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Author Topic: The Long Road Home - Book III of The Cameron Legacy: The Fall of the Star League  (Read 30242 times)

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Rainbow 6

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Superb, thanks for sharing.


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The Fleet settled into high orbit above the planet, just outside of the range of the surface-based Space Defense Installations—although every threat receiver in the Fleet was going wild with the ranging lidar emerging from the surface.  Slowly the Fleet spread out to cover the entire planetary surface, but the main part of that vast armada was concentrated above the Eurasian plateau.

November 6, 2768
SLS McKenna
High Orbit, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“Communications, open a channel to the surface,” Kerensky said.  He waited until the rating acknowledged his commander and the light on the side of the screen near his knee stopped blinking and turned a brilliant green.

“Stefan Amaris.  I demand your immediate and unconditional surrender to the authority of the Star League.  Stand down your forces and you will be given a fair trial.  You have five minutes to comply—no further requests for surrender will be made.”

Silence reigned over the flag bridge of the mighty battleship as the seconds and minutes slowly passed.  Kerensky nodded to himself as the count-down timer reached zero and there was no reply from the surface.

“All ships channel, communications,” he said softly.  “This is Kerensky.  Ship, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, corps, and army commanders open your sealed orders encoded Ragnarok Seven—authentication code Cameron Two Two Four Alpha Three.  Execute revised operations plan in fifteen minutes from my mark.  I have faith that you will overcome any difficulties posed by this sudden change in orders, my troops.  Do your duty, remember your training, and we will prevail here today.  MARK!”


“We’re dropping on a different continent!  Fifteen god-damned minutes before the Drop!  He can’t be serious,” sputtered brevet-General Conner Stirling.  “What the Hell happened to the Russian landing?”

“Hai, General Stirling,” answered Minoru as he tightened his chest straps.  “We are trained and prepared for this—our troops are trained and prepared for this.  It was . . . necessary.  Amaris had a copy of the original Operations Plan.”

“My god,” the Highlander whispered over the radio.  “But that means . . .”

“Yes, Conner-san.  His troops will be far out of position for our actual landings.”

“TWELVE MINUTES TO DROP:  ALL MECHWARRIORS STAND BY,” announced the DropShip’s loudspeakers.


“THEY’RE WHAT!” screamed Erik in the private briefing room of the Archon aboard LCS Tharkad.

“They changed the whole plan, Erik.  The landing zone is in bloody North America, not Russia!” the Archon answered as he held his head in both hands.  “They know, they have to know!”

“They can’t know . . . it isn’t possible,” snarled the Lyran intelligence chief.

“Then why the change?  Why now?  I’m not a General Erik, but it has to play Hell with their deployment schedule.  Formations are going to get buggered up something fierce—they must have a had reason to change it.  And even a more pressing reason to keep it secret until now.”

“They . . . they . . . can’t,” he sputtered, speechless for the first time in a long time.


“Lord Kerensky, Lord Kurita is holding for you,” a comm-tech called out.

“Minoru,” said Aleksandyr as he activated the comm.  “What can I do for you in the ten minutes we have before you drop?”

“I would ask that you open your ship’s secured files.  Within it there is a document from Stephen Cameron that needs to be transmitted immediately to Archon Steiner,” Minoru nodded as Aleksandyr sucked in a deep breath of air.  “Yes.  And fear not, Aleksandyr, “I shall secure your landing zone and I shall hold it.”


Eighty-eight McKenna-class battleships suddenly shifted orbit and changed their vector to cross the North Atlantic.  Entering the range of planetary based SDS systems, all of them turned to present their broadsides to the planet and unleashed Hell on a mere three defense installations:  one in the Appalachians, the second on the island of Cuba, and the third buried deep within the Ozarks.  Thousands of aerospace fighters tore into the atmosphere and plunged deep, even as the SDS returned fire, ripping apart a dozen of the McKennas in quick succession.  Heavily laden with bombs, the fighters broke through the defensive fire—at the cost of nearly a third of their number—and put their ordnance directly on target.

