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AU Developers - Please PM Knightmare or MechRat if you need board or permission changes

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 on: November 05, 2024, 11:39:02 AM 
Started by Takiro - Last post by Takiro
So I think I've made a creative decision here. I'm going to include the Black Tigers right from the start of this scenario. Previously I had envisioned them joining after the Fifth Battle of Terra but if I am really honoring BTA then it is only proper to have the Black Tigers in this right at the beginning. I'll try to get an outline together for the conflict soon.

Re: Blakist Assault on Terra Repulsed!
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 09:38:54 AM »

   Nice T, Similar to my old group's tale.
   In ours a conspiracy of Hegemony restorationists existed since the fall of the Star League.  Thier infiltration of the Phone Company (Tigerspeak for ComStar) is so complete that when the WoB break up happens several of thier key members hold Blakist positions.  When the 21st Centauri is taken hostage Wolf's Dragoons 7th Commando is hired to bust them loose.  The Dragoons are hired along with several regimental sized units to supplement the Terran forces both home raised and existing units to counter the assault.
Pro Terran Forces include:
The Blue Star Irregulars (Escape clause in contract.)
Bolton's Rangers (AWOL from FWL)
Sirian Lancers (Same deal.)
The Eridani Light Horse (After Coventry)(A stretch but the we were always fond of them.)
The Black Tiger RCT (Escape Clause in contract)
       The 90th Royal Dragoons (The original Black Tigers of New Vandenburg.)
       The 42nd CAAN (The Tigersharks)(Non canon unit)
       The 1st Ryukaze (Guess who.)
       The 12th Hussars (The White Tigers of Acamar)(Our Acamar campaign occured slightly earlier than was written in the RPG module.)
Plus five local ComGaurd units whose commanders were loyal.
       Six day long (Real Time, not in game. I took vacation for this (Yes I am a TOTAL nerd.)battle ensues.
       To make a long story short Operation Odysseus fails badly.  On Terra and many former Hegemony worlds popular uprisings restore these worlds to rightful Terran rule.  Under Director General Mitchell Stuart, ComStar is granted International Organization status and maintains it's Hegemony facilities as "Necissary to combating the Clan Threat." However military production is shifted to support of the HAF.
        The Sirian worlds seceede to the Hegemony.  Thomas Marik does not object.
        The BSI becomes the 1st Royal RCT, the Black Tigers; the 2nd.
        Low level warfare between the Cappellan Confederation and the Terran Hegemony over former Chaos March worlds begins.
Unrest on Dieron comes to a head during The Black Dragon Crisis. Black Dragon attacks on Dieron use chemical and biological warfare killing DCMS troops and civilians alike.  1st Royal RCT deployed as "Peacekeepers" despite Combine protests. Hegemony troops hunt the Black Dragons down and publicly execute them while Terran aid heavily influences the populace despite the best efforts of the VOTD.  Dieron seceedes along with several other worlds.
Situation simmers without resolution
        The Star League is reformed as per Canon. Eridani's join SLDF with Terran Blessings. Mitchell Stuart and Theodore Kurita argue about Dieron.
        Everybody decides to pound the Smoke Jaguars.
        The 1st Royal RCT joins Operation Bulldog, 2nd Royal RCT joins Operation Serpent.
        Events of the Twlight of the Clans occur.
        ISF loses contact with Dieron.
        Northwind Treaty of Neutrality signed.
        Wolf's Dragoons official pardoned for thier ancestors part in the Great Betrayal.  General Maave Wolf swears alegeance to House Stuart the 1st Terran BattleMech Division (The Wolf Dragoons Division) is formed.
       HAF warfleet led by THS Alexander anihilates a WoB fleet at Procyon.
       Real Thomas Marik found by SAS Team 1 having commited suicide after evading CIB agents for two years.  As per a secret agreement the body is buried quietly in a SLDF graveyard under the name Albert Humphries.
       St.Ives conflict smoulders out as with support from both the FedSuns and the Terran Hegemony prevent Cappellan troops from ever gaining a foothold.  Morgan Kell marries Candice Liao.
      FedCom Civil war erupts with the failed attempt by Katherine Stiener to assasinate Victor.  Sandovaal launchers his attack during the Ghost Bear war.  The FedSun manage to restore the 3025 border while the 'Neutral" Terrans consolidate thier hold on the new Dieron Sector.  The Skye Revolt plays out with the Free Skye govenment appealing to the Hegemony for support.  Hegemony troops reinforce Skye.  Falcon Invasion makes greater headway than in Canon.
     Tikonov revolts against FedSuns fueled by the Skye Revolt and the Civil War and an apparent atrocity by Davion Troops.  When this is revealed to have been set up by the Maskirovka the entire region goes haywire.  The Wolf Dragoons sent in by Terra at the request of Vassily Chernenko, leader of the Tikonov Union.
       Loki agents assasinate Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner.
       Diplomatic negotitions with the Ghost Bear Dominion begin to have profits.
       Katherine Steiner deposed by Peter.
       Skye joins the Hegemony.
       Proof of the Mask's Tikonov operation is brought before the Star League Council.  House Liao is censured.
       Tikonov joins the Hegemony.
       Hegemony-Confederation War begins.
      Our game ended with the Tigers defending against thier old nemisis The Big Mac.
     Cute huh?

