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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2007, 05:06:33 PM »
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Agreed but back on topic. Any ideas for Privateer units?? We have a kick ass pirate nation and I might as well share it because it won't appear for two years or so in print.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2007, 05:08:36 PM »
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Privateer units?
This is not something you would see. Privateers were individuals that might gather for specific targets but that would be sailing alone most of the time.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2007, 05:18:00 PM »
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True to an extent but there must be some notable practioners.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2007, 08:49:11 AM »
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Wow, great read. Merchant fleet sizes should also be addressed. I believe House Davion starts the war with the largest merchant fleet because of their commercial shipbuilding ventures. Others I'm not sure of although the Lyrans and Terrans are probably 2 and 3 followed by Marik (perhaps Marik even has more than Terra although their pre-war shipbuilding and mentioned shipping doesn't indicate that to me) then Kurita followed that poor old House Liao. Periphery merchant fleets are most likely so small to these powers it is a bad comparsion.
Great job! I'm looking forward to the other states of the InnerSphere.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2007, 11:26:46 AM »
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very nice indeed
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2007, 03:05:55 PM »
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For Ship Building I tend to think that the order would be something like this:
1) Terran Republic
2) Free Worlds League
3 & 4) Lyrans and Fed Suns
The Terran Republic has basically ended up with a good chunk of the Hegemony's facilities right in its lap. The Free Worlds League has always been #2 when it comes to naval power, both with JumpShips and WarShips. This would translate quite naturally into a large merchant fleet.
I am not 100% sure on the order after that. Either the Lyrans or the Fed Suns would come next with the other following closely behind. The Lyrans because they focus on trade so much, and the Fed Suns because they are one of the more industurialized powers at the fall of the Star League.
Draconis Combine would be next, although I cannot really justify why I think that.
CapCon would be last.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2007, 03:43:11 PM »
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Nice overview regarding privateers. Hope to see more regarding the other Successor States, Kit.
Regarding the size of merchant fleets there are not only dropships and standard jumpships but for the Lyran Commonwealth there was(still is?) the Sylvester-Class Transport(albeit in limited numbers) and the Carrack-Class Transport for the Terran Hegemony.
Hmmm..... Does the Terran Republic possess any Carracks? I can´t remember them mentioned in FM: Terran Republic.....
If yes these might increase transport capacity for the TRAS immensely as well as the likelihood that the cargo reaches its destination. Sure, the Armor is relatively fragile on both of them, but unlike standard jumpships these Transports field naval armaments after all. which should give Pirates and Privateers pause(or just motivate them Grin). Other Warships will probably obliterate them without much of an effort though.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2007, 08:52:34 PM »
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Are we going to randomly come up with generic sole-FC Jumpship/cargo ship?
I know that these novelity House Steiner came up with, but as far other succesion houses.
I think their going be stuck with regular jumpships, unless a semi-jumpship/warship for cargo is going to be used.
As far bandits, i think we should come up with common warships that were cobble together by pirates.
The ships we come up with would typical designs that are encountered.
I think that since warships are bit more common, that their parts would be more findable. Even thou the designs would horribly outdate. Like salvaged Winchester Class Cruiser or Pinto Class Corvette.
A privateer would be using similar designs. I'm not big on designing ships myself. However, i think if we have to limit the pirates tech...i think they should be limited to age war 2300-2400s tech / limitations, such as the Dart Light Cruisers or Vigilant class corvettes. Not great fire power, but their still warship!
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2007, 09:15:29 PM »
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I'm not sure we are talking about a purely naval force for Privateers. Of it would be a necessary part of their ops but dropships and fighters are probably more common than warships which would be rare to unique. Armed merchantmen or jolly rogers might be far more common.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2007, 10:15:50 PM »
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If privateers had "warships" as such, I would expect them to be more like WoB's Pocket WarShips than real WarShips. Reason? Smaller crew requirements and much cheaper to get and maintain.
