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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #105 on: August 03, 2012, 08:13:30 AM »

ooo the way the twisted wolf mind works lol
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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #106 on: August 03, 2012, 08:28:48 AM »

It sure is twisted  :P  ;D  ::)  :)
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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #107 on: August 05, 2012, 09:38:21 AM »

Hey guys, besides from working on part 5 of chapter 10 I've been working on an insignia for the new Steiner Huscarls which were founded in our last chapter. What do you think??

Ice Hellion

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #108 on: August 05, 2012, 10:33:17 AM »

Nice reuse of their traditional shield.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #109 on: August 05, 2012, 01:45:42 PM »

Thanks Ice, what I actually did was look for Huscarls icon and besides the Dane Axe or their Saxon Helmet the Shield stood out. Besides this symbol and the Lyran Alliance insignia have a lot in common look wise I think. One reason I like doing alternate time line or what ifs is seeing what they have in common with the canon timeline. Based on this I have a second version of the Steiner Huscarls insignia which is more silver like the Lyran Alliance. Do you like it better or option number 1?

Rainbow 6

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #110 on: August 05, 2012, 05:43:41 PM »

Option 2 for me.


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #111 on: August 05, 2012, 06:17:55 PM »

Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #112 on: August 06, 2012, 02:59:27 PM »

2. I like the contrast in the colours.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #113 on: August 06, 2012, 04:10:00 PM »

Looks like 2 it is!


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #114 on: August 13, 2012, 06:01:55 PM »

I choose, Option # more story!

please proceed.



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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #115 on: October 04, 2012, 01:16:27 AM »

Okay folks this is a long one that will hopefully answer all your questions on the LCAF. Remind me to get Blacknova's helping in mapping all the changes (see below). Oh Blacknova and Cannonshop provided some inspiration herein. Enjoy!!

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Deep underneath Mount Wotan in the military headquarters known as Asgard several commanders gathered to discuss the developing situation. Field Marshal Nondi Steiner addressed them “Ladies and gentleman welcome to the newly restored El Caf.” The assembly of senior officers began thumping the table with their fists in approval a traditional Steiner gesture. It had been a little more than a decade since the LCAF had been merged into the AFFC to the disappointment of some ardent patriots. While maintaining a single hierarchy undoubtedly saved cost it stripped the Commonwealth of its most valuable resource, manpower.

Many chose to retire or were forced out of the service when they could not in good conscious swear loyalty to the Alliance. Project Unity redressed these concerns by dialing back national military integration and reforming member state commands. This reform process would take time to complete and the Lyran State Commander was determined to hasten the reconstitution of the L-C-A-F as much as possible “Please come to order.” The dozen or so senior officers she had gathered that sat down would be the core of the new Lyran High Command but they represented only half of its eventual composition.

Glancing down at her notes Nondi started the briefing “Lets begin with the territorial restructuring of the Lyran State Command set forth by Project Unity as it will directly impact the make up of our High Command. The new AFFC model calls for the complete integration of our nine Theater of Operations and four Military Districts into four FedCom Marches.” Perplexed by the reduction from the current five Marches some officers began to grumble. Marshal Nils Steiner-Davis of the Periphery March asked “Does this mean I’m out of a job?”

Field Marshal Steiner smiled “Take heart Nils I’ve already spoken with the Archon and we agree that you’d be ideally suited to take over the Military Education Department. The changes you bought to the Royal New Capetown Military Academy more than qualify you for such a position.” Steiner-Davis drew a deep breath “I thank you both for your confidence but the loss of the Tamar War College, the Military Academy of Somerset and the Blackjack School of Combat to the invaders doesn’t make this new assignment easy.”

Nondi fixed her gaze upon Nils “Actually Project Unity makes it far worse than that. The Nagelring, the Sanglamore, and the Flight Academy of Thorin are all being retasked as Federated Commonwealth academies not Lyran State facilities.” Clearly overwhelmed by that bit of news the new Education Marshal stammered “That leaves the LCAF with only four institutions of higher learning!” Field Marshal Steiner nodded “Quite correct Nils you will be starting with the War College of Buena, the Coventry Academy, the Pandora College of Military Sciences, and New Capetown.”

Steiner-Davis seized on a few of her key words quizzically “Starting with?” Handing him a noteputer Nondi said with “The Archon and I have drafted a few contingencies that include the creation of two new academies, the reactivation of two ancient military facilities, plans to add a military annex to Tharkad University similar to New Avalon, and the expansion of Lyran Training Units including Regional Battalions.” Clearing his throat Field Marshal Dean Forney spoke “Some traditionalists will frown upon such a Davion innovation in the LCAF.”

