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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2011, 10:52:35 PM »

The maps are on page 1.  I have found I comprehend SO much better when I can SEE what I am reading about.   ;D



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2011, 12:24:59 PM »

As the Ourse Keshik passed through the shattered outer wall surrounding the hill upon which the massive Palace dominated the Triad—the collection of buildings that formed the center authority of the Steiner government, bordered on each of its three sides by the Palace proper, the Royal Court, and the Government House—the ground suddenly erupted beneath the feet of the Tomb Scarab which had taken point.

“Minefield,” snapped the luckless warrior that had stumbled into the trap.

Jerome frowned.  Freebirth scum, he thought, mines are for bandits, not for true warriors.  But, the eleven extensive months of training exercises in the Homeworlds had prepared his Clan for this very eventuality.  “Mine-clearing pattern Theta, EXECUTE!”

The six ‘Mechs of his lead Trinary equipped with LRM launchers fired the mine-clearance munitions into the ground in a wide pattern, and were rewarded with secondary detonations as the charges exploded the hidden danger.  A second salvo reached out, and then a third, and with the four, a lane was cut through the concealed field.

The Ghost Bear Khan watched as the warrior assigned to the Tomb Scarab tried to walk forward, but his foot actuator was completely destroyed, and the knee badly wrenched out of position.  He stumbled, but the dead weight of the leg dragged behind him, slowly him badly.

“Warrior Olaf, retire to the rear and have our techs see to that leg,” he ordered.

“Aff, my Khan,” the warrior answered in reply, his fury at being defeated by this unseen foe radiating over the speaker.

 Moving his 90-ton assault ‘Mech forward into the breech, Jerome’s sensors detected a Lyran Atlas and two Griffins closing on his Keshik.  “I will take the Atlas,” he quickly said as he designated the opposing assault as his target.  “Star Captain Tseng has Griffin Alpha; Warrior Abraham has Griffin Beta.”

Tseng’s Black Adder was just forty-tons, and while faster than the Griffin lacked jump jets, while Abrahams Howler was even lighter—just thirty-five tons—but slower, and his design did have jump capability.

Jerome maneuvered his Ghost Bear through the cleared lane, and unleashed a ruby beam from his right arm extended-range Large Laser at the Atlas—and the stiletto of light struck home, burning off more than a half-ton of armor from the other Assault class unit.  In answer, the Atlas unleashed a cloud of LRM’s, but they flew wide—Jerome’s long-range missiles, on the hand, did not.  Of the twenty missiles he fired, sixteen flew straight and true, and another ton of armor was blasted into tiny pieces of debris.  The Khan kicked his ‘Mech into high gear, tearing across the open courtyard at nearly 65 kilometers per hour, and as the range fell, he began to circle the Atlas, once again firing his ER LL and LRMs, but now adding the fury of his head-mounted extended-range Medium Laser, the massive LB-20X autocannon that consume much of his units right torso, and the Streak SRM-6 launcher.

Once again, the ER LL struck home, burning into the Atlas’s torso, but the LRM shot was slightly rushed and went wide.  The less intense beam from the medium struck an arm, and Jerome snarled as his Streak-packed whined with the tone that indicated a successful lock—all six missiles bored into the target, racking it with explosions.  And then he fired the LB-X autocannon, a withering burst of shells that ripped through the last remaining scraps of armor on the Atlas’s right torso, smashing its own—as yet unused—heavy autocannon into junk.

The Lyran pilot struggled to keep his feet, and once again he fired a missile salvo—his only weapons with the reach to engage Jerome’s ‘Mech.  This time, he was luckier and twelve missiles detonated across the legs and chest of the Ghost Bear.  Suddenly, Jerome reeled as a blow struck his ‘Mech directly in the back—one of the two enemy Griffins had leaped behind him and unleashed a heavy barrage of short-range missiles and laser bolts, most of which had missed.  But the remainder had left his rear armor dangerously thin.

The Khan snarled as he triggered the three rear-mounted ER Mediums that his Ghost Bear mounted just in case of such a treacherous assault!  The cockpit temperature spiked as the scarlet beams of death converged and drilled through the right torso, and then the Griffin jerked as the excess energy detonated his missile magazine.  The explosion tore apart the medium-weight ‘Mech, and the concussion forced Jerome to fight his own controls to remain standing. 

Suddenly, Jerome’s radio blared, “My apologies, my Khan,” came the soft voice of Helen Tseng, “he ignored me to go after you—the dezgra scum.”

“As I have taken your kill, Star Captain, I grant you mine—finish the Atlas, Warrior.”

“My Khan is gracious in his victory,” his subordinate replied.

