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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2011, 01:28:36 PM »

Chapter Two

April 7, 3051
The White Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Federated Suns, Federated Commonwealth

“ComStar did not interfere with the priority transmissions, this time, Hanse,” Justin Allard said quietly.  “I think the Precentor here on New Avalon was as shocked as we were—probably all of the intervening station heads had the same reaction.  But it is confirmed, Tharkad, Donegal, Skye, Arcturus, Furillo, Hesperus II, and Oliver are off the air—they haven’t responded to a single transmission since they reported they were under attack.  The rest of the systems we haven’t had enough time to confirm, but if the pattern holds true, we can only assume that they too were invaded and probably captured—especially given the redeployment of forces for PEGASUS.”

Marshall of the Armies of the Federated Commonwealth Morgan Hasek-Davion nodded in agreement.  “And then we have ample confirmation of this attack on Outreach, from surviving Dragoons among others.  My god, I still can’t believe whoever this is bombarded the planet from orbit!”

Justin cleared his throat.  “As much as the Dragoons may hate to admit it, the bombardment was a clean as such an attack can be—on Harlech, at least.  Their facilities in the Outback of Outreach were completely destroyed—obliterated might be a better word; that is including Blackwell Industries.”

“And their casualties?” Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns asked.

Justin grimaced.  “Luckily, three of their regiments had already redeployed for PEGASUS, but Alpha and Delta took 80% losses apiece.  Their HQ facilities are a complete write off as well, and every DropShip and Station in orbit or on the ground was crippled if not destroyed.  Not to mention that they lost Colonel Wolf.  Civilian casualties were incredibly light for the type of attack they suffered—around thirty-five hundred dead and wounded in Harlech, close to that at Blackwell, but there is little chance of recovering any wounded from that location.  If these . . . Clans . . . had deliberately targeted the city as well as the military centers, there would be a hundred times that in dead alone.”

“So, they aren’t as completely sadistic as Romano and her spawn Kali, then,” said Hanse as he leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Justin glanced at Morgan, who nodded sadly in agreement.  Hanse looked terrible; for the past twenty-four hours had been filled with message after message showing his finally united realm was being torn apart.  And he had viewed the message from Melissa that she and Kat had arrived on Tharkad only five hours before he received word that world was under attack.  And then the HPG had gone silent.

“We have no choice, sire, we must immediately cancel PEGASUS and redeploy those forces into the Terran Corridor,” said the Marshall.

Hanse nodded his head slowly.  “Agreed, gentlemen.  I have no doubt that both Lyran and Fed Suns forces in my wife’s realm are even now attacking this invader, but our main army is here.  We will take the time to assemble it, and then we will push these people from our worlds.  Any idea where they came from, Justin?”

“We have actually had a stroke of luck on that exact area, my Prince.  It seems that Jamie Wolf left a document in the hands of an attorney here on New Avalon, to be given to me or my successor on his death—provided that the Inner Sphere was under attack by an unknown power.  I have only had time to skim the document, but MIIO is pouring over every byte even as we speak.  As the Dragoons said, they call themselves the Clans and are the descendants of General Kerensky’s forces that departed on the Exodus prior to the 1st Succession War.  They have prepared for this day ever since, planning to conquer the Inner Sphere and restore the Star League—or a version of the Star League that they intend to run.”

“And how exactly does Jamie Wolf know of this?” asked Morgan.

“The Dragoons were an advance scout force, deployed half a century ago to gather information on the conditions here.  But they broke with their people and have since pledged themselves to our cause.”

“So, the conspiracy nuts were right about the Dragoons,” chuckled Hanse, but his face showed no levity.

“Yes, my Prince,” answered his Intelligence advisor.  “There is quite a bit of information about these Clans in the document, including their organization, their rules for combat, and a good bit of technical data as well—I’ve already turned that part over to the NAIS for analysis.”

“Do we have any idea of their total strength?”

