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  • Kavallerist
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The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #135 on: September 01, 2011, 01:06:37 PM »

Naval Forces

It is of note that the SLS Ivanhoe has remained part of the Outer Colonies Defence Force, despite the founding of an independent naval arm of Clan Wolverine. saKahn Mroczkiewicz has stated publicly that this is to show their continued commitment to the Outer Colonies, despite recent territorial acquisitions on their part. The tradition that dictates that the Ivanhoe is the one ship that never rotates out from the Rorke's Drift squadron remains in effect.

Aggressor Naval Star (Rorke's Drift)
Flag Officer: Admiral Preston Blake
SLS Franklin Hallis (Farragut class Battleship)
SLS St David (Cameron class Battle Cruiser)
SLS St Fancies (Cameron class Battle Cruiser)
SLS Romanov (Aegis class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Makarov (Aegis class Heavy Cruiser)

The main offensive fist of the Wolverine Navy, Aggressor Star is geared towards taking the fight to the enemy, hitting them hard and fast with overwhelming fire-power. The latest round of upgrades has improved both sensor range and resolution, while improved fire-control links have raise accuracy levels by 10%. This, coupled with better point-defences and armour allows Aggressor Star to 'punch above its weight', as the old saying goes.

Eclipse Naval Star (Rorke's Drift)
Flag Officer: Vice-Admiral Steven Johansen
SLS Kassandra (Monsoon class Battleship)
SLS Stardust (Luxor class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Champion (Luxor class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Deliverance (Avatar class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Condor (Riga class Frigate)

The hammer to Aggressor's anvil, Eclipse has also revived the latest round of upgrades, but is geared more towards speed and mobility, acting as the hounds driving their prey towards the hunters. They have been engaged in a number of war-games with Aggressor Star, each taking it in turns to track and attack the other in the Rorke's Drift system's vast asteroid belt.

Reaper Naval Star (Foster's World)
Flag Officer: Vice-Admiral Joseph Abrosimova
SLS Ramilies (Atreus class Battleship)
SLS Daedalus (Avatar class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Caledfwlch (Avatar class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Enterprise (Riga class Frigate)
SLS Trafalgar (Riga class Frigate)

While Aggressor and Eclipse are area defence formations, Reaper Star is a hunter-killer unit, often splitting off individual ships to undertake missions that do not require a larger formation. They maintain enough consented force to challenge any local threat, but are much more flexible in their training, spending more time practising piracy interventions and anti-smuggling operations. Some worry that this has left them week when it comes to their team-work, but Vice-Admiral Abrosimova refutes these claims.

Legacy Naval Star (Fort Dixie)
Flag Officer: Vice-Admiral Andrew Schmitt
SLS Samson (Atreus class Battleship)
SLS Albion (Winchester class Cruiser)
SLS Galahad (Riga class Frigate)
SLS Robert MacKenzie (Riga class Frigate)
SLS Black Heart (Riga class Frigate)

Tasked with defending Fort Dixie and patrolling the other outer defences, Legacy Star is likewise use to operating independently, but while Reaper favours lightning fast strikes against identified targets, Legacy is geared towards long, deep-range patrols in uninhabited systems, deploying and retrieving sensor drones and arrays that can pick up the tell-tail signature of a hyperspace jump form almost a light-year away. They are much more methodical than the other Stars, preferring to see a job done properly rather than fast.

Hunter Naval Star (Location unknown)
Flag Officer: Vice-Admiral Mackenzie Eppes
SLS Steadfast (Kimagure class Pursuit Cruiser)
SLS Majestic (Dart class Light Cruiser)
SLS Roanoke (Dart class Light Cruise)
SLS Resolute (Carson class Destroyer)
SLS Iwo Jima (Carson class Destroyer)

The point of the spear, Hunter Star is the Wolverine's choice for deep-penetration attack missions and other clandestine acts. Fielding smaller but faster ships, they are highly trained in the art of entering a system undetected through pirate points and long-duration coasting to avoid IR flairs from an active interplanetary drive. They also hold the distinction of being the first military unit to ever penetrate the New Jersey system, the Iwo Jima deploying flairs around the Newport News Orbital Shipyard as is passed through on a purely ballistic trajectory without once tripping the perimeter alarm.

Their current whereabouts and objective are unknown, but they are believed to be deployed towards the Inner Sphere, conducting advanced scouting missions.

Shield Naval Star (Redemption)
Flag Officer: Rear-Admiral Josh Hunter
SLS St Jude (Cameron class Battle Cruiser)
SLS Catherine the Great (Aegis class Heavy Cruiser)
SLS Brunel (Newgrange class Yard Ship)
SLS Convoy (Potemkin class Troop Cruiser)
SLS Buffalo (Potemkin class Troop Cruiser)

Essentially a support, reserve and training formation, Shield Naval Star is tasked with providing logistical support and rear-echelon security during fleet operations. A strategically important if unglamorous job, Shield Star also act as a force in reserve for the other formations, providing replacement officers and crew as needed.

Sentry Naval Star (Rorke's Drift)
Flag Officer: Captain Trinity O'Rourke
SLS Thunderer (Bellerophon class Destroyer)
R-101 “Faith” (Nebuchadnezzar class Drone)
R-102 “Hope” (Nebuchadnezzar class Drone)
R-103 “Charity” (Nebuchadnezzar class Drone)
R-104 “Desperation” (Nebuchadnezzar class Drone)

Currently undergoing a training exercise in the outer reaches of the system, Sentry Naval Star is seen by many as the future of area defence. Lead by the recently built SLS Thunderer, the rest of the unit is made up of prototype drone warships, built as part of the new Integrated Space Defence System.
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Re: The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #136 on: September 02, 2011, 02:18:03 AM »

Oh Very Wicked indeed
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


  • Kavallerist
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The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #137 on: September 19, 2011, 01:51:43 PM »

Broken Peek Ultra-Max Prison
Rorke's Drift
The Outer Colonies
Deep Periphery
March 15th, 3066

Thomas Smith sat in the chair the guards had directed him to upon entering the room, waiting.

Patients did not come naturally to him. As a Trueborn Elemental, he had literally been breed for combat, his DNA enhanced to make him the ultimate infantry trooper. He had never seen combat as a Clan warrior; his Sibko had considered too young and inexperienced to be anything but a hindrance on the battlefield, even as the forces of the reborn Star League had ravaged Huntress, and they had been captured in their barracks by ComGuard's troops. He felt little shame in this; he had been brought up to understand that the strong ruled the weak, and obviously his birth-Clan had been weaker than the Star League. He was therefore isorla, the legitimate spoils of battle, and a bondsman of those who had defeated his Clan.