Jerome backed his ‘Mech up, rejoining the remainder of the Ourse Keshik where they stood watching Abraham rip the second Griffin to pieces with ER PPC and LRM fire.  And then Tseng began to literally dismember the Atlas, first pouring LB-5X and ER Medium Lasers into his long-range missile launcher until that system was disabled, and she played with the assault-weight unit, eating away at its limbs until the Lyran pilot ejected, having lost both arms and one leg before he finally conceded his defeat.

Jerome chuckled, and opened the private channel to his saKhan, Sandra Tseng.  “I think that your latest protégée would prefer to have been a Scorpion, Sandra.”

“I too have wondered that over the years, Jerome.  She is definitely a strange one for our Clan, but she is also an excellent warrior and a good leader.”


Switching the transmitter back to the general broadcast frequency, Jerome barked out a command.  “Secure the compound, Ourse Keshik.  Elementals:  bring me the Archon—alive.”


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2011, 02:12:35 PM »

Not informing Nondi of how much his forces are?  Just "everything"?
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451

Ice Hellion

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2011, 02:14:16 PM »

A Goliath Bear or a Ghost Scorpion?  :P

Just a pragmatical question: how will the supplies built on Hesperus II be dispatched?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2011, 02:29:32 PM »

That will be months down the road, Ice.  The factories will have to be overhauled, repaired, restored to Clan standards, and even though the Scorps are bringing a large force of lower caste scientists, techs, and laborers to handle the task, it will still take a while.  If you are talking about 'Mechs, ASF, vees, and Elemental armor.  Munitions--that will start rolling fairly quickly.  For the moment, every Clan has a surplus (supplies for a two-year campaign, after all, but the stockpile at Hesperus will rapidly grow.  The Scorpions will receive ownership of the Hesperus II facility (they are the ones taking it after all), but I would imagine their merchant caste is already wetting their greedy little lips over the prospect of selling the excess to other Clans.  Probably to keep the other Clans happy, ilKhan Djerassi will claim half of the total production for the Clans as a whole, dividing that among the other Clans as needed.  After all, half of Hesperus IIs total output should keep the Scorpions going for decades to come.


 â€œBargained well and done, Marshall Steiner—and I work for no freebirth, not even the Lord of a Scavenger House.  Nor am I a pirate, and I am most certainly not miserable, although I do believe that you shall be shortly.  I accept your bid and will meet you with the Ourse Keshik, and three Galaxies of front-line troops; Alpha, Beta, and Delta.  Alpha Galaxy will include the following Clusters:  the 332nd Assault Cluster, the 1st and 3rd Bear Guards, and the 50th Striker Cluster.  Beta fields  the 304th Assault Cluster, the 5th and 7th Bear Guards, and the 14th Battle Cluster.  Finally, Delta will land with the 7th Battle Cluster, the 8th Bear Cuirassier, and the 68th and 115th Striker Clusters.  I am transmitting full unit rosters to your terminal now.  My primary landing zone is TharHes Industries."

Not quite as succient, quiaff?



« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 02:31:58 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2011, 03:21:49 PM »

Melissa Steiner-Davion stumbled into the smoke filled courtyard of the Triad.  The defensive walls that surrounded the seat of her government were broken, and shards of marble and granite lay on the ground in random patterns.  The once pristine snow was marred with shell casings and debris and dirt from the mines buried along the perimeter, and the glorious buildings that housed her government were pock-marked by autocannon shells, PPC bolts, and missile blasts, scorched with burnt holes drilled from lasers.

The terrifying armor figure behind her gently caught her and helped her once again to her feet, but Melissa still shuddered as the cold metal of its claw made contact with her skin.  She had seen a similar claw just very recently tear through the blast door of the underground bunker, twisting and tearing armor plate like it was putty.

Her nose itched from the smell of burning ceramic, metal, and plastic, the stench of ozone that always filled the air after a PPC had been fired, and the thick coppery smell of blood that lined the steps leading down to the bunker.  The bodies of her guards had removed, but their split blood still stained the marble risers.  Behind her, the others slowly emerged into the light:  Nondi, looking stunned and shocked at the sheer speed of the fall of Tharkad, the Marshall’s staff, her own (civilian) staff, and her eldest daughter Katherine—the teenager’s face revealing the same panic that made Melissa’s heart race, but did not succeed in altering her own set and emotionless expression.  Not since her clandestine trip and the hijacking of her Buccaneer many, many years ago had Melissa been in this much physical danger, but she forced down the fear and made herself look across the courtyard.

Scores more of the horrible appearing armored figures surrounded a group of her soldiers, who had forced to kneel, their fingers interlaced behind their heads.  Several were wounded, but others had only dirty smudges on their face from ash and soot, but each looked exhausted—and utterly demoralized.  The ground shook as ‘Mechs tromped across the courtyard, and a single tear cut through the dust on Melissa’s check as she witnessed two more of the armored soldiers hauling down the FedCom and Steiner banners, and hoisting a blue standard with a snarling bear’s head in its place.  About a dozen more ‘Mechs stood motionless nearby, their cockpit canopies open, and she saw the group of MechWarriors approaching her.

