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Dragon Cat

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #120 on: November 10, 2015, 05:10:55 AM »

It would be interesting to see if the Invading Clans returned home what would they do...

I think it would be a brutal battle

I may have missed it but was any Genetic Repository Data captured from any invading Clan?
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Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #121 on: November 10, 2015, 05:13:13 AM »

Nope, 1st thing on the ships.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #122 on: November 11, 2015, 02:35:23 AM »

Clan Ice Hellion and Clan Goliath Scorpion

Clan Goliath Scorpion had long been a foe of the Ice Hellions, making that Clan one of the few targets that the Scorpions would willingly engage in the War.  The Goliath Scorpions despised the Hellions attitude, outlook and Crusader viewpoint, and would wage one of the most calculated campaigns of the war.  With only twenty Clusters in their bid, the Scorpions assigned their forces with care and precision, but their choice of WarShips would be the ace of their hand. With a large fleet, the Scorpions were able to choose large combatants and utilise their power to the fullest.

Clan Ice Hellion followed a program similar to that of Clan Hell’s Horses in seeking to focus on relocating industry first.  With civilian leaders already in the Chainlaine Isles and a large population there, the lower castes in the Homeworlds remained a secondary priority, unless directly related to the scientific or military industrial programs.  However, the Hellions were disorganised in their attempts to depart and suffered for this lack of central control when the Goliath Scorpions struck.

Clan Goliath Scorpion dispatched the 3rd Scorpion Cuirassiers and 16th Scorpion Dragoons of Gamma Galaxy to deal with the 4th and 5th Flurry Clusters of Omega on Atreus.  Though not well equipped, the Flurries were large formations, forcing the Goliath Scorpions to work hard to gain ground in the areas around the Hellion Drop Ports.  Though unable to prevent the two Clusters departure, the two Scorpion units limited the evacuation to 150,000 of the 1 million Ice Hellion civilians on world.

One of the two primary targets for the Goliath Scorpions, the Ice Hellions maintained large industrial facilities on Babylon and kept the world well defended.  Clan Ice Hellion had also positioned one of its two WarShip groups over Babylon and these six ships would need to be dealt with before the Scorpions could land forces.

Elements of the Fire Wheel and Wild Hunt Battle Groups were sent to break the Hellion squadron and the battle rapidly became one sided as the better organised and commanded Goliath Scorpion ships began to cut apart the Hellion squadron and destroy its vessels.  CIH Impaler and CIH Lightniing (both Lola III), CIH Snowstorm (Volga) and CIH Whelp (Fredesa) all fell to the Scorpion fleet, with the CIH Chaos Sailor (Aegis) captured.  Only CIH Voracious (Congress), managed to escape the heavy defeat, which was one of the most decisive of the war.  For the Goliath Scorpions, only the CGS Corona Austrina (Aegis) and the CGS Serket (Sovetskii Soyuz) suffered any appreciable damage.

With the space lanes cleared of all but one Ice Hellion vessel, Beta Galaxy’s 1st Cateran Cluster and 23rd Scorpion Cuirassiers made rapid planet fall, moving quickly and overrunning the Hellions 2nd Assault Cavaliers of Delta Galaxy.  At the end of two days fighting, the defence of Babylon had been roundly smashed and the Hellions took very little from the world, with only 40,000 civilians and no appreciable materials getting away.  16.5 million Ice Hellions also remained behind.

The 6th Scorpion Hussars (Beta) landed on Forster with little fanfare and only skirmished with the 150th Hellion Lancers (Zeta), before the latter retreated to its transports and lifted off world.  140,000 civilians escaped as well, leaving well over 3 million behind.

The Ice Hellion Capital of Hector was the other main target of the Goliath Scorpions and was well defended by the Ice Hellions main Homeworlds WarShip squadron and elements of Delta and Zeta Galaxies.  The prize of the campaign, Hector was home to 90% of the Ice Hellion military industrial base and Clan Goliath Scorpion did not intend to let such a prize slip away.

The Scorpion naval forces consisted of elements of the Einheriar Battle Group and the new Reserve Battle Group, a force of one Battleship, three Cruisers and three Destroyers.  Defending against that Scorpion fleet were a Battleship, Cruiser, three Destroyers, a Transport and a Corvette.  The two McKenna-class vessels CGS Lei Kung and CIH Cage's Pride dominated the battle, with the latter eventually captured by marines from the Scorpion Battleship.  Once the Cage’s Pride was taken, the Hellion fleet fell apart, with the CIH Maker (Carrack), CIH Hellion's Pride (Fredesa), CIH Cold Hunter, CIH Radiant (both Lola III) and CIH Pack Leader (York) all destroyed, with only the CIH Taney (Aegis) escaping the disaster.  However, unlike the Babylon engagement, the Ice Hellions managed to heavily damage the Scorpion fleet.  Though only the CGS Bernlad (Congress) was lost, three other vessels were forced out of the fight and the remaining three were heavily damaged.

With the fleet having opened a path to the surface, the Goliath Scorpions landed Alpha and elements of Mu Galaxy to face the Ice Hellion defenders.  The Ice Hellions were overmatched from the start and neither Galaxy Commander was willing to surrender command to the other, allowing the Scorpions to divide and conquer the defenders.  This resulted in the destruction of the 33rd Striker Irregulars and the savaging of the remaining Hellion clusters, which fled the world in disorder.  The debacle of the defence meant that the Hellions only salvaged one fifth of the world’s vital industries and less than 35,000 of the more than 46 million civilians.

