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Author Topic: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)  (Read 8366 times)

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Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL
By Katar8010, and Drakensis with input from Mageohki

2252: The Flanagan's Nebula (later renamed the Hyades Cluster) is found by the Calderon Expedition.

2253: Samantha Calderon founds the colony of Taurus.

2260: In order to preserve space travel capability, the first minor yards are built in orbit of Taurus. In addition to maintaining the existing Jumpship fleet at their disposal, the Taurians begin building mining stations to exploit the Hyades' rich asteroid belts, in-system freighters to carry the minerals from these stations and orbital factories to make use of them without ever needing to despoil their new world. Over the next century the manufacture of in-system transports, capable of neither interstellar travel nor atmospheric entry remains highly lucrative as Taurian industries expand almost as rapidly as the human populace.

2268: Samantha Calderon dies and her son Timothy is appointed as the new Protector of the Taurian Homeworlds as a constitutional monarch, the Taurians not wishing to retain the democratic practices of the despised Terran Alliance.

2299: Hyades Interstellar Technologies Inc. (HITI) launches the first of a new class of jumpships. Rather than cargo bays, the new ship surrounds the jumpdrive with a honeycomb of unpressurised bays that can accommodate parasite craft of up to 5,000 tons - which would include most in-system transports or surface-to-orbit craft in use within the Hyades. Competing firms see the profits being raked in from the innovation and set their R&D to develop even better ways to transport non-jumpships across interstellar distances (or even simply across a star system, given the distances inherent in mining far-flung asteroids and comets). Needless to say, the HITI's design is much licensed and outright copied in some cases, leading to many court cases.

2310: Megaris colonised by Taurian settlers.

2312: Samantha colonised by Taurian settlers.

2316: Renfield colonised by Taurian settlers.

2317: Cyrton colonised by Taurian settlers.

2320: Ishtar colonised by Taurian settlers.

2330: Timothy Calderon dies, his daughter Sandra becoming the new Protector. Sandra immediately decides the time has come to expand outside the Hyades and HITI's 'carrier' jumpships and their competitors play a vital role in this expansion

2331: Taurian settlers on Diefenbaker encounter for the first time refugees from the Inner Sphere's growing conflicts. These colonists and the waves that follow assimilate readily, increasing the Taurian population from 4.5 million to well over a billion in the span of a generation.

2335: With the death of Sandra Calderon, her son Richard reorganizes the realm he inherits into the Taurian Concordat, welcoming seventeen non-Taurian colonies willing to join the eighteen Taurian Homeworlds his mother bequeathed him. In order to protect this expansive realm, contracts are offered to HITI and their two principal rivals Taurus StarWorks (TSW) and New Vandenberg Industries (NVI), to develop both dedicated sublight warships (later dubbed 'monitors' or battleriders) and jumpships that can carry them from system to system as needed.
The first is relatively simple: many in-system transports are armed for self-defense, if only with light weapons, and some dedicated patrol cutters exist for law enforcement purposes. However, it quickly becomes apparently that ships able to stand up to the reported capabilities of Federated Suns and Capellan warships will need to be significantly larger than any used to date. This, in turn, massively complicated the issue of building starships that could ferry such titans. Solving these problems would cost the Concordat billions of Bulls over the next two decades.

2351: TSW makes the key breakthrough to enable the interstellar transport of monitors, developing a much larger and more powerful K-F core that takes up more than ninety percent of the jumpship's hull. The new core can extend a jump field around ships mounted in sophisticated external docks, greatly increasing the maximum volume and tonnage that can be transported. The prototype also indicates that there are possible cost-savings in building such a large, brute-force drive system.

2355: A Davion strike force over-runs the Sarna colony world of Bell, capturing 15,000 civilian colonists and shipping them to Tentativa as slave labor.

2357: HITI drops out of the competition for the existing military contracts and focuses on mating TSW's collar system to more conventional 'compact' jump cores.

2359: The Taurian Concordat Navy receives the first fruits of the last decade's design work almost simultaneously: NVI's Defender and Liberty monitors (the former a 30,000 ton gunboat, the latter a 50,000 ton carrier) enter service only a month before the first TSW milspec Jumpship is commissioned. The ship can carry three of the other monitors.

2360: Taurian explorer Tracy Ashton Pendleton encounters the Bellites on Tentativa and successfully organizes a rebellion that overthrows the Federated Suns garrison and brings the world into the Taurian Concordat. Richard Calderon is appalled both by the Bellites' plight but also by the potential menace. He offers contracts to drastically increase the TCN with scores more monitors and also requests design studies for a larger monitor (which will eventually develop into the Winchester-class).

2362: HITI successfully develop a jump collar suitable for compact core jumpships and begin rebuilding their market share by refitting vessels in the existing Taurian fleet. This quickly spills out of military use and into civilian markets, as well as giving a few forward thinkers ideas about capital warships to haul parasites about and be able to look after itself.

2366: TCS Winchester, massing four times as much as a Liberty-class monitor, is launched from NVI's yards.

2368: Fleeing the newly formed Capellan Confederation, Lord Tormassov unwittingly enters the Taurian Concordat with a formidable warband and lands on Pinard. Richard Calderon attempts to persuade Tormassov to lay down his arms and join the Concordat (as many previous refugees had been) are hindered by suspicions and when the Capellan pursuit force arrives most of Tormassov's warband panic and flee, seizing control of two Taurian jumpships and jumping into the Federated Suns where they were swiftly driven off by local defences. Capellan forces maintaining the pursuit were only slightly more successful.

2369: Looking for the source of these Capellan raiders, a Davion expeditionary force lands on Robsart and triggers more than two years of sporadic fighting between the TCN and the FSN, mostly centered on the Pleiades Cluster.

2371: The death of Reynard Davion, whose fixation on fighting Franco Liao had prevented him from seeking any resolution to affairs with the Concordat, and the succession of Etien Davion to the Presidency of the Federated Suns, leads to a peace initiative which Richard Calderon tentatively accepts - although he remains convinced for the rest of his reign that hostilities could resume at any time. Having been able to concentrate the full force of their navy against the local elements of the FSN, the TCN had generally been victorious but lost a number of their carrier jumpships when they were unwisely exposed to combat. For their part the FSN had managed to capture and salvage enough equipment that they would soon be using jump collar technology of their own.

2372: The Taurian Concordat commissions the development of a large armed jumpship comparable in size to the warships of House Davion (and House Liao). Rather than seeking to create a dedicated battleship however, this is to be a massive fleet carrier, capable of defending itself while transporting entire squadrons of monitors and gunships.

2373: Capellan raiders violate Taurian space, capturing several jumpships in order to gain samples of docking collar technology. A punitive raid by Taurian ship 'halts the raids' although in fact, the Chancellor simply ordered them cancelled once the samples were obtained.

2375: HITI wins the contract to build the Taurus-class fleet carriers.

2376: The Federated Suns deploys its own parasite warships against the Capellan Confederation: 15,000 ton assault ships capable of docking with a collared compact-core jumpship (the expanded cores as yet are unknown to them) and even of entering atmosphere and landing, using their autocannon batteries and massive lasers to clear landing zones.

2378: TCS Taurus is commissioned into the TCN. Massing 740,000 tons, the Taurus can transport five squadrons of monitors along with a powerful gunship wing for its own defense. Although armed with a substantial number of missile tubes and laser turrets, the Taurus is under-armed compared to the cruisers of other navies. This is in line with its intended role however and the defense is first-class.

2379: The CCN deploys its own assault ship against those of House Davion. Although 2,000 ton heavier and armed with heavy missiles and particle beams, the design clearly copies the FSN's in many ways, pointing to major security problems with Federal R&D. With every indication that the Draconis Combine and Terran Hegemony have also obtained drop-collar technology from his nation, Paul Davion orders major security reforms while continuing to pull back from his predecessor's military adventurism.

2385: It's realized the sheer cost of the Taurus-class will limit their numbers just as their size means they can only be built slowly and in a handful of yards, so a smaller assault carrier is ordered. With TSW already working on the Taurus, NVI was officially green lit to begin development of the Marshal-class but it would take over a decade to work out a design that was in an acceptable cost range for mass construction and addressed the issues the TCN has brought up with the Taurus. Mostly their undersized drives…

2387: Richard Calderon dies, still holding emergency wartime powers. His son Daniel becomes Protector.

2390: Daniel Calderon dies suddenly leaving his three-year-old daughter Amanda as Protector in name. Admiral Sigur Fonn is named Regent-Protector.

2392: Capellan expansion runs into worlds fortified by Fonn as a defensive belt against exactly this sort of expansion. The elderly Franco Liao limits himself to judicious probes of Taurian space, seeking to take their measure.

2395: Kurnath Liao succeeds his brother as Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation and begins to build up military forces for a more forceful approach towards the Taurians.

2396: The Marshal-class finally enters production and at 440,000 tons and capable of 3 gravities of acceleration, she is far faster and more affordable than the larger Taurus-class fleet carriers. At the same time a new 90,000ton gunboat monitor put into production by HITI, is purchased by the TCN as the Alliance-class.

2397: The First Rim War begins with the Capellans making a major push into Taurian space. The sudden change of operational tempo catches the TCN off guard but using chains of jumpships they are able to ferry dozens of monitors into threatened systems to keep them from falling until carrier task forces can arrive.

2400: It's noted by the Concordat intelligence systems that all power in the Inner Sphere have large assault ships of their own design however even the largest (a 30,000 ton behemoth employed by the Draconis Combine) is capable of planetfall. Most interestingly, they are intended as escorts or in one case as a gunship carrier to support their transports and warships, not as primary combatants as Taurian doctrine uses them. They also learn that the Terran Hegemony has developed a new, high performance fighter capable of space and atmospheric work. Obtaining a sample is deemed a priority by Sigur Fonn, who anticipates that the CCN will use Aerospace Fighters against the Taurian Navy as soon as they develop their own.

2405: Amanda Calderon comes of age and takes power from her regent although retaining his services as a naval commander and advisor. She opens diplomatic contact with Chancellor Aleisha Liao via the Terran Hegemony to explore ending the Rim War. Director-General Judith Cameron tries to leverage this role into forming an alliance with the Concordat, seeing them as valuable allies against the Capellans and the Federated Suns.

2407: A mediated peace between the Taurian Concordat and Capellan Confederation ends the First Rim War, with the Taurians conceding the Zanzibar, Corodiz and Mendham systems even though only the first is firmly held by the Confederation.

2412: The Taurian Concordat is represented at the Ares Conference but decline to sign the resulting Conventions after the conduct of the Capellans in the Rim war. Amanda Calderon begins to establish ties to the United Hindu Collective, the other hold-out against the Conventions.

2413: After an extended period of negotiation, the Terran Hegemony sells aerospace fighter technology to the Taurian Concordat, along with thirteen obsolete Dart-class light cruisers. They agree a secret pact against the Capellan Confederation.

2415: A new shipping company based in the Pleiades, Pleiades Industrial Works (PIW) explodes onto the TC shipping market with what will become the Concordat's most iconic and common light freight Dropship. Although official paperwork refers to it as the Express-class, it will forever be known as the Colonial Movers-class after a blockbuster movie using one as the hero’s ship.

2417: Once the purchased cruisers reached the Concordat they are put through a careful examination and extended rebuilding in yards for study and getting them to work with TCN doctrine. The refit doubles the number of collars and adds a massive number of capital missile tubes. All would be ether scraped or sold to the MOC and OWA in the mid-26th century.

2418: In light of her agreement with the Hegemony and a down-turn in relations with the Confederation following the death of Aleisha Liao three years before, Amanda Calderon orders Sigur Fonn to carry out an invasion of Capellan space, starting the Second Rim War. Carrier task forces arrive over five Capellan worlds within weeks.

2419: Capellan use of tactical nuclear weapons is countered by ortillery barrages from the TCN.

2421: CCN deep raids into the Concordat are turned back with great success and little damage done to the Taurian economy.

2423: Seriously outclassed, the Capellan Navy has been driven back by the Taurian Navy and Chancellor Arden Baxter - fighting a two-front war with the Terran Hegemony pushing towards Liao - sues for peace. In addition to returning the three worlds received in the First Rim War, he has to surrender Ashley, Muridox and Alexandra. Weeks after signing the treaty that ends the Second Rim War, Baxter is assassinated. His successor, Stephen Liao, validates the treaty and begins a major overhaul of the Capellan military in light of their poor performance. Other states are also concerned by the effectiveness of Taurian monitors and their navy as a whole.

2425: Simon Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, is successful in bringing Amanda Calderon and Stephen Liao back to the negotiation table and negotiates a tripartite trade agreement. Although the Liao-Davion trade deals are abrogated as soon as the two Houses go back to war, the Calderon’s manage to maintain their trading terms well into the next century.

2426: TSW propose recharge systems for jump-drives be placed in dedicated stations at key points around the Concordat to speed the movement of carriers. The Concordat government agrees to fund this, seeing the military and economic benefits.

2431: After more than a decade of effort, the Concordat government manages to secure a trade pact with the United Hindu Collective. Both governments express a reluctance to be dragged into the incessant wars of their neighbors (the Second Rim War was a major problem in negotiations while it was being waged).

2435: TMI notice that while previously the FSN and CCN were moving towards conventional weapons for anti-fighter cover and ever-heavier capital weapons for anti-shipping, both are now fitting secondary banks of smaller or 'sub-'capital weapons to their warships. It is projected that other states may be doing the same although souring relations with Terra following the accession of Jacob Cameron make this hard to confirm. Given the Concordat's strong position, no immediate action is deemed necessary.

2439: Production of the Defender Class Battlerider is ended and those in service are to be replaced over the next decade by Alliance Class Battleriders. The Defenders will be sold to merchant Jumpships for defense or Law enforcement agencies in the TC.

2453: Eighteen years after their last major naval review, the TCN conclude that newer warships in use by their neighbors will require upgrades to existing vessels and a new and more powerful class of monitors. Other ideas raised in light of the budget surplus after a generation of peace are for a mobile shipyard to ease the logistics of the TCN. At this point terminology is standardized: Jumpship for 'civilian' large core vessels, starship for compact core vessels not intended for combat roles, warship for compact core vessels intended for combat, Dropship for any vessel capable of jump-point to surface travel, monitor for spacecraft for civilian vessels capable of neither jump nor planetfall and battlerider for their armed equivalents.

2459: Work by PIW on a 960,000 ton starship with a full yard able to fit even a Taurus-class fleet carrier is green lit by the TCN.

2464: The United Hindu Collective approach the Concordat about the possibility of purchasing several vessels to expand their navy. (The substantial tensions within the Federated Suns during the reign of James Davion may have been a factor). Negotiations are short and quite amicable: the Taurian Concordat will delay the construction of two of their upgraded Taurus-class to refit older vessels of that class for use by the Messengers of Shiva. Increasing trade with the UHC has benefited both nations and trickle-down has also had economic benefits for neighboring worlds in the Suns and the Confederation.

2466: TCS Aurochs and TCS Minotaur are formally decommissioned from the TCN (the names are re-used for ships of the later Taurus-class) and the two ships are renamed as HCS Shiva and HCS Kali.

2472: NVI R&D teams working on a proposal for a new carrier develop the first working lithium fusion battery.

2476: PIW launches the first Island-class mobile shipyard starship, TCS Brisbane, after seventeen years of development. The TCN orders only limited numbers, partly due to cost and partly because PIW has few yards capable of building the Island-class.

2478: The TCN orders a halt to all military jumpship production so that designs can be amended to include lithium fusion batteries for all future construction.

2479: The Wagon Wheel-class assault carrier is the first class of lithium-fusion equipped warship to enter production, a triumph for NVI. Massing 680,000 tons it carries a formidable number of capital missile tubes. While the other major shipyards are taken aback, HITI is able to compete with the Colt-class monitor (a 290,000 missile cruiser) and TSW pushes the boundaries of jump-transportable monitors with the 400,000 ton Hyades-class pocket battleship.

2482: PIW makes a bold move, opening a new Outworlds Alliance branch and begin constructing a shipyard at Lushann

2485: The UHC asks to purchase additional ships. After considerable debate it's decided to sell late-production Marshal-class assault carriers and Winchester-class battleriders to them, but not to release the still secret lithium fusion technology at this time.
2491: The UHC in a moment of pride develop and begin production of the 300,000ton Shiva Class Frigate battlerider.