She gasped, because these pirates were wearing Star League cooling suits!  Modified, but to a historian such as she had once trained, easily recognizable.  Far more effective than the simple cooling vests common to her own troops, lightly armored against ballistic fire as well, these suits required many technologies out of the reach of the Successor Houses, yet it seemed these bandits equipped all of their MechWarriors with the irreplaceable full-body suits.  The group slowed its brisk pace until they stopped four paces away from the prisoners, and their leader—a tall man with closely cropped blonde hair—crossed his arms and shook his head, a grin on his face belying the stern expression he attempted to project.

“Archon Steiner-Davion,” he rumbled.  “I am Jerome Jorgensson, Khan of Clan Ghost Bear—and I have come to request that you instruct your surviving forces, what few that remain, to lay down their arms and be absorbed into my Clan.”

“Mister Jorgensson,” she began, but was quickly cut off.

“Khan Jorgensson, Archon Steiner-Davion.  I have earned my title of Khan, where you were merely born to yours.”

Melissa nodded.  “KHAN Jorgensson, I would advise you, in the hopes of preserving your own troops, to withdraw from Tharkad now.  You must realize that my husband will move the heavens and earth to rescue us from here—you cannot defeat the entire Federated Commonwealth, no matter what lostech you possess.”

The man laughed, and his grin expanded to fill his face.  “Archon Steiner-Davion, I am counting on that exact reaction from your forces.  Why waste my time hunting down each and every one of your detachments when they will rush to your defense here—where my forces will be waiting for them.”

Melissa’s eyes grew wide, and then Nondi spat on the ground.  “And with luck, I will be here to witness what happens to you bandits when our forces take back this world!”

Jerome shook his head sadly.  “Neg, freebirth.  For my attack upon your capital was not the only attack launched this day—no fewer than sixteen Clans of Kerensky have invaded your precious Lyran Commonwealth.  On worlds as minor as Alarion and Donegal, Skye and Tamar, Coventry and Hesperus II.  No, you’re husband, Archon Steiner-Davion, will try to dislodge us, but he has already failed.  For the Clans have returned from our long exile to reclaim our lost heritage from you barbarians who have lost your way—the true way.  And when we are finished, then, Archon, will the Inner Sphere know peace—a peace that you threw away when your fore-fathers dissolved the Star League and sent my Founders into wandering exile.”

Nondi gasped, and then she defiantly shook her head.  “Doesn’t matter, you can’t conquer us—I’ll never serve you, you son-of-a-whore.”

The Ghost Bear Khan nodded in agreement, and then turned to the woman standing at his side.  “I do think that she is quite serious about that, Sandra.  Is that your opinion as well, quiaff?”

“Aff, my Khan.  I think she would slit your throat given the opportunity to do so—and she is too old to make a proper bondsman regardless.”

“True,” Jerome answered as he turned back to face Nondi and drew his sidearm.  He raised the pistol and fired one shot into her head, the blood and brains splattering all over Melissa’s daughter, who screamed in horror.

“Your people will serve Clan Ghost Bear, or they will die, Archon Melissa.  But you,” and he grinned, “you and your daughter both I claim as my own bondsmen.”

Seeing the sudden look of anger—and fear—in Melissa’s eyes, he shook his head and raised his (empty) hand in a placating gesture.  “There is nothing sexual in that relationship, Archon Melissa—unless you want there to be, of course.  Neither of you will be molested, but you are both too valuable to place in the hands of those who might be less . . . accommodating . . . of your peculiar status.  As for your soldiers, they will either die in the defense of a realm already deceased or they can enter my Clan and eventually regain their status as Warriors on the side of right and justice.  It is their choice—it is your choice, Bondswoman.”

And Melissa’s heart plummeted as she saw the conviction—the fanaticism—that glowed within the Khan’s eyes.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2011, 04:52:51 PM »

Chapter Two

April 1, 3051
DropShip Scorpius
Descent Orbit, Outreach
Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth

“DropShip Scorpius, this is Outreach Flight Control.  Your assigned corridor is Delta-three, acknowledge.”

The passenger took the offered microphone.  “Flight Control; Scorpius.  Inform Jamie Wolf to be present upon arrival.”

Static hissed from the speaker for several moments.  “Scorpius, Flight Control.  Colonel Wolf does not meet the DropShip of any independent mercenary unit that requests his presence.  Your audacity is noted, now acknowledge flight corridor.”

“Flight Control; Scorpius.  Open code book and decrypt the following:  spring sky waits/long night ends for bright/morn awakes.”

“Scorpius; Flight Control.  I don’t know what kind of fracking game that you . . .”

