris VII

Kai Liao, that was his name now, though it was something that had been coming for some time, sat quietly pondering the ill winds of fate.  He was now Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, as the remainder of his family were dead, crushed under the might of the FWLM as it suddenly cut the heart out of the realm.

Audacious move Thomas, but though the end may be nigh, it is not time to draw the curtains just yet.  You overextended yourself by redirecting your assaults out of the Terran Corridor so fast.  Your supply lines and transportation assets are in chaos and the game now hangs in the balance, though if rumour is true, you may have check mated me before I have even entered the game.

That thought, that the Confederation would die under his rule, and die quickly, was a bleak one, but one in which he found great solitude.

If you have communicated your plans to the Calderons, Centrellas and the thrice-dammed Davions, then it truly is over, as they will not miss a chance such as this.  It will be a feeding frenzy.  Still, I will meet my destiny there, as I have not found it here on Solaris, or on the Clan Front…I am death, my opponents always seem to know this.  I did not, until today, and my destiny now indicates that I must be reunited with myself, once I have reaped the souls I need to carry back to the grave.

He paused in his thinking for a moment, marvelling and just how peaceful that thought was for him, that in accepting death, he would become death and bring fear and destruction to the enemies of Capella as he drew his final breaths.

Footsteps sounded in the hall and he looked up from the padded bench at which he sat, nestled under a window that looked across Cathay to the Solaris River and the sprawling city of Solaris with its many arenas.  A man in a fine dark green suit entered, prostrated himself and waited.

“I think we can do away with the grovelling Kristoff, I am not my grandfather, or even my mother for that matter.  When alone together, behave as you always did and call me Kai”

The man stood, revealing a waxen complexion and red eyes.  Kristoff Belov was Kai’s personal Maskirovka aide and since news the fall of Sian, Sarna and Capella earlier that day, the likely head of the organisation.

“Of course…Kai.  I must admit, the last hours have been unusually taxing and more information continues to pour in.

Kai raised an eyebrow for Kristoff to continue talking and indicated to a chair to his left.  Kristoff moved and dropped into it.

“We have further news and can provide a somewhat coherent picture of what has happened in the last two weeks.  The Free Worlds hit every system in a triangle from Styk to Cory to Capella and Sarna.  Every system targeted fell, as the League hit with overwhelming force, with few troops escaping.  Two other axis of advance have also been identified, one that hit worlds encompassed by Fronde, Pella II and Sian and axis towards Betelgeuse.  The defenders of Sian fought to the last and the Palace was levelled with no survivors.  As the majority of our BattleMech forces were out of position along the forward areas of the Liao Commonality or deployed from St. Ives to Sirdar, there was little to oppose the assaults.  The Free Worlds League pulled off what can only be seen as a masterstroke, as our intelligence, communication, supply and transportation networks are shattered.

Kai leant back against the windowsill, Once upon a time, bringing such a report would have spelt the death of the messenger.  “We still have transports and supplies forward deployed with the troops in the Liao Commonality?”

“Yes, and also for Mech units stationed near the Capital for counter-strikes in the event of, well, this event.”
Kai smiled, “The end of the World you mean?”

Kristoff did not know what to say, and just shrugged.

Kai chuckled, “No need to answer that Kristoff.  How many regiments are available for immediate dispatch from Liao and its Commonality and around Sian?”

Belov thought for a moment, recalling data, “Near Liao, three Warrior Houses, six regular regiments and six mercenary commands.  Sian has one Warrior House and ten regular regiments ready within range.”
Kai nodded, “Not insignificant forces.  What of the FWLM on Capella and Sian?”

“On Sian, at least a dozen WarShips and eight Mech Regiments, along with a very large conventional force.  Capella has only four WarShips, all in poor condition, as our cruisers and other units inflicted heavy damage before falling.  On the ground are only six Mech Regiments, supported by a Corps of conventional units, though we expect reinforcements to arrive there soon.”

Kai cocked his head and scratched his neck, “Very well, send orders to the Liao units to rendezvous over Sakhalin prior to a mass assault on Capella.  Send orders to the units around Sian to rendezvous in the outer system and strike only if possible, if not, they are to join me at Capella and Sian will be relieved later.”
Kristoff furiously scribbled some notes on a pad he withdrew from his jacket and asked, “What if the FWLM strikes forward again?”

Kai shrugged, “We cut off the main line of their advance and destroy them piecemeal, if not and they dig in and reinforce…we know where to find them and break tier main force.”

Kristoff made some more notes, “Do you wish to make a statement for the people?”

“Yes, later today, but before then I need to speak with Master Dao.”

Krisoff stood, “I’ll send her in and dispatch the orders.  The command circuit to Liao will be set up in time as well, though part of it is via commercial lines.  There is risk of capture.”

Kai looked hard at Kristoff, unsettling the man, “Risk is risk, this is measured risk and we take it.  I must lead the regiments back to Capella and Sian.”

“Of course.”  Kristoff bowed, turned and strode out of the room into the corridor.

Kai sat quietly on his bench as he waited for Master Dao, his Master Sword, the position he had created on Solaris to honour the top Capellan Champion, aside from himself.  Master Dao, formerly known as Cassandra Esh, would be Champion if not for Kai, yet bore no grudge, hence her elevation to the position, above stable feuding, a position that aimed to inspire, lead and improve all Capellan MechWarriors on Solaris VII.

The Confederation burns…how much force has the League expended?  If I can break them on Capella and then Sian, and I can, then the assault collapses.  After that, the potential for counter-attack exists, though it will be a short one, considering the losses sustained, especially so if other nations try to see what they can take.  All supposition, as I have to get past their WarShips…

Kai pulled a datapad from his coat and accessed the Palace network, looking for files on the naval engagements recently fought.

Capella, defended by only two cruisers and a destroyer and an air regiment, yet we broke the squadron sent against the world.  An Eagle and an Impavido gone, a Thera, a Black Lion and two Corvettes heavily damaged or temporarily disabled due to combat.  Their vessels are weak, though by looking at Sian one might think otherwise, though there fourteen WarShips swarmed two, still, the FWLN ships over Sian were stung.

Kai sat back and closed his eyes, That’s the key then, break their thin-skinned ships and we get to the ground.  From there I have to control the enraged beast that will be the CCAF, but such a controlled tempest will rip apart what the League can offer.  They are not battle hardened and every campaign this century that they have been in they withdrew from when the fighting got too hard.  And this fighting will be hard…there can be no prisoners and no mercy, the League must be punished.  Our enemies must learn to fear the righteous fury of Capella awakened, otherwise our legacy will end.

A polite knock at the door broke his train of thought as his Master Dao arrived, but did not bow, as per similar instructions to what he had given Kristoff.

Kai looked to the lean and hard figure of his chief fighter and beckoned her across, “You have been updated on events?” he asked simply

“Yes”, Cassandra answered, never one for more words than were necessary.

“Good.  What chance is there of mobilising a Battalion of the finest Capellan duellists on Solaris VII to accompany me back to Capella and Sian?”

“There is no “chance”, they will simply do it.  Cathay is enraged and there is fighting in the streets.  We have had pledges of support from eleven stables to date and sixty five additional individual offers.”

Kai was quietly impressed, “We can only take forty, including you and I.  I expect you have a preferred list of those who would accompany us?”

“Yes I do, though some have not answered the call, they are no longer Capellan and I will deal with them on our return.”

Kai smiled and the cold hardness and statement of future fact, A killer like me.  “Very well, assemble a battalion of Capellan Warriors at the spaceport in twenty four hours, we head for Liao and then Capella with the CCAF at our back.  You shall command them and they will be known as the Tianlong Battalion and the Celestial Dragons will lead the Capellan soldiers back to reclaim what is ours.[size=78%]”[/size]

Master Esh’s eyes came alight at the name of her unit, “Tianlong, you honour us.”

