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Author Topic: The Long Road Home - Book III of The Cameron Legacy: The Fall of the Star League  (Read 30244 times)

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November 7, 2768
Imperial Palace
Unity City, North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“YES!” Screamed Stefan Amaris as the SLDF DropShips began to land outside of Moscow.  “I told you it was only a diversion.  Gunther, order General Beck to stop his movement to the east and launch an immediate counterattack against the landings there.  And why are my SDS bases not destroying his ships!”

Gunthar von Strang swallowed.  “My Lord, the bases have surrendered to General Kerensky.  And General Beck is already fighting a pitched battle against forces that have defected.”

Stefan Amaris frowned and looked down at the map.  “Very well.  Gunthar send a message to Regent Selim.  He is to immediately execute the families of these traitors.  Radio the bases, and tell them they have five minutes to begin opening fire—and I may reconsider my decision.”

“My Lord, we have had no contact with Regent Selim for nearly a year now.  The Star League claims he was killed in the fighting on Apollo, and we no longer have a communications link with the Rim.”

“Propaganda, Gunthar, it is only Star League propaganda.  Mohammed Selim still holds the Rim; he would never dare to disappoint me.  And worry not about communication channels—those loyal to me on the outer worlds will relay the message.”

Gunthar licked his dry lips and bowed.  “It will be done, Sire.”

“Excellent.  And since the traitors around Moscow have failed me, General Cabot, launch our reserve aerospace fighters with full nuclear payloads.  Destroy that landing zone.”

A sweating and overweight Rim officer snapped to attention, saluted, and then turned to leave the bunker, trailed by his aide.

“Yes, everything is going exactly as planned, now,” Stefan Amaris said quietly.  “Where is General Kraal?  He should be here to prepare our counter-offensive.  And someone contact Commodore Daragou; why isn’t my Fleet interdicting those ships in orbit?”


“General, we can’t sortie the reserve!  We will need them here!” the aide protested as Cabot lifted a land-line phone that would connect him to the airfields.

The General slammed the phone down.  “Have you lost your mind, Major?  Do you want to go back into that sanatorium and tell HIM that?  Maybe a few of them will get through, but either way, I am heading out to the fields—any place on this miserable planet is better than here.”

“General, Sir, we can’t!” the aide wailed.  “Those fighters have to be here to protect the capital!”

“The decision has been made, Major Rollins.  And I am not going to put myself in a position where Gunthar von Strang’s men can pull me apart millimeter by millimeter,” Cabot snarled as he lifted the phone.  “Cabot, here.  I have a mission order direct from the Emperor.  Load all strike squadrons with nuclear ordnance, and sortie everything.  Your target is the SLDF landings outside of Moscow.  Yes, I said Moscow.  Don’t argue with me!  The Emperor himself commands it!  Launch as soon as the fighters are armed and fueled.  Yes, EVERYTHING.”

The aide simply stared, and then he shook his head.  “What are we going to do now, Sir?” he finally asked quietly.

And Cabot snorted.  “I don’t know about you, Phineas, but I am going to get rip-roaring drunk.”


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Seven hundred and forty-eight carefully husbanded aerospace fighters—former SLDF Royal aerospace fighters—launched from more than twenty airfields located in the Unity City defensive cordon.  The fighters form up at high altitude, and then rocketed north-west across the Pacific Ocean, rapidly leaving behind the cover of the SDS network which protected the capital.

Across the mighty SLDF Fleet, and those ships of its allied powers, squadrons scrambled and launched in quick pursuit.    The first skirmishes took place over the blue waters of the Pacific, and grew steadily more intense as the Rim fighters fought their way towards Moscow.  More and more fighters joined the fray, and the sky was lit by particle beam fire, laser blasts, and explosive detonations.

Only fifty-three of the Rim fighters survived to reach the Ural Mountains, and of those fifty-three not one managed to reach the engagement envelope of the Star League forces grounded further west.


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  • For the Last Cameron!

Well that was pointless! :D


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At this point Amaris makes every madman and woman in history look quite sane
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Lt. Colonel Carlos Watannabe sprang to his feet and saluted at Aleksandyr Kerensky was wheeled into the pre-fabricated building that served as the Command Headquarters for Eighth Army.  “Sir!” he snapped.  “I was told that you requested my presence, Sir!”

