That would make sense. RE them being a breeding ground for the Society.
Yeah, I think it makes a ton of sense and really can change the discussion from a dropped idea to a past one. So if we agree on the ending (canon wise anyway) can we address their beginning?
Why go for Spacers? Why not go for a percentage of the total population directly under the orders of the ilKhan and working for the Clans as a whole?
Good questions Ice, that bring us back to the start of the concept and to be clear the Guilds could embrace both a terrestrial contingent as well as a spacer culture. Don't think one bans the other.
1. Spacers of the InnerSphere. This culture exists where the Clans came from and in a spacefaring society why wouldn't it here? I could also add the higher tech base of the Clans and their travel among the Homeworlds (which themselves are poorly habitable) necissate a more vigorous space infrastructure. Think IceShips and basic terraforming supplies needed to keep these planets habitable.
2. Long Journey that never ended. It is my contention that the long journey from the InnerSphere to the Pentagon Worlds would have forever changed some people. Might some of those embrace a spacer mindset and their style of living over this period to the point where they no longer wish to live on planet? From naval families split during the Coup and were too horrorified to ever go back to folks who work there for a living to those who just plain old like the experience better and never want to leave. I think this is very plausible.
3. Evacuation of the Pentagon. The death of Alexander Kerensky was a sudden event as was the Second Exodus of his son. As you will see in my next point Pentagon spacers did already exist and Nicholas would need help to evacute 'loyalists' from the Pentagon to Strana Mechty. This is the event where my spacers earn their place in Clan society helping ferry away (think Dunkirk style) Nicky's civilians and equipment while his military assets were occupied in a fighting withdraw. Recognizing the continuing value of these Free Guilders to the Clans as a whole they became something of a 21st Clan to me.
4. Spacers during the Pentagon Civil War. Thanks to the Historical we see evidence of many of these civilizations especially upon their return to via Operation Klondike.
5. Canon Evidence. From the shared Strana Mechty dropship yards (Union and Overlord IIC) to their mentions in the Jade Falcon SB which has to do with shipping to mention that the Jaguars need Grand Council approval to go into a naval cache to activate replace ships after the Mongoose Absorption could indicate as marauder648 suggests an existence of a group to safeguard fragile facilities, space facilities. As the Succession Wars showed in the InnerSphere these are extremely vulnerable to big damage.
What do you think??