“We need an avatar to rally to Master Dao,” he replied, “Tianlong will be it.”

There was silence for a moment, “Upon what Mech will you place your future, Legend Killer, Yen-lo-Wang or Yu Di?”

Kai stood and looked out over the city, considering what Mech he would take with him into battle. It is time to create my own legend, but the others have their uses too.

“Bring all three, though I’ll ride Yu Di.  You can have Legend Killer as your own, should you wish it and your XO will ride Yen-lo-Wang.  We will bring all our symbols with us for this crusade of revelation.”

Cassandra bowed low, despite orders to the contrary, “I will be honoured to ride Legend Killer.  But why Yu Di?”

“I rode it for the first time only days ago and I felt as one with it like no other Mech before.  The work that our engineers undertook at mother’s request was extraordinary and Yu Di is truly fit for a Chancellor.”

Kai mused on his new Mech, a stock YHU-9G Yu Huang, completely upgraded as the YHU-21X to Clan spec, at staggering expense.  The engine, heat sinks, armour and structure were all of Clan technology, with all the weaponry upgraded as well and an Extended Range Large Laser Small Laser added for good measure, along with additional heat sinks.  The Mech was a terror, and quick for an Assault Mech as well, which surprised him, as he was used to lighter machines, however, in the campaign to come, he would need the longevity of the big design and its firepower, along with the fear it could inspire.

“Go now Master Dao, we have much to do before our departure.”

28th of November, 3063
Capella Prime
Capella, Free Worlds League

Kai sat on the foot of Yu Di, exhausted from the last two weeks of fighting, but more exhausted from the news he had received.  So close…this becomes an almost impossible task now.  Too many enemies, too few soldiers with which to counter them.  We came so close and the difference was a conventional unit of the League, the 48th Division, the one unit we broke upon and could not break.

Kai thought back over the fighting of the previous two weeks and beyond.  Over Sakhalin he had assembled the Tianlong, Houses Daidachi, Hiritsu ad Ma-Tsu-Kai, the Dynasty and Holdfast Guards of the Capellan Hussars, the 2nd Regiment of McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry, Laurel’s Legion, the Remshield Dragoons and Harloc Raiders.  With them came mercenaries as well, the 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers, Blanc’s Coyotes, Crimson Crusaders, Devil’s Brigade and air cover from Hell's Black Aces, all led by Wolf Dragoon’s Gamma Regiment.  Fifteen Mech regiments and their support represented one of the most powerful forces ever assembled by the Confederation. 

The jump in was the first critical step and it was executed perfectly.  Scouting indicated that the FWLN had spread its fleet units out to cover all approaches and Hells Black Aces, along with Dragoon and Capellan Hussar pilots, swarmed ship after ship in succession.  Of the nine WarShips, three blew up, three were crippled and left combat ineffective, two more were heavily damaged an only a single Agamemnon managed to gather what remained of the fleet together before pulling back as the main Capellan force jumped in.

Combat drops by the Tianlong,  2nd MAC and the Warrior Houses secured the drop zones and broke the 4th Oriente Hussars and their support as they moved to oppose the landing, with Kai leading from the front.

That’s were the legend building began.  Yu Di, bringing death to the foes of Capella.  My connection with Yu di is uncanny and his firepower was unexpected, but since then, I have hardly been hit and few have weathered the power I can deliver.

Since he landed, Kai had accounted for 27 Mech kills and twice that number of tanks and armoured vehicles.  His tech crew had begun attaching black and white streamers to his Mech for each kill, the former for Mech, the latter for tanks, so that Yu Di now appeared to be wreathed in a swirling black and white halo.
It all adds to the effect and seems to unsettle the Leaguers, as does the Tianlong paint scheme of swirling black and white.

The dualists were not one for open country fighting, though once they were within the city limits of Capella Prime, they had become an unholy terror, tearing through League units as fighting broke down into the small unit and individual combats that marked fighting in such a massive metropolis.  The 15th and 25th Marik Militias has learnt the hard way that facing the Tianlong was dangerous, but what was more dangerous was letting the Warrior Houses in behind them.  Both regiments broke and the Capellans then fell on the second line of the League forces, consisting of two conventional Divisions and a regiment of the Dismal Disinherited.  Tianlong led again, this time with mercenary battalions in company, with Gamma Regiment at the fore.  By the end of the first week, half of Capella Prime was retaken and the FWLM was reeling, though the CCAF stayed close, to prevent orbital bombardment.

The 11th Free Worlds Legionnaires, along with the Gryphons Regiment and the remnants of the Marik Militia and Oriente Hussars dug in behind the slaughter of the conventional forces and slowed the Capellan advance.  They fought a gruelling series of engagements over the course of six days as Kai drove towards the primary spaceport in an attempt to cut the FWLM off from easy resupply and escape.  The CCAF made ground at a heavy cost, with the League troops fighting for their very survival, nevertheless, the CCAF broke through behind the advance of the 2nd MAC and raced for the space port, where the last line of resistance lay.

The FWLM 48th Division, six mechanised infantry regiments and two light and one heavy tank regiment had dug themselves in for a month and laced the spaceport approaches with interlocking fields of fire, traps and fortifications.  The exhausted Capellan troops hit the 48th’s lines and stopped cold, giving the FWLM Mech Regiments time to reform and counter-attack.  Though a setback normally, within hours the failure to take the space port became critical, as transports carrying over a dozen fresh FWLM regiments and mercenaries began emerging at pirate point close to the world, escorted in by fresh WarShips.

Kai could do nothing but fall back, though local counter attacks by both tired and fresh League troops were brutally repulsed.  The League regiments were continuing to land and broadcast word of happening from off Capella.

You think we will break with this news…now we know where we are to die we can face you without fear.  Capella will become a world of sorrow for you.

The League commander broadcast on open channels that the assault on Sian had no just been driven off, but annihilated.  What Kai could make out was that the strike commander had disobeyed his orders, not out of spite, but out of rage over the fall of Sian.  The few troops that had made it past the League WarShips were wiped out on the ground. 

Ten regiments gone.  They would have saved Capella if my orders were followed.  Proves the Marik’s point that I am not a “real” Chancellor, not that it matters now.

Further reports were happily shared over open channels and they described the final nails in the coffin of the Confederation.  The real issue was the assault on St. Ives, where the Capellan state was desperately trying to reconstitute itself.  What few high officials were left had gathered there, only to see the AFFC land in force.  With the CCAF’s command and control functions now shattered beyond recovery, there was little that could be done for the world.  The Federated Commonwealth had also begun a general advance, though their lack of troops in theatre was slowing their progress, as were several sharp defeats by well led Capellan units.
That’s true right across the war.  Had we faced only one opponent, we could have stopped them.  But then if Aunt Romano had a dick, she would be my uncle. He chuckled at the thought.

It was not only Davion units crossing the border, as Taurian and Canopian forces began landing on the Rimward worlds of the Confederation, though not in the numbers of the League or the Davions, the assaults would pin the last reserves of the Confederation in place and prevent any rump state forming.

This finishes what the 4th War started.  We never really recovered from that and spat in too many faces, believing in our legend more than our reality.

Kai leant back against Yu Din, Time to make hard decisions I suppose.  “GENERAL TYRELL!”  Kai yelled, calling to the commander of Wolf’s Dragoons Gamma Regiment.  Though actually a Colonel, Kai called him General, as he had appointed him to coordinate the forces of the six Capellan mercenary commands.

The hard faced Dragoon was fifty meters away across the shattered park in which elements of the CCAF were resting.  He looked over, nodded, dismissed those around him and strode over, no fatigue showing in his purposeful walk.

“Chancellor?” has asked as he came close to Kai’s seat and stood at parade rest.

Kai cut to the chase “General Tyrell, what do you estimate our chances on world to be?”

