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Author Topic: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052  (Read 13798 times)

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Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« on: July 13, 2019, 07:36:33 AM »

Well the new Mosquito sealed it folks, in the developing Salient Horizon universe I have many plans but the direction of the Taurian Concordat is one of mystery to me. While I have two big discoveries (Toro Bravo and the Badlands) planned out which I can detail later here the nation itself is more a rudderless ship of paranoia led by the current Protector we all know and love from canon. We have thanks to the design contests begun here seen some differences from canon but the big question here is how does the Taurians react to the continued survival of Hanse Davion? The event itself may have little impact but the FedCom is likely embarking on a major military buildup to fight the Clans which could spur more silliness. While production shifts into overdrive I doubt there is any direct troop presence to frighten them. Do events simply play out as canon? What would you like to see happen here??

Remember please that Hanse is armed with foreknowledge of events that happen in canon but is likely not focused on the Concordat but rather his own family issues, the Clans, and Word of Blake.


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2019, 11:22:17 AM »

Could Hanse at least get MIIO and DMI assign some resources on keeping some of the less paranoid members of the Calderon Family alive and well.  While at the same time do a PR campaign against the Paranoid members of the TC Government who are more concerned with the FC bogeyman than the pirates plaguing their worlds? 


David CGB

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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2019, 12:38:39 PM »

Could Hanse at least get MIIO and DMI assign some resources on keeping some of the less paranoid members of the Calderon Family alive and well.  While at the same time do a PR campaign against the Paranoid members of the TC Government who are more concerned with the FC bogeyman than the pirates plaguing their worlds?
seconded and yes please


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2019, 01:49:57 PM »

I don't think Hanse's survival will have much impact other then canceling the party Thomas threw when he heard of Hanse's death.   

Keep in mind at the height of Thomas' paranoia (3047-3055) there was strong opposition to him- starting with Marshal Doru.  And many in the TDF wanted to see them focus on pirate threats, not the Davion boogeyman.  So I could see Doru pushing to increase Mech production, but then funneling it away from the FS border to other areas (maybe covert mech regiments that are being used to help tackle pirate threats).

As for what Hanse should do given his knowledge- absolutely nothing if he is smart.  Nothing he can say will sway Thomas and in 3052 Jeffrey isn't ready to turn on his father.  After 3055, Hanse should funnel aid and intel to the TC through the SIC. (Think the real world where the US and USSR would supply weapons to countries through a third party so that they (US or USSR) could say we didn't supply them)  One critical piece of information that needs to be provided is about the events in the Fronc Region that led to Jeffrey's death.   The best thing Hanse can arrange (from behind the scenes of course) is very close ties between the SIC and TC so that when Sun Tzu goes to launch his war the TC will not aid them, and in fact may aid the SIC in their war. 



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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2019, 06:42:30 PM »

Well what prompted this discussion is Bullrun Concepts (who fled the realm to make upgraded Locusts) and the Mosquito (as proposed by masterarminas) which are different pathways then canon. These optimization efforts do create a possibilities for change.

I will say that butterfly wings and unintended consequences play into my alternate setting a bunch. In other words everything Hanse does creates ripples that change events and characters for the better or worse. What doesn't change as rapidly is the location of a Star League Cache per say and if any significant find is in or near the Taurian Concordat that could be a source of conflict possibly.

The Calderon family seems to be in the most hazard of any ruling clan in the Human Sphere. Yeah I know life is harsh in the Periphery but scions disappear or get killed a lot more than average. I would wager that the Centrellas and Avellars live without the fear of a sudden demise that the Calderons have.

I like the third party angle but really see the Taurians as a third or fourth tier concern for Hanse himself.


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2019, 08:17:37 PM »

I'm going to answer this in reverse order of how you wrote it.

The Calderon family seems to be in the most hazard of any ruling clan in the Human Sphere. Yeah I know life is harsh in the Periphery but scions disappear or get killed a lot more than average. I would wager that the Centrellas and Avellars live without the fear of a sudden demise that the Calderons have.

Is it more hazardous for Calderons or did Thomas' kids just have worse luck? 
Edward was killed in a dropship accident
Janice contracted Brisbane Virus
Ian left to join a merc unit
Felix "vanished" on a star mapping mission (but speculation is that he left the Concordat since he did not want to be Protector and disliked governing)
Jeffrey got screwed by the writers. 

