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Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785
« on: February 16, 2010, 06:38:34 PM »

Takiro Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « on: September 29, 2009, 01:50:27 PM »

Hey gang, I've decided to set out on this revision first thanks to HBMPS but we have had other issues with this product. Can't remember them all now (there is one on the CC-FS border to do with a factory world I believe) so I'm creating this thread to keep track of everything. Please chime in! Wink

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 03:18:30 PM »

Spencer should be part of the TC. Rockewellawan and Detroit should be part of the MOC.

In the MOC Thurrock & Aspropirgos should be in the MOC not the FWL.  (correct on the current version of the map- don't change it to match Hb:MPS)

Axton (and probably tecumseh and Anaea) need to be in the FS.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 07:22:26 PM »

Alright lets begin with the Taurian Concordat and all its map issues.

1. Add internal division including Union capitals from canon map presented in HBMPS
2. Spencer instead of Rockwellewan? (ISSUE: Why is this different? Is this a retcon cause I remember talk of the border in the old Periphery SB. Just want to make sure we have our ducks in a row. Why would this be retconned? The border is much more compact this new way I think but that is not good enough for me.)
3. Eliminate Lothiar word error on Fanmap (just a small oversight on my part leaving a word where it shouldn't be apparently), correct Portlan to Portland (another small error), correct Landsmark to Landmark
4. Add five (5) canon worlds (Luderitz and Hawktor in the corner of the Dumassas Union / Guldra and Heliat in the Brinton Union between Gangtok and Commorodir-Portland / Amber in the Perdition Union)
5. Eliminate four (4) BTSD worlds (Odsford and Billerica in the Brinton Union ?? / Gurnee and Valari in the Perdition Union)

The reason for the double question mark is I'm not sure on this issue. It doesn't subtract and add evenly with what we had originally and if we keep Spencer it might look better anyway. Figured that out, for BTSD I counted the Badlands Cluster as an inhabited world. It should not have been. The world count of 75 given in Combat Operations is perfect on the canon map and close on our original attempt.


lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #3 on: September 29, 2009, 10:32:14 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on September 29, 2009, 07:22:26 PM
2. Spencer instead of Rockwellewan? (ISSUE: Why is this different? Is this a retcon cause I remember talk of the border in the old Periphery SB. Just want to make sure we have our ducks in a row. Why would this be retconned? The border is much more compact this new way I think but that is not good enough for me.)

Periphery 1e p. 61-62- the SLDF awarded Spencer & Portan (portland) to the Concordat and Rockwellewan and Detroit to the MOC.  The MOC also invaded both Spencer & Portland and were defeated by the TDF.  This is definitely a retcon- I can't answer definitively why-my guess is that when the map came out in Periphery 2e (the first time that the 4 worlds were shown) no one bothered to think about which world had originally belong to who- had Rockwellewan and Spencer been changed the borders would have made more sense and we wouldn't have this retcon.  either that or when they did the maps in HBMPS they didn't fact check periphery 1e and who owned which world.

5. Eliminate four (4) BTSD worlds (Odsford and Billerica in the Brinton Union ?? / Gurnee and Valari in the Perdition Union)

The reason for the double question mark is I'm not sure on this issue. It doesn't subtract and add evenly with what we had originally and if we keep Spencer it might look better anyway. Figured that out, for BTSD I counted the Badlands Cluster as an inhabited world. It should not have been. The world count of 75 given in Combat Operations is perfect on the canon map and close on our original attempt.

This leads me to the question of how much do the numbers in Combat Ops make sense- the RWR went from 74 to 248 worlds, the OWA went from 47 to 137 worlds but the MOC only went from 40 worlds to 65 and the TC from 53 to 75.   I have no problem with extra worlds- we can even claim they were secretly colonized and used as training bases for the Periphery mech divisions.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 10:34:48 PM »

As a added note when looking at the number of worlds- on the 2750 Detroit is shown as an independent world, as is Spencer- so that is apparently a retcon to the MOC.
Takiro  Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #5 on: September 29, 2009, 10:41:15 PM »

Quote from: lrose on September 29, 2009, 10:32:14 PM
This leads me to the question of how much do the numbers in Combat Ops make sense- the RWR went from 74 to 248 worlds, the OWA went from 47 to 137 worlds but the MOC only went from 40 worlds to 65 and the TC from 53 to 75.   I have no problem with extra worlds- we can even claim they were secretly colonized and used as training bases for the Periphery mech divisions.