Justin shook his head.  “According to Wolf’s brief, they have somewhere around three hundred Clusters—which he feels is easily a match for at least two unsupported Regiments of ‘Mechs.  Excluding their garrison troops, which could easily double that first figure.  Their Clusters are combined arms formations of ‘Mechs, infantry, and aerospace fighters—and according to the brief, their infantry, he calls them Elementals, are outfitted with individual power battle armor that makes them extremely mobile and deadly.”

 â€œAre you suggesting that we are going to need SIX HUNDRED REGIMENTS to stop this invasion, Justin?”

“No, that is Wolf’s total estimate of the entire Clan force.  He believes that they will commit no more than a quarter of that total—around seventy-five of their Clusters, which we can match with our active duty strength alone.”

“We could have, if had warning, and if we didn’t have to garrison our borders.  But I doubt we are going to retrieve more than twenty regiments out of the Lyran half of the realm if they are attacked defenders with such numbers on sixteen worlds.  I might be able to mass eighty or even ninety regiments, but not much more than that.”

Hanse held up his hand.  “We won’t need the full quantity immediately, they are divided on sixteen worlds, which would be . . . what?”

“Five of their Clusters on each, my Prince,” answered Justin.

“We will presume that Wolf was making his estimates conservatively and plan for ten of their Clusters to defend each system.  Morgan, can we assemble thirty or forty Regimental Combat Teams—with good, veteran regiments at their head—to head out to Oliver?”

“I can have twenty moving within 48 hours, sire, and another twenty unit’s seventy-two after that.  The remainder of PEGASUS will take at least a week to start shifting.  At least the transport is already consolidated and we haven’t started assembling the command circuit to St. Ives yet.”

“Very well, the assembly point is Outreach—and Morgan?”

“Yes, sire?”

“Make certain that the three Dragoon Regiments are included in that first task force.”

“Of course, sire.”

“Very well, gentlemen, if there is nothing else,” Hanse began, but stopped as Justin held up his hand in request.


“One piece of information needs your immediate decision, my Prince.  Apparently, when the Dragoons came to the Inner Sphere, they expected WarShips to still exist.  And they brought their own.”

Morgan snapped upright in his seat, and Hanse’s eyes suddenly widened.

“Yes, sire,” Justin said with a grin, “their coordinates were included in the briefing package—beyond the Outback between the Outworlds and Tortuga in an uninhabited system.  They have been floating out there for fifty years now.”

“And just did what did our friend Jamie bring to the Inner Sphere, Justin?”

“A cruiser, a frigate, two destroyers, and two corvettes.”

“Well, well, well,” mused Hanse.  “Morgan, Justin, put together an expedition that leaves New Avalon today.  Get the NAIS to contribute, and I want officers and men that have been in the training program for the Invincibles dragooned as well.  Attach a fighter regiment from the Guards Brigade, and a battalion or three of marine infantry.  And get them moving.”

“Speaking of the Invincibles,” Hanse continued, as he rubbed his forehead again.  “How soon can we complete the first batch?”

Justin shook his head.  “We are still years from even testing them, my Prince.  Invincible doesn’t even have her transit engines installed yet, and both Indomitable and Intrepid are even further behind—Intrepids K/F drive core is still being built, although construction on her hull has already begun.”

“Perhaps, having some working vessels will show Panpour how to cut the time,” the First Prince said in a very tired, weak voice.  “Gentlemen, take care of this—I intend to lie down for a while and rest before my next meeting.”

Morgan and Justin stood, and Hanse did so as well.  “Where is Victor, Morgan?”

“The 12th Donegal was en route to St. Ives, sire, but I managed to short-stop the unit and sent orders for them to proceed to New Avalon at full speed.  He will arrive in system on Thursday.”

“Thank you, Morgan, I want to see him here; I want to be the one to tell him about his mother and sister.”

“Of course, my Prince.”

