I think an argument can be made that the Society (mostly) were absent from Clan Goliath Scorpion.
"Having avoided most of the brutal fighting in the assaults on Circe and New Kent, Clan Goliath Scorpion was positioned as the second-largest Clan in the Homeworlds. The Clan was one of the few successful ones to emerge from the Wars of Reaving, having Absorbed the remains of the Ice Hellions and established a forward position on the cusp of the Nueva Castile worlds." (Wars of Reaving, pg. 157)
"Upon claiming their isorla, the Cobras discovered why the Scorpions had put up a spirited defense. Scorpion scientists had begun experimenting with the integration of Eridani Light Horse genes into the Clan’s legacies. While not using them as formal genetic partners, the Scorpions were testing the combinations of various sequences with Scorpion Bloodnames in an effort to infuse the bloodlines of the ancient Star League into the Clan’s own. What was worse was that the Scorpion’s leadership and most of the Clan Council were unaware of the testing." (Wars of Reaving, pg. 158).
This passage shows that the Scorpion Scientists had very different goals and ambitions than those of the Society--and I would suggest that if the Scorpions had purged the ranks of the Scientist Caste in an effort to remove the Society, there would be little chance of this 'experiment' remaining undiscovered to the leadership.
"The Cobras found only half of the Scorpions’ touman present at Roche when they began their assault." (Wars of Reaving, pg. 158).
Fifteen Scorpion Clusters (with an average strength of just over 41% of TO&E) survived to escape to conquer Nueva Castile and form the Escorpion Imperio. The Star Adders had 37 existing Clusters following the Wars, while the Cloud Cobras had 15 surviving units (after fighting half the Scorpion Touman on Roche).
This means (to me, at least) that the Scorpions had at least thirty Clusters after the conclusion of the Wars of Reaving. Possibly more, since the Scorpions provided nearly a full-strength Cluster of solahma Warriors as cadre for the newly formed Imperio Guards of Omega Galaxy (not included in the above tally of Clusters, since they are a post-Escorpion Imperio creation).
Expanding their Touman from 27 to 30 (at a minimum, and possibly as high as 36!!) Clusters during the extreme conflicts and 'no-holds-barred' attitudes of the Wars of Reaving suggests, to me, that Society infiltration was quite limited. No other Clan (not one) increased the size of the Touman during the Wars. Except the Scorpions.
And then they lost it because of this 'blunder' by renegade Scientists pursuing something that the Society would have considered a waste of time.
That is my evaluation, Takiro.
Master Arminas