I'll also be trying to integrate as much of BTA's original outline together with mine.
Hegemony Restorationists aren't a bad idea but I need a name something like Terra Prime or Terra Invictus. Not sure what role I'll have them play in the battle itself perhaps the core of a new Central Intelligence Bureau.

Also working on the size and story of the Black Tigers at this time. They could be on Outreach at this time recovering from raids at the behest of the Federated Commonwealth in the Deep Periphery in order to keep the Clans off balance. Not sure 4 regiments would be appropriate in size at the moment, perhaps 2?


 on: November 03, 2024, 06:08:23 PM 
Started by Dragon Cat - Last post by Dragon Cat
Thanohar, Noisiel
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
31st December 3122

   It was New Year, or Hogmanay as the people of Skye called it across the Lyran Commonwealth, including people on Noisiel, would be taking holidays and celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of the next but not the Triple Zeros for a unit trying to establish itself there was no time for holidays. During the past month they had begun rescue operations helping those in need, taking in patients onboard the DropShip Nathan James, the Hammersley had begun assisting local police with patrolling the world’s seas, and they had begun running cargo across the world.

In the wilderness of the Rhegan Mountain Range Dean Gallagher, his wife Lara and his two brother Chase and Lochy were all trekking through the purple and red trees with Dean and Lara high above and Chase and Lochy below. They had been called out to a climber who had called in an SOS after falling and possibly breaking their legs.

   “All I’m saying is it’s a new world, a new place we should spread our wings a bit and see where we’ve settled.” Lara said smiling as she followed Dean she was in her late twenties, athletic and had short blonde hair up ahead was her newlywed husband he was slightly older than her, a muscular build and had short slightly receding dark hair. They had, had this conversation a dozen times before she was far more carefree than he was.

   “I get it Lara, but this is what we do, this is what we’re good at. We are spreading our wings this whole thing is an adventure.” Dean said glancing over his shoulder, he was more realistic in his thoughts than his high dreaming wife but he did love her ideas.

   Before Lara could respond they heard the faint muttering from someone below “Rescue One to Rescue Two” Dean called into his radio “I think we’ve found them, almost exactly where they were expected to be.” He said glancing over the edge seeing those in need, one thing this proved was that Noisiel had a well-developed satellite network. “I’ve got two folks one male and one female looks like the blokes got leg injuries.” He reported “we’re going to set lines up here and work our way down to them.” Even as he’d been talking Lara had been setting up descent lines and rigging herself up to go down to the casualties. “Lara…” he began but she silenced him stepping closer so they were almost touching.

   “Dean, we might be married but I’m the logical choice. If I get into trouble, you’re strong enough to get me up.” She said leaning in kissing him before jumping off the edge abseiling lower towards them.

   “Hey, how you doing? I’m Lara” she greeted as she joined the two climbers.

   “I think his legs are broken” the woman answered

   “We’ll get sorted and outta here in a jiffy.” Lara said getting closer to the man who was drifting in and out of consciousness. “Dean, Lara, I’m going to stabilize him here then we can move them. Looks like internal fractures, I’ll immobilize the legs. They are probably going to need air-lifted.”

   “Yeah understood” Dean replied “Rescue One to Rescue Base, Vince we’re going to need a chopper for an airlift, one casualty and one other.”

   “Roger that Deano, we’ll get Heidi out to you.” Vince replied confidently from the Nathan James.

   “Rescue One to Rescue Two, Chase set up some guide lines in case you need to come up to Lara. Heidi is coming out to evacuate the casualty.” Dean communicated with his brother below.

   “Sure Dean, we’ve got visitors…” he said moments later another voice came over the radio.

   “Rescue One, this is TOAD Four-Two, do you need assistance?” The female voice asked, her voice was clearly synthesized and coming through a suit’s transmitter.

   “Negative, TOAD Four-Two, we’ve got everything under control thank you” he responded without another word four Battle Armoured troopers leapt from the treeline below using their jump jets, as they flew on the fiery jets their armour appeared to change colour.

   “That is one impressive lady” Chase said over the radio as the Battle Armour squad moved on.

   “Keep your mind on the game, Chase” Dean cautioned watching as the Battle Armour disappeared into the trees, he guessed that they were from the Armoured Toads, the garrison force hired by the planetary Duke for defence and for his game’s security. Dean realised with all of the opportunities here he may have just as much trouble keeping his people together than anything else.


   While the ground team were introducing themselves to the people of Noisiel in a good way the Hammersley was introducing itself to the more unsavoury types. “Full ahead, stay on them!” Commander Mike Flynn the ship’s commander, a man in his early forties, directed the three-hundred-ton vessel after several small craft which had prayed on a local pleasure cruiser, taking the crew and passenger’s valuables. “Stay on them” he commanded leaning forward in his chair “XO, send a challenge have them stand down!” He said glancing to his left to his wife Lt Commander Kate Flynn, they had served together for years and when they chose to make the jump from Australia’s Naval Militia to Mercenary life, they had decided to tie the knot as well having a ceremony onboard the ship literally a week after Dean and Lara had with the rescue team.

