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Of Wolves and Falcons
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:45:39 AM »

Of Wolves and Falcons

11th of July, 3062
Tamar, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone

saKhan Marthe Pryde strode after her Khan down the halls behind the audience chamber, where her freshly dispatched opponent was likely being removed and the mess he left cleaned.  Her body still hummed with the after effects of close combat and her senses were still afire and highly attuned to all around her.  This was likely the reason that her new uniform felt like it was chafing.  Despite the outfit’s well cut shape, it was far closer fitting than what she traditionally wore, though its intent was to accentuate the user’s physique.  Nevertheless, Wolf Clan leathers would still take some getting used to, especially as Marthe would now be required to wear them more often than previously.

On reaching his chambers, Khan Phelan Kell strode into the antechamber and then turned left into his receiving room.  The clutter in both rooms astounded the former Falcon Warrior, as most Jade Falcons kept somewhat spartan quarters and accumulated few personal possessions.  The Wolf Khan, a freeborn former Inner Sphere native, had vastly different cultural roots and they showed in the dizzying array of pictures, artefacts, furniture and accumulated clutter.  The whole scene astounded the staid saKhan and threw her slightly off balance.  How can a mind so keen exist within a place so disordered?

Phelan Kell, Khan of Clan Wolf, gestured to a couch that looked older than the Star League for Marthe to sit in and began rummaging in a small fridge.  A triumphant “Huzzah” came from the fridge, followed by the Khan turning and tossing a beer to his newly installed saKhan.  Phelan twisted the top from his beer, indicating for Marthe to do the same and she did so, noticing that the brew at hand was called Chirmay Rouge, one she had never heard of.

“I thought celebrating with one of Terra’s finest would be suitable for this occasion,” Phelan said as he raised his beer in a salute, “It’s not every day you see your saKhan slay an old foe to prevent his rising to the same position.  Farewell Vlad.”  Phelan took a long drink, which Marthe did not reciprocate, stunned that she was holding a drink made on Terra.

“It will not bite Marthe.” The Khan needled with a light tone in his voice.

She looked up, nodded and took a swig from the bottle that rewarded her with a deep and rich flavour.  Whilst Marthe savoured the beer, Phelan sat opposite her and crossed his legs as he leant back into an equally battered, but obviously comfortable green couch.

“This has been quite a day for you saKhan Pryde quiaff?”

“Aff.  A day of surprises.”  She looked hard at her Khan, “I have some questions though.”

Phelan nodded, “I assumed you would.  You wish to know why I nominated you?”

Marthe nodded herself, “There were many more suitable candidates…from a Wolf point of view.”

Phelan’s eyes narrowed, “We are all Wolves now Marthe, though there are some who might think otherwise, they are gracing the Exodus Road as its garrison,” he paused, “along with a few old Wolves who did not get the message.”

Marthe leaned back, placed her beer on a side table and shook her head, “There are more in this Clan than you seem to think who would not decry a return to the old status quo.”

Phelan shrugged and smiled “I have no doubt, but with every passing day there are more reasons to go forward than back, you being one of them.”

His comment caught Marthe off guard, something that her Khan was becoming far too good at. “So you accept what is happening and see me as the solution?”



“No Marthe, I do not accept that our new Clan should pull itself apart, not after five years of hard work in bringing us together as the most powerful in the history of all the Clans.  That is why I nominated you for the post of saKhan.  You represent something that we can all aspire to.”

Marthe did not think the Wolf Kahn had the right of the matter, but pushed on regardless, “What we can aspire to?  Khan Kell, I have been doing nothing of note since I was placed in command of Vau Galaxy in 3059.”  Vau Galaxy was the only Falcon Galaxy to carry over from the now absorbed Jade Falcons, something that Khan Kell had been very specific about seeing done.  Containing the now much modified former Turkina Keshik, Falcon Guards, the 1st and 2nd Jaegers and 1st Hussars, the Galaxy was the sought after posting of many reactivated Abthaka Falcons.  Marthe had spent the past three years flogging the Galaxy into shape, in order to make it conform to the new standards and doctrine that the Wolves practiced, as she was Wolf now, and had largely accepted that fact once the idiocy of her former Clan’s Khans had become apparent.  Khan Critchell’s call that the Refusal War was a Trial of Absorption was accepted by the Grand Council and then blew up in his face when Kell landed on Wotan and crushed the remaining Flacons there after finishing on Morges.  Such hubris would be the last words in the Falcon Remembrance and a poor note for centuries of glory to end on.  Some aspects of being a Wolf still grated at her, the treatment of former Falcon territory prime amongst them; however, she knew necessity when she saw it and she admired Khan Kell’s audacity.  It was with that in mid that Vau became the equal of any Galaxy in the expanded Wolf Clan, though she wished to be the best and was only stymied by the 2nd Jaegers, who failed to adapt to life as Wolves like her other Warriors had.  This was doubly disappointing for her, as the 2nd Jaegers was her former command, however, she took the best Warriors from the 2nd and tried to start again with new sibko graduates, a process that had only recently begun.