I don't think the Calderons live in fear of sudden demise or being targeted by assassins.  Maybe the argument could be made that the Calderons spend less time in their palace and more time traveling among their people, exposing them to diseases or travel accidents. 

Well what prompted this discussion is Bullrun Concepts (who fled the realm to make upgraded Locusts) and the Mosquito (as proposed by masterarminas) which are different pathways then canon. These optimization efforts do create a possibilities for change.

I will say that butterfly wings and unintended consequences play into my alternate setting a bunch. In other words everything Hanse does creates ripples that change events and characters for the better or worse. What doesn't change as rapidly is the location of a Star League Cache per say and if any significant find is in or near the Taurian Concordat that could be a source of conflict possibly.

In the Canon setting we already have great unrest in the TC from 3051-3055.  Periphery 2e. p.1 on 3051 Marshal Doru was already calling out Thomas' policies as madness and "prompted widespread doubt among many who had once been the Protector's staunch supporters."

"Factions in Taurian society who had long since opposed the Protector looked to Marshal Doru as a potential savior" "assumed he would also willing replace Jeffrey Calderon should the heir-apparent prove to be a chip off the old block"

"Marshal Doru gained his greatest support among the Taurian Defence Force, many of whom had grown tired of the constant vigilance against a war that never came"

See also the sidebar on Page 12 about how the TDF was not able to chase pirates threatening the TC and how they were pissed at the Protector about his decision. 

Handbook MPS adds more details about the Far Lookers efforts to undermine the Protector. 

In 3053 Jeffrey Calderon was already working with Marshal Doru to restore sanity to the Concordat. 

I agree there a ripple effects from events, but the biggest ripples happen the furthest away - for example in 3052 let's say Hanse starts planning to deal with WOB and the Jihad, or to counter the Trinity Alliance.  in 3052 the Taurian situation is almost at its climax- all the pieces for Thomas being removed from office are already there.  At most maybe this moves it up by a year, which means the Canopian Alliance is not fully worked out.  The Concordat is at its boiling point, I just don't see much changing between 3052 and 3055- after that yeah a lot could change.


I like the third party angle but really see the Taurians as a third or fourth tier concern for Hanse himself.

Again if Hanse knows what is going to happen why not make a small effort that could pay off big time.  If the TC and SIC develop close ties (even if the TC and FC don't) it makes it less likely that the TC would be willing to go to war against the SIC.  (yes it could happen but it is less likely). 


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2019, 12:45:41 AM »

One possibility would be that the TC gets back into warship production. It would be almost cripplingly expensive, but once Thomas Calderon learns of FCS Invincible (the first Fox-class) it's the sort of thing he might demand, first with the TCW Vandenberg and then with copies. The Taurians had a proud naval tradition once, after all and the Vincent is a nice little ship, very customisable - particularly with the massive cargo bays ideal for carrying small craft with marines, a large fighter wing or the supplies for an extended military operation.

Now given the costs, this might force Thomas to authorise measures he otherwise wouldn't - stimulating trade to drum up currency, for example. And warships might argue they need training missions - such as anti-piracy missions - to get their crews in shape for battle against the dreaded Davions...

Actually carrying forward a warship would still be very difficult, but who do we know who could provide the technical and financial support for this in exchange for a portion of the Taurian construction and would just love to put an extra threat on the FedCom borders? Everyone's beloved Word of Blake, that's who.

The rather Terran-supremist faction may not be keen - and if the Blakists take control of Terra again, the kickback would be politically damaging as Taurians would not like being allied to Terra - but in the short term this could leave the Taurians building up much faster than they could in canon and if they start building Vincent-class corvettes steadily then the support facilities could rebound into their other aerospace areas - getting them building more commercial dropships and jumpships they can sell to fund their military... making them a net-exporter.

If Jeffrey starts leveraging this then the Taurians can make serious bank selling ships to everyone, getting political favours and importing other things they need. The Far Lookers would probably love to invest in such endeavours since they can use some of the manufactured ships to set up new colonies and survey operations.

It's likely that the Taurians are at least initially sympathetic to the FWL-Capellan detente and like the Canopians (who might well want to buy a corvette) they've few other nearby allies. Where they go in the long run is another matter, particularly once relations with the WoB cool.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2019, 02:32:59 PM »

Actually carrying forward a warship would still be very difficult, but who do we know who could provide the technical and financial support for this in exchange for a portion of the Taurian construction and would just love to put an extra threat on the FedCom borders? Everyone's beloved Word of Blake, that's who.