REALLY powerful groups might be able to get their hands on something functional, but they would probably need to find it or kill it themselves.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2007, 10:30:29 PM »
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I would have to agree with you Kit. Couldn't sleep. Roll Eyes Cry Anyway, when Irose and myself did the merc book we decided that units with functioning warships are the exception and not the rule. Only the Regulators currently have them because while valuable their cost is prohibitive. Not to mention it has got to be tough to maintain warships. Not only are they under attack but many of their shipyards were wrecked by 2787. Almost as a primary target for every combatant.
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2007, 10:45:32 PM »
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I'll try to come up with some pocket warships for privateers to use I suppose. Too bad Kraken-T are not invented yet, because that is my obvious choice. Cool
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2007, 10:49:02 PM »
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Everybody loves the Kraken. Smiley
I look forward to seeing your Terran write up for Privateers, do you have one for Periphery powers in mind?
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2007, 11:27:09 PM »
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None yet, but I am thinking about it. Problem is I am not very well versed in the Periphery. Sad
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Re: Pirates, Privateers, and Other Miscerents
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2007, 11:45:19 PM »
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Here is the whole thing in a single post for ease of reference (older posts have been deleted):
Successor State Privateer Goals, Control, and Regulation
Capellan Confederation
Privateers working under the Capellan Confederation find themselves in a unique position that poses many difficulties but also many opportunities. They exist in a unique legal limbo that forces them to conform to the same military regulations that most private ventures dislike with none of the protections that come with them. By the same token, however, privateers in service to House Liao are uniquely positioned to make an impressive profit.
Both the weakest industrial power in the inner sphere and the smallest of the successor states, House Liao had recognized the potential of privateers to improve its position. However, as with most matters, the leaders of the Capellan Confederation are loathe to give up control on any program which may affect the well being of the state. As a result privateers working for the Confederation are under direct military control.
One might think that this would result in official recognition and the regular access to military supplies that come with it; however this is not the case. Despite the fact that privateers working for the Capellans are under centralized military command and must frequently report back they are not officially recognized parts of the Capellan military. Privateers may purchase Capellan military goods and that is it.
On many occasions this nebulous legal status of the privateers has caused problems for the Confederation. If captured by other nations while carrying out their duties, these nationally sanctioned pirates are often condemned to death or imprisonment. Often the privateers will protest that they were just following orders of House Liao, however the Capellan Confederation obviously always denies these allegations and condemns the privateers for telling “outrageous lies†in an attempt to save their skins. This fact alone is enough to keep most from seeking to become a privateer for House Liao.
There are definitely advantages, however. In order to ensure that privateer groups continue to consider working for them the Capellans often offer to outfit any new unit with most of the equipment that they need. Additionally, of all the Successor States the Capellan Confederation allows its privateers the largest share of what is taken, and provides fair compensation for any goods that it requires be handed over.
Most attractive, however, is that privateers that make their home in the Capellan Confederation have among the most profitable prospects for their raids. Although the Free Worlds League has proven a powerful adversary, their merchants are wealthy and a ripe target for a clever privateer who can avoid the famed Free Worlds League Navy. On the other boarder lies the Federated Suns which, while not nearly as rich, appears to be on the verge of collapse due to the massive Draconis Combine invasion and has proven to be easy pickings. Perhaps most tempting, however, is the Terran Republic with its advanced technology that would certainly bring in top dollar to anyone able to go and get it.
Draconis Combine
The Draconis Combine is perhaps the only nation which refuses to use privateers and views the very concept of stooping to piracy to be an affront to their honor. Although there are some who do raise their voices in favor of changing this policy they are few and far between. While it is certainly possible that things will change given time, it seems unlikely to happen unless the fortunes of the DCMS take a disastrous turn.
Although the Draconis Combine may refuse to make use of privateers it is perhaps one of the easier targets for these state sponsored pirates. At war, to some degree, with every major power that it shares a border with these nations that have been the target of the Draconis Combine’s military might see no need to make the nation off limits. In addition, with much of its military power tied up in massive actions against the Federated Suns, the Draconis Combine has had a lot of trouble dealing with the privateers and their unorthodox methods of attack.
It is perhaps because of this that any ship that gets caught while committing acts of piracy has had the entire crew put to death. In some instances these executions have even been publicized, however for every group that has been caught there are many others that have discovered just how much trouble the Dragon currently has patrolling its border. While these attacks have yet to significantly impact the military capabilities of the DCMS, it is almost certain that given time they will start to take an unforgiving toll on the slowly stretching supply lines.
