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Author Topic: What If: Alexander the Dove  (Read 3912 times)

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  • Duke of Avalon
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What If: Alexander the Dove
« on: May 25, 2012, 04:41:56 PM »

In the 2570s the newly formed Star League was divided between Hawks, intending to complete the unification of humanity by force, and Doves, who felt that a continuation of diplomatic approaches was wiser. Marion Marik and Ursula Liao were among the latter, Hehiro Kurita and Alexander Davion the former.

But what if Alexander Davion felt that another war was not in the best interests of the Federated Suns. It would inevitably strengthen the Star League's centralisation through 'temporary wartime measures' after all, and he'd been determined to maintain the prestige of the Federated Suns despite joining the Star League. Also the most dangerous Periphery State was the Taurian Concordat, his immediate neighbour. He was the most likely to face retaliation and no matter how victorious the Star League might be later on, he could hardly have liked the idea of taking the brunt.

So let's suppose that Alexander doesn't back warfare as a solution. It had taken thirteen years to bring the six current members to agreement and two more years of negotiation to come up with the Star League accords. Surely the Periphery states were worth at least that much investment of time and energy. The Rim Worlds Republic would be a good starting point, House Amaris was already pro-Terran so quiet support of his legitimate government could hardly be objectionable.

In pursuit of this, Alexander recommends a reduction in emphasis on the SLDF. Clashes on Robinson and Milos make it clear that the SLDF had a long way to go before it will be accepted. Rather than being advertised as a 'show of strength', the United Triumph exercises in 2572 are billed as an exercise in learning, essentially fault finding. The SLDF does not appear to be a well-honed military machine capable of crushing the periphery and tensions relax slightly. Later that year, when it is discovered that the Outworlds Alliance had a modest force of BattleMechs, rather than reacting with alarm, Alexander convinces the Star League Council that absent a clear threat the Alliance Militia would find little support among the pacifistic Outworlders. In fact, he considers them a welcome market for aging military equipment that the AFFS was still burdened with. Selling it to the Outworlds would make room for the scaled-back AFFS Army and Navy to standardise a higher quality of hardware and even slightly offset the costs.

Another near crisis emerges at Malagrotta but the FSN, well aware that their Prince was not spoiling for a fight, react relatively cautiously and the situation was defused. There is even some good press with the Federated Suns warships having provided aid to Taurian spacers in need.

Without these spark points, the Star League does not face the same drive towards war and the Star League didn't impose the significant taxes and tariffs on trade with the Periphery that in canon proved very damaging to both sides. That in turn means that Viola Steiner is unlikely to move to the side of the Hawks and therefore the Pollux Proclaimation never happens. There might even be some equivalent that simply asks that the Periphery states accept it if one or more of them chooses to join and promises not to use force to drag them in.

This may in turn lead to no Manchester Directive by Gregory Amaris, which combined with fewer economic problems may soften attitudes in the Rim Worlds Republic. It's unlikely to produce much of a pro-League faction but it's likely to delay that pot coming to the boil. And once it does, the SLDF won't have other commitments, so it's just possible that they might be able to move in to rescue Amaris, help him restore order and then very publically withdraw until such time as he joins the Star League, which he would no doubt do quickly. Thus the Rim Worlds stand as a full member of the Star League...

How might the OWA, MoC and TC react? Might House Kurita start pulling away from a Star League where their leader is increasingly isolated?

Dragon Cat

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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 05:43:07 PM »

I think the Dracs would stay with but give less support to the SLDF

On the other hand I think the Member states of the FWL may see an opportunity generally bigger and more organised that the periphery states they could see it as an opportunity to declare independence of the FWL could bring a civil war?

Or the Capellans could see Alexander the Dove as Alexander the Weak causing conflict

The Cameron's could feel threatened by Alexander's diplomatic skills causing friction between Davion and Cameron lines

Or you could have March politics from the Haseks and Sandovals looking for a fight trying to spark further incidents

great thing about battletech you can create conflict wherever a story goes
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 07:18:36 AM »

The TC's reaction is to continue upgrading and updating it's Military forces, as Mitchell Calderon was already heavily promoting that policy since the 2560's.

More than likely the TC start's the process for designing a new cruiser after having taken a good long look at the New Syrtis - FSS Jaipur.     