2503: First Prince William Davion orders the 160,000 ton Trajan-class 'destroyer' battlerider be the built for the FSN, utilizing heavy naval autocannon, and all navies adding more docking collars to older and new warships. There is great Taurian concern at these adoptions of their doctrine by a traditional enemy even if there have been no major clashes in over a century.

2505: NVI begins a Project to raise the mass limit of Battleriders however progress is slow.

2507: Taurian intelligence learns that the Terran Hegemony are building a class of 'fast-attack'
battlerider of 180,000 tons with a significant battery of naval lasers. In general, the importance of escorting warships with assault dropships is now established doctrine in most navies.

2510: the Liberty Class Battleriders production is stopped and shifted to Freedom Class CV battleriders that are twice the size with 4* the CAW. It’ll take 2 decades before enough are produced to begin decommissioning and selling off the liberty’s. Many of them with a number of defenders would end up in the MOC by 2560.

2515: Agents of the Rim Worlds Republic offer to sell Pinto-class corvettes or even license the design to the Concordat in return for reciprocation with the Colt-class. The TCN concludes that 1) they have no use for the Pinto and 2) there is no way they're sharing the Colt. They do ask the Protector about the possibilities of a new carrier design however as the Wagon Wheel alone doesn't replace the Marshal and the Taurus.

2520: The marriage of Ariana Calderon and Kalvin Liao is hailed as a new era in good relations between the two states but the marriage and relations rapidly unravel, with the long-standing Taurian-Capellan trade suffering as a result.

2525: The Davion Civil War begins, tearing the Federated Suns, AFFS and FSN asunder. The Concordat and Collective both send convoys of aid to war stricken worlds. After the first attempt by the Varnays to seize supplies these convoys are well escorted and quiet approaches are made to some planetary governments about annexation if the Federated Suns collapses further.

2527: The reappearance of Alexander Davion revives Taurian hopes of a favorable resolution to the Davion Civil War and they quietly donate military supplies to him and posture to draw Varnay forces away from the Crucis March. Taurian attention is dragged away however when Ariana Calderon is murdered by her husband. TCN ships leave the Davion border to strike into Capellan space. Enraged, the Protector orders no efforts be made to disguise the use of LFB's and rumors of Taurian super-ships quickly rush across the Inner Sphere.

2529: With Taurian aid, Alexander Davion and General John Gordon launch a two-pronged assault into the Capellan March, granted passage by the UHC through their space. With Laura Davion's forces still consolidating in the Draconis March they cannot take advantage in time to prevent much of the March falling into the young First Prince's hands.

2530: The foundation of the Magistracy of Canopus gives the Taurians a new and potentially aggressive neighbor right as their concerns about Chancellor Kalvin Liao end with his assassination. The Varnay's flee New Syrtis and head into the Confederation. David Varney, the pregnant Cassandra Davion-Varnay and their son Terrill request asylum in the CC but Kalvin Liao isn’t inclined to agree till David Varnay suffers a fatal heart attack, does he decides to show mercy and agree to let them to live out their lives in exile in the Confederation. Cassandra is delivered of another son, Roger Varnay.

2531: The United Hindu Collective and Taurian Concordat begin discussions regarding an eventual merger of their two realms, given their mutual interests and generally similar political and economic systems.

2531: The Terran Hegemony begins production of its own natively design Lithium Fusion Battery system in its warships. 

2533: With the defeat (and suicide) of Laura Davion on Tancredi IV, the Davion Civil War comes to an end. While Alexander would have continual difficulties with the Rostovs of Robinson for years to come, eventually forcing them into exile in the Terran Hegemony, the preponderance of force was overwhelmingly on his side. Made aware that the UHC is considering amalgamation with the Concordat he makes a counter-offer, proposing that they join the Federated Suns. This convinces the Taurians to take the discussions much more seriously and they campaign strongly for their nation.

2534: Reviews of the Action in Ariana’s war proved how useful the Island Yardships were, however they were too few to make a large impact and wasted on battleriders when they were meant to service carriers. To answer this, the TCN put out a request for a Yard monitor.

2539: PIW again beats out the 3 larger shipbuilders of the concordat in the yard monitor contracts with its Oasis Class at 200,000 tons with a unpressurized Bay able to dock even the largest battle riders up to 400,000 tons.   

2540: A popular vote of the UHC strongly favors the Taurian Concordat and the Treaty of Basantapur formally incorporates them into the Concordat.

2542: With the Federated Suns economy finally stabilizing, Alexander Davion meets Amalthia Calderon at Malagrotta seeking improved trade options, formally recognizing the annexation of the UHC and also proposing an alliance and asking to buy Taurian military hardware to rebuild his forces. Amalthia agrees to trade and limited trade of military supplies (although no ships) but and given the pro-Davion Chancellor Alicia Liao on the throne of the Capellan Confederation is favorably inclined towards an alliance but only on her terms and discussions stall on the several  matters and Alexander decides not to press the matter.

2543: HITI and NVI, having seen PIW's success in the OWA, see an opportunity and both request permission from the Protector and the First Prince to build small shipyards in the shattered FS.

2546: HITI unveils a new design of Battlerider, the 100,000 ton Cowboy class Cruiser Escort, which is quickly order by both the FSN and TCN

2546: The FSN convinces Alexander Davion to authorize a shift of focus towards Taurian-style carriers supported by heavy destroyers and a small force of battleships. The Robinson-class transports will be the center of the FSN's new order-of-battle and the prospect of this transportation bonanza convinces the army to support the proposal. Older ships are scheduled for eventual rotation to second line-roles or even to be sold off once the 'new fleet' is large enough, although this is projected to take until the 26th century at best.

2549: TCS Samantha Calderon, a joint endeavor by all three major Taurian shipyards, is launched. Massing colossal a 1,380,000 tons, the Saucy Sam has twenty-eight collars, almost 300 on-board fighters and gunships and an impressive array of capital missiles and lasers. The TCN boldly requests another ship of this class every 2 years and Amalthia agrees.

2550: The OWA buys four of the TCN's Dart-class ships, giving birth to the OAN. President Avellar is able to get approval for the deal by pointing out they can serve as colony ships and transport as well as defend those new world when they are vulnerable.

2553: The TCN ends production of the Taurus class fleet carriers and begin considering a replacement design.

2555: Cassandra Davion-Varnay dies of cancer.

2556: The Treaty of Geneva forms an economic and military pact between the Terran Hegemony, Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League.

2557: Protector Amalthia Calderon dies and her daughter Caterina takes office as Protector. Among her first decisions is to cut naval expenditure, halving orders for the Samantha Calderon-class. Via the Federated Suns she establishes warm relations with the Outworlds Alliance and sees the decline in warfare along her borders as a sign that her reign will have little need for military build-up. However, she does re-open discussions with Alexander about an alliance to enforce this.

2557: the FSN with much anticipation welcomes there first Fleet Carrier, the FSS New Syrtis at 920,000 tons, 120 ASF and 16 docking collars, she catches everyone’s attention

2558: The OWA signs a Free trade pact with the TC and though it the FS, since directly signing with the FS is seen as to provocative of the DC. In a cost-saving exercise, the TCN actively pursues selling off their remaining Dart-class ships to the FSN and OAN. By the end of the decade, all are sold. The FSN also is granted permission to buy 8 Island Class yardships from PIW over the next 6 years.

2559: The Magistracy of Canopus enquires about joining the Concordat-Suns-Alliance free trade zone. This is quickly over-shadowed by contact from Ian Cameron proposing that the trade bloc join his own system of alliances, forming a single Star League.

2559:The Draconis Combine proudly unveils the Samarkand-class battlerider, a dedicated carrier almost the size of a Hyades-class pocket battleship. It's unclear though whether the DCA can actually transport a Samarkand by Jumpship - they're not observed to have succeeded but that would be a military secret...

2560: A conference on Basantapur between Caterina Calderon, Alexander Davion, Catherine Avellar and Crystalla Centrella discuss Ian Cameron's proposal. Public opinion in all areas except the Federated Suns' Terran March is moderately or strongly opposed to the Star League. They issue a joint and guarded response indicating that they feel the Star League is a step too far but they are happy to explore expanded trade and negotiate over outstanding border issues.

2560: the MOC buys 7 Tancredi light carriers from the FS along with 1 Marshal and 1 Taurus Carriers from the TC.

2561: The nascent Star League claim to accept the 'Outer Rim' position and open trade and border discussions but are deliberately slow to come to terms. At the same time they commence efforts to undermine the economies of the four states; particularly the still war-weakened Federated Suns and Ian Cameron redoubles his efforts to bring the Draconis Combine in on his side. Hehiro Kurita, recognizing he holds the balance of power, stalls and seeks concessions.

2561: The FSN is allowed to buy several old Taurus-class fleet carriers and Taurian engineers assist in redesigning the Robinson-class transport and Tancredi-class light carrier to use LFB batteries which were traded for the Design of the New Syrtis Fleet carrier.

2562: The Federated Suns economy fails to grow as much as expected from the benefits of free trade with the Alliance, Concordat and Magistracy.

2562: Hegemony intelligence discovers the LFB being used by the FSN, finally confirming details of the 'super jumpships' of the late 2520s. Ian Cameron becomes concerned that the Hegemony's technological edge may be less than anticipated.

2563: Shandra Noruff-Cameron makes a personal visit to New Samarkand, skillfully appealing to Hehiro's martial pride but also being sure to discuss the Star League's benefits 'informally' with the Coordinator's influential mother Siriwan McAllister-Kurita. She suggests that if Gregory Amaris does agree to join the Star League this would free the Lyran Commonwealth to concentrate upon their border with Rasalhague, perhaps with support from the FWLM. The economic difficulties of the Federated Suns begin to spread to the Taurian Concordat.

2564: The Terran Hegemony begins setting up a network of 'black box' communications across their allies territory.

2564: With Hehiro increasingly leaning towards the Star League, Ian decides to take a risk and has an agent offer Terrill Varnay Star League support in putting their family back in power over the Suns. Terrill proves uninterested in politics, having soured on life at the Capellan Court. His brother Roger is a different matter and quickly brought into discussions by Terrence Liao.

2564: Ian is confronted suddenly by a combined front of Hehiro Kurita, Tracial Steiner and Terrence Liao, all asking for advanced Hegemony technology to be guaranteed if they agree to the Star League. After a brief discussion with Albert Marik he reluctantly agrees.

2565: Caterina is appalled at the reports of fraud, and corruption in the stock exchanges and banks of the TC and FS brought to her by TMI. She appoints her son Mitchell to counter the corruption and malpractices.

2565: It’s Impossible to ignore the build by of the proto-Star League and Caterina orders the military funding she cut to be restored and even expanded.

2565: Too much fanfare the FSN launches FSS Iron Duke, first of a new class of battleships that use LFB. Mitchell Calderon attends the ceremonies and briefs Alexander on the economic issues. An investigation in both realms uncovers the ongoing economic sabotage.

2565: Seeing the potential of the FSN and TCN starship carriers the THN/SLN manage to get the Director General to green light a project for the SLN to design and build its own Starship carrier. This project would take 6 years for a design to be accepted.

2566: Operation TEA CLIPPER is begun, a systematic campaign by the Taurian Concordat, Federated Suns, and Outworlds Alliance clean up the trade links outside their trade zone to minimize damage to their economies should war cut off those trade routes

2566: The OWA purchases several Marshal-class assault carriers to build up their naval forces.

2566: Additional yards capable of building the Calderon-Class are begun in order to meet demand in the new naval budget for more of the ships

2567: Lawrence Davion and Marantha Calderon meet when he is visiting Taurus as part of a military exchange. To the amusement of both fathers, each confides to their families their strong attraction to the other without recognizing that feelings are reciprocated.

2567: In response to increasingly hardline positions taken in the ongoing discussions by the Federated Suns, Ian Cameron puts the talks on hold and refocuses on trying to force the OWA and MOC to break ranks with their allies.

2567: After 62 years of work NVI manages to figure out a method to allow battleriders up to 500,000 tons to safely jump with starships. Given raising tensions the TCN and FSN both enquire about a new class of battlerider to take advantage of this.

2568: Caterina Calderon suffers a massive stroke crippling her and while in recovery spoils her son's fun by telling Marantha that Alexander has told her, his son is interested in her. Armed with this information, Marantha kick starts the courtship between the two with her grandmother's full approval. This cannot be kept quiet however and Ian demands that Hehiro follow through with his previous offer: sign up for the Star League to get the technology on offer. Hehiro holds out for 'suitable representation' of DCMS officers in the SLDF high command but agrees.

2568: DMI and TMI both get wind that Ian is helping the Roger Varnay build up a force for a bid to overthrow Alexander and the Davion line. In response to this the FS and TC both increase their military budgets.

2569: Caterina Calderon abdicates as Protector in favor of Mitchell Calderon as she isn’t recovering well from her stroke. Mitchell at once calls for a summit to discuss plans for war. So far the only answers he’s been given are variations of being crushed under the sheer weight of numbers the SLDF can bring to bear and he’s hoping someone else has an idea.

2569: Ian Cameron, Hehiro Kurita, Albert Marik, Terrence Liao, Tracial Steiner and Gregory Amaris all sign the Star League Accords and issue a proclamation demanding that the other states do likewise. Public objections to the Star League almost immediately take to the streets in the RWR. As preparatory work had already been underway, elements of the HAF, LCAF and FWLM are quickly dispatched to reinforce the RWA in maintaining order but their arrival triggers the defection of several regiments to the Rim Republican Army. The DCMS and CCAF however are retained at full strength along the borders of the Outer Rim nations, expected to take the first brunt of any fighting.

2569: The initial response of the four Outer Rim leaders is to politely decline the invitation to join and less politely throw Cameron's under the table dealings into the public light. They do refrain from public support for the RRA - at least for now. Covertly however and large amounts of supplies and weapons is sent to the RRA. The TC also sells the Lithium Fusion tech to the MOC and OWA and sends advisors to help them to add the technology to ships are building now.

2570: While considerable portions of the new SLDF are getting bogged down in the RWR, there are also powerful fleets and armies still amassing to invade the OWA and FS (the Taurians are seen as too tough a nut to crack until the Suns are forced out of the war despite the demands of the Liao’s they be hit first and the FWL simply isn't as eager to annex the Canopians as the DCMS is to seize Alliance and Suns worlds).

2570: Political rhetoric painting the Outer Rim as barbarians and warmongers is on the rise.

2570: Protector Mitchell Calderon, widely trusted and respected by all the Outer Rim, calls a summit to discuss a proposal from a firebrand young admiral by the name of David Santos. The plan is called CASE AMBER and proposes a first strike to put the Star League on the defensive.

2571: Having adopted CASE AMBER, the Outer Rim leaders begin moving troops and ships into position. Under the cover of a general increase in military budgets, the flow of supplies to the RRA is increased and also augmented by military advisors. The TCN purchases several dozen recharge stations, placing them in deep space as fall-back positions for their warships if needed. Under great secrecy several of these stations are actually being sited within Capellan and even Terran space as staging points for CASE AMBER. All TCN, FSN and OAN ships are painted in identical patterns of black and gray. 

2571: The SLN accepts the SLS Enterprise into service, their very own Super Carrier massing some 1,600,000 tons with 32 collars for battleriders and dropships. 11 more are ordered at once by the SLN, and the houses each order 1 or 2 for themselves as well per the treaties regarding sharing SLDF designs(with some if not all the tech) with each of the members.

2571: NVI presents the Design for the Concordat Battlerider, a 500kt monster which is quickly ordered by the FS and TC both in such amounts NVI has to license the design to its competitors HITI and TSW. 

2572: Intelligence points to six Corps of SLDF and Auxiliary troops in positions near the Outer Rim, escorted by five hundred warships. In contrast the SLDF deployments to the active warzone in the RWR are only four Corps and one hundred and fifty warships - primarily convoy escorts. Final confirmation of CASE AMBER is given and to take place in Jan and Feb of 2573.

Red Pins

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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 12:24:22 AM »



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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 12:24:51 AM »

Maps of the TC, FS and CC 2573


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 01:12:58 PM »

 :o Interesting AU timeline.  More please!


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2013, 12:25:31 AM »

@Red Pins: :D
@Shadow_Wraith: thanks, ill be posting up Designs of the Ships and more of the TL this coming weekend.

