30 Years Update
3068End of the War of 3068 and establishment of the Sudeten Province of the Federated Commonwealth. Clan Wolf is reunited under the leadership of Marcos Hall and Katya Kerensky.
Kali Liao and Cameron St Jamais depart Highspire two days before the arrival of a company of Death Commandos sent to arrest them and deport St Jamais back to Terra. While there are no confirmed sightings for several years, Sixth of June and Thuggee terrorist attacks begin to take place in their names, with no clear pattern to their targets.
Grover Shraplen is ousted as Protector of the Taurian Concordat when Marshal Cham Kithrong launches a coup, headed by military officers who recognise Shraplen’s goal of reclaiming the Pleiades as suicidal. Kithrong is appointed regent for Erik Martens-Calderon.
Peter Steiner-Davion announces his engagement to Terias Sortek at the Royal Court on Tharkad, to take place on New Avalon the following year.
Low-level insurgency activity on Terra is linked to Word of Blake ‘Shadow Divisions’ formed by extremist Toyamists. Precentor Martial Laura Chung discreetly begins efforts to win over the loyalties of the Manei Domini elements within Word of Blake Militia Divisions, blaming the Terraist and Toyamists for the low level of forces deployed against the Clans.
The Tamarind Alliance takes advantage of internal disruptions within the Word of Blake to contract with ComStar to take over their HPGs. The majority of the HPG stations within their territory are faced with a combination of armed troops and ComStar technicians, forcing the staff to stand down. Casualties are low, with significant damage to only two stations, and the vast majority of the Word’s personnel are repatriated to Gibson by the end of the year.
Peter Steiner Davion travels to New Avalon to celebrate Christmas with his sisters.
Clan Snow Raven calls for a Trial of Absorption against Clan Jade Falcon.
3069The Star League agrees to an arms embargo against the three factions currently competing for the position of Captain-General.
Clan Jade Falcon’s homeworld forces are defeated in their Trial of Refusal. The Jade Falcons still in the Inner Sphere refuse to accept defeat, as they were bid for the Refusal and have yet to be defeated. Clan Snow Raven does not appear ready to commit resources to reach them.
With the Third Royal Guards now expanded to full RCT strength, if organised more along the lines of an understrength ComGuards Division, the First Royal Guards RCT is expanded to include a fourth ‘Mech battalion and additional infantry and armour. This will form a distinct sub-brigade which will, along with a similar detachment of the First Davion Guards, be responsible for the security of the Archon-Prince and core members of the Royal Family whenever they are away from New Avalon and Tharkad (with the exception of active military service).
Clan Wolf is formally abjured by the Grand Council. Their homeworld territories are largely absorbed by Clan Coyote and Clan Goliath Scorpion. Much of their gene-stocks are destroyed or evacuated in time, but the two Clans do secure some. The remaining Jade Falcons are also abjured, with Clan Snow Raven authorised to use or reave the bloodlines of those who refused to surrender.
Wedding of Peter Steiner-Davion and Terias Sortek at Notre Dame Cathedral, at the height of the Royal Court season on New Avalon. Elements of the First Davion Guards, First and Fifth Royal Guards, and of the SLDF’s Royal Black Watch provide the honour guard.
Insurgencies break into localised revolts on Terra reported as sparked by conflicts between factions of the Word of Blake. The Word of Blake Militia is deployed in a peace-keeping role with several units purged for joining factional actions. Four warships are destroyed attempting to provide orbital support for an attempt to seize Geneva from loyalist forces.
Execution of Richard Steiner for high treason.
Clan Blood Spirit trials against the Snow Ravens for several Jade Falcon bloodlines as well as resources and civilian castes. They win enough of the trials to arouse suspicion that the Ravens did not seriously contest the claims. However, this also unearths that the Snow Ravens do not possess all the legacies supposed to be in the bloodchapels they took over following the Absorption of the Falcons.
3070The third Mjolnir-class battlecruiser is officially named FCS Morgan Kell, with the christening ceremony carried out by his daughters Megan and Caitlin.
Clan Wolf refugees from the Homeworlds arrive, mostly settled in their new enclave on Odessa III. Their presence here and on other worlds is eased with the announcement that they’ll be sharing both medical and terraforming technologies with the Federated Commonwealth. The Archon-Prince announces a grand survey of previously abandoned worlds within the Federated Commonwealth’s borders, to see if recolonisation is feasible.
Peter attends Royal Court on Tharkad, concluding with the Fifth Whitting Conference. The previous temporary measure of a joint delegation from the neutral regions of the Free Worlds League is continued for this meeting of the Star league Council. The Marian Hegemony and Martial Alliance receive full membership. Rim Collection takes provisional membership.
It’s agreed that future Whitting Conferences will take place on a more central and neutral world. Northwind is selected over Outreach and Terra. His term of office as First Lord is extended 48 hours when the Star League Council’s last meeting is deferred so that he can attend the birth of his first son, Hanse Ardan Steiner-Davion.
Magestrix Emma Centrella is elected as First Star Lord. Her primary focus over the next three years is re-organising and expanding the Star League’s Trade and Culture bureaus.
Yvonne Steiner-Davion returns to Tharkad as Peter’s regent, replacing General of Armies Caesar Steiner, who has held both offices for over two years.
3071Peter Steiner-Davion returns to New Avalon for what would prove to be a two year stay. En route he visits Deneb Kaitos and meets with the now full-strength Fifth Deneb Light Cavalry and Fifteenth Federated Commonwealth RCT.
