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Operation Revival Reborn
« on: August 16, 2011, 10:06:08 PM »

Hall of the Khans
Strana Mechty
Clan Homeworlds
December 18, 3048

The stone chamber was hushed as thirty-two Khans and saKhans waited for the first elected ilKhan in more than century to enter the Grand Hall.  At each entrance, two Elemental Warriors of the Ebon Keshik stood at attention, their black and gold armor polished to a mirror finish that reflected the flickering light of the torches ablaze in their high sconces upon the walls.  Seldom in recent years had a full gathering of the Khans been present in person; such assemblies normally included at least two or three among their number present only via HPG holo-comm transceiver.  But today was not a normal day.  Today was the day that the Clans would vote on whether or not to adopt the ilKhan’s plan to return to the Inner Sphere.

Tension had run high when Khan Leo Showers had presented the captured ComStar Vessel Outbound Light and its crew seven weeks earlier; the debate over the plan drafted by Khans Showers and Crichell had ground to a halt when Ulric Kerensky, Khan of the Wolves, challenged Leo Showers to a Trial of Grievance for his failure to immediately bring the matter to the attention of the Council of Khans.  Although many thought that Showers had the advantage when he chose un-augmented combat, he died in the trial—although the wounds he inflicted on Kerensky had proven mortal as well.  Both Khans had perished, and that had given time for the Clans to reflect, and to choose a new leader.

Although Khan Elias Crichell desired the post, many Khans were leery of his ambition, and more than a few questioned his ability as a Warrior.  But his claim died as well when his aide (Vandervahn Chistu) leaked the contents of his discussions with Showers—including the proposal that their two Clans join to become the ultimate power in the Homeworlds.  saKhan Timus Malthus fought Crichell in a second Trial of Grievance and killed him; when Chistu attempted to secure the post of Khan by accusing Malthus of treason against the Way of the Clans and the against the Jade Falcons, his manipulations went too far and dozens of challenges rang out.  Disgraced, Chistu was stripped of his rank and expelled from the Warrior caste, after Malthus refused to kill him, saying there would be no honor gained from such a victory.

When the Grand Council reconvened just ten days ago, the election surprised the strongest Clans, for the Star Adders nominated and campaigned for the Khan of the Goliath Scorpions—Nikolai Djerassi—to be selected.  And he was so elected to the post; although his margin of victory was slim, it was not challenged, for the Jaguars, Falcons, and Wolves were in disarray and the Warden Clans stood staunchly behind the unusual choice.  Combined with the unwavering support of Khan N’Buta of the Star Adders, no Khan wished to create further havoc with more Trials of Refusal.  Besides, the core issue remained for debate.

And now, with newly elected Khans in place of the fallen and the uplifted, the Grand Council once again had assembled.

At last, one of the doors opened and the ilKhan walked in, wearing ceremonial garb that concealed his flesh from head to toe.  He walked to the center of the well, and removed his helmet, placing it on the desk of Nicolas Kerensky and lifted a remote in one gloved hand.

And then the ilKhan spoke.

“Brothers and sisters, fellow Khans, we are gathered today for the very moment which gave us birth, which has ruled our destiny to this very moment in time.  We are here to determine if we shall return to the Inner Sphere, and if so, how shall we do so.  In preparation for this day, I, and my finest strategists, historians, and logistics experts—in conjunction with Khan N’Buta of the Star Adders—planned for the past decade.”

He placed his arms behind his back and began to pace as he continued to speak.  “Whether Warden—as am I—or Crusader—as are many of you—those differences no longer concern us.  We have been found, brethren.  And although this expedition will not report our location to those who have despoiled the former worlds of the Star League, others will—in time—come.  Our long isolation is ended.  And with it, my Khans, our time of waiting.”

“This so-called plan, this Operation Revival, put forth by Khans Showers and Crichell, is folly.  I will not endorse such a reckless approach to this event for which we have all prepared ourselves for generations.”

