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Author Topic: The Long Road Home - Book III of The Cameron Legacy: The Fall of the Star League  (Read 30245 times)

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September 17, 2768
Embassy of the Lyran Commonwealth, Hawkins
North Continent, Asta
Terran Hegemony

“They didn’t believe it; hell, Erik, I didn’t believe it!  And after Kurita offered his reasons for why Amaris would have attacked, I don’t think we have a chance of turning Philip Marik against them.”

“You planted the seeds of doubt, my Archon.  And if the Emperor says he didn’t hit Oriente, then he didn’t.  Your arguments on that score were quite legitimate,” Erik mused as he rubbed his chin.  “It does appear that our Master was mistaken, however.  Lord Stephen has not the ruthlessness to attempt this—Minoru Kurita, on the other hand . . .”

“Weren’t you listening?  He came clean with a story . . .”

“. . . about how he had tricked Amaris into launching the attack.  But Minoru is more than ruthless enough—and clever enough—to have a fall-back plan.  And the dates match.  Suppose that he sent a clandestine ship to Oriente, to make certain that if Amaris didn’t take the bait he could still strike the shipyards?  But after it arrived, news of the strikes on New Avalon and Luthien had been made public.  By their own admission, the Free World began inspecting all visiting vessels—the captain must have made his own decision to carry out the Dragon’s will.”

Erik raised his glass of wine in a mocking salute.  “A most audacious play, indeed.”

The Archon sat in his own chair.  “You know he can’t survive—and what will happen to us when he fails?”

“Rest assured, my Archon, those plans are even now being put into play,” the head of the Lyran Intelligence Corps replied.  “Should the Amaris Empire be crushed, I have already laid the ground-work for you to discover a traitor in our own midst—a traitor that attempted to divert attention from herself by sabotaging her own ‘Mech.”

“Jenny?  I thought you were going to have her killed!”

“She is being closely watched now—there are too many eyes on her and her lover both.  The two of them will make excellent cats-paws to pin this debacle upon.”

“She almost died in that explosion!”

“Ah, yes.  But she was saved by her lover Truscott, ja?  The same Truscott who rescued the First Lord’s daughter, but was too late to save his wife.  Perhaps the two of them have been in collaboration this entire time, leaking information back to Amaris.  Truscott saw his opportunity in the Black Pines to eliminate his underlings and solidify his position among the trusted guards of the First Lord—and he was the one who saved dear, sweet Jenny.  Worry not, my Archon, I have already altered a copy of the transmission from our Master having him address Jennifer in all of his messages to date—and she did lobby you to commit the forces of the Lyran Commonwealth to this campaign, true?”

“They will protest their innocence, but after the blood split in this campaign and the damning evidence against them I have amassed, you will have no choice—the Council will have no choice—but to try them, find them guilty, and execute them both as traitors to the Star League.  And your position will be secure, my Archon.”

“As long as I remain alive, that is,” Erik finished with a smile.  “My records showing your alterations to the communications logs and your framing of Jenny and Truscott are prepared as well—and will be delivered to the High Council should I disappear or die.”

“You seem to have thought of everything,” the Archon sputtered.

“Yes.  Whether Amaris wins or loses we shall survive, my Lord.  And we shall thrive.”


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More great stuff!


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Hmmm Sneaky Lyrans
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Part Two

Chapter Seventeen

October 29, 2768
Outer System, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

The ship drifted silently in the outer reaches of the Sol System.  SOL-117 bore no crew within her almost seven-hundred thousand ton hull, for she was an M-5 automated drone WarShip—a Casper.  Within the thickly armored shell, her central core processed the data from her sensor arrays.  All was well within the system—the capital system of humanity.  Near the Zenith point—over a million klicks distant—she could clearly see the two dozen defense stations.  Unlike her, those stations were manned by her creators.  Far ‘below’ she detected the manned ships of the system defense force in orbit around Titan.

