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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2014, 02:03:31 AM »

7th of August, 3062
Clan Smoke Jaguar Clan Hall
Schuyler, Clan Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone

“SILENCE!”  The roar from Khan Brandon Howell brought order to the Smoke Jaguar Clan Council.  “There has been enough short sighted rage for one day,” growled the Khan, “We can afford no more, unless you wish the Nova Cats to do more damage to our Touman and take more worlds from us?”

Only murmurs met the Khan’s statement.  Khan Howell placed his hands behind his back, then began a slow walk from one end of the stage to another and back again, always with his head turned to the massed ranks of the several hundred Clan Smoke Jaguar Warriors present in the newly complete Clan Council Chambers on Schuyler.  Like all Jaguar architecture, it was spartan and massive in form, with grey granite benches, set within mauve-shot grey marble paved isles.  Similar marble lined the walls and formed the ornamental columns of the chamber, which was lit be holographic fires and torches, with pin spots used to highlight the dais and any other speakers.  The overall effect was to make the Council Chamber appear like a packed mausoleum.

“Star Colonel Moon”, the Khan began, carefully pronouncing each word, “You suggest we go on an immediate offensive against world the Nova Cats have taken and against every Cluster they have sent against us.  Did you have anything else to add?”

The huge Elemental Star Colonel stood and glared at his Khan.  “We should send every Cluster we have straight at the Nova Cats and drive them from the Inner Sphere!  A true Jaguar Khan would understand that and not need such direction.”

Khan Howell stopped pacing and turned to face the still standing Moon, who towered over the other Jaguar officers in the front row of seating.  “Send all our Clusters in an all-out frontal assault?  I see you strategic acumen is as good as your ability to stop traitors escaping.”  The Khan referred to the recent defection of a Jaguar Warrior known as Trent, something Star Colonel Moon had failed to prevent and more than likely caused.

The Star Colonel’s hand went to his new leg, which had been budded following the loss of the original during the attempt to stop Trent’s defection.  The Star Colonel went red and seemed ready to explode before the Khan continued.

“It is lack of thinking like yours Star Colonel Moon, which has caused the Jaguar so many problems over the last decade.  We blindly charged onto Luthien and Tukayyid expecting victory, ignoring our opponent’s abilities and believing that by simply fighting we would win.  Those two disasters cost our Clan half its strength, something we have taken ten years to rebuild from.  We then whittled away much of what we could have used to rebuild in fruitless raiding against the other invaders, or against the Draconis Combine, whilst failing to address the unrest in the Occupation Zone.  Yet you have the audacity to stand there and declare that the same failed policies, polices have left us lagging behind the Ghost Bears and Wolves and unable to gain a clear advantage over the Nova Cats, will be the ones to defeat this large scale assault by Clan Nova Cat.”

Star Colonel Moon appeared to be taken back by the Khan’s worlds, but refused to back down from a man he did not respect.  “You are no Smoke Jaguar, you think like those weasels of old we destroyed.  Your genes are no doubt contaminated with their filth!”

Silence filled the hall as the Warriors gathered waited for the Khan’s response to the insulting insinuation that he was a Mongoose.

Placing his hands behind his back, the Khan looked down at Star Colonel Moon, “I challenge you to a Trial of Grievance, Star Colonel Paul Moon.  It is time our Clan was free of short sighted idiots like you.”
Moon grinned wickedly, “Then I choose to fight unaugmented, with only what we have upon us now!”
Khan Howell smiled right back at him, “Then I choose that we fight right now on this stage.  Loremaster, if you would be so good as to officiate.”

As Loremaster Mehta called the room to order and directed the Star Colonel to the stage, the Khan kept his hands behind his back, all the while focusing on his approaching foe.  Your death here will show how short sighted our arrogance has become.  You will serve the Clan one last time Moon.

Khan Howell barely heard the Loremaster’s instruction to begin, focused as he was on the approaching behemoth of a man, who was striding across the broad stage to come into close combat range.  Khan Howell did not move, did not even blink as the Elemental approached, which far too late Paul Moon only noted.  At a range of three meters, with his arms outstretched, a dawning realisation that he might have entered a trap began to surface, but by that time, the trap had already closed.