                  AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Samantha Calderon Class Super Carrier
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 2549
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules:             Level 2, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              1,380,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  (Unknown)
Length:            2,644 meters
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Improved Ferro-aluminum
   48 NL35
   40 NL45
   32 Large Laser
   64 Medium Laser
   64 Small Laser
   24 Killer Whale
   48 White Shark
Made with the same requirements that resulted in the Taurus adjusted to the
26th centurys needs,  the Calderon Class Super Carrier is the largest starship
built by the Concordat to that point. With a CAW of just under 300 ASF and
Gunships combined with its 28 docking collars, the Calderon is a centerpiece
to any task force and able to bring more firepower into a system than any
starship to date. In theory a Calderon  with its standard load of 2 Hyades, 2
Colt, 2 Freedom, 4 Winchester, 2 Cowboy,  and 2 Alliance battleriders has the
firepower and numbers to match a SLN naval taskforce alone.

Despite being able to haul a small fleet by itself and being the most heavily
armed and armored carrier the Taurians have ever built a Calderon is never
alone. normally it will have 4-6 other carriers(1-2 wagon wheels, 1-2
Taurus/New syrtis, 2-4 Marshal) with it fitting its role as command ship for a
entire Taskforce.

The Calderon like all TC starships lacks a Jump Sail using only the Fusion
reactors of the ship to charge the core and LFB systems.

The Calderon is fully able to engage in a gun duel with a cruiser if need
although it never will try to do so and attempt to run or jump over fighting

Due to the design of the Launch bays this carrier can get 24 ASF launched
every 30 seconds, and the locations of the collars allow Battleriders to fire
up there drives and undock within 60 seconds.

==Battle History:==
First Combat Action is during the newyears attack of 2573 on the SL. They
preformed perfectly.


==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
As of 2573
TCS Samantha Calderon
TCS Henri Montour
TCS Victor Taurens
TCS Sandra Calderon
TCS Timothy Calderon
TCS Richard Calderon
TCS Tracy Ashton Pendleton
TCS Sigur Fonn
TCS Daniel Calderon
TCS Amanda Calderon
TCS Sadhvi Garg
TCS Ariana Calderon
TCS Amalthia Calderon
TCS Ian Macleod
TCS Patrick Flannagan
TCS Robert St John

(5 under construstion are)
TCS Frank Norman
TCS Athena O'Conner
TCS Olivia Santiago
TCS Heather Scott
TCS Caterina Calderon

Normally it will have 4-6 other carriers with it fitting it role as command
ship for a entire fleet. Like all Carriers in the TCN they are rarely seen
outside of transit to or from docks in the Hyades or Pleiades clusters as
normally Carrier Task Forces lerk in the ort clouds of Taurian systems or deep
space if deployed outside the concordat. Also like all modern TC carriers with
LF batteries they only enter a combat zone or hostile system long enough to
launch or redock there battleriders and then jump back out, usally a 33 minute

Class/Model/Name:  Samantha Calderon Class Super Carrier
Mass:              1,380,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      331,200.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 27)               624,450.00
Lithium Fusion Battery                                              13,800.00
Jump Sail: No Sail (Fusion-Charged K-F)                                   .00
Structural Integrity: 90                                           124,200.00
Total Heat Sinks:    8,400 Single                                    7,542.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                  10,200.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              3,450.00
Fire Control Computers:                                             15,848.00
Food & Water:  (375 days supply)                                     3,365.50
Armor Type:  Improved Ferro-aluminum  (1,544 total armor pts)        2,483.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                285
   Fore-Left/Right:                  257/257
   Aft-Left/Right:                   257/257
   Aft:                                 231

   Bay 1:  Cargo (3) with 10 doors                                  15,000.00
           Cargo (1) with 10 doors                                   4,788.50
   Bay 2:  Fighters (96) with 2 doors                               14,400.00
           Small Craft (48) with 2 doors                             9,600.00
   Bay 3:  Fighters (96) with 2 doors                               14,400.00
           Small Craft (48) with 2 doors                             9,600.00
   Bay 4:  Cargo (3) with 10 doors                                  15,000.00

DropShip Capacity:  28 Docking Hardpoints                           28,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 6:  (240-meter diameter)                               600.00
Escape Pods:  214 (7 tons each)                                      1,498.00

Crew and Passengers:
     95 Officers (95 minimum)                                          950.00
    226 Crew (226 minimum)                                           1,582.00
    211 Gunners (187 minimum)                                        1,477.00
     50 1st Class Passengers                                           500.00
     50 2nd Class Passengers                                           350.00
    100 Steerage Passengers                                            500.00
    200 Marines                                                      1,000.00
    864 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 NL35                     Nose        16     16     16      9  104  1,400.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
2 NL35                     Nose        16     16     16      9  104  1,400.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
2 NL35                     Nose        12     12     12      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                         70    900.00
2 NL35                     Nose        12     12     12      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                         70    900.00
4 Large Laser              Nose     7(72)  3(32)     --     --   64     20.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 48      8.00
4 Small Laser              Nose     1(12)     --     --     --    8      2.00
4 Small Laser              Nose     1(12)     --     --     --    8      2.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    Nose        20     20     20     20   80  1,300.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  2,080.00
2 NL35                     FL/R        16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    FL/R        20     20     20     20   80  2,600.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  4,160.00
1 NL35                     FL/R         8      8      8      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
1 NL35                     FL/R         8      8      8      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
4 Large Laser              FL/R     7(72)  3(32)     --     --   64     40.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 48     16.00
4 Small Laser              FL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
4 Small Laser              FL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    FL/R        20     20     20     20   80  2,600.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  4,160.00
2 NL35                     L/RBS       16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 NL35                     L/RBS       16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 NL35                     L/RBS       12     12     12      5  104  2,800.00
  1 NL45                                                         70  1,800.00
2 NL35                     L/RBS       12     12     12      5  104  2,800.00
  1 NL45                                                         70  1,800.00
4 Large Laser              L/RBS    7(72)  3(32)     --     --   32     40.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 24     16.00
4 Small Laser              L/RBS    1(12)     --     --     --    4      4.00
4 Small Laser              L/RBS    1(12)     --     --     --    4      4.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    L/RBS       20     20     20     20   80  2,600.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  4,160.00
2 NL35                     AL/R        16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    AL/R        20     20     20     20   80  2,600.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  4,160.00
1 NL35                     AL/R         8      8      8      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
1 NL35                     AL/R         8      8      8      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
4 Large Laser              AL/R     7(72)  3(32)     --     --   64     40.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 48     16.00
4 Small Laser              AL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
4 Small Laser              AL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    AL/R        20     20     20     20   80  2,600.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  4,160.00
2 NL35                     Aft         16     16     16      9  104  1,400.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
2 NL35                     Aft         16     16     16      9  104  1,400.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
2 NL35                     Aft         12     12     12      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                         70    900.00
2 NL35                     Aft         12     12     12      5  104  1,400.00
  1 NL45                                                         70    900.00
4 Large Laser              Aft      7(72)  3(32)     --     --   32     20.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 24      8.00
4 Small Laser              Aft      1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
4 Small Laser              Aft      1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
2 Killer Whale(20 msls)    Aft         20     20     20     20   40  1,300.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                         60  2,080.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (1.00%)                                           13,800.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 7,008   1,380,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        72,853,028,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      168,912
Cost per BV:       431,307.59
Weapon Value:      101,268 (Ratio = .60)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 6,094;  MRV = 5,575;  LRV = 4,247;  ERV = 1,682
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 916,590
                   (187,281 Structure, 483,445 Life Support, 245,864 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 622,231  (68% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

David CGB

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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2013, 01:58:16 AM »

You have a lot of great ideas
I would love to read more about them


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2013, 10:55:29 PM »

a Few more Designs of the TCN, suggestions and comments welcome :)

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Colt Class Parasite Missile Corvette 
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 2479
Vessel Type:       Monitor (WarShip Transportable)
Rules:             Level 3, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              290,000 tons
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:        Improved Ferro-aluminum
   32 NL35
   32 NL45
   72 Killer Whale
   24 White Shark
   48 Large Laser
   48 Medium Laser
   64 Small Laser
   64 Autocannon/20
   96 Autocannon/5
From the Start the Colt was designed to be a Artillery and support ship,
weather for fleet actions or ortillery support with its massive Capital
missile and Naval Laser arrays. The Colt lacks the ability to fight in a
battle line however its large engines allow it to dart forward and fire a
massed missile salvo or stay back and pick off missile and asf from the rear.

With a Dozen Missile bays in each arc, up to 36 missiles can be fired in ether
broadside, fore or aft. A favored tactic in Ariana war was for the Colts to
lead the TC forces into extreme range before they cut engines and started
salvoing broaded sides rolling to keep up a steady stream of fire while Hyades
and Winchester Battleriders moved in.

==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
As of 2573 210 Colts are in service to the TCN, this class of battlerider
hasnt been sold to any other power. Colts are Named for Sailers than have been
awarded the Tauruain Brand.

Generally Most carriers have 1-4 assigned although this does Varry as the need
arises. Normally they are paired with a Hyades and 2-4
Winchester/Alliance/Cowboy battleriders.

Class/Model/Name:  Colt Class Parasite Missile Corvette 
Mass:              290,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                       87,000.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 120                                           34,800.00
Total Heat Sinks:    6,840 Single                                    6,378.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   4,080.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                725.00
Fire Control Computers:                                             20,064.00
Food & Water:  (25 days supply)                                         61.50
Armor Type:  Improved Ferro-aluminum  (490 total armor pts)            696.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 93
   Fore-Left/Right:                   81/81
   Aft-Left/Right:                    81/81
   Aft:                                  73

   Bay 1:  Cargo (1) with 10 doors                                  11,495.50
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (12) with 6 doors                             2,400.00

DropShip Capacity:  3 Docking Hardpoints                             3,000.00
Escape Pods:  85 (7 tons each)                                         595.00

Crew and Passengers:
     59 Officers (59 minimum)                                          590.00
     49 Crew (44 minimum)                                              343.00
    214 Gunners (214 minimum)                                        1,498.00
    120 Marines                                                        600.00
     60 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 NL35                     Nose        16     16     16      9  104  1,400.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
2 NL45                     Nose        16     16     16      9  140  1,800.00
  2 NL35                                                        104  1,400.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    Nose        24     24     24     24  120  3,900.00
6 White Shark(60 msls)     Nose        18     18     18     18   90  3,120.00
6 Large Laser              Nose     5(48)  5(48)     --     --   48     30.00
6 Medium Laser             Nose     3(30)     --     --     --   18      6.00
4 Small Laser              Nose     1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
4 Small Laser              Nose     1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)Nose     8(80)     --     --     --   28    136.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)Nose     8(80)     --     --     --   28    136.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) Nose     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12     78.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) Nose     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12     78.00
2 NL35                     FL/R        16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 NL45                     FL/R        16     16     16      9  280  3,600.00
  2 NL35                                                        208  2,800.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    FL/R        24     24     24     24  240  7,800.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    FL/R        24     24     24     24  240  7,800.00
6 Large Laser              FL/R     5(48)  5(48)     --     --   96     60.00
6 Medium Laser             FL/R     3(30)     --     --     --   36     12.00
4 Small Laser              FL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
4 Small Laser              FL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)FL/R     8(80)     --     --     --   56    272.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)FL/R     8(80)     --     --     --   56    272.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) FL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12    156.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) FL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12    156.00
2 NL35                     L/RBS       16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 NL45                     L/RBS       16     16     16      9  280  3,600.00
  2 NL35                                                        208  2,800.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    L/RBS       24     24     24     24  240  7,800.00
6 White Shark(60 msls)     L/RBS       18     18     18     18  180  6,240.00
6 Large Laser              L/RBS    5(48)  5(48)     --     --   96     60.00
6 Medium Laser             L/RBS    3(30)     --     --     --   36     12.00
4 Small Laser              L/RBS    1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
4 Small Laser              L/RBS    1(12)     --     --     --    8      4.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)L/RBS    8(80)     --     --     --   56    272.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)L/RBS    8(80)     --     --     --   56    272.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) L/RBS    3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12    156.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) L/RBS    3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12    156.00
2 NL35                     AL/R        16     16     16      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 NL45                     AL/R        16     16     16      9  280  3,600.00
  2 NL35                                                        208  2,800.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    AL/R        24     24     24     24  240  7,800.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    AL/R        24     24     24     24  240  7,800.00
6 Large Laser              AL/R     5(48)  5(48)     --     --   48     60.00
6 Medium Laser             AL/R     3(30)     --     --     --   18     12.00
4 Small Laser              AL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    4      4.00
4 Small Laser              AL/R     1(12)     --     --     --    4      4.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)AL/R     8(80)     --     --     --   28    272.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)AL/R     8(80)     --     --     --   28    272.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) AL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6    156.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) AL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6    156.00
2 NL35                     Aft         16     16     16      9  104  1,400.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
2 NL45                     Aft         16     16     16      9  140  1,800.00
  2 NL35                                                        104  1,400.00
6 Killer Whale(60 msls)    Aft         24     24     24     24  120  3,900.00
6 White Shark(60 msls)     Aft         18     18     18     18   90  3,120.00
6 Large Laser              Aft      5(48)  5(48)     --     --   48     30.00
6 Medium Laser             Aft      3(30)     --     --     --   18      6.00
4 Small Laser              Aft      1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
4 Small Laser              Aft      1(12)     --     --     --    4      2.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)Aft      8(80)     --     --     --   28    136.00
4 Autocannon/20(400 rounds)Aft      8(80)     --     --     --   28    136.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) Aft      3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6     78.00
6 Autocannon/5(600 rounds) Aft      3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6     78.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (0.50%)                                            1,450.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 6,840     290,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        582,206,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      204,966
Cost per BV:       2,840.5
Weapon Value:      67,558 (Ratio = .33)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 8,008;  MRV = 6,271;  LRV = 4,449;  ERV = 1,769
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 926,360
                   (213,036 Structure, 460,100 Life Support, 253,224 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 379,819  (41% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Concordat Class Battlerrider
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 2571
Vessel Type:       Monitor (Non Transportable)
Rules:             Level 3, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              500,000 tons
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:        Ferro-carbide
   22 Heavy NPPC
   28 NL55
   56 NL45
   96 PPC
   96 Medium Laser
   96 Small Laser
   12 NAC/30
   20 Killer Whale
The Result of 7 Decades of work, the Concordat was only just entering
production 2 years before the Independence war. Fast, Heavily armored, and
even more heavily armed, the Concordat is very dangerous. Saddly its size
limits the number of yards that can built like meaning only 1-2 dozen will be
comissioned per year. 

Able to reach 4gs of accel, the Concordat can match or exceed any corvette or
frigate in any navy of the SL while still packing a weapons load that exceeds
every battleship but the Farraguts. the Concordat is a fast pocket battleship,
and makes no concession for passengers or Flag officers leaving that to other

==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
TCN names there Concordats after Nobles(such as they are in the concordat) of
the TC

Due to there still low numbers as of 2573, and the fact only a Calderon or new
syrtis has enough docking collars in a confrigation they can use, they have
yet to see combat or deployment beyond being moved to at risk systems on the
CC boarder.