In spite of her sympathetic feelings to the issue raised Field Marshal Steiner scowled at the Social General of the LCAF. Forney was a minor noble born on Tharkad whose charisma and social graces enabled him to climb the ladder. A skilled bureaucrat and terrific administrator he had continued to rise despite his lack of combat experience and tactical inaptitude even in the AFFC. His constant pro-Fed Com politicking had helped integrate the Lyran military while his presence had soothed feelings. Marshal Steiner-Davis broke the icy silence “I’m sure the Archon is just outlining possibilities for incorporation into Military Education.”

Forney quickly took the opportunity to back track “Of course. I meant no disrespect High Marshal.” The use of her new honorific provoked a steely grin from Nondi who growled “None taken.” Reviewing the notes provided aloud gave Nils the opening to get things back on track “Restoring the Arcturan Military College and the Donegal Defense Center will be a challenge although their conversion from museums to active campuses will certainly spark renewed pride.” Regaining her composure Nondi added “The creation of the Alarion Naval Academy and the Bolan Martial Academy has already been authorized so it is only a matter of time.”

As the group concurred with her assessment Field Marshal Forney refocused the briefing “I believe we were learning about the four Marches of the Lyran State Command.” Using her best phony smile Field Marshal Steiner got back to the new territorial breakdown “Yes, thank you Dean.” The friendly use of his first name was another not so subtle insult which she let hang momentarily before continuing” We will be folding the Periphery March into a reorganized Donegal March under the command of Field Marshal Roman Steiner that will resemble the Crucis model with ten Combat Regions.”

Closely examining Dean’s face for any visible sign of disappointment was a futile exercise as he continued to wear the same dumb smirk in spite of being passed over for command of the March. Finishing her thoughts on the Donegal restructuring she spoke again to the assembly “Using the former Periphery March Militias the Outer Provinces of Coventry and Alarion will immediately reach full strength while the inner Lyre Province remains unchanged without any March Militia presence. Plans to raise those commands through interstellar conscription were dashed by the formation of the Steiner Huscarls who received much of those materials and personnel.”

Field Marshal Forney quickly chimed in “Sounds like Roman has his work cut out for him.” Nondi shot back “We all do as this is just the start of our grand reformation. Besides the Huscarls will be one of the most well equipped units in the new LCAF with ample resources to back them however their personnel lack the proper experience.”  This quip once again aimed at Dean received more than a few snickers from the combat veterans gathered around the table. The enigmatic commander of the Skye March, Field Marshal James Ellis, cut short the joviality “What of Skye?”

To say Ellis was an unknown quantity was something of a colossal understatement. He rarely spoke especially during group meetings and was highly secretive about much of his Lyran service which included stints in Military Intelligence and the Special Forces. Following the Skye Rebellion he had been tapped by Archon Katrina Steiner to head up military operations in that unruly region. The fact he had escaped a couple of assassination attempts all the while keeping order spoke to his effectiveness. Nondi carefully admitted “Skye too will be reorganized” which displeased her greatly.

Awaiting orders Ellis asked “How so commander?” His simple response eased her concerns while allowing a disciplined outline of the Archon’s wishes “The March will see the return of the Rahneshine worlds including Hesperus while the star systems that once encompassed the Terran Hegemony will be removed.” Cocking his head to one side Skye’s Marshal asked the question on everyones mind “Removed High Marshal? May I inquire as to the purpose of this removal? I ask as the March while happy to regain the five Rahneshire worlds will lose at least thirty former Hegemony planets.”

Nondi was ready “It is the Archon’s wish that Skye be restored to its rightful borders not only with in the Commonwealth today but in the future. One day its historic claims to star systems wrongly conquered will be recognized by all.” While some were surprised by this hard line stance aimed clearly at the Draconis Combine all in the assembly seemed to approve. After gauging their response she continued “As for the Terran worlds they will be added to the Sarna March which will now fall under the auspices of the AFFC. The sovereigns will eventually establish a new Corridor March linking our two states.”

