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Author Topic: Tikonov Rising (An alternate Age of War)  (Read 2123 times)

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Tikonov Rising (An alternate Age of War)
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:48:44 PM »

2236 The Outer Reaches Rebellion leads to the deliberate shrinking of Terran Alliance territory; many colonies are left abandoned

2237 Tikonov Grand Union founded

2242 Nanking Collective founded

2250 Rim Worlds Republic founded. Sian Supremacy founded

2265 Nanking Collective dissolves, replaced by the Chisholm Protectorate

2270 Capellan Hegemony founded

2271 Free Worlds League incorporated

2275 Ingersoll Concordium annexed by Capellan Hegemony

2294 In co-operation with researchers on Capellan, Tikonov shipyards produce the first externally docked transports for jumpships (precursors of the modern dropship), considerably easing the strain on their merchant shipping

2292 Capellan Hegemony annexes several client worlds that had been contested by the St Ives Mercentile League

2300 Launch of TAS Dreadnought, the first capital warship.

2301 Concerned by the resurgence of Terran military strength, the Tikonov Grand Union commissions the advanced Sherwood-class missile destroyers - sublight military vessels designed to be carried between systems by jumpships. Unable to duplicate the laser-plasma technology behind Terran naval autocannons, Tikonov invests heavily into railgun technology.

2302 Marlette Association invades Mirach, bringing them into war with the Tikonov Grand Union

2303 Marlette Association invades Mira

2304 Marlette Association invades Mesartim

2305 TAS Dart launched. Palos and Wei secede from the Sarna Supremacy and appeal for help from the Capellan Hegemony, beginning a four year between the two states. TGUS Sherwood launched.

2306 Marlette Association invades Almach and are repelled by a fleet led by the Sherwood. The limitations posed by the limited number of the 100-ton missiles that the Sherwood can carry leads the Tikonov navy to explore alternative armaments.

2307 Tikonov warships blockade the worlds occupied by Marlette spearheads.

2308 Arboris secedes from the Capellan Hegemony with the help from the Liao Republic. Diana Chinn leads Tikonov's Voltigeur regiments in a swift campaign to retake Mira and Mesartim.

2309 Diana Chinn takes Halloran V and pushes deeply into the Marlette Association. Tikonov Grand Union arbitrates the end of the Capellan-Supremacy War

2310 Tikonov researchers make a break-through in railgun technology. Minor political reforms are made by the Council of Tetrarchs.

2311 Tikonov Grand Union annexes the Marlette Association

2312 The Blenheim-class destroyer is ordered by the Tikonov navy, upgrading the Sherwood hull to mount twelve railguns.

2315 James McKenna seizes control of Terra. Duchy of Liao formed including Zurich, Aldebaran, Gan Singh, Genoa and Arboris

2316 The Terran Alliance becomes the Terran Hegemony (requiring military intervention on Caph and Altair). By March McKenna departs Terra to begin a campaign against the alliance of Quentin, Errai & Helen

2317 Federated Suns founded. THS Bonaventure launched. McKenna concludes his campaign with the conquest of Towne. TGUS Blenheim launched.

2318 Feeling threatened by the Terran Hegemony's new expansionism, the Tikonov Grand Union begins to consolidate its coreward border and expands its naval production.

2319 Draconis Combine founded

2320 THS Vigilant launched. McKenna launches a new campaign at Terra Firma and Capella. The Tikonov Grand Union goes to readiness to fight if the war should spread to them.

2321 McKenna's second campaign ends with the conquest of Nanking. Tikonov remains on watch for the next year, since the Hegemony is now blocking their direct route to the Union’s Chisholm province

2335 Taurian Concordat founded. McKenna begins his third major military campaign with Syrma and Galatea as the goals

2336 Having taken Denebola, Milton, Alioth, Mizar and Lyons, McKenna returns to Terra and leaves command of the campaign to his son Konrad. The HAF invades Chisholm, leading to the long awaited war with Tikonov.

2337 Konrad McKenna begins a lengthy ground campaign on Galatea. The Tikonov navy inflicts several serious reverses on the Terran Hegemony including the destruction of THS Dreadnought by a pair of TGUN Blenhim-class destroyers. The Liao Republic allies with Tikonov and invades Nanking.

2338 Having secured Galatea, Konrad McKenna strikes recklessly at Syrma without scouting, Skye Federation minefields inflict very serious losses on first attack wave and the second wave also loses several ships. James McKenna relieves Konrad McKenna of command. The Skye front has to be brought to a halt in order to refocus against Tikonov.