As for the reaction to the Rimmer's joining the Star League, the TC response is still going be fundamentally opposed to the concept of  Cameron's Star League.

But in the face of diplomacy, not aggression, I can see factions within the TC pushing for a peace and trade treaty.

They won't join up, but sure as heck will make business with the Inner Sphere.



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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2012, 11:28:54 AM »

The TC's reaction is to continue upgrading and updating it's Military forces, as Mitchell Calderon was already heavily promoting that policy since the 2560's.

Actually I would argue that's not likely.  Per H:RW (p. 66) the TC began increasing it's military production in 2572 in response to SL Directive 21 - the establishment of SLDF Garrisons in the OA. If there SLDF does not establish garrisons in the OA, then there is no reason to assume that they will increase military spending. This effort was accelerated by the issuance of the Pollux Proclamation.   It's still possible that the TC would increase it's military spending, but the 2 specific motivators have been removed, so I would say there might be a slight increase in spending, but not a a major expansion.

But in the face of diplomacy, not aggression, I can see factions within the TC pushing for a peace and trade treaty.

They won't join up, but sure as heck will make business with the Inner Sphere.

I'd disagree with this.  The TC was offered economic and diplomatic incentives by the SL.  They turned them down because they felt (and probably rightly so) that that the deals were not fair.  For example we have the Critical Services Modernization Initiative (described as a thinly veiled industrial espionage effort combined with the establishment of a pro-SL propoganda machine in the Periphery) and the SL offering the TC most favored nation trade status (which would have shipped more products to the TC then the TC would have sent to the SL and offered goods inferior to those produced in the TC). 

If anything I could see the TC maintaining it's status quo with the CC and FS- dealing with them directly and not with the SL.  The TC did have relations with both of those states prior to the RW- Periphery 1e specifically states that between 2425 and roughly 2575 the TC had trade relations with the CC and FS.  The FS and TC had diplomatic relations as seen by the Omsol Accord.  I think as long as the SLDF doesn't make any provocative moves, the TC will maintain a cautious peace.  They will NOT strike first- that is clear from the books.  Case Amber was a response to Cameron's declaration of war (official or otherwise) and (this is the important part) the AFFS struck first away- launching their fleet into Concordat space where it was attacked and destroyed.  This wasn't a Pearl Harbor scenario. It was more like if the US lured the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor and while the Japanese planes were over Pearl, the US Fleet hit the Japanese carriers and destroyed them.

As for the MOC- I think as long as the SL leaves them alone economically and politically it will be business as usual for them.  I can actually see the OA as the most likely to join the SL- if the SLDF begins a real pirate hunting campaign in the area. Then they may agree to some sort of protectorate agreement, where they remain independent but allow the SLDF to base troops in the OA for pirate hunting purposes.


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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2012, 03:17:02 PM »

Looking at the Periphery States in order of age:

The Taurians probably have least to gain from joining the Star League. They came out this far to get away from the wars and their experience of the Capellans and FedSuns has been... uneven, shall we say. I'm sure Mitchell would want to make a serious military build up against the Star League but let's be serious: that's going to spend a lot of money in a race they can't win. The SLDF may wind up smaller than the combined armies and navies of the Age of War but I can't see the TDF ever winding up a competitor in numbers or technology. They can't win a war and they're probably not going to begin one. Mitchell will probably go down in history as a Protector with a rather bad economic record, although he might get credit for 'scaring off' the Star League. Can't see them signing on with the Star League but being outside it isn't going to do them much good when it's the biggest game in town.

The Rim Worlds are a civil war waiting to happen. Amaris wants in but enough of his people don't that I cant see it ending peacefully. The Star League is sure to intervene... which is going to worry all three of the other states. Depending on how it's handled it could be a coup or a disaster for them, but either way it seems that the Rim Worlds will be brought in and unless Amaris screws up massively he'l probably wind up on the Star League Council. Then again, this is Gregory Amaris so that's not unthinkable. If the Rim Worlds wind up as 'less equal' members then it's going to hammer the perception of the Star League in the periphery.