Birth of Joshua Cox-Marik, the acknowledged child of Galen Cox and Isis Marik. While the two aren’t married, Joshua’s parentage is clearly stated. There is surprisingly little concern in the Silver Hawks Coalition that their foreign minister is in a long-term relationship with a Federated Commonwealth national. Other Free Worlds states are less sanguine about the matter.
Daniel Allard retires as commander of the Kell Hounds, passing command to Lieutenant-Colonel Christian Kell after Colonels Akira Brahe and Scott Bradley both decline the position.
The Circinus Federation breaks into a low-grade civil war between the Black Warriors and mercenaries hired by President McIntyre. The core issue is Michael Cirion’s attempt to join the Martial Alliance, while the President wishes to enter the Star League directly as a member-state - although many other issues underlie the division.
Elements of Clan Wolf and Clan Coyote agree the Winson-Kerensky Accords with the Coyotes receiving access to bloodlines of the two Winson and two Kerensky bloodhouses for patrilineal use - except the use of Andery Kerensky’s bloodhouse which is permitted for matrilineal use and thus access to the Kerensky bloodname, although only for the seven bloodrights not currently claimed by living Wolf warriors. In exchange, the Coyotes surrender several Wolf legacies they obtained during the abjuration. It’s later discovered that they also returned several Jade Falcon legacies to the remains of that Clan, in return for unspecified considerations.
First Lord Emma Centrella brokers a tripartite agreement between the Word of Blake, ComStar and the Federated Commonwealth after the latter establishes their own Federated Communications HPG network connecting key worlds inside the Archon-Prince’s realm.
A Toyamist revolt on Gibson attempts to secure the world and purge it of ‘heretic elements’ - essentially the True Believer and Counter-Reformist factions.
Birth of Harrison Sandoval-Steiner-Davion, the future Duke Harrison Sandoval of Robinson.
3072The Silver Hawks Coalition, Tamarind Alliance, Duchy of Andurien and Commonality Defense Pact are each nominated by Peter Steiner-Davion for provisional membership of the Star League starting from the Sixth Whitting Conference.
Precentor Martial Laura Chung leads a major battlegroup of twelve warships and seven Divisions from Terra to Gibson. The Silver Hawks Coalition provides free passage, as does Captain-General Corinne Marik. The price for the latter is the removal of most Word of Blake troops from the Marik-Stewart regions of the Free Worlds League.
Short on supplies, Pro-McIntyre mercenaries raid Sierra to obtain munitions and spare parts to keep fighting. To disguise their origin, their ‘Mechs are painted in Marian colours. Caesar Julius O’Reilly denies responsibility and requests Star League arbitration.
The AFFC begins a planned programme of adding twenty RCTs to their frontline strength over the next ten to fifteen years. It’s decided to focus these efforts on expanding the Arcturan Guards and Avalon Hussars by reactivating disbanded commands.
Emma Centrella arrives on Sierra, escorted by the Royal Black Watch. Evidence is provided (by Captain Suthorn of Trinity Intelligence) that the raiders were actually Circinian forces, leading to a redirection of effort.
The Blackstone scandal breaks, with evidence that proves that with the connivance of the Duchess of Inarcs, military supplies are being funnelled to the Regulans by the manufacturer. Significant fines are imposed by the Star League, bankrupting the company.
Reinforced by troops that had been supporting Corinne Marik, Laura Chung smashes open resistance on Gibson and begins a methodical clearing of Toyamist hold-outs on the planet. Limited chemical and nuclear attacks are reported, with most intelligence reports suggesting that Chung’s offensive only barely managed to forestall much more widespread use of the weapons.
3073Blackstone’s factory is purchased by a consortium backed by Archenar BattleMechs and Bowie Industries. The Achernar-Bowie Corporation covers the bulk of the imposed fines but are also required to hand over much of Blackstone’s intellectual property to the governments of Marik and Oriente. The factory begins a two year refit process as it is no longer allowed to manufacture Blackstone’s previous designs.
A concerted invasion of the Circinus Federation takes place, spearheaded by the Royal Black Watch but supported by Marian, Trinity and Clan Wolf forces. Michael Cirion forms an alliance with the invaders, but the Federation is severely reduced by the defeat with Thadora’s Land and Zorn’s Keep ceded the Marian Hegemony; while Clayborne II and Hardisey’s Haven are both handed over to the Trinity Worlds. As the president of the four remaining worlds, Michael Cirion gets his wish and the Black Warriors are allowed to join the Martial Alliance.
Field Marshal Bishop Sortek retires from active military service, leaving the post of Archon-Prince’s Champion. General Lucy Davion of the Fifth Royal Guards, who is considered the most likely successor, also retires from military service, however this is to serve as Regent of New Avalon. Victor Steiner-Davion becomes the new Champion.
Clan Diamond Shark and Clan Hells Horses both break off the Inner Sphere possessions of their Clans as rising pressures within the Homeworlds move towards isolation. The new Clans, respectively Clan Sea Fox and Clan Stone Lion, are both abjured by the Grand Council by the end of the decade.
Agatha Rousset-Marik is born to Alys Rousset-Marik.
The Sixth Whitting Conference takes place on Northwind. The Silver Hawks Coalition, Tamarind Alliance, Duchy of Andurien and Commonality Defense Pact all receive provisional membership. The Rim Collection becomes a full member of the Star League. A Martial Olympiad was announced, to take place on Outreach in 3075. The prospect of a permanent capital is raised again by the Word of Blake but unrest on Terra, where they want it to be sited, deters this. However, Precentor Martial Laura Chang of the Word of Blake Militia is elected as the next First Lord after a close vote.