Class/Model/Name:  Concordat Class Battlerrider
Mass:              500,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      150,000.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 110                                           55,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    14,194 Single                                  13,602.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   5,100.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              1,250.00
Fire Control Computers:                                             38,608.00
Food & Water:  (90 days supply)                                        258.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-carbide  (946 total armor pts)                    1,099.50
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                177
   Fore-Left/Right:                  157/157
   Aft-Left/Right:                   157/157
   Aft:                                 141

   Bay 1:  Cargo (3) with 10 doors                                  15,000.00
           Cargo (1) with 2 doors                                      839.50
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (12) with 6 doors                             2,400.00
           Fighters (24) with 12 doors                               3,600.00

DropShip Capacity:  5 Docking Hardpoints                             5,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2:  (150-meter diameter)                               200.00
Escape Pods:  120 (7 tons each)                                        840.00

Crew and Passengers:
     64 Officers (64 minimum)                                          640.00
     81 Crew (81 minimum)                                              567.00
    200 Gunners (186 minimum)                                        1,400.00
    120 Marines                                                        600.00
    108 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Heavy NPPC               Nose        30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC               Nose        30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC               Nose        30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC               Nose        30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 NL55                     Nose        11     11     11     11  170  2,200.00
4 NL45                     Nose        18     18     18     18  280  3,600.00
4 NL45                     Nose        18     18     18     18  280  3,600.00
2 NL55                     Nose        11     11     11     11  170  2,200.00
6 PPC                      Nose     6(60)  6(60)     --     --   60     42.00
12 Medium Laser            Nose     6(60)     --     --     --   36     12.00
12 Small Laser             Nose     4(36)     --     --     --   12      6.00
6 PPC                      Nose     6(60)  6(60)     --     --   60     42.00
2 Heavy NPPC               Nose        30     30     30     30  450  6,000.00
2 NAC/30(100 rounds)       FL/R        60     60     60     --  400 14,160.00
2 NAC/30(100 rounds)       FL/R        60     60     60     --  400 14,160.00
4 Killer Whale(40 msls)    FL/R        16     16     16     16  160  5,200.00
2 NL55                     FL/R        11     11     11     11  340  4,400.00
4 NL45                     FL/R        18     18     18     18  560  7,200.00
6 PPC                      FL/R     6(60)  6(60)     --     --  120     84.00
12 Small Laser             FL/R     4(36)     --     --     --   24     12.00
12 Medium Laser            FL/R     6(60)     --     --     --   72     24.00
6 PPC                      FL/R     6(60)  6(60)     --     --  120     84.00
2 Heavy NPPC               FL/R        30     30     30     30  900 12,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC               L/RBS       30     30     30     30  900 12,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC               L/RBS       30     30     30     30  900 12,000.00
2 NL55                     L/RBS       11     11     11     11  340  4,400.00
4 NL45                     L/RBS       18     18     18     18  560  7,200.00
4 NL45                     L/RBS       18     18     18     18  560  7,200.00
2 NL55                     L/RBS       11     11     11     11  340  4,400.00
6 PPC                      L/RBS    6(60)  6(60)     --     --  120     84.00
12 Small Laser             L/RBS    4(36)     --     --     --   24     12.00
12 Medium Laser            L/RBS    6(60)     --     --     --   72     24.00
2 NL55                     L/RBS       11     11     11     11  340  4,400.00
2 NAC/30(100 rounds)       L/RBS       60     60     60     --  400 14,160.00
6 PPC                      L/RBS    6(60)  6(60)     --     --  120     84.00
4 Killer Whale(40 msls)    AL/R        16     16     16     16  160  5,200.00
4 NL45                     AL/R        18     18     18     18  560  7,200.00
4 NL45                     AL/R        18     18     18     18  560  7,200.00
2 NL55                     AL/R        11     11     11     11  340  4,400.00
6 PPC                      AL/R     6(60)  6(60)     --     --  120     84.00
12 Small Laser             AL/R     4(36)     --     --     --   24     12.00
12 Medium Laser            AL/R     6(60)     --     --     --   72     24.00
6 PPC                      AL/R     6(60)  6(60)     --     --  120     84.00
2 NL55                     Aft         11     11     11     11  170  2,200.00
4 NL45                     Aft         18     18     18     18  280  3,600.00
4 NL45                     Aft         18     18     18     18  280  3,600.00
2 NL55                     Aft         11     11     11     11  170  2,200.00
4 Killer Whale(40 msls)    Aft         16     16     16     16   80  2,600.00
6 PPC                      Aft      6(60)  6(60)     --     --   60     42.00
12 Small Laser             Aft      4(36)     --     --     --   12      6.00
12 Medium Laser            Aft      6(60)     --     --     --   36     12.00
6 PPC                      Aft      6(60)  6(60)     --     --   60     42.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (0.10%)                                              500.00
TOTALS:                                           Heat: 14,194     500,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        1,595,583,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      281,721
Cost per BV:       5,663.7
Weapon Value:      113,073 (Ratio = .40)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 12,364;  MRV = 11,473;  LRV = 8,493;  ERV = 3,361
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 755,300
                   (121,008 Structure, 178,650 Life Support, 455,642 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 408,628  (54% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Hyades Class Paracite Battleship
Tech:              Inner Sphere / 2479
Vessel Type:       Monitor (WarShip Transportable)
Rules:             Level 3, Standard design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              400,000 tons
Power Plant:       Standard
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Improved Ferro-aluminum
   48 NL35
   24 NL45
   48 Autocannon/5
   96 Small Laser
   32 Large Laser
   64 Medium Laser
   48 Autocannon/20
   14 NAC/25
   24 Medium NPPC
   24 Killer Whale
   16 White Shark
While Smaller than most Corvettes, the Hyades has the Firepower and armor belt
of a Battleship, and is compairable in ablity and threat to a TH Farragut.
Host its own CAW for defense a Powerful CIWS and a Heavy battery of MNPPC and
NAC25's the Hyades has become the core of the Taurian Battleline such as it

Fully able to bring massive fire on any target in any arc, the hyades is a
near prefect line ship, and its small size makes it a very unpleasant foe as
the CCN leaved in Arianas War as warships able to withstand and destroy them
cant match there agility.

==Battle History:==
Ariana War:
During this war only 14 of these battleriders were lost claiming 6 Laio
Battlecruisers and battleships in exchange. Over all in the war, the TCN
maintained a 7-1 kill ratio in tonnage and a 2-1 ration in hull numbers.

Block 2 Refits: Refits in the 2560's to replace the Armor with Ferro Carbide
and in older units replacement of there Fusion drives if needed.

==Notable Vessels & Crews:==
As of 2573:
490 in service of the TCN
169 In service of the FSN
30 In Service of the CRN

TCN names are for Mountains on any TC world
FSN names picked from ship captains who died in action
CRN Names are for moons and planetiods in the MOC

General Every carrier has 1-4 Hyades attached to it, and every system in the
TC has 1-4 as part of the patrol forces. Normally its escorted by a Colt and
2-4 Cowboy/Alliance/Winchester Battleriders.

Class/Model/Name:  Hyades Class Paracite Battleship
Mass:              400,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass 
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                       96,000.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 100                                           40,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    8,864 Single                                    8,381.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   4,080.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:              1,000.00
Fire Control Computers:                                             29,456.00
Food & Water:  (30 days supply)                                         98.00
Armor Type:  Improved Ferro-aluminum  (540 total armor pts)            799.50
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 99
   Fore-Left/Right:                   90/90
   Aft-Left/Right:                    90/90
   Aft:                                  81

   Bay 1:  Cargo (1) with 10 doors                                  12,294.50
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (36) with 4 doors                             7,200.00
           Fighters (18) with 4 doors                                2,700.00

DropShip Capacity:  4 Docking Hardpoints                             4,000.00
Escape Pods:  110 (7 tons each)                                        770.00

Crew and Passengers:
     58 Officers (60 minimum)                                          580.00
     71 Crew (67 minimum)                                              497.00
    188 Gunners (198 minimum)                                        1,316.00
    120 Marines                                                        600.00
    216 Bay Personnel                                                     .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
4 NL35                     Nose        23     23     23      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
4 NL35                     Nose        23     23     23      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
6 Autocannon/5(1200 rounds)Nose     3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6    108.00
12 Small Laser             Nose     4(36)     --     --     --   12      6.00
4 Large Laser              Nose     7(72)  3(32)     --     --   32     20.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 24      8.00
6 Autocannon/20(6000 roundsNose   12(120)     --     --     --   42  1,284.00
2 NAC/25(500 rounds)       Nose        50     50     50     --  340  6,300.00
2 Medium NPPC              Nose        18     18     18     18  540  3,600.00
2 Medium NPPC              Nose        18     18     18     18  540  3,600.00
4 NL35                     FL/R        23     23     23      9  416  5,600.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
6 Killer Whale(120 msls)   FL/R        36     36     36     36  240 13,800.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                        120  4,160.00
2 NAC/25(500 rounds)       FL/R        50     50     50     --  340 12,600.00
6 Autocannon/5(1200 rounds)FL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12    216.00
12 Small Laser             FL/R     4(36)     --     --     --   24     12.00
4 Large Laser              FL/R     7(72)  3(32)     --     --   64     40.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 48     16.00
6 Autocannon/20(6000 roundsFL/R   12(120)     --     --     --   84  2,568.00
2 Medium NPPC              FL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
2 Medium NPPC              FL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
4 NL35                     L/RBS       23     23     23      9  416  5,600.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
6 Autocannon/5(1200 rounds)L/RBS    3(30)  3(30)     --     --   12    216.00
12 Small Laser             L/RBS    4(36)     --     --     --   24     12.00
4 Large Laser              L/RBS    7(72)  3(32)     --     --   64     40.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 48     16.00
6 Autocannon/20(6000 roundsL/RBS  12(120)     --     --     --   84  2,568.00
2 NAC/25(500 rounds)       L/RBS       50     50     50     --  340 12,600.00
4 NL35                     L/RBS       23     23     23      9  416  5,600.00
  2 NL45                                                        280  3,600.00
2 Medium NPPC              L/RBS       18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
4 NL35                     AL/R        23     23     23      9  208  5,600.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  3,600.00
6 Killer Whale(120 msls)   AL/R        36     36     36     36  120 13,800.00
  4 White Shark(40 msls)                                         60  4,160.00
2 NAC/25(500 rounds)       AL/R        50     50     50     --  170 12,600.00
6 Autocannon/5(1200 rounds)AL/R     3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6    216.00
12 Small Laser             AL/R     4(36)     --     --     --   24     12.00
4 Large Laser              AL/R     7(72)  3(32)     --     --   64     40.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 48     16.00
6 Autocannon/20(6000 roundsAL/R   12(120)     --     --     --   84  2,568.00
2 Medium NPPC              AL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
2 Medium NPPC              AL/R        18     18     18     18  540  7,200.00
4 NL35                     Aft         23     23     23      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
4 NL35                     Aft         23     23     23      9  208  2,800.00
  2 NL45                                                        140  1,800.00
6 Autocannon/5(1200 rounds)Aft      3(30)  3(30)     --     --    6    108.00
12 Small Laser             Aft      4(36)     --     --     --   12      6.00
4 Large Laser              Aft      7(72)  3(32)     --     --   32     20.00
  8 Medium Laser                                                 24      8.00
6 Autocannon/20(6000 roundsAft    12(120)     --     --     --   42  1,284.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (0.10%)                                              400.00
TOTALS:                                           Heat: 10,254     400,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        1,420,676,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      217,101
Cost per BV:       6,543.85
Weapon Value:      79,254 (Ratio = .37)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 9,449;  MRV = 8,123;  LRV = 6,156;  ERV = 2,414
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 957,271
                   (92,223 Structure, 512,650 Life Support, 352,398 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 373,742  (39% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable

« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 10:58:03 PM by katar8010 »


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2013, 11:03:57 AM »

Heres the Next segment of the Time line, Enjoy and comments welcome.

2424: Stephen Liao’s new program to rebuild the CCN after the humiliation at the hands of the Taurians begins with the order for a new frigate (650kt 4/6, Wind Dancer-class) and destroyer (470kt 5/8, Salva-class). However, the first hulls won’t even be laid down for nine years.
2426: The second stage of Stephen Liao’s program for the CCN is to try Capellan shipbuilders' hands at making own battlerider, starting with the 70kt design (Warrior-class) that would begin production in 2430 and be ended in 2431 as the design was found to have massive faults and issues that made the class combat ineffective. The design was sold from company to company in attempt after attempt to get the design back in production and combat worthy.
2439: The revised Warrior-class battlerider finally enters production in the Capellan Confederation.
2456: Jasmine Liao, daughter of Stephen, finally settles into her new position as Chancellor. As well as cleaning out the Capellan military hierarchy she receives a report from the Maskirova on a new type of war-machine being deployed by the HAF and LCAF: Battlemechs. She demands that the Maskirova get her and the Confederation this technology.
2507: The first true battlerider of the THN, the 180kt Whirlwind-class, is commissioned. Able to push up to 4g, armed only with energy weapons and formidably armored, the Whirlwind was a deadly predator. However the designers, the THN and later the SLN all made a single critical error in its design and use. Treating a battlerider like a dropship or very short range craft is wasting its potential.
2510: A military review of various navies is done by TMI. The FSN is rated as a moderate with with its new Trajan-class battlerider and new designs and expansion, but not a mortal danger. The HCN and OAN are rated as minor threats at most given their fairly small sizes and primary use of outdated Concordat and Davion equipment. The CCN with its growing numbers due to a half century program of rebuilding has a fairly large number of battleriders (although a distant second to the TCN's own fleet), corvettes, frigates and light cruisers, however it's noted they have only thirteen battleships in service and haven’t built a new one in sixty years. The threat of the CCN is considered high. The DCA from limited reports has a powerful cruiser navy and seems to be working on battlerider carriers but due to distance this is unconfirmed and their threat low. The THN is considered a moderate threat due to its massive size (over three hundred active warships from reports) and rumors of their tech advantages, as well as their late entry in designing true battleriders of their own.  The FWLN and LCN are considered low threats and both share a liking of heavy destroyers, battlecruisers and battleships.
2528: Rumors of Taurian super ships race across the Sphere, with rumors saying the Taurians can do everything from jump farther or recharge their drives in minutes to jump right into orbit. Most Intel agencies and Naval commands dismiss them as just rumors.
2530: During Ariana’s War, the CCN suffered badly at the hands of Taurians, however its noted that it was the remaining older warships that took the bulk of the losses, and Mica Liao orders a new wave of Naval contracts for new blocks of the Wind dancer and Salva classes as well as begins looking at bids and designs for a new Heavy warship and Battlerider. 
2544: The Whirlwind-class battlerider's production is replaced with the Block 2 upgrades, which include adding more fuel tanks and cutting out some of the excessive internal braces for cargo space. The upgraded Whirlwinds can carry more supplies for a deployment and need not remain attached to warships or stations when not in use. 
2547: The TH unveils a new weapon, the Sub Capital PPC, and amends all construction orders for new ships to fit these new weapons put in place of the older Sub Capital Cannons.
2549: The CCN commissions its first new battleship in a century. The Sun Tzu-class comes in at 1,100,000 tons, able accelerate at three gravities, sporting ten collars, a powerful load of NACs.
2556: Following the Third Andurien War the CC, FWL and TH formally ally. As part of this they share sensor records and determine the Taurians can somehow jump within an hour of entering systems.
2562: The CID and SLIA report that Taurian engineers are now at FS yards and universities showing the FS how to add LFB system to their ships, as well as the how’s and why’s of the technology, confirming the rumors from the Capellans during Ariana War of Taurian super ships as well as the worst case projections of the TC naval power. With some 80-90 Starships, potentially all of them having LFBs, Ian Cameron begins worry about how much an advantage the Hegemony really has in technology. Late in the year he orders all new warships to have LFB systems, ballooning the naval budget and causing him some political trouble as he cut a number of civil programs for funding.
2570: The SLDF orders several modified Sun Tzu-class battleships from Capellan yards although they designate them as battlecruisers.
2570, June 21st New Avalon: During the summit to discuss options for the future in face of the star league, Admiral Santos presents his plans for Case Amber, a three stage plan for a massive blitz on the Confederation and Hegemony. Sian, Sarna, Capella, Andurian, St Ives and Tikonov in the Confederation will be hit and hit hard by the TCN in the first wave, aiming to take out as much industry as possible. At the same time, the second wave, a large number of TDF and AFFS regiments will move across the border and hit the SLDF staging areas on the TC and FS borders with the CC and TH. The third wave will be a mix of TCN and FSN forces raiding into the TH, trying to take out a number of yards there and hammer the SLDF bases there. In basic, a surprise attack to push the SL on the defensive and make them react instead of acting.
2571, Feb 15th: Command worlds for each on the SLDF corps are officially assigned. I Corps would be based on Menke, II Corps on Galedon, III Corps on St Ives, IV Corps on Tikonov, V Corps on Proserpina, VI Corps on Apollo and the Star Guards Corps on Terra itself (with detachments on Sian, Atreus, Tharkad and Luthien).  The auxiliary corps of each nation will have rotating HQs as they aren’t static formations with their Orders of Battle limited to what their nations can supply.
2572, September 17th Taurus: The leaders of the Outer Rim debate launching Mitchell Calderon's proposed war plan: Case Amber. President Catherine Avellar speaks eloquently against striking the first blow, warning that they would be starting the biggest war in history and bear the moral responsibility for the blood that will be shed in that conflict. Mitchell's counter-argument is that the ambitions of Ian Cameron for a universal hegemony over the entire human race, war is inevitable. He uses the economic attacks on the Outer Rim as evidence that Ian Cameron has not been sincere in his negotiations. While not eager to see another war after the devastation of his realm during the Davion Civil War, Alexander Davion is persuaded that it is better to fight an offensive war than wait for the SLDF to invade the worlds of the Federated Suns. Crystalla Centrella is the last to speak and she addresses Catherine directly with two questions:  is she willing to fight to protect her people from the distant and exploiting rule of Terra; and can she see any strategy likely to be more successful in such a war than Case Amber. Catherine reluctantly answers yes to the first and no to the second. As she starts to protest further in the cause of continued negotiations (seeking to convince the Star League to accept terms that would leave the Outer Rim their independence), the President is cut short by Crystalla who presents a report from a MIM agent in the Free World’s League that in negotiations within the Star League, the Draconis Combine has been promised more than a dozen OWA worlds when, not if, the Rim is forced into the League. Faced with this, Catherine assents to Case Amber and all four leaders sign a Declaration of War upon the Star League to be delivered at the proper time.


