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Author Topic: The Yggdrasil System  (Read 6943 times)

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The Yggdrasil System
« on: April 10, 2017, 07:39:54 PM »

     Well, boys and girls, the universe sure does like throwing the odd curve ball at us, doesn't it (one of these days, I'm going to work out where that phrase originated). This is a new one, so hot off the press that my contacts within Interstellar Expeditions haven't even filed the report with head office, so we truly are ahead of the game.
     Turns out that, somewhere
below the disk that the Inner Sphere general sits on is a long forgotten system with no less than nine inhabited worlds. Reports seem to indicate that they out beyond the old Tukayyid Truce Line, but somehow avoided pretty much everyone who's marched an army back and forth for the last five centuries. In this time they have developed a rather interesting, if somewhat complicated, culture, which we will delve into now.

Star Type: K2IV
Planets: 9
Recharging Station: None

Name: Muspelheim
Position in System: 1
Time to Jump Point: 1.4 days (depending on solar activity)
Number of Moons: 0
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: None
Surface Gravity: .35
Equatorial Temp: 427°C
Highest Native Life: None
HPG Class: None
Population: 500,000
Planetary Capital: Surtr
Ruler: Govern Ulysses Aang
Senior Military Commander: Commander Gideon Coxall
Official Language: Asgardian (local mix of Danish and Swedish)
Official Curacy: Asgardian Sovereign

     Closest to the star Yggdrasil, Muspelheim is a hellish, uninhabitable burning rock that only has a single use; certain rare earth elements key to the manufacture of the fission reactors used across much of the system. The planet is tidally locked, with the same side always facing Yggdrasil, resulting in a 600° difference in the temperatures between the two sides. It is only in the polar regions that any man-made structure can survive on the surface for long, and it is there that the scattered mining facilities can be found. Two modest space ports survive the world, one located in the capital, Surtr, which is itself little more than a large mine with expanded support complex to service the cargo DropShips that bring in supplies and fresh mining crews, before leaving with ore and miner who swear they'll never return.

Name: Hel
Position in System: 2
Time to Jump Point: 2.7 days
Number of Moons: 0
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Extreme (Toxic)
Surface Gravity: .91
Equatorial Temp: 457°C
Highest Native Life: None
HPG Class: None
Population: 2,450,000
Planetary Capital: Niflheim
Ruler: Govern Pietro MacNicol
Senior Military Commander: Commandant Dax Anasazi
Official Language: Asgardian (local mix of Danish and Swedish)
Official Curacy: Work Credits

     For those who thought Muspelheim was too homely, the aptly named Hel is possibly one of the most inhospitable worlds in the entirety of human explored space to actually have a permanent population. Not that most of them want to be there, as the only settlement on the entire world is a giant, city-sized prison complex named Niflheim. This massive domed structure holds the worst of the worst in the entire Yggdrasil, people who's crimes are so great that it is considered necessary to permanently remove them from the rest of the population, yet have not earned a death sentence.
     Inside the complex, the prisoners are largely left to their own devices, the guards only stepping in if a situation gets out of hand: internal policing is handled by a cadre of Trustees who are charged with maintaining order, ensuring that prison rules are followed and that everyone fulfils their allotted work assignment. Given that these assignments range from working in the hydroponic farms that feed the prisoners to maintaining the life support systems that keep Hel's deadly atmosphere out, motivation is reasonably high. Those who fulfil or even exceed their assignments can earn Work Credits that can be exchanged for certain luxury items or extra time in a recreational area. Educational courses are available for those who wish to broaden their minds in the hopes of impressing the parole board or simply elevate the boardroom.
     There has never been a single recorded escape from Niflheim, mostly due to the fact that only a handful of especially designed and equipped DropShips can survive in the planets atmosphere, and they are all controlled by the systems government.

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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2017, 06:50:30 PM »

Name: Vanaheimr
Position in System: 3
Time to Jump Point: 4.6 days
Number of Moons: 1 (Æsir)
Surface Water: 36%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.02
Equatorial Temp: 66°C
Highest Native Life: Avian
HPG Class: None
Population: 2,350,000,000
Planetary Capital: Vanir City
Noble Ruler: High Thane Tadanobu Mikkelsen
Senior Military Commander: Marshal Sjöfn Lindow
Official Language: Asgardian
Official Curacy: Vanaheimr Shilling

One the inside edge of the habitable zone, Vanaheimr is easily identified due to its vast equatorial deserts and lush rain forests nearer the poles. Only a few smalls seas and lakes provide water to what would otherwise be a parched and desolate world, but there are signs of limited terraforming due to a number of abandoned and half buried Star League era structures spread out across the surface. A team from Interstellar Expeditions attempted to get a closer look at one of the more intact sites, but inadvertently tripped a passive security system, and had to retreat in the face of approaching local security forces. Observing from a safe distance, the team was able to ascertain that they were mistaken for illegal salvager's, picking over the remains for anything worth selling on the black market.