3074The new First Lord engages in visits to Oriente, Regulus, Atreus and Marik to try to bring an end to the Free Worlds League’s ongoing civil war. These meetings only manage to lead to a formal treaty recognising Gibson’s neutrality and the withdrawal of Word of Blake support outside of communication purposes.
Kirc Cameron-Jones offers the Northwind Highlanders a generous contract for the services of their full forces. After negotiation a more limited five year contract (with rolling renewals) is agreed for the two Kearny Highlanders regiments.
Unable to sustain their military budget, ComStar consolidates the ComGuards forces and sharply reduces their field strength to only six Armies, although this brings some of these armies up to a full six Divisions for the first time since Tukayyid. Many former ComGuards enlist in the armies of their birth nations, including several who travel to Terra and join the Word of Blake. Slightly more than half of those departing elect to transfer to the SLDF, leading to another rapid expansion of their organisation to accommodate this influx. Serious consideration is given to selling part of their warship fleet, but uncertainty over Word of Blake naval strength deters this - however, the ComGuards do place their Second Fleet under SLDF control with shared support for its operation.
Birth of Artoria Sandoval-Steiner-Davion, the future Duchess Artoria Luvon of Donegal.
The Silver Hawks Irregulars, the armed forces of the Silver Hawks Coalition, reorganise as the Silver Hawk Defense Force, with the Sirian Lancers confirmed as a distinct brigade (and adding the Fourth Sirian Lancers to their line-up). The remaining ‘Mech regiments are divided between the Marik Defenders (primarily drawn from Free Worlds Legions and Marik Militia units) and the Silver Hawk Irregulars (mostly the original Irregulars and former mercenaries).
Refounding of the First Avalon Hussars and First Arcturan Guards. The two RCTs are assigned twelve months garrison duties on New Avalon and Arcturus respectively, before taking more exposed postings. This becomes the pattern for the refounding of their sister units over the following years.
Birth of Morgan Arthur Steiner-Davion, second son of Peter and Terias.
Theodore Kurita suffers a major stroke, leading Hohiro Kurita to resign as Commanding General in order to take up more of his father’s duties. Without any clear consensus on a successor within the Star League Council, Laura Chang asks Victor Steiner-Davion to take over as interim Commanding General until the next Whitting Conference. This requires him to step down as his brother’s Champion. Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek, the serving Marshal of Armies, becomes Archon-Prince’s Champion.
3075Clan Steel Viper begins major harassment of Clan Cloud Cobra, specifically targeting warriors of Bloodhouse Steiner. This is in hindsight considered the start of the Serpent War.
Refounding of the Second Avalon Hussars and Second Arcturan Guards.
Theodore Kurita dies after a second stroke. Hohiro Kurita becomes Coordinator of the Draconis Combine.
The former Blackstone factory on Inarcs begins production of the Dervish and the Archer for the AFFC and planetary militias.
Clan Sea Fox invades the Jade Falcon’s remaining occupation zone, taking most worlds by Trials of Possession and absorbing what remains of the Jade Falcons. Field Marshal Adam Steiner personally leads the invasion of the one exception, his homeworld of Somerset.
The Third Kearny Highlanders are reformed with salvage from fighting against Oriente. These are added to the contract with the Principality of Regulus.
Victor-Steiner Davion oversees the Martial Olympiad on Outreach. No one military force emerges as dominant, but most secure some wins in the contests. Military intelligence is noted as highly active but the publicity is too good to pass up.
Clan Goliath Scorpion launches a Trial of Possession for the Star League’s embassy upon Huntress. After a short skirmish, the embassy staff and garrison are permitted safcon and depart the Clan Homeworlds. Clan Star Adder arrives before the Star League jumpship departs, with communication indicating that they also intended a take-over of the embassy site and are displeased to have been preempted.
3076Birth of Sabine Rousset-Marik, younger daughter of Alys Rousset-Marik.
Precentor William Blane informs Archon-Prince Peter Steiner-Davion that the Sixth of June movement had possessed a major base on a world named Taussen, previously a Federated Suns colony called Agmond, and that a Word of Blake Militia attempt to capture the base had led to use of chemical and nuclear weapons. MIIO investigation confirms that a fortified and industrialised colony had existed, but that the area would be unapproachable for at least a century due to chemical contamination and the use of cobalt-jacketed nuclear weapons. The Archon-Prince warns the Ruling Conclave that any future military activity by the Word of Blake within the Federated Commonwealth without his consent will lead to his informing the Star League Council of the incident and calling for their expulsion from the Star League.
Birth of Melissa Sandoval-Steiner-Davion, the future Countess of the Isle of Avalon.
Reports from limited sources remaining in the Clan Homeworlds advise of a major conflict between Clan Star Adder isolationists and Clan Goliath Scorpion and Clan Cloud Cobra, who advocate continued engagement with the Inner Sphere. Clan Steel Viper appears divided, fighting Trials against both sides.
With assistance from Clan Wolf, the Circinus Federation lays claim to Choex and Erdvynn, allowing Clan Wolf to establish a large enclave upon the latter world - their first enclave outside of the Federated Commonwealth.
Refounding of the Eighth Avalon Hussars and Eighth Arcturan Guards.
At the Seventh Whitting Conference, Galen Cox is promoted to serve as Commanding General of the SLDF. The four provisional members from the Free Worlds League’s space all receive full membership. Cham Kithrong, regent of the Taurian Concordat, is elected as First Lord.