Khan Howell whipped his right arm forward in a smooth motion, releasing the flat dagger he wore at the small of his back.  Ever since he had been ambushed on the streets of Outer Volta three years ago, he never went anywhere unarmed and though not a technical breach of Jaguar Council rules, carrying a weapon in Council was certainly not something often done.  Nevertheless, the dagger was on its way and Moon’s desperate attempt to block the speeding steel was too late in coming.  The dagger thocked home into the Star Colonels throat, the blade protruding from the back of his neck, as a surprised and rather stupid expression shot across the soon to be dead man’s face.

The Star Colonel gasped, gurgled and then spat forth a torrent of blood, all whilst reaching for and removing the dagger.  His clumsy attempt to remove the weapon and use it, only widened the wounds in his throat and neck and produced a torrent of blood.  He took two faltering steps towards Khan Howell and made a clumsy attempt to skewer him, however, the Khan batted away the Star Colonel’s arm, knocking the dagger free to clatter across the stage, before using the arm as a pivot and sweeping Moon’s legs from under him.  More blood fountained forth when the huge man hit the stage on his back, and he made another feeble strike at the Khan, who contemptuously slapped it away.  The Khan then turned his back on his rapidly expiring foe and walked to the front of the stage.

Pointing at the weakly thrashing Star Colonel, Khan Brandon Howell addressed the Clan Council.  “That is what is waiting for us should we follow the late Star Colonel’s strategy, one I am sure many of you now see the folly of.  The Cat’s want us to counter-attack and they need us too.  Should we strike against them, on ground of their choosing, where they are prepared to meet us, we will be broken as a Clan, like some of our Clusters already are.  Never forget the Bear at our back either, for he has no love for the Jaguar and would think nothing of striking hard to claim what is ours.”

Silence swallowed the Khan’s words with not a voice raised for over a minute.  Eventually the Loremaster spoke, acknowledging a Warrior who had requested the floor.  “Galaxy Commander Tatiana Kotare, you wish to be heard?”

“I do Loremaster.” Illuminated by the overhead spots, the tall, dark haired woman, who stood in the third row of warriors, responded.  “Khan Howell, you expect defeat at the hands of the Nova Cats if we attack.  If that it so, what then do you suggest?”

Khan Howell, still standing at the very edge of the stage slowly shook his head.  “I do not expect to be defeated by the Nova Cats, only defeated by their plans should we follow them.  I have something else in mind, a plan that will secure our Occupation Zone, end the nest of pests on Wolcott and secure our place at the forefront of the Invasion in five years’ time.”

As murmurs and a buzz of muttering filled the hall, the Galaxy Commander crossed her arms and spoke again, “What plan do you propose Khan Howell?”

Khan Howell gestured to the Loremaster, who brought an image of the shared Occupation Zone up on the chamber’s main screen.  The screen showed that the Nova Cats had driven Clan Smoke Jaguar from seven worlds within the Occupation Zone and were contesting five others.  It was the largest single set back the Clan had suffered since Tukayyid.  Along the right hand side of the screen were listed the losses suffered by the Clan, which included the entire 12th Jaguar Regulars and five WarShips.  The WarShip losses were nothing short of devastating, with three Destroyers and the Texas-class Battleship CSJ Veiled Huntress gone and the Liberator-class Cruiser Korat captured.  Though the Jaguars had destroyed a Nova Cat Cruiser and one of their Frontline Clusters in return, the correlation of losses was heavily in the Nova Cat’s favour.

Khan Howell began to explain his plans as lines appeared on the map marking troop movements.  “Apparently the Nova Cats are preparing to receive our counter-attacks in most areas where they have struck at us, though close to the Truce Line they appear to still be aggressively active.  I propose that we no longer attempt to share an Invasion Corridor with Clan Nova Cat.”  Several calls of agreement met the Khan’s pronouncement. “However,” he continued, “my planning might not be what you would expect.  Galaxy Commander Mehta, what has been the greatest drain on our Clan in the Inner Sphere?”