Rho Galaxy’s 5th Scorpion Cuirassiers and 10th Scorpion Dragoons landed on Hoard to deal with the Ice Hellion’s 180th Attack and 43rd Hector Cavaliers of Theta Galaxy.  The Ice Hellions on Hoard showed what a well-conceived defence and exit plan could achieve, getting nearly 10% of the world’s 1.6 million Ice Hellion civilians off safely before ceding the field in good order to the Goliath Scorpions.

The 8th Scorpion Uhlans (Gamma) made short work of the 7th Hector Cavaliers on Londerholm, where only 140,000 of the enclave’s 2 million civilians escaped.

Marshall was another instance of the Ice Hellions putting up a strong defence, with Theta and Omega Galaxies 44th Cavaliers and 1st Flurry working well together and preventing the 4th Scorpion Cuirassiers and 2nd Scorpion Hussars of Tau Galaxy from seriously disrupting the evacuation.  Though only a tenth of the population escaped, no civilians were lost.

New Kent
The 17th and 20th Scorpion Cuirassiers of Delta Galaxy faced the 2nd and 3rd flurry Clusters of the Hellion’s Omega Galaxy on New Kent.  With the Diamond Sharks and Steel Vipers dodging Snow Raven and Star Adder vessels and squadrons, the two Hellions clusters gathered their charges and made a run for their JumpShips.  The two Scorpion Clusters were able to shoot down numerous Hellion fighters, who were more concerned with protecting the transports than themselves; however, the evacuation was largely successful, with more than 100,000 escaping.

Strana Mechty
Beta Galaxy’s 22nd Scorpion Uhlans made short work of the Ice Hellion’s 45th Striker Irregulars of Delta Galaxy.  The Hellion holdings on the Clans capital world were cut off and none of the nearly 10 million civilians escaped.

The 8th Scorpion Grenadiers of Rho Galaxy lacked the numbers to force a decisive engagement with 6th Flurry of Omega Prime Galaxy, who were able to get nearly 150,000 civilians off the world before being forced to depart themselves as the 8th increased the pressure steadily.

The well planned Goliath Scorpion assault impressed many who remained in the Homeworlds, especially the Star Adders, who took real notice of the Goliath Scorpions from then on.  The level of careful planning done quickly and overall success of the campaign, especially in the larger engagements was notable.  However, for the Ice Hellions their evacuation was a disaster and would cripple the Clan for many years to come.

Clan Ice Hellion lost three Clusters and 11 WarShips outright, with losses in the Homeworld’s Touman running to 34% of total force strength.  Although the Clan endeavoured to focus on industry during the evacuation, the Ice Hellions only managed to remove less than a fifth of what they possessed and left behind all their orbital infrastructure.  Additionally, the Ice Hellions managed to evacuate barely more than 1 million civilians, though they already had 10.5 million within the Chainlaine Isles, both former and new Clansmen.

Clan Goliath Scorpion lost one WarShip, but captured two and overall suffered losses of just 15%, 13% if counting the unengaged Clusters.  More importantly, the assets captured from the Ice Hellions would more than double their military output, increase their orbital facilities by a half and double the Clan’s population.  This was the boost the Clan had long sought and turned the Scorpions from a third rate Clan into a respected peer of those who remained behind. 

Clan Nova Cat and Clan Blood Spirit

Clan Blood Spirit had long husbanded its resources, leaving it with the third largest ground force of the eight Core Clans.  However, in bidding for the right to assault the Nova Cats with twenty four Clusters, Clan Blood Spirit had to contend with the Nova Cats strong fleet.  The Cat’s had fifteen WarShips in the Homeworlds, though seven were Carracks and another two were only partly operational, having undergone accelerated launch procedures.  The task for the Blood Spirit’s fleet of eight WarShips was to break the Cat fleet.  In order to assist the fleet, the Spirit’s assigned four Aerospace Clusters to the fighting, purely as WarShip support, with twenty ground Clusters leaving the Blood Spirits with limited numerical superiority.

Clan Nova Cat was, like Clan Diamond Shark, blessed with a strong merchant marine, though much was already in the Inner Sphere, enough remained to allow for large scale evacuations of both civilians and industry.  For the Nova Cats though, the battles would be brutal, with the Blood Spirits taking no prisoners and offering no quarter.

However, in many instances the Nova Cat second line forces would roughly handle the apparently better Blood Spirit troops and withdraw in good order, putting lessons learned in the Inner Sphere to good use against a foe who found thinking outside of the box difficult at the best of times.  This first large campaign for Clan Blood Spirit would teach it many lessons and act as the catalyst for changes in the way the Clan would fight in future.

The battle of Barcella was both a success and a disappointment for both Clan Blood Spirit and Clan Nova Cat.  For Clan Blood Spirit, they broke the Nova Cat fleet and gained a prize like none other in their history, though the Nova Cats managed to take much with them.  Despite their success in space, the Spirits could not entirely close off the world, even with the Star Adders in system dealing with the Diamond Sharks.

The Blood Spirits sent the bulk of their fleet to Barcella, five WarShips, backed by two Aerospace Clusters, the third failing to make the jump due to a drive malfunction.  Defending the space over the Nova Cat enclave were eleven WarShips.  However, the Nova Cat fleet was not all it seemed, as four vessels were Carracks, two were Corvettes and two were emergency launched and not at full complement or function.