2339 Following controversy over his refusal to punish his son and the military failures against Tikoniov, James McKenna resigns from office and dies within days

2340 Michael Cameron is elected Director-General. Faced with the full strength of the Hegemony, Tikonov agrees to a negotiated peace that gains them Acamar and Liao annexes Nanking but otherwise restores the pre-war border.

2341 Lyran Commonwealth incorporated

2343 Following research programmes begun a decade before, Tikonov develops the first modern jumpship. Alongside this TGUS Auckland is launched - initially intended as a base ship for the armed shuttles previously used, it is completed as a carrier for aerospace fighters. This is the first Tikonov ship to carry their new light railguns.

2344 Federated Suns invades Marlette and Sanilac.

2345 THS Lola launched, the first of a highly successful class of HAF destroyers. Tikonov Grand Union begins a campaign to retake Marlette and Sanilac, forcing the Federated Suns back.

2348 With modern jumpships leaving their yards, the Tikonov merchant marine expands rapidly. Financed by this, a programme begins to develop smaller railguns to be used against fighters and other small craft.

2350 THS Quixote launched. Although not a particularly successful design, the threat of the Tikonov navy convinces the HAF to order it in large numbers

2354 The Tikonov Navy begins a programme of refitting their Sherwood-class destroyers with new electronics, secondary armament and upgrading their capital missiles to the new and larger Kraken-type, deliberately more powerful than the missiles of the HAF’s new Quixote-class.

2357 Reynard Davion occupies Bell, laying claim to Highspire and Axton, going to war with the Sarna Supremacy. All Auckland-class carriers are recalled to have their secondary armament refitted with the same railguns used by the refitted Sherwood-class.

2358 A Sarn expedition (with covert support from Tikonov) to liberate Bell finds the Federated Suns troops gone and mysteriously so are the population of fifteen thousand.

2363 A Capellan-St Ives invasion of Lee is a disaster with heavy losses due to information given to the Federated Suns by the Sarna Supremacy. Several St Ives Association worlds are overrun by the Federated Suns in the aftermath

2366 The various Capellan states send representatives to St Andre to discuss reform of the Capellan Commonality following a deadlocked election. With the revelation that the Sarna-backed candidate was also funded by House Davion, Tikonov throws their support to Warren Aris and pressures Duke Franco Liao to also do so (although he proposes a pan-Capellan union).

2367 Michael Cameron retires, handing power to his daughter Margaret. A Davion invasion force is smashed by a Sian-St Ives-Tikonov fleet before it can land on Capella. With the Sarna Supremacy increasingly obstructive, it is invaded and partitioned by the other Capellan states.

2368 THS Monsoon launched, the first of a new class of battleships. TCS Winchester launched, bringing the Taurian Navy to the forefront of naval technology.

2370 Franco Liao is forced to devote his focus to fighting off FWL invasions of former Sarna worlds along that border.

2371 Warren Aris convinces the St Ives Mercentile Association and Sian Commonwealth to unite with the Capellan Commonality in the Capellan Alliance. Reynard Davion dies, passing the rule of the Federated Suns to his son Etien and effectively ending the military threat of the Federated Suns to the Capellan Alliance and the Tikonov Grand Union.

2372 THS Aegis launched, the first of a class intended to replace the aging Dart-class cruisers (many of which are sold off to other states).

2380 CCS Du Shi Wang launched, the first Capellan Alliance capital warship

2382 Margaret Cameron retires in favour of her son Raymond

2385 The Duchy of Liao concludes a secret pact with Raymond Cameron to join forces and partition the Tikonov Grand Union.

2586 Liao invades Tikonov's Chisholm province while the HAF invade the core Tikonov worlds. The Age of War begins. The first year is marked by several clashes between HAF's Quixote-class frigates and the TGUN's upgraded Sherwood-class destroyers, beginning a legendary rivalry between the two classes.

2587 The Tikonov navy secures Liao's orbitals and land several crack regiments. Within weeks the Duchy collapses but Tikonov remains outnumbered by the powerful Terran Navy.

2388 Raymond Cameron dies in office, his brother Brian (then under arrest for infidelity with Raymond's wife) is narrowly elected as the new Director-General

2391 Concerned by the threat of invasion from the Draconis Combine, Brian Cameron agrees a peace treaty with Tikonov. This cedes Nanking and Acamar to the Hegemony but also recognises the annexation of the Duchy of Liao to Tikonov. In five years of war more than one hundred warships of the Quixote and Sherwood-classes have been destroyed but the score is heavily in favour of the Sherwoods.