Hanse sat back down at his desk, as Morgan and Justin quietly left his office.  The First Prince of the Federated Suns—the  ruler of the most powerful realm in the Inner Sphere—leaned back in his chair, and realized just how tired he truly was.  He closed his eyes and rested his chin against his chest.  Just a few moments, he thought, a short cat-nap before I get back up.  Within seconds, the exhausted man was sound asleep.

April 10, 3051
Capital Space Port
Avalon City, New Avalon
Federated Suns, Federated Commonwealth

Leftenant Colonel Victor Steiner-Davion walked down the ramp of the Overlord-class DropShip that housed his 2nd Battalion of the 12th Donegal Guards RCT.  The remainder of the 12th were even now landing, but Barbarossa had been directed—ordered—to ground first by ground control.  Victor didn’t particularly care for such deference directed at him, but he did want to see his mother and father again; besides, he was very curious about the orders that had summoned his unit from the Lyran half of the FedCom to the Capellan border—very curious indeed.

Victor smiled as he saw Morgan Hasek-Davion and Justin Allard standing near the limo at the base of the ramp, but then he saw their faces, and his smile faded.

The Marshall of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth stepped forward, stopping two paces before Victor, and he knelt onto the ship’s ramp.

“The First Prince of the Federated Suns is dead,” he announced loudly, “Long live the First Prince—the Archon-Prince of the Federated Commonwealth Victor Steiner-Davion!”

“Long live Victor!” hailed the assembled men and women below as the blood drained from Victor’s face.  “Long live Victor!  Long live Victor!”


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #61 on: September 10, 2011, 05:03:31 PM »

Time to tap my inner Dennis Hopper "Clans conquer half your realm over night and their using warships which you ain't got. What you do kid!"


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2011, 09:16:30 AM »

All Hail The Fox and Curse The Darkness For Claiming This Valiant Warrior Too Soon. Seyla
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2011, 12:18:52 PM »

April 10, 3051
The White Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Federated Suns, Federated Commonwealth

“Victor?” Morgan quietly asked from the doorway leading into the office of the First Prince—Hanse’s office.

The young man turned around slowly, his fingers still touching the glistening polished wood desk, upon which everything was in its proper place.  The staff had done their usual outstanding job and the office was as immaculate as the Prince’s father had always kept it.

“Yes, Morgan?”

“I know how difficult this is for you, Victor,” the older man said softly.  “But there are matters that require your signature.”

Victor nodded, but he still hesitated, not wanting to take the seat that his father had always sat in.  Finally, he moved to the fireplace on the other side of the office and sat in a battered old recliner, and pointed at the small sofa opposite him.

Morgan crossed the room and sat, laying down some papers on the coffee table between the two men.

“We need your authorization to abort Operation PEGASUS, Victor.  To begin the redeployment of the AFFC to fight this invasion—your father verbally authorized it, but he never got the chance to sign the documents before his . . .”

Victor nodded.  “PEGASUS?  Was this the op that had the 12th redeployed?”

“Yes, sire.”

The young man grimaced and shook his head.  “Not yet, Morgan . . . just not yet.  Please, call me Victor.”

“Of course,” the Marshall commanding the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth said.  “PEGASUS is a massive operation scheduled to launch in thirty-three days—it will,” he shook his head in irony, “it would have, that is, completed what we started with RAT and served to remove Romano Liao from power on Sian.”

“We have deployed nearly fifty regiments and RCTs in preparation under the guise of Galahad ’51 in the Capellan March along the Taurian border.  Meanwhile, another thirty are either assembled or en route in secret at St. Ives—where your 12th Donegal was heading.”

Victor’s lips twitched.  “It seems that my father liked his massive invasions spaced at twelve year intervals, Morgan.  I would bet that Candace Liao was not happy with this, was she?”

“Duchess Liao of St. Ives signed off on PEGASUS after Romano gassed her own people on Capricorn III last fall when they tried to change allegiance to the Compact.  She killed nearly two hundred thousand Capellans—and Candace realized then that her sister cannot be permitted to continue ruling the Confederation.”