Kell chuckled, “Marthe, you have turned Vau into a killing machine that is more Wolf than any Wolf Galaxy before the Refusal War.  You embarrassed Beta Galaxy only last month and all but Gamma have tasted defeat at your hands.  I will relish the opportunity to test Alpha against you soon, however, that is beside the point, it is how you have done it that is important.  You have become a Wolf, much as you still think yourself a Falcon and both Wolves and former Falcons respond to this, for you accomplished it without giving up anything that makes you who you are.  You are the example for both Wolves and former Falcons to follow along our new joint path, as you point the way to our shared future.”

Marthe snorted, “You think it will be that easy?”

Phelan shook his head, “Not at all, but with you here, it will be all the easier for it.  Now to the matter for which I brought you here.  I have been told that you had very little time for the monthly briefings all Galaxy Commanders were provided on the strategic situation?”

“I was focused on other matters.”

Phelan smiled, “To all our benefit, however, as saKhan you need to be brought up to speed.  I will go over the salient points with you and Loremaster Kerensky will ensure that you are provided with all the details necessary over the coming days to fill in the gaps.”

Very well then, here begins my journey back to the world.  I suppose I have no more excuses for not taking note of the wider happenings of the Occupation Zones, but I am not sure, even now that I have become a Wolf, to want to have to rely on spies and informants as the basis for my glory. “Khan Kell.” Marthe responded, “I am at your disposal.”

Phelan bowed his head slightly in response, “Very well then.  As you are aware, when Clan Wolf absorbed Clan Jade Falcon, we were in a precarious position.  Both Toumans in the Inner Sphere were at half strength at best and we were in possession of 136 systems.  There was no feasible way to try and hold all of that territory without inviting both the Vipers and Bears to tear huge pieces out of both the Occupation Zone and what remained of the Touman.  That is why I ordered the consolidation of our forces to cover 100 worlds, which included just twelve from the former Jade Falcon OZ.”

Marthe had leaned forward as Khan Kell spoke, “This I know, but from what I have seen of your actions and motivations tonight, there was more to what you did, quiaff?”

Phelan smiled, “Aff saKhan Pryde.  To forestall the Vipers and allow us to redeploy to ensure the Ghost Bears stayed in their den, I contacted Khan Zalman and offered him the Jade Falcon OZ, minus twelve worlds along the Wolf border and supplies and replacement Mechs.  His haste to agree was unseemly and his materials gave us provided the edge we needed to hold of the building raids from the Bears, Cats and Jaguars and that particularly heavy Diamond Shark assault you repelled from Kirchbach.”

Marthe chuckled and stretched with joy, “That was truly a pleasure.”  Still in command of the 2nd Falcon Jaegers, then recently renamed the 2nd Wolf Jaegers, Star Colonel Marthe Pryde had virtually annihilated the opportunistic Diamond Shark 21st Strike Cluster.

Phelan raised his beer in salute again, “I’m sure it was.”  His use of a contraction took Marthe back slightly, but he continued on, “With the Vipers getting their house in order, they could not be everywhere at once and Natasha Kerensky had left such chaos in her wake that their job would not be an easy one.  I made sure to make it more difficult still.”

Marthe cocked an eyebrow as a thought struck her, “You communicated with the Federated Commonwealth?” Her question almost came as an accusation.

“No, I communicated with my father in the ARDC.  He passed on what I told him to Prince Victor and the little general took it from there.  I must admit, his actions were surprising, but they certainly took the wind out of old Kat’s sails and not a moment too soon, as she was becoming a little too comfortable on Tharkad.  Little Prince Victor sent five RCT’s, three Mercenary Regiments and three ComStar Divisions, all transported by ComStar, into the Coreward Falcon OZ.  It was all planned on the fly, but he managed to seize six Lyran and four periphery worlds and drive off a Viper counter-attack on Somerset, Anywhere and Lackhove, though the AFFC was forced to fall back off Blackjack, Beta VII, Golandrinas and Malibu, those four worlds being too much to hold past the initial ten taken.  However, his true stroke of genius was to gift all ten worlds to the Lyran Alliance and then withdraw the task force back into the ARDC. This forced Katherine to acknowledge his actions and scramble to get Lyran troops in place to hold those worlds, preventing any strike on Arc Royal or the ARDC.  The raiding back and forth with the Vipers and the fighting on several worlds further distracted Clan Steel Viper and kept the Lyran Alliance from raiding into the Wolf OZ.”

Marthe shook her head in disbelief, “You tread a fine line Khan Kell.  The information you shared could be considered treasonous.”

“How? As Khan, I can communicate what I want about the Clan to who I want and I doubt there would be few Wolves who would not support my decision.  There are those in the Grand Council who might call for a Trial of Grievance, but that is as far as it would progress.”

Marthe though again, He may well be right.  Even wounded the Wolf was powerful and the actions of the Federated Commonwealth could be seen as merely opportunistic.  Ulric’s pup this one no longer is.  “Some might say you are behaving like a Mongoose.”

Phelan tossed back the remainder of his beer before answering, “Good, as we need every tool and weapon we can get our hands on.  What do you know of my actions in the Homeworlds?”

