I think if you guys have fire in your bellies to get hot writing again with perhaps different timeline based on BattleTech: Shattered Dawn, you should do it.
Some of you may know me, but I've dabble in helping, but i'm principally maintaining the Battletech Fanon Wiki, which was abandoned by Sarna.net when it offloaded all the old canon. I also work on Sarna as well.
Lately, this year, I've been trying make strives to preserve the BattleTech fanon as much i can and having new stuff come out would be great. Adding articles highlighting some of the fan projects from Source books, fan stories, and other stuff like Technical Readouts. I've added couple of the books of BattleTech: Shattered Dawn to it.
I do ask if you guys decide to Revise the BattleTech: Shattered Dawn AU, please differentiate if from the original. It will make it less confusion for people wanting check out your stuff out.