The Blood Spirit WarShips focused on the Nova Cat heavy vessels, whilst the Aerospace Clusters attacked the Carracks and Corvettes.  Though the Nova Cats fought valiantly, the weight of firepower and lack of armour on many of their vessels quickly began to tell.  CNC Enlightened Path, CNC Blessed Vision, CNC Bright Star, CNC Transiter (all Carrack), CNC Lucian Carns (Black Lion) and CNC Endevour (Essex) were all lost, with the CNC Firecat (Fredesa), CNC Splendid Vision (Splendid) and CNC Nova (Vincent) all striking and boarded by the Blood Spirits.  Blood Spirit losses were limited to only the CBS Stooping Kite (York), though the CBS Carmine Justice (Sovetskii Soyuz) and CBS Rocinante (Black Lion) suffered heavy damage.

Following on from their victory in space, the Blood Spirits landed rapidly, deploying the Blood Guard Keshik and 7th and 13th Blood Drinkers of Alpha Galaxy against the 25th and 57th Regulars of the Nova Cat’s Rho Galaxy.  The 57th sold itself to the last man in order to allow the 25th to successfully escort the last transports of Barcella, which included masses of heavy industrial equipment, something the Blood Spirits were loath to see escape.  In addition to the industrial equipment, the Nova Cats managed to save nearly 600,000 of the enclave’s 31 million civilians.

Alpha Galaxy’s 37th Red Assault and Red Guards Clusters were unable to take Bearclaw on their own terms as the 37th Nova Cat Garrison Cluster of Rho Galaxy refused to be tied down, leading the Blood Spirits on a merry chase as the transports with the civilians made their escape.  The Nova Cats then joined their own ships and departed, having successfully gotten over 100,000 people off the world, along with sixty precent of its industry.

Despite numerical superiority, the Crimson Guards and 87th Crimson Guards of the Blood Spirit’s Omega Galaxy were unable to dislodge the 38th Garrison Cluster of Rho Galaxy from its positions until it was ready to depart, guiding 111,000 plus from the Homeworlds, though they only managed to load a quarter of the worlds important infrastructure.

Circe, defended by four WarShips and two Clusters, was the other primary target of the Blood Spirits.  With three of the defending WarShips Carracks, the Blood Spirit’s CBS Blood Fury (Lola III) and 2nd Aerospace Cluster were able to destroy the CNC Far Star, CNC Glory Road and CNC Guiding Vision (Carrack) and drive off the CNC Growler (Lola III), in a relatively easy engagement.

Following the space battle, Beta Galaxy’s 53rd Crimson Guards, 91st Crimson Vanguard and 115th Red Assault landed and moved against the 7th and 44th Nova Cat Garrison Clusters of Kappa Galaxy.  The defending Clusters dealt Beta a heavy blow in the initial engagement, allowing them time to withdraw in order before running the gauntlet of the Blood Spirits in orbit.  However, the CNC Growler returned and safely escorted the survivors out of the system.  The Nova Cats managed to depart Circe with two thirds of the enclave’s vital industry, three mobile orbital yards and 572,000 civilians, though they left behind the huge Spirit Cat Industrialplex Orbital Facility and 27 million civilians.

Delta Galaxy’s 72nd Crimson Cuirassiers, 66th Crimson Guards and 112th Scarlet Battle landed hard and fast on Delios and drove the 67th Nova Cat Garrison and 8th Nova Cat Regulars before them.  Only poor weather prevented Delta from shattering the Cats, who used the weather to escape with 120.000 civilians in tow.

The 71st and 271st Crimson Assault and 33rd Red Battle of the Blood Spirit’s Kappa Galaxy landed on Gatekeeper and faced the 68th Nova Cat Garrison and 10th Nova Cat Regulars.  As in many of the instances of fighting between the two Clans, the best of Clan Blood Spirit was stymied by the pragmatic and adaptable Nova Cat second line troops, who withdrew in good order with 270,000 civilians packed away beside them.

Hoard, like Gatekeeper, was yet another instance of a quarter of a million Nova Cats escaping after their second line troops managed to hold the line against apparently better clusters from Clan Blood Spirit.  In this instance it was the 4th Garrison of Kappa Galaxy which held off the 79th Blood Hussars and 85th Crimson Guards of Pi Galaxy before escaping.

Strana Mechty
Knowing what was coming, the 44th Garrison Cluster of the Nova Cat’s Kappa Galaxy struck into the neighbouring Blood Spirit enclave on Strana Mechty.  The Cats kept the fighting there for two weeks, before pressure from the 165th and 268th Crimson Guards of the Blood Spirit’s Rho Galaxy was able to drive them back into their own territory.  By mounting such an effective campaign outside of their enclave, the Nova Cats were able to evacuate 1.25 million civilians from Strana Mechty, the single largest contingent from any of their worlds.

Clan Blood Spirit both won and lost the campaign against the Cats.  They won in the sense that much was gained, but lost in that they had missed the opportunity to take everything the Cats had.  The performance of their best Clusters and the lack of dedicated Aerospace support at the Cluster level hurt the Spirit’s ability to push for total victory.  Clan Nova Cat’s merchant caste assets and its ability to adapt allowed it to rescue enough materials to remain viable in the Inner Sphere, but only just, and it would be many years before the Clan was able to act aggressively again following the end of its war with the Draconis Combine.

Clan Nova Cat lost twelve WarShips and a single Cluster outright, with losses totalling 25% of troops in the Homeworlds.  The Nova Cats managed to transport out of their territory one third of their Homeworlds industry and three mobile orbital yards, along with 3,295,000 civilians.