Suddenly, a third transmission stepped on top of the civilian flight controllers.  “Flight Control; Outreach Defense Command.  We are taking control of Scorpius deorbit immediately.  Scorpius; your corridor to the Defense Reservation is being transmitted now.  Deviate from instructed course and you will be destroyed; no further warnings will be issued.  Maintain radio silence until landing; you will be met on arrival.  Defense Command out.”


Colonel Jamie Wolf looked up at the ground car he was riding in slowed to a stop.  His driver—and bodyguard—exited the vehicle and rounded the car to open Wolf’s own door.  The grey-haired merc commander folded up his reading glasses and placed them in a hard-shell case, a case that he then slid into his uniform jacket.  He stepped out of the car and looked over the landing pad, where a Mule-class DropShip sat, its hull popping as it shed the heat of reentry. 

No, he thought to himself, not a Mule as his eyes found the minute differences:  an Onager.  An Onager here, on Outreach, after all of these many, many years.  Two companies of Dragoon security surrounded the ship in ground combat vehicles and infantry had their weapons trained on all hatches—while four BattleMechs carefully kept their own guns trained on the massive vessel’s hull from somewhat further away.

The main hatch opened, and a thermal-resistance ramp was lowered, but only one man descended.  Jamie’s breath caught as he saw the Scorpion Warrior in full ceremonial regalia, complete with the totem mask briskly walk to the tarmac.  He nodded at his aide-driver-bodyguard, and the man mumbled into his radio.  The Scorpion was allowed to pass through the perimeter and he walked right up to Jamie, stopping just two paces away and saluted.

“Galaxy Commander Jamie Wolf,” he said.  “I am saKhan Nelson Elam of the Goliath Scorpions, and I bear tidings for your Reconnaissance Galaxy from the ilKhan of the Clans, Nikolai Djerassi.  Here is the formal orders of Recall for your Dragoons, Galaxy Commander,” Nelson said as handed Jamie a thick envelope of old-fashioned parchment, “along with confirmation of your rank as a Clan Wolf Galaxy Commander—and the authorization for the formation of a Wolf Blood Name, as was promised.”

Jamie Wolf took the envelope and stared into the eyes of this . . . fellow clansman.  “Then the Invasion has been authorized?”

“Galaxy Commander, the Invasion has already begun.”


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2011, 08:51:59 PM »

Well this is an ambitious plan on the surface and I'm not sure some or parts of the force may be detected before they strike in a coordinated fashion. The chance of discovery is multiplied by the number of separate strikes or Clans in this instance, 16! That may be impossible especially given the fact that your waiting on some of the deeper strikes to setup. ComStar could especially spread the word if they wanted to via HPG. A chance discovery really could screw up your plan.

Two, I have to compare the 16 Invasion "Hubs" for their "Clan honor" value. Each of these 16 areas would be ranked and then bid on by each Clan for their greater glory. Two primary factors for this evaluation would be Opposition and Location. The defenders a Clan faces during its conquest go a long way to determining the level of "victory".  Even more important is the location of these areas in the InnerSphere, historical and industrial significance. Proximity to the Hegemony and Terra might make the Star Adder area the greatest honor by far. Plus the distance they have to travel going undetected is another great honor to be achieved.

For those reasons I don't see that area as a "match" for the Star Adders. Yeah they are a major Clan but their bidding history is too conservative for such a major assignment/deployment. I'd go with Wolf especially cause they could reunite with the Dragoons. The Jade Falcons assignment to Skye is something I can agree with though as the area is the second deepest, a regional capital, industrially vital, and home to one of their founders (not sure on the last one, have to check). The Lyran capital is an obvious great honor as you are infiltrating a House capital will face significant opposition from the Royal Guards and it could be a good fit for the Bears. For these reasons I may rearrange some of your Clans.

Thought on ilClan or ilClans. I would say all the Clans invading and participating in the conquest of Terra (16) should be declared ilClans. Here is an idea I've played with in a few scenarios. All the Clans of Kerensky could then be joined by a group of lesser Clans of the InnerSphere similar to the Territorial States of the Star League. The ilClans could then elect the ilKhan from their ranks and make all the important decisions while a group of new Clans could be bought along as associate members. Might go to 20 or 25 total Clans under this arrangement but not more. That would make 4-9 new Clans (5 Great Houses and 4 Periphery States) representing the Human Sphere who did not join the Exodus.

Also I wouldn't destroy any of these factory worlds as the Clans abhor waste. Also these factory worlds would also ease logistics especially when upgraded eliminating the need for an insanely long and unrealistic chain of supply. Plus you want the InnerSphere to concentrate their efforts in retaking these worlds and destroying their industrial incentive seems counter productive.

My thoughts! ;)


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2011, 11:07:20 AM »

“My god,” William Cameron whispered as Jamie Wolf finished briefing the leadership of the Dragoons currently on Outreach.  “The poor stupid bastards went ahead and actually launched the Invasion.”