Marthe grimaced, thinking on the former Falcons holdings at the far end of the Exodus Road and what was left and lost there. “I ignored it, I had other issues at hand.”

“As painful as it was Marthe, it was a brutal necessity. As the Grand Council bickered and dithered, I moved quickly.  Every former Falcons world had WarShips or WarShip Stars placed in close orbit and we began stripping each enclave of military, industrial and scientific resources.  With the Falcon merchant fleet added to ours, I was able to strip the Falcon enclaves in twelve months, supporting the defence of those worlds with troops from Clans Coyote, Goliath Scorpion and Burrock, who would take control of the best of what remained when we departed.  At that point, I left the parts of each world not bequeathed to Wolf allies open and the other Clans descended in a feeding frenzy.”

Marthe was becoming more used to the ability for Phelan Kell to surprise her with his ability to manipulate the Clans. “You turned the Falcon Homeworlds into one huge distraction for the Clans to fight over?”

“Yes.” So much was contained in that one word:  The Khan’s acceptance of his role in a Clan wide bloodbath, his acknowledgement of his manipulation of Clan lore and custom and his willingness to do it again.

Marthe, thought for a moment, “This would explain the cooling of relations with some of our allies.”

Phelan nodded, “Yes it does, but we had little choice.  They helped defend that what we could not and gained from it, but the madness of the other clans left a bitter taste in their mouths following the Trial Wars.”

“You accept the loss of part of their faith in the Wolf?” asked Marthe.

“I do saKhan Pryde.  There is an old saying that people have friends and nations have interests and in this case Clan Wolf’s immediate interest was to consolidate what we held.  War within the Clans distracting them from our plans suited this purpose.”

“Khan Kell, I am not sure I wish to serve as a saKhan when you order such actions.” Marthe’s voice was cold as stone.

“You won’t Marthe.  You will command the Touman as I direct the Clan.  I understand your distaste for my tactics, but without them, the legacy of both the Falcons and Wolves will be lost.  Is that something you desire?”  Phelan’s tone was just as hard.

Marthe shook her head, “No, but there must be another way.”

“Where is this way Marthe,” Phelan raised his hands in question, “I have looked, as have many others, but we are a target, more so than ever before.  The Inner Sphere fears us. Clan Steel Viper feels cheated for the ongoing brush war they face and the other invading clans are leery of our plans and strength.  The Homeworld Crusaders despise us for our success and the Wardens grow mistrustful over the Falcon influence now in the heart of the Wolf. Though I may have brought our Clan victory, I may well have dammed the Wolves.  However, any path would have led to this or worse, so perhaps I am simply at blame by association, not so much to blame.  Additionally, other courses may have led to our ruin, though that is a counterfactual argument for another day.”

Marthe nodded her head ever so slightly, “I remain deeply uncomfortable Khan Kell.”

“I will not ask you to compromise your honour and I will deeply value your honour at my side.  Though I am sphere born, I do value the honour of true Clansmen, and that it what you are saKhan Pryde, one of the truest Clansmen of the Wolves.”  He paused for a moment, “Should I continue?”


“Very well then.  With the other Clans battling for the spoils in the Homeworlds, the announcement of the departure of the Ghost Bears only added fuel to the fire.  By the time the dust settled, the Ice Hellions and Hell’s Horses had established outposts on the Lyran periphery, the Vipers had finally quelled their own OZ and the Bears had settled in.  The Cats and Jaguars stayed out of the fighting and managed to build in strength.  Through all of this, the Falcon industrial infrastructure was brought forward into the Wolf OZ, so we now have a strong industrial base both here and in the Homeworlds.  The last convoy from Ironhold arrived over Kirchbach a week ago and will be operational by the end of the year.  With our Touman at full strength, in numbers, if not in quality, we can start laying stores for whatever will come next.”

“Do you have information on the Inner Sphere as well?”  Likely from your father, but despite myself I grow interested in your tales.

Phelan stood and walked to the fridge and took another beer from it. “Another Marthe?”

Marthe realised she had hardly touched her first and shook her head, whilst reaching for it.

As Phelan returned to his seat, he continued. “When the Free Worlds League and Capellan Confederation invaded the Federated Commonwealth’s Sarna March, all hell broke loose.  Katherine Steiner-Davion withdrew the Lyran realm from the FC Alliance and everyone fought for the scraps.   The League and the Capellans gained much, but with the Vipers and Wolves in no state to cause trouble, Prince Victor was able to marshal enough force to stabilise much of the former Sarna March.  He was even able to assist LAAF forces in the Lyons Thumb face down the Combine, holding all but Lambrecht and Moore, but securing Alphecca and Skondia, gaining much respect in Skye in the process.”

Marthe interjected, “More scavenger lord bickering over the bones of the Hegemony.”

“Yes, but the reasons for it suit our Clan.  Victor reformed the remains of the Sarna March as a new Terran March and despite the loss of 29 worlds to the Capellans and 20 to the League, he was able to keep a narrow Terran Corridor open.  By the end of 3059, the Federated Commonwealth and Lyran Alliance had stabilised their positions, but lost the St. Ives Compact as an ally.  The actions of both CCAF and AFFC troops in the Terran March sickened Candace Liao and she instituted a coup on Sian, took power and reintegrated St. Ives into the Confederation.  From what I have been able to learn, Candace and Victor had a major falling out and she now stands opposed to Prince Victor.”