“At ease, Colonel,” Aleksandyr rumbled.  He examined the maps before him with a frown.  “Colonel Watannabe—Third and Eighth Army are heavily engaged with the Rim Forces to the west, but their sheer weight of numbers is pushing us back, towards the city.  For your regiment of mechanized infantry I have a special assignment.  I want you to proceed to Moscow, posthaste, and locate a small group of civilians.  They should be here,” he said, pointing to a neighborhood on the outskirts of Moscow.  “It is very important that these civilians be recovered and returned here—unharmed, Colonel.  Two of them will be young boys, the oldest just now seven and the youngest having turned five.  Their mother will be the third person.”

“Understood, Sir.  Who are these people?  If I may ask?”

“The woman is Katyusha Kerensky—my wife, Colonel.  The boys are Andery and Nicholas, and they are my sons.”

“Your . . . of course, General!  I’ll get them out safely!”

“Of that, Colonel, I have no doubt.”


The streets of Moscow were chaotic, as small groups of Rim World fanatics tried to stem the tide of defeat.  The more pragmatic had thrown away their weapons and uniforms and melted into the mass of humanity trying to flee the burning city.  Carlos had been shocked by the lack of order in one of the major cities of Terra.  But the longer that he considered it, the more convinced he became that he should have expected little else.  Of course, Amaris’s security services had disbanded the local police and constabulary—they trusted no one else to bear weapons.  They had gutted the local broadcast stations, and now all that the populace knew was that fires were raging and they could hear explosions in the distance.  And, as certain as the tide of the ocean, panic had set in.

Twice already, he had been forced to open fire over the heads of the refugees who pounded on the sides of his infantry carriers and tanks, begging him to take them to safety.  But the horde had thinned at last, and now Carlos blanched as he saw the burnt out shells of buildings in the neighbor the General had told him housed his own family.

“Wolfpack Actual to all Wolfpack elements,” he spoke into the boom microphone he wore.  “Dismount infantry and conduct a grid search by squads.  Locate all survivors.  Rules of Engagement Bravo Two are now in effect.”

Under ROE-B2, the troopers of the Timber Wolf Regiment (the 2743rd Royal Mechanized Infantry Regiment) were authorized to fire only if fired upon.  It was the most restrictive ROE that that the young Colonel felt he could in conscience allow, yet he remained all too aware of the possibility of civilians being caught in any crossfire, but he pushed those thoughts aside and forced himself back to the moment at hand.  “Battalion surgeons, establish your MASH in the square, HQ security detail form a perimeter.”


“Colonel,” the RSM called from outside the lowered ramp of the command carrier.  “These civilians say they know where the woman and children are holed up, Sir.  But they won’t tell us unless we agree to transport them and their families to safety.”

Carlos nodded.  “Agreed, get them loaded.  Now where are they?”

A grimy, disheveled man raised one arm and barked out a long string of Russian.  A younger woman—no less dirty and shell-shocked—translated.  “The agricultural school, three blocks that way.  It has a bomb shelter in the basement.  That is where Katyusha took her boys when the shelling stopped.”

“Thank you,” the Colonel whispered.  “Sergeant Major, get these people medical attention and hot food.”  And get them the hell out of my vehicle.  He snapped a thumb switch on the radio control attached to his belt.  “Max, we’re moving out, three blocks due east, look for anything that resembles a school—an agriculture school.”

Carlos shook his head; the building had taken a direct shell hit and half of it was a burnt out ruin, but he had infantry teams making their way to the basement now.  He wanted to be in there with his men, but his place was here.  And truthfully, it was a job far more suited for a twenty-year old trooper than the forty-year old Colonel.

Suddenly the static on his earpiece cleared.  “Wolfpack Seven-Three-Gamma to Wolfpack Actual.  Packages retrieved—condition unbroken.  Extricating now.”

Carlos let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and sat back with a smile on his face.


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Nicky bit his lip as the heavy vehicle clambered over rubble and rocked from side to side.  He clung to his mother’s arm, and he saw that she was crying.  Oh, he wanted to cry, but Andery had hold him that he mustn’t cry.  The soldier’s scared him, the soldier’s with their thick jackets and armored vests and faceless helmets that were like mirrors.  Momma and Andery had both told him that the soldiers were bad, that he should hide when soldiers came.

But it wasn’t as scary as the basement had been.  That had been scary and loud, and the roof had cracked and fallen, burying some of the people who had huddled together in the dark.  The light had gone on and off and on and off.  And Nicky could remember see a twitching hand sticking out through the broken concrete.  But each time the light came back on, the hand didn’t twitch as much.  Until it finally didn’t move any more.

The light had taken longer and longer to come on, and it at last did not, leaving the three of them in darkness.  Until the scary soldiers came, and he heard Momma say those strange words, “Oh thank you, God.”

They had taught him in school that there was no God, only the loving Emperor Stefan. 