J. Elliot Jamison snorted.  “Bill, the Homeworld Clans are neither poor, nor are they generally stupid, but right bastards I will grant you that one,” he said as he waved his hand across the holographic map projection floating over the conference table.  “Sixteen invading Clans, and these are their initial targets?  I can guaranty you that none of these worlds—not Tharkad, not Hesperus, which I might add, we couldn’t take—had a strong enough defense force to hold against that kind of firepower, gentlemen, ladies.  And that means the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth is well and truly screwed.”

Jamie Wolf nodded in agreement.  “And thus comes the question that we never hoped we would have to answer:  to whom do our loyalties lie?”

The Black Widow shook her head in disgust.  “Still following Nadia’s orders, are you Jamie?  Those orders—from a Wolf Khan dead thirty-five years now—are long since out of date.  They presupposed a Warden-Crusader split in the Clans, not this decapitation stroke.  Nadia was wrong then, and she is wrong today:  I say we pack up the entire kit-and-caboodle, bid Hanse and the other Succession Lord idiots a fond farewell and report for duty on Furillo to kick some ComStar ass!”

Wolf shook his head.  “It is not that simple, Natasha.  There are so few of us from the Homeworlds left—will the rank and file follow me into the service of such an alien system?  Will they fight against the only home they have ever known, simply because I ask?”

Colonel Shelly Brubaker cleared her throat and solemnly nodded.  “If you ask, they will follow you to Hell and back, Colonel.  They will not want to, and there may be trouble down that road, but they will follow you.”

“Jamie, you have no right to make this decision for all of us—I will be damned if I sit here and become a traitor to the Clans because you got sentimental,” Natasha answered with more than hint of anger in her voice.  “Have you forgotten what these vultures have cost you personally—have you forgotten Joshua, your wife, your dead children, Jamie Wolf?”

A younger man—the youngest at the table—stood and snapped back in defense of his father.  “That is beneath you, Colonel Kerensky!  How dare you . . .”

“Oh, sit down and shut up, MacKenzie,” Natasha cut him off.  “You really don’t want to square off against me in a Trail of Grievance, boy—because you are nothing close to your father as a ‘Mech pilot.  Jamie, they are corrupt, they care nothing for the people they claim to lead, and everyone is manipulated by ComStar.  At least with the Clans we have a chance to wipe the slate clean and start over fresh—and I don’t know about you, but frankly I’m too old to spend the rest of my life as a bandit being hunted down for breaking my oath.”

“The same could be said about us breaking our sworn word and signed contracts here, Natasha,” Kelly Yukinov answered.  “For half a century, this has been our home; if the Invasion had come during the 20’s or even the 30’s, we would not be having this conversation, but it did not.  I was born in the Homeworlds, and I would like to see them again before my death, but they are no longer my home, Tash.”

“All of our contracts have escape clauses—every single one we have ever signed.  Invoke those clauses and we don’t break our word, we fufill it!  Damn it people, this is what we were sent here to do!  Gather information and break trail for this exact moment!”

Jamie Wolf shook his head.  “Neg.  I cannot—I will not—see the Inner Sphere turned into the castes of the Homeworlds, with people locked into one role because of their birth, with no way to escape.  And even if you do accomplish a miracle and escape and become a Warrior, you are still second-rate because you are Freebirth!  We have bled and we have given lives of those we care about for the Inner Sphere, and now this world is our home.  We will go with Bootstrap.”

One by one, the Dragoon officers seated around the table nodded their agreement—except for Natasha Kerensky, who slowly shook her head no.

“This is the wrong choice, Jamie, and here our paths will part.”

“Are you challenging me to a Trial of Refusal, Natasha, or perhaps one of Grievance, then?”

“Neg,” she answered softly.  “I won’t kill you, Jamie, even though I should.  I owe Joshua that much at least, but I can’t follow your orders anymore.”

Jamie Wolf nodded.  “In that case, Star Captain Natasha Kerensky of Clan Wolf, I release you from service to the Wolf’s Dragoons.  Bill, see that any of our original members that remain who wish to join Natasha are given the opportunity to do so.  I imagine that our guest wouldn’t mind if you hitch a ride with him.”

Natasha stood, and nodded her goodbyes to the colleagues of many decades seated at the table.  She began to leave, but then she stopped, and turned back to face Jamie once more.  “Don’t accept a contract that calls on you to fight the Wolves, Jamie.  If you do, and I face you, then I will kill you there.”

“Seyla,” the old man whispered, as the Black Widow left the conference room without another a word.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2011, 11:10:34 AM »


Good points, all.  On the ilClan thing, I have always seen that as something that the Jags and Falcons sprang on everyone else when drumming up support for Revival.  ALL of the Clans will be participating in Phase III, and Terra--like Strana Mechty--will be divided into sixteen enclaves, one for each of the Clans to govern (if successful).  Might be naive of me, but I am pushing for a Klondike type operation; of course, Murphy is always waiting in the wings, and the Houses ain't just gonna roll over and play dead!



