Rainbow 6
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Posts: 829
Pirate Bands
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:36:53 PM » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic
Hi a few quick questions about pirate bands active at this point of the 1st SW.
What pirate groups are known to be active?
What are there aproximate sizes?
What areas have they been operating in?
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Userbar by Xtrahmxwohld
Posts: 5059
Re: Pirate Bands
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2008, 11:54:28 PM » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic
Hmm, good questions. Aside from the Belt Pirates and that one band created as a result of Operation Katana's Wave 1 there is little info on this subject. It will be addressed in detail in FM Periphery 2812. However bandits are operating all over the place in these chaotic times.
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Rainbow 6
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Posts: 829
Re: Pirate Bands
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 12:36:26 PM » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic
I'm assuming the Pirates of the Tortuga Dominions are around at this time as well as the former 237th Federation Light Cavalry took up resendence there during the re-unification war.
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Userbar by Xtrahmxwohld
Posts: 5059
Re: Pirate Bands
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2008, 01:50:17 AM » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic
Ah yes they've been around since the Reunification War right?
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"It is better to be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."
U. S. Grant
"Don't think about what I say, cause I don't."
John Luther
Posts: 317
Re: Pirate Bands
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2008, 08:32:31 AM » Quote Modify Remove Split Topic
1) What Pirate Groups are Known To Be Active?
Probably more than can be really named. Keep in mind that piracy (and such activities) spike in times of war, and this is one huge freaking war. Confusion makes it easier and with the proper authorities distracted by more prominent threats there are not many reprisals unless you start to get too bold.
2) What are their approximate sizes?
Again, this is probably widely variable. My guess would be that most groups are small mixed unit type things. Probably on the lance to company scale with some larger and some smaller. Some would have 'Mechs but that would be rare, more relying on infantry and vehicles. DropShips would be necessary assets for any group wishing to act across several planets but could probably be hijacked if the right chance came up.
Most groups probably started out as AWOL military units or Civy's that have been displaced as a result of the fighting. Really large groups would be rare because of how difficult they would be to support, but under the right leader a few could probably form while the House Lords are distracted.
3) What areas have they been operating in?
Because most would likely start out as AWOL units or Refugees they would probably tend to form at the edges of areas involved in intense fighting between the House Lords. From there they would do their best to get away from these dangerous areas, likely moving to the periphery or boarder worlds that are not currently under dispute, or hunker down as best possible to take advantage of the confusion that results in the aftermath of a battle.
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