At first ComStar had tried to convince him that he was free to chose his own destiny, but he had been too deeply indoctrinated, and had flat out refused his freedom until he had earned it. Unwilling to send what they still saw as a child into combat, his bond-masters had given him the name Smith and gotten him assigned to the Explorer Corps as an assistant surveyor, a job that required little more than the strength to lift boxes of equipment. He had seen the way the other members of the crew looked at him with a mixture of suspicion and awe. He felt them no ill will; it was not their fault that they were Freebirths, lacking even the most basic of genetic enhancements. When the day came that the other Clans finally pervaded, he would make sure that the transition was as easy for them as it could be.

But that was then, and this was now.

He had been surprised as anyone when their ship had found itself under the guns of not one but two warships, apparently fully operational and in the livery of the original Star League. While it was not uncommon for Periphery would, even ones this deep, to have a few scraps of passed down equipment dating back to the Star League, operational warships were unheard of. Especially so far from the Inner Sphere. Some of the crew had been worried that they might have been under the control of their bitter enemies in the Word of Blake, and that they may have stumbled upon some secret base, deliberately hidden at the far end of a chain of broken and otherwise non-functional HPG relays. But the Marines that had boarded the Far Horizon had born the markings of the Star League Defence Force, and been equipped with a variant of the old Nighthawk power-armour. They had quickly, quietly and professionally secured the JumpShip and its attended DropShips, putting the crew under guard in the mess hall, one of the few spaces large enough to hold them all.

There they had provided food, water and all other necessities while never once letting on just who they were. They had refused to answer any questions, and the only insignia they wore was the eight-pointed Cameron Star. After two days, they had announced that they were going to be taken to a holding facility in another system, and that they should get ready to move to another ship. They had been allowed back to their cabins long enough to pack their personal possessions, which were then carefully searched for weapons or other contraband. A DropShip tocked with the Far Horizon, and they were ushered into what seemed to be a troop-transport of indeterminate class. Waiting for them had been a new guard force, still backed up by a number of Nighthawks, but this time in regular uniforms that also bore the Cameron Star and SLDF rank insignia, but no unit patches. There were noticeable marks where patches had been, and recently removed, but they flat out refused to say where they were from or where they were going. Some of the other's had grown uneasy with all the secrecy, convinced that it was all some elaborate rick on the part of the Word of Blake, but Thomas remained clam, knowing that everything would be revealed in due time.

The transport had docked with another JumpShip and they jumped less than an hour later. Then came another jump shortly after, indicating that the ship they had moved to was equipped with Lithium-Fusion batteries. Shortly there after an announcement came over the ship's PA system announcing that they would be moving to another transport, and they underwent another double jump before transferring to a third JumpShip. Just who would have enough ships fitted with the expensive and difficult to manufacture batteries needed to set up even a short command circuit in such a hurry had started a fresh wave of speculation, with some even suggesting that they had stumbled upon a lost Star League outpost. Thomas had scoffed at the idea; evidentially someone had stumbled upon a supply cache left behind hundreds of years ago and managed to get some of the equipment working. It was possible, even, that it was the work of one of the Clans; the mercantile Diamond Sharks a clear possibility, with their tendency to send out trading missions deep into the Periphery. But even they would have made their identity known, unless it somehow served them to hide who they were.

Finally, after four changes of JumpShip and eight consecutive jumps, they had started moving under their own power, accelerating at 1-G towards some unknown destination. Thomas had been asleep when the ship suddenly cut its acceleration to zero, and he had been woken by a squad of guards who informed him that a long-range shuttle had arrived to collect him. The ship had been little more than a pressurised cabin sat atop a massive engine and fuel tank, and it had accelerated to a full 3-G's almost as soon as it was clear of the DropShip, the pilot and guard detail dressed in advanced flight-suits that protected them from the worst of the affects of the rapid acceleration. Two days of this had been tiring, physically and mentally, and Thomas had been revealed when they finally arrived in orbit of the planet he now fund himself on. They spent less than an hour in orbit before the pilot announced that they would be landing on the surface, and the squat craft had spun around and plunged tail-first into the atmosphere, the massive engine assemble acting as a heat shield.

Touchdown had revealed a land of clear, vivid blue sky's and ice-capped mountains as far as the eye could see in any direction. The landing pad had been connected to a small, fortified outpost overlooking a high plateau that was home to the prison complex he now called home. He had been taken to a medical wing, where blood had been drawn and a battery of other tests conducted, then moved to a small but isolated room with a bunk, head and small computer console. He had been surprised to see that it allowed him to select his meals with a set menu, and access visual, audio and text files. The selection was restricted to historical documents dating back to the time of the Star League, but he had indulged himself by reviewing the extensive files on military history, including an official SLDF profile on General Alexander Kerensky. After several days, during which he had minimal contact with the guards, and only saw the outside of his cell when they took his to a walled yard to exercise in the cold be fresh air, he had been escorted to a new room, furnished only with two chairs set at a table. He had been instructed to sit, then the guards had left him alone.

It wasn't long before the other door opened, and a man dressed in the uniform of a SLDF Captain entered, a thick file under one arm. He was almost as tall as the former Elemental, but just as heavily built. His skin was the colour of lightly tanned leather, and he had an intricate tattoo covering the left side of his face, running down his neck and disappearing under his uniform. When he moved, it was like watching a landslide in slow motion, with huge muscle's having to move out of the way of other muscles. Yet for all his size and bulk, he seemed almost graceful, obviously someone who was custom to their body.

“Well now.” The man looked at Thomas, placing the file on the desk before taking the other seat, “What are we to do with you?”

“I am your Bondsman.” The former Smoke Jaguar looked the other man square in the eye.

“I am, aware, of that custom, an I can tell you now that we do not follow it.” The Captain looked almost annoyed, “There will be no slavery under the Cameron Star.”

“A noble sentiment, but humans are often less than noble.” Thomas shrugged.

“Perhaps we should start from the beginning.” The stranger composed himself, “My name is Captain Joseph Cook, and I have been assigned to conduct a preliminary to see just what to do with you.” He placed a hand on the file, “As I said, we are aware of the Clans, but must of our information is hundreds of years out of date, or based on what little news reaches us from the Inner Sphere, often third or forth hand. Other officers are reviewing your ships database and interviewing the rest of the crew, but, you are a special case.”

“Because I was a member of Clan Smoke Jaguar.” Thomas nodded, understanding at least that much, “If I may be permitted to ask, just where am I?”

