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Author Topic: The Long Road Home - Book III of The Cameron Legacy: The Fall of the Star League  (Read 30239 times)

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November 6, 2768
Imperial Palace
Unity City, North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“What is this?  What is he doing now?” snarled Stefan Amaris as a second section of the holographic projection suddenly lit up with fire.

Gunthar von Strang nodded to himself and then he turned to face his lord and master.  “The Star League Fleet is engaging our SDS bases in Alaska and Kamchatka, my lord.  They would not risk such casualties unless they were planning on landing there as well.”

“Their landing zones are moving west—perhaps their first landing is a diversion after all?”

von Strang shook his head.  “They are going for the tunnels, your Majesty.  The Bering Strait tunnels through which Beck’s army must pass to reinforce us here.”

Amaris paced, turning an occasional glare at the holographic display as the Star League battleships and the ground bases continued their brutal exchange of fire.  “He is boxing me in.  Kerensky, damn him, knows that I know his plans, and HE IS BOXING ME IN!”

Silence greeted the Emperor’s proclamation.  “And your General, Gunthar, the man that you selected, has thrown away 4th Army.  Whatever possessed you to remove General Clinton in the middle of a battle!”

Gunthar bit his lip, and then he lowered his head.  “Forgive me, my master.”

Stefan slowly stroked his goatee, and then he finally nodded.  “Water under the bridge, Gunthar.  But now we must move quickly to bring up the rest of Beck’s command—and the regiments in Mexico.  All of them must begin to move at once.”

“And despite his utter incompetence at ferreting out Kerensky’s plans, my agent confirmed that he had accomplished something else in my name, something glorious.  Send the command to the courier ships, Gunthar.  It is time for Stephen Cameron to finally die.”
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 08:18:54 PM by masterarminas »


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Oh boy what is he going to do now.......


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November 6, 2768
RWS Vindictive
Deep Space, Outer Asta System
Terran Hegemony

For three weeks, the Pinto-class corvette had cruised silently in the outer depths of the Asta system.  She had completed her jump near the ecliptic, but several AU out from the minimum jump perimeter without being detected and now she coasted along waiting for her orders.  But she wouldn’t have been here at all, if it hadn’t been for the mobile HPG system she carried in her cargo hold.  Designed for the SLDF, the semi-mobile facility had been painstakingly fitted to the ship months earlier in preparation for just this use.  And now it finally received a message.

The order was relayed to the captain of the ship and he passed it along to the communications section.  On the outer surface of the hull, a very powerful radio transmitter adjusted itself and aimed for Asta.  And it broadcast a short message, not once, not twice, but three times.  And then RWS Vindictive and her crew waited.

November 6, 2768
Lyran Embassy
Hawkins, Asta
Terran Hegemony

Four hours after the transmission had been sent, the receiving dish on the roof of the embassy picked up a faint transmission, a transmission that indicated a priority message for Erik Kiplinger.   The worms he had installed in the computer system did not alert the embassy staff, but instead directed it to his office console.  There, the message was decrypted and read by the mindless machine.  The order was formatted properly and the authentication codes were verified.  The computer sent a command to wine cellar four floors down.

In the wine cellar, there a case that Mister Kiplinger had sent down from LCAS Tharkad weeks earlier; a wooden case that contained a very special vintage that the head of Lyran Intelligence had insisted that the staff not touch—for it was gift from the Archon to the First Lord upon the day of his victory.  But there was no wine in the case.  Instead there rest a single nuclear warhead with a yield of more than 50 kilotons.

The command reached the case through a dedicated line that Mister Kiplinger had personally installed, and the commands brought the warhead to life.  It armed itself, and the countdown timer blinked twice, and then the red-lit screen (had there been anyone there in the dark cellar to see the glow) said 3, then 2, and then 1.


“Captain,” said Admiral Michael van der Taan, “I believe that you and your crew have managed to successfully hide your contraband.  This is first inspection I have ever conducted in which I have found nothing—and that makes me want to take your station apart piece by piece to discover where you hid it!”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have that time, so I will simply congratu . . .”

“NUCLEAR DETONATION!  Admiral, its right in the middle of Hawkins city!  In the 50-kiloton range!”

Admiral van der Taan watched the sudden flare of light blossom on the surface of the planet.  “Oh dear God,” he whispered.


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And here I thought a Cameron might survive this all.  ::)

Rainbow 6

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You'd think the SLDF would've kept him mobile to avoid just such an attempt.