As this revelation began some minor conversations around the table Nondi asked “Will Skye be able to maintain the strength of its March Militias?” Ellis looked somewhat uncertain “Despite the reassignment, either partially or fully, of at least two March Militias we should be able to keep six regiments under arms thanks to the Archon’s new initiative.” She quickly agreed “That was my assessment as well Field Marshal. The Denebola and Lyons units can be replaced especially along the Free Worlds League border. I expect you to expedite the transition in short order.”

Momentarily pausing she continued onto other matters “Marshal John Herrick, the commander of the Bolan March, has chosen to retire from active service. At the request of the Archon he will be taking over the El CAF’s Reserve Corps and implementing much of our new mobilization. Taking over as commander of an enlarged Bolan March will be Field Marshal Ivan Steiner.” Her middle child and the former commander of the Terra Ferma Operational Area nodded in acceptance of his latest assignment. He was the final link completing Steiner control of the ancient Protectorate of Donegal as she desired.

As they had planned Ivan addressed the High Command “The reorganized Bolan March will basically include the Teyvareb PDZ from the former Periphery March and the Herzberg Region from the Donegal March. Thanks to the reassignment of the Carlisle unit formerly of the Donegal March Militia to Herzberg we are currently fully staffed across all PDZs. With the loss of the Rahneshire worlds there will be some other internal territorial changes which will be detailed later.” The gathering was satisfied by the explanation and many including Nondi was pleased to have Ivan back in the LCAF.

Field Marshal Cynthia Franks smiled and spoke for the final Lyran March "Well I suppose that brings us to my neck the woods.” The Commander of the Tamar March was a long time veteran of the LCAF whose service record was renowned. While her imposing figure had been diminished somewhat by age her reputation continued to grow. Even Nondi herself was a little awe struck by her appearance here today. Cynthia had fought with distinction in the 3rd Succession War against the DCMS reminding many of her legendary ancestor the Black Pearl, Angela Franks, of the famous Stealths.

Franks went on to fundamentally change Royal New Capetown Military Academy with her fellow commander Nils Steiner-Davis eliminating age old racism. All of these accomplishments weren't enough to stop the Clan juggernaut from subjugating her homeworld, Winfield, or preventing the fall of Tamar. Ordered to escape by the Archon she reluctantly accompanied Duchess Morasha Kelswa off world. Narrowly avoiding pursuers the Field Marshal had only recently made it back to Tharkad were she had offered to resign.

The Lyran State Commander smiled as she began to explain the Archon's new plans “Quite right, the three remaining PDZs of the Tamar March will become Special Defense Zones each falling under the command of a different Field Marshal as the Clan border will continue to be the most heavily garrisoned section of space in the Human Sphere. Field Marshal Franks will remain the overall commander of the March and assume direct command of the Koniz Defense Zone which will be garrisoned by the A-F-F-C. This split has been done to facilitate and promote Project Unity.”

Cynthia’s smirk grew as she asked “Show the flag. I understand, who will be the leaders of the other zones?” Infected by Frank’s grin Nondi found herself beaming from ear to ear “The Commander of the Pasig Defense Zone which is to garrisoned by the L-C-A-F will be Field Marshal Rainer Poulin.” Poulin was the experienced commander of the Ryde Theater of Skye temporarily took up command of the Tamar March after the fall of its capital. Franks nodded in approval “Rainer did a masterful job shoring up defenses and assembling some counter attacks in my absence.”

Glad to have Cynthia’s support in the matter Nondi continued “The Kelenfold Defense Zone will be manned by the A-F-F-S and will be commanded by my old friend Field Marshal Xerxes Davion. Prince Davion has appointed former Deputy Commander of the Lyran State as Commander of the Davion Expeditionary Forces or D-E-F.” The High Marshal desired Franks approval in this matter and was pleased by her cooperative nature. Looking down at her notes Cynthia simply said “He’ll do. I’m more concerned that only two of the six Tamar March Militias survived the Clan War.”

Taken off guard by this development Nondi questioned “Didn’t we have plans to rebuild the Pasig TMM with the help of conscripts and use elements of each to train newly equipped Planetary Militias along the Clan border?” Cynthia’s smile disappeared replaced by a disapproving glare at Marshal Rupert Guercio of the Skye Rangers “I guess you’ll have to ask Ryan Steiner.” Guercio wasted no time in defending the actions of his benefactor “The Duke of Porrima and Duke-Consort of Tamar has enthusiastically embraced the Archon’s call to arms. No other regional leader is doing more to defend the Commonwealth and I object to anyone who would insinuate otherwise.”