Phelan paused, but Marthe said nothing, so he continued. “During the beginning of the Free Worlds and Capellan attacks, the Word of Blake struck at Terra, but ended there after over a year of fighting destroyed it and much of the ComGuard.  Anastasias Focht was able to bring in many more troops due to the issues within the Clans, but so did the Word of Blake, but from where no one knows yet.  The ComStar strike on Gibson may have ended the Word of Blake as an organised body, but the Free Worlds Navy reprisal strike at Titan cost the ComGuards much of their remaining naval strength and Ansastasius Focht, who was present at the time.  The ComGuards are now little more than peacekeepers for hire, broken in numbers and lacking in morale after losing so much over the course of just ten years.”

Marthe shrugged, “Dogged foes on Tukayyid, their religious war was a stupidity of the first order.”

Phelan nodded, “Not to them, but such things are always important to the believer.  Oh, and I forgot to mention, towards the end of the fighting in the former Sarna March, the League also struck at the Lyrans Anti-Spinward of Bolan.  They claimed eleven worlds, which was devastating to Katherine Steiner-Davion.  Her brother had protected Lyran worlds from the Vipers and Combine and taken others, yet on her own, she could not defend the realm.  This was where her power base began to unravel, as those who supported her began to see that they might have backed the wrong sibling, especially in military circles.”

“This does not seem to bother you so much?” Marthe had noted several times at the tones Phelan used when talking about either Victor or Katherine. 

Phelan smiled broadly, “No it does not.  Victor and I had our problems once, long ago and he made some colossal mistakes early on, but since 3057, he has come into his own.  He is more decisive and far more ruthless than what I thought him capable.  I don’t know where he got his new drive from, but I suspect it was from the information that pinned Melissa Steiner’s death on his sister.”

“I will never understand Inner Sphere families.”  Marthe rolled her eyes.

“Combine the Blood Spirits fanaticism with the Snow Ravens politicking and you will get close.  However, with the Lyran state and more importantly its military starting, to slip away from Katherine, Victor played a rather bold card.  Victor led a combined Federated/Lyran task force from Tikonov, rendezvoused with troops out of Arc Royal and descended on Tharkad in force.  Katherine was taken completely by surprise and the battle was short.  From there, a trial and swift execution ended her time on the throne and gave Victor power back over the entire Federated Commonwealth.  However, this is where he showed his maturity with the Victor Proclamation, as it has come to be known.  He declared that the Federated Commonwealth would again reform, however, he ensured that both nations would be protected from abuses of power in one or the other and that certain traditions, ways and functions would remain sacrosanct.  Additionally, he limited his own power.  The regent in either realm could oppose a directive of the Archon-Prince, which would place the directive before the Estates General or a similar body in the Federated Suns for approval or disapproval.  Much was cosmetic, but with the Clan threat renewed along much of the Lyran periphery, the League and the Combine aggressive again and the evidence against Katherine so damming and painting her supporters in a dim light, the Lyran realm returned to the fold of the Federated Commonwealth and much opposition evaporated.”

Marthe stood and began to walk around the room, looking at, but not taking in the various items scattered across it.  “Where does all this information leave us?”

“In exactly the same place as the Federated Commonwealth.” He held up a hand to forestall her reply, “Both Clan Wolf and the FC Alliance have come through a trial of fire, but in doing so have only underscored the threat each poses to their neighbours and even their allies.  The Inner Sphere fears the Steiner-Davion hegemony again under the Fox’s son and every Clan now sees Clan Wolf as an imminent threat, especially those whose territory lies near us.  Should fighting break out, every nations knows it will have to move on the FC when others do to maximise any chance of bring Victor to heal.  Likewise for Clan Wolf, when we go to war with one Clan, we must expect to go to war with many.”
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 11:54:40 PM by Blacknova »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2014, 09:44:03 AM »

 ;D  WOW!  Hopefully you get time to update this story once in a while!  Other than that, I was very happy to read!


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2014, 10:26:43 AM »

Nice read. Hopefully you add to this and make a short story out of it. I want to see a new Star League formed with the FC and Clan Wolf at the head.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2014, 03:53:55 PM »

;D  WOW!  Hopefully you get time to update this story once in a while!  Other than that, I was very happy to read!


I plan to update it semi-regularly.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2014, 03:55:00 PM »

Nice read. Hopefully you add to this and make a short story out of it. I want to see a new Star League formed with the FC and Clan Wolf at the head.

Thanks.  Not so sure about the Star League though.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2014, 07:42:02 PM »

Cool idea I'm guessing Phelan went for the Falcon throat during the Refusal War instead of scampering away under Ulrics order?  And if Phelan leans towards the Wardens or Crusaders

Not that it matters since I'm guessing he'd treat the Truce as more important than anything.  And with the Vipers looking vulnerable maybe they get the Chop instead of the Jags... The possibilities :)
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2014, 09:41:24 PM »

Cool idea I'm guessing Phelan went for the Falcon throat during the Refusal War instead of scampering away under Ulrics order?  And if Phelan leans towards the Wardens or Crusaders

Yeah, he went to Morges, and had second thoughts after toasting the Falcons.so he then went to Wotan and finished things.