   “Yes, sir” the blonde-haired woman in her late thirties responded while they were on the ship they acted as colleagues and they trusted each other completely.

   “Vessels currently leading us this is the Patrol Ship Hammersley, heave too and prepare to be boarded.” She said sternly into the vessel’s radio trying to get their attention but the three smaller craft continued to run.

   “RO” he said to the radio operator “contact local police forces, inform them that we are pursuing the criminals they are ignoring our calls and we are engaging them with warning fire." He then turned to the weapons console “Buffer, main guns salvo over their path. Show them that this isn’t a simple Silverback they are playing about with.” Flynn ordered, the Silverback was a common hydrofoil in use by planetary militias, the Adelaide was almost eight times the size of the small craft.

   “Yes, sir!” a well-tanned male said smirking as he lined up the targets and sent a volley from both Light Autocannons fitted to the turret on the front deck over the speed boats path, still they continued.

   “Captain! I’m seeing something on the aft deck of the lead boat! Rockets!” One of the watchmen, Two-Dads, called out he was young and inexperienced but he wasn’t wrong, even Mike could see it two of the passengers had shoulder carried two-tube launchers.

   “HARD TO PORT!” Flynn ordered seeing the rockets leave the tubes, four rockets incoming on the Hammersley each able to blow open the ship’s hull. “AMS engage, at will!” He called out as the four rockets flew in on the patrol ship the Hammersley was equipped with an anti-missile system on either side of the ship. High on the ship’s sleek structure the radar guided machine gun swatted three of the four rockets out of the sky moments before they struck showering the deck in shrapnel the fourth slammed into the ship’s side exploding.

   “FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!” Automated alarms rang throughout the ship following the rocket impact.

“Damage to starboard side, Damage crews to your stations!” Sarge the chief engineer called out, crew including the XO filed out of the command to assist in damage control efforts as two of the enemy boats came back past the Hammersley firing the machine guns as they went causing more damage and cutting down one of the crewmen.

   “Buffer sink them!” Flynn ordered; the front cannon opened up again as did the two twin machine gun turrets either side of the ship. Rapidly all three of the craft were cut to shreds by the ship’s guns. “Targets eliminated” he said looking at the commander “sir, permission to go below and help with the fire.”

   “Granted” Flynn said the Hammersley was a small ship, everyone needed to pull double, sometimes triple duties to keep her operating at peak efficiency. Having only been on planet a month Mike Flynn was already seeing there was plenty of work for a patrol ship to do, if they could survive the current crisis.


As the chaos happened on the sea other elements of the Triple Zeros continued to work flying over the Island of Thanohar just as the sun was beginning to go down. Wheezer was sitting in the left co-pilot seat of one of the Triple Zero’s Cobra VTOLs having just completed a cargo run to Bethany’s Warf. As with all his pilots Wheezer was putting in hours and learning how to control the large aircraft, they were just banking left over the Asterion Sea when Wheezer saw something along the coast.

   “What is that?” He wondered seeing a series of blinking lights levelling the aircraft to get a better look, it looked like airfield running lights but there wasn’t an airfield on their maps. Watching the lights Wheezer saw the pattern repeat a second then third time in sequence.

   “We’re heading off course” the other pilot said

   “Just a little, let’s have a look” he suggested the other pilot didn’t object. “I have control” he said turning the jet aircraft along the coast quickly closing on the airfield, it looked abandoned with the airfield overgrown. Three of the hangers looked dilapidated while the one closest to the lit-up cabin looked in better condition. “Tango-Zulu-Six to airfield, permission to land.” There was no answer but Wheezer could see a couple of building height lights and there were lights on in one of the shacks. “Someone’s home but they aren’t talking.”

   “We don’t have any reason to get involved” the other pilot said

   “Com’on Mills where’s your sense of adventure? There could be someone injured down there and we are in a great spot to lend some assistance if they need it.” Wheezer suggested, two of his medics were in the back acting as crew chiefs. “And we need an airfield.” He said as the aircraft orbited the airfield, he could see what used to be a DropShip landing zone and the runway looked strong and wide enough to take a DropShip landing. “We’re going in”

   “I can take it” Mills suggested his hands hovering over the controls but not taking control.

   “Got to learn at some point” he said bringing the aircraft around so it was lined up with the runway, although the Cobra was a VTOL and could land vertically it was easier to use the runway, “wings steady and engines to landing setting” Wheezer said as he flicked switches first the closes two engines to the cockpit and then the next two moved so they were angled at forty-five degrees rapidly slowing the pace of the craft while maintaining its height.

   “Now remember, this is a jet at its heart, she’s built for short or vertical landings but you’ve still got to start descending a lot quicker than you’re used to, so bring the power back to seventy percent.” Mills cautioned Wheezer bringing the power back bringing the craft onto the landing pattern.