The Galaxy Commander stood and was again illuminated.  “The drain that the insurrections on many worlds cause.”

The Khan nodded, “Yes, correct, and what is the source of the insurrection’s strength?”

“The incessant raiding by the Draconis Combine from Wolcott and their border worlds into our systems.”
“Correct again Galaxy Commander.  How could we address this issue?”

The Galaxy Commander stood a little higher as she answered, “Defeat the Draconis Combine!”

Brandon Howell chuckled, “That would be the ideal, but could we do so at this moment Galaxy Commander Mehta?”

The Galaxy Commander’s shoulders slumped a little at the Khan’s question and her voice was bitter, “No, we cannot.”


“Because my Khan, we cannot take the Combine on our own, not without the Nova Cat’s cooperation, which is not going to happen, or without bringing in another Clan, something we should not do.  Then there are the Ghost Bears, they would not let us take such action without attempting to take worlds from us.”

“Precisely Galaxy Commander, which is why we must find another route and I believe I have found one.  We will strike towards Terra, liberating systems Anti-Spinward of a line from Bangor to Kanowit, concentrating our forces on the Anti-Spinward side of that line.  By taking those systems and not fighting on the systems that the Cats are planning for us to, we take them unawares and form a contiguous Occupation Zone.”

“But we will no longer hold the honour of the flank my Khan.”  The Galaxy Commander said.

Khan Howell shook his head slightly, “Does that really matter anymore.  The flank is poison.  Look at the Vipers, the Falcons and our own position recently.  It drains us of materials we should be readying for use in a drive to Terra.  No, let the Nova Cats waste their time with the Dragon, whilst we build ourselves up and prepare to lead the advance on Terra and claim our rightful place as ilClan!”

The Galaxy Commander crossed her arms, “How do you know that the Cats will not attack again and derail this plan?”

“I do not.  However, with the troops that have fallen back already into my planned Zone and those from Hyner, Virentofta, Staplefeld, Asgard, Port Arthur and Tarazed, we can claim a corridor of our own and prevent any Nova Cat attack from gaining any further worlds, crushing any attempt to do so.  We will take out technology and re-establish enclaves on the worlds of New Ceylon, Ferranil, Bilma and Tuat, showing all those within the Occupation Zone our power and our ability to resurrect the lost worlds of the Star League and strengthening our Clan.  Furthermore, and in order to make sure that a fitting message is sent to both Clan Nova Cat and the other Clans, we will drive forward to the Truce Line, taking eight more worlds and setting our Clan up to lead the way to our destiny!”

Some sheered, some yelled and others talked and muttered to each other, but no open voice of dissent emerged from the Council chamber, which quietened as the Galaxy Commander spoke again.  “A bold plan my Khan, and not sharing a mixed Zone with the Nova Cats will help greatly, but what of combat for our Warriors and what of Wolcott?”

“There will be plenty of war for us all in the coming five years; however, we will not be drained by the Draconis Combine’s incessant raiding and rebels.  In order to end Wolcott’s threat, a world which we cannot take ourselves, I have negotiated with Clan Diamond Shark for a Galaxy worth of equipment in order to allow them to take that world for their own.  They are desperate for a foothold in the Inner Sphere, yet lack the numbers of troops to be a real threat to any established invader.  Though I too decry their merchant ways, their materials will make us strong, just as the end to raiding and rebellions will.  Furthermore, I intend to call forward Omega Galaxy and whatever materials we can from Huntress.  We can no longer be content to be aggressive, we must be like a true Jaguar, smart and aggressive, striking with power when and where we choose, but never blindly and never without consideration.  We have fallen far in the last decade Trothkin, it is now time to become a new Smoke Jaguar Clan and retake our place as the leaders of Clan society!”