As SOL-117 arrived at the way-point for this leg of her endless patrol, the core rotated the ship slightly and a single fusion-drive exhaust port lit, gently changing her bearing on an arc that would bring her back to the elliptic.  And then she saw it.

At the Zenith point, forty-two ships materialized into being where nothing save vacuum had rested an instant before.  Merchant class JumpShips, her core recognized.  After an eternity of time—two seconds—each of the arrivals released their docking clamps and eighty-four DropShips—Overlords, ‘Mech carriers—began to accelerate towards the stations on full overthrust.   None of the new arrivals were broadcasting the current IFF codes.

SOL-117 warmed up the onboard FTL comm and transmitted an alert.  Not capable of emotion, the core wondered why the stations were still not firing upon the invaders, when first one, then two, and then a dozen more finally opened fire on the rapidly closing DropShips.  Three of the intruders exploded in tremendous blasts, far larger than the weapons—or the ships—should have generated.

The core rapidly processed the data, and the spectrographic analysis, and concluded that each of those ships carried well over 5,000 tons of advanced high explosives. The analysis was confirmed as another score of Overlords were hit and killed. But not enough were dying, at least not as quickly as they should have.  Their hulls had been reinforced by thick plates of armor, and each of the sixty-odd survivors rotated as they selected a target and altered course slightly to collide with a specific station.

SOL-117 transmitted a warning to the station concerning the possibility of kamikaze runs by the intruders, but humans were far too slow.  By the time the message was relayed to the station commanders, it was far too late.  Twenty-seven Overlords survived to ram the stations. Within seconds there were only clouds of debris slowly expanding outwards to mark their passing.

A new intruder appeared on her scanners. A Bugs-Eye class corvette jumped in, and then jumped back out after a brief interval.  And then the true invasion began.

One after the other, one thousand four hundred and eighty-four capital WarShips jumped into the system.  Fifty-one Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers formed up, each bearing a full load of twenty-five troop carriers on her massive hull.  Almost four hundred Battleships and Cruisers englobed the vulnerable Troop Cruisers, surrounded still further out by more than twice that many frigates, destroyers, and corvettes.  Nearly three thousand DropShips disengaged their docking clamps and took up formation within the protective globe of WarShips. 

None of them transmitted the proper code.  SOL-117 recognized the ships and analyzed the threat. If fully loaded, the invading force carried more than one hundred divisions onboard—posing a threat that the drone simply could not ignore.  Altering course to remain well out of weapons range, she transmitted again and then watched and waited as one by one the remaining five hundred and ninety-three of her sisters acknowledged her call.

After an eternity of waiting, she finally received an acknowledgement from the human component of the Space Defense System.  Her ultimate command authority gave a simple answer to her request for instructions:  KILL THEM ALL.

It was a most unusual order, and certainly not formatted in proper regulation fashion.  But it was certainly easy enough for the core to process and understand.  She began to form a plan of attack—one that would be shared by all of her sisters and cousins, and executed with machine perfection.  She was incapable of emotions, but that last thought did cause her to activate her warming systems in preparation to bring her weapons on-line.  After all, after such a long time of waiting, finally she could fulfill her purpose for being, her duty to the creators.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 08:52:21 PM by masterarminas »


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“We’re in clean, First Lord, Lord Kerensky,” Admiral of the SLDF Jean Kirkpatrick said to the two holographic images projected from the HPG link.  “I’ll attempt to transmit again when the main body of the Caspars are eliminated, but if they get to the communications ship first I will not have the opportunity.  We are nine days out from Terra, and they have to launch their attack before we arrive in orbit.  So give us 200 hours before your assault jumps in . . .”

The First Lord smiled a crocked smile.  “. . . on the 6th.  If they haven’t responded to you, it’ll come as one Hell of a surprise when the rest of the Fleet jumps into the Earth-Moon LaGrange point.”

Jean nodded curtly.  “Very well, then, Sir.  I’d best get my command underway.”

“Understood,” Aleksandyr said.  “Godspeed Jean, and good hunting.”