Morgan leaned forward.  “Hanse and Candace worked out a deal, Victor.  She would support PEGASUS and become the new Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation—provided that Hanse returned the Sarna March to the Confederation.  In return, she would align the Confederation as a member of the Federated Commonwealth.  Hanse agreed to turn over to her all former Capellan worlds lost in the 4th War, up to a line extending from Tall Trees to Tikonov, thus leaving the Terran Corridor in FedSuns hands.”

“He agreed to that?”

Morgan nodded.  “Without Candace as a legitimate Liao ruler to replace Romano, security would be a royal bitch for decades to come—you’ve seen the reports on the terrorism and insurrection problems we are having to this day in Sarna.  To seal the agreement, Hanse insisted on blood ties between New Avalon and Sian—Katherine was to be married to Kai next winter.”

Victor’s eyes widened—Kai would not have liked that!  Nor would his dear sister, in fact.

Morgan smiled.  “They would have gotten over their dislikes, Victor—that is why it is a state marriage; many such have started from worse and become quite good over time.  But while PEGASUS would have solved the Capellan problem once and for all, we can’t go ahead with it now.  We need those troops elsewhere,” Morgan continued as he passed the young man a pen.

Victor nodded, taking the writing utensil and signed his name at the bottom of the short, succinct document.  And then he paused, but the Marshall was already holding out the Federated Commonwealth Seal of State.  Slowly, Victor took the seal, and then he pressed it hard against the parchment, confirming his first written order as the head of state.

April 10, 3051
Royal Palace
Tharkad City, Tharkad
Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
(Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Commonwealth)

“I understand that you are refusing to carry out your duties, Bondswoman Katherine?” a stern voice came from the open doorway.  Standing in that opening was a tall strapping young man, with brilliant blue eyes and blonde hair the color of corn straw.  Katherine Steiner-Davion stood, holding her chin high.

“I am a Princess of the Blood; I do not scrub floors.”

The man laughed.  “No, child, you are a bondswoman to Clan Ghost Bear—and you will do as your elders instruct or you will be punished.”

Katherine’s eyes flared.  “What is your name, so I can report your impertinence to the Khan?  My mother and I are too important as hostages for you to risk harming me—and you know it.”

The Ghost Bear warrior bowed low, “My apologizes, Princess of the Blood.  I am Star Captain Kirk Steiner, at your service, milady.”

“STEINER?” Katherine squeaked.

“Indeed, my ancestor was one of the loyal Steiners who departed the Inner Sphere to follow General Kerensky on the Exodus.  I was born a Cloud Cobra, child, but now am a Ghost Bear—as are you.  I think, perhaps, that your parents did not properly discipline you during your younger years; you are certain that you will refuse to perform your assigned tasks?”

Katherine smirked.  “There is nothing you can do to make me scrub these floors with my bare hands.”

Kirk nodded, and stepped to the door.  “Lars, Wilhelm, assist me,” he called.

The two Elemental guards who watched over Katherine entered the room, where Kirk was unbuttoning his jacket.  He laid it over a chair, and proceeded to roll up both his shirt sleeves.

“Grab her arms, Warriors, and bend her over that table,” he said.

Katherine’s eyes went wild, but even without their battle armor, she was far too slow to evade the infantrymen.  They grabbed her, and forced her head and chest down on the table, holding her down.  Rough hands grabbed her pants and she screamed as they were ripped down to her ankles; from the corner of her eye she saw Kirk removing his belt, and her eyes went wide.

But the Ghost Bear chuckled.  “No child, I do not rape children—or anyone for that matter,” he said as he folded the leather belt in two, and slapped it into his free hand—it made a most satisfying CRACK (a terrifying sound from Katherine’s point of view).

Kirk stepped up besides Katherine bare bottom and drew back his arm, and then slammed the belt into her naked rear.  She whined, and tears began to pour from her eyes.  He struck her again, and she wailed—no one, NO ONE, had ever done this to her before.