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Chapter Nineteen

November 6, 2768
SLDF 10th Army Headquarters
Nuevo Calais, Electra
Federated Suns (Taurian Rim)


Sandra pulled on a robe and walked out onto the balcony where Sam stood, looking over the sleeping city.  “Come back to bed, Sam.”

The Star League General put an arm around the young lady and hugged her tight, but he didn’t move.  “What is wrong, Sam?”

He lowered his head.  “Today, right now, Sandra; the General is fighting his way onto Terra.  Stephen sent me the heads-up advisory two weeks ago.  We’re going to have a lot of holes in the ranks before this is over and done with.”

“And you wish you were there, instead of here riding herd on this situation?”

“No, surprisingly enough.  I think I have done enough killing in my lifetime—enough for ten lifetimes.”

The young woman looked up at him in surprise, and she laid her head against his shoulder.  “When this war is over, Sam, are you going back home?  Back to Terra?”

“There is nothing there for me, anymore, Sandra—and you won’t be there either.  I sent Stephen notice that I intend to resign my commission at the conclusion of the war,” he continued.  And then he chuckled.  “I used to be so proud of being a gunslinger and a knight in shining armor of the Star League, Sandra—but we don’t have knights.  And our armor is tarnished and old and failing.  We failed.  Stephen . . . maybe my former brother-in-law can stop us from destroying everything, but I don’t think we can go back.”

“Oh, Sam, of course it is impossible to go back—and why ever would you want to?  Life is not meant to stand still or to be replayed, it is meant to be lived, in every moment and every second of each and every day.  We only go on.”

“Yes, and my forward is not Terra or the Hegemony.  Not anymore.  I think my future lies out here on the Rim—if you will have me as your husband, that is.”

“My hus . . . oh, Sam,” she gasped for breath.  And then she hit him on the upper arm!


“That is not how you propose to a woman, Sam Anders!”

He turned around to face her with a smile.  “I suppose I am out of practice on the subject.  But the question still stands:  will you marry me, Sandra?”

She smiled and fell into his arms.  “Grand mama will have a fit!  But yes, Sam, I will marry you.”

And the two slowly, deeply, and passionately kissed on that balcony lit by the brilliant light of the Pleiades.


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Another good chapter full of underlying substance. Nice!


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November 6, 2768
DCS Mikasa
High Orbit, Asta
Terran Hegemony

Stephen grinned as Cassie squealed upon seeing the cherry tree, and the chrysanthemums, and the bonsai that adorned the bridge.  “They have FLOWERS on their ships!”

“Never forget, child,” said Admiral Matasuke sternly, “the original symbol of the Draconis Combine—and the Japanese Empire before them—was of that very blossom.  We are not quite so militant as many people think.”

Cassie flipped end over end in the zero gravity of the ship’s bridge and nodded back at the Draconis admiral.  “You have a very pretty ship, Admiral Mat-a-sue-key” she said, saying the name very careful to inflect each syllable properly.

“Indeed, your highness, I too am quite pleased with her since her refit,” the old man said with a slight bow of his head.

“Daddy, I like this officer—you can keep him,” Cassie said with a broad smile.

“He is not my officer, Cassandra—he is one of Minoru’s officers.”

“But that means that he is one of Hiroyoshi’s officers, too—and Hiroyoshi works for YOU.”

The tall, lanky samurai laughed as he pulled his way past the press of the Black Watch guards stationed at the central lift.  “Not quite as simple as that, my Lady Cassandra.”

“HIROYOSHI,” she yelled, and then she blushed, and pulled herself up straight, “I meant to say, thank you for joining us, Prince Hiroyoshi.”

“All children should come with a remote volume control,” Stephen whispered to the Admiral sotto-voice.

Matasuke chuckled.  “They are children, my Lord.  It is to be expec . . .” suddenly he frowned, as the officer stationed at the tactical station jerked, the color on his skin draining away visibly.

“Admiral, Prince Hiroyoshi, First Lord—our sensors are detecting a nuclear detonation on the surface of Asta.  In the center of Hawkins, estimated yield at 50 kilotons.”

“Mother of god,” whispered Stephen as the tactical offer put the telescopic images of the fireball rising into the atmosphere on the main viewing screen.


“First Lord, nothing got past the ships, stations, and sensor arrays in orbit.  That means that the weapon was already down there,” Michael van der Taan bluntly stated.  “It was a ground burst, originating in the north-eastern quadrant of the city—less than three kilometers from Branson House.  The damage was rather severe, but would have been far worse if the detonation had been an airburst.”