Precentor Martial Laura Chang stands down as commander of the Word of Blake Militia. She receives the post of Precentor Hilton Head, which formally replaces the Toyamist seat on the Ruling Conclave now that the more extreme sects within the Word of Blake have been substantially diminished in their numbers and importance.
3077Technicron Manufacturing lays down its first new warship since the start of the Free Worlds League Civil War, an upgraded Impavido-class destroyer, for the Tamarind Navy.
Refounding of the Ninth Avalon Hussars and Ninth Arcturan Guards.
Birth of Peter and Terias’ third child, Tabitha Catherine Steiner-Davion
The Fourth Kearny Highlanders are reformed with salvage from fighting against the Marik-Stewarts. These are added to the contract with the Principality of Regulus.
Alys Rousset-Marik becomes Marshal of the Silver Hawks Defense Force.
The Martial Alliance places the majority of their warship strength on permanent loan to the SLDF, in part to save themselves the ongoing costs of maintaining the vessels. Shipyards across the Inner Sphere are commissioned to repair, upgrade and standardise the warships over the next four years.
3078End of the Serpent War, with the involvement of Clan Coyote on the side of the Isolationists. The final conflict among the involved Clans is a Trial of Refusal after Clan Coyote orders the Abjuring of the entirety of Bloodhouse Steiner, both blooded and unblooded. Clan Cloud Cobra loses the Trial of Refusal and both the Cobras and Clan Steel Viper begin a gradual withdrawal to their sharply reduced enclaves. Clan Goliath Scorpion appears to emerge relatively unscathed.
Refounding of the Thirteenth Avalon Hussars and Third Arcturan Guards.
Cham Kithong resigns as regent of the Taurian Concordat, passing full authority to the young Protector Erik Martens-Calderon. He continues to serve as the First Lord of the Star League until the following year, residing on Northwind so as to let the new Protector visibly lead the Concordat without him.
Sun-Tzu Liao terminates the Word of Blake’s contract to operate the Capellan Confederation’s HPGs. The First Circuit of ComStar is delighted until they realise that the Capellan government hasn’t contacted them to replace them. After three weeks transition, the Chancellor offers reciprocal protocols for communications in and out of the Confederation. This confirms his intention to maintain direct control over HPG communication within the Capellan Confederation.
Technicron Manufacturing of Savannah begin laying down the first vessel of the Hawkwing-class of frigates for the Silver Hawks Navy. The class is based upon the Eagle-class frigate.
Conflicts arise between settlements founded by the Federated Commonwealth and the Rim Collection in the former Rim Worlds Republic region, most especially on Synsstad and Seven Lands where both nations have founded colonies without noticing each other until now. First Lord Kithong deploys SLDF peacekeepers, implicitly to ensure that the AFFC doesn’t intervene.
3079Hohiro Kurita announces the existence of his sons Shinjiro (a junior officer in the First Sword of Light) and Vincent (a cadet at Sun Zhang Academy), having raised them under false identities in order to protect them from the political violence endemic to the Draconis Combine.
Refounding of the Fourteenth Avalon Hussars and Fourth Arcturan Guards.
Second Martial Olympiad takes place. Melissa Allard-Liao wins the gunslinger trophy, piloting the Rifleman ‘Legend-killer’ to represent the Capellan Confederation.
Naiad Pryde becomes saKhan of Clan Sea Fox.
Peter Steiner-Davion travels to Northwind for the eighth Whitting Conference. Sun-Tzu Liao claims ill-health and appoints Duke Gregory Liao to represent the Capellan Confederation. The ongoing colonial disagreement with the Rim Collection is settled with an agreement to divide the two disputed worlds with each nation ruling one hemisphere and SLDF garrisons remaining in place. The Federated Commonwealth agrees to halt any colonial development rimwards of the two worlds, in exchange for the Rim Collection’s agreement not to found additional colonies corewards of them.
Public pressure supports the election of a Marik to the First Lordship. With the agreement that all other member houses are now eligible for election, Reginald Brett-Marik nominates his cousin Isis Marik, who is elected unanimously by the Council.
3080Reports from Nueva Castile determine that they have formed an alliance with Clan Steel Viper against the Umayyad Caliphate.
Refounding of the Sixteenth Avalon Hussars and Sixth Arcturan Guards.
Tricentennary memorials of the fall of the original Star League. First Lord Isis Marik announces a permanent capital for the Star League is being established on New Earth, on the site of the former SLDF headquarters.
Catherine Steiner-Davion is appointed as New Avalon’s senatorial representative.
The Syrtis-class, an update of the New Syrtis-class carrier, is approved for construction for the FCN. Three ships are to be built at the New Syrtis shipyards.
Kitsune ‘Kit’ Kurita and Calvin Bernstein-Marik enter the Focht War College as future SLDF officers.
The Umayyad Caliphate forms an alliance with Clan Cloud Cobra. It becomes apparent that the Cloud Cobras and Steel Vipers are withdrawing entirely from the Clan Homeworlds and settling in enclaves within the two embattled Periphery Realms.
Negotiations begin between ComStar and the Word of Blake, in an attempt to reconcile their differences. While reunion is considered unlikely, some normalisation of relations is considered possible.
3081Isis negotiates revised trade agreements across the Star League, including expanded trading opportunities for Clan Sea Fox.
Coordinator Hohiro Kurita contracts with the Word of Blake for a chain of HPGs connecting Alshain to Galedon, via Luthien and Pesht. This is intended to operate in parallel to the main ComStar operated chain.
Refounding of the Twelfth Avalon Hussars and Fifth Arcturan Guards.