Blunt and forthright, the General shot back quickly, “To win, none at all, to live, slim to none.”

Kai closed his eyes and nodded, “You thoughts echo my own General.”

There was silence for a time.

“General, you are to assemble the mercenary units and board transports for Outreach.  I will communicate with the League forces to allow you passage out of the war zone.  You are not of Capella and there is no need for you all to die here, your service to date has been enough and I release you.”

Tyrell began speaking, but Kai held his hand up.  “This is not a point for discussion General.”

The man stood staring at Kai and then saluted, “We won’t forget this.  You will live in out Remembrance forever, both as the ultimate warrior and as the saviour of Gamma.”

Kai nodded, “Be ready to move in an hour General.”

Kai stood and began climbing towards his cockpit to contact the League commander.

Now, with the non-essential pieces off the board, we can do what we came here to do, I and my Capellan troops, we can make Capella a place of terror for the League.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 05:09:39 AM by Blacknova »
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #144 on: December 26, 2015, 05:03:00 AM »

14th of December, 3063
FCS Federated Commonwealth
Gibbs, Donegal March, Federated Commonwealth

Victor Steiner-Davion, Archon-Prince of the Federated Commonwealth was in the semi-dress uniform of the 10th Lyran Guards and over the top of the uniform was a dark, almost black coat, one which he had been given by his sister, Yvonne.  He loved the coat, as it fitted him well, but it was the intricate beauty of the inlay and the smooth feel of the coat lining that he liked most, something others had no idea of.  He also secretly liked the moniker it had earned him, as with any powerful leader, the ego grew over time, no matter the discipline of the man in which it grew.  Not many, but a growing number were referring to him, due to the coat, as the Black Prince of the Federated Commonwealth, a name that came from one of the Tharkad tabloids, but one that was spreading.  He liked it and he knew why he liked it and it did not bother him in the slightest.

Victor tuned back into the conversation. “Sorry Admiral, could you repeat yourself?”
“Certainly Sire,” said Admiral Mark Singh.  The huge dark skinned Admiral, who commanded the Gibbs Naval Station was easily 140kg of prime, well fed and pampered Lyran Admiral, but pivoted easily in his mag boots before continuing.  “The former CSV Dark Asp , a Nightlord-class Battleship masses 1.2 megatons, and despite the damage she took over Beta VII before striking her colours, can still bring about a quarter of her very formidable firepower to bear.”

Victor looked around the cargo bay they were standing in, which was massive and marked with hasty patchwork repairs to seal several breaches where the fire from FCN WarShips had pierced her hull. 

“Can we get this beast operational Admiral?”

The Admiral shook his bald head, “Not without assistance sir.  There is too much Clan technology in this ship for us to be able to fabricate new parts.  It’s part of the reason that Admiral Hood wanted me to speak to you sir.  We have two options: We can either scrap the ship for parts and research; or trade with Clan Diamond Shark for what we need, the latter the fleet’s preferred option.  As you can see, we have already given here a preliminary name and more importantly, the Sharks have already approached us, since we weren’t shy about advertising our catch.”

Victor smiled at the Admiral, “Yes, I wanted to make sure all and sundry knew what we had taken from the Vipers.  I like the name though.  What will it cost to bring her back to operational status?”

“Estimates are around 3.8 Billion Kroner, especially with the deal the Sharks have offered.”
Victor raised his eyebrows, “That is no small amount of coin there Admiral.”

“No sir it is not.  However, it’s a steal at the price and cheaper than building a Mjolnir from scratch.  Additionally, she would be the Fleet Flag, as her command facilities are first rate.”
“My personal ride eh Admiral? How does it compare to the Mjolnir?”

“Faster and better at the helm, though with only two-thirds combat power of the Mjolnir and similar ratio in overall staying power.  Her real advantage is this bay and the next.  She can carry 100 Mechs and we want to modify her to take a full RCT and an additional Fighter Regiment.  She would be similar to the old McKenna’s as a one ship task force and command vessel.”

Victor was impressed, “A solid, ambitious and impressive plan Admiral, how long would it take to make happen?”

“If we put everything we have here into it, especially once Emden clears her dock and launches in March and then we pay the price the Sharks are asking, December of this year.”

“That soon?”  Victor asked in a surprised voice?

“Yes Sire, she is structurally sound, just beaten down a fair bit.  We need to cast new armour, replace damaged weapons, refit the cargo bay, recondition the engines and fix all the blown out systems, but were lucky in that we beat her without breaking her and the crew came with her.”

“The crew, really?”

“Yes Sire, technicians and warriors.  They consider themselves members of the FCN now and the former Technician Caste members are all a little giddy at the fact they are considered Warriors in our eyes.  We have had to move most of the Warrior Castemen on, as the Viper Warriors are all a bit twitchy and will take longer to adjust.”

Victor smiled, “Wonders will never cease Admiral.  I think I can agree with what you and Admiral Hood propose.”

“Yes Sire.”  The Admiral beamed back at him.  “Now, if you would permit me to show the command facilities, they are first rate and we have them set up and ready for the conference.”

Victor followed the Admiral to a lift, with a small group of aides following behind.  The lift moved smoothly along, depositing the group on the command deck.  The command deck was large, dominated in the middle by a huge holotank, which already showed the Field Marshals of the Federated Commonwealth’s Marches, the State Commanders and Fleet Admiral Hood.  Morgan Hasek-Davion stood within the tank and announced to the assembly “Archon-Prince Steiner Davion has arrived, this conference of the Operational Command is now in session.”

The Operational Command of the AFFC was subordinate to the High Command, but focused on operational activities of the AFFC’s forces, not on its administration.  It comprised the highest ranked officers who could direct forces to battle and was another modification that Victor had made to the AFFC.

He walked down between the many data terminals that were arranged around the tank in circular rows, and returned the salute Morgan gave him, before turning to address the assembled officers.

“Marshals, welcome.  I must apologise for the setting each of you is sitting in, all in orbit as they are, or at jump points, we needed security when we built our new toy.”  Victor smiled, Father’s greatest ambition realised today…he never saw the first fruits of his labour, but it serves us well now.

Curiosity was evident in the eyes of several commanders as Victor spoke, as each had been ushered into a special conference room managed by the Department of Military Communication and Research.  No aides and no attendants were present for the Field Marshalls; only a junior officer of the DMCR (pronounced dumker) was with each.  Several such officers were aboard the Federated Commonwealth as well, in the cargo bay and here on the Command Deck.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, you are currently connected over a HPG network outside of the control of ComStar.”

The initial silence as deafening, then questions from every commander floating around him poured over the system.  He held up his hands for silence, and everyone settled down, barring Morgan, Jackson Davion, Arden Sortek and Nondi Steiner, all of whom were aware of the project.

“Please, if you give me a moment, I will bring you up to speed.  However, it must be noted that outside of the DMCR, you are the only people cleared for this information.  Any leaks and you will be manning the forts on the Coventry Line.”  He paused, then continued, “The DCMR was set up in conjunction with the work done at the NAIS from 3016 into FTL communications, all based on the cache we took from Halstead Station in 3012.  You will all be familiar with our Black Boxes, however, they were only one facet of the research undertaken by the NAIS and DMCR and a strong cover for the primary aim – that of developing our own Hyper Pulse Generator’s for an Federated Commonwealth faster than light communications system.”

Looks ranging from sheer joy to disbelief were evident across the faces of those watching him, I felt the same way myself when I found out.

“Work on Project SHERLOCK continued, primarily as research, and continued through until 3035, meanwhile the Black Boxes were developed separately and have served admirably since their introduction.  The next eleven years, though also continuing research, aimed at systems and parts development, and led us down paths that the original researchers must have overlooked.  As I have been told by the NAIS, we started with an incomplete set of texts and data from Halstead Station, which led our scientists and technicians down a slightly different route from earlier development.  By the time we began hand making the first HPG, we had designed a system that was approximately five times larger than those deployed by ComStar, from what limited data we have of their technology, but it was vastly more efficient in its power use, by two orders of magnitude.”