The McKennas were joined by cruisers and destroyers, and the firefight grew even more intense.  But then the Appalachia battery fell silent, followed quickly by the Ozarks.  Finally, despite the loss of fourteen hundred aerospace fighters and twenty-seven irreplaceable McKennas, the Cuban battery too ceased all fire.


“Archon, we have received an eyes-only transmission for you from the Flagship,” a voice said from the speaker.

“Put it through,” Robert commanded with a frown.

“Yes sir, it appears to be a recording, sir.”

The miniature holo-graphic display on Robert’s deck lit up and an image of Stephen Cameron suddenly appeared.  “I’ll make this short, Archon Steiner.  I know what you and Erik Kiplinger did; my wife’s blood lies on your hands.  And you both are guilty of far worse.  But I can’t prove it; and the High Council will not remove you without that proof.  So be it, Archon.  This is for Marianne and my dead daughter, you son-of-a-bitch.”

Robert stared at Erik in horror as the transmission ended.


“NUCLEAR DETONATION!” bellowed one of the ratings on Kerensky’s flag bridge.  “LCS Tharkad . . . she’s gone, Lord Kerensky.  The Archon was aboard that ship!”

The corner of his mouth twitched, but Aleksandyr sternly forced his face into immobility.  “Were they hit?”

“No, my Lord.  The explosion came from within the ship’s hull.”

“All ships, ensure that any nuclear ordnance in your magazines are not armed!  We cannot afford another accident of this scale.”

“Comm, send my personal condolences to Archon Jennifer aboard her transport,” the Supreme Allied Commander continued.


Two hundred and eighty-eight Overlord and Dictator class DropShips swung low into the atmosphere, bearing Minoru’s Assault Corp on board.  At 36,000 feet, even as Rim World conventional fighters and aerospace fighters raced to intercept, the DropShip’s ejected eight divisions of BattleMechs—and only BattleMechs.  Ninety-six regiments worth of ‘Mechs rained down from the sky over the northern half of Alabama and Georgia.

The speed of the assault—and the fact that all of the Rim Worlds leaders knew where the assault was coming—allowed the Dragon and his Corps to land without a single casualty.  That grace period enjoyed by the lead elements would not last for long.


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Wow, I feel bad for the Lyrans on board the Tharkad. If that ever comes out....

More please!


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Thanks for the early Christmas Present. Also they deserved worse but a cleanseing fire is a cleanseing fire.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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November 6, 2768
Imperial Palace
Unity City, North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“My Lord, we must begin to redeploy our forces immediately!” Gunthar von Strang shouted at his lord and master, immediately silencing the din in the War Room buried beneath the vaults.

“We must?  WE MUST?  Do you forget yourself, Colonel?”  Stefan Amaris hissed.  “This is a diversion—we have their plans!  Or have you forgotten that?”

“Diversion or no, my Lord, Kerensky just dropped nearly one hundred regiments into Alabama and Georgia—on this continent.  And there have been NO landings outside of Moscow.  Even now, still more troop carriers are landing in the cleared area, with no signs of stopping.  At the least, we need to move those divisions in Mexico, my Lord.”

Stefan Amaris stared at the holodisplay that showed the handful of divisions he had deployed in the American south-east running!  Running away from the invaders.  He kept looking at the hundreds of icons on the Moscow plain, and then back again at the ones here, within two thousand miles of His Own Imperial Person.  Finally, he slammed his hand down on the projector table.

‘Very well, Gunthar.  Order General Timmons to move from the Mexican Highlands to contain this threat—but he is to leave half of his forces in Mexico.  HALF.  Am I understood?”

“Of course, my Lord,” von Strang answered quietly.  “And General Beck’s command in Russia?”

The Emperor’s jaw worked, and for a long time he was silent, but then he at last nodded.  “He is to send forty divisions—not one man more—east to the Bering Sea tunnels, and then south to Unity City.  And Gunthar?”

“Yes, my Lord?”

“General Clinton has failed me; his divisions flee before these damned Kuritans and Highlanders.  Have him arrested and shot for incompetence.  And contain Minoru Kurita, damn you!”

“Yes, my Lord!”

