How did I miss this?
I don't know bud, I put a lot of work into the first post only for crickets.

Joking my friend, I've gotten so busy lately I am really not sure if I could have done much here anyway. Hopefully that will change soon as I'd like to bring more than a few posts over here to centralize the setting more. Still waiting to hear from MechRat but as I have said - been so busy lately.
This is a tricky one
It sure is marauder648! Remember that the Schism just began in this setting and we will see what happens. As Clarion Call eludes to the survival of William York which itself was caused by Hanse's survival is the start of the change. Without giving to much away that hasn't been mentioned did you see the Battle of Mars thread (circa July 3052)? This was the next big event to happen which played out real time almost 2 years ago and will soon lead into the Free Worlds League Civil War (3053). So don't worry about the Second Star League, that is years down the road.
One thing I like about alternate histories is different takes on meta-events. The Refusal War for example may still happen but the circumstances could be incredibly with an entirely different outcome because of new events preceding it. Another observation what I have planned and what is unfolding already is that the sequence of events seems to have been massively accelerated in some instances with characters touching off things they may have been trying to prevent. Hopefully you will see all this play out and I could use some help from any interested talented contributors.
As a general rule I try to stay away from stupid pills as a reason for stuff happening. I think the best stories revolve around smart people with good reasons for their actions. Their intentions might not result in success but at least you can understand what they are trying to do and why.
My objective here is to get to Stacalkas-Nomen in 3067 with the Clans and the InnerSphere ready for action. I can't wait to see how the other Clans play in after Restoration starts rolling. I have plans for the Hellions for example which will suit them but thanks to my group here I like to play out the critical events leaving an element of chance. And yes masterarminas writing is fantastic!!
1st you'd have to handwave away the Blakists or have Secular Comstar and co basically crush any Blakist thing early, strangling it in the crib, even if Comstar does CASE WHITE asap and even gets outside help, instead of turning CASE WHITE into CASE 10 YEARS TOO LATE.
If the 2nd Star League can remain together and there's no Bulldog/Serpent then the Clans are going to be met with every gun, Mech, tank, and bullet the House Lords can put in their way (with varying levels of support from Marik and the CapCon with the Cappies probably only sending token forces at a guess)
Comstar's going to be involved and assuming there's either no Schism or the Blakists are reduced to ruin or a tiny fraction of fundie terrorists then they are probably going to be reactivating the fleet to try and have approaching what the Word had in terms of reactivated and old ships. The Suns would be farting out Fox class corvettes at a great rate and would be making Avalons and anything else whilst the first Mjolnir's would be ready by this time too.
And if there's large numbers of WarShips opposing them then the Clans are going to bring forwards theirs.
The borders would be heaving under the huge mass of military forces facing one another and then it becomes a case of 'do we hit, or wait to get hit?'
Also there's the whole 'what if' of having the Clans change. Assuming the Quicksilver stuff takes place in the Salient Horizon TL, then there's probably no Wolf/Falcon conflict which does not gut the two most powerful Clans with holdings in the IS. Given a decade to prepare the Clans would probably not be going in so massively dumb and IIRC from Quicksilver's fluff, the ilKhan plans to open up the Invasion to ALL the Clans so they are all going to be coming along for the race. And the Clans themselves would have changed, the Bears are still probably busily integrating the FRR's populace into their Clans and a more unified group of Clans could well be doing the same in their own ways with varying degrees of success or failure (*cough*Jags*cough*)
And if the other Clans come along for the ride then you could have again varying levels of success or failure with their attack from "What the hell..they're using tanks!" or even something like this from MA's
SUPERB Scorpio Ascendant when the IS meets the Hellions and their pack/stay at range and weaken before swarming style of warfare