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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2011, 06:36:25 PM »

Actually, I couldn't remember his name!   ;D  I don't have my books with me at the moment, so I just decided to call him Precentor ROM.  Thanks for the assist, Takiro!

Precentor ROM, I dub thee . . . Charles Seneca!   :o

Uh, is there anything about Charlie-boy I need to know, by the way?




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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2011, 06:53:44 PM »

Sure I'll send it to ya!


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #77 on: September 19, 2011, 12:13:00 PM »


I have reworked the initial target locations with the help of some good BattleTech guys (primarily Takiro from the Our BattleTech website).  I think these Target Zones (and Occupation Zones) are a little better fit than my original ideas.  Anyway, if someone else has a suggestion, just let me know, either in the original post or via PM.


1. Alpha Target Zone – Oliver (Wolf) – The Hegemony Worlds have value beyond the imagination of the Clans, this zones proximity to Terra, and the obvious fact that it is the deepest strike by the Clans during this Operation make it the greatest honor by far. While Oliver is home to 2 Mech factories as well as 2 Vehicle factories there are other worlds with industrial significance. New Earth as a secondary target has 3 Vehicle factories and orbital facilities plus the fact it was Kerensky’s command post at one time. Originally I had envisioned Wolf here to link up with the Dragoons rather than the Scorpions. You might change this Zone to the Jaguars than as they could win it based on touman strength, martial prowess, and bidding aggressiveness. Although Wolf remains a good choice IMO for their cunning and skill. Up to you!
2. Beta Target Zone – Tharkad (Ghost Bear) – The Steiner House Capital deep in the center of the Commonwealth with two Royal Guard units on station at all time. Never before conquered or even attacked in a major way it’s a close second to the Oliver Zone. Additionally the planet manufactures two Mechs, two Aerospace Fighters, and three DropShips. If that isn’t enough Gibbs is another industrial prize within this region’s secondary targets. It produces 2 Aerospace Fighters, 3 DropShips, and a JumpShip. Ghost Bear is a good pick here fighting in the cold Tharkad environment and their strength could accomplish such a placing.
3. Gamma Target Zone – Hesperus (Smoke Jaguar) – Eclipsed only by the former Hegemony Worlds and the Lyran Capital the Hesperus Zone provides a special challenge to the Clans. Not only is it home to a Star League Facility that was sacred Hegemony ground which mass produced some of the first BattleMechs – it has never before been conquered. Think of the honor of being the first to achieve that goal. The third deepest zone at the very heart of the Inner Sphere it contains other interesting worlds like Clinton which is home to Snord’s Irregulars and their museum. Additionally the same facility produces 6 different types of Mechs, 4 Vehicles, and 1 DropShip. As  one of the most powerful Clans at the time, the Jaguars should be either here or Oliver IMO.
4. Delta Target Zone – Skye (Jade Falcon) – The heart of the Federation of Skye and Regional Lyran Capital offers a powerful symbolic prize to the Clans. Deep in the Inner Sphere it boosts impressive industries which include 3 Aerospace Fighter plants, 3 Vehicle factories, and 1 DropShip yard. The importance of some of the secondary targets can’t be underestimated either as some worlds are former Hegemony holdings. Aside from the Oliver Zone this is the only other area to offer such importance. Skye also holds a special place in the minds of the Falcons who in my estimation would be one of the four top Clans. The planet was the homeworld of Carl Icaza one of the Clan’s founders and as such holds special value to the Jade Falcons.
5. Epsilon Target Zone – Coventry (Steel Viper) – This Provincial Capital is the second largest Lyran Mech producer in the Commonwealth. Five different designs are produced at the Metal Works which trails only Hesperus in the amount of war manufacturing. The system itself is deep in Commonwealth space which could be perceived as a challenge but it is sort of out of the way from the main drive to Terra. Opposition is similarly spotty with a chance to either a solid garrison or just a militia. It makes a nice conciliation prize for warriors of the Steel Viper Clan.
6. Zeta Target Zone – Twycross (Diamond Shark) – The third largest Mech producer in the Lyran state is located on Twycross. While it is the second shortest trip for any invader to make its three Mech factories are a valuable prize. Its proximity to the Periphery - Rasalhague border makes Inner Sphere front line opposition likely. The Sharks are an excellent choice here for a couple of reasons. This area of space is well positioned for logistics that the Clans are sure to need hence merchants could turn a nice profit operating here. Additionally Bug-Eye surveillance of the planet could have indicated potential for yet undiscovered Harjel which would be another windfall for the Clan. [WE’LL HAVE TO SEE; PERHAPS THERE WILL BE HARJEL PRESENT; PERHAPS NOT:  MA]
7. Eta Target Zone – Pandora (Hell's Horses) – With two Mech and seven military vehicle facilities on planet Pandora becomes a valuable industrial prize. While not as deep as some other targets opposition could be strong. With Arc Royal and Morges falling within this zone possible resistance from the Kell Hounds could make things interesting. Although it is questionable how much value the Clans would put on these “hired guns”. Initial defense, counterattacks, and the fact that Pandora is flanked by several invasion corridors minimize the threat somewhat. All those vehicle factories might make Pandora an irresistible target for the Hell’s Horses.