Andery had said the teachers were wrong, but how could that be?  The teachers were always right.  They were grown-ups and grown-ups were always right.

But Andery had shushed him and held him together with Momma in the dark basement.  Until the soldiers came.

He had been so scared with the rocks began to move, and light shone from beyond.  Maybe it was that arm that couldn’t be still.

But it wasn’t, it was the soldiers.  The good soldiers, Andery said.  How could soldiers be good?  Momma said the soldiers were bad.

But they gave Nicky water and chocolate, and took him and Andery and Momma to this truck.  And now they drove and drove and drove, and Momma was still crying.  But not Andery, never brave Andery.  So Nicky swallowed hard and he didn’t let himself cry.

At last the truck stopped, and the door was opened.  The soldiers helped Momma down the ramp, and lifted Nicky up, passing him along as well.  That was wrong; soldiers didn’t help people, they made people scared.

So many of the grownups were talking, and then Momma and Andery and Nicky were rushed into a tent, and he heard Momma sob.  Another grownup was there, an old man, bald who just stared at them with wet eyes.

And then he Andery whisper, “Poppa?”

Poppa?  Poppa was gone.  He had gone away and not come back, even though he had promised Nicky he would be back.  And Andery began to cry, and he ran—brave Andery ran—and jumped into the man’s arms, along with Momma.  All of them were crying, and Nicky could hear the man’s gruff voice, gentle, and soft, comforting his brother and momma.  “Poppa?” he asked as he took a step forward, and then he too ran into his Poppa’s arms, those strong arms.

Nicky cried, but that didn’t matter, because Poppa was home.


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Just one more chapter and the epilogue and the story will finally be complete, at long last.

Master Arminas


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  • For the Last Cameron!

Great stuff, good to see the Kerenskys reunited.

Just one more chapter and the epilogue and the story will finally be complete, at long last.

Master Arminas

Again part of me can't wait to see it finished and another part of me is sad it will be done. I hope you keep going with the story line. It is quite simply fantastic!  :)


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Interesting. Nicky comes across as the younger child but of course in canon he's the elder of the two boys.

Is that a deliberate change or am I misunderstanding something? Brain damage perhaps?


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To be honest, I wasn't sure if he was the elder or the younger.  I thought it would be more interesting to make him the younger child, as Andery is always protrayed as more level headed and stable.  This way he is not only having to live up to his father, but to his older brother.  Anyway, I hope it works.

Master Arminas


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Chapter Twenty

November 9, 2768
Western Slopes of the Cascade Range
North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

“Gently, gentlemen, gently,” Antonius whispered to the former linebackers as they brushed aside the dirt covering one of Amaris’s nuclear mines.  “This is no mere firecracker, my friends.”

Vince turned to glare at the former Blackheart, as Bernie scowled.  “I still can’t believe you talked us into this.  Sneaking past the Rim World lines and digging up a nuke.”

Antonius smiled.  “Oh come, now, Bernie.  You were as excited as the prospect as a freshman cheerleader asked to the prom by the star quarterback.  Besides, I can think of several much more appropriate places for this munition than here in the middle of this pass, can’t you?”

“Yes, but what if they booby-trapped it?”

“Vince, Vince, Vince, of course they booby-trapped it.”

Both of the guerillas suddenly stopped digging and stared at Zalman.

“I am a specialist, however.  Just don’t jostle it too much.”

“Liz would have a cow,” whispered Bernie was the two began to sweep away the soil against, slower this time.

“Dear sweet, Liz, of course she would!  I imagine she would rather we just disable the nuke than move it.”

“Could you do that?”

“Bernie, where is the fun in that?”

Vince stopped digging.  “I think I found the outer casing, Antonius.”

The spry old man dropped down into the hole and carefully brushed aside the dirt.  And then he smiled.  “Yes, yes you have.  Hand me that tool bag.”

Taking a paint brush, the special agent began to slowly and carefully brush aside dirt until a  small access door was revealed.  He reached into the bag and took out several tools, and within minutes he had removed the panel, and was reaching into the internal mechanism of the bomb.  Several minutes more, and he sat back, holding a strange looking device.

“And that, gentlemen, is a laser initiation system for the Mark Eleven tactical nuclear demolition munition.  The weapon is quite safe, now.  Let’s bundle it up and be on our way.”

“Exactly how heavy is this thing?” asked Vince as he glared at the slimmer, dapper special agent.

“Heavy enough that I am so glad the two of you volunteered,” said Antonius with a grin.  “Come, my beasts of burden!  We have miles to travel before we are done for the evening.  And I need three more of these firecrackers, so on to the next site, we go.”