2398 The First Andurien War breaks out.

2403 Brian Cameron dies in an agricultural accident, his sister Judith Cameron claims the throne. Having mostly recovered from the Second Hegemony-Tikonov War, Tikonov begins a process of massively expanding their armed forces, finally completing the overdue refits of the Blenheim-class and beginning work on a class of more conventional cruisers.

2404 First Andurien War ends with a treaty, though the Alliance and League continue to fight on other fronts

2408 Katherine, the first ruling Steiner, becomes Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth. HAF forces defeat the DCMS in a costly battle on Lyons

2409 A Capellan invasion of St Andre is turned back after bitter fighting that seriously damages the planetary infrastructure and leads to fully half of the planetary population dying.

2411 Cartago, previously a jointly-held world between the Hegemony and the Federated Suns is annexed by the Hegemony following civil unrest. The Federated Suns makes several attempts to retake the world over the following two decades

2412 TGUS Anastasia is launched. Other than having a jump drive it is considered little more capable than an Auckland-class carrier and the cost per unit limits production significantly, but they raise the prestige of the TGUN significantly.

2414 Tikonov and Capella sign a comprehensive treaty spelling out 'Laws of War' to reduce the chances of a repeat of the St Andre disaster.

2416 The Terran Hegemony signs the St Andre agreement and adds their influence to the campaign to extend their adoption. Both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Rim Worlds Republic sign by the end of the year.

2417 Outworlds Alliance founded

2418 With tensions rising between Taurus and Capella, the Taurian government signs the St Andre agreement. Later that year the first war between two St Andre signatories breaks out between them.

2419 Judith Cameron resigns in favour of her nephew Richard

2421 The Von Rohrs family ousts the ruling Kurita line in the Draconis Combine. Eager to avoid foreign entanglements as he consolidates his position, the new Coordinator signs the St Andre agreement.

2423 The Rim War between Capella and Taurus ends, remarkably with the St Andre agreement having been upheld.

2424 The Free Worlds League and Federated Suns finally cave to diplomatic pressure and sign the St Andre agreement.

2431 The HAF successfully invade Kentares

2432 THS Vincent launched, finally giving the HAF a corvette hull more satisfactory than the Bonaventure and Vigilant classes.

2433 Jacob Cameron becomes Director-General following Richard's death. No election takes place as per revised laws the year before.

2435 With relations with Terra deteriating, Tikonov launches a pre-emptive invasion of Nanking and Acamar, starting the Third Hegemony-Tikonov War. Already commited to fighting the Combine and the Suns, the Hegemony responds poorly at first.

2438 THS Riga launched, lead ship intended to replace the ill-starred Quixote-class

2439 The first BattleMech, the MSK-5S Mackie, is introduced by the Terran Hegemony

2442 BattleMechs first used in combat on Terra Firma against Tikonov heavy tanks. Although the campaign is successful, the BattleMechs are not considered a major success and several are captured.

2443 The Council of Tetrarchs agree to fund their own BattleMech programme, convinced by substantial successes by the HAF's battlemechs over DCMS tankers

2448 THS Farragut launched. The Tikonov  military are concerned to learn that the HAF have managed to duplicate their railgun technology.

2449 The extremely bloody Battle of Deneb Kaitos halts the largest Tikonov offensive in the Third Hegemony-Tikonov War. Although left unable to jump until repaired after the war, THS Farragut distinguishes itself as the HAF flagship, the only one of three HAF battleships in the battle to survive. Both navies are forced to reduce their operational tempo as neither has sufficient docks to repair their damaged warships.

2451 The first Tikonov battlemech, the O3-G Oleg, enters service, stabilising the ground campaigns and leading to the first Battlemech vs. Battlemech battles.

2452 A coup in the Capellan Alliance leads to military rule. The Tikonov Grand Union offers the Hegemony a ceasefire rather than risk war on all fronts at once. Already faced with that situation, the Director-General agrees.

2453 With the Tikonov army still recovering from the fighting against the Hegemony, the Council of Four purchase peace on another front by selling their data on the Mackie to the Federated Suns.

2455 A Lyran commando raid steals plans for BattleMechs from Hesperus II

2457 The Capellan Alliance negotiates for BattleMech technology from the Lyran Commonwealth

2459 Geralk Marik is killed in action on Loric, becoming the first national leader to be killed by a BattleMech


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Re: Tikonov Rising (An alternate Age of War)
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2013, 07:17:38 PM »

Thought you might go for a Ridzik survives and becomes the March Lord of Tikonov. Was thinking of that myself.  ;)


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Re: Tikonov Rising (An alternate Age of War)
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2013, 11:32:25 PM »

 :D  This so far is interesting.  Wonder how well the  TGU will do against the CC and FS?
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