“This is a special wing of the Broken Peek prison complex that was built to handle, well, people we needed to keep isolated, at least for a while.” Cook explained, “The planet we are on is called Rorke's Drift, part of a political union known as the Outer Colonies. We were, once, a Star League outpost, but we have been almost completely isolated for several hundred years now. As you no doubt understand, we are some distance from the Inner Sphere, and that isolation has protected us from the wars that have ravaged much of humanity since the fall of the House of Cameron. We have tried to hold true to the ideals they held, and I would like to think we have done a good job of it.”

“Many have tried, few have succeeded.” Thomas tilted his head to the side, “But you have retained the use of Warships and battle armour; that alone is impressive.”

“We were fortunate enough to inherit a large cache of weapons and equipment, along with the means to maintain them.” Cook nodded, “We can replace anything that wares out, but we are not expansionist, and we have enough for local defence.”

“There are those out here who could challenge you?” the Elemental asked, genuinely surprised, “I find that hard to believe.”

“None that have warships, as far as we know, but there are others who have maintained the ability to produce weapons of war, and the will to use them against their neighbour.” Cook rubbed his chin, “Our wars tend to be more, subtle, than most, with daggers and words replacing regiments and fleets. It may not have the glory and simplicity of open warfare, but it gets the job done.”

“That is why you remain hidden.” Thomas sat back in his chair, “You are strong, but not strong enough to defend against a determined attack by the likes of ComStar, or the Clans.”

“They are strong enough, and getting stronger. The people born of this world have a vested interest in maintaining their security, one the other worlds, my home included, agree to.” Cook's eyes narrowed, “Like I said, much of our information about the Clans is hundreds of years out of date, but it was very specific. You see, yours was not the first ship to find its way out here: almost three hundred years ago, a small fleet of transports, escorted by a single warship, arrived in this very system. They told a story of a despotic regime that had turned on them for the crime of refusing to bow down to the whims of their leader, forcing them to flee their homes with little more than the cloths on their backs. We granted them sanctuary, gave them this world, which was only sparsely settled at the time, and helped them rebuild.” he braced himself for the outburst he knew was imminent, “You would know them as Clan Wolverine.”

“STRAVAG!” Thomas was on his feet in an instant, knocking the table flying like it was nothing.

Cook responded with a sharp, expertly aimed blow to the solar plexus that drove the air from the other man's lungs, followed by a sweeping kick that sent him crashing to the ground before he had a chance to recover. The main doors burst open and a guard in a suit of power-armour burst in, stun-stick at the ready.

“I do hope you've gotten that out of your system now.” Cook asked Thomas as he offered his hand, “Because if not, this is going to be a very long day.”

Thomas took the offered hand and slowly pulled himself to his feet, his body already recovering from the blows it had taken

“This world is home to two billion people, most of who can claim blood ties to the Wolverines. And there are millions of others, spread across more than a dozen worlds.” Cook continued, “The Outer Colonies consider an attack on one an attack on all, and we would meet any outside incursion with everything out our disposal.” He paused for a moment, “But you, you represent a danger from within. While your shipmates will eventually be allowed to enter civilian life, under close observation, it is felt that you would continue to be a risk to the general populous. That is why you are here, in this prison. The fact that you were born as a warrior of Clan Smoke Jaguar is an accident of birth, and as such not something that would be held against you in a court of law. But given your, reaction, to the news that Clan Wolverine not only survived, but is flourishing, it is perhaps best that you remain confined to a secure location until such time as you prove otherwise.”

The End
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Re: The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #138 on: September 20, 2011, 12:20:46 AM »

Very Nice. I feel sorry almost for that elemental his luck has gone from bad to worse
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


  • Kavallerist
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The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #139 on: September 20, 2011, 06:29:06 PM »

It was going to be a calmer reaction, followed by a longer discussion, but that didn't feel right. A Clanner, especially a Trueborn warrior from a Crusader Clan would most likely react violently, which Cook was expecting and was ready for.

For some side data, Captain Joseph Cook would go on to serve in the Grenadier Guards regimental command company as Lieutenant-General Sara Eriksson's bodyguard.
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The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #140 on: September 20, 2011, 07:18:54 PM »

Grenadier Guards Regimental Command Company
Outer Colonies Defence Force (3067)

“Honi soit qui mal y pense”
(Evil be to him who evil thinks)

Command Lance

Name: Sara Eriksson
Rank: Lieutenant General
Call sign: Jester
DOB: 25/08/3023
Homeworld: New Jersey
BattleMech: HGN-732 Highlander
History: An army brat, Lieutenant General Sara ‘Jester’ Eriksson grew up around BattleMech's; both of her parents were officers in the First Lords Own Scottish Borderers based on New Jersey. Like many children in her position, Sara learned to pilot from a young age, sitting on her parents lap as they moved their Mech’s around the parade ground.

In 3031, the 88th was deployed to garrison the frontier world of Arixo. Much less comfortable than New Jersey, Arixo is considered by many to be a relatively dangerous place to live. This was validated when 1st Lieutenant Bridget Eriksson was killed in a skirmish with pirates less than a year after arriving on planet: she ejected from her crippled Mercury, but her attackers machine-gunned her command couch as it parachuted down to the ground.

Captain Leif Eriksson was left to raise his eight-year-old daughter on his own. The OCDF always looks after its own and the rest of the regiment soon became Sara’s extended family, helping her deal with the loss.

Sara applied for the OCDF academy on Port Stanley the day she turned 18, and was accepted into the MechWarrior training program. Sara is a natural pilot, but she was forced to work on her gunnery in order to pass basic. Excelling in tactics and military theory, Sara obtained First Class Degrees in Military History and Languages, speaking fluent English, Russian and Arabic, the three main languages of the Outer Colonies. The newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Sara Eriksson was awarded the call sign ‘Jester’ due to her keen sense of humour and love of practical jokes. Although she has mellowed with age, she is still known to have a quick wit and is always ready with a joke to defuse a tense situation.

Sara rose through the ranks quickly, eventually becoming EX of the prestigious Green Howards Regiment. From there she was promoted to Colonel and transferred to strategic operations on Rockall. Sara hated piloting a desk, and in 3060 she was given command of the First Lords Own, a true homecoming. Sara served with distinction, even acting as CO for the entire 4th Highland Brigade when the General commanding was hospitalised after a training accident.