Clan Blood Spirit lost a single WarShip, but captured three and suffered losses of 16% to it forces that saw combat, though only 8% of their total strength.  The Blood Spirit’s gains were immense by that Clan’s traditionally poor economy, with their industrial output more than doubling, the gaining of the Barcella Orbital Yards providing them with a huge capacity to build new DropShips and JumpShips, as well as the yard for construction of the new Splendid-class Cruisers.  Additionally, the Nova Cat civilians captured grew the Blood Spirit Clan by 110%, and providing access to resources across seven worlds, a boon the Clan had never dreamed of. 

It would be these gains and the Spirit’s strong showing in the war that would begin the process of mellowing the Clan and making it more open to those that remained with it, as it was their actions and support that allowed the Blood Spirits to match physically what they had always seen themselves as: A strong Clan.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #123 on: November 12, 2015, 04:32:33 AM »

Nice write up even if I do say so as a Nova Cat fan.

One thing I'd question and it's a general thing more so than just the Nova Cat update.

The Homeworld WarShip losses have been "light" BattleTech WarShip combat isn't light I would think that given each Clan is fielding significant capital assets the losses for the Core Clans would be heavier - they would get the pick of the salvage since the Invaders are retreating but they'd lose more I think.

Don't get me wrong it's still a fun read just a couple of rambling thoughts when I've been up hours and hours ;)
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Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #124 on: November 12, 2015, 06:33:16 AM »

It's the model I am using, it seems harder to kill big ships themn in canon, but it also take a god awful time to repair them, so it is a little more real world in the feel for say about WWI.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #125 on: November 12, 2015, 07:43:16 PM »

Kinda makes sense in both senses admittedly my aero experience is limited but sometimes big ships die ridiculously fast of course anything that gets hit in the right spot is going to do that I guess
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Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #126 on: November 13, 2015, 03:48:56 AM »

Kinda makes sense in both senses admittedly my aero experience is limited but sometimes big ships die ridiculously fast of course anything that gets hit in the right spot is going to do that I guess

I guess Blacknova didn't upgrade the ships with decent anti-Aero Fighters weapons, making them go down "easily".

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Dragon Cat

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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #127 on: November 13, 2015, 06:12:45 AM »

Not so much anti-fighter weaponry the Clans could just use the Anti-Aircraft Mode on their Naval Lasers or Barracudas it's more the lack of AMS, other point defences and additional armour that kills standard Star League and early Clan designs
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #128 on: November 25, 2015, 04:35:20 PM »

Clan Smoke Jaguar and Clan Coyote

Khan Brandon Howell continued to show why he was the single most dangerous aspect of the evolving Clan Smoke Jaguar during the war in the Homeworlds.  Seeing the absolute futility of trying to defend anything but the world of Huntress, he directed Galaxy Commander Russou Howell, the Huntress Commander, to declare that the Smoke Jaguars would defend every inch of every world of their territory in the Homeworlds, with every Warrior and every tool they possessed.  This was exactly the rhetoric that Clan Coyote expected of the Jaguars and planned accordingly, devoting strong forces to hit each Jaguar world where there were known garrisons. 
However, Khan Howell then directed that the Clusters of the Clan be concentrated on Huntress, by moving them on merchant ships.  By late March, the entire Homeworlds Touman of the Jaguars was concentrated on Huntress and the day before the assault, the last ships jumped into the system from their other enclaves, leaving those Jaguars not on Huntress to the Coyotes.

Clan Coyote expected a tough battle and sent two Clusters to each Smoke Jaguar enclave, with three sent to Huntress, where resistance was expected to be stronger.  With only eight Clusters of Smoke Jaguars in the Homeworlds, the overconfident Coyotes expected to destroy their old foe’s last holdings in Clan space with ease.

Meeting the Coyote’s arrival at each world was a pre-recorded declaration of malice and a challenge from the commander on world and then silence.  The same message repeated itself at Huntress and Coyotes continued to come in unawares.

Clan Smoke Jaguar had been renovating the largest ships in its cache, which included the old Clan Mongoose cache.  Although none had fully completed their restorations, all were able to fight, including two McKenna-class Battleships.  The Coyotes had jumped four WarShips into the system and expecting to face only a Cruiser and two Corvettes they moved rapidly to engage, as they had two Battleships, a Battlecruiser and a Heavy Cruiser on hand and were confident of success. 

The Jaguars allowed the three Coyote Cluster’s transports to approach the surface unmolested, focusing on the Coyote WarShips and springing their surprise.  The two McKenna-class ships, an Aegis and a Samarkand moved from behind the world’s orbital yards as the Coyote’s closed and opened fire, closing the trap on the Coyote fleet.  Caught flat footed, the Coyote’s fought to the death, with both the CC Great Coyote Spirit (Nightlord) and CC Ancestral Home (Texas) being beaten into little more than salvage.  The Jaguars were not finished there, with large elemental boarding parties swarming through the CC Blood of the Coyote (Cameron) and CC Spirit in the Sky (Liberator), capturing both vessels.  The Jaguars had not escaped unscathed, with the CSJ Ripper (Vincent) vaporised and its sister CSJ Azov in dire need of repair.  Additionally, the CSJ Dark Shadow, one of the two McKenna’s, was little more than a floating wreck, but it could jump and still carry DropShips, making it worth an attempt to save.