The warriors of Bloodhouse Steiner - apparently having escaped the Clan Homeworlds after their abjuration - seek refuge within the Federated Commonwealth, ultimately joining Clan Wolf. They provide updates on the developing power balance within the Homeworld Clans. Clan Snow Raven, Clan Star Adder and Clan Coyote appear to be dominant, with a loose agreement that they should remain isolated from the Inner Sphere to expand their toumans, resources and populations, as well as advancing their technology before resuming contact. What form that contact might be is still under debate.
Caesar Steiner and Nathaniel Hasek both retire, leaving the three senior positions in the AFFC vacant. The Archon-Prince’s consort, Terias Sortek, is named Archon-Prince’s Champion. Jon Davion is named Marshal of Armies, Adam Steiner as General of Armies. Having been planned for over a year, the transfer of offices is orderly and there are few problems.
Former Precentor-Martial Anastasius Focht dies. He is buried in the crypts of the Focht War College’s new campus, co-located with SLDF’s headquarters on New Earth and part of the larger Whitting Complex that will host future Whitting Conferences and the permanent offices of the Star League’s administration.
3082A terrorist attack aiming to deface Focht’s tomb on the anniversary of Tukkayid is foiled with only minor damage caused. A second attack on the shared Bloodchapel being constructed by Clan Wolf, Clan Nova Cat and Clan Ghost Bear is more successful, setting back the project significantly. The Sixth of June movement, now believed to be a synthesis of Toyamist-extremists and Kali Liao’s Thuggees, claims responsibility for the attack and promises future actions ‘until justice is done’.
Refounding of the Twenty-Third Avalon Hussars and Tenth Arcturan Guards. There is significant concern that with very little major military activity, the experience of the AFFC is declining so the newly formed RCTs’ first activities are as parts of the rival sides in Operation Gawain, a major military exercise carried out in Alarion and Bolan provinces. Operation Gawain lasted for six months, with more than twenty AFFC commands participating, as well as elements of Clan Wolf and (by invitation) Clan Diamond Shark. While the rest of the Star League is concerned, at best seeing this as the Archon-Prince flexing his military might and at worst fearing it was a cover for invading the Tamarind Alliance, AFFC command considers the results mixed and Terias Sortek requests a additional budget over the next five years for additional training by frontline commands, as well as the formation of a roving opposition force of mixed AFFC, mercenary and Clan Wolf forces to provide greater diversity in the opposition for such training efforts.
Funding approved to expand the SLDF substantially against the possibility of a new Clan Invasion in the future.
Ninth Whitting Conference takes place, the first to use the new Whitting Complex on New Earth. The Rasalhague Dominion is pushing for the Federated Commonwealth to cede worlds historically part of the Free Rasalhague Republic - a goal few of the council consider realistic. Khan Santin West of Clan Nova Cat, representing the Martial Alliance, is elected in hopes he will be able to negotiate effectively with the Ghost Bears. As part of the formal ceremonies of the event, Focht War College cadets and faculty arrive at their new campus.
3083The Grand Council of the Clans sends a formal declaration to the Second Star League, preemptively denying Santin West the status of ilKhan, and Clan Nova Cat the status of ilClan. As no such claim had been put forward, this causes no issues with the Star League and the First Lord attends the opening of the Whitting Complex’s Bloodchapel the same day.
Third Martial Olympiad takes place. Clan Nova Cat, perhaps inspired by their Khan, win the most events out of the participating teams; but Melissa Allard-Liao wins the gunslinger trophy for the second time.
The Dominion-Commonwealth War breaks out with Ghost Bears striking into Sudeten Province. The AFFC is able to stall the invasion and shifts its reserves into Donegal and Sudeten provinces, threatening to launch a massive counter-invasion. First Lord Santin West negotiates a stand down with Trials of Possession over two Federated Commonwealth worlds and one Rasalhague Dominion world. Face is saved when the original border is maintained.
Hohiro Kurita formally confirms his elder son Shinjiro as the Heir-Designate of the Draconis Combine, at the age of twenty-seven. Shinjiro’s first public duty in the role is to negotiate with the Word of Blake over a new HPG chain from Luthien to Dieron.
Duke James Sandoval dies at home, having been in semi-retirement for ten years. Tancred Sandoval becomes Duke of Robinson and Field Marshal of the Draconis March.
3084Refounding of the Twenty-Sixth Avalon Hussars and Seventh Arcturan Guards, delayed by the Dominion-Commonwealth War. This concludes the proposed expansion of the two brigades and the AFFC high command recommends against continued expansion until their supply and training capabilities have fully caught up. In addition, the Star League Council has twice debated potential arms limitations and it’s not clear if a vote may pass banning members from further expanding their military power - or how the Federated Commonwealth should respond if they do.
Concerned that the SLDF would not be able to restrain the AFFC effectively on even a local level, Khan Santin West directs Galen Cox to revise the SLDF budget for an expanded warship fleet. After consideration, an order was made for twelve upgraded Dante-class frigates to be built for the SLDF at the Titan shipyards over the next two decades.
Kitsune ‘Kit’ Kurita and Calvin Bernstein-Marik both graduate Focht War College and are assigned as lance commanders in the SLDF’s First Royal BattleMech regiment.
The construction of Feng Huang-class cruisers is ended at Necromo, to be replaced by the new Xin Sheng-class cruisers. While the new design is considered better, Capellan warship numbers lag considerably behind those of the Federated Commonwealth and only the fractured nature of the former Free Worlds League leaves the CCN dominant on that front.