It was this temporary field commission that gave Sara the chance to be noticed, and she was made commander of the Grenadier Guards, and by extension, XO of the entire 131st Royal BattleMech Brigade, in 3064. This position came with a promotion to Major General, skipping an entire rank. Lieutenant General Felix Deckard retired in 3066, passing command of the Brigade to Sara. This position also comes with technical command of the entire 7th Royal Armoured Division, the legendary Desert Rats.

Sara pilots the same Highlander her farther piloted when he was in the First Lords Own and keeps the name Robert the Bruce painted high on its chest.

Name: Joseph Cook
Rank: Captain
Call sign: Big Joe
DOB: 26/01/3031
Homeworld: Mallory’s World
BattleMech: VTR-9D Victor
History: Almost nothing is known of Captain Joseph ‘Big Joe’ Cook’s life before he joined the Grenadier Guards in 3066 as General Eriksson’s personal bodyguard. It is rumoured that he worked for Special Operations Executive, the Outer Colonies covert operations agency.

Cook refuses to say anything on the matter, and very few people are willing to argue with someone who is over two meters tall. Cook’s main distinguishing feature is the complex pattern of tattoos covering much of his body. These are part of his Maori heritage, but it is believed that they are a recent addition, as they would make it impossible for him to work for S.O.E.

Cook named his BattleMech Tawhiri-matea in hounr of the Maori god of Storm and Wind.

Name: Joseph Doig
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Call sign: Little Joe
DOB: 7/11/3041
Homeworld: Last Post
BattleMech: SHG-2F Shogun
History: A former Captain in the Last Post Militia, Joseph ‘Little Joe’ Doig made the transition to full-time solider after the bar he worked in burned down. This cost him a rank, but secured him a position in the 131st. One of the best shots in the OCDF, both in and out of a BattleMech, Doig came third in the Martial Olympics in 3066. This achievement earned him the right to add a bronze stripe to the sleeve of his duty uniform.

Doig is relatively quietly spoken, never using three words when one will do. Always willing to defer to a more experienced officer, he can seem a little insecure, but has never been unwilling to make a hard command decision when the time comes. He also has the highest number of confirmed one-on-one kills in the 131st, and is second to only one other MechWarrior in the entire Division.

His Shogun is named Thor, after the ancient Norse god of thunder.

Name: Danielle Kelly
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Call sign: Dannii
DOB: 21/12/3040
Homeworld: Port Stanley
BattleMech: SPT-N2 Spartan
History Bio: The most inexperienced member of the Lance, 2nd Lieutenant Danielle ‘Dannii’ Kelly is one of a number of officers who join the OCDF as part of a government scholarship program: the cost and duration of the university education donates the length of time the officer must serve. In Kelly’s case, this is 8-years, ending in 3074.

Well spoken and opinionated, Kelly seems to think that military service is below her, even thought she actively applied for the scholarship program. Despite this, she is a capable officer who follows orders. Kelly has developed a minor case of hero worship for General Eriksson; something the older woman does her best to discourage. Not the most gifted gunner or pilot, Kelly does have an amazing ability to organise information coming in from a myriad of different souses, making her an excellent communications officer, something that can be indispensable on the battlefield. Her call sign is apparently her childhood nickname.

Kelly’s Spartan is named Leonidas after the Spartan king of ancient Terra.

Scout Lance

Name: Lawrence Murphy
Rank: Captain
Call sign: Priest
DOB: 25/08/3025
Homeworld: Vision
BattleMech: WVE-5Nb Wyvern
History Bio: A former member of the Knights Templar mercenary regiment, Murphy found the strict codes of honour and conduct the Knights’ demanded too restrictive, so applied for a position in the Outer Colonies Defence Force.

Always willing to except experienced officers, the OCDF welcomed Captain Murphy with open arms, assigning him to the Royal Highland Fusiliers. Murphy soon proved to be a accomplished scout and earned himself a reputation for being able to find the enemy every time, even with little or no information to go on. There are those who claim this is the result of the mysterious training and meditation techniques the religious Knights Templar teach. Others say he just has a nose for trouble.

Murphy was transferred to the Grenadier Guards in 3065, and was immediately given command of the Command Company’s scout lance. He has chosen the name Molly Malone for his Wyvern.

Name: Sayid Bey
Rank: Regimental Sergeant Major
Call sign: Swordsman
DOB: 4/7/3029
Homeworld: Arixo
BattleMech: SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk
History Bio: Another born scout, career NCO Sayid “Swordsman” Bey hails from the protectorate world of Arixo in the Rorke's Drift Military Region.

Bey joined the under funded and often ignored Arixo Volunteer Defence Core the day he turned 18, having seen the affects pirate raids had on his tribe. This has left the Sergeant with a near pathological hatred of pirates that borders on obsession: he has twice been reprimanded for excessive force when dealing with raiders. Aside from this, Sergeant Bey is a dependable MechWarrior, and is considered by many to be the backbone of the Scout Lance.

Bey has named his Mech Scimitar, after the sword he wares with his dress uniform. The weapon is a family heirloom and the origin of his call sign.

Name: Kaywinnit ‘Kay’ Lexington
Rank: MechWarrior 1st Class
Call sign: Rebel
DOB: 8/8/3045
Homeworld: San Antonio
BattleMech: GRF-2N Griffin
History Bio: Kaywinnit ‘Kay’ Lexington comes from a rather isolated region of the planet San Antonio, and is often made fun of because of her tendency to speak in ‘Cajun’, a dialect of French common in the so-called Southwestern Worlds of the Free Worlds League. In truth, Lexington’s family in one of a number who left the Southwestern Worlds when they where conquerored by the League and finally settled in what would become the Outer Colonies. Still fiercely independent, they live almost exclusively on the southern continent of New Orleans. Despite their semi-isolationist view on the rest of the Outer Colonies, Cajuns are considered to be good solders, experts at small unit and guerilla tactics. Unlike most Cajuns, Lexington is outgoing and friendly with outsiders. Some say this has gone as far as to develop into a personal relationship with fellow MechWarrior Felix DeSouza.

Lexington named her Mech Swamp Fox after a historical General who she claimes to be a distant desendant of.

Name: Felix DeSouza
Rank: MechWarrior 1st Class
Call sign: Jailbreak
DOB: 26/01/3035
Homeworld: New Tasmania
BattleMech: STG-3Gb Stinger
History Bio: Felix ‘Jailbreak’ DeSouza was given the choice between prison or the military, and chose the latter. He proved to be an unusually gifted natural pilot, able to make his Stinger do everything but dance for him. Having served six years in the  New Tasmania Militia, he was given the chance to walk away, be decided that he liked being a MechWarrior enough to stay on, and was transferred to a line regiment.