Further observations were carried out by a lander hidden on the worlds only natural moon, Æsir, the team tapping into the worlds telecommunications network thanks to a stealth satellite placed in polar orbit. Their findings indicate that Vanaheimr is ruled by a number of Clans consisting of a ruling family with a variable number of cadet branches and subservient houses. Each Clan controls vast tracts of land across the planet, be they forests and farmlands that provide much of the worlds food, the seas and lakes that provide water, or deep desert mines that produce precious metals that are exported off world, generating much of their GDP. When matters of planetary importance arise, the leaders of each Clan, known as Thanes, assemble in Vanir City. Interestingly, no single Clan holds sway over the planetary capital, with it instead being held as an open city with an independent Major elected by the local populous. Many weapons are forbidden within the city, with only local law enforcement allowed to carry firearms, although the Thanes are allowed a retainer of armed guards.

The social structure of Vanaheimr could fill an encyclopedia in and of itself, with each Clan and sub-house linked by a complex web of personal allegiances, marriages, debts and feuds that that would make even a Capellans head spin. Fighting between Houses and Clans is apparently common, but usual limited to small arms, which is probably for the best as each Clan is responsible for maintaining a guard or militia equipped with military grade weaponry, including a smattering of Star League vintage BattleMech's and armoured vehicles. These relics are more for show than actual use, relegated by necessity to status symbols due to the difficulty in maintaining them. But on the rare occasion they are actually used, combat tends to resemble a medieval tournament, with the two sides fighting until one yields the field of battle to the other.

Technically independent of neighbouring Asgard, the people of Vanaheimr are proudly independent and distrustful of outsiders, making it all but impossible to insert a anthropological team into their midsts; a simple misspoken word or ill timed gesture is more than enough to rouse suspicion and attract unwanted attention. As such the observation team recommended that any further expeditions limit themselves to long-range observations and electronic infiltration.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 08:09:17 PM by Starbug »
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Dragon Cat

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Re: The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2017, 07:15:22 PM »

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2017, 07:28:07 PM »

Not everything I create is aimed at you, you know.

Yes, a great deal of it is, but not all of it.
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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2017, 08:16:28 PM »

Name: Asgard
Position in System: 4
Time to Jump Point: 5.1 days
Number of Moons: 2 (Hugin and Munin)
Surface Water: 70%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: .98
Equatorial Temp: 42°C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
HPG Class: Indeterminate
Population: 3,750,000,000
Planetary Capital: The Eternal City
Noble Ruler: King Thor Heyerdahl IV
Senior Military Commander: Lord Marshal Tyr Gundersen
Official Language: Asgardian
Official Curacy: Asgardian Sovereign

The most populous world in the Yggdrasil system, Asgard sits almost in the middle of the habitable zone with little to no axial tilt. Very much an Terra-like world, Asgard has almost every environment one would expect from a habitable world, with wide oceans, vast savannas and frigged acetic wastes. The environment is carefully managed to maintain the ecosystem, with most of the heavy industry located on its two moons, minimising pollution. This does drive up prices for many consumer goods, and there is a marked divide between the rich and the poor, with only a small mercantile middle class between them. This may go a long way towards explaining the strict hierarchical nature of their society, with most of the populous expected to follow the same career path as their parents and grand parents, with only limited options and avenue of advancement. It is not uncommon to encounter three generations of the same family toiling away at the same farm or government department.

At the very top of Asgardian society is the expansive royal family, lead by either a King or a Queen (Asgard has full gender equality), with a pyramid of Earls, Dukes, Lords and Barrons below them. Each noble has direct authority over those below them, to the point where some of the lower classes are little more than serfs. This is in stark contras with the more egalitarian Vanaheimr, where it is possible for a skilled and motivated individual to raise both their individual standing and that of their House and Clan. Asgard often accuses Vanaheimr of supporting populist movements, which their military and security forces put down with enough force to make even the most hard-line Kuritan turn pale. For all its grandeur and elegance, Asgard is very much a feudal aristocracy, with those at the bottom kept in line by the jackbooted feet of those above them. Much of the planets literature and popular culture is slanted towards maintaining this view, with citizens encouraged to look down upon those below them socially and economically. This in turn has lead to a culture of bag-stabbing and professional sabotage, with individuals openly rewarded for doing whatever it takes to get ahead at the expense of others.