The Outworlds probably won't want to fight. If the Star League makes a play on 'ending the wars' then the Outworlders may be interested - but they're basically getting the benefit if that anyway. The only real threat to them other than the Star League is pirates, but if handled respectfully then they might find the economic benefits worthwhile after a decade or two. Then again, their economy is a mess due to certain constitutional problems and the Star League would be wise to insist that those are straightened out first. Plus they're the obvious target for House Kurita getting aggressive.

The Magistracy are still the new kids on the block. They're more than happy to trade with the Star League, but they don't see any benefit to tying themselves to leadership from Terra. Plus, they're smaller than everyone but the OWA and probably would be concerned about getting pushed around by the rest of the Star League. But the flipside is that if the Star League can offer Crystalla Centralla something she can't buy in return for joining then she might well decide to go for it. The question is whether it can be made worth her while. Otherwise she'd probably want to build up until she has a more equal stature to the other states... something Alexander might sympathise with.

In the case of the OWA and MoC encouraging friendly relations and explicitly trying to build the two states up as strong healthy neighbours who are valuable allies and trading partners is probably the best way to improve the Star League's image. However, if you're doing that - and offset the costs of being outside the Star League - then what can be offered to them as an inducement to actually join?


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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2012, 04:39:53 PM »

I'd agree with most of your take on things.  I'm not sure that the TC will be badly hurt by being on the outside of the SL.  The TC of 2570 is very different from that of 3025- they were an industrial power house, with a high standard of living, well educated populace and were not far behind the FS and CC tech wise- the TH is a different story (keep in mind they developed modern battlefield technology only 1 year after the Capellans and introduced warships before the LC, DC, CC and FWL). We know the TC had some trading with the FS and CC but not how much.  So if the SL decided to cut of trade it would hurt some but I suspect the TC is largely self-sufficient at this point and would not suffer to badly.

I'll agree that Mitchell Calderon would increase military spending, but I'm not sure that it would increase to levels that would cripple the economy.  The situation in the TC in 2570 is different from that during Thomas Calderon's reign in the 3050s.  Among them without the Pollux Proclamation I don't think Mitchell Calderon declares a state of emergency and initiates his mandatory 4 years of service program.  Also unlike Thomas, Mitchell Calderon's early efforts to expand the military revolved around expanding the army (and to a lesser extent the navy- but it was the army that need the most expansion), which could actually be beneficial to the economy-it creates a number of jobs (soldiers, support personnel, manufacturing).  Unless he puts the TC on a full wartime production program and halts all civilian production I just don't see this being a major problem.  One of the ways Thomas hurt the economy was by conscripting civilians to built planetary fortifications.  Which was just a total waste of money. 

As for the RWR as you say I see them joining the SL.  Amaris has to be made equal to the other IS Lords otherwise it be yet another reason for the periphery states to avoid the SL. 

The only thing the SL can offer the MOC that they can't buy is open borders.  If the SL were to somehow cut off travel between the MOC and the SL that would wreck the Canopian economy.  Maybe put limits on the number of Visas that are issued.  Not allow Canopian Pleasure Circuses into the IS?  Impose huge tariffs.  But if you are trying to get them to join the SL do you want them join because you screwed them and they have no other option or do you want them to join willingly? 



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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2012, 06:18:26 PM »

On to more interesting points:

What happens with all the disbanded military forces kicking around and all the trouble they cause.

I could see this turning into the Cameron's basis for pushing the Star League forward. 

How about this:

In 2574:

After a spot of raiding in the FedSuns, an ex-CCAF force flees through the TC, and incidentally decides to pull a little raid there as well.

Things go badly for the little colony world having no major forces on it, but a message does get through.

The issue is that at the same time Cappellan March Forces arrive in pursuit (someone important's children are being taken hostage for ransom) a TC Naval Task force arrives in response to the call. 

Stuff happens and no one's happy, least of all the Cappies who got blown thoroughly out of the water. 

Mitchell Calderon gets a message, the First Lord, Ian Cameron is coming by to chat about resolving the Piracy Issue.


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Re: What If: Alexander the Dove
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 05:49:31 AM »

Just a question: what is the long term goal of the Star League?
To bring everyone under a single banner.

Does this mean war? Not at all.
I think a mix of pressure, prosperity, trade and financial exhaustion for those wanting to compete against the Star League could do wonders (see Asimov's Foundation).

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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