General Eriksson is one of the few senior officers who believe that soldiers recruited from the courtroom can ever make it in the military, and was impressed with DeSouza piloting skills. He appears to have taken his second chance and the Generals faith in him to heart, and has been a model solider since joining the Guards. His gunnery is somewhat lacking, but is improving under the tutelage of Sergeant Bey. Surprising, given his past, DeSouza has refused point-blank to comment on the rumours of a relationship between Kay Lexington and himself.

DeSouza christened his Mech Davie Crockett, in reference to the legendary tracker.

Fire Lance

Name: Kaspar Von Regenskirch
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Call sign: Ranger
DOB: 11/11/3040
Homeworld: Vision
BattleMech: VTR-9D Victor
History Bio: 1st Lieutenant Kaspar ‘Ranger’ Von Regenskirch is the softly spoken commander of the Command Companies Fire-support Lance. The third and youngest son of a prestigious merchant family on Vision, Von Regenskirch always felt that he was looking for a place to prove himself.

This changed when he joined the cadet core while at university: for the first time in his life, he was treated as an equal. He thrived in his new environment, and changed his masters from law to history, deciding that his future lay behind the controls of a BattleMech. Accepted into the military academy once he graduated university, Von Regenskirch was able to complete his training in only two years thanks to his time as a cadet, gaining his Bars at the age of 25. An excellent tactician, Von Regenskirch was transferred to the 131st at the request of General Eriksson. This came with an automatic promotion to 1st Lieutenant, but he is in many ways still finding his feet.

Von Regenskirch has named his Mech Blitzkrieg, after the lightning-fast style of warfare.

Name: Bethany Lowe
Rank: Corporal
Call sign: Heartbreaker
DOB: 16/9/3039
Homeworld: Port Stanley
BattleMech: AS7-D-H Atlas II
History Bio: Another career NCO, Corporal Bethany ‘Heartbreaker’ Lowe was assigned to the fire support lance to help Lieutenant Von Regenskirch find his feet, and can usually be found at his side. Although only a year older than her superior, Sergeant Lowe has much more combat experience, having thought against pirates on Arixo. Lowe is considered by most to be beautiful to the point of striking, despite her tendency to dress-down and flat-out refusal to ware make-up. She earned her current call-sign the day she married a Corporal in the 95th Rifles Regiment.

Sergeant Lowe has named her Mech Star Hunter.

Name: Robin Tell
Rank: MechWarrior 1st Class
Call sign: Farmer
DOB: 25/4/3047
Homeworld: San Antonio
BattleMech: LGB-7Q Longbow
History Bio: Youngest member of the entire company, MechWarrior 1st Class Robin ‘Farmer’ Tell is considered everyone’s kid brother, something that he accepts with good humour, even when the older members try and mollycoddle him.

The son of a farmer, Tell knew from a young age that he wanted to be a MechWarrior, learning to pilot one of his family’s ageing AgroMech’s before he was legally old enough to drive a car. His decisions join the military caused a rift with his family, and he hasn’t spoken to them since the day he left for basic. He still keeps in contact with his younger sister, but the rest of his biological family have shut him out completely.

Tell has christened his Mech Little John after a character from the Robin Hood stories.

Name: Sanka Bannock
Rank: MechWarrior 1st Class
Call sign: Star
DOB: 21/12/3042
Homeworld: New Jamaica
BattleMech: EX2-A1 Excalibur II
History Bio: Perhaps the most laid-back man alive, MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka ‘Star’ Bannock’s main aim in life is to do as little as possible, while never getting bored. It was out of boredom that he joined the Outer Colonies Defence Force in the first place, deciding that at least military life would keep him occupied. He gained his call sign from the Cameron Star tattooed on the back of his right shoulder, something he can still not remember having done. Bannock is extremely intelligent, but seems unwilling to use his brains for anything other than playing cards and video games. His complete command and understanding of how a BattleMech operates surprises even senior Tech’, and they are known to call on him when they have a problem they can’t figure out.

For reasons unknown to anyone else, Bannock has chosen the name Rasta Rocket for his Excalibur II.
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Re: The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #141 on: September 21, 2011, 01:46:13 AM »

Ho Let the fun begin
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #142 on: September 21, 2011, 10:11:11 AM »

Crap crap crap crap!  This is like my master's thesis all over again.  This storyline is way too close to my idea for a lost, deep periphery, Star League colony.  Dang it!  At least I didn't spend months researching and developing my story only to find this right before I posted it.
Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere


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« Reply #143 on: September 22, 2011, 10:32:52 AM »

Crap crap crap crap!  This is like my master's thesis all over again.  This storyline is way too close to my idea for a lost, deep periphery, Star League colony.  Dang it!  At least I didn't spend months researching and developing my story only to find this right before I posted it.

You're not the first person to say something like that, but the Deep Periphery is a big place, so I'm sure there's room for at least one more lost outpost  8)

Full stats on the EX2-A1 Excalibur II to follow soon.
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« Reply #144 on: September 22, 2011, 11:37:25 AM »

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Excalibur II EX2-A1
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 2897
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 2, Custom design

Mass:          90 tons
Chassis:       Corbine X
Power Plant:   270 Ford XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets:     3 McCloud Specials
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor Type:    Pribak 9000 w. CASE
  1 Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle
  1 Diverse Optics Type 20 Large Pulse Laser
  1 Harpoon SRM-6
  1 Ingrid Systems LRM-20 w/ Artemis IV
Manufacturer:  Fox Bay Armaments
  Location:    Port Stanley
Communications System:  Faulk 203 Comset
Targeting & Tracking System:  KBC Starsight QTA1

     A bigger, more heavily armed and armoured version of the venerable Star
League design, the Excalibur II carries the same offensive armament, as well
as added short and medium-range fire-power and heavier armour.

     The same Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle and Ingrid Systems LRM 20 with
Artemis IV fire-control system provied the bulk of the punch, but they are now
backed up by a Diverse Optics Type 20 Large Pulse Laser and a Harpoon SRM-6
pod. While the Excalibur II is significantly slower than its predecessor, it
does have a 90-meter leap, thanks to a trio of McCloud Specials jump-jets.
     17-tons of armour offer ample protection for a 'Mech its size, but some
are worried that the loss of the McArthur anti-missile system could leave it
vulnerable to sustained bombardment.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka Bannock, Grenadier Guards
     Perhaps the most laid-back man alive, MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka ‘Star’
Bannock’s main aim in life is to do as little as possible, while never getting
bored. It was out of boredom that he joined the Outer Colonies Defence Force
in the first place, deciding that at least military life would keep him
occupied. He gained his call sign from the Cameron Star tattooed on the back
of his right shoulder, something he can still not remember having done.
Bannock is extremely intelligent, but seems unwilling to use his brains for
anything other than playing cards and video games. His complete command and
understanding of how a BattleMech operates surprises even senior Tech’, and
they are known to call on him when they have a problem they can’t figure out.
For reasons unknown to anyone else, Bannock has chosen the name Rasta Rocket
for his Excalibur II.