November 6, 2768
Assault Corp Field Headquarters
Bessemer, Alabama, North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“The 11th Benjamin Regulars report heavy resistance at Muscle Shoals, Lord Minoru,” the staff officer reported over the radio.  “Rim Worlds forces are dug in deep across the Tennessee River and have at least a brigade of artillery.  The 4th Pesht and 10th Galedon are moving to assist.”

“Hai.  And the Highlanders?”

“General Stirling reports that the eastern half of the landing zone is secured.  We apparently caught the Rim Worlds troops sleeping—they flee before us everywhere, my lord!”

“Not everywhere, and only for now,” Minoru mused.  “We have secured most of the perimeter we planned on—signal all units to hold in place and prepare to receive local counter-attacks.  And I want at least three kilometers of separation between all regiments—at least three, you understand?”

“Yes, my Lord Minoru.”

“In the meantime, let us make the traitors north of the Tennessee River think that is our initial objective:  Corps Artillery and Engineer reserves are to report to Tai-sa Hondo at Muscle Shoals; they are to convince the Rim Worlds forces north of the river that we are preparing to cross en masse.”

“And signal General Kerensky in orbit:  the landing zone is still hot, but as secure as possible.  I advise that Wave I begin immediate landings.”

The affirmation of Minoru’s orders was cut off as he switched frequencies.  “Otomo!   Sword of Light!  We move to Lake Wheeler!”
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 04:25:35 PM by masterarminas »


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Reminds me a lot of D-Day and the Nazis reaction. Enjoyable read, looking forward to more war!


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November 6, 2768
RWNS Nautilus
74 miles south-south-east of Savannah
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“Skipper, another wave of DropShips are preparing to enter the atmosphere—same descent vector and trajectory.”

Captain Tobias Barstow looked at the display relayed to his submerged vessel via the SONUS network on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.   The Star League had once possessed nearly one hundred submersibles such as the ship he commanded, but that had been long ago.  With the completion of the SDS system, the submarine fleet had been deemed obsolete and mothballed nearly a century ago.  And unlike ships mothballed in vacuum, these vessels had suffered degradation as they rested in their lonely berths.  Only twenty-three had been considered recoverable, and of those twenty-three, only seventeen had so far been relaunched and provided with crews.

And of those seventeen, eight were stationed in the Pacific, four in the Atlantic, three in the Gulf of Mexico, and two in the Arctic Ocean.  Which meant that only the seven in the Atlantic and Gulf were able to range on these invaders, now that the ships had stealthily crept close to shore.  Barstow frowned as he considered the tactical screen and his sub’s available inventory.  Twenty-four nuclear-tipped Killer Whale missiles packed into individual vertical launch provided the main punch, and he could fire them while submerged.  But the designers of the Stingray-class ships had also fitted the design with two superimposed triple turrets mounted forward, each containing heavy anti-DropShip cannons able to reach nearly into orbit.  To fire those guns, he would be forced to surface.  Finally he nodded.

“Signal all ships, ignore capital ships, surface immediately after firing missiles and continue the engagement with guns.”

Silence greeted that stark command, and Barstow frowned.  “Is there a problem, gentlemen?”

“Sir,” the XO began, “that will make us vulnerable to return fire.”

“Yes.  Gentlemen, we either win or we die.  If we don’t stop the landings, do you think Internal Security will let a single one of us live once we make port?  And I don’t have to remind you, we only have food and fuel to last a week, thanks, once again, to IntSec.”

Barstow paused.  “So, unless you are planning on mutiny, you have your orders.”

For several seconds there was only silence, and the XO slowly nodded.  “Chief of the Boat!  Bow planes at 10-degrees up-angle.  Make your depth Three-Zero Meters and prepare to fire missiles One through Twenty-Four in sequence.”

Letting out his breath, the COB passed the order, and RWNS Nautilus prepared to engage the SLDF.


One hundred and sixty-eight missiles erupted out the calm waters and roared aloft to engage the incoming DropShips.  Behind the missiles, seven submarines surfaced and unlocked their turrets—they rotated and elevated, and salvo after salvo of heavy cannon fire shot into the heavens.