Khan Jorgensson of the Ghost Bears stood, and he too pulled from his head his ceremonial helm, revealing a frowning face.  “And if not that plan, ilKhan, that what do you propose?  That we do nothing?”

“Neg, Khan of the Ghost Bears.  We must now act, but we must act with deliberation and due diligence, not haste.  In that direction lies madness and the seeds of our destruction.  Khan N’Buta and I have devised, over these past ten years, another plan that will ensure these ‘Successor Lords’ will fall to the might of the Clans.”

“No, my Khans, we shall return, and we shall return within the next two years time.”

Dozens of voices spoke out at once, and Nikolai stepped forward and slammed his fist down on the ancient wooden desk that had once served as the place of honor from where Nicolas Kerensky presided over this very body.  “Two years, my Khans, two years shall be required for us to prepare for a master stroke that will ensure our victory.”

Slowly, the assembly sat and Nikolai nodded.  “We have much for which to prepare, and those preparations will take time.  In the spring of 3051, however, our assault will be launched and it will prove decisive.”

Lifting the remote, the ilKhan pressed a button and holographic map of the Inner Sphere sprang into life.  In the north-west quadrant, the Lyran Commonwealth glowed a pulsing blue, with the harsh red of the Draconis Combine to the east, separated partially by the Rasalhague Republic.  Four invasion corridors appeared, golden lines driving through the Periphery and converging upon Terra.  “Operation Revival, brethren, as Showers and Crichell dubbed this abomination.”

“Four Clans, with a fifth in reserve, committing but a portion of their strength and racing for Terra.”

Nikolai shut down the projection and shook his head.  “It is not our way, my brothers and sisters.  This return is the birthright of us all.  When the time came for our Clans to regain the Pentagon during Operation Klondike, did the first ilKhan, the founder of our society have us bid to determine who would remain tamely behind?  No, he used our Clans strengths in concert to make certain that we would gain victory through our honor, and our training, and our loyalty, indeed our love, for each other!”

He, and Absalom Truscott, planned in detail the operation and then our forefathers—our Founders—carried out his will in precise accordance with his vision.  Still, things went wrong.  And we all know what that problems were in that long ago age.”

“Our return will be with all sixteen of our Clans—none shall remain behind on this sacred mission.  All will share in the honor.  And so, I reveal to you Operation Revival Reborn!”

Lifting the remote again, he clicked another button, and the invasion corridors highlighted died, and the map zoomed in on the Lyran Commonwealth.  “My brothers and sisters, this shall be our initial Theatre of Operations:  the Lyran Commonwealth.  Part of the Federated Commonwealth in alliance with the Federated Suns, we have learned that Archon Melissa Steiner in fact resides on New Avalon with her husband Hanse Davion.  One of the most advanced realms in the terms of manufacturing and industrial capacity, the Lyran Commonwealth supplies roughly two-thirds of the BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, and other weapons of war fielded by the Federated Commonwealth.  Those items are produced here,” he continued as he pressed another stud.  Six golden dots appeared on the map, flashing against the dark blue background.

“Coventry, Donegal, Skye, Tharkad, Twycross, and Hesperus II, my fellow Khans; it is these six worlds upon which the military might of the Federated Commonwealth depends.  And it is here that we shall strike!”



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2011, 10:07:44 PM »

This is something else I am working on.  The Mechs, Fighters, DropShips, JumpShips, and WarShips I've posted over on Solaris VII and at Classic BattleTech are part of this AU.  Anyway, if you've got any comments, or if you see something I've done that's totally bogus, just let me know.

Master Arminas


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 11:47:51 PM »

Chaos erupted as Khans stood and began to shout, but Nikolai simply waited, silent, until finally the din diminished.  One Khan only remained standing, and Nikolai nodded at Amelia McKenna of Clan Snow Raven.

“IlKhan, what you propose, this would leave use with no lines of supply at all!  And how do expect to even get there without attacking the intervening worlds?  By all of the Founders, Nikolai, some of those worlds are four months travel inside the Lyran Commonwealth!”