“How severe?” Stephen asked with a somber face.

Michael winced on the screen.  “We are estimating casualties in excess of eighty thousand, my Lord.  That number is certain to climb—and the fires in Hawkins are raging completely out of control.  I have already ordered every man I can spare to surface to assist in rescue and recovery operations, and thankfully, the device was relatively clean.  But, being a ground burst, that means a lot of particulate matter—radioactive particulate matter—is airborne.  At least the prevailing wind patterns are pushing most of it out to sea.”  Michael paused.  “Branson House was not designed for an event of this magnitude, my Lord—it is demolished, but the troops on scene report that they are pulling survivors from the rubble.”

Stephen nodded slowly.  “And Fort Harrison?”

“It was further away and took only minor damage—I don’t think the remainder of your Regiment there suffered a single casualty.  However, Colonel Moreau has informed me that two DropShips of the Black Watch are maneuvering to dock with Mikasa, to reinforce your detail in case this is merely the lead up to something else.”

“No.  It was an act of spite—one that I should have anticipated.  Thank you, Admiral, and . . . do the best that you can to aid my people down there.”

Stephen sat back from the communications console and then he rotated the chair to face Hideki Matasuke and Hiroyoshi.  Cassie sat in another chair, being very, very quiet—and the harsh looks on the faces of Hiroyoshi’s Otomo and Stephen’s Black Watch were as somber as Stephen felt.

“Admiral Matasuke, I believe that you heard that transmission—could you prepare to receive another two DropShips?”

“Hai,” the officer said and nodded at one of his bridge crew, who immediately bent over his console and began passing orders.

“It is my understanding, Admiral, that Mikasa’s jump drive is currently charged, correct?”


“In that case, I am commandeering this vessel.  Hiroyoshi, you are more than welcome to stay, but the time has come to end this blood-letting once and for all.  Admiral, plot a jump to the closest LaGrange Point in the Terran system, and proceed there as soon as my detail’s reinforcements have arrived.”

Utter silence reigned on the bridge, and Stephen cracked a smile.  He shook his head.

“No, I haven’t lost my mind—but until the man who was behind this is dead, none of us are safe.  Admiral, will you convey me to Earth?”

Hideki drew in a deep breath and looked over at Hiroyoshi, who slowly nodded his head.  The officer closed his eyes and then he opened them once more.  “Captain Abe, plot a course to the nearest jump point at one standard gravity of acceleration.  Set Kearny-Fuchida drive for pre-jump initialization:  destination Terra LaGrange 1.”

“First Lord, if you would kindly ask Admiral von der Taan not to fire on me when I spirit you out of this system, I—and my crew—would be grateful.”


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November 6, 2768
SLS McKenna
High Orbit, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“Status change!  Emergence from the jump-point, Lord Kerensky!”

Aleksandyr frowned; nothing was scheduled, but it could be a courier.  Then again, it might not.  “Confirm that the pickets are watching the arrival and are cleared for action if it shows any sign of hostility.”

“Confirmed, my Lord.”

And then Aleksandyr saw the tech at the sensor console twitch slightly.  “Single ship emergence, Kurita Mikasa-class battleship—transponder ID confirmed as DCS Mikasa, my Lord.  She is broadcasting the proper codes and has set course for High Orbit insertion at one standard gravity.”

“Lord Kerensky,” one of the comm techs called out from his station.  “You are being hailed, Sir—by name.”

“From Admiral Matasuke?”

“No, sir.  From the First Lord.”


 â€œWe are seventy-two minutes from the next wave of landings—which will include my command DropShip.  I must presume that only a matter of the upmost critical nature could have caused you to throw out the agreement that you were to stay behind where it is safe!  Or is Colonel Moreau going to be as furious with you as I am?” Aleksandyr said over the communications link once he had transferred from the flag bridge to his private office.

“A nuclear weapon was detonated in the heart of Hawkins just a few hours ago, Aleksandyr,” the First Lord answered quietly.  “It was probably a gift that Kiplinger or Robert left behind—but we all know who gave the order for its detonation.”

Aleksandyr closed his eyes and shook his head.  “That does not explain why you, personally, are here, my Lord Stephen.”

“I am preparing a transmission, Aleksandyr that will be broadcast once I reach orbit.  Make certain that all WarShips, JumpShips, and DropShips will have the transmission relayed to them.  I also want it broadcast on every civilian channel and every military frequency used by the Rim World forces—world-wide.  Audio, video, text—every channel.”