8. Theta Target Zone – Sudeten (Nova Cat) – Two Mech factories and four military vehicle manufacturers are a good target for an invader even though it isn’t all that deep into the invasion drive. Along the Rasalhague border the planet is usually well defended by the Lyrans. It is hard to see what else the Nova Cats could valuable as secondary worlds aren’t all that notable. Perhaps its position near the Rasalhague – Combine frontier is a plus.
9. Iota Target Zone – Alarion (Snow Raven) – The Provincial Capital of Alarion presents a special target to the Clans as it is the shipbuilding hub of the Lyran military. It produces a BattleMech, an Aerospace Fighter, three DropShips, three JumpShips and perhaps is nearing warship production. While it is undoubtedly a deep target zone Alarion is sort of out of the way minimizing effective counter attacks and the quality of opposition. Duran, a Steiner world, is likely the most notable target of the second wave which is mostly backwater systems. The area is an obvious match for the Snow Raven naval agenda.
10. Kappa Target Zone – Furillo (Cloud Cobra) – Home to two BattleMech factories and a Vehicle plant Furillo presents some value to the Clans as it is also the fifth deepest zone of invasion. A couple of secondary targets also hold some value in this zone but combat opportunities could be somewhat suspect as the area is removed from the border and only Furillo is likely to be garrisoned initially. Aur produces components for the Lyran military infrastructure while the primary target world and Porrima have a special connection to House Steiner. With a blood link to the Steiners this area has special importance to the Cloud Cobras.
11. Lambda Target Zone – Donegal (Goliath Scorpion) – As a Regional Capital of the Lyran Commonwealth and home of the Protectorate of Donegal holds great symbolic value. More importantly it produces three different kinds of aerospace fighters. The ninth deepest invasion zone it is a keystone link between the Tharkad and Terran drives. The Ruins of Gabriel, which are hidden in the Odessa system, which the Scorpions may very well suspect because of their visions and historical records, holds special value. As the jumping off point for Kerensky’s Hegemony Campaign and Operation Liberation its discovery would be important especially for the ilKhan to make.
12. Mu Target Zone – Tamar (Star Adder) – A Regional Capital and still vibrant trade center the world of Tamar holds some value to the Clans. However it is only the fourteenth deepest invasion and has no vital military production. Its location along the weak Rasalhague border limits the chances for worthy opposition. The only secondary target I’d comment on is Dell. We’ve found evidence that it was a key naval yard for the Lyrans who moved any remaining vital equipment to Alarion during the initial phases of the Succession War. I put the Adders here because of their conservative bidding practices and the face saving fact that they would take a regional capital. Also be interesting if the Adders rebuilt the Dell facilities as part of the Clan supply line. Not sure what kind of a long game their up to but the Adders strike me as slow to participate at first.
13. Nu Target Zone – Izar (Ice Hellion) – Yes this zone is the fourth deepest drive into the Human Sphere but the initial target provides little attraction. It has no important industry which is a key component of this plan which hopes to draw a counter attack. These makes the possibility that Izar will be bypassed by such an assault and who is guarding Izar in the first place really? Not to say it is all bad as there are other important worlds to take in the second wave. Edasich produces Fusion Engines, Glengarry is home to the Gray Death Legion, and Freedom is an important world in the Federation of Skye. Given the low estimate, the fact that a rapid reaction force could be perfect to guard your flank, and raiders based here could break up any staging areas this might be a job for the Ice Hellions.
14. Xi Target Zone – Arcturus (Coyote) – The fact that this world is the former capital of the Lyran Commonwealth provides some historical attraction. That plus the likelihood of taking on the venerable Arcturan Guard who call the planet home is a little tempting. However there is no true military industry on world and its true importance is now bygone and largely symbolic. Arcturus isn’t very far in the overall plan – my estimate has it as the 10th deepest zone. Also it sits along the weak Free Rasalhague border which isn’t likely to provide much of a challenge. Some secondary worlds are somewhat notable but also lack industry. The Coyotes and the area provide a good match as both are past their prime. Who knows maybe together they could regain a portion of their lost glory.
15. Omicron Target Zone – Port Mosbey (Fire Mandrill) – While deep in the Inner Sphere this zone has no significant industry. Some redeeming value was given to its location along the Lyran-Draconis border which could indicate greater opposition. Mercantile activity is economically notable but the region was devastated during the Succession Wars. The Clans likely attach little historical or strategic meaning to this area making it undesirable to all but the Fire Mandrills. Kindraa Sainze ancient ties to House Kurita give this smaller Clan a reason to be here. 
16. Pi Target Zone – Wotan (Blood Spirit) – Its location far from the center of the Human Sphere with no significant factories makes it a poor glory assignment. As the infamous home of Amaris and ancient center of the hated Rim Worlds it is historically important but not in a good way. Opposition is not all that well thought of but several units with ties to the past may provide good links to the past. Camelot Command in the Dark Nebula may provide an item of hidden value for the Clans. This assignment might be viewed by the Clans as a slap in the face to the reclusive Spirits who most recently lashed out during the Burrock Absorption.