Nikolai grinned.  “Khan McKenna, your points are well taken.  But consider this; there are scores of uninhabited and uninhabitable star systems surrounding those pictured on this map.  These ‘empty spaces’ have nothing of value—many do not even have planets.  But they are isolated and they are alone, and we have their coordinates.  We know, through the databases our ancestors assembled, where their jump-points lie.  And it is through these empty star systems that our toumens will journey until they arrive at their targets on the same day.”

He began to pace again, as he continued to speak.  “Yes, we will have no line of supply, nor a line of retreat.  But neither will be needed, for we shall make this assault with the front-line forces of sixteen Clans—and we shall carry with us sufficient supplies for a two-year campaign.  Each of these worlds will be the target of two Clans, and each will serve as a death trap for the Lyrans.”

Khan Isaac Fletcher stood.  “Two Clans each?  With all of our front-line troops?  IlKhan, you are speaking of committing multiple galaxies against each of these worlds—and your numbers only come to twelve Clans, not sixteen.”

“You are correct, Khan Fletcher.  For we will also assault the following,” he answered as he pressed another stud, and two more worlds began to pulse.  “Alarion and Tamar.  Both are vital worlds in their provinces, and very important to the psychology of the Lyran people.  Nearly as much as so as Tharkad.”

“Each of your Clans will contribute two or three front-line Galaxies to this Operation.  Plus an additional two hundred and thirty Provisional Garrison Clusters.”

A stillness settled over the chamber as even the most ardent Crusader was stunned into silence at the numbers involved.  And Nikolai nodded his head.

“The PGCs will be needed once Phase I of the Operation is complete.  These worlds are critical to the survival of the Lyran Commonwealth, and through it to the Federated Commonwealth.  We shall seize them, but allow their defenders to successfully transmit word that they are under attack.  After which, we will secure the local HPG facilities and complete our conquests.  To find a Ghost Bear for the Clawing, Khan Jorgensson, where must you go?”

“To where the Ghost Bear lairs, ilKhan, even a sibkin knows that.”

“Yes, and when we take these eight worlds, we will truly be in the lair of the Inner Sphere’s military might.  They cannot let us keep them—to do so would cripple them, economically, militarily, and politically.  And so they must come to us and attack.”

Khan McKenna nodded.  “And they must attack, regardless of the odds if they are to preserve their own industry.”

“Aff.  But it will be too late for that, because as soon as these worlds are secure, you will proceed to destroy their factories—utterly demolish them.”

“That is a waste of resources, ilKhan!” shouted Khan Malthus.

“Yes, but a waste of their resources, Khan of the Jade Falcons.  We have no need for their inferior technology, and by destroying their factories, we only weaken them, not us.  One exception to that order will be made, however, for Hesperus II was once a Star League facility—it shall be so again.”

“They will attack us on these worlds because they must, and their attacks will fail because we are the Clans, and we shall be ready for them.  Once they have broken upon our defenses, then Phase II will commence.  From each of these worlds, our Galaxies will erupt, individual Clusters grabbing the systems around them, defeating any remaining defenders.  PGCs will immediately move forward to garrison the systems, and the Clusters will continue until all eight beachheads have linked.”

As he spoke, the holo-projection showed a visual representation, with blobs of gold expanding lightning fast across the face of the Lyran Commonwealth, until the main part of that once great house was entirely claimed by the Clans.

“And then we rest, for a short time, and make certain that our supply line to the homeworlds is once again secure—using a few Galaxies and PGCs to denude the Periphery of their bandit kingdoms and pirates.  And then we shall commence Phase III.”

The holo-projector zoomed in close once more, centering on a pale blue-green orb labeled Terra.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 12:14:21 AM »

All Hail The Clans Seyla His Will Be Done !!!!
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 04:21:10 AM »

A few curious questions to help me better understand this setting master arminas:
Sixteen Clans in 3048? Has the absorption of Clan Burrock already occurred in your plot?
(Canonically the Burrocks were absorbed only in 3059).
Or has some other Clan been abjured/absorbed/annihilated?