Matters went little better for the Coyotes on the surface of Huntress, where they met two frontline, two Second Line and four Solahma Clusters.  They heart was cut out of the Coyote’s Alpha Galaxy that day on Huntress.  The Golden Keshik, 38th Coyote Assault and 72nd Coyote Battle were wiped out by the massed ranks of the savage and uncompromising Jaguars, who had abandoned zellbrigen, seeing the Homeworld Clans as worse than dezgra.  Both of the Coyote Khans fell in combat, and every single Coyote captured was executed on the field.

Eleven days later, as Coyote reinforcements were burning in system, the huge Smoke Jaguar convoy jumped out of Clan space carrying all of Huntress’s vital industries, four mobile orbital bays and 4,375,000 civilians.  Though nearly 60 million remained behind, along with the 80% of the Jaguar’s orbital facilities, Huntress and the campaign against the Jaguars was a humiliating defeat for Clan Coyote.

The loss of a single Corvette and some Solahma Warriors was a small price to pay for the evacuation of the heart of the Jaguar’s strength, especially when two additional cruisers added to the tally taken.  The Jaguar Warriors who doubted Khan Brandon Howell before his invasion of the Combine now had little opposition to him, as his strategies had saved the Clan and severed it from the Homeworlds in ways that the other fleeing Clans could only marvel at.

For Clan Coyote, though they gained the Huntress Orbital Yards, an asset that produced nearly three times what the Coyotes yards at Tamaron could and captured the OmniMech facilities at Kirin intact, the loss of the Huntress industry with the departure of the Jaguars meant that Coyote industry increased by only 10%, leaving them as the weakest of the Homeworld Clans in that field for many years.  However, the Smoke Jaguar population, which was 30% larger than the Coyote population would thrive under its new masters and would be the basis for the Coyote’s future prosperity.

Clan Steel Viper and Clan Snow Raven

With the Absorption of Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Snow Raven may have feared their new Wolf naval foes, but they reserved their hate for Clan Steel Viper.  To make matters worse for Clan Steel Viper, Clan Snow Raven was facing them due to a bidding error and had bid a force that was effectively a Galaxy for every Steel Viper Cluster.  With such an advantage, there was little the Vipers would be able to do, especially with Delta Galaxy having left the Homeworlds.

Though honour called for a reduction in their bid, Clan Snow Raven could not afford honour.  Their attempt to rebuild their naval advantage and keep ahead of the combined Jade Falcon/Wolf fleet had nearly crippled the Clan’s economy, meaning that the Snow Ravens desperately needed a quick and decisive victory.

In the case of every Viper world, four Raven Clusters landed and swarmed over the defenders, striking them from the ground and from the air.  Only the 10th Fang on Arcadia made any sort of lasting stand, but even they lasted less than three days.

The main battle of the war for both Clans and the only hope the Vipers had of making any sort of escape was over New Kent, however, the Snow Ravens dispatched three entire naval stars to engage the eight Viper WarShips and ended any Viper hopes when they emerged at a pirate point close to the planet. 

Every Viper WarShip in orbit was destroyed, though they did not go quietly, destroying the CSR White Cloud (Carrack) and CSR Nestling (Sovetskii Soyuz).  However, the dying gasp of the Steel Vipers in the Homeworlds counted for nothing.

Over every other Steel Viper world, a Snow Raven Naval Star went into close geosynchronous orbit and shot down any vessel attempting to escape the Viper enclaves.

After a week of brutal Snow Raven revenge for years of real and imagined slights, no Steel Viper troops lived in the Homeworlds and only a bare handful of vessels managed to escape the Raven fleet.

Clan Snow Raven gained industries that would increase its production by two thirds and add millions of civilians to its population.  Most importantly, the resources gained would see the Raven economy recover from its woes within a year and make the Ravens second only to the Star Adders in overall strength within the Homeworlds.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

The Kapteyn Universe - http://www.ourbattletech.com/kapteyn

Follow the KU on twitter: Matt Alexander

You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #129 on: November 26, 2015, 04:32:21 AM »

Clan Wolf and Clan Burrock

Clan Burrock had bid hard to gain the honour of facing the power of Clan Wolf.  Although the Wolves had much of their strength in the Inner Sphere, they still possessed fifteen strong Clusters in the Homeworlds, backed by twelve WarShips, though some of these launched under emergency circumstances.

Working in favour of the Burrocks were the extents of Wolf territory, which limited the force required to take any one world and the pragmatic attitude of the Wolves and their Homeworld’s commander, Katya Kerensky.  The Wolves knew they would only escape with so much and planned accordingly, not planning to fight a protracted campaign.  However, despite their pragmatism, they would to fight on every world.

The final asset in the Wolf’s favour was Khan Kell’s large convoys, which had brought forward the Falcon industry the previous year.  Four of these convoys had arrived in November of 3062 and returned to the Inner Sphere on the 1st of April, taking much of the Wolves assets in the Eden system with them before the Burrocks even arrived.

These extra transports showed how the Wolves already advanced program for relocations to the Inner Sphere allowed for the rapid and mass evacuation of large segments of population and industry.  The four large convoys in the Pentagon freed up other transport assets to support evacuations in the Kerensky Cluster, greatly benefitting Wolf efforts.

The Burrocks dispatched their Stoneheart Keshik and Delta Galaxy’s 208th Cavalry Cluster to wrest control of Circe from the Wolf’s 7th Battle (Zeta) and 7th PGC (Lambda).  Fighting was relatively static for most of the campaign, where the Burrocks desire to break the Wolves was met by strong defensive preparations.  When the wolves pulled out, they took 1.4 million of the nearly 11 million who called Circe home. 