Actually these numbers do make sense to me. The Taurians and the Canopians are the least likely to receive help or outright settlers from the InnerSphere were the RWR is Terra "buddy" and the OWA is non violent at best when it comes to opposition. The Taurians and the Canopians don't want Spheroid settlers or aide in colonizing likely. Their hostile attitudes prevented growth like the kind the RWR and the OWA had during the SL era.

Yeah the whole border situation is a retcon mess.  Angry

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #6 on: September 29, 2009, 11:01:08 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on September 29, 2009, 10:41:15 PM
Actually these numbers do make sense to me. The Taurians and the Canopians are the least likely to receive help or outright settlers from the InnerSphere were the RWR is Terra "buddy" and the OWA is non violent at best when it comes to opposition. The Taurians and the Canopians don't want Spheroid settlers or aide in colonizing likely. Their hostile attitudes prevented growth like the kind the RWR and the OWA had during the SL era.

Yet the TC had a long history of colonization and during the 24th century absorbed many refugees from the IS (periphery 1e p. 17).  And the MOC received huge aid from the FWL rebuilding it's shattered nation after the reunification war- I don't see why they would take that help but turn down help establishing new colonies.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #7 on: September 29, 2009, 11:12:08 PM »

Found a problem with the RWR
Per Periphery 2e p. 70 Waypoint and Otisburg (part of the Rim Collection) were part of the RWR but they don't appear on the map.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #8 on: September 30, 2009, 06:23:49 AM »

Might have been named differently?

For the TC think I'm gonna keep what we had (which gives TC Spencer instead of Rockwellewan), leave those 4 BTSD worlds (Odsford, Billerica, Gurnee, Valari), add those 5 canon worlds (Luderitz, Hawktor, Guldra, Heliat, Amber), and correct those three errors I found. That would give our Taurian Concordat 79 inhabited worlds as of 2785. Sound good?

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #9 on: September 30, 2009, 07:32:32 AM »

Quote from: Takiro on September 30, 2009, 06:23:49 AM
Might have been named differently?

I tried comparing the P2e maps to the HB:MPS and at least to me it looks like the worlds are missing from the map, not renamed.

For the TC think I'm gonna keep what we had (which gives TC Spencer instead of Rockwellewan), leave those 4 BTSD worlds (Odsford, Billerica, Gurnee, Valari), add those 5 canon worlds (Luderitz, Hawktor, Guldra, Heliat, Amber), and correct those three errors I found. That would give our Taurian Concordat 79 inhabited worlds as of 2785. Sound good?

Sounds fine to me.

lrose  Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #10 on: September 30, 2009, 12:50:39 PM »

We could also add 2 more worlds in the Hyades Cluster- periphery 1e mentioned there were 10 habitable worlds in the cluster. If you want to add them they are New Columbia and Aurora.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #11 on: September 30, 2009, 04:17:22 PM »

A little cramped don't you think. Sure I could add them. Only thing is how can you explain them? Is the world count simply in error. The four BTSD worlds (Odsford, Billerica, Gurnee, Valari) I was thinking were settled after 2750 for a host of different reasons having to do with events stretching from 2751 to 2785. But these two Hyades worlds are settled when? What is there history? Why were they overlooked? That is 81 inhabited worlds for the Taurian Concordat in 2785.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #12 on: October 01, 2009, 02:15:57 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on September 30, 2009, 04:17:22 PM
A little cramped don't you think. Sure I could add them. Only thing is how can you explain them? Is the world count simply in error. The four BTSD worlds (Odsford, Billerica, Gurnee, Valari) I was thinking were settled after 2750 for a host of different reasons having to do with events stretching from 2751 to 2785. But these two Hyades worlds are settled when? What is there history? Why were they overlooked? That is 81 inhabited worlds for the Taurian Concordat in 2785.