Kirk Steiner paddled her for several minutes straight, leaving her bottom raw and fiery red, but finally he stepped away, and nodded to the Elementals who released Katherine’s arms.  She fell to the floor, sobbing in agony and humiliation.

Kirk knelt next to her on the floor.  “Now, child, I expect this floor to be spotless when I return.  Fail in your task, and you will be punished again—and next time I shall not be so lenient.”

The Ghost Bear left the room, as Katherine pulled up her pants and still crying, she lifted a cold, wet sponge, and began to scrub the blood stains from the granite floor.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #64 on: September 11, 2011, 12:39:08 PM »

Wow Victor is learning what the Fox could and would do for peace. Also Katherine is learning a well deserved lesson herself and from a Steiner to boot.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 12:36:17 AM by Gabriel »
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #65 on: September 11, 2011, 03:18:45 PM »



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #66 on: September 11, 2011, 05:12:24 PM »

April 11, 3051
First Circuit
Hilton Head Facility
North America, Terra

Anastasius Focht sighed as the Precentors of the First Circuit continued their debate over the sudden invasion of the Lyran Commonwealth.  Myndo Waterly—the Primus of ComStar—had a very pleased smile on her face, and it was more than clear that many of the Precentors present shared her elation at the hated Federated Commonwealth being torn apart by these unknown invaders.  So far, the debate had been over whether or not to offer aid to these, these . . . people, whoever they were and wherever they came from.  Not even the sudden—and to Focht, chilling—silence of the HPG stations on those worlds had distracted the First Circuit from its ecstatic celebration.

But since it appeared that no one else here was going to take issue with the proposed action, Focht decided that he would have to be the one to confront the matter squarely.  He stepped forward into the circle of Precentors, standing upon the illuminated circle reserved for witnesses and defendants.

The conversation slowly came to a halt, and the Primus turned her imperious gaze towards Focht and his show of audacity.  “You wish to address the First Circuit, Precentor Martial?”

“I do, Primus.”

“Then speak.”

Focht drew himself up straight and shook his head.  “You are all missing the one central truth of what has happened here—no disrespect intended, Primus Waterly.  These invaders struck sixteen worlds—heavily defended worlds—on the exact same day on nearly the exact same hour across a span of nearly one thousand light-years.  They have apparently seized these worlds—and we have lost all communications with our own HPG stations.  Yes, this opponent has chosen to assault half of the Federated Commonwealth, and yes, Hanse Davion and his alliance is our enemy.  But, Precentors of the First Circuit, the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.”

“Even now, unknown vessels are probing the outer system of Terra—vessels that skitter out of sensor range and refuse to respond to any hails, vessels that do not belong to the Great Houses.  Primus, they are here, in this system, and they are watching us.”

Myndo Waterly’s face went white, and then turned a deep scarlet, and she responded with acid in her voice.  “Then destroy them!  And why have I not been informed of this before now?”

Focht chuckled bitterly.  “I have tried to see you for a past week, Primus, but your aides have turned me aside, saying your concerns were too great to deal with ComGuard matters.  What is more, Primus, Precentors, I believe these ships are outfitted with HPG stations of their own.”

Utter silence filled the chamber with those words—Focht could not have stunned the assembled members of the First Circuit more effectively if he had struck them in the forehead with an axe-handle.

Sharilar Mori—Precentor Dieron—was the first to recover from the naked statement.  “Precentor Martial, how would you even know that they possess such?”

Focht waved his hand across the assembled members of the First Circuit.  “Have you not discussed your own problems with interference in HPG transmissions that have suddenly been occurring in past week?  But there is no technical difficulty with our stations, either on Terra or Mars or Titan.  But we all know that two stations trying to transmit in close proximity create an interference zone—which is why Terra and Mars and Titan and the ships of our Fleet have their own transmission windows, to avoid that interference.  I postulate that the interference comes from HPG transmitters on those ships—they are talking with their superiors, and informing them of what they have found here.”