“That is simple enough—but he hasn’t answered my demands for his surrender.  What makes you think he is going to answer yours?”

“I am not going to speaking with Stefan Amaris, Aleksandyr.  Just make sure those channels are open when I arrive in seventeen minutes.  Cameron out.”


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Can't wait to hear this! ;)

Rainbow 6

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Me neither.


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“Citizens of the Star League.  I am Stephen Cameron, duly elected First Lord of the Star League by the High Council.  I am speaking to you today from the Draconis Combine Ship Mikasa in orbit above the Earth.  Despite rumors and allegations to the contrary, spread by the propaganda apparatus of Stefan Amaris,  neither I nor General Aleksandyr Kerensky nor any soldier of the Star League Defense Force were involved with the assassination of First Lord Richard Cameron nearly two years ago.”

“I think, perhaps, that you know this in your heart of hearts, having lived under the tyrannical and dictatorial rule of the Usurper since this tragedy occurred.  You have seen with your own eyes how he resorts to force over reason; you have seen his actions in Olympia and in Rome and in thousands of other cities and towns across the homeworld of Mankind.  That, my brothers and sisters, is finally coming to an end.  With me here today, laboring to liberate Terra from this occupation by the forces of the former Rim Worlds Republic are the Star League Defense Forces, in all of its martial might, supported by the Armies of the Draconis Combine, the Federated Suns, the Free Worlds League, and the Lyran Commonwealth.”

“We have returned because we will not stand by and allow Amaris to continue his oppression and his cruelties for any longer.  We have returned, my fellow citizens, because it is the right thing to do.”

“As I speak to you today, Our loyal soldiers have already gained footholds on the North American continent—Alabama, Georgia, Florida, parts of the Carolinas and of Tennessee have already been liberated.  So to, our troops have taken and secured the Trans-Bering Tunnels between Alaska and the far eastern Asia.  And in the coming days, we will move to surround and reduce the fortifications and defenses that the Usurper has erected around his palace.  We will capture him, and bring him to justice, and make him pay for the crimes which he has committed.”

“I would ask of all of you, the civilians of Terra, to have patience and to remain steadfast in your courage and convictions.   Soon enough you will be free of this madman and his armies, his security personnel, his . . . Gestapo.  Stay home, and avoid the conflicts as best as you are able; and in but a short time this war will finally be finished.”

“To the soldiers of the former Rim Worlds Republic I now speak.  You have been lied to as well by your leaders.  Your homeworlds are not still fighting to resist the Star League—they have been liberated for more than a year now.  Amaris’s government has been disbanded, his security arm on the planets that he once ruled has been itself imprisoned, and those who were guilty of crimes against the people of the Rim have received their final punishments, they have at long last received justice on behalf of those whom they oppressed and terrified for so long.”

“I say former, because the High Council of the Star League dissolved the Rim World Republic; my fellows Lords of the Council and I, sitting in joint session, expelled the Rim Worlds from the Star League and stripped Stefan Amaris of his authority to act in Our name.  A new Rim Worlds Protectorate has been formed, and a leader has been appointed to restore that once great state to its former glory and majesty:  Lord Aleksandyr Kerensky of the House of Kerensky is that new ruler.  And your lord by right, by blood, and by his loyal service to the Star League.”

“Your families are safe, war does not rage in your homelands, and my troops have not run amok in retaliation for all the crimes that the Usurper has committed.”

“I know that you have been told of the actions your leader took, without asking your opinion, against the Draconis Combine, the Federated Suns, and the Free Worlds League.  His unleashing of weapons of mass destruction against the innocent civilians that lived on Luthien, New Avalon, Oriente, and a dozen more worlds.  I know that the Usurper has gloated of how he engineered the assassination of my wife and my unborn child—and that he has made numerous attempts at taking my own life.”

“And I know that he and his thugs have told you that we will accept no terms, we will take no surrenders, that we will exact upon your very body our revenge and slake our blood lust on your corpses.”

“Soldiers of the Rim, you have been lied to yet again.”

“I will end this war with honor, I will not drown Terra in blood.  Those who have committed crimes against the people of the Hegemony, or against the Draconis Combine, or the Federated Suns, or the Free Worlds League; these shall be punished.  They shall be tried, and they shall be judged according to their actions, and they shall be held accountable under the laws of the Star League.”