Though standing ovations, universal acclaim or even much applause did not greet Khan Howell’s pronouncement, the Clan clearly received the message.   The Jaguars would no longer lead by gut reaction and though true cultural change within the Clan would take many years, Khan Howell had picked his moment with care.  There would be many challenges and many dead leaders, culled by Howell's hand, but his vision and skill had not been seen in the Clan for many a year, and slowly, ever so slowly, the Smoke Jaguars would begin to believe in his vision.  The Smoke Jaguars were now more dangerous than ever before and their plans were only just beginning to take shape.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2014, 02:23:04 AM »

Very Well Done.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2014, 02:23:33 AM »

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2014, 02:31:58 AM »

Mind taking a look at my first try at a story for my AU when you have time, trying to see if i missed any thing or get some possible ideas inputted. TIA
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #34 on: May 25, 2014, 02:33:33 AM »

I started, got attacked by a 2 year old and forgot all about it.  I'll have a look later on and get back to you.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #35 on: May 25, 2014, 02:36:38 AM »

SEYLA! Khan Howell!!!  Nice to see him in charge!  Very intersting times indeed!  Especially trading and letting Clan DS have a world in exchange that they could not have taken!   ;D


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #36 on: May 25, 2014, 10:00:30 AM »

Felt a bit inspired...

For too long have we been fascinated with the brutal decisiveness of the Jaguar's pounce on it's prey. As a result we have pranced around out in the open where we have been assailed by dogs, cats and birds - all cautious enough to keep enough distance to deny us the opportunity to crush them while constantly nipping at our heels. We must remember the other qualities of the Great Smoke Jaguar. It's patience, cunning and stealth that allows it to set up it's prey for that final irresistible strike. That is the Jaguar we must revive.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2014, 01:23:33 PM »

Are you inside my head, Blacknova?  I had almost EXACTLY the same idea for Wolcott that will be coming up in H:CGS soon.  ;)  Well done, sir.  Well done, indeed.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2014, 05:09:02 PM »

Never did understand why the Jags didn't allow other Clans to take Wolcott sure they were too proud for their own good but trade a couple of worlds & Wolcott in exchange for securing their OZ would have been worth it.

Nicely done Blacknova even if the Jags plan on screwing over the Nova Cats :'(
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2014, 05:30:47 PM »

SEYLA! Khan Howell!!!  Nice to see him in charge!  Very intersting times indeed!  Especially trading and letting Clan DS have a world in exchange that they could not have taken!   ;D

Something different that I thought might work, glad you like it.
Felt a bit inspired...

For too long have we been fascinated with the brutal decisiveness of the Jaguar's pounce on it's prey. As a result we have pranced around out in the open where we have been assailed by dogs, cats and birds - all cautious enough to keep enough distance to deny us the opportunity to crush them while constantly nipping at our heels. We must remember the other qualities of the Great Smoke Jaguar. It's patience, cunning and stealth that allows it to set up it's prey for that final irresistible strike. That is the Jaguar we must revive.

Is that something you wrote?

Are you inside my head, Blacknova?  I had almost EXACTLY the same idea for Wolcott that will be coming up in H:CGS soon.  ;)  Well done, sir.  Well done, indeed.


I come into your house whilst you are sleeping and poke around inside your head.  I hope I didn't break anything?

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2014, 05:31:40 PM »

Never did understand why the Jags didn't allow other Clans to take Wolcott sure they were too proud for their own good but trade a couple of worlds & Wolcott in exchange for securing their OZ would have been worth it.

Nicely done Blacknova even if the Jags plan on screwing over the Nova Cats :'(

Glad you like, but your Cat's are in a bit of a tight spot now.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #41 on: May 25, 2014, 08:00:08 PM »



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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2014, 03:59:33 AM »

Maps for the next chapter.

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2014, 04:06:44 AM »

11th of September, 3062
1st Wolf Guards Encampment
Kirchbach, Alpha Zone, Clan Wolf Occupation Zone

Star Captain Horse, of the 1st Wolf Guards lounged back in the couch within the office of his commanding officer, Star Colonel Dianna Pryde, who had focused on completing the Cluster’s readiness report.  Dianna was bent over the data pad and typing away as if the very fate of the Clans depended on it.  Her plain desk, topped only with a few piles of paper, was directly opposite Horse on the other long wall of the office.  To his immediate right was the back wall of the office, to his left a small utilitarian table and chairs, at which sat the other Star Captains of the 1st Guards. 