November 6, 2768
SLS McKenna
High Orbit, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

General and Lord Kerensky went white as a hail of missiles—launched from beneath the surface of the oceans—tore into the heart of Wave I with more than a hundred and fifty nuclear detonations!  Seven new targets appeared on his displays as a handful of ancient submarines surfaced and began to savage the survivors with ballistic fire.  The Seventh Star League Army and all of its troops simply vanished in the blink of an eye!

“Captain McCall!  Drop to low orbit and engage those vessels!”


“Skipper, we hammered the bastards!  Tactical is estimating close to a 100% kill on the first wave!”

Barstow stood and began to bark orders to his crew.  “Emergency submergence!  Blow all ballast and take her deep!”

The XO lifted the microphone, “DIVE, DIVE, DIVE; EMERGENCY DIVE!  BLOW ALL BAL . . .”

Two dozen heavy naval PPC bolts streaked through the evening sky and slammed into the hull of the Nautilus as she attempted to submerge.  Her hull shattered by the bolts, her internal seals broken, water poured into her compartments and she descended to the floor of the ocean one final time.


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Oh very good MA, see you have been reading up on our nautical design discussions.  ;)


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Aleksandyr grimly nodded as the seven red dots representing the submarines faded from the screen.  Submarines!  He hadn’t thought it was possible for Amaris to restore those relics into service.  What other surprises were waiting below?

“Lord Kerensky, General DeChevilier is holding for you,” the communications rating called out.

Aleksandyr flipped the switch and Aaron’s face appeared on the view screen set on his command chair’s arm.  “Da, Aaron?”

“I’m passing the orders to move Wave 2 up—they are go for drop in fifteen minutes.  With your approval, of course, Supreme Commander.”

“Approved.  Are they ready for the drop, General DeChevilier?  They were not scheduled for six more hours, after all.”

“They will make do if they aren’t, Supreme Commander,” Aaron said briskly, and then he looked down.  “I am thinking about ordering Bastogne to go with Wave 3, Aleksandyr.  Cowpens is prepped and I can drop in his place . . .”

“Nyet.  The troops are used to you being with Wave 3 and Thomas has been part of Wave 2 since we began planning the operation.  There have been enough sudden changes for one day, I think.”

“He’s going to be the senior officer on the ground for at least twelve hours until I arrive—technically he is senior to Minoru.”

“Not technically, Aaron, actually.  He is inexperienced, but I find that he has a level head and a good eye for strategy.  He goes with Wave 2.”

Aaron nodded and then he cut the comm circuit.

Aleksandyr leaned back in his command chair and thought for a moment.  “Comm, open a link to General Marik aboard the command DropShip Bastogne.”

He waited for a few moments and then the face of his Deputy Commander, the very young and impressionable Thomas Marik appeared on screen.  “How may I help you, Lord Kerensky?”

“Thomas,” Aleksandyr began, and then he paused.  “General Marik.  When you hit dirt, you will be the ranking military officer of the Star League on Old Earth.  Minoru Kurita, General Stirling, General Wyatt, General Kimagura, General Morgan, and General Montoya will all be your subordinate officers.  Yes, General DeChevilier and myself will both still be here in orbit, but you, General Marik will be officer in command of this offensive on the ground until my arrival.  You and your troops are dropping early because of what just happened to Seventh Army.  I need to know, General Marik, are you prepared for this?”

The young man blushed and then he fiercely nodded.  “I’ll give ‘em hell General, until you and Aaron DeChevilier touch down.”

“Hah!  Just remember this, young Thomas.  General Montoya commands Eleventh Army.  Lord Minoru commands the Advanced Guard.  They are both far more experienced at this business than you, so listen to them if they have suggestions.  However, you are senior and you, young Thomas, are in command.  Trust your instincts and don’t ride the plan down in flames.”

“Yes, sir.  I have one more question, Lord, General, and Supreme Commander Kerensky?”

“Then ask it, General Marik?”

“Do you also have instructions on how to change my diapers?” he asked with a smile.  And Aleksandyr laughed.