The Burrocks were able to move quickly into the neighbouring Wolf enclave on Dagda with Alpha and Delta’s 85th Cavalry and 177th Light Cavalry.  Defending the enclave were the Zeta’s 74th Battle and Lambda’s 2nd Wolf Regulars.  The Burrocks took and kept the initiative, battering the two Wolf Clusters to less than 40% strength.  Despite this, the Wolves evacuated over 1.5 million of the more than 17 million lower castes. 

Eden was the main battle between the two Clans, with large naval and ground forces engaging.  Clan Burrock sent a fleet of eight ships to face the Wolves eight, with the Wolves more experienced crews negating the firepower advantage of the Burrocks.

The Burrock fleet consisted of the CB Absolute Truth (Nightlord), CB Ares' Might (Aegis), CB Exodus Avenger (York), CB Cameron's Flame and CB Yodan (Lola III), CB Renown (Potemkin) and the CB Cho Polu and CB Pompeii (Volga).  Facing them were the CW Eden (Black Lion), CW Dagda (Cameron), CW Circe (Liberator), CW Tamar (Luxor), CWS Nature's Wrath (Lola III), CWS Trailblazer and CWS Valiant (Vincent) and CWS Night Warrior (Carrack).  Though more powerful on paper, the four heaviest Wolf vessels were undergoing construction or reactivation, had untested crews and were not close to being combat ready.

The Naval battle rapidly degenerated into a swirling chaotic mess, which benefitted the Burrocks in allowing their troops to land, and the Wolves in allowing their final convoys to escape.  Boarding parties were the order of the day, as the Wolves sought more ships to evacuate with and the Burrocks seeking to deny the Wolves the ability to evacuate whilst enriching themselves in hulls.  The Wolves stormed the CB Ares' Might, CB Yodan, CB Cho Polu and CB Pompeii whilst the Burrocks swarmed under the CW Eden and CW Circe.  Other losses were the crippling of the CB Absolute Truth, the destruction of the CWS Valiant and CWS Night Warrior and the forced jumping away of the savaged CW Dagda.

With the battle for near space scattering further afield, the Clusters of Clan Burrock landed along the edges of the Wolf enclave, unwilling to test themselves by dropping into the Wolf’s maw.  Alpha’s 2nd Light Cavalry and Delta’s 4th Rapier made rapid progress once they entered Wolf territory, as the Wolves had pulled back into relatively tight entrenchments near the capital.  Once the Burrocks came to grips with the main Wolf lines on the 15th, they quickly shattered the cohesion of the 6th Wolf Regulars of Lambda Galaxy, forcing Zeta’s 3rd Wolf Guards to cover the holes in the 6th’s lines and accelerate Katya Kerensky’s plans for departure.  With the 3rd Guards covering the final retreat, the Burrocks were forced to regroup for a final strike, but missed the opportunity when the 3rd rapidly loaded up and departed.

The Wolves had used the large convoys and their final days to remove nearly 70% of Eden’s military industry, seven orbital facilities, including a shipyard, and more than 1 million civilians.  Though they missed much, Clan Burrock still took a vast prize of 68 million civilians, huge orbiting yards and the remaining ground facilities.

Alpha’s 1st Rapier and Delta’s 3th Sentry Clusters utilised pirate points to hit Glory hard.  Zeta’s Blue Keshik and Lambda’s 8th Grenadiers fought doggedly around the drop port for eight days, before lifting off with approximately half a million of the 4.3 million civilians of the enclave.

Grant’s Station
The 1st Sentry Cluster (Alpha) and the 9th Sentry of Delta struck Grant’s Station to find most of its departure fleet sitting ready for the taking near the world.  Quickly securing the transports, the Burrocks landed and over the course of six weeks hounded the 73rd Wolf Striker (Zeta) to destruction.  No Wolves escaped Grant’s Station.

The 7th Sentry Cluster of the Burrock’s Alpha Galaxy sparred without much success against the 51st Garrison Cluster of Clans Wolf’s Iota Galaxy.  With few transports assigned, the 51st was only able to evacuate 139,000 civilian before quitting the world.

The 2nd Wolf Lancers (Iota) turned the Paxon enclave into a den of traps and tricks that prevented Beta’s 100th Cavalry Cluster from ever finding its feet.  The 2nd Lancer’s counter attack on the 16th allowed them the space and time to board and depart the system with 700,000 of the enclave’s 4 million civilians.

Clan Goliath Scorpion, in honour of their long friendship with the Wolves, denied the Burrocks the right to land in their enclave before advancing.  This meant that the 86th Light Cavalry of Beta Galaxy had to fight its way in, scattering badly after the fighters of the 8th Wolf Regulars (Iota) scattered its transports.  With little real pressure coming from the slowly reforming Burrocks, the 8th was able to evacuate nearly 600,000 of the isolated outpost’s population.

Strana Mechty
The Wolves had absolutely no intention of leaving anything of value on Strana Mechty and opened the fight above the world in a most unconventional way.

The Clan vessel Prinz Eugen though monitored, was never closely observed, as its guards had never allowed a prisoner escape, engendering a sense of false security in their routines.  Three days before the deadline arrived, a Wolf Elemental Trinary from the 12th Wolf Regulars of Iota Galaxy, stormed the vessel in a lighting attack during a routine prisoner transfer, quickly securing the Texas-class vessel.  The following day, a full crew was brought on board and the prisoners were given the chance to act as Solahma crew or take a spacewalk.