Quizzical looks, greeted his last statement, as few really understood what was involved in FTL communication.  “This means that conversations like this one are both technically complicated and power hungry for ComStar, however, for DMCR, with the power requirements of our systems, we can set up links like this for a fraction of the cost.  Though of course the material set up costs are greater and the facilities are a little on the conspicuous side.  However, ladies and gentlemen, we have ComStar by the balls, hence the need for secrecy.”

“How many HPG’s do we have?”  This from Field Marshal James Ellis of the Skye March.

“Forty two are currently operational, with one here on Federated Commonwealth and two more ready to deploy.  The first HPG went operational in 3056, after ten years of building and testing, with a second in 3057.  Production has slowly been climbing; we built twelve last year, though we do not expect to be able to cover every world in the FedCom until the late in the 3070s.  In the meantime, we have created a trunk network, with the main line running from New Avalon to Tharkad and from each capital to each March command centre.  We will then aim to tie in all major command and industrial worlds.  That will be, in essence, our First Circuit, with worlds off those lines getting lesser systems.  With this system, from now on, the entire FC command can be in communication within minutes, with total communication security.”

That thought sunk in across the room.  With such security within its own borders, the aims and movements of the Federated Commonwealth would become opaque to its foes.

“And security for the system sire?”  From his commander in the Capellan March, Leah Thomas.

“You’re sitting on it.  Each facility is wired to detonate a one-megaton device if the system you are in falls, or the core is tampered with or removed without proper authorisation.  Each station is part of the JumpShip command circuits we control, and you are in the restricted sections of those stations, where we handle transfers of Clan equipment, where intelligence and diplomatic staff stay and where we keep other people out of routinely, essentially hiding in plain sight behind our other secrets.”

A few Generals moved uncomfortably in their seats at the thought of sitting a hot nuclear device.  What they don’t know, is that the Archon-Prince can remote detonate any of them, both as a failsafe if the destruct system is compromised and as a way to remove those who might act on dreams of independence in the future.

“So, Marshals, I would like to move to other topics now, as DMCR will provide a fuller briefing to each of you once our conference is complete.  I have asked General Travena to provide a brief update on the Clans, as he is recognised as our foremost expert on them.  General?”

Victor turned slightly to his right and beckoned the General forward, as he had entered the room shortly after Victor and stood with his aides.

The tall, dark haired General moved forward into the holotank as Victor and Morgan took seats.
“Thankyou sire. “  He looked up, “As you are all aware, we have been receiving unusual reports about Clan activity and Clan behaviour since April of last year, though for many months we had only scanty evidence taken from Ice Hellions we captured when we repulsed their invasion.  Since then, we have managed to capture a few Hell’s Horsemen and now enough Steel Vipers to gain a better understanding of what has the Clans so agitated.  It would appear that the Clans have suffered a Civil War of unprecedented size, which has sundered those in the Inner Sphere from their bases in the Homeworlds.  The Clans remaining in the Homeworlds have total control of those systems, though each of the Clans in the Inner Sphere seems to have extracted materials, troops and civilians.”

“Does this mean the bastards are on their last legs?”  Asked Morgan Kell, current commander of the Tamar March, “It would explain the Steel Vipers torpor when we attacked them.”

“Partly,” answer Travena, “Some of the Clans seem to have dealt with the change better than others.  The Ice Hellions have disappeared back into the Periphery and there is rumour of two Clans fighting out towards Chainlaine, but we don’t know who the second is.  Clan Wolf and Smoke Jaguar turned on the Ghost Bears and are effectively dismembering them, though the Nova Cats and DCMS are striking at the Jaguars, who have apparently suffered serious reversals in the Bear campaign.  The Nova Cats have also taken additional systems from the Combine along the Periphery, apparently with troops arriving from Clan Space, in a similar fashion to what the Hell’s Horses are doing to us.”

“I was sure we had then stopped when we drove off the Hellions!  It would explain their renewed attacks though.”  Field Marshall Marc Kostic said grumpily over crossed arms.

“Yes Field Marshall it would.  When you broke their Gamma Galaxy, they pulled back, reorganised in October, as their forces from the Homeworlds arrived, and then struck out towards industrial targets.  It is this last point that interests us the most, as most Clans are focusing efforts around securing systems with large military-industrial potential.  We think that they are at the end of their logistical capability and need to quickly secure new facilities to replace those lost in the Homeworlds.  If we can draw the fighting out, we will exhaust them before they can become firmly entrenched, hence our full support of Field Marshall Kostic’s Coventry Line plan.”

“So lad,” said the hatchet faced Nondi Steiner, “You think the Clans are beatable now?”

“Yes Ma’am, more so than at any other time, apart from Clan Wolf that is, they are going from strength to strength and have just moved their capital to Rasalhague.  We believe they are trying to tempt the Republic rump to join them as well.”

“Best invade then and prevent that.”

Travena responded quickly, “That would risk a war with the Wolves over six worlds, when we have two large scale conflicts to deal with already Ma’am.”

Nondi Steiner frowned, “Perhaps, still, I don’t want to see them getting any closer to the Terran Corridor.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Before the conversation could continue, Victor stood, “Thankyou General.  I would like to move onto operational matters before coming back to the Clans if we need to later.”  Travena nodded and took a seat.

“First I’d like to hear from the Navy and what you have been up to Fleet Admiral Hood?”

Admiral Hood, currently at Alarion and sitting next to General Fay Nichols, smiled brightly, something that those who knew the Admiral seldom saw, as she was generally known as a hard and stern taskmaster and one who had built the FCN’s new WarShip capability. 

“We have tested your fleet in battle twice now sire and found nothing to be notably lacking.”  General smiles and nods at this around the room.  “In October, the Avalon-class cruiser FCS Melissa Davion and two Fox-class Corvettes, the FCS Indomitable and FCS Bryceland escorted forces to the Beta VII system.  In November, the CSV Dark Asp, a Nightlord-class Battleship, accompanied Steel Viper reinforcements in system.  Our squadron moved to engage, and through superior tactics and staying power across the squadron, dealt heavy damage to the Viper ship and forced her to strike.  We boarded the vessel, took control, and jumped it out of the system.  Indomitable took heavy damage, but was still operable and the other sips took moderate damage.  This first real engagement by the FCN could only be considered a huge success.  Building upon our victory, this month, as our forces jumped into Twycross, the above vessels were joined by the Mjolnir-class FCS Yggdrasil and the Fox-class FCS Fox and FCS Robert Marsden.  Over the Viper capital they faced one of that Clan’s two naval groups, which consisted of Cameron, Sovetskii Soyuz, Congress and Fredesa.  The Mjolnir-class more than proved itself over Twycross, letting the AFFC get on world without loss.  Though we lost the Indomitable, we knocked out all four Viper ships and recovered the Cruiser and Battlecruiser, though they are next to crippled, will take much to reinstate and they may be better for parts.  Only Fox and Yggdrasil are in a good enough state to remain in system, the other vessels are on their way to Alarion and Gibbs for repairs.”

Victor spoke, “So Admiral, what does this tell us?”

“Our doctrine, both tactical and in ship design is solid.”

“How so?”

The Admiral shrugged, “Our ships are built to last and blast.  SLDF ships and to a lesser extent the Clan vessels, are lightly armoured one trick ponies, designed to act as part of large taskforces.  The Clan fleets are generally too small to make up for the deficiencies of each design.  The FWLM has the same problem, based on their recent losses and the DCMS may face it as well, though the Capellans surely did not with their Cruisers.  Though it takes us longer to build each ship, though ton for ton, they are better vessels.  We also act tight – stay together – and operate in close conjunction with fighters, Droppers and marines, just like a floating RCT.  Cut the heart out of the enemy formation and them mop up the pieces in detail.”

