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Author Topic: TechWarrior 3031  (Read 3643 times)

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TechWarrior 3031
« on: December 20, 2019, 04:06:34 PM »

Arames Blackstone: “So, in today’s exciting news, ComStar has revealed that it has armed forces.”

Jimmy Meyer: “They’ve always had armed forces.”

Reinhard Hammstein: “Yes, those chaps who stand outside the HPGs in the funny caps.”

JM: “They’re called kepis.”

RH: “That’s not nice, Jimmy. I think they do a very good job, despite the caps.”

JM: “I mean the caps. They’re traditional French military headgear.”

AB: “I really didn’t think that Hanse Davion had that much pull with ComStar.”

JM: “It’s got nothing to do with House Davion, France is on Terra. It’s actually very near to ComStar’s military academy. I doubt Hanse Davion has ever even worn a kepi.”

AB: “And with good reason. But no, I don’t mean the security guards at your local HPG. ComStar has actually had a proper professional military for years now.”

RH: “What for? They’re a phone company!”

JM: “They’re also the planetary government of Terra.”

RH: “Oh, I forgot about that.”

AB: “Many people do, but they do maintain a small force to keep the homeworld secure and so forth.”
RH: “And to look nice on parade.”

AB: “I’d assume so, since as far as anyone knows no one has attacked Terra in ages.”

JM: “Unless you count your attempt to review the…”

AB: (speaking quickly) “But back on topic. The ComStar Guards and Militia are apparently going to expand their military presence at HPGs in the Capellan Confederation –“

RH: “All two planets of it, at the rate things are going.”

AB: “And are therefore commissioning new BattleMech production on Terra and Mars.”

Audience: (Gasps)

JM: “Quite. Now, this isn’t something we’re likely to see at actual HPG compounds, from what I understand that’ll be mostly conventional troops to provide security against pirates and the like. But since it means moving a lot of their infantry and armour off Terra, the ComGuards are expanding their BattleMech arm and they, very kindly, gave us a look. Who wants to see?”


{Commercial Break}

RH (V/O): “For once, I’d got here first.”

Shot pans up a bird-legged with a needle-nosed torso as Reinhard climbs down.

RH: (gestures upwards) “Before anyone jumps to any unfortunate conclusions, this is a not a CRB-27 Crab, it's actually a CRB-27b which was originally designed for the SLDF’s Royal Command as an upgrade on the original CRB-27. The Crab was very popular with the SLDF – it’s a great mix of agility, firepower and endurance.”

RH (V/O): “I would have expanded on that, but at that time a thug arrived.”

Sounds from the next Mechbay and then Blackstone arrived.

AB: “Oh god. Can we show that on HV?”

RH: “What?”

AB: (waves upwards and then grabs the camera to stop it panning upwards) “Your ‘Mech.”

RH: “What about it?”

AB: “Well, it’s a bit obvious, isn’t it?” (Gestures towards his trousers). “Does it come with a bumper sticker saying ‘Hi, I’m compensating for a lack of something’?”

RH: “Oh shut up. Besides, we showed Jimmy in a Stalker didn’t we?”

AB: “Fair enough. Are the ComGuards actually going to be getting any of these though?”

RH: “Yep.”

AB: “They had a bit of a troubled production history, as I recall.”

RH: “Well, yes. But…”

AB: “Prototypes approved in the twenty-seventh century, and a hundred years later Cosara still hadn’t managed to get it into mass production.”

RH: “Well they’ve fixed that now.”

AB: “Four hundred years late.”

RH: “They’ve got it in production, at Cosara’s Martian plant, right now.”

AB: “Better late than never, I supppse. I thought that was a King Crab factory before it was mothballed.”

RH: “Yes. Thank goodness they didn’t buy any of those.”

AB: “The King-C is a great ‘Mech.”

RH: “Mmmmm. So what did you get.”

AB: (ushers him inside) “Behold!”

(shot of a Thug)

RH: “You couldn’t find anything larger?”

AB: (sigh) “It’s the biggest thing they’re building. Which is a shame, but it’s not bad.”

RH: “Could be worse, I agree. It’s basically what the SLDF wanted to replace their Warhammers with, isn’t it? Two PPCs, SRM launchers in those dodgy launchers over the hips.”

AB: “I’m assured that they’ve fixed the problem with those.”

RH: “So they close properly?”

AB: “Well, on the production models. This is admittedly a test-model so they’re jammed open right now.”

RH: “So it’s not actually in –“

(There’s a titanic crash from beyond the Thug.)

RH: “What was that!?”

AB: “It can’t be  Jimmy, can it?”

(They enter the next bay and find JM exiting his own ‘Mech.)

AB: “Jimmy, you colossal idiot, you’ve done it wrong.”

JM: “I have not.”

RH: “That’s one of the ComGuard’s shiny new designs?”