At the table was Star Captain Frederick, a Ristar from the original Clan Wolf who had distinguished himself fighting with the 352nd Assault Cluster during the Refusal War.  The huge man had missed gaining a Bloodname in his first attempt following the War, but odds were, he would have one soon.  The man was almost as dour and serious as the older, dark haired woman, sitting to his left.  Joanna, formerly of the 1st Falcon Guards, as were Horse and Dianna and most of the Cluster, which traced its history back to that famed unit, was as straight as she was deadly and had little time for frivolity or matters not directly related to the military.  However, despite her dour nature, which Horse assumed came from many unrealised plans, Joanna’s fortunes had seemed to change since the Refusal War, though not her demeanour.  Her victory over the famed Natasha Kerensky and her later efforts as a new Wolf, had seen her promoted back to Star Captain and she was again in the running for a Bloodname, having been nominated and now successfully made it to the last eight Warriors.  This would be her last chance due to her age and the strain was beginning to show, as she was more irritable than Horse had ever seen her.   To Joanna’s left was Star Captain Eric Fetladral, another Wolf original and a man nearly as laconic and to Joanna, nearly as annoying as Horse.  Horse and Eric had gotten along like old friends from their first meeting and had formed a close bond in the two years since.

Horse was quite enjoying his time as a Wolf, despite his upbringing as a Falcon, as that upbringing had been hard and he had received little recognition for his services across many years.  The more accepting attitude towards Freeborns within Clan Wolf and it less structured and strict culture made Horse feel very comfortable.  Horse also knew that the very Wolf attitudes that made him happy drove Joanna close to tears, which was icing on the cake in Horse’s world.  Needling Joanna was one of the few pleasures in his life as a Jade Falcon, now it was just one among many, but a treasured one nonetheless.

Time wandered by as Star Colonel Pryde continued to make the final additions to the report, as Horse watched Joanna grow more and more impatient.  She did not fidget or make any noise, but the furrow in her brow grew deeper, her eyes harder and her bearing more statue like with every passing moment.  Just when Horse thought Joanna was about to burst, he made sure she did.

POP!  He smacked his tongue within his mouth.  Hard eyes flicked to him and bored in.

POP!  Again, he made the noise, but made no indication that he had noticed Joanna’s sudden focus on him.

POP!  Star Captain Fetladral began to grin like a Cheshire cat.  He knew what was coming and loved the simple beauty of it.



Star Captain Fetladral was clubbed backwards as Joanna threw her arms up and he went down laughing all the way to the floor.  Star Captain Frederick stood at Joanna’s outburst and glared at all three, but did not utter a word.  Dianna however, was somewhat annoyed, as the outburst had caused her to hit the wrong icon on her pad and delete the entire report.

“Star Captain Joanna!”

Joanna came to immediate attention.  The Star Colonel was obviously furious, but rapidly gained control of herself.  “For your outburst and the work you just caused to be lost, you can rewrite the Cluster readiness report I was forced to delete and learn that a key skill of a Warrior is patience under duress.”

Joanna clenched her jaw and shot Horse a look of pure venom, “Aff Star Colonel.”

“Star Captain Horse,” Horse stood as he was being addressed, “You will assist the Technicians in the Mech bay for the next week after your normal duties and learn that team work is more important than personal gain.”

In a light voice, Horse answered, “Certainly Star Colonel, it will be my pleasure.”  The Star Colonel had no idea that Horse quite enjoyed the Mach Bay, as he had met a rather beguiling Trueborn Technician there who he had enjoyed several interesting nights with already. 

It was at this point that Horse noticed a face looking through the window on the door to the office, and his face froze.  Dianna saw his eyes change, but before she could say anything or move her eyes, Horse said “saKhan Pryde.”