     Despite the age of the design, the Excalibur II is still popular with
MechWarriors across the Outer Colonies, especially in heavy and assault
formations. The Knights Templar are also known to own several, but they are
mainly found in their reserve and training formations, and many of these seem
to have been modified to an as-yet unknown degree.

Type/Model:    Excalibur II EX2-A1
Mass:          90 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  138 pts Standard              0      9.00
Engine:        270 XL Fusion                12      7.50
   Walking MP:   3
   Running MP:   5
   Jumping MP:   3
Heat Sinks:     12 Double [24]               6      2.00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LA, 1 LT)
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H    R: Sh+UA+LA     15       .00
Armor Factor:  272 pts Standard              0     17.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             29         43     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 14     
   L/R Side Torso:           19      28/28     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              9/9     
   L/R Arm:                  15      29/29     
   L/R Leg:                  19      37/37     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Gauss Rifle            RA      1   16      9     17.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 RA)
1 Large Pulse Laser      LA     10           2      7.00
1 SRM 6                  RT      4   15      3      4.00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 RT)
1 LRM 20 w/ Artemis IV   LT      6   18      9     14.00
  (Ammo Locations: 3 RT)
CASE Equipment:          RT                  1       .50
3 Standard Jump Jets:                        3      6.00
 (Jump Jet Loc: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL)
TOTALS:                         21          69     90.00
Crits & Tons Left:                           9       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        18,485,480 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    2,106 (old BV = 1,959)
Cost per BV2:      8,777.53
Weapon Value:      2,578 / 2,448 (Ratio = 1.22 / 1.16)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 36;  MRDmg = 26;  LRDmg = 13
BattleForce2:      MP: 3J,  Armor/Structure: 7/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 6/5/3,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MA;  Point Value: 21
                   Specials: if
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« Reply #145 on: October 04, 2011, 07:46:53 PM »

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Excalibur II EX2-A2
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 2915
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 2, Custom design

Mass:          90 tons
Chassis:       Corbine X
Power Plant:   270 Ford XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Pribak 9000 w. CASE
  2 Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifles
  1 Ingrid Systems LRM-20 with Artemis IV
Manufacturer:  Fox Bay Armaments
  Location:    Port Stanley
Communications System:  Faulk 203 Comset
Targeting & Tracking System:  KBC Starsight QTA1

     A bigger, more heavily armed and armoured version of the venerable Star
League design, the Excalibur II carries the same offensive armament, as well
as added short and medium-range fire-power and heavier armour.

     The same Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle and Ingrid Systems LRM 20 with
Artemis IV fire-control system provied the bulk of the punch, but they are now
backed up by a Diverse Optics Type 20 Large Pulse Laser and a Harpoon SRM-6
pod. While the Excalibur II is significantly slower than its predecessor, it
does have a 90-meter leap, thanks to a trio of McCloud Specials jump-jets.
     17-tons of armour offer ample protection for a 'Mech its size, but some
are worried that the loss of the McArthur anti-missile system could leave it
vulnerable to sustained bombardment.

     The later A2 variant of the Excalibur II started out as a field
modification kit that proved to be so popular a formal production run was
started that allowed the engineers to work out a few kinks in the power feeds
and targeting system. Unlike it's predecessor, it has no energy weapons and is
fully reliant of projectile weapons. This makes it a much better assault unit,
but it is prone to running out of ammunition if fighting a defensive
     The right arm Gauss Rifle and the LRM-20 rack remain unchanged, but the
other weapons and the jump-jets are removed to make way for a second Gauss
Rifle in the left arm. This makes for a much more powerful long-range
fire-support unit with anti-aircraft capabilities.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka Bannock, Grenadier Guards
     Perhaps the most laid-back man alive, MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka ‘Star’
Bannock’s main aim in life is to do as little as possible, while never getting
bored. It was out of boredom that he joined the Outer Colonies Defence Force
in the first place, deciding that at least military life would keep him
occupied. He gained his call sign from the Cameron Star tattooed on the back
of his right shoulder, something he can still not remember having done.
Bannock is extremely intelligent, but seems unwilling to use his brains for
anything other than playing cards and video games. His complete command and
understanding of how a BattleMech operates surprises even senior Tech’, and
they are known to call on him when they have a problem they can’t figure out.
For reasons unknown to anyone else, Bannock has chosen the name Rasta Rocket
for his Excalibur II.

     Despite the age of the design, the Excalibur II is still popular with
MechWarriors across the Outer Colonies, especially in heavy and assault
formations. The Knights Templar are also known to own several, but they are
mainly found in their reserve and training formations, and many of these seem
to have been modified to an as-yet unknown degree.

Type/Model:    Excalibur II EX2-A2
Mass:          90 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  138 pts Standard              0      9.00
Engine:        270 XL Fusion                12      7.50
   Walking MP:   3
   Running MP:   5
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     10 Double [20]               0       .00
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA       14       .00
Armor Factor:  272 pts Standard              0     17.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             29         43     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 14     
   L/R Side Torso:           19      28/28     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              9/9     
   L/R Arm:                  15      29/29     
   L/R Leg:                  19      37/37     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Gauss Rifle            RA      1   32     11     19.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 LA, 2 RA)
1 Gauss Rifle            LA      1           7     15.00
1 LRM 20 w/ Artemis IV   LT      6   30     11     16.00
  (Ammo Locations: 5 RT)
CASE Equipment:          RT                  1       .50
TOTALS:                          8          65     90.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          13       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        18,479,400 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    2,110 (old BV = 1,849)
Cost per BV2:      8,758.01
Weapon Value:      2,510 / 2,380 (Ratio = 1.19 / 1.13)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 35;  MRDmg = 33;  LRDmg = 20
BattleForce2:      MP: 3,  Armor/Structure: 7/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 5/5/5,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MA;  Point Value: 21
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« Reply #146 on: October 04, 2011, 07:48:34 PM »

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Excalibur II EX2-A3
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 2920
Config:        Biped BattleMech
Rules:         Level 2, Custom design

Mass:          90 tons
Chassis:       Corbine X
Power Plant:   270 Ford XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets:     3 McCloud Specials
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor Type:    Pribak 9000 w. CASE
  1 Mydron Excel LB 10-X AC
  2 ChisComp 43 Special Large Lasers
  3 Holly SRM-6's
  1 Rosalyn Electronics Inc. TAG
Manufacturer:  Fox Bay Armaments
  Location:    Port Stanley
Communications System:  Faulk 203 Comset
Targeting & Tracking System:  KBC Starsight QTA1

     A bigger, more heavily armed and armoured version of the venerable Star
League design, the Excalibur II carries the same offensive armament, as well
as added short and medium-range fire-power and heavier armour.