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2013, 09:14:51 PM »

Expanded, and modified, enjoy the new draft and please comment.


Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL
By Katar8010, and Drakensis with input from Mageohki
            23rd Century:
            (The Founding Era2253-2329):

This Era was when the First settlers were still mapping the depths of the Hyades, and Flannigan’s Nebula, and where they established there tradition of Space Industry, while keeping worlds Garden Paradises. Due to this, cities in the Hyades are mostly place for geologic stability and protection from weather or in central areas of prime farming land, and not on usual places like Rivers, Mineral deposits or near heavy Industry. Even then Taurian cities are often more comparable to suburban areas of cities in the Inner sphere with few large towers or structures beyond the Spaceports or harbors. If a Taurian city blacked out, it would be very easy to miss from the air or space.
2252: The Flanagan's Nebula (later renamed the Hyades Cluster) is found by the Calderon Expedition.

2253: Samantha Calderon founds the colony of Taurus.

2260: In order to preserve space travel capability, the first minor yards are built in orbit of Taurus. In addition to maintaining the existing Jumpship fleet at their disposal, the Taurians begin building mining stations to exploit the Hyades' rich asteroid belts, in-system freighters to carry the minerals from these stations and orbital factories to make use of them without ever needing to despoil their new world. Over the next century the manufacture of in-system transports, capable of neither interstellar travel nor atmospheric entry remains highly lucrative as Taurian industries expand almost as rapidly as the human populace.
2268: Samantha Calderon dies and her son Timothy is appointed as the new Protector of the Taurian Homeworlds as a constitutional monarch, the Taurians not wishing to retain the democratic practices of the despised Terran Alliance.
2299: Hyades Interstellar Technologies Inc. (HITI) launches the first of a new class of jumpships. Rather than cargo bays, the new ship surrounds the jumpdrive with a honeycomb of unpressurised bays that can accommodate parasite craft of up to 5,000 tons - which would include most in-system transports or surface-to-orbit craft in use within the Hyades. Competing firms see the profits being raked in from the innovation and set their R&D to develop even better ways to transport non-jumpships across interstellar distances (or even simply across a star system, given the distances inherent in mining far-flung asteroids and comets). Needless to say, the HITI's design is much licensed and outright copied in some cases, leading to many court cases.
            24th Century:
2310: Megaris colonized by Taurian settlers.

2312: Samantha colonized by Taurian settlers.

2316: Renfield colonized by Taurian settlers.

2317: Cyrton colonized by Taurian settlers.

2320: Ishtar colonized by Taurian settlers.

            (The Expansion Era 2330-2359):
In this Era, the Concordat experienced its greatest growth in its history, tripling in size in 3 decades. This era is also the end of the peaceful times for the Taurian people as every era after would be marred with wars and Taurian blood shred.

2330: Timothy Calderon dies, his daughter Sandra becoming the new Protector. Sandra immediately decides the time has come to expand outside the Hyades and HITI's 'carrier' jumpships and their competitors play a vital role in this expansion
2331: Taurian settlers on Diefenbaker encounter, for the first time, refugees from the Inner Sphere's growing conflicts. These colonists and the waves that follow assimilate readily, increasing the Taurian population from 4.5 million to well over a billion in the span of a generation. The refugees are more than mildly surprised by the scale and sophistication of Taurian industry and the heights and breadth of the Taurian education. This leads many Taurians to consider themselves a rare outpost of civilization and their neighbors as neo-barbarians.
2335: With the death of Sandra Calderon, her son Richard reorganizes the realm he inherits into the Taurian Concordat, welcoming seventeen non-Taurian colonies willing to join the eighteen Taurian Homeworlds his mother bequeathed him. In order to protect this expansive realm, contracts are offered to HITI and their two principal rivals Taurus StarWorks (TSW) and New Vandenberg Industries (NVI), to develop both dedicated sublight warships (later dubbed 'monitors' or battleriders) and jumpships that can carry them from system to system as needed.
The first is relatively simple: many in-system transports are armed for self-defense, if only with light weapons, and some dedicated patrol cutters exist for law enforcement purposes. However, it quickly becomes apparently that ships able to stand up to the reported capabilities of Federated Suns and Capellan warships will need to be significantly larger than any used to date. This, in turn, massively complicated the issue of building starships that could ferry such titans. Solving these problems would cost the Concordat billions of Bulls over the next two decades.
2336: As the Taurian Concordat takes shape, Richard authorizes programs to bring the non-Taurian colonies up to the standards of infrastructure and industry found within the Hyades. Taurian engineers and administrators are almost as surprised by the lack of anything beyond basic subsistence in many outlying colonial settlements as the colonists are to find that the Taurians can match or surpass technologies that - in these worlds at least - exist only as distant memories or tattered records of life on Terra.
2351: TSW makes the key breakthrough to enable the interstellar transport of monitors, developing a much larger and more powerful K-F core that takes up more than ninety percent of the jumpship's hull. The new core can extend a jump field around ships mounted in sophisticated external docks, greatly increasing the maximum volume and tonnage that can be transported. The prototype also indicates that there are possible cost-savings in building such a large, brute-force drive system.
2355: A Davion strike force over-runs the Sarna colony world of Bell, capturing 15,000 civilian colonists and shipping them to Tentativa as slave labor.

2357: HITI drops out of the competition for the existing military contracts and focuses on mating TSW's collar system to more conventional 'compact' jump cores.
2359: The Taurian Concordat Navy receives the first fruits of the last decade's design work almost simultaneously: NVI's Defender and Liberty monitors (the former a 30,000 ton gunboat, the latter a 50,000 ton carrier) enter service only a month before the first TSW milspec Jumpship is commissioned. The ship can carry three of the other monitors.
            (The Border Wars Era2360- 2422):
During These years, the Concordat got reacquainted with the rest of humanity, and skirmished with the Federated sun and Capellan Confederation a number of times, sometimes in a small border raid, and in a few cases open war. Over all in this Era, the TCN and TDF grew by leaps and bounds, and made itself a powerful reputation that would serve the Concordat well in the centuries to come.
2360: Taurian explorer Tracy Ashton Pendleton encounters the Bellites on Tentativa and successfully organizes a rebellion that overthrows the Federated Suns garrison and brings the world into the Taurian Concordat. Richard Calderon is appalled both by the Bellites' plight but also by the potential menace. He offers contracts to drastically increase the TCN with scores more monitors and also requests design studies for a larger monitor (which will eventually develop into the Winchester-class).
2362: HITI successfully develop a jump collar suitable for compact core jumpships and begin rebuilding their market share by refitting vessels in the existing Taurian fleet. This quickly spills out of military use and into civilian markets, as well as giving a few forward thinkers ideas about capital warships to haul parasites about and be able to look after itself.
2366: TCS Winchester, massing four times as much as a Liberty-class monitor, is launched from NVI's yards.
2368: Fleeing the newly formed Capellan Confederation, Lord Tormassov unwittingly enters the Taurian Concordat with a formidable warband and lands on Pinard. Richard Calderon attempts to persuade Tormassov to lay down his arms and join the Concordat (as many previous refugees had been) are hindered by suspicions and when the Capellan pursuit force arrives most of Tormassov's warband panic and flee, seizing control of two Taurian jumpships and jumping into the Federated Suns where they were swiftly driven off by local defenses. Capellan forces maintaining the pursuit were only slightly more successful.

2369: Looking for the source of these Capellan raiders, a Davion expeditionary force lands on Robsart and triggers more than two years of sporadic fighting between the TCN and the FSN, mostly centered on the Pleiades Cluster.

2370: The TDF has to face the hard facts that their transports, converted civilian monitors and dropshuttles aren’t able to handle the modern battlespace. Following unacceptable losses in operations within the Pleiades they appeal to the Protector for new transports and landing craft.
2371: The death of Reynard Davion, whose fixation on fighting Franco Liao had prevented him from seeking any resolution to affairs with the Concordat, and the succession of Etien Davion to the Presidency of the Federated Suns, leads to a peace initiative which Richard Calderon - deeply concerned by army losses - tentatively accepts. Richard remains convinced for the rest of his reign that hostilities could resume at any time. Having been able to concentrate the full force of their navy against the local elements of the FSN, the TCN had generally been victorious but lost a number of their carrier jumpships when they were unwisely exposed to combat. In contrast to the general naval superiority, the Taurian ground forces had found themselves significantly outmatched in numbers, doctrine and to their dismay, in technology.  For their part the FSN had managed to capture and salvage enough equipment that they would soon be using jump collar technology of their own.

2372: The Taurian Concordat commissions the development of a large armed jumpship comparable in size to the warships of House Davion (and House Liao). Rather than seeking to create a dedicated battleship however, this is to be a massive fleet carrier, capable of defending itself while transporting entire squadrons of monitors and gunships.

2373: Capellan raiders violate Taurian space, capturing several jumpships in order to gain samples of docking collar technology. A punitive raid by Taurian ship 'halts the raids' although in fact, the Chancellor simply ordered them cancelled once the samples were obtained.
2374: While not as dense, or as inaccessible as the Hyades, the Pleiades holds massive amounts of industrial, yard and mining stations, internal reports show the level of fixed defenses in the Pleiades are less than 10% of the Hyades. Upon learning this Richard Calderon orders a program across Taurian space to increase the number of PDCs on worlds and defense stations in space.
2375: While HITI wins the contract to build its design for the Taurus-class fleet carriers, TSW has been working hard on the TDF's request for new transports and they present the 93,000 ton Caravan-class transport monitor: able to carry an entire assault brigade and enough newly designed Assault Shuttles (200ton small craft, carries 1 tank, 2 IFV, 4 APC or 10 platoons of infantry) to drop the entire unit. After landing the ground forces the assault shuttles can be quickly and easily be shifted to support ground forces or to limited air superiority duty.
2376: The Federated Suns deploys its own parasite warships against the Capellan Confederation: 15,000 ton assault ships capable of docking with a collared compact-core Jumpship (the expanded cores as yet are unknown to them) and even of entering atmosphere and landing, using their autocannon batteries and massive lasers to clear landing zones.

2378: TCS Taurus is commissioned into the TCN. Massing 740,000 tons, the Taurus can transport five squadrons of monitors along with a powerful gunship wing for its own defense. Although armed with a substantial number of missile tubes and laser turrets, the Taurus is under-armed compared to the cruisers of other navies. This is in line with its intended role however and the ship’s defense is first-class.

2379: The CCN deploys its own assault ship against those of House Davion. Although 2,000 ton heavier and armed with heavy missiles and particle beams, the design clearly copies the FSN's in many ways, pointing to major security problems with Federal R&D. With every indication that the Draconis Combine and Terran Hegemony have also obtained drop-collar technology from his nation, Paul Davion orders major security reforms while continuing to pull back from his predecessor's military adventurism.

2385: It's realized the sheer cost of the Taurus-class will limit their numbers just as their size means they can only be built slowly and in a handful of yards, so a smaller assault carrier is ordered. With TSW already working on the Taurus, NVI was officially green lit to begin development of the Marshal-class but it would take over a decade to work out a design that was in an acceptable cost range for mass construction and addressed the issues the TCN has brought up with the Taurus. Mostly their undersized drives…

2387: Richard Calderon dies, still holding emergency wartime powers. His son Daniel becomes Protector.

2390: Daniel Calderon dies suddenly leaving his three-year-old daughter Amanda as Protector in name. Admiral Sigur Fonn is named Regent-Protector.
2392: Capellan expansion runs into worlds fortified by Fonn as a defensive belt against exactly this sort of expansion. The elderly Franco Liao limits himself to judicious probes of Taurian space, seeking to take their measure.

2395: Kurnath Liao succeeds his brother as Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation and begins to build up military forces for a more forceful approach towards the Taurians.

2396: The Marshal-class finally enters production and at 440,000 tons and capable of 3 gravities of acceleration, she is far faster and more affordable than the larger Taurus-class fleet carriers. At the same time a new 90,000ton gunboat monitor put into production by HITI, is purchased by the TCN as the Alliance-class.

2397: The First Rim War begins with the Capellans making a major push into Taurian space. The sudden change of operational tempo catches the TCN off guard but using chains of jumpships they are able to ferry dozens of monitors into threatened systems to keep them from falling until carrier task forces can arrive.
            25th Century:
2400: It's noted by the Concordat intelligence systems that all power in the Inner Sphere have large assault ships of their own design however even the largest (a 30,000 ton behemoth employed by the Draconis Combine) is capable of planetfall. Most interestingly, they are intended as escorts or in one case as a gunship carrier to support their transports and warships, not as primary combatants as Taurian doctrine uses them. They also learn that the Terran Hegemony has developed a new, high performance fighter capable of space and atmospheric work. Obtaining a sample is deemed a priority by Sigur Fonn, who anticipates that the CCN will use Aerospace Fighters against the Taurian Navy as soon as they develop their own.

2405: Amanda Calderon comes of age and takes power from her regent although retaining his services as a naval commander and advisor. She opens diplomatic contact with Chancellor Aleisha Liao via the Terran Hegemony to explore ending the Rim War. Director-General Judith Cameron tries to leverage this role into forming an alliance with the Concordat, seeing them as valuable allies against the Capellans and the Federated Suns.

2407: A mediated peace between the Taurian Concordat and Capellan Confederation ends the First Rim War, with the Taurians conceding the Zanzibar, Corodiz and Mendham systems even though only the first is firmly held by the Confederation.

2407: the Combine slams into the LC in total surprise due to the political infighting in the LCAF. The war goes poorly and devolves into strike and counter strike over the Sky region till 2425 taking a number of worlds at first, only to as fighting dragged on be driven back. 
2409: A Capellan attempt to capture or destroy factories on Shiro III escalates as both the FWLM and CCAF send in wave after wave of reinforcements, fighting spreading to nearby worlds. By the end of the year both sides consider the conflict to be a full-scale war and are drawing on their strategic reserves to fight it.
2412: The Taurian Concordat is represented at the Ares Conference but decline to sign the resulting Conventions after the conduct of the Capellans in the Rim war. Amanda Calderon begins to establish ties to the United Hindu Collective, the other hold-out against the Conventions.

2413: After an extended period of negotiation, the Terran Hegemony sells aerospace fighter technology to the Taurian Concordat, along with thirteen obsolete Dart-class light cruisers. They agree a secret pact against the Capellan Confederation.
2415: A new shipping company based in the Pleiades, Pleiades Industrial Works (PIW) explodes onto the TC shipping market with what will become the Concordat's most iconic and common light freight Dropship. Although official paperwork refers to it as the Express-class, it will forever be known as the Colonial Movers-class after a blockbuster movie using one as the hero’s ship.
2416: the Confederation takes Andurian finally despite having driven the FWL from every other world with 1 jump, 4 years before thanks to the Lyrans assault on Dieudonne which would start 3 years of skirmishing for the FWL and LC.
2417: Once the purchased cruisers reached the Concordat they are put through a careful examination and extended rebuilding in yards for study and getting them to work with TCN doctrine. The refit doubles the number of collars and adds a massive number of capital missile tubes. All would be ether scraped or sold to the MOC and OWA in the mid-26th century.
2418: In light of her agreement with the Hegemony and a down-turn in relations with the Confederation following the death of Aleisha Liao three years before, Amanda Calderon orders Sigur Fonn to carry out an invasion of Capellan space, starting the Second Rim War. Carrier task forces arrive over five Capellan worlds within weeks. Only a few days later, the HAF sends task forces to establish beachheads on Tikonov and Liao, in accordance with the agreement made with the Taurians five years before. To make matter worse for Baxter the FWL and LC has come to an armistice.
2419: Capellan use of tactical nuclear weapons is countered by ortillery barrages from the TCN. Although Capellan forces have secured Andurien, their momentum is stalled as reinforcements and supplies are needed to fight the Taurians and Terrans. The CCAF facing the FWL is forced onto the defensive, with the FWLM launching counter-offensives that are increasingly successful.