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2011, 12:28:36 PM »

“Did I hear you correctly, Galaxy Commander Wolf?  You are refusing the recall order?” Nelson Elam asked.

“Aff.  This is now my home—my Warrior’s home, saKhan Elam.  I—and my Dragoons—will fight you to preserve it.”

Nelson Elam nodded slowly; although he had not thought it possible, the ilKhan had planned for even this contingency—so he was not completely unprepared.

“In that case, Jamie Wolf, I challenge you to a Trial of Refusal on this matter—if you still honor the traditions of the Clans.”

Several of Wolf’s officers rose angrily from the table, Jamison slammed down his palm on the table.  “SIT DOWN!” he barked.  “This is our way—the honorable way.  Proceed, saKhan.”

Jamie nodded in agreement, although his face held a sad look upon it.  “What is your bid for this Trial, saKhan?  I should warn you, that the vote on this course was nine-to-one, hence we can field nine times your bid if we chose to do so—according to those same traditions.”

Nelson bared his teeth as he relished the challenge to come.  “I bid myself and my aides, piloting a Goliath Scorpion, a Boreal Wildcat, and a Desert Tiger.”

“Then we will meet this afternoon on the proving grounds, saKhan.  The Dragoons will field a company of ‘Mech to dispute this Trial—and I will lead them in person.  So that you may have a fighting chance, saKhan, I invoke zellbrigen for this contest.”

“Bargained well and done, Jamie Wolf.”

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2011, 01:54:03 PM »


As for Takiro's comments, they are valid but space is huge and quite empty.
The thing to know is how long would it take for each Clan to move from their initial positions to their target and how many stops would they make?

This would give us insight on the risk of being detected.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2011, 01:56:06 PM »

Word spread quickly throughout the Dragoons, and although being physically present would have presented far too great a risk of collateral damage, nearly all of Jamie’s command that was currently present on Outreach were watching via the cameras of several dozen observation towers.  The trial grounds were low rolling hills, with only a few clumps of scattered forest, and Nelson Elam scanned the ground approvingly from his deployment zone.  Opposite from him stood the dozen Dragoon ‘Mechs that he would have to defeat:  Colonel Wolf in his Archer, which appeared an old SLDF machine but in fact had been completely rebuilt with Clan technology; Colonel Kelly Yukinov, also in an Archer, Wolf’s comm officer/bodyguard William Cameron in his Hellbringer, his son MacKenzie Wolf in an Inner Sphere Marauder II, Major John Clavell in a Tomb Scarab (a design heavily influenced by his favored Rifleman chassis), and seven more (a Grasshopper, Griffin, Hunchback, Phoenix Hawk, Whitworth, Panther, and Hornet, all of which had been upgraded with advanced technology).

He was grossly outmatched in both tonnage and firepower, but the invocation of zellbrigen ensured that the fight would be three-on-three until he was either defeated or he had been victorious over all of his opponents.  It would be an . . . interesting . . . challenge, he thought to himself.  All three of his own BattleMechs were of Clan origin, carrying impressive firepower, mobility, and armor protection—and each featured a targeting computer that would prove essential to defeating the Dragoons.  His own Goliath Scorpion was a 70-ton heavy, as fast as Wolf’s Archer IIC and the Hellbringer, heavily armored, and carrying a battery of two ER PPCs and an ER Large—and the sinks to fire away without any concern for excess heat production.  The Desert Tiger to his right was twenty tons lighter, but it featured a wicked array of weaponry including four ER Lasers (a Large and three Mediums), two missile packs (an LRM-15 and a Streak SRM-2), and two AP Gauss Rifles.  The Light TAG system in the left arm would be useless weight in this contest, but that mattered but little, for it massed just a half ton.  Still, the Desert Tiger was fast for a medium, capable of reaching speeds of nearly 100 kilometers per hour.  But it was not as fast as his final ‘Mech, the Boreal Wildcat—a 55-ton design based upon the old SLDF Scorpion.  A four-legged quad ‘Mech, the Boreal Wildcat topped out at 120 kph, and the heavily modified machine featured two ER Mediums and an ER PPC, along with enough heat sinks to loose a constant barrage while running.  Not to mention the targeting computer.

Finally, all three of his chosen BattleMechs carried an Anti-Missile System—which might well prove to the key piece of equipment given the heavy reliance on missiles of the other side’s ‘Mechs.

Nelson frowned as more ‘Mechs suddenly appeared on his display—more than fifty heavy and assault designs, plus Elemental infantry, approaching from the east with a battered and scarred Stalker at their head.