Not that it matters since I'm guessing he'd treat the Truce as more important than anything.  And with the Vipers looking vulnerable maybe they get the Chop instead of the Jags... The possibilities :)

There was no second Star League here, so there is not target painted on the Smoke Jaguars.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2014, 05:31:19 PM »

Attached is a map for mid-3062 for reference.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2014, 09:19:41 PM »

Cool map as always looking good 8)

The Nova Cat OZ how I miss those days
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2014, 09:27:55 PM »

Cool map as always looking good 8)

The Nova Cat OZ how I miss those days

I am not sure if I'll save them or not, it's all up to them.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2014, 11:37:56 PM »

Maps for the following Chapter.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2014, 11:49:42 PM »

I dig it.  :)



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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2014, 11:50:47 PM »

12th of July, 3062
CWS Werewolf
High Orbit, Tamar, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone

The Wolf Clan flagship, CWS Werewolf, a McKenna-class Battleship was quiet, sitting as it was in the orbital servicing yards above the planet Tamar.  saKhan Marthe Pryde had come here to use the vessel’s Holotank to review the data both Khan Kell and the Wolf Loremaster had provided and not be bothered whilst she did so.  Barely a fifth of the crew were aboard and most of those were in the engineering spaces or on the primary bridge, leaving her alone, bar the single technician who was endeavouring to become part of the bulkhead.

Marthe, far more comfortable in her Wolf Clan jumpsuit than she was in the previous day’s more formal attire, brought the holotank to life and began the process of accessing the data she required with various gestures and waves.

Before long, a map of the Inner Sphere flashed up in all its myriad colours and Marthe zoomed it into the top quadrant, where the wedge of worlds taken by the Clans lay.  On the left of the image were the border systems of the Federated Commonwealth.  The ominous problem there was Victor Steiner-Davion’s reestablishment of the Tamar March over the few systems left that once belonged to that region.  The statement was clear; Archon-Prince Victor intended to take back what was once his.  A noble goal Victor and one I can respect, however, if you do manage to defeat the Vipers, you will find our Clan an entirely different proposition.  Enjoy dealing with the Ice Hellions and Hell’s Horses as well.  Both Clans had established small outposts near the Lyran Commonwealth, however, Marthe ignored them for now, focusing on the Wolf Occupation Zone instead.

Moving her right arm to her upper right, Marthe tapped the Wolf Clan icon and then selected the icon for displaying the Touman.  Immediately a list of Clusters and WarShips appeared, with each item linking to a world on the map behind the list.  Strong, but not strong enough, Marthe thought, had we merged both Clans at full strength, we would have over 100 Clusters. We have only 80 now.  However, Khan Kell’s decision to vacate Falcon holdings is borne out by those numbers.  It will take us years to regain that lost strength.  Marthe sighed bitterly and spoke aloud, “With our depots at less than 30% capacity, I won’t be forming new Clusters anytime soon either.” 

The technician looked up briefly and then buried his head in his work again.  Marthe also found the deployment of Wolf troops interesting and something she would take some getting used too.  Instead of the free flowing nature of Clan deployments, Khan Kell had broken up the Occupation Zone into five zones, Alpha through Epsilon.  Two Galaxies were assigned to each zone, one Front Line and one Second Line, as well as a Star of WarShips.  Alpha Zone was slightly different, with two Front Line Galaxies, Alpha and Vau, as the mobile reserve, supported by two WarShip Stars.  This comes from his days in the Federated Commonwealth, but looks more like the Lyran system of Theatres.  I wonder just how useful it will be and whether our troops will grow restless if tied to one area constantly?

Marthe looked across the deployment of Wolf troops and that of the other Clans.  We need more troops in the occupation zone.  She glanced at the listing of forces in the Homeworlds, two Frontline and three Second Line Galaxies were stationed there. I need one of each.  She thought again, All of the Khan’s transport flotillas are now back in, or close to the Homeworlds, but not disbanded.  Maybe I can get those troops, especially if he plans to bring forward more industry and civilians.  He has not mentioned anything to the Clan Council, but if that is his plan, he better do so quickly.  It was a not an entirely unfounded line of thinking, as Khan Kell had already moved half of the Clan’s industry to the Inner Sphere.  The Bears have set the example and strategically it makes sense.  We cannot be in two places at once and if we bring what is valuable to us forward, we loose little and concentrate our strength.  Marthe made a note to speak with her Khan and then continued on with her work.