P.S.: Going to be interesting to see how this develops.



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 08:12:22 AM »

Burrocks absorbed by the Star Adders in 3044-46.  Which is why the Adders are not going to be fielding three Galaxies during O.R.R., by the way--they are still recovering from the conflict with the Burrocks and the Spirits.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 08:13:05 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2011, 11:39:27 AM »

The cold wind of a Strana Mechty winter gusted against the side of the Great Hall as Nikolai stood on one of its balconies.  Despite the breeze, he stood tall and straight, but his face was sober, and he lifted one hand to his face, taking a long pull from the smoldering cigar he held.

“Those things will kill you, you know,” Robert N’Buta said from the shadowed door that led within the labyrinthine structure.

Nikolai nodded without turning.  “There are many things that will eventually kill me, Robert.  This weed is currently the least among them.”

The Star Adder Khan walked up besides the man and stood quietly alongside for several moments in silence.

“It is very risky, you know.  We could still opt for Pantheon II instead.”

“Neg.  Although you are right, my friend.  With sixteen Clans on the firing line Pantheon II would work—for a time.  But it makes the same mistakes that Showers and Crichell made, it takes worlds from the outer edge inward—and allows their industry to produce replacements far faster than we can ship them in from the Homeworlds.  Those worlds are not of vital importance to the Federated Commonwealth, we would take them and destroy many of their units, but in the end it would mean nothing.  And if we give them the time they require to counter our technology with numbers, it will mean defeat instead.”

“It is a high risk, but it offers the highest rewards as well, Robert.”

N’Buta nodded in answer.  “Aff.  I am just concerned over whether the Council will agree.  If things go wrong, we could lose the cream of three, perhaps even four Clans, after all.”

Nikolai snorted.  “No fewer would we lose with Pantheon given enough time.  You are still supporting the plan, quiaff?”

“Aff.  It is partially my plan, after all.  I am just . . . worried that you will be caught in the fallout if things begin to fall apart.”

“Robert, the plan is nothing—but the planning is everything.  There will be circumstances that we cannot foresee.  There will catastrophes and debacles that have the Khans screaming about my failure.  And there will be an enormous body count arising from the Invasion—on both sides.”

“But, we have planned for every possible contingency.  We will have the supplies and parts on hand, and once we captured Hesperus II and convert its factories to produce our munitions and BattleMechs and Elemental armor we will have a logistical base in their very heartland.  And even though some of our brethren are strategic idiots, they are seasoned Warriors—place them in a tactical position where they simply must hold a position against an attacker and they will hold.  They will.”

Once again silence ruled the blustery day as the two Warriors looked out over the boulevards of the city.

“I had thought that you would be pairing my Adders with your Scorpions, my friend.”

“Neg.  Yours is one of the only Clans that routinely trains with vehicles—making you a perfect complement to the Horses,” and the ilKhan snorted again.  “Unless you would prefer I team the Horses with the Spirits, quineg?”

“Neg,” the Adder answered with a chuckle.

“The flexibility that your Adders and the Horses display, combined with their heavy elemental complements makes your joint command tailor-made for Skye.  Skye will be the first system that reinforcements from the Davion half of the Federated Commonwealth hits, and it must hold, Robert.  For that I am depending upon you.”

“It will be done, ilKhan.  Just who are you pairing the Spirits with, by the way?  I lost track after your surprise announcement that my Adders would be hitting Skye.”

“The only Clan with which they have reasonably good relations—the Fire Mandrills.  I am assigning them to Tamar; their tenacious will serve them well there.”

N’Buta considered the other options and then nodded in agreement.  “So, the Spirits and Mandrills take Tamar, my Adders and the Horses Skye; the Bears and Hellions should thrive on icy Tharkad, while the Jaguars and Coyotes hit Twycross.”