Of course Guercio had conveniently left out Ryan’s other unofficial title, Leader of Free Skye, a fact that further infuriated Nondi. Seething at this usurping she venomously asked Guercio “What has he done?” Clearly intimidated the commander of the Skye Rangers looked down and away from the High Marshal “Under the terms of interstellar mobilization Duke Ryan and Duchess Morasha have reconstituted the Tamar Jaegers.” The High Command had opposed this move for years and today was no different for the Commander of the Lyran State.

The Jaegers were infamous along the Draconis border for their hatred of House Kurita. Their long distinguished some would say nefarious record came to its high point under the reign of Archon Alessandro Steiner. Using a unique blend of BattleMech and conventional forces the Jaegers thrived but remained at odds with the Lyran High Command. After Alessandro’s fall from grace his most avid supporters found themselves black balled. It soon became difficult for the unit to maintain even basic operations without necessary logistics.

After a series of poor combat performances and acts of questionable loyalty the Jaegers were disbanded by order of Archon Katrina Steiner in spite of protests by the Dukes of Tamar. For the last three decades the Kelswas continually petitioned for their reactivation keeping the unit “alive” as conventional regiments in regional service and as a powerful veterans group with members scattered throughout the militias of the old Tamar Pact. Guercio hesitantly continued “While the Clan Invasion took its toll reactivated veterans and survivors of the onslaught on Tamar allow the Jaegers to field two regiments.”

Like a volcano Nondi felt like erupting on Free Skye’s pawn but the personal wishes of the Archon took precedent. No doubt Ryan had filled out these commands with mercenaries, personal guards, and separatists troops he had been gathering covertly for years. Field Marshal Steiner barely hid her rage asking “Do you have any more details on the Jaegers that we should know about?” Guercio who had clearly been expecting more was encouraged enough to look up “Currently the Jaegers are assembling on Dalkeith in the Coreward Skye March and both units have only the most basic support.”

Dalkeith was once a world in the Tamar Pact which over the years had been reassigned to Skye a point Ryan will likely make to his supporters. The saving grace to the activation of these malcontents was that these conscript units were generally composed of 3rd Succession War relics with no significant tech upgrades. Only the Steiner Huscarls were too be given priority refits for their venerable war machines which could be replaced if they wished by newly manufactured material. Sarcastically Duchess Steiner thanked him “The Archon I’m sure will be grateful for Duke Ryan’s aid in generating new soldiers for the El-CAF.”

Such a phony comment was followed momentarily by Nondi’s none too distant after thought “Oh, and what of the Skye Rangers?” Marshal Guercio who was obviously encouraged by the High Marshal’s friendly response “I’m pleased to announce that the Archon has personally committed towards the rebuilding of the 17th Skye Rangers who so bravely fought the Clans.” Yes Steiner thought the Seventeenth was setup for an obvious purge of all undesirables after their actions. Rupert continued “The unit is currently en route back to their homeworld, Summer, for some well deserved rest and resupply.”

Good, Nondi smiled no doubt Ryan will see this move and attempt to dump his problem cases on the Archon which is exactly what she wants. Hopefully the Boys of Summer will join their homeworld in the new Corridor March one day. Guercio seemed to be enjoying all the attention boasted “Not only will Duke Ryan be able to rapidly reconstitute the 17th with the Archon’s gracious assistance but we can reactive the 25th Skye Rangers as well. The Gunslingers will help bring the Rangers to a total of five regiments under arms in short order.”

With an under current of contempt Field Marshal Ellis asked “Will Lord Steiner have any problem helping to recruit some our new March Militias called for by the Archon?” Clearly riding high Rupert revealed “The two plus regiments necessary to fill out those new units shouldn’t be a problem however there will be no room left for the Porimma Huscarls in the near future.” No matter Nondi mused they would have been another dumping ground for the worst Social Generals and it won’t sully the Archon’s desire to see the Huscarls be the best House Steiner has to offer.

At least this current mobilization has consumed all of Lord Ryan’s resources Steiner thought to herself. “Very impressive” she said “convey my thanks to Ryan for all his enthusiastic support.” As Marshal Guercio smiled and spoke to others Nondi was still surprised by the Archon's permission to let Ryan Steiner raise such forces. Free Skye commanded at least a dozen ‘Mech regiments all gathered in their home March. All the vipers in one basket no doubt being watched closely by the Steiner-Davions. Logistics were already carefully being withheld and the planned redeployment of the AFFC would post loyal unit around Skye as well.