I agree with most of what Takiro said, but will be making one change.  I intend to switch the Adders and Cobras between Zones Kappa and Mu (Furillo and Tamar).  This will put the four of the five strongest Clans close to Terra (the only exception being the Bears at Tharkad), concentrating more of the Clans fighting strength nearer to the expected reinforcements arriving from the Federated Suns.  Sure, there is not as much honor to be gained taking Furillo as there would be taking Tamar, but the Adders have always been fluffed as being willing to set aside honor for strategic and tactical advantage.  (Or, at least, that is how I have always seen them).  Anyway, that is the new invasion/target/occupation zone deployment.



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #78 on: September 19, 2011, 01:46:51 PM »

Chapter Four

April 12, 3051
Transport Aircraft
Somewhere over the South Atlantic

“Charles, we are now completely isolated, in a jet, cruising over open ocean; I believe that even your paranoid inclinations have been satisfied,” Focht said.

Precentor ROM—Charles Seneca—smiled at the man who used to be his senior, only a few short years ago.  “You yourself told me, repeatedly, I might add, that patience is a virtue, Precentor Martial.”

Focht glared at Seneca with his one good eye, but the ROM agent just shook his head.  “It is not my place to tell you these things, Anastasius.  That privilege is reserved for the Master of the Blood.”

“And who exactly is this Master of the Blood?”

“You will have to wait, old friend.  It will not be long now.”

Focht scowled, but he leaned back in his seat and close his eye.  If anything, his prior life had taught him to catch what sleep he could, when he could—and continuing to badger Charles would reveal nothing.  Within moments, the Precentor Martial was softly snoring.

April 12, 3051
Fort Hadley
Tierra del Fuego
South America, Terra

“Well, well, well,” said Focht as he exited onto the tarmac.  “I finally get to tour the mysterious facilities down here.  It does seem that every time during my tenure as Precentor ROM that I asked about our installations in SouthAm that some ‘crisis’ suddenly emerged.  And afterwards, I have been told that it is ROM-eyes only.”