“The Wolves and the Cobras will deal with Donegal, the Ravens and Nova Cats with Alarion, while the Vipers and Sharks hit Coventry.  Leaving my Scorpions and the Falcons to take Hesperus.”

“And you will accompany the assault on Hesperus?”

“Neg.  I am no longer a Scorpion, Robert.  I am the ilKhan.  I will be accompanied by the Ebon Keshik and will remain at Coventry where I can communicate rapidly with all of my field commands.”

“But the Ebon Keshik is only a Trinary!”

“For now, but I intend to expand it to a full Cluster.  I will be issuing a call for volunteers on the morrow.”

Nikolai shook his head and smiled a wry smile.  “I am a Warden, Robert.  And a Scorpion.  I must weld the Clans to me and my leadership so long as I hold this post—and I cannot do so if I favor my own Clan above others.  I must be neutral to hold the respect and loyalty of the Khans.”

Robert N’Buta inhaled sharply, his eyes having grown wide.  And then he bowed, kneeling on one knew, his head lowered towards the ground.  “Seyla, ilKhan.  Seyla.”

Ice Hellion

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2011, 03:41:44 PM »

I first thought that this plan looked crazy but after reading through it another time, it makes sense.
It is dangerous, really dangerous but it could work to destroy the Federated Commonwealth's might (even the one hundred heads hydra has only one heart) since it would have no choice but to strike back in a hurry.
The questions are: what will they do after that? What is their ultimate goal? How do they plan to protect their holdings?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2011, 04:30:17 PM »

I have my concerns about the plan. Like the fact your attacking a single House or faction. No other power will run to their aid but they are likely to reinforce their factory worlds. But why not just assault Terra? That is the goal. ComStar is the ones who found you and if you can catch them sleeping you hold the key to the HPGs and the InnerSphere. Just imagine the shock of waking up in the InnerSphere and hearing the SLDF has returned.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2011, 05:16:38 PM »

I considered that, Takiro, I really, really did.  And as attractive an idea as it was, the Clans (or at least ilKhan Nikolai) knows that the Liberation of Terra did not destroy all of the Terran SDS installation.  In fact, only a few sectors were crippled (over Moscow and Central Mexico).  He is also aware that ComStar is the end result of Jerome Blakes Ministry of Communications--and that General Kerensky left nearly a Corp of SLDF troopers with orders to assist Blake, plus many WarShips that were too damaged to remove from the system.  The Titan yards were mostly intact as well.  He has to presume (not assume, but presume) that ComStar retained those defenses and may have added to them.

Of course, a surprise attack could catch ComStar offguard, but if they have as little as an hour to bring the SDS online, all of the Clan WarShips are likely to not be enough to fight through--if the system is indeed intact.  So, he is going to hit the Lyrans and secure a beachhead, while eliminating one of the most industrialized powers AND converting Hesperus II to manufacture Clan equipment.  He will be doing some discrete scouting operations of the Sol System, however, and trying to find out everything he can about ComStar and their defenses.  But he is not going to rush into a situation where he knows nothing about what may, or may not, be waiting in the wings.

Not unless the Khans force him to, that is.   :o

Hope that clears up my reasoning, at least.


Master Arminas
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 05:20:40 PM by masterarminas »

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2011, 07:13:09 PM »

One thing I like Nova Cats and Snow Ravens for Alarion SHiPYARDS 8)

Not sure about the gang up on one but nice concept
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2011, 12:16:48 AM »

Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2011, 04:41:55 PM »

I just had two thoughts while I was driving Friday: Dark Caste and WarShips.

What will the Dark Caste do?
How will the Clans use their biggest advantage: WarShips?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2011, 12:49:12 PM »

Ice, each Clan is leaving between two and five Galaxies (mostly second-line) in the Homeworlds, although they are bringing the greater part (probably two-thirds) of their PGCs.  Plus, about a quarter of the Clan Fleet (mostly destroyers, but a few Cruisers, Frigates, and Carriers) is staying behind as well.  I doubt the Dark Caste could mount any operation that could defeat that level of forces, even without the Clan Frontline troops.