The door opened and in walked the saKhan of Clan Wolf.  Frederick, Dianna and Joanna went immediately to parade ground attention and saluted.  Star Captain Fetladral gathered himself of the floor and with a wry grin rose to a somewhat more lax attention.  Horse also came to attention, not in the manner of the three ramrod straight officers, but this was one of the few Trueborn Warriors Horse actually respected.  Horse was also impressed with Khan Kell, firstly for nominating Marthe Pryde and secondly for showing how high a Freeborn could climb.

“saKhan Pryde, it is an honour.”  Dianna could say little else, exceedingly embarrassed that the saKhan had likely seen the chicanery of her Star Captains.

“Star Colonel Pryde, thankyou for the welcome.  I am glad to see that your Star Captains have not lost their rapport with each other.” Marthe Pryde said with the hint of a smile.

Dianna was at a loss for words, but Horse saved her.  “saKhan Pryde, we were glad to hear of your elevation to the saKhanship.”

“Thankyou Star Captain Horse.” She said to Horse and then turned to Dianna, “Please be seated.”
Though she had offered the other officers their seats, all waited until she had taken her own seat at the front of Dianna’s desk.  Horse unfolded himself back into the comfortable couch with formality, at least in his mind, over and done with.  Likewise, Eric made himself comfortable, but Frederick, Dianna and Joanna sat more rigidly in their own chairs.

Once everyone was settled, the Khan addressed Dianna.  “You are aware of the fighting between Clans Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar Star Colonel.”

“Yes saKhan, we were briefed by the watch and receive updates as news comes to hand.”

“What you do not know, is that the Ghost Bears have become involved, as has the Draconis Combine.  The Bears have struck at numerous Jaguar worlds and have gained several, though the Smoke Jaguars appear to fighting well and should maintain control of most of their systems.  However, with the threat of the Nova Cats still present, despite the actions of the Draconis Combine, the Smoke Jaguars are vulnerable to an unfettered Ghost Bear assault, something we cannot allow.”

Dianna stared hard at her saKhan as she digested the news, “The Ghost Bears are attacking the Jaguars in their new Occupation Zone Quiaff?”

Marthe nodded and pulled a data pad from the thigh pocket of her fatigues, “Star Colonel, you will be pleased to know, that due to the actions of the Ghost Bears, Khan Kell has ordered Vau Galaxy into action, to coordinate strikes into the Ghost Bear Occupation Zone with Clusters from Epsilon and Xi Galaxies.  We are to cut the Ghost Bear Occupation Zone in two and prevent them from taking advantage of the fighting in and around the Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone.”

“saKhan, the Bears strength in the Inner Sphere would likely break the Jaguars in their current state.”

 â€œAff Dianna,” answered the Khan, “With the Jaguars maintaining one eye on the Nova Cats and the Draconis Combine becoming involved, we cannot afford to have one of those three Clans drive another from the Inner Sphere.  At that point, we would face a rival of similar power to our own and our hold on the Grand Council and the Invasion Zones would be in jeopardy.”

Dianna nodded slowly as she punched some information into her pad, “What Clusters from Epsilon and Xi?”
“All of them,” answered the saKhan, “We need them to take note of our actions.”  The Star Captains at the table all shifted a little and exchanged looks.  A three Galaxy assault was no trivial undertaking.

Joanna checked the pad again, “We would have no reserves covering the Coreward sector of the Occupation Zone and the Ghost Bears could drive to Kirchbach and cut us off.”

saKhan Pryde smiled, “Not with Alpha Galaxy covering the border behind us.”

There were several hard looks shared by the various commanders.  The fact that a former Falcon Galaxy, Vau, would be part of the assault and the premiere Clan Galaxy, Alpha, would be in support whilst a Garrison Galaxy joined the fray was highly unusual.

Horse spoke up, “If I may saKhan.”

“Of course Star Captain.”