The sovereigns not only suspect duplicity but are planning to take action it would seem against Free Skye. Nondi smiled if all goes accordingly we may finally be rid of these disloyal opportunists. Bringing things to order once more Field Marshal Steiner spoke “This is why I have asked Unit Commanders to join our new High Command as well. Their presence here will fill the gap created by the creation of the Marches and the elimination of old Theater/District system. The only other change I have made is the amalgamation of a single Liaison Office from the old Troop Liaisons.”

Gesturing over at the newly promoted Marshal Almida Zec “You’ll have the pleasure of coordinating our operations with mercenaries, noble troops, corporate security, and the A-F-F-C.” The young officer frowned some what playfully at the weight being dropped on her shoulders “Thank you for your confidence High Marshal.” Nondi nodded sternly expecting her new protégé to get the job done “So our newly stream lined High Command will have approximately 27 members rather than the old 30. I still have many position to appoint among these service commands” as she scanned the room visually.

“Many of you know Fleet Admiral Lyn Hood and Admiral Klaus Essen” Nondi said. Pausing for a moment to allow the proper recognition of these long Lyran veterans “They will be heading up the Navy and Aerospace Command respectively.” Field Marshal Steiner gestured with approval to Hood who began a small briefing “Thank you, the sovereigns have reversed course from their previous decision to consolidate all naval development at New Avalon. Funding for the Port Sydney Naval Yards at Alarion has already been appropriated for warship construction in the near future.”

This news pleased many gathered as they felt unduly constrained by the Federated Commonwealth’s narrow focus. Fleet Admiral Hood continued “We are also evaluating star systems other than Alarion so we can develop our shipping industry, build new spaceyard, and spread our naval reach in general. Gibbs with its Jumpship and Dropship facilities is clearly a natural second choice. Tharkad is another thanks to its Dropship docks and central position to the Lyran state. Skye has its advantages as well thanks to its industry and small dockyards.”

But everyone present knew why Skye was a questionable use of resources for a reborn Lyran Navy that would likely be passed over. After a brief pause the Fleet Admiral finished her thoughts “Other than that we have few good choices. Camelot Command in the Dark Nebula could be an excellent staging area on the Clan front and with some investment New Kyoto may also see the restoration of the ancient Bolson Shipyards long ago destroyed by the Free Worlds League. However, we may already have an answer to our naval needs since our aerospace fighters have thus far matched come the closest to matching the Clans.”

The elder head of the new Lyran Aerospace Command, Admiral Klaus Essen, took up the issue “I’d recommend that we focus our efforts in the near term on improving the entire Federated Commonwealth’s Aerospace Force. Our pilots have come the closest to matching the invaders performance despite the technological gap and their supposed genetic advantages. Refitting existing craft should be top priority while we move to build new cutting edge fighters. Also we can help train new waves of recruits by cycling experienced aces off the front lines. The goal would be to increase our near parity with the Clans to a definite advantage within five years.”

High Marshal Steiner and the group seemed to be in complete agreement with his proposal. Nondi spoke “I shall take your recommendations directly to the sovereigns with our endorsement.” Turning to Field Marshal Forney she said “Dean I have decided to appoint you head of the Lyran Army. Traditionally it is one of the duties of the State Commander or General of the Armies in the old days. However, we have much to accomplish and the El Caf can use your organizational talents here best.” Forney simply responded with a silent nod was clearly taken aback by the appointment which Nondi tried not to enjoy too much.

Searching through her notes Nondi concluded “There are several other Branch Commanders like Marshal Simon Gallagher of the Quartermaster Corps who are returning from the Federated Suns and could not be here today. Others like Admiral Vincenza Olivery of the Transport Division, Marshal Willy Schbert of the Military Intelligence Division, or Marshal Ytzak Arran of the Lyran Medical Corps are also en route from their former assignments throughout the Commonwealth. Still other Branch Commands I have yet to fill but expect to shortly.”

Looking at the time Nondi stated “I’d like to hear from the four other Unit Commanders present on the status of their forces.” Marshal Iris Steiner, commander of the Lyran Guards and Nondi’s younger cousin, stood “I will begin. The Lyran Guard is currently down three regiments due to the Clan Invasion. The First and Nineteenth were destroyed in action while the Twenty Sixth remains inactive do to battle damage. I just want to state for the record that we could rebuild the First once more as the Steiner Guard rather than mobilize these Huscarls. We currently have eleven 11 regiments under arms.”