Well this goes back to Periphery 1e, is in 2e and is in the new handbook.

From HBMPS pg 14
Shrouded by the asteroid belts were eight star systems with more than forty planets, of which ten were deemed easily habitable.

There is no reason to think why the TC wouldn't have settled the 10 worlds.   One way around this is that we could say the 8 names on the map represent the systems and that several of the systems have multiple inhabited worlds.  There is a precedent for this- the maps always show Terra- even though Mars & Venus are also inhabited.  The same goes for Talon- many of the maps just list Wernke.  Then we can say that the count in Combat Ops represents inhabited systems, not worlds (so that a system with 2 inhabited worlds only gets counted once)

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #13 on: October 02, 2009, 08:36:40 AM »

Hmm, the only thing I could think is that those two worlds were destroyed in the Reunification War by some type of radioactive, toxic, or biologic weapon.  Huh Could they be more military outposts then human settlements?? But it is your Taurians so make the call Irose.

In addition to the Taurian additions and corrections there are two more Davion worlds (could they have been destroyed prior to 2785?) and 22 Liao worlds.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #14 on: October 02, 2009, 08:59:09 AM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 02, 2009, 08:36:40 AM
Hmm, the only thing I could think is that those two worlds were destroyed in the Reunification War by some type of radioactive, toxic, or biologic weapon.  Huh

I doubt it- the worlds of the Hyades Cluster were not attacked by the SLDF- the TC surrendered as soon as the SLDF got through the Cluster.

Could they be more military outposts then human settlements?? But it is your Taurians so make the call Irose.

possibly. For now I will leave it vague- we will list the 8 systems and we can always say some systems had multiple planets.


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Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2010, 06:43:36 PM »

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #15 on: October 02, 2009, 03:58:00 PM »

Ok, I will leave them off map for now and I have made the Taurian additions. What about the Davion worlds? Any thoughts?

Next I will move on to the MoC.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #16 on: October 02, 2009, 04:07:45 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 02, 2009, 03:58:00 PM
Ok, I will leave them off map for now and I have made the Taurian additions. What about the Davion worlds? Any thoughts?

Which worlds are we talking about?

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #17 on: October 02, 2009, 04:18:37 PM »

Federated Suns: Desolate Plains - just over the Taurian border but it wasn't there in the post SL map in HBHD

Federated Suns: Pietermaritzburg - at the very top of the Taurian map  but it wasn't there in the post SL map in HBHD, it looks close to Capellan space though

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #18 on: October 02, 2009, 04:34:46 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 02, 2009, 04:18:37 PM
Federated Suns: Desolate Plains - just over the Taurian border but it wasn't there in the post SL map in HBHD

Federated Suns: Pietermaritzburg - at the very top of the Taurian map  but it wasn't there in the post SL map in HBHD, it looks close to Capellan space though

Keep in mind the map in the HBHD is post 1st SW- so I would assume they got nuked or abandoned during the 1st SW- much like Rocky in the former TH which we know was devestated by WMDs and abandoned during the 1st SW- it does not appear on the post 1st SW map in the HBHS.  So I would leave the worlds on the map in 2785.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #19 on: October 02, 2009, 05:06:14 PM »

That is a good point. I will add them.

Next issue to talk about is the MoC. You've seen the Canopian map I posted and our fanmap. Big differences. The biggest is going to be Detroit and Rockwellenan. That opens up a huge issue and space between the canon Magistracy space and those planets. Now BTSD has 8 inhabited systems between them that look alot better. Should we keep them and add a new Detroit Province?

The other Provinces I would pretty much maintain their canon worlds - it is funny that some BTSD worlds match for locations anyway.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #20 on: October 02, 2009, 08:17:43 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 02, 2009, 05:06:14 PM
That is a good point. I will add them.