“All combatants,” the radio speaker suddenly blared, “this is Colonel J. Elliot Jamison.  Zeta Battalion will ensure that the terms of this Trial are met by all sides.”  As Jamison spoke, his ‘Mechs and Elementals began to form a huge circle of honor surrounding the perimeter of the trial grounds.  “Any violation of zellbrigen—by either side—will result in the instant elimination of the warrior responsible.  There will be no further warnings.”

The Stalker twisted its torso to face Nelson.  “Is the challenger prepared for combat?”


It swung back around and faced Colonel Wolf.  “And are you prepared as well, Jamie Wolf?”


“Then enter the circle and stand ready.  This Trial of Refusal will determine whether or not Wolf’s Dragoons will follow the orders of the ilKhan and answer the recall he has issued.  To prevail, the challenger must defeat all of the defender’s BattleMechs in combat.  If he does not emerge victorious, the decision by Colonel Wolf shall stand.  Combat will begin upon my mark.  The first three combatants on the defender’s side have been chosen, as well as the order of the remaining warriors to enter—all of the challengers BattleMechs will be active from the start of the Trial.  Once a BattleMech has been targeted and fired upon, it is a breach of zellbrigen for another to do so, until the first has been eliminated.  Zeta Battalion will ensure that no accident occur without serious repercussions.  Is that understood by both parties?”

“Aff.”  “Aff.”

“Seyla,” Jamison said softly.  “And begin.”

Ice Hellion

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2011, 02:09:03 PM »


"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2011, 05:58:29 PM »

Nelson accelerated into a run, the Desert Tiger and Boreal Wildcat rushing past him; into the circle on the other side came Yukinov’s Archer, the Grasshopper, and a Phoenix Hawk.  The Scorpion saKhan rested his target reticules on the center torso of the Grasshopper and felt an unnatural calm spread through his muscles—he did not listen for the tone of a proper lock, but instead operated on instinct honed in many, many combats in the Circus Honorae, as the Grasshopper leaped into the air.  He gently squeezed the firing trigger and two azure bolts and a glowing scarlet beam erupted from his ‘Mech to connect squarely on the ‘Hoppers chest, destroying the armor there and penetrating deep within the internals.  As though it had been hit by a sledgehammer, the Grasshopper stopped in its jump in midair and collapsed smoldering to the ground, its engine cored in three places, it own LRMs and ER Large Laser missing by a good distance.

The Archer and Desert Tiger began to circle, each unleashing a swarm of LRMs and laser beams, but the heavier Dragoon ‘Mech carried twice the long-range firepower of his aide.  Meanwhile, the Boreal Wildcat and the Phoenix Hawk sparred, with the faster Clan ‘Mech sideways crawling to keep the Dragoon machine in its weapons arc.  The ‘Hopper having been eliminated a Hunchback next entered the circle, moving deliberately towards Nelson.  The Scorpion slowed his rate of advance, planning to finish the short-range machine beyond its effective range, but the Hunchback unleashed a triple bolt from the PPCs that had replaced the massive torso autocannon.  Two shots connected with the Goliath Scorpion, blasting more than ton of armor from his right arm and right leg.

Sneaky, Jamie Wolf, very sneaky, Nelson thought as he accelerated once again, easily regaining full control of the damaged ‘Mech.  But that variant had a flaw, as Nelson observed the heat signature of the Hunchback double on his sensors.  Two, actually, the saKhan thought as he unconsciously squeezed the trigger again, sending all three of weapons to strike true against the sway-backs right torso.  First, all of the big guns were concentrated in that single torso location—a location that the Hunchback no longer had.  And second, it lacked any but the most basic secondary guns.

The Hunchback staggered as the massive stream of energy blew through the front armor, consumed the torso and continued on out the rear of the ‘Mech, passing close by the cockpit of the Phoenix Hawk.  The P-Hawk pilot jerked and instinctively twisted towards the source of the fire—but then he realized his mistake, an instant too late.  The Boreal Wildcat surged forward and salvoed his ER PPC and Medium Lasers into the weak rear armor of the medium ‘Mech, and down it went, even as Nelson sent a second barrage into the Hunchback’s chest, which toppled it.

However, his Desert Tiger was in dire straits, as Yukinov kept turning inside of him, unleashing a punishing barrage of laser fire and missiles—although his own ‘Mech had its armor in tatters.  Clavell’s Tomb Scarab and Mackenzie’s Marauder II entered the circle, the massive assault ‘Mech training all of its guns on the medium-weight Boreal Wildcat.  The Scorpion ‘Mech buckled as two and a half tons of armor were stripped away by the autocannon, PPC, and laser fire, and the internal structure of one leg was laid bare.

Bad form, Mackenzie Wolf, picking on a ‘Mech just over half your own mass.  But Nelson had his own problems as the Tomb Scarab unleashed a blistering barrage against him—two LB-5X autocannons and a pair of Clan ER Large Lasers.  Nelson stumbled as all four shots connected against his ‘Mech, but he righted himself and returned fire, concentrating his weapons on the right arm of the old design.  One of his PPCs missed, but the remaining damage remove the arm completely, cutting Clavell’s firepower in half.