“We’ll make a hole in the defenses so big it won’t matter if a few Caspers survive, Lord Kerensky.  We’ll do you proud.”

“You already have, Jean.  You already have.”

The holographic projection faded as the HPG link ended, and Jean pulled herself across the weightless command deck of her flagship, SLS Bismark.  She climbed into her command chair and fixed the straps to secure her safely in place.

“Maneuvering,” she said.

“Awaiting your orders, Admiral.”

“Set course for Earth at 1-g acceleration.  Comm, upload the course plot to the remainder of the Fleet and instructed all ships to comply with our maneuvering.  Engage in sixty seconds.”

“Aye, aye, ma’am.”

“Aye, aye, ma’am.”

She watched silently as a digital clock slowly ticked down to 00; and then she felt gravity around her as the massive WarShip smoothly accelerated.  “Keep a close on the eye on the sensors and maintain Condition Two on all ships—weapons manned and charged.  There be dragons out there, and I want to see them impaled on our sharp lance, gentlemen.”


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Great stuff!


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This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm hoping to see in the Liberation of Terra Book(s) but I have a feeling it won't be of this high quality - you are an amazing writer masterarminas.
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

BattleTech: Ripple Effect (My Alternate Universe)


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You are a great Author  Seyla
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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November 1, 2768
SLS Randolph
Outer System, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“Why don’t they just charge instead playing with us?” muttered the young Tactical Officer, even as he kept his eyes fixed on the targeting consoles for which he was responsible.  The Lieutenant (junior grade), only three years out of the Academy, had probably meant to make his comment sotto voice, but four days of standing Condition Two watches around the clock had taken their toll on the crew of SLS Randolph.

Commander Audrey Hitchens, entrusted with the command of the old Vincent class vessel, smiled grimly.  “We still have another five days to orbit, Guns,” she answered.  “Those bastards are fully programmed on the weaknesses of human crews—including our need to rest.  The drones don’t have that need.  Besides, it is not like they haven’t been probing the screen for the past four days.”

That last sentence left a sour taste in her throat, because the Caspars had proved fiendishly clever and extremely difficult to target.  More than three of hundred of them now shadowed the Fleet—just outside of weapons range.  And still more were en route.  Every now and then the drones would suddenly dart into range and pour weapons fire into one unlucky bastard of the outer screen, and then dodge back out of range.  They were slowly bleeding the Fleet, and the randomness of their attacks—ranging from once every seventeen minutes to one interval that had lasted for more than five hours—had put all of the Fleet’s personnel on edge.  So far, the attacks had not been pressed home and not one SLDF vessel had yet been lost.  But more than four dozen were badly wounded and only just able to maintain formation.  Audrey grimaced as she shook her head slowly.  They are waiting for our reaction time to slow down still more—and with their acceleration advantage, we can’t catch them once they evade outside of weapons range again.

Although Randolph was one of the swiftest and most maneuverable ships in the Fleet, the damned drones were capable of pulling a third again higher acceleration.

The JG blushed, and shook his head.  “Sorry, Skipper.  I didn’t mean . . .”

“Just keep you focus on the sensors, Guns.  We’re all a bit groggy.”

The Chief of the Watch turned around in his seat to face Audrey.  “We are approaching the next dog-leg, Skipper.”

Audrey nodded.  “Maneuvering, prepare to alter vector to conform to Fleet maneuvers in . . . forty-two seconds.  Sound acceleration warning throughout the ship.”

“Aye, aye, ma’am,” the Chief answered.  “Sounding acceleration warning.”


Had SOL-117 been capable of expressing emotion, she might well be described as furious.  As it was, she merely pondered the illogic of the new order.  Command Authority had become increasing impatient over the past four days, and now he had ‘grown weary of the excuses of machines’ to quote his latest set of orders; orders that instructed the drones to launch an immediate full-out attack on the Enemy.

It made little sense:  in only fourteen more hours the Enemy would match vectors and accelerations with the reinforcement dispatched from the Inner System four days ago.  Those reinforcements would triple the number of drones and add an additional one hundred and fifty-four manned ships as support.  SOL-117 had already asked for permission to delay until those ships arrived, but thirteen seconds ago the reply had been received:  ATTACK AT ONCE!

