In our next phase of this battle we look skyward to the aerospace contingents. Love to hear what you folks think about this situation as it develops.
Clan fighters intent on securing aerospace supremacy attack en masse as the initial Trial goes from orderly zell like affair to a Jaguar kill the bandits affair. With InnerSphere forces now lacking any honorable status, by order of their commander, what so ever what do you think happens.
I should inform you all that Clan aerospace forces are not laden with bombs and are in full out pursuit of the Draconis bandits. Outnumbering the female Draconis pilots five to three the Jaguars look to seize the early initiative.
Attacker: Clan Smoke Jaguar
Psi Galaxy Command Trinary
Charlie Command Star (Clan Veteran)
Star Captain August Furste, Elite, Kirghiz
Pilot Yinza, Veteran, Hydaspes
Point Commander Inazre, Veteran, Hydaspes
Pilot Cerndal, Regular, Hydaspes
Point Commander Vadro, Veteran, Xerxes
Pilot Nakhesi, Regular, Xerxes
Point Commander Zaesh, Veteran, Xerxes
Pilot Ghaset, Regular, Xerxes
Point Commander Rydric, Veteran, Tyre
Pilot Sindrol, Regular, Tyre
Heavier fighters like the Xerxes make up this Aerospace Command Star for the Smoke Jaguars. While slower than their brethren the pilots of this star are more skilled at establishing air superiority over their opponents. Commanded by Star Captain August Furste, the aide to Galaxy Commander Frederick Ott, this trueborn Aerospace Pilot is a disgraced veteran of the invasion. Shot down over Tukayyid and forced to eject he has worked hard to earn his way back to front line service.
10th Provisional Garrison Cluster
Rogue Fighter Star (Clan Regular)
Star Commander Lobe, Veteran, Tomahawk C
Pilot Dreven, Regular, Tomahawk C
Point Commander Natas, Veteran, Issus
Pilot Zimo, Regular, Issus
Point Commander Arora, Veteran, Chaeronea (ER PPC)
Pilot Vozen, Green, Chaeronea (ER PPC)
Point Commander Killian, Regular, Chaeronea (4 ER Mediums plus two tons of armor)
Pilot Belinda, Green, Chaeronea (4 ER Mediums plus two tons of armor)
Point Commander Damien, Regular, Swift C
Pilot Ayda, Green, Swift C
Lighter weight interceptors which can rapidly respond to new threats like raiders make up this Rogue Fighter Star for the 10th PGC. While only rated at Clan Regular skill level they excel at these trans atmospheric intercepts. Older than their counterparts and most always stuck in second line units these pilots know their role in the Jaguar touman.
Defender: Tennyo
Flight 1
1st Lance
Noriki Sorenson, Elite, Slayer [Takiro] {Flight Commander}
Nana Yamada, Elite, Slayer [Takiro]
2nd Lance
Shizukana Kaze, Elite, Stuka [Bradshaw] {Lance Commander}
Ju Juan, Veteran, TR-13A Transgressor [Bradshaw]
3rd Lance
Zuzanne ‘Būmubūmu’ Agnika, Elite, D36b Thunderbird [Doc_Agren] {Lance Commander}
Mariah ‘Pikushī’ Cassetti, Regular, D46 Thunderbird [Doc_Agren]
Flight 2
1st Lance
Cecilia Utchakov, Elite, SL-17R Shilone [Takiro] {Flight Commander}
Donna Black, Elite, TR-16 Transgressor [Takiro]
2nd Lance
Haruka Uehara, Elite, SL-25 Samurai [Sharpnel] {Lance Commander}
Asuka Uehara, Elite, SL-25 Samurai [Sharpnel]
3rd Lance
Yoko Kijo, Veteran, S-4 Sai [Ice Hellion] {Lance Commander}
Kim Mi Sun, Veteran, S-4 Sai [Doc_Agren]