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Minor Mercenaries
« on: February 23, 2021, 07:43:54 AM »

I've got a list going of some minor mercenaries of the Salient Horizon universe who will be factoring in events to coming. These units are small, typical company sized in terms of Mech strength, but could play significant roles in events to come. Hope you enjoy them!


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2021, 07:44:34 AM »

The Zenmasters are a small mercenary company composed of devout Mechwarriors whose mental discipline and calm focus make them deadly opponents. With a long tradition stretching back through the Succession Wars this highly skilled company sized unit is extremely close knit. While membership is opened to any invited Mechwarrior a majority of their personnel have always been drawn from the Draconis Combine. This had led to rumored connections with the Order of Five Pillars (O5P) and lingering suspicions from the Federated Commonwealth realms which have rarely trusted them with a contract. Even Takashi Kurita’s ‘Death to Mercenaries’ edict did little to dampen such rampant speculation. Regardless of this innuendo their high level of service earned them a fanatical loyalty rating from the Mercenary Review Board which has never been questioned. Invitees train extensively and often serve for years in supporting roles before rising to become a Zenmaster (Mechwarrior). Dispossessed usually accepted these steep terms of service without question before the Clans but increased ‘Mech production has recently thinned their ranks somewhat. Two lances of the group have always been composed of Marauders, Ostrocs, and Ostols but recently the commander purchased a Marauder II from which he leads. A rare Ostscout lance rounds out the company and serves as the capable seekers for the heavier lances. The venerable Union class Sky Temple serves as the unit’s mobile home and headquarters.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2021, 03:46:30 PM »

Battlegroup Alpha
Commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Cory Masterson of Elbar this combined arms battalion is known for its high degree of professionalism. Masterson, whose family traditions date back to the Terran Hegemony, retired from the AFFC following the War of 3039. Assembling this unit on Outreach took most of his private fortune and substantial investment by other unknown parties. Some believe the Wolf Dragoons were involved, others a powerful FedCom nobles, but whatever the case the unit filled out quickly. Mostly composed of former AFFC troopers the Battlegroup incorporates soldiers from many different backgrounds. Members hail from as far away as the Periphery but also include rebels from the Defenders of Andurien and recently even a former member of the ComGuards has joined their ranks. They have mainly performed training duty in the service of the Federated Commonwealth over their brief decade of service earning the Battlegroup the derisive moniker of ‘Cadre Queens’. While openly scorned by old school mercenaries, Lyran Social Generals, and Draconis traditionalists they have earned a solid reputation for their veteran skill level and high reliability. Command of the Alphas is overseen by Masterson who is a retired Mechwarrior and his similarly retired Armor and Infantry Majors. Captains of the force make up the active Field Command which is composed of eleven officers joined by the Aerospace Lieutenant. They have a large degree of flexibility but their familiarity with the combined arms doctrine makes them function seamlessly on the battlefield. The expense of enlarging the unit is probably prohibitive as their Dropships, the Core Charge a Union and the True Value a Triumph, alone have set them back quite away.

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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2021, 02:12:58 PM »

Can we post ideas or do you have enough already?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2021, 03:44:37 PM »

I'd love to see submissions for small mercenary units from others. So yes, please!


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2021, 04:31:34 PM »

This BattleMech company specializing in highly mobile urban warfare is based around a single BattleMech design, the Spider. Assembled in late 3035 by rogue Draconis Mechwarriors who mainly served with the Rasalhague Regulars they took their name from ancient Japanese renegade clans. Two lances composed mainly of Spiders with two aerospace fighters in support quickly came together on Galatea. Signed by House Liao to extensively raid Canopian and Andurien planets in the wake of their failed invasion the unit performed admirably. Following the cessation of hostilities these ronin were signed by Corean Enterprises of Stewart to provide security and test new designs based on the Spider. Since then, they have grown to company strength and perhaps could have continued to expand if not for the Clan Invasion cutting off their primary recruiting grounds. Their Spiders are now accompanied by only new Tarantula and Venom BattleMechs on the ground while a pair of Shilone AeroFighters fly cover over head. They despise the Wolf Dragoons, the Kell Hounds, and most other mercenaries of their ilk while dreaming of a return home one day to Rasalhague in service of the Dragon.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2021, 08:56:23 AM »

The Strongbows are a heavy BattleMech company composed of Archers and Longbows who specialize in long range fire support. The unit was assembled in 3041 on Solaris by former Free Worlds League Mechwarriors who sought to make a profit on their military expertise. With experience stretching from the Andurien Wars all the way back to the 4th Succession War the group was readily acknowledged as professionals despite some security concerns. Reports of misconduct while serving with the FWLM and scrutiny of certain individuals by SAFE has pervaded the Strongbows leading most to label their loyalty as questionable. In spite of these concerns a host of successful single mission contracts and gladiatorial combat led a corporate sponsorship by StarCorps Industries. This arrangement kept them on Solaris throughout the Clan Invasion testing new design variants for simulated battlefield conditions in the arenas. With the breakdown of order in the Free Worlds League the unit was recalled to station the rebuilding StarCorps facility still under construction on Emris IV in Oriente space. Their insignia is a purple Archer on a white circular background and they tend to paint their machines in urban camouflage due to their time on Solaris.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2021, 04:19:02 PM »