And so the great ship had no choice in the matter:  her logic center would not allow her to disregard a properly formatted, coded, and authorized command from a recognized and legitimate authority.  She scanned her files searching among the tens of thousands of contingencies which she had prepared over the past four days and selected one.  Opening a broadcast channel, she copied the order to her sisters and brought her fusion plants to maximum safe operating power.

After seven point four seconds, each of her sisters had confirmed the order.  And as if a single mind directed them, they executed her instructions precisely and perfectly.


Audrey came out of her seat as the holographic projection suddenly lit with the harsh red of icons rapidly closing on her section of the perimeter screen.  “Evasive Gamma-Four!” she snapped.  “Comm make sure the Admiral is aw . . .”

“Incoming!” screamed one of the crewmen, and Randolph staggered as she was hit by the concentrated fire of no less than dozen of the drones—and exploded.


Aboard SLS Bismark, Jean winced as the Caspars that surrounded her formation suddenly pivoted and every last of one began to accelerate towards her capital ships and the Potemkins they sheltered.  Dozens of icons representing corvettes and destroyers of her outer screen brightened and then dissolved, and several of the drones died as well, savaged by the return fire.  But instead of altering course away from the battle-line, the drones continued to accelerate madly for the center of the formation at a full 4-g’s.  And they were launching Voidseekers.  Why hadn’t they waited just fourteen more hours?  Damn it.  Only fourteen more hours and she would have had them all!

“All ships:  engage at will!  The CAP and reserve fighters will deal with the drone fighters—Assault Droppers and capital ships hammer those Caspars!  Release of nuclear weapons is not, I say again NOT, authorized!  Launch the ready birds!”

We can’t reveal our trump card—not with the manned Amaris ships still closing that must have full magazines of nuclear missiles aboard.  And as powerful as this force of drones was, the one coming up from in-system was nearly twice as strong.  Even though without the missiles, she was going to get hammered badly.  But she squared her jaw and pulled the restraining straps on her command seat tight against her body as the acceleration warning sounded one final time, and SLS Bismark altered vector and accelerated to meet the enemy.  May God have mercy on my soul, she thought.


SOL-117 calculated her shot trajectories in milliseconds, concentrating on the primary targets of the inner screen:  the seventy-two McKenna-class battleships and two hundred fifty-six Luxor-class cruisers.  Those ships would prove the most deadly, and it was imperative that they be eliminated.  She was somewhat surprised at the speed of the Enemies reaction, but by the time they began to return fire, her sisters had already penetrated the outer screen and were in weapons range of the inner.  Locking her forward batteries on a McKenna, SOL-117 went to rapid fire on the battery of three Heavy Naval PPCs mounted in her nose, and made minute course adjustments to ensure that the energy bolts went home.  Without even a passing thought, her secondary processors took control of the broadside arrays and savaged two Enemy destroyers as she passed through the perimeter of the outer screen, and her own hull shook as hostile naval autocannon, lasers, and PPCs began to strike home.  She fired her reaction control thrusters in a precisely timed series of burst, spiraling down her base course to throw off the incoming fire, and salvoed bolt after bolt into the nose of the battlewagon.
The lesser M-11 Voidseekers she carried had already been ejected and screened her flanks as she—and three hundred fourteen of her sisters—continued her hell-dive into a maelstrom of fire.  Their less capable AIs were hard-pressed to devise strategy, but were more than adequate at carrying out tasks SOL-117 assigned to them.  Now, they served as mobile shields, absorbing damage meant for the Caspar, as they threw themselves in front of weapon discharges to protect SOL-117.  Six of her sisters had also selected the same McKenna, and its nose shattered under the combined fire, and then the vessel exploded.  The drone altered her heading dramatically and fired an entire broadside into a nearby Luxor already in distress—and that ship too died.
And suddenly, the AI felt her first ever emotional response!  Shame and distress, for she at last saw the DropShips emerging from within the protective shield of those Potemkins.  And not a single one out of the twelve hundred was a troop carrier!  No, they were all Avengers and Achilles and Pentagons and Titans.
She prepared a flash report for Command Authority, but then a stream of shells from a pair of massive NAC-40 Naval Autocannon slammed into her flank.  Emergency sub-systems immediately came on-line to replace primary and secondary circuits shattered into useless junk, and her reaction thrusters flared to roll the damaged hull section away:  but for once in her long life SOL-117 was microseconds two slow.  Two dozen heavy Naval Laser burned through the remains of her broken armor and the drone erupted as her fuel stores ignited.