     The same Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle and Ingrid Systems LRM 20 with
Artemis IV fire-control system provied the bulk of the punch, but they are now
backed up by a Diverse Optics Type 20 Large Pulse Laser and a Harpoon SRM-6
pod. While the Excalibur II is significantly slower than its predecessor, it
does have a 90-meter leap, thanks to a trio of McCloud Specials jump-jets.
     17-tons of armour offer ample protection for a 'Mech its size, but some
are worried that the loss of the McArthur anti-missile system could leave it
vulnerable to sustained bombardment.

     Another former field kit, this time geared towards close range combat,
the A3 replaces the entire weapons load with one better suited towards
brawling. The Gauss Rifle is replaced with a Mydron Excel LB 10-X autocannon,
useful for stripping armour off of an enemy, while the long-range missile rack
is replaced by a trio of Holly SRM-6 pods, allowing the A3 to exploit any
breaches. Twin ChisComp 43 Special Large Lasers sit in the left forearm,
providing a deadly punch that can, if used extensively, push the heat up, even
with two extra heat sinks. A Rosalyn Electronics Inc. TAG spotting laser
rounds out the offensive load, while the jump-jets return, adding much needed

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka Bannock, Grenadier Guards
     Perhaps the most laid-back man alive, MechWarrior 1st Class Sanka ‘Star’
Bannock’s main aim in life is to do as little as possible, while never getting
bored. It was out of boredom that he joined the Outer Colonies Defence Force
in the first place, deciding that at least military life would keep him
occupied. He gained his call sign from the Cameron Star tattooed on the back
of his right shoulder, something he can still not remember having done.
Bannock is extremely intelligent, but seems unwilling to use his brains for
anything other than playing cards and video games. His complete command and
understanding of how a BattleMech operates surprises even senior Tech’, and
they are known to call on him when they have a problem they can’t figure out.
For reasons unknown to anyone else, Bannock has chosen the name Rasta Rocket
for his Excalibur II.

     Despite the age of the design, the Excalibur II is still popular with
MechWarriors across the Outer Colonies, especially in heavy and assault
formations. The Knights Templar are also known to own several, but they are
mainly found in their reserve and training formations, and many of these seem
to have been modified to an as-yet unknown degree.

Type/Model:    Excalibur II EX2-A3
Mass:          90 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  138 pts Standard              0      9.00
Engine:        270 XL Fusion                12      7.50
   Walking MP:   3
   Running MP:   5
   Jumping MP:   3
Heat Sinks:     12 Double [24]               6      2.00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LA, 1 LT)
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt.:                         5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA    R: Sh+UA+LA       14       .00
Armor Factor:  272 pts Standard              0     17.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             29         43     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 14     
   L/R Side Torso:           19      28/28     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              9/9     
   L/R Arm:                  15      29/29     
   L/R Leg:                  19      37/37     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 LB 10-X AC             RA      2   30      9     14.00
  (Ammo Locations: 3 RA)
2 Large Lasers           LA     16           4     10.00
3 SRM 6s                 LT     12   30      8     11.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 RT)
1 TAG                    HD      0           1      1.00
1 Targeting Computer     RT                  6      6.00
CASE Equipment:          RT                  1       .50
3 Standard Jump Jets:                        3      6.00
 (Jump Jet Loc: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RL)
TOTALS:                         30          73     90.00
Crits & Tons Left:                           5       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        18,259,000 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,934 (old BV = 1,564)
Cost per BV2:      9,441.05
Weapon Value:      2,494 / 2,494 (Ratio = 1.29 / 1.29)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 36;  MRDmg = 20;  LRDmg = 5
BattleForce2:      MP: 3J,  Armor/Structure: 7/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 6/4/1,  Overheat: 1
                   Class: MA;  Point Value: 19
                   Specials: tag
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« Reply #147 on: October 11, 2011, 07:47:49 PM »

               BattleMech Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Bors BR-O
Tech:          Inner Sphere / 3067
Config:        Biped OmniMech
Rules:         Level 2, Custom design

Mass:          75 tons
Chassis:       Defiant V
Power Plant:   300 GM XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets:     None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type:    Pribak 9000
Armament:      None
Manufacturer:  Fox Bay Armaments
  Location:    Port Stanley
Communications System:  Rosalyn Electronics Inc.
Targeting & Tracking System:  Rosalyn Electronics Inc.

     Developed to replace the ageing Cromwell, the Bors OmniMech is primed to
become the signature heavy unit of the Outer Colonies Defence Force.

     To save room in the torso for the bulky but light-weight 300 GM XL fusion
engine, the main weapons pods are in the arms, something some consider a
possible weakness, as the loss of a limb would drastically reduce the Mech's
fire-power. A standing top speed of 65 km/h is considered adequate for a Mech
its size, but some complain that the lack of integral jump-jets limits its
manoeuvrability and be an issue in combat.

     The Pime's main armament is a Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle and its
ChisComp 43 Special Large Laser. Both of these are found in the right arm.
Back these up are the trio of left arm mounted ChisComp 39 Medium Lasers.
These provide highly accurate and deadly fire and intermediate and close
range. When tied into the Targeting Computer, they can strip the armour off of
any BattleMech with ease. Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry allow for
sprints of 86 km/h over short distances, but can push the heat levels up, so
the pilot has to keep an eye on the heat dials.
      Variant A swaps out the long-ranged weaponry of the general purpose
Prime for a heavier short-ranged load, making it a deadly knife-fighter in
urban combat or other times when range is secondary to precision. A Sutel
Precision Line Large Pulse Laser and twined Holly Streak SRM-2 in each arm can
first open up then exploit openings in an enemies armour, a task made all the
easier by the retention of the targeting computer. There is also an expanded
offensive and defensive electronics package, with a Guardian ECM suit, a
Beagle Active Probe and a TAG spotting laser. The MASC system is gone, but the
Alpha does gain a 120-meter jump-capacity thanks to the addition of jump jets
in the legs.
      In comparison, variant A is a long-ranged fire-support unit, with a
quartet of Artemis IV assisted long-range missile racks to rain down highly
accurate salvoes on the enemy. For close range combat it carries a single
medium laser in the centre torso as a last ditch measure, and has twin
anti-missile cannons for added protection from counter-battery fire.
     Essentially an oversized Rifleman, the C variant is an air-defence unit
that can also sand-blast the armour off of opposing BattleMech's and vehicles,
then exploit any breaches with its twin large lasers, the lack of a dedicated
targeting computer does mean that it is a lot more reliant on the pilots skill
to get a quick kill.