   “Gear down” Wheezer said flicking another control as he closed on the runway, he continued to power down gradually allowing the aircraft to come in for a landing. The craft struck the runway and it began to run along the runway he gently applied the brakes bringing it to a stop on the uneven runway. “Right, I got us into this so I’m going for a look around.” He said jumping out of the seat heading into the rear compartment there his two flight nurses Haley Roberts and Crystal Highway waited.

   “What’s the story?” Crystal asked as he entered the rear compartment.

   “No answer on the radio, but there are a few lights on so someone could be hurt, we’re going to take a look, take your ready bag just in case.” He suggested

“See Crys, he takes me to the nicest of places” Haley said squeezing past Wheezer kissing him on the cheek. As the three of them headed out they grabbed blue jackets with red piping and florescent patches on the shoulders and elbows.

The three of them headed across the overgrown runway to the one building that was lit up, entering they found a man who could have easily been in his seventies sleeping at his chair. “Erm… hello” Wheezer said quietly introducing himself giving the man a small shake to the shoulder. “Hello, are you alright?”

“Sir, can you hear us? My name is Crystal can you tell us your name?” Crystal Highwater asked softly, she was a member of an Australian tribe of nomads who descended from a mixed Inuit/Aboriginal which had left Terra during the Star League era after their lands in Canada and the original Australia were encroached on by Star League Defence Forces who wished to expand their military ranges. Putting their finances together they had travelled deep into the Lyran Commonwealth landing together on the world of Australia where they had remained ever since. Crystal had been one of the last to agree to join the Triple Zeros as her heart and mind still called for her to be on Australia with her people and the spirits of her ancestors.   

“I’m Elliotte… Elliotte Want” he wheezed, he was clearly ill “I am the caretaker of this base, what are you doing here?” The groggy man asked

“We were overhead, there was no answer to the radio, we thought we would check if everything was alright.” Wheezer explained glancing around looking for anyone else.

“Are you here alone?” Haley asked as she checked Elliotte’s blood-pressure.

“Officially, yes it’s my airfield” he said “I’ve been looking for tenants for a while but it needs a lot of work, you see and I just don’t have the time. And the Grey Boys have no interest in helping out.”

“The Grey Boys?” Wheezer asked but Elliotte appeared to be back asleep again.

“He’s very weak, Wheezer” Crystal said “he seems to be lacking in fluids at the very least” she explained as she and Haley were setting up a fluid drip.

“Ok, I’m going to check out the other hanger.”

“Be careful” Haley said concerned to him as the two shared a look before he walked out of the room heading over to the newer looking hanger.

The distance wasn’t far, Wheezer noticed as the natural light had dissipated the newer hanger had significantly more light around it than anywhere else on the base. As he approached, he saw two men in grey camouflage fatigues exit both were armed with rifles and looked far fitter than Mr Want did. Moving closer the rifles were lowered into their hands although they weren’t aimed at Wheezer “Hi guys, wondering if you can help me?”

“Who are you?”

“Captain William Heaseman, I’m a pilot for the Triple Zeros, we didn’t get an answer on the radio and found Mr Want who doesn’t look very well.” He explained carefully keeping his hands visible and stopping walking towards them.

“The Old Man never does look after himself.” One of them commented

“Mr Want owns the airfield, we own this hanger and rent access to the facilities.” The other one said. “If he needs medical support, we’ll look after the base for him when he returns.”

“Does he have any family? Where does he stay?”

“No, the Old Man is on his own, he has a couple of wild dogs, we’ll make sure they are fed though.” The first trooper said.

“That’s good of you” Wheezer said honestly surprised they were that interested. “Well, I don’t know if we’ll have to evacuate him yet… if we do, do you have a communication frequency?”

“No, trust we’ll be here as will The Old Man’s airfield.”

“Great” Wheezer said taking a step backwards keeping his eyes on them. “Well just in case your bosses ask I’m Captain Heaseman of the Triple Zeros, we’re contracted by the Planetary Governor for Search and Rescue and medical assistance.”

“If Mr Want needs assistance, we’ll look after his property” the other soldier repeated obviously trying to be reassuring “there’s no need for him to worry.”

“Thanks for your time” Wheezer said knowing he was getting nowhere he headed back towards where he’d left the two nurses and Elliotte Want. “The Gray Boys are going to look after the airfield for Mr Want if you need to evacuate him…”

“I’m… going nowhere” Want slurred his words, even Wheezer could tell there was something wrong.

“He needs to go” Crystal confirmed

   “You get anything other than The Gray Boys?” Haley asked curiously

   “Not a huge amount” Wheezer admitted “some sort of military unit, not sure if they are a house unit or mercenary but they seem to know Mr Want well and are quite fond of him. I think we can trust them and if he needs more help than you can provide then we don’t have much of a choice.”