JM: “Yep.”

AB: “That’s a Blackjack!”

JM: “And you recognised it on the first attempt!”

RH: “Don’t they have a nasty habit of their armour falling off?”

JM: “That was nothing but malicious muck-spreading by corporate rivals. The AFFS has been using Blackjacks for centuries now and it’s not been a problem.”

AB: “But they nuked the factory, which wasn’t even on Terra. General Motors doesn’t have any factories in the Solar System.”

JM: “Well, they didn’t, but it turns out that Pandora MechWorks was built on one of their old sites and that there was a very nasty dust-up with the ComGuards purchasing over tank procurement, so it turns out that General Motors was made a very nice offer.”

AB: “And they didn’t offer the ComGuards the Marauder? Or something a bit more useful?”

JM: “They did offer the Marauder, actually. But the ComGuards apparently are pretty happy with their heavy line-up. They wanted a reliable medium with energy weapons.”

RH: “But…” (points back down the ‘Mech bays to his Crab).

JM: “Well, I assume they wanted a slightly more reliable source then.”

AB: “Or one with jump-jets.”

RH: “Wait a minute, energy weapons – the Blackjack has them but isn’t its main selling point the irritating little autocannon.”

AB: “Well you are our expert on irritating little things, Reinhard.”

JM: “Interestingly, the ComGuards requested a specialist design, which is designated the BJ-1DA. GM have removed the autocannon entirely and replaced the two torso-mounted lasers with Magna Mk III large lasers.”

RH: “That… sounds… almost sensible… Isn’t it rather warm though?”

JM: “The spare tonnage – three tons – went mostly into armour, admittedly.”

AB: “It must overheat like a Rifleman.”

JM: “You’d think that, but no. Apparently this has the same advanced heatsinks that the ComGuards use as standard.”

RH: “They’re putting freezers in new production!?”

JM: “Yes.”

AB: “That’s huge.”

RH: “It’s insane. I mean, if anyone would have a stockpile then it’d be ComStar...”

AB: “Agreed.”

RH: “But either that stockpile is the size of a good sized city, or it means they’re making them.”

JM: “It’ll make a tremendous difference. It’s not impossible to overheat this thing, but its far more forgiving than most ‘Mechs you see, despite the heatsinks and the lasers.”

AB: “You probably have them too, Reinhard. Is that the CRB-27 or CRB-27b?”

RH: “The B.”

JM: “Then it has freezers to offset the extra heat generated by those extended range lasers.”

RH: “It would explain a lot, yeah.”

AB: (laughs) “You didn’t notice, did you?”

RH: “Well, I wasn’t firing off any of those monster PPCs, was I?”

JM: “What did you bring, Arames?”

(they relocate to the Thug)

JM: “Ah yes, the reason the ComGuards didn’t want the Marauder. And unless I'm very much mistaken, those are Extended Range PPCs in the arms."

AB: “It can't be, I tried it on the range earlier and two lostech PPCs would have melted me if I... oh.”

RH: “Aha! I'm not the only one who missed that I had double heatsinks!”

JM: “You're both idiots. But anyway, the ComGuards have booked five designs: my Blackjack and Reinhard's Crab are affordable medium troopers, built on energy weapons for endurance and lack of explosive ammunition. And the second line are heavy troopers: the ST-8A Shootist for close assault, the ARC-2Rb Archer for long range engagements and Arames' THG-11Eb Thug for mid-range work. It's a comprehensive heavy line up, I can't really fault them for their choices.”

AB: (Splutters) “Ex-cuse me? I think you’ll find that this is an Assault ‘Mech.”

RH: “He’s right, Jimmy.” (winces) “I feel dirty just saying that.”

JM: “By the standards of the rest of the Inner Sphere, yes. And normally I’d agree.”

AB: “Thank you.”

JM: “But the ComGuards position is that it’s a heavy ‘Mech, on the grounds that it’s an improved Warhammer and the Warhammer is a heavy ‘Mech.”

RH: “Reasonable.”

AB: “But it weighs eighty tons.”

JM: “Apparently they feel that it fits a heavy role, so they’re grouping it with that.”

RH: “I bet I know what happened.”

AB: “Oh?”

RH: “The Primus probably said that they couldn’t afford an assault ‘Mech, but they really really wanted the Thug…”

AB: “Which they should, it’s fantastic.”

RH: “So they snuck it into their budget by calling it a heavy.”

JM: “Sounds possible.” (laughs) “They’d better hope he isn’t watching our show then. Or the jig is up.”

AB: “And on that bombshell… That’s it for this week!”


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Re: TechWarrior 3031
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2019, 06:25:32 PM »

Oh dear god! ;D

Ice Hellion

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Re: TechWarrior 3031
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2019, 05:55:09 AM »

Képi and France being on Earth :D

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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