That could lead to a coup as the Taurian Concordat get bankrupted trying to get their WarShips built.
And isn't it too early for the Word of Blake to be that efficient?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2019, 04:24:46 PM »

Actually carrying forward a warship would still be very difficult, but who do we know who could provide the technical and financial support for this in exchange for a portion of the Taurian construction and would just love to put an extra threat on the FedCom borders? Everyone's beloved Word of Blake, that's who.

Are the Blakist in any position to do anything before Thomas is removed from office in 3055?  The WOB is only formed in 3052 and their influence in the TC (in the canon setting) does not occur until the 3060s. 

And would Jeffrey take the aid from WOB if they offered it?  I get the impression Jeffrey did not want to entangled in IS affairs.  He was happy to have an alliance with the MOC but he was very leary when the MOC started talking about involving the CC. 


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2019, 06:08:10 PM »

I will have to go back to the second edition Periphery sourcebook and take a look at diplomatic relations between the Concordat-Compact. I would think that Thomas would view St. Ives and Candace as a Davion puppet but what of the Lyrans? Yes, there is the Federated Commonwealth which taints Taurian relations with House Steiner but there is evidence of at least mercantile ties between the two realms (Hatchetman proliferation). How about the Draconis Combine as a distant ally? There have been fanfics and other tenuous canon links between these Davion borderers but here again détente could have Thomas trusting no one.

Also the Calderon dynasty has had a run of bad luck but one thing I can assure everyone is that a non-Calderon will not become Protector. I always thought the entire concept of Grover Sharplen ascending that particular position was poorly done. If you wanted to make him a Regent or Shogun type figure then fine but the leadership of Taurus should always be in a Calderon sovereign. If Grover was Regent for a distant young Calderon then I could have stomached the whole path that was taken in canon but everything after Jeffrey's death ticked me off. So if you want a reactionary paranoid figure to come to power I'd go that route rather than a non-Calderon just being given the keys to the kingdom. End of rant.

As for the Calderons travelling more on the fringe of civilization with rickety old jumpships to be among their people I could certainly see it. That would be a hazard or more hazardous then the well developed and better maintained space lanes of the InnerSphere. This kind of leads me to drakensis comments on Warships which need a robust space infrastructure in order to get started. Don't get me wrong my friend it is an interesting idea but one that would need time, perhaps a generation (15-25 years), to foster. For starters which plays into the Mosquito concept of masterarminas that uses EndoSteel and Ferro-Fibrous wouldn't orbital foundries be necessary? Those facilities would be evidence to me that such a massive spaceborne industrial effort could be undertaken.

However drakensis I do think Thomas would react to the Review and Optimization Effort (FedCom, Draconis, and ComStar lead to combat the Clans), Bullrun Concepts (the escape of top weapon designers to the InnerSphere), and general LosTech Proliferation with efforts like the Mosquito. I get the sense that even the Capellan Confederation doesn't get a full tech boost until the reborn Star League comes along around 3058 and First Lord Sun Tzu wisely invests in his own nation to supply the SLDF's liberation efforts. Then subsequently the Canopians and Taurians get going circa 3060 aided by the Word of Blake. At this time the Free Worlds League has a big head start on lostech development with the FedCom second and the Draconis Combine third thanks to their beatings at the hands of the Clans. Of course that doesn't factor in ComStar who might be getting ready to crank up Terra's industrial engine.

Before I comment on specifics that have indeed or will be soon unfolding I would like to get a canon 3052 footing here, but this will come. ;)


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2019, 10:33:14 PM »

I will have to go back to the second edition Periphery sourcebook and take a look at diplomatic relations between the Concordat-Compact.

I am talking more about post Thomas here.  Just before the St Ives war it looked like the TC and SIC were developing close relations and then FM:P threw that out in favor of the trinity alliance.

Yes, there is the Federated Commonwealth which taints Taurian relations with House Steiner but there is evidence of at least mercantile ties between the two realms (Hatchetman proliferation). How about the Draconis Combine as a distant ally? There have been fanfics and other tenuous canon links between these Davion borderers but here again détente could have Thomas trusting no one.

I've always thought there was some sort of tie between the LC and TC- based on the TC military production which includes not only Hatchetmen (explained away later) but also the Commando, Chippewa, Rommel (explained away later), and Seydelitz.  I've never seen anything canon between the TC and DC.  Part of me wonders if the TC has a negative view of the DC based on reports from the OWA. 