   Thirty minutes later they were airborne again with the two Cobra pilots in command of the craft while Wheezer sat in the third seat. In the rear area Haley and Crystal were continuing to look after Elliotte Want. The night had closed in rapidly and the pilots were flying on instruments when a communication filled the speakers. “Hammersley to Rescue Base, ship status operational” which was the good news, the voice sounded strained, tired really. “We need an emergency evac. We have two injuries from shrapnel and or bullets and another from severe smoke inhalation. Fire is out; we can return to port on our own steam.” He reported the term ‘steam’ was as old as humanity being on ancient Terra, the ship produced no stream.

   “I’m sorry mate you’re outta range of our choppers.” Vince said regretfully “I’ll see if I can get a police boat out to you.” Vince Marchello replied from the Triple Zeros DropShip/basecamp.

   “Negative, negative, I need these people airlifted ASAP.” The Radio Operator on Hammersley replied there was more urgency in his voice “They will need care while being transferred to shore.”

   “Mills, answer them, we can do it” Wheezer said to the pilots.

   “Wheezer, we’re not configured for an airlift, we’ve got no hoists and jet engines are not good hovering on a deck like Hammersley’s we’ll melt it.” The pilot argued, his priority was the protection of his aircraft, as Hammersley did not have a landing area it would be virtually impossible to transfer patients directly. “I want to help but I don’t see how.”

   “We have a loading ramp, they have transfer boats, put us just above the water and your ramp in the water.” He suggested rapidly “their transfer boat runs directly into our hold and we already have two nurses back there.” He suggested.

   “You already have a patient back there!” The other pilot exclaimed; “you’ll have a speeding object coming into the bay and no way to control it.”

   “We’ll make it work; the patient takes my seat here. I’ll have the nurses in the doorway and I’ll be in the bay.” He suggested coming up with a plan quickly.

   “You’re off your head, Captain.” Mills said but he didn’t refuse, Wheezer was right the water looked quite calm it was maybe doable, instead he reached up to the radio control “Tango-Zulu-Six to Rescue base…” he called glancing at Wheezer “we have a plan.”

   The Cobra orbited around the Hammersley several times while the crew of the Patrol Ship moved their casualties into a small speedboat which was carried on the rear of the craft, it was then slowly lowered into the water. “Tango-Zulu-Six moving in, Hammersley have your boat stay clear of our bay until we’re in position.” The pilot said “Wheezer, Fulcrum, we’re going in.” He said on the ship’s intercom behind them in the cockpit was the ill Elliotte Want and one of the nurses while the other was braced nearby.

   The thirty-ton VTOL lowered down to the water below with the four engines in the vertical position as they hovered roughly eight metres from the surface. In the rear Wheezer lowered the ramp into the water. Once it was locked in position the Hammersley’s small boat tried to board the ramp, on its first run the small boat was forced to abort missing the ramp completely. “Watch the damned engine thrust boys and girls” Fulcrum said as he and his co-pilot tried to hold the craft in position, jet powered aircraft should not hover over this low over the water, even calm water.

   Trying again the second time the small boat tried to board the VTOL it only got about halfway up the ramp before losing too much speed and slowly slipping back into the water. “We need to go lower!” Wheezer shouted back above the noise of the open door. In the cockpit the two pilots exchanged looks and nodded lowering the aircraft to four metres in height. Luckily the night sea was calm otherwise the VTOL engines could have been caught by a large wave. This time the transfer boat accelerated at speed towards the cargo bay entrance, Wheezer realised almost too late that it was going to make it and ran back into the rear of the Cobra as the boat entered the bay. Unfortunately, he wasn’t moving quick enough and the boat struck his back propelling him into the Cobra’s internal bulkhead knocking him unconscious.

   With the boat onboard Fulcrum gunned the engine power and climbed rapidly while raising its cargo hatch “Tango-Zulu-Six, to Rescue Base…” he struggled realising what they had managed “Rescue Accomplished…” he said hearing Haley shouting Wheezer’s name, the captain was obviously injured “We have five casualties onboard, inbound to Rescue Base.” He finally reported cutting the transmission he shared a smile with the co-pilot, so much for a standard cargo run.

 on: November 01, 2024, 09:17:52 PM 
Started by Dragon Cat - Last post by Takiro
Nice, I'll take a look.

 on: November 01, 2024, 07:30:24 PM 
Started by Dragon Cat - Last post by Dragon Cat
New spin off story


 on: November 01, 2024, 07:29:20 PM 
Started by Dragon Cat - Last post by Dragon Cat
This is a jump into the future for my timeline which I'm going to tell in several steps. I'm splitting this off because each part, which will be told over the span of several months, is linked at each step of the way. This will interact with the timeline completely and it will be retold/integrated completely when the timeline gets there.

This story/unit is inspired by several TV series which I've been watching recently. The characters belong to their original creators and I'm just having fun with them. But for your enjoyment/reference I've been inspired by Australian TV series Sea Patrol and Rescue: Special Ops. American TV series The Last Ship (sort of I've just stolen them for the DropShip, there will be a bit for them in the future), Canadian/American Series SkyMed. There are a couple more series that this will use too... but I'm not going to spoil it.