Federated Suns
Initially the Federated Suns was resistant to the idea of hiring privateers to commit acts of piracy against its enemies times have quickly changed. With the surprising onslaught from the Draconis Combine with the added pressures from House Liao, House Davion has found itself in a desperate situation. While the nation’s injured pride has kept it from embracing privateers as a permanent policy, perhaps in the hope that their lauded military will be able to turn back the invasion, for now it is a fact of life.
Despite its desperation, the Federated Suns has placed a fair number of restrictions on privateers that work for it, in part to ensure that the actions of groups working for them do not compromise the Davion image. All privateers groups are required to be accompanied by a Liaison to oversee any operation done. In addition any group may currently only take action against the Draconis Combine, which is viewed as the primary threat. It is hoped that if they can complicate the DCMS’s logistics situation that t he invasion will stall long enough for a counter-attack to be planned.
While House Davion may have been reluctant to adopt a privateer program, they have been quick to use them as a tool for propaganda. Successful raids are widely publicized in order to raise moral. In fact, there are several instances where these acts of piracy have been romanticized and made into movies, often depicting a swashbuckling hero taking on impossible odds with nothing but his wits and loyal followers.
There are down sides for working as a privateer for the Federated Suns, however. Perhaps most notable is that there are many who are questioning if the nation will continue to exist as a viable nation for much longer. Although conventional wisdom holds that the Federated Suns is much too large to be conquered over the course of a single war there is some fear that with the progress that the Draconis Combine has made already that complete collapse is not that far off.
Another concern is that since House Davion is being pressed so hard it is able to offer the fewest incentives to groups of privateers. There is virtually no aid given to starting groups, and pay for recovered loot is marginal at best. Still, there are many successful groups that claim that there are many “hidden†perks that result from the Federated Suns’ propaganda surrounding privateer groups: the fame and admiration that comes with being a hero.
Free Worlds League
Of all the nations of the Inner Sphere, the Free Worlds League probably has the easiest policy to understand. Inspired by House Liao’s sanctioning of some pirate groups, the FWL use of privateers exists singularly for the promotion of their trade interests. This simple fact, combined with their recent military successes, has allowed them to develop a privateer policy that is one of the most attractive offers available.
New privateer groups have found that often the Free Worlds League is willing to help provide equipment to a point (and is in fact much more willing to provide AeroSpace assets than BattleMechs). In addition, privateers working for House Marik are afforded amazing autonomy, placed under their own command and permitted to move through most Free Worlds League space unhindered. Perhaps best of all, since the goal is to disrupt enemy trade fleets so that buyers will be more likely to purchase Free Worlds League goods, privateers are permitted to keep anything they loot provided there is not a supply shortage of a particular product inside the FWLM.
This exceptionally open policy has caused problem for the League before. It is not unheard of for a down-on-their-luck privateer group to target Free Worlds vessels in their desperation to turn a profit. If caught in the act these groups have always been charged as traitors, which has helped to curb the behavior. Even so, it is a situation that regularly comes up.
Most privateers working for House Marik prefer to raid the Lyran Commonwealth, viewing it as a rich and relatively easy target. Thanks in large part to the bumbling by the Social Generals the Lyrans have yet to come up with a coherent strategy to combat these raids, and as such problems are usually only happen during chance encounters.
Less attractive is the Capellan Confederation which is viewed as a relatively poor nation. Although the Capellans have recently suffered defeats at the hands of the FWLM their defenses against piracy have proven to be more dangerous than those of the Lyrans, although there have been several groups that have managed to turn the chaos of the Liao-Marik conflict to their advantage.
Because of the failure of Operation Avalanche most privateers working out of the Free Worlds League have chosen to avoid the Terran Republic. Considering the new nation’s successful defense to be fair warning that Terra is still a power to be dealt with most have instead focused their attentions on the Capellans and the Lyrans. Still, the odd raid is launched into Terran space and those who have succeeded have found the risk to be well worth their effort.