“But I have no desire to kill the common soldier who had no other choice than to obey the orders he had been given.  Accordingly, I, Stephen Cameron, First Lord of the Star League and Director-General of the Terran Hegemony, do hereby and forever more declare a general amnesty for all soldiers of the Rim; provided that you immediately lay down your arms and declare yourselves neutral as my Armies contend with Stefan Amaris.”

“Some of you remain frightened of the Makos and the Internal Security apparatus that supports the Usurper.  Be no longer frightened, soldiers, for they have no power over you as of this day.  They can no longer threaten your families, they can no longer sentence you to the deep dungeons on Apollo, they can no longer hold you to their cause through force of fear!  They are only men now, vile bestial men who deserve nothing more than a swift end.  Rise up against them, and throw them down if they attempt to keep you from preserving for yourself your own life, soldiers.  Cast them aside and accept this, Our offer, to avoid death and destruction across the entire face of this planet.”

“Anyone, of any rank, that has committed crimes against the people of this world, crimes that do not fall under legitimate military operations; to these people this amnesty is not extended.  The butchers and the rapists and those who rejoiced in inflicting terror and cruelty among my people will find that justice awaits them with a sharp blade.”

“Should you reject my offer of amnesty, I fear that you will perish in fire and in flame.  The entire Star League is here today and soon enough we will land in force.  You will be outnumbered ten-to-one; you will be surrounded, and despite the casualties that you inflict upon us, we cannot be stopped; our wrath shall not be averted.  But many of you man the Castles Brian that cover this planet from pole to pole.  They are mighty fortifications indeed, but you forget, soldiers of the Rim; they are Our mighty fortifications.”

“We know their entrances, we know their hidden exits.  We built them, we maintained them, we lived in them.  Our troops know well where the batteries lie, what approaches are covered by the defensive guns—and we shall bypass them.  Sealing each entrance and exit under ton after ton of soil, and rock, and ferro-crete, and then we shall leave you there.  Buried alive until your fuel, your food, your water runs empty.  Your forts of last refuge shall be your tombs, if you reject my offer to you today.”

“Rise up, soldiers of the Rim!  I offer you a chance at life—a chance that Stefan Amaris and his family would have taken from you; I offer you a choice.  A choice between dying for a dictator who cares not one whit for you and your families and having a life—a life in which you can return home to the Rim and enjoy the rest of your days in peace and prosperity.  All that is required is that you lay down your arms.”

“And to the people of Terra who greeted Stefan Amaris with open arms and with avid support, to you as well I offer this promise.  Many of you may have thought that any change from Richard Cameron would have been for the best—he was spoiled, he was a brat, he was far from perfect.  To be blunt, the boy-prince was an idiot.”

“I understand how you could have been seduced away to declaring your support for the Usurper.  And because I understand, I now extend unto you the same offer of amnesty I have made to the soldiers of the Rim:  swear your allegiance to the Star League once more, to the Terran Hegemony with which you were entrusted, and should you have committed no further crimes—all will be forgiven.”

“Reclaim for yourselves, civilians and soldiers alike, the honor that comes from standing as a citizen of Our own Star League.  But do not take overly long to choose your course of action.  For my Armies are coming, and they are coming very, very soon.”

“In twelve hours time, if I, or my appointed Admirals and Generals, have not received notice of your intention to surrender, then shall my full fury be unleashed against you.  Should you force my hand and continue to support the Usurper, I will fertilize the soil of this world with your blood.  I will break you.  I will allow you no more time to exert your will upon my people—and you will see my wrath delivered upon you with your last sight before death.”

“Make your choice!  Will you choose to live?  Or will you instead condemn yourself to death?  Your twelve hours begins now.”


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An interesting amnesty offer.

Comment I would have would be on the Rim. The news that Kerensky is now Protector of the Rim Worlds probably will have something of a backlash. I always got the impression that the Republic wasn't happy with House Amaris as they were outsiders. Yeah they developed some fanatical supporters and Terran settlers would be keen on seeing another Terran ruler of the Rim like Kerensky but natives of the Republic probably not. It is those folks who you are trying to draw out of Amaris control - his fanatics you ain't gonna touch - I'd like to hear about an olive branch to them. Is the Rim Parliament in support of Kerensky? What about Regent Selim Mohammed? Has he been killed? What about President Dormax from the canon text if he were Speaker of the Parliament and got on to back Kerensky or maybe if the Loyalist Regiments whose origins are the Rim Worlds went down to disarm or intern Rim troopers things might go easier.