Next issue to talk about is the MoC. You've seen the Canopian map I posted and our fanmap. Big differences. The biggest is going to be Detroit and Rockwellenan. That opens up a huge issue and space between the canon Magistracy space and those planets. Now BTSD has 8 inhabited systems between them that look alot better. Should we keep them and add a new Detroit Province?

I'd say yes- the maps in the HB don't make much sense given the prior history of the Periphery.  Detroit & Rockwellewan should be part of the MOC while Herotitus was a joint colony of the MOC and TC.  It is also said that one of the reasons the CC has few periphery holdings is because they are blocked in by the MOC and TC.  But for what ever reason rather then have the MOC expand Spinward after the RW, most of the expansion is Anti-Spinward or Rimward (it looks like part of the goal was to reuse the worlds that were colonized in the post 3030 period- .  Also Vixen should probably be removed from the map- Periphery 1e says that Vixen is the newest colony in the MOC.

Which leads me to a thought are the worlds on the map full members of the MOC and "colony" worlds like Detroit or Herotitus are either not shown or shown as independent worlds?  I'm not in favor of that approach but just wanted to throw it out.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #21 on: October 03, 2009, 08:51:37 AM »

Vixen could have been recolonized but I can always leave it off for the nearest BTSD replacement. Think we had this discussion before - so not a problem.

Also did a world count for organization proposals and got the following numbers;

33 - Canopus District
22 - Ballad Province
12 - Luxen Province
10 - Detroit Province
77 inhabited Magistracy worlds as of 2785

We could eliminate the proposed BTSD Detroit Province and merge those worlds into the Luxen Province for a total of 22 worlds there. Thoughts?

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #22 on: October 03, 2009, 08:55:16 AM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 03, 2009, 08:51:37 AM
33 - Canopus District
22 - Ballad Province
12 - Luxen Province
10 - Detroit Province
77 inhabited Magistracy worlds as of 2785

We could eliminate the proposed BTSD Detroit Province and merge those worlds into the Luxen Province for a total of 22 worlds there. Thoughts?

I have no problem with merging the Detroit & Luxen Provinces

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #23 on: October 03, 2009, 09:01:32 AM »

Sounds good as Detroit might not be important enough yet in this setting. I will make the changes.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #24 on: October 17, 2009, 06:26:10 PM »

Should be finishing the MoC map revision tonight.

Question for the OWA and the RWR there isn't much conflict with just replacing our stuff with canon correct? I can't think of any specific canon reference like the TC MoC border dispute that would contradict the info provided in HBMPS.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #25 on: October 17, 2009, 06:53:01 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 17, 2009, 06:26:10 PM
Should be finishing the MoC map revision tonight.

Question for the OWA and the RWR there isn't much conflict with just replacing our stuff with canon correct? I can't think of any specific canon reference like the TC MoC border dispute that would contradict the info provided in HBMPS.

In the OWA I question the presence of Quantraine (in the Cerberus Province)- Per Periphery 1e it was first settled in the early days of the 3rd SW. Otherwise I have nothing.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #26 on: October 17, 2009, 09:52:23 PM »

Well it is easier for me to work on the Rim Worlds Republic as I have no subtracting to do. So let me know about any OWA contradictions.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #27 on: October 17, 2009, 09:55:08 PM »

Finished the MoC and while looking at the map I remembered another correction to make - the Bolan Association in the FWL. Did we have any other Provincial addition or corrections for the Eagle?

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #28 on: October 18, 2009, 12:37:10 PM »

Alright the Lothan League corrections have been made.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #29 on: October 18, 2009, 01:01:17 PM »

Bolan Association completed.

Should I add the Southwestern Worlds as a Province? Might not have been busted up yet.