“All the more reason to destroy them—NOW, Focht,” the Primus spat.

The one-eyed man bowed, “It would be my pleasure, Primus.  How shall I do so?  Their ships remain outside the Belt, and approach no closer than they must to scan our facilities and intercept our radio transmissions.  They are faster than any ship at my disposal—and there are at least thirty of them roaming the outer system as we speak.”

“Thirty,” whispered Mori.

“We have ten ships in the entire Solar System at the moment—in order to have a chance of intercepting some of these surveillance assets, which is what I believe they are doing, I must recall 1st and 2nd Fleets from Luyten 68-28 and Ross 248.  That action requires the direct authorization of the Primus.”

“And you have it, Focht.  Recall our fleet and destroy those ships—drive them from the Solar System!”

Another robed figure stepped into a second circle of light on the opposite side of the First Circuit from Focht, the space reserved for a prosecutor.  The Precentor ROM lowered his hood, his face betraying the worry that consumed him.  “If these ships are probing Terra, Primus,” he began without waiting for permission to speak, “then I fear the time has come to reveal a secret long hidden from the First Council under the orders of Primus Conrad Toyama himself, two hundred and twenty-five years ago.”

“In 2825, the Minnesota Tribe was encountered in the Draconis Combine.  History writes that it left as quickly as it arrived—and its origins remain as mysterious as ever.  History is wrong.  ComStar succeeded in contacting the Tribe that year and discovered that they were refugees fleeing from the SLDF forces that had followed General Kerensky on the Exodus.”

Gasps arose from the Precentors.

“They now called themselves the Clans, and although no threat at that time, these Wolverines—as the Tribesmen were more properly known as—informed Primus Toyama’s ambassadors that eventually they would return home.  They intend not to conquer one Great House Primus,” the Precentor ROM continued.  “They plan to conquer Terra itself and reform the Star League in their own image.”


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2011, 05:50:01 PM »



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2011, 07:27:03 PM »

And since I have revealed that the Wolvies did in fact join ComStar, here are their ships--ships Focht knows nothing about:

McKenna class BB:  Zughoffer Weir
Texas class BB:  Bismark
Congress class FF:  Rickenbacker
Essex class DD:  Yukon
New Samarkand class CV:  Saratoga



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2011, 09:04:14 PM »

Gets real interesting if ComStar reveals their hidden assets and I think you have to help the Federated Commonwealth like it or not.

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2011, 02:28:53 AM »

...I don't know about the admission of the Blood from the ROM representative.  It ties into the story, of course, but frankly I'd expect a couple assassinations and a change of ROM officials before it all came out.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2011, 11:38:21 AM »

The Primus inhaled sharply.  “Focht, you must drive them from the Inner Sphere!  Bring our ComGuards home to stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of this Holy World!”

Focht bowed.  “Which order shall I obey Primus?  Am I to drive them from the Inner Sphere or stand on the defense here, on Terra?”

“You know what we mean, Precentor Martial!  Do not make us regret placing you in command of our armed forces!”

“By your command, Primus,” Focht said, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly.  “You do realize that such a massive redeployment will reveal our true strength to the Great Houses?  We cannot conceal recalling all twelve Armies—indeed, Primus, we do not have the transport to do so in a single lift.”

“The Great Houses are irrelevant to this discussion, Precentor Martial!” the Primus screamed.  “You shall stop these animals from ever setting foot on Holy Terra!”

“In that case, Primus, I ask that I may take leave of the First Circuit—to begin to implement your orders.”

“Go, Focht.  Go and do our bidding—and do it well,” Waterly snarled.  “And as for you, Precentor ROM . . . we have much to discuss.”

“Your pardon, Primus,” interjected Focht.  “But I do believe that chastising the Precentor can wait—I will need whatever information he has in order to plan how best to use your ComGuards to repel these Clans.”