Suddenly, a massive detonation erupted from the Archer as the Desert Tiger sprinted forward and fired every weapon he had remaining into the machine’s nearly bare right torso.  The CASE prevent the exploding ammo from further causing damage, but there was more than enough excess to carve out the center torso as well, causing the heavy-weight machine to topple.  The Whitworth leaped into action, targeting the Desert Tiger with its twin SRM launchers, but the AMS spat flame and shot most them down.

Mackenzie closed in on the Boreal Wildcat, unconcerned about his heat as he pumped another alpha strike into the medium, but Nelson’s aide responded in kind—and all three of his weapons hit and then penetrated the torso containing the LB-10X ammunition.  Another explosion erupted as the Marauder IIs CASE channeled its furious eruption, but the assault stumbled and fell to one knee.  Unfortunately for Nelson, his aide was also out of the fight, as Mackenzie’s fire had destroyed his gyro.

But that meant that the Marauder II was now a valid target and Nelson twisted his torso still further, amputating the machines right leg with his big guns.  Another two blasted rocked the saKhan in his cockpit, but he ignored Clavell and fired again into the downed assault.  The loss of his leg had turned the machine onto its back, and Nelson fired two PPC bolts and the laser into the gaping hole that ammo explosion had left in the torso, destroying the machine’s engine.

Pushing his Goliath Scorpion in a full run, he kept to the right of Clavell’s heavy, preventing him from using his left arm weapons and unleashed yet another salvo—only this time, he disengaged the laser from to targeting circuit to dissipate the excess heat that had steadily climbing.  The cockpit temperature quickly dropped, as his ‘Mechs heat sinks rapidly cooled the ‘Mech, and Nelson snarled as both of his shots found their mark and ruined the Dragoon ‘Mechs torso—including the section of the extra-light engine contained there.  His ‘Mech throbbing with heat, Clavell still tried to bring his left arm guns into play, but Nelson kept one pace ahead of him.  Another salvo by the twin PPCs and the Tomb Scarab went down.

From the corner of his eye, Nelson saw the badly damaged Desert Tiger holding the Whitworth at range, and then it’s ammo went up to a precisely targeted burst of laser fire.  Lacking CASE, the Dragoon pilot punched out, and both the Griffin and Panther jumped into the fray. 

Nelson fired a full salvo at the Panther—but it jumped a full 150-meters, rather than 120 he was expecting, and he missed cleanly.  A Royal PNT-8Zb, Wolf, where the Hell did you manage to scrounge that from?  But then his concentration was broken by the impact of the Griffin’s PPC on his left leg—and his AMS firing a rapid-burst to detonate the incoming fifteen long-range missiles.  Another Royal!  Wolf, you are full of surprises, today!

Nelson pivoted, and as his PPC banks recycled he fired both into the Griffin, shattered the left torso and stripping the LRM launcher clean off the torso.  The two circled, and the Griffin pilot jumped, trying to get in the Scorpions rear, but Nelson had anticipated that—and another triple shot severed the right arm, leaving the ‘Mech defenseless.  The ‘Mechs icon turned blue in his display, and Nelson allowed the unarmed Dragoon to leave the circle; he twisted and eviscerated the Hornet just as it stepped within the circle, sending all three shots through its center torso, and at precisely that moment, both the Desert Tiger and the Panther went down in a vicious exchange of fire that saw both pilots ejecting.

“Well-played, Scorpion,” transmitted William Cameron over the radio, as he walked his Hellbringer into the circle of honor.  “But this ends now.”

“Agreed, Wolf-spawn.  Let us end this with honor, quiaff?”

Cameron’s ER PPC and LRM launcher spat fire, but Nelson’s heard the buzzing sound of his AMS and replied with both of his PPCs and the laser.  Only three missiles got through the defensive fire, but all three connected against the head of the Clan ‘Mech, forcing Nelson to fight to remain upright as spalling fragments of broken armor ricocheted across his cockpit.  The clantech PPC caught him squarely in the center torso as well, and now all of his armor locations glowed a bright yellow on his damage monitor.  But Nelson’s strike went true, and the Wolf warrior had his right arm sheared cleanly off, and with it the deadly ER PPC.

Nelson fought to keep the range open, even as Cameron charged forward firing his medium lasers again and again in company with the LRMs.  Nelson too was firing almost nonstop, his heat monitor climbing into the red, and more armor melted away from his arms and legs and torsos.  Suddenly, the Scorpions concentrated fire pierced the Hellbringers chest and the heavy ‘Mech collapsed, but his final shot broke through Nelson’s own side torso, and his targeting computer suddenly went dead, the ammunition counter on his AMS system blinking ‘00’ in red flashing lights.

And then Jamie Wolf stepped within the Circle.
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