Seneca laughed.  “It was because we were not certain whether or not we could trust you, Anastasius.  You are no voluntary convert to ComStar—you did not choose your fate willingly.  You bartered to us in exchange for ‘Mechs and weapons by Theodore Kurita; and despite the decision of the Primus, did you expect for us to reveal to you all of our many secrets?”

Focht nodded.  “And yet, it seems the Primus also does not know?”

“She is a fool, Precentor-Martial,” answered a third voice from the dark shadows of hanger nearby.  “Waterly would not respond well to the revelation that the Primus of ComStar is not the penultimate leader of ComStar.  That, she is in fact, nothing more than a tool, and a public face; a disguise worn over our real one.”

Focht’s jaw dropped as the shadowed figure stepped into the daylight.  “But you . . .you . . .”

“I am Thomas Marik, Precentor Martial.  And it is I that am the Master of the Blood; the true ruler of ComStar.  It is my double who holds court on Atreus in my place, for the extent of my injuries would make any attempt to rule . . . ineffective among my native people.”

The man who spoke was heavily scarred, his face and hands twisted and gnarled by fire, and it was only the (mostly) untouched left side of his face that allowed Focht to recognize him.  “My mother was of the Blood, you see.  And when I choose ComStar for my career, it seemed that my future was assured.  But then you know what happened next, Focht.  Yes, my life was saved, but I cannot hold a weapon in these crippled hands—and my appearance is that of a monster.  But Duncan was not fit to rule, so the Blood and I conspired to place a double on Atreus instead.  And here, among my mother’s people, have I remained, ascending to the rank of Master of the Blood—the Shadow Primus of ComStar.”

“But come, Focht, Seneca; I have ordered a meal laid out for you.  And then shall we discuss this matter of the Clans—and of precisely what assistance the Blood can provide to you.”
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 10:17:39 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #79 on: September 20, 2011, 12:39:36 AM »

Hmm It always seems to come back to him. He seems like a focal point or nexus for events. So given the time between Clan Wolverine's arrival in the Inner Sphere and now how big a force have they developed.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #80 on: September 20, 2011, 09:06:12 AM »

Chapter Four
...crippled hands—and I appearance as a monster.

Great stuff MA, but I noticed this...which appears to be in error. Either use "...and I appear as a monster.", or "...and my appearance is monstrous."

Keep it coming.
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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #81 on: September 20, 2011, 10:18:13 AM »

Fixed.  Thanks KM.



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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #82 on: September 20, 2011, 10:42:10 AM »

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #83 on: September 20, 2011, 12:14:00 PM »

The servers took away the plates, leaving the three men alone, with the exception of two armed guards that stood watch at the entryway.  The corner of Thomas Marik’s lip twitched in a misshapen smile as he nodded at Focht.  “You have many questions, Precentor Martial.  Ask them.”

Focht gathered his thoughts for a moment, as he sipped from the frosted glass of Timbiqui Dark that he still held.  “What can you tell me of these Clans?”

“They are the descendents of the Star League Defense Force; perverted into a nightmare of fascist rules and regulations by Kerensky’s son, Nicolas.  He engineered their entire society after the death of his father—and an attempt by various Generals to exert their own claims to rule.  The Clans speak of honor and tradition, but they condemn those under their sway to living in a caste system, structured to prevent the rise of any internal threat.  They preach conformity and shared sacrifice, but only the lesser castes make that sacrifice—their entire society is geared to provide for the Warriors at its peak.”

Thomas paused.  “The Blood left after seeing the direction that Nicolas was taking; but Nicolas declared them as traitors and ordered them annihilated—down to the lowest civilian castes.  Once known as Clan Wolverine, my mother’s people fought to give a small number the chance to flee, and they mostly died in doing so.  They have abandoned the ideals of the Star League and forged a monstrous creation that wants nothing less than to bring all humanity under its rule.”

“You left more than two centuries ago, sir, could they have changed their . . .” Focht began.