3085Cameron Victor St. Jamais-Liao is captured along with a Sixth of June cell responsible for the murder of Shonso Hurtong Liao. The Chancellor authorises immediate execution of his nephew, declaring the attack on his political supporter to be treasonous.
Loremaster Ranna Kerensky is killed by a chance cockpit hit while participating in a Trial of Position for new Clan Wolf warriors. Ironically, the shot was fired by Cadet Anastasia, a trueborn child created with her genestock and that of Phelan Kell. Anastasia defeats a second opponent and graduates as a Star Commander.
Federated Commonwealth naval construction slows to a crawl as the fleet begins cycling older warships through their yards for refits to bring them up to the standards of their newer sister-ships and deal with long-standing gripes where possible. In particular, their two Baron-class destroyers and Pinto-class corvettes are scheduled for massive rebuilds to fit Lithium-Fusion batteries.
Harrison Sandoval-Steiner-Davion enrolls in Robinson Battle Academy under the pseudonym Caleb Arthurs.
The Outworlds Alliance sends representation to the Tenth Whitting Conference, requesting provisional membership - which is granted. Santin West stands down as First Lord, with Hohiro Kurita elected as the next First Lord.
3086Hanse Steiner-Davion enrolls in the Nagelring for his military education.
The Northwind Highlanders decline to renew their contract with the Principality of Regulus and withdraw from House Cameron-Jones’ service. Given the declining fortunes of the Principality, this is considered a wise decision. Despite their efforts, several Regulan worlds had been lost over the last two years.
Eager to colonise the once resource-rich mining world of Derby, the Rim Collection requests an amendment of the previous colonial treaty with the Federated Commonwealth. The world becomes the third jointly-owned world between the two realms.
Operation Gawain II takes place in the Draconis March, causing concern in the Draconis Combine. Clan Nova Cat is invited to send two Clusters to participate, one on either side. The exercise is slightly smaller than the previous one, with thirty-five AFFC commands involved. The results are considered an improvement over the last exercise, but not yet fully satisfactory.
Arthur Kurita enrolls at NAIS under a false identity (Arturo Fuchida) to study engineering.
After the launch of three Syrtis-class carriers, the Courageous, Glorious and Furious; two additional ships of the class are ordered: Audacious and Tremendous. The Federated Commonwealth Navy considers the vessels a success, but considers five such vessels sufficient for their needs - one for each major border area and one in repair or reserve.
Wedding of Janos Halas and Giselle Marik, uniting the Oriente and Marik-Stewart claims to lead the Free Worlds League. First Lord Hohiro Kurita attends and opens negotiations to eventually bring the worlds back into the Star League.
3087Regulus and Atreus are seized by invasion forces led by Janos Halas and Giselle Marik respectively. At the conclusion of the battles, the Star League formally removes the ban on selling arms to the Free Worlds League. Significant shipments from Capellan and Draconian factories are received by the reunited FWLM before the end of the year.
Fourth Martial Olympiad takes place. Melissa Allard-Liao loses the gunslinger trophy in the final round, defeated by Star Commander Anastasia of Clan Wolf. Following the final ceremonies of the Olympiad, Khan Katya Kerensky convenes the first Trial of Bloodright within Bloodhouse Kell. Anastasia becomes the first bloodnamed member of House Kell in twenty years.
Alys Rousset-Marik stands down as Marshal of the Silver Hawks Defense Force and retires from military service.
After a fraught discussion within the Prefectorate, the childless Sun-Tzu Liao abruptly declares his abdication and retires to Liao. Duke Gregory Liao is elected as the new chancellor, with the support of the aged Candace Liao. Her nephew Treyhang succeeds Sun-Tzu as Duke of Sian.
Terias Sortek steps aside as Archon-Prince’s Champion, recommending the commander of the Avalon Hussars, Marshal Sabine Steiner, as her successor. The reason for this decision is much debated but no official answer is given.
Several older Fox-class corvettes are renamed after they complete refits, notably those sharing names with historic vessels. This is believed to be a step towards a standardised naming scheme for warships, with corvettes to be named after planets, as has been customary with more recent construction.
3088Hanse Steiner-Davion starts an exchange year at Albion military academy.
Facing financial difficulties without a contract for much of their forces (a not uncommon issue in the mercenary trade with the end of the Free Worlds League Civil War), the Northwind Highlanders offer the SLDF the use of all four Kearny Highlander regiments for a twenty year contract, in place of the current two regiment loan. The contract is approved, grouping the Highlanders into a distinct RCT. Their place in the Second SLDF RCT is taken by the Blue Star Irregulars, who formally rejoin the SLDF on a permanent basis. The Kearny RCT is deployed to Derby, Seven Lands and Synsstad to provide anti-pirate coverage and block military action over the three divided colony worlds.
Corinne Marik and Thomas Halas formally abdicate their claims to be Captain-General, retiring in favour of Captain-General Giselle Marik.
Khan Kerensky retires from active service within Clan Wolf, but takes the unusual step of seeking election to the Federated Commonwealth senate. Her campaign is successful and she is the first Clan warrior to serve as a senator.
The Outworlds Alliance elects to remain only a provisional member of the Star League rather than joining fully as expected. Hohiro Kurita seats Giselle Marik in the Star League Council as a provisional member representing the Free Worlds League. The new Captain-General requests that the other factions that broke away from the Free Worlds League rejoin her realm. However, none of the realm’s leaders are prepared to agree at this time and Photon Brett-Marik is elected as a tacit confirmation that the Star League won’t support reconquest by Marik’s forces.