2420: the TCN seeking to cripple the CC economy uses a half dozen Carriers and a number of jumpships as flying squadrons raiding as far as st ives and sain

2421: Capellan attempts to retaliate for the Taurian deep raids are abruptly ended when two of the three forces they commit encounter Taurian raiders recalled to intercept them and take heavy losses.
2422: Satisfied that the Concordat has gained as much as they can reasonably hold, Admiral Fonn and Protector Calderon shift their focus to an accelerated pace of raiding while ground forces fortify the worlds that have been taken.

2423: Seriously outclassed and outnumbered, the Capellan Navy has been driven back from the Taurian Navy and Chancellor Arden Baxter - fighting wars on three fronts and with Sian itself raided twice - sues for peace. In addition to returning the three worlds received in the First Rim War, he has to accept the loss of Ashley, Muridox and Alexandra to the Concordat, as well as returning what few gains from the FWL are still under Capellan control. Worst of all, the politically and industrially vital Tikonov is ceded to the Terran Hegemony. Weeks after signing the treaty that ends the Second Rim War, Baxter is reported to have committed suicide. His successor, Stephen Liao, validates the treaty and begins a major overhaul of the Capellan military in light of their poor performance. Other states are also concerned by the effectiveness of Taurian monitors and their navy as a whole.

            (The Gold Age of Trade 2423-2524):
The Golden Age of Trade was just that: an era when the Concordat prospered as a result of strong trading links to their neighbors and through them into the rest of the Sphere. Amanda Calderon, her son Jonathan, and granddaughter Amalthia would avoid the worst of the Age of War, spurring technical innovation and revolution, pushing ever stronger education and economic prosperity in Taurian space.
2424: Stephen Liao’s new program to rebuild the CCN after the humiliation at the hands of the Taurians begins with the order for a new frigate (650kt 4/6, Wind Dancer-class) and destroyer (470kt 5/8, Salva-class). However, the first hulls won’t even be laid down for nine years.
2425: Simon Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, is successful in bringing Amanda Calderon and Stephen Liao back to the negotiation table and negotiates a tripartite trade agreement. Although the Liao-Davion trade deals are abrogated as soon as the two Houses go back to war, the Calderon’s manage to maintain their trading terms well into the next century.

2426: TSW proposes recharge systems for jump-drives be placed in dedicated stations at key points around the Concordat to speed the movement of carriers and jumpships. The Concordat government agrees to fund this, seeing the military and economic benefits.
2426: The second stage of Stephen Liao’s program for the CCN is to try Capellan shipbuilders' hands at making own battlerider, starting with the 70kt design (Warrior-class) that would begin production in 2430 and be ended in 2431 as the design was found to have massive faults and issues that made the class combat ineffective. The design was sold from company to company in attempt after attempt to get the design back in production and combat worthy.
2427: Barely recovered from a decade long grinding match with the Capellans, the FWLM launches a full assault from Bolan into the LC at the command of the Capitan-General.
2428: Nihongi Kurita - while a mostly unless leader, spending most his time with his horses and ignoring his duties as head of state - does allow several projects to start R+D and enter production, such as the Combine's first assault dropship. He also authorizes the ISF to steal docking collar technology from the Federated Suns.
2431: After more than a decade of effort, the Concordat government manages to secure a trade pact with the United Hindu Collective. Both governments express a reluctance to be dragged into the incessant wars of their neighbors (the Second Rim War was a major problem in negotiations while it was being waged).

2435: TMI notice that while previously the FSN and CCN were moving towards conventional weapons for anti-fighter cover and ever-heavier capital weapons for anti-shipping, both are now fitting secondary banks of smaller or 'sub-'capital weapons to their warships. It is projected that other states may be doing the same although souring relations with Terra following the accession of Jacob Cameron make this hard to confirm. Given the Concordat's strong position, no immediate action is deemed necessary.
2439: Production of the Defender Class Battlerider is ended and those in service are to be replaced over the next decade by Alliance Class Battleriders. The Defenders will be sold to merchant Jumpships for defense or Law enforcement agencies in the TC.
2439: The revised Warrior-class battlerider finally enters production in the Capellan Confederation.
2440: Seeking to expand beyond the Inner Sphere, the Ryan Ice Cartel sets up operations in the Concordat and the newborn Outworlds Alliance. While they make an acceptable profit in the OWA, they find little market for ice on Taurian worlds. What they do find is that their services are greatly desired in moving larger asteroid and debris from the Hyades and Pleiades to more accessible locations for mining and refinement. 
2448: The Terran Hegemony Launch’s the THS Farragut, a 1,600,000ton Battleship with 8 docking collars, and now the biggest warships ever built sending waves of discontent throughout the other navies of known space.
2449: Fighting between the FWL and the LC ends the FWL forced back across the border with Bolan and Kamenz falling into LC hands. 
2450: The CCN, with much to prove after their defeats in previous decades, spearheads a Capellan drive on Andurien. The FWLN, still focused on the Bolan front where Alistair Steiner has only recently been stalled, is out of position and the new Capellan warships are more than a match for the older ships they face, inflicting stinging losses and isolating several worlds for later invasion.
2453: Eighteen years after their last major naval review, the TCN conclude that newer warships in use by their neighbors will require upgrades to existing vessels and a new and more powerful class of monitors. Other ideas raised in light of the budget surplus after a generation of peace are for a mobile shipyard to ease the logistics of the TCN. Also at this point terminology is standardized: Jumpship for 'civilian' large core vessels, starship for compact core vessels not intended for combat roles, warship for compact core vessels intended for combat, Dropship for any vessel capable of jump-point to surface travel, monitor for spacecraft for civilian vessels capable of neither jump nor planetfall and battlerider for their armed equivalents.
2456: Jasmine Liao, daughter of Stephen, finally settles into her new position as Chancellor. As well as cleaning out the Capellan military hierarchy she receives a report from the Maskirova on a new type of war-machine being deployed by the HAF and LCAF: Battlemechs. She demands that the Maskirova get her and the Confederation this technology.
2459: Work by PIW on a 960,000 ton starship with a full yard able to fit even a Taurus-class fleet carrier is green lit by the TCN.

2462: Kozo Von Rohrs following his founding of New Samarkand Armor Works orders the design of the Combine's first true battleriders: a trio of 80,000 ton designs. He further orders the DCA to examine the possibility using Starship Carriers.
2464: The United Hindu Collective approach the Concordat about the possibility of purchasing several vessels to expand their navy. (The substantial tensions within the Federated Suns during the reign of James Davion may have been a factor). Negotiations are short and quite amicable: the Taurian Concordat will delay the construction of two of their upgraded Taurus-class to refit older vessels of that class for use by the Messengers of Shiva. Increasing trade with the UHC has benefited both nations and trickle-down has also had economic benefits for neighboring worlds in the Suns and the Confederation.

2466: TCS Aurochs and TCS Minotaur are formally decommissioned from the TCN (the names are re-used for ships of the later Taurus-class) and the two ships are renamed as HCS Shiva and HCS Kali.
2467: The DCA accepts the first of three classes of battleriders under development into service. The Kote is a good escort, armed with massed Sub Capital Cannons and Sub Capital Lasers with a few White shark capital missile tubes for fighting back. The Kote is at its core a meat shield and AA Craft, not a line fighter, and only its heavy armor and powerful engines let it survive in a battle between capital warships.
2469: The second class battlerider ordered by Kozo Von Rohrs is completed, the Tanto, which fills the exact opposite role to the Kote. Armed with 4 Light Gauss Cannons in the bow and Capital Missile bays along its sides, the Tanto is a highly effective destroyer.
2470: Amanda Calderon Dies and is replace by her son Jonathan.