“NO.  They are fanatics and although there must have been changes, if they still venerate Nicky they follow his vision.  Terra is their ultimate goal; it has never been anything else.  From here, they will established their corrupt rule and enslave all of humanity, condemning everyone into their strict caste structure.”

Thomas shook his head.  “You do not understand them, Focht.  They are raised from birth to revere Nicolas Kerensky and his father as veritable gods.  And should they discover the Blood is here, they will attempt to finish the task their forefathers began so long ago, by exterminating all those who bear a trace of our DNA.”

“And their organization, their military strength, their technology?”

“That you will discover, for you are quite correct.  They have had two centuries to develop it; I doubt that any information the Blood possessed when it fled remains accurate.  However, I do know that they had the facilities to produce Star League BattleMechs—Royal BattleMechs—when the Wolverines left their Homeworlds.  Use that as your starting point.”

Focht nodded.  “And the Blood can aid ComStar how, exactly?”

“I think that you will find that our Clusters—the Clan equivalent of a Regiment—are more than able to assist your Divisions, Precentor Martial.  However, we have devoted much of our resources over these past two centuries to other tasks, and we can offer you just sixteen of these combined arms formations:  each with forty-five BattleMechs, thirty armored vehicles, twenty aerospace fighters, and a reinforced company of Infantry equipped with the Nighthawk power armor.  In space, our numbers are even more sparse; the Blood have just five ships:  two battleships, a frigate, a destroyer, and a light carrier.  However, I have already ordered that all of them report to Terra immediately—using one of the close pirate points to avoid our visitors.”

“So eight Divisions—two Armies.  That is not insignificant, Thomas.”

“No, not by far.  But I think that you will find our other contributions to be even more valuable.  Are you familiar with the Terran SDS system, Precentor Martial?”

Focht warily nodded.  “The basics, yes, but that system is inoperable—it has been ever since the Exodus when Kerensky disabled key components.”

“Components that the Blood has slowly managed to replace over these two centuries,” Thomas answered with a terrifying grin, as Focht’s eyes went wide.  “The entire system is not up to Star League standards, of course; the SLDF did an extremely thorough job in smashing installations in Central Europe and Central America—but the rest of the system was untouched.  We have reactivated all of the remaining ninety-two installations and can provide roughly 71% of the entire planet.”

“They will still be aware of those gaps, however, won’t they?” Focht asked.

“Indeed,” Thomas answered with a smile.  “I am planning on that.”
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 01:43:06 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #84 on: September 20, 2011, 12:52:42 PM »

It's interesting to see the "Master" as an objective/reasonable individual sans-theocratic undertones. Since we have very limited canon fiction to offer an example of Marik's personality we have no real way of knowing whether or not the Master was as religious as his Domini underlings, or simply using the WoB's indoctrination to create the desired "effects."

From what I've gathered here, outwardly at least, Thomas Marik has a toned down personality, rational to almost even in demeanor. That should bode well in his interactions with Focht and the remainder of ComStar. It would be a real twist to see Waterly becoming the shadow antagonist during and after a Schism, rather than the Master.

After all, who's to say the Master didn't remain in the shadows to get real work accomplished? Who else could be in two places at the same time? It's the same work that would obviously take a major hit should Marik have ascended the Captain-Generalcy of the Free Worlds League, especially in light of his dangerous lineage.

On a side note, since the stand-in Thomas Marik was supposedly trained/patterned to think and act like the real Thomas Marik, there is a real possibility that the Master's personality could mirror the impostor's. The religious trappings could have been adopted to fit new leadership realities...fitting into a pre-existing culture and system. It would be a neat twist and certainly support the idea that the Blood was a preexisting entity hidden within ComStar.

Just something to think about...   
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 12:54:00 PM by Knightmare »
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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #85 on: September 20, 2011, 01:39:34 PM »

April 14, 3051
The Triad, Tharkad
Ghost Bear Occupation Zone
(Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Commonwealth)

“By yon bonnie banks, and by yon bonnie braes, where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond,” the brilliant tenor voice of Ghost Bear Warrior sang out as eight more Warriors in full ceremonial regalia slow-marched the litter holding the remains of Khan Jorgensson into the packed square.  Serried ranks of Ghost Bears stood silent at attention, each slowly lowering their heads as the litter passed by them.