Marthe’s eyes scrolled down the listing until she reached the Clan war fleet.  At least there is nothing to worry about there.  The merged fleets of Clan Wolf and Jade Falcon were now the largest in the Clans, with forty-two vessels, the majority of them cruisers or larger.  There is one fact giving the Snow Raven’s complete fits, Marthe thought happily.  Though she had little interest in naval combat, the fleet was proving to be an invaluable asset in preventing other Clans from preying on Wolf weaknesses.  Additionally, the need for more escorts had seen Khan Kell commission a new Corvette design, the Drake, a powerful little vessel designed to supplement and then replace the outdated Vincent-class Corvettes currently in use by the Clan.  Much as I want those resources for the ground arm, I must admit, the Drake will be a valuable addition and keep pace with Snow Raven building efforts. Marthe smiled again as she pictured the chaos of the Snow Raven Lum yards, as several new WarShips were undergoing crash-building programs to try to regain their naval supremacy.  The cost in resources might just break them and let us sweep in and pick up the pieces.  Though she had long sought the Raven’s demise, she never thought it would be due to a naval construction race.  Still, we have to wait until 3063 to see just how good these little ships are.  Despite being relatively small, the Drake-class still weighed in at 375,000 tons and carried advanced armour and weapons, making building one a challenge.

Marthe killed the list with a gesture and let her eyes drift to the left over the Steel Viper Occupation Zone and its thirty six worlds.  Lucky Khan Zalman and his cranky little Clan!  That Khan Kell had left the facilities on Sudeten and Erewhon in Viper hands galled her.  The production there, coupled with the material the Vipers brought forward from the Homeworlds had allowed them to raise two new Galaxies, through in reality the additions only amounted to seven clusters.  That the Vipers had lost Erewhon and its facilities to the Federated Commonwealth further confirmed Marthe’s opinion of that Clan and its abilities.  At least they transferred their dislike of the Falcons to Clan Wolf.  There will be plenty of time to settle old scores on that border.

Marthe called up another file with several gestures, this one bearing the seal of the Clan Wolf watch.  Though never a fan of the Watch, Marthe knew this information, as with the other information on the invading Clans, had been earned very recently through honourable channels.  Khan Kell had sent out the best Stars in the Clan to engage each Clan in the Inner Sphere and Trial for complete force and asset listings.  Most Clans thought Trialling for such information beneath a Warrior and so the Clan gained the information cheaply.  Only the Ghost Bears and Nova Cats had fought hard, but both had lost regardless. 
The file displayed the Steel Viper Touman in a manner similar to that of Clan Wolf that she had just read.  54 Clusters, 40 in the Inner Sphere, with only ten WarShips in support.  We may well be spread thin Khan Zalman, but you face the Federated Commonwealth and have the Ice Hellions sniffing around.  Marthe took a deep sense of satisfaction from the Viper’s strategic position, but knew that they were still tenacious Warriors and would be able to continue to increase in strength if left unchallenged.  Your greatest weakness is the threat that the Federated Commonwealth and Ice Hellions pose to your supply lines.  Still, your Clan does know how to fight, Marthe had to grudgingly admit to herself, and there is industry for the taking close to your border.  I would strike for Coventry myself, but I don’t think you have that in you Khan Zalman.

Marthe then shifted her gaze to the Ghost Bears and paused, Much strength, but no strategic depth, that I expect will be something the Bear Khans will seek to remedy, but who will they move against: The Cat Clans or the our own Occupation Zone?  Clan Ghost Bear’s data showed that within the Inner Sphere was concentrated all but a tiny fraction of their military strength, fifty-five Clusters and Fifteen WarShips.  Technically, you outnumber me Khan Jorgensson, but you have only two Clusters you can call forward, I have thirty.  Every industrial world you control, bar one, is within striking distance of my troops.  You needs take action soon, or your success of late will end.

Marthe’s eye caught on a Cluster name – the 1st Rasalhague Bears – and stopped.  Interesting gambit that one and you may force my hand with it.  Clan Ghost Bear sought to better integrate itself with its Inner Sphere population and the Rasalhague Bears, led by the son of the Elected Prince of Rasalhague, was the showpiece of this effort.  Despite the fact that only nineteen of the seventy-five worlds taken from Rasalhague were controlled by the Ghost Bears, the Bear Khans were endeavouring to set themselves up as the successors to that state’s past.  We hold fifty-six of their worlds and when word reaches them of your words and efforts Khan Jorgensson, there will be trouble right across our zone.  However, with our Sibkos stripped for our recent rebuilding and some time from reaching full capacity again, you may have shown me the way to rebuild several Clusters of troops.  Marthe thought for a second longer, then said aloud “The Rasalhague Wolves, unoriginal I’ll grant you, but with several Clusters of native troops in the Wolf Touman, your gambit to destabilise us would fail.”

Finished with the Ghost Bears, Marthe turned to the right, to view the mixed Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone.  Time one of you dealt with the other, something the Nova Cats seem more inclined to do in the short term, if Avon and Caripare are not isolated incidents.  Only three months ago, Nova Cat forces on both worlds had driven the Smoke Jaguars from their shared enclaves on the two worlds, with the Smoke Jaguars not responding yet.  They must be going mad under their new Khan.  Not the typical Jaguar are you Khan Howell?  Brandon Howell had killed Khan Lincoln Osis in a Circle of Equals two years previously and began a program of sorting out the mess that was the Jaguar Occupation Zone.  With the quelling of civilian resistance, the Jaguars had been able to regain much strength, as had the Nova Cats, hence why Marthe thought that a showdown between the two could not be far off.  Foe’s for too many centuries for a shared zone to work, much like what the Vipers and Falcons once experienced.  Marthe chuckled.  Ulric’s hand still at work from beyond the grave. Much as she opposed the man whilst a Falcon, she did respect his ability to accomplish his goals, despite the odds stacked against him.