Entry Burn, Condor-class DropShip Nathan James
Noisiel, Alarion Province
Lyran Commonwealth
28th November 3121

   The Dove-class DropShip dived down through Noisiel’s upper atmosphere and the ship was treated to the red and purple hues from the vegetation below. “Condor Nathan James to Ground Control, permission to deploy over Asterion Sea.” The captain asked in the small command deck of the aerodyne DropShip glancing around waiting for the response.

   “Control, Nathan James, permission granted” the controllers down below informed them as the vessel continued to descend.

   “Alright people, they are going to be expecting a show down below so let’s give them it.” He said with a smirk to the three other people there, confident in their skills. The four-and-a-half thousand-ton vessel flew down over the blue and green Asterion Sea. “Grae, ready for deployment?”

   “Aff, Captain Chandler” the former clansmen said gruffly from his console, he left Clan Mountain Wolf decades before but he still held onto many of his former Clan’s words. While old he was one of the most loyal and capable people on the ship.

   “Very good, Hammeresly this is Nathan James, Commander Flynn prepare for deployment.” Chandler responded, before this trip since its construction the DropShip had only left their homeworld of Australia once before and never since the modifications they had made to it. This would be the first operational test of those modifications “helm, bring us into a hover, Grae when you’re ready.” The captain said looking over at the older man. The Nathan James moved slowly over the waves below as it did additional engine ports on the vessel’s delta wings fired giving the helm more control over the vessel allow it to slow considerably. As the ship slowed to a hover two large doors opened revealing the patrol ship inside.

   “Deploying in 3…2…1… Hammersley away” Grae called out from the bottom of the ship the three-hundred-ton Adelaide-class Patrol Ship was lowered into the sea below with multiple carry wires. The ship gently touched the waves and the wires were released allowing the ship to move on its own engines.

“This is the Captain, we are free of the DropShip and are going to traverse the Asterion Sea to the City Veralla. Welcome to Noisiel” she said. The City of Veralla was within range and it had a harbour on the coast of the Asterion Sea capable of servicing a ship like the Hammersley. Unlike the vegetation of Noisiel which was redder than the greens typical on a habitable planet the water of the Asterion Sea was still dark hues of blue. Unlike most worlds the oxygen produced by plants in the water more of Noisiel’s oxygen was retained below the surface.

The DropShip then flew off leaving the patrol ship behind heading to the nearby spaceport. It was quickly given permission to land joining dozens of other DropShips which were already landed. After the ship had taxied off the landing strip and into its parking area doors opened on the side of the ship and a single six wheeled red and white painted Apocalypse Rover headed off of the DropShip and headed into Noisiel’s capital. Soon after four hatches opened on the top of the craft revealing two military jet powered Cobra VTOLs and two lighter civilian Soar Helicopters on landing pads.


   Sometime later the vehicle pulled up at the city governors building and a single blonde-haired woman wearing a dark blazer jacket, white shirt and grey work skirt headed up the steps into the building. Inside she was led through the building to the office of the governor himself Robert Middleton.

   “Good afternoon, Commander…”

   “Ms Michelle LeTournaeu, I’m the Director of the Triple Zeros” she said confidently naming her unit “we aren’t a military command.” She had a strong Aussie accent, LeTournaeu like most of her people originated on the world of Australia and they had inherited the accent from the original descendants of Australia on Terra.

   “Well Director” he said trying to hide the surprise from his face. “I’m curious to why you have come to see me and not the planetary duke he deals with mercenary contracts; also, you are not a military command you say but your first act on landing was to deploy a military patrol ship.” He explained while Robert didn’t mind the attention and health care, which was what the Triple Zeros specialised in, did fall under his purview so he’d entertained the meeting but really a contract would need to be made with the duke.

   “Governor, my command are made up of several services which were recently cut from Australia’s planetary budget.” She explained smiling “my people used what money they had themselves and what money they received when they left their jobs to buy some of the equipment they used during their service and some that had previously been retired.” She added to their backstory, the equipment list that the Triple Zeros had was impressive four Apocalypse Rovers modified as search and rescue vehicles, four city ambulances, two civilian search and rescue medvac choppers, another two longer ranged military VTOLs, a mobile MASH unit with support trailer, a small naval support unit. “We deployed the Hammersley when we arrived because it is easier to do so when our DropShip is airborne and we would like to stay here for some time.” She said openly informing him of their intentions.

“We have restored this equipment to functionality and we are looking for jobs, our unit can give your hospitals an extra edge and improve people lives across Noisiel.” She explained continuing “most of my people are civilians who are experienced in medical care, search and rescue, we aren’t interested in jumping from one battlefield to the next. So, having a contract with a planetary government is preferable to one with a military contract, signing specifically with a planet will mean we shouldn’t be sent off world, that would be a stipulation of our contract.” He nodded from what he understood the DropShip crew had some veterans onboard, the patrol boat were trained militia men and women as were the Cobra pilots, and a platoon of infantry that acted as security of the unit but otherwise their other eighty-to-one hundred personnel were civilians.