Victor looked warmly at Admiral Hood, “Five to one losses so far Admiral are, if I remember my naval history, pretty good.  You have my thanks and support for your plans confirmed.”  He paused as the Admiral bobbed her head in response, “How is fleet strength and construction coming?”  He asked to finish.

“We have the Nightlord, Cameron and Sovetskii Soyuz we took from the Vipers, but only the former, which you are currently on, is really worth the effort to restore and modify.  The FCN has two Mjolnir, seven Avalon, three Durandel and twenty-one Fox, for a total of thirty-three vessels.  In construction are two each of the Mjolnir, Avalon, Emden and Fox and three Durandel.  We also have plans to switch Fox production over to the Fox-II once the current build ends and start building New Syrtis carriers and Robinson-II class transports within two years.  We might also restart production of the Mako and/or Tharkad within five years, to properly fill out the fleet, but that’s not confirmed as yet.

Victor stood, “Thankyou Admiral Hood.  Now to the state of our Marches.  Field Marshall Nichols, how fares Alarion?”

Attention moved to the General next to Admiral Hood, with Fay Nichols possessing a far more open and friendly face than the Admiral who had just spoken.  “Yes Sire.  Alarion has been quiet since the League’s Circinus campaign that ended the Marian War.  Once they swung across the border to hit Madiun and Son Hoa, we were able to bring in troops from Teyvareb and Buena to reinforce Son Hoa, rotating units off the world to Teyvareb as needed for rest.  We were able to outlast the League and they gave up the attempt, though we are keeping forty precent of all March troops close to Circinus now.  We could use more, like everyone here,” chuckles from the others met her comment, “but we do understand there are higher priorities at the moment.”

Victor smiled wryly in agreement, raising an eyebrow, “Thankyou Field Marshall Nichols, for your report, honesty and understanding of the larger picture, some of which Field Marshall Kostic will now provide.”  Victor turned to his right to the image of the Field Marshall of the Coventry March, whose red hair was short and curly and framed a dark expression.

“Certainly sire.”  He looked up and around.  “We covered a little of this before.  When the Hellions and Horses attacked, we saw the Hellions off by August of last year and at the same time apparently halted the Horses, though the reasons for that halt were more complex than we first realised.  We began contingency planning at that point to protect Tharkad and the assets near Coventry by starting construction of the Coventry Line, the fortification of systems from Chhaprauli to Windsor and the worlds behind them to Storfors, Loxley and Coventry.  Heavy defences were built and the militia were reinforced.  Mobile units, regiments and RCT’s were located along the line, with conventional troops behind them and reserves on Coventry.  In the event of a new Horses attack, units would fall immediately back on the line, hence the movement of command centres from Qantir and Australia to Chhaprauli and Storfors.  This also gave a strong base for planning a full counter-offensive if the Horses stayed in place.  Unfortunately, they did not, moving in reduced Galaxy strength of approximately three Clusters against a series of worlds in November, with an axis towards Coventry.  We fell back and they hit the line at Abbadiyah this month.  Fighting has been brutal, but the fort and the militia have held, though their Alpha Galaxy drove off the mobile forces consisting of the 1st FedCom Jaegers, 5th Lyran Guards RCT and Alarion AMM.  We are preparing to counter-attack to keep them pinned there and expect weaker attacks against the rest of the line.  Our aim is to bog them down and exhaust their supplies and then drive them back to Finmark, though that could take a year or more.  Admiral Hood has also been good enough to station a squadron over Coventry, which should be enough, considering the Horses lack of naval assets.”

“How certain are you of success?”  Asked Jackson Davion, with no trace of emotion in his voice.

“Before the attacks this month, ninety precent.  After the ferocity of their Alpha Galaxies assault, I’d modify that to two in three.  It’s their best force, the other task forces being smaller, so we should be able to hold them, but if they flank us – doubtful – a somehow bull through, we will be in real trouble.”

“Tharkad?”  Said Davion

“Possibly.”  Answered Kostic.

“Then we best stop them.”  Said Victor.  “You’re priority one for troops and supplies.”

“Thankyou sire.”

Victor turned again, “And in the campaign that most affects you, we have Grand Duke Morgan Kell leading the fight in Tamar against the Steel Vipers.  Grand Duke Kell?”

The old mercenary looked seriously at Victor, “Archon-Prince, I’ll spare you a rehash of the naval war, though my thanks go to Admiral Hood, without the FCN, we would not have done what we have.”

“Thankyou Morgan.”  Said the Admiral.

“No thanks necessary Admiral, you did what you said you would.”  He paused, “We have been striking into the Viper OZ along two axis.  The first is aimed at Twycross, with the additional goal of drawing troops away from Erewhon, which succeeded somewhat and we struck in the Coreward regions of the OZ this month.  To date, we have liberated Beta VII, Blackjack, Goat Path, Malibu, Butler and Waldorf and Anywhere Coreward.  Initial advances were solid, though our forward rate has slowed considerably.  We are fighting on Erewhon, Somerset, Wotan and Twycross.  None of those fights are weighted much in our favour, though I suggest we push hard for one more month and then back off any fight we can’t win quickly.  Even if they counter, we have been strengthening our rear areas, so I am fairly confident we can hold much of what we have taken, especially considering their losses to date and the strength of our defences Rimward.  The Vipers are keeping a very wary eye on the Wolves, so I don’t expect a full scale advance coming at us.”

“No chance of breaking them?”  From Nondi Steiner.

He shook his head, “Even if we took Twycross, they still have a lot of strength and for now, having them between us and Clan Wolf is not an entirely bad thing.”

“Agreed right there Morgan.”  Said Morgan Hasek-Davion from his seat, with others nodding agreement.  “Clan Wolf is going from strength to strength and we need time to get our feet back under us before facing them.”

Victor looked over his shoulder at the Marshall of the AFFC as he answered the Grand Duke, “Alright Morgan,” he looked back, “continue operations as you see fit and withdraw from contested systems should progress be doubtful.”

“It will be so.”

Victor checked a list he held, “Field Marshall Zenger, Donegal?”

The blonde Field Marshall, who looked far too young for his position, sat up straighter.  “Sire, Donegal has little to add.  We are raising new units to support Coventry and acting as Admiral Hood’s forward base of operations.  Should, god forbid, the Coventry Line fail, we are making preparations to ensure the Richvale-Alma Alta line is a living hell for any Clansman that gets that far.”

“Thankyou Field Marshall.  How is Skye Field Marshall Ellis?”  Said Victor not looking up.

“Much of our force is deployed across to Field Marshall Steiner in Terra, though we have restructured of defence around Lyons after we nearly cut Dieron off last year and then withdrew.  The straight border from Ryde to Pike IV helps in that no end.  Solaris to Wyatt is a little weak for my mind, but with what we have a jump or two away and the Mariks off beating Capella to death, short term is solid.  Once Marik finishes and troops come back to standard garrisons, I’ll need 20% more force or risk losing key worlds piecemeal.”

“Nondi, any help you can give there?”  Asked Victor.

She shook her head, “Not with the Vipers and Horses draining so much away.  Jackson might.  Jackson?”

“Not really Nondi, not if we want a fair slice of Capella.” Answered her counterpart.

“General, much as I hate to say it, you’re on your own, but we might be able to lasso some mercs of Outreach for you in six months or so.”  This from Morgan Hasek-Davion.

“Thankyou Sir, we’ll make do until then and stay flexible.”

“We all better James, with all the chaos.”  Added Victor.  “Richard?”  He then looked to the commander of the Terran March who, as family, could return the familiarity.