Few other things, don't point out the Armies of everyone except the Capellan Confederation. They did send volunteers and there is no need to alienate them even though their commitment isn't what the others is. "Volunteers from all around the Human Sphere" including the RWR might be better. I appreciate the stay safe warning from the First Lord to his people but it isn't right. The message to them should be now is the time. Rise up and throw off the Usurper who has oppressed you so violently. Some time the safest thing to do isn't hunker down but rather take action. Cause the SLDF is here to support you.

Not that I am a great speech writer but I wanted to give two pointers on the speech as a whole. I would not expand on what you have but try to condense it more. Not that it isn't good but brevity is the soul of wit and the great speeches of all time are straight to the point. Also it should sing a bit more or have more of a flow with special meaning. The reason I say this is the speech is that important in the setting. All ears are on Earth, in the Terran system, and the InnerSphere are on this talk so make it count. No pressure! ;D

Just some thoughts.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 12:21:38 PM by Takiro »


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November 6, 2768
10th Imperial Army General Headquarters
Sydney, Australia, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“We are so fucked,” whispered Colonel Paul Hyrum, the intelligence officer for the eight Rim Worlds divisions charged with the defense of that continent, as the broadcast terminated.

His commander (and uncle), General Tyrell Santos nodded in agreement.  “What other choice do we have, Paul?  Ride the grand plan down in flames?  Use the civilian population as shields?  They have got more than five thousand WarShips topside.  We’ve got four SDS batteries here, and we’ve already seen what they can do against them.  Yeah, we’re probably last on Stephen Cameron’s list, but that just means we live longer than the other troopers around the planet.”

He looked at the icons on the holographic table once again, and shook his head.  “To hell with it, Paul.  I’ve never liked those IntSec bastards anyway.  Order the 214th and 311th to begin rounding up their police and security detachments—and instruct the GHQ military police to take General Nassar and his men into custody; if they resist, they can shoot ‘em.  Everyone else stack arms and report to your barracks.  Order the SDS bases to power down—if they don’t we’ll use the 77th to clear them out chamber by chamber.  Major Watkins, power up the transmitter and let’s see if we can transmit our surrender to someone with the authority to accept it.”

November 7, 2768
Field Headquarters, Highland Division, Advanced Guard Corps
Northern Georgia, Terra
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“General, I’ve got a Rim World officer on the line for you,” his aide said with a grin as he stuck his head into the tent where Conner was trying to catch a short nap.  Nodding, the young man pulled himself up and stretched and then he picked up the radio-telephone resting on a chair beside his cot.

“This is General Conner Stirling,” he said.

“General Sara Craig, commanding officer of the 13th Imperial Light Division.  Also on the line is General Blake Boleyn, the CO of the 52nd Imperial Armored Division.  We are declaring a state of neutrality and standing down to accept the offer of the First Lord of the Star League.  The Asheville Castle Brian’s weapon systems are now powered down and the gates are no longer sealed, General Stirling.  The 52nd is pulling six kilometers back from their defensive line and will then abandon their combat vehicles and ‘Mechs and set up bivouac.”

“You understand, that I will have to place all of you in a POW camp until we can get things sorted out, correct?”

“Understood; neither Blake nor myself have committed any atrocities and neither have the troops under our command.”

“Not even your IntSec watchdogs?”

“They were not under our command, General Stirling.  And I doubt that any of them will stand trial—I had all of mine dangling from wire nooses within twenty minutes of the First Lord’s broadcast.”

“Very well, General Craig.  My forces will advance, followed by the 33rd Star League Division and we will take custody of the Asheville facility and your commands.  Any resistance will be met with lethal force.”

“Understood, General Stirling; I and my officers will await your arrival.  Craig out.”

Conner Stirling shook his head—reports from across the globe had Rim Worlds forces in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and South America giving up the ghost fast, and supposedly there was a massive fire-fight between different factions of the Rim Worlds troops on the Eurasian Plateau.  But these were the first surrenders on North America.  He turned to his aide.  “Do you think it is truly over, Ian?”

“Not completely, Sir.  Amaris still has about twenty divisions of troops—regular army and IntSec—entrenched around his palace near Unity City.  I doubt that they are going to surrender, and that big force moving up from Mexico looks like it is staying soundly on the side of fat-boy.  It isn’t quite over yet, I’m afraid, Sir.”

“Still,” Conner said as he lit a cigar and took a long pull, “it could have been a whole lot worse.”

The aide nodded his head enthusiastically.

“A whole lot worse,” Conner repeated.


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More good stuff MA!
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