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Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2010, 07:02:51 PM »

Rainbow 6 Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #30 on: October 18, 2009, 03:29:29 PM »

Sounds fair.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #31 on: October 18, 2009, 08:00:09 PM »

Rim Worlds Republic issue. Shall I keep Waypoint and Otisberg? They aren't on the 2750 canon map. Huh

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #32 on: October 18, 2009, 10:04:51 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 18, 2009, 08:00:09 PM
Rim Worlds Republic issue. Shall I keep Waypoint and Otisberg? They aren't on the 2750 canon map. Huh

They should be on the map since HBMPS p 173 says all 6 worlds of the Rim Collection were once part of the RWR.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #33 on: October 19, 2009, 12:00:50 AM »

Alright, I have completed the three Anti Spinward Provinces of the Rim Republic and included both remnant states (Finmark Republic and Erdvynn Alliance). Just have to do the Apollo Province with its Province. Don't think I can include the Chaineline Isles at this point cause we just don't have enough info.

Following that I need to make the canon corrections to the OWA.

Then the Capellan additions and corrections.

Rainbow 6 Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #34 on: October 19, 2009, 06:07:28 AM »

Sounds good i'm looking forward to downloading it.

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #35 on: October 21, 2009, 09:26:21 PM »

OWA is all done. Now to add some InnerSphere additions starting with DC and FS worlds. Then the CC.

lrose Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #36 on: October 21, 2009, 10:00:33 PM »

What do you think about adding 3-4 worlds to the Illyria Palatinate- so that they can lose some during the SW era?

Possible names:

Rainbow 6 Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #37 on: October 21, 2009, 10:05:28 PM »

Sounds fair, as the nation was established before the fall of the star league they would have been able to use the adanced tech too colonise marginal worlds just like everyone else.

Are the Arms of Thor the defenders of the Palatinate at this point in time?

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #38 on: October 21, 2009, 10:12:54 PM »

We should really come up with a comprehensive history for the Illyrian Palatinate. I'm thinking of at least a minor section for them. However, I'm not sure about adding worlds for them. Would their population ever reach the point of spreading to other stars? Did the Star League restrict their growth during humanity's golden age? I mean they are minor enough to be "overlooked".

What of Comstock? The shoe planet. Should that be on the map?

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #39 on: October 21, 2009, 10:30:44 PM »

Davion corrections made, only Liao remains. I'm hoping to send a copy of the map of to Irose for inspection before the night is out. Wink

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #40 on: October 22, 2009, 12:17:27 AM »

Alright folks we are all set and under review. Everything from HBMPS was taken into account while this revision was underway. What we disagreed with we changed. Other minor changes are currently under review. Hopefully it will be available for download this weekend.

Rainbow 6 Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #41 on: October 22, 2009, 12:19:11 AM »

Excellent  Smiley

Ice Hellion Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #42 on: October 22, 2009, 05:40:20 PM »

Quote from: Takiro on October 21, 2009, 10:12:54 PM
We should really come up with a comprehensive history for the Illyrian Palatinate.

Do you need someone to write the first draft?

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #43 on: October 24, 2009, 06:12:00 PM »

Quote from: Ice Hellion on October 22, 2009, 05:40:20 PM
Do you need someone to write the first draft?

Not as yet Ice but I will keep you in mind.

Finally found our discussion about the borders of cetain Federated Suns Combat Regions.


Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #44 on: October 24, 2009, 10:18:10 PM »

Alright I think we are all done with the Fanmap revision. Just adjusted the Davion Combat Regions and marked their capitals along with updates for Marik and Steiner. Of course there is the Periphery which sees a majority of the revision thanks to HBMPS. Just gonna pass it by Irose and Knightmare for a final ok then it should be available for download.  Wink


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Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2010, 07:03:53 PM »

Rainbow 6 Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #45 on: October 25, 2009, 05:18:54 AM »

Did you remember to move the FedSuns/CapCon border so Axton is now in the FedSuns?

Takiro Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #46 on: October 25, 2009, 05:24:02 AM »

Yup, Axton was included in the revision.

Rainbow 6 Re: Fanmap 01 - CSU 2785 (1st Revision) « Reply #47 on: October 25, 2009, 06:33:29 AM »

Cool  Grin
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