“Where me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.”

Sandra Tseng wait on the raised dais in the center of the square, surrounded by her Galaxy Commanders, and all of the Jorgensson Blood-named on Tharkad. 

“O, ye’ll take the high road, an I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland afore ye; for me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.”

A single sibkin—no more than twelve years old stood before the dais, slowly beating a staccato rhythm on his drum in time with the steps of the pall-bearers.

 â€œT’was there that we parted in yon shady glen, on the steep, steep sides of Ben Lomond; where in soft purple hue, the highland hills we view, and the moon coming out in the gloaming.”

Five Visigoths streaked by above, one of the mighty fighters peeling away and up, leaving the open slot in their formation.

“O, ye’ll take the high road, an I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland afore ye; for me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.”

One by one, the ranks of Warriors in the courtyard slowly sank to the knees as their dead Khan passed by, with their heads bowing long in honor.

“The wee birdies sing and the wild flowers spring; and in sunshine, the waters are sleeping; but the broken heart it keens, no second spring again, tho’ the world knows not how we are grieving.”

The Warriors honored to carry their Khan slowly lifted his litter and placed his mortal remains atop a tall bier of stacked wood.  And each then stepped back and knelt, bowing their own heads low.

“O, ye’ll take the high road, an I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland afore ye; for me and my true love will never meet again, on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.”

As the final notes echoed throughout the Triad—and were conveyed across Tharkad by the discreet cameras along the walls—Sandra Tseng stepped forward to the podium.

“Our Khan has fallen, Ghost Bears, and never again will we see him in this world.  We grieve for our Khan, killed not in battle, but by a dishonorable trap set by those who are little more than bandits.  Who fight not in the open, but instead hide themselves among the civilian castes and shield their own lives with that of innocents.”

The saKhan lifted her head high, and removed her mask, revealing a face marred by streaks of tears running down her cheeks.  “Our family has suffered a loss that cannot be replaced; but we are Ghost Bear.  We shall overcome this, and in time accept the passing of our Khan whose blood has now anointed this world—our world.”

“I hear the laments of my Warriors, who cry out for vengeance against those who struck down our Khan like cowards.  I hear them.  I know their pain, for it is my pain.”

“But we are Ghost Bear.  We shall not forsake who we are because of a dezgra few; were we Smoke Jaguar, then this city would burn to add our Khan’s pyre—those who dwell here forming his escort into the next life.  But we are not Jaguars.”

“Were we Jade Falcon, we would select hostages among the civilian castes and put their lives as ransom for the bandits that slew our Khan.  But we are not Falcons.”

“We are one family, we are Ghost Bear.  We will put an end to this killing, and we will do so while remaining who our Founders intended us to be.  There will be no reprisals against civilians who have committed no crime.  There will be destruction of cities to slake our thirst for vengeance—that my brethren, is the path of the corrupt vulture Lords of this Inner Sphere.  We will root these bandits from the midst of our new people, and they will pay for their crimes—but Clan Ghost Bear will not answer dishonor with dishonor.  We will not mourn for the blood of a Khan by shedding ourselves the blood of those who had no part in his death.”

“That is our way; that is the way of the Ghost Bear.  And we are Ghost Bear.  Seyla.”

“SEYLA!” thundered the chorus from a thousand throats packed into the Triad.

“SEYLA!” yelled Sandra Tseng again as she stepped back from the podium and pulled off a leather glove, drew a knife, and sliced her palm deep, the blood dripping unto the pristine snow.

“SEYLA!” answered her Warriors.

She walked to the bier, and drizzled the blood from the cut upon the fallen Khan, and then she stepped back.  “Sleep well, my Khan,” she said, “for your Clan remains—and it always shall!”

The Clan Loremaster handed her a lit torch, and Sandra placed it within the bier of wood, and within seconds the fuel within caught, rapidly consuming the litter and upon it, the body of Khan Jerome Jorgensson.