   “So why Noisiel? This is becoming quite a developed world, what you are describing perhaps belongs on the periphery assisting a world trying to find its feet?” Middleton suggested, Noisiel was developing and fast but it did have a lot of uninhabited outback which people did tend to get lost in but he wasn’t about to give Ms LeTournaeu any more ammunition.

   “A few reasons, firstly Noisiel is relatively close to home we all have families on Australia, we came out ‘ere to make money not to abandon our home.” She explained getting a nod from the governor for her to continue “secondly you have the games and now the races here which means you have people looking for adventure and testing experimental equipment. Adventure leads to mistakes and experimental equipment throws in weird accidents as well. Our sea patrol ship can help patrol your water ways and cut down on water crime you have. We can also run cargo with our VTOLs perhaps to smaller settlements, back on Australia we ran medical services to smaller and remote places reducing people’s waiting times for medical care and stopping the need for them to travel long distances.”

   “You make several good cases there, Ms LeTourneau” Middleton admitted frowning a little as he thought about it, he knew the duke would not object to improving people’s medical care but using a private command to do it may cause other problems. “I’m open to allowing you to work with our hospitals, and our security services, you will be called on when local services cannot make it, we won’t move you into our structure but instead you’ll act as a contractor assisting city services especially out in the sticks?”

   “That would be acceptable to my people, we’ll also need a base of operations…”

   “Unfortunately, the military bases are owned by the LCAF, but I can get my secretary to forward you a list of civilian bases which you could potentially take over assuming you can agree a contract with the owners.” He suggested walking around his desk leaning on his black leather chair looking at the woman. “You will however have some competition, due to Noisiel’s Summer Games and now the Racing League there are many other commands on the world who are looking for bases. You’ll have to figure it out yourselves with civilian owners but I’ll let you know who is probably most open for a bid from your command. I’ll also have our emergency frequencies transmitted to your people” he explained.

   “Thank you” she said honestly waiting for the next part, their pay negotiations “I have prepared our expected wages and contract terms…” she said removing a small noteputer from her bag handing it over to the governor who looked over the numbers nodding. “Those numbers are wages monthly…” she explained “the unit’s will pay for its own maintenance from the contract.”

   “Of course, three months trial and then we can negotiate longer?” He suggested looking at the figures, the discretionary budget he had from the duke was enough to pay for these figures over the short term but longer terms he would need additional financial support.

   “I would prefer a minimum of one year so we can prove ourselves and our worth.” LeTournaeu suggested trying to bring some security to the unit, three months would barely scratch their capabilities.

   “Six months, your command is unproven…” he said looking at her raising his hand to forestall her comment “you may be proven on Australia but that is far from here. You’re going to need to start again from scratch.” He explained seeing her crestfallen face “but I’m sure you’ll get your chance to prove it.” He said offering her his hand

   “Thank you” she said again shaking the Governor’s hand. As she turned to leave the governor’s office, she raised her radio to her lips “Vince, we’re a go.”


   Back at the Nathan James Vince Marchello, a man in his forties with short dark hair and a slightly out of shape frame, the Rescue Special Ops Team Manager was directing members of their unit to move their gear around the cargo bay, the DropShip had three wide decks of which the equipment was stored in. At least for now the DropShip would act as their base of operations with all of their equipment stored and one of the medical facilities used to treat the casualties they treated. The other facilities at least for now would be used as quarters for their personnel until something more permanent was figured out. As he walked around a younger man with brown hair and a scruffy beard approached him, unlike Vince who wore a simple blue and red sport’s T-shirt with “RESCUE” in red on the left chest the younger man wore a white shirt with black and gold lapels on the shoulders.

   “Captain, how are you doing today?” Vince asked curious about why he was here but barely stopping moving as they walked around Senior Captain William “Wheezer” Heaseman. Back home he had been a trailblazer in his field, he had been one of those that had created the SkyMed Service which brought medical services to the remotest places on the world only to be cruelly released from his contract when the service was cut back by Australia’s government. So popular was the young captain most of his closest pilots and several of the nurses/paramedics that worked with him chose to join him and the Triple Zeros looking for a new purpose.

   “It’s Wheezer, Vince” he replied frowning, he preferred his callsign it to his given name, which made him sound like his dad. “I need to know what we’re going to do with my people.” He said quite insistent on their cooperation.

   “We’ve barely finished our contract negotiations, Captain” Vince replied again cheerfully using Wheezer’s flight rank instead of his nickname, Vince knew how to push people’s buttons and when, right now was one of those when moments. “Our paramedics will be bringing people in soon; I can probably get some of your nurses involved in our recovery operations.” Vince suggested the unit had several vehicles which would be taking in patients and he knew Wheezer’s people were skilled. “We can possibly set you up with shifts in local hospitals as well, we need to build some goodwill with them so they can supply us with medicines and supplies to get this operation off the ground.”

   “What about my pilots? I have eight pilots and cadets behind them who want to fly, we can look after our own equipment and we have the cash waiting.” Wheezer emphasised looking out for his people was more important than anything, it hadn’t been practical buying aircraft on Australia for another world instead the idea had been to purchase aircraft when they arrived.