November 10, 2768
Imperial Palace
Unity City, North America
Empire of Amaris (Terran Hegemony)

 â€œGunthar, his Majesty has gone around the bend,” Brigadier Augustus Talbot whispered.  “It is time to think about preserving ourselves.”

Four other high-ranking Internal Security officers nodded their agreement, and Gunthar slowly added his own.  “What do you propose, then, Augustus?”

“We have already prepared a cargo submersible at the Bremerton docks.  The ship has a full crew and supplies to remain submerged for up to three years.  We will slip quietly out into the Pacific and wait for the furor to end.  Then we will land somewhere and get passage off-world.  There are many places in the Periphery where a man can leave his past behind.”

Another officer spoke up.  “We might not even have to abandon the Inner Sphere, Gunthar.  Men of skills are always needed, no matter how much our employers might publically disdain our methods.”

“Mercenaries,” Gunthar said with a snarl, “we should become mercenaries and abandon Stefan.  That is what you are saying.”

“Stefan is a dead man, Gunthar.  We know it and you know it.  This is our chance at not dying alongside him.  Join us—there is room on the sub for you.”

“You are all set on this course?”

The officers nodded their affirmation.

“I cannot, literally cannot abandon Stefan, gentlemen.  And as for you,” Gunthar suddenly drew his pistol and shot Talbot in the chest, as IntSec guards swarmed into the room.  “You are traitors to the cause.  Take them out and shoot them,” he told the guards.

After the protesting officers were hustled from the room, Stefan Amaris walked in, causing Gunthar to snap to attention.  “My Lord,” he said with a deep bow.  “I had thought not to disturb you with this—housecleaning.”

Stefan smiled.  “Don’t worry about me, Gunthar.  I have been fully aware of what these officers have plotted for some time.  Why do you think I publically asked for Kraal and Daragou?  To draw out those who are not true-believers in our Empire.”

“You pretended, Sire?”

“I even fooled you, I see.  No Gunthar, I remember well Luis Kraal’s screams after your threw him into the fish tank.  And I am pleased that even in such circumstances, YOU my friend, remained true to me.  Still, the traitors have a point:  we cannot stop the Star League now.  But I think that submarine will be best served by conveying you, I, and my family to safety.  Not these fools.”

“I understand, my Lord.  I shall make the preparations at once.”

“Carefully, Gunthar.  We must wait for the right moment—too soon and these fools will surrender and fail to cover our retreat.  Kerensky must believe that we are both dead if we are to escape and rebuild our fortunes.”

“Yes, Sire.”

“And who knows?  Perhaps these imbeciles might stop Kerensky from crossing the Cascades.  His casualties will be extreme and I am loved by my people, after all.  They might stop his advance.”

And the horse might learn to sing, thought Gunthar.  But he only said, “By your will, my master.”
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 10:20:43 AM by masterarminas »


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  • For the Last Cameron!

More good stuff! Really enjoying this story.  ;)

I did want to comment on these responses however;

Interesting. Nicky comes across as the younger child but of course in canon he's the elder of the two boys.

Is that a deliberate change or am I misunderstanding something? Brain damage perhaps?

To be honest, I wasn't sure if he was the elder or the younger.  I thought it would be more interesting to make him the younger child, as Andery is always protrayed as more level headed and stable.  This way he is not only having to live up to his father, but to his older brother.  Anyway, I hope it works.

When I read the chapter Nicky came across as the more fragile or emotionally volatile of the brothers. While the older sibling usually takes on the burden of responsibility and assumes the calmer demeanor it is not always the case. I have seen many examples of this sibling role reversal in my own life and it could be right here. Especially with the Coup and the hellish enviroment the brothers grew up in. In fact being older Nicholas might remember more evils than he should at this age while Andrey was sheltered a little better and can deal with life in a bit more reserved fashion despite his age. Just my thoughts.


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You know, I never said which one was the older!  Take it however you want.   ;D

Master Arminas

Ice Hellion

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  • Beware of the all-seeing eye: Ice Hellion

At this point Amaris makes every madman and woman in history look quite sane

Or he looks like a mix of all of them.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Ending!?!?!?! No!!!!

Seriously though this is one of the best stories I've read in a long time, I really enjoy your writing and hate to see it come to an end, I share Takiro's sentiment hoping you continue on in the timeline.
"Do not plan for how to defeat the enemy. Plan for how you will avoid acting like a surat when-not if-the enemy does the totally unexpected." Ulric Kerensky

BattleTech: Ripple Effect (My Alternate Universe)
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