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #86 on: September 20, 2011, 08:44:30 PM »

April 14, 3051
ilKhan Field HQ
Goliath Scorpion Occupation Zone
(Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Commonwealth)

Nikolai frowned as the tapped the data-disk holding the latest information on Phase I in his hand.  So far, other than a greater than anticipated level of insurgency and terrorism, the assault had gone exactly as planned.  The death of Khan Jorgensson was a bitter blow, however, and the Smoke Jaguar insistence on the honor of assaulting Hesperus II had proved every bit as costly has Nikolai had feared.  And the Jaguar response to the subsequent partisan attacks on their troops had been . . . extreme.  With their customary brutality towards civilian castes, the Jaguars had answered bombings with escalated retaliations, finally culminating in an atrocity within the capital of Maria’s Elegy in the Melrose Valley.   Fourteen thousand casualties had been confirmed after the troops garrisoning the city had gone berserk following the assassination of the Clan Loremaster.

Not that the Falcons, or the Hellions, or the Spirits, or the Mandrills, or the Vipers had been any more circumspect—although none of those Clans had garnered the body counts racked up by the Jaguars.  It was unfortunate, but Nikolai had to treat it as an accomplished fact, for wringing his hands over it would change nothing now.  But the fruit of that sowing would come at a later date, because Phase I had drawn in nearly all of the reaction forces within the Lyran Commonwealth, each of which had been readily defeated in detail.  Only a handful of units—including some elite Inner Sphere mercenaries—had not so responded.

But the numbers were not as high as Nikolai had planned for, and now he knew why.  Before his death, Khan Jorgensson had transmitted intelligence data his Clan had recovered from the Royal Palace on Tharkad.  Nikolai snorted in appreciation for the sheer boldness of this Operation PEGASUS—clearly Hanse Davion had earned his nickname of the Fox.  At least forty of the regiments and regimental combat teams he had planned on trapping in Phase I and Phase II were instead deep within the Federated Suns, and would no doubt soon be descending upon Oliver, or perhaps Skye.

The ilKhan leaned back in his comfortable chair and slowly rocked as he considered the map.  No, it would be Oliver.  The supply lines were shorter, and it would prevent the Clans from holding the flank of their counter-attack under threat.  Oliver, with Clan Wolf and three full Galaxies of front-line troops, plus nearly twenty in PGCs.  But Nikolai had studied well the databanks of the captured ComStar vessel, and he knew that the Fox could and would send in an overwhelming attack.  Further, he had the report from Nelson that the Dragoon’s—most of them, at least—had chosen to abandon the Clans completely.  The survivors would thirst for vengeance over the death of their beloved Colonel and the bombardment of their home.  And three of their regiments had been already shuffled into place for PEGASUS.  But the Dragoon’s Zeta Cluster would serve Clan Wolf as an admirable reinforcement, indeed.

Oliver, he thought again.  And then he nodded and stood suddenly.  “Transmit the Phase II execution orders to all Clans except Jade Falcon and Wolf.  Append the following to the Clans Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, and Star Adder—dispatch Reserve Galaxy to Oliver immediately; execute Phase II with remaining units.”

As the headquarters staff began to move quickly to fufill his orders, he turned to Star Colonel Helen Wallace, the commander of the Ebon Keshik.  “Inform saKhan Elam that he is to proceed to the WarShip cache and destroy the vessels—his escorts are to return to Oliver at once, along with Zeta.  And Star Colonel?”

“Yes, ilKhan?” replied the former Hellion Warrior.

“Order the Keshik to begin embarkation—we are moving General HQ to Oliver.”

She bowed in acknowledgement of the order and left, leaving Nikolai to continue staring at the holographic map.  Send in your overwhelming force, Fox, Nikolai thought.  There will not be thirteen front-line Clusters on Oliver to meet them—there shall be thirty-two.  And the ilKhan bared teeth in a fierce smile that none could mistake for friendly.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 09:03:05 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #87 on: September 20, 2011, 09:21:07 PM »

Wow, the Battle of Oliver will be epic!