Also the Calderon dynasty has had a run of bad luck but one thing I can assure everyone is that a non-Calderon will not become Protector. I always thought the entire concept of Grover Sharplen ascending that particular position was poorly done. If you wanted to make him a Regent or Shogun type figure then fine but the leadership of Taurus should always be in a Calderon sovereign. If Grover was Regent for a distant young Calderon then I could have stomached the whole path that was taken in canon but everything after Jeffrey's death ticked me off. So if you want a reactionary paranoid figure to come to power I'd go that route rather than a non-Calderon just being given the keys to the kingdom. End of rant.

My issue with Shraplen isn't that he is a paranoid lunatic, but that he is cartoon character villain with no real depth.  Thomas was a nut but it is a great story following him from 3025 when he was paranoid, but doing good things for the TC (improving the aerospace arm, add new universities, supporting colonization efforts) to 3050 when he is stark raving mad.  Shraplen was just crazy because the writers needed him to be crazy. 

However drakensis I do think Thomas would react to the Review and Optimization Effort (FedCom, Draconis, and ComStar lead to combat the Clans), Bullrun Concepts (the escape of top weapon designers to the InnerSphere), and general LosTech Proliferation with efforts like the Mosquito.

In the canon setting Thomas was focused on building planetary defenses- taking the combination of the Landmark incident (freighter destroyed because they thought it was a spy ship) and the raid by Dietrickson's Devils (went rogue from the FC) he thought the Davions were going to invade. Keep in mind by 3052 Thomas was not at all rational, I know you want to make changes but really Thomas should not be making sane decisions like building new mechs, he thought the Clan invasion was a ruse created by the FC to lull the TC into a false sense of safety (This was being fed by Romano and Sun Tzu Liao).  I don't see why the efforts to fight the clans would change this - they would only reinforce what he thinks, that they are all trying to make him believe that the FC is faking the clans.


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2019, 03:46:23 AM »

Actually carrying forward a warship would still be very difficult, but who do we know who could provide the technical and financial support for this in exchange for a portion of the Taurian construction and would just love to put an extra threat on the FedCom borders? Everyone's beloved Word of Blake, that's who.

That could lead to a coup as the Taurian Concordat get bankrupted trying to get their WarShips built.
And isn't it too early for the Word of Blake to be that efficient?
Why not have them give blueprints for the liberty class jump ships, which would build the income which a warship program would need.
or shipyard which could build jump ships would be useful to the Taurians, which increase taxes which would allow better growth
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 12:09:20 AM by David CGB »


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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2019, 10:21:04 AM »

Need to remember other things that are happening in Tak's universe.

WoB has already had issues dealing with the fake Thomas on Atreus. Hanses foreknowledge has triggered the fact that Hanse knows he's a fake because of the DNA of Joshua forcing him to arrest Demona Aziz. Causing the initial stages of what is leading up to a possible nother FWL civil war.

I haven't seen or heard of any changes in Cappy space other than the fact Sun Tzu is ramping up to use Isis to secure "her" position as the next Captain-General.

I'm not sure if Tak posted the battle we did a year or so ago for the Battle of Terra where Focht fought rebels on Mars securing ComStar holdings of the Sol system.

We had the first battle for Rockland in the DC but that doesn't really effect the universe. So not sure if any foreknowledge will affect the DC at this point though the exchanging info on the Black Dragon Society could have a major impact for them.

I can't wait to see how Hanse deals with Katherine. I'd bury her 6 feet under but thats just me.
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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2019, 04:04:21 PM »

Yeah you really have the inside track Bradshaw. I will have to post a Salient Horizon: Event Tracker (Official Timeline) on these boards next along with some follow ups to Clarion Call.

You forgot about the Battle of Mars which was a big alternate event we did as well where Focht barely survived a trap by the Master and the Word of Blake. That conflict and the behind the scenes knife fight really changed things.

The Battle of Nyserta went very differently for Diamond Shark and Ghost Bear thanks to more company then originally planned.

Don't forget about the Fire Mandrill 'slave raid' as you guys called it either which kicked off the Hellion's Reckoning.

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Re: Direction: Taurian Concordat 3052
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2019, 04:32:45 PM »

Don't forget about the Fire Mandrill 'slave raid' as you guys called it either which kicked off the Hellion's Reckoning.

This is impossible  :P

Yeah you really have the inside track Bradshaw. I will have to post a Salient Horizon: Event Tracker (Official Timeline) on these boards next along with some follow ups to Clarion Call.

Yes, yes and yes.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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