As for their WarShips, I picture each Clan bringing a Naval Reserve of between 4-11 WarShips to directly support its own operations.  The ilKhan is planning on these ships (united under the command of the Snow Raven Khan) to deal with any defenses of Terra in Phase III.  However, we could see an individual Clan using WarShips much earlier, ala Turtle Bay.  More specific details to come.

Now, to everyone.  I am rewriting the introduction to this AU because I goofed.   :(   I missed a few production centers and took a long hard look at the map.  There will be SIXTEEN points of incursion into the Lyran Commonwealth, not eight.  Each will have a single Clan assigned to it.  Primary objectives are listed below, and were chosen because of industrial/economic importance; military importance; and/or political importance; in addition, each has the Clan assigned to them listed.

Wotan (Cloud Cobra); Twycross (Diamond Shark); Tamar (Blood Spirit); Sudeten (Hell's Horses); Pandora (Smoke Jaguar); Coventry (Steel Viper); Alarion (Snow Raven); Tharkad (Ghost Bear); Donegal (Nova Cat); Arcturus (Ice Hellion); Port Mosby (Fire Mandrill); Izar (Coyote); Furillo (Wolf); Hesperus II (Goliath Scorpion); Skye (Jade Falcon); and Oliver (Star Adder).  If any of you have questions and/or suggestions to rearranging the Clans targeting specific zones, let me know.

Phase I will entail landing on the primary target, destroying all opposistion, destroying all factory/production facilities (or taking them, in the case of the Alarion Shipyards and Hesperus II), and then using the control of those worlds to draw in reaction forces and destroy them piecemeal.  Once the ilKhan is certain that the attacks have ceased, Phase II will commence.

Simultaneously with Phase I, a force consisting of the Solahma Clusters (16 in all) accompanying the Invasion, plus 16 PGCs, will be reducing the Perphery worlds north of the Commonwealth, allowing for a secure supply line to the Homeworlds.  Once the Solahma have finished this task, they are to proceed to the Adder Occupation Zone, where they will assist in the defense of the those worlds in the Terran Corridor against attack from the FedSuns side of the FC.  During Phase III, the Solahma will either take point to ensure that the SDS is indeed inoperable OR garrison the Adder Occupation Zone; I haven't decided.

When the primary is secured, each Clan will leave a strong force of PGCs and a few Clusters as a garrison; the remainder of the force will take the 11-14 worlds of their Occupation Zone, destroying all opposistion and leaving behind a single PGC (or two, depending on the world in question) to garrison it.  This will also serve to link all of the Clan forces together.  After the conclusion of Phase II, each Clan will leave behind its most heavily damaged units and procede to Ala Austrailis in the Adder Occupation Zone, along with the Combined Clan Fleet to begin Phase III.

Phase III is the reduction and capture of Terra and its factories to become the Capital of the Clans and their new young Empire.  This is the trickiest part of the operation, because they have no idea how much defenses are waiting (but ilKhan Scott suspects and he is going in loaded for bear--ah, I meant spheroid).  Now, during Phases I and II, a force of forty-eight Alpha-class Corvettes have been conducting recon and survey data of the Solar System, probing the defenses and trying to gauge just how much force ComStar has available.  Their presence MIGHT mean that ComStar comes to the aid of the Lyrans, committing the ComGuard against the Occupation Zones; then again, it might not.

I HAVE finished rough drafts of the maps showing the Occupation Zones, and I will post them here now.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 01:55:54 PM by masterarminas »

Ice Hellion

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2011, 01:17:33 PM »

What forces will be left behind to protect the Periphery bases once the Solhama Clusters are moving into the Inner Sphere?

And with Warships, I meant destroying a lot of Dropships as they try to land on the planet.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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