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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #88 on: September 20, 2011, 10:15:36 PM »

April 15, 3051
Kell Hounds Headquarters
Old Connaught
Lyran Commonwealth, Federated Commonwealth

“And that is the overall situation,” Lt. Colonel Dan Allard finished the brief as the lights in the room came back to full brightness.  Scott Bradley and Akira Brahe—the commanders of his Kell Hounds 2nd and 1st Regiments, respectively—looked solemn at the worlds still flashing crimson on the holo-projection.  Colonel Horiu Tanaga of the mercenary regiment Hell’s Black Aces looked physically ill, while Marshall Sharon Bryant of the 11th Lyran Guards Regimental Combat Team still had the same stubborn fixed face that she had worn since she landed on Arc-Royal two days ago.

“As you are all aware,” the Kell Hound CO continued, “our instructions from Prince Davion were explicit; we are to observe and continue to gather additional forces for an eventual counterattack.  There are forces in motion already in the Federated Suns to deal with this invasion.”

“However, we are not going to follow those orders,” Dan finished quietly, and he sat down at a stocky, heavyset man made his way to the front of the room.  Everyone sat a little straighter as Colonel Morgan Kell—dressed in his Kell Hound uniform, instead of his civilian attire—made his way to the podium.

“We have been in communication with surviving Lyran Intelligence Corps agents on Tharkad.  They have determined that all but one of the units that hit Tharkad are preparing to move out—probably to link up with these other attacks.  We can only presume that the other beachheads are doing the same.  But that provides us with a window of opportunity.”

“Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion is being held in the Triad—we have her location and that of her daughter.  Now, we cannot hope to hold Tharkad, not against thirteen regiments of ‘Mechs and assorted conventional forces equipped with the advanced weapons we have reports of them using.  But, we have an opportunity to raid the capital, grab the Archon, and leave while they are distracted.  I intend for us to do exactly that.”

“You must be joking, Colonel Kell!” snapped Marshall Bryant.  “Those systems have eaten every regiment and RCT that responded to their pleas for help, and now you want to throw us into the fray—against orders?”

“There isn’t time for orders from New Avalon, Marshall.  Colonel Tanaga, can your fighters—augmented by the Hounds and the Eleventh’s—keep their aerospace off our back for a few hours?”

“We’ll sure as hell try, Colonel Kell,” growled the grizzled old Lyran.

Morgan nodded.  “Good enough.  Marshall Bryant, we will have the force advantage, with your Eleventh and both Kell Hound Regiments on the ground.  And we will be dropping directly onto the Triad.  Edwin,” he said to the only junior officer present in the room—Major Edwin Winson, the commander of the Hound’s special operations infantry detachment, “while we hold these Ghost Bears at bay, it will up to your boys to find the Archon and get her to the DropShip.”

Sharon shook her head.  “No.  I’m not going to waste my people’s lives on a foolish plan; for God’s sake, Colonel, you don’t even know if this information is correct.  The LIC could be captured and transmitting this to draw you into a trap!”

Morgan Kell drew in a deep breath and glared at the Lyran officer, who was sweating in the bright lights.  But it wasn’t the rooms heat that was causing the sweat.

“Marshall Bryant, are you refusing to obey my orders?  The First Prince placed me in charge of all FedCom forces assembling on Arc-Royal, after all.”

She swallowed and shook her head in resignation.  “No.  I will do my duty, Colonel Kell, but I still think this is too much of a risk—for all we know she could already be dead.”

“Not according to LIC, Marshall,” Morgan answered softly.  “And not if the Kell Hounds can stop it.”  He looked over the other officers, and then nodded.  “We lift at 1600 hours, then.  And may God have mercy on our souls.”

Dread Moores

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Re: Operation Revival Reborn
« Reply #89 on: September 21, 2011, 01:25:56 AM »

“There isn’t time for orders from New Avalon, Marshall.  Colonel Tanaga, can your fighters—augmented by the Hounds and the Eleventh’s—keep their aerospace off our back for a few hours?”

“We’ll sure as hell try, Colonel Kell,” growled the grizzled old Lyran.

Only issue here is that Tanaga isn't Lyran. He's from the Combine, according to FM: Mercs page 74. Is this something you changed, or just something that needs to be corrected?
The first one to use the term Dork Age loses.
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