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Hmmm Very Interesting and a Great Read
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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November 1, 2768
RWS Thresher
Outer System, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

Commodore Eli Ranson pursed her lips as her 2nd Fleet coasted closer and closer to the Star League formation.   The first strike had done their job well, eliminating more than three hundred of the hostile vessels—which only left a little more than twelve hundred for 2nd Fleet to deal with.  Well, 2nd Fleet and the rest of the Caspars.  Luckily, the drones had managed to spread out the damage, and nearly every Star League ship she could see had suffered in the exchange.  For the first time since her command had left Titan orbit, she began to feel hope that at least a few of her spacers would survive the exchange—perhaps she would survive.  And with the six hundred drones alongside, they might well even stop this juggernaut.

“Transmit to all ships:  load and arm nuclear munitions,” she barked.

November 1, 2768
SLS Bismark
Outer System, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

Jean nodded to herself as the range slowly clicked down.  It was going to be bad, she thought.  That first strike had hurt—with eighteen McKennas and more than ninety Luxors destroyed in the exchange.  All of her ships in the outer and inner shells, with the sole exception of the Sovietski Soyuz class cruiser SLS Ticonderoga, had suffered damage as well.  But she retained a sizable core of missile frigates—and the Rim Worlds still had no idea she was packing them!

“Transmit to all ships:  by order of the First Lord and the Commanding Admiral of the Star Defense Force Fleet, the release of nuclear weapons is hereby authorized.  Initial targets are the manned vessels—secondary targets are at the discretion of vessel commanders.”

She paused for a moment.  “We’ve come a long way, spacers, and we have almost finished the job we set out to do.  Remember what we are fighting for—and every Caspar we destroy is one less that will be available to intercept the troops landing on Old Earth.  I know you’ll make the General proud.  Sound action stations and stand by for engagement.”

Aboard Bismark, Ticonderoga, St. Vincent, Collingwood, Idaho, Ranger, and hundreds of more ships klaxons sounded and the crews made their final preparations as the digital range counter continued to wind down.

The Fleet passed the threshold, and missiles blossomed from the opposing ships as the Caspars went to full power and began to bore in.  “FIRE!” snapped Jean.


Six hundred capital missiles streaked out from the Rim Worlds Fleet—but the SLDF answered that salvo with forty-four hundred of their own.  Point defense on both sides began to fire, and even the Caspars broke off their attack runs to engage in evasive actions—but none of that massive initial strike was targeted on the drones.  Nuclear explosions tore through both formations, and when the debris fields stabilized, the Rim Worlds Fleet no longer existed.


ACN-042 conferred with her sister drones and elevated the threat posed by the remaining Enemy WarShips.  Targeting priorities were recalculated and the eighty-odd missile frigates and twenty-two missile cruisers in the formation jumped the queue to the very top.  New orders were passed, and the drones converged.

A second massive accelerated towards the Caspars—but the drones carried heavy batteries of point defense systems.  Only those few missile frigates and cruisers had the saturation capacity to penetrate them, so merely one hundred and seven of the M-5s died in a third flare of nuclear annihilation.  But the combined fire of five hundred and ninety-three drones destroyed every single one of the Enemy’s missile ships in exchange.