“Good hunting, General Marik.  I’ll see you on the surface in twenty-four hours.”


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November 6, 2768
Headquarters, 4th Imperial Army
Nashville, North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“General Cobb,” Michael Clinton said as he stared down at the map before him.  “You managed to pull most of your division back across the Tennessee, correct?”

“All but a few regiments, Sir.  They hit hard and fast and I wanted to put some defensive terrain between them and me as soon as possible.”

“Yes, we lost the 8th Armored Division when they tried to make a stand in Atlanta.  That puts a hole in our defenses, but I am bringing reinforcements down from New England, the Midwest, and Texas.”

Clinton stood up and stretched and then he lit a cigar.  He took several puffs and then pointed at the map with it.  “This is our perimeter, gentlemen:  in the center we have the Tennessee River to the Appalachians, then the Savannah River to the Atlantic will be the eastern sector.  4th Army has enough troops that we can hold those lines if we dig in right now.  General Cobb, I want your division to get to work on the Tennessee line, while General Boleyn, your 52nd Division is responsible for the Savannah line.  General Craig, I know your 13th has been hard hit, but I want you to take the connecting sector of the Appalachians.  Your Light Dragoons and Jump Infantry regiments should be able to hold that line, even understrength.”

All three of Clinton’s divisional commanders nodded their understanding.  “Meanwhile, if I can get an answer from Unity City, we’ll bring in IX Corps from Texas—their three divisions should be able to hold the line of the Mississippi from Memphis to the Gulf.  I’ve already ordered XX Corps and LI Corps to get down here ASAP.  Depending on how many more troops they put on the ground here, we should be able to hold until reinforcements arrive from out west, or from Mexico.”

“General,” interjected Cobb.  “Any word on resupply—some of my regiments are down to half their basic load.”

“The trucks are already moving forward, Henry, along with as many ‘Mechs, tanks, and infantry as I could scrounge from detachments in the Cumberland Plateau.”

“Sir, some of my units are reporting civilian traffic is impeding their movement.”

“Damn it Blake,” the Army commander shouted at Boleyn.  “Warn them once if you have to, and then shoot them off the road if they don’t move!  You know how the Emperor will react if he learns that you are letting civilians slow you down.”

There was silence in the tent.  “And I have already given orders to have half-a-dozen squadrons of Makos prepped with tactical devices.  They will be standing by to give close support to any element of 4th Army that needs it.”

Henry Cobb winced.  “That is not going to make us very popular in these parts, General Clinton.”

“Yeah.  But I figure that particular complication is for after we contain this drop zone and then push Kerensky off planet.  In the meantime, James, I want the engineering brigade to begin prepping every bridge that handle anything over twenty tons with explosives.  If it comes down to it, stopping their logistics flow might mean more than the cost of rebuilding them afterwards.  Highway, rail, what-have-you, make all of them ready to go in the water.  Blake, you just get your trooper to the riv-“

The door to the briefing room slammed open and three Internal Security officers walked into the room, followed by a squad of underlings carrying assault rifles—with fixed bayonets.

“General Clinton,” one of the IntSec officers barked out.  “By the order of his Imperial Majesty, Stefan I, you are hereby relieved of your command.  You are under arrest for treason against the Empire of Amaris, and incompetence in the command of His Armies.”

Michael Clinton’s knees buckled and he nearly collapsed, but the other two IntSec officers were there and they hauled him from the room.  “Now, gentlemen, and I use that term loosely.  I am General James Larson, and I have been authorized to assume command of 4th Army.  Why are my division commanders just standing here and doing nothing?”

Henry Cobb sucked in his breath and then he shook his head.  “Sir, we were finalizing plans for establishing a defensive line to con . . .”

He was interrupted by a fist slamming down on the table.  “No, no, NO!  We will not stand on the defense, we will attack and we will drive these traitors from our soil!  If I have to arrest every last one of you cowards, I will do so, but I will not tolerate such defeatism in the ranks of my Army!”

From outside the building came a salvo of rifle fire, and General Larson smiled.  “General Clinton has just been summarily executed for failing his Imperial Majesty, gentlemen.  Anyone care to join him?”