2472: NVI R&D teams working on a proposal for a new carrier develop the first working lithium fusion battery.
2475: The third and final battlerider ordered by Kozo Von Rohrs is finally accepted by the DCA after several redesigns follow his death and the ascension of Yama Von Rohrs. Following the redesigns the Kodachi-class was expanded to 98,000 tons and its role was changed from fast scout to that of a line fighter. Although its load of Naval lasers and Sub Capital Cannons make it dangerous enough, its internal structure proves unable to withstand the hammer blows from heavy warships while its enlarged size ruined the ship's handling and acceleration.
2476: PIW launches the first Island-class mobile shipyard starship, TCS Brisbane, after seventeen years of development. The TCN orders only limited numbers, partly due to cost and partly because PIW has few yards capable of building the Island-class.
2477: The Concordat obtains a number of samples of Battlemechs (mostly AFFS Battleax and Mackie-copies) and begin efforts to reverse-engineer the technology behind them.
2478: The TCN orders a halt to all military jumpship production so that designs can be amended to include lithium fusion batteries for all future construction.
2479: The Wagon Wheel-class assault carrier is the first class of lithium-fusion equipped warship to enter production, a triumph for NVI. Massing 680,000 tons it carries a formidable number of capital missile tubes. While the other major shipyards are taken aback, HITI is able to compete with the Colt-class monitor (a 290,000 ton missile cruiser) and TSW pushes the boundaries of jump-transportable monitors with the 400,000 ton Hyades-class battleship.
2481: The Concordat starts production of its first BattleMech, the Toro TR-A-1
2482: PIW makes a bold move, opening a new Outworlds Alliance branch and begin constructing a shipyard at Lushann
2485: The UHC approaches the Concordat, seeking to purchase additional warships. After considerable debate it's decided to sell late-production Marshal-class assault carriers and Winchester-class battleriders to them, but not to release the still secret lithium fusion technology at this time.
2491: The UHC in a moment of pride develop and begin production of the 300,000ton Shiva Class Frigate battlerider.
            26th Century:
2502: Jonathan Calderon retires, letting his Daughter Amalthia become Protector.
2503: First Prince William Davion orders the 160,000 ton Trajan-class 'destroyer' battlerider be the built for the FSN, utilizing heavy naval autocannon, and all navies adding more docking collars to older and new warships. There is great Taurian concern at these adoptions of their doctrine by a traditional enemy even if there have been no major clashes in over a century.
2505: NVI begins a Project to raise the mass limit of Battleriders however progress is slow.
2507: In general, the importance of escorting warships with assault dropships or battleriders is now established doctrine in most navies.
2507: The first true battlerider of the THN, the 180,000 ton Whirlwind-class, is commissioned. Able to push up to 4g, armed only with energy weapons and formidably armored, the Whirlwind was a deadly predator. However the designers, the THN and later the SLN all made a single critical error in its design and use. Treating a battlerider like a Dropship or very short range craft is wasting its potential.
2510: the Liberty Class Battleriders production is stopped and shifted to Freedom Class CV battleriders that are twice the size with 4* the CAW. It’ll take 2 decades before enough are produced to begin decommissioning and selling off the liberty’s. Many of them with a number of defenders would end up in the MOC by 2560.
2510: A military review of various navies is done by TMI. The FSN is rated as a moderate with its new Trajan-class battlerider and new designs and expansion, but not a mortal danger. The HCN and OAN are rated as minor threats at most given their fairly small sizes and primary use of outdated Concordat and Davion equipment. The CCN with its growing numbers due to a half century program of rebuilding has a fairly large number of battleriders (although a distant second to the TCN's own fleet), corvettes, frigates and light cruisers, however it's noted they have only thirteen battleships in service and haven’t built a new one in sixty years. The threat of the CCN is considered high. The DCA from limited reports has a powerful cruiser navy and seems to be working on battlerider carriers but due to distance this is unconfirmed and their threat low. The THN is considered a moderate threat due to its massive size (over three hundred active warships from reports) and rumors of their tech advantages, as well as their late entry in designing true battleriders of their own.  The FWLN and LCN are considered low threats and both share a liking of heavy destroyers, battlecruisers and battleships.
2515: Agents of the Rim Worlds Republic offer to sell Pinto-class corvettes or even license the design to the Concordat in return for reciprocation with the Colt-class. The TCN concludes that 1) they have no use for the Pinto and 2) there is no way they're sharing the Colt. They do ask the Protector about the possibilities of a new carrier design however as the Wagon Wheel alone doesn't replace the Marshal and the Taurus.
2520: The marriage of Ariana Calderon and Kalvin Liao is hailed as a new era in good relations between the two states but the marriage and relations rapidly unravel, with the long-standing Taurian-Capellan trade suffering as a result.
            (The Consolidation Era 2525-2568):
While some consider this part of the Golden Age of Trade, this era was set apart by the increasing polarization of all the powers of known space. Generally marked by the start of the Davion Civil War and the collapse of trade relations with the Confederation due to the actions of Kalvin Liao, to the signing of the Star League Accords, this era saw the end Taurian isolation from the strife that had dogged the rest of humanity for a century. 
2525: The Davion Civil War begins, tearing the Federated Suns, AFFS and FSN asunder. The Concordat and Collective both send convoys of aid to war stricken worlds. After the first attempt by the Varnays to seize supplies these convoys are well escorted and quiet approaches are made to some planetary governments about annexation if the Federated Suns collapses further.
2527: The reappearance of Alexander Davion revives Taurian hopes of a favorable resolution to the Davion Civil War and they quietly donate military supplies to him and posture to draw Varnay forces away from the Crucis March. Taurian attention is dragged away however when Ariana Calderon is murdered by her husband. TCN ships leave the Davion border to strike into Capellan space. Enraged, the Protector orders no efforts be made to disguise the use of LFB's and rumors of Taurian super-ships quickly rush across the Inner Sphere.
2528: Rumors persist of Taurian super ships continue racing across the Sphere, with rumors saying the Taurians can do everything from jump farther or recharge their drives in minutes to jump right into orbit. Most Intel agencies and naval commands mostly continue to dismiss them as just rumors.
2529: With Taurian aid, Alexander Davion and General John Gordon launch a two-pronged assault into the Capellan March, granted passage by the UHC through their space. With Laura Davion's forces still consolidating in the Draconis March they cannot take advantage in time to prevent much of the March falling into the young First Prince's hands.
2529: A raid by a trio of Marshal Carriers on a Capellan system ends with the thought destruction of one carrier and its battleriders by ramming during their jump out under fire. MASK and the CCN manage to keep quite that most the carriers jump core was salvaged along with mostly intact hulks of a Colt and 3 Alliance battleriders.
2530: The foundation of the Magistracy of Canopus gives the Taurians a new and potentially aggressive neighbor right as their concerns about Chancellor Kalvin Liao end with his assassination. The Varnay's flee New Syrtis and head into the Confederation. David Varney, the pregnant Cassandra Davion-Varnay and their son Terrill request asylum in the CC but Mica Liao isn’t inclined to agree till David Varnay suffers a fatal heart attack, does she decides to show mercy and agree to let them to live out their lives in exile in the Confederation. Cassandra is delivered of another son, Roger Varnay.
2530: During Ariana’s War, the CCN suffered badly at the hands of Taurians, however its noted that it was the remaining older warships that took the bulk of the losses, and Mica Liao orders a new wave of Naval contracts for new blocks of the Wind dancer and Salva classes as well as begins looking at bids and designs for a new Heavy warship and Battlerider. 
2531: The United Hindu Collective and Taurian Concordat begin discussions regarding an eventual merger of their two realms, given their mutual interests and generally similar political and economic systems.
2531: The Terran Hegemony begins production of its own natively design Lithium Fusion Battery system in its warships. 
2533: With the defeat (and suicide) of Laura Davion on Tancredi IV, the Davion Civil War comes to an end. While Alexander would have continual difficulties with the Rostovs of Robinson for years to come, eventually forcing them into exile in the Terran Hegemony, the preponderance of force was overwhelmingly on his side. Made aware that the UHC is considering amalgamation with the Concordat he makes a counter-offer, proposing that they join the Federated Suns. This convinces the Taurians to take the discussions much more seriously and they campaign strongly for their nation.
2534: Reviews of the Action in Ariana’s war proved how useful the Island Yardships were, however they were too few to make a large impact and wasted on battleriders when they were meant to service carriers. To answer this, the TCN put out a request for a Yard Monitor.
2539: PIW again beats out the 3 larger shipbuilders of the concordat in the yard monitor contracts with its Oasis Class at 200,000 tons with an unpressurized Bay able to dock even the largest battle riders up to 400,000 tons.   
2540: A popular vote of the UHC strongly favors the Taurian Concordat and the Treaty of Basantapur formally incorporates them into the Concordat.
2541: In Secret the CCN working on the salvaged remains of the Taurian Carrier from the war 2 decades ago, is now the 3rd to have managed to unlock the secrets of LFB technology.
2542: With the Federated Suns economy finally stabilizing, Alexander Davion meets Amalthia Calderon at Malagrotta seeking improved trade options, formally recognizing the annexation of the UHC and also proposing an alliance and asking to buy Taurian military hardware to rebuild his forces. Amalthia agrees to trade and limited trade of military supplies (although no ships) but and given the pro-Davion Chancellor Alicia Liao on the throne of the Capellan Confederation is favorably inclined towards an alliance but only on her terms and discussions stall on the several  matters and Alexander decides not to press the matter.
2543: HITI and NVI, having seen PIW's success in the OWA, see an opportunity and both request permission from the Protector and the First Prince to build small shipyards in the recovering FS.
2544: The Whirlwind-class battlerider's production is replaced with the Block 2 upgrades, which include adding more fuel tanks and cutting out some of the excessive internal braces for cargo space. The upgraded Whirlwinds can carry more supplies for a deployment and need not remain attached to warships or stations when not in use. 
2545: The Robinson family of warships enters into production in the FS: the Robinson Transport, the Tancredi Light Carrier, and the Fairfax Destroyer. All three share their fusion drives and KF core, with the main differences between them being in the forward 40% of the hulls
2546: HITI unveils a new design of Battlerider, the 100,000 ton Cowboy class Cruiser Escort, which is quickly ordered by both the FSN and TCN
2546: The FSN convinces Alexander Davion to authorize a shift of focus towards Taurian-style carriers supported by destroyers, corvettes and a small force of battleships and cruisers. The Robinson-class transports and its variants will be the largest portion of the FSN's new order-of-battle and the prospect of this transportation bonanza convinces the army to support the proposal. Older ships are scheduled for eventual rotation to second line-roles or even to be sold off once the 'new fleet' is large enough, although this is projected to take until the start of the 27th century at best.
2547: The TH unveils a new weapon, the Sub Capital PPC, and amends all construction orders for new ships to fit these new weapons put in place of the older Sub Capital Cannons.
2548: the Winchester Class battleriders production is ended, and over the next 3 decades those in service will be replaced with Shiva Class battleriders.
2549: TCS Samantha Calderon, a joint endeavor by all three major Taurian shipyards, is launched. Massing colossal a 1,380,000 tons, the Saucy Sam has twenty-eight collars, almost 300 on-board fighters and gunships and an impressive array of capital missiles and lasers. The TCN boldly requests another ship of this class every year and Amalthia agrees.
2549: The CCN commissions its first new battleship in a century. The Sun Tzu-class comes in at 1,100,000 tons, able accelerate at three gravities, sporting ten collars, a powerful load of NACs and secretly the LFB technology reversed engineered from the Taurians. However Issues with production will limit the number of Sun Tzu to 1 per year and only 1 in 4 will have a functional LFB.
2550: The OWA buys four of the TCN's Dart-class ships, giving birth to the OAN. President Avellar is able to get approval for the deal by pointing out they can serve as colony ships and transport as well as defend those new world when they are vulnerable. Even So, Parliament orders that most the Missile Bays and NACs be removed, however thy make no restriction of the Naval laser loads. 
2551: Terrance Liao becomes Chancellor and one of his first acts is to base from Andurian and invade Orient and Kanata of the FWL. However unlike a century before the FWL is ready and waiting leading to hard loses for the CC.
2553: The TCN ends production of the Taurus class fleet carriers and begin considering a replacement design.
2554: the FWL lays Siege to Andurian.
2555: Ian Cameron first meets with Albert Merik and Terrance Liao for peace talks about an end to the 3rd Andurian War. These talks quickly expand in scope and will lead to the Treaty of Geneva.   
2555: Cassandra Davion-Varnay dies of cancer.
2556: The Treaty of Geneva forms an economic and military pact between the Terran Hegemony, Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League as well as restoring the boarders of the Confederation and league as of 2551, and returning Tikonov from the Hegemony. Less talked about is the Exchanges of Capellan Battlerider technology to the League and Hegemony; however the Capellans still keep their own LFB tech secret.
2556: Following the Third Andurien War the CC, FWL and TH formally ally. As part of this they share sensor records and determine the Taurians can somehow jump within an hour of entering systems.
2557: Protector Amalthia Calderon dies and her daughter Caterina takes office as Protector. Among her first decisions is to cut naval expenditure, halving orders for the Samantha Calderon-class. Via the Federated Suns she establishes warm relations with the Outworlds Alliance and sees the decline in warfare along her borders as a sign that her reign will have little need for military build-up. However, she does re-open discussions with Alexander about an alliance to enforce this.
2557: the FSN with much anticipation welcomes there first Fleet Carrier, the FSS New Syrtis at 920,000 tons, 120 ASF and 16 docking collars, she catches everyone’s attention
2558: The OWA signs a Free trade pact with the TC and defacto though it the FS, since directly signing anything with the FS is seen as to provocative of the DC at this time. In a cost-saving exercise, the TCN actively pursues selling off their remaining Dart-class ships to the FSN and OAN. By the end of the decade, all are sold. The FSN also is granted permission to buy 8 Island Class yardships from PIW over the next 6 years.
2559: The Magistracy of Canopus enquires about joining the Concordat-Suns-Alliance free trade zone. This is quickly over-shadowed by contact from Ian Cameron proposing that the trade bloc join his own system of alliances, forming a single Star League.
2559: The Draconis Combine proudly unveils the Samarkand-class battlerider, a dedicated carrier almost the size of a Hyades-class pocket battleship. It's unclear though whether the DCA can actually transport a Samarkand by Jumpship - they're not observed to have succeeded but that would be a military secret...
2560: A conference on Basantapur between Caterina Calderon, Alexander Davion, Catherine Avellar and Crystalla Centrella discuss Ian Cameron's proposal. Public opinion in all areas except the Federated Suns' Terran March is moderately or strongly opposed to the Star League. They issue a joint and guarded response indicating that they feel the Star League is a step too far but they are happy to explore expanded trade and negotiate over outstanding border issues.
2560: the MOC buys 7 Tancredi light carriers from the FS along with 1 Marshal and 1 Taurus Carriers from the TC.
2561: The nascent Star League claim to accept the 'Outer Rim' position and open trade and border discussions but are deliberately slow to come to terms. At the same time they commence efforts to undermine the economies of the four states; particularly the still war-weakened Federated Suns and Ian Cameron redoubles his efforts to bring the Draconis Combine in on his side. Hehiro Kurita, recognizing he holds the balance of power, stalls and seeks concessions.
2561: The FSN is allowed to buy several old Taurus-class fleet carriers and Taurian engineers assist in redesigning the Robinson-class transport and Tancredi-class light carrier to use LFB batteries which were traded for the design of the New Syrtis Fleet carrier and a license to build them for themselves.
2562: The Federated Suns economy fails to grow as much as expected from the benefits of free trade with the Alliance, Concordat and Magistracy.
2562: The CID and SLIA report that Taurian engineers are now at FS yards and universities showing the FS how to add LFB system to their ships, as well as the how’s and why’s of the technology, confirming the rumors from the Capellans during Ariana War of Taurian super ships as well as the worst case projections of the TC naval power. With some 80-90 Starships, potentially all of them having LFBs, Ian Cameron begins worry about how much an advantage the Hegemony really has in technology. Late in the year he orders all new warships to have LFB systems, ballooning the naval budget and causing him some political trouble as he cut a number of civil programs for funding.
2563: Shandra Noruff-Cameron makes a personal visit to New Samarkand, skillfully appealing to Hehiro's martial pride but also being sure to discuss the Star League's benefits 'informally' with the Coordinator's influential mother Siriwan McAllister-Kurita. She suggests that if Gregory Amaris does agree to join the Star League this would free the Lyran Commonwealth to concentrate upon their border with Rasalhague, perhaps with support from the FWLM. The economic difficulties of the Federated Suns begin to spread to the Taurian Concordat.
2564: The Terran Hegemony begins setting up a network of 'black box' communications across their allies territory.
2564: With Hehiro increasingly leaning towards the Star League, Ian decides to take a risk and has an agent offer Terrill Varnay Star League support in putting their family back in power over the Suns. Terrill proves uninterested in politics, having soured on life at the Capellan Court. His brother Roger is a different matter and quickly brought into discussions by Terrence Liao.
2564: Ian is confronted suddenly by a combined front of Hehiro Kurita, Tracial Steiner and Terrence Liao, all asking for advanced Hegemony technology to be guaranteed if they agree to the Star League. After a brief discussion with Albert Marik he reluctantly agrees.
2565: Caterina is appalled at the reports of fraud, and corruption in the stock exchanges and banks of the TC and FS brought to her by TMI. She appoints her son Mitchell to counter the corruption and malpractices. It’s Impossible to ignore the build by of the proto-Star League and Caterina orders the military funding she cut to be restored and even expanded.
2565: with the Data received from the TH on their own LFB technology, the CCN is able to start getting more of the LFBs on its dozen Battleships with nonfunctional units working, while all new Sun Tzu’s won’t have such issues and production rates increased. Refits on the existing Ships are project to take till 2575 to complete
2565: Too much fanfare the FSN launches FSS Iron Duke, first of a new class of battleships that use LFB. Mitchell Calderon attends the ceremonies and briefs Alexander on the economic issues. An investigation in both realms uncovers the ongoing economic sabotage.
2565: Seeing the potential of the FSN and TCN starship carriers the THN/SLN manage to get the Director General to green light a project for the SLN to design and build its own Starship carrier. This project would take 6 years for a design to be accepted.
2566: Operation TEA CLIPPER is begun, a systematic campaign by the Taurian Concordat, Federated Suns, and Outworlds Alliance clean up the trade links outside their trade zone to minimize damage to their economies should war cut off those trade routes
2566: The OWA purchases several Marshal-class assault carriers to build up their naval forces.
2566: Additional yards capable of building the Calderon-Class are begun in order to meet demand in the new naval budget for more of the ships
2567: Lawrence Davion and Marantha Calderon meet when he is visiting Taurus as part of a military exchange. To the amusement of both fathers, each confides to their families their strong attraction to the other without recognizing that feelings are reciprocated.
2567: In response to increasingly hardline positions taken in the ongoing discussions by the Federated Suns, Ian Cameron puts the talks on hold and refocuses on trying to force the OWA and MOC to break ranks with their allies.
2567: After 62 years of work NVI manages to figure out a method to allow battleriders up to 500,000 tons to safely jump with starships. Given raising tensions the TCN and FSN both enquire about a new class of battlerider to take advantage of this.
2568: Caterina Calderon suffers a massive stroke crippling her and while in recovery spoils her son's fun by telling Marantha that Alexander has told her, his son is interested in her. Armed with this information, Marantha kick starts the courtship between the two with her grandmother's full approval. This cannot be kept quiet however and Ian demands that Hehiro follow through with his previous offer: sign up for the Star League to get the technology on offer. Hehiro holds out for 'suitable representation' of DCMS officers in the SLDF high command but agrees.
2568: DMI and TMI both get wind that Ian is helping the Roger Varnay build up a force for a bid to overthrow Alexander and the Davion line. In response to this the FS and TC both increase their military budgets. Reports so that so far he has 1 Division of troops, and several Old warships ‘Donated’ by Ian Cameron from the TH mothballs.
            (The Independence War – The Pre War Years 2569-2572):
During these short years, while war hadn’t yet broken out, everyone knew it would be coming - and soon. The newborn Star League and the rapidly coalescing Outer Rim alliance were both increasing and standardising military production and increasing recruitment and training of their forces. In the case of the Taurians they went as far as to start a general draft in 2569 while the Federated Suns started placing dozens of defense stations in orbit of its worlds bordering the Star League. Meanwhile, the Divisions and Corps of the SLDF began to take shape, foreshadowing the massive warmachine it would become.
2569: Caterina Calderon abdicates as Protector in favor of Mitchell Calderon as she isn’t recovering well from her stroke. Mitchell at once calls for a summit to discuss plans for war. So far the only answers he’s been given are variations of being crushed under the sheer weight of numbers the SLDF can bring to bear and he’s hoping someone else has an idea.
2569: Ian Cameron, Hehiro Kurita, Albert Marik, Terrence Liao, Tracial Steiner and Gregory Amaris all sign the Star League Accords and issue a proclamation demanding that the other states do likewise. Public objections to the Star League almost immediately take to the streets in the RWR. As preparatory work had already been underway, elements of the HAF, LCAF and FWLM are quickly dispatched to reinforce the RWA in maintaining order but their arrival triggers the defection of several regiments to the Rim Republican Army. The DCMS and CCAF however are retained at full strength along the borders of the Outer Rim nations, expected to take the first brunt of any fighting.
2569: The initial response of the four Outer Rim leaders is to politely decline the invitation to join and less politely throw Cameron's under the table dealings into the public light. They do refrain from public support for the RRA - at least for now. Covertly however and large amounts of supplies and weapons is sent to the RRA. The TC also sells the Lithium Fusion tech to the MOC and OWA and sends advisors to help them to add the technology to ships are building now.
2569, December 10th: In the wedding of the decade, Marantha Calderon and Lawrence Davion tie the knot with most the nobles of the Federated Suns, and Taurian Concordat in attendance. While no formal dynastic alliance or official standing is connected to the wedding the young couple enjoy a high and popular profile in both nations. The guest list also includes young Ursula Liao from the CC and Marion Marik of the FWL paying empty respects from the Star League and making last minute offers of League membership to the Suns and the Concordat.
2570: While considerable portions of the new SLDF are getting bogged down in the RWR, there are also powerful fleets and armies still amassing to invade the OWA and FS (the Taurians are seen as too tough a nut to crack until the Suns are forced out of the war despite the demands of the Liao’s they be hit first and the FWL simply isn't as eager to annex the Canopians as the DCMS is to seize Alliance and Suns worlds).
2570: Political rhetoric painting the Outer Rim as barbarians and warmongers is on the rise.
2570: Protector Mitchell Calderon, widely trusted and respected by all the Outer Rim, calls a summit to discuss a proposal from a firebrand young admiral by the name of David Santos. The plan is called CASE AMBER.
2570, June 21st New Avalon: During the summit to discuss options for the future in face of the star league, Admiral Santos presents his plans for Case Amber, a three stage plan for a massive blitz on the Confederation and Hegemony. Sian, Sarna, Capella, Andurian, St Ives and Tikonov in the Confederation will be hit and hit hard by the TCN in the first wave, aiming to take out as much industry as possible. At the same time, the second wave, a large number of TDF and AFFS regiments will move across the border and hit the SLDF staging areas on the TC and FS borders with the CC and TH. The third wave will be a mix of TCN and FSN forces raiding into the TH, trying to take out a number of yards there and hammer the SLDF bases there. In basic, a surprise attack to push the SL on the defensive and make them react instead of acting
2570: The SLDF orders several modified Sun Tzu-class battleships from Capellan yards although they designate them as battlecruisers.
2570: Having not yet adopted CASE AMBER as policy as other methods are still being explored, the Outer Rim leaders still move to enhance their borders and begin moving troops and ships into defensive positions. Under the cover of a general increase in military budgets, the flow of supplies to the RRA is increased and also augmented by military advisors. The TCN purchases several dozen recharge stations, placing them in deep space as fallback positions for their warships if needed. Under the greatest secrecy measures available several of these stations are actually being sited within Capellan and even Terran space as possible staging points for CASE AMBER. All TCN, FSN and OAN ships are painted in identical patterns of black and gray. 
2571, Feb 15th: Command worlds for each on the SLDF corps are officially assigned. I Corps would be based on Menke, II Corps on Galedon, III Corps on St Ives, IV Corps on Tikonov, V Corps on Proserpina, VI Corps on Apollo and the Star Guards Corps on Terra itself (with detachments on Sian, Atreus, Tharkad and Luthien).  The auxiliary corps of each nation will have rotating HQs as they aren’t static formations with their Orders of Battle limited to what their nations can supply.
2571: The SLN accepts the SLS Enterprise into service: their very own Super Carrier massing some 1,600,000 tons with 32 collars for battleriders and dropships. Eleven more are ordered at once by the SLN, and the Council Lords each order one or two for themselves as per the treaties regarding sharing SLDF designs (with some if not all the tech) with each of the members. It's noted by the TCN and FSN that the Enterprise looks like an enlarged bow of a Aegis with four pods attached to its sides for its landing bays and docking collars, with the body and drive section based on the Farragut. Naval analysts are underwhelmed by the design, considering it bloated and overly-complex.
2571: NVI presents the design for the Concordat Battlerider, a 500kt monster which is quickly ordered by the FS and TC both in such amounts NVI has to license the design to its competitors HITI and TSW. 
2572: Intelligence points to six Corps of SLDF and Auxiliary troops in positions near the Outer Rim, escorted by five hundred warships. In contrast the SLDF deployments to the active warzone in the RWR are only four Corps and one hundred and fifty warships - primarily convoy escorts. Final confirmation of CASE AMBER is given and to take place in Jan and Feb of 2573.
2572, September 17th Taurus: The leaders of the Outer Rim debate launching Mitchell Calderon's proposed war plan: Case Amber. President Catherine Avellar speaks eloquently against striking the first blow, warning that they would be starting the biggest war in history and bear the moral responsibility for the blood that will be shed in that conflict. Mitchell's counter-argument is that the ambitions of Ian Cameron for a universal hegemony over the entire human race, war is inevitable. He uses the economic attacks on the Outer Rim as evidence that Ian Cameron has not been sincere in his negotiations. While not eager to see another war after the devastation of his realm during the Davion Civil War, Alexander Davion is persuaded that it is better to fight an offensive war than wait for the SLDF to invade the worlds of the Federated Suns. Crystalla Centrella is the last to speak and she addresses Catherine directly with two questions:  is she willing to fight to protect her people from the distant and exploiting rule of Terra; and can she see any strategy likely to be more successful in such a war than Case Amber. Catherine reluctantly answers yes to the first and no to the second. As she starts to protest further in the cause of continued negotiations (seeking to convince the Star League to accept terms that would leave the Outer Rim their independence), the President is cut short by Crystalla who presents a report from a MIM agent in the Free World’s League that in negotiations within the Star League, the Draconis Combine has been promised more than a dozen OWA worlds when, not if, the Rim is forced into the League. Faced with this, Catherine assents to Case Amber and all four leaders sign a Declaration of War upon the Star League to be delivered at the proper time.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 09:16:05 PM by katar8010 »