“Pretty good Victor.  We have the corridor widened, but not as wide as it was is 3050.  Nanking fell, but we smacked the Mariks up on Oliver and Pollux and have secured most of what was left of the Liao Commonality that the League did not want, and are now doing the Capella Commonality.  They seem to be staying on their side of Thomas’s line, just as he stated they would.  Seems his letter was legitimate.”

Richard Steiner II referred to the letter sent by Thomas Marik to New Avalon, Taurus and Canopus IV, inviting each nation to “…a slice of the Capellan pie…”.  Marik intended to take the Sian Commonality in total and two thirds of Liao and Capella, leaving the rest, along with St. Ives to Davion and the Victoria Commonality to the Periphery.  It was smart, as it set limit, whilst ensuring that the other nations would face the bulk of Capellan Mech units, should they stay in place, which they partly did, except at Sian and Capella.

“We should end active operations by early March at the latest and be able to shift some forces to the Capellan or Skye Marches after June as needs, once we reorganise.”

“You’ve done well Richard,” Victor tossed of a little two fingered salute, “You have accomplished more than any of us and saved our link.”

“Just following orders Victor, never been much of a free thinker.”

There was a small series of good natured chuckles from the others, as since the reunification, the former Lyran loyalist had undergone something of a radical change, with some likening his new outlook as similar to the change that Frederick Steiner had undergone when he became Anastasias Focht.

“No Richard, you have done yourself, your mother, your House and nation proud.”  Even Nondi’s face lightened at the compliment.  “Onto the Draconis March then.”

“Don’t really need to Victor,” said James Sandoval, “apart from liberating Quentin with Field Marshall Steiner’s help, nothing of note.”  James Sandoval was still seething that the AFFC had withdrawn from other Combine worlds and again focused on the Confederation and Clans.  The only salve was the retaking of the massively important Mech facilities on the world of Quentin.

“Thankyou James.”  Victor answered in a cool voice.  All knew a confrontation was brewing there.  “Ardan, how is the Crucis March.”

“Cupboard’s bear Archron-Prince, all reserves are in Terra or Capella.  We have minimal troops for garrison and anti-pirate work, apart from along the Taurian border, where were able to only give up Montour and Verdigress.  If those dam Concordat’s had not shown up over Perdition, Leah and I could have rolled the bastards all the way back to Sterope and the Pleiades would still be ours.”

Victor smiled coldly, “They will be in time, but realities elsewhere mean that won’t happen immediately.”  Ardan nodded.

“Leah?”  Victor asked the last of his Field Marshalls.

“Sire, we copped it rough from the Capellans and Taurians, but we are back on the front foot.  We have bagged St. Ives, Texlos, Warlock, Ares and Necromo and liberated Sirdar.  If Thomas halts the FWLM, we will get back more than we lost and the citizens are celebrating the end of Capella in the streets, even if it was due to the Mariks.  I estimate we will be fighting for up to another 12 months, as we don’t have the force strength to really go hard.  Anywhere we have gotten cocky or lax, we have been hurt, so I see no reason to rush for an extra world or two, now that we have the real prizes.”

“Agreed, but I do want a plan for what remains on our side of the line.”

“Yes Sire, it’s already done and can come over our new circuit after the conference.”

“Good.”  Was Victor’s response as he thought for a moment.  “Alright then ladies and Gentlemen, you now have an idea of where we stand.  Generally, combat operations are proceeding well and naval operations are in good hands.  We now have secure central communications and will meet like this once a month.”  He paused, “Our priorities for 3064 are to keep the Vipers in their box, secure what we can of the Confederation and halt and then drive the Horses back.  A year ago, we agreed to wait and build ourselves up before acting, but circumstance prevented that.  That is still the plan though.  Once we end these conflicts, likely by the end of the year, I plan to stand all Marches down until 3070.  Then we sort out a few issues I have with some of our neighbours.”

There were laughs and comments at his last statement.  He held up his hand again for silence.  “I also want you to start thinking about a change to how we operate.”  Everyone went quiet.  “The RCT concept is good, but the Clans have adapted and are strengthening their Clusters; at least the smart one are.  General Travena has been working on a concept called the Integrated Battle Group, or IGB, that adds two Mech Battalions, a third Aerospace Wing and an extra Artillery Battalion.  The aim is to increase our mobile firepower and long-range support.  Th IGB structure give us about a 25% increase in overall firepower-mobility and you will all receive initial briefs after this meeting.  I expect you all to comment.”

The conference went on for another two hours, mainly focused logistics, but the gist was, the AFFC was planning for the future, not just the present.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #145 on: December 27, 2015, 02:00:05 AM »

Parts of this Chapter were provided by marauder648.

30th of January, 3064
Wolf Command Centre
Alshain, Wolf Clan Occupation Zone

Phelan Kell walked quietly at the right side of Khan Severen Leroux of Clan Nova Cat, whilst Khan Barbara Sennet of Clan Diamond was to Kell’s left.  Behind the three came their saKhans, Marthe Pryde, Lucien Carns and Angus Labov.  They walked through the damaged city of Silverdale, the capital of the world, where the best of Clan Ghost Bear had so recently fought and died.

“The end of the Bears was a sad event, long had we walked with them in friendship, but in their end many Bears became savage, lost their way.”  Khan Leroux looked sadly at the damage that surrounded them.

“The fighting was brutal,” agreed Phelan, “They knew what was at stake, especially after the stupidity of the Jaguars claims.”

“Something they pay for as we speak.”  Said Khan Sennet, referencing the fighting that was consuming the Jaguars.

“Howell was good, but he reached too far too soon.”  Marthe said from behind them.

“Indeed.”  Responded Leroux, “His vision was not enough to overcome his Clan’s hubris and after the events of The Betrayal by our former kin, he was not thinking clearly.”

Before Phelan could respond, he saw his Merchant Factor and her assistants walking hurriedly towards him, stop and then lower her head in respect to the approaching Khans.  The six stopped before the merchants.

“What do you need Merchant Factor Cross?”

“I have the report on Alshain you requested, I was not made aware of the other Khan’s presence with you, I shall withdraw and present at your convenience.”

Phelan thought for a moment, No harm in showing off.  Khan Leroux, Khan Sennet, would you mind?  It may provide you with some background of what Clan Wolf is trying to accomplish here.”

Khan Sennet smiled, “So obvious Khan Kell, your usual subtlety seems to be deserting you.”
Leroux chuckled as Phelan responded, “We all have our little failings Khan Sennet, though I will hope for a little information in return.”

She beamed at him, “But of course Khan Wolf, it would not be proper to do otherwise.”

Phelan motioned for the Merchant Factor to fall in slightly behind them and continued walking along Silverdale’s main boulevard, towards what was once the headquarters of Clan Ghost Bear.  “Factor Cross, begin your report.”

“It would be my honour Khan Kell.  My Khan, we have finished our initial assessment of the facilities that were captured from Clan Ghost Bear, and you will be pleased to know that the Bear’s did not sabotage or damage any of what we took.  The former Ghost Bear Scientist and Labour Castes are both being co-operative with our own personnel, though we have assigned some of our own people to ensure integration goes smoothly.  We are, of course, carrying out security and vetting checks on former Rasalhague personnel, but quite frankly, at the moment we need all of the Bear’s personnel.” 

She paused before continuing.

“I say this because they know their systems and they have the personnel in position at the moment.  The problem as I see it, is with the Bear’s Spheroid populace, we must remember that they are not Clan and were only in the early processes of starting to accept their now displaced masters and we have to continue this careful work.  The Mech facilities were under joint Clan and Spheroid control, apparently as a way of integrating them without creating too many frictions.  This was not an issue, as we follow similar protocols.”

Phelan nodded and gestured around him, “If we can overcome any shocks from the transition and appear to be benevolent, rather than a pack of savages like the Jaguars, then we may at least be accepted.”  Sennet and Leroux also nodded at Phelan’s words.