This is less common outside of the larger urban centres, with many of the more rural communities all but indistinguishable from those in the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth. But it is here that the oppression from above is most felt, with working toiling long hours in the fields, forests and mines for minimal pay, all to support what industry exists on Asgard. Those who try and buck the system are relocated to either Hugin or Munin, there forced to work at the vast foundries and factories that power the worlds economy. Life there is harsh and often short, with the security staff issuing harsh penalties for the slightest infraction of the draconian rules. It is no surprise that, of all the world in the Yggdrasil system, it is Asgard that sends more people to Hel than all the others combined.
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Re: The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2017, 09:42:27 AM »

Not everything I create is aimed at you, you know.

Yes, a great deal of it is, but not all of it.

 ;D I'm not stealing this (honest) I just fancied seeing where you went with it
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2017, 03:13:29 PM »

Not everything I create is aimed at you, you know.

Yes, a great deal of it is, but not all of it.

 ;D I'm not stealing this (honest) I just fancied seeing where you went with it
And if anyone here believes ​that, I'd like to talk with you about this bridge in Brooklyn... 8)
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Re: The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2017, 04:12:41 PM »

I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I'm wanting to get rid of.
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I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius
May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies. - Voltaire
Chaos doesn't need a recipe, just a list of ingredients. - Drakensis
Kachi ni Fushigi no Kachi Ari. Make ni Fushigi no Make Nashi
Wielder of the Ferro-Carbide Bat of Doom™®©


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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2017, 07:39:00 PM »

Name: Midgard
Position in System: 5
Time to Jump Point: 6.1 days
Number of Moons: 0
Surface Water: 62%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable/Tainted)
Surface Gravity: 1.03
Equatorial Temp: 36°C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
HPG Class: None
Population: 4,150,000,000
Planetary Capital: N/A
Noble Ruler: N/A
Senior Military Commander: N/A
Official Language: Asgardian
Official Curacy: Variable

By all logic, Midgard should be the political and economic powerhouse of the Yggdrasil system... and they would be, if not for the fact that they're used as a battleground by Asgard and Vanaheimr. Not literally, but the two other worlds do seem intent on fighting what appears to be a centuries long proxy war on the outermost planet in the habitable zone. Even more fractured than Vanaheimr, with its surface spilt between numerous autonomous City States that vie for control over natural recesses and means of production. Long range scans show signs that the world was the subject of limited nuclear exchange between many of the City States some point in the not too distant past, and large areas are still semi-irradiated wastelands of shattered buildings and poised fields. To try and deal with the resulting fallout, many of the more prosperous Cities managed to re-purpose ancient terraforming equipment taken from Hel and Vanaheimr, creating massive air scrubbers. Indeed, in the field of atmospheric filtering and fallout removal, there is much Midgard could teach the wider galaxy.

The individual City States are an odd assortment of technologically advanced megacities that wouldn't look out of place on some of the more developed worlds of the Inner Sphere, and those that look to be lifted from historical records of late 20th and early 21st Century Terra. Their methods of government likewise vary from religious communes to capitalist paradises to crime-ridden dystopias. One golden rule seems to be that life is cheap, but weapons are even cheaper. While even the poorest city has a thriving  (often underground) market of projectile weapons, some of their more technologically advanced neighbours have made staggering advances in the field of cybernetics, to the point where the Interstellar Expeditions team have recommended that an investigation be launched into possible Word of Blake involvement.

Trade and travel between the cities is common, but not always safe; not all have access to space-ports, so much of what connection there is is by more mundane methods of travel, such as road, rail and sea. Piracy is rampant in places, with ill equipped and underfunded law enforcement agencies often unable or unwilling to go up against well armed and organised criminal organisations. Some of the larger, more prosperous cities send out patrols and strikes against known havens, but some of the more isolated cities are little more than bandit kingdoms, and cleaning them out would cost too much blood and money for anyone to deem worthy. There is also the fact that they're seen as something of a pressure valve, somewhere the more disruptive elements of society can go to indulge their baser nature. They are also known to play home to clandestine meetings between factions that can not, for various reasons, be seen together in public.

A lose coalition of some of the more advanced cities do seem to be trying to form an alliance of sorts in a bid to bring some order to their world, but it remains to be seen just how far Asgard and Vanaheimr will let them get.