3089Aggressive negotiations between Giselle Marik and the Commonality Defense Pact end poorly and the pact elects Reginald Brett-Marik as their new leader, effectively joining the Tamarind Alliance.
The Silver Hawks Coalition vote decisively to remain independent from the Free Worlds League.
Operation Gawain III takes place, relocated from Donegal Province to Skye on short notice, although there’s some suggestion that it may have been intended from the beginning in order to challenge AFFC logistics. Unlike the previous exercises, the operation pits twenty AFFC frontline commands against a similar number of mercenary units, reinforced by planetary militias in the exercise area. While the AFFC is reportedly still not fully satisfied, most outside analysts believe this is simply to avoid complacency. Other Star League members increase their training expenses in an attempt to keep up.
‘Caleb Arthurs’ graduates from Robinson Battle Academy and his identity as Harrison Sandoval-Steiner-Davion is publicly confirmed. He enters the First Federated-Commonwealth RCT as a sub-altern.
President Gavilian Camacho of the Trinity Worlds and President Michael Cirion of the Circinus Federation agree to unite their small worlds into the Trinity Federation.
Although not all FCN vessels have been refitted, new construction begins picking up again.
Birth of Allison Marik, the first child of Giselle Marik and Janos Halas.
3090Hanse Steiner-Davion graduates from the Nagelring and is assigned as a deputy lance commander in the Third Davion Guards.
Brigades of the Marik Militia in service with the Tamarind Alliance and Commonality Defense Pact rebadge as a new brigade, the Tamarind Regulars.
Harrison Sandoval-Steiner-Davion formally changes his name to Harrison Caleb Sandoval upon his promotion to leftenant and formally being named as heir to Robinson.
Morgan Steiner-Davion and Artoria Sandoval-Steiner-Davion enter NAIS as a military cadets.
Duchess Yvonne Steiner-Davion retires from regency on Tharkad. She is replaced by Duke Reinhardt Steiner of Furillo.
Alys Rousset-Marik is elected as Interior Minister of the Silver Hawks Coalition as a compromise candidate after deadlock over filling the recently vacated position. Speculation that Isis Marik will one day stand down and pass her post as Foreign Minister to her cousin, allowing Alys to serve in all three Triumvir roles is met by dismissive comments from both of the involved Mariks.
3091FCS Invincible returns to Odessa for a major overhaul and examination in order to prepare for potentially constructing additional vessels based on the Tharkad-class.
Fifth Martial Olympiad takes place. The second Kell Trial of Bloodright takes place in the aftermath.
Hanse Steiner-Davion is promoted to Leftenant and given command of his own lance.
Arthur Kurita is awarded a doctorate in engineering at NAIS, in his own name. This proves a minor scandal and while he isn’t officially refused permission to teach at NAIS, he accepts a professorship at the University of Saso and departs for New Syrtis almost immediately. Lucy Davion suppresses a ‘tell all’ expose by the girlfriend of ‘Arturo Fuchida’, who had broken up with him on learning he was a member of House Kurita. The young woman in question returns home to Conroe in the Draconis March rather than continue studying on New Avalon.
Photon Brett-Marik completes the reintegration of the Free Worlds League into the Star League before standing down. Gregory Liao, seen as a pro-Star League voice within the Capellan Confederation, is elected as First Lord.
Establishment of the Fourth Ceti Hussars.
Kitsune Kurita becomes a company commander in the SLDF.
3092Anastasia Kell becomes the Khan of Clan Wolf.
Upswing in tension between Andurien and Tamarind over worlds along their border. Gregory Liao assigns SLDF forces as peacekeepers, reinforcing them with McCarron’s Armored Cavalry.
Death of Candace Liao as a result of cancer. Kai Allard-Liao abdicates his claims on St Ives to his son David, continuing to serve as a senior officer in the CCAF.
FCS Invincible completes its overhaul. The construction of a modified Tharkad-class (the Arcturus-class) is approved, with funding approved for four such vessels. These vessels will initially be named for Tharkad-class ships lost during the succession wars, all of whose names had been relinquished by refitted Fox-class ships in 3087.
Morgan Steiner-Davion transfers to Sanglamore to complete his military education.
The Trinity Federation officially comes into being, with its capital on Circinus.
3093Kitsune Kurita succeeds to command of his battalion in the SLDF following an ambush by local insurgents.
Hanse Steiner-Davion is promoted to Captain and given company command.
Reports indicate that McCarron’s Armored Cavalry are actively assisting Andurien forces. After a tense conversation with First Lord Liao, Galen Cox orders them out of the area of operation. When Gregory Liao discusses removing the Commanding General, a majority of the Star League Council cast informal votes against doing so and suggest that they might be willing to impeach Liao for repeating the tactics Sun-Tzu Liao used against St Ives thirty years earlier.
Melissa Sandoval-Steiner-Davion enrolls at the Nagelring.
Tabitha Steiner-Davion enters the naval officer’s course at the Melissa Steiner Martial Academy of Bolan.
3094Establishment of the Fifth Ceti Hussars. Harrison Sandoval transfers to the Hussars with a promotion to company commander.
Morgan Steiner-Davion graduates from Sanglamore and is assigned to the Tenth Lyran Guards with the rank of Fahnenjunker, assigned as aide to the commander of the ‘Mech regiment
Artoria Sandoval-Steiner-Davion graduates from NAIS and is assigned to the Fourteenth Donegal Guards. She follows her elder brother’s example and changes her name, specifically to Artoria Luvon, upon being formally confirmed as heiress to Donegal.
Melissa Sandoval-Steiner-Davion begins an exchange year at NAIS.
