Tigershark, just because I say I don't believe, does not mean I have a theology. It really is sad that those of a religious bent must believe that others must believe in order to feel comfortable with the universe. I don't believe in ghosts, or fairys, or of the dark shadows of the bush, I don't believe people ascend, descend or reincarnate, I don't believe in allah,yaweh, god, jesus, buddah, thor, apollo or any of the other host of deities that folk have managed to conjure up over the years.
I JUST DON'T BELIEVE. I would deeply appreciate it if you would quit saying otherwise, for I know myself.
My world is founded on rational evidence, on the care of my fellow humans, whatever they believe or don't, on the basis that we must all be treated the same and that no group's social or religious doctrine is better than any others and that a truly secular and atheist viewpoint is the safest course to stability and fair treatment for all. I base my actions to others on being kind to all, unless you harm me and then all bets are off, not on a preconceived theology that dictate that if someone is not like me or does not do as I do they must be excluded.
We just are. If that scares others so much that they need a myth with continuity issues that make BT look organized to help them get by day to day, then so be it, I truly feel sorry for them.
Oh and one more thing, science is not a belief system, science is evidence based, religion is faith based as it has no evidence to support it. If you look up the scientific method you can gain a better understanding of the difference between the two. Science needs evidence, evidence that can be repeatedly tested in order to be proven true. Faith just needs you to believe in the tooth fairy.