OOC: so yeah, Midgard is basically a hodge-podge Anime world, somewhere were Section Nine would find themselves having to contend with Hotel Moscow, all while E-SWAT tries to keep the peace. I want each of the major worlds in the Yggdrasil system to have its own unique feel to it, beyond the obvious Nordic flavour its name would suggest. I also feel like BattleTech is one of those setting where you'll find pretty much anything, if you look long and hard enough (goes over notes for a BraveStarr/Galaxy Rangers inspired world... one day...)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 05:23:58 AM by Starbug »
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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2017, 07:27:41 PM »

Name: Alfheim
Position in System: 6
Time to Jump Point: 7.9 days
Number of Moons: 19
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Extreme (Gas Giant)
Surface Gravity: 3.7g
Equatorial Temp: -110°C
Highest Native Life: N/A

Name: Dökkálfar
Position in System: 6.7
Time to Jump Point: 7.9 days
Number of Moons: N/A
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Thin (Unbreathable)
Surface Gravity: .14g
Equatorial Temp: -175°C
Highest Native Life: Microbial
HPG Class: None
Population: 1,500,000
Planetary Capital: Port Loki
Noble Ruler: Thane Sif Huygens
Senior Military Commander: Commander Brent Ivorson
Official Language: Asgardian
Official Curacy: Vanaheimr Shilling

A stark and desolate moon of the gas giant Alfheim, Dökkálfar is home to an outpost controlled by Vanaheimr and run by one of their Clans, that of Clan Huygens. While far smaller in population to many cities on Vanaheimr itself, Port Loki is important due to the fact that it acts as the ground station for an orbiting shipyard that constructs and maintains a small fleet of small craft, DropShips and even primitive JumpShips that connect Vanaheimr to a number of isolated mining camps and refineries in the systems rich asteroid belt that sits between Midgard and Alfheim. These communities, seemingly little different to Belter colonies across known space, provide much of the raw materials needed to maintain Vanaheimr's economy, and are often operated by cadet branches of the various Clans to which they own their fidelity.

Name: Ljósálfar
Position in System: 6.11
Time to Jump Point: 7.9 days
Number of Moons: N/A
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Trace (Unbreathable)
Surface Gravity: .0794g
Equatorial Temp: -235.2°C
Highest Native Life: None
HPG Class: None
Population: 750,000
Planetary Capital: Gjallerbru
Noble Ruler: Lord Eric J. Saggs
Senior Military Commander: Commander Charles Nabel
Official Language: Asgardian
Official Curacy: Asgardian Sovereign

The Asgardian counterpart to Dökkálfar, Ljósálfar serves as Asgards primary shipyard and home port for the ships that service their own mining colonies. There is also evidence of some kind of military R&D facility on the moon, run by a private corporation with ties to the highest level of Asgardian government, that may be involved in research of a questionable ethical nature, possibly involving advanced cybernetic enhancements. Given the inability to land on the planets surface or even get close enough for detailed scans, the survey team was unable to validate these rumours, but they have flagged the site for any follow up missions due to the possibility of Word of Blake involvement.
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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2017, 08:49:09 PM »

Name: Niðavellir
Position in System: 7
Time to Jump Point: 11 days
Number of Moons: 21
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Extreme (Gas Giant)
Surface Gravity: 1.065g
Equatorial Temp: -189°C
Highest Native Life: N/A

Name: Svartalfheim
Position in System: 7.1
Time to Jump Point: 11 days
Number of Moons: N/A
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Trace (Unbreathable)
Surface Gravity: .288g
Equatorial Temp: -174.15°C
Highest Native Life: None
HPG Class: None
Population: 650,000
Planetary Capital: Mjölnir Camp
Noble Ruler: Director Oaken Tudyk
Senior Military Commander: Captain Elsa Bulda
Official Language: Cymraeg
Official Curacy: Work Credit

Okay, this one's a curve ball, even by the standards of the Yggdrasil system. The only inhabited moon of the gas giant Niðavellir, the surface of Svartalfheim is bathed in hard radiation due to its close orbit that regularly dips into Niðavellir deadly radiation belts. Only a handful of hardened, thickly armoured structures dot the surface, while everything else is housed in a labyrinthine, subterranean complex of mines and forges. Fiercely independent, this small encampment refuses to even speak the same language as the rest of the system. Indeed, it took the anthropological team several days to narrow it down to a variant long extinct regional dialect hailing from North-West Europe known as 'Welsh'.

Just how this language founds its way to the Yggdrasil system, and why the people of Svartalfheim seem so intent on keeping it is yet another mystery that the survey team was unable to decipher before they left.

Life on Svartalfheim is centred around their mines and forges, where they work to produce weapons, jewellery and other much sort after items that are much sort after at the highest levels of society on the more prosperous worlds of the system. A singly hand-crafted ring or chalice can often by held as a family heirloom, while their blades and small arms are said to be of unparalleled quality. It goes without saying that the survey team was unable to acquire any examples, or even study one up close, but what information they were able to gain indicates that Svartalfheim has a possibly unique metallurgy. This, combined with refining and forging techniques perfected over centuries allows them to produce blades of exquisite quality that never seem to lose their edge, within without the need to be sharpened. This same process allows them to produce forearms that never suffer from wear and always fire strait and true.