If there is one pitfall to working for the Free Worlds League, it is the labyrinthine political structure. Miscommunication about new privateering groups is a fact of life that has lead to several accidents. Even more insidious is that some of the more clever politicians have taken to using the pirates as political pawns, either to glorify themselves or to discredit rivals. Often times this has led to disaster for those involved.
Lyran Commonwealth
The Lyrans view privateers as a pivotal way to help compensate for their military’s lack luster performance. Because of this they have a reputation of treating those that work for their nation well. In fact there is a lot that the Commonwealth can offer privateer groups willing to put up with some oversight.
While the Lyrans have yet to extend an offer to help provide equipment for new privateer units this has rarely been a problem. There is no shortage of wealthy entrepreneurs who feel that the growing privateer trend is an excellent way to quickly make money. These investors are more than happy to provide venture capitol in exchange for their fair share of the profits.
In order to avoid problems with their privateers turning rogue, the Lyrans require that each group have a Liaison to oversee their actions. In addition privateers may only raid other nations that House Steiner has sanctioned, a move that is intended to prevent unnecessary political problems that might harm business. As a result, currently the only valid targets are the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine, both of which have been taking military actions against the Commonwealth to some degree.
Despite these restrictions House Steiner is an attractive employer for most groups. One of the most industrialized nations in the Inner Sphere, privateers working for the Lyrans are often excellently equipped for a low price. In addition they are well paid for any goods that they secure during a raid. Even better, the Commonwealth has proven to be stable despite its military short comings. This is attractive to groups who worry about the possibility of a collapse of the Federated Suns or who consider the Terran Republic yet to be proven.
Although all these facts make the Commonwealth a popular choice for privateers, there are some problems. As with most things even remotely military, the Social Generals have slowly begun interfering in order to get a piece of the credit and glory. Some are even pushing to have the privateers placed under their direct command, a movement that is slowly gaining momentum. If they get their way it is likely that the Social Generals will begin to meddle in the affairs of privateer units with the same results as their involvement with the military.
Terran Republic
Since the formation of the Terran Republic the use of privateers has been a mater of necessity. For the former Terran Hegemony, used to being seen as a neutral third party that could step in to solve disputes, it has been a bitter pill to swallow. Once seen as the height of humanity’s achievements, they hate the fact that their current situation has forced them to stoop to mere piracy in order to help ensure their survival.
It is because of these feelings that the Terran Republic has set up a review board that licenses new privateer groups that wish to serve the nation. This review process is intended to ensure that prospective privateers will conduct their operations “by the bookâ€, though what that specifically means has yet to be decided. Right now the ability to obtain a license seems to be mostly arbitrary, although gradually laws concerning privateers are being written.
In addition to this licensing there are other restrictions imposed upon privateers working for the Republic. First all groups are overseen by an official Liaison to ensure that proper conduct, most likely so that the nation can quickly return to its neutral third party status if the opportunity should present itself.
Another often grumbled about restriction is the need to obtain written permission to carry out operations against any of the Hegemony’s neighbors. Likely attempts to keep from giving the other Successor States an excuse to invade, most privateer groups view the step as an unnecessary precaution. To date some groups have managed to gain permission to raid the Capellan Confederation, the Free Worlds League, and perhaps most of all the Draconis Combine. There is, additionally, mounting pressure to allow raids into the Federated Suns, but to date the Republic has restrained itself from authorizing this.
While this all paints a bleak picture for privateer operations in the Terran Republic there are quite a few bonuses as well. For those groups which are able to obtain a license to carry out their operations there is a sizable support network in place that can help newer groups get onto their feet and also aid those who have fallen down on their luck. Additionally, groups which have proven their loyalty beyond any doubt are given some access to the Republic’s advanced technology.
Another plus is that the Terran Republic is perhaps the only nation that consistently pays well for raw materials rather than some states (such as the Federated Suns and the Capellan Confederation) that prefer actual goods. This has proven beneficial since there are numerous examples of poorly defended mining sites when compared to the actual industrial centers or merchant trade routs.
Input is welcome. Also, since I know next to nothing about the Periphery, if someone else would like to try writing something up for the major nations (or maybe lumping them all into a single group) I would appreciate it.