The Atrean Captivity
Precentor Demona Aziz of Atreus left Terra for the Free Worlds League on June 16, 3052 in an effort to find sanctuary for orthodox ComStar dissidents. While Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht and new Primus Sharilar Mori assented to this departure it was in the hope for peace. Any chance for reconciliation between the reforming ComStar and these renegades was lost with the Mars Rebellion. Violent fanatics began this uprising in early July killing innocent civilians as well as ComStar personnel indiscriminately.
Thankfully a relief force under the command of the Precentor Martial was in position to assist loyal troops in restoring order. An ensuing battle between his ad hoc battalion of bodyguards, ComGuard cadets, mercenaries, and Clan bondsmen resulted in the defeat of a shadowy battalion of zealots. It was only at the conclusion of that conflict which a nuclear device was discovered that if activated could have killed Focht as well as the rest of the combatants. The heroic efforts of Precentor William York claimed the mastermind of this scheme and ultimately saved the day.
Unfortunately, this was not the only terrorist incident perpetrated by these extremists who wantonly killed all who stood in their way. The destruction of the La Grave HPG by its former Precentor was another prime example of this madness. Alexander Kernoff had been appalled not only by the Reformation of the Order but his staff's positive reaction. Sabotaging the HPG and detonating a small but powerful bomb Kernoff murdered his own personnel as well completely destroying the high-tech communications facility he was responsible for.
With little other recourse available to ComStar the Primus and First Circuit ordered a Censure of all radical elements in the Brotherhood. Aziz, Kernoff, and a few other notorious figures were to be immediately detained when found for questioning in these matters. Captain-General Thomas Marik dutifully complied with these wishes on July 14, 3052 seizing Aziz and her followers as they asked for sanctuary. While a few escaped the Precentor and her staff are being held for crimes against the Free Worlds League before they are extradited to Terra.