There was absolute silence.  “Very well, you know your jobs, so do them!  Or you—and your families—will pay for you insolence and incompetence.”

Larson looked down at the map and ripped it, and the defensive lines drawn on it apart.  “Well?  What are you waiting for?  You are dismissed—and gentlemen, I want to be informed of the gains of our offensive within the hour!


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The SLDF's best friend is Amaris at this point.


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Reminds me of Hitler. Both Vile Evil and Sometimes Very Very Stupid Things.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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The radio transmission was filled with static, and crackled with the discharges of PPCs and missile explosions.  Minoru frowned and adjusted the gain on his receiver.  “Say again, Tai-sa Hondo?”

“. . . across the river, my Lord.  At least a dozen regiments of ‘Mechs and tanks, sup . . . can’t hold the bridges.”

Ahead of his Dragon-class ‘Mech, the Coordinator of the Draconis Combine could see dust clouds rising from the explosions in the center of the 11th Benjamin’s position.  A stream of Rim Worlds tanks, ‘Mechs, and armored personnel carriers were pouring across the bridges north of Muscle Shoals!

His other regiments were also reporting the enemy was coming on hard at every river crossing he held.  Instead of holding the line as Minoru had expected, the enemy was advancing in force!  The DMCS regiments were being bled white, but they were also tearing gaping holes in the enemy advance.  “Gregor, I think we have an opportunity here.”

“Yes, my Lord,” answered Gregor Samasov from the cockpit of his Quickdraw nearby.  “I am already ordering the reserves forward, and close air support is inbound—ETA five minutes.”

“Good, good,” mused Minoru as he considered the map of the area.  “General Samasov—you are to take command of the defense here.  I want you to allow them to cross and then contain them on our shore.  I will lead the Sword of Light across Lake Wheeler and cut off their line of supply from the northern shore.”

“My Lord, if I may suggest, allow me to lead the river crossing while you remain here . . .”

“No.  Their ‘Mechs can cross the river, albeit with difficulty, but their tanks and infantry will be trapped on our side.  Once my Sword of Light have secured the crossing on the northern shore—then you are to launch your counterattack, Gregor.”

“I understand, Lord Minoru.”

“Then go; we have much to accomplish and precious little time in which to do so.”


“See, General Cobb,” Larson sneered as he paced along the heights overlooking the steep valley through which the Tennessee River ran.  “With the proper motivation, even you are able to drive the Kurita scum before you!  Your divisions are across the river—and they are running!  Running!”

Henry Cobb shook his head and frowned.  His lead elements had been mauled—and munitions expenditures had drastically exceeded his worst estimates.  At this rate, the Corps would out of ammunition in less than four hours of combat.  But at least the first convoy of trucks the late General Clinton had organized was approaching his supply dumps.  The Rim Worlds General stopped and he slowly raised his binoculars and looked to the east.  He zoomed in, and then he blanched.

At least six Regiments of Kurita ‘Mechs were emerging from the waters of Lake Wheeler, and they began to advance rapidly towards the crossings.  And every last single one of them was painted in the blood-red scheme of the Sword of Light.  Oh crap, he thought.

“General Larson, we have a problem.”

“General Cobb, I am growing weary of your defeatist atti . . . what is that!”

“Unless I am mistaken, General Larson, that is Minoru Kurita and his entire Sword of Light.  And he is on our side of the river.”

The IntSec general froze and his jaw worked, his eyes grew wide.  “Send in your reserves, Cobb!  Stop him!”

“What reserves, you ass?  You already ordered me to throw everything I had into this offensive!  Except for military police and security detachments protecting my supply dumps and HQ, every combat unit I have is now south of the river!”

 A non-com came running up and hastily saluted, handing Henry a message form.  “And they have just stopped ‘running’ on the south side, General Larson.  My divisions just hit a brick wall of ‘Mechs that has stopped their advance cold—we have to pull back what we can salvage now, sir.”

“We . . . no . . . the, the offensive must succeed.  I promised the Emperor . . . I told him . . .”