Eighteen hours before the Homeworlds War began, the Prinz Eugen began a slow burn towards Strana Mechty, one that went undetected in all the surrounding movements.  Originally intended to cover the Wolf retreat, as taking it was far easier than getting forces aboard the McKenna’s Pride, the old Texas was re-purposed two hours out from Strana Mechty.

As Clan Burrock’s 2nd Rapier Cluster of Beta Galaxy began landing manoeuvres, it took long range fire from the Prinz Eugen before the Battleship suddenly turned hard towards the SLS McKenna’s Pride.  Word had reached Clan Wolf that ilKhan N’Buta was overseeing the war from the Clan’s flagship in a symbolic gesture.  This would become a nearly fatal hubristic action by the new and seemingly overconfident ilKhan, a rare slip by the otherwise masterful N’Buta.

The Prinz Eugen burned straight at the McKenna-class Battleship and an epic engagement between the powerful guns of the McKenna and the armoured hide of the Texas began.  The better maintenance and line crew on board the McKenna’s Pride provided the upper hand, but the Prinz Eugen maintained the velocity and position advantage throughout the fight.  Seeing that victory was slipping away, as the McKenna brought more and more of its broadside to bear, the Wolf crew rammed the SLS McKenna’s Pride, striking a vicious glancing blow to the Clan flagship's port quarter. 

The Prinz Eugen began to come apart following the collision, as her magazines began a series of sympathetic detonations scattering pieces of the giant vessel across the atmosphere where they largely burnt up.

On board the McKenna’s Pride, the engines had been knocked out by the Prinz Eugen’s strike and the vessel was raggedly cartwheeling and losing a fight with Strana Mechty’s gravity.  The Ebon Keshik used their familiarity with the ship, their suits strength and bloody mindedness to get the ilKhan from sections of the ship where centrifugal force was reaching five g’s to a life pod.  The Ebon Keshik then fired him to safety and endeavored to save the vessel.  Just minutes later, the flag vessel of the Clans began burning up in the atmosphere, it huge hulk creating a massive impact crater 12 kilometers northeast of Katyusha City.

Whilst the titanic clash of two of the Clans most well known vessels was happening in the skies above them, the 12th Wolf Regulars had driven the 2nd Rapier back as they scattered on landing.  The 12th then departed through clear space lanes with all of the enclaves vital military industries and 1.25 million civilians, leaving more the 22 million behind.

Clan Burrock’s Beta Galaxy’s 2nd Sentry Cluster landed on Tiber to face the 18th Wolf Regulars of Iota Galaxy for control of the military industries there.  In a relatively even fight, the Burrock Cluster was able to drive forward and capture more than half of the facility’s operational lines, as well as all of the nearly 6 million civilians in the enclave, as the Wolf forces on Tiber had been purely focused on industrial extraction.

The second major engagement of the Burrock-Wolf fighting, Tranquil was targeted by the Burrock’s main carrier group of the CB Exodus Crusader, CB Exodus Ranger, CB Exodus Sentinel and CB Exodus Lancer, all York-class Destroyers.  The defending fleet consisted of the CWS Emerald Tornado (Whirlwind), CWS Relentless Pursuit and CWS Killing Blow (Vincent) and the CWS Full Moon (Potemkin).

The Burrocks overwhelmed the Wolf fleet, destroying the Killing Blow and driving off the Emerald Tornado and Full Moon, but not before the latter played possum in order to allow its marines to capture the Exodus Sentinel before the Wolves jumped both vessels away.

On the ground, the Burrock’s 8th Sentry Cluster of Beta Galaxy was roughly handled by the 1st Wolf Guardians, who had established masses of AAA around the main facilities to ensure that vital materials would get off world, as well as activating limited SDS capabilities.  This largely neutralized the air support that the three remaining carriers could provide.

Clan Wolf managed to get half of Tranquil’s industry and nearly 2 million of the 28 million inhabitants of the word away.

The Burrock-Wolf campaign was the most mutually bloody of all the campaigns fought during the Homeworlds War, as each Clan struck hard and used every tool it could against the other.
The already activated and extensive relocation system of Clan wolf proved itself, as Clan Wolf took more than two-thirds of its industry remaining in Clan Space with it, along with yards capable of producing and repairing WarShips, JumpShips and DropShips and over nine million civilians.  The cost was high though, with huge orbital facilities left behind and losses running to six WarShips, 1 entire Cluster and nearly 50% of all troops in the Homeworlds.  Offsetting the naval losses was the capture of five Burrock vessels.

Clan Burrock received a hard lesson on organisation and military competency, but gained enormously from both the lesson and the spoils it did secure.  Burrock industry would expand by nearly a third, transport production would nearly double, and its population would expand by 70%.  The cost for taking from the Wolf was high though, with units engaged suffering 39% losses, or 20% of the entire Touman.  Additionally, six WarShips were lost, though three were taken in boarding actions from the Wolves.

The Aftermath

By the beginning of May 3063, only eight Clans remained in the Homeworlds.  Nearly 9,000 Warriors were dead and another nine million civilian caste members had been lost  in the fighting as well.  Seventy WarShips were destroyed and the industry and trade of nearly every world in the Pentagon and Kerensky Clusters was in chaos.

Over the course of May, each Khan took stock of both losses and gains and each Clan examined the new order to determine where it stood relative to its peers.  None doubted the resolve and strength of the Star Adders as the leaders of the new order within Clan space; however, two primary rivals began to emerge.