Harrison’s Hindmost
   The Free Worlds League was home to the only Quad Mech factories for most of the 3rd Succession War. While the 4th Succession War changed that some thirty years ago some within House Marik have gone out of their way to maintain their dominance. Captain Arthur Harrison is perhaps chief among those founding a loyal mercenary unit after the loss of Oliver. The Mechwarriors of the Hindmost like their commander all hail from proud families who owned either a Scorpion or a Goliath BattleMech throughout the Succession Wars. Strong advocates for the Quads’ unique battlefield abilities they were quickly hired by Corean Enterprises on Stewart as test pilots and guardians. Stationed at the MacAdams-Suharno plant as quality control experts these employees also train would be Quad owners. Together with Corean and the Stewart authorities they have also designed several hardpoints around the factory capable of enhancing hull down defenses of the site should raiders dare try to breach the defenses. While three decades of cadre and garrison have dulled their off-world deployment capabilities none should doubt their well-honed veteran knowledge or the loyalty these troops have for their way of life.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2021, 08:09:41 AM »

Finders Keepers
   Exploration of the unknown was long a victim of the Succession War but that began to gradually change following the 4th Succession War. One of the first groups dedicated to the pursuit of the unknown were these Lyran veterans hailing from the Alarion Province. Sick of war as usual this well-funded unit assembled to scout destinations in the far-off Periphery with an eye toward undiscovered riches. Based on the ancient Fortress class Dropship, the Early Bird, these privateers make up a combined arms battalion based around a ‘Mech company (Commandos, Firestarters, Vulcans, and Griffins). While the lostech renaissance swept the InnerSphere they have been working beyond the fringes of civilization looking for new adventures and so have larger lacked upgraded tech packages. Sweeping the vast Anti-Spinward Reaches this group has several recorded contracts with ComStar, the Federated Commonwealth, and the Free Worlds League usually focused on pirate hunting or escort duties. Their activities have not been without controversy as several Periphery advocates have charged them with theft which the Keepers vehemently deny. Their insignia is a yellow northstar compass set against a blue square.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2021, 10:32:52 AM »

Fraser’s Foragers
   Salvaging battlefield materiel became an art form during the Succession Wars which few mercenaries managed to do like Fraser’s Foragers. An old private military company dating back to 2800s who specialize in loss recovery these ‘Mech-Techs who hailed primarily the Federated Suns could incredibly make something out of nothing. With a win some loss some record they have operated in and around humanity’s old core worlds for the last two centuries. Working in the war-torn lands of the ancient Terran Hegemony for all the Great Houses at one time or another has always kept them busy. While never on good terms with House Kurita this mixed battalion has a solid reputation for service often in support of larger operations. Some deride them as battlefield scavengers or junkyard merchants who show up after the real fighting has ended. They’ve survived nonetheless and even though the new-fangled technological recovery has dimmed their accomplishments a need will always remain for these salvage experts so long as combat takes place. Based on Galatea they are decidedly old school and cautious in their approach.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2021, 04:08:24 PM »

Fallen Stars
The people of the former Terran Hegemony have seen nearly three centuries of suffering following the Amaris Coup. Since the Usurper’s great betrayal their homelands have served as the battlegrounds in countless conflicts. Some refused to forget their national heritage or forgive the actions of the House Lords and took up arms as early as the First Succession War. Hailing from the state that gave birth to the BattleMech gave them a strong foundation but every Great House and ComStar has reason to curb any success. Nearly destroyed as part of the Order’s Black December crackdown of 2877 they’ve always managed to survive. While a concerted effort likely could have eliminated them by now each Successor State has seen a reason to patronize the group from time to time. Most recently the Capellan Confederation has financed their operations in order to destabilize the Terran Corridor now largely controlled by the Federated Commonwealth. It is suspected they eke out a living on dead or abandoned worlds within the old Hegemony thus far eluding all efforts to eradicate them completely. As such they have struggled on throughout the Succession Wars never giving up on their dream of a reborn Terran Hegemony. This rag tag near bandit unit typically fields Star League designs (TRO2750) with their strength varying wildly over the years. It is suspected they have as much as a battalion of ‘Mechs under arms along with an aerospace squadron but infantry have also been observed operating alongside them. 


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2021, 11:21:26 AM »

Dirty Deeds
Rough and tumble rockers who party hard and fight even harder sums up this heavy BattleMech band who hail from the Federated Commonwealth. Employers should beware that these young Mechwarriors have never had any formal military education. So, it comes as no surprise that they are undisciplined and unconventional to say the least. Family training, inherited skills, natural gifts, and pure luck account for their battlefield success. With a few effective missions already under their belt this brash group continues their reckless tour of the InnerSphere. Their charging Thunderbolt and Awesome BattleMechs fearlessly storming enemy positions has caused some to question their sanity. Accusations of drug abuse, excessive damage, and insubordination have of course had them labelled a unit of questionable loyalty. The Union class Tour Bus is currently their only home as they look to traverse the entire Human Sphere while rocking every world. Dirt cheap prices are perhaps the most attractive value to potential employers who have few other choices.


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2021, 09:42:28 AM »

The call to liberate Canopian worlds long under the yoke of the Free Worlds League has been taken up by this new group of female Mechwarriors. Utilizing Bug ‘Mechs (Locust, Stingers, and Wasps) this independent volunteer unit has already reached battalion strength. Despite their inexperience (Green combat rating) these mercenaries are fanatical devoted to their cause. Handsomely supplied by the Magistracy through various aid organizations and charities they have given hopes to revolutionaries on occupied worlds within the League. Their official status as mercenaries working for the people of the Liberation Zone has so far avoided open warfare between the Magistracy and the League. While very light they are extremely mobile and can threaten most League Militias, which are only conventional in nature, in the area by their simple swarm tactics. Further growth of this troop is likely given their early successes, simple equipment, and high public awareness. Marik frustration with these pests is sharply increasing and may lead to the deployment of a League regiment soon despite the growing unrest throughout the nation.

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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2021, 04:39:38 PM »


"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Minor Mercenaries
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2021, 05:40:15 PM »

Too true.

As for unit submission, I have an idea or two.
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