OK, reading through Liberation of Terra 1 & 2, Organic Ice (BC Scenario), the Comstar SB... this is what I identified for Amaris units at the Regimental level Anybody have some I missed? I did NOT include any of the designations from the Reunification War on the assuption that the shell game changed them up.
4th Amaris Dragoons Unity City, Terra
8th Amaris Dragoons India
10th Amaris Dragoons RWR
17th Amaris Dragoons Beauvais, RWR
19th Amaris Dragoons Singapore
21st Amaris Dragoons Sverdlovsk
23rd Amaris Dragoons Summer
25th Amaris Dragoons Lyons
33rd Amaris Dragoons Moscow
43rd Amaris Dragoons Yorii
57th Amaris Dragoons RWR
71st Amaris Dragoons Tokyo
84th Amaris Dragoons Charlottesville
89th Amaris Dragoons Charlottesville
99th Amaris Dragoons Geneva
117th Amaris Dragoons Capolla
118th Amaris Dragoons Caph
122nd Amaris Dragoons Capolla
141st Amaris Dragoons (the Singapore Longshoremen) Unity City, Caph, Terra
154th Amaris Dragoons New Dallas
207th Amaris Dragoons RWR
832nd Amaris Dragoons Apollo, RWR
12th Republican Guards New Earth
6th Amaris Lancers Apollo, RWR
11th Republican Light Lancers RWR
17th Amaris Lancers London
23rd Republican Light Lancers (the Stealths) ?
201st Amaris Lancers Xi’an
18th Amaris Chasseurs (Death’s Head Regiment) Terra
22nd Amaris Chasseurs Japan
23rd Amaris Chasseurs RWR
29th Amaris Chasseurs New Delhi
33rd Amaris Chasseurs RWR
127th Amaris Cavaliers RWR
197th Amaris Cavaliers Tokyo
422nd Amaris Cavaliers Dieron, Odessa
3rd Amaris Legionnaires RWR
5th Amaris Legionnaires Japan
17th Amaris Legionnaires Geneva, Terra
2nd Amaris Fusiliers Kathmandu Valley
4th Amaris Fusiliers RWR
7th Amaris Fusiliers Sandhurst
8th Amaris Fusiliers T’ienchen
38th Amaris Fusiliers Castor
53rd Amaris Fusiliers Adelaide
85th Amaris Fusiliers Geneva, Terra
88th Amaris Fusiliers Seward Peninsula, Alaska
21st Rim Worlds ? Does anyone know which book these guys started in? I know they're part of the Blue Star Irregulars.