Clan Snow Raven was the first, becoming ever more paranoid about its naval security and the need for vast resources to support its naval building efforts.  Any hint that their resource base may be threatened was enough to guarantee Raven hostility.  Their politics and actions leading up to and during the war caste them in poor light and thwarted attempts to build a political power base with other Clans.

Secondly, Clan Coyote opposed the Adders by virtue of their long enmity and the Clan required a focus following its heavy defeat on Huntress, which opposition to Clan Star Adder provided.  The Coyotes, now holding assets that brought them back to close to their Golden Century strength, believed that they could assume their dominance of the Grand Council as a regained right.  However, they found that few were willing to listen to them, due to their performance and arrogance.

The real power within the Grand Council rested with the Star Adders, who had the full support of Clans Cloud Cobra, Fire Mandrill and Goliath Scorpion and the support, albeit conditional, of the Burrocks and Blood Spirits.  With control of the Grand Council assured, ilKhan N’Buta set their next meeting for the 1st of July and required all Clans to report on their strength and holdings.

The accounting of strength demanded by the ilKhan was slightly different from earlier such requests, with each Clan to provide its total population, as per normal, but also its production capabilities based on several standards developed by N’Buta.  This would allow the ilKhan to gauge the strength of each more accurately.

The first standard measurement was the Standard Combat Cluster (SCC), set by the ilKhan at 60 OmniMechs, 30 OmniFighters and 150 Elementals.  Huge by many Clan standards, the SCC pointed to some of the later reforms that ilKhan N’Buta would seek to make within the Core Clans.  The second military standard was the Lola WarShip Standard.  As the Lola III was the most common vessel in Clan Space, each Clan would report total ship numbers and then its fleet strength in LWS’s.

Lastly, production of OmniMechs, OmniFighters and Battlesuits would be lumped together into single Military Output Standard (MOS), which accounted for resource input and material output of each Clan’s military industrial base.  These Standard Industrial Outputs were complex to calculate, but gave the ilKhan a powerful tool for evaluating the Clans, as did the Total DropShip and JumpShip Yard (TDJY) numbers for each Clan and the number of WarShip Construction Yards (WSCY) and WarShip Servicing Yards (WSSY). 

Once the ilKhan received the data, the pecking order of the Clans became rapidly evident.  Clan Star Adder stood above all, based on the strength of their ground forces, which made up for their lower population and industrial figures.  However, placed second was Clan Snow Raven, based on their naval strength, something the Clans undervalued, despite the key role they played in the recent war. 

Third, stood Clan Blood Spirit, rapidly coming out of its isolation whilst working with Clan Star Adder and feeling its new strength.  The Cloud Cobras stood next, despite the losses of their campaign against the Hell’s Horses, as a more balanced Clan and the industrial powerhouse of the Homeworlds.  Clan Coyote ranked fifth, feeling itself superior to most, but reality would set in over the coming years, forcing an internal revaluation of what the Clan stood for.  Clan Burrock stood sixth, despite what it gained from Clan Wolf, with the small size of its Touman limiting its voice and the losses from the Wolf campaign adding to the lack of perceived power within the Clan.  Considered more powerful than the Goliath Scorpions, Clan Fire Mandrill lacked flexibility their Scorpion brethren possessed but their gains and larger pre-war size kept them ahead of the Scorpions.

CLAN   Population   MOS   TDJY   WSCY   WSSY   SCC   WarShips   LWS   Strength   Rank
Clan Blood Spirit   153,825,000   33   25   1   5   32   8   11   397   3
Clan Burrock   237,125,000   35   26   2   4   28   15   12   372   6
Clan Cloud Cobra   180,075,000   60   15   2   5   27   19   24   395   4
Clan Coyote   229,250,000   33   18      5   31   9   10   383   5
Clan Fire Mandrill   127,400,000   25   3      2   26   7   8   306   7
Clan Goliath Scorpion   162,925,000   30   21      6   18   22   35   270   8
Clan Snow Raven   244,300,000   58   77   6   11   29   44   71   519   2
Clan Star Adder   163,800,000   49   27   2   7   48   12   16   595   1
   1,498,700,000   323   212   13   45   238   136   187
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #130 on: November 26, 2015, 07:53:52 AM »

What do SCC and LWS mean?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 07:57:12 AM by Abele »
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #131 on: November 26, 2015, 08:06:41 AM »

An interesting reordering of Clan society.


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #132 on: November 26, 2015, 02:27:35 PM »

What do SCC and LWS mean?

The first standard measurement was the Standard Combat Cluster (SCC), set by the ilKhan at 60 OmniMechs, 30 OmniFighters and 150 Elementals.  Huge by many Clan standards, the SCC pointed to some of the later reforms that ilKhan N’Buta would seek to make within the Core Clans.  The second military standard was the Lola WarShip Standard.  As the Lola III was the most common vessel in Clan Space, each Clan would report total ship numbers and then its fleet strength in LWS’s.
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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #133 on: November 26, 2015, 10:27:01 PM »

So the Goliath Scorpions issue of too much fleet vs ground pounders continues.

Because a 22 ship fleet with an LWS of 35 makes them the second strongest in warships


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Re: Of Wolves and Falcons
« Reply #134 on: November 26, 2015, 11:10:36 PM »

Hey Blacknova, how did you come up with the Burrock touman? I'm doing some work of my own hence my question.  ;)
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