The possibility of discovering whatever allows this unmatched feet may well be worth the cost of a follow up mission on its own.

Name: Jötunheimr
Position in System: 8
Time to Jump Point: 19 days
Number of Moons: 7
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: Extreme (Ice Giant)
Surface Gravity: 1.14g
Equatorial Temp: -201°C
Highest Native Life: N/A

Name: Útgarðar
Position in System: 8.4
Time to Jump Point: 19 days
Number of Moons: N/A
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: None
Surface Gravity: .43g
Equatorial Temp: -235.5°C
Highest Native Life: None
HPG Class: None
Population: 40,000
Planetary Capital: Mímir
Ruler: Director Axel Olrik
Senior Military Commander: N/A
Official Language: Asgardian
Official Curacy: Asgardian Sovereign

A small outpost on an equality small and unremarkable world, Útgarðar would probably go without note if not for the fact that it is the location of a crashed Potemkin class Troop Cruiser tentatively identified as the SLS Hlidskjalf, a vessel believed to have been involved in General General Kerensky's Exodus from the Inner Sphere. While limited to long-range scans and publicly available data sources, the survey team was able to piece together a possible history; the Hlidskjalf and a number of JumpShips broke away from the main fleet during the confusion of the Prinz Eugen Mutiny, but the massive transport was badly damaged during their escape by a loyalist warship (long range scans of the wreckage show signs of damaged consistent with capital missile strikes). Jumping blind into an unmapped system, the Hlidskjalf arrived at a pirate point near Jötunheimr with its flotilla of transports, but suffered a catastrophic disaster that irreparably damaged its KF-core beyond all hope of repair.

Their ship crippled, the crew of the Hlidskjalf ordered the docked DropShips, along with those of the JumpShip fleet, to make for the three habitable worlds while they worked to try and at least keep their ship operational as a orbital base. Apparently all attempts to keep the ship stable failed, and it soon became trapped within Jötunheimr's gravity well and started to drift towards the Ice Giant. In order to save what they could, the ships captain attempted what would have, under any other circumstances been lunacy of the highest degree: she attempted to land the Hlidskjalf on Útgarðar, using what was left of the ships thrusters and the moons lower gravity to perform what could otherwise be described as 'crashing with style'. While the skeleton crew was able to slow the ships decent to the point where it didn't hit like a meteorite, the force of impact was simply too much for the already battered ship to take: the hull cracked like an egg, spilling out what was left of the atmosphere, killing the crew almost instantly.

Since then the crash site has been the location of an ongoing if somewhat haphazard salvage operation, wither workers operating in dangerous conditions to attempt to recover some kep piece of lost-tech from the wreck.

Name: Niflheim
Position in System: 9
Time to Jump Point: 44 days
Number of Moons: 0
Surface Water: 0%
Atm. Pressure: None
Surface Gravity: .64
Equatorial Temp: -299°C
Highest Native Life: None
HPG Class: None
Population: Unknown
Planetary Capital: Unknown
Ruler: Unknown
Senior Military Commander: Unknown
Official Language: Unknown
Official Curacy: Unknown

And last but not least, possibly the biggest mystery in the entire Yggdrasil System, the world of Niflheim.

Only just big enough to avoid being being classed as a Dwarf Planet, Niflheim marks the very edge of the Yggdrasil System, the last point on the map. It is, as it where, where one would expect to see 'Here Be Dragons!', and that's not far from the truth. According to information gathered by the survey team, for at least the last two hundred years, Niflheim has been at the centre of an ongoing series of strange encounters and mysterious disappearances that have gotten so out of hand that one of the few things the governments of Vanaheimr and Asgard agree on is the need to keep as far away from the place as possible. Despite this, there are reports of unknown DropShips and small craft operating in the systems outermost reaches, shadowing transports and raiding isolated outposts and stations. While a lot of this can be attributed to simple banditry, there is evidence that something more sinister is at work, something operating from hidden bases on Niflheim. Something that made the survey team call an early end to their mission.

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The Yggdrasil System
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2017, 08:51:35 PM »

Okay, so I've somehow managed to miss an entire world  :o

I'll have to go back through my notes and fix that.

EDIT: ok, no it turns out that I simply mislabeled Midgard. But it was 2am, so accidents happen.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 05:26:02 AM by Starbug »
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