The Primus’s head snapped back to Focht, and she began to open her mouth—but then her protégée spoke up.  “The Precentor Martial is correct, Primus,” said Mori.  “We can discover what other secrets that Precentor ROM had hidden from us at a later date, but for now we must concentrate on stopping this invasion—before they invade the world on which we stand.”

The remainder of the First Circuit stood silent, but one or two nodded their own agreement, and finally Waterly averted her gaze from Focht, and nodded slightly.  “Very well, take him—but we will have that discussion, Precentor, and you had best be prepared to answer in full and without any deception or the consequences will be most severe.  This meeting is adjourned.”

All of the Precentors present bowed lowed as the Primus left the chamber, and then each in turn filed out, leaving only Focht, Mori, and Precentor ROM in the chamber.

“And now, Precentor,” began Focht, “I need to know exactly what we are dealing with here.”


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #72 on: September 12, 2011, 02:20:23 PM »

April 12, 3051
Fort McClusky
Bremen Continent, Tharkad
Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
(Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Commonwealth)

Jorgensson entered the small bunker within the former AFFC fortification gingerly.  Although swept by Elemental sappers before his arrival, the locals had proved fiendishly clever at disguising the booby traps and improvised explosive devices that his Clan had been dealing with for the past two weeks.  Technically, Tharkad was secure—with three full Galaxies of Bears (thirteen front-line Clusters) on the planet it had better be!  However, the Lyran resistance had not been eliminated; instead it had gone underground and was resorting to terror attacks and sniper strikes against his troops.  But now that his nineteen Provisional Garrison Clusters were grounded and deployed, the Khan hoped that this insurgency could be quickly crushed.

Lyran special-forces—the Loki detachments, Heimdall operatives, and Lohengrin agents—were behind this, he was certain of that.  Luckily, the Bears had managed to capture those agencies headquarters virtually intact, and even now his troops were rounding up each and every person listed in their personnel files.  Those his troops could find, at least, for many had left their homes and were doing their best pretense at being ghosts in the system.

However, other than that little hitch, the operation was proceeding precisely according to plan.  Already, four Regiments of BattleMechs, plus a few dozen lesser units had responded to the initial pleas for assistance that Tharkad had broadcast before his troops seized the HPG station.  That installation had provided a most unwelcome surprise, on the other hand, because it turned out that this ComStar was by no means incapable of defending its own installations.  Equipped with Star League machines—both ‘Mechs and tanks—the descendants of the Ministry of Communication had defended their property furiously—but to little avail in the end.  Still, if they had stationed a full battalion here, on a world that its inhabitant had already presumed was well defended, the Khan wondered just what else they had available elsewhere—and if his doubts about the ilKhan’s caution before proceeding with Phase III had been wrong.

He shook off the thought as the scientist-engineer led him deeper into the labyrinthine bunker.  Those four Regiment had arrived a pirate point—the same one that he had chosen for the initial assault—hoping to catch the Bears in hibernation for the winter.  But it had not worked out in the manner they had planned.  Pursuant to his own instructions, Jorgensson had allowed them to land in piece, and then he had launched his attack on their landing zones.  Those fights had been made in line with Clan tradition, with a single Cluster handling each of the beachheads, and while the Lyrans had put up a desperate fight, they had failed to dislodge him.  Before the end, the survivors had routed and attempted to flee—straight into the waiting guns of GBS Bear’s Den.  None of their troopers had eluded him, and while many were dead, there were still enough to take as bondsmen.  For they did have spirit, these Lyrans, and courage.  Given time, they would more than make up for his own casualties after they had accepted their new lot in life.

Finally, the Khan reached the room at the deepest point of the bunker to find a dozen scientists, techs, and laborers pouring over an electronic device.  Small enough to fit in an infantryman’s field pack, the device was black and featureless, except for a small monitor and keyboard attached to one surface—and a thick power cable that snaked to high-voltage connector on the wall.

“And what is so important, Scientist Galen, that you dragged me two hundred and sixty kilometers before breakfast?”