An interesting balance of power there, thirty-eight Nova Cat Clusters to forty-four Smoke Jaguar, however, the Nova Cat fleet outnumbers the Jaguar fleet twenty-five to eighteen, though it is out massed by the Jaguars. An old lesson of history came back to Marthe.  This force correlation looks like the Smoke Jaguars and the Mongooses, just with more Clusters.  I can’t see one of the two absorbing the other, but the victor will stand second only to the Wolves in power if one is ejected from the Inner Sphere.  They will have to be careful though, the Draconis Combine has forty-odd regiments along the border and I am assuming they will not hesitate in taking back what was lost a decade ago.

Turning to the left, Marthe took in the small Ice Hellion and Hell’s Horses Occupation Zones and snorted, “Occupation Zones in name only.”  The two small enclaves were not of immediate threat to Clan Wolf.  The nearer, that of Clan Ice Hellion, encompassed the Chainlaine Isles, which Clan Jade Falcon had largely ignored after one lop sided battle there in 3049.  The Hellions held the seven systems of the Chain Cluster, plus another nine, though with only six Clusters, they posed only a minimal threat to anyone.  If there is an overextended Clan that needs to get out of the Homeworlds, the Hellions are it.

Further anti-Spinward lay the Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone, an interesting little enclave built on two pirate haven worlds and three other former Rim Worlds Republic systems that the Horses had breathed life into.  The Horse zone played host to just seven Clusters, but it was the naval force there that was most interesting.  Five transport WarShips, three of them Potemkins, fully loaded at that.  You are here for the long haul and this is just your first delivery Khan Fletcher.  You might be a lackey of the Wolf, but you certainly learn the lessons taught.  The Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone was well supplied and well-defended, but not a real offensive threat as yet.

In fact, neither zone was a threat to Marthe’s eyes, despite the fact that both had given the Federated Commonwealth fits over a broadening Clan front.  The AFFC had scrambled to get troops in place when word arrived of the two Clan’s actions, with numerous RCT’s and other units deployed there, units that might otherwise have been used to take the war to Clan Steel Viper.  I suppose I can be thankful for that, Marthe thought, it gives me time to get the Wolf ready before we face the Federated Commonwealth again.

What was more ominous were the reports of two Diamond Shark Spina Galaxies prowling somewhere along the Exodus Road.  This clashed with the information coming from the Homeworlds, which stated that a Spina Galaxy was still present there.  Are these reports confused?  Have the Sharks raised another Galaxy or have they split their oversized Clusters to make their numbers appear larger?  This needs to be investigated, another six Clusters along the Periphery starts to make defending that region awkward and could tip the entire front into chaos.  Marthe made a note to have the Watch look into the issue as a matter of the highest priority.

Marthe’s thoughts were broken by the holotank.  “You have an update.  You have an update. You have an update…”  The incessant nagging of the brightly coloured and dancing Diamond Shark denoted an incoming data dump from the Chatterweb, something the infernal Diamond Sharks had managed to get up and running across much of the Occupation Zone.  Marthe, never a fan of the Sharks at the best of times, backhanded the pest of an icon.  Replacing the annoying little shark was an expanding view of the Nova Cat/Smoke Jaguar zone.  Twelve worlds were flashing red and yellow and lines, denoting troop movements, extended from numerous Nova Cat enclaves to those worlds. 

HA!  I was right.  The Cats have finally had enough of their neighbours, however, with so much force needed to hold down the Combine border, they are doing so with one hand tied behind their backs.  Still, they do have the advantage of surprise, which might be all they need…no, they don’t have the force to do this quickly.  Marthe looked harder at the forces involved, almost even in numbers on the worlds in question and not enough quality troops to win the fights quickly.  However, the Cats have pulled off risky moves in the past.  This will be interesting.

“Incoming communication.  Incoming communication. Incoming communication…” The little shark started dancing and hollering again.  “SHUT UP YOU SURAT!”  Marthe swung at the icon again and was rewarded for her efforts by the image of Khan Phelan Kell.  Marthe regathered herself quickly, “Khan Kell, I assume you are calling about the Nova Cats?”

Kell’s face was grim, “Yes, and other matters.  Tell me Marthe, what do you make of the Cat’s actions?”

Marthe recalled her thoughts from earlier and absentmindedly stretched her neck, cracking several vertebrae. “The Nova Cats need more troops in the opening assault, unless they have some advantage, other than surprise, which we don’t know about.  The Jaguars have the numbers and Khan Brandon Howell is no fool.  I see this bogging down and the Draconis Combine taking advantage.”

Kell nodded, but held up one finger, “I agree, but the Bears will take advantage as well.  They are the ace the Cat’s hold, they have to be, either openly or by default.”