“Sir, if we don’t pull back right now, we’ll lose both these divisions entirely!  And there will be nothing between Minoru Kurita and 4th Army HQ except a handful of IntSec police!”

Larson didn’t say a word, just stared at the oncoming ‘Mechs, and then he turned and ran to his waiting helicopter.

Cobb shook his head in disgust and began bellowing orders into his radio, trying to salvage something from the disaster!


The Sword of Light—three regiments strong—and the Otomo swept aside the handful of defenders on the northern bank.  Leaving two battalions behind to secure the first bridge, Minoru rushed for the second, and the third, and grabbed the bridgeheads in quick succession.  On his tactical display, he could see Gregor’s forces curving around behind the Rim Worlds formations, which were trying to pull back to the bridges.  But the fresh forces were too maneuverable, too fast, and the Rimmers were forced to leave behind one rear guard after the next.  By the time they had reached the bridges, they were only a shadow of their former selves—and had not the organization, the strength, or the ammunition to force Minoru from his defensive lines.

Squadrons of Rim World fighters threw themselves at the bridges—but Minoru had already planned for that event.  Entire regiments of Draconis Shilones and Sabres, carefully husbanded for this exact circumstance, tore into the sky from dozens of airfields.  Of the seventy-two nuclear armed Makos that made it into the air, only three managed to start their attack runs.  And of those three only one delivered its nuclear payload on target.


Minoru’s Dragon rocked violently as the nearby nuclear detonation erupted in fury.  More than seventy ‘Mechs simply vanished, and one of the bridges collapsed, and a second one buckled under the expanding blast wave.  But despite the rapidly climbing radiation count, his Dragon had been far enough away from the epicenter to survive the cataclysmic explosion.

The city of Florence, Alabama, with a population of nearly forty thousand civilians was not nearly so lucky.  Three hundred and sixty-one adults would survive the explosion—but would die within days from the radiation poisoning they had suffered.


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Thomas Marik considered the tactical screen as Bastogne plunged into the atmosphere.  He checked the hull ionization and as the numbers lowered to the point where his radio was once again operable, he punched the key that would patch him through to General Montoya.

“General Marik,” the burly man said over the video monitor. 

“Minoru Kurita has broken their defense line at the Tennessee, General.  Shift V Corps to land north of the river on the Cumberland Plateau; they are to attach themselves to his command move out with all haste.”

“Sir, that is dangerously close to effective range for the Blue Ridge SDS.  V Corps can land south of the river in absolute safety—and still link up in less than two hours.”

“That is two hours, General, for the Rim Worlders to get their act together.  Divert them—on my authority as Deputy Commander of Operation Ragnarok.”

Montoya paused for a moment, and then simply answered, “Yes sir.”

“And have one of Eleventh Armies support brigades divert as well—the Advanced Guard is probably very low on munitions, especially since his own supply ships got hammered in Wave 1.”

The older SLDF General nodded, and then the screen cut off.  Thomas Marik braced himself against the shaking of the DropShip and waited for the rapidly descending DropShip to touch down.


“Cobb lost the entire Corps?” Sara Craig asked her intelligence officer in horror?

“Well, it was Larson’s plan, and he was there in person—to assume command if Cobb proved useless.  But both of his divisions are shattered beyond recognition; I doubt we’ll be able to reform a single regiment from the survivors.”

So much for holding at the best damn defensive line this side of the Rockies, she thought.  She shook her head and simply stared at the hundreds of additional DropShips descending on the cleared drop-zone.  “And that isn’t an entire Star League Army, Will, I don’t know jack about soldiering.

She licked her dry lips.  “All right, our right flank has just collapsed, and those damn Highlanders are still hitting our lines hard.  Blake’s got his hands full on the left as well with the Liao volunteers, and it’ll be hours before the next wave of reinforcements arrives from up north—if Larson doesn’t divert them to Nashville,” the miserable incompetent coward, she added to herself.