“The Khan sends a message with this.  We are one Clan and Vau is as good as any other Galaxy, even if it contains many old Falcons.  He is also showing, by including Xi, that we all have our parts to play and that old ways will no longer suit us.”

saKhan Pryde leaned back and gave Horse a deep and appraising look, “I would think you part of an Inner Sphere Watch for being able to repeat the Khan’s words to me.  Nevertheless, you are correct.  Khan Kell wishes us to move forward on our path, keeping what is good from the past and discarding that which limits us.  Though I not entirely comfortable with the ideas he espouses, we are Wolves now and must learn to think like them.”

Dianna frowned for a moment before asking a question.  “How many worlds are we to strike?”

The saKhan opened her palm and held up her hand, “Five initially, then another five should be possible, after that, we will be forced to adapt to the situation as it unfolds.”

Dianna nodded approvingly, “With your presence and the three Galaxy Commanders, who will lead the fifth strike.”

saKhan Pryde smiled and snorted, “You don’t miss much, just like Aiden.  You will lead the assault on the world of Last Frontier.  I will command the assault on Trondheim, with the Galaxy Commanders leading the assault on Susquehanna, Pinnacle and Holmsbu.”

Dianna was taken back, but swelled with pride, as did the Star Captains.  “You honour me saKhan.”
“Neg, the Khan honours you.  Khan Kell directed that you lead the assault.  He seems to have a certain faith in your abilities based on shared experience, or some such.”

Dianna stood, “Nevertheless saKhan Pride I, and the Warriors of the 1st Wolf Guards will bring honour to our Clan and our Bloodlines.”

saKhan Pryde looked the Warrior, who in another world would be her niece, and smiled inwardly.  If you are half the commander your father was, you will drive halfway to Luthien.

As Dianna sat she gestured to the saKhan, “What are the Clusters I am commanding?”

“Your own 1st Guards, the 52nd Battle Cluster and the 3rd Wolf Guardians.”

Dianna sat back thinking, “An interesting collection of units.  The former Falcon Guards and the former 5th Falcon Battle, along with a Cluster of Aerospace minded defensive troops.  The 1st and 52nd will lead the assault and the 3rd will cover our advance and secure our lines back to the Wolf Occupation Zone?”

saKhan Pryde was impressed with Dianna’s ability to read her plans, “Yes, each strike commander will send in one of the two frontline Clusters, or both should the defences warrant it, against the first world.  They will leave behind their Garrison Cluster, using either their unengaged Cluster or the least damaged Cluster in the second assault.”

Dianna accepted the saKhan’s words without reaction, “What of the third targets?”

The saKhan stood, everyone in the room following her example “That will be determined at a later date.  For now, you are to rendezvous with the 52nd and 3rd over Dawn in eighteen days – JumpShips are prepositioned to ensure you get there, but you will need to be aboard your transports and lifting off by the evening of the 13th at the latest.”

“As you command saKhan, it will be done.”

The saKhan then saluted, which the Guards officers all returned, “Glory to the Clan Star Colonel Dianna Pryde.”

“Glory to the Clan saKhan Marthe Pryde.” Dianna returned.

The saKhan turned and walked from the office and once she was around the corner the officers relaxed and began babbling between themselves.  Horse cut through the chatter.  “You realise that if the Ghost Bears get cranky, we have front row seats to their counter-attack?”

Joanna snarled back at Horse, “Then more glory for us.  Does your Freebirth heritage make you frightened of a good fight?”

“No Joanna,” said Horse, “I was just worried what such strain would do to the elderly.”

Before Joanna could hurl an insult back, Dianna stepped in.  “Star Captains, I want you Clusters briefed and loading completed by tomorrow afternoon and lift-off by midnight on the 12th.  We will not shame the 1st, or Vau, with a leisurely departure.”

The officers of the 1st saluted and rolled out the door, intent on getting their Trinaries ready before their peers could.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #44 on: May 27, 2014, 06:14:49 AM »

Interesting that Diana's risen so rapidly to command rank. Still, it's been several years now since the Refusal War. Did Ravill Pryde manage to get himself killed in Phelan's counter-attack or is he still floating around somewhere?
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