Marthe’s hand stroked her jaw, “An alliance?”

“Possible,” returned Phelan, “they have been friends for years, but the Cats need not openly approach the Bears.  If the Jaguars are under pressure, the Bears can pick up systems cheaply and Schuyler is an important target.  More importantly, the Bears can pick off border systems and expand the depth of their Occupation Zone, something we know they need to do.  You understand what this means for us Marthe?”

Marthe answered too quickly, “We sit back and watch three Clans weaken themselves.”

“Neg?” Marthe was unsure of where her Khan was going with his thinking.

“Neg Marthe.  We must attack the Bears.  Any advantage they take out of a Nova Cat/Smoke Jaguar war weakens our position, especially in the long term.

The Wolf saKhan stood up straighter, “I can lead such an assault Khan Kell, but I must warn you, I cannot launch an all-out war on Clan Ghost Bear and watch the Vipers at the same time.  I need more troops from the Homeworlds to cover the rear.”

Kell smiled, “I was sure you would ask for that.  Send orders to Eta and Nu Galaxies to move to the Occupation Zone immediately.”

Marthe cocked her head, “I would prefer Zeta and Iota.”

Phelan laughed loudly, tossing his head back, “So would I Marthe, but I have other jobs for them: you remember my convoys?”

Now it was Marthe’s turn to laugh, eliciting a surprised look from the Wolf Khan, who had never seen her show such emotion before.  “Khan Kell, I was only just thinking that you would bring more Wolf civilians and infrastructure forward from the Homeworlds.  Eta and Iota can cover the convoy and the better Galaxies left behind can fend off the other Clans should they think us weakened in the Homeworlds.”

Phelan nodded emphatically and pointed at Marthe, “That is why I wanted you as saKhan Marthe, you learn quickly and you can put two and two together more rapidly than most of our brethren.  Three of the convoys are over Eden at the moment, two are on the Exodus Road home and the sixth is already preparing to depart Kirchbach within the month.  By early next year, Eden will be home to few Wolves.  We will maintain an enclave and a Cluster there, but it will be out of respect for Nicholas Kerensky.  From there, we will do the same across all the Homeworlds.  I plan to take this to the Clan Council, but there will be little opposition, those at home will want to come forward and those here have seen the advantages of the Falcon infrastructure we have already installed.”

Marthe paused, “The other Clans will not tolerate a move like that accomplished by the Ghost Bears and ourselves again, and they will fight.”

Phelan frowned, “Correct again and it will get ugly.  I want to appoint a Homeworlds Commander to report directly to you, as you will be leading our actions against the Ghost Bears.  Who would be your choice?”

Marthe did not even have to think before answering, “Galaxy Commander Katya Kerensky.  She leads Zeta Galaxy and was Loremaster until you put her in Zeta.  Zeta is senior anyway, so there will be few issues from the other Commanders.”

“Make it so then saKhan.” Phelan looked down for a moment to something off screen.  “Marthe, I would advise moving the 7th Grenadiers forward to cover the loss of Vau’s Clusters from the Coreward section of the Occupation Zone.  We don’t need the other Clans getting adventurous, do we now?”

“Neg, Khan Kell.” Marthe would have done so even without her Khan’s orders.  “One other matter before I begin planning.”  Kell gestured for Marthe to continue.  “Will I be given leave to use all forces in the Gamma and Epsilon Zones?”

Phelan breathed in deeply before answering, “Neg Marthe.  You will use only those Clusters in Epsilon Zone and Vau Galaxy – fifteen Clusters, ten of those Front Line, and ten WarShips for escort.”
Marthe paused in shock, no doubt displayed on her face.  “You want me to take on the entire Clan Ghost Bear Touman with only fifteen Clusters?”

“Neg Marthe,” Phelan replied, “I want you to cut their Occupation Zone in half and hold what you can, but withdraw in the face of adverse odds.”

Adverse odds?  That was a given for such a campaign.  Marthe thought as she glanced at the map, now displayed by the holotank to the right of Khan Kell.  Trondheim and Last Frontier, those will be the key.  She finally responded, “You don’t want a full scale war, you just want Clan Ghost Bears to take notice of us and withdraw from the fighting with Clan Smoke Jaguar, Quiaff?

Phelan made a crooked half smile, “Aff Marthe and only if they do get involved and then after they engage the Jaguars, we don’t have the supplies for a prolonged general engagement with Clan Ghost Bear yet.”

“Aff, Khan Kell.” Marthe said with a slight bow of her head.  She understood clearly what was being asked.  You want to see if I can show patience and engage in an Inner Sphere style limited war.  This I can do, but I have no intention of letting go of systems I take.

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2014, 02:02:01 AM »

Nice update!  I wonder if you have in this AU Diana, daugter of Aidan Pryde and will you include her if she is?   Other than that, its nice to see a blood bath with the invading clans and most of the homeworld clans for the most part just complaining.  Looking forward to more!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 02:02:38 AM by Shadow_Wraith »


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2014, 02:24:51 AM »

I do have plans for her, Horse and my all time favorite, Joanna.

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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