After waiting to see if her Khan would speak again, Cross continued, “Work force concerns aside, we have a huge opportunity ahead of us my Khan, once all the factories and orbital yards are online and up to speed, we will have increased our industrial output by 76.76%.  We now produce a complex and flexible suite of Mech, Aerospace and vehicle units.  Our Warriors also captured several Elemental Battle Armour facilities, including one preparing to produce the Gnome.  Also captured, were plans for a new heavy suit the Bears were developing and initial investigations into its capabilities are promising and are recommended to be pursued.”

“I’ll review the data before any work on the new suit commences Cross, go on.”

The Merchant made a note on her data pad as she continued her report, “The Orbital yards are the greatest prize.  There are two slips that can take the largest vessels, including the captured Leviathan’s, as well as smaller yards and slipways for lesser craft.  Initial estimates show we can produce Broadsword and Union class DropShips at one yard, useful considering recent losses.  Initial surveys of both the Leviathan and Rasalhague show that whilst damage is extensive to both ships, they are structurally sound and we can begin working on their outer hulls without having them take up yard space.  Once patched up, we can then re-pressurise them and begin work on the interior, which I am afraid is a challenge.  Initial reports and investigations estimate that the Leviathan will need at least twelve months in the yard whilst the Rasalhague may require up to eighteen, but with full work crews, we believe we could shave a few months off that, if given the resources needed.”

“The Black Lion we captured though is in a terrible condition, and whilst I hate to waste anything, especially a prize we won in honourable battle, she is in truth little more than a floating wreck.  All that saved her was her Captain venting her main fuel tanks and it is my suggestion that we slowly scrap her for spare parts to keep our current Black Lion-class ships in action.

Phelan shook his head emphatically, “Not approved Cross, repair the ship."

She made another note and continued, “The York-class vessel is in better condition, four months of work should see her re-join the fleet proudly baring the symbol of Clan Wolf.  We will also take the chance to upgrade her electronics and standardize them with our parts.”

“The former Jaguar Aegis is in an adequate condition, although her repairs will take nine months at least, owing to the heavy damage she suffered to her engines and a fire induced explosion on her flight deck.  Our damaged ships are already en-route back to Wolf space and we have already berthed the most damaged, whilst the ships lightly damaged are being patched up out of the yards.  The White Aerie suffered the worst, but she can be repaired, especially now we have access to the first rate yards of Alshain and our yards from the Homeworlds coming on line over Kirchbach.  We also have salvage teams clearing up any orbital debris from the engagements.  We are also undertaking a huge salvage operation to restore as many downed Mech’s as possible.”

“And the genetic repositories?”  Asked Kell.  Though not as ingrained into his own psyche as it was for those raised in the Clans, he was deeply aware of the importance of the prize his Clan had won.

“Undamaged, and the assessment is complete, our Clan has secured 1,011 legacies from 97 Bloodlines, thirty-eight of those comprising original Ghost Bear lines, the rest from captured and traded legacies from other Clans.”

Kell expected more of a reaction from the other Khans and was surprised that there was no comment.  I wonder why?  Cross was still speaking.

“Also the former Crown Prince of the Rasalhague Republic is demanding to speak with you my Khan…I believe he wishes to know your intentions for him and his people.”

Phelan responded, this time getting a reaction from the other Khans, “He will be pleased to know we are moving our capital to Rasalhague.  What are your thoughts on meeting him Merchant Factor.”

“I am no Warrior nor politician my Khan, but I feel that you should meet with him, show that we are not Jaguars come to enslave, but here to live with the peoples of the worlds we have captured and indeed shall capture.  I would suggest that we also have our own Spheroid’s come to meetings with the Rasalhague leaders and industrial commanders.  Their words would carry much weight, as they have been living with us the longest and know how we rule."

Phelan Kell nodded “Thank you Merchant Factor Cross that will be all.”

“Of course my Khan.”

Phelan waited until the Merchant was out of earshot before letting out a sigh, he heard a soft chuckle and turned to look at Marthe Pryde who was trying not to smile.

“At times I wonder why we put up with them, once they get started…”

“Aff, but she is right you know.”


“About meeting the civilian leaders and using the former Bear workers: we should represent stability and continuity, we do not want them thinking of us as oppressors, they had started to accept the Bear’s, they will learn to accept us.”

Khan Sennet spoke, “The Bear’s had problems with a terrorist organization quiaff?”

“Aff,” answered Phelan, “an organization called MotstÃ¥nd, they were fighting for the independence of their worlds before Revival and took objection to the Bear’s being here.  They will no doubt have cause to strike at our forces and personnel too.”

Leroux looked to Phelan, “If your record is anything to go by, you will not slaughter civilians and take hostages, you will win their trust and show that the future you represent is a bright.  Let your Watch work with local forces in hunting down any MotstÃ¥nd cells, bring them to trial if possible.  Let the people to see that justice will be done and fairly at that.”

Marthe spoke up in an angry voice, “But they are dezgra bandits surely we should just wipe out their nests where we find them.”

“Aff.” Said Phelan, “And we shall, but we will not sink to their level.  In our space, we have had little civilian insurrection, but we have two distinct cultures now to control.  It will be a challenging time for us all, one that will call for us to show restraint and be as patient as the wolf.  However, should they raise a sword against us we shall rend them.”

The group arrived at the courtyards and gardens at the front of the command centre and Phelan lead them to a quite side garden, where he indicated they rest on the grass.  Each Khan found a comfortable place to stretch out on the in dappled sunlight.

“What of the Bear’s Sibkos?” Asked Angus Labov, twisting grass in his fingers.

Phelan shrugged and leant on his elbow, “At the moment there are thirty six groups of Sibkin on Alshain alone.  I have placed our own instructors in charge of them and they have started the necessary training and indoctrination, they are young enough to adapt and be moulded quiaff?  The older groups will be more difficult, but no problem is without solution and those that don’t adapt will not become warriors.”

“Aff.” said Marthe Pryde, “We shall have them complete their training and trials and if they succeed they will join our Tourman alongside their captured kin.  The Bear’s genetic legacy cannot be allowed to die and will live on in the Wolf, as will their Blood Names.  They fought hard, but with honour and bravery, even though they knew they had little chance of defeating us.  They broke the Jaguar’s back and saved us, and you,” she looked to the Nova Cats,” the pain of doing so.  In all honesty, we need the troops, we need the MechWarrior’s and their Aerospace pilots.”

“A question regarding that, asked Khan Sennet,” kneeling on the grass in a manner which would not be out of place in the Draconis Combine, “we know the Bear’s stopped using the Aerospace phenotype decades ago, will you continue this practice?”

Phelan thought for a moment, whilst the Aerospace phenotype did offer some advantages it wasn’t that great to warrant a new genetic programme. He nodded “Aff, though we shall continue their Elemental programme, that Galaxy of Elementals they had fought like demons.”
Phelan sat up, “But to the real business of the moment.  I have taken the liberty of contacting the Hell’s Horses.”  Phelan lifted a small holographic projector and the two Horse Khans appeared, no more than a foot tall before them.  Instead of Malavai Fletcher, there was James Cobb with saKhan’s insignia at his throat and Tanya DeLaurel as Khan.

“Khan DeLaurel, where is Malavai?”  Asked Angus Labov

“Dead in the infernal warrens of this world Khan Labov.  It was not the death he sought, but it was death nonetheless.  We will continue without him.”

“Welcome then Khan DeLaurel.”  Phelan said, then paused and faced the Khans with him, “Khans, what brings you all here, at this point in time?”

“What of the Vipers?”  Asked saKhan Labov.

“What is the point?”  Asked Marthe in return.

“Your point is valid right there.”  Said Lucien Carns.  “They will not last out the decade the way they behave and they have not the strength to last even if they changed.”