The scientist bowed low.  “My Khan, you needed to see this with your own eyes—I have never before seen one outside of a museum on Strana Mechty!”

Jorgensson frowned.  “Is it a weapon?”

“Neg, my Khan.  It is an Emergency Short-range Interstellar Communications Station—an ESICS that was designed by the Terran Hegemony.  This one, however, is newly built—no more than a dozen years old at the most.”

The Ghost Bear’s eyes boggled for a moment.  “THAT thing is capable of transmitting across interstellar distances?”

“Oh, yes, yes, my Khan.  Quite capable—but quite limited as well.  The ESICS was developed soon after HPG technology was discovered.  It was part of a development program that sought to increase the range and decrease the power consumption of those first generation HPGs, but it is extremely different from traditional HPGs.  The entire station is here, small enough to be carried by a healthy adult, needing only an outside source of power.  And not much power, either, compared to HPGs, just a few dozen kilowatts per transmission.”

“Then why did not the Star League replaced HPGs with this, if it is so much better?”

“Oh, no, no, no, my Khan.  Not better, just different.  You see, the old 1st-generation HPGs had a transmission range of just 21 light-years—and they consumed ten times the power that a modern station uses.  The ESICS is much smaller, and can be automated; it too has a range of 21 light-years and uses far less power, but is only capable of sending text—up to a thousand characters per transmission.  In fact, it uses a derivative of the old Morse code . . .”

“The technical details later, Scientist.”

“Most certainly, my Khan.  After the ESICS was developed, a separate program increased the range HPG transmitters to the 50 light-year limit we have today, and another reduced the power requirements.  But the poor ESICS is still limited to 21 light-years, and is not nearly as capable in what it can transmit.  Still, the Hegemony, and then later the Star League retained them as an emergency secondary communication system.  And this a comm center for the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth, my Khan.”

“So, they have an alternative means of talking to each other?  Can our HPGs intercept their transmissions?”

“Easily, my Khan.  It only takes a software change to lower the allowed frequency bands to match those the ESICS uses.  And we have their encryption software as well, my Khan.”

“Why didn’t they destroy this?”

“They tried, my Khan, but our glorious Warriors burst in before they could finish rigging the demolitions—one of the Lyrans shot the device, but it is armored and he was unable to damage it.”

Jorgensson considered for a moment, and nodded his head decisively.  “Write a full report for the ilKhan and the Grand Council, Scientist Galen.  Include your technical details and specifications for the software needed in an appendix—Nikolai and the others are Warriors, not scientists, after all.  The Khans must know that our enemy could even now be communicating without us being aware they are in contact with each other.  But do that after our own HPGs have received the software upgrade—let us see if we can use this . . . this . . . black box against them.”


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #73 on: September 12, 2011, 05:54:07 PM »

“Of course, my Khan.  I believe that we are ready to remove the ESICS now—is the power supply disconnected?” the scientist asked.

“Yes, Scientist Galen,” his assistant replied.

Jorgensson nodded, it would be best to study this new found piece of technology aboard one of the WarShips in orbit that had facilities for just such circumstances.  “Get a move on then, and join me aboard my helicopter, Galen—I have meetings this afternoon with the civilians castes of this world.”

“Yes, my Khan,” the excited man replied, and he waved his assistants forward.  The two apprentice scientists took hold of the box as Jorgensson turned to his Elemental escort.  “Inform the saKhan that I am preparing to depart from . . .” he stopped as his keen ears detected a sharp click that came from the direction of the device.

The Khan of Clan Ghost Bear suddenly swiveled his head and saw that the two apprentices had lifted the communications device—and underneath it lay a switch that had just popped straight up.

“Oops,” he heard Galen gasp just a scant instant before the explosion tore him, the scientists, and everyone inside the bunker apart.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2011, 06:22:09 PM »

Is the Precentor ROM still Charles Seneca from 20 Year Update and Era Report 3052? Just curious keep up the good work!
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