“Noted” Nondi said looking over at the Commander of the Arcturan Guards, Marshal Gunter Hilliam, who stood “The Arcturan Guards lost two commands, the Eighth and the Twenty Fourth, to the Invaders and currently field seven BattleMech regiments. We also look forward to the reopening of our Military College.” The High Marshal shook her head motioning to Marshal Geoffrey Berg commander of the Donegal Guards “We are down three regiments thanks to the Children of Kerensky while another has been deactivated due to poor performance.”

This admission of failure drew the ire of the High Marshal “Deactivated!” Looking downward Marshal Berg admitted “The Fifth on station in the Federated Suns performed so badly in routine testing that the A-F-F-C struck them from the active rolls. Combined with the destruction of the Tenth and Twelfth with the deactivation of the Seventeenth due to battle damage the Guards currently field only nine RCTs.” Nondi spoke unforgivingly “The Archon wants your troops to be the March Force of Donegal and tasked in similar role to the Crucis Lancers representing each of the new Combat Regions.”

Standing for full effect Steiner shouted “I expected you to cover the entire Protectorate of Donegal including the new Bolan March one day but you can’t even generate ten functioning units!” Berg was shaken but had the courage to speak “I do have a proposal to immediately reactive one command, if I may proceed?” Nondi sat “By all means.” The Donegal Marshal carefully began “I am sending the shattered remnants of the Cheshire Cats, the “best” of the Bulldogs, along with recruits from Kowloon and Australia to Inarcs form a new unit, the Twenty Second.”

Exasperated the High Marshal laughed “You may have the numbers to fill out this command with that group of rejects but that bunch will never be declared active by the A-F-F-C.” Many chuckled and shared Nondi’s dim view but Marshal Berg was steadfast “I have seen these locals in action Field Marshal and together with the remaining Guardsman they’ll form one damn fine fighting force.” Nondi looked at Geoffrey eye to eye “Well they had better or it will cost you your command mister.” Berg to his credit didn’t flinch “Yes sir, understood.”

Sighing Field Marshal Steiner spoke “Unfortunately the poor status of the Donegal Guard has forced my hand. The L-C-A-F will be adding the Bolan Scouts to our active roster.” This announcement caused an uproar in the High Command which Nondi immediately quelled “Silence! The Archon herself authorized this despite my strenuous and frequent objections.” The Scouts were an ancient unit who served House Marik for hundred of years till the loss of their homeworlds nearly wiped them out.

This light weight command skilled at rapid strikes survived as mercenaries. Despite their desire to return House Steiner always remained suspicious of them till now. Their single regiment didn’t pose much of a threat Nondi thought and maybe the Scouts would screw up forcing the Archon to renounce them. The Field Marshal looked to the only commander yet to speak Marshal Tellam Stellwar and the Lyran Regulars. Like his unit he was the least political of any officer here. He rose “My Regulars lost one regiment, the First, to the Clans. The other nine stand ready to serve the Archon.”

Before returning to his seat Stellwar blurted out “Oh and thank god we never had to accept those damn RCTs in the Regulars. Dumb Davy formations just slow my boys down anyway.” Marshal Guercio was quick to agree “Amen, the mobility of our commands will certainly be enhanced. There are times for a Combat Team and then there isn’t. We don’t always need conventional forces slung around are ankles.” No doubt the Tamar Jaegers and the Bolan Scouts would agree Nondi thought.

The Field Marshal stood one last time “Thank you all for your input and reports. I’d just like to remind you all that Lyran BattleMech forces before the Clan Invasion numbered more than ninety six regiments. Today following that conflict and our reorganization we have less than seventy one. In two years we have lost twenty five commands and I want them replaced soon. Time is of the essence. I expect you all to get the El CAF up and running ASAP. Dismissed!”


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #116 on: October 04, 2012, 05:32:04 AM »

Interestingly detailed.  Give me a detailed breakdown of the changes to the command worlds and borders and I can map it for you.
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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #117 on: October 04, 2012, 07:33:46 AM »

 ;D  Nice update!


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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #118 on: October 04, 2012, 08:35:58 AM »

Working on it Nova! Gonna send u an email later today.  :D

Surprised u had no comment on the Australian involvement. ;)

Rainbow 6

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Re: Clarion Call
« Reply #119 on: October 04, 2012, 02:19:40 PM »

Tamar Jaegers  :)
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