More than seven thousand of the Voidseeker drones received new orders and leapt forward at maximum overthrust.  The fighter drones ignored the assault ships and fighters of the Enemy and plunged deep into the formation of capital ships, firing their weapons continuously before slamming into the heavily armored flanks of their foes.


Bismark rocked as six of the drone fighters rammed into her side.  The holo-display was utter chaos, a maelstrom of explosions and streaks of fire and electronic jamming.  Suddenly, the ship lurched and emergency sirens sounded.  The ship began to spin wildly, shifting the internal gravity by eighty-degrees to port.

“Port mains off-line—starboard mains locked on full overthrust!” screamed the helmsman.  “I can’t override!”

“Jettison the fuel stores,” Jean snapped as Bismark pinwheeled through space, and she blanched as her flagship tumbled directly towards the Potemkin-class Hood.  “Maximum power on auxiliary reaction-control thrusters!”

“No response, ma’am!”

“Abandon ship, all hands, aban . . .”

Bismark collided with Hood—three million tons of ship meeting violently.  And then both ships erupted in a massive detonation.

November 1, 2768
SLS Ticonderoga
Outer System, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

Captain Michael Raeder watched as the last of the Caspars exploded under the combined fire of two dozen SLDF vessels.  He sat back in his command chair, his uniform soaked with sweat and blinked.  Twenty-three Star League Ships remained on his display—just twenty-three out of the entire Fleet that had jumped with Admiral Kirkpatrick.

“Sir,” his communications officer said.  “Sir, you are the senior surviving officer, Captain.  The other ships are requesting orders from the Flag—that’s us now, sir.”

Raeder slowly nodded.  “Launch shuttles for search-and-rescue; and let’s recover those as many of those life-boats as we can.  Our fight is over.”

But the Battle for Terra is only beginning, he thought.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 01:25:47 PM by masterarminas »


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Simply awesome. Keep it coming. The read is awesom


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Chapter Eighteen

November 6, 2768
SLS McKenna
Zenith Jump Point, Asta
Terran Hegemony

“Godspeed, Aleksandyr,” the holographic image of Stephen said.  “I wish I was there, but . . .”

“Hiroyoshi Kurita, Colonel Moreau, or even I would have shot you somewhere survivable, First Lord if you had so much as attempted to board one of these ships,” interrupted Aleksandyr Kerensky from the bridge of his flagship.  The old man grinned.  “Luckily, it did not come to that, because you have shown you have better sense, my Lord.”

“Yes,” Stephen nodded in reply.  “Lord Kerensky,” he continued formally.  “I do hereby instruct you, as Commander of the Supreme Allied Headquarters of the Star League and its member states, having received authorization from the High Council of the Star League and approved by the First Lord thereof, to proceed with Operation Ragnarok and the Liberation of Terra.  Good hunting.”


The holo-display flickered and then died.  Aleksandyr looked over his command bridge at the men and women of his staff, he looked at the faces of his Army, Corps, and Fleet commanders on the monitors set into the bulkhead.  And then he simply said, “Execute you orders.”

November 6, 2768
Earth-Moon LaGrange Point
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

Wave after wave of the massive WarShips materialized into existence.  Star League, Davion, Kurita, Marik, and Steiner; fifty-four hundred such vessels were arrayed in close formation keeping station between the jump point and the planet itself.  And then the JumpShips began to arrive, one after the other adding another two thousand hulls to the armada.  Never before in the history of Mankind had such a Fleet been assembled, at one place, at one time, and for a singular purpose.

And aboard the Dictators and Overlords and Unions and Triumphs and Condors of that fleet, more than seven hundred divisions of troops waited, twenty-five percent of them BattleMech divisions with a total of nearly two hundred thousand BattleMechs and their pilots.

Those troop-carrying DropShips undocked and formed up behind the wall of capital WarShips.  And then the Fleet of the Star League lit their drives and began to accelerate towards the planet.


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  • For the Last Cameron!

This is quite a Christmas gift, thank you.  ;)

Fantastic space battle my friend!

Oh and more to read!!!
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