Gregory Liao resigns at the start of the Whitting Conference, rather than waiting until the end as was customary. Giselle Marik is nominated as the First Lord but falls one vote short. Protector Erik Martens-Calderon is elected as the thirteenth First Lord of the Second Star League. The Trinity Federation applies for provisional membership of the Star League and is granted this, exiting the Martial Alliance. Hanse Steiner-Davion meets Agatha Rousset-Marik for the first time during the Conference.
3095Gregory Liao dies suddenly and is replaced as chancellor by David Lear, Duke of St Ives. Erik Martens-Calderon attends the coronation as the first stop of a tour visiting every national capital within the Star League, as well as dozens of other worlds. This tour is credited with redeeming the reputation of his office after Gregory Liao’s behaviour.
Artoria Luvon and Morgan Steiner-Davion are both promoted to leutnant and given command of lances in their respective units.
Sixth Martial Olympiad takes place. Melissa Allard-Liao and Kitsune Kurita face off in what is considered the most impressive battlemech duel of their generation. After both ‘Mechs are disabled, the victory goes to Kitsune on points. He receives permanent promotion to Major in the SLDF after commanding his battalion as a brevet-Major for two years.
Hanse Steiner-Davion is transferred to serve in the Fifth Royal Guards as a company commander.
Galen Cox begins evaluating candidates to replace him as Commanding General of the SLDF.
3096Visiting Alpheratz, Erik Martens-Calderon negotiates a new associate status for the Outworlds Alliance rather than their continued provisional membership. He participates in a SLDF anti-pirate operation in the area - one of several he had ordered. Captain Calvin Bernstein-Marik is appointed as the First Lord’s aide.
Tabitha Steiner-Davion graduates her academy and is assigned to serve on the Fox-class corvette FCS Tabitha Steiner as a Fahnenjunker.
Melissa Sandoval-Steiner-Davion graduates from the Nagelring and is assigned to the First Nagelring Cadet Cadre as a Fahnenjunker and acting lance commander.
3097Tabitha Steiner-Davion is promoted to Leutnant in the Federated Commonwealth Navy. Melissa Sandoval-Steiner-Davion is promoted to Leutnant, still with the First Nagelring Cadet Cadre.
Professor Arthur Kurita is shot and seriously wounded by a cadet at the Warrior’s Hall who was taking a course at the University of Saso. A formal request is made in Duke George Hasek’s court that the professor be stripped of tenure and fired. The Duke responds with a flat refusal, supported by the majority of students and staff at the University, and dismisses three officials in his service for attempting to punish the victim. The shooter is formally dismissed from the academy and faces trial for attempted murder. Elements of the New Syrtis March Militia and the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers are required to keep order in Saso after the guilty is declared, with political marches both supporting and decrying the decision.
Hanse Steiner-Davion meets Agatha Rousset-Marik again on New Earth, surprising their parents with the revelation that the two have been in regular but discreet correspondence. It’s plain that they’ve built a close friendship. There is intense private discussion between the two and their immediate families as any hint of a romance might have profound political impact.
At the Fourteenth Whitting Conference, the Trinity Federation receives full membership of the Star League. Giselle Marik once again fails to be elected as First Lord and Khan Jordan Jorgenssen is also put forward, but doesn’t receive enough votes. Peter Steiner-Davion elected as the First Lord for the second time. Due to the increased burden of the office, he asks his heir Hanse Steiner-Davion to take a three year leave of absence from his military duties to serve as regent on New Avalon, replacing Lucy Davion.
3098Agatha and Sabine Rousset-Marik quarrel privately over the former’s friendship with Hanse Steiner-Davion. Faced with her younger sister's claim that this betrays their dead uncle, aunt and grandparents who died in the Federated Commonwealth Civil War, Agatha departs Augustine and enrolls at Focht War College for a transition course building on her previous military training.
Commanding-General Galen Cox declares his intention to retire at the next Whitting Conference, leaving the Council more than two years to select a successor to lead the SLDF.
Calvin Bernstein-Marik resigns from the SLDF and accepts a commission in the Silver Hawks Coalition’s Krushers regiment. He also becomes an outspoken proponent of the Coalition remaining independent from the Free Worlds League; contrasting his cousin, Joshua Cox-Marik, who has a more moderate stance on relations with their neighbours.
First Lord Peter Steiner-Davion visits Atreus and personally signs the final repayments to clear the Federated Commonwealth’s war loans from 3051, settling the balances several years ahead of schedule. Who will be elected as his successor in two years is already under quiet discussion and it’s claimed Giselle Marik attempts to negotiate a price for the Archon-Prince’s vote at the Fifteenth Whitting Conference. In addition to Khan Jordan Jorgenssen, it’s believed that Magestrix Naomi Centrella and Duchess Evelynn Humphreys are actively seeking the office.
Janos Marik leaves Atreus to visit Andurien, Tamarind and Dieudonne in attempts to renew ties with the Free Worlds League’s lost provinces. Expectations are low but he believes any progress would be a start, and if Joshua Cox-Marik succeeds his mother as Foreign Minister of the Silver Hawks Coalition then the richest of the three may be favorably inclined.
Melissa Sandoval-Steiner-Davion is reassigned to the New Avalon March Militia as a lance commander. She is formally named heir-apparent to the County of the Isle of Avalon by the unmarried and childless Catherine Steiner-Davion. In addition to her own military duties and supporting her aunt’s political and financial activities, Melissa spends considerable time with her cousin Hanse, although the two differ considerably on some policy issues.