   “We’re literally just in the door Captain, and we got the two Cobras to make up for what you left behind.” The Cobra Transport VTOLs had joined the unit after the pilots, survivors of another broken unit, had chosen to sign up looking for a safer gig. The aircraft were far bigger and different from what Wheezer and his people were used to.

   “None of my people are trained on the Cobra’s” Wheezer replied frustrated, the Cobras were a useful addition but his pilots were used to smaller conventional aircraft and rotorcraft. “They are military and VTOLs my people are fixed wing pilots, Vince, we were told we’d be part of something and seen as equals in this endeavour. SkyMed is something that can really help people out with the cities.”

   “I know, I know” Vince said forcing himself not to roll his eyes. “Listen, we need an airfield before we can get you planes. If you want to help have your pilots start looking at local airfields and draw up a list that would work for them.” He suggested Wheezer nodded that made sense “also I can get your people shifts on the rescue choppers and the Cobras?” He suggested throwing them an olive branch “then they’ll at least be flying?”

   “We’d all appreciate that Vince, we can be really useful if you work with us.”

   “I promise you mate, we will as soon as we get settled, new planet and all this ain’t Aus anymore.” This was a journey for all of them, they had to adapt to their new position as an independent unit which needed to work together for a better future.

 on: October 29, 2024, 09:01:37 PM 
Started by Takiro - Last post by Takiro
Sounds cool

 on: October 29, 2024, 08:59:57 PM 
Started by Takiro - Last post by Takiro
During the formation of the Terran Hegemony I'm pretty sure McKenna fought over it (New Zealand disappeared I believe)

I think the Cameron's just inherited it so the Star League didn't fight for it

amaris Coup

Liberation of Terra

ComStar rise from ashes and destroy what SLDF units refused to bend to their will

Then WoB invasion

All I can think of

I agree with you DC let me know if anyone has any other contenders

1st Battle [September 5, 2314 to June 2, 2315] Terran Civil War between rival political factions ended by Fleet Admiral McKenna who uses Ortillery from his WarShips (first ever use) to destroy two small uninhabited islands (Strand Rock, near Scotland and an unnamed one near Australia) to end the violence.

2nd Battle [December 27, 2766] The Amaris Coup forever changes the InnerSphere as the Usurper succeeds in seizing humanity's homeworld

3rd Battle [January 23, 2777 to September 29, 2779] Operation Liberation by the SLDF frees Terra from the control of Stefan Amaris

4th Battle [June 25, 2788 to June 28, 2788] Operation Silver Shield by ComStar seizes control of Terra in order to safeguard the Cradle of Humanity during the coming Succession Wars

5th Battle [February 28, 3058 to March 3058] Operation Odysseus is launched by the Word of Blake

 on: October 29, 2024, 06:30:10 AM 
Started by Takiro - Last post by Dragon Cat
During the formation of the Terran Hegemony I'm pretty sure McKenna fought over it (New Zealand disappeared I believe)

I think the Cameron's just inherited it so the Star League didn't fight for it

amaris Coup

Liberation of Terra

ComStar rise from ashes and destroy what SLDF units refused to bend to their will

Then WoB invasion

All I can think of

 on: October 29, 2024, 06:25:59 AM 
Started by Takiro - Last post by Dragon Cat
The customisation is good but its different than what we've seen in previous games.

Don't know if you played Mech 4 or MW5Mercs but each mech had energy, ballistic, missile hard points 99% certain that was for graphics but hey moving into Clans.

In Clans you have let's say 4 alternative configurations. While you play the game you/your Starmates earn XP oh that machine (the more you use it they better it gets idea). You spend that XP to unlock alternative configurations (which are really closer to TRO3050 configurations)

That's the first part of modifications. However there's more inside each configuration (which you can unlock in any order) you can completely strip that configuration and replace it with weapons of like comparison.

For example I have a Mad Dog (yes all Clan names are used for the original OmniMechs)

Standard Prime configuration has
2 large pulse lasers
2 medium pulse lasers
2 LRM20 with not enough ammo

I changed that to
2 ER Large lasers
2 ER Medium lasers
2 LRM15 with more ammo, heat sinks and armour

Like for like weapons within your configuration

I feel it works really well when you think about the OmniMechs - the Prime pod is designed to fire energy and ballistic weapons etc. I'm also pretty sure it's for a graphics perspective the machine expects a prime so missile and energy weapon graphics are used.

You can also tweak the performance of your Mech with your XP again the idea being a pilot has an affinity to a design so it performs a little better as you get used to it. So you can mod the top speed, acceleration, torso twist speed, torso angles etc.

You can also spend points from salvage on the researching improvements to all your Mecha equipment and weapons making them a little better as the game goes on (not canon but it's a game and it lets you see improvement as you go)

 on: October 29, 2024, 05:56:46 AM 
Started by Takiro - Last post by Takiro
I think so. Pretty basic. Even though it ties your hands a bit. I'll outline more later. I want to get to the actual battle of Terra itself here.

How many times has Terra been fought over up till now? I'm talking the 3057 battle for Terra.

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