Moving onto the scenarios themselves 1 and 2 we are going to skip this weekend as a group for the first planet side conflict which is 3. Please tell us what you think? Is it balanced or unbalanced?
Scenario 3: First Blood
A BattleMech company of McCarron's Armored Cavalry is knocked off course during their initial drop onto Sadurni. While relatively undamaged this force has to journey across enemy territory in order to join up with the main assault force closing in on the capital. Unfortunately for them they are about to run into a hidden redoubt built by Marik engineers which is currently garrisoned by a mixed battalion of the Planetary Militia.
The fairly swampy terrain can best be described as boggy or hilly ground which is in a fairly wet climate. Eastmouth Redoubt was named for the rough geographic terrain (Eastmouth Basin) upon which it was set. Located to the east of the planetary capital this was a desolate region uninhabited by the denizens of the planet. Intended as a hideout for resistance forces should the planet be attacked it became the staging area for Strikeforce Simpson. MAC forces have to traverse this narrow marsh between the deeper bogs to the side flanked by impassable rock cliffs.
The two mixed companies that compose Strikeforce Simpson are aware of the general approach of invading Liao forces and deploy before they enter map in hidden locations around the Redoubt. Their BattleMechs and Armor are powered down to avoid detection while the dismounted infantry may move in concealed fashion as they wish.
Strikeforce Simpson [Sadurni Planetary Militia] (Regular/ 3025)
Heavy BattleMech Lance
Captain Harris Simpson, Regular, MAD-3M Marauder
Mechwarrior Lina Cruz, Green, ON1-K Orion
Mechwarrior Michal Vanek, Regular, ARC-2R Archer
Mechwarrior Stephon Wang, Veteran, WHM-6R Warhammer
Heavy Armor Lance
Lieutenant SG Robert Zhang, Regular, Behemoth Heavy Tank (Armor variant)
Corporal Nelson Jai, Regular, Ontos Heavy Tank (LRM variant)
Corporal Devin Ye, Veteran, Scherk PPC Carrier
Corporal Brian Meng, Green, Scherk PPC Carrier
Medium Armor Lance
Lieutenant JG Kevan Zhu, Regular, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Edwin Xing, Veteran, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Ann Duan, Regular, SRM Carrier
Corporal Shui Rodriquez, Green, SRM Carrier
Company of Infantry (Mechanized Rifle)
Lieutenant JG Simon Chen, Regular, Machine Gun
Sergeant Virginia Tao, Regular, SRM
Sergeant Alfons Bertran, Regular, Rifle
Sergeant Emmanuel Vong, Regular, Rifle
Special Supporting Element: Long Tom Artillery Piece (Fixed in the Redoubt)
Victory Conditions: The Sadurni Planetary Militia is out for blood looking to inflict the most damage as possible and a win for them will depend on how much of the MAC company they can destroy.
Stark’s Company [5th Regiment of McCarron’s Armored Cavalry] (Veteran/ 3050)
Command Lance
Captain Austin Stark, Veteran, QKD-5K Quickdraw (60 tons – 5/8/5)
Mechwarrior Daniel Mann, Green, DV-7D Dervish (55 tons – 5/8/5)
Mechwarrior Todd Ramone, Elite, CLNT-2-3U Clint (40 tons – 6/9/6) [mod arm weapn]
Mechwarrior Jacob Adams, Regular, PXH-3K Phoenix Hawk (45 tons – 6/9/6)
Support Lance
Lieutenant Jason Mills, Veteran, TBT-7M Trebuchet (50 tons – 5/8)
Mechwarrior Sofia Lyght, Regular, CRB-27b Crab (50 tons – 5/8)
Mechwarrior Iris Locke, Elite, VND-3L Vindicator (45 tons – 4/6/4)
Mechwarrior Daniel Shannon, Veteran, BJ-3 Blackjack (45 tons – 4/6/4)
Scout Lance
Lieutenant Jiang Crane, Elite, RVN-3L Raven (35 tons – 6/9)
Mechwarrior Sofia Rey, Elite, JR7-K Jenner (35 tons – 7/11/5) [long neck mini]
Mechwarrior Gloria Lang, Regular, JR7-K Jenner (35 tons – 7/11/5) [short neck mini]
Mechwarrior Yaroslav Runovich, Regular, JVN-10P Javelin (30 tons – 6/9/6)
Special Supporting Element: Fighter support and Artillery support (see Raven)
Victory Conditions: McCarron's Armored Cavalry is just trying to link up with its forces which except for some aerospace support are too far away to help in the battle. They just have to get from one end of the board to the other and escape with as many intact units as possible.