The four Khans of the other Clans on Alshain looked to each other for some time before Lucien Carns spoke again, staring intently at Phelan and Marthe as he did so.  “We wish to know the mind of the Wolf, though you have already shared some of it with us.  The universe is a more complex place now.  Clans are dying, we have lost our link to our birthplace and the Wolf grows ever stronger on the death of others.”

Phelan looked hard at Carns, “You wish to know if we will come for you as well.”

Leroux shook his head, “Not so much.  We have reserves and strength beyond the Jaguar, much of it the Jaguars only weeks ago and now we are stronger than the Bear before you struck.  We would not be an easy fight.”

“Nor would we,” said Khan Sennet, “We have the heart of the Ice Hellion and no fixed base of supply for any to strike at.”

“You succeeded at Schuyler then Khan Leroux and I assume the Diamond Sharks have fallen hard on the Ice Hellions.”

Both nodded, though Sennet spoke first, her dark skin alight with pleasure at the memory, “A hard fight across Chainlaine, but there are less than six active Hellion Clusters left, all soon to die.  Their worlds will be stripped and we will move to finer pastures.”

Before Phelan could ask where those pastures were, saKhan Carns spoke, “We have Schuyler in our hands, though the Jaguars returned in force.  They cannot last though, the Bears drained too much from them and we are pressuring them across their zone, as are you Khan Kell.  Time is short for the Jaguar before it joins the Bear in history.”

“So it would seem.”  Said Phelan

Carns continued, “We have no plans to fight the Wolf.  Our visions show the Nova Cat and others following the Wolf against the fallen in the outer dark.  We respect the Wolf and will follow its lead.  Within reasonable bounds of course.”

“As will we.”  Said Khan Sennet.  “You hold the strength of four Clans within you now, a history none can match.  Of those of us left, you have gained the right to be our leading voice, for any challenge that we, or the others, could mount would weaken us all to an extent that the Inner Sphere could end all the Clans in the Inner Sphere.  We need to act, if not as one, at least in general agreement to prevent those in the Homeworlds returning and ending us all.”

“Khan Sennet speaks the truth of it Khan Kell, the Wolf is ascendant.”  Said Khan DeLaurel.
Phelan looked at the other Clans, “If that is so, and we are honoured by your view of Clan Wolf, we must take stock and see what faces each of us in future.”

Khan Leroux put his hands behind him and leant back, “Wise.  Through knowledge and understanding we can better interpret the whispers of the future.  Should I begin?”

“Certainly.”  Said Phelan.

Leroux bowed his head, “We have fifty three Clusters and twenty three WarShips across forty six systems.  We are currently engaged with Clan Smoke Jaguar for another seven worlds.  We can produce 720 points of material a year, along with forty-two DropShips and six JumpShips.  We also have two WarShips under construction.  Following the end of fighting with Clan Smoke Jaguar, we intend to rest and integrate all we have recently taken.”

Phelan smiled at Severen, “You are a first tier Clan more than ever before, even the Star Adders would be unable to master you.”

“Thankyou Khan Kell, fate has been bountiful for us.”

Khan Sennet laughed, “We should have asked for more when we traded Wolcott to you.  Our own strength is thirty-four clusters, though they are equal to forty-six of the Wolves or Cats.  The evacuation cost us dearly in space and we have but ten ships remaining.  Our recent gains allow us to produce 366 points per year, three JumpShips and twelve DropShips.  We have neither gained not lost overall, unlike you both.”  Khan Sennet indicated to the Nova Cat and Wolf Clans.  “We plan to make a new home and one that will come cheaply, so we can properly begin the task of rebuilding.” 

“You faced a reinforced Clan Star Adder and withdrew in good order, there were others who faced less and suffered more Khan Sennet.”  This from saKhan Cobb, who seemed to speak from bitter experience.

“What of your strength saKhan Cobb?”  Said Phelan.

“We have twenty nine Clusters, each a little stronger than your own and eight WarShips.  We hold twenty six worlds and can produce 228 points of material in a year, something we seek to add to once we gain Coventry and the systems nearby.”

“You have done well in your new assault, though you seem to have struck their main line of resistance.”  Said Phelan.

“We have and we may not be able to break them, though not for lack of skill.  Our defensive lines grow longer and our reserves fall as we advance.  The Cloud Cobras may have dealt us enough damage to make the wound fatal.”

Kell thought for a moment, We need the Horses, especially now Fletcher is gone.  Khan DeLaurel, your Horses have always answered the call of the Wolf have they not?”


“Then we shall repay your honour.”

The small projection of the Horse Khan cocked its head, “How?”

“Our operations will soon be at and end.  I am willing to contract three Galaxies of Wolves and their support for 20% of the output from any industrial systems taken during combined operations.”

Both Horse Khans whispered to each other for a minute, before Khan DeLaurel turned to face the others.  “We accept your offer, but we must ask:  Why are the Wolves so generous with aid unasked for?”

“Because we are the last of the Clans who hold true to our history and we must strengthen ourselves against the return of our failed kin.  We are all Wardens now and we must form a shield for the rest of the Inner Sphere against the fallen Clans madness, even if that means taking parts of the Inner Sphere so we can build a wall to keep the barbarians at bay.”

“Then we chose correctly in wanting to follow the Wolf.”  Said Severen, a smile creasing his old face.

Phelan smiled, “Don’t be too hasty Khan Leroux, the Wolf has trod wrong before.”

“With our advice, it should be harder to repeat the mistakes of the past.”

“I have a question for Khan Sennet though?”  Said Phelan.

“I thought you might.”  Sennet responded.

“Where are you going?  Where are your greener pastures?”

“On the other side of the Sphere, though we will maintain contact and come if the fallen return.  We see great advantage to us there.”

“Typical Shark,” said Marthe, “Can’t swim in a restricted tank for long.”

“No Khan Pryde, we cannot.  We have also not had an accounting of the strength of the Wolves.”

Marthe smiled and smiled all teeth, “We have ninety seven Clusters and thirty five WarShips, with three more building.  Sixteen of those Clusters are heavy with Bear abthaka and have large holes in their ranks.  These Clusters defend 135 worlds and have a support base that produces 1,527 points per year, 150 DropShips and thirty-three JumpShips.”  The other Khans were wide eyed at the true strength of Clan Wolf, strength that was more than the other three combined.

 â€œSo we have approximately 230 Clusters and seventy-six WarShips, with five more under construction across more than 200 star systems.  This is not enough to stop N’Buta and his mad hordes.  We need to build and with the resources at our hands we can, and drive the fallen back into the outer darkness when they come.”  Phelan ended loudly.

“Such strength you still possess Khan Wolf, even if you see it as too small.  You will soon come to be considered equal to a Successor State in power.”

“Perhaps also in name too.”  Said Phelan, “We plan to bring the remnants of the Free Rasalhague Republic into our sphere and relocate our Capital to Rasalhague.  This all will soon be part of the Wolf-Rasalhague Khanate.  We plan to harness the will of our local people and turn it to our own ends.  Long have they struggled to matter on the broader stage.  Now with us, they will be feared.  We will give them their pride and they will give us their loyalty and their strength.”

“How much more do you seek from the Jaguars?”  Asked Lucien.

“You mean how much will we leave to you Khan Carns?”  Phelan held up a hand to forestall the answer.  “Few more worlds.  Apart from Ardoz and Sternwerde, we will make no new assaults.  The Jaguars are yours to finish, though we will kill many for you where we are already engaged.”

“Our task lies before us if we are or end our new foe in the Homeworlds.”  Severen Leroux said as he stood.  “To new times, new plans and to honour and respect amongst the last of us.”
“Seyla.”  Said seven other voices as all the Khans stood.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #146 on: December 27, 2015, 04:28:35 AM »

Currently uploading maps for May-early January here https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ij747h7tnp2g3/Of_Flacons_and_Wolves
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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