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2016, 07:27:00 PM »

Well I've thought long and hard and am now redoing and adding to this TL. Thoughts questions, and pointing out of errors is as always welcome.

    (The Founding Era 2253-2329):
This Era was when the First settlers were still mapping the depths of the Hyades, Flanagan's Nebula, and where they established there tradition of Space Industry, while keeping worlds Garden Paradises. Due to this, cities on the Hyades worlds are mostly place for geologic stability and protection from weather or in central areas of prime farming land, and not on usual places like Rivers, Mineral deposits or near heavy Industry. Even then Taurian cities are often more comparable to suburban areas of cities in the Inner sphere with few large towers or structures beyond the Spaceports or harbors. If a Taurian city blacked out, it would be very easy to miss from the air or space.

2252: The Flanagan's Nebula (later renamed the Hyades Cluster) is found by the Calderon Expedition.

The Expedition although losing a number of ships to finding a safe way in enters what will be the Taurus system with its 1.9 million souls on 109 jumpships.

2253: Samantha Calderon founds the colony of Taurus. The First landing Locations are picked for were food production can begin quickly, with later smaller camps at vital resources are placed.

2254: a number of former mining craft that came with the Expedition go to work on located deposits of resources in the Taurus system. The fairly rich and pure ore of these sights renders the need for the smaller mining camps on Taurus itself moot and the resources set for them are redirected into turning the worst off jumpships in the fleet into refinery stations over Taurus.

2260: In order to preserve space travel capability, the first minor yards are built in orbit of Taurus.

In addition to maintaining the existing jumpship fleet at their disposal, the Taurians begin building mining stations to exploit Taurus's belt riches, and allow the somewhat aging mining craft to begin work beyond the Taurus System in the Hyades Cluster.

Over the next century the manufacture of Stations, jumpships and in-system transports, capable of neither interstellar travel nor atmospheric entry remain highly lucrative as Taurian industries expand almost as rapidly as the human populace.

2264: The first jumpship to be fully built in the hyades by Taurians is launched, even if its a terran Aquila Design.

2268: Samantha Calderon dies and her son Timothy is appointed as the new Protector of the Taurian Home worlds as a constitutional monarch, the Taurians not wishing to retain the democratic practices of the despised Terran Alliance.

2269: Irenna Liao, First President of of the independent Republic of Liao dies having made her world into a fairly respectable local powerhouse.

2270: Mining jumpships outside the hyades come into contact with several Jumpships with people fleeing the wars going on in the core. After a few weeks of talks, its decided that in the future any such ships found will be welcomed to join the Taurians.

This policy would not only help expand the population but also keep the Taurians somewhat informed on the happenings and changes in war happening in the core reaches of humanity. 

2272: The Ingersoll Concordium only just avoids being fully annexed by the Capellan Hegemony and becomes a semi autonomous vassal protectorate.   

2278: Taurian Population reaches 8 million.

2288: For the first time ever a pirate force has the strength to occupy a entire colony on the world of High spire. It take a major effort by the Capellan Hegemony and Sian Supremacy to displace them. The Alliance however cause the Sarna Supremacy to attack them both and for a revolt from Ingersoll to happen, resulting in several hundred jumpships with over 2 million people to flee to Taurian worlds over the next 2 decades.

2289: The Effial Tower on Earth is Dissembled and moved to Japan.

2292: St Ive's Mercantile League loses several worlds to the Capellan Hegemony, and within a year refugees from these worlds will reach the Hyades, starting the Worries of a Capellan superstate by those in Taurus's halls of power. Its however agreed that right now the Taurian worlds only real defense is there hidden nature. It becomes standard protocol for all jump nav data to be kept of separate easily purged memory drives.

2294: the Terran Alliance Unveils the Merkava Heavy Tank.

2299: Hyades Interstellar Technologies Inc. (HITI) launches the first of a new class and type of jumpships. Rather than cargo bays, the new ship surrounds the jump-drive with a honeycomb of unpressurised bays that can accommodate parasite craft of up to 5,000 tons - which would include most in-system transports or surface-to-orbit craft in use within the Hyades. Competing firms see the profits being raked in from the innovation and set their R&D to develop even better ways to transport In-system craft across interstellar distances (or even simply across a star system, given the distances inherent in mining far-flung asteroids and comets). Needless to say, the HITI's design is much licensed and outright copied in some cases, leading to many court cases.

   24th Century:

2300: Taurian Population breaks 15 million.

TAS Dreadnought, the First modern Warship is launched by the Terran's. The alliance also unveils the AC2 for use by ground units.

2302: The Taurian army such as it is accepts a 20 tons ICE powered tank with 2 HMG a Flamer and a improved heavy rifle(think primitive ac5 for all intents) for its main tank. It also is announces its looking for armored transports, artillery and aircraft to the various corps.

2304: the Worlds of Palos and Wei try to escape the local shenanigans by declaring independence and neutrality, however they only spark a war between the Capellan hegemony and Sarna supremacy.

2305: the first Dart Class Light cruiser is commissioned by the Terrans.

2306: A Taurian Armored Car company, Starstream motors puts out a new 5 tons armored transport with 2 small laser in turrets on the hood and roof.

Ryerson accords signed

2310: Megaris colonized by Taurian settlers.

The total population of Taurus and its settlements reaches 19 million. With the new Colony and the ever growing need for people tax policies to encourage larger family as well as land grants for settlers are made available and widely advertised.

The Capellan Hegemony fails and a rump of it becomes the Capellan Commonality after the failed war with Sarna. Its a combination of tactics and loss of support that cause the Hegemony to fail.

2312: Samantha colonized by Taurian settlers. The First groups of Settlers are Scientist of all types that use the world for a testing area for new crops and mining techniques. This will endure in the culture of the planet as more settlers arrive and in the future with the world becoming a huge center of science.

The Alliance of Galedon starts mass production of what will be seen as the first troop transport dropship of the age of war, the Vulture Class.

2313: What historians general call the First Exodus era ends. 
2315: James Mckenna takes over the Terran Alliance and forges the Hegemony in its place. One of his first acts is to ominously Commission the Black Lion Class Battle-cruiser to the yards throughout the Hegemony.

The Duchy of Laio is formed.

2316: Renfield colonized by Taurian settlers.

2317: Cyrton colonized by Taurian settlers.

James Mckenna finishes his campaign of persuasion with his victory on the world of towne.

The Federated Suns is born with the signing of the Crucis Pact. Lucien Davion is the first President and he sets about secured his domain by removing the small hostile worlds nearby him and preping to deal with the larger powers as well.

While the Terrans enjoy showing off the new Bonventure class warship, the Taurians commission there first 5000ton assault dropper armed with a single sub capital missile launcher or 2 small sub capital lasers and a dozen support CIWS mounts its fairly capable. 

2318: the Muskegon Empire is annexed by the Federated Suns with the Leaders support, however 2 worlds announce they will instead join the nearby Chesterton Trade League sparking a war between it and the Federated Suns.
2319: the Draconis Combine is formed

the FS Launches its first home made warship the Crucis class corvette.

2320: Ishtar colonized by Taurian settlers.

The Terran begin massive production of the Vigilant Class warship

the New Yards over the Taurian world of  Megaris launch the Taurian first Combat Star-ship. Its a 500kt modified Hive class jumpship that can carry 20 5kt dropships and 60 combat small craft. The Population of the Taurian worlds breaks 26 million.


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2016, 09:01:40 PM »

Nice to see you back at it!

Dragon Cat

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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2016, 09:24:28 PM »

Tagged so I remember to have a proper look when I'm awake  ;D
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Grand Concordat of Taurus AU TL(Taurians love Monitors and Carriers)
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2016, 09:53:05 PM »

(The Expansion Era 2321-2359):
In this Era, the Concordat experienced its greatest growth in its history, tripling in size in 3 decades. This era is also the end of the peaceful times for the Taurian people as every era after would be marred with wars and Taurian blood shred.

2321: The Federated Suns makes peace with the Chesterton Trade League, and results of that war spure the AFFS to request new Equipment and vehicles. The results would be a decade in coming but they would be worth the wait as well.

2322: What will become the Standard Long Haul In system Ore Freighter model, a 100kt flying cargo hold .5g-1g Ion Drive with a very small fission reactor, a pair of small craft docking ports, and small crew and bridge area enters production. While far from the famous it and its larger sister classes would remain identical is design merely scaling up for the next 700 years.  Very Primitive and basic, they are incredibly cheap to build run and maintain while able to haul 95% there own mass in ore.

2324: the FWL Introduces the Eagle ASF. Its a Leap over current Star fighters and Conventional fighters, however the tech will spread, and the idea behind it was been known for a few centuries, it proves to be a fleeting advantage.

2325: The FS and duchy of Liao both commission Private cored Cruiser class Warships(Given neither nation can yet make a Compact core large enough for a cruiser class vessel they have made due.). Only a handful of each will be built with there 75% mass cores that would become the standard for there star ship cores when the design is dug out at the start of the 26th century. While far from impressive or noteworthy, they were good enough and taught ship builders in both nations valuable lessons that would go into there first modern capital warships in the next decades. 

2330: Timothy Calderon dies, his daughter and Heir Sandra becomes the new Protector. Sandra immediately decides the time has come to expand outside the Hyades and HITI's 'carrier' jumpships and their competitors will play a vital role in this expansion

2331: Taurian settlers on Diefenbaker encounter more refugees from the Inner Sphere's growing conflicts, as well as find 18 nearby worlds that have been settled if far less successfully than Taurian worlds. These colonists and worlds along with the waves that follow assimilate readily, increasing the Taurian population from 35 million to billions in the span of a century. The refugees are more than mildly surprised by the scale and sophistication of Taurian industry and the heights and breadth of the Taurian education. This leads many Taurians to consider themselves a rare outpost of civilization and their neighbors as neo-barbarians.

2335: With the death of Sandra Calderon, her son Richard reorganizes the realm he inherits into the Taurian Concordat, welcoming eighteen non-Taurian worlds willing to join the eighteen Taurian Homeworlds his mother bequeathed him.

In order to protect this expansive realm, contracts are offered to HITI and their two principal rivals Taurus StarWorks (TSW) and New Vandenberg Industries (NVI), to develop both dedicated sublight warships (later dubbed 'monitors' or battleriders) and jumpships that can carry them from system to system as needed.

The Reported Abilities of the Warships from the Local major powers, mostly the Terran makes the requirements for the new classes to be a not so simple endeavor. The Star-ship will need to be the largest yet make by Taurians, and be totally new, on top of needing to fairy the new Assault droppers that will be larger than anything else reported or known of. Solving these problems would cost the Concordat billions of Bulls over the next two decades.

2336: As the Taurian Concordat takes shape, Richard authorizes programs to bring the non-Taurian colonies up to the standards of infrastructure and industry found within the Hyades.

Taurian engineers and administrators are almost as surprised by the lack of anything beyond basic subsistence in many outlying colonial settlements as the colonists are to find that the Taurians can match or surpass technologies that - in these worlds at least - exist only as distant memories or tattered records of life on Terra.

It's Decided that the great many of old and near useless hulks of jumpships in the hyades will be used to make the cores of new stations over these worlds for industry like in the early days of Taurus itself. This is only a stop gap however as proper stations are built and some more industry is placed on world.

2341: TSW makes the key breakthrough to enable the interstellar transport of monitors, developing a much larger and more powerful K-F core that takes up more than ninety percent of the jumpship's hull. The new core can extend a jump field around ships mounted in sophisticated external docks, greatly increasing the maximum volume and tonnage that can be transported. The prototype also indicates that there are possible cost-savings in building such a large, brute-force drive system.

TSW quickly is forced and bribed to release the results and theory to its rivals and orders to make a star-ship with this system and larger assault ship, or monitors/battleriders to be carried are issued.

2347: HITI drops out of the competition for the existing military contracts and focuses on mating TSW's collar system to more conventional 'compact' jump cores.

2349: The Taurian Concordat Navy receives the first fruits of the last decade's design work almost simultaneously: NVI's Defender and Liberty monitors (the former a 30,000 ton gunboat, the latter a 50,000 ton carrier) enter service only a month before the first TSW military star-ship is commissioned. The ship can carry three monitors.

Its Notable that the Design while using modern Core by Taurian standards it is in fact a third larger than Terran model compact cores taking up 60% the ships mass although it is 20% cheaper than a Terran model core. This core Design would by 2400 become the standard civilian model core for star-ships built in the Taurian Concordat. 

2351: While the New TCN has picked its mainline designs, practical work on new tech, designs, and weapons layouts will continue and over the next 30 years add about 200 1 off prototype units that vary in mass from 10kt to 85kt. This program would form the basis of knowledge for all future Battle-riders and monitors designed in the concordat.

2355: A Davion strike force over-runs the Sarna colony world of Bell, capturing 15,000 civilian colonists and shipping them to Tentativa as slave labor.
2357: The TCN's replacement program to the new battleriders and new star-ship carrier have actually caused a Drop is the number of jump-able hulls the TCN can field, and while its combat power has increased, this isn't mentioned to the public when it is broke by the media. A panic demand for a expansion of the fleet is started by some smaller elements of society as a result.

2358: Contact Between the Sarna Supremacy, the St Ive's mercantile league and long range scouts and traders send out by the tcn is made. For now though no offical contact between the governemnts is made. Reports and rumors aplenty come back including the tale of the missing colonist of the world Bell.
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