“We can’t hold this line with our flank in the air, and we sure as Hell can’t attack.  Ok, then, send a message to Boleyn—the 13th is bugging out to the Asheville Castle Brian.  I recommend he pull the 52nd back to the Santee/Catawba line.  I can’t protect his flank on the Savannah line any longer.”

She stared at the map again and shook her head.  “Pull out the infantry, followed by armored elements, then artillery and HQ, and have the ‘Mechs cover our rear.  People, we have to do this fast and smart—if the Highlanders get an inkling we are pulling back, they are going to be all over us.  Will, how many FASCAM rounds are in the division’s inventory?”

“Nine hundred and forty-four, as of twenty minutes ago, General.”

“I want every last of one of them covering each line of approach the Highlanders might use for pursuit.  The shells are cheap if they keep this division alive.”


Conner Stirling was a frustrated man.  Until the SLDF support elements arrived, he couldn’t cross the Savannah—and this Rimmer commanding the defense of the southern tip of the Appalachians was as tenacious as hell.  Oh, he couldn’t fault that Lord Kerensky had selected his command—with their high preponderance of jump jets—for the east, but that meant that Minoru’s half of the Advanced Guard had far more room to maneuver out west.

Still, he was pushing his opponent, slowly and painfully farther into the mountains and hills.  But he hadn’t broken—and if Stirling had judged him correctly he wouldn’t.  It meant a long hard slog, through broken and steep terrain—but then word had come of the collapse of the Tennessee line.  Now, Stirling had swung the 1st and 3rd Kearny Highlanders, supported by a dozen other regiments of volunteers around his left flank to pin the Rimmer from two fronts—and he would crush her lighter ‘Mechs and vehicles like a walnut in a cracker.

But then his radar picked up incoming artillery and Conner looked up in misery to see the shells burst—and disperse thousands of scattered mines across his line of advance.  A second salvo followed, and a third, and a fourth—stacking up the depth of the minefield until it was more than a kilometer deep.

As the reports came in from his flankers that the Rimmer had done the exact same thing to them, Conner gritted his teeth.  And then he slammed his fist into the command console of his Highlander-class ‘Mech as his sensor suite saw the Rim ‘Mechs pulling out of their defensive line and withdrawing.

“Someone clear me a bloody damned lane!” he swore.


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Aleksandyr closed his eyes and rubbed with as his considered his options.  His warning to Lord Stephen had just been confirmed as partially correct—for Amaris had put a third of the forces on the Eurasian Plain in motion, as well as high of those concentrated in the Mexican highlands.  The ones in Mexico were not of any great concern, because soon the SLDF would have an overwhelming advantage in numbers.  But the fresh troops from Europe and Asia that could dig in around Unity City—engaging his own troops weary from weeks of battle—that might prove much more difficult.  He opened his eyes and scrolled through the Order of Battle for Ragnarok, and double checks some questions that he thought of against other databanks.  Finally, he nodded to himself.

“Captain Hall,” he said briskly.  “Inform Admiral Li that she is prepare to suppress the SDS batteries in range of the Bering Straits.  I want to pull First and Eighth Armies from the landing queue as well.  Prepare a hasty operations order for those formations to land in Alaska and prevent those reinforcements from using the tunnels to cross into North America.”

“Sir, we are going to suffer significant damage reducing those batteries . . . are you certain you don’t want to wait?”

“Nyet, Captain.  The tunnels are only means by which Amaris can rapidly move additional forces onto the North American landmass—and it is vital that they be prevented from so moving.  And Captain, inform Admiral Li that I want the bombardment to begin within the next hour if possible—with the landings as soon as the batteries have been silenced.  ALL ships in the fleet are to stand by to engage any submersible that surfaces the moment it appears on our tactical displays.  Is that understand, Captain?”

“Yes, Sir.”

As she left to pass the orders, Aleksandyr leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes again.  We might have to make a third landing if they manage to reinforce the Mississippi River with those forces in Mexico.  And if Amaris doesn’t surrender?  If he manages to escape to Europe or Asia or Australia?  Aleksandyr forced down those thoughts and concentrated instead on the battle taking shape before him.  He opened his eyes once more and kept a close watch on the all of the hostile icons on the holographic projection.
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