==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
MechWarrior Boris 'The Bear' Dante, the Connaught Rangers
     Nicknamed 'The Bear' due to his size, Boris Dante was one of the first
pilots to be issued a Bors, agreeing to field test it for Fox Bay Armaments.
He took to the 'Mech quickly, managing to kill two opposing BattleMech's
before he was even hit during war games.

     Due to the enduring popularity and understandable loyalty pilots have for
the Cromwell, uptake of the Bors has been slow, but is slowly building.

Type/Model:    Bors BR-O Base
Mass:          75 tons

Equipment:                                 Crits    Mass
Int. Struct.:  114 pts Standard              0      7.50
Engine:        300 XL Fusion                12      9.50
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:   6
   Jumping MP:   0
Heat Sinks:     11 Double [22]               0      1.00
Gyro:                                        4      3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors:                5      3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00
Armor Factor:  224 pts Standard              0     14.00

                          Internal    Armor
                          Structure   Value
   Head:                      3          9     
   Center Torso:             23         34     
   Center Torso (Rear):                 11     
   L/R Side Torso:           16      23/23     
   L/R Side Torso (Rear):              8/8     
   L/R Arm:                  12      23/23     
   L/R Leg:                  16      31/31     

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
CASE Equipment:          LT     RT           2      1.00
TOTALS:                          0          35     39.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          43     36.00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        17,179,531 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    904 (old BV = 730)
Cost per BV2:      19,003.91
Weapon Value:      0 / 0 (Ratio = .00 / .00)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 0;  MRDmg = 0;  LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 6/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 2/-/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 9
                   Specials: omni

Primary Configuration

Heat Sinks:     11 Double [22]               0      1.00

Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Gauss Rifle            RA      1   24     10     18.00
  (Ammo Locations: 3 RT)
1 Large Laser            RA      8           2      5.00
3 Medium Lasers          LA      9           3      3.00
1 Targeting Computer     LT                  6      6.00
CASE Equipment:          LT     RT           2      1.00
TOTALS:                         18          60     75.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          18       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        21,204,531 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    2,141 (old BV = 1,778)
Cost per BV2:      9,904.03
Weapon Value:      2,557 / 2,557 (Ratio = 1.19 / 1.19)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 34;  MRDmg = 21;  LRDmg = 10
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 6/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 5/4/2,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 21
                   Specials: omni

Configuration A

Heat Sinks:     13 Double [26]               6      3.00
 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LT, 1 RT)

Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 Large Pulse Laser      RA     10           2      7.00
2 Streak SRM 2s          RA      4  100      4      5.00
  (Ammo Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT)
1 Large Pulse Laser      LA     10           2      7.00
2 Streak SRM 2s          LA      4           2      3.00
1 Guardian ECM           LT      0           2      1.50
1 Beagle Active Probe    LT      0           2      1.50
1 TAG                    HD      0           1      1.00
1 Targeting Computer     RT                  4      4.00
CASE Equipment:          LT     RT           2      1.00
4 Standard Jump Jets:                        4      4.00
 (Jump Jet Loc: 2 LL, 2 RL)
TOTALS:                         28          64     75.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          14       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        19,935,781 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,554 (old BV = 1,405)
Cost per BV2:      12,828.69
Weapon Value:      1,752 / 1,609 (Ratio = 1.13 / 1.04)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 28;  MRDmg = 8;  LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4J,  Armor/Structure: 6/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 5/4/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 16
                   Specials: omni, ecm, tag, prb

Configuration B

Heat Sinks:     11 Double [22]               0      1.00

Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
2 LRM 10s w/ Artemis IV  RA      8   72     12     18.00
  (Ammo Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT)
2 LRM 10s w/ Artemis IV  LA      8           6     12.00
1 Anti-Missile System    RT      1   48      5      4.50
  (Ammo Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT)
1 Anti-Missile System    LT      1           1       .50
1 Medium Laser           CT      3           1      1.00
CASE Equipment:          LT     RT           2      1.00
TOTALS:                         21          60     75.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          18       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        20,259,531 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,462 (old BV = 1,210)
Cost per BV2:      13,857.41
Weapon Value:      1,995 / 1,703 (Ratio = 1.36 / 1.16)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 21;  MRDmg = 22;  LRDmg = 13
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 6/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 4/4/3,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 15
                   Specials: omni, if

Configuration C

Heat Sinks:     11 Double [22]               0      1.00

Actuators: L: Sh+UA    R: Sh+UA             12       .00

Weapons and Equipment    Loc  Heat  Ammo   Crits    Mass
1 LB 10-X AC             RA      2   40     10     15.00
  (Ammo Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT)
1 Large Laser            RA      8           2      5.00
1 LB 10-X AC             LA      2           6     11.00
1 Large Laser            LA      8           2      5.00
CASE Equipment:          LT     RT           2      1.00
TOTALS:                         20          55     75.00
Crits & Tons Left:                          23       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        19,472,031 C-Bills
Battle Value 2:    1,524 (old BV = 1,326)
Cost per BV2:      12,776.92
Weapon Value:      2,383 / 2,383 (Ratio = 1.56 / 1.56)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 32;  MRDmg = 21;  LRDmg = 6
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 6/3
                   Damage PB/M/L: 5/4/2,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: MH;  Point Value: 15
                   Specials: omni

Once is an accident.
Twice is a coincidence.
Three times is an enemy action

Dragon Cat

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Re: The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #148 on: October 13, 2011, 09:41:01 PM »

First time I've checked in on this for a while and still impressed.

Not sure the Excalibur II is neccessary the original Excalubur was a decent Mech just needed more armour.

First time I've properly read the New Americas bit too very impressive part of the periphery
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The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Outer Colonies Region
« Reply #149 on: October 15, 